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LaRouche Denounced Media Fraud Following Arizona Shootings: BERWICK, BLAIR, OBAMA AND HITLER
January 10th, 2011 • 6:41pm •


LaRouche Denounced Media Fraud Following Arizona Shootings:


-Lyndon LaRouche today denounced what he called a "widespread fraud, perpetrated by much of the press," attempting to blame former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, among others, for creating the "climate of hate" that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona. Within hours of the Saturday morning shooting spree by 22-year old Jared Loughner, at a campaign appearance by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), a media propaganda barrage, led by the New York Times, the London Guardian, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, and others, targeted Palin and other critics of the Obama Administration's Nazi-modeled so-called health care reform bill, as politically and morally responsible for the shootings.

"The mere idea that critics of Obama's Nazi-modeled euthanasia policy should be held accountable for this crime is, in itelf, criminal. The basic facts, known to anyone who cares to look," LaRouche explained, "are that President Obama imposed a so-called health care reform, manufactured in Britain by Sir Donald Berwick and then-Prime Minister Tony Blair, that was modeled, precisely, on Adolph Hitler's 1939 T-4 program for euthanasia and genocide against targeted segments of the German population, who were deemed 'lives no longer worth living' by the Nazis. The doctors and other Nazi officials who were the authors and executors of the T-4 program, beginning in September-October 1939, were later tried, convicted, and hung at Nuremburg, for crimes against humanity."

LaRouche continued. "How can anyone be criticized for opposing outright crimes against humanity, modeled on Hitler's own T-4 program? This is the media fraud to which I am referring. The New York Times, the Fabian Society's London Guardian, and others, propose that it is a crime to attack those perpetrating a revival of the very Nuremburg crimes that led the Nazi Doctors to the gallows after World War II. This is the mentality inside the U.S. government today, including inside the U.S. Congress. They show a zeal to commit the crimes of Hitler, because it is so important to save money for the continued bailout of London and Wall Street, that people must die, needlessly. There are some elements of the corrupt U.S. and British media who say that those condemning Hitler-style genocide are annoying them.

"I do not know the circumstances of Rep. Giffords' voting in favor of the T-4 Obamacare bill. I do know that Congressional Democrats came under massive pressure from the White House, and from President Obama, personally, to pass this euthanasia bill. The President was fully witting in this revival of Nazi policies, transmitted through Britain, where Tony Blair's N.I.C.E. (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) first revived the T-4 program through the National Health Service. Donald Berwick, President Obama's current chief health care policy advisor, as chairman of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was an architect of the Blair revival of Hitlerian euthanasia in Britain, and he is now working with President Obama to impose the identical policies here in the United States—targeting the elderly, the chronically ill, and other of the most vulnerable among us."

- Palin in the Cross-Hairs -

LaRouche noted the speed with which Sarah Palin was targeted by the liberal press, ostensibly for posting a list of 20 incumbent Members of Congress who backed the Obamacare, and were therefore targeted for defeat in the November 2010 elections. During the fight over the Obama health care bill, Palin had rightly denounced the bill for promoting "death panels" that would deny care to the elderly and to those with life threatening conditions, on the grounds that care would be "too costly." Indeed, the final bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama, created an Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB), delegated with precisely those "death panel" powers. The backlash against the "death panels" did, however, force the President to remove section 1233 of the draft bill, that would have established government-financed "end of life counselling" for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.

When President Obama's CMA chief, Sir Donald Berwick, attempted to reinstate section 1233 through regulatory means, a public backlash threatened repeal of the entire Obamacare bill. The President backed down from the provisions that would have created financial incentives for doctors to curtail end of life care, and would have eliminated whole categories of life-saving treatements for patients with terminal conditions. Berwick was made an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, by Queen Elizabeth II, for his work on Britain's own T-4 program, N.I.C.E.

LaRouche concluded: "I am struck by the speed with which the usual corrupt media outlets here and in Britain launched their coordinated campaign against Palin and other critics of President Obama's Nazi-modeled policies. It is as if they were waiting for precisely such a heinous incident to occur, to attack those criticizing the attempted revival of Hitlerian euthanasia. I wish I could say that I am shocked at this disgusting behavior, but I am not. The J.P. Morgan-backed New York Times and the Fabian Society-linked Guardian have a long track record of support for such outright genocidal policies. The Guardian was the chief booster of Tony Blair, when he was Prime Minister, and pushed through his N.I.C.E. program of premeditated targeted denial of life-saving medical care, for purely austerity reasons. These were Nuremburg crimes between 1939 and 1945, and they are still Nuremburg crimes today."

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“Left-wing Lies Tie Slain Judge to 'Hateful Radio Talk Shows'”  


Slain Judge Roll (Target of Death Threats

for Sensible Immigration Rulings)

Personally Applauded by Talk Radio


            The word “assassin” is a derivative of the word “hashish” due to the fact that the original Arabian “assassins” did their work influenced by an ultra-THC-laden drug which steadied their nerves.   “Leftist pot smoker” Jared Loughner (who killed Federal Judge John M. Roll, a nine-year old girl and four other innocent victims; and wounded a U.S. Representative and thirteen other unlucky standers-by) according to the latest left-wing propaganda would have shot Judge Roll on purpose rather than incidentally because hate-filled right-wing talk show hosts were harassing him . . . WOW! That may be the LIE OF THE YEAR. Here’s the background and the truth . . . .

            There seems only mild doubt that the deranged Tucson, AZ, shooter Loughner’s intended assassination target was Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, a popular Democrat elected three times to the United States House of Representatives. It was after all Giffords who was conducting her “Congress on the Corner” event and Giffords he shot at point-blank range and presumably whom he shot first (the details are still not clear). Nevertheless, Loughner’s surprise harvest was the killing of federal judge John M. Roll, a conservative who has long been the target of death threats particularly for his immigration rulings over the years. John M. Roll, the chief federal judge in Arizona who was killed in the attack near Tucson, was described as “a tireless advocate for his district and no stranger to the risks of public service;” risks which included numerous death threats. The most famous of Roll’s decisions has angered many sympathetic to the “rights” of illegal immigrants.

            In this highly publicized appeals trial, Roll (the presiding judge in the Ninth District Court of Appeals) found himself twice in an unusual illegal immigrant case wherein sixteen illegal immigrants were suing an Arizona rancher, Roger Barnett -- a Clint Eastwood wannabe -- who apparently had rounded up at least 12,000 illegals on his land since 1998 and turned them over to the U.S. Border Patrol. Barnett’s Cross Rail Ranch lies upon a major corridor for illegal crossings and Barnett has a very large dog and a very large gun. In the case in question, Barnett accosted eleven men and five women on his land in 2009 . . . .

            The resulting suit from the trespassers was frivolous to say the least. The illegals wanted $32 million from Barnett for “violating their civil rights.” In his first contact with the case Judge Roll ruled in favor of the illegals’ lawyers who wanted the case to be tried before an American jury rather than handled administratively by the Border Patrol. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) which represented the illegal border-crossers aimed to make an example of Barnett for his “citizens' arrest tactics” which they said was dangerous and clearly stomped upon the illegals’ rights. After the jury trial was lost, the MALDEF lawyers appealed the case. 

            Again, Judge Roll found himself adjudicating “Barnett vs. the Illegal 16.” Judge Roll's decision against the illegals explained that “illegal aliens have no constitutionally protected right to travel in the U.S. and that people, like the Barnetts, who live in close proximity to the border can make a reasonable assumption that large groups of people they encounter hiding or trespassing on their land are doing so with the aid of smugglers, a federal felony for which private action is authorized under Arizona citizens' arrest and criminal trespass law."  Thus the Barnetts who were represented by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) won the case which is then tried to appeal to a higher court. IRLI lawyers easily dismantled the MALDEF argument that the sixteen illegal immigrant plaintiffs were detained by Barnett only because of their ethnicity, in this case all sixteen were Hispanics. 

A notable side-effect of the case was the revelation that the Mexican government was using these impoverished illegals to further its agenda which acknowledges that $50 billion a year in that country’s income arrives courtesy of illegal aliens sending money orders home to Mexico.  Since on the one hand Mexican authorities are fighting a to the death battle against drug cartels and people-traffickers headed north and American guns headed south . . . conflicted interest is clearly on display here . . . .

Judge Roll who under ordinary times might have rejected the MALDEF maneuvering right from the git-go by allowing the Border Patrol to continue with normal administrative functions . . . erred on the side of political correctness and put himself literally inside the crosshairs. Four death threats were received by Roll from Hispanics upset by the case and he was advised by Federal Marshall David Gonzalez not to file charges against the men who’d threatened him.   Jared Loughner, of course, enters the situation here . . . .

Loughner’s listed his two favorite books as the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf and posted a very strange internet video depicting a wandering illegal alien Arab burning the flag. On top of all this, it’s believed that Loughner is the Daily Kos blogger “BoyBlue” who wrote two days before the shooting that “Rep. Giffords “was dead to me.” If so here’s what we know about BoyBlue: 

1.       He’s an online supporter of gay activism . . . .

2.     He purportedly helped raise money for Giffords’ re-election.

3.     He felt betrayed by Giffords’ vote against Nancy Pelosi (ex-Speaker of the House) for Minority Leader following the 2010 elections which turned the House to Republican control. Most of us have seen the weird video of Pelosi hugging and kissing John Boehner. The vote was meaningless; Pelosi won the Minority Leader post easily.

4.    Online it went down like this . . . BoyBlue’s original posting, dated Jan. 6, 2011, "My Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords voted against Pelosi and is now dead to me" was scrubbed hours after the massacre on January 8, then reposted when someone at the Daily Kos, impersonating "BoyBlue" made an apology. Obviously trying to keep the Daily Kos from being the supportive element of the vitriolic element that led to the tragedy . . . which made it easier to blame “the TEA Party and other hate-groups and their violent rhetoric” and made it easier to cover-up BoyBlue being Loughner, IF, indeed that is the case.

5.     Loughner as BoyBlue says he raised $100,000 for Giffords.  This needs to be verified. This seems highly dubious; Loughner doesn’t appear to have had the organization skills for any long-term commitment such as this.

6.     Undeniable, however, is that Loughner had been a frequent visitor at Giffords’ Congress on the Corner events over the last three and a half years. “Stalking” may be too strong a word, 

 but from a creepy fellow like this:  support and affection can be a dangerous thing.

7.     IF Loughner is the BoyBlue blogger, then the Jan. 6, posting sounds very much like the words of a jilted or scorned “lover.” Perhaps we’ll find out more since the FBI is involved and Pima Sheriff Clarence Dupnik doesn’t have the final say in the investigation . . . .

You've seen left-wing statements (shall we call them "lies?") that tie Judge Roll's death threats to "hateful right-wing" talk shows and the Giffords' assassination attempt to "conservative politics as usual" . . . how impressed are you now with these arguments?   As Paul Harvey loved to say, “Now you know the rest of the story,” well at least part of it.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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OK, Illinois just raised there taxes 66% in the middle of the night, because they have a $15 billion deficit. Why is it that our national government can’t see the obvious? We have 50 states in our union. Of those 50 states we have 50 separate economies. They range from farming to manufacturing, tourism to technology and some are carrying a surplus and some have a deficit. Why can’t our national government look at the top 10 states and what they’re doing well and see why they are doing so well?
Come on, we have 50 economic experiments going on in the United States of America, some have worked and others have failed. Just like in business take the Research and Development experiments that have worked and go make some money. The ones that failed, they stop spending money on and move forward to the next idea.
Am I missing something here?

G. Kent
Looking for support to run for Office in Michigan.


Illinois 66% tax increase

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The Purpose of Income Tax

Before you read this, please read, under “Congressional Ignorance and Self-Importance,” at the bottom of the comments, Charlie Reese’s offering on tax. Charlie was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel.


I made it my business to study the law on federal income tax for a purpose: to force the makers and keepers of the income tax to eat crow. Mission accomplished.


Biologist Julian Huxley, in his essay The Future of Man, asserted: “Man’s exploration and control of external nature has outdone his exploration and control of his own nature.” Exactly!  We learn that in the Picean’s nature, although Pisceans want desperately to do the right thing, they do not have strong will power. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.  


We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius.  We learn that Aquarians are strong willed.  They dislike hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. They are not dependent on their environments for their security.


I happen to be blessed with the Aquarian nature. I made the makers and keepers of the income tax eat crow.  Nobody jumped for joy.  The purpose of the income tax is to make your lives secure.  The majority voted for this.  Otherwise, we would not be paying tax on our incomes.


Something went awry. Please give me some feedback.


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Republican Turncoats



  Once again Peter King shows his true colors. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of infringed don't these mulletheads  understand. They violate their oath of office for trying to pass bills they swore an oath to, impeach em. They did read the Constitution yet they didn't learn anything. Any Cong/Sen that has been in there for over 2 terms should be bounced out. These folks are heavily invested into wall street, all they want to do is  protect their investment, not yours so they pass bills the banks present to them. Vote em out audit the fed and jail the bankers. A victory against the fed has come where they have to turn over internal docs about gold manipulation, also the maryland decision to hold banks acountable for the forclosure debackle. The banks are  gonna fight back against this so keep a watchful eye. I am tired of these mulletheads bought and paid for by special interests, and now the tea party has been infiltrated by the repubs to bring u all back into the fold. Theydon't want a 3rd party they can't control u otherwise.  Remember when folks booed rick perry offstage and other neo-cons well now he is governor again? How does this happen, think about it. Glen Beck had deborah Medina on his radio show, first question out of his mouth was are you a 9/11 truther, submarined madenahs chance for gov and perry got it, thanks, glen be careful of glen beck.


keep a watchful eye,


disabled vet

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A Divided America

I see that Congressman Peter King is going to propose gun control legislation forbidding weapons within 1,000 feet of federal officials at public events. Great, except that weapons can be hidden. His is no solution.


Never let a crisis go to waste. While media attention is concentrated on Jared Lounghner, let us focus our attention on the division, which surely is a factor. Both the left and right are in a defensive posture.


Why the division? Like the smell of an approaching storm, we sense a reordering on the way. It is scary. Instead of using the crises to push either the right’s or the left’s cause,  I’m pushing harmony—stop the cacophony and start working on a rational solution. Instead of getting nowhere dealing with the symptoms, why not deal with the actual cause of the problem: corruption.


Be a revolutionary. Push for anarchy; that is, the form I found in my Webster’s College Dictionary—the theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association or individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society. Sounds to me a lot like the political ideal of the members of the original Tea Party.   


The odds are that in the end America will go bankrupt. There is not demonstrated the will to get spending under control. Be prepared for bankruptcy and a new beginning. Looking at history, when Germany went bankrupt the answer was Hitler.  The other option is the ordered liberty with which America began.


On July 4, 1776, the day America was born, on earth as it is in heaven; America was born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer. Coincidental with the message Jesus left the world, Aquarius is an age when we the people will form a brotherhood.


Looking back at my past to the time I was forced to make a drastic change, on Good Friday, 1975 (not by intent, mind you) I departed my old life. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. Looking back, I believe this was a significant sign of the future. I happen to be Aquarius rising.


Thinking about this the other day, I wrote in Google search, as I often do when I’m looking for information, “Aquarius rising.” I came up with Café Astrology and the Karmic Past.  I recalled reading in Astrologer’s Handbook under “Saturn trine Pluto” that this trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, and that often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which I must fulfill.


I paid the $5.95 Café Astrology requested for the Karmic Past Life Report on me. Of particular interest, “Capricorn, 12th House, Aquarius Rising: You have a great sense of contributing to the betterment of humankind. You are seen as being creative and an innovator. Over-reaction to the restrictions in your prior life could make you appear too avant-garde or rebellious to the outside world.”


Under “Saturn trine Pluto: You have considerable will-power and inner strength, having endured many hardships in prior lifetimes. This time, you tend to view your life with great seriousness, knowing that hard work and self-sacrifice will bring success. You are capable of long hours of solitary work, feeling most comfortable when solving puzzles or problems. Sometimes, you will hold on to a lost cause because you are not comfortable with change. You learn best through example and your challenge in this life is to become more flexible by accepting the experiences as part of the growth process.”


Shortly after I cut from the herd in 1975, by chance, I met an astrologer and had him create my astrological chart.  I didn’t take a lot of stock in it.  In the spring of 2001, being retired and nothing better to do with my time, I decided to write my memoirs. The events of my life began connecting to make a picture.  The same as when I began writing my memoirs, every morning first thing I write down my thoughts and later type them in my word processor, so I can easily move sentences and paragraphs around to make connections.  Strangely, my astrology is fitting in with the picture I’ve seen of myself from writing my memoirs.


Putting myself in Jared Loughner’s place, in 1973, I wrote the Attorney General of the United States a letter stating that the income tax was unconstitutional and that I’d see him in court. That was a weird thing to do, something Loughner might have done. At the time, I was experiencing my business enterprise of 25 years go on the rocks and my second wife divorcing me.  I was having terrifying nightmares and waking up in cold sweats.  Anyone might have done weird things.  


The Attorney General forwarded my letter to the IRS.  The IRS decided to teach me a lesson. It refused to refund the claim I made for business losses, and it conspired with my wife to cheat me. On the IRS’ advice, she filed a separate return without my knowledge. The IRS charged me with the full tax and called me in to advise that the IRS was going to take my possessions if I didn’t pay the tax, penalty and interest.  At the time, I was working on a minimum paying job and could not pay my rent.  I imagined myself with a machinegun walking into the IRS office and opening fire, but I didn’t flip. I filed file a petition to the tax court.


Instead of machine-gunning the IRS, shaving my head, and posing for a picture looking like a monster, for the following eleven years, while the IRS continued to lawlessly take my property, while I filed lawsuits, while the courts allowed the IRS to make limitless “errors,” thus building a binding case of federal banditry, I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. The IRS, to the whole world, ate crow.


I could have easily flipped. The reason I didn’t, the world doesn’t know, was that I felt the power that was in me. Perhaps the reason the IRS didn’t turn me into a monster was my past lives. Just a thought. Astrology says I’m way out there. Maybe we’ll some day see what Jesus taught: in earth as it is in heaven.





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Congressional Ignorance and self Importance

If our legislators would look at the laws they supposedly read prior to passing, they will see that there are numerous laws about gun control pertaining to events where Congressional Representatives are attending.If the Congressmen and Women believe that their security is more precious than the constituent they are suppose to represent maybe the should step aside and hide in some safe room. We vote continuously to place personnel in Government roles and will vote for someone to take their place if they are to concerned about their individual safety ,especially if they believe that their person is more valuable than the person who elected them. They all can be replaced with someone who is not afraid of holding a Public Office.

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The Left and the Slave plantation

We all know that many African slaves were forced to work on slave plantations when they were brought over from Africa. The slaves had to do what their masters said. The slaves were deprived of the right to read and write. Their lives became reduced to serving their slave masters.

Well, the new slave masters today for black people and other minorities are known as the left. The slave masters include the Democrat Party, which has a horrible history when it comes to racism.

The left  loves to use the race card in order to  silence and defame Conservatives, Republicans and the Tea Party movement. The left will use anything to control the dialogue, as seen from the Arizona shooter. KalaGenesis, the black racist nut, on his show, stated that he said that the shooter was me when he heard that the shooter was 22 years old. Never mind the fact that Mein Kompf and The Communist Manifesto are among the shooter's favorite books. That shooter was a leftist. The fact is that I'm anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi and am a right-wing Jewish nationalist. How can a shooter with Mein Kompf and the Communist Manifesto being his two favorite books be me? I mean honestly. But this goes to show how these leftist political moron cheesebrains have no shame. The point is that the left is willing to use anything to control the dialogue. Conservatives need to stop only being in the defensive and need to be on both the defensive and the offensive. Conservatives need to bring up more facts like when it comes to the Democrat party's racist history.

The Democrats were founded as the most pro-slavery party in America. They were all in favor of keeping the institution of slavery alive. The Republicans were founded as a radical abolitionist party, which sought to end slavery once and for all. The Founding Fathers, while they did not like slavery one bit, believed that it was too powerful an institution to do away with all at once and wanted to set up obstacles to do away with it slowly.  However, the Democrats were all in favor of slavery. It was Republicans, who freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation Act. After the slaves won their freedom [of course even prior to the Civil War, there were still some free black people], the Democrat Party decided to institute Jim Crow and Segregation. It was primarily the Democrat Party, which discriminated against black people. And it was Republicans, who gave black people civil rights and equality. The truth is that Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson were Conservative Republicans. According to Fredrick Douglas, the Republican Party is "the sheet anchor of the colored man's political hopes and the ark of his safety". Democrats founded the KKK, which operated as the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party.

Leftists including Democrats would counter these facts with the false claim that the Republicans were the Democrats in those days and the Democrats were the Republicans. These leftists including Democrats would say that there was a "transition". There was no transition. Democrats then are Democrats today. Republicans then are Republicans today. This claim is just there to hide the shameful and abhorrent racist history of the Democrat Party.

But these shameless leftists including radical Democrats would then cite the existence of the racist Dixiecrats. However, the Dixiecrats remained Democrats. And the racists vowed never to join the Republican Party, which they saw as the party of black people. And Woodrow Wilson, who was a Democrat, was a big Government Socialist, not a Conservative. And he hated the US constitution. Yet he also favored segregation and Jim Crow. He segregated the army and the Post office. He made it where if you were to apply for a job at the Post office, you would have to show a picture of yourself so everyone would know whether you're black or white. Yet leftists idolize him even today. So there was no transition. Time for the Democrat Party to accept the fact that they have a racist history and just shut the heck up.

The truth is that it's just that leftists including Democrats learned to exploit minorities for their own purpose. So these leftist cheesebrains including the radical Socialist Democrats destroyed minority communities with their Socialist and Marxist policies and told the minorities to blame whitey for all their problems. The left including the Democrat Party told these minorities that evil whitey is there to victimize them wherever they are and that America is an evil racist nation that victimizes them. So these leftists including the Democrats told these minorities that they're fighting for their "equality" and to come join the left-wing Socialist and Marxist crusade. And what do we have? Voting blocs from minority communities, which the Socialist and Marxist Democrat Plantation Party take for granted. All the while the left including Democrats promote Planned Parenthood, which is soo crazy about abortions that it even carries out infanticides. That's right. Planned Parenthood is caught on tape admitting that if a baby survives abortions in their institutions, then that baby would be left to die. And their friend Barack Obama, who is now destroying America with his radical Marxist-style Socialist policies, opposed the born alive infant protection act, which would've protected babies, who survived late term abortions. Guess what? 78% of Planned Parenthood facilities are in minority communities. And the bulk of the babies aborted are black. But guess what else? Planned Parenthood was caught on tape essentially saying that they're willing to enthusiastically go along with a racist plan to reduce the black population through abortion. And Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, who the organization continues to praise and defend and who is also idolized by leftists even today, called for the extermination of black people. She said,"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated". She was a Marxist. And the Planned Parenthood website called her "one of the movement's great heroes. Sanger's early efforts remain the hallmark of Planned Parenthood's mission". Yet Obama formed close ties with Planned Parenthood.

The left including Democrats take minorities for granted. They take Jews for granted even while they continue to condemn Israel when she sneezes and cuddle up with the Islamo-Fascists, who are not only anti-Semitic, but also against anything non-Muslim and against the very principle of freedom and democracy. And with Black people and Hispanics, we see that the left including the Democrat Party continues to destroy their communities with their Socialist and Marxist policies. When these minorities vote for Democrats, they're essentially voting for their slave masters.

Conservative minorities get demonized as self-haters and as sell-outs. That's especially if they're Black Conservatives. And these pathetic leftist cheesebrains use racial slurs against and make racist portrayals of Black Conservatives and Black Tea Party activists. Deneen Borelli, a black Conservative and Tea Party activist, stated that she was called the n world and worse by these pathetic leftist cheesebrains [the pathetic leftist cheesbrains part are my words]. A leftist, who goes by the name of James Opiko, titles his post as "Black Tea-Bagging: ‘Nigger’ Deneen Borelli Please!".

Uhh, did I just find the n word in the title? I thought that these "holier than thou" leftists were anti-racist. But apparently, these leftists are just soo pathetic that they have to resort to racist slurs and racist portrayals. You see. This is how the leftist hypocrisy works. When Conservatives and the Tea party start criticizing Obama, they get smeared as racist. When Conservatives and the Tea party start to speak, they get smeared as racists. Yet when it comes to Black Conservatives, the ends justify the means for the left. That means that it's okay for these leftists to use the n word, engage in other racial slurs and make racist portrayals. That is because these leftist cheesebrains are hypocrites. As I've been saying on Blog Talk Radio, the summary of the Democrat party's history is essentially from it being the Klansman party all the way to the Socialist Plantation Party.

The Leftist agenda is hypocritical. These leftists and Democrats are essentially slave masters of many of these minorities. That is why the left's agenda itself is a slave plantation. The Democrat party is the Socialist Plantation Party.


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A God for Tomorrow

My oldest daughter was schizophrenic.  It seemed that she hated being born. She screamed and cried constantly. She was a hyperactive child. During her senior year in high school, she said she was demon possessed, and had visions of a former life when she was a miserably poor Englishman. She was incredibly accurate in looking into the past lives of people she didn’t know.  When she was forty-five, Sharon was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Sharon was a sweet girl and accepted her fate.  When she passed on at age 53, Sharon was a vegetable.  No one could help Sharon in her unbelievably sad life. 


If we knew what causes people to do the terrible, senseless things they sometimes do, we wouldn’t be grieving today over what Jared Lounghner did. The authorities say Lounghner is the typically troubled loner. The nation is as badly divided as it was during the Civil War. We are all angry but Jared Lounghner was one of a kind.  Maybe there is a reason we don’t know for this tragedy, and maybe we should start looking for the answer in ways we have not.


Café and our Karmic Past


My most important past life experience: “Capricorn 12th House, Aquarius Rising”—I have a great sense of continuing to the betterment of humankind. I’m seen as being creative and an innovator. Over-reaction to the restrictions of my past life could make me appear too avant-garde or rebellious to the outside world. I am into the betterment of humankind. I am rebellious and more into the future than most. You can read all of this in my blogs.


Café Astrology:The source of many of our self-imposed restrictions are in the placement of Saturn. Saturn’s lessons require hard work and self-discipline.  When a lesson from a past life is not learned, I can experience inexplicable guilt or self-restriction on the negative side. That has a familiar ring—God looking down on me and frowning. I was a bad boy. I thought a lot of the time about having sex. I was told if I even thought about it, I was a sinner.  I could not stop thinking about it so I figured I was going to hell anyway. I’m too analytical to be held in place by doctrines and dogmas that don’t make sense. I had sex and quit worrying about it.  Once I found the right woman, I was faithful to her. 


In my chart, as luck would have it, Saturn is Sextile Mercury. I have mental discipline that was handed down from past lives.


Café Astrology: I bring into this life certain talents and interests that help expand my horizons. Jupiter tells the astrologer of my karmic gifts, that which I brought with me from past lives.  With Jupiter in Capricorn my traditional values from past lives is expressed as honesty and fair play.


Saturn trine Pluto, according to Café Astrology, means that having endured many hardships in prior lifetimes, this trine gives me considerable will-power. Astrologer’s Handbook goes on to say that if my chart generally points to the occult, which it does, I would slowly work to make changes in my life and other lives. I could be here with a peculiar karmic mission.  


Planets in retrograde hide or reverse true energy. With Uranus retrograde in my astrological chart, I might appear conventional, but inwardly I’m quite unique. My ideas can be so far in the future that I appear eccentric.


All in all, you could say, my past lives have led me to making my dreams come true, but what if I were the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper? What if Jared Lounghner is the reincarnation of Mao. This brings me to say, with the Westboro Baptist Church claiming “God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America,” and the Sheriff and left wing press saying their opposition caused the shootings, it is safe to say there are a lot of closed minds in America, and that’s the reason for the shootings.

We read that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the largest atom smasher in the world, recently fired up, may soon find the Higgs boson, the so-called “God particle.” In fact, there is a rumor that Fermi National Accelerator Libratory at Batavia, Illinois has already discovered the Higgs boson.  Geneticists are about to know everything about how we are put together.  It is thought that if we know everything about everything, we will know God.  Will knowing everything about everything stop international terrorism? No. Science is one thing, religion another, each with its own set of rules.

 After a billion years of life’s evolvement, science tells us, a life form appeared on earth that possessed advanced reason and logic, and exclusive to humans—hardly a random event.  The cutting edge of science has an explanation. Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, under a “God for Tomorrow,” writes:  “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exists as something more than pieces of matter. . . Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.”

 Jesus said, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. . . But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Thy will, my will, God’s will, what? After I studied the Constitution, with the practical reason of defending my liberties against a corrupt government, I discovered the real me and found God. Let it be clear that I did not find religion.





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Hangovers Hurt!

This was first published in  November 2008

We are at a watershed moment in our economic history. We are in a recession but the way we do business after the recovery will be different from the post-recoveries over the last 70-years.

In the past, we worked our way out of a recession with the help of the federal government providing some kind of stimulus package. In one to three years, the economy was back on a growth track and there were no serious, long-term casualties. We continued to spend and consume as in the past.

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Government- and Voter-Caused
Wussification of USA Abetted
by Mainsteam Lamestream Media
            It really sucks to be an American taxpayer these days . . . .
            In the Esquire interview of Clint Eastwood linked above, the no-nonsense Hollywood star talks about the “Wussy Generation” of Americans (Eastwood prefers P’s to W’s, of course).   Like Eastwood tens of millions of Americans have been realizing for about six years now that something is dreadfully wrong with our country.   In fact a “dreadfully, dreadfully, dreadfully” dour future awaits us if we don’t change the nation‘s direction immediately.


Perhaps a recent release of FBI classified documents from the 1930’s point us toward the insidious force encouraging our decay: one of those reports details the ties of the newly-born American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1931 to the Communist Party in Stalin’s Soviet Union; another shows that up until 1989, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) got its marching orders directly from the Soviet Union.   Follow-up documents on the ACLU clearly show that throughout its early history, the ACLU was a communist-front organization.


If one but looks at the headlines generated by the progressive politicians (mostly Democrats, but both major parties are well-represented) and compares them to the stance of this organization day after day . . . a strong correlation will be obvious. Don’t believe me, check it out for yourself for 30 days and tell me if you don’t get 95% or higher congruence of messages between what our Progressive Party (nominally known as the Democrats) is saying and what this group is saying:


If you haven’t got the intelligence and perseverance to do this simple check, by the way, consider yourself a big part of the problem, an enabler, and not one of those seeking to get our country back because 6-8% of the populace calling themselves progressives, liberals and socialists have aligned themselves tightly to the same agenda as the CPUSA . . . .


But all our pains didn’t originate from beyond our borders. In the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s certainly the lead given by self-ascribed “Neo-Marxist” community organizer Saul Alinsky and his followers Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and the strong “positive” response by thoughtless and often violent young Americans in joining their cause, did us no good. Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals in 1946 and Rules for Radicals in 1971); Cloward and Piven; and Alinsky students Hillary Clinton nee Rodham and Barack Obama, however, points at DELIBERATE home-grown American leadership as a major cause in bringing on our own demise. Today, of course, the SDS radicals of the past now own the Obama White House.

While a man like Glenn Beck is drawing an incredible amount of American awakening upon us . . . the truth is that most Americans have shown themselves too complacent and lazy and glued to computer games and sitcoms and their living room couches. These are the members of the Wussy Generation that Eastwood was referring to:



However, while it’s true that in a Republic founded upon democratic principles such as we have, ultimately the people get the government they deserve . . . the greater truth is that because the progressive (Neo-Marxist/Socialist) wing of the Democratic Party has been calling the shots in this country since the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ratcheting up the Welfare State and ratcheting up Viet Nam conflict and giving us the second major debasement of the currency (FDR confiscating all the nation’s gold and then re-pegging the value of the dollar from $21.76 per ounce of gold to $35 an ounce – an overnight theft by the government of 61% of Americans’ savings in 1934 – was the first one) . . . it’s fair and accurate to say that our government has mostly stupidly, but occasionally deliberately “done us in.”

America’s “karma” sucks. You reap what you sow and uninformed and lazy Americans have given us rotten and corrupt politicians pretty much straight through since Calvin Coolidge with the notable exceptions of Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman and JFK.  Kennedy and Reagan were, of course, our great tax-cutting champions (91% tax on the wealthy when JFK took office!); and Truman is the one who defied his own party’s home base in the south to remove all obstacles on the road to full integration. With the exception of those three and to a far, far lesser extent the two President Bushes and Dwight Eisenhower (he was in office when the government was stealing 91% from some of its citizens but otherwise served well), our executive branch and the two houses of congress have clearly “done us in.”  Our federal government has been behind most of the destructive forces at play today . . . .

$14 TRillion national debt: government caused . . .

$112 TRillion UNfunded national liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid): government caused . . .

The probable bankruptcy of all 50 our states and Puerto Rico not later than 2023 (the state side of Medicaid now mandated by Obamacare created by our federal government will “do the states in”): government caused . . .

Our monstrous and crazy tax system and our perverse hatred of success . . . politician and government caused . . .

The debasement of our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights: all government caused by folks who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States . . .

The loss of our national pride and heritage and belief in the wonderful doctrine of American Exceptionalism that made us a magnet to the world’s freedom-loving peoples – largely lost because of government causation . . .

The destruction of the American Dollar, the present world’s reserve currency, government caused . . .

The loss of tens of millions of manufacturing jobs by the world’s #2 highest corporate income tax; and incessant government interference in business, government caused.

Progressive taxation creating a country in which 47% of the people pay zero taxes and the successful are taxed to support them, government caused . . .

We could go on and on and on and on about problems that are government caused . . .

The end result is that the Marxist/Socialist elements in the present government are now on the verge of replacing the greatest system of government and the greatest way of life ever known with the absolute worst (the word “Democide” describes a Ruling State killing off its own people; in the 20th Century Marxist dictatorships in Red China, the USSR; Viet Nam; Cambodia; East Germany; the Warsaw Pact nations; Cuba; etc. killed off a minimum of 124 million of their own people). When it comes to killing liberty, death is an extreme measure by heavy-handed governments and the worst have historically been communist regimes . . . and yet we admire Mao and Che along with Mother Teresa . . . .

Whether it’s wealth redistribution or killing off citizens . . . for some perverse reason we have made a hero of these people in our American culture and the mainstream media (MSM) has not reported upon this adoration of mass-murderers. And more importantly the American mainstream-lamestream media have been the handmaiden of government corruption . . . for example . . .


Here are the major stories that simple-pimple honest journalism would have uncovered, but which the leftist-leaning liberal media overlooked and thus abated our decay . . . how many of these stories were you aware of?


ITEM: While unabashedly bandying about (with absolutely no evidence) the lie that the TEA Party consists of racist hatemongers for roughly two years now, the MSM has for two and a half years let a story that tells a slightly different story go totally unreported. According to taped interactions and FBI informant Brandon Darby, an undercover member of the leftwing Austin Affinity Group who a couple years earlier had called himself a “revolutionary” and who up till then routinely called for the overthrow of the United States government, AAG and several other progressive groups united under the title “RNC Welcoming Committee” aimed to shutdown the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul using among other things Molotov Cocktails consisting of bottles filled with gasoline with attached wicks made from tampons. "They mixed gasoline with oil so it would stick to clothing and skin and burn longer," according to Darby. Sounds a bit like napalm, now doesn’t it? Darby, today, is on the lam because his wanted poster is featured in just about every leftist “action” group headquarters one can find. Naturally, if a radical of the right had “betrayed” the attack upon the Democratic National Committee he would have been named a hero and had movies and TV shows about him. Why the difference? Because even the crudest violence from the left is assumed to be “well-intentioned" by those in the know among the MSM.

Item:  Notice how they’ve tried to brand Saturday’s Arizona assassin as a TEA Party “nutcase” when he’s been stalking Representative Giffords for longer than the TEA Party existed and a list of his favorite books include the Communist Manifesto and the young man is also a 9/11 Truther (you know, one of those fanatics like Obama’s ex Green Jobs Czar Van Jones who believes George W. Bush and the American government organized the attacks on 9/11/2001) . . . or did you NOT know about Van Jones? The MSM gave a paragraph here and there saying Van Jones resigned, but not mentioning the fact that he’d been under scrutiny for two months as a 9/11 Truther and a self-acknowledged communist. MSM was reluctant to say much about the Van Jones situation.  As for the "violent rhetoric" of Sarah Palin:  'tis amazing how President Obama's "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun" comment escaped the MSM's attention and the posters calling for the death of GWB and burning him in effigy, those weren't violent either . . . Mr. Obama who so pointedly asked all Americans to avoid jumping to any conclusions after a Muslim connected to Al Qaeda killed 13 fellow American soldiers . . . seems quite content to allow his fellow progressives to blame conservatives for the Arizona tragedy.  You do remember that the report on the Ft. Hood shootings didn't even mention the name of the shooter; nor of his religion; nor once use the words "terrorism"; "Islam" or the phrase "Islamic terrorist" when clearly those words were necessary to describe the simple truth.  Political correctness like that is shocking, but even more so because the MSM honored Obama's wishes like they were sacred text . . . .


ITEM: Obama, both Clinton’s, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers, Maurice Strong, George Soros, many in Goldman-Sachs management, Richard Sandor and roughly 50 other key progressive Democratic politicians stood to make a fortune off of their CCX (the Chicago Climate Exchange) investments if Cap and Trade were passed into law. Only after 18 months of direct Fox News and conservative internet revelations was CCX made defunct by these people. Now many of them are relying on their investments in European carbon-exchanging as a second-chance to pull in the cap and trade wealth. Naturally this is all totally UNcovered in the lamestream MSM.


ITEM: however, in Europe the global warming lie is front and center

so much so that environmentalists are now largely distrusted in Europe. Eco-terrorists burning SUVs and trying to sabotage lumberjacks have been known as “mean-greenies” in England as well as America for some time.  Now the term is branching out to cover hate-spewing environmentalists who appear interested in destroying the industrial revolution’s seeds altogether with ever-expanding government regulation. More shocking is the term “watermelon.” A watermelon is someone supposedly “green on the outside, but pink to deep RED on the inside,” that is a Marxist or ultra-socialist proponent who wants cap and trade because the only way such a burdensome “TAX” on the modern way of life could come about is via creation of the virtual totalitarian state necessary to impose cap and trade on the citizens of the world. None of this is common knowledge on this side of the Atlantic because the MSM doesn’t want to cover it, just as they failed to cover the Climate Gate Scandal now fourteen months old . . .


Item: President Barack Obama has on roughly 1500 occasions (averaging more than twice daily) blamed the Bush administration that preceded him for the present debacle. He has even made a point of telling a little fable about a car driven into the ditch by conservative policies, we’ve all heard it. The truth, however, which takes just a bit of actual journalistic gumption to discover, is quite different and we’ve got the evidence for it which also has not been covered by the MSM:


George W. Bush saw Obama, Bill Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians DELIBERATELY pushing the car (America’s economy) toward a 500-foot cliff. Jumped in and grabbing the steering wheel and hitting the brakes eased it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.


            Can that be true? It’s 100% true and Rajjpuut has written several blogs revealing in great detail all the easily discoverable information that the MSM has deliberately chosen not to cover showing that Barack Obama worked first as a Marxist leaning community organizer and then as an ACORN attorney brow-beating and shaking down lenders so they would make knowingly bad home mortgage loans to people (based upon the progressive CRA '77 law and its five expansions)  without a lame race horse’s chance of ever paying off their homes. And, of course that’s the mildest of it all . . . even that mild stuff has never been printed in the MSM.  


The problem is also largely inside the voters as well. The fact that Barack Obama has promised to “bankrupt the coal industry” and that his energy policies “will necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket”*** has been well known and the citizens still supported this maniac? But again, this is the smallest of small potatoes . . . the government really did us in and Americans should know it. For the full truth go here:



                Only “We the People,” the citizens can save the country, most of the ruling politicians have already made contingency plans based upon complete financial upheaval. This is NOT the time to be apathetic, ignorant and blasé.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



Also well-known is the Obama promise to create five million Green-tech jobs. The well-known Spanish study of the ills brought upon that country (from 4% unemployment in 1997 to 20.8% today) if extrapolated to Obama’s five million subsidized green jobs would be:

a.      11 million jobs in the real (unsubsidized) economy lost since in Spain every subsidized green-tech job cost 2.2 real jobs

b.     Only 10% of the green jobs created proved permanent in Spain which means only 500,000 of the green jobs created by Obama would be permanent or 22 real jobs would be lost for every subsidized green job created.

c.     As in Spain, jobs of three weeks duration would be counted just as much as a permanent job created.

d.    The average green tech job will pay $10-$14 per hour about 2/3 the pay for the average real job lost.

e.     Spain has gone from the second strongest economy in Europe behind only Germany to one of the four or five worst economies in Europe very close to Ireland, Greece, Italy, and Portugal.


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In a potentially controversial move, the Pentagon will announce the formation of a new all-gay, all male company named the "Fighting 69th Sodomites." Sources credit the creation of the 69th to House member Barney Frank, who has reportedly been working "very, very closely" with gay Pentagon officials.


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Nice Try Demotards...

They didnt have the decency to wait one day. Forget twenty four hours, they didnt wait twenty four minutes!!

After the shootings in Tucson, while the blood was still drying on the pavement, loons like this moron PARTISAN Sheriff in Pima County, the east coast elite scumbags in Congress and the oh, so, deep and serious Kieth Olberman came out swinging at us.

US.  You and me, Tea Party Patriots, Republican activists, Radio Commentators and other conservative voices that are unabashedly against what Obama and his syndicate of SOCIALIST/LEFTIST cronies and what they are doing to the country.  Their evidence?  From what did they draw this response and attack with this rapid and rabid response?

Nothing.  Nada.  Their instinct to "not let a good crisis go to waste" caused them to start running their loud, arrogant mouths, before their koolaid soaked brains were engaged.

I am glad personally - and I am not going to slink away in fear of the threats they are currently making regarding my SACRED, CREATOR ENDOWED RIGHTS, encoded in the CONSTITUTION.

You cant throw this down on US. You cant make this wack job one of ours - no matter how much you blather on and on about "changing the terms used in political discourse."

I want to call you a SOCIALIST...I am going to, and I dont give a tinkers damn if it offends you or your liberal hack cronies in the press.

I will say this for the entire crowd on that side of the isle, though - you guys really do know how to move in quick to score a political point or two.  Really.  Too bad you just jumped the shark on this one...maybe next time you get your freakin facts in order before YOU start engaging in hate filled rhetoric directed towards YOUR political opponents.

Nice try....Not.


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There is no Fix

Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.  Proverbs 19:1.


Better that we accept the reality that America’s economic problems are beyond fixing. We must face it; a hard row to hoe lies ahead. With integrity, though, we will overcome in short order that which America’s weaknesses and false promises have wrought on us.  


In Wired magazine, September 1997, Kevin Kelly wrote what our future would be.  It can start in America, China, India, or in any other nation.  Kelly predicts “a social shift that reorders our lives more than mere hardware or software ever can. It has its own distinct opportunities and its own new rules. Those who play by the new rules will prosper; those who ignore them will not.” 


“Many successful knowledge businesses have been built on information capital, but only recently has a  total reconfiguration of information itself shifted the whole economy. . .All the most promising technologies making their debut now are chiefly due to communication between computers. The technology we first invented to crunch spreadsheets has been hijacked to connect our isolated selves instead.” Hello! Just what I’ve been telling you!


“The new rules governing this global restructuring revolve around several axes. First, wealth in this new regime flows directly from innovation, not optimization; that is, wealth is not gained by perfecting the known.” Exactly!  What has led us to a point of no return, financially, is thinking anyone is too big to fail.


“The Network Economy is fed by the deep resonance of two stellar bangs: the collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections,” the very thing that is worrying the establishment to no end. “When linked by the telecosm to a neural network, these dumb PC nodes created that fabulous intelligence called the World Wide Web. It works in other domains: dumb parts, property connected, yield smart results. . .A planet of hyperlinked chips emits a ceaseless flow of small messages, cascading into the most nimble waves of sensibility.”


What do we know about free enterprise in the twenty-first century? Value comes from scarcity, right? Wrong!  When things are made plentiful, they become devalued. “In a Network Economy, value is derived from plentitude, just as a fax machine’s value increases in ubiquity. Power comes from abundance”—individual not central. “In the Network Economy, scarcity is overwhelmed by shrinking marginal costs. . .The archetypical illustration of a success explosion in a Network Economy is the Internet itself.” So what does the establishment want?  It wants control of the Internet.



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America's Uncharted Course

Senator Reid says when the economy improves the Tea Party will go away. I have some thoughts on that statement I’d like to express, while we still have free speech. What Reid said is that his solutions are working. The facts say otherwise.  The facts say that the economy will improve when Reid and all who think like him go away. Reid has nothing of substance to back his position. I have plenty of substantial arguments to back my position, arguments that backed the United States into a corner, as a matter of record.


My cost of living has gone up. My government entitlement money has not increased. We’re going into the second year of no increase. Reid’s way is to eliminate the items that have increased in cost, a fraud, so he won’t have to give me more entitlement money. Reid is involved in the shell game of printing money with nothing behind it, to keep the economy from tanking. Reid and birds of a feather are simply putting off a day of reckoning, flying on a wing and prayer, and increasing the load. The name of Reid’s game is monetizing the national debt. When your work doesn’t buy as much bacon, it’s the same as a tax on you to finance Reid’s and his colleagues’ con game, buying votes with tax dollars.  Only 13 percent of the American people approve of what those lying con artists are doing to us. So what’s behind this?


Behind Reid’s stand is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal law, better said, redistribution of the nation’s incomes, better yet said, socialism.  Roosevelt and the Democrats, in eleven long years of economic disaster, did not end the Great Depression. World War II ended it.  Never in history has socialism produced the prosperity America’s Constitution produced.


What prosperity produces is independence, something the powers that be do not want. The grandfather of the Tea Party is Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence; that is, independence from King George’s oppressive tax. In that regard, Roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and got his idea of redistribution of incomes passed as law, as a matter of fact against the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution. Said Roosevelt in 1937: “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.”  The action got us where we are today.


Take particular note that in his balance of power statement, Roosevelt left out the people. With regard to the American people, Roosevelt: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” A government duty to the people is not written; it is forbidden. A duty is another word for control.  Before the Supreme Court capitulated to the Democrats’ demands; that “property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end,” declared the Roosevelt appointee Justice Brandeis, the Court’s test as to a right was whether the right at issue is “of the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty,” by reason that neither liberty nor justice could exist if such a right were sacrificed.


The Tea Party has much to back its claims. America has never before been anywhere close to where we are today. If you listen to Glenn Beck, you get a pretty good picture of where we are. He has made it his business to find out where Reid and company are taking America. Labor unions are more powerful. They have bought Reid. Even with the national debt being what it is, labor is due to show its muscle more than ever. Organized labor’s workers are being pushed hard to make bigger and bigger demands.  Mark Reid off as any help in getting America’s financial house in order. 


Tea Party politicians speak in generalities on how they are going to cut government spending. We have yet to hear of any specific way they plan to cut spending. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars of cuts, folks, to offset the hundreds of billions of dollars of additional costs that have been added. It does not look like the political will is there. I’m afraid the answer Washington does not want you to know is that as soon as the economy improves, the debt problem is going to be solved with out of control inflation. It has happened before, but only by a small fraction of what is going to happen in the future in America, thanks to the magnitude of the problem.


Your Constitution gives you Higher Law, or natural law and nature’s God.  This is what preceded my legal challenge against Uncle Sam.  Mine was the hard core of American tradition. When we Americans pledge our allegiance, as we must in this day of political manipulation, to a written document that holds the wielders of power in check, there is no conflict. The conflict arises because America’s politicians, exercising Roosevelt’s socialistic policies, have left the American people as divided as they were during the Civil War.


Your Constitution, a living document only if you make it that, gives you the God-given right and responsibility to be self-governed.  First comes the internal kingdom of God—faith in a God-self. When I studied the Constitution—with a cause I believed right—voices of the past spoke to me—encouraged me.  Only if you experienced what I did could you believe the power that lies within you.


I can tell you from personal experience that you cannot buck the establishment without great faith in yourself and God. When I came to a jumping off place, given the choice of falling into the abyss or flying with eagles, I got my courage from the Constitution.  From the Constitution, I learned that there is a Higher Law. Now I know that Jesus spoke the truth when he said, “for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” I believed in myself, God, and the Constitution. All of my dreams have come true.  


At this particular time, with the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona in mind, with we the people now at a jumping off place, at a time to chart our future course, and with a choice: our God-self course or the course Reid and company have planned, I pray for you.


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this is the jane fonda that i remember

Jane FondaA.K.A.Hanoi JaneSeveral requests from students and other visitors have asked if the photos depicting Jane Fonda sitting on an NVA anti-aircraft gun were really her or not. The answer to this question is YES. Jane Fonda has expressed her regrets for having her picture taken while sitting on the anti-aircraft gun and for the pain that her action has caused many American Veterans.Jane Fonda sitting on a seat of an anti-aircraft gunJane Fonda looking admiringly at an NVA gun crewJane Fonda applauding an NVA anti-aircraft gun crew. These guns were used to shoot down American planes and contributed to the deaths of American Airmen.Notice the anti-aircraft shells that are ready to be used to shoot down American planes by Jane Fonda's footClose up of Jane Fonda wearing a steel pot from the Communist NVA. gun crewColor photo of Jane Fonda sitting in the gun seatJane Fonda smiling with NVA gun crewJane Fonda laughing with an NVA gun crewAnother student had requested the transcript of Jane Fonda's radio address which she had broadcast in North Vietnam. This transcription, dated August 22, 1972 was made from her Hotel Especen broadcast in Hanoi at 7:11 p.m.The following was submitted in the U.S. Congress House Committee on Internal Security, Travel to Hostile Areas. [HR16742, 19-25 September 1972, page 761]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Broadcast]This is Jane Fonda. During my two week visit in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, I've had the opportunity to visit a great many places and speak to a large number of people from all walks of life- workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers.I visited the (Dam Xuac) agricultural coop, where the silk worms are also raised and thread is made. I visited a textile factory, a kindergarten in Hanoi. The beautiful Temple of Literature was where I saw traditional dances and heard songs of resistance. I also saw unforgettable ballet about the guerrillas training bees in the south to attack enemy soldiers. The bees were danced by women, and they did their job well.In the shadow of the Temple of Literature I saw Vietnamese actors and actresses perform the second act of Arthur Miller's play All My Sons, and this was very moving to me- the fact that artists here are translating and performing American plays while US imperialists are bombing their country.I cherish the memory of the blushing militia girls on the roof of their factory, encouraging one of their sisters as she sang a song praising the blue sky of Vietnam- these women, who are so gentle and poetic, whose voices are so beautiful, but who, when American planes are bombing their city, become such good fighters.I cherish the way a farmer evacuated from Hanoi, without hesitation, offered me, an American, their best individual bomb shelter while US bombs fell near by. The daughter and I, in fact, shared the shelter wrapped in each others arms, cheek against cheek. It was on the road back from Nam Dinh, where I had witnessed the systematic destruction of civilian targets- schools, hospitals, pagodas, the factories, houses, and the dike system.As I left the United States two weeks ago, Nixon was again telling the American people that he was winding down the war, but in the rubble- strewn streets of Nam Dinh, his words echoed with sinister (words indistinct) of a true killer. And like the young Vietnamese woman I held in my arms clinging to me tightly- and I pressed my cheek against hers- I thought, this is a war against Vietnam perhaps, but the tragedy is America's.One thing that I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt since I've been in this country is that Nixon will never be able to break the spirit of these people; he'll never be able to turn Vietnam, north and south, into a neo- colony of the United States by bombing, by invading, by attacking in any way. One has only to go into the countryside and listen to the peasants describe the lives they led before the revolution to understand why every bomb that is dropped only strengthens their determination to resist. I've spoken to many peasants who talked about the days when their parents had to sell themselves to landlords as virtually slaves, when there were very few schools and much illiteracy, inadequate medical care, when they were not masters of their own lives.But now, despite the bombs, despite the crimes being created- being committed against them by Richard Nixon, these people own their own land, build their own schools- the children learning, literacy- illiteracy is being wiped out, there is no more prostitution as there was during the time when this was a French colony. In other words, the people have taken power into their own hands, and they are controlling their own lives.And after 4,000 years of struggling against nature and foreign invaders- and the last 25 years, prior to the revolution, of struggling against French colonialism- I don't think that the people of Vietnam are about to compromise in any way, shape or form about the freedom and independence of their country, and I think Richard Nixon would do well to read Vietnamese history, particularly their poetry, and particularly the poetry written by Ho Chi Minh.[recording ends]Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda being interviewed after their return from North Vietnam. Jane Fonda tells the world press that the American Prisoners of War were being well treated and not tortured.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Background of Jane Fonda's Anti-War ActivitiesWhile American Soldiers were fighting and dying in the Vietnam War, Jane Fonda, the daughter of Henry Fonda, was using her money and influence at colleges and universities to gather support to advocate communism and encourage rebellion and anarchy against the United States Government.On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michigan audience of some two thousand students, "If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist." At Duke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding "I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. " Washington Times July 7, 2000Jane Fonda began her participation in anti-war activities around 1967, allegedly after meeting with Communists while in France and with American citizens who were revolutionaries. Her activities included active participation in demonstrations, rallies, radio broadcasts and plays.Jane Fonda also helped in the organization of a production group called the F.T.A. (F*** The Army). This group helped to set up coffee houses near military bases where they would perform anti-war derogatory-type sketches for the visiting soldiers. The coffee-house sketches were intended to counterpoint the U.S.O. shows, such as Bob Hope and other U.S.O. sponsored performers whose performances increased morale and gave positive support to American soldiers. Some of the F.T.A. coffee house employees would mingle with the soldiers to help them to "relax and unwind", while encouraging the soldiers to desert. Some soldiers alleged that they were promised jobs and money by the F.T.A. if they deserted.The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization received major financial support from Jane Fonda. Jane Fonda's F.T.A. coffee houses helped in recruiting soldiers and veterans for the Vietnam Veterans Against The War Organization. The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization membership was approximately 7,000 at it's highest. The Organization's membership number was comparatively low, when you consider that more than 2 1/2 million Americans served during the Vietnam war.Jane Fonda personally sought out returning American soldiers from Vietnam to solicit them to publicly speak out against American atrocities against Vietnamese women and children during her broadcasts. North Vietnamese officials based in Canada allegedly coordinated her broadcasts.In 1972 Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden and others traveled to North Vietnam to give their support to the North Vietnamese's Government. When she returned to the United States, she advised the news media that all of the American Prisoners of War were being well treated and were not being tortured.As the American POWs returned home in 1973, they spoke out about the inhumane treatment and torture they had suffered as prisoners of war. Their stories directly contradicted Jane Fonda's earlier statements of 1972. Some of the American POWs such as Senator John McCain, a former Presidential candidate, stated that he was tortured by his guards for refusing to meet with groups such as Jane Fonda's. Jane Fonda, in her response to these new allegations, referred to the returning POWs as being "hypocrites and liars."The Wall Street Journal (August 3, 1995) published an interview with Bui Tin who served on the General Staff of the North Vietnam Army and received the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam on April 30, 1975. During the interview Mr. Tin was asked if the American antiwar movement was important to Hanoi's victory. Mr. Tin responded "It was essential to our strategy" referring to the war being fought on two fronts, the Vietnam battlefield and back home in America through the antiwar movement on college campuses and in the city streets. He further stated the North Vietnamese leadership listened to the American evening news broadcasts "to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement."Visits to Hanoi made by persons such as Jane Fonda, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and various church ministers "gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses." Mr. Tin surmised that "America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win." Mr. Tin further advised that General Vo Nguyen Giap (Commanding General of the North Vietnam Army) said the 1968 Tet Offensive was a defeat.The military defeat of North Vietnam after the Tet Offensive of 1968 became a political victory for North Vietnam because of anti-war demonstrations and the sensationalism of the news media. The North Vietnamese interpreted the U.S. reaction to these events as the weakening of America's resolve to win the war. The North Vietnamese believed that victory could be theirs, if they stayed their course.From 1969 until the end of the war, over 20,000 American soldiers lost their lives in a war that the United States did not have the resolve to win. The sensationalism by the American news media and the anti-war protests following the 1968 Tet Offensive gave hope to Communist North Vietnam, strengthening their belief that their will to succeed was greater than ours. Instead of seeking a successful resolution at the Paris Peace Conference following the disastrous defeat of the 1968 Tet Offensive, they employed delay tactics as another tool to inflame U.S. politics. This delaying tactic spurned further anti-war demonstrations. Those who sensationalized their reporting of the war and those who supported anti-war demonstrations are guilty of giving our enemy hope. Because of their actions, they must share partial responsibility for those 20,000 + Americans deaths.We won the war on the battlefield but lost it back home on the college campuses and in the city streets.Americans must realize that there are agents* operating in this Country attempting to undermine our Country and it's leadership through our democratic principles in an effort to achieve a foreign country's goal. A prime example of such a person during the Vietnam War was Jane Fonda, an admitted Socialist, who blatantly supported North Vietnam. * Agent - Any person who works to obtain the goals of another nation either for money or for their own political beliefs.A valuable lesson was taught by North Vietnam to other nations on how the United States may be defeated by fighting a two front war - the battlefield and the American home front. We must be aware of this vulnerability.In 1975, after the fall of the South Vietnam Government, Jane Fonda returned to Hanoi with her newborn son Troy for a celebration in her honor for the work she had done for North Vietnam. During the celebration, her son was christened after a Viet Cong hero, Nguyen Van Troi. Troi had attempted to assassinate Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara while on his visit to South Vietnam in 1963. The South Vietnam Government executed Troi for this attempted assassination.I have heard and read that some people believe that Jane Fonda was simply young and impressionable. Jane Fonda was born on December 21, 1937. She was 34 years old when she made her infamous trip to North Vietnam and was in her 30's when she participated in anti-war demonstrations and rallies. During this same time period a large number of young American soldiers, who had not yet reached their 21st birthday, were fighting the war in Vietnam and were held accountable for all of their actions. These same young soldiers were, upon their return to the United States, still not of legal age to vote or buy alcoholic beverages. Jane Fonda was an adult when she made these conscious decisions and actions, and as such, she is responsible and should be held accountable. The Vietnam Memorial Wall contains the names of 25,493 American soldiers who served their Country and paid the ultimate price for freedom who were under the age of 21 ( Casualty Statistics).Many Veterans would have enjoyed seeing the following mug shot of Jane Fonda taken for her treasonous acts, instead of the bogus drug charge which was later dropped.
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