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I wrote this in response to a young man who was fired for writing a patriotic song. He was a public school football coach and made the mistake of having a politcally incorrect viewpoint. Links to the song are below.
Priniciple Curtis, Williamson County School District, Franklin TN
chrish (at)
Way to go, Principle Curtis!
"Mmm, Mmm, Mmm! Barack Hussein Obama!!!" Wouldn't it have been nice if that was what Mr. Glover chose to record? He could have had the whole school sing along then, no doubt. (You cant help but notice that the teacher involved with THAT musical masterpiece received no disciplinary action whatsoever...hmmm.)
Way to show your students and your community what vicious liberal censorship looks like. Believe me when I tell you that what you have done is going to end up costing the district - you just gave yourself and your school a self-inflicted black eye in the PR department and a lot of people will be looking at making some changes in Williamson County SD as a result. To top it off, you single handedly gave a bunch of bright young athletes a slap to the face for their hopes for this football season...again, GREAT JOB!! I am sure Mr. Looney is proud of you and your actions... Hmmm?...
So, Bravo! All of you so-called "progressives" love squashing any opinion you don't agree with - Brian Glover and Juan Williams in the same week!! Stalin and Mao would be so proud of you.
Apparently, you don't understand that the 1st Amendment of the Constitution exists to protect the speech you DON'T like and not the speech that YOU approve of. You used your power like a tyrant - and tyrants deserve nothing but overthrow and rebellion.
CENSORSHIP is one of the MOST UN-AMERICAN actions you could have taken. NPR is going to suffer and you and your district will too. You couldn't destroy this man's music, or his message, so you destroyed his career. You should be ashamed, but you're not - and that makes your particular (politically motivated) retaliation even more beneath contempt.
Freedom of Speech...FOREVER.
Good luck with the public scorn.... enjoy it! The story is now so fully viral that the song has now reached MILLIONS. Probably didnt see that coming, did you?
Sick and Tired of Politically Correct, Social "Progressives"! (AKA The New Face of Fascism.)
Robert F. Stewart
“A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.”
– Vince Lombardi
It was the ambitious, skilled, and educated that elected to leave their homelands in the hope that those skills would be in demand in America. Collectivist ideology and the subsequent economic difficulty drove immigrants to seek a better life. They left their homes, often at great expense and discomfort, to seek the shores of America and the promise of opportunity. Whether it was to start a business, open a medical practice or just work hard for their pay, these people moved to America for a chance at a better life.
America offered the chance at a better life, but the journey was long. It was not for those who benefitted from collectivism or the lazy; it was undertaken only by those that yearned to breathe free and seek out opportunity. This was the first step in the new life of a first generation immigrant to America.
After arduous journeys and the entry processes were concluded, these new Americans were now tasked with building new lives. The Industrial Revolution had created an abundance of jobs, and opportunities were available. It was nonetheless a difficult existence. For immigrants, work was hard. Factories were usually not pleasant places to work, and living conditions in cities were harsh. The new Americans lived simply, often in single-room apartments. They walked to work, and everywhere else for that matter. Only the promise of a better tomorrow kept them going. Day after day, they toiled and worked for meager paychecks, but they were happy to do so. They had made the journey across the ocean for the opportunities, and they were committed to making better lives for themselves. They may have come from a country that did not value or reward individual effort or endeavor but upon arriving in America they began playing by a new set of rules –American rules– and it was worth the journey.
These men and women worked hard for their very survival and the possibility of a brighter future. There are those that still live that way today, first generation immigrants from Mexico. Like their predecessors, Mexican immigrants made the journey to America not for comfort but for opportunity, freedom and employment. They may not have crossed an ocean to get to Ellis Island, but they still put effort into the journey. These are the people who are willing to work to survive and eke out an existence by any means necessary with the goal of making better lives for themselves in the future.
Working like a first generation American immigrant means to value opportunity the same way those who crossed vast distances value it. You must understand that it is up to you as an individual to make the most of your money and live within your means. If you value this opportunity and avoid wasting your money, you will find that the American dream is much more attainable.
This is what makes our great nation unique in the world. People around the world know that if they come to America and work hard, they have the chance to improve their lives. The journey to America is the first step to a new life. To make a living, these new Americans must seek out opportunities wherever they can be found. Whether they are fortunate enough to have regular work or rise before the sun to seek day labor, they are not sleeping in or enjoying the comforts commonly enjoyed by more fortunate Americans. This is the experience of first generation immigrants in America, the Land of Opportunity. This is the comfort that new Americans enjoy. Hard work is rewarded, and America is a land in which the individual can thrive based on his or her own effort.
While you can’t fool “all of the people, all of the time,” it is surprisingly easy to fool a sufficient number of them to get elected.
“People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
That’s an excerpt from a World War II-era military intelligence report – a document which explored the psychological profile of one of our
nation’s (and the world’s) most dangerous enemies. It also represents
perhaps the most succinct encapsulation of the modern-day propaganda
method commonly referred to as “The Big Lie.”
Who was the subject of this particular intelligence report? Adolf Hitler.
And while history is unlikely to witness a repeat of anything approaching the horrific genocidal barbarism perpetrated by the
murderous Nazi “New Order,” that doesn’t mean American politicians of
both parties aren’t still employing the same propaganda techniques
utilized by its reviled leader.
In fact, after Bush Republicans used “The Big Lie” to grow government and rack up huge deficits (while telling us they were for “limited
government and less spending”), President Barack Obama is now using it
to expand government further and rack up even larger deficits under the
banner of “hope and change.”
Of course Americans still searching for “hope” amidst our ongoing economic malaise know that the only real “change” has been the cost of
these lies – which keeps adding up at the expense of our liberties.
How many “Big Lies” has Obama told? Frankly, it’s becoming difficult to keep track of them.
Most recently, the top actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid – a pair of programs that shouldn’t even exist in the first place –
revealed that millions of American seniors will have to pay increased
out-of-pocket health care costs next year for “less generous benefit
packages” as a direct result of Obamacare.
This is due to government’s failure to acknowledge basic economic realities – which is already costing taxpayers hundreds of billions each
year (even as these programs’ unfunded liabilities continue to soar).
Last month, a Kaiser Family Foundation report showed that family health care costs are up by 14 percent in 2010 – with even larger increases
forecast for future years, again as a result of Obamacare.
“Health reform mandates new levels of coverage that will increase employers’ costs at least until 2014,” a Kaiser analyst noted.
Beyond higher costs, “Obamacare” is already reneging on government promises regarding prescription drug plans – another benefit that never
should have been subsidized by taxpayers. According to a study released
earlier this year by Avalare Heath, as many as 3.7 million seniors could
be forced out of their prescription drug coverage under the new law
next year – ostensibly so the government can provide them with “more
meaningful choices.”
All across the country, Obamacare’s costly new mandates are driving Americans out of their existing coverage and forcing them to pay
increased out-of-pocket expenses – perpetuating the worst inefficiencies
of government-run health care.
“This much is clear: If the law with its expensive mandates remains on the books, millions of Americans are going to lose the health care plans
they have now — plans the president repeatedly promised they could
keep,” Jeff Jacoby of The Boston Globe wrote recently. Obviously, these
ill effects don’t even begin to address the damage done by Obamacare’s
individual mandates and costly tax hikes – which not only trample on the
Constitution but also violate Obama’s promise not to raise taxes on
Americans earning less than $200,000.
Of course we’ve been lied to by this administration before. Obama promised to bring transparency and accountability to government, but
then he negotiated his health care bill in secret so that he could steer
billions of dollars to his biggest labor union supporters. Then Obama
removed new disclosure requirements for these union leaders – making it
impossible for the public to know how they’re spending all of this
taxpayer-funded largesse.
And who can forget “The Big Lie” of Obama’s so-called stimulus plan – which administration officials said would save or create more than 3
million jobs and keep unemployment below 8 percent? Clearly those
assumptions – along with Vice President Joe Biden’s promised “Summer of
Recovery” – were diversions designed to fool the American people.
As America heads to the polls in November, let’s hope we don’t get fooled again. We’ve had an elegant sufficiency of “Big Lies,” now what
we need are real citizen leaders who are willing to tell us the simple
truth about all of these unsustainable programs.
The author is chairman of Americans for Limited Government.
As a young ball player I one day wanted to grow up and play for the Detroit Tigers, I wanted to because that was where I grew up, I new everything about the players, and the World Series gave me a great scene of pride in the team and Michigan as a whole.
All of a sudden someone was talking to me about trade, and I was lost for words," a player from another state to play for Michiganders, no we don't want him. Well little did I know players come from all over and go all over, don't let the name full you, The Detroit Tigers aren't from Detroit or even Michigan. I bet the Red Wings aren't either:) Lo..............L
Nationalization of every thing is occurring, and first the States loss their identity and then everyone else,just because some people believe everything should be the same every where they go, so they are for the Federal Government getting bigger and even standardizing local laws and everything else. Now that is where I see a serious problem, because if know one cares about their State anymore, and or respects other States for their differences than as Americans we loose the choice to live in the Sates that most Identify with the way we feel today. I may like the State of Tennessee better when I'm 72 than I like it today, but if everything becomes the same everywhere and the only differences I find is not in the States, but in the Cultures that remained from Immigrants that refuse to assimilate into an American society, then all we will become is a subdivided land into different cultural and ethnic groups, under one umbrella Law of the land, and powerless to our Freedom and Liberty, powerless to even Speech.
States must encourage the people that live in there States to take pride once again, it is hard with MTV and Hollywood and a arrogant Federal Education System, Florida and Texas home to NASA, and soon NASA maybe gone and absorbed by the ever present Universities( Space programs, Sports, Medicine, Research,Environmental, contracted to do investigation, lending), you name the Universities are more well known that the States are anymore (Why?) and they put out bias Athletic Programs as well. States Rights have got to be returned to the States, and all taxation at the federal level eliminated IRS eliminated Property Tax eliminated, Death tax illuminated and therefore giving States power to limit Government Spending,The Federal government now owns teachers in most states and buys their votes, not to the benefit of the given state but a benefit to the Federal Government, and they decide what Universities to support and Unions and so on, That money and education belongs in the hands of the States first, naturally anything that limits the power of The Federal Government will be met with stanch resistance from the Democrats and Progressives.
Yep you can't imagine how much better and more exciting those ball teams would be, if the players had to actually be born in the State they represented, Pride and fear of loss would be the motivators, not how much you paid for a player or how much a player owed a team. That is the weakness much of the world seeks for America, and I say the power to restore America is in not losing the identity of the States buy an over shadowing Federal Government, demand the powers granted in the Tenth Amendment back to the States. Then and only then will the World and all Americans once again feel the power of "The United States of America"
PS: I know you guys know all this already, and some of my statement may not be correct, but LOL I think the Federal Government has stolen the Identity of our States and power and therefore should return it before there is no America. Paul Long winded I know I have nothing else to do:) LO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>L
I believe the Tea Party should establish a "Pork Police" group, to monitor the new and old Repubs. to BE SURE ..Pork is STOPPED!
One of our Tea Party candidates was on TV, and Avoided a direct answer from the Journalist about stopping 'Pork', He ( the candidate) said they may use another name such as D2 Additions or something like that.
My concern is that it seems as soon as ANYONE is elected , they become 'demonic possessed" and revert to normal "Fat Cat" politicians.
We need to be prepared to continue cleaning out the trash in 2012, and perhaps some we have put in this year , as they have reverted to serpents.
Also, any politician that even has conversations with ANY Lobbyist, political influence would not be allowed, unless a committee met with them, headed by a tight fist-ed leader ( Paul Ryan) as example.
We MUST Clean up this Corrupt Political System or we will be the same as Haiti soon.
Please pass this on if possible.
WHY do we lend/give money when we have deficit? ( do you loan/give money when you can't pay bills? foreign countries hate us anyway )
WHY do we need a electoral college? ( one vote...why should a politicians vote mean more than ours?)
WHY are lobbyists allowed to buy votes........isn"t that bribery
WHY are we spending money on a war in the middle east ? ( we blew it ...bush had him in tora bora backed off for the Muslim holiday and he slipped into Pakistan...bin laden is in a hole somewhere...laughing...we cant even secure our borders.....see any illegals lately? get a ticket to get in my grandparents...become citizens, pay about deportation?...can i pick what rules to follow? no ...they would throw away the key)
WHY have we let welfare become a lifestyle?
WHY do senators and congressmen get more to remodel their office than most people make ( was somewhere around 35,000 a few years ago)
i can rattle off more....but.....
WHY cant we keep the love and unity we felt on 911. everyone forgot race...age...gender......we were one........americans.......and WHY did something tragic have to happen for us to feel it?
i love this country!!...........but yes.......i want to chuck some tea
• John Lynch
Senior Vice President
Human Resources
3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828
October 2010
2010 was a landmark year for health care in the United States and at our Company. At GE,we started
the year with a new health care plan for salaried employees in response to unsustainable cost
increases, the first new plan since 1989. At about $3 billion annually, you can understand how health
care costs impact GE'scompetitiveness.
While there are some things we can change, there are others that are outside of our control. Health
care costs in the U.S.have been increasing over the past several years at two-to-three times the rate of
inflation due to price increases, greater use of services, and inefficiencies in the system. GEhas
experienced similar results over the past decade and the challenge we face continues to build.
The new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act adopted earlier this year provides health care
access to all Americans and it also expands coverage for you as outlined in the attached guide. This
law will be phased in over several years. New benefits like offering preventive care screenings as
recommended by the U.S.Preventive Services Task Force free of charge, extending coverage to
dependent children up to age 26 and removing lifetime maximums will cost GEmore. However, there is
much to learn about how the implementation will unfold. GEhas the right to pass these costs on to you
. in the form of higher contributions, but we've elected to absorb these additional costs this year as we
take time to understand the impacts.
During the past year, we hope you have taken a more active role managing your health and health
care. We have been making investments to help you by adding and expanding tools. These include:
• Expanded Health Coach hours to include 24/7 voluntary and confidential access to medical
professionals to help you make informed decisions like when to use the emergency room;
• A new online and mobile application, Health Answers, to give you better access to information
when you need it; and
• Free,easy-to-use, voluntary and confidential tools like the Health RiskQuestionnaire and
Lifestyle Coaching to help you understand your health and take steps to be healthier.
We know you want a good health care plan at a fair price. We share that goal, and are working hard
every day to provide access to high-quality health care, control costs and offer a competitive benefits
package. We want to thank you for your support during this unprecedented time of change.
John F. Lynch
SeniorVice President
Human Resources
I was pondering the dire status of our leadership within the Washington, DC beltline. It is, as we say in the South, "plumb outa hand". Join me in encouraging people who don't register to vote because "it wouldn't make any difference anyway", to realize it does make a difference. If all the people who are not registered to vote (while still complaining about our leadership)...or even 1/2 of them would register and then vote, it would make a tremendous difference in the outcome of our efforts to replace those in power who have taken over our country. Its not unlike the blacks who were encouraged to vote to get the first "mixed breed" President in to office.
If the last line of President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was stated correctly today, it would read, "...of the congress, by the congress, and for the congress".
Bo Games (
While I believe that the core beliefs of the tea party are 100% Inline and American. I can still have a harder view on certian things from time to time. So with that in mind please cut me some slack if I come off with a hard line opinion at times.
1.) The first of which I believe the "change we need" is to get rid of the entire current congress. Theses jobs need to be filled by Americans that represent the "Real America" not just the super elite and special intrest.
2.) Many Amendments made to the constitution need to be repealed.
3.) America has been unnecessarly over complicated and needs to be brought back to the core values and basics on which it was founded.
I know that theses statements are over simplified and easier said than done but it's a starting point.... And that's more than we currently have.
Real change happens when you do something nice and helpful for somebody else just because it's the right thing to do.
When an individual enters the ring to run for any office be it local or federal you have to look for a base qualification. Canidates will list qualifications based on an order that they feel is important to them. As you may have seen in media ads or websites these qualifications range from simply being born and raised in the area to degrees at ranking universities. Some, from time to time, will tout strong leadership. Now that is where I take interest.....leadership. To me a candidate's experience LEADING people will define how they serve us. You see, real or strong leadership is not taught in a classroom. A potentail leader is "found" by other strong leaders and mentored. I mean how does a young man become the captain of a football team? There's no class for that. The football coach, a position that requires strong leadership skills SELECTS that captain and MENTORS him. Our folks in the military do the same thing every single day. During my time in the US Army a young officer or sergeant is expected to follow a base principal of BE/KNOW/DO.
This BE/KNOW/DO breaks down into what that person does on a daily basis. What they have to do to remain proficient in their area of responsibily and how they go about discharging those responsibilities. And here is where I see the problem with our current leadership. And I am not just talking about the President, I mean every level. You see, you can't get an elected official to accept responsibility. They won't do it! Yeah yeah....they will tout/chest thump an accomplishment, (earmark?)....I liken that as the same as me bringing flowers home to my wife after I tracked mud on her carpet. She tends to forget about the mud, forgives me and the flowers are now a focal point on the new diningroom table that was bought after I did something else to tick her off. That's how some elected folks operate, like husbands! Think about. And you know, if I had just done the BE/KNOW/DO thing I'd still have money in my pocket. Think about that and how you can attach it to that person seeking your vote. They are the one's who are walking on your carpet and bellying up to your table.
Blame the establishment for the firing of Juan Williams. It was a mindless knee-jerk action. Out of expedience, the establishment—the law, religion, science—each with its own stand-alone empire, manages to maintain control of beings created to cope on their own.
Placing the blame is easy. There are a thousand truths. I have mine. You have yours. The Tea Party is the wake-up call, but the establishment remains fixed and unchanged. We’ve yet to know how to reunite the American people and take the country back.
Put yourself in the position of authority. PBS is a prime example. It has made a tremendous investment in time and money to gain its place in the sun. The way to remain in control is to divide the people. That’s what PBS is here to do, and on taxpayer money. You could say the same for Fox News. At least it isn’t taxpayer money.
We are as divided today as we Americans were when the South seceded from the Union. A house divided does not long stand. Leave it to the establishment and you will soon be without any rights. A good first step would be to stop giving PBS taxpayer money, but don’t think that will happen unless the public demands it.
The only thing what will save America is for the people to unit in an effort to stop the authorities from robbing us of the fruits of our labor, and that’s going to be extremely difficult, in fact, next to impossible. More than half of the American people depend on government in one way or another. How are we dependents to be convinced that we don’t want government help? What would I do, pray tell me, without my government entitlement? When the riots begin in 2011, are we, the government entitled, going to be against the anarchy? Someone tells us he has the solution. Anything is better than being left without the means of survival.
What is the solution that will gain back what we had before we became addicted to big government? I have yet to hear anyone say he wants to end the very programs that are bankrupting the nation, fiscally, morally, and spiritually.
“In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the ‘Party of No’ but the ‘Party of Whoa!’” Rajjpuut
“NEVERTHELESS, the TEA Party’s birth should have been recognized by Time magazine in 2009 as among the top ten events of 2009 (not even in their top 100) and Time notwithstanding, the TEA Party influence is the #1 story in America for 2010. The TEA Party “Contract from America” and House Minority Leader John Boehner’s and the G.O.P.’s “Pledge to America” are the two fundamental documents needed for an American Renaissance. Rajjpuut
Historic Election Approaches -- Vote
Your Constitutionally-Conservative Values
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 marks the most important election in at least four decades. The nation and the world are in severe crisis and only the rebirth of America’s principles can save us all. The two most DEFINING DYNAMICS of this election are these:
#1 Barack Obama and the progressive agenda threatening to destroy America as we know and love her . . . .
#2 The aroused Conservatives-on-the-March movement known as the TEA Party which stands for both “Taxed Enough Already” and even more aptly “Taken Enough Abuse” . . . .
The progressives’ rhetoric consistently maintains that the second item above is just another “reactionarism” by the “Party of NO,” that is, the TEA Party is just an “astroturf” G.O.P. feint at real populism. The TEA Party, of course, is an authentic conservative grassroots response that was clearly even more fed up with the “conservatives in name only” big-spending Republican Party which could have easily earned the title “Progressive-Lite” as they were with the radical-driven Democrats. In truth, the TEA Party came that the Republican Party might save its soul. Not the “Party of No” but the 'Party of Whoa!'”
With the exception of a few idiotic missteps, the TEA Party has wisely forgone the self-defeating narcissism of nominating its own candidates. Where the TEA Party has chosen to nominate candidates in the primaries rather than playing the more natural and powerful role of kingmaker once the candidates were set, the results have been poor. The perfect examples of this are Delaware, Nevada and Colorado. The political climate is so anti-incumbent and anti-Obama that a mental defective could be expected to win against the three horrific progressive-Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in those states . . . but thanks to the TEA Party’s pre-primary involvement not only are the results very much in doubt, the odds against stripping Obama of his senate control are now fairly high. And, of course, what do you have if you win despite the nonsense of O’Donnell, Angle and Buck? Three idiots in the U.S. Senate, ugh!
Let's get the "cautionary tales" out of the way so we can go back to congratulating ourselves for a job well done, eh? In Nevada two strong conservative candidates were running in the Republican Primary to oppose Harry Reid. The eventual “winner" chosen by the TEA Party, however, was unqualified as far as communications skills, intelligence and understanding of political strategy (in this case the strategy is ultra-simple: concentrate on Reid’s record; Nevada’s problems; Obama’s record; America’s problems; and protecting our Constitution and our pocketbooks; nothing else) who is now embroiled in a needlessly close and expensive campaign that either of the other more qualified candidates would have put away long ago.
In particular, Angle has injected the infamously losing and suicidal social-conservativism into the equation. In case no one mentioned it to her, the TEA Party’s ten item “Contract from America” concentrated on fiscal and Constitutional issues and left social-conservativism unmentioned. The nation is and always has been fiscally and Constitutionally conservative . . . the reason that conservative clarity has been flooded over by progressive muddle-headedness so often in the last century is simply that Conservatives have been all too eager to push their social prohibitions (most infamously the notorious Volstead Act prohibiting liquor) upon everyone else. In Colorado, Ken Buck is just Sharon Angle on Super-Steroids. Rajjpuut who lives in Colorado is ashamed of the god-awful choices available to him . . . Buck or Bennet. And, as far as Delaware, the less said about the TEA Party nominee, the better. She makes Ken Buck look like a statesman. And the final piece of idiocy? Neither the TEA Party nor the Republicans are revealing their major weapons . . . how much talk have you heard about the TEA Party "Contract from America" or the Republican "Pledge to America. It's kind of like leaving your varsity at home and dressing only the freshmen team for the biggest game of the season. Thankfully, the frosh have been doing well.
In case Rajjpuut’s message is not precisely clear to the reader: in its proper role as “KINGMAKER,” the TEA Party is no threat to the G.O.P. but rather is a dynamic coalescence of all good things conservative (fiscal and constitutional) and American. Democratic conservatives, Independent Conservatives and Republican Conservatives now, finally, have a home. Holding the feet of the two major parties to the fire as Kingmakers, rather than splitting Conservative votes, the TEA Party has it in its power to return America to her roots and a new greatness. Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal echoed these same thoughts that Rajjpuut has voiced on at least a dozen prior occasions at this blog site:
Noonan says, “The tea party is not a ‘threat’ to the Republican Party, the tea party saved the Republican Party. In a broad sense, the tea party rescued it from being the fat, unhappy, querulous creature it had become, a party that didn't remember anymore why it existed, or what its historical purpose was. The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself.” AMEN!!!!!
As always, Ms. Noonan and the Wall Street Journal lead the way to understanding for intelligent Americans; and the cartoon in the article-linked above says it all, doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, as in all things progressive, the ultra-left wing of the Democrats has refused to acknowledge reality . . . lost in their Marxist dreams and all . . . they persist in believing their own self-indulgent lies that the TEA Party is astroturf; unimportant; made up of unintelligent racists; and impotent to fight and win the battle of “dialectic materialism.” Thank God so many crooks and other criminals are cretins; and thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord – a million times over that the commies are cretins-cubed.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Even if you aren't a Sports Fan this is Very Interesting!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21currently are defendants in lawsuits,</ B>
84have been arrested for drunk driving
in the last year
you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?
Scroll down,
it's the 535 members of the
United States Congress
The same group of Idiots that crank out
hundreds of new laws each year
designed to keep the rest of us in line.
You gotta pass this one on!
With all that is going on in our world, what can I do about it has been the question. What you can do about it is what I write about. You don’t believe me. Important matters attract few readers—the mustard seed approach, the tiniest of seeds grows into a mighty tree. Does might make right? No, the truth will set you free. I invite you to follow my truth, and please forward it to the Huffington Post, to those writers financed by George Soros, the billionaire socialist monster.
Obama and Pelosi are certain to lose control of the House at the midterm election. But lest you breathe a sigh of relief, this event sounding the battle cry to George Soros’ socialistic revolutionaries—all as planned since the hippie generation—little did we know that this Pied Piper of Nowheresville, who has been playing bad jokes on investors long enough to accumulate billions, would attain thousands of positions of power in America for his hippie pawns. Look at Europe today to know what it is going to be in America in 2011. Hippies and fellow travelers, with their insane spending orgy, have managed to get America over a barrel. Soros, the spook behind it all, is an elephant compared to other tyrannical soapbox fleas, including Obama. Get ready for the final drive for a worldwide socialistic solution. Congress is irrelevant. It is going to be you and I and our fight for freedom, Soros and his revolutionaries’ way or no way, and it is not going to be pretty picture. The enemy will stoop to anything. Will the American people have the mind-set for the long hard fight for freedom? Best you start thinking about it. You are in a fight for your life.
What is taking place in the world today follows the course of history, in fact, going back immemorially, to predictions of star gazers. The first men, looking for answers, gazed into the heavens. Socialism, a word describing tyranny, is about redistribution of the goods and services industrious, self-sufficient, self-directed people, the so-called rich, produce. The Soros monstrosity we now dimly see is a mindless monster from the deep coming up to feed on us—until our liberties are all devoured and we become the slaves of brutes.
In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, we read about the Magi, the three Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace in Israel. Similar to present day America, a nation in denial, and under Roman tyranny, it is in the nature of humanity to drift from individual liberty to tyranny, and then the pendulum swings back. This pendulum has been swinging since the dawn of civilization. We don’t yet know what our human destiny will be, when the pendulum will cease to swing, because we will be history written in the rocks.
At the dawning of history, Persians invented the zodiac, a diagram of the heavens from which astrologers work. The zodiac is divided into 12 segments, each with a sign in which the present is lighted for observation. This heavenly clock makes one full rotation in about 26,000 years, or approximately 2,000 years for each segment. The zodiac is in keeping with the Book of Genesis. After God had created the heavens and earth, and all the other life, He created man, and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen 1:26).
At the birth of Christ, we were at the dawn of the Age of Pisces. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that it is in the nature of Pisces to absorb the mental outlook of the times. “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Jesus told his followers that before the cock crowed, they would deny him three times. That’s Picean. And so they did what Pisceans do. Without a word in protest, they let their savior die on the cross.
We have now moved on the zodiac through the Age of Pisces and to the first light of the Age of Aquarius. The fitting sign of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. It goes with the division we now experience in America, the desperate clinging to the past, the fear of facing the unknown that is now upon us. The clock tender is implied in the clock’s turning hands. The mind is the observer that looks to the past and finds answers for our future.
Earth spins one full turn every 24 hours. More lately, in part, astrologers have attributed the meaning of the individual’s life to Earth and the dawns here. It depends on the location on earth at the moment of birth, with the sun traveling around 900 m.p.h. across the earth’s surface. The personal dawn here requires knowing the exact time of birth. Luckily, my birth certificate shows the exact time of my birth to be at 4:21 p.m. c.s.t. on September 17, 1925 in Houston, Texas. The zodiac shows me with the “rising sign” Aquarius. My so-called sun sign is Virgo. The sun sign has to do with one’s inner nature, the rising sign with the part one shows the world. As we age we become more the part we show the world. At midlife, we often reach a point of crises, as did I. I was forced to turn loose of the past and travel the path to my destiny. The change to my outer self was dramatic.
In addition to the above information going into the making of our natures, the light of the present shines on negative and positive influences, both in the individual and the goings on in the world, through the alignments of the outer planets with one another, the outer planets because from the earth their alignments remain long enough to make a difference.
Thus, with all the factors that go into the making of the individual’s nature, and the goings on in the world, obviously, you can’t read the daily horoscope in the newspaper and know anything whatever. Unfortunately, too many of us take the daily horoscope as all that astrology is.
For some yet to be explained reason, at least as far as the general public is concerned, since astrology has been with us since the dawn of history, one can assume that it works. For example, when I was born, the zodiac shows that the outer planet Saturn was trine Pluto, the furthermost outer planet. The trine happens to be the most favorable of alignments. It is given for a very special reason. Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Saturn trine Pluto:” “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized.” We read further that this trine favors those who are familiar with physics.
Quantum Physics just happens to be one of my favorite subjects. The Physics of Consciousness, authored by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker is my physics Bible. Connecting us with Gen 1:26—Let us make man in our image, along with the age of brotherhood, as told by both Jesus and Astrologer’s Handbook—asserts Walker, “But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. Just as the clock tender is implied by the clock’s turning hands . . . The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality. . . a unity in nature, all things being aspects of mind. But now we see more of the underlying structure, of the engine that drives our struggling souls. We see the separation that lies between any of us and the rest of reality. We see space and matter as springing from the brow of God.” Walker possessed my thinking. God rest his soul.
Wouldn’t you know that Walker’s colleagues would say he is trying to smuggle God into physics. You can understand why. If you had invested your fortune and life to the status quo, you would fight to keep it. Folks, you and I are allowing ourselves to be pawns of the establishment.
My research connects astrology with quantum physics. Curious if others have made this connection, I wrote in Google search “Astrology and Quantum physics” and received 111,000 Web site references. In that the world is going through a change that could end in humanity becoming history written in the rocks, it is asking for that to happen when you depend on others to do your thinking. .
Millions of people have seen UFOs. What does it mean? We can wonder why they are here, or dismiss it like we dismiss other occurrences we have no interest in pursuing. UFO’s have been becoming more and more prevalent since World War II. We’ve shrugged it off. Are they here to welcome us to the galaxy, or are they here to take over our world after we blow ourselves to hell? it seems that it would serve humanity well to know what a few of us know about the connection of astrology with quantum physics.
From the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, I quote: “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography. Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age. It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”
Thinking about Tarnas’ opening of “a new cosmic horizon” and the reunification of science and religion, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” he speaks of the end of an epic, in retrospect, widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. In view of the current flap over placing a mosque near where the September 11 event took place, a few pages later, under “The Saturn-Pluto Cycle,” we read that according to their alignments in November 2008, square, the most unfavorable alignment, the month and year Obama was elected, he picked the right time to lead us into the up and coming worldwide socialistic solution. Taking Obama’s answer for building the said mosque, that it is their constitutional right to build it, and he refuses to comment, I pray that you let me tell you what my Saturn trine Pluto alignment says, according to Astrologer’s Handbook.
I will be able to “work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes” in my own life “and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they (I) must fulfill.” I have “tremendous willpower” and I am “relentless in working toward a goal,” according to Astrologer’s Handbook, and under “Aquarius,” my symbol, the water-bearer, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the Planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. . .Aquarians are determined and stubborn. . .Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others—whose company do you choose, mine or Obama’s?
I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally. You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United States .. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth. I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe ? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century?
Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States ? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this? Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You don't show Great Britain , our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia . How dare
you, sir! How dare you!
You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey . You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What s the matter with you? I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of
yourselves, all of you.
You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it. What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer. You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't! Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.
I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.
Every Real American
Author: Brian D. Hill
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