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We heard him say it with our own ears -- My name is not on the ballot, but my agenda is. In all his speeches, across the fruited plain, for over two years, before a cherry-picked adoring audience, it's always about him. "My name may not be on the ballot, but our agenda for moving forward is on the ballot, and I need everybody to turn out," Obama said Tuesday afternoon during an appearance on the Rev. Al Sharpton's radio show. Is he saying this election is a referendum on him? Sounds like.


This one is actually a referendum on the direction of the USA

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Precluding the morgage industry colapse, was the auto industry colapse and before the auto industry collapse occurred, we find the real culprit to the economic collapse over all. The assult on small business that started some years ago but really began to take shape in 2004. At that time the secondary market was at satisfactory levels, with all satifying loans at 90% much higher than lenders thought at the beginning of the secondary explorations. Not only in mortgages but also in auto industry and credit card installments.People that when through bankruptcy where shown to be excellent credit candidates as they did not want to face it again.

So to blame these industries is simply wrong, miss leading and damaging to the free market system once again.

The blame falls on the Federal Government, over barring tax code, and the formula to attack small business. Tax are one thing that is very hard to keep up with, and then lets not forget cost of book keeping accounting and protection. Then the uncertainty of tax increases, with 67000 pages laying out the tax code there is no way to properly conduct small business projection.Between 2005 and 2006, the US lost 8,900 farms (a little more than 1 farm per hour)., that effects the entire family, not just the farmer and it effects the community of these farmers.Worse is the overall attack on small business, by 2009 741000 small businesses are in closure or bankruptcy that is 2000 day every day none stop, just like the small farmer, they have employees and families are effected.

This attack on small farming and small business is easy to see just Google it and study it.

Subprime barrowers were the first to feel the attacks, and the first to foreclose and repo, as the attack continues, the economy slows and prime loans begin to fall, job loss began with with the attack on small business, the results unfold in order.

Private sector mortgages are failing and loans in general not public sector, the result is a much weekend private sector un able to qualify for loans, which is an essential for private sector not the public sector

If the Federal Government can now blame the lenders and borrowers, instead of there dirty Tax codes and regulations for the destruction of the economy, they just won and you never saw what really happened.

The following is just a few statistics I have found, Showing 721,00 business closers and business bankruptcies in 2009, that is approximately 2000 a day. Equaling 1½ per minute. Not one per hr. this alarming and not a joke!!! Small firms:
• Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
• Employ half of all private sector employees.
• Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
• Generated 65 percent of net new jobs over the past 17 years.
• Create more than half of the nonfarm private GDP.
• Hire 43 percent of high tech workers (scientists, engineers, computer programmers, and others).
• Are 52 percent home-based and 2 percent franchises.
• Made up 97.5 percent of all identified exporters and produced 31 percent of export value in FY 2008.
• Produce 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms.

Source: Office of Advocacy estimates based on data from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, and trends from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Employment Dynamics.

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What's the difference? Its JUST a 1% tax!

A forward from a friend.RE:H R. 4646I have gone into THOMAS (Library of Congress) and printed out and read all 15 pages of this bill which has been given the "Short Title" of "Debt Free America Act." It is the most socialistic thing I have ever read. Just think, if you deposit $5,000.00 into your checking account or savings account the bank has to take out 1% or $50.00 of that money and send it to Washington. Then, any checks or cash you take out of your bank they will deduct 1% from what is still in the bank and send it to Washington. Total put in the Bank $5,000.00. $100.00 of that you give to Washington.This bill, spells it out that everyone will pay the Government 1% of their gross income.Page 9 states the House and Senate shall convene not later than November 23, 2010 and Page 11 states the vote on passage shall occur not later than December 23, 2010.SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO CONTACT THEIR CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR AND TELL THEM TO VOTE NO ON THIS BILL.If you don't know who your Congressman or Senator is, go to Google, type in"(your state) Congressman email address". When it comes up, click on "Complete E-mail address for Congress/House, Senate, Governors and get both e-mail and FAX info.The bill is HR-4646 introduced by US Rep Peter DeFazio D-Oregon and US Senator Tom Harkin D-Iowa. It is now in committee and will probably not be brought out until after the Nov. elections. Suggest that you pass this along and also to your state senator and representative and US Congressman and Senators.One percent transaction tax is proposed. President Obama's finance team is recommending a transaction tax. His plan is to sneak it in after the November election to keep it under the radar. This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution. e. Banks, Credit Unions, etc.. Any deposit you make, or move around within your account. e. transfer to, will have a 1% tax charged. If your pay check or your social Security or whatever is direct deposit, 1% tax charged. If you hand carry a check in to deposit, 1% tax charged, If you take cash in to deposit, 1% tax charged. This is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn.Some will say aw it's just 1%... remember once the tax is there they can raise it at will.
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God In Our Country

I sometimes get worked up over the things that go on in this country on a daily basis. The kind of things that liberalism promotes. Things that our founding fathers would look at as pure insanity and pure evil is today accepted and normal. I get mad. I think about all that has to be done so that this country can change for the better. There is no other way for this country to get back to its roots, but for America as a nation to once again recognize God the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is a large goal. A goal not easily met in today's world. Sometimes I get discouraged, but then I always remember that God has planned everything long ago. It is up to us to reach the potential he has for us. Fear of the Lord is what is needed, for fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge.
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An open letter to NPR

Sent to NPR HQ, and hundreds of NPR Employees around the country on 10.26.10:

NPR Ombudsman,

The shameful debacle made of the dismissal of Juan Williams, and the subsequent nasty and tactless remarks made to the media about his mental state, coupled with the brazen discrepancy between Mr. William's treatment by NPR when juxtaposed with your network's treatment of other reporters, such as Totenberg and Schorr, have left me with a pit of boiling acid in my stomach. Collectively, all of you who represent this network are responsible. Were you a conservative organization by nature, the howls to shut you down for this action would be truly deafening. The fact that your Network lauds tolerance and equality, while at the same time attempting to destroy Mr. Williams’s career and reputation, makes your organization truly beneath contempt. National Pariah Radio. Has a more accurate ring, doesn’t it?

Integrity and Fairness. Apparently NPR is now completely devoid of these principles, no matter how much you might protest otherwise. Thus, I and my family will not only withhold any future donations and I and several of my friends and associates from around the country are joining with a new group that is committed to defunding your organization, to dismantle NPR by dollars and cents - no matter what venue that money comes from. Federal funding and the small role it plays in your organization is NOT our primary target - we are going to launch campaigns aimed directly at your sponsors and other funding sources, to enlighten them as to the egregious double standards and editorial schizophrenia that plagues your network.

I grew up in the south - I know first hand the struggle of minorities there during the dawning days of the civil rights movement. To in anyway try and paint Mr. Williams as a bigoted person, in the slightest, is to spit squarely in this fair and decent man’s face. He deserved much better from NPR, and yet, he was denied any semblance of respect and further, his dignity and integrity were disparaged and made light of. UNFORGIVABLE.

So get ready, we are going to be quite instructive and matter of fact with businesses, civic organizations and any other venues we can identify that give money to NPR. We will make it a point to lay down the gauntlet so that they can choose between supporting an organization that has lost its credibility, destroyed any vestiges of public trust it may once have possessed and that does not, as an organization, reflect even a basic understanding of FAIRNESS, or they can side with those who remember this basic concept and consider it to be a guiding principle.

This is a war of the pocket book - and we the consumers decide who wins and who loses. I think you all need to start sprucing up those resumes...I have the feeling there will be layoffs in your network's immediate future. Or, ignore this and wait and see how you feel when it is your own job that gets shot down the tubes...what goes around does indeed come back around. Hey, do you folks remember Air America? Hmmm.

Sick of Elitest Ideologues and Double Standards in Media,
R. Stewart

PS. OR....You could call for your national leadership to step down, REALLY rethink your editorial standards and guidelines and practice two foriegn concepts - Respect and Fairness.

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Big Changes Coming to the Congress?

Time to put up or shut up! After their expected November gains, the TEA Party caucus within the Republican Party (headed by Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann with 52 other Republicans and so far no Democrats aligned with the fiscally- and Constitutionally-conservative TEA movement) expects to put into action an impressive war plan, how much the Republican Party goes for the TEA agenda remains to be seen. The TEA Party plan for the House has five steps. In keeping with the TEA = “Taxed Enough Already” or “Taken Enough Abuse” idea, expect:

1. Extending the Bush era Tax Cuts

2. Slashing government spending except Defense and Social Security by 40%

3. Repealing, or at least defunding, Obamacare

4. Creating a budget early on

5. Passing some package of legislation ultra-friendly to small- and medium-sized business to stimulate maximum jobs growth

Overall the effect of all this would cause a massive shrinking of the federal government from “the get-go.” YES SIR, YES SIR! As Ronald Reagan put it, “The federal government is not the answer to the problem; the Federal Government IS the problem . . . .”

Meanwhile, the fate of the Senate hangs in the balance with Republicans needing to win nine senate seats to take the majority there. South Carolina Republican senator Jim DeMint has received a lot of heat from non-TEA Republicans over his outspoken call to fully return the GOP to its conservative fiscal and Constitutional values. The numbers of TEA Partiers in the Senate is very small but they’re expected to wield a big influence upon the G.O.P. nevertheless.

But even before that happens, America might be in for a highly contentious lame duck session starting next week. If the Republicans make immense gains in the House and Senate and Governors’ mansions as predicted by the pollsters (+70 seats in the House; +8 senate seats; and +9 governorships), Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will come under great pressure from the Obama White House to “accomplish” some more of Obama’s pet projects such as Card Check for Unions; an illegal-immigration “reform” bill akin to the “Dream Bill; Gays in the military reform of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; etc., etc. Everything but a budget (which they’ve failed to even attempt to pass) could be the Dems last minute rejection of the American voters’ rejection of them and their policies. That’s a lot of “gotcha” and wrong-headed animosity being expressed in Washington over the next two and a half months in Rajjpuut’s opinion and the Republicans in Congress will need to stand firm.

This standing firm will be very important since the voters are expected in six days to use the ballot box as a negative referendum on all things Obama from 2009 to present. As for the new Congress beginning in mid-January, the word is that while the newly formed TEA Party caucus within (but outside of) the elected Republicans in both chambers of congress wants a 40% slashing of government spending on everything but Defense and Social Security; and all Republican electees, TEA Party or not, are committed to some level of spending cuts and full extension of the Bush tax cuts to all taxpayers . . . the real question is how long can they extend the Bush Cuts and how much can they slash without encountering Obama’s veto? So the best guess is that we’ll see something like a 30% slash in government spending on “discretionary matters” and a three-year extension of the Bush Tax Cuts.

However, politics being what politics is . . . expect the Republicans to push through an eight- or ten-year extension of those cuts for the president to veto and then after the veto, it’s anybody’s guess whether a four-year extension can get presidential approval. The other two likely early efforts by a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives would be first of all to DEFUND and REPEAL Obamacare; and then to pass some package of support for small and medium-sized business to get the economy sailing with a following wind. Overall, expect political fireworks of a positive kind for a change come January.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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set -up

UNHINGED LEFTIST Who Lunged at Rand Paul Is Paid Far Left Activist
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 5:47 AM
For the record…
The Unhinged Leftist Who Lunged at Rand Paul Is a Paid Activist contract employee Lauren Valle stalked and lunged at Rand Paul outside the final debate last night.

Valle, from Falmouth, Massachusetts, was tackled and stepped on by Paul supporters. (TPM)

The media will make this far left activist out to be a martyr today. We already know that.
It certainly was over the line to put a shoe on her shoulder or head.

But, Lauren knew exactly what she was doing.
She’s had plenty of practice. She’s a professional leftist activist.

Lauren was booked in May on felony charges. (LPSO)

Lauren protested oil companies in Louisiana during the BP oil spill. (Telegraph)

Luaren Valle was charged with the felony charges of Unauthorized Entry of a Critical Infrastructure and Unauthorized Entry of an Inhabited Dwelling in May.

Lauren vandalized a ship in May.

Harbor police talk to Greenpeace activists Scott Cardiff (R) and Lauren Valle (L) who are hanging from the bridge painting with their messages on the ship Harvey Explorer at an industrial port at Port Fourchon, Louisiana, May 24, 2010. The activists used oil from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico spill to paint the message “Arctic Next?” on the bridge of the ship, which is scheduled to depart for Alaska to support drilling operations in July. (REUTERS/Greenpeace)

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ky. senate race Leader Steals Media Spotlight At Rand Paul, a pro-abortion liberal group that helped elect Barack Obama, is now running television ads in Kentucky for Jack Conway and sending their followers out to protest Rand Paul.Ironically the ad focuses on the “company Rand Paul keeps.” Well lets have a look at one of Jack Conway’s dear friends – protestor and leader Keith Rouda.At a recent event in northern Kentucky, featuring Congressmen Ron Paul and Senator Jim DeMint, the naive media (WLWT NBC) focused on activist Keith Rouda, see video.Keith Rouda is an advocate for Cap and Trade, socialized medicine (ObamaCare) and he’s a big fan of socialist Paul Krugman.So there you have it, Jack’s friend Keith is putting Kentucky first by supporting socialistic healthcare, socialistic economic policies and a crippling Cap and Tax bill that would kill Kentucky coal.But believe it or not, it gets better!Leftist Keith Rouda sat on the Board of Directors for Kindred Healthcare in 2001-2002. Why is Kindred Healthcare important? They’ve funneled money to Jack Conway’s campaign and this Democratic blogger tells you why.Also Jack Conway’s brother-in-law – Henry Gordinier – who is a former employee of BP and contributor to Barack Obama, just happens to be a Senior Director at Kindred Healthcare.Jack Conway, by pulling political stunts like this, continues to show the voters of Kentucky that career politicians are the problem in American politics!
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Ideas is what makes Ideology - not background

Hello everyone,

I have just become a tea party member. I want to clarify a few things here as a new member.

I am a tea party member

Not because I am white -- I am an Asian Indian

Not because I am Christian -- I am a Hindu

Not because my ancestors travelled on Mayflower -- I am an Immigrant

Not even because I am a registered republican -- Yes, I am, but that is not the point.

I am here because

I believe in most of the ideas Tea Party enlists as their beliefs.

I am patriot of United States of America

I truly believe USA is by far the fairest nation ever manifested on this planet

I want USA to remain the best democracy by keeping its constitution intact

I want Government to be as small as possible

I want FREE enterprise to be guiding principal of the society

I want individual rights for guns for self protection

I want USA to do anything and everything to protect its citizens physically and economically.

Why am I stating seemingly obvious statements? Because, the moment you say they are so obvious, you are missing the point. As we all agree most of these ideas are typically Republican Party ideas. However, I just cannot escape the fact that no matter howmuchever I try I never get a feel that Republican Party is "inclusive" to people who look different. The irony here is that lot of people like me truly believe in these IDEAS which work far better than the failed ideas of the left. I know lots of immigrants like me who truly never even try to go to all white all Christian gatherings of the Republican Party!

I really want TEA PARTY should SOMETHING to fix this problem. Or else eventually right ideas of the RIGHT are going to lose out to the failing ideas of the LEFT. This post may sound blatantly stereotypical or racist, but I am only trying to state genuine problem in Republican Party which can only be fixed by bold new initiatives like TEA party movement.

I think we should make "inclusiveness" as part of the list of principles of Tea party by bold declaration that Tea party believes in common ground in ideas not common physical appearance!

Thank you,

Ven Konuru

Osprey, Florida

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Shifting "Truth" and Political Correctness are

Progressivism's Well-Honed Weapons

note: this test has been updated

How brainwashed are you by rhetoric about the benefits of a much bigger government and the evils of conservativism? Take this SHOCKING test and find out by responding “True” or “False” or “Partially True and False” (T, F or P) to the following 28 statements:

1. “Rednecks” are ultra-conservatives prone to violence.

2. The Nazis were conservatives. Today’s conservatives are like Nazis.

3. Fascists were conservatives; Nazis were Fascists and today’s conservatives are like both.

4. Nazism and Fascism are nothing like socialism or communism.

5. They (Republicans and conservatives) put the car (our economy) into the ditch (deep recession).

6. Woodrow Wilson was one of our greatest presidents, certainly #2, 3, or 4 on the all-time list.

7. Warren G. Harding was among the most corrupt and worst of presidents.

8. Herbert Hoover was a conservative.

9. Herbert Hoover did virtually nothing at all just let the ’29 Crash become the Great Depression.

10. FDR saved the country from the Great Depression.

11. Unemployment checks and food stamps really rev up the economy.

12. Communism is a benign philosophy.

13. Mao was a hero and deserves to be on a T-shirt.

14. Che was a hero and deserves to be on a T-shirt.

15. Global warming is mostly unnatural, man-caused.

16. High carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere created by man cause global warming.

17. Carbon-trading (a.k.a. “Cap and Trade") legislation could diminish and control global warming.

18. Green technology will save the planet and create five million jobs here in America.

19. The $787 Billion Obama stimulus saved us from a depression by creating or saving a lot of jobs.

20. DDT was harmful and had to be banned.

21. Cloward and Who? The left-wing progressives are the most concerned among us about the well-being of poor folk.

22. ACORN benefits poor people.

23. Conservatives vote against welfare laws which benefit poor people, ergo conservatives are racists.

24. The federal government creates jobs quite effectively.

25. A little inflation is good for the economy and creates the prime condition for business to boom.

26. Propaganda was invented by the Nazis.

27. Eugenics was an atrocious Nazi invention.

28. Capitalism exploits the poor.

The Answers:

Every wonder why so many people support anti-American laws and candidates election after election? It’s because the Progressives passing the laws have told the Big lie so often and so effectively that the progressives’ Big Lie is now considered today’s truth. The statements above were some well-known examples of BIG LIES told so often (almost a hundred years in some cases) that now virtually all of the uninformed believe them. Every single one of the 28 statements above is 100% false, here’s the truth about the questions above . . . remember . . . .

Every single one of the 28 statements above is 100% false and yet these statements are widely believed by great numbers of the voting populace. Since conservatives haven’t done what it takes to keep the truth before people all the time, the progressives with out any good ideas at all are winning the battle of ideas, a shameless situation.

The “rednecks” were rifle-toting UNION miners who wore bandanas around their necks to minimize the chance they’d shoot each other in confrontations against management during their labor altercations. The liberals and progressives and labor unions “doctored” the term “rednecks” so now they’re implying that "rednecks" are, and always have been, ultra-extreme violent conservatives and implying that progressivism is by default much more reasonable.

The term “Nazi” is short for “National Socialist Workers Party,” one of about thirty such parties that sprang up in Germany after that country lost World War I. Only two lasted for over a decade: the communists and Nazis. Both were left-wing organizations intent upon socializing German life. Besides the two words “socialist” and “workers” which both communism and Nazism revere, both in practice turn into ruthless totalitarian states. No conservativism involved. The Nazi literature claimed their economic system was “neither capitalism nor communism,” but something far better than either. Business didn’t support Hitler until he’d already come to power.

Fascism was created in Italy when the labor unions became so strong they overthrew the management of the corporations, large and small. Then the corporations took over the government and elected Benito Mussolini as leader. No conservativism there.

Nazism and Fascism are almost identical to communism in their ideals (benefits for the workers, curses for the capitalists that create jobs) and in their typical ends: totalitarianism.

They (Republicans and conservatives) put the car (our economy) into the ditch (deep recession) is President Barack^^ Obama's biggest Big Lie. In a nutshell, here's the truth: George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressive groups deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch. But realizing that particular truth is such a long story and so hard for most of you to believe, here's more info you can examine at your leisure:

Woodrow Wilson, was probably, next to Barack Obama, the progressive president who threatened freedom most. He was a racist who showed the D.W. Griffith film “Birth of a Nation” repeatedly in the White House; ended federal hiring of blacks in Washington, D.C.; put Italian and German citizens into concentration camps during World War I; closed down newspapers that he disagreed with; and sought to manipulate the mind of voters to a degree not seen before in history thus inventing “propaganda.”

Warren G. Harding, who died in office, was one of the most effective and honest presidents ever. He inherited Woodrow Wilson’s “depression” as he came to office in 1921. It’s mostly been lost to history or been known as the “Invisible Depression” because within fifteen months Harding had brought it under control and returned the country to prosperity by cutting taxes 49%; cutting government spending 48%; and paying down the national debt roughly 31%. After his death a scandal associated with one of his cabinet members was dropped into his lap by progressive historians revising the truth; but Harding had no part in the Teapot Dome scandal. Calvin Coolidge, Harding’s vice president, replaced him at Harding’s death and continued the policies of Harding giving the country the most prosperous decade in its history: “The Roaring Twenties.” Herbert Hoover was placed onto Harding’s cabinet as Secretary of Commerce to appease some of Harding’s supporters. Hoover was a “tinkerer” and a progressive. When the Harding administration assumed power, Hoover advised Harding to make several major changes to combat the Wilson depression. But Harding ignored him. When Hoover became president in 1929 he immediately started “fixing” what wasn’t broken and put us into a huge fiscal debacle.

Herbert Hoover’s raising of taxes and dramatic increasing of tariffs ushered in hard times, job losses, Wall Street panic and a recession. He then created more government agencies than ever before seen to try to combat the problem but only made it worse. FDR and his vice president Garner campaigned against Hoover calling him a “socialist” and vowing to cut taxes and cut government spending (like Harding) but when FDR came into office he not only did not cut taxes or spending; and continued most of Hoover’s programs just giving them a different name; but expanded government to levels never before seen.

FDR tried to use government to create jobs and instead turned a little ‘d’ depression into the Great Depression. The Great Depression lasted until the country entered World War II. Whereas Harding eliminated a depression in 15 months, Hoover and Roosevelt extended theirs to 12.5 years.

Nancy Pelosi told us that every dollar spent on food stamps and unemployment checks is worth $1.79 in benefits to the economy and nothing revs up job creation like those two programs. Governments cannot create jobs** or create wealth. Government can only redistribute it. Pelosi can certainly not prove her statement. Yes, it’s very likely that food stamp and welfare money will be spent almost immediately and that’s likely to give apparent benefit. What Pelosi is not pointing out is that the money in the hands of the taxpayers is not diluted by passing through the hands of the IRS and scads of other bureaucrats and paying for all the employees, electricity and buildings and paper involved, etc. but that it goes directly into the economy even faster since it does not need to make a detour to Washington and then another detour to the state jobs offices or state welfare offices.

Communism, or ultra-socialism, is a philosophy particularly appropriate for dictators and totalitarian governments. But freedom is definitely not the only casualty under communism. The people suffer through deprivations and the government tends to kill them by starvation; brutal imprisonment; or more directly. In the 20th Century totalitarian communist regimes in Red China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, etc. etc. killed roughly 122 million of their own people. A new word had to be created to describe this phenomenon: "democide" (regimes killing their own people). Mao killed roughly 60 million in peace time, many by willful starvation by insisting that state programs be continued when obviously they were not working and people were starving to death. The Soviet Union spread its killings out across war and peace. Deliberate starvation of the Ukrainians killed seven million in peace time.

Mao killed 60 million Chinese.

Che was a sadist who reportedly said he lost count somewhere after the 187th prisoner he’d personally killed with his bare hands after he and Fidel Castro came to power.

The term “Global warming” as the environmental extremists use it is a lie. It’s relatively impossible to look at any five hundred year period in recent earth history without finding plenty of evidence of shifting climate. The global warming statisticians conveniently left out the 300 year “Medieval Optimum” (a very warm period in which Greenland and Iceland were relatively ice-free and the Vikings settled there and even discovered North America) when calculating global climate shifts. So the present day is compared almost directly to the so-called “Little Ice Age” which ended around 1850. See the History Channel DVD “Little Ice Age, Big Chill” for more information on that period. Of course while Europe and the rest of the world have covered the falsification of the data by Climate alarmists, the story has never run here in the United States in the mainstream liberal media.

High Carbon Dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere actually make the earth cooler by reflecting heat back into space and by encouraging plant life. Back in 1972 our present “Science Czar” John Holdren wrote a book about how the coming ice age was caused by man’s interferences and pollutants. Time magazine showed a cover with a frozen earth to herald his predictions. Climate alarmism is about putting the federal government in control of more and more of our lives and has zero-basis in fact.

By their own admission, the leaders of the Cap and Trade argument tell us that unless they put us back to about 1903’s technology, the global warming they say exists cannot be reversed. If it were true, mankind creates about 2% of the world’s carbon emissions the rest is natural so man cannot be blamed for the problem anyway. Despite this, President Obama told a San Francisco newspaper that his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry" and “must necessarily drive the cost of electricity sky-high.”

A Spanish study (of the green-tech experiment that took that country from the #1 job producer in the European Union in 1997 to 21% unemployment today) concluded that each green tech job subsidized by the Spanish government cost 2.2 jobs. Translated to American shores that means that President Obama’s promise to create five million green jobs would cost 11 million real jobs in the real economy. Not only that, but the Spanish study showed that once subsidies were removed or the individual programs expired, most green jobs disappeared also. Only about 10% of green jobs proved permanent . . . so only 500,000 of Mr. Obama’s jobs can be expected to be permanent (and the Spanish study showed that the wages were relatively low as well) at a cost of 11 million real permanent jobs in the real economy a 22/1 ratio that created the disaster in Spain (each job cost $677,000 to create). By the way, it reportedly took Edison 10,000 experiments to invent a workable light bulb . . . have you seen any indication that any green tech other than windmills is even close to "shovel-ready" for the whole country's use?

The $787 Billion Obama stimulus made the economy much worse. Jobs “created or saved” is a bogus statistic. You just count the number of jobs in the economy and see if the number rises or falls – that’s the only valid statistic. Much like the Spanish study, governments really fudge when they talk about job creation. For example in one study 34 jobs were created at only about $36,000 each by the Obama stimulus. WOW! However, closer study shows that the people were working in a meat industry for precisely ONE WEEK and each of their jobs got counted as a full-time permanent job???? So how much of the $36,000 was just a political payoff? You’ll never know.

Rachel Carson wrote a book called “Silent Spring” in the early 60’s. No actual science was involved in the creation of the book. Ms. Carson’s claims about the ills of DDT were never actually researched and DDT was taken off the market and eventually banned worldwide by the United Nations. In 1972 malaria deaths around the earth were roughly 42,000. Today more than two million people die from malaria every year not to mention all those who live with the disease for their whole lives. Ms. Carson killed 60 million people by getting a pesticide that can be drunk safely or used for salad dressing banned. Today many African and Asian nations are beginning to ignore the DDT ban.

The progressives would have you believe that only they are tolerant and only they are concerned about the poor. Leaving aside the fact that anyone who doesn’t adopt the “politically-correct” stance progressives approve of is called a “racist,” “stupid,” and “extremist bigot,” what are the facts? Anti-capitalists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (infamous for the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”) joined with militant George Wiley in 1967 to create the NWRO to use the poor as “storm troopers” to assail the Welfare offices of the nation and swell the welfare rolls. Eventually they bankrupted New York City (1975) and came within a whisker of bankrupting New York State (NYC had to be bailed out by the federal government). The long-term result? The welfare moms that the National Welfare Rights Organization spawned totally changed the culture and lifestyle of the urban poor into a world of abject dependency and hopelessness. Single-mother families are now the norm and higher crime, unwed motherhood, school dropoutism, utter lack of upward mobility; and, in one part of the inner-city culture(the Black community) marriage and family is disappearing from the landscape as fatherhood is no longer an honored institution. Everywhere the dominant culture is the culture of “victimization” and hopelessness. Even though Cloward, Piven and Wiley failed to create the guaranteed national income they hoped for, they bragged in public and in print about their great deed in bankrupting NYC. Apparently they really care for the poor.

ACORN like the NWRO uses poor people as storm troopers. In the case of ACORN putting poor people into homes they couldn’t afford was considered a good thing. In the resulting recession, the poor people were the ones who suffered the most.

Conservatives vote against welfare laws which encourage dependency and ultimately trap poor people in poverty forever. Conservatives believe that first completing one’s education and then starting out in low-paying service jobs if necessary is training for the future, not humiliation.

The federal government creates meaningful jobs as effectively as newborns do calculus. By taxing away the resources of the private sector, government kills jobs.

Inflation is the main economic tool of progressives in democracies. It allows them to promise anything and everything (with the bills never coming due) to bribe the electorate into giving them their votes and power. From 1913 when the Federal Reserve Banking System was created to today, the American paper dollar has lost 98% of its buying power. Not only that, but the nation has a $14 TRillion National debt and faces $109 TRillion in unfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; and the federal side of Medicaid services which have been promised to our citizens). This is the cost of voting for progressives who make big promises.

Propaganda was invented by the Woodrow Wilson regime and both Goebbels and Hitler referred gratefully to what they’d learned from the great American founders of this new science.

Eugenics was the subject of many intelligent discussions by the Fabian Socialists of England. Elites like H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw thought it was a necessary part of the necessary and gradual shift toward socialism they espoused. American progressivism is one offspring of the Fabians. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and other American elite believed eugenics was vital. Later the Nazis liked the idea too and put them into action with their gas chambers.

Socialism, not capitalism, exploits the poor. Using legislative handouts to enslave the poor in exchange for their votes, Socialism cuts the standard of living for everyone. The poor in America have it so horribly bad that they’re better off than 94% of the world’s peoples. Instead of bringing everyone down to the level of the poor, capitalism says “a rising tide lifts all boats” so let’s bring greater prosperity to everyone so the poor are elevated well above their present standard of living.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** did you catch the apparent “contradiction” between item #9 and #10? We said the federal government cannot create wealth or jobs in #10 after talking about how World War II finally pulled the country out of the Great Depression. Is there a contradiction? Isn’t the federal government creating jobs (and by extension wealth) when it makes a bigger army or navy? Think about it . . . . If you can’t figure it out Rajjpuut recommends Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson” with particular attention to three short chapters called “The Broken Window,” The Blessings of Destruction” and “Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats.”

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Barack Obama worked over two years as an ACORN lawyer in Chicago brow-beating and shaking-down mortgage lenders to force them to make thousands of knowingly bad loans to people who could never repay their mortgages without first winning the lottery.

^^ We called #4 the biggest of his Big Lies for Barack Obama because he worked more than two years for ACORN as a lawyer browbeating and shaking-down unwilling mortgage lenders to make them comply with CRA legislation and force them to make knowingly unsound loans to people who in many cases could only hope to pay off their mortgages by winning the lottery or holding up a bank.

** Did you catch the apparent “contradiction” between item #9 and #10? We said the federal government cannot create wealth or jobs in #10 after talking about how World War II finally pulled the country out of the Great Depression. Is there a contradiction? Isn’t the federal government creating jobs (and by extension wealth) when it makes a bigger army or navy? Think about it . . . . If you can’t figure it out Rajjpuut recommends Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson” with particular attention to the short chapters called “The Broken Window,” The Blessings of Destruction” and “Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats.”

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Beware the rabid dog. Liberals are licking their wounds, and in recent rallies, Obama has sounded desperate, fatigued, and completely out of sorts. In a recent statement, he was at his race-baiting best and played the Rosa Parks card. Claiming that he had pulled America out of the ditch the Republicans had made, he said:

"We can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."


Another Boxer Slur on the Way? Can she do better than "The Back of the Bus?"

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New Rules for Congress

1. Term Limits. 12 years only, one of the possible options below..

A. Two Six-year Senate terms
B. Six Two-year House terms
C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security..

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, disregard and stop bitching.

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I agree!! I get so mad when watching CNN. There was a young lady on there Monday night stating she wanted to do away with "ENTITLEMENTS"!! Does she not realize there are many people who never worked in their lives. The where homemakers, people are born with disabilities. I worked hard for years and I expect to get a social security check !! I don't want my money in the stock market. That's not guaranteeing me any money for retirement. Stop the people in Washington from giving themselves raises!! IF YOU ARE IN PUBLIC OFFICE WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE AND DO A GREAT JOB THE PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE YOU A RAISE !!
So if you take away entitlements you will have more people getting robbed or killed because they have no money!! Leave Medicare and Social Security alone !! Give people a cost of living raise every year. The prices of food and utilities still go up and most people ( making under $50,000.00 a year) are living paycheck to paycheck.

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ky senate race

it's being report there was an incident last night at the debate in lexington, i personally believe it was staged because conway is desperate specially since the courier journal is reporting that conway tipped off his brother about a drug raid. he hasn't got anything to run on and his attack adds ,i don't think are working, so right now he will try anything.

please folks if this incident wasn't staged and that person claiming to be from was stomped , the only thing we Rand Paul supporters are doing is playing right into conway and the dems. hand

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Make no mistake, this is not 1948 (when polling was in its infancy). Polling today is pretty damn scientific and sophisticated. A “Wave” or “Near-Wave” election has been prognosticated . . . if somehow, the Democrats come out smelling like a rose, than there are only three possibilities:

A. ACORN inspired voter fraud based upon Bill Clinton’s “Motor Vote Act” (the signing of which was attended by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in an infamous picture^^ all over the internet . . . the same Cloward and Piven who deliberately bankrupted New York City in 1975 by overloading the welfare system who then called two years before ACORN’s birth for their followers to move into voter registration and the mortgage industry).

B. That huge swaths of the public believed Barack Obama’s big lie . . .

“The Republicans put the car in the ditch and now that we’ve done all the work to almost get it out, here they are asking for the keys. Well, they can ride along in the back, but we’re not giving them back the keys.”

C. Or both A and B above.

The matter of voter fraud via ACORN is another matter altogether, but Barack Obama has used constant repetition (a key propaganda element) of the “Big Lie” (the most notorious of all the propaganda elements) at least a hundred times in the telling of that “car in the ditch story,” why won’t anyone tell the truth?

George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressive groups deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Could that be true? You ask . . . .

“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.”

The Shocking Truth that Sets the Country Free

Those of you who've heard a little bit of mythology have almost surely run into Cassandra. She was the daughter of King Priam of Troy and sister of Hector and Paris. Supposedly she slept overnight in the Temple of Apollo and the snakes therein licked her ears so clean she could "hear the future." Because her clairvoyance might quite likely interfere with destiny, Apollo cursed her with being unbelieved. For example, she foresaw the defeat of Troy, her brother Hector's body being brought back within Troy's Walls and also warned of the dangers of the Trojan Horse . . . but, of course, no one would believe her ever, about anything. Ouch!!!

Rajjpuut is beginning to know exactly how that unlucky lady felt. In November of 2003, James Stack of started running a chart that he would continue to run for an unheard of length of time -- almost five full years. The gist of the chart (Housing Industry Bubble) was that not only were housing prices artificially high, but that mortgage industry stocks and virtually all stocks associated with housing in any way (construction, home improvement, insulation, insurance, etc.) were in a huge bubble (1400% of their 1995 values) which was sure to collapse AND that something called the "sub-prime lending crisis" as well as derivative investments based upon that crisis were threatening to undermine the very foundation of our nation's economy. The story involved in creating that crisis covers over 44 years and is NOT, like Cassandra's tales from the future . . . but rather from the past and all easily verifiable, yet like Cassandra . . . Rajjpuut finds no audience that listens . . . .

In seeking to understand that situation, Rajjpuut uncovered all these truths and he began writing about them to each and any and every ear he could find roughly seven years ago. It's all true, all verifiable and it amounts to tying together two of the greatest acts of treason in America's history with each other and the two most corrupt presidents in our history, our two ACORN presidents, with each other and with the "Founding Destroyers" of our country, Saul Alinsky and his two greatest disciples: Richard Cloward and Frances Piven . . . .

It’s well known and documentable that . . . the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days . . . and only when they actually failed or some shenanigans were discovered would the government step in in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that. Be prepared to be shocked . . . because Bill Clinton made a big deal about his "legacy" during his last term and the evidence shown below is that the Clinton Legacy actually is "The Great ACORN-Progressive Betrayal of America" . . . read on, and Rajjpuut will prove it to you . . . .

It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a real political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .

Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas seven years earlier. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.

It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) and by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. What happened exactly? In the late-sixties, founder George Wiley forged an army of tens of thousands of single minority mothers, whom he sent out to disrupt welfare offices through sit-ins and demonstrations demanding an end to the “oppressive” eligibility restrictions that kept down the welfare rolls. His aim: to flood the welfare system with so many clients that it would burst, creating a crisis that, he believed, would force a radical restructuring of America’s unjust capitalist economy.

The flooding of the welfare rolls succeeded beyond Wiley’s wildest dreams. From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared so that by the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city’s private economy. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ That great accomplishment? Instead of igniting a restructuring of American capitalism and a GNI, this explosion of the welfare rolls only helped to create a culture of family disintegration and dependency in inner-city neighborhoods, with rampant illegitimacy, crime, school failure, drug abuse, non-work, and poverty among a fast-growing underclass. Wiley, Cloward and Piven told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas they needed to probe. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known most of all for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .

So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .

However, because of huge success in registering Democrats, ACORN was quickly expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. After that, things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies.

Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs** by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on poor inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”

Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.

With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.

In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.

President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.

All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine. It was working so fine that it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.

You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?

George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . and remember that George W. Bush was only barely successful in his efforts to fight the evils of CRA laws . . . so that today 90% of the same laws (and 75% of the Clinton steroid-version expansion of 1998) that contributed to the fiasco and empowered ACORN are still on the books waiting to do us in once more. Every bit as dangerous as the new welfare laws threatening to overload the food stamp program; as dangerous as Obamacare; and as dangerous as progressivism itself are the CRA laws still@@ on the books . . . .

You've read it all, you have it in your power to fact-check every item of the story . . . this is a story all America needs to know, don't you agree?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** Let's spread the blame around deservedly: George H.W. Bush succeeded with 44 out of 45 vetos and presumably would have succeeded in mid 1992 also with a large, complicated, many-faceted bill pushed through mostly by progressive Democrats. He should have vetoed it because one tiny part of it passed CRA '77 legislation into the realm of Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae the two federally-backed mortgage-guaranteers. The bill was still unwieldy and had no teeth but it was potentially a monster-disaster in the waiting . . . this was the law with which Bill Clinton began the mammoth attack on the mortgage loan industry; the law that made ACORN infamous.

@@ As we approach the coming election, Barney Frank and Charles Schumer are planning to introduce “Universal Voter Registration” during the lame duck session. Basically any list of names anywhere in a state can be used to register all voters with NO actual identification or verification required . . . ACORN’s and Clinton’s Motor Voter Act would then be turbo-charged.

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"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state? You'retelling me that's in the First Amendment?" — Christine O'Donnell

Answer: Yes, Christine. The First Amendment of theConstitution begins: "Congress shall make no law respecting anestablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
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Just Joined, But Been With You All Along!

I am so happy to actually join this wonderful organization. The "Tea Party" is the best thing that has happened for those of us who still believe in our country, and the Constitution. I have never in all my years seen what has been going on in Washington and around the world.

My husband and I have been following you from the beginning. It's great to know that so many of us care and feel the same way about what has been going on in our country.

I look forward to being a part of this Great American Organization. Let's get out and vote and really "change" things the right way! Go Tea Party!


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Liberals and Decadence

Liberalism and decadence have taken root in the U.S. - Conservative and religious values are bashed by spineless elected liberal DemocRat officials and repeated by their Pinko Media. Muslims look in disgust at the cancer growing within the U.S. - Osama Bin Laden and other radicals point to the sickness when recruiting for their violence. Gay liberals refuse to discuss that their homosexuality is punished by death under Islamic Law. Adultery may also get you a death penalty. Abortions are considered murder. As more Muslims move into the U.S. they refuse to mix with the liberal aspects of the society. Relieve the sick pressure. VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT
More at

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