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           “ . . . it signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal . . .”      Rajjpuut            
          “ . . . we're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."    Matt Kibbe 
Obama’s Heinous Favor
to Union Supporters;
NLRB Complaint
Outrage South Carolinians
When Barack Obama made his recess appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board in late March, 2010, many economists were shocked. Becker’s appointment,  in effect overriding a Senate Republican filibuster, was among the most appallingly partisan political IOUs ever paid and it openly signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal and only union jobs deserved legal protection. Becker, at the time a union lawyer with a particularly nasty resume, had repeatedly and unequivocally stated No worker should have any right to opt out of union representation.”
While work continues at Boeing’s new aircraft assembly site in North Charleston (in South Carolina, a “right-to-work-state”) President Obama set his dogs from the NLRB upon Boeing. The NLRB complaint is that Boeing is planning to build airplanes at a non-union plant in S.C. rather than at its home site in Seattle, Washington. In 2009, Boeing announced it would build some additional assembly lines at a new factory in North Charleston, South Carolina to aid in producing Boeing 787 airliners.  
The move was widely regarded as an economic measure for Boeing since Washington state laws support union-requirements that new workers must join a union to be eligible to work at a union site while South Carolina as a right-to-work-state . . . where each worker can decide individually if he wants to join a union or not . . . is less susceptible to high union pay demands. Of course, they were also naturally thinking of the crippling 2008 strike and the resulting brouhaha at Boeing’s Seattle factory by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers. 
Boeing execs have long asserted that being “knocked offline” by union demands was adversely affecting the business. Clearly, the new factory scheduled to open this summer, makes sense in light of Boeing’s concerns but the union has filed a complaint against Boeing and the NLRB has taken up the complaint claiming that Boeing used “unfair labor practices.”
South Carolinians are up in arms, "This is nothing more than a political favor for the unions who are supporting President Obama's re-election campaign," said S.C. Republican Senator Jim DeMint. "Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of hundreds of jobs in South Carolina and thousands of jobs nationwide." DeMint argues if the complaint goes forward, right-to-work states will struggle to attract jobs and the pace of jobs leaving the country and heading overseas will become a torrent. 
“It will have a chilling effect on job growth in my state and in the country,” said DeMint. Boeing and DeMint point out that the company has added 2,000 jobs in Seattle since the South Carolina construction began. That, however, is no sop to the union demands: "Boeing's decision to build a 787 assembly line in South Carolina sent a message that Boeing workers would suffer financial harm for exercising their collective bargaining rights," IAM Vice President Rich Michalski said in a statement on the union's website.
S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham, another Republican added, "If successful, the NLRB complaint would allow unions to hold a virtual ‘veto' over all business decisions. Left to their own devices, the NLRB would routinely punish right-to-work states that value and promote their pro-business climates." Since the jobless rate is 8.9% and this week saw the largest jump in new claims for unemployment in several years . . . the president’s contradictory claims notwithstanding, we are not seeing a true “rebound,” or “economic recovery” at all -- and his NLRB is doing everything they can to make sure that our economy never does recover.
In any case, this week has given us a “treasure trove” of other Obama contradictions and outrageous proclamations . . . .
ITEM: in other “outrageous news,” the United Nations is now talking about taking the United States to the World Court for “war crimes” associated with taking down Usama Bin Laden, the world’s most notorious terrorist.
ITEM: After dithering for three days before deciding NOT to reveal the photos and videos proving that Usama actually was killed because, “. . . we don’t need to spike the ball, that’s not who we are,” Barack Obama . . . GASP! went ahead and spiked the ball by making a visit to “Ground Zero” in NYC -- his first visit there since the 2008 campaign. Invitations to former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to join in the victory lap photo op were declined.
ITEM:  Along with the atrocious recent NLRB actions against South Carolina and Boeing, Obama's administration is this week trying to force businesses bidding on federal government jobs to reveal political contributions . . . obviously this could have a chilling restraint on contributions to opposition parties and a positive effect for in-parties . . . an awfully bad idea.
ITEM: The contradictions just continue to mount up for Barack Obama. He allowed flag-draped coffins of fallen Americans this week to be published and of course, they wound all over the internet in the Muslim World. Meanwhile he won’t publish the death photos of Bin Laden.
ITEM: IF the Guantanamo site had been closed, the threads that led to discovering Usama’s location would not have existed. Obama has fought to close down that site for over seven years. He has also ordered his Justice Department to prosecute CIA (and other) interrogators who helped elicit the clues that finally tied together the whereabouts of Usama Bin Laden.
ITEM: Without the benefits and the threads provided by water-boarding and other EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques) evoking the eventual cooperation from the big three internees in Guantanamo, Usama’s location would still not be known. Mr. Obama has banned the CIA from using not only water-boarding but any EITs at all . . . thus handcuffing the nation’s intelligence-gatherers in the War on Terror. Mr. Obama has actually used the word “terror” recently and eschewed the phrase “man-caused disaster” that he originally preferred. In fact, to his supporters’ chagrin, Mr. Obama has almost totally come to adopt and even expand the “Terror War” exigency measures such as the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, and military courts which were first employed by George W. Bush.
ITEM: The Bin Laden death photos “would inflame the Muslim world” according to Mr. Obama who has banned release of that information. Mr. Obama has also told us that no real Muslim can be a terrorist (remember the great to-do that occurred when Bill O’Reilly visited the TV show “The View” and said “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”) then Obama's recently turned around 180 degrees and proved that the great Bin Laden actually was a Muslim who deserved full burial respect within 24 hours, including the proper ablutions, appropriate burial clothing and sacred words spoken above him. Some might complain that since Mr. Obama in 2009 released over 2,000 photos of Abu Ghraib prison abuses, it might be logical to permit one picture of Bin Laden’s corpse.
ITEM: Mr. Obama reaffirmed his loan of $2 Billion for deep sea oil drilling to Brazil saying, “We look forward to being your best customer,” meanwhile, this week his Department of the Interior has thrown new obstacles in front of land drilling; shallow-sea drilling; and, of course, deep-sea drilling anywhere in and around the United States proper . . . and this country has not built one single new oil refinery in the last 37 years because of congressional restraints . . . while the average price of a gallon of gas has reached $3.99 and the price of food has risen by 36%, Mr. Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner and Federal Reserve chief Bernanke have denied any responsibility for rising prices and indeed denied that inflation was occurring at all . . . certainly there could be no connection between the Fed’s policies, oil-drilling bans and what we consumers face at the pump and the grocery store checkout counter according to them.
ITEM: Ward Churchill, of Colorado University infamy (he’s the fool who called the innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks “Little Eichmanns”) who was in Tucson, Arizona, with numerous Obama supporters of “social justice” got upset and threw a fit along with the other leftists present because a class advocating that Southwestern lands of the United States must be returned to Mexico was no longer a required class, but just an elective. 
The riot that ensued for the next three hours prevented a school board meeting from occurring. The syllabus of the class in question includes some real gems: “Thanksgiving was the first celebration of the beginning of genocide on the Native Tribes.”   Virtually everything taught in the class is seen only through the lens of supposed White racism and undoubted Marxism. “Capitalism is the oppressive economic belief that the rights of the wealthy are more important than the rights of the poorer working class,” etc., etc. ad nauseum. You can read the full curriculum at as well as seeing Ward Churchill’s mug in the videos. 
The group is calling for Obama’s and Eric Holder’s Justice Department to get involved and protect the students’ rights to hear this anti-American propaganda just as Justice got involved to protect a Muslim teacher’s right to be paid (and to pay for a substitute) during the weeks while she makes a “holy pilgrimage” trip to Mecca.   The teachers’ union, of course, backed her up 100%. One might expect that she could make her pilgrimage after retirement or during summer vacation (if she wasn’t so particular about being there for the Hadj (a.k.a. Hajj) pilgrimage dates) . . . but common sense is probably not appropriate here.
ITEM on the Periphery: Government Motors (a.k.a. GM) has produced a monumental advertising blunder equal to the worst in their history. The same people who decided a generation ago that the perfect GM car for Spanish, and South and Central American markets was their Chevy Nova (any wonder a car called the “Doesn’t Go” <No va>)  in Spanish doesn’t sell really well in lands where Spanish is spoken) have initiated a big ad campaign for the Chevy Camaro featuring an amorphous yellow manlike form. In 90% of the shots, however, the “head” of the yellow form is all that’s seen, and it looks remarkably akin to a certain sour yellow citrus fruit. Rajjpuut can’t speak for you, but he won’t be buying any LEMONS from GM anytime soon. A prediction: if GM and Chrysler ever actually do pay off their debt to the taxpayers who bailed them out, they will face bankruptcy again within ten years (which would be the third bailout for Chrysler: 1979, 2009 were the prior two).
ITEM of Curiosity: Since 1957 when Atlas Shrugged was first published, the three topmost enduring best-selling books year after year in the United States and Great Britain have been:
            #1 The Holy Bible
            #2 Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (1957)
            #3 Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (1943)
            It seems that even with those sterling results, improvement was still possible.   Since 2008’s election of Barack Obama to president, Atlas Shrugged has sold over a million copies which is the greatest sales that book has ever known in any similar time period. In 2009, 520,000 copies were sold worldwide. And, of course, Atlas Shrugged Part I has been surprising theater goers for the last three weeks and is now about to jump from limited circulation to 2,000 theaters this week. According to Freedom Works President Matt Kibbe, "In a lot of ways, that project reflects the ethos of the TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party. You had Republicans and Democrats and Independents who feel rejected by the establishment joining the TEA Party, and the same process is going to happen with Atlas Shrugged: We're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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As Obama takes another [undeserved] bow, President Bush comfortably retreats in the satisfaction of getting the job done. It was George W. Bush who laid out the steps that needed to be done to get the number one most wanted man, as his country, and the world, unleashed vile and contempuous accusations at him.
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Tea Party Question

What are the differences in the Tea Parties? was founded on September 2nd 2004. (ICANN)  We believe the Tea Party is about America and the principles which keep us great, not who was the founder or playing king of the hill. Some believe we have no leaders; our position is that every American is a leader and the weight of self-governance sits squarely upon each and every one of our shoulders.

The old axiom is: “Kill the head and the body will die” cannot apply to the Tea Party, either there is no head to kill because there are no leaders or every head must roll because we are all leaders. Therefore we survive and thrive.

Each Tea Party has found its own place in this movement.  In a recent poll it was reported over 100 million Americans are either in the Tea Party or sympathies with the Tea Party, in essence, too many heads to roll!

Here is what we do and what we have seen other Tea Party groups do. – We have the finest Command Center on the web:   we have the leaders from many groups participate in the blogs, posting of videos and a host of other free services. 

We have the Tea Party Fax Project which sends about 100,000 faxes per week to Congress on various Tea Party issues.

A HOT Newsletter which is emailed twice per week reaching over 2 million Patriots.

At least 2 alerts per week to our leaders only. (About 12,000)

We run the largest Direct Mail program in the Tea Party movement.  About 1 million pieces of direct mail is sent out each month educating the public on the issues.

The main Landing page posts many top Tea Party issues daily to keep the members ‘up’ on our issues.

We sponsor the Tea Party Guardians. A group of dedicated Citizens who underwrite the expenses of the Tea Party on a recurring bases.

We sponsor the Tea Party Vets.  We post military articles of interest, provide a network of pro-military Patriots and sponsor ‘Packages From Home” is the only group Dr. Michael Savage praises.  Read his book. ‘Trickle Up Poverty” pages 18 through 24. Dr. Savage is the number 3 talk show host in America.

Many of our members use the ‘Call Washington Tea Party’ as their group building project so they can grow.

We started the Tea Party Radio.  We have a Blog Talk radio show two times per week and are weekly guests every Thursday at 4:00 pst on the Roth Show. Dr. Laurie Roth has a syndicated National Radio Show and she has created the Tea Party Hour. We also have several other shows we work with including Dr. Jake Baker, all of which are on

We encourage all of our members to participate with other groups and/or build their own. We are NOT proprietary.

Other Groups

Tea Party Patriots – Very good group, they claim to be the largest. They are excellent in getting people to rallies and much more.

Tea Party Express - Well organized, they have cross country traveling buses which builds the core of the Tea Party movement, they also have other activities.

Tea Party Nation – Very focused, they hold a conference once per year and several other regional gatherings, they are dedicated to the Tea Party movement.  


There are tens of thousands of other groups out there but these are the movers and shakers.  

Thanks for asking


Steve Eichler

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Posted on Christian Post-By Michelle A. Vu, Christian Post Reporter-On May 3, 2011:

WASHINGTON – America could produce the antichrist in the 21st century through the mixing of greed, power, and economic problems if the church fails to step in to guide people, said a leading international Christian scholar on Monday.

“If America does not return to the Bible as the cultural authority – having influence over the Congress, over the courts, over the universities – if that does not happen, then the antichrist in the 21st century will come from America,” said Vishal Mangalwadi, referred to as “India’s foremost Christian intellectual” by Christianity Today, in a lecture to commemorate the King James Bible’s 400th anniversary.

Mangalwadi, speaking at the King James Bible Expo 2011 at George Washington University, pointed out that the antichrist of the 20th century came from Germany – the first Protestant nation – in the form of the Nazi.

The Christian philosopher, author, and social reformer explained to The Christian Post after the lecture that he uses the term antichrist differently than most American pastors and theologians. Mangalwadi uses the term antichrist as a spirit of the evil one that captures political and economic power and becomes oppressive and totalitarian.

“The antichrist is an invention of American eschatology,” said the India-born scholar who now resides in California. “I’m using the word antichrist exactly as the New Testament uses it, which is different than the way American eschatology uses it, which is the Antichrist.”

Mangalwadi offered a scenario in which the antichrist could rise in America. If the United States was to face a second depression where the unemployment rate rises to 25 percent and the government could no longer send out unemployment checks, then this would set the stage for the antichrist, according to the political columnist, who noted that Germany was also facing economic problems when Hitler rose.

“Right now, unemployment is an abstract because the unemployed are getting a check to sit in front of a TV and watch ‘Sex in the City’ with a beer bottle in their hand,” said Mangalwadi to CP. “When they don’t get an unemployment check, what will happen?”

“They will be out on the streets as in Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. Then unemployment would not be what the pundits talk about but something that the whole world would talk about because these unemployed are looting, destroying buses. That’s America’s future.”

Mangalwadi said his fear is that Hollywood director James Cameron’s view of America in “Avatar” is correct. The blockbuster film “Avatar” shows America abusing its military power to feed its greed. “Avatar,” he noted, portrays the struggle of the Pandora world to survive the greed, godlessness, and injustice of America.

“What Cameron is saying is greed-driven, technologically superior capitalism, which has no model of restraint because there is no law which is beyond human greed and power, is a very dangerous thing,” said Mangalwadi. “America without the Bible is a very dangerous country.”

“The just war theory has disappeared because there is no God whose justice should be binding on power.”

The author ofThe Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization also pointed to Oliver Stone’s cult-classic “Wall Street” for promoting greed through character Gordon Gekko’s famous quote: “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. “

“Those two films really show what secularization has done to capitalism – ‘you shall not covet’ becoming ‘you shall covet,’” noted the Christian cultural observer.

In talking about the Bible’s influence on Western civilization and America during the lecture, Mangalwadi highlighted that what the U.S. Declaration of Independence states as being “self-evident” – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – are not self-evident without the Bible.

“It has never been self-evident to any culture. It wasn’t self-evident to Osama bin Laden that he should not be killing innocent people,” said the scholar. “It was not self-evident to Gaddafi. It was not self-evident to Saddam Hussein. It is not evident to the presidents of Syria, Yemen or Saudi Arabia that human rights are self-evident.”

“They come from the law that a pastor and the American media ridicule, ‘You shall not kill,’ which is the basis for the fundamental right to life.”

Mangalwadi calls on churches, Christian colleges, and homeschooling parents to disciple the next generation of young adults to have a Christian worldview instead of the secular values that greed and power are good.

“America will give to the world the antichrist of the 21st century unless the Church first of all stands up to affirm that this is God’s word, and as the word of God it should have authority over courts and kings and military authority,” he said. “It should have cultural authority over the whole of life and whole of culture.”

On the Web: Revelation Movement


Note: My following blog posts include articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:

Faith of Our Forefathers!

Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and-pseudo-experts-covertly-sold-us-corruption-disguised-as-freedom/

Are Obama’s Fingerprints On Franklin Graham Dis-Invitation?’s-fingerprints-on-franklin-graham-dis-invitation/

Restoring Honor In America!

Does Europe have a future?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought” 

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!



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Funding the Tea Party with TeaMallows

I wrote the following email to Mr. Robertson on 5/1 and a similar one to Mr. Eichler on 5/3:


"Dear Mr. Robertson,

Your courage to found and grow the Tea Party into the major movement it has become is truly inspiring.

What's more, it is absolutely necessary in order to return the power and the country to the people. To this end, I became a member last year.

We want to do much more though, by offering all profits to the Tea Party from our TeaMallows, specifically developed for this purpose, 

We need your approval to use the Tea Party's logo on the label, copy of which is attached.

We want to sell TeaMallows in your web site stores, both on and You will receive all the profits less shipping.

We can also sell it through our website:    

and have images with links, or a store widget, to it from your web stores if that's your preference. In this case we'll forward our profit to you. 

At present this site is only a non-functional prototype. We'll finalize it based on your reply.

TeaMallows is made by Caffex, our adult coffee marshmallow business, which we started a year ago:

We will be able to handle any demand for TeaMallows from our facilities. 

We would also like to send you TeaMallows samples for approval, once the label is finalized.

Again, thank you for your courage and leadership!


Steven Kingsley
HIP Caffex
201 399-4313"


I'd really appreciate an answer so we can move ahead ASAP. FYI the  951-231-1623 phone number that I just called is disconnected. 



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Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 4, 2011:

Rowdy protesters in Tucson have struck again. And this time, it involves riot police.

Those protesters are hell-bent on keeping the district’s shocking, and concerning, Mexican-American studies program as-is. And while they’re causing a ruckus to prove it, there could be a lot more behind the story — mainly, who’s behind the protests.

(Watch the original video of students taking over a previous meeting.)(See excerpts from the curriculum.)

At a Tucson Unified School District school board meeting on Tuesday — which was a make-up for one canceled after students chained themselves to board-room desks on April 26 — riot police were called in to restore order after program supporters become restless during the public input section of the meeting.

Local station KGUN-TV describes the scene:

Nine On Your Side Reporter Ileana Diaz was inside at the time and says after the call to the audience the crowd motioned to the Board to continue hearing from the public.  The microphones were turned off and Board Members called for Tucson Police to come inside the room.

Officers in full riot gear escorted Board Members to safety and took control of the room.  Police asked people to be calm so the meeting could continue.  After about 20 minutes the Board Members walked into the room and resumed with the meeting.

KOLD-TV adds:

The crowd turned uncivil at Tuesday night’s TUSD board meeting to discuss its ethnic studies program.

A call to the audience became an opportunity for audience members to confront the district board about its plans for the program. It grew raucous at times, with one man saying the board’s actions were “disgraceful,“ and that he hoped the board members would ”go to hell for it.”


The meeting has been called to order. Security officials are standing in rows, as people chant “No vote.”

KOLD-TV has a slide show from the meeting here.

KVOA-TV reports seven people were escorted out of the meeting for interrupting by reading prepared statements. There were also several arrests made, but no reports on exactly how many.

So what exactly has the protesters upset? The answer may surprise you. As we’ve previously reported, the district isn’t trying to ban the program outright. Instead, it wants to make a controversial history class — that calls for “death to the invaders” and was found to advocate overthrowing the U.S. government — an elective instead of allowing it to substitute for required history credits. That’s it. And the disturbing class would still be available to students.

But that’s not the rhetoric coming from the supporters. They’re trumpeting the message that the district is trying to eliminate the program altogether, a tactic used to stir up anger and action.

“Last week brave students from UNIDOS took over the Tucson Union School Board meeting and turned it into a pachanga,” a petition e-mail supporting the student action, and obtained by The Blaze, says. “They chained themselves to the seats to prevent the school board from voting to put ethnic studies on the chopping block. Their action worked.”

Outrage over the program isn’t split down liberal vs. conservative lines. As local citizen journalist Mike Shaw recently found out, some of the biggest advocates of removing the program and class are liberals and Democrats. He also found those who believe the student protest movement is being organized by a state university professor:

According to Shaw, the students are getting support from more then just one academic. While reviewing footage from the April 26 chain-in, he noticed something interesting. According to him, Ward Churchill (the controversial, one-time University of Colorado professor who was fired for his views on 9/11) was spotted supporting the protests:

So what became of the Tuesday meeting? Well, nothing. The board decided not to vote on the Mexican-American studies class pending the completion of community forums on the issue. Another vote has not been scheduled.

“It is clear there is a great deal of misperception and miscommunication about the reason for consideration of this item,” district President John Pedicone said in a statement. “This has resulted in heightened levels of frustration.”


Note:  The above article and/or blog post is contained in my following blog post, which includes numerous other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!“illegal-immigration”-issue-affects-our-everyday-lives/

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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On Being Prepared

Osama bin Laden is dead and gone, but not his legacy.  The best we can do is to be prepared for whatever comes. 


If you want to know how something works, you take it apart. That’s what quantum physicists do with the universe. In    -  “kindle electronic readers” says: “I was just looking for this for some time. Right after 6 hours of continuous Googleing, at last I got it within your web page.” I entitled the blog he referred to “Quantum Mechanics.”


I purchased my own domain in February of this year, named it, and starting blogging. On April Fool’s Day, the comments started pouring in, mostly in response to “My Miracle Message”   At this writing, I’ve received 3,989 comments, most highly favorable.


I’ve hit a responsive chord in people,  something subconscious.  The famous psychologist Carl Jung called it synchronicity. This amazing result comes from my having spent the past ten years in a mind search.  You will not find my thoughts anywhere else.  


By coincidence,  I was born Virgo with Aquarius rising, the same as H. G. Wells, the famous science fiction writer on things to come.  Here’s what astrologer Jeanne Avery says about Aquarius rising. “When this sign is on the ascendant, the individual has a unique approach to life that makes him somehow ‘different’ from other people. . . If he is in touch with his individuality and special qualities, he can express strong humanitarian concern, have a strong sense of freedom for himself and for others, and be ahead of his time. . . He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. . . He is the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”


Astrologer Avery further says, “The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution. Inventions flourished, humanitarian concerns made us friends to all. We became the water-bearer, broadcasting our message of human rights.” Coincidentally , in my astrological chart the planet Uranus is on the ascendant.


Coincidentally, we are leaving the Age of Pisces.  The Pisces personality  is easily impressed by external factors and is usually weak willed.  The Pisces emblem is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. We are entering the Age of Aquarius.  The Aquarius personality is stubborn in belief, operates as equals among equals, and rejects all forms of hypocrisy.  The emblem for Aquarius is the water-bearer.  The Age of Aquarius is said to be an age of brotherhood and fraternity.


Another coincidence:  Numerology tells me that at the time I made a radical change in my life, it was in my destiny.  Numerology gives me the number 7 for my “life lesson number.”  We read in Numerology and The Divine Triangle, “You are here to use and develop your mind. Your words should be full of wisdom when you decide to talk.”  I’m given the number 7 for my “path of destiny.” We read in Numerology and The Divine Triangle, your depth of character and seriousness destine you to be a teacher of ethics. You psychically separate the true from the false and can discover and reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world.”  



In 1975, my life took a radical turn toward an unknown fate, and after having studied the U. S. Constitution, during which time I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  When everything could have gone wrong, miraculously, everything started going right.  Now in the twilight of life, I’m counting my blessings.  I predict that a groundswell is building that will break and sweep the world.


Jesus said in Matthew, Chapter 6, “in earth as it is in heaven” . . . “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” There is a distinction. Earth and heaven are places.  The kingdom of God is internal.  Coincidental with an internal God, from the Declaration of Independence:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are  Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”   


From the U. S. Constitution, Amendment 5,  “nor be deprived of his liberty, or property, without due process of law,” due process of law: “There are two aspects: procedural, in which a person is guaranteed fair procedures and substantive which protects a person’s property from unfair government interference or taking.”  Black’s Law Dictionary.  


“Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion,” Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., a challenge of the income tax amendment, under the law  the United States is a lawless renegade robbing its citizens without due process of law.  


Case in point:  Flast v. Cohen, Flast at 98, the Court:  “As we understand it, the Government’s position is that the constitutional scheme of separation of powers, and the deference owed by the federal judiciary to the other two branches of government within that scheme present an absolute bar to taxpayer suits challenging the validity of federal spending programs. The Government views such suits as involving no more than the mere disagreement by the taxpayer ‘with the uses to which tax money is put.’  According to the Government, the resolution of such disagreements is committed to other branches of the Federal Government and not to the judiciary.  Consequently, the Government contends that, under no circumstances, should standing be conferred on federal taxpayers to challenge a federal taxing or spending program.  An analysis of the function served by standing limitations compels a rejection of the Government’s position.” 


Aquarius rising, indeed, is different than other people.  I saw the future. The Government could not stop me.  I had a personal stake in the outcome.  I didn’t need a lawyer. I read the law and took action.  So what are you waiting for?  God is in you and for you, not for the United States. The United States was so shaken by this individual’s boldness that the IRS hung itself with its own rope.


Why are you a member of the Tea Party? God didn’t put you here to be a chicken little.  “We have only fear itself to fear.” Roosevelt was an unconstitutional spellbinder.  Obama, another Roosevelt snake in the grass, wants to raise our taxes and increase spending. He wants to bankrupt us, make us all government slaves.   Why the thousands of favorable comments to my blogs?  Roosevelt Democrats are chicken littles, the greatest frauds of all times. People all over the world are waking up.  Jesus called the United States a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Muslims call the United States the Great Satin.  We had our Constitution. We were the envy of the world. The Constitution can work for any individual.  What would the United States do if a million U.S. citizens studied the law and challenged federal income tax?  We don’t know the power that lies within us.  Let us stand and demand our constitutional rights.  


Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.  I promise you that we will overcome. We will become our brother’s keeper.


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This was in the Waco Tribune Herald in Waco , TX on 11/18/10
Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for
Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans,
blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want
steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women
Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test
recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and
piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats
and piercings, then get a job.
Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks?
You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your
"home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be
inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your
own place.
In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or
you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of
trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We
will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo
and speakers and put that money toward the “common good .”
Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of
the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you
say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self esteem," consider
that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing
absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.
If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least
attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system
rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
Alfred W. Evans, Gatesville , TX
AND while you are on Government subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes,
that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will
voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Government
welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.
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Why does Oprah Support Marxist President?

It could be said that Oprah put Obama over the top with her support for him during last election. Why does she support a Marxist President? Will she back Marxist President again? And if so, why does she support a Marxist? Her support will dupe many who do not think for themselves to vote for a President who is intent on crashing our economy and bring USA down. How pathetic is that. Would she not be better off to just ask Voters to look seriously at the issues and vote with your head not your heart,
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Osama had brains.

Ain't no disputing that fact now. They're all over the place.

Now, just fish food.

Hope the message rings loud and clear to the rest of these would

be terrorist types. May take us nearly 10 yrs, but when we get you,

there ain't no messing around.

Tag! You're it! End of Story.   NEXT!

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by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


Progressive: “A person advocating or implementing liberal social reforms to destroy traditional societal values in stages, proceeding step by step.”


Progressive Cancer: “A disease that attacks the body by using abnormal cancerous cells to kill normal cells while incrementally spreading in stages through nearby tissues and then throughout the body through a process called metastases.”


Notice the two definitions are very similar.  One is a physical disease that incrementally destroys the body by killing good cells with bad ones, and the other is a social disease that destroys society by killing good values with bad ones.  That’s why when someone snobbishly professes they are a Progressive, my response is of course you are Progressive, like a cancer.


The challenge is that Liberals understand that their ideas can spread like a disease if they can only inject them into the governmental machinery.    A great example of one of the deceptions that the Progressives use to incrementally spread their disease is their constant claims for the need to compromise.  First they stake out an outrageous goal, like nationalizing all health care into a single payer program.   They initially stake out a goal they really want but at the same time they don’t realistically expect to achieve it all at once. When the public rejects the Left’s extremist idea, the Progressives fall back to a more incremental approach.  Their approach is to convert  their end state goal into a few enabling components and implement those components one at a time.   So instead of overtly stating they want to nationalize healthcare, they will state that they are only attempting to implement health care exchanges.  Using this stealth strategy,  Progressives drive to implement each of their enabling concepts into the government bureaucracy because the bureaucracy serves as the carrier to spread their disease. Continue...
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Posted on The Media Research Center-By Rich Noyes-On May 03, 2011:

The death of arch-villain Osama bin Laden was not celebrated as good news everywhere. On the far-left Pacifica Radio (which takes in about $1.5 million per year in federal tax money from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting), one so-called journalist appearing on the Democracy Now program fretted over how celebrations of bin Laden’s demise were “disgusting” and “idiotic,” while a second guest sneered that this was “not justice” but a case of “one killer [the United States] killing another.”

The sour attitude from the far left was similar to some of the “blame America” comments made in the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, as noted in the October 1, 2001 edition of the MRC’s Notable Quotables newsletter. One example from those days: The Nation columnist Katha Pollitt wrote about reacting in horror to her daughter’s suggestion that they fly an American flag. “Definitely not, I say: The flag stands for jingoism and vengeance and war.”

The same attitude popped up Monday as news of bin Laden’s elimination spread. The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill showed up first to complain to host Amy Goodman: “I found it quite disgusting to see people chanting, like it was some sort of sporting event, outside of the White House. I think it was idiotic.” Scahill later fretted that President Obama was following too closely in the footsteps of his predecessor: “President Obama has really continued and doubled down on the Bush administration policy of targeted assassination leading the way in terms of America’s response to al-Qaeda and to people it designates as so-called terrorists.” (Video clip of the show’s podcast at right; MP3 audio link here.)

A few minutes later, as MRC’s Tim Graham noted yesterday on our NewsBusters’ blog, Allan Nairn (billed as an “investigative journalist”) was even harsher on the United States. “People cheer because they thought they saw justice, but this was not justice,” Nairn scolded. “This was one killer killing another, a big killer, the United States government, killing another, someone who’s actually a smaller one, bin Laden.”

The radical Nairn went on to fault the American public for not rebelling against “repressive” rulers: “Egyptians, Tunisians are doing their part. They’ve risen up against the repression they face. I think we need an American uprising, if we’re to put a stop to this kind of killing of innocent people.”

Here are longer excerpts of Scahill and Nairn on the May 2 edition of Democracy Now.

JEREMY SCAHILL: I found it quite disgusting to see people chanting, like it was some sort of sporting event, outside of the White House. I think it was idiotic. Let’s remember here, hundreds of thousands of people have died. Iraq was invaded, a country that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, nothing to do with Osama bin Laden. The United States created an al-Qaeda presence in Iraq by invading it, made Iran a far more influential force in Iraq than it ever would have been. We have given a grand motivation to people around the world that want to do harm to Americans in our killing of civilians, our waging of war against countries that have no connection to al-Qaeda, and by staying in these countries long after the mission was accomplished. Al-Qaeda was destroyed in Afghanistan, forced on the run. The Taliban have no chance of retaking power in Afghanistan. And so, I think that this is a somber day where we should be remembering all of the victims, the 3,000 people that died in the United States and then the hundreds of thousands that died afterwards as a result of a U.S. response to this that should have been a law enforcement response and instead was to declare war on the world....

SCAHILL: There’s going to be a lot of celebrating within the Special Ops community for having taken down the man that was identified as the number one target of this operation. And it shows that President Obama has really continued and doubled down on the Bush administration policy of targeted assassination leading the way in terms of America’s response to al-Qaeda and to people it designates as so-called terrorists.

Scahill was followed on the program by journalist Allan Nairn:

LLAN NAIRN: People cheer because they thought they saw justice, but this was not justice delivered by — a kind of rough justice delivered by victims. This was one killer killing another, a big killer, the United States government, killing another, someone who’s actually a smaller one, bin Laden.

And the bin Laden doctrine that, to take out the CIA office that was at the World Trade Center, it’s OK to blow up the whole World Trade Center, to teach Americans a lesson, it’s OK to slaughter thousands of Americans—that doctrine lives on in the American White House, in the American Pentagon....

Egyptians, Tunisians are doing their part. They’ve risen up against the repression they face. I think we need an American uprising, if we’re to put a stop to this kind of killing of innocent people. And we need an American Romero, someone like Archbishop Romero of Salvador, who, in the face of massacres, of daily massacres of what in the end was more than 70,000 Salvadorans, stood up and said to the army of his country, “Stop the repression. Defy your orders to kill, because there’s a higher principle.”

  • Rich Noyes is Research Director at the Media Research Center. You can follow him on Twitter here.” 


Note The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:

Liberals Sickened by 'USA! USA!' Chants-Posted on Fox Nation-By David Sirota-On May 3, 2011:

Senator Obama’s Patriotism – a Veteran’s Perspective-Posted BOPAC Report-By zachjonesishome-On October 28, 2008:’s-pat...

Sean Penn Refuses to Place Hand Over Heart During National Anthem, Report Says-Posted on New York Post-On May 2, 2011:

Note My following blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:

High Level Pentagon Official Blames U.S. For Al-Qaeda Attacks!

American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought” 

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe” 

Semper Fi!


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            Let us pray, for First Solar, Inc., may it prove to be the grand exception that truly tests (proves) the rule!
Accounting for only 1.3% of all energy provision in America, “Obama-approved” sources will never in the foreseeable future replace fossil fuels.  Of course, besides huge new fields (the Bakken Deposit) of oil and immense troves of natural gas . . . the United States has the world’s largest concentrations of Keragen (“oil shale”) with enough in Western Colorado, Utah and Wyoming to provide all the world’s energy needs for the next six and a half centuries. It goes without saying that petroleum, natural gas and keragen are all EVIL FOSSIL FUELS not to be considered by Barak the Bird-Brain.
#1 Detriment to Viable Alternatives
 for U.S. Energy? Expensive Unions!
            After forty-four years of unending subsidies and false starts, solar energy is not much further along than it was when Jimmy Carter first did the alternative energy foreplay routine on all his progressive friends. After all that time it’s getting harder and harder to build up their orgiastic excitement to the crescendo that used to bring progressives such a thrill back in the day . . . in short, like most of today’s alternative energy options, solar power is largely impotent when compared to the sheer power and virility that is petroleum, natural gas and coal which combined with nuclear and hydro-electric power yield 96.8% of America’s total energy. At present, no single alternative energy source produces more than the 1.6% of total energy provided by burning wood; and all of the documented alternatives taken together fail to match the 5.6% of total energy provided by hydro-electric power (which produces 20% of the world’s energy and 88% of the world’s renewable energy at present).
            When both transportation needs and home and industrial electricity are combined, the following information holds true:
RAE (Renewable “Alternative” Energy) –
            After all the hype and all the monetary drain, these sources (solar; wind; geo-thermal; tidal; waves; mirror) only amount to 1.3% of the nation’s total energy. The most ancient (and therefore NOT “alternative”) of our renewable energy sources, water-power and wood-burning 7.2% combined, still account for 84.7% of all renewable energy power usage in America in 2011. For the record, only water-power generation of electricity (hydro-electric power) among all the renewable forms is viable for large energy production. Also for the record, battery-powered cars get 47% of their electrical charges from coal furnaces . . .
Coal, which provides nearly half -- 47.3% -- of the power providing the nation’s electricity, accounts for 22.6% of all energy (91% of all coal is used for electricity) expenditure.
Hydro-electric Power
Is presently our major viable renewable energy source and accounts for 5.6% of all energy use in the country. Hydro-electricity is relatively new, (only 120 years old) but water-power for mills has been used for at least the last three thousand years. The failure of the other “alternative energy” ideas to catch on is graphically understood when you consider that 86% of all renewable energy comes from hydro-electric generating stations in dams and burning wood . . . and that the United States has one of the least expansive hydro-electric systems in the entire world.
Natural Gas
Provides 23.8% of all energy used in the country.
Nuclear (electric) Power  --
Only provides 8.5% of America’s energy.
36.6% of our total energy comes from oil; 71% of petroleum is used for transportation and 23% for industrial purposes.
Wood Burning
            Still accounts for 1.6% of all American energy and a larger share of our energy use than any single “renewable energy source” except, of course hydro-electric power.  Only wood-burning and hydro-electric power are viable renewable energy sources at present.
            Solar energy has proved to be a huge disappointment and its future is very much in the dark. Wind power has also left our sails slack, while geo-thermal has left its proponents cold.  Accounting for only 1.3% of all energy provision in America, “Obama-approved” sources will never in the foreseeable future replace fossil fuels.  Of course, besides huge new fields (the Bakken Deposit) of oil and immense troves of natural gas . . . the United States has the world’s largest concentrations of Keragen (“oil shale”) with enough in Western Colorado, Utah and Wyoming to provide all the world’s energy needs for the next six and a half centuries. It goes without saying that petroleum, natural gas and keragen are all EVIL FOSSIL FUELS not to be considered as viable alternatives by Barak the Bird-Brain. 
Progressives in Washington, D.C. have destroyed the economy with the thirty-four year old plague of CRA ’77 on the one hand creating the sub-prime lending crisis and our ongoing financial meltdown; and on the other hand with deliberate and malicious energy-blockage (no new refinery has been built in this country since 1974) bankrupting the country. Until they put us back to the dark ages (literally!!) they will not be happy. The contradictions of the green-energy fanatics stand out clearly in this next little item . . . .
            At present all “independent” American solar panel manufacturers have failed save one: First Solar, Inc.  First Solar, an unsubsidized firm unlike 99.8% of its still viable competitors, has disappointed investors again as net income for the last quarter fell 33% in the face of strong Chinese competition. The Chinese, of course, are able to put cheaper labor in their shops, something not possible in a country whose wage structure is driven by union demands. In short, the fault presumably lies NOT with First Solar, but with the economic conditions that progressives have handcuffed us with over the last six decades.
There may still be hope -- First Solar has gone directly against the grain (shades of “Rearden Metal,” Mr. Galt!) and sacrificed energy production capability thus far in the interest of lighter weight, production- cost savings and versatility. The company specializes in bendable thin-film solar panels which capture sunlight and convert it to electricity. First Solar’s film is only able to capture around 11% of the sunlight shining on the panel which is less efficient than wafer-style solar panels, which can capture anywhere from 20 to 25 percent of the sunlight shining on the panel. The wafer-style panels meanwhile are all being manufactured in this country by firms heavily-subsidized by the Obama government. In its favor, First Solar was the first company to bring cost-per-watt of solar energy below $1 . . . a huge, indeed the critical, step in making solar energy more competitive with traditional energy sources from fossil fuels. 
In short, First Solar is the first nearly viable solar energy manufacturer in America, it’s innovative and even intransigent (refusing to follow the herd and trusting in their own vision) and thanks to First Solar, there really has been a breakthrough in solar energy viability.  While other companies have concentrated on solar energy, First Solar has concentrated on cost-viability so that its products while only about as efficient as the panels installed in 1980 . . . now cost about 1.25% as much as they did back then. In other words, except for the influence of the unions on wages, First Solar might already be the world’s leader in providing solar energy. As it stands, however, they’re probably going to need to triple their efficiency past the wafer-companies in order to compete with the Chinese. 
Then there’s the matter of patent infringement, we can expect the Chinese, if First Solar ever does make it . . . to just steal the process (none of these niceties of paying patent royalties) and again put the American economy between the sword and the wall.   Let us pray, for First Solar, Inc. Its Chinese competitors like SunTech and JA Solar are the main rivals. Sun Tech had been the last U.S. independent solar panel manufacturer other than First Solar but now the Chinese and French own it. The long-term viability of First Solar is at stake and reportedly the rats are leaving the sinking ship (huge amounts of insider sales and departure of many of these insiders). Meanwhile besides the Chinese, First Solar must compete against heavily-subsidized but less efficient American firms. These firms (which would have all gone bankrupt by now) are still alive and still fighting to keep First Solar’s share of the solar panel market low. Much as the federal auto-bailout has threatened Ford’s survival, federal solar subsidies are now threatening the only viable American solar panel manufacturer. Let us pray, for First Solar, Inc., may it prove to be the grand exception that truly tests the rule! 
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Another Repeat of History

First the news of the day, Judge Napolitano of  “Freedom Watch” maintains the U.S. was illegal in killing Osama bin Laden.  At the Nuremburg trials, Nazi mass murderers claimed they were legal; that they were following German law.  I’m afraid that many of America’s legists don’t know that the “Higher Law” the background of American constitutional law, which demands ethics and morals that have been with us since we first became human.  Today’s legists don’t know that legal is merely the form of law.  The form of law in today’s America comes  out as the greatest fraud of all times.  


This brings me to how the Tea Party got its name. The Boston Tea Party was a protest against King George’s oppressive tax, and the same for Roosevelt’s New Deal Law, which is now driving America into bankruptcy.  As a matter of fact, Roosevelt’s brand of socialism, the Soviet Union’s communism, Italy’s fascism, Germany’s socialism, and Japan’s statism were responsible for World War II.


World War III, now in the making, is the result of Roosevelt’s legacy and Sharia law. Both share common interests: control.   Couple the above facts with the fact that we are now at the end of the Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces began with the birth of Christ.  His birth was heralded by the Magi, the three wise men who followed the Star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace.   The three wise men were Persian astrologers. The zodiac, the astrologer’s map of the heavens, was invented in Persia. The zodiac  places me Virgo with Aquarius rising.  All of this connects. We are now entering the Age of Aquarius.


Pisces, according to Astrologer’s Handbook, has for its personality the person that is easily influenced by external factors.  Pisces people are usually weak willed. The emblem for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. Does this remind you of anything?


On the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.”  Under “World Wars, Cold War and September 11th,” we read, with regard to the unfavorable alignments of  Saturn and Pluto (both 90 degrees, or square of one another), “Many astrologers had speculated, both in print and private, about what might take place during this alignment, including the possibility of terrorism.” Saturn and Pluto, we read, were square in their alignment starting in November 2008, the month and year that Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.


In The Gospel According to St. Matthew, in Chapter 6, Jesus said “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” Later in Chapter 6, Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters.”  This was followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Earth and heaven are places. Distinguish “the kingdom of God from the places earth and heaven.   Earth and heaven, external; the kingdom of God internal, “Thy kingdom come.”  We are leaving the Age of Pisces an age of external influences, entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity, says Astrologer’s Handbook. This ties with the fact that the United States was born on July 4, 1776, under the sign of Aquarius.


I was born Virgo with Aquarius rising. Astrologers say Aquarius rising is a forerunner of setting style and showing humanity the way.  In 1925, the year I was born, Congress, showing us its way, authorized the IRS to examine personal income records for tax purposes.  In 1974, the IRS examined my personal records for income tax purposes, a year in which I had no income, a year that I sold part of my homestead for living expenses. I reported for tax purposes the amount of money I received, 25 percent of the total.  The IRS maintained that  I owed the tax on the full amount of the sale.  It had to do with the date I received the money.  The IRS also maintained that I failed to report $6,000 of taxable income.  


In 1975, the IRS taxed me on the full amount of my income.  I was divorced. My wife had filed a separate tax return and paid half of the tax.  I had filed a carryback tax refund form for over $5,000. The tax I allegedly owed was $1,200. The IRS froze the difference, demanding that I drop my petition to the tax court and accept the mistaken tax before they would send any refund money. 


Congress passed a law that said I owed whatever the IRS claimed unless I could prove the IRS wrong in court.  Senator Bob Graham, Florida Democrat, wrote me that the IRS was authorized to use “Draconian” means of collecting income tax.  Senator Lawton Chiles, Florida Democrat, had earlier written me that he received more mail complaining of the IRS than all the rest of his mail put together.  Incredibly, Congress can’t stop taxpayer abuse.


Now for America’s system of justice, the tax court corrected the IRS “mistakes.”  As soon as the case was closed, the IRS made the “mistake” of confiscating $2,560 of my property. I owed no tax.  The U. S. Court of Appeals held for the IRS.  The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case.


On December 1, 1986, in the Palm Beach Post, the headline, “Taxpayer wages 11-year feud with IRS” appeared.  In the article, we read, “Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonvill, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.”  I did receive a letter from the district director warning me that the IRS was watching me and would take further action if I continued to violate the law.  The IRS did take further action.  We won’t go into that, except to say the IRS once again was forced to eat crow.


I recall reading that Osama bin Laden said at first he was against the United States. He later included the American people.  They were supporting with their tax money the evil United States.  What say you, Judge Napolitano?


When I was born, the alignment of Saturn and Pluto was trine, the very best alignment.  Astrologer’s Handbook: “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. . .it favors those who work in such fields as physics.”


In The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” we read, “a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. . . Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma.  . . we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. The tests of Bell’s theorem has shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality.  The observer interacts with matter.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.  It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”


External factors are taking the United States down the tube. “First seek ye the kingdom of God.” It worked for me. It can work for you.




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Fellow Patriots:


The mathematical liklihood that our troops captured/killed Bin Laden and , in so doing,  elevated  Obama's image the day after Obama's release of a  fraudulent "Certificate of Live Birth" is less than 1 in a million, in my opinion.


Obama is a proven liar, and appears dedicated to saying anything to advance his socialist "Community Organizer",  agenda in order to stay in office to destroy this country.


No Bin Laden body?  Body thrown into the ocean?   Shot in the head in a house while living in town next to the capitol? 


The liklihood of ANY of this being true is beyond belief, in my opinion.  In my opinion this was a sophomoric, cornball stunt to rescue his  dead public image via his lock-step media.  And did everybody watch his public performance publically ridiculing -- from the stage -- Donald Trump, the man who turned up the heat for him to release his long form birth certificate?  Never has  a real President acted this way before towards a citizen of this country.


Scream for an investigation into Bin Laden, people, scream for an investigation.


Kind Regards,





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“. . . if an adroit 12-year old computer geek had master-minded this fraud it would, of necessity have been 96% more difficult to discover.”

“Before there were “birthers,” all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in late 2007 and early 2008.”


FoxNews and Mainstream Media Drop Ball

New Obama Birth Paper an Obvious Fake


They’re called “Techies” or “Geeks” and their research indicates that this week, whoever came up with the White House document purporting to be the valid and true long-form birth certificate from August, 1961 for Barack Obama was either extremely inept or deliberately wanted to be shown up as a fraud.  Where did all this “birther” controversy come from?

Before there were “birthers” as we know them, all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in late 2007 and early 2008.  The Democratic Party National Committee muckety-mucks were unwilling to get involved and later when obvious corruption such as bussing-in illegal voters from out of state won Obama 14 of the 16 caucus states whereas Hillary won 26 of the 42 voting states (some states use both processes on the same day), Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination with the Democratic Party machinery again unwilling to step into the fray and make a ruling. The mainstream media refused to cover the story and then when Hillary lost the nomination began to attribute it strictly to “conspiracy-theorizing conservatives” never mentioning that Hillary’s people had first seen the problem for what it was: a threat to the Constitution of the United States and an audacious fraud.

For quite some time all Obama-doubters regardless of party had to content themselves with reports that his Social Security number on file for many years and many uses was one the Social Security Administration never actually issued to anyone; and that IF IT HAD BEEN ISSUED it would have been issued to a Connecticut resident not to one in Hawaii, back when Obama was still attending prep school on the Island on the issue date (when he was only sixteen).  The most helpful document was unavailable at that time.   And they’ve had to content themselves with a short-form birth certificate which was, if nothing else, internally-consistent although out of numerical order with earlier and later births in the same hospital.  

To repeat: all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in early 2008.  Let us be perfectly clear, IF HILLARY’s campaign in early 2008 had the evidence presented to the American people this week on . . . she and not Barack Obama would be the president of the United States . . . that is not a guess or a theory . . . that is virtually incontrovertible fact (barring a miracle, no Republican could win in 2008 with the economy as fouled as it was). However, if John McCain had this information in October, 2008, that would have proven miraculous and he would be the president . . . that’s how important the fraudulent information provided by that long-form birth certificate is . . . .

 All that changed with the surprise release this week of the long-requested, long-form document. Obama-lovers immediately said, “There, we knew it all along.” Obama doubters bit their tongues. Meanwhile the mainstream-lamestream media began crowing and they and even the always more vigilant FoxNews all simultaneously failed to investigate the document.

                This posting of the long-form document changed everything. Soon it was apparent that something akin to lunacy is going on. Whatever the absolute truth about the recently revealed “long-form” Obama birth certificate turns out to be  . . . one thing is obvious, the document we’re looking at is an inexpert computer-generated fake purportedly showing the truth from 1961 when no computers existed except in the military. Many sources on the internet have given highly credible evidence that the new document has been fraudulently created using “photo-shop-type” technology. Truly that document is so very obviously phony that it’s INCONCEIVABLE that anyone closely politically connected with Barack Obama could have deliberately created such an obviously phony “record” with any reasonable faith that its fakery would not be discovered within hours: a lot is at stake after all. This is the great mystery, why? And why now?  

The TRUE document, if such exists is thus still hidden from the American people. We repeat:  it’s INCONCEIVABLE that anyone closely politically connected with Barack Obama could have deliberately created such an obviously phony “record” with any reasonable faith that its fakery would not be discovered within hours.

ITEM: Posting of the long-form document linked above was a complete surprise to Obama’s political opponents and his allies alike. Why was it released this week? As a distraction from other chicanery?

ITEM: After thirty months of dodging the birth certificate issue and over $1.2 million spent by Obama and the Democratic National Committee to prevent efforts to have any documents at all released, suddenly the timing is right this week?? And suddenly this counterfeit long-form birth certificate is posted for all to see. How “inexpert” is this fake document . . . even at first viewing, Rajjpuut immediately had doubts . . . for example . . . .

ITEM: Rajjpuut’s first impression was that the “paper” was computer paper not generally available until at least a dozen years after Obama’s birth in 1961. . . but there was no proof of that, just some vague recollections from the past and the fact that of the perhaps 500 birth certificates he’s dealt with (verifying athletes’ and chess players’ age and eligibility) over the years, he’s never seen anything quite like that.  Perhaps a copy of an original birth certificate is now routinely produced on that paper . . . but he felt the original never could have been . . . in the end not having expertise in this area no definite conclusions could be made.

ITEM: His second impression was that the background computer pattern had been deliberately “woven” into the central “content” part of the document itself and did NOT match the external paper’s apparent newer age and higher contrast . . . it was as if the whole central image with its writing had been deliberately “cut and pasted” onto the larger paper expanse and carefully lined up with the external design pattern. Again, not having expertise in this area no definite conclusions could be made.

Item: Third impression -- the document presented appears very different from contemporary 1961 long-form records of birth for others in Hawaii (and in the supposed hospital where Obama was born) which the earlier revealed Obama short-form has often been compared to all these years. To be precise, it appears like someone took a modern COLB blank and filled in the “proper information” from 1961 and the information appears to be printed consistent with a modern computer rather than with a 1961 or earlier typewriter. This was sufficient to Rajjpuut to indicate that the item was probably phony . . . but he lacked expertise to make any authoritative conclusions.

ITEM: Certainly the data Rajjpuut had seen on 60’s era birth certificates such as the baby’s length and weight was not provided . . . data which one would expect on a legitimate birth certificate.

ITEM: Within a day, actually within five or six hours, people a lot more involved in the “documents field” and a lot more expert on computer graphics modification were pouring out their souls on the internet proving (by finding as few as three and as many as thirty-four different inconsistencies) that the document was fake and so stupidly faked that, in their opinions, no reasonable expert could doubt the counterfeiting.  Rajjpuut got the impression that if an adroit 12-year old computer geek had master-minded this fraud it would, of necessity have been 96% more difficult to discover.

ITEM: Many of the alleged inconsistencies were graphic; others were logical or even numerical; others were a combination of graphic and logical. Of some approximately sixty distinct critics, Rajjpuut opines that only one in twenty was dubious in its presentation (not necessarily in its conclusions – just unconvincing in its “science”).

ITEM: How were these examinations done?  The 95% of these experts who Rajjpuut found “convincing” all began the same way, they blew up the page by perhaps 300%-400% (kind of like Sherlock Holmes with his magnifying glass) and at that size a whole host of features about a document you weren’t aware of before come into sharp relief. At that size the “uneasy” feeling Rajjpuut got from his first and second impressions of the life-sized document become clearly manifest so that all the inconsistencies jump out at you. Rather than belabor the point here are five helpful websites and you, the reader, can judge for yourself:


Now the problem with all this “birther” stuff (they prefer the term “Constitutionalists”) appears to the uninitiated to smack of a half-baked conspiracy theory of fifty-years duration (from 1961-2011). In actuality, however, the root cause of the matter seems to be a flighty self-described Marxist known as Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack’s mother) who lived 2/3 of her lifetime as a scatterbrained-communist always  thumbing her nose## at the United States and all it stood for. It’s not known where she delivered her son.  Given all the facts that we won’t go into, Canada is far more likely than Kenya (she was traced to Seattle and Vancouver back about the time Barack was purported to have been born) . . . but it is literally unknown. It is known that Stanley Ann’s mother (Barack’s maternal grandmother) Madeline (yes, that is the correct spelling, NOT Madilyn as given by hundreds of less thorough sites) who was a very industrious and conventional person put in the paperwork in Hawaii that generated the short-form; and that she had a birth announcement put into the newspaper (normally handled by the hospital and reporters) a few days after the reported birthday of Barack Obama. Because all the information on this short form is generated by the parents or grandparents and not state records  . . . it is thus how the controversy arises . . . and it arises because of Stanley Ann Dunham.

Whether or not Barack Obama was actually born in the United States, it appears that his mother Stanley Ann Dunham deliberately lost him his citizenship when she moved to Indonesia (which did not allow dual citizenships in those days) and once there married a high-placed local petroleum official, Lolo Soetoro, and the stepfather soon adopted the boy. So American citizenship, something which most of us value quite highly – was possibly deliberately put at risk for her son Barack not once, but twice by Ms. Dunham. Much of the sketchiness of Barack’s nebulous past can be attributed to the fact that he seems to have spent a good part of his youth under various names, most likely-provided by his mother. Barry was the most common given name but Obama, Soetero, Soweto and several other last names seem to have been used indiscriminately.

The mainstream media would have you believe that birthers/ Constitutionalists believe that Barack Obama is the devil and a worldwide conspiracy exists just to put him into control over the world . . . nothing of the sort, it is clearly Ms. Dunham who is the central personage in this little birther-drama. She may have even told Barack he was born in Kenya. Certainly she spent an awful lot of his early life telling him all the great things about his father Barak (that is correct spelling) Hussein Obama, Sr. a Marxist official** in the Kenyan post-colonial government (who lost his job when his very vocal demands for more “scientific socialism” a.k.a. communism) conflicted with the more moderate socialism of the Kenyata government. His paternal grandmother says our president was born there and she witnessed it, but no evidence has ever been produced documenting this claim.

Certainly, the Associated Press following a debate during his senate campaign relying on Obama-provided information called him a “Kenyan-born U.S. Senate hopeful” and this information was reprinted with the bigger story in Kenyan papers; and later Michelle Obama referred to her husband’s native land as Kenya.  This explains the context of the often-cited debate, in which Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural-born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, with Obama self-admitting that he was not eligible for the office of president. All this rather quickly became known by some in the Hillary campaign. Later, probably much later, someone decided that Barack’s maternal grandmother’s short-form indicating Hawaiian birth was essential to an Obama presidential effort . . . that’s when, in 2007, the short-form generated in 1961 first appeared as “evidence” in Obama’s favor and inconsistencies were brought to the Hilary Clinton campaign’s attention and the whole “birther” argument arose.

            It appears that the bottom line is this: Americans disgusted with the way the Republicans had governed from Washington, D.C. voted for a pig –in-a-poke known as “hope and change” and thanks to the mainstream media’s refusal to vett Obama, we don’t actually know who the present President of the United States actually is. On the one hand there’s the birth issue . . . which could be small potatoes or absolutely huge. Then there’s this sealing of all his records and college credentials and his frankly, slippery life narrative (Why did they build a statute to ten-year-0ld Barack in Indonesia and place it in the Muslim school he attended?) for both himself and for his mother and maternal grandfather. Then there’s the vast amount of radicals he’s installed into the government and especially as unvetted czars. And next is his apparently unashamed political dirty tricks and the brave promises for fairness, openness, transparency, oaths about turning his back on the corrupt old ways that dominate in D.C., and his pledge of bi-partisanship all added to government takeover of virtually everything possible . . . all of that makes Americans very suspicious. And now we have this phony document . . . .


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



## in fairness, Stanley Ann appears to have been very smart, just not “level-headed,” and she did do some good by helping indigent natives in the Eastern Hemisphere learn some really important skills like smithing while indoctrinating them into Marxism and anti-Americanism. Once she stopped studying Revolution she eventually got a degree in anthropology and, as mentioned, played a helpful “Peace-Corps-like” role.  Once she left America she never returned for any length of time. And she left Barack, Jr. to be raised by her parents.

here’s a little sample of Barack, Jr.’s father’s thinking (notice the reference to 100% taxation, of the rich? Or of everybody?) Our Barack’s parents met in a Russian language class in Hawaii and were both Marxists.


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Obama wants to Collapse Economy so the People will be so distressed that the people will beg for help from Government. If that happens. Everything changes. Country collapses. Obama will ditch the US Constitution and we are all of a sudden Marxist Country and he is out Dictator. Obama is one bad man. He is smooth as he just smiles at you and you will do anything he wishes. Anything and he knows it. When he is done he will have made fools out of us and he will be world leader. This is very real. If debt is not lowered the economy will crash and life as we know it is over.
Don't let oyur self be cause unaware. You will be kicking your self if you do. No 2nd chances here.
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Coward George Soros Turned in his Fellow Jews to Hitler Nazi's so he could stay free.
Coward George Soros is ashamed to be a Jew so he changed his name from "Schwartz" to "Soros". What a rotten dispicable man.
Now Coward George Soros who is American Citizen is trying to bring AMERICA down. He has brought other Couyntries down and he wants to bring down America now. Obama is his puppet. Obama is affraid to say anything that Soros does not want him to say. Soros is Terrified if Obama is off of teleprompters.

This is a disgrace. Only you can stop this putrid excuse of a man.
Soros is financining a matriad of Marxist Left Wing Organizations that ate trying to turn America into Marxist state. Soros gets his jollies off at hurting people and families.

He is a sick demented pervert.

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