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Abolishing the Electoral College

This is long overdue and for possible third party candidate for president it is better. In 1824 there were four candidates and Andrew Jackson had the 41 % of the popular vote and lost the election in the house of representatives.
Immigration comes into play though. Impeach our present one that does not secure our boarders.
Thinking knowing Andrew Jackson's history. If Andrew Jackson knew how much our president does not defend our constitution he probably would think nothing of it take Mr Obama to some remote place and have a duel with him. That be the end of Mr Obama.

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You Have Won the Day!

Do you realize what you have accomplished? I’d like to add to what Beck said. In all likelihood you are not conscious of this. Before the Big Bang, there was something, as from nothing you get nothing. The something was universal consciousness. From the study of aspects of matter—subatomic particles—science theorizes that there is a God-particle called the Higgs bosen, a first out the box from which sprang a state of infinite possibility. What does that have to do with us? I’ll tell you. This state of infinite possibility, with local forces, began the process of creating the physical universe.

The meaning of life comes from its creator, universal consciousness. Science now reasons that consciousness is an absolute in the mix of things; our minds interconnected with a dimension of infinite possibility.

Again, the meaning of life, referring to the Bible, Gen. 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” you may say your religious faith is your salvation, but you are really saying faith in yourself is what made you take a stand. It was your faith in you that is responsible for the Tea Party. Give yourself credit where credit is due.

America’s most read Bible is The Scofield Reference Bible. I frequently refer to it because of its large Concordance. I read in the Introduction of the Scofield Bible, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.” The Intro goes on to state, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.” I totally agree.

The left has construed “progressive order” to mean strong central government. The “increasing purpose” of progressive government is to replace God with government and leave the individual stripped of all rights, replaced by government entitlements. This thought, coupled with the above Scofield thought, has stuck with me, the right and left, in general terms, the different meanings they give to our purpose, and neither the truth.

“In Cosmos and Psyche,” from the back cover we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.” Interestingly, Tarnas writes that Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment in November 2008, the year Obama was elected President. It was no coincidence. We read that “these three-to-four year periods, as did a widespread sense of epochal closure: ‘the end of an era,’ ‘the end of innocence,’ the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation . . . With the help of corrupt government, the American people have sold their souls to the devil. We’re going down the tube.

In The Physics of Consciousness: the Quantum Meaning of Life. Evan Harris Walker gets into specifics of our demise with this: “The consequences have been devastating to religion. Religion—all religion—has for some time been dying a slow death.” What about Obama’s collective salvation? Obama is selling out America to revolutionaries. “Many will greet such a statement with elation that the earth may be freed of the self-righteous, the fear mongers, those who raise the specter of eternal condemnation, those who instill guilt in children and the frail of mind, and those who have inflicted pain, inflamed hatred, and fostered wars in the name of this or that religion. Sadly, these have indeed been legion. Surely what I have to say here, what I see for tomorrow, will never tolerate the return of such perverted minds. . . But for this terror, there is one thing that is worse: the thought that all the suffering and all the pleasure of life have no meaning.” Walker says we are at the very edge “of a world stripped of all innate moral values, without giving us anything to take its place.”

It cannot be denied that astrology shows consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. Consciousness exists, write Walker. “And for the first time, we have used the instruments of scientific investigation to fit its existence into the overall tapestry of reality. For the first time, we understand what consciousness is. We can understand mind as including conscious experience and will. We can see how these fit into the physical processes . . .Walker reasons that we are more than matter. The observer emerges now as “a co-equal in the foundry of creation.”

Connecting with Walker’s thought, astrology gives me Aquarius rising. In the Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising” Jeanne Avery writes, “If he is in touch with his individuality and special qualities, he can express strong humanitarian concern, have a strong sense of freedom for himself and for others, and be ahead of his time.”

Avery informs us that “The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution. Inventions flourished, humanitarian concerns made us friends to all. We became the water-bearer, broadcasting our message of human rights.” The left wants to rewrite the Constitution. They say it is flawed.

Uranus transited from the time of my birth to a position opposing itself when I was in my forties. Avery says this fact may bring “a major life crisis,” and as well bringing about “opportunity for growth and change.” This is precisely what took place. My business enterprise went on the rocks. My second wife divorced me. “Old patterns and static conditions are no longer viable, old formulas no longer work; new decisions are necessary for growth. Uranus opposing its own position indicates times of drastic change. This may be life’s way of blasting us out of a comfortable rut we’ve established.” Long before I read this, I departed my old life, I didn’t plan it, but on Good Friday. The first day of my new life was on Easter Sunday. From that day forward, my life took on new meaning. Tomorrow, I’ll be 85. If my life could be any better, I don’t know how. The planet Uranus is on my ascendant. The Constitution gave me my bigger than life calling. It put my life on course. I don’t call myself a Christian. I found Jesus my own way.

In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that the Age of Pisces, with its symbol of two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, indication of “drastic duality of emotion,” they (Pisceans or progressive liberals) are “easily influenced by external factors,” and they are “extremely responsive to the thoughts and feeling of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them.” They “desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” Progressive liberals are no match to the Tea Party.

Under “Aquarius,” we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. . . There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others.” I’m an Aquarian messenger. The Tea Party is the beginning of the Aquarian brotherhood. It is here to stay.

On earth as it is in heaven, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius. Glenn Beck says “You have won the day,” you who decided you were not going to sit silently and take it anymore. Let the left stew in its own juice. Let the right join the Tea Party, the brotherhood of man under tomorrow’s God.

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What Manner of Government Have You Given Us?

As he left the Constitutional Convention Dr. Franklin was asked what manner of government the founders had bestowed upon us. He answered, "A Republic, if you can keep it!"

"As we celebrate Constitution Week (Sept. 17-23), it would be wise to heed Franklin's challenge. A constitutional republic is not an easy form of government to maintain. It requires wise leaders more interested in the public good than in holding and using power. It requires an enlightened citizenry that understands and exercises its rights and duties and is willing to fight to preserve them. Moreover, both wise leaders and enlightened citizens must arise with each new generation, prepared and able to make the system work."

Thursday, September 21, 2006

San Franciso Chronicle

These guys have it right. We need to understand that our much loved Republic is fragile. It requires constant attention to its care and feeding. Patriots cannot assume that it will survive on its own with no effort on their part. The coming elections are just a battle in the war for the hearts and minds of generations to come. We must not let setbacks or poor showings blunt our zeal or our will. We will step up and see to it that this great experiment in government that our founders bequeathed us lives on and prospers, in spite of those who would subvert it. As an afterthought, make sure the schools in your area are actually teaching the Constitution as it is during this time. Offer to lecture or form discussion groups with students and young people. They are the future. They must carry the fight when we are no longer able or here to do it for them. They must be made to understand that this really is the greatest nation on God's earth and its survival is worth the fortune, the blood and the honor of each and every one of us.

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“Subject to and under the authority of Presidential Security Directive 9999 (or whatever), you are ordered to be detained for investigation relating to activities deemed dangerous to the national security.”

Are any of us likely to hear this utterance reminiscent of Nazi Germany or soviet Russia? Who knows? Posse Comitatus forbids the use of the military on US soil to enforce civilian law. Of course Posse Comitatus is a fragile thing at best. There are already God knows how many Executive Orders that provide for the suspension of Posse Comitatus in times of national emergency. How safe are we?

None of the previous Presidents seemed to want or desire to take that last fatal step into tyranny and oppression of the masses. It seemed a very remote possibility. Until now…

I am not a conspiracy nut nor do I spend much time dwelling on the hundreds of FEMA detention centers around the country. There may well be some nefarious purpose for them, but as yet, there doesn’t seem to be any way of actually implementing the process of rounding up “enemies of the state.” The military is something of an enigma. It is hard to say how many officers and soldiers would simply refuse to obey an order to detain or , heaven forbid, fire on American citizens.

When men and women join the military service they are required to take an oath. That oath is as follows:

“I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

On the surface this is pretty cut and dried, but let’s look at it more closely. The new soldier swears (or affirms) to support and defend the Constitution, not the President or the Governor, or anybody else… just the Constitution. He or she further swears (or affirms) to bear true faith and allegiance to that same Constitution. Then things get dicey. They further swear (or affirm) that they will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over them.. Yet, this phrase is not as simplistic as one would first surmise. There are qualifiers for that obedience. The orders will be followed according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Here things get more interesting. The UCMJ requires uncompromising obedience to all lawful orders whether from the President or some other official or ones officers. The penalties for disobeying a lawful order are swift, and in time of war, life threatening. A soldier can literally be executed for disobeying a direct order …. a direct lawful order. Additionally, a soldier is required by that same UCMJ to disobey an unlawful order. Wow! Pretty heady stuff! Now it comes down to what constitutes a lawful order. Disobeying any order can place a solders well-being at peril. The definition of what makes an order lawful or unlawful lies not with the soldier or good conscience or public opinion, but with the whims of the military court deciding the issue. Talk about subjective truths. The soldier is literally in the hands of a group of officers who may or may not be in a generous and forgiving mood.

This is scary for most military men and women. Some few could care less. They will do whatever they are told and let someone else deal with the consequences. How many times have soldiers in trouble used the old “ I was just following orders?” This is not, however, a defense. Just ask Lt Calley. None the less, this attitude does exist in the military and it is troublesome. Thankfully, most of the men and women in the military have some sense of what is right or wrong. Will that sense override their oath to obey their President and officers? Interesting question. I think in the clutch it will. Having been in the military, and coming from a military family, I believe that the men and women we trust our very lives and freedom to will rise to the occasion.


During the 2008 campaign in Colorado, our goofy President made the following statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

WHAT? Does this bother anyone other than myself? What exactly is the One proposing here? It would seem that he is painfully aware of what we have been discussing here. The military would probably balk at anything like violating Posse Comitatus. So how is an ambitious President going to rein in those pesky activist citizens that oppose his benign “rule”? Well, let’s see. Hitler and Stalin had a similar problem. They solved it by creating the largest most oppressive “civilian security force” in history. Uh wait. Isn’t that what Obamaroo is suggesting? So, if you can’t rely on the military to do your dirty deeds, you create a civilian security force that is bigger than the military, better equipped, better funded, and wholly answerable to the President alone.

What are the chances of this happening? Slim and none? Maybe not. Under the present regime, it is possible. Reid and Pelosi would probably go along as would most of the Democratic tiddlywinks and the RINOs in the house and senate. It would take some doing but it could be done. After the elections of 2010 it becomes very unlikely. So what can we expect in the near future? Who knows, but I shall be watching very closely.

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Something for the lawn

I felt I needed to come up with something for my lawn. Something that expressed my feelings on the current state of the union. Here is the 11 x 14 sign I came up with. Look at the expression..... I love the look.

The eagle is by a talented Russian artist.

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Speaking of weak willed people, namely, Harry Reid, with the world’s industrial nations hopelessly in debt, with the exception of the number two industrialized nation, China, a great change is inevitable. But you wouldn’t know that, Harry. As an out of touch progressive, there you stand, picking your nose.

America’s popular talk show host, Fox News’ Glenn Beck, a reformed alcoholic who found his Christian God, is leading millions to mistrust progressives and to trust in God.

Pointing out the problem of who God is and what He is about, presently, there is a flap over the building of a mosque near ground zero, This has nothing to do with freedom of religion, and Harry agrees. Give him credit for that. So let’s discuss what this is really about--so we can help out of touch Harry come to the Party.

Two thousand years ago astrologers advised kings. The Magi (the three wise men in the Bible), Persian astrologers who followed “the star in the east” to Bethlehem, in Matthew 2, “came wise men from the east . . . saying where is he that is born the King of Jews. . . When Herod the king had heard of these things, he was troubled.” Harry needs to know what is really involved here.

When Beck realized that his life was at rock bottom, he was saved by his Mormon faith. When I hit rock bottom, I turned away from my Presbyterian faith. I looked within for my answers. Glenn’s Mormon faith worked. My faith in self worked. We don’t have to be of a particular religious faith to get on our paths of destiny. But Harry, you’ve got to believe in a higher power than Harry Reid’s ego. A progressive control freak left at the switch, we are onto you!

Beck frequently refers to faith, hope, and charity, and to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration, we are given rights that come from divine providence, rights that cannot be taken without the owner’s permission, Harry. Get this into your limited progressive mind: on earth as it is in heaven.

After reading the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, in 1975, and after reading The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law by Edward S. Corwin, I wrote a letter to Nixon’s Attorney General William B. Saxbe, in it stating that I’d see him in court. Everyone I knew thought I’d lost my mind. You don’t mess with the IRS and get away with it. Everyone is dumbed down. They were wrong.

Saxbe forwarded my letter to the IRS and the fight started. I’d never had any formal training in the law. That was in my favor. Lawyers can’t fight common sense. I had nothing to lose. Nothing could stop me. I maintained that federal income tax was, in its implementation, unconstitutional. Similarly, Jesus told the temple priests they were not teaching God’s law. Those in authority crucified Jesus. We’ve never been governed by any semblance of God’s law, or the Constitution.

After my advanced understanding of the Constitution, I was soaring with eagles, the IRS a paper tiger. I had the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me to proceed in my legal action. After I told the IRS, also, that I’d see them in court, I was called into the IRS offices to discuss my issues, or rather, as it turned out, to be threatened.

This is what Harry Reid gives us: a fat toad IRS official, his eyes bugging and his face red as a beet, yelling at me what he was going to do if I didn’t conform, referring to me as a “Fifth Amendment Freak.” The Department of Justice and IRS hung themselves with their own rope, and that’s what you are doing, Harry.

I’m giving you people the real news. At the time I wrote the Attorney General, tax protester was in the news and IRS warnings were frequent. Tax protesters were reported by the mainstream press to be going to jail. And they told us why. I was in every sense of the word a tax protester, and one who knew the law. I wasn’t one of their nut cases. 60 Minutes heard about me and called. They didn’t like what they heard. To 60 Minutes, say I, the absence of truth is as much a lie as a deliberate untruth. I had every right to challenge the income tax—after paying the tax. I had a personal stake in the outcome. The press pointed out that refusing to pay tax can put you in jail, but failed to point out that if you pay your tax you have the right to protest it. We are reminded that the Obama Administration claimed the border with Mexico was secure and that Arizona law allows profiling, without reading the law. The mainstream press, as usual, is leaving out anything that makes the Obama Administration look bad. You can’t believe the press.

The tax court allows you to protest your tax, but not on constitutional ground. I protested my tax in tax court. The IRS “mistake” was corrected. As soon as the case was closed, the IRS made the same “mistake” again. The IRS lawlessly confiscated my property. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals didn’t think the lawless confiscation of my property was unconstitutional. I was a tax protester. The Court found it necessary and proper to defend the income tax, and no matter what, the end justifies the means. The courts give us the right to challenge the tax and the IRS the authority tax us, mistakenly, for the good of all. Don’t forget that judges once held that simply because one’s skin was black, he or she was too stupid to be free. We know now that is not true. We don’t know the current truth about the IRS.

The whole truth is that the federal judiciary does not want you to know that you have the right to take the IRS to court. The progressive idea prevails. You are too stupid to know how to spend the money you earn. Federal judges, making no distinction, call tax protesters “spurious constitutional objectors.” Without questioning judges the mainstream press prints the lies Judges tell them. The President and Congress, who think they know better how we should spend our money, don’t want taxpayers to know that the IRS is permitted to make limitless “mistakes.”

Voices of the past, strongly behind me, told me that by a double standard the United States rules over weak-willed people. I’m reminded that the original Tea Party was protesting the king’s tax. The current Tea Party is not a Nazi organization, or rabble rousing, nonconforming trouble makers, Harry. The Tea Party wants to take the county back to the original Constitution.

The Tea Party should be pleased to know that this tax protester made good his pledge to the Attorney General. Solicitor General Wade McCree, Jr., the Attorney General’s lawyer, upon my petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, filed a memorandum for the respondent, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in opposition. Speaking for Harry Reid and his colleagues, McCree’s memorandum was a pack of lies. The Supreme Court dismisses the truth and that’s what they did in my cause. We are left with a quandary. But when the moment of truth comes, Harry Reid and his colleagues have painted themselves into a corner,

I took my court record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post investigated. The Post got the admission from the IRS that it made numerous “mistakes” against me for a period of eleven years. A front page story in the Post told in detail the IRS “mistakes,” in violation of the Tax Court’s order, and in violation of a later U. S. District Court order.

Not a peep from anyone. This disgusting news told every taxpayer who read the article that the IRS is above being questioned, and above the law.

Nancy Pelosi, maker of the law, accuses the Tea Party of being Nazis. The pathetic press people are rats following the Pied Piper to the river. Is it any wonder that we now have the Tea Party?

Due to the weakness of wills, an authoritarian age, Jesus, born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, his crucifixion, a sign of a coming age, Jesus left us with a prophecy that he would appear again. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I’m an Aquarian messenger bringing to you the wave of the future. Like Glenn Beck, I came to a jumping off place. I jumped and my life began to improve. On the first date with my present wife and soul mate, a hike to Multnomah Falls near Mt. Saint Helens, the mountain erupted. It was a sign. After the calamity my life had become, hope and renewal.

For 2,000 years, the wrong answers have caused the greatest suffering and death anyone can imagine. Ground zero, a hole in the ground, a monument of despair, let the prophet Jesus remain the hope of the world. When Muslims weep for the dead and pray for peace, let the mosque be built. But, alas! That will be the day! We have never heard a devout Muslim ever admit he or she is wrong. They bend the truth to suit their needs. To be truthful is a sign of weakness.

President Obama may be a Christian, but for shame, his arrogance shows him to be like Harry, weak, like all progressives, clinging to the fading past. Progressives leave us in harm’s way. It is up to the Tea Party to be strong. Enter the Age of Aquarius, an age of strong wills and of brotherhood. Goodbye Harry.

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This past weekend, America remembered 9-11. There was a miriad of emotion - intense sadness, pride for our first responders, joy for our country, undaunted in the face of terror, and nine years ago today, comforted by our strong leader, commander-in-chief President Bush at Ground Zero. Just as December 7th is remembered as "a day that will live in infamy", so will 9-11.


Just like the ARIZONA in Pearl Harbor, this is hallowed ground...

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Tea Party Candidate (Just Added)

Just added. I setup another site for this, Candidates should address issues and there platform there.

We have a section national offices and state offices. The best way for candidate to develop a campaign is to talk about issues and have solutions. As people learn about the candidates, each person will decide who will be the best leader for our nation. I can't decide for people and the truth about politics it is very dirty and we have a lot of work within the Tea Party to shine the light on corruption and clean up Washington.


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”. . . and then there’s welfare . . . . Obamacare created 388 brand new government agencies or offices and a whole new welfare culture so that now the whole mess (national debt; unfunded liabilities (in Medicare, Social Security and the federal side of Medicaid), Obamacare, Medicaid funding by the states; and welfare + interest will amount to roughly a $225 TRillion obligation. The Gross Domestic Product of the whole world is only about $56 Trillion, roughly one fourth of the mountain of debt and obligations we’re now facing. How can this be handled without impoverishing our children and grandchildren? Without reducing the nation to 4th world status?” Rajjpuut

Crocodile Tears of the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part V: Victim #5, The American Dream

Loyal readers are advised to skip ahead as we give a brief review. In this blog series, we’ve been exposing the self-described “victimhood” of progressives at the hands of their evil, racist, etc. conservative oppressors and showing you where the real victimhood is . . . .,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

The highlight of part I of this blog series (the link immediately above), and it was difficult to pick a single highlight with “TRUTH” the victim, was this well-documented statement:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

The fact that such a statement is made NOW, 44 years after the chain of events began producing that statement is something that every American ought to be aware of, just as every American ought to be aware of the identities of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and be able to articulate what Cloward-Piven strategy is . . . the fact that most Americans are totally ignorant of these things means someone hasn’t been doing their job. In Part II the victim was journalistic integrity . . . .,_then_dismemberment___part_ii.thtml

In Part III of the series we examined how the false victimhood of the progressives (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and deeply flawed U.S. Constitution) has created another real victim: “Responsibility” in the guise of the rising numbers of single-mother-families (a problem obviously created by everybody else’s sexism, according to feminists). As the irresponsible notion of deliberately choosing a single-parent family drags down all of society (see this link) destroys the American family and creates a new impoverished class in the country . . . .,_then_dismemberment___part_iii.thtml

Economics is a very simple area that the left has sought to hijack with the creation of their own branch of economic science called Keynesian economics. Keynesian economics only sort of explains what happens in Socialist and Totalitarian regimes, that’s why there’s about 80 different schools of Keynesian economics out there. Rajjpuut gives the basics of real (Classical) economics which NOT surprisingly explains everything that happens in any type of political system pretty much perfectly. Classical economics is not the same as Obamanomics, not at all. Taxing and spending and government interference boondoggles (GIBs) and government spending boondoggles and the deficits and debt they create are the antithesis of common-sense classical economics as we saw in our 4th installment . . . .

And while the left and their media sycophants are crying, “racists, sexists, bigots, etc. all day long proving themselves always the long-suffering victims and conservative Americans always the eternal oppressors, the fifth REAL victim of all these progressive-victim tales is:

Victim #5: The American Dream

The American Dream is a simple, beautiful thing . . . from the start people came here to find freedom from the heavy hand of big government they’d known in other lands. They continued to come here during the last 233 years because freedom was incarnated in the rule of law, the Constitution of the United States (itself based upon the Declaration of Independence) knowing that the Republic created upon America’s shores was a Meritocracy, that every man or woman who came here would find no real obstacles to their American Dream, to build a good life and open to all of them was the opportunity to leave their children a lot better off then they themselves started out. Thanks to a Century of Progressivism, the American Dream is on the endangered list . . . .

The American Dream is endangered because the very core principles of this nation have been set aside for far too long now. Thrift; industry; equality before the law; capitalism; freedom itself; integrity; and small, non-interfering government that lived by these principles

has all but disappeared from the American scene. The meritocracy has virtually vanished. Thrift has been replaced by personal, corporate and particularly government excesses and debt creation. Industry? Why? 48% of the people pay no taxes, the industrious and the job creators are taxed relentlessly as their 52% supports all the rest of society, most shamelessly, a bloated bureaucracy of unionized government workers who almost can’t be fired no matter how poorly they perform.

Repeatedly hard-working, hard-studying men and women who seek to advance themselves by entering important civil-service fields like the fire-department, police-department and first-responder medical crews find that it does no good to ace the test . . . because affirmative-action critics will steal the positions the hard-working/hard-studying folks actually earned; “capitalism” has become a dirty word and PROFIT has become the dirtiest of vile words as freedom itself has been perverted in a thousand ways . . . most often by abusing the once honored word “reform.”

Citizens are becoming aware that the word “reform” attached to a bill doesn’t mean anything is ever improved, it only means that government is expanding, spending is going up and taxes too . . . and the last time Obama, Pelosi and Reid showed integrity . . . . well, it hasn’t happened in Rajjpuut’s lifetime. Our ever expanding, ever spending, ever interfering government is the problem and the political class (the politicians and bureaucrats within the government) is the only group who benefits while the rest of us suffer. The biggest losers, the biggest victims? Our children and grandchildren.

Our $14 TRillion national debt is multiplying geometrically as this is being written. But that’s small potatoes. Since 1935 for Social Security and 1965 for Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid, the progressives have established these three entitlement programs as “pay as you go, set-aside” entities . . . but of course, the progressives in congress have seen to it that we never pay as we go, we never set aside the money collected for these purposes . . . the result? We now own $115 Trillion in unfunded liabilities (promises made to our people – often our aged) that we have not one single dollar set aside to pay off these promises.

On top of that as all three of these unfunded liabilities grow . . . the new Obamacare program will between 2019 and 2024 bankrupt every state in the union as they force states to fund the greater role for Medicaid required by that law. And then there’s welfare . . . . Obamacare created 388 brand new government agencies or offices and a whole new welfare culture so that now the whole mess (national debt; unfunded liabilities (in Medicare, Social Security and the federal side of Medicaid), Obamacare, Medicaid funding by the states; and welfare + interest will amount to roughly a $225 TRillion obligation. The Gross Domestic Product of the whole world is only about $56 Trillion, roughly one fourth of the mountain of debt and obligations we’re now facing. How can this be handled without impoverishing our children and grandchildren? Without reducing the nation to 4th world status? Can it be done?

Yes, it can and it can be done simply (but definitely NOT EASILY and definitely NOT QUICKLY). Barack Obama is committing the country to the path that Republican Progressive Herbert Hoover and Democratic Progressive Franklin Roosevelt took which turned a simple panic into first a depression (under Hoover) and then a Great Depression (under Roosevelt) that lasted over twelve years. The strange thing is that Roosevelt ran against the big government, big spending philosophies of Hoover and promised to revert to the strategies of Harding and Coolidge (cutting taxes by 47% and taxes by 49% and paying down 30% of the national debt) and then, of course, FDR pulled a Barack Obama on the country doing such things as confiscating the people’s gold (forced) at $20.76 per ounce and then devaluing the paper dollars he’d given them to $35 per ounce – stealing almost 70% of the value of the gold he’d confiscated.

The reason he won the election in 1932? Hoover was totally unpopular and FDR was promising common sense solutions that the people knew worked because they’d seen them work in making the “Invisible Depression” of 1920-21, well “invisible” . . . .

One proviso, our current situation and our current direction is much worse than what Harding faced taking over from progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson . . . so how tough could things be? Imagine elimination of Obamacare; government spending reduced 60%; taxes reduced the same 60%; and a commitment to reduce the national debt by 12% per year . . . does that sound austere to you?

Then consider this, let’s say, the problem with the economy and the national debt is wiped out in five years . . . NICE! Not so fast! Remember the $225 TRillion total we mentioned? Well that’s taken care of perhaps $16 TRillion and all the states are meanwhile going bankrupt and the federal government as well because of state and federal government pensions going through the roof to our unionized state and federal employees . . .

So we’re talking about letting states fail (go bankrupt) and state and federal workers getting their contracts renegotiated markedly downward and we’re talking about our wonderful union employees “pulling a Greece” and holding the country hostage with street violence . . . simple is one thing, easy solutions are yet another . . . .

Next Time: First Crocodile Tears, then Dismemberment Part VI

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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As Speaker Nancy Pelosi lectured to her flock of minions, "We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is in it", truer words were never spoken. It is well known that this bill was not read by the majority of congress; members of congress had to be bribed [with our tax dollars] in order to vote for the bill; there were backroom deals we will never hear about [unless a "Deap Throat" eventually comes forward]; the public, at a joint session of congress, were, in fact, lied to by a president of the United States.


Obama pledged to "bend the cost curve" on health insurance. But he's bending the truth instead

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To whom it may concern

I would like to know if the Tea Party knows why Politicians and Government employees get huge pentions and medical benefits when they retire and most of the average working class don't. They are getting all of this with our money. How outrageous ! This is one of the most unfair practices going on in this country today. I have to pay for their benefits with my hard earned money and I don't get any where close to what they are getting. Most average American workers that retire without being in a Union, Government employee or a Politician get next to nothing. This number is in the millions. Hello, how about me too !
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Lanet Girsin Size teaparty


MitolocyA And By Ege


ABD Halk Yoldan Saptıkça Dünyaya Zararvermektedir Kendi Sapmış Dinleriyle İnsanlığa Hakaretler Yağdırmaktadır. İslamiyet Tüm Dinlere Irklara Hoşgörü Demektir Sİz Hiç İncil Yakan Müslüman Gördünüzmü? Osmanlı Adaleti Bunun En Açık Göstermiştir.

Siz Kana Susamış Köpeklere Bir İslam Tokatıda Bizden Gelsin ve Allahın Laneti Üzerinizde olsun Daha Çok Tayfunlar Kasırgalar Göresiniz




U.S. Public Roads as Deviation from the religious world has to handle yourself with Zararvermektedir insult to humanity is the rain. Race for all to Islam Religious Tolerance Means No Bible burning Muslim Gördünüzmü you? It was the Justice of the Ottomans Outdoor Show.

Kana you thirsty dogs are coming to us and below are a Muslim God Curse Tokat you get over by more typhoons are hurricanes

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“. . . two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supported Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking, not to mention integrity.” Rajjpuut

Delaware Suggests TEA Party Express

is Harry Reid’s Creation

Loyal readers know that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and has advised often and mightily against the TEA Party running their own candidates unless absolutely necessary. (As it was in upper state New York when the Republican Party last November gave a $1 Million campaign war chest to a woman running for the G.O.P. who was well to the left of the left-leaning Democratic candidate in a very conservative district. The TEA Party backed Conservative Party candidate chased her out of the race with only 5% support in the polls and came within an eyelash of victory.) If it’s necessary to run a TEA Party candidate, run an out and out third-party Conservative candidate of the highest level of integrity.

Several times now, the TEA Party Express has been behind very poor candidates and helped propel them to primary wins and Republican nominations. In effect these TEA Party Express candidates are giving aid and comfort to the progressive-Democrats on the ballot by creating an easily knocked off “straw-man” to campaign against. Such a candidate is Ken Buck in Rajjpuut’s Colorado. It is Rajjpuut’s firm conviction that the TEA Party Express is NOT a real TEA Party group it is a Harry Reid creation designed to get the poorest candidate to run against him in Nevada so Harry, the most hated man in America besides Barack Obama, would have an easy victory.

It’s happening again in Delaware in the fight for Joe Biden’s old senate seat. The TEA Party Express has supported the candidacy of one Christine O’Donnell. Like all TEA Party Express “candidates” she is virtually unelectable. Ms. O’Donnell has reportedly lied for 21 years about having a college degree which she was only just awarded this year. Ms. O’Donnell has a questionable tax and earnings situation. Ms. O’Donnell lied and said she took two of Delaware’s three counties in the most recent race against Biden . . . she actually won zero. Ms. O’Donnell has been violating campaign finance laws over the last six months.

The situation is not cut and dried, however; two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supports Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking. Just as Sharon Angle (who was nominated by the TEA Party Express over two far better conservative candidates to unseat Harry Reid; then was left high and dry by the TEA Party Express once she’d won and only saved by’s incredible work in her behalf nationally) found out, the question is obvious, if an outside party wins a Republican primary and the Republican nomination, why in hell should the Republican Party support her financially? Indeed, since she’s such a poor candidate should anyone in their right mind support her?

Let’s look the situation over logically: it looks like a three-way LOSE-LOSE-LOSE situation for Conservatives in Delaware and around the country unless things change dramatically (more on that later). A) the Democrat’s candidate benefits by running against a presumably unelectable O’Donnell and wins B) O’Donnell somehow gets elected but because she has no apparent integrity or ability to practically manage her own life, the state gets a loser for a senator C1) Castle wins the primary against O’Donnell but his war chest is depleted and the in-fighting weakens him as a candidate and helps the Democrat win or C2) Castle wins and wins again and Delaware gets a fiscal RINO** and a Constitutional RINO again in the senate.

How much better for all involved if a real TEA Party candidate and an electable one was running, no? Only one thing can save the situation for Castle and presumably Delaware. He needs to sign the TEA Party Contract from America. He needs to admit his past stupidity. He needs to understand with all his soul . . . . and and

And pledge to the people of Delaware and to the Republican Party that he will embody the spirit of these three websites and of the Contract from America. Short of this rebirth, nothing good is liable to come out of Delaware

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Unfortunately, the concept of RINO (Republican in name only) has deeply hurt the G.O.P. coming and going. On the one hand you have people like the two Maine senators or Mr. Castle in Delaware or the upstate New Yorker mentioned earlier who just use Republican money to get elected and then prove themselves absolutely progressive/liberal on taxes, spending and the Constitution. On the other hand and even more dangerous, too many undesirable candidates like Ken Buck and Sharon Angle survive the primary process because of their “fidelity” to the old litmus tests and then prove UNelectable and cede the field to the progressives directly. One great thing, however, virtually any candidate who keeps his/her big trap shut and only opens it to speak about the Contract from America should prevail, even perhaps Ken Buck, Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell. The trouble is this kind of “non-RINO” tends to give Conservatives a bad name because they’re stupid enough to be against (just to name one thing) abortion even in case of incest or rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. American women won’t stand for this kind of authoritarian stand on what they can do and endure with their own bodies. That Republican stance makes abortion on demand all but inevitable.

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