global (23)

Hyphenated “-Science” is Always Humbuggery

In the movie “Planet of the Apes” the human astronaut Taylor sneers at the Oran-gu-tan Dr. Zaius “Minister of Science-Defender of the faith” for the obvious conflict of interest his two different occupational ‘hats’ implied. Through the first two million years of human existence, scientific and technological advances were as much a matter of serendipity and luck as they were of clear thinking. This was the time of imagined “big medicine” and “magic powers” and church and state and science were all jumbled up together ineffectively. Even with the dawn of civilization (villages, towns and cities become possible because of the rise of agriculture), the shaman, witchdoctor etc. were still in their heyday. Throughout much of the European dark ages, outside of Iberia (the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula for almost eight centuries which is why the Portuguese and Spanish were the most advanced civilizations and the first to make voyages to Asia and the New World), Europe’s learning and culture were basically all in the hands of the clergy and very few noble’s much less common-folk could read and write. While pagans like the Greeks knew the world was round, the Christian/
Catholic authorities insisted upon a strict biblical interpretration with the entire universe orbitting the earth. Religion (theo-science) has NEVER been a good foundation for science.

Indeed, theo-science has routinely embarassed itself and retarded human advance. Eco-science and Big Guv-sci have done no better. Up to today two million unnecessary deaths from malaria have occurred. The culprits? Rachel Carlson’s pseudo-science novel “Silent Spring” and the alarmist environmentalists and the politicians who went along with her nonsense. DDT supposedly made bird eggshells thinner. DDT supposedly caused human cancer. DDT supposedly hurt fish, amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal life. Not one of those "supposedlies" is true, NOT ONE. To date the only proven knock on DDT is that it burns your eyes if you don’t close them and get in close contact to the spray. Whereas only 40,000 died worldwide from malaria in 1970, every year now five million plus malaria deaths occur. And yet, DDT can be safely drunk; DDT can be safely used as salad dressing. No harm has ever been shown to the Africans who routinely twice a year fogged their houses with DDT . . . until, they were denied the DDT and confronted with malaria, that is. Today several African countries have begun to ignore the DDT ban with excellent results. Like the DDT alarmism, global-warming alarmism is hysterical pseudo-science, nothing more.

Right now the mainstream media in the United States have willfully NOT reported this story:

which twelve days after the fact was run in the ulta-liberal London Times while that paper checked the event called “Climate-Gate” over very carefully. Today, six and a half months later, the story is unknown still to many Americans. Barack Obama has passed his Cap and Trade bill in the house of representatives and is trying to sneak it through the Senate much as he did Obamacare earlier. Even before counting inflation from the policies of Obama and the federal reserve, Cap and Trade would increase prices on everything in the economy, every product and service, by an average of 67%**. The destruction of the U.S. economy is literally at stake. And, why? Again because of eco-pseudo-big-guv-science.

One of the infamous climate-gate e-mails said, “The fact is we can’t account for the cooling at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t,” according to Kevin Trenberth in a letter to other climate alarmists. That is, the “obvious truth of global-warming” wasn’t showing up in their readings.

You’ll recall that Obama “science-czar” John Holdren was predicting an ice age in 1972 . . . before his recent shift to global-warming activism. So which is it? Probably . . . neither. The real scientists doing real science have been talking about something they call “PDO” which not surprisingly relates to the cooling trend evident since the late 1990’s that has the global-warming alarmists so alarmed. PDO stands for “Pacific Decadal Oscillation” which is just a fancy term for the fact that both weather and its longer-term fluctuations (climate) owe their existence to our oceans and particularly to the Pacific Ocean and surprise, surprise, the Pacific ocean patterns vary (oscillate) in 30-40 year patterns which are not yet understood.

All this has vindicated the skeptical scientists who have denied that global-warming was a fact . . . such as the almost 32,000 American Scientists including over 9,000 with Ph.D.s who signed the petition linked here:

Steve Milloy (editor and founder of says the problem is that real science was never done by global-warming alarmists. For example, they deliberately left out about four hundred years of the Medieval Warming Period in their calculations. They based everything on models they mocked up to prove that global-warming was real. “The models are in error.” Right now while Europe has accepted climategate as real and discarded global-warming, the same climate models are still being used by American global-warming alarmist to rationalize expansive and expensive regulatory gimmicks cooked up by the progressive ultra-left wing of the Democrats and Republicans.

“We’ve had no warming for the past 10-15 years, even though carbon dioxide emissions have increased,”Milloy noted. “The upper atmosphere should be warming at a much greater rate than the lower atmosphere but this is not happening. It means that we just don’t understand energy flows, and if you don’t understand how something works it cannot be accurately modeled. It’s insanity to go forward with regulations that are not based on something we understand, but that’s what is being proposed.”

It’s all about the money, Phil Jones of East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) took in “23 million dollars of public funds to fudge their data and the Club of Rome in their time took in as much.” The Club of Rome was a late 60’s disaster-alarmist group that was supposedly composed of the “most eminent scientists in the world.” Both the global-warming folks and the Club of Rome are still operating right now even though they’ve both been largely discredited in the scientific world as charlatans. David Berlinski, a senior fellow with The Discovery Institute, laments what he calls “Big-Science” that’s all about the money with little respect for truth . . . . “Big Science in its natural (corrupt) state,” it is not exactly new, laments Berlinski, “In the 1970s, the Club of Rome was on everyone’s lips with their hysterical warnings of mass disasters that were shortly to arrive. My first book, On Systems Analysis, which I wrote for the MIT press, was an expose and a denunciation of the kind of stuff then current. I cannot see that anything has changed. Then as now, the people doing the hustle were doing it for money.

Returning to global-warming, Berlinski added, “The overwhelming consensus is, as it always is, utter nonsense because it is in the first place an illusion: There are very many scientists who dissent from global warming. And it is utter nonsense because it is based on nothing more than a trend line. No one has the faintest idea what the trend represents or whether it will continue or whether even the trend itself was based on data so fudged as to be meaningless. The latter, I think.

“What is at work deep down is a delusion as striking as various Zulu beliefs and no more credible: To wit, that because there is something that might for the sake of convenience be designated as the global atmosphere, there is as well a science of the global atmosphere (GA), one in which for various initial conditions of the GA, laws of its evolution might be adduced from which explanations and predictions would flow. There is no such science; there are no such laws. To be sure one can say with easy confidence that the GA is determined by fundamental physics.

“Climate science stands exposed but only for the moment,” he wrote. “It will be back. I cannot see much difference between evolutionary science and climate science and I have no expectation that the winds of dissent will ever blow from the one to the other. Why should they? In just the past few years, large scale econometric models have, once again, been shown to be unreliable and intellectually worthless. The world-wide economy tanked and not one — not one! — econometric model predicted it.”

Berlinsky, is famed for standing fast in his dissenting views. For example, he is a severe skeptic of evolution as originally penned by Darwin but not an advocate of ID, intelligent design. Berlinsky believes scientists ought to be able to stand up tall and say, “so far, we just don’t really understand what’s going on!”

Of course, (or is that “OF CURSE?”) global warming is still the accepted religion by the progressives controlling the White House, Senate and House of Representatives right now. The great sweeping plans of Obama and the collectivist crew of progressives is NOT worried about the environment one way or another, they’re only in it for the power they can grab and the money that goes with it. Lies that back up their positions are not contested by the liberal media and the constitution is used as toilet paper by statists tied into the linkage existing between Big Gov and Big-Science. Science that serves political interests is never real science. You’d have thought that lesson should have been learned from the earlier socialists in Germany (a.k.a. the national socialists a.k.a. the Nazis) and renowned socialists in England such as George Bernard Shaw all of whom were calling for “mass scale eugenics.” But, of course, the progressives have changed history so that most Americans believe that the Nazis were right-wingers, not lefties . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Sandor of Obama’s and Gore’s CCX, Chicago Climate eXchange) which hopes to dramatically exploit the so-called global-warming issue, has repeatedly said it’ll be a $10 TRillion a year industry. Since the present economy is $15 TRillion, that means that without adding a single product or service the economy will become $25 TRillion in size, thus $10 TR. / $25 TR. = 67% increase in prices.

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Real American Freedom Becomes Slavery under Obama
according to Net Neutrality Bill
The internet is the last stand for journalistic integrity. While the mainstream media pander to the powers that be and protect the entrenched ones’ butts by refusing to run contrary opinion and by slanting virtually everything aired or printed, the internet allows free exchange of information and ideas. Barack Obama wants to change that immediately: courtesy of a “net-neutrality” law, a “reform” of the internet. The Obama administration has a real talent for oxymoron. For example, everything labeled “reform” by the Obama adminsitration (reform meaning “making things better”) so far has been nothing more than a power grab, for example:
Cap and Trade is NOT environmental reform, you’re just talking about paying for licenses to pollute and a method to transfer wealth. The architects of the cap and trade bill have admitted the earth will NOT become less polluted. No improvement just more government control.
Obamacare is NOT health care reform, but just a massive socialized medicine program designed to put much more of the private sector under government control and transfer wealth. Right now the Obamacare taxes being taken out (while no benefits are being given) are ensuring that the present now 18-month big recession will reverse directions (it was improving) and become a full-scale depression. No improvement, just more apparent reason for the government to intervene.
Immigration reform is NOT about improving the immigration laws but rather about ensuring that huge amounts of ILlegal immigrants (who will theoretically vote Democrat by an 85-15 margin) can become legal citizens as quickly as possible and maintain the Democrats in power for the foreseeable eternity. Why has the Obama administration refused to protect the borders? Because the borders are their only hope for success in 2010 and re-election in 2012 . . . 11.9 million new Democrats potentially. No improving things, just taking advantage of things.
Financial Reform is NOT about fixing anything but just about moving the government into control of everything having to do with our money. The failed concept of "too big to fail" will be institutionalized inside the so-called "reform" bill. We'll have got permanent bailouts in the system. Right now AIG, whom we bailed out is again selling "credit-default swaps" this time on Greece. If Greece goes under . . . AIG goes under again and what then? Meanwhile the government controls more and if AIG goes under again, they show that the "free market failed again" and government needs to save them again. Once again, no improvement just gaming the system to their advantage.
And most recently, the push for a net-neutrality reform bill to oversee the internet is NOT about reforming so that the net stays free . . . it’s already free. It’s about wiping out contrary voices to big government such as Ol’ Rajjpuut here and giving big government more control over every aspect of our daily lives. Along with Cap and Trade legislation, the Obama administration is playing a huge scam upon the American people. Right now the so-called “free press” of the mainstream media is totally loathe to hold this president and this administration’s feet to the fire. Instead they operate as utterly sycophantic “Yes” men to glorify everything Baracky. The biggest single threat to our freedom imaginable is the Cap and Trade bill now before the senate. The bill would be immediately rejected IF IF IF IF the American people were privy to what the European people have seen exposed to them. For example:
It took the ultra-liberal London Times twelve days to do its research and work up the courage to “eat crow” (they had been in the vanguard of praising global-warming activism for many years. So global warming is a sham and a hoax, but here in America, the mainsteam/lamestream media refuses to cover this story and now is refusing to cover the conflict of interest story pointed straight at Al Gore and Barack Obama that will up your cost of living by roughly 67% as soon as Cap and Trade legislation is passed. Crucial to understand: Barack Obama and Gore and their cronies would profit mightily from the creation of the $10 TRillion per year cap and trade “industry.” An industry selling “blue sky nothingness” is really a scam, not an industry. Barack Obama's Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is designed to not only transfer wealth but especially to enrich their numerous accomplices. For the full details:
When the last vestige of a free press is controlled by Big Brother Barack, America and the free world will die quickly.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Obama Credibility Gap Widens on Eight Issues

According to today’s Rasmussen Reports, skepticism is the word of the day. Most Americans, it seems, lack confidence in the stability of the banking system (54%), most doubt that they will receive their promised Social Security benefits (58%), and most (59%) believe there is significant disagreement within the scientific community about Global Warming. In another problematical area, President Obama indicated immigration reform bills will be brought to Congress soon. In Arizona, 70% favor new legislation there giving police the legal authority to stop and check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. This too fits into the theme of skepticism because polls have repeatedly shown that voters do not think the federal government is serious about reducing illegal^^^ immigration. Of course 55% of the people want the Obamacare law repealed. Dare Rajjpuut mention that in a poll Katie Couric revealed on CBS news*** showed a few months back, only one in every 14 or 15 Americans believed that Obama’s (2nd) $787 Billion Stimulus had created or saved ANY jobs at all.

It seems that the cynics out there have good, make that GREAT reason, for their doubts. Recent figures show that over eight million jobs have been lost since the start of the recession in October, 2007, thirty months ago. and over four million of those jobs have been lost during Obama’s fifteen months in office. In short, his promise that we will never see 8% unemployment if his stimulus bill was passed not only was just another case of Obama’s mouth writing another check his performance couldn’t cash . . . but his actions including the stimulus hurt the economy and cost us over four million more jobs. Add in one more tricky fact and, if it’s true as it appears to be . . . the Obama Administration fudged the stats to make the jobs situation appear much better than it was . . . it's the unusual question of what exactly DID he inherit, 130 million jobs or 134 million jobs? We know that at the peak of the Bush administration 138 million non-farm jobs existed.

Recently the administration while discussing all the jobs they have been busy “saving or creating,” has been using the number 130 million non-farm jobs as they discuss the economy, but back in January or February, 2009, the baseline for the economy was 134 million non-farm jobs. Why did those four million jobs get dropped from their jobs discussions? And why is Obama acting like 130 million non-farm jobs is what he inherited? Right now an investigation is looking into that question, but Rajjpuut knows where they went, everyone of the four million. In exchange for the government jobs created by the Obama government expansion, the rest were destroyed . . . that is they, like the Confederacy, are gone with the wind. Guv-jobs for radicals in exchange for destroying the economy, lovely, just lovely.

Barack Obama says, “Trust me,” or something similar, quite often, but . . . when it comes to Obamacare’s cost; unemployment; stimulus effectiveness or lack of it; illegal immigration; Social Security; the banking system; global warming; and the process to pass it, constitutionality and benefits of Obamacare . . . on every one of these eight issues Americans are telling him in no uncertain terms, “No, Mr. President, we don’t.” And the incredible trust Barack Obama enjoyed on January 20, 2009? It too has gone with the wind.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ Some think of them as “undocumented Democrats” whose upcoming citizenship (should Obama's "reforms" pass) will create a jobs-cataclysm no one would have believed just fifteen months ago when the audacity of hope made its premier . . .

*** It was November 29, 2009 to be exact. Back then Couric said, “Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan. His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent."

Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy, some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.”

The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is near 10 percent and was at 10 per cent then and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem. CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and less than 7 percent believed that the stimulus had created any jobs at all. The late November report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan, and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.” An expert was quoted as describing his trip to China and the Far East as an “amateur hour,” because he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad. Couric labeled these problems a growing “Obama credibility gap.”

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