Can Newt help us get America back on track?-You Decide:
Posted on The Patriot Update-By Daniel Greystone-On January 28, 2012:
“Let me ask all Patriots this question “Who has gotten the United States into the financial trouble we are currently in?” We can place (most of the) blame on Barack Obama who has a philosophy of bigger government, excessive spending and uncontrolled entitlement programs. We can also place blame squarely on both houses of Congress. During the first two years of the Obama administration, 2008 and 2009, the Democrats continued their control of both Congressional houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. In those two years alone, these politicians never submitted a budget but they DID pass every piece of legislation to grow the government bigger and bigger. The bottom line is that Congress, from 2006 to 2010, was a liberals ‘dream come true’ period of time because these Socialists had complete control of the Federal Budget. Without any sort of fiscal conscious they ran up our deficit by excessive spending and no regard for their constitutional duties. Never before in the history of the United States, has Congress been so blatant with how they managed our money and how reckless they were in passing laws like the Healthcare Reform Act called ‘Obamacare’ without fully vetting them with the American people.
Today, we are suffering the real consequences of this behavior with high unemployment rates, under reported employment, business stagnation, housing issues and poor consumer purchases. There are so many issues with America caused by Barack Obama and this Democratic leadership that it would take a book to explain it all. However, not all these problems are ONLY caused by Obama and these Liberal (Socialist) Democrats. In 2010, we elected to Congress many newcomers from the Tea Party to help reign in the Democratic majority that was “out of control” at the time. Their one goal was to stop the reckless spending and unconscionable passage of laws that is taking away our American Freedom. The question I have is “Have those Tea Party Officials been able to succinctly reign in our out-of-control spending?” The clear answer is No. So we have to ask ‘Why not?’ Why is Congress STILL out of control and why cannot they stop the reckless spending that is now OVER $15 TRILLION DOLLARS? Let us bookmark this first thought and digress to explain Congress back in the 1990’s for a minute.
Yesteryear in Congress:
Prior to the 1990’s the voting American public stood up and said “No More Taxes.” In fact, the first President Bush was not reelected because he did not listen to that generation of American voters. What these voters knew, that current voters have failed to realize, was if their personal taxes and corporate tax were raised more and more, this would reduce the amount of money anyone had to spend and it would stymie economic growth. So, before the end President Bush’s first term he could not resist raising taxes on Americans and because of this he was not reelected and was then out of office. It was this one single tax event that prevented him from being elected to two terms.
Around 1995, the leadership in the House of Representative changed and the Republicans took control. This is when Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House of Representatives. During his time as Speaker of the House, there were in fact, FOUR consecutive budgets that balanced our burgeoning federal deficit. There was a Democratic President at the time, Bill Clinton, and it was an uphill battle for Speaker Gingrich to get each budget approved and passed in the House. Then each budget had to go to the Senate and ultimately President Clinton had to sign it; which he did all four years. Has any Patriot ever asked this question “Was it easy to create a budget that balanced the burgeoning deficit and get the sum of Congress to pass it just so Clinton would sign it?” Does anyone think the Democrats walked in ‘lock-step’ with the Speaker of the House to get it done? Does anyone believe the Republicans walked ‘in synchronicity’ with Speaker Gingrich to get this accomplished? Just look at what is happening TODAY in Congress, 2010 through 2012 with the budget; compare this to how do YOU think Speaker Gingrich was able to get a balanced Federal Budget pushed though? Now let us bookmark this second thought for a minute so we can take a look at what is happening in the present.
Leadership and Supporters of Leadership:
There is a condition that a leader must prepare for because all leaders are labeled “a target” by the people who do not support them. Those people who do not agree with leadership often make the person in that position a target of ridicule, angst and non-support. They decisively talk behind their back and express their discontent of the job the leader is doing. They try to persuade others to believe in why they do not like or will not support the leader. They will do everything they can to get others to become disenchanted with that leader. It does not matter if this leader is at a local level within your community, church or school. This type of behavior goes all the way up to Congress and to the President. One can always say that ‘some people will follow a leader and there will always be others who will not.’
A very good leader will know how to get things done. So how can a leader depend upon others to get ‘it’ done if they do not support the leader? The answer to this is a ‘trade secret’ of leadership and in a future book this will be discussed at length. It is important to know there are many different styles of leadership that can be effective depending upon the environment, mission and goals. The question we have to ask is “What does it take for a leader to be effective so they can get America back on track? Now, let us bookmark this third thought for a minute so we can take a look at what is happening and what people are saying about the Congress of Yesteryear.
Reality of Leadership:
There are more and more attacks directly on Gingrich’s four years of leadership when he was Speaker of the House of Representatives. These people, who may have been in office at the time, are saying “even fellow Republicans did not want to work with him [Newt]; while he was Speaker.” One can bet this is coming from the Democratic Party primarily because they are absolutely terrified that Newt Gingrich will become the GOP Presidential Candidate. They are pulling out all the stops to do everything they can to get Mitt Romney to become our GOP candidate for President. There is another article I wrote that explains this in more detail about “Why the Democrats want Romney to be the GOP Presidential Candidate” and can be found at this link:
Do we believe Newt had it easy when he was Speaker of the House? Do we also believe everyone just willingly supported him as the Speaker for his balance budget initiatives? Sure, all the members in the House just went along with his budget cutting agenda; yes, all of them were just apathetic having to eliminate programs that may affect their own re-election back home, right? So, what do you think Newt did to get EVERYONE to buy-in and support the tightening of the federal budgets he led? Remember, what Newt did give us was a balanced budget for FOUR years and this resulted in unprecedented American growth and revenue!
You have to know the Democrats are so obsessed with preventing Newt from wining the GOP nomination that they will seize upon any and all bad information they can get on him. They are using every negative issue they can find against Newt right now. It is not beyond them to actually lie, cheat and manipulate any and all information to make Newt look bad. Obviously, they are choosing to blast Gingrich because they fear him the most; this is because he actually got something accomplished when he was Speaker and this SCARES THE HELL OUT OF THE ESTABLISHMENT! Not only is Newt a true conservative, but he has been able to do “WHAT IT TAKES” to actually make changes happen in Congress! Was it easy for Newt? Did he make friends? Did he have to bend some arms? Did he have to compromise? Yes Newt did and I am sure he had to do these things and probably more to make the changes we idolize today. Was Newt Gingrich perfect? No. However, Newt Gingrich got the job done and EVERYONE benefited from it!
One thing I believe Speaker Gingrich did not do is “he did not do what the CURRENT Speaker of the House of Representatives has done. Nor did he do what Nancy Pelosi did while she was Speaker.” In 2010, 2011 and now in 2012, our House is in turmoil, it is not able to get consensus on passing laws and budgets and they have failed from preventing us going over 12 Trillion Dollars in debt; which is now $15 Trillion! So as far as leadership is concerned, we have the model of one Speaker, Newt Gingrich, that got the job done and everyone since then has been far worse for America and they have caused our current debt crisis and reduction of our Freedom.
Let us take a quick look at the job Speaker Pelosi did when she was the Speaker of the House. What she did resulted in spiraling out-of-control debt, crushing regulations and removal of plethora of our American FREEDOMS. In her day, they never even produced a budget much less pass one. The four years she was in control resulted in an unprecedented federal government growth and infiltration of socialists into our American government. Yes, she is an excellent role model for us to NOT ever elect again.
Next we have Speaker Boehner and the job he is now doing as Speaker of the House. He is not able to stand up for one single budget proposal and had four of them last year. He bends like a reed in a soft wind. Since he is not able to stand for anything, the House of Representatives is all tied up in gridlock with seemingly no leadership Yes, Boehner is also an excellent role model for us. His leadership model is to realize it is NOT easy to lead the House of Representatives into a concerted and focused effort.
Leadership in Summary:
So, based upon the leadership Mr. Gingrich exhibited while he was the leader of the House of Representatives, do we believe he should be shunned and he should be hanging his head low in utter disgrace as the Liberals would have you believe? Because of the way his critics are slamming Newt (about what he did back then) should this be preventing him from becoming our GOP candidate for President? Newt Gingrich talks about that period of time and what he did as if he is wearing a badge of HONOR! What he did is honorable. The Democrats want all of us to believe he should be ashamed of what he did. Speaker Gingrich has summed this up by stating “No one is our lifetime has done what [he] did; no one has balanced the Federal Budget four consecutive years in a row.” You are correct, Mr. Speaker.
Remember, all of these professed issues and complaints about Newt Gingrich are yet again showing everyone how desperate the Establishment is scared of Newt. They are terrified that if elected, he will actually CHANGE WASHINGTON. Also remember it is infinitely much easier for people to just sit on the sidelines and nit-pick what Newt did as Speaker of the House. Just know that as ‘The leader’ it was Newt who actually got something done. Newt was not just someone who got it done to benefit their own political party and friends, Newt got it done for every citizen in the United States of America. Thank You Mr. Gingrich!
Right now all of us American Patriots are trying to vet the qualifications of who will become our GOP Candidate, so please remember these three important things:
1. Leadership is not easy and it is very hard to become an effective leader
2. We have a choice of leaders and we need someone who has a record of successful change
3. We MUST break the current dead-lock in Congress and this will NOT make many friends
Now let us examine the bookmarks we created.
1. We have out of control spending because we do not have any leadership that can make us believe they are fiscally responsible. There is no one in Congress now that will stand by their core values because they are trying to appease others.
2. Being able to make changes in Washington is not for the foolhardy. It is not about winning friends but more about influencing people and this is what Gingrich did. Just realize it is extremely difficult to lead people especially when your goal is to make significant cuts in funding.
3. What will it take to get America back on track? It will take someone with bold ideas; it will take a leader who is not afraid to do what is best for the Republic FIRST and it will take real core-value leadership to make the process work for EVERYONE.
Patriots, I believe we can get America back on track with the correct leader. However, time is running out and we MUST select the best leader we can for the November 2012 election. However, between now and then, all of us will be hearing a lot about leadership so when you hear people talk about leadership, remember this “Leadership is a LOT like herding a bunch of cats; the ones with long tails are the ones that will get stepped upon and those are the ones that will be screaming. The ones which are screaming are the ones preventing us from getting it done!”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this-You Decide:
I. United States of Propaganda Unleashes Unholy War Against Newt Gingrich!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Kelly OConnell-On January 29, 2012:
II. Sarah Palin Urges Newt Vote in Florida, Says Gingrich Will ‘Clobber’ Obama!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 29, 2012:
III. Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan: The Lost Picture!-Posted on NewsMax.com:
IV. Tea Party Leaders Endorse Gingrich: High Risk, Low Reward!-Posted on Sunshine State News-By KENRIC WARD-On January 28, 2012:
V. GINGRICH: THE SOB WE NEED: ‘Exclusive: Pamela Geller cheers Newt's understanding of Islamic threat!’-Posted on WND.com- By Pamela Geller-On January 24, 2012:
VI. Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich!-Posted on The Hill-By Jamie Klatell and Niall Stanage-On January 28, 2012:
VII. Rev. Wildmon: Palin Is Right, Newt Being ‘Crucified!’-Posted on NewsMax.com-By David A. Patten-On January 28, 2012:
VIII. Palin: Cannibals In GOP Establishment Employ Tactics Of The Left!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SARAH PALIN-On January 28, 2012:
IX. Video: Ed Rollins: Gingrich Was One Of “Most Important Players And Most Loyal To Ronald Reagan!”-Posted on Western Journalism-On January 28, 2012:
X. The Drudge Distort!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT BARBER-On January 28, 2012:
XI. Sarah Palin: Newt 'Crucified' By Romney Allies, GOP Establishment!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Margaret Menge-On January 27, 2012:
XII. Fred Thompson Endorses Newt Gingrich!-Posted on NewsMax.com-On January 24, 2012:
XIII. Michael Reagan Endorses Newt Gingrich!-Posted on Conservative Byte-On January 20, 2012:
XIV. Newt’s Right on Sharia!-Posted on National Review Online-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.-On January 18, 2012:
XV. The Truth Behind the Attack on Newt!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By GARY DEMAR-On January 27, 2012:
XVI. We Must Not Choose Obama Lite: ‘Courageous Foreign Policy Leadership Must Define GOP Nominee!’-Posted on Big Government-By Pamela Geller-On November 11, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:
Should Americans Fear Islam?
What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?
Were We Forewarned About What to Expect If President Obama Got Elected?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!