acorn (44)

Rajjpuut’s guessing at least 60% of Americans (the vast UNinformed) might have felt great relief seeing the recent Newsweek cover saying “America’s Back!” (Hopefully, they didn’t waste their needed funds actually buying that rag.) The two best statistics in Newsweek’s favor are the stock market’s year-long climb and this month’s upswing in housing construction. You, however, as a reader of Rajjpuut's Folly, know that overall the real picture is not that rosy: unemployment is quite high; foreclosures and bank failures are rampant; deficits and national debt are growing semi-geometrically; two of the three American auto companies despite $100+ billion in handouts have NOT turned-around significantly; government size and scope are growing to dangerous liberty-endangering proportions; a new entitlement program Obamacare threatens to put the final nail in the coffin of American capitalism; unions are not interested in cooperating with management to return the nation’s products to competitive-price desirability; unions are not cooperating with states to help the states meet their own financial disasters; and most importantly, we have short-sightedly failed to cut taxes or decrease government spending. How far are we from financial Armageddon? Are we already there?

In actuality, we stand on the cusp of the disintegration of the American Republic as we’ve known it since 1776, the finest experiment in freedom and responsibility ever seen on this earth. For the first time in our history, one generation looks to pass on far less than it inherited from its American predecessors. The politicians have sold away our children's and grandchilren's future. The fiscal-cataclysm that brought us to this point, rather than abating still intensifies creating great distress for our citizens. This distress and the problems leading us to this point have been deliberately shrouded in mystery and dissembled (lied) about for the protection of those who caused the problem, thus the problems persist and intensify rather than improving. Rather than getting to the matter of in depth individual and collective guilt, let’s take a few brief paragraphs and allude to two different approaches to fiscal-downturns: the well-known “New Deal” and the virtually never seriously discussed “Get Government out of the Way” approach a.k.a. the Warren G. Harding “Invisible Depression Approach” . . . .

In 1920 the nation began suffering “the Unknown Depression” a.k.a. “the Invisible Depression,” one of countless such financial panics that the nation has endured in its history. This panic might have been part of the normal ebb and flow of the economy, those normal ups and downs found in all free markets. However, the situation was greatly compounded and exacerbated by the problems created by the end of the economic boom upon many industries and for the American farmer by World War I’s end and the return of the troops (jobless now) to American shores, and the difficulties repaying loans owed America by many nations almost ruined by the war, and the de-stabilizing effect of the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic which began in and around Ft. Riley, Kansas and killed at least 800,000 Americans and up to 100 million people worldwide. On the government front, President Woodrow Wilson was sickly and his wife actually ran much of the government continuing his progressive policies (feeling that the U.S. Constitution is a flawed and thus an insufficient instrument for dealing with modernity and is therefore, something which must be “progressed” beyond by current politicians so much wiser than the founding fathers). Wilson was replaced in 1921 by Warren G. Harding, a do-nothing president more excited by chasing White House staff women into closets than governing and certainly totally UNinterested in creating any grandiose government initiatives. Harding became known, somewhat unfairly it seems although the President is ultimately responsible for what happens on his watch, for the Teapot Dome Scandal (that emerged after his death) and little else. He probably should be remembered as “the nation’s greatest depression fighter.”

So as not to interrupt his Clinton-like oval office carousing, Harding largely kept his hands off the government making almost no serious expansions whatsoever in the structure or functioning of it. There was definitely a depression going on: gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped 133% from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921. Harding did make three changes, however. The first two changes were seemingly too small to actually matter, but they were important. The last change was huge and utterly inspired:

A. Wilson had (like Obama today) stopped all direct press conferences. Harding restored them twice a week and enjoyed personally dealing with the press’ questions. And the word historically is that he never dodged a question but sometimes clarified things later or asked for cabinet input or said “That’s one I don’t know, but I’ll find out, boys!”

B. Harding, from the first, explained to the press and to the people how the economy worked and constantly decried the negative effects of high taxes, government waste and government spending and interference (what Rajjpuut calls GSBs and GIBs – government spending and government interference boondoggles) on the nation’s productivity and economic health. Harding also championed a completely non-interventionist foreign policy as the best hope for peace. This was completely opposite to Wilson’s approaches. Wilson, as a progressive, had greatly multiplied the size and scope of government during his two terms even before the country entered WWI in 1917. He had promised to keep the nation out of war but as soon as he'd won re-election deliberately steered us into it; and then he'd gone gallivanting around Europe etc. trying to sell the world on a League of Nations (in other words Wilson was almost as huge an “interventionist” as Herbert Hoover, FDR and Obama).

C. Harding’s third change was the single largest lesson in economic history for America and its leaders in business and government ( a change which history books totally ignore and no one, therefore, learns from) . . . he slashed the national government to the bone! Tax cuts and spending cuts were huge. 1920’s $6.3 billion budget dropped to $3.2 billion in 1922 Harding’s first-full year controlling it.

Harding slashed taxes on corporate profits and “excess profits” dramatically as well. He established the General Accounting Office to provide oversight on government spending and waste and he stuck by his guns despite (his Secretary of Commerce) Herbert Hoover’s unceasing urging to help** the unemployed. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924. Federal spending reached its low in 1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and debt continued to decline and then small surpluses accumulated until 1930. The rebound was swift and almost painless and it ignited the single-most prosperous years in history “the Roaring Twenties” which Hoover’s progressive policies brought to an end and FDR’s ultra-progressivism expanded into a twelve-year depression only alleviated by putting 16 million men to work in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor.

Overall federal taxes decreased almost 40% in less than two years under Harding. As a result, wealth for private citizens increased tremendously. They came for the first time in large numbers to own automobiles, ice boxes and refrigerators, radios and often their own homes. Most rural citizens gained indoor plumbing and electric lighting for the first time. America for the first time became the haven for the world’s investors. The gold-backed U.S. dollar became the world’s default currency or international 'reserve' currency. Later, the true nature of progressive policies (a.k.a. theft) became obvious to our citizens and the world’s investors who would suffer the theft of much of the dollar’s value when FDR confiscated the nation’s gold and changed the exchange rate from $20.76 per ounce to $35 an ounce in an overnight inflation of 41%.

Harding suffered a stroke and died in early August, 1923, the sins of some of his cabinet were supposedly part of his legacy according to progressive historians. His real legacy is, however, that his Vice President (Calvin Coolidge) adopted precisely identical economic policies and the country thrived as never before until Silent Cal chose “not to run” in 1928 and the nation elected Republican progressive Hoover into office. Harding’s 18-month Depression compared to Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s dozen-year malaise stand as stark reminders of the benefits of government “staying out of the way.” Nevertheless, FDR got all the good press and Harding all the bad and the wrong model has been adopted today by FDR-admiring Barak Obama. Let us return to our present economic problem and its causes . . . but first a quick review . . . How exactly did Harding engineer such a stupendous turn-around? In a sentence: he cut government spending by almost 50% and cut taxes by 40% . . . our own predicament is so much worse that in a 21st Century Harding’s place, Rajjpuut would advocate a ten-year plan to maintain spending cuts of 60% and decrease taxes by 45%. Back to 2010 . . . .

Presumably, by now the full-truth about our present financial crisis clearly should have been 100% revealed to the people/voters and the congress and the world by an ever vigilant and conscientious press and honest able economists. However, the ever vigilant conscientious press . . . apparently no longer exists. However, honest and able economists are in short supply . . . certainly those of the Keynesian school which advocate inflation as a viable tool of mega- (and also totalitarian) government have proved themselves repeatedly neither honest nor able. The truth is NOT being revealed . . . why? The truth is not being revealed because it is in the IRrational best interests of the parties involved to keep that truth hidden. Ultimately the voters and the press bear a huge and enduring share of the blame and each would like to point the finger elsewhere. Most of the voters don’t want to be pushed away from their couch-potatoism and so they deny responsibility. The incredible failures of the press to not only NOT alert the public but to actually and willfully hide the truth from the public and present a slanted and self-interested viewpoint clearly verges on the brink of criminal in many cases with our most prestigious and honored newspapers, in particular bearing the largest responsibility (perhaps why they're all going as bankrupt in financial matters as they are in journalistic ones?). But ultimately, the sins of the press and of the voters pale in comparison to those of the politicians and, in particular to the culpability of the Constitution-Trashers and law-abusing legislators.

Rajjpuut counts a full eighteen guilty political groups, including to mention a few: President G.W. Bush and Republicans and Democrats in congress who passed Medicare D; President Obama and other lawyers working for ACORN at forcing banks into clearly unwise housing loans with virtually no chance of ever being paid off; the three Democratic congresses responsible for passing Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, the forced mortgage-guarantee expansion to Freddie and Fannie in 1992; and the Clinton 1998 mortgage-guarantee act of 1998, which put the whole process on steroids; and most importantly of all the left-wing think tanks which revered Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals." Even before the Cloward-Piven Strategy expanded Alinsky's evil, however, we needed no government-overthrowers to do us in. Today Social Security, Medicare and the federal government side of Medicaid have left us with almost $108 TRillion in unfunded debt and obligations . . . $108 TRillion. How did that happen?
For all Rajjpuut's denigration of FDR, it must be said that SSI (Social Security Insurance) was probably a good idea. But as soon as it was created and ever since . . . the law-abusers (for instance ACORN abused mortgage guarantee laws to get expensive housing for people without jobs; without ID; and even illegal aliens) went to work. Here is a little known fact that paints social security in a completely different light: although, the average life span of men in those days (1935) was roughly 54 years and women lived to roughly 58, the insurance features of SSI kicked in many years after most men and women could be expected to already be dead, in other words it insured that in old age, if you had a relatively extra-long life you were taken care of. Clearly the whole purpose of the original law has been willfully subverted by the Congresses and Presidents that followed. And SSI, just like Medicare and Medicaid are supposed to be "set-asides" like a savings account. The law-abusers have never set aside that money but have confiscated it almost from the start and passed laws with the money confiscated to spend it on other things and NOT just once-in-a lifetime things but on growing more government. In other words, the set asides have triply-fueled the massive growth of government since 1934 via establishment of the bureaucracies themselves; spending the set-aside money; and the new federal programs created and ongoing with the set-aside money now budgeted in.

It is these anti-American Constitution Trashers and law-abusers that more than any other group that have brought us to this financial precipice. Today they are still alive in all the various ACORN clones fully-expecting that Obama’s bill for “reforming” American financial institutions will refund them . . . . Their sordid history should be known by every American but our left-aligned press has willfully refused to investigate the ACORN EVIL history and purposes or the history of the think tanks aiming to overthrow our government. It is these left-wing think tanks that latched onto the “greatness” of Alinsky and continued “perfecting” their vile thinking and processes with the Cloward-Piven Strategy which they used deliberately and purposefully (and bragged about their planning and using) along with their NWRO (National Welfare Relief Organization) they created to bankrupt New York City by 1975 and only missed by a hair of bankrupting the entire state of New York. Since 1977, they have been using the poor as unwitting footsoldiers in their attempt to bring down America and impose their dreary revolution upon us. Now under Obama, blessed by the ACORN-created sub-prime lending crisis . . . their goal is in view. Heaven will never forgive us, should we allow them to succeed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** when told of a natural disaster in Texas, Harding refused to get involved and vetoed a $50,000 disaster relief bill (big money in those days), saying the bill would just “kill people’s normal charitable instincts." Sure enough state and local individuals and agencies raised over $200,000 to help the stricken area.

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Barakbanking Plans Reincarnation of 51 New ACORN Clones
and Take Over of 9% More of the Nation’s Economy

Just when you thought you were safe from ACORN attack, Barak Obama has decided his Marxist agenda needs advancing and another segment of the U.S. economy must be “transformed,” ‘er, we mean swallowed up and taken over and oh while the great man is working . . . let’s start refunding all those new ACORN clones with unending government grants. The scenario is virtually the same as that which unfolded during the Obamacare fiasco . . . with one important difference the Republicans own one more vote in the senate: the seat won by Scott Brown in Massachusetts against all odds. The house of representatives has already passed Barak’s CFPB bill (that’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a.k.a. "Barakbanking").

This time the Barakbanking bill is only 1,336 pages long and plots, while taking over almost 10% more of the the economy by the government, to re-establish funding and re-invigorate the 51 ex-ACORN branches that have all changed their names to protect the guilty. By funnelling huge financial grants to radical activist groups like the notorious ex-ACORNs, the bill amounts to a theft of hundreds of billions of our dollars to help Barak consolidate and perpetuate his power over the nations’ citizens. ACORN, you’ll remember was where Obama worked as an attorney forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly horrendous loans that created our sub-prime lending crisis. What’s good for ACORN and Obama is bad for the country and this bill is definitely NO EXCEPTION!

The new immense federal bureaucracy or CFPB will be thrown an enormous budget and will have virtually no limits to its power over ALL our financial dealings and organizations. It will be housed with the Federal Reserve but the FED will have zero power, not one iota of authority over its operations. The CFPB will have no authority but itself to be accountable to as it wields its immense power. The icing on the cake, of course, for Obama is the “Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity (OFLEO) which will be dedicated to working with community groups including all 51 of the ACORN clones most of have forgotten about and other radical organizations advancing their extreme agendas across every community in America by creating an unaccountable slush fund to finance their operations open and covert. These are the same community groups that lobbied for the CRA ’77 under Jimmy Carter (Community Reinvestment Act); then the addition in 1992 of Fannie and Freddy in ’92 forcing the government’s own lenders to be part of the atrocity when the Democrats again owned both houses; and finally the ’98 expansion of the CRA (under Clinton but helped out by about five Republican progressives as well) which put the whole sub-prime disaster on steroids. Americans, not knowing or understanding recent economic history are poised to repeat it . . . .

Most Americans, it seems are just too busy playing with electronic gadgets and watching sitcoms to pay attention to what the progressive element of the Democratic and Republican Parties have bequeathed us. Virtually none know who Saul Alinsky is, or have read his “Rules for Radicals.” Even fewer have ever heard of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and know about their taking Alinsky’s ideas to their logical extreme. The two radical Columbia University political science professors published their Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966. The C-P Strategy obstensibly was designed to “force the Democrats to create a national guaranteed income” but the real purpose as acknowledged by its creators was to create a crisis that would virtually overnight, they felt, move the country into socialism. Fewer yet know that the radical National Welfare Rights Organization was created by Cloward, Piven and Black-militant George Wiley to implement C-P Strategy on the Big Apple.

The trio’s plan worked like a charm as they tripled the number of New York City welfare recipients and doubled the number of New York state recipients (by browbeating and “street-drama” within welfare offices) within four years. The city was forced into bankruptcy by 1975 and the state of New York itself was on the verge of bankruptcy. That process took them roughly seven and one-half years but did NOT bring about the momentous shift to total socialism they’d wanted. Nevertheless the trio bragged in print about their “great deed.” ACORN used the three poorly-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws to expand its power and warchest and to virtually bankrupt the company and the nation is still right today pretty much oblivious to those facts or that one of ACORN’s best shake-down artists, attorney Barak Obama arose into power virtually overnight on the wings of the ACORN-caused financial debacle. Today, ACORN has gone underground after federal defunding and widespread problems with voter-registration fraud . . . but only the name has changed. The leadership and the Marxist purpose continue unchanged. The organization uses the poor as storm trooper to bring our country closer to ruin and their beloved Marxism every day. And you, you wonderful couch potato are helping them make it all happen!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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While Mr. Obama moves toward an amnesty bill making all illegal aliens instantly Democrats, er citizens, Mexican Drug Gangs had the audacity to attack two army bases just south of the border. Overall eighteen of the drug cartel’s attackers were killed outright and two more were wounded in the two fracases. How exactly, with what provisions, does Mr. Obama hope to limit the future entrants to our country to just including upstanding citizens? By the way, the Mexican Drug Cartel’s are reportedly threatening parents along the border with their childrens’ death if they in anyway get in the path of their activities . . . “kill your children and torch your homes” unless the threatened people pay five thousand pesos to the Cartel. Reportedly, some families are “making a run northward” now for their childrens’ safety. Makes you respect our nations’ drug addicts financing these cartels all the more, eh? The firepower along the border controlled by the Cartels has caused the Texas governor to call out the national guard for border patrol work.

Item: While Barak Obama clamors for Cap and Trade legislation which would cripple our already crippled economy, for the first time in several decades it appears that the Artic sea ice cover and the Antarctic sea ice cover are returning toward normal levels (the so-called 1980 baseline), but Al Gore and the global warming alarmists and the mainstream media that promote their party line aren’t correcting their rhetoric on climate change. Some scientists are saying that the 2007 low in Artic ice cover was probably NOT the result of extra warmth but rather may have been the result of recently discovered cyclical ocean currents pushing the ice that was there further south than normal where it melted of course. At present, the cyclical currents have shifted to more normal activities levels and directions.

Item: Although the liberal media have made a big deal out of Obama’s decision to drill offshore along the Atlantic coastline and Obama says he’s “increasing oil production,” the truth is anything but what’s being written. Obama’s decision was to “allow exploration” not to drill. The facts are that Obama has actually prohibited far more areas to exploration then he’s opened up; and he’s postponed the scheduled date of new leases. Expect gas prices at the pump to soar and do not expect any new drilling to occur. By the way, the Democrats and the Obama administration aren't talking about the vast Baaken Oil Fields covering about 22% of the heartland. A lot of jobs and a lot of oil and energy independence are waiting there. Right now just a small portion of that oil is available thanks to capitalist Indian tribes in North Dakota who cannot be told what to do by the federal government on their lands. We have deposits in the lower 48 right now that would dwarf what's available in Saudi Arabia and probably create six million new jobs . . . but Barak Obama wants you to remain ignorant of those facts.

Item: Today’s report that over 162,000 new jobs were created in the last month will be an outright fraud. Why? Among other things the 48,000 temporary Census jobs included in that figure are a once every ten year’s aberration and mean nothing to any economic recovery in the long run and over half the 162,000 jobs created are just that: temporary jobs created by the stimulus NOT real permanent jobs. If you include jobs created by the government in the mix, less than 45% of the new jobs are permanent real jobs in the real world.

Item: Despite all sorts of money thrown awkwardly at the economic problems by the Obama Administration (which doesn’t seem to understand that the only way governments can create real non-government jobs is by getting out of the economy’s way by reducing taxes, government obstruction to the free markets and other blockages that destroy the economy’s ability to naturally create jobs) the overall economy seems to be worsening. Bank failings continue at a record rate.

Item: Chrysler seems primed to ask for another bailout.

Item: The ACORN-driven sub-prime lending bust is still alive and the three mortgage-guarantee laws that ACORN abused to create it are still on the books. The Housing bust continues both for new homes and already existing homes. Overall for businesses and individuals loan payment delinquencies continue to pile up; bankruptcies and home foreclosures are running at record rates.

Item: We still have 9.7% unemployment and the overall unemployment rate increased slightly because more young people came onto the job market. It will take an average of 20,000 new jobs every month just to take care of these new workers but this would do nothing to replace or recreate the 8.4 million jobs which have disappeared since the government started stimulating the economy in October 2008.

Item: ACORN is now changing its name in all 50 states so they'll be eligible for government funding again. Remember, Barak Obama has close ties to ACORN and worked a few years as their lawyer forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly bad loans in line with three terrible laws created by the Democratic Party mostly but definitely NOT fought against resolutely enough by the Republicans. ACORN ran a Cloward-Piven scheme to overload the system and bring the country to crisis and move the country toward socialism. Until the Constitution is again respected and these laws are repealed and these type of abuses are prevented in the future, don’t expect much recovery, very soon.

ITEM: Item it would take over four consecutive years (about 50 consecutive months) of creating 162,000 jobs a month to regain the 8.4 million lost jobs and in the meantime, five million young people would also have entered the job market and be lacking jobs . . . the “Jobs President” better start earning his pay and his name.

Item: The real American average wage and the real American minimum wage both continue to fall thanks SLIGHTLY to inflation and employers’ reluctance to hire and take on new benefit-receiving employees in the present economic environment. And what is the real reason behind this drop? Illegal immigrants taking on jobs that many Americans won’t consider. Many employers can offer part-time no-benefit jobs because they don’t have an overriding need for full-time benefit-receiving normal American employees. Second prize in this sweepstakes goes to Unions continually out of touch drive to secure ever greater Cadillac benefit structures for their employees which employers have decided they will not pony up for.

Item: This one you WILL see in the liberal media. The N.Y. Times apparently got it right for once and Rajjpuut congratulates them. The Pope via a representative is attacking the Times’ coverage of the child-abuse scandal by Catholic priests saying it is one sided and exaggerated. Thirty years worth of problems is not exaggeration, it is a holocaust of trust. The Pope who once was a Hitler Youth can NOT reasonably hope to pull a Nazi shut-down on the media. This problem of abuse and more importantly of cover-up of abuse by the church and its officials goes back at least two popes and the present Pope appears himself to be implicated in the cover-up from years ago. Children are vulnerable little people and their health and safety and happiness can never be politicized . . . if the Pope wants this problem to go away, he needs to open all the church’s appropriate records on abuse and cover-up to the world’s media and to pledge to track the problem down all the way to a satisfactory conclusion. A church, above any other institution needs to be a place where people are safe, especially children.

Item: Obama’s efforts to change “Undocumented Future Democrats” into citizens is just the latest travesty. For years now, the social security administration and individual states have routinely been issuing identification to illegal immigrants. Even without this type documentation, ACORN was able to secure thousands of mortgage-guarantees for illegal aliens in the southwest. Rewarding all this duplicity by awarding citizenship is a slap in the puss to native born and naturalized citizens. If you thought Obamacare was divisive, watch what’ll happen to the country as a result of the Obama-Citizenship-Giveaway.

Item: Recently Jim Moran (D-Va) refused to answer a reporter’s questions about the “clerical error” that cost $6.4 Billion in lost stimulus funds supposedly aimed to help out in Virginia’s 12th District. One slight problem, there is no
12th district in Virginia. Moran spent about five minutes asking for respect rather than responding to the questions. Somehow the Obama stimulus folks created an untraceable slush fund for somebody, NICE!

Item: Liberal bloggers are labeling the “Faith, Hope and Charity” T-shirts being sold by Glen Beck as “hate merchandise to raise hate funds for bigot war chests.” Proceeds go to charity reportedly and Rajjpuut was unable to prove otherwise. Talking about Beck and the TEA Party and the T-shirts mentioned under the title “Nightmare in White,” one blogger starts ranting with the words, “there are an awful lot of angry white people in this country” as he went on to once again accuse all “Tea baggers” (which he knows is a sexual slur used by Democrats; the proper term is “TEA Party people”) of racism and hate crimes he implied that no TEA Party folks are NOT white; No TEA Party folks are NOT racists and all TEA Party folks are the scum of the earth and also are members in the KKK and other such organization. Certainly, Rajjpuut has seen with his own eyes that of those accusations exactly NONE are true. The aim of Democrats to marginalize the TEA Party people seems like a very short-sighted and even despicable course of action.

Item: The H1Ni vaccine was only 53% successfully issued. Right now virtually all the unused vaccine is in danger of reaching its expiration date and being thrown away. Hmmm after all the hype from the Obama administration and the shortages in vaccine amounts . . . one would have expected an out-of-control H1N1 flu epidemic in the country
. . . but until today’s news, Rajjpuut for one, hadn’t thought about H1N1 in thirteen or fourteen months.

Item: both Vice President Joe Biden’s and the New York Times’ literal admissions that Obamacare was really not about health care reform at all, but rather a wealth-redistribution scheme . . . have not been repeated . . . realizing their mistake the Veep and the newspaper in question have refrained from further responses to reporters seeking more information. Ooops, didn’t mean to tell the truth . . . .

Item: The mainstream media has ignored the fact that Obamacare not only took over 16% of the economy when it became law and began controlling the health industry. It also took over the student loan industry at the same time.
Item: if you are really a patriotic American, may prove to be one of the most exciting and pertinent websites you'll ever visit. Remember when Bill Clinton tried to run roughshod over the country in 1993 and 1994 with a nationwide takeover of the health care industry that only failed because he was NOT despicable enough to use all the dirty tricks and bribes and reconciliation BS that Obama has . . . the country voted huge numbers of Democrats out of office and for the first time in about 50 years installed Republican majorities in both houses of congress. Then the Republicans put into effect their "Contract with America" (they passed nine of the ten items on the contract) and the deficit plummeted and the country's prosperity was undeniable. Today the TEA Party has listened to Americans and come up with a list of 21 items that Americans have decided are important to them. That contract "with" America by the Republicans was a good idea but their "Contract FROM America is a better one . . . The TEA Party wants to find out which are the TOP TEN CONCERNS of patriotic citizens and then to use those top ten concerns to create a platform for politicians to sign for 2010. Go to the website above and vote for your top ten concerns. Rajjpuut's were: 1.Protecting the Constitution 2. Health Care Repeal and then Real Health Care Reform 3. Stopping Cap and Trade 4. Ending runaway government Spending 5. Real Transparency in government 6. No more bailouts 7. All of the above energy policy 8. Restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally-Limited government 9. Stop the tax hikes and 10. Demand a balanced budget . . . which is a good list, but probably not your list . . . go to the site and make your preferences known . . . .

Item: Drug Enforcement Act (DEA) officials are now visiting southern Afghanistan in America’s belated realization that opium is at the heart of the Taliban and Al Qaeda efforts in that country with the profits from opium funding their insurgency. The strange thing is that many compatible farm products are more profitable than poppies (almost all the profit from illegal drugs come after harvest and refinement) but it’s believed the Taliban likes the poppy for traditional reasons and because it plays a big role in advancing “American decadence” according to their ideology. Rajjpuut feels a strong bond to the drug addicts who help fund the killing of our soldiers.

Item: President Obama has effectively politicized the EPA (consider the edict to stop irrigation of central California farms and raise unemployment to protect the Delta Smelt <tiny fish>) and will now seek to ram through an EPA directive to ram through cap and trade legislation that Democrats have not been able to pass through the senate. This is yet another “end run” around lawful legislation processes with Obama’s arrogant administration attempting to regulate what they cannot legislate. It’s all just one more huge attempt to erode the Constitution’s authority. Just as Obamacare is, in effect, a tax on living . . . Cap and Trade type laws or edicts are nothing more than a tax on companies that actually build or create something . . . . it appears that Barak Obama intends to turn off all the lights in America . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Barak Obama has uttered a string of lies that will probably never be equaled by any man or politician if the earth lasts 50 billion years. Among his last 10,000 or so prevarications, Ol' Rajjpuut here lists some of the most obvious affronts to the truth. In selected cases comments have been added . . . .

"I will serve out my full six-year senate term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough,
sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed. I will not run for president or vice-president in 2008..”

"This stimulus money will prevent unemployment from reaching 8%."

"I am not an ideologue."

". . . will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"This is NOT socialized medicine."

"I am NOT a socialist, I’m not."

"There will be no increased taxes for the middle class."

"There will be no tax increases for persons making $200,000 yearly or less or families earning $250,000 or less."

"I will be the jobs president."

"We will clean up Washington."

"We’ll run the cleanest, most open and transparent administration in history."

"We’ll have C-SPAN right in the room with us during the health care proceedings."

"I’m always open to bi-partisan suggestions . . . ."

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States . . . ."

"This bill will reduce the deficit and lower the national debt."

"Before this all happened, I made every possible effort to prevent the housing crisis." Actually, Obama was an ACORN attorney helping the corrupt Cloward-Piven styled organization use shake-down tactics to abuse the three mortgage-guarantee laws and force banks and other lending institution into making dozens of thousands in bad loans to would-be home owners without ID; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; without downpayments in most cases; to illegal aliens in some cases. Just as C-P's original organization, the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization), bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York in 1975 by abusing and overloading the welfare laws . . . ACORN with attorneys like Obama, used the same intimidation tactics to create the sub-prime lending crisis and brought the entire nation to its knees by the end of 2007. The laws in question were all passed by Democratic congresses: Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of '77; the '92 expansion which forced Fannie and Freddie to take part in the same type of mortgage-guarantees; and the Clinton '98 expansion that put the whole process on steroids and played right into ACORN's hands.

"Winning the war in Iraq has always been very important to me."

"Our energy plan will decrease the need for foreign oil."

"I will bring the troops home all of them."

"We’re not going to take over the automotive business, we’re just helping the car companies get over a rough spot . . . . "

"We have created or saved 600,000 jobs."

"We have created or saved 2,000,000 jobs."

"The Atlantic coastline is not the place to look for the answer to our energy problems." Yesterday he gave a confusing set of directives that appear to set in motion a renewal of offshore drilling from the Florida Keys to New Jersey.
"The Recession is over." He's made that statement four different times, perhaps, eventually he may be right when he says it.
"Israel is our most important Middle-East ally, we will never turn our back on Israel." The deliberate creation of a 'crisis' between Israel and us and the recent shunning of the Israeli Prime Minister in the White House speak volumes about our ex-Muslim President's commitments.

"There have been an awful lot of lies told about what’s in this bill, here are the facts: this legislation will improve health care delivery and lower costs for families and businesses and reduce our deficits." The less said about the falsehoods contained in the Obamacare law and the sick process used to pass it the better . . . but those four statements are outright lies.

"America wants this bill."

"I have never been a Muslim. I have never practiced Islam. I have always been a Christian." Actually, Barak Obama was a star student in the Muslim school he attended in Indonesia. He also twice willingly put on Muslim attire to campaign in 2007 on behalf of the Communist candidate for president in his birth-father's country, Kenya. Raila Odinga, that candidate, signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" in exchange for Muslim votes that if elected he would make Kenya a Muslim country. When the 'memorandum' was discovered the revelation of the features of the understanding were so objectionable that purportedly that discovery alone wrecked his chances of election. The Muslims in Kenya wanted laws against radio programs promoting other religions; laws agains missionary activities by other religions; etc. Barak Obama was a knowing part of that. Odinga (educated at the University of East Berlin before "The Wall" came down) and the Kenyan Muslims were responsible for the subsequent riots and arsons against the Christians in that country, but Barak Obama lent his name to Odinga's candidacy and rallied the Muslims to his cause.
"America will have five days to look over this bill."

(at the “Bi-partisan summit”) "That is just not true, we need to get our facts straight." Obama, supposedly moderating this conference impartially, continually interrupted every telling fact or idea of the Republicans attending to call them lies or "talking points" and re-emphasize his own misguided or false principles.

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