cloward-piven (29)
“Besides Rasmussen, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4%.
Rasmussen Poll Underlines
Conservative Voter Skepticism, Distrust
The term bandied around most by the progressives and other left-wingers over the last 110 years of American history is their Marxist interpretation of the word “revolution.” Those revolting people with the aim of bringing totalitarianism to our shores have ceaselessly talked about “the revolution” and derided the system created by America’s Founding Fathers, the system that has made America a shining beacon of hope around the planet for over 225 years.
However, throughout real American history it’s been the radical center that has led the way, who’ve brought great change to these shores . . . and right now, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports it is that same radical-center group that is most likely to “kick the bast_rds out” of the Oval Office and Congress until they get a government that truly represents their interests and highest standards. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Republican voters, if you talk to 64% of them, they now see "the divide between the public and their government is the biggest since the American Revolution" began in 1775.
In the Rasmussen survey of likely G.O.P. primary voters, 64% of them agree with that sentiment; only 16% disagree and 20% say they aren’t sure. In related questioning, 84% of Republican voters trust the judgment of the American people more than that of the nation’s political leaders and only 4% trust the political leaders more with 12% “undecided.” When Democrats and Independents are added in, overall 76% of the people today trust the people more than the politicians. The likely Republican voters deeply distrust their government: 87% say the federal government has become a special interest group with the power to advance its own interests to the public’s detriment. Only 6% of Republicans disagree with that view. 67% of G.O.P. voters think big business and the government often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors; with only 13% disagreeing and 20% unsure.
“Throughout American History, voters tend to be a few decades ahead of the political leadership. Voters gradually adapt to changes in the real world while politicians defend the status quo.”
Rasmussen revealed that 43% of the G.O.P. considers themselves part of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement and 22% of all voters align themselves with the TEA Party. The TEA Party reports that its makeup includes 9% Democrats; 18% Independents and 72% Libertarians and Republicans who are, of course, most likely to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries. The stereotype that the group belongs to “angry old men” is incorrect: 56% of TEA Party members are women and the average age is 44.
Polls by other groups have highlighted some of the problems that the recent Rasmussen’s poll shows Republicans excited about. For example, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trusts government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4% compared to 24% among non-TEA Party citizens. All this ties in to another Rasmussen poll showing that only 23% of the likely voting public now says the government has the consent of the governed in America.
The main difference, of course between the progressive-radicals and the mainstream radicals is, of course, the question of bullets or ballots. Many on the left such as Frances Fox Piven of Cloward-Piven** Strategy infamy have long advocated “bloody revolution.” The quiet revolution via the ballot box is the preferred method of the angry Republicans and TEA Party folk. Surveys of all Americans over the last four decades has shown that the breakdown of self-identification has remained very steady at or around: 44% calling themselves “conservative”; 42% self-labeling as “moderate”; and just 12% “liberal" or "progresssive.”
The area crippling conservatism’s power in Rajjpuut’s opinion is “social-conservativism^^” which includes items like strict anti-abortion stands; and desire for creationism and other religious beliefs being taught in public schools; singing religious Christmas carols in public schools, etc. For example: 62% of all Americans are against the strictest anti-abortion views (absolutely no abortion under any circumstances) while only 37% support them. When slightly softer anti-abortion views are expressed 55% oppose them and 44% support them. Separation of Church and State doctrines, of course, are also very popular among voters who instinctively wish to confine religious utterances to churches and private religious schools. On the other hand, “combined Constitutional conservativism and fiscal-conservativism” as advocated by the TEA Party seems to be an area that at least half of the Independent voters and about 15% of the Democrats can enthusiastically support.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ The demographic breakdown is that on social issues Americans say they are “conservative” 36%; moderate 31%; and liberal 30%. This indicates that the most tenable political area lies within the Libertarian’s fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism; and social-moderatism to social-liberalism. The reason that Libertarianism has never caught on, in Rajjpuut’s opinion is that Libertarian leaders have been genuinely impractical and also inclined to shoot their mouths off about ALL their views instead of confining their politics to fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism only. Just get into office and dramatically shrink the size of the government and put the fiscal house in order . . . that’s what we need!
Rules for Patriots: a MUST-read
Listen half an hour to the mainstream media version of news in this country and you could be forgiven for believing that our once proud nation was headed to hell in a hand basket. In 1946, self-proclaimed Neo-Marxist Chicago community organizer Saul Alinsky wrote his first book Reveille for Radicals. A quarter century later he struck again with Rules for Radicals, a book he literally dedicated to the devil! Alinsky via his students Richard Cloward, Frances Piven, Hillary Rodham, Bill Clinton, George Wiley, Wade Rathke, Barack Obama, his mentor Frank Marshall **Davis, George Soros, most of the progressive politicians on Capitol Hill, and organizations such as ACORN, NWRO, the Center for American PROGRESS and about 50 other Soros-funded semi-Marxist groups have done virtually irreparable harm to this country. The key word in that last sentence is “virtually” . . . that is, it’s NOT too late to stop them in their tracks. Education and awareness and righteous love of country are the keys to taking back this nation . . . .
Were Democrats Victimized
by their Own Shenanigans?
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats find themselves fully flummoxed and feeling flimflammed by the voters they’ve been working so feverishly and frantically for. It seems that in the 21st Century, government throwing large amounts of money at problems A) is not that popular with the voters and B) doesn’t work. Hey, what’s that all about?
Rajjpuut used to work as a health educator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. One of the “studies” that BC and BS did involved a series of actors going around to physicians reportedly suffering severely with fictitious but reasonable symptoms). It was discovered that surgeons wanted to surge into the body with a scalpel; radiologists thought the patients needed to be zapped; internists considered only the wisdom of potions, powders and pills; and chiropractors thought that body alignment was clearly necessary.
In a different study, psychologists found that chess masters routinely either missed or took much longer to discover unique two-move checkmate patterns when their thinking process got tangled up in five- eight- or ten-move combinations leading to far more familiar patterns . . . what’s up? In a phrase: it’s a scientific principle called the “Einstellung Effect” which is a fancy way to say that when all you have is a hammer, after a while the whole world starts to look an awful lot like a nail. Specifically, the Democrats are “one-trick ponies” who solve problems (or invent problems to solve; or cause problems and then set out to cure them) with only one specialized technique: upping taxes and throwing money at the symptoms of the problem (never the underlying cause which is all too often an initial excess of government involvement).
So our current exacerbation of our fiscal problems under Barack Obama may well be a lesson in the futility of money-throwing and an example of redistributive wealth (as a solution) coming out second-best to the Einstellung Effect, at least that’s one possibility, but other than in revisionist history (where the progressives change things to be more to their liking calling, for example, the Italian Fascists an example of the evils of right-wing ideology when anyone doing a modicum of research finds out that the Italian labor unions rose up against the corporate bosses and seized power and then after seizing power across all of Italy, they elected Benito Mussolini to lead the entire nation. Last time anyone checked, labor unions are NOT a right-wing, but rather a left-wing manifestation. The progressives who used to call themselves Liberals are guilty of revisionism at least 100 times a day in major comments found in print, on the air or online.
Hmmmmm, the Einstellung Effect or progressives’ own historical revisionism coming back to bite them in the butt, ooh what a “Behar” (as in calling someone “a son of a Behar”). Of course, if you believe as Rajjpuut does that the 100% accurate and real ditch story is this one:
George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
For more on the details of this version of the now famous car and ditch showing that progressives created a bad law under Jimmy Carter (CRA ’77 which forced mortgage lenders to make knowingly bad loans) which was first expanded by regulatory fiat under Clinton and then expanded legislatively by Slick Willy three times (twice in 1995; and the steroid-version expansion in 1998); and all the while abused by ACORN to at day’s end cause us our worst financial comeuppance since 1929 . . . . Go here for those details and be shocked to find that supposedly 'stupid' G.W. was acutely aware economically and proved himself a hero according to Treasury Sec. Timoth Geithner:
So the truth is that former ACORN lawyer and bank brow-beater and shake-down solicitor for the propagation of CRA ’77, Barack Obama, actually did 10,000 as much harm to the U.S. economy prior to October 2009 as George Bush ever did . . . and that since taking office in January, 2009, he’s done more harm to the U.S. economy than any man since the days of Herbert Hoover and FDR (two infamous progressives) . . . . it all sounds like the Democrats have been hoisted upon their own petard just as they were back in 1933 when FDR came into office and started breaking his campaign vows to, you guessed it, lower taxes and lower spending which is what Warren G. Harding had done in 1920 when he inherited a much fiercer depression from Woodrow Wilson than anything we’ve seen since: Harding cut taxes 48%; government spending 49%; and paid down the national debt by 30%.
So, is Rajjpuut saying that Democrats deliberately did the country in? As a matter of fact, he’s saying that the Progressive ultra-left-wing of the Democratic Party which has co-opted the Democratic Party did just that . . . but let’s pretend you consider such utterances to be “conspiracy theory” nonsense . . . well, given the facts as they stand you can instead call them extraordinarily INEPT instead and we’ll both be happy.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Make no mistake, this is not 1948 (when polling was in its infancy). Polling today is pretty damn scientific and sophisticated. A “Wave” or “Near-Wave” election has been prognosticated . . . if somehow, the Democrats come out smelling like a rose, than there are only three possibilities:
A. ACORN inspired voter fraud based upon Bill Clinton’s “Motor Vote Act” (the signing of which was attended by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in an infamous picture^^ all over the internet . . . the same Cloward and Piven who deliberately bankrupted New York City in 1975 by overloading the welfare system who then called two years before ACORN’s birth for their followers to move into voter registration and the mortgage industry).
B. That huge swaths of the public believed Barack Obama’s big lie . . .
“The Republicans put the car in the ditch and now that we’ve done all the work to almost get it out, here they are asking for the keys. Well, they can ride along in the back, but we’re not giving them back the keys.”
C. Or both A and B above.
The matter of voter fraud via ACORN is another matter altogether, but Barack Obama has used constant repetition (a key propaganda element) of the “Big Lie” (the most notorious of all the propaganda elements) at least a hundred times in the telling of that “car in the ditch story,” why won’t anyone tell the truth?
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressive groups deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Could that be true? You ask . . . .
“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.”
The Shocking Truth that Sets the Country Free
Those of you who've heard a little bit of mythology have almost surely run into Cassandra. She was the daughter of King Priam of Troy and sister of Hector and Paris. Supposedly she slept overnight in the Temple of Apollo and the snakes therein licked her ears so clean she could "hear the future." Because her clairvoyance might quite likely interfere with destiny, Apollo cursed her with being unbelieved. For example, she foresaw the defeat of Troy, her brother Hector's body being brought back within Troy's Walls and also warned of the dangers of the Trojan Horse . . . but, of course, no one would believe her ever, about anything. Ouch!!!
Rajjpuut is beginning to know exactly how that unlucky lady felt. In November of 2003, James Stack of started running a chart that he would continue to run for an unheard of length of time -- almost five full years. The gist of the chart (Housing Industry Bubble) was that not only were housing prices artificially high, but that mortgage industry stocks and virtually all stocks associated with housing in any way (construction, home improvement, insulation, insurance, etc.) were in a huge bubble (1400% of their 1995 values) which was sure to collapse AND that something called the "sub-prime lending crisis" as well as derivative investments based upon that crisis were threatening to undermine the very foundation of our nation's economy. The story involved in creating that crisis covers over 44 years and is NOT, like Cassandra's tales from the future . . . but rather from the past and all easily verifiable, yet like Cassandra . . . Rajjpuut finds no audience that listens . . . .
In seeking to understand that situation, Rajjpuut uncovered all these truths and he began writing about them to each and any and every ear he could find roughly seven years ago. It's all true, all verifiable and it amounts to tying together two of the greatest acts of treason in America's history with each other and the two most corrupt presidents in our history, our two ACORN presidents, with each other and with the "Founding Destroyers" of our country, Saul Alinsky and his two greatest disciples: Richard Cloward and Frances Piven . . . .
It’s well known and documentable that . . . the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days . . . and only when they actually failed or some shenanigans were discovered would the government step in in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that. Be prepared to be shocked . . . because Bill Clinton made a big deal about his "legacy" during his last term and the evidence shown below is that the Clinton Legacy actually is "The Great ACORN-Progressive Betrayal of America" . . . read on, and Rajjpuut will prove it to you . . . .
It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a real political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .
Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas seven years earlier. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.
It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) and by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. What happened exactly? In the late-sixties, founder George Wiley forged an army of tens of thousands of single minority mothers, whom he sent out to disrupt welfare offices through sit-ins and demonstrations demanding an end to the “oppressive” eligibility restrictions that kept down the welfare rolls. His aim: to flood the welfare system with so many clients that it would burst, creating a crisis that, he believed, would force a radical restructuring of America’s unjust capitalist economy.
The flooding of the welfare rolls succeeded beyond Wiley’s wildest dreams. From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared so that by the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city’s private economy. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ That great accomplishment? Instead of igniting a restructuring of American capitalism and a GNI, this explosion of the welfare rolls only helped to create a culture of family disintegration and dependency in inner-city neighborhoods, with rampant illegitimacy, crime, school failure, drug abuse, non-work, and poverty among a fast-growing underclass. Wiley, Cloward and Piven told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas they needed to probe. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known most of all for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .
So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .
However, because of huge success in registering Democrats, ACORN was quickly expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. After that, things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies.
Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs** by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on poor inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”
Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.
With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.
In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.
President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 18 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.
All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine. It was working so fine that it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.
You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . and remember that George W. Bush was only barely successful in his efforts to fight the evils of CRA laws . . . so that today 90% of the same laws (and 75% of the Clinton steroid-version expansion of 1998) that contributed to the fiasco and empowered ACORN are still on the books waiting to do us in once more. Every bit as dangerous as the new welfare laws threatening to overload the food stamp program; as dangerous as Obamacare; and as dangerous as progressivism itself are the CRA laws still@@ on the books . . . .
You've read it all, you have it in your power to fact-check every item of the story . . . this is a story all America needs to know, don't you agree?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Let's spread the blame around deservedly: George H.W. Bush succeeded with 44 out of 45 vetos and presumably would have succeeded in mid 1992 also with a large, complicated, many-faceted bill pushed through mostly by progressive Democrats. He should have vetoed it because one tiny part of it passed CRA '77 legislation into the realm of Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae the two federally-backed mortgage-guaranteers. The bill was still unwieldy and had no teeth but it was potentially a monster-disaster in the waiting . . . this was the law with which Bill Clinton began the mammoth attack on the mortgage loan industry; the law that made ACORN infamous.
@@ As we approach the coming election, Barney Frank and Charles Schumer are planning to introduce “Universal Voter Registration” during the lame duck session. Basically any list of names anywhere in a state can be used to register all voters with NO actual identification or verification required . . . ACORN’s and Clinton’s Motor Voter Act would then be turbo-charged.
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.” Rajjpuut
100% True and Verifiable,
Yet No One Wants to Hear It
Those of you who've heard a little bit of mythology have almost surely run into Cassandra. She was the daughter of King Priam of Troy and sister of Hector and Paris. Supposedly she slept overnight in the Temple of Apollo and the snakes therein licked her ears so clean she could "hear the future." Because her clairvoyance might quite likely interfere with destiny, Apollo cursed her with being unbelieved. For example, she foresaw the defeat of Troy, her brother Hector's body being brought back within Troy's Walls and who warned of the danger's of the Trojan Horse . . . but, of course, no one would believe her ever, about anything. Ouch!!!
Rajjpuut is beginning to know exactly how that unlucky lady felt. In November of 2003, James Stack of started running a chart that he would continue to run for an unheard of length of time -- almost five full years. The gist of the chart (Housing Industry Bubble) was that not only were housing prices artificially high, but that mortgage industry stocks and virtually all stocks associated housing in any way (construction, home improvement, etc.) were in a huge bubble (1400% of their 1995 values) which was sure to collapse AND that something called the "sub-prime lending crisis" as well as derivative investments based upon that crisis were threatening to undermine the very foundation of our nation's economy. The story involved covers over 44 years and is NOT, like Cassandra's tales from the future . . . but rather from the past and all easily verifiable, yet like Cassandra . . . Rajjpuut finds no audience that listens . . . .
In seeking to understand that situation, Rajjpuut uncovered all these truths, even more than Glenn Beck has shown within this chronology (though Beck's overall understanding of the nature of "progressivism" far outstrips Rajjpuut's) and he began writing about them to anyone and everyone roughly six years ago. It's all true, all verifiable and it amounts to tying together two of the greatest acts of treason in America's history with each other and the two most corrupt presidents in our history, our two ACORN presidents, with each other and with the "Founding Destroyers" of our country, Saul Alinsky and his two greatest disciples: Richard Cloward and Frances Piven . . . .
It’s well known and documentable that . . . the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who probably can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days and the government only stepped in on those rare occasions when something went very wrong in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that.It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .
Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.
It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) but by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ They told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas to test. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .
So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .
However, because of success in registering Democrats, ACORN was successfully expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. Things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies. Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”
Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.
With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.
In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.
President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.
All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine, so fine it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.
You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . and remember that George W. Bush was only barely successful in his efforts to fight the evils of CRA laws . . . so that today 90% of the same laws that contributed to the fiasco and empowered ACORN are still on the books waiting to do us in once more. Every bit as dangerous as the new welfare laws threatening to overload the food stamp program; as dangerous as Obamacare; and as dangerous as progressivism itself are the CRA laws still on the books . . . .
You've read it all, you have it in your power to fact-check every item of the story . . . this is a story all America needs to know, don't you agree?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Damn You, Republicans, Damn You!
The Truth Shall Set You Free
“President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary Geithner in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously.” Rajjpuut
Those Kate Winslet aficionados among you are undoubtedly big fans of her 2008 movie The Reader. The haunting story garnered several Academy Award nominations including Winslett’s 6th for Best Actress (she’s had seven Golden Globe nominations). Of course, Winslett won the Oscar for The Reader. Without ruining the story for you, the plot goes something like this: a fifteen year old German boy is rescued by an older woman in the mid to late 1950’s. Some months later when he is well again he goes to thank her and is captivated by her romantically and eventually sexually. The boy grows up and goes to law school . . . while on a “field trip” he sees her again, on trial potentially for her life.
The theme of The Reader is almost shocking in its power . . . sometimes mundane hidden personal truth can be far more personally devastating then other seemingly obvious and horrific truth. And, GASP! that’s also the theme of this blog . . . why won’t the Republican Party reveal the truth about the financial meltdown that began in 2007? Rajjpuut has come to believe that some comparatively innocent failings of both a personal and party nature are so embarrassing to the G.O.P. that even though the truth about this issue can literally rescue the country from our present headlong plunge into Marxism and fiscal collapse, the Republican leadership and conservatives in general are ashamed to ‘fess up.
Here’s the truth (immediately below); why won’t the G.O.P. reveal it to the voters and save the country? Whatever the reason, it’s time for Republicans and conservatives to ‘man up’ and stop the present Obamanation of American principles, the free market, fiscal common sense and human decency. Time to save our children’s and grandchildren’s future. The villain is NOT Barack Obama, he’s only a minor villain . . . .
It’s well known that the American housing loan industry was the finest in the world before progressive legislators got involved. Our sparkling 64% private ownership of homes was the envy of the planet. Sub-prime lending (that is lending to people who probably can’t afford their mortgage and will default on their loan unless they win the lottery) was unheard of. Banks that failed just failed in those days and the government only stepped in on those rare occasions when something went very wrong in order to protect the depositors. Only 1 in every 404 home loans was made at less than 3% down payment in 1975, almost always to distinguished veteran officers from our military who were going to college and working part time. More than any other single person, Bill Clinton changed all that.
It’s NOT well-known that Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president, but he was. ACORN (originally “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) was the brainchild of Wade Rathke created in Arkansas in 1977 to take advantage of Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77). Much later when ACORN proved itself successful in Arkansas it was expanded across the whole nation, the “A” in ACORN stopped meaning “Arkansas” and came to mean “Association of.” Bill Clinton obviously was a political comer (elected Arkansas lieutenant governor in 1976 at the age of 30), but his politicking was made much easier with the backing of ACORN over the next 18 years. ACORN helped Clinton win the governor’s mansion in Arkansas 12 of the next 14 years as well as two terms as president of the United States. It happened this way . . . .
Wade Rathke, was a George Wiley lieutenant sent to establish a National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) branch in the state of Arkansas. NWRO had been created by Wiley and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in NYC to test out the Cloward-Piven Strategy (published in a 1966 article in The Nation magazine, The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty) and they planned to sufficiently overload the nation’s welfare system so that Congress would have to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) Law and abolish American poverty on the spot.
It didn’t work, but using Alinsky tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist” community organizer who had authored Reveille for Radicals and later Rules for Radicals) but by putting 8.2 million presumably unqualified new recipients on the welfare rolls, they did bankrupt New York City and almost bankrupt New York State. The federal government stepped in to bail out NYC in 1975. Despite their failure to get GNI and abolish poverty, Wiley, Piven and Cloward bragged publicly and in writing about their ‘great accomplishment.’ They told their eager followers that voter registration and housing were the next areas to test. Not surprisingly, ACORN today is known for voter registration fraud and exploiting and abusing the nation’s housing legislation . . . .
So Wade Rathke (who would later create the nation’s and the world’s largest union SEIU) created ACORN in Arkansas to carry out voter registration and housing “activities” of a highly questionable nature. ACORN during Clinton’s first run for governor in Arkansas registered roughly 24,000 persons to vote and then threw away all the paper work for would-be Republican registrants. Clinton won, of course. They were less successful in getting CRA ’77 housing loans. But thanks to their efforts (mostly in Arkansas), the percentage of home loans made at 3% down payment or less around the nation more than doubled from 0.24% in 1975 to 0.51% in 1985 . . . but it was a “drop in the bucket.” From 1977 to 1993 only about $100 Billion in CRA ’77 loans were even issued to questionable borrowers. This was nothing like bankrupting NYC . . . .
However, because of success in registering Democrats, ACORN was successfully expanding across the nation and was sufficiently strong to put William Jefferson Clinton into the Oval Office in November, 1992. Things changed overnight for ACORN and for CRA ’77. The process had not been very active or very successful during the ‘70s or ‘80s, because banks only had to demonstrate to CRA regulators a “reaching out to the inner city.” As a result, only about 100 billion dollars was loaned to questionable borrowers. In the two great ACORN concern areas, Clinton did ACORN proud. He created the motor voter act (“a 12-lane highway leading to voter fraud” according to critics) in 1993 and brought in Richard Cloward and Frances Piven to stand directly behind him during the White House signing ceremonies. Clinton moved next on housing . . . first by Presidential edict in 1993. He put teeth into CRA regs by using the regulatory process itself to more or less make law, skipping Congress altogether. From now on inner city dwellers were to become preferred home loan recipients, mortgage traditions and their poverty be damned. Clinton went outside the CRA regs and also ordered HUD to set quotas for "Affirmative Action Lending" through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A new pressure fell upon the banking industry to make loans that banks would otherwise have rejected as “financially absurd.”
Subprime lending was virtually unknown before the multiple changes made by Clinton. The system was no longer recognizable as “free market.” Then it snowballed with more regulatory change and then two expansions of CRA law in 1995, the Clinton administration forced banks to loan more than a trillion dollars in high risk loans accepting as “income” items like welfare checks, unemployment checks, seasonal income, occasional part time work and other questionable sources of “qualified income.” By the end of 1995, 14% of all home loans were conducted with less than 3% down payments, many of them with no down payment at all.
With ACORN in the streets embarrassing and badgering and shaking down lenders (Barack Obama, an ACORN lawyer in Chicago, was reportedly one of the best at not only securing loans and future loan promises but also at getting large ACORN donations from the lenders he was shaking down!) and with officious federal regulators promoting and pushing and applauding bad loans not only with “the stick” of CRA and HUD but also using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “carrots” due to their nature as implicitly guaranteed by the federal government. Millions of loans were made, often at breakneck pace in the normally snail-action world of mortgages.
In 1998, Clinton’s steroid-expansion of CRA law was passed. It was a nightmare. Now “food stamps” were regarded as income. Now ACORN found that they didn’t need high-powered extorters like Barack Obama, anyone with an eighth grade education could secure a loan for an ACORN client . . . and they found that it was now just as easy to get a poor person into a $450,000 home as it had been to buy a $120,000 home ten years earlier.
President G.W. Bush warned congress at least 20 times about the problem after January, 2005, when his administration made their first attempt to undo the evils of CRA legislation, especially the last three expansions by Clinton (1995 twice and 1998’s steroid version), but were defeated by the progressives. Finally thirty months later in July of 2007 a much weaker, watered down bill was passed by bi-partisan vote. It would prove far too little, far too late and the meltdown began soon afterward. However, it was sufficient help to the economy that Treasury Secretary in August, 2010, credited Bush with preventing a truly deep recession and preventing home prices from plummeting dangerously. And ACORN, even as they got loans for illegal aliens and people without even a rental history, they were getting paid to market CRA loans and made millions as a result.
All of this corruption enforced by strong-armed government agencies put millions of people into homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and trillions of dollars were going into bad investments including derivatives based upon these horrific loans. Now, 90% of these laws are still on the books while the tax payer must pay for millions of past risky loans and are forced to bail out the irresponsible banks, insurance companies, automobile companies and Wall Street. Until we totally remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational and unfree decisions in the UNFREE MARKET, more of the same is always possible. The free market was working fine, so fine it took thirty years of deliberate abuse for the unfree market to bring America to its knees. Too much government? Yep! Blame it mostly on William Jefferson Clinton.
You did remember that the system originally wasn’t broken, right? You did remember that the progressives set out to manufacture a crisis a la Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics that would “overload the system?” You have heard Barack Obama talking about somebody else driving the car in the ditch and now wanting the keys back, haven’t you? Are you going to ignore the evidence and head back to your sitcom? How about thinking this over . . . ?
George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
So Monica, Paula and Jennifer weren’t the only ones, were they? Slick Willy also had his nasty way with you and with all the American public . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
“Figures don’t lie, but liars sure do figure . . .”
Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School Lies with Panache
Accusing Racist Lenders of Causing Fiscal Meltdown
Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels both credited the progressives under President Woodrow Wilson with creating the science of propaganda which the two of them came to master and exploit so well in Nazi Germany years later. Hitler in Mein Kampf, written in 1924, described the audacious propaganda technique known as the “Big Lie” and emphasized just how powerful and useful it was. Let’s talk about a recent example: yesterday, in keeping with Woodrow Wilson’s proud legacy, two Princeton University Professors from that University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs revealed their mastery of the Big Lie and the incredible lengths that progressive academicians will go to change history right under the noses of American citizens. By injecting RACISM into their latest altered and fudged version of history, they certainly caught the liberal media’s attention . . . if the twosome weren’t so treasonous and vile, one feels almost like congratulating them for sheer unadulterated chutzpah.
The important thing, of course, is their “headline” information about “racial predatory lending” . . . the article was actually devoid of any statistics or records of any sort except one** that had nothing to do with the story’s central point, but absolutely full of bogus conclusions which inspired Reuters and the Associated Press to publish the tripe. As in so many Reuters and Associated Press articles found online, the shock level of the report linked above is twenty-times greater than any factual value contained within these news agencies’ “tireless research.”
Not surprisingly, the article turned up the wake of what turned out to be a small time National Mall “One Nation” rally. The 32,000 individuals (they were trying to steal back some of the thunder from Glenn Beck’s “Restore Honor” rally on August 28 which attracted over 650,000) participating from some 320+ individual progressive organizations were led by labor unions who used union dues to fund the bussing-in of members of CPUSA, ISO and D-S of A . . . that is, the Communist Party USA; International Socialists Organization; and Democratic-Socialists of America and others to the rally. Believe it or not, the cry went up to “stop the nation’s shameless river of foreclosures . . .” Bingo, just like that our two progressive Princeton academicians the very next day give us a study without meaningful statistics coincidentally backing, that very same point, and suggesting (according to leftist blog spinoffs) that the racists TEA Party and its ilk was responsible for the sub-prime lending crisis and all those poor people who got loans for $450,000 homes at 0% down payment without jobs and only food stamps for “income” deserve our help to keep the foreclosure bogeymen away. The two profs specifically stated, “The U.S. Civil Rights Act should be amended to create mechanisms that would uncover discrimination and penalize those who discriminated against minority borrowers.” What? No help for us poor white trash borrowers?
Supposedly, according to the two astute professors, loans that carry unreasonable fees, interest rates and payment requirements granted to minorities in the inner-cities spurred the whole financial house of cards! These loans made it impossible for these home owners to meet their mortgage obligations, alas!! Those damned racists, ruining the country and only picking on inner-city minorities, not on inner-city Whites (well, actually, they provide no stats about that and who cares about those honkies anyway?). Enough of progressive lies . . . . How did the collapse actually happen?
Remembering that in 1975, 63% of Americans owned their own homes, the highest private ownership in the world . . . the system wasn’t broken, but it had to be fixed anyway. Progressives under Jimmy Carter passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 (CRA ’77) forcing home lenders to make knowingly bad loans. Thankfully, the CRA ’77 law was poorly crafted and the change from 1975 to 1985 was big, but not decisive: the amount of high-risk loans (3% or less down payment) more than doubled from 0.24% to 0.51% . . . but it had no real effect. Overall, before Bill Clinton’s arrival in Washington, only about $100 Billion was loaned out due to CRA ’77 in roughly those fifteen years.
Bill Clinton’s three earliest interventions** in the mortgage-guarantee picture sent us on the road to ruin. By 1995 14.1% of all home loans were high-risk loans virtually all of them forced upon lenders by CRA ’77. Then his final legislative expansion in 1998 changed things in both the numbers of high-risk loans and in the size of the loans poor people were offered. By 2005, 34.4% of all loans were high-risk, many of them ultra-high-risk loans for very expensive housing properties. In other words, thanks to progressive actions, the percentage of inadvisable loans increased 13,800% between 1977 and 2005.
Think about that: a 13,800% increase in loans at 3% down payment or less (most commonly at 0% down payment) . . . and more importantly loans to lenders who would not have been allowed a bank lollipop in 1977, much less a huge loan . . . say, Brother, could that have caused a financial debacle? You think that might shake the very foundations of our economy? Oh, and you do remember that the system wasn’t broken to begin with, don’t you? This is the essence of progressivism (the belief that we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution so we can create their Utopia) and that is the nature of the elite who are trying to shove it down our throats . . . .
Since the Communist Party was involved in Saturday’s rally on the National Mall where the hue and cry went up for “stopping foreclosures” and for punishing the “racist predatory lenders,” perhaps a truly shocking fact ought to be told as well. The fiscal debacle that the country felt first in mid-2007 was deliberately created, or let us say deliberately “orchestrated” to destroy capitalism. You read that right.
It began in 1966 with the publishing of an article The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in The Nation magazine. In their masterpiece, the Columbia University (NYC) Marxist twosome opined that Alinsky-tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist who authored Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals) could overload the welfare system and force the government to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) and thus poverty would be abolished in one fell swoop. Today, this idea of orchestrated crisis is known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy” or C-P Strategy.
In 1967, Cloward, Piven, and community organizer George Wiley created the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) to test their theory out. In 8 years the NWRO bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting New York State by the addition of 8.2 million more welfare recipients. They did NOT get their GNI but they published and bragged about the great thing they’d done and suggested that voter registration and housing were the next two areas to test out the theory upon. Enter ACORN in 1977 the same year that CRA ’77 was created -- ACORN the architect of an ongoing voter registration scandal and the sub-prime housing fiasco. ACORN and progressives for over 40 years now have been seeking to bring down capitalism by abusing decidedly unwise “compassionate laws.” In the case of CRA ’77 they’ve been misusing that particular law for thirty-three years now. The C-P Strategy is known as “orchestrated crisis” and though it takes a while, we’ve seen two incredible instances now of just how devastating these Marxist plans can be . . . .
Meanwhile in 1975, the year NYC failed, the United States had the highest private home ownership in the world at 64%. The system was NOT broken, but in early 1977, these same progressive creators of the 1967 National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) which had willfully bankrupted NYC (requiring a federal bailout after deliberately overloading the welfare rolls by street tactics, shakedowns and browbeating social workers working in the Welfare Dept. between 1968 and 1975 and adding 8.2 million new recipients in NYC and New York State) . . . the very same Cloward, Piven and Wiley immediately shifted attention to housing and voter registration and Wiley lieutenant Wade Rathke who’d been working for NWRO in Arkansas created ACORN in response to the CRA ’77 law of Jimmy Carter. This and the later actions** of Bill Clinton, their first ACORN president, is what caused the financial meltdown and two lying progressive profs can’t change history to say differently.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** To wit, this is their amazing statistic: “From 1993 to 2000, the share of subprime mortgages going to households in minority neighborhoods rose from 2 to 18 percent.” So what? There’s certainly no connection to racism there. Here’s the truth: Bill Clinton, our first ACORN President ‘s (the “A” in ACORN originally meant “Arkansas” and ACORN helped Bill win 12 of 14 possible years as Arkansas governor as well as putting him into the Oval office) very first two significant acts upon becoming U.S. President were ACORN acts. 1) Passing the Motor Voter Act with Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing behind him in the official signing picture and 2) Demanding a regulatory overhaul and expansion of CRA ’77 including quotas for banks.
After Clinton’s changes, so-called "community groups" like ACORN benefitted greatly by a process which was essentially legalized extortion by street action embarrassed Banks into bad loans based upon the Clinton quotas (the CRA is enforced by the Fed, the Comptroller of Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC so CRA protests by any of these well- organized groups resulted potentially in huge financial penalties and fines for the banks and blocked for long periods of time their plans for expansion). This leverage was used and the "community groups" got millions of dollars in “donations” from the banks as shameless demanded payoffs for marketing these loans and they also made the banks promise to make a certain number of future very risky loans in their communities, resulting in more money for the "community groups.” Purportedly Barack Obama was the king of shakedowns when he worked as an ACORN lawyer between ’94 and ’96 . . . think what Barack might have done if he’d had the Clinton ’98 CRA changes in place!
All of these factors enforced by strong government agencies created a situation in which suddenly millions of people were buying homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and an incredible TRillions of dollars were going into bad investments. which forced lenders who knew better to grant sub-prime loans to lenders without jobs, illegal aliens, folks who listed “food stamps” as income, etc. . . . and then in 1995, Clinton expanded CRA ’77 twice legislatively; and in 1998 gave us the steroid legislative expansion of CRA ’77. Thanks to Clinton and ACORN after Clinton’s ’98 steroid CRA ’77 expansion, Barack Obama and other ACORN lawyers were not needed. Street-educated people with junior high educations were getting banks to loan poor people $450,000 home mortgages just as easily as eight or ten years earlier they’d been getting them $140-$150,000 loans. This is why the Big Lie about the conservatives and the free market driving the car (the economy) into the ditch (into recession) never fooled Rajjpuut. The truth is:
The statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner last month (linked above) was 100% accurate when he basically said that G.W. Bush saved the economy and prevented a free-fall of housing prices and (talking about cars and ditches), the real truth is:
Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN- PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff, when George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!
A) Based upon a 1966 article by two neo-Marxist professors (Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of NYC’s Columbia University) advocating a (GNI) or guaranteed national income as the solution to poverty in America . . . Cloward, Piven and George Wiley created the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization in 1967 to test out Cloward-Piven strategy. In two years they used browbeating and street tactics to add 6.5 million people onto the welfare rolls. By 1975 they’d added 8.2 million and bankrupted New York City and nearly bankrupted the whole state of New York. The trio did not get GNI, but bragged about their great achievement and Cloward and Piven told their followers to use their strategy to attack housing and voter registration.
B) Shortly after progressive Jimmy Carter’s democrats created the (CRA ’77) Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 to force mortgage companies to make bad home loans to clients who could not be reasonably expected to ever repay their loans, Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke (later founder of the SEIU union whose present leader Andrew Stern has visited the White House more than any other individual) already working on NWRO in Arkansas for Wiley was told to create another community organization there.
C) Rathke created ACORN (initially the “A” in ACORN stood for “Arkansas” only later would it come to mean “Association) that same year. They (ACORN) were somewhat ineffective at first in the housing arena but they did help elect William Clinton to the governorship in 1978 and keep him their for 12 of the next 14 years. In the next 21 years CRA ’77 would be expanded four times (three times by Clinton) and benefit greatly from “mortgage-guarantee regulatory review” ordered by Clinton in 1993, his first year in office. That same year Clinton oversaw the passing of the Motor Voter Act which gave ACORN a twelve-lane highway to voter registration fraud. In the official MVA picture of the signing ceremony, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven stand almost directly behind Clinton as he wields his pen.D) Clinton oversees two CRA expansions in 1995 and the steroid-version expansion of mortgage-guarantee legislation in 1998. As a result: highly risky loans (those written with under 10% down payment) increased dramatically and utterly insane loans (with less than 3% down payment required shot through the roof. Here’s the timeline:
1966 Cloward-Piven strategy is published
1967 NWRO is created with Wiley at its head
1975 NYC goes bankrupt and is bailed out by the federal government. Cloward, Piven and Wiley brag about their great deed and C-P followers are advised that the next emphasis areas must be voter registration and housing
1975 less than 0.24% of all home loans @ less than 3% down 1/404
1977 Jimmy Carter is inaugurated. CRA ’77 is passed. Rathke creates ACORN in Arkansas.
1978-1992 ACORN supports Bill Clinton, keeps him in office for 12 of the next 14 years until he becomes the first ACORN president in 1992. Over the years ACORN voter drives “register” tens of thousands of voters in Arkansas, only trouble? They never deliver a single “preferred party-Republican” registration form to voting authorities.
1985 just above 0.50% of all home loans @ less than 3%
down 1/198
1992-1995 CRA ’77 is expanded three times by congress
1993 Bill Clinton’s regulatory review of CRA ’77 puts ACORN on overdrive now they’ve truly got the law and the president on their side
1994 ACORN lawyer Barack Obama begins work brow-beating and shaking down home lenders so they’ll grant stupid loans
1995 roughly 14% of all loans are ill-advised @ less than 3% down
1998 Clinton passes the steroid version of CRA ‘77
2002 ACORN perfects their ploys and discovers that for little more trouble than getting a $120,000 loan they can put a destitute person in a $400,000 home.
2003 Investment advisor James Stack of’s website starts running a chart on the “Housing Industry Bubble” in November, ’03 which he’ll continue running until about April 2008. Stack claims that not only are home prices in a bubble (risky high level) but the housing industry itself, construction and mortgages particularly have risen to 1400% of their 1996 values. On top of this, Stack pinpoints a coming “sub-prime lending crisis” based upon poor people who can’t afford their mortgages being put into very expensive homes.
2005 34% of all home loans are presumably bad business decisions @ less than 3% down; many of them 0% loans granted after ACORN shake-downs to clients without I.D.; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; with only food stamps to list as "income"; without even a rental history; all sorts of welfare recipients; illegal aliens; and others who have no business with a mortgage loan.
2005 The Bush administration has seen enough, in January, 2005 they offer a bill to erradicate the sub-prime lending crisis and undo much of the CRA expansion, particularly with regard to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and to Clinton’s ’98 steroid-version. The bill is soundly defeated.
2007 Finally, in July, 2007, enough conservative and moderate Democrats have understood the crisis and a watered down version of the original January, 2005 Bush initiative is passed . The bill proves to be far too little, far too late and the country falls into financial chaos . . . but the new law does enough that three weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush for saving the country from truly serious problems.
Today, when he and his administration and other progressives are not at work playing the “racism card,” Barack Obama delights in saying that Conservatives created the present mess and blaming everything that happened on the Bush administration that preceded him. The truth is sinister but must be acknowledged. The progressive-wing of the Democratic** Party has deliberately undermined the economy and Constitution of this country and must be made accountable. Who best to do the accounting and to banish the progressive-wing from their midst for eternity? The real Dems must do the deed.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** A strong and honorable Democratic Party supporting the Constitution is needed.
Colorado Gubenatorial Candidate Hickenlooper
Shows Poor Judgment in Indirectly
Funding Recreate ’68 and Colorado ACORN
Gubenatorial candidate and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s 23- year association with the ultra-radical Chinook Fund has given ammunition to his Republican opponent Dan Maes as one questionable decision after another has been exposed. Hickenlooper was one of the founders of the Chinook Fund in 1987 and he’s given tens of thousands of dollars to the fund over the years. He refuses to say if he’s still connected with Chinook at present.
Chinook has donated more than $2 million in just the past 20 years to various Colorado non-profit agencies. Some of the recipients work with the homeless and mentally ill, others seem too radical to believe. For some examples . . . .
Colorado ACORN is part of the greater national organization that has undermined the nation’s financial stability by shaking down home lenders to force unwise loans to people lacking ID; lacking jobs; lacking income other than foodstamps; lacking reasonable credit ratings; lacking even rental history; welfare recipients; and other unworthy borrowers including illegal aliens. ACORN both in Colorado and across the nation has been infamous for massive involvement in voter fraud.
Transform Columbus Day Alliance a group supporting the Colorado American Indian Movement (AIM) is mired firmly in the past, seeking to “transform the ‘racist’ celebration” of the life of Christopher Columbus.
Somos America is a group mainly campaigning for the “rights” of illegal Hispanic immigrants in Colorado and has called upon Latinos and other Coloradoans to boycott Budweiser Beer because the brewery’s distributor Hensley Beverages Co. contributed to state lawmakers who voted for the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law.
HARM Reduction Action Center is a group which enables drug users in Denver rather than seeking to help them stay clean.
Recreate ‘68 is a very radical organization which besides war protests, harrassed, intimidated and annoyed Delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention held in Denver during August, 2008. Their name was taken from the massive and ugly student-led riots and police counter-actions in Chicago in 1968 both inside and especially outside the Democratic Conventions. Aligned with the Colorado ACLU, Recreate ‘68 spent most of its time complaining about the heavy Denver police presence which they said “deprived our protesters of their 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.” Since Hickenlooper was ostensibly doing everything possible to ensure a smooth-running DNC in the city he serves as mayor, his charity’s long-standing association with radical groups such as those mentioned and especially with Recreate ’68 seems a product of questionable judgment at best. Hickenlooper refused to disavow Chinook, Recreate ’68 or any of the other groups that Chinook subsidizes.
The mayor has found himself dogged by many improprieties and annoying revelations of late . . . apparent preferential treatment his restaurant received in cases involving liquor violations and frequent hiring of illegal alien workers have not gone down well with the voters. But the two most high-profile situations are the loss of 31,000 jobs in Denver as Hickenlooper oversaw tax hikes and made Denver a “sanctuary city” bringing thousands of illegal aliens to town to exploit Denver city services. The Chinook, and particularly the Recreate ’68, donations raise deep questions of judment. How does a politician promise to execute a flawless national convention while donating money to people who’s stated interest is to disrupt and villify the convention and the conventioneers? But Hickenlooper’s connection to the utterly corrupt ACORN organization bent upon Cloward-Piven tactics and strategies to undermine the nation’s economy and advance marxist goals shows the man’s real character.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
Nine Huge Political Lies
Doom Recovery Hopes
“Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts and our trespasses as we forgive our debtors and those who trespass against us, and lead us NOT into temptation, but deliver us from evil . . . .”
1. Lie: Jobs saved and unemployment are meaningful statistics.
Truth: Only two statistics matter: total jobs in the economy and total people without jobs. Jobs can be lost or gained and those can be accurately measured, but “saving a job” and more particularly saving a government job (or a union job; or a unionized government job) which is 96% of the time what’s being talked about . . . means that tax money was diverted from private individuals and private business to prevent loss of “fluff” jobs that could not survive in the free market. Typically 2.1-2.4 real jobs in the private sector are lost when any government job is created. Our present unemployment numbers are fallacious because they don’t show the true numbers of people without jobs or those who are “underemployed” nor those who’ve been forced to take lesser jobs after losing a better one. Jobs saved and the present unemployment figures are statistical lies created to make economy and government sound much better than they are. Truth shall set us free.
2. Lie: Nazis were Fascists and both Nazis and Fascists were Conservatives and Communism is the opposite of both Fascism and Nazism.
Truth: Nazis controlled the economy through socialism, they were literally National Socialists and their literature said their controlled economic plan was “neither capitalism nor communism.” Fascism is created when labor unions take over the corporations. Communism is the most extreme form of socialism where the government owns everything, both the means of production and distribution, and also controls individual lives and careers almost totally. Nazism, Fascism and Communism are all leftist (a.k.a. liberal, a.k.a progressive) schemes for controlling a nation’s economy and all are particularly vulnerable to totalitarianistic rule. This lie is ultra-important because, today’s progressives have been using the terms fascist and nazis to scare people and to make leftism (communist-leaning socialism) seem so much more attractive. Capitalism is NOT a perfect system but its been the most liberating and most prosperous of all economic systems since its creation. These lies are tied to the progressive-left’s unabated attacks on capitalism.
3. Lie: Communism is a benign economic philosophy that has lifted up many countries throughout history.
Truth: while Hitler’s genocide against 6 million jews is well documented, many people believe Communism is not only the opposite of fascism and nazism but is actually benign and even beneficial. This is the most monstrous lie in history. Communism killed roughly 122 million people (100 million in peace time) during the 20th Century, over nine times what Hitler killed from all over Europe. The word genocide is well-known but “democide” (the killing of a country’s own people by its government) needs to be understood. Nazism was also guilty of democide: German Jews, gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, mentally retarded, handicapped, intellectuals and political prisoners amounted to perhaps three million of the thirteen million killed by the nazis. The great cultural hero Mao killed 55 million Chinese, all in peacetime. That other great cultural hero Che said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed sometime after the 150th. Truth makes those T-shirt heroes really stink. The progressive-left embraces communism and sees our present socialism as just a by-way to that end. Creeping socialism has shackeled the country for the last 77 years. More on this later.
4. Combined lies: Racism goes in just one direction and feminism has made the country better.
Truth: Racism and other prejudicial ‘isms’ like anti-semitism are found in all peoples and have been throughout history. All racism is based upon the lie that despite our basic shared humanity, some people are more preferable than others. The United States is a Republic that uses democratic principles . . . but more than anything else, the United States was created as the world’s first meritocracy and that’s been the reason for the country’s great desirability in so many outsiders’ eyes. Today, however, we have government sponsored racism called affirmative action. We also saw 4.2% of Black’s in 2008 voting for the White presidential candidate and 48% of White’s voting for the Black presidential candidate (more than their party’s candidates Gore or Kerry received in either 2000 or 2004) and yet the huge lies that White racism is the big problem or that Black racism doesn’t exist continue to be believed and propagated.
Truth: Feminism as opposed to (the women’s movement) has been an utter disaster for American families, children’s well-being and created more poverty than any other single factor from 1960 to 2010. To clear up the confusion between Feminism and the Women's movement, Rajjpuut put his ex-wife through law school and later when she became a municipal judge was (she said) the single greatest factor in her preparation for that role and success in her televised job interview. Rajjpuut also was his daughter's first teacher and coached her into a chess champion and outstanding soccer player and track half-miler (she still owns her junior high school’s record). Later she won an academic and scholastic scholarship. Rajjpuut believes in women and men reaching their unfettered full potential but sees feminism as about 80% anti-man. (“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Every act of sexual intercourse, even on the marriage bed, is an act of rape.” “Men have enslaved women and exploited them throughout history.”) The truth is that women’s bodies and scientific ignorance has been about 90% of the enslaver and exploiter of women throughout history. When devices like the sanitary napkin; tampon; birth-control pill and other contraceptive means became available, women in America became much freer. Unfortunately, the progressive movement especially in the Democratic party chose to exploit the gains of the women’s movement and the gains of the Civil Rights movement with many false tales of victimization (of course there was some truth there especially originally, but today’s victimization lie is just a scheme to get large classes of people – women and blacks – perpetually hooked upon their Democratic party). The predominant Democrat majorities in congress for the last half-century have brought us the creeping socialism mentioned above and as long as Black’s and women vote mostly one way in predictably leftist patterns it’ll be difficult to break away from this mold.
5. Lie: The Rich are your enemies, tax the hell out of them to make the country better.
Truth: who would you rather have move into your neighborhood, 100 rich people or one hundred poor ones? The fact of the matter is that rich people are responsible for 85% of job-creation via investments or small business creation. Additionally, the rich have far more disposable income and spend far more which is necessary if present businesses are to continue to prosper. The worst way to help the poor is to tax the rich . . . they just pack up and move out and leave impoverished circumstances behind. The best way to help the “poor” is to allow the rich and the entrepreneurs and the innovators to create an overall prosperous tide that “lifts all boats.” America’s 10% most poor are richer than the middle class in about two-thirds of the world. Tax the rich and you make everyone poorer as they exit your state or country. Reward the rich and the general prosperity that occurs rewards everyone. America has always been the land where everybody felt they had a decent chance of becoming rich someday and where each generation left their children better off than they used to be.
6. Lie: Socialism works well and protects the poor.
Truth: Socialism rewards indolence, taxes innovation, creativity, hard work and job creation and creates poverty. Government programs also never work even a small part as well as they are advertised when created. For example Obamacare is one new law that creates 388 brand new government agencies (10 times as many as FDR created during more than twelve years in office). You used to just be able to visit a doctor or a hospital . . . now you have 388 bureaucratic agencies between you and that happening. Who’s going to pay for all that paperwork? The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has now admitted that Obamacare will give us $3 Trillion more debt than before estimated by 2020; and unlike the president’s promise . . . abortions are now federally-funded. Most importantly, government programs are infamous for their unintended consequences . . . like killing people who can’t be seen by a doctor.
7. A nasty complex of lies: Lack of regulation for Wall Street created the present problems. The Government can create jobs. If a system is NOT broken, government tinkering can make it better yet. George W. Bush and the Conservatives put us into ditch.
Truth: Lack of enforcement of the laws already on the books for Wall Street, did not help. Those laws are still not well enforced and definitely those who break them are not well-punished. The government can NOT create jobs . . . government involvement to do so typically costs more than two private sector jobs for each government subsidized job. The problem is way too much government and not to little. Let’s examine housing . . . from 1946 to 1992, the United States boasted the highest private ownership of housing in the world 62-65%. Today we’re in second to Canada. Briefly due to government interference in housing we got to 69% but the sub-prime lending crisis created by government interference brought the present financial meltdown upon us? How did this happen?
Most progressives are well-intentioned and want a perfect world. In 1975 fewer than 0.25% of all home loans allowed downpayment of 3% or less. The U.S. system for housing was not busted. Progressives tried to tinker and make it better with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 a mortgage-guarantee law designed to get poor people into homes they could not afford. In 1985 little was changed except now 0.50% of all home loans required 3% downpayment or less. In 1992, they tinkered again expanding CRA ’77 with a little provision inside a much bigger law that required the two federal mortage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to get involved in mortgage-guarantees for the poor. In 1995 that law was expanded twice more. By the end of 1995, 14% of all homeloans, one in seven, were made with 3% downpayment or less. In other words, 57 times as many ultra-risky home loans were being made in ’95 as had been made in 1975.
In ’98 a steroid-version law for mortgage-guarantees for the poor was passed. By 2005 34% of all home loans were made at 3% downpayment or less. That means 138.5 times as many highly risky loans were granted in 2005 compared to 1975.
Putting the whole thing together, George W. Bush did NOT put the U.S. economy in the ditch. These risky sub-prime mortgages that progressive law makers created and expanded four times did . . . in fact . . .
Some progressives are not patriotic Americans in the normal sense of that phrase but would prefer to destroy the present system and replace it with a Marxist-socialist state. For example, in 1966 two Columbia University (NYC) progressive professors named Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published an article in the Nation magazine “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” Desiring GNI (guaranteed national income) for all . . . Cloward and Piven opined that if an aggressive drive was launched to get every potential person possible on the welfare rolls, the new strain on the system would create such problems that the Democratic left wing would feel compelled to pass a GNI. They enlisted Black radical community organizer George Wiley and in 1967-68 created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) to test their theory out. In the next two years they added 6.3 million new welfare recipients . . . by 1975 they had bankrupted New York City and come withing a whisker of bankrupting New York State. Even though they didn’t succeed in getting a GNI, the threesome bragged publicly about their “great accomplishment.” C-P told their followers that the next “breakthroughs” should come in housing and voter registration. When the CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee was passed, that same year, Wiley sent a lieutenant named Wade Rathke to Arkansas to create ACORN. The original A in ACORN stood for Arkansas and only later came to mean “Association.” ACORN went to work at first unsuccessfully on voter registration and housing. They also aligned themselves with an up and coming Arkansas politician Bill Clinton who’d become Lieutenant Governor at age 30 in 1976. Both Clinton and his wife were great fans of Cloward, Piven and radical self-proclaimed “neo-Marxist” community organizer Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals” the book that so inspired Cloward and Piven. Within a year Clinton was elected Arkansas governor and continued to hold that position for 12 of the next 14 years until he became the first ACORN president. After the first expansion of CRA in 1992, ACORN was able to totally subvert the housing system in the country. After Clinton’s two further expansions in ’95 and his steroid version expansion in 1998, ACORN became an unstoppable force in the housing industry . . . but first . . .
In 1993 Clinton passed the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives called “A license for voter fraud”) and the official signing ceremony photo shows Clinton at a desk with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him. ACORN finally had the tools for subverting the voting process. From late 1994 to early 1997 a new community organizer Barack Obama who’d teach “Rules for Radicals” classes in Chicago began working for ACORN in Chicago as a lawyer shaking down home lenders to comply with the fiscally-irresponsible CRA ’77 and its first three expanisons to give unjustified home loans to very risky clients. When Clinton’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 was created, Obama was gone, but there was nothing stopping ACORN now. 34% of all home loans were risky ventures given to people without ID; without jobs; without income other than food stamps; without even a recent rental history; on welfare; with abysmal credit ratings; illegal aliens and other horrific risks.
In November, 2003, James Stack of investment advisory service began running a chart of the “Housing Industry Bubble.” The graph would run continuously for parts of the next five years. Stack said not only were home prices jacked up way too high; more importantly the stock market offerings for housing industry stocks had jumped to 1400% of their 1992 value and that bubble was sure to collapse soon. Within six months the bubble-popping began. Stack blamed the problems on a very serious sub-prime lending crisis. By this time ACORN had discovered something wonderful, they could use the mortgage-guarantee laws to get a risky loan for an qualified client, even an illegal alien for $400,00 almost as easily as they could for $120,000.
By January, 2005, the Bush Administration had come to believe the analysis of James Stack and others and sought to pass a law undoing most of the three latest expansion of CRA ’77. A few progressive Republicans and virtually every Democrat defeated their efforts. Finally, in July, 2007 a watered-down and almost-impotent version of Bush’s Jan., 2005 effort was passed with mostly Republican support. It would, of course prove way too little, way too late. However, two weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner risked the wrath of the Obama Administration by saying that Bush’s effort had saved the day. “Without his law in 2007, housing prices would have fallen faster and further and the recession would have been much, much deeper . . . “
In other words, far from driving us into a ditch Bush was a hero: while the radical-progressives of the Democratic (with a handful of Republicans) Party were pushing the car toward a 500 foot cliff, G.W. Bush jumped in grabbed the wheel and hit the brakes to create a controlled skid that put the car into the nearest friendly ditch.
The widespread ignorance of this TRUTH and the belief in the Obama-generated car-in-the-ditch-by-Bush LIE means the guilty will be rewarded by re-election and allowed to continue undermining the country and the laws and actions abusing those laws that put us into the tailspin will continue to dominate our lives. NOTICE: about 85% of the five mortgage-guarantee laws are still in place ready for the next time the new ACORN clones wish to continue their attack upon our country.
8. Lie: Once we get our heads on straight and solve the present jobless crisis and our national debt, all will be well.
Truth: Sorry friends, the economy is not just sick, it’s on its death bed. The lethal germ? Unfunded liabilities. For example, In 1935 as a culmination of FDR’s earliest socialistic moves, Social Security was created. Three things you should know about Social Security 1) it was designed to tide over the very few people who lived beyond age 65 (not many women worked and most men died by age 55). And 2) Social Security was legally designed to be a pay as you go program . . . but social security money set aside was never kept in a separate fund but was raided by congress virtually every year since its creation so today we have no money in social security. 3) People live far longer today and Social Security has never responded to that fact, so of course, people receive Social Security far longer straining the system more.
In 1965 as part of progressive-Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs Medicare and Medicaid were added as programs designed along the Social Security model. They were also never funded. Today . . . Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid are responsible for $114 TRillion in unfunded obligations of the country to its citizens (mostly an older population). Additionally, the new Obamacare laws are poised to bankrupt the individual states by shifting more of the Medicaid burden to them. Unmentioned for years now is a further $116 Trillion in unfunded obligations created by the welfare system. It’s definitely made a quagmire of our present financial condition.
9. Lie: Bailouts and stimulus eventually make the economy stronger and create jobs.
Truth: The first big federal bailouts were in 1975 for New York City and in 1979 for Chrysler Automobile. Because of the bailouts the underlying messes (the welfare system for NYC, New York State and the entire country; and incompetent leadership for Chrysler) were never addressed. Pushing problems off into the future never solves them. Creating more government and more government spending boondoggles and more government interference boondoggles never solves the problems but only stifles the free market’s ability to deal with problems. Let’s look at the Auto industry bankruptcy personally choreographed by President Obama and the bailout that tied into it.
Unions were given money they had no right to, unions were big Obama voters as you know. The money to make the unions part owners of the Auto Companies themselves (remember the definition of “fascist,” do we?) was stolen from certified creditors who by 223 years of bankruptcy law should have received their share of the bankruptcy spoils. GM and Chrysler saw their debts wiped out and were given bailout money equivalent to $14, 478 per car. Ford which had run itself far more responsibly now finds itself competing against companies the government favored.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
The homely fellow calls out to a gorgeous girl passing him on the street, “The world’s going to end unless we have sex right now!” Astonished she turns quickly and replies, “Do we have time to get to a motel or must we do it right here?” scene from the movie “The Invention of Lying.”
Obama Puts Integrity and Honor
in the Ditch, Geithner** Says,
Bush Saved Car from Ruin
For those who fancy sound-bites and many people do:
ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.
For those who believe everything Barack Obama says, Rajjpuut dares you to read this blog . . . . the truth contained in the preceding paragraph relies upon a recent statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and a short string of logical and statistical facts that anyone with a 5th grade education can understand. But first a bit of background . . . .
A love letter is not a recipe for turtle soup; a suicide note is not a travelogue; a court summons is not graffiti; a nursery rhyme is not a thesaurus; an encyclopedia entry is not a page in a joke book; etc., etc. To people who think clearly . . . it’s starkly obvious that different styles and distinct types of communication have different purposes altogether. And it’s dramatically evident that some people use “communication” for utterly different and more sinister purposes than honorable folks usually do. For a good example of a bad example, let’s think about Barack Obama.
If one piece of Barack Obama’s medium-length communication can be seen to be “successful” in his eyes, it is clearly the parable of the car in the ditch. He’s repeated that little story at least thirty times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. He’s taken to embellishing the story like an old time serial writer getting paid by the word by talking about the heat, having other Democrats help him push the car out of the ditch, even talking about mud and insects in the ditch. Barack Obama loves that story!
If one slogan has been utterly positively met by his audiences over and over and over again, it can be summarized this way: “It’s all George W. Bush’s fault.” He’s repeated that statement or some corollary of it perhaps 500-600 times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. In some speeches he’s used that slogan or a corollary four or five times. And he’s seen to it that his administration and his party use the slogan repeatedly. Often the “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and the car in the ditch story are clearly the only really certain applause, however muted, that’s awaited his speeches of late.
Just like the parables of Jesus, Obama’s two terse communications are powerful in part because they are so short. Obviously the car is a metaphor for the U.S. economy and the ditch is a metaphor for the economic collapse. What do these two sound bites have in common? They both sidestep all blame and accuse Obama’s predecessors; they’re both used to create an immediate gut response rather than a thoughtful response; and they are both designed more to obscure the truth than to reveal it . . . in a phrase they’re both examples of a propaganda technique called “the Big Lie.”
Adolf Hitler in chapter 10 of Mein Kampf coined the term “the Big Lie” to refer to two purported Big Lies that he claimed the Jews, Communists and other “November Criminals” (these were his three main scape-goats) had propagated at the end of World War I as they sold Germany out: A) that the German army had been defeated in the field and B) that General Ludendorff was mostly responsible for Germany’s defeat. Of course, Mein Kampf and most of Hitler’s communications were in themselves Big Lies including his creation of the November Criminals idea; repetition of the Zionist Conspiracy among the Jews fable; and fabrication of the notion of Aryan superiority in blood and cultural achievement.
Among the propaganda techniques Hitler discussed, the Big Lie, he said, was a “a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously’ ergo it must be true." He continues, “In the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”
Hitler also advised upon how to exploit the Big Lie which was later summed up by American OSS intelligence officials this way in the profile they created of Der Fuhrer: “His primary rules of conduct are never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough virtually all people will sooner or later believe it.” Since Hitler also advised never admitting a lie was false, but just keep hammering away at it even if you look a bit ridiculous . . . we can predict that his spiritual godson Barack Obama, who seems to operate under the same megalomaniacal modus operandi will never stop blaming Bush and will never stop telling the car in the ditch story.
So for those of us who believe in clear thought and who can spot a “false prophet” miles away . . . . What exactly is wrong with Barack Obama’s “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and his “car in the ditch” parable? And why are Obama and ACORN deliberately pushing the car toward the cliff, in the more accurate sound bite given above?
Again, the Obama soundbites are designed to hide the truth and convince people of the validity of a Big Lie viscerally, in their gut, while bypassing their brains. They have the hyper-added benefit of being wonderful sound-bites themselves while at the same time hiding a truth so damning and yet virtually difficult to convey that ostensibly no sound bite can clear things up. It’s a lot like Mondale’s (“Where’s the beef?”) accusation of Gary Hart during the 1984 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign which implied that Hart was little more than a pretty boy. So let us now show Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story up for the falsehood it is . . . .
ITEM: some statistics and some facts . . .
A) Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, two leftist Columbia U. professors (NYC) published their article, “The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty” in The Nation magazine in 1966. They opined that a welfare registration drive would put the entire nation in a crisis and the result of the crisis would be the Democratic party would institute (GNI) a guaranteed national income and presto that would be the elimination of poverty. The Cloward-Piven Strategy is based upon one of (self-avowed neo-Marxist community-organizer) Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (from his book, Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules.”) Their idea is to manufacture a crisis to move the country to their socialistic ends. In 1967, they enlisted another radical community organizer George Wiley to create the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization to test their theory by hook or by crook, he enlists over six million new welfare recipients. In eight years (1975) New York City is bankrupt and needs to be bailed out by the federal government. New York state barely escapes the city’s fate. Wiley, Cloward and Piven brag openly about their great deed hardly regretting that the GNI idea failed. Cloward and Piven suggest to Wiley and other radicals that housing and voter registration are the next two areas where C-P Strategy should be employed.
B) 1946- 1992 USA has 62-65% private home ownership, the envy of the world, the system was NOT broken and required NO fixing.
C) 99.76% of all US homes are bought with more than 3% down payment in 1975
D) To “fix” the broken home ownership problem, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 is passed by Jimmy Carter and progressive Democrats to force lending institutes to make bad loans they would otherwise not make. In Arkansas in ’77, ACORN is quickly created by George Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke who will also later found the SEIU union. ACORN goes to work on both C-P recommended new territories: voter registration and housing. The organization also hooks up with Bill Clinton just elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, an up and coming politician who they will help and who will help them mightily. The group is mostly ineffective at first because CRA ’77 was so poorly crafted that smart lenders could avoid most of the forced lending to unqualifed people. But ACORN is patient.
E) By 1985, little has changed 99.5% of all home loans still are made with 3% or more down payment. Clinton was elected governor in 1978 at the age of 32. He’s defeated in ’80 but elected again four more times and serves a total of almost 12 years.
F) In 1992, George H.W. Bush who successfully vetoed 44 out of 45 bills he disliked fails to veto a big housing bill. Unfortunately, one of the small portions he hates about the bill expands CRA ’77 so that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the two huge government agencies) are now made part of the CRA mortgage-guarantee progam. The plot only sickens from here on out.
G) Clinton with the support of ACORN whips Bush and becomes President. One of the first things he does is create the Motor Voter Act (called by conservatives “a license for voter fraud”). He signs the bill into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official photograph (available in several places on the internet). ACORN can finally go to town on voter registration. In 1995, Clinton passes two laws expanding CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees. Even before that, at the end of 1994, a community organizer named Barack Obama begins working as an ACORN lawyer. He has taught Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” to Chicago students and is very good at browbeating and shaking-down unwilling lenders to make them comply with the expansions of CRA ’77. Obama will work for ACORN for parts of the next three years. By 1995, the situation has changed dramatically in housing now 14% of all home loans are made to borrowers who cannot afford a 3%^^ or more home down payment. That is, since CRA ’77 was created lenders are now making 55 times as many questionable loans as they were in 1975.
H) In 1998, Bill Clinton, Democrats and especially Progressive Democrats and Progressive (we need to “progess” beyond the limitations of the "outdated and flawed" U.S. Constitution) Republicans pass a final expansion of CRA ’77 which puts the whole arena of mortgage-guarantees on steroids. Clinton, the first ACORN president, has delivered for them in a huge way on voter registration and on housing. Barack Obama is gone, but now ACORN goes nuts (pun intended). With Clinton’s new bill they immediately start browbeating loans for those without ID; those without jobs; people claiming food stamps as income; other welfare recipients; people without rental histories; people with horrific credit ratings; and even illegal aliens. Worst of all, ACORN gets real aggressive and finds they have little more trouble getting an impoverished applicant qualified for a $400,000 home than for a $120,000 one.
I) In November, 2003, James Stack of revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated. Meanwhile thanks to ACORN and Clinton's law 34% of all home loans are made to applicants who pay less than 3% as a down payment. Roughly 135 times as many questionable loans are being made in 2005 as were made in 1975.
J) Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon Bush's January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized five days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years after the fact, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . . and in sum, the facts in a nutshell shaken together to make an accurate parable are that:
ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Actually, the Treasury Secretary could have told a fuller story here: because Bush's original attempt to stop the bleeding and undo the damage in January, 2005 was rebuffed . . . . almost all of the CRA '77 legislation and its four expansions (including many horrific Clinton-Steroid version of '98 features) is still on the books like a timebomb waiting to explode the next time an ACORN-like entity wants to cause havoc. We need to return to the 1975 levels with perhaps 1/400 home loans made at 3% or less down payment. In other words we need to get out of the private sector's way. One other "tiny detail" should be mentioned to wrap up the last loose end. In 2003, Bush and the Republicans sought to change the oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (contending that congressional oversight was far too lax) but that initiative was also defeated by the Congress and most particularly the progressive Democratic wing of the congress that was abetting the whole process all along. Thank you, Barney Frank.
^^ It bears saying that 3% loans were originally created for fiscally-responsible veterans who qualified under a special program created for them. Once CRA '77 is created; almost anyone can get ZERO-Percent downpayment loans.
History-Changers Fool
Some Americans ALL the Time
That great American philosopher Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does,” in other words not by their words but by their deeds do we know who people actually are. The next time you hear someone who loves America called a racist, sexist, or a fascist or whatever, by the left wing progressives or the liberal media remember, that despite all their efforts to change history the Democratic Party is . . .
. . . the party of slavery which justified the practice as “economic necessity” for the plantation system of cotton- and tobacco-growing.
. . . the party of slavery which forbid Black’s learning to read.
. . . the party of slavery which condoned White males raping Black women.
. . . the party of slavery which insisted upon creating new slave states as the young nation expanded westward, just to keep themselves in power.
. . . the party of Robert E. Lee who summarily hung John Brown for freeing slaves.
. . . the party of flogging slaves for minor violations; and hanging them for trying to get their freedom.
. . . the party of selling slaves for profit and breaking up their families.
. . . the party of Jefferson Davis who presided over the Confederacy which was created to keep slavery intact and inviolate.
. . . the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
. . . the party of Dred Scott and allowing slave-chasers to pursue runaways into northern states.
. . . the party of Jim Crow laws for almost 100 years.
. . . the party of ‘separate but equal’ for almost 100 years.
. . . the party of lynching.
. . . the party supporting honor killings by husbands of unfaithful wives.
. . . the party of Woodrow Wilson, the greatest racist who ever occupied the White House.
. . . the party of D.W. Griffith, the racist film-maker who premiered his racist masterpiece “Birth of a nation for Wilson in the White House.
. . . the party of Woodrow Wilson, who first created the idea of propaganda and proved to be the most Fascist president in American history jailing those who talked against his administration; closing down newspapers opposed to his agenda.
. . . the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who prolonged an ordinary downturn 8 ½ years (until the Second World War saved the economy) into a GREAT Depression.
. . . the party that segregated the armed forces under Wilson.
. . . the party of FDR who forced people to relinquish gold at $20.76 an ounce and then raised the price of gold to $35 per ounce effectively stealing 61% of all private wealth for the government.
. . . the party of Richard Cloward, Frances Piven and George Wiley who deliberately used Cloward-Piven Strategy to bankrupt New York City and just missed bankrupting New York State.
. . . the party of Wade Rathke (Wiley’s lieutenant) who created ACORN and the SEIU and sought to use ACORN to get what Wiley’s National Welfare Rights Organization could not: guaranteed national income.
. . . the party of Jimmy Carter who created the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) which required mortgage companies to make very bad loans that ACORN could take advantage of.
. . . the party of the Black Panthers as clearly Fascist a group as the last half of the 20th Century ever created
. . . the party of Bill Clinton, the first ACORN president, who oversaw three expansions of CRA ’77 and creation of the Motor Voter Act which he signed in a ceremony with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him.
. . . the party of ACORN which used the weak Motor Voter Act to attempt all sorts of voting fraud.
. . . the party of ACORN which used the various CRA ’77 expansions to get zero-down payment $300,000 homes for people without ID; people without jobs; people who listed food stamps as “income”; people with horrific credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people on welfare; illegal aliens; and all manner of people who had NO hope of ever repaying their home loans.
. . . the party of Barack Obama who worked parts of three years as an ACORN attorney brow-beating and shaking-down lenders who tried to avoid making bad loans to deadbeat clients . . . Barack Obama who slashed the brake lines and fouled up the steering cables that put our national economy “in the ditch.”
. . . the party of ultra-left progressives who jumped all over George W. Bush for firing U.S. attorneys that refused to prosecute voter fraud; voter intimidation and to investigate allegations of Motor Voter Act discrepancies.
. . . the party of Barack Obama, a community organizer who taught classes in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for radicals” in conjunction with ACORN.
. . . the party of Obama appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez, who dropped the case of the New Black Panthers intimidating White voters in Philadelphia and threatening a Black poll watcher with a beating; who also instructed Department of Justice (DOJ) employees NOT to pursue cases of voter intimidation or other crimes against Black perpetrators if the victims were White; and instructed DOJ employees to cease investigations of Motor Voter Act discrepancies “because that will just lower turnout.”
. . . the party of Barack Obama who gave us in one law (Obamacare) almost 390 new government agencies.
. . . etc., etc., ad nauseum.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
New York City has been seriously endangered by terrorists three times in the last 43 years, but most Americans only know about two of those attacks. In a related story, two days ago, Timothy Geithner, did tw0 things the Obama administration has shied markedly away from . . . he spoke the truth and he praised George W. Bush . . . therein lies a tale . . . .
Our country has been under serious attack from within for at least 44 years. Two Columbia University socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published an article on their “Cloward-Piven Strategy” in a 1966 article in “The Nation,” "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation "establishing a guaranteed national income.” Their ideas were based upon those from two books of Saul Alinsky the infamous self-avowed Neo-Marxist community organizer from Chicago. More on Cloward and Piven later . . . .
Those of you who have read Alinsky’s horror masterpiece “Rules for Radicals” know that the main progressive trick is to relentlessly stay on the attack while creating situations in which they’re perceived to have the moral high ground (at least by their own activists and the left-leaning very sympathetic media). Where will they attack? Anywhere that a perception or an actual weakness can be found. Back about March 20, 2007, Dick Morris wrote a great editorial blog that day, three leading progressive Democratic spokespersons were on the attack against Republicans, totally unfairly in retrospect, but George W. Bush and the Republicans around him seemingly went “quietly into that dark night” and refused to defend themselves except in the most milquetoasty of ways.
The four main areas of progressive attack at that time were all bogus 1) supposed corrupt individuals (Stephens and Delay were eventually cleared); 2) Iraq the unwinnable war and the “War on Terror” in general; 3) the economy; and 4) the dismissal of a set of United States Attorneys. Truth fought for resolutely in these four areas might have changed today’s situation dramatically. This fourth situation was the least important at the time but has become very important today. Let’s look at all four of these problem areas more closely . . . .
#1 Nancy Pelosi made a big deal about “draining the swamp” but today the truth can finally be appreciated. Of about six corrupt Democrats that ought to have been in her gunsights only two are now looking at ethics trials. As for the main Republicans, Delay was finally cleared just last week after never seriously being at risk, Stephens died in a plane accident in southeast Alaska, being cleared a few months after losing the election for his senate seat. Most importantly, the loss of Stephens’ senate seat in a very close election in 2008, has allowed the Obama agenda to do an incredible amount of damage by providing that all-important 60-40 cushion. The Republican Party, not having its own truly active ethics policemen on the one hand (a failing that needs to be corrected immediately); giving every “appearance” of inpropriety on the other hand; and not standing behind its members on the third hand allowed this to happen in utterly wimp-like fashion. Truth alone is not enough to ensure that necessary conservative values like fiscal-conservativism and Constitutional conservativism will win the day, Truth needs to be defended energetically.
#2 Bush did NOT mount a spirited defense of his approach in Iraq (the “Surge” or “New Way Forward” was now two months old) generally speaking he remained mum although the news was almost immediately good. While there is much to be recommended in an approach of “under-promise and over-deliver” in comparison with the inanities of the opposite Obama-like notion of HYPE-HYPE-HYPE and more HYPE over-promising and dramatically under-delivering . . . you’ve got to communicate! For example, Rajjpuut saw a History Channel exclusive on the very day of the bus bombings in London that revealed the incredible successes of the U.S. War in Terror and how they were brought about (of perhaps 500 great success stories they admittedly covered only 14-15 in the segment, but it was impressive!). Now clearly, one does NOT want the CIA revealing its most impressive tactics, but for several years of outstanding work being reduced to a 90-minute show on the History Channel (does anyone besides Rajjpuut watch the History Channel) is definitely NOT getting the record of success across. Just revealing once every couple months the nature of some success stories (perhaps themselves six months old) that would have been helpful but instead we got nothing. Compare that preferred approach with the demoralizing “rely on luck”/man-caused disasters/ and “there is NO war on terror” strategems that seem to highlight the Obama approach and you get the picture.
#3 NOT getting the truth about the ECONOMY out to the American people was Bush’s biggest failing and its evils are plaguing us still today. In November, 2003, James Stack of revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated.
Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon their January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized two days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years later, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . much like the successes in the war on terrorism, this underlines a severe problem with simple communication.
More importantly, Bush did NOT use the bully-pulpit of the presidency to expose the facts behind the economic threats facing the nation in January, 2005 when they first tried to pass their bill and stop the sub-prime lending crisis in its tracks . . . it’s a long and sordid tale that needed to be told (besides the two attacks on the World Trade Center in 1992 and then on 9/11/2001 by Islamist extremists, American terrorists attacked the city between 1967 and 1975) Bush and his administration and conservatives in general failed us by NOT informing everyday Americans about this internal attack and its continuing endangerment to our system and our people:
A. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley in 1967 create the National Welfare Rights Organization to implement C-P Strategy and bring about their “Guaranteed National Income.” They put almost seven million newbies onto the welfare rolls and by 1975 New York City is bankrupt and required a federal government bailout; New York State just missed bankruptcy. Cloward, Piven and Wiley did not achieve a guaranteed national income but they proclaim success publicly and on his mentors’ advice, Wiley moves to attack weaknesses in voter registration and housing as the next focal area for “manufactured crisis” strategy. He doesn’t have long to wait.
B. Jimmy Carter sweeps into office with a wave of progressive Democrats in November, 1976. In 1977 they pass the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) which for the first time requires really bad home loans be granted. Thankfully, it’s a very poorly crafted law and lenders can sidestep it fairly easily. Some background: Americans between 1946 and 1998 had the highest home ownership in the world 62-65%, the system is the envy of the whole planet. Only one in 404 loans in 1975 is made with 3% or LESS downpayment. ACORN is established in Arkansas in 1977 by a George Wiley lieutenant named Wade Rathke (later he’ll start up the SEIU union) and immediatedly moves into voter registration and housing and by 1980 becomes a chief backer of Bill Clinton, who’ll become the first ACORN president.
C. By 1985 only 1 in 198 home loans in the country have been made with less than 3% down payment. ACORN isn’t having much success but they’re patiently refining their C-P and Alinsky shakedown approach. Soon lenders will, as a matter of course, accept the “necessity” of making horrifically bad loans to recipients with virtually no chance of ever repaying their mortgages.
D. In 1992, George H. W. Bush fails to veto a bill with an expansion in CRA ’77 to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac even though he detests the idea. Why? It’s a small part of a much larger bill. A horrible example of why large, complicated bills can be so dangerous. Bush only was over-ridden on one of his 44 vetoes during his four-year term, too bad he didn’t make it 45 vetoes, eh? ACORN now has something to bite on and things get rapidly worse for the country from this point forward.
E. Bill Clinton sweeps into office. He immediately gets the Motor Voter Act passed with Cloward and Piven standing right behind him during the signing ceremony (a photo of which you can find in about twenty places on the internet).
F. A community organizer in Chicago named Barack Obama begins working as a lawyer for ACORN in late ’94 and immediately begins shaking-down home lenders in the area. In ’95, Bill Clinton gets two expansions to the CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee idea passed. Meanwhile ACORN has learned its craft now a horrific 1/7 of all home loans are made with less than 3% down payment and Freddy and Fannie are on the hook.
G. Bill Clinton gets his ’98 expansion of mortgage-guarantee law passed putting the whole system on steroids. ACORN goes into overdrive shaking down lenders so that people without ID; people without jobs; people claiming foodstamps as “income”; people with horrific credit ratings; people without rental history; people on welfare; and illegal immigrants qualify for home loans . . . many of them “qualify for $500,000 homes. This is 1998, by 2005, 1/3 of all home loans will be made with less than 3% down payments.
In November, 2003, James Stack of starts publishing his “Housing Industry Bubble” chart and warning of the impending sub-prime lending crisis and you know the rest . . . however, you know it NOW; why didn’t the conservatives warn us over and over and over and over again until Americans got the picture . . . even if voters didn’t take it seriously at first, it would certainly have explained a lot of things later, no? So we have a literal provable and obvious case of two internal terrorist attacks on the USA; the bankruptcy of NYC in 1975 and the financial collapse of 2007 and the Republican Party did NOT have the wherewithal to put them both before the voters for as long as it took????
#4 Let’s talk about a less complicated and less dire example of the progressives’ ability to manipulate truth and create havoc, but one that's very important right now . . . we can use it as a good example of how they work and of what Bush did wrong . . . .
Today, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama Department of Justice, under Obama’s appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez, is perhaps the most dangerous organization in the government. Without belaboring the point they might steal the 2010 and 2012 elections. For example, the dropping of the already won case of voter intimidation against the New Black Panthers actions in November, 2008 in Philadelphia; the oral order from Fernandez to a roomful of DOJ employees not to prosecute cases where the victims are White and the perpetrators Black; and worst of all, instructions from Fernandez that the DOJ “had no interest in allegations of Motor Voter Law improprieties because that’ll just reduce turnout.” Tie all that into ACORN’s activities and you see we could have a problem at the voting booths. Let’s talk about Bush’s problem . . . .
A surprising example of the impotence of the Bush Administration arose with the dismissal of a bunch of U.S. Attorneys. An immediate, prolonged and vociferous attack on the Administration was mounted by the leftist Democrats. It was also a totally-fabricated and phony “scandal” which the Bush Administration met with a whiny half-hearted defense, cowardly backtracking and concessions instead of forthrightly counter-attacking with full exposure of the underlying lies. Bottom line, the Bush DOJ was immaculate compared to today’s Kangaroo operation under Obama. Let’s refresh your memory . . . .
First of all, the DOJ has the legitimate power and authority to dismiss U.S. Attorneys at any time for any reasonable cause . . . or even without cause. There is no civil servant U.S. Attorney class who got their on merit by passing an exam. They are a part of the executive branch and are assigned by the Attorney General to work prosecuting different areas as the Administration in power sees fit. And what exactly did the EMPLOYEES in question do that caused them to be removed? They all pulled Julie Fernandez-like incompetencies! That’s right it seems they all deliberately went light on prosecuting or even pursuing voter fraud cases. They were removed and replaced with attorneys that the DOJ assigned to vigorously prosecute the voter fraud statutes, such as they are (conservatives in 1993 called Clinton’s Motor Voter Act a “license for voter fraud”). A President has the right without qualms to remove any person who serves at his pleasure. Can a president be unethical in doing so? Of course, think of Richard Nixon and his attorneys general and special prosecutors. Was that the case in Bush’s firings? Not on your life. And, like namby-pamby teddy bears the Administration hemmed and hawed like school boys caught with a Playboy hidden in their history text.
Conservatives, Libertarians (like Ol’ Rajjpuut) and Independents have been
very unhappy campers in this country for quite awhile, most of the time they
find themselves voting Republican and biting their tongues or voting for an
ineffectual 3rd Party. The Republican Party has not stood by their promise of
fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism for the most part and when they actually did, they’ve proven virtually gutless in the process.
Why Bush, Rove, AG Gonzalez, etc. didn’t take the moral high ground and on a case by case basis expose the crucial type of cases these attorneys were refusing to prosecute is anybody’s guess . . . but it amounted to INCOMPETENCE. Truth is not enough. TRUTH NEEDS TO BE MADE OBVIOUS AND TO BE DEFENDED VIGOROUSLY! Hopefully, today’s conservatives have the stomach to do the hard work for as long as it takes until our nation is once again free.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,