Mark R. Winkle's Posts (8)

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  My Fellow Countrymen and Women,

       On this Memorial Day, in honor of our servicemen and women, as well as all of the patriots living and those who have passed on, I ask you to reclaim the Tea Party from corporate control,

       I know this post isn't going to be popular, but the truth never is. In an investigative piece by the NY Times in 2010, it was uncovered that a majority of Tea Party funding - especially to Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks, two front organizations operated by Koch Industries and the Koch brothers, two of the worst environmental criminals on the planet (Koch Industries in located in Kansas). The link to my worldwide blog post is : . 

Read it, then feel free to comment.

I am a Tea Party patriot that wants corporations to stop controlling the United States, to stop meddling in our constitutional rights, and to pay their fair share of taxes. If you truly want America and your constitutional rights back, you will demand that any money contributed to any conservative organization by David and Charles Koch and any of their foundations will be given back.

When corporations pay their fair share of taxes, stop evading taxes, and act responsibly- jobs are created, the deficit of the nation declines, safety regulations are enforced, banks have more money to loan (that is not being loaned to fund government waste and operations, and the economic cycle created benefits not only the wealthy, but every citizen. 

When corporations use political movements like the Tea Party to hide behind, the world laughs at that organization. The Tea Party is being laughed at because they are taking dirty corporate money that is being funneled through political front organizations. 

It is time to get big oil out of our government once and for all- and to EVICT the Koch brothers out of the Tea Party movement and separate ourselves from their records and their tainted money. 

Only then will the Tea Party and conservative organizations  be taken seriously. 

Our Tea Party deserves better than being used as a front organization in an attempt to discard our laws, our constitution, and place a few wealthy individuals in charge of the Tea Party movement. 

Your comments are welcome. 

Mark Winkle, Founder

The Winkle Institute for Worldwide Economic Stability


Currently Resolving the Issues in Ukraine

We take freedom and human rights seriously. 

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The Shredding of the United States Constitution by the Office of the President and the NSA

        Since the 1950’s and the end of the cold war, the United States has had listening posts that trapped and recorded phone conversations of people and governments around the world. My brother worked at a facility outside of Miami, Florida on an island doing just that for RCA under a military contract in the 1980’s.

          He once told me that they intercepted every phone call made in the Western Hemisphere north of a certain geographic location. He also said that he believed that this violated the United States Constitution. After many phone conversations, I convinced him to follow his conscience and find another job. He took my advice.

          The listening post still collects internet and phone traffic from the Western Hemisphere.

           In direct violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States, the president has continued to wage an imaginary war against Al Qeda which is a creation of the CIA.

           Having viewed over 180 videos of 9/11 and read hundreds of pages of data, some of which were highly classified, I have constructed the following scenario of events that I believe are very accurate.

           Wanting to take control of the Iraqi oil fields and to carve them up under various contracts, George Bush Jr., Dick Cheney, and members of a secret NSA staff organization developed a plan to stage an invasion of the United States and blame that staged invasion on a rogue element of a Muslim CIA operation that had assisted them in fighting in Afghanistan.

           Enter Al Qeda as the figmented and imaginary terrorist organization. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA operative and was funded by the NSA until he became a liability and threatened to expose 9/11 and its inside actors.

           Claiming that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)’s was easy. It was well known that Russia, China, and Iran had been supplying Iraq with weapons, including chemical weapons for years. Iraq never had nuclear weapons with the exception of those sold to it by these countries.

           The connection between Iraq and the imaginary “Al Qeda” needed to be made to implement stage two of Cheney and Bush’s plan to invade Iraq and carve up the oil fields.

            The WMD’s however were never found as three weeks before the invasion of Iraq, the WMD’s were moved by truck into Russia where they still sit. How do I know this? I have over the years had long conversations with many high level personnel, and have done due diligence research.

             The coverup began when the discovery was made that there was no connection between Iraq and the imaginary Al Qeda. The “invasion” of the World Trade Center was an inside job and Thomas Hayden authorized it. He is still covering it up today.

            Now, we have an imaginary enemy which might strike us from anywhere, the question must be asked (if you don’t know that the enemy is imaginary) “How do we defend ourselves?” How do we protect ourselves from being found out as traitors to the United States of America that started an illegal war, that killed thousands of our own citizens, killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens, and instituted an illegal, unconstitutional program of surveillance of every person on the entire planet?” “How do we get away with this?”

           Dick Cheney and Addington, his attorney drafted a document that  improperly applied the president’s war powers, in a war that he himself and Dick Cheney and the NSA had begun against the imaginary Al Qeda, giving the president unlimited power to violate the First and Fourth Amendmen rights of every citizen of the United States of America.

           We know that the attack on the Pentagon was a US Navy missile. We know that similar US Navy missiles hit both towers of the World Trade Center. The video evidence of these facts exists despite the attempts and efforts of the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA to seize them.

          We know that George Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney had Gen. Hayden lie to numerous people and illegally conduct illegal wiretaps without warrants of millions of United States citizens for the past (14) fourteen years.

          We know that there were numerous attempts to stop the illegal acts by many people in the NSA, but do the the greed of power, Hayden, Cheney, the Council on Foreign Relations and others needed this information to continue to provide a smokescreen for their illegal acts of the past and of the present.

          We know that the illegal seizure/collection of internet traffic and telephone calls continues even today. As an international consultant, every time I post on one of my many blogs, I immediately begin to receive a Denial of Service targeted at my computer and internet service.

         My email accounts have been hacked by the NSA a, the Secret Service, and the CIA. In fact, the NSA and its divisions read everything that I write and post. I could post a list of my laundry and a things to do list and it would be read and reposted throughout the NSA servers.

        When I challenged Obama’s fake birth certificate (he really was born in Africa, not the United States), I received several rude emails from White House staff, US Secret Service, and NSA personnel who said that they had indeed seen the forged and fake birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama aka “Barry”. I know a fake document when I see one, and Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate that was presented was indeed a fake.

        The fake birth certificate just proved that Obama was just as big of a liar as George Bush Jr., Dick Cheney, and Thomas Hayden was.  Their acts of TREASON against the people of the United States will go down in history as the greatest invasion and attempted destruction of the United States Constitution in all of time immortal.

         So, the Patriot Act was introduced and downsized somewhat. Then came the unconstitutional FISA re-authorization which permits the collection and assembling of “meta-data” of every conversation that any person in the world has, in the interest of fighting imaginary terrorists.

         In the wake of the illegal activities by the NSA, many other countries, including England has begun collecting internet and telephone conversations as well.

         As an international consultant to the UN, the UN Economic Council, the IMF, the European Union, the European Union Human Rights Council, and thirty-four plus governments,  on human rights, economy issues, environmental, financial, and constitutional issues, I am abhorred at the outright abuse of the NSA, the CIA, JSOC, the UN Peacekeepers, and other terrorist organizations that are supposed to be defending the rights, freedoms, and liberties of citizens around the world.

         Instead of being a governments of the people, by the people, and for the people, the world’s governments have become governments that have set aside the basic human rights and natural rights of every citizen of the world in the vague attempt to protect us from ourselves and imaginary enemies.

          In February of last 2012, I wrote a New Constitution of the United States and a Proposed Constitution of the United European Union. the latter was banned in Germany on You Tube.

           If you want your world back, if you want your rights, liberties, and freedoms back, these documents give them back to you and take them away from corporations and spy agencies around the world.

           I will post them every opportunity that I can get in the attempt to thwart the illegal taking of our rights of free speech and other natural rights given to us by God Almighty.

The Proposed Constitution of the United States and the Proposed Constitution of the United European Union are also at,, and on both of my Tumblr blogs.

Here is the United States version, below it is the European Union version: take them, and implement them. Make them into law to protect yourself and your citizens from tyranny.


The New Constitution of the United States of America
(Proposed Amended Version)
We, the citizens of the United States of America, assemble ourselves to create a new democracy, a true democracy that protects the individual rights of every citizen of the nation. In this time of mankind, that we find ourselves in, we see that it is more profitable to our spirits and to those of our neighbors, to work hand in hand with one another, for the benefit of all creation.
Article I. Rights.
Among these rights are liberty, life, freedom of speech without government interference or obstruction of any kind, freedom of religion, freedom to openly express their religious beliefs, freedom from tyranny imposed upon them by their government, economic freedom from financial tyranny imposed at the hand of any person or government (that among these rights are: the right to buy and sell, the right to barter, the right to be free from excessive usury fees (above 10%), the right to purchase and sell real estate without interference or obstruction by any government agency or authority lest it be taken as a seizure in part (whereby, the owner in possession must be doubly compensated for the properties’ value which can only be set by a jury of the property owner’s peers, the right to sue and be sued, the right to a fair and just wage, the right to a safe workplace, the right to be free from excessive prices for basic amenities such as: food, shelter, home heating fuels, clothing, transportation fees and fuels, communication services, medical expenses, insurance fees, and banking fees); and the right to buy and sell interest in any company or corporation at an agreed upon price between the buyer and the seller, freedom to peacefully assemble, the right to keep and bear arms for their personal defense and the defense against tyranny, and the freedom to seek redress from the government by any peaceful means, and the right of privacy; the right from unreasonable search or seizure of their persons, their homes, papers, effects, vehicles or their property of any kind without probable cause and without a warrant describing the persons, place, or property to be searched or seized and the sworn affidavit upon which the warrant was issued must be affirmed by a court of common jurisprudence, wherein in may be challenged, the right to a fair trial, the right to counsel at every point of criminal legal jeopardy, the right to be free from arrest without a warrant from a court of common pleas or higher court;
Furthermore, no citizen shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without indictment by a Grand Jury of their peers including members of the armed forces. All members of the armed forces shall be subject to a criminal trial of local jurisprudence if the crime was not committed on government property. No person shall be tried for the same offense, or be forced to provide oral or written evidence against themselves by any means including writing samples or be deprived of their liberty, life, or any kind of property without due process of the laws of this nation. No property may be taken by the state by any means without double compensation of the “fair price of that property.” No proceeding for eminent domain shall be held without the presence of a jury of the peers of the property holder who will be the sole judges of the value of the property.
All non-criminal offenses (those with incarceration of a period less than six months) shall be dealt with administratively by area Magistrates whose term shall be no longer than six years during their lifetime.
In all criminal cases the accused person(s) shall have the right of an impartial and speedy trial held in the area where the crime was alleged to have been committed, to be served the indictment against them, to have an attorney appointed to represent them, to hear the testimony from the witnesses’ mouths, to subpoena witnesses for their defense, and to one timely appeal at the expense of the nation.
In lawsuits involving amounts in excess of $1,000 US Dollars, the right to a trial by jury shall be preserved. Every fact tried by a jury may be appealed to a higher court if any of the rights mentioned in this document have been abused by the court.
Said higher court must then retry the case as an original case before the court if prejudice or a violation of the aforementioned rights is found to have taken place.
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended under any circumstances including a national emergency. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.
In criminal cases, bail shall not exceed ten times the damage caused by the crime. Excessive fines shall not be imposed nor emotional, mental, physical, or psychological punishments be inflicted once the criminal is in custody. No prisoner may be tortured to gain testimony against themselves or others by any means.
No employee or contractor of any government agency shall by any means invade the privacy of any citizens of these United States of America. An invasion of privacy shall be a first degree felony criminal act and shall be punished as such in a criminal court of law by a court in the state in which such act was committed. The person charged shall be permitted a trial by a jury of the citizens of that state who shall be chosen at random.
The inclusion of any right or privilege by this document shall not interfere or obstruct any other right given to the citizens of the United States of America; however, the rights given in this document may not be taken away by judicial or legislative means or modified by any other means than a majority popular vote of the citizens of this nation.
A person charged with a felony who flees from justice, will be bound over to the federal courts for return back to the state where the offense was committed in order that justice may be done for both the victim and the accused criminal.
The judicial powers of the United States of America shall not obstruct any citizen from commencing litigation against any state or citizen of any state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign country. Each state may initiate litigation against its citizens, and each citizen may initiate litigation against any state or citizen to obtain redress or property or any violation of any right or liberty herein included.
There shall be no involuntary servitude, even for criminals, as our nation’s moral laws are held to a higher standard, that every person shall be free from tyranny, and excessive punishment by the courts. The punishment issued by the court shall fit the crime. Leniency of the sentence or fine shall not be predetermined by the prosecutor in any prior arrangement with the judicial authority of the court.
All Federal Laws, Federal Court Rulings, and Executive Orders enacted from July 4, 1996 forward shall be null and void upon the ratification of this document and shall not be reinstated without a majority vote of the citizens of the United States of America. The ratification of this document serves to  give back to the citizens of these United States of America their rights, liberties, and freedoms that have been stolen from them by previous actions of various bodies of the government.
No state shall make or enforce any law which would interfere with any of the rights provided to the citizens by this document, or deny any person the right of equal protection under the laws and rights afforded by this document.

Article II. Elections.
Each citizen having attained the age of eighteen years of age may vote in any election and may hold any office including judicial and Congressional representative, except the office of the Presidency and the Vice Presidency whose election requires the office holder to have attained the age of twenty-five years of age. The election days for all political and judicial offices will be set on the first weekend of February, thus allowing for every citizen to cast their vote over the two days period.
The votes for all offices in the United States of America shall be counted, and the winner of a majority of the votes shall take office within thirty days of the election date.
Every elected official shall be subject to a recall vote by the citizens who shall retain this right to remedy their errors in human judgment. This right may only be taken away by a majority vote of the citizens of the United States of America.
Article III. Duties and Conduct of the Legislative Branch.
All legislative authority granted by this founding document shall be vested a representative Congress subject to the will of the citizens of the United States of America. Representatives of Congress shall be appointed to each state dependent upon the population of each state to make and pass laws, except any law that will infringe upon any of the rights or liberties provided in this document.
Each state, shall be represented by one representatives of Congress for every one million people of population rounded up to the next million. The Congress will meet the eleventh day of March every year and shall remain in session until an annual budget is passed.
Said representatives of Congress shall not be less than eighteen years of age.
The term of each duly elected representative shall be six calendar years from the date of their being sworn into office. Said representatives may serve a maximum of two non-consecutive terms (twelve years) during their lifetime in order to avoid corruption of the office.
Said representative of Congress may be removed from their office by a recall vote of a majority of voters in their appointed district. Said recall shall not be subject to an appeal to any court of the nation.
The representatives will be required to resign their office thirty days from the date of any finding of guilt of any felony offense by in any court. The required resignation shall not be stayed by an appeal to any court in the nation, excepting the Supreme Court, who shall issue a finding within ten days of the appeal. Said appeal will not extend the thirty day requirement for resignation if a finding of guilt is upheld by the court. The representatives will hold the right to impeach the President or the Vice President and any Federal Judge including every member of the Supreme Court if of any felony offense.
The Congress must have a quorum present to conduct business. The Congress may set such rules and administrative requirements to insure proper conduct and decorum of its members. The Congress may set such rules as to its own procedures. Congress, by a majority vote of its members may expel a member.
Representatives of Congress shall be compensated for their services at the rate of $100,000 dollars per year with an annual increase of (2) percent plus inflation. Such increase may be suspended by Congress by a majority vote of the representatives.
A Representative of Congress may be arrested just as any ordinary citizen, for any offense. However, they may not be arrested in the course of a meeting of the Congress, but said arrest shall be permitted after the day’s adjournment.
Congress shall have exclusive authority to legislate and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and benefit of the United States of America. No individual state may impose such duty, import tax, or excise without the express permission of the treasury. All such collected monies shall be deposited into the treasury of the United States of America. Every duty, import tax, and excise shall be uniform in every part of the nation.
Congress shall regulate commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states. To establish a uniform rule of immigration and naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States of America, coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures, provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States of America, and to establish Post Offices.
Congress shall: promote the progress of science and useful arts, by protecting the copyrights of intellectual property; to establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court;
define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high Seas, and offenses against the law of nations, declare war, grant letters of reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; raise and support Armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than one calendar year, provide and maintain a navy, make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces and to provide for the suppression of insurrections and repel invasions; exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such Government District (not exceeding twenty square miles as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States of America, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of military bases, dock-yards, and other needed buildings, and make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other authority vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States of America, or in any department or officer thereof.
Every Bill which shall have passed the Congress, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President of the United States of America. If the president approves it the president shall sign it, but if not they shall veto it. If the Congress reconsiders the bill and passes it by a majority vote, the bill will become law. A vote of the yeas and nays will be determined and the names of those voting said yeas and nays will be recorded. If any legislation shall not be acted upon by the president with fourteen calendar days after its receipt, it shall become law, unless an adjournment of Congress made it impossible to return. In such case, the time will extend, and be taken up at its place of leaving on their first new day of business.
No appointments to any government office shall be made by the president during the time that Congress is adjourned or without their approval at any other time.
Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Congress may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by the president, or being disapproved by the president, shall be passed by a majority of the representatives of Congress, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. Congress shall have the power necessary to make rules and regulations concerning all property owned by the United States of America.
Article IV. Executive Branch of the Government.
Leadership. The President and the Vice President of the nation shall be elected by a majority vote of the citizens. The term of each office shall be for six years. Each office may be held for two non-consecutive terms in the lifetime of the elected official. The president and vice president must be natural born citizens of the United States of America, and produce legal documented proof of said citizenship to the Secretary of Congress (who shall verify the authenticity of such citizenship documents prior to the president swearing or affirming the oath of office.
The president and vice- president shall be compensated at a rate of $150,000 per year plus a (2) percent annual increase plus inflation.
The President and Vice President must resign their office thirty days after they are found guilty of any felony offense in any court or as a result of impeachment by the Congress. The required resignation shall not be stayed by an appeal to any court in the nation, excepting the Supreme Court, who shall issue a finding within ten days of the appeal. Said appeal will not extend the thirty day requirement for resignation if a finding of guilt is upheld by the court. The President and the Vice President may be removed from office by a majority recall vote of the citizens of the nation or by a majority vote of the legislature whichever is most expedient. Said removal from office will occur thirty days from the date of the recall vote by the citizens of the nation or of the legislature.
The President may not declare war on any nation or its citizens without the approval of Congress, for such is an impeachable offense of treason which unduly causes harm to the nation and places the nation in the precarious possibility of being retaliated against.
The president and Vice- president shall both take an oath of office that they will execute their respective offices to the best of their ability, and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
The office of President and Vice President shall be filled by separate ballots to avoid corruption of the office of the presidency.
If the president dies in term, he shall be replaced by the Vice President, who shall be replaced by the president of the Congress. If a citizen that has been elected as president dies before taking office, a new election will be held within thirty days of said death, thus maintaining the sole right of the citizens to choose their leader. If a president dies in office, the vice president shall succeed him for a period of six months whereupon, an election to elect a president of the nation. If the vice president dies in office, the president of the Congress shall fulfill their term of office.
If the president is unable to fulfill his obligations of the office due to physical or mental capacity, they shall be replaced by the Vice President for the balance of their term, unless such physical or mental capacity is remedied. If such physical or mental capacity is remedied, the president will retake the office for the duration of their term. The president shall be required to give notice to the citizens the state of the nation twice annually. He shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers. He shall insure that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States of America.
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the military of the United States of America, they may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any Subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have authority to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States of America, except in cases of impeachment.
The president shall have authority, by and with the advice and consent of the Congress, to make treaties, provided a majority of the representatives present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Congress, shall appoint ambassadors, other ministers and consuls judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States of America, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. Said appointments and treaties shall require a majority vote of the Congress. The president shall have no right to executive powers to make laws. The president shall not have the right to declare war upon any nation without an act of congress, for such declaration is a high crime against the citizens of the nation and would require the immediate forfeiture of the office of the presidency. In the event of impeachment of the president of the vice-president the person being impeached may not be granted a pardon if the impeached person has committed a criminal act for which they are being impeached. In these matters, the nation must have justice rendered in its fullness.
Article V. Judicial Branch.
There shall be a system of courts wherein The Supreme Court may decide issues of constitutional matters and appeals from lower courts. The courts are not afforded the right to create or make law by their decisions as such is the exclusive right of the Representatives of the people of the nation. Each justice of the Supreme Court and any Federal Court of Appeals or of any United States of America District shall have a set term of twelve years in totality during their lifetime in order to prevent corruption of the bench.
The Courts of Appeals and District Courts may also hear constitutional cases, appeals from other courts, and original cases involving rights, liberties, and property. Each justice and Federal court judge and magistrate will resign their respective office thirty days after a finding of guilt of a felony offense in any court. The required resignation shall not be stayed by an appeal to any court in the nation, excepting the Supreme Court, who shall issue a finding within ten days of the appeal. Said appeal will not extend the thirty day requirement for resignation if a finding of guilt is upheld by the court.
The judicial authority shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States of America, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;—to all cases affecting ambassadors and representatives of other nations, to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to any controversy to which the United States of America shall be a party; to controversies between two or more states; between a state and citizens of another state, between citizens of different states, between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, or citizens.
The judicial authority of the United States of America shall be granted to one Supreme Court, as well as regional federal courts and state located throughout the nation as Congress shall require. The number of said courts shall be based on the increase or decrease in a region’s population, but shall not be less than one regional federal court in every state. The judges shall be compensated during the tenure of impartial adjudication of cases.
In all cases affecting ambassadors from other countries, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.
No member of any legislative body, administrative office, cabinet office, or judicial office may accept gifts, contributions, or amenities of any kind from any legal person or their representatives by any means, whether directly or indirectly. The acceptance of said payment shall subject said person to an immediate recall election by the populous of their respective citizens who voted them into office. Such is necessary to prevent the corruption of these high offices which are privileges granted to them by their fellow citizens. No government official or their employees shall be excluded from any of these rights and liberties or from any part of the enforcement of the rights or from any laws of the nation may be passed in the future. Representatives of Congress, and every member of the state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States of America and of the states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution of the United States of America.
Article VI. Monetary Policy of the nation.
The Treasury of the United States of America will have complete control of the monetary policy and the economic future of the United States of America and is hereby afforded the authority to issue Treasury bonds on behalf of the nation to satisfy all public debts of the nation. The Treasury will be the sole issuer of currency, in any denomination, and the sole issuer of public debt issued on behalf of the United States of America. All debts contracted by any states of the United States of America, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States of America as consolidated debts of the nation and shall be assumed by the United States of America The public debt must be paid in a timely manner to afford for the “Economic Stability of the nation.” No member state shall have a deficit in excess of their respective income to their state in excess of one year. The budget of the nation must be economically stable and balanced.
The Congress shall have the obligation to lay and collect taxes on all income, at a minimum rate of twelve (12) percent, without regard to any census or enumeration.
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by law. A copy of the annual budget of the United States of America shall be published annually and provided at cost to every citizen upon request.
There shall be no titles or payments of any kind to any person of present privilege affording them a stature above any other citizen of the nation.
No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No Preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to any port over another. No state may charge duties or import taxes on vessels bound to, or from one state to another.
Congress shall have the authority to borrow on behalf of the United States of America in order that its debts and encumbrances will be met.
Article VI. Enforcement.
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States of America made in reference to and in compliance with its requirements, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States of America, shall be the law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound by them, unless they are in conflict with this Constitution of the United States of America.
Article VII. Amendments.
The citizens of the United States of America shall propose amendments to this constitution by obtaining the valid signatures (written or electronic) of ten percent of the adult population of the nation. Upon such verified obtainment of the required signatures a ballot will be placed before the citizens of the United States of America at the next annual election. A majority vote in favor of the amendment is required for passage. Congress may also elect to propose amendments to this constitution. Said proposed amendments will be subject to a majority vote of the citizens of the United States of America.
The United States of America shall guarantee to every State in this nation these rights and liberties and shall protect each of them against invasion and from internal violence.
Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

Article VIII. Treason.
Treason against the United States of America shall consist only in levying War against them or by providing aid to an enemy of the nation including those citizens of these United States that seek to destroy it from within. A person shall not be found guilty of treason unless it was committed with malice and forethought in the presence of two or more sworn witnesses.
Article IX. State’s Rights.
Any rights not stated herein previously shall revert back to and be vested in the states of the United States of America and shall be solely under the authority of the citizens of that state. Such rights may only be reclaimed or modified by an amendment of this document by the means stated herein.
Article X. Declaration.
We, the citizens, hold these truths and liberties to be applicable to every citizen regardless of their race, color, gender, or creed, holding none to be above another. In this way, all of mankind, having come from one creator, and placed on this earth to do the bidding of our creator, do hereby pledge ourselves one to another, and to our God, for the common good of all mankind. Let us be worthy of our task. It is upon our shoulders, that none shall fall prey to the many vices of tyranny that would bind a man to another, nor to the vices that would cause turmoil between one another. We endeavor to assist one another, in their time of need that no person should suffer needlessly, not starve as a result of freedoms withheld from them. Their thirst for such freedoms as any person would so desire, will be freely quenched by every citizen for one another without demand or charge of any kind. For such, is the meaning of a “true democracy” pursuant to the words in this founding document of a new nation.
The ratification of this document, The Constitution of the United States of America, by thirty-eight states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States in their totality including the votes of all candidate states presently seeking inclusion into the United States of America.
We, the constitutional representatives of the states of the United States of America, do hereby affix our signatures, thereby binding our citizens, our nations, and our hearts in the name of liberty and freedom from tyranny of any kind.
We hereby state our intentions to take back this country from the tyrannical forces that have invaded it from within by peaceful means, while that possibility still exists.
Drafted by Mark Randolph Winkle, this 1st day of February, 2012 and amended April 11, 2012.May God speed the acceptance and passage of this document into law.
“One Nation Under God”

If you want your rights back, and if you want your freedoms back, you will

DEMAND that a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION be held this year to implement these documents into law.


Mark Winkle, Founder

The Winkle Institute for Worldwide Economic Stability

email contact information:  or

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of the Tea Party of the United States of America

In the United States of America

October 18, 2013

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the Tea Party of the United States of America, appealing to Almighty God for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these United States, solemnly publish and declare, that the Tea Party of the United States is, and of right ought to be a free and independent political party; that it is absolved from all allegiance to the Republican Party of the United States, and that all political connection between them and the Republican Party of the United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent political party, we have full power to present candidates for national, state, and local government offices and elections,  petition the government for redress, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent political parties may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

National Tea Party Headquarters:

713 Cedar Drive Suite 19

Fairborn, Ohio 45324

Temporary email:

WE, the undersigned hereby affix our names to this document:

Mark R. Winkle, Founding member

To have your name added, email me at

Documents will be filed by the end of this year to establish the Tea Party as a separate political party.

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Amazon CEO gives $2.5M for Wash. gay marriage law.  I just saw this on another website. Jeff Bezos the head of Amazon is backing Gay marriage in Washington State.  I dare you to close all of your accounts with Amazon. I closed all seven of my accounts including pulling all of my E Books off of Amazon Kindle and . They ripped me off before and now they pull this as well? 

    I get better service from every one of their competitors.

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This is a copy of an e-mail I received tonight from American' :

I voted for myself to be President! Nyuh! Nyuh! Nyuh!Nyuh! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop!

Dear Mark,                                                                                                           May 18, 2012

There is a desire among Delegates and millions of Americans who have supported Americans Elect to see a credible candidate emerge from this process.

However, the rules, as developed in consultation with the Americans Elect Delegates, are clear. As of this week, no candidate achieved the national support threshold required to enter the Americans Elect Online Convention in June. The primary process for the Americans Elect nomination has come to an end.

Americans Elect, from the outset, has been a rules-based process, with the rules publicly available and open to debate by the Delegates. Our key priorities have been to: 1) honor the trust Americans Elect has built with the Delegates and American public; 2) require candidates to earn the nomination by building support among the Americans Elect Delegate community and American voters; and 3) create a basis for a solid future for the Americans Elect movement.

This decision honors these priorities.

Through the efforts of thousands of staffers, volunteers, and leadership, Americans Elect has achieved its operational goals, including:

Creating a pathway for nationwide ballot access for a balanced presidential ticket unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party to compete in the 2012 race;
Building the technological platform for the first nonpartisan secure national online primary at;
Attracting a significant base of more than 4 million supporters, including Delegates, petition signers and volunteers;
Educating the national and local media on the Americans Elect mission; and
Finishing an extensive candidate briefing program involving more than 100 potential candidates.

As always, we thank everyone who has helped build this organization and are grateful for the work, efforts, and trust so many people have placed in Americans Elect. We are continuing the Americans Elect mission of creating more choice in our political system, giving candidates unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party an authentic way to run for office and giving the American people a greater voice in our political process.

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            A new video is on You Tube concerning Mr. Flip- Flop Mitt Romney. 

                                                "Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?"


           If the video link is removed, go to my blog at The link is posted there as well and will be there long after the November Election.

A Proposed US Constitution is also on my blog at  Many new liberties, many changes, added rights and freedoms that the courts have limited or taken away from the original.

Mark Winkle

Consultant One

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