sharia (20)

Unafraid, Bi-partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom

Editorial Note: (By Leni Friedman Valenta)

In light of the brouhaha over the temporary Muslim ban imposed by President Trump, we make the following observation. There are two words Obama could not bring himself to say, “Radical Islam.” There are also two that Trump, for obvious reasons, cannot allow himself to presently say-- “Sharia law.”

In our view, the temporary ban was not meant just for potential terrorists. Though he cannot say it yet, we believe Trump hopes to somehow prevent a constitutional crisis here over the very definition of religion. Islam is a beautiful religion as practiced today by the majority of Muslims, but sharia law, a throwback to the 7th century, cannot and must not be permitted here. Like Nazi fascism, it is exactly what U.S. law is not. The reasons are made manifest by the personal testimony of analyst Jake Neuman, who lives in Germany.

                             December 31, 2016; The Day the Music Stopped

                                                           Jake Neuman               

Gone are the days of the German Oompah bands. The days are now long past that the music stopped. The rapid Jihad sweeping Germany culminated at New Years Eve celebrations in Stuttgart, Cologne and Hamburg. It manifested as Taharrush - the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped -- and even raped.

In Stuttgart, upwards of 1,000 drunk and aggressive Muslim men of Arab or North African appearance attacked German women in the train stations. German media and police, after much delay, were finally forced to report this horror because an incredible 516 women came forward to report it. (And how many didn’t, out of fear?) The scale of the attacks shocked Germany. City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime."

Yet not one media outlet explained that under sharia law, kafir [infidel]women are granted by God to Muslim men as their sexual slaves and can be raped with impunity for their pleasure.  What happened in Germany is not a crime to a Muslim. Under Sharia law, rape is not just a holy act, it is ordained by Allah as a weapon of war!

 To understand Taharrush you must view this You Tube video on on the violence in Cologne, Germany:

 Women were also targeted in Hamburg, But the Cologne assaults - near the city's iconic cathedral - were the most serious. There, under the eyes of more than 200 policemen, women were sexually and massively harassed by Arab invaders. A large number of young women were also attacked on the Reeperbahn. As in Cologne , the victims were encircled by a group of attackers who called them "sluts," groped their breasts and buttocks, and attacked them in their genital areas.  "The girls were like hunted animals," said a witness. Some, according to police, were saved by the bouncers of bars and clubs.

What is wrong with leaders like Germany’s Merkel, but also David Cameron? He too allows Muslim Jihadists into Britain who have raped and gang-raped tens of thousands of young girls. In Sweden rape is also a horrific problem. Incredibly, women in these three countries are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. 

VERSE 33:50:  “O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those [slaves] whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war….”.

The term "possessions of the right hand" means “slaves.” It is expressly stated that Muhammad's slaves are given to him by Allah himself to be taken out of his share of the captives in war. The above verse is only a few out of numerous such verses scattered throughout the Quran. (4.24, 4:3, 4:25, 23:1-6, 24:33, 70:22-30, 70: 29-35) Tell me, what could be more unethical than owning slaves and raping slave girls? Yet some Muslims living under Sharia, believe that God graciously allows them to do so.

In past centuries, having sex slaves was one of the main factors in the spread of Islam. Indeed it was a pillar of Islam! Having murdered the kafir woman’s man, a Muslim male could feel sanctioned by the law of God to complete her final humiliation; the domination of her body. Today, under Sharia in some countries, a raped Muslim woman must be able to provide four male witnesses who witnessed her being raped; otherwise she is accused of zina - unlawful sexual intercourse — and jailed as a result.

 Qur’an 24:4: “And those who accuse honorable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes and never (afterward) accept their testimony – They indeed are evil-doers”

 Can you tell us how a man whom Muslims claim was the apostle of God – the prophet of peace – was authorized by God – to own and rape slaves and allow their purchase sale, and sexual abuse? Yet where is the outrage against the purveyors of Nazi-like, horrific, Sharia law? Against the males who believe that rape is obeying the teachings and practices of Muhammad? Moreover, there is also a total correlation between the Quran and the Hadith, recording Muhammad’s acts. One is the mirror image of the other. 

As if these sexual outrages aren’t enough for one to stomach, the female Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, blames the women, stating that they should have a code of conduct to prevent future assaults. They must be properly dressed, and keep themselves at arms length from strange men. As you will also read, in Vienna, the Mayor and Police Chief are calling on German women to obey Sharia law.

When Islam enters a country in force, the rights that citizens have fought for so long and so hard in the West are systematically destroyed. Our cities are now the playground of violent invaders and the women they attack are scarred with a lifelong trauma that they can never forget. And yet there are some leaders who call for accommodation to what should never, ever in the first place, be allowed

Welcome to the the new Germany, the multicultural, leftist Paradise! 

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Gingrich is right: Sharia is incompatible with US values


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a political bull often on the lookout for a politically correct china shop, has rattled the orthodoxy of political correctness once again, saying that those who follow Sharia law can’t also be loyal to the U.S., Constitution and the Western values it represents and either shouldn’t be allowed to enter the U.S. or should be deported from it. This didn’t sit well with President Barack Hussein Obama. As the Daily Caller reports:

On Friday, Barack Obama called Newt Gingrich’s plan to deport sharia-adhering Muslims in America “repugnant and an affront to everything that we stand for as Americans.”

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Nice, France, Gingrich said, “We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization.”....

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Daniel John Sobieski is a free lance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications. 

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Muslims are not what is wrong with Islam. This is what has been nearly impossible to communicate to most Liberals today.  The problem with Islam is the Prophet Muhammad.  According to Islamic scripture, in other words, what mainstream Muslims are taught to believe, the Prophet Muhammad was a slave owner, a rapist, committed mass murder, hated Jews with a passion, wanted homosexuals punished, killed his critics, stripped women of all rights and had sex with a nine year old girl, whom he married when she was six, named Aisha.

If the Prophet Muhammad was a Republican Senator from Kentucky, Liberals would oppose him vehemently. But as I have stated before, within the Liberal mind there seems to be a perceptive disability. When I say “Islam” they hear “Muslim”. Such is the nature of the Collectivist mind.

But Muslims are a symptom and not the source of the problem.  The problem is the Prophet Muhammad. If he were alive today, Amnesty International would certainly have a problem with his followers obeying his laws, which demand that certain people have their limbs amputated and their nose cut off. The Democrats would have him in their cross hairs as being at the forefront on the “war against women”. The New York Times would certainly seek to expose him and any whistle blower in his ranks would be celebrated as the next Julian Assange.  

The Huffington Post and Daily Kos would be collecting signatures, to demand that our government do something to stop him. Media Matters would be reprinting all of the outrageous things he said, such as “I have become victorious through terror”.

Michael Moore would probably follow the Prophet around, trying to trick him into a “gotcha” question, then win an Academy Award for his latest documentary, “Muhammad and Me”. The poster would feature Michael Moore gloating in his baseball cap, next to a cut out of the Prophet – and then of course he would be executed, because of the depiction of the Prophet.

Gloria Allred would be representing all of the women whom the Prophet Muhammad took as sex slaves. Every major women’s rights group in America would send out mailers, asking for donations to stop the Prophet Muhammad from instructing his followers to rape his enemies, as an act of war.  Rachel Maddow would have a field day, every day, with this story – and rightfully so. Organizations for the rights of women would have an issue with the Prophet Muhammad, were he alive today.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper would profile the Prophet Muhammad in his “Keeping Them Honest” segment of his highly rated show, because of all the contradictions in Muhammad’s best seller, the Holy Quran (look up “Abrogation”). 

Cat Stevens
would be held in Guantanamo Bay for aiding an enemy of the United States, since he is a follower of the Prophet and Muhammad says that no government is legitimate, unless it follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. And he would be likely be sharing a bunk with Representative Keith Ellison.

The ADL would have an issue with the Prophet Muhammad stating that Jews are all apes and pigs (see Suras 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166), rather than trying to protect the rights of Islam’s female followers to wear black sheets over their bodies, as the Prophet’s laws command. If someone were alive today, calling Jews apes and pigs, while having 1.6 billion followers, the ADL would have something to say about it.

The Daily Show would have more fun mocking the Prophet than taking pot shots at Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck.  Bill Maher and Sean Hannity would ironically be sharing a Nobel Peace Prize for their brave and pioneering work, in exposing the war crimes of the Prophet Muhammad.  No one would be drawing parallels between the persecuted yet devout followers of Muhammad and the Holocaust, if the Prophet Muhammad were conducting his mass genocide of infidels today (see Quran 9:5).

Gay rights groups would be a little concerned about the Mormon Church, but totally freaked out about anyone who follows the laws of the Prophet, known as the Sharia, because Sharia Law calls for homosexuals to be severely punished.  Every cult awareness website and organization out there would put out an alert, since the penalty for leaving the Prophet’s religion is death.

After the Prophet Muhammad beheaded an entire tribe of Jews, possibly no one would have a problem with waterboarding anyone who knew where to find him.  The Prophet Muhammad had several wives, but the one named Safiyya became his wife after he tortured and killed her father, her brothers, the men in her tribe, told his fighters to take the women of that tribe as sex slaves and then raped Safiyya that night. Anyone who had a problem with that, which would be anyone in their right mind, would not be called a “bigot”.

Given that the Prophet Muhammad advocated slavery and owned slaves, it would be unlikely that any African Americans would follow him.  Louis Farrakhan’s speeches would end up on a blooper reel, right next to Malcom X and of course the champion of human rights, Ben Affleck.

The young multibillionaire owner of the world’s largest social network would not be able to quietly obey the blasphemy laws of the Prophet Muhammad, were he alive today.  But the Prophet is said to have been told about his impending death by the Angel Gabriel. He was said to have been given a choice between being a great king on Earth and going to meet Allah. Apparently he chose not to remain immortal. However, if we compare the body counts of Pol Pot, Hitler and Chairman Mao against the 270 million people killed in the name of the Prophet Muhammad, I guess you can say he has become immortal after all.

Anyway, that young multibillionaire is named Mark Zuckerberg and his social network is called Facebook. At the time this article was written, there are an estimated 1.2 billion Facebook members and the average time a member spends on Facebook is 55 minutes a day. So, whatever policy Facebook decides to adopt is kind of a big deal – in some ways it has more of an impact on what the United Nations decides.

Currently the United Nations has approximately 57 nations which make up what is called the OIC, or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.  The OIC is trying to make it an international law that criticizing the Prophet Muhammad become illegal. Vice President of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, here in the United States, Syrian immigrant Abdou Kattih, said he supports such a law.  But the OIC are lightweights compared to the power of Facebook. There is an argument to be made that the world went inside the internet and became the world.

Today as I write this, there have been about 25,000 acts of terrorism committed, just since 9/11 alone, in the name of the Prophet Muhammad.  That is several per day – approximately 2 million people actually.  But you can’t say that on Facebook. A new Facebook educational page went up this morning, called “Exposing the Prophet Muhammad” and was taken down, hours later, as it violates Facebook’s policy concerning anything that offends the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

What did that Facebook page post that was so offensive?  It posted a video that referenced all of the Islamic scripture that tells the story of how Muhammad took Aisha as his wife when she was six years old and consummated their marriage when she was nine.  Oh, and it referenced the Islamic law that states that anyone drawing a picture of the Prophet be killed.

What does this mean for you and me?  It means that in the Information Age, the most powerful force on the internet has agreed to follow the blasphemy laws of the Prophet Muhammad.  Islamic Law is also called “Sharia”.  Do you still think the Sharia scare is some crazy Right Wing conspiracy theory?

4064072239?profile=originalEric Allen Bell is a writer, filmmaker and Media Adviser living in Los Angeles, California.  While making a documentary about the construction of a 53,000 square foot mega mosque in Murfreesboro, TN he attempted to expose “Islamophobia”. Once he stated that Islam was the biggest threat to human rights in the world today, he was banned from the writing for Daily Kos and, after created a petition to silence him. His article, “The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam” has been widely circulated and has caused several Liberals to rethink how they look at the Religion of Peace.


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This is article about a school classroom in Denver that had the classmates dress, act and go to a mosque to experience their religion... (their parents were livid that it happened )this presentation addresses that in more detail and why our children are being brainwashed into believing that America is bad. Please take the time to watch this speaker if you haven't seen it before, it is excellent and definitely an eye opener. Then forward this to everyone in your address book, so we can educate other Americans!!

One more reason to fight Common Core! Watch ALL of this video and get involved….
A breath of fresh air in our corrupt world!


Be proud of her!!
This presentation is extremely interesting and quite frightening as to what is happening in the USA today. Much food for thought.

This lady is Brigitte Gabriel the Founder and President of Act! for America. She is well worth listening to.

This lady has her facts straight and has a passion about what she is talking about.

Something for all parents and grandparents to be aware of.


I am speechless!
This woman should be heard by every North American and people of the world!

This is a brutal Eye Opener. She is not reading from a TelePrompter either

Please watch and listen. Very frightening, infuriating, and informative.

Click here: TaboolaArticle…/player/bcpid949801312001…

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4064046086?profile=originalHere are ten interesting facts you may not know about New York City’s Communist Democrat

Bill de Blasio Old Youngd

Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr., on May 8, 1961.

He first changed his name to the hyphenated Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, adding his mother’s maiden name.
In 2002, he dropped the “Warren” and the “Wilhelm,” and changed his name for a second time to what it is currently, Bill de Blasio.

Bill de Blasio was the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign in 2000.

Bill de Blasio was a fervent supporter of the Marxist Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980′s, a government that was backed by the Communist Soviet Union and Cuba.

At the height of Cold War tension, while still a student at New York University, de Blasio toured the Communist Soviet Union in 1983.

His first job was in 1984 with the NYC Department of Juvenile Justice.

Bill de Blasio received a master’s degree in International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, the same school attended by Barack Obama.

Bill de Blasio ran Democrat New York Congressman Charlie Rangel’s re-election campaign in 1994.

In 1994, Bill de Blasio married a lesbian activist, Chirlane McCray(google Chirlane McCray confirms this). She is a black. The newlyweds honeymooned in Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba.

In 2009, de Blasio’s election campaign to be NYC’s third “Public Advocate” was supported by the pro-Communism, Working Families Party.

Both of de Blasio’s parents were communists, leading historian Ron Radosh to describe him as a “bona fide red diaper baby.” , who was elected in 2013 with a whopping 72% of the vote.

The leftist mayor is accused of fostering an environment that led to the tragic execution-style racial assassinations of two NYPD officers on Saturday.

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Close All Mosques in America - Eric Allen Bell



A mosque is place where the Sharia is taught. Sharia is brutal and sadistic and runs counter to human rights. A mosque is a place where sedition and treason are taught, and this runs counter to the preservation of American values and ideals. A mosque is a place where superstition is taught, and this runs counter to reason and rational thinking. A mosque is a place where Islam, meaning "submission" is taught. And submission runs counter to Liberty. Liberty means that you own you. Liberty is one of the founding principles upon which America stands. Islam and Liberty cannot coexist.

Islam is anti-human rights, anti-reason, anti-liberty and anti-American. Islam is the most intolerant belief system in the world! Nothing is more xenophobic and toxic than Islam. And the mandate of Islam is to FORCE the world to submit to Islamic Law, by any means necessary.

Islam sees all civilizations, that do not submit to Sharia Law, as invalid. Historically, after they invade, "victory mosques" are built.  New mosque construction in America has DOUBLED since 9/11.

Most mosques get some of their funding from Islamic countries and/or organizations which are hostile to the free world. We can and we must stop its conquest of America, using our laws, our culture, our media and our extraordinary American power and innovation. If we do not disassemble Islam in the world, it will disassemble the world. Islamic terrorists, also known as "Devout Muslims" will get their hands on a nuke. We do not have time for diplomacy here. The time has come for clarity and action. We must destroy Islam.

The Islamic lobby in America (CAIR) may have some of the people here fooled for now, but it won't last. With so many red flags popping up, it's just a matter of time. Without the use of violence, hate speech, or violating anyone's civil rights – so many brave voices in the civilized and free world are committed, to exposing the Islamic agenda, in their attempt to destroy our civilization from within. We must not fail. We will not fail.

I remember when I met Bill Warner for the first time. He is a lecturer and author of several books, including “Sharia Law for Non-Muslims”. And Bill told me about a quote I had never heard before. It goes something like this, “You can wake a person who is sleeping, but you cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”. The enemy of Islamic conquest is information. It is time for ALL OF US to start waking people up. Don't wait for your leaders to do their jobs. We are the ones we have been waiting for! 

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers... " - Tayyip Erdogan, President of (so-called "Moderate") Turkey

WE MUST END SHARIA IN OUR TIME.  The enemy of Islamic brutality and domination is information. Spread it on social media. Tell your friends about the inhumanity of Islam.  NOW IS YOUR TIME to stand up and be counted.

- Eric Allen Bell

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Islam is Nazism with a God - Eric Allen Bell


We do not vandalize. We do not engage in hate speech. We have respect for the law. We do not harm our fellow citizens. We are slow to anger and when we finally get angry, we express that anger in a civilized way. UNDER THAT BANNER, I WILL STATE THE FOLLOWING:

Follower of Islam, I do not tolerate you. Your feigned or willful ignorance, about Islam, is no longer an excuse. I hold you personally accountable. In the Quran, Islam has declared itself my enemy.

I am offended by you. I cannot and will not tolerate a person, who follows an ideology, which teaches the inferiority of women, the killing and hatred of Jews, the execution of homosexuals, the silencing of free speech, forced amputations, the stoning of rape victims, genital mutilation, and the violent overthrow of all non-Islamic governments and civilizations.

Islam is Nazism with a god. And I cannot and will not “coexist” with Nazis. I will not patronize your places of business. I will not hire you. I will not buy your products. I will not support politicians who support you. I will not be your friend. And if I am your neighbor, I will watch you like a hawk. And everyone you know will find out what you represent and what you support. I want you to feel so uncomfortable in my free country, in my civilized country, that you renounce your allegiance to this savage ideology or leave.

ISLAM IS THE ENEMY of free speech, of human rights and of Liberty. If you follow Islam, you are my enemy. I encourage you now to leave Islam and take your place among the civilized people of this world. But if you insist on remaining loyal to the brutal savagery of Islam, your enemies will grow faster than can be contained, by an Islamic lobbyist group or the media or any government agency.

ISLAM HAS BEEN AT WAR FOR 1,400 YEARS with freedom and all that is good. But my head is no longer hidden in the sand. I am at war with you. All people who value human rights, freedom and Liberty should be at war with you. And they will be soon enough, because the enemy of Islam is information and we are spreading information faster than you can keep up with. There is no way to put this genie back in the bottle now. The information age will be the death of Islam.

Your 1,400 year reign of terror is coming to an end. And you, follower of Islam, are on the wrong side of history.

It is time for all civilized people to find the moral clarity and the courage to GET ANGRY and to BECOME INTOLERANT. You have the ability to do this in a civilized way. We must not become like the savages whom we oppose – otherwise they win. Islam is Nazism with a god. Islam must be stopped. When you support the followers of Islam, you support an ideology that promotes genocide against the unbeliever - as clearly outlined in the Quran.


- Eric Allen Bell


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Obama: Political Islam's Most Powerful Advocate


IRAQ IS GOING TO FALL AND THE ISLAMIC STATE IS GOING TO TAKE OVER. This is all because of the worst military blunder in the history of the United States, on the part of Obama. THE TIME TO PUT BOOTS ON THE GROUND IS NOW. The time to defeat The Islamic State is NOW. 
The 3rd World War started on 9/11/2001 and it is between Islam and the Civilized World. But the fox is guarding the hen house. The President despises the idea of American exceptionalism, apologizes for our footprint on the world and sympathizes with the enemy. 
- Eric Allen Bell
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Swilling beer, smoking dope and leering at porn, the other side of hate preacher 'Andy' Choudary

The British live 'like animals in a jungle' with their alcohol, gambling, prostitution and pornography.

That is the stated view of Anjem Choudary, the preacher of hate who this week insulted the families of dead soldiers and branded their marching comrades as cowards.

The extremist wants Britain to be brought under Sharia law, with women forced to wear burkas and put to death for adultery.

Yet before he grew his beard and turned to fundamentalism, Choudary, 41, was very much the life and soul of the party at Southampton University.

Anjem Choudary as a university student

Big night out: The university law student Anjem Choudary's reading list extended to this soft-porn title

Choudary and his followers

New identity: Choudary, centre, moved to radical Islam soon after qualifying as a solicitor

Photographs obtained by the Mail suggest 'Andy' - as he was then known - should be inflicting on himself the 40 lashes he prescribes for drunkenness.

As well as downing cider and lager, the cleric is shown playing drinking games with cards, clearly forbidden under his strict Islamic laws, and holding a cannabis joint between his lips before smoking it.

And the woman on the cover of the Mayfair pornographic magazine he is looking at is certainly not wearing a burka.

On the evidence of friends from his student days, Choudary had sex with numerous white Christian girls.

Under his version of Sharia law, he should be stoned to death for sex outside marriage.

High time: With beer and 'joint'
Down in one: The cider swigger

High time: Choudary with a beer and joint, and right, swigging a cider in one go

One former friend said: 'I can't keep a straight face when I see "fundamentalist Muslim Anjem Choudary" in the papers attacking the British for drinking or having girlfriends.

'When I knew him, he liked to be called Andy, would often smoke cannabis spliffs all day, and was proud of his ability to down a pint of cider in a couple of seconds.

'And he was ruthless with girls. When he briefly worked as an English teacher for foreign students in London, he'd pull one of them every few days, sleep with her, then move on to another.

'If Sharia law was introduced, he would have been whipped and stoned to death many times over.'

Choudary, who was born in South-East London to a market stall-holder of Pakistani descent, has become one of the faces of extremist Islam.

Choudary graphic

But in his days as a law student, he experimented with LSD, hallucinating and laughing hysterically for more than 20 hours.

After he qualified as a solicitor, however, he swiftly moved into ever more radical Islam.

Former acquaintances said this was possibly because he was angered by his failure to land a well-paid job with a big City law firm.

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The truth is the invasion has begun in America.

Check out these videos and see the death threats made to law abiding citizens.  These people are violent and they have no respect for any countries laws except Sharia own.  Violence and intimidation are their way of life, it's all about control.

Wake up because it may be to late in America if the complacent citizens do recognize what's taking place right now in our country.

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Every Friday Muslims across the land are demanded to pray to Allah. Here in the United Stated of America we have public Islam prayers happening in our own streets. What does one do when hundreds upon hundreds throw prayer rugs on the street in New York City and bow to Allah? Every Friday they block Madison Avenue for their Friday prayer vigil.

Never in history has America tolerated such defiance to the culture of America. As a Christian nation, founded patriots of old, who sacrificed their all for the freedoms we hold dear - never in their wildest imaginations, did George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James Madison and all the other faithful patriots of this great nation - ever dream we would tolerate the blatant defiance of Islam in our country. Islam is a political ideology shrouded in a religion. They want Americans to respect Islam as a religion and cater to their whims, Sharia, Law and prayer tactics regardless of whose rights they trample.

Muslims say they are offended by America and deserve to practice their religion and do as Islam teaches - although Islam is antithetical and totally opposite of a our Constitution and democracy Republic!





A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public place, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets.... Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe.

This is Political Correctness gone crazy... Scary! Isn't it?         

 Is there a message here???? 

Yes, there is, and Muslims are claiming America for Allah.

If we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country!

Americans..... this is happening in New York City and as they infiltrate by the millions this will be in your city and neighborhood someday soon.

America are we going to allow this to continue?


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With the rise of Islam, there is also a rise in anti-Semitism in the world. I guess its time to look at the better side of the issue and how it affects all of us. Jews with their great contributions to civilization are in many ways a microcosm of humanity in general. They have suffered much for their specific role in what I see as God's salvation plan for all of us, regardless of race, creed or national origin. Others may have differing opinions to spew, but the time has come to again see the Beauty of what God has wrought in the midst of inevitable wars and threats of wars among the sons of man. It goes all the way back to our first common parents – Adam and Eve if you will. When Cain slew his brother Abel out of envy and disobedience, it set the mold for all future conflicts.

God loved both Abraham’s offspring, Isaac and Ishmael equally and honored his covenants with them. Isaac, the forbearer of the Jews had a prophetic messianic mission Christians see fulfilled in Jesus the Christ. Jews aren’t ready for that conclusion, but they are not lost in the eyes of G-d.  They’ve borne their burdens steadfastly. King David was “a man after G-d’s own heart!”

Ishmael, the forbearer of the Arab peoples and Islam, could be the sand grit (pun intended) to irritate a world that has become too comfortable and power lusting at the top while seeing drastic human population reduction as their eugenics ideal of a wonderful, pristine “green” Earth devoid of undesirable people. Ishmael must learn that a hand extended in love is far more powerful than one yielding a sword. Isaac must remain obedient to G-d and love the Goya of all faiths and cultures.

Humans, being what they are have yielded the same misguided envies that drove Cain to slay Abel. It’s that God-given free will we exercise so poorly! We see it played out today in an epic spiritual battle that is getting nastier every day. Treating the situation as politics as usual, we do so at our own peril. It runs much deeper and requires a complete redirection of our collective moral compasses. In the end, it is not the Satan-coveted bloodshed and promiscuity that will prevail, but Love and an appreciation for the true diversity of mankind. Our Creator endowed us with myriad gifts and talents and gave us the right to discover, develop, and exercise them in a responsible way as good stewards of Creation and the souls of those we influence. This true diversity is an all-inclusive offset to the temptations that drive men and women to seek sexual satisfaction outside the marriage covenant between a man and woman through which society thrives and survives.

I’m writing as a Catholic Christian who researched an idea of how the biblical Adam and Eve our first parents were given a promise of redemption as they left the Garden.. How would that promise be passed down from generation to generation over about 55,000-60,000 years of human growth and migration? There were no books, no stone tablets that could be carried as humankind grew and dispersed about the planet. There is DNA however. Science has proven we did indeed come from a common human parentage from East Central Africa, regardless of race, creed or ethnicity.  What are we fighting about? Donate blood – anyone can use it if it’s their type! You may actually save a life.

My premise, like many before me, including the Magi and the Star of Bethlehem, is that the promise of redemption was written in the stars and constellations – easily discerned from their more ancient names. For example, the constellation in Virgo called “Berenice’s wig” was originally Comah, “the Longed For.” It depicts a virgin girl holding a small boy called “Shes-Nu” – the Desired Son. It is the very first of the most common and beautiful subject of painters; Madonna and Child. Aristotle noted in 332 BC that the Greek mythology of his time was “a perversion of ancient wisdom.” How ancient? This is as ancient as human (spiritual) history gets. I don’t know what the beings were who preceded God’s dealings with our first parents any more than I can answer my 4 year old cousin’s question back in 1944 – “Mommy, how high do you go to get to the top of up?” … or what’s beyond the furthest star, or how long ago is eternity past? Humbling mysteries all.

Civilizations rose and fell, with each evidencing conflicting religious and power drives – for good and evil. In that sense, all civilizations are alike, yet they are all different. They seem to carry the same hope for salvation and eternal life and the same vision for ruling the world around them.. Even the Aztecs in their mythology were waiting for a woman to appear on the hill of Tepeyac in today’s Mexico City. The appearance of Jesus’ mother Mary to Juan Diego in 1531 accomplished the conversion to Christianity of 10 million Aztecs in less than 9 years and ultimately the conversion of the entire Western Hemisphere that led to its first Pope in 2013. The maguey cactus tilma with a seam down the middle where she implanted her miraculous portrait is still with us. The portrait has been subject to weather, candle smoke and deep scientific investigation, a bombing, and still retains its amazing color and story. She is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Even the stars on her cloak reflect the constellations visible on December 12, 1531. This Jewish mother of ours sure got around – even to inspiring Mohammed to declare her the most important woman in Islam 800 or so years earlier.

What else does this have to do with the Jews? With each Tribe of Israel having a Zodiac sign, they are like actors in a school play where 12 children each carry a sign telling part of a story with its various components. The story was laid out in the stars in 48 constellations for Adam and Eve so all humankind can share in the hope. The story begins at Virgo and ends at Leo - 180 degrees opposite the starting point of the astrologers. It is further verified in an Egyptian temple where a sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion rests between Virgo and Leo - the beginning and the end of the story. According to the Virgo to Leo sequence, a virgin born Desired Son will suffer, overcome and free all mankind and end up as the Lion of Judah who will reign forever –a wonderful prophetic story of hope thousands of generations have shared with their children as they gazed into the heavens. I know, I did it with my kids and they begged for more. That’s why I’m not so quick to buy the detractors’ idea that Christianity drew its religious thought and ritual from pagans. Pagans before Christ had to have a sense of the plan in the stars, but were not n a position to project its fulfillment as were the Jews. The thread running all the way back to our first parents ties God’s covenant with them to our time and beyond.

Jesus observed Torah in his time on earth and never negated it, only to chastise those leaders who put unnecessary burdens on the people, and to fulfill myriad promises and prophecies. Later, in a vision to the Apostle John in the New Testament Revelation, he alluded to "the synagogue of Satan - those who say they are Jews, but are not!" In the Zodiac, the sign of Israel is Pisces - two fish bound by bands to a monster that appears to be the evil one. One fish is striving for its heavenly reward when freed from this earthly trial (God's Chosen People). The route to Ursa Minor in Cancer, the gathered flock of Israel, is through Andromeda in chains to the freed Cassiopeia. There are 4 constellations in each zodiac house that tell the whole story displayed in the stars God named.

The other fish of Pisces is seen swimming upstream in the opposite direction of the flow of the redemption story in the Zodiac stars and constellations. In my opinion, this fish defines "the synagogue of Satan" referred to in Revelation. It has cost millions of Jewish and Gentile lives; for this fish and its Gentile counterparts’ disobedience and idolatry.

I couldn't help seeing the connection between a California Jewish Senator who not only publicly and under the table disdains and fights Constitutional rights, but blazes overseas business trails for her husband. This includes participation in the insanity of the former Vice President rejecting the purchase of his failed “Current TV Network” by the very patriotic Blaze TV in favor of a sale to Al Jazeera. With Sharia favoring, therefore Constitution hating ownership on our own soil, it becomes just another nail in America's coffin. It would have been better to appreciate her beauty and accomplishments in ways that are actually peaceful and productive.

I'm in no position to judge anyone, but discernment is a wonderful gift from God would we choose to apply it. I see the likes of ("Jewish") legislators from the East and West Coasts in particular, many members of the ACLU, Emily’s List, Daily Kos and their America-hating ilk, openly violating G-d's laws and Jewish tradition, colluding with the enemy at the expense of all. One has to wonder what synagogue they "attend" and which god they serve. (We Gentiles have our own “churches, temples and mosques of Satan!” Too many infiltrate Congress, shilling for terrible corrupt handlers in the White House or worse, “killing; thinking they are doing God a service.”)

Being a microcosm of the human dimension, Jews with their two fish of Pisces, the same heaven-bound hope versus stubbornness and idolatry is being played out all over the world. It can and will be better. G-d honors his covenants even if we fight him all the way.


I wrote a 335 page book on the subject of God's plan of salvation for all humankind. “God’s Prophetic Zodiac plus BELs and Whistles on Human Behavior” ©2007 Gerald V. todd in print or download.

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← Paging Adam Edelen, Paging Adam EdelenWalking in Space →Jimmy Higdon’s Sharia Law Bill
Posted on March 8, 2012, 9:18 pm by Bob
Kentucky Republican State Senator Jimmy Higdon was credited earlier in the session with being part of the bipartisan support for the expanded gaming amendment to try to save what is left of the horse industry.

For one brief, shining moment….

And then this:

Senate Bill 158 introduced by Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, would require the government to exempt people from laws that contradict their religious beliefs unless there is an overriding reason why those laws should be enforced. We have seen no language that explains who gets to determine what an “overriding reason” means, and who gets to make the determination when it should be allowed or disallowed. This constitutional amendment would seriously attack the current constitutional separation of religion and the state, and would allow anyone.
We can’t understand how the separation of the state and religion can be argued by Senator Higdon to have failed us over the last two centuries. Why would anyone want to make the Commonwealth a Theocracy?
Kentucky courts would have to let people opt out of obeying some laws that run counter to their religious beliefs if a constitutional amendment that passed a Senate committee Wednesday becomes law.
Once you allow one religious body to be exempt from the laws of the state, then you allow all religions, and quasi-religions, and weird fringe groups who call themselves religions to also be exempt from State Laws. Sharia law has been cited to justify physical violence against authors, wives, daughters etc. The law requires women to wear veils and robes, be totally subject to her husband, and condones the killing of women by their family if they have sexual relations outside of marriage. (Author’s note: There are many pretty women in Lebanon, Kentucky and we can’t understand why Sen. Higdon would want to hide their faces behind veils.)
The Family Foundation of Kentucky and the Catholic Conference of Kentucky supports the proposed constitutional amendment.

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4063502946?profile=originalWhat's disturbing and/or alarming about this picture?-You Decide:


“A new video series warns than an effort to overthrow the American system already is well under way through the “civilization jihad” of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the support of key U.S. government leaders, including Barack Obama.

Radical Muslims have penetrated “team Obama,” according to the series, which examines six individuals who have been allowed into high positions. The consequent danger is “acute,” according to the video makers.

Included in the conversation are the White House, director of National Intelligence, State Department, Justice Department, the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security and NASA.

The 10-part course, “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within,” was created by the the Center for Security Policy under the direction of Frank Gaffney. It has been posted on the Web.

Unveiled are the long-term processes of subversion and deceit through which the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremists have infiltrated the American government and promoted their plan to implement Islamic law, or Shariah, in the United States and around the world.

Signs of capitulation already are evident in cases such as the Fort Hood massacre. The official military description of the attack by a self-described soldier of Allah, Nidal Hasan, who allegedly killed dozens at a Texas military base while shouting Islamic slogans, was “workplace violence.”

Bring yourself up to speed on the threat, at

The film outlines the Muslim practice of taqiyya – deliberate lying to advance Islam. Rather than direct conquest, the video course explains that Muslims are using “civilization jihad, a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government, and insidious information dominance.”

The goal is the destruction of American society and a takeover by radical Muslims.

Most shockingly, the course shows that the process of subversion includes the takeover of portions of the American conservative movement itself, including filling key positions with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to the Muslim Brotherhood’s own internal documents, Islamic extremists are engaged in “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, sabotaging its miserable house with their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

In an interview with WND, Gaffney said the course “helps break the code on why we’re losing the war jihadists are waging on America.”

“I think it responds to the real confusion Americans feel about what is going on in this country,” he said. “They see reports of individual extremists killed, but then they suffer long waits at the airport because of ineffective and nonsensical TSA screenings, hear that the Islamic shooter at Ft. Hood was just a case of ‘workplace violence,’ and find out that the Muslim Brotherhood is telling the FBI what they are and are not allowed to say and do to fight terrorism.”

FBI Director Robert Mueller met with top Muslim Brotherhood operatives earlier this year to announce that hundreds of terrorism training documents and briefings that Muslims might deem offensive would be purged from the files.

Gaffney emphasizes that the enemy is “inside the wire,” and the course “connects the dots so that the American people will know the real story.”

See an introduction to the series:

The course explains that even the language used by the Obama administration, “the endless apologies to people chronically offended,” are perceived by Muslims as acts of submission to Islam.

The series explain how many of the well-known Islamic groups operating now in America share the ideals of radicals abroad, including, “Islam is our creed, Allah is our objective, the prophet is our leader, the Quran is our law, jihad is our way and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

The strategy of the radicals includes keeping “infidels” ignorant, prohibiting “blasphemy,” demanding concessions, using educational tools, interfaith dialogue, Shariah-compliant finance, inserting Shariah into U.S. courts and placing Muslim Brotherhood partners in positions of influence.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, reports and videos relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:

4063502881?profile=originalI. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ‘CIVILIZATION JIHAD’? THE DOJ DOES AND DOESN’T WANT YOU TO!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On September 25, 2012:

“On Wednesday, September 26, TheBlazeTV will launch the first installment of a two-part documentary series exposing an Islamic manifesto now known as “The Project,” which details the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists’ “grand jihad” to methodically subvert and ultimately, take over, the United States and the West.

Drawing on evidence contained in 80 file boxes of documents currently withheld from the American people by the U.S. Department of Justice, “The Project” confirms an array of oddities Americans are witnessing today, including an increase in political correctness with regards to Islam, the cooling of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and the warming of relations between the U.S. and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Be sure to to tune into TheBlazeTV (live or on demand) or DISH channel 212 both Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8:00 p.m. ET for this never-before told story. The chilling two-part documentary features interviews with Rep. Michele Bachmann, “Blind Sheik” prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, Islam expert Stephen Coughlin and Blaze contributor Erick Stakelbeck among others.

An exclusive sneak-peek is featured below:

Source: The Project: How Islam has infiltrated America and the world-A Must See!-Posted on The Blaze:

II. The Muslim Brotherhood "Project": ‘English translation of The Project that was prepared by Scott Burgess and was first published in serial form by The Daily Ablution in December 2005!-Posted on Glenn Beck:

IV. Muslim Brotherhood memo for U.S. infiltration: “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America”!-Posted on Investigative Project-By Glenn Beck: President Obama Says We “must” Condemn “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” Among Others!-Posted on Matt Welch-On September 25, 2012:

“Today, President Barack Obama delivered four pretty good paragraphs to the United Nations about the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and the underlying principles of free speech and tolerance-of-minority-viewpoints it reflects. In the as-prepared transcript of the speech, the good material in question can be found starting with the sentence “I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video,” and concluding with the accurate kicker, “There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan.”

I would be inclined to quote more, if it weren’t for the Obama administration’s own sorry record of video apologetics and premature blame these past two weeks, and for the fact that the president’s welcome-if-overdue remarks today were bracketed by some assertions that can best be described as heinous. First, the noxious preamble:

In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask how much they are willing to tolerate freedom for others.

That is what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well – for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and religion. We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We not only respect the freedom of religion – we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.

Then, the worse postscript:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims.

As with every empty political speech or newspaper editorial, focus here on the authoritarian if blustery word must. In order:

in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask how much they are willing to tolerate freedom for others.

Let’s see, I love freedom for myself (and others); am I somehow compelled to ask myself how much freedom I can tolerate from my fellow residents of the United States? Hell no, I’m not. We have a mostly free system that can and should be much freer, but there is no requirement to have this conversation, thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

It deteriorates rapidly from there:

I believe [the video’s] message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.

So many things wrong in so few words. Why this video, and not Theo Van Gogh’s Submission, or Lars Vilks’ animation of Mohammed wanting to go to a gay bar, the “Super Best Friends” episode of South Park, or Funny or Die’s “How to Pick a Pocket”? Is it the degree of the insult, the craptasticness of the production values, the size of the release, or the vociferousness of the outrage expressed?

Given the track record of our past two administrations, I think we know the answer to that question, which suggests another thing terrible about this sentence: As Eugene Volokh recently pointed out, “Behavior that gets rewarded, gets repeated.” If all it takes to earn a White House call for global condemnation of a single piece of expression is some violent protests outside a dozen or two diplomatic missions, then the perpetually aggrieved know exactly what to do the next time they pluck out some bit of cultural detritus to be offended by.

It is not any politician’s job, and certainly not any American politician’s job, to instruct the entire world on which films to criticize.

And speaking of that favorite State Department word, rejected—isn’t that a word to describe what you do to something that gets in your face, or body? In medicine, the body “rejects” organs or other dissonant substances that have been introduced within it. In basketball, not every blocked shot is a “rejection,” mostly those that come when the offensive player is driving aggressively toward the vicinity of the hoop. Innocence of Muslims didn’t get all up in someone’s grill, it lay forlorn and neglected on YouTube until some people (pro and con) decided to get excited by it. Even then, it is a remarkably easy piece of culture to avoid coming into contact with. “Rejected” implies a cultural potency that “Sam Becile” (or as I prefer, “C’est imbecile”) could never dream of.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

Not your call, dude. Also, not my “prophet.”

Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.

Even though you can see what the president’s getting at in terms of equivalent outrage, he’s still way off base here. It is not our job to condemn blasphemy of any kind, period. As individuals we might criticize a few bits here and there, but we mostly ignore the vast ocean of what various people may consider “hateful” or “offensive” speech, and rightly so.

There was much else to criticize in Obama’s speech today, most notably a deeply incoherent depiction of America’s role in the world. But it’s certainly worth noting that a president who thought he was making a profound defense of American freedom of speech has continued his administration’s two-week assault on the very notion.”

Source: OBAMA’S SECRET LINK TO HAMAS!-Posted on Human Events- By LtCol Buzz Patterson-On September 8, 2010: OBAMA FAMILY BUSTED IN SHARIAH SCHEME: ‘Foundation funding training for Saudi-style government!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 10, 2012: Barack Obama is a Member of the Muslim Brotherhood Obama: I care more about substance over style!-Posted on Western Journalism-By CHRIS MCALLISTER-On September 21, 2013: Video: Obama Behind Muslim Brotherhood Caliphate Conspiracy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 19, 2013:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My Following Blogs Relate To This Extremely Disturbing Issue-You Decide:

4063371353?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1) and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB! Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States! in Hawaii and the Obama Connection! Audacity of Socialism! we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-...4063503170?profile=originalOBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’ Obama The Godfather of The Islamic Revolution? ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’! coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!

4063371724?profile=originalThe Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets! Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security? do American Citizens Know About “Sharia Law” and is It Something That We Should Know More About?“sharia-law”-and-is-it-something-that-we-should-know-more-about/4063503220?profile=originalShould Americans Fear Islam?’s Child Martyrs in America!’s-child-martyrs-in-a...4063371734?profile=originalMuslim Brotherhood Declares War on America-Will America Notice! Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign? President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran! are CAIRs obstructionist goals? judge confirms CAIR is Hamas! of Our Forefathers!’s Looming Demise: Changes on the Continent Cloud Our Future! Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda! Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 1) and members of our Armed Forces under attack! the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-...4063503418?profile=originalThe planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style! Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History! there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House? Columbia Obama Cover Up! did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life? Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election? Voter Fraud-Again! complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances! Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence! Is America Today? Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America! History Repeating Itself? Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012: to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012: Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on September 22, 2012: to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today-You Decide:

 4063422930?profile=originalGive Me Back My America! Want Our Country Back! Fightin Side of Me!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the above listed articles and/or blog posts and videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”4063359991?profile=originalGod Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Calling a Spade a Spade,
Evil, Evil and
Sharia Law, Evil
                Those apparently few American voters who are both aware and sane got another slap to the side of the head last Wednesday when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner revealed that the Obama administration planned to raise taxes on small business owners so that the size of government would not shrink . . . I kid you not. Mr. Geithner and Mr. Obama are clearly in denial of the fact that 64% of our new job creation comes from small business growth. 
This incredibly absurd stupidity is par for the course among the progressive** left in economic matters . . . but no one seems to be paying attention to their stances on feminism, human rights and freedom of religion and speech in this country which have become so convoluted that even the progressive left is finding it difficult to know which group deserves slander in the name of political correctness and which groups do not. I refer you to Sharia Law; Radical Islam; and teaching of Jihad to children with cartoon characters talking about the beauty of becoming a martyr for Allah and using phrases like “kill the Jewish monkeys.” Surely political correctness ends where simple and easily discoverable truth about EVIL begins, no?
According to the progressive left, Radical Islam is NOT to be criticized. Those who criticize the fruits of the Radical Jihadist Muslims as Bill O’Reilly did October 14th of last year on the ABC program “The View” . . . will earn the eternal scorn of the left for being “racists and extremists.” O’Reilly’s factual statement “It was Muslims who killed us on 9/11” was the stimulus for two of The View hosts, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg to walk off the show’s set that day. Radical Islam under the cover of being moderate folk interested only in freedom of religion has already instituted Sharia Law in the United Kingdom and seeks to expand Sharia Law not only into this country, but into a dominant role in this country. They (the radical Jihadists) already have Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department supporting CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) in their suit against the state of Oklahoma because an Oklahoma Law prohibiting Sharia Law was voted in by an aware public. Truth, it seems doesn’t matter.
What exactly is Sharia Law: to begin with, its legal sanctions are what in the U.S. Constitution are called “cruel and unusual punishments”: beheading, public stoning, public whippings, public caning; cutting off hands; etc. ad nauseum. The crimes that bring these harsh punishments are beheading for apostasy (deserting Islam and converting to another religion); beheading for homosexuality; cutting of hands for thievery; stoning for adultery; caning for a woman guilty of public immodesty; and various types of death penalties may be meted out for blasphemy against Allah. The progressive left which has long championed human rights in the United States all those times when we so egregiously violate them; and specifically homosexual rights; abortion rights; and female rights calls all who disagree with them in any fashion “extremists,” racists,” fascists and Nazis” even when Sharia Law is being attacked by clear thinking patriotic Americans for violating human rights; homosexual rights; abortion rights, child or adult slavery or the rights of women. Supposedly there is no contradiction between allowing Muslims access to Sharia Law in the United States and the United States Constitution? And the many individual state constitutions?
The matter of public modesty legislated against women by forcing them to wear the burkha is utterly shocking. Where is the National Organization of Women (presumably NOW is right where they were during the Monica Lewinsky affair when they said not word one against the philandering sexual harasser Bill Clinton? Or when conservative women are abused in public discourse and even called “stupid c_nts” by liberal commentators) why do they say nothing against Sharia? The twisted laws emerging from the Quran (or Koran) are based upon the evil notion that a man is not responsible for his actions if he rapes an “immodest” woman. Indeed any woman, even one in a burkha, hoping to bring charges of rape must provide three MALE witnesses to be heard in court and have any chance of justice being done.
The Sharia laws on homosexuality are clear, unless homosexual rape is perpetrated upon a slave in a Muslim household . . . which is truly A-OK and all right, of course. Heterosexual rape of slave women is, naturally OK, too. These slave women are immodest, of course, required to be naked from the waist up . . . so that’s some understandable justification for rape, eh?  
The much ballyhooed “Arab Spring” that Barack Obama (who attended Muslim school for parts of five years and has a statue of himself at ten years old standing in his schoolyard in Jakarta ( has liberally praised on numerous occasions . . . in Egypt is all about burning Coptic Christian (10% of the population of the country) churches, killing their members; and quite righteously also yelling “Kill the Jews Kill the Jews” before liberal journalists who seldom or never translate what’s being chanted.   This was all predictable, to anyone who saw the shocking survey of Egyptians back in November that showed that Mubarak or no Mubarak 87% of Egyptians favored Sharia Law and 92% favored beheading for apostasy.   
Arab Spring is just a way to claim Democracies are arising . . . when in truth: jihadocracies are the fruits of Arab Spring.  By the way recently an Egyptian high official opined that the reason that the economy hadn’t exploded into prosperity since strongman Mubarak was ousted, was that “raiding” had pretty much ceased. He was talking about raiding Black Africa and all around the world to obtain slaves for sale which is one of the most lucrative occupations in Egypt and the Islamic world. Of course the presence of one or more slaves in a Muslim household is the easiest and surest way to improve the family’s standard of living.
“What in the hell,” you are probably thinking is the motive for this stunning alignment with Islamic terrorists; Sharia Law; and just plain evil by the progressive left? In case you missed it, the much-discussed “Revolution” is underway. During “THE Revolution” the enemy of my enemy (capitalism; the U.S. Constitution; and American freedom and power and wealth) is my friend . . . as you’ll soon see when the lamestream-mainstream media; Code Pink; Bill Ayers; Bernadette Dorne; George Soros; and the Unions all come to the support of the radical Islamic 2nd “Freedom Flotilla” which will in a few weeks try to run the Israeli arms blockades again this year.   These (the progressive left) are the people who are controlling our country right now and most Americans are too lazy, or too ignorant, or too stupid to see EVIL right in front of their noses. Or . . . nowadays is it just politically INcorrect to bring the matter of EVIL to anyone’s attention?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution’ if we are to ever make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. You’ll recognize the direct influence of Communist theorist Karl Marx in those words, no doubt. American Progressivism is an offshoot of Britain’s Fabian Socialist movement. They named themselves after the Roman general Fabius who eventually defeated Hannibal of Carthage (remember him crossing the Alps with war elephants?) after a nearly twelve-year war of attrition. Here’s the Fabian Socialists’ infamous stained glass window from the London School of Economics: note the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing society emblem of the Fabians; and the stack of socialist reading material:
Rajjpuut thinks of progressives this way:  at least half an hour every week they make some public pronouncement that amounts to “praying for” their fellow man. The other 167 ½ hours of the week they’re busy “preying upon” their fellow man.

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U.S. Fails to Oppose U.N. Women's Rights Commission Seat for Iran

When it comes to former enemies and disfunctional Muslim regimes, Barack Obama has a yellow streak a mile wide coloring his back. And his lackeys? Even worse it seems as U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice rather than opposing Iran’s new seat on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was out getting her hair done or nails or, who can know because our U.N. representative skipped the U.N. altogether rather than showing up to oppose Iran being seated on the important international women’s rights commission at the U.N.

Naming Hitler “Rabbi” would probably be less offensive than seating Iran on any panel dealing with women’s rights, if there is a more hostile regime on earth toward women than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s little insane asylum, Rajjpuut is unaware of it .

Item: Less than three weeks ago, Iranian cleric Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi of Tehran said that women’s immodest behavior and clothing was the cause of earthquakes. Good job, Kaze, Rajjpuut is very interested in what makes the earth move for men and women . . . .

Item: Women in Iran are stoned to death if their husband merely claims infidelity.

Item: Women can be arrested for sunbathing or sporting a tan.

Item: Accusations of homosexual behavior by women by their husband is grounds for execution. Male homosexuality gets flogging, and the homosexuality must be proved.

Item: Wearing of western style clothing by a woman is grounds for immediate arrest and imprisonment.

Item: 9-year old girls can be married off by their families.

Item: No matter if the husband in an arranged marriage is 60 years older than his girl-bride, she has no recourse if her father sells her off.

Item: Iranian Men who drink alcohol or gamble can be publically whipped; women doing the same thing are eligible for death by stoning.

Item: Men who even feel their wife is “uppity” can beat her as much as they wish. Much Islamic discussion in Iran is spent discussing the size and flexibility of the recommended rod used for such beating. Actually, Rajjpuut is NOT opposed to this one . . . . : )

Item: The Iranian dress code for women and policy of discouragement of women’s education is closely akin to the Taliban’s.

Item: Iran’s own women’s rights activists (while dodging stones?) wrote a letter to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women declaring that placing Iran on the CSW would seriously set back the cause of women everywhere.

Item: Unmarried Iranian women caught having sex may be executed.

Item: Women expressing opposition to sharia (strict Islamic code of behavior and punishment as outlined in the Koran) law can be executed.

Item: An Iranian woman who offends her husband, for example by trying to stop his beating of her, and strikes him in the process can have her hand chopped off. It’s recommended that she repent after the mutilation . . . you think?

This hideous regime being nominated to any position of power or influence is utter infamy. The American delegation could have stopped the move in its tracks by merely raising an objection. Rajjpuut suggests that here, if ever there was one, is an opportunity to rail against the regime’s track record on women’s rights. Not a peep. So beginning in 2011, Iran will start help setting policy for women’s treatment around the world. NICE!!! Nice job, Mr. Obama!

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Is B.H. Obama, Jr. a socialist?

The answer is yes and no. As the great sage Forest Gump remarked frequently, “stupid is as stupid does.” And socialism is clearly what a socialist does. Rajjpuut has set out numerous times plentiful proof positive of Obama’s not mere socialism but rather his being raised as an abject communist. The material from his autobiography #1 “Dreams from My Father” although he goes well out of his way to omit the words “communism” and “socialism” and the writings and life of his father Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.** (and that is the correct spelling of the older man’s first name and the son’s birth-name spelling: a common Muslim name; the "c" in our Barack's name was added much later during his higher education) clearly reveal strong communistic leanings and influence but then again the worshipful mainstream media forget to tell people about that book while getting all hot and bothered by his second and more circumspect autobiography “The Audacity of Hope.” The citizen voter should make no mistake, however, socialism on the road to an eventually desired communism is right up Barak's alley.

Here, below this paragraph, is a remarkable link to a Glen Beck answer to the question that led off this blog, “Is B.H. Obama a socialist?” First Beck shows video of a softball journalistic inquiry yesterday, by the lamestream media with Obama’s expected response . . . then Beck's listing of the strongest influences in his life in broad general terms with 12 telling links many of them in the words of the “guilty” give one a great smoking gun answer to the question . . . . However, the most damning evidence of all is found in the footnotes to this blog provided by everybody's hero: Ol' Rajjpuut. In any case Obama's every action, aim, and process and every personal connection since Election Day, 2008 for anyone with eyes yields up the Forest Gump proof positive, "stupid is as stupid does" ^^ . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** When, by the way, did Harvard stop teaching classical economics and slip into the Keynesian glorification of big-spending inflationary policies that mark all communistic states? Was it in the late 40’s? Even the small bit of the old man’s education that took place right here in America played right into his communist sentiments.


Unfortunately Beck leaves some of the most interesting and “rather inflammatory” material, that is, Obama first campaigning for Raila Odinga (purportedly a cousin) in 2006 and then Obama’s interrupting his own campaigning in 2007 to again visit his father’s homeland and campaign for Odinga, the communist (university educated in East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall) candidate, for President of his father’s native land Kenya. Obama on two occasions put on Muslim garb to talk to the crowds. Odinga meanwhile had signed a “document of understanding” with Muslim leaders. The content of that document (a memorandum of understanding with the Muslims to expand a policy known as “sharia” in Kenya) when it came out ruined Odinga’s chances. To wit: Islam would have become the official religion of Kenya. No other religion could broadcast by radio or TV and no missionary activity would be allowed. A few days after the discover, Odinga revised the paper to eliminate all those objectionable features. He did nothing and said nothing, however, to stop the Muslim attacks, and tribal violence, rapes and arsons on opposing tribes as well as Christian settlements and churches that followed. Ob ama, of course, has not publicized his activities on Odinga’s behalf. To make this clear: some of the Christian attacks occurred earlier and the tribal violence in general occurred after Odinga lost the election. A few months later to pacify the Muslims, Odinga was named Prime Minister by the newly-elected President.

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