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Democrats fishing in a dry pond


By Oscar Y. Harward

Every day, Democrats are attacking President Donald Trump, and his nominees.

President Donald Trump and his administration are restoring Constitutional freedoms based on Judeo-Christian values. 

Democrats claim erroneous charges against Republicans, without supportive evidence. On these issues, Democrats are losing. 

The Democrat Party is deteriorating.  During President Obama’s term, Democrats suffered a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts; congressional and state legislative seats, governorships, and the presidency. 

The Democrat Party supports big government, more regulations, more taxes, and illegal immigration.  Democrats choose Socialism; provide everything to everyone, at any time. 

Democrats dislike President Trump.  History illustrates Americans are shifting their politics toward Republicans of smaller government, less regulation, less taxes, and legal immigration.  The National Debt must be reduced. 

During President Obama’s term in office, Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats did change America; absent from ‘ALL’ earlier Presidents combined. 

Democrats should join in.  Democrats are failing to find illegal activity, with supportive evidence, against Republicans. 

Democrats must clean up their own deceit before searching the GOP.  These GOP ponds are near dry and without corruption. 

Democrats should direct their politics joining President Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’.

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While many of the ‘left-wingers’ in the Democrat Party choose to destroy and remove much of our USA history; our Founding Fathers narration as described in the Federalists Papers and inscribed in their July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence, our Constitutional freedoms based on Judeo-Christian values, and our American flag and much of this destruction supported by many members of the ‘Main-stream’ Medias,


Many Americans and a movement to preserve our US History is alive:

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Matt Daly for NC Senate District 35


On July 4, 2002, I suffered a stroke. Upon awakening, I did not even know my own son.  My Neurosurgeon told me my brain was damaged and I would never work again.

A year or so later, I discontinued paying my NC Heating and Air Conditioning state license. 

As a Union County, NC commercial and industrial Heating and A/C contractor, now Sen. Tommy Tucker, as a vendor, called on me to sell me HVAC equipment.  Knowing Mr. Tucker, I told him I could purchase equal of higher equipment at lower prices. 

Some 12 years after my stroke and with God’s help and hard work, my health had improved.  I decided to return to the HVAC business as a licensee for another company so as to expand their business and create more jobs in our community; as I also needed the income. 

In doing so, and inasmuch as a licensee for years, I had no blemishes on my record with the NC State Board, I submitted a plan to Sen. Tommy Tucker asking him to submit a simple change in legislation to the General Assembly so as I could recover my HVAC License without being forced to start over, just as most other professionals are allowed to do so. 

Mr. Tucker called me to tell me the State Board laws had been in place for a number of years and he would not introduce any changes.  Over the years, Sen. Tucker has supported many, many changes within this State Board’s laws.  See a simple example for legislative changes in the 2013 Session and my 2014 legislative proposal:

Senator Tucker went on to tell me he had checked my record and found that I had an ‘impeccable’ record with the NC State Board.  If Tucker had already made his decision, why did he check my record with the State Board? 

With this grind, and after I have researched and endorsed GOP candidate Matt Daly for NC Senate District 35 from Waxhaw, NC, I am asking voters to consider your support for a young conservative Republican candidate, Matthew Daly for NC Senate District 35.  

Matt Daly is a dedicated Pro-Life candidate, supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and strongly opposes amnesty for ‘illegal’ immigrants 

Oscar Y. Harward

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"Birthright Citizenship": Politics v Rule of Law


We've all heard or read the stats: currently, only the United States grants birthright citizenship to illegal aliens and 8% of babies born in the US are so-called "anchor babies" born of illegal aliens. In and of itself, this doesn't constitute a crisis, but, for many of us, it does illustrate how far we've strayed from the Constitution. 

Like all babies, “anchor babies” too are sweet and cuddly, and deserving of mother’s love and society’s protection. But automatically conferring citizenship on babies of illegal aliens is an ideologically-motivated perversion not only of internationally accepted legal norms, but, much more importantly, of both the Constitution and the 14th Amendment as well.

By nimbly mischaracterizing the motives of birthright citizenship opponents, many in the media and blogosphere—to include attorneys who should know better-- have irresponsibly misrepresented the framers’ intent and have reduced the level of discourse on this legitimate constitutional issue to that of ad hominem, race-baiting, specious legal citations, contrived legal justifications, and mindless pandering. Shamelessly seeking ideological and political supremacy, to these people the Constitution and the rule of law mean absolutely nothing. And for a nation which once prided itself as being a “nation of laws”, that is inexcusable.

During an interview with Mr. Trump last night, what annoyed me greatly was Bill O'Reilly's characteristically bombastic--and wholly erroneous--claim that "the 14th Amendment says that any person born on US soil is a US Citizen. Period".  Poppycock! He couldn't have read the amendment at all to reach this specious conclusion. And the fact that even Judge Napolitano, a Libertarian jurist, a few days earlier asserted this revisionist and ignorant view is nothing short of bewildering and scary.  But, this does underscore just how flawed and fallible jurists and seemingly bright, well-informed talking heads can really be.

That said, for my own edification I decided to take the time to again review the actual words of the 14th’s framers, pertinent case law and the opinions of jurists and legal scholars on both sides of the question to determine the truth in this matter.

Here are my findings and conclusions:

First, while researching pertinent materials, I soon discovered that understanding the clear intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment was much simpler than anticipated. In fact, the meaning of the 14th was surprisingly straightforward. Lesson learned: if one simply abandons one’s ideological blinders for a moment and commit to an honest effort to objectively review a constitutional issue, clarity is nearly always one’s reward.

It also became apparent that from a strictly Constitutional standpoint, and despite many assertions to the contrary from both the left and the right, a constitutional amendment is NOT needed to deny anchor babies citizenship. In short, I was unable to find convincing constitutional evidence that so-called anchor babies can legitimately and automatically acquire U.S citizenship. Thus, a simple act of Congress--and most certainly NOT an amendment to the Constitution—in order to clarify the original intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment is all that is really needed.

Toward that end, introduced on April 2nd, 2009, and co-sponsored by 93 congressmen, inclusive of one lonely Democratic supporter, Mississippi’s Gene Taylor, HR 1868 (Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009) intended to amend section 301 of the Immigration & Nationality Act to provide that a person born in the US is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the US for citizenship purposes if the person is born in the US of parents, one of whom is: 1) a US citizen or national; 2) a lawful permanent resident alien who resides in the US; or 3) an alien performing military service in the US Armed Forces.” And if one simply reviews the original meaning of the 14th Amendment one can easily see that there is absolutely nothing at all revolutionary about this bill's language. In any event, the bill failed.

Intended to protect the rights of emancipated Negroes, the 14th Amendment specifically provided that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”

And as I very quickly learned, of central importance in this statement is the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, something birthright citizenship proponents have consistently and very conveniently ignored.

To begin, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, co-author of the 14th Amendment, expressly asserted that “this will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” And it is in this plain-spoken construction birthright proponents somehow discover ambiguity or a totally different meaning. Amazing!
Under Section 1992 of the US Revised Statutes, the same Congress which adopted the 14th Amendment confirmed that “all persons born in the United States who are not aliens, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”

In 1873, the US Atty Gen ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean the absolute and complete jurisdiction. Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the US but only to a limited extent. Political and military rights do not pertain to them.”

Sen. Trumbell noted during the drafting of the 14th Amendment that it was the amendment’s goal to “make citizens of everybody born in the US who owe allegiance to the US,” and if “the negro or white man belonged to a foreign government he would not be a citizen.”

On March 1, 1866, Rep. James Wilson of Iowa, House Judiciary Committee, added that “we must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to conclude that every person born in the US is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil (jus soli) to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign governments.” This statement served to nicely clarify Sen. Howard’s construction above.

John Bingham, framer of the 14th Amendment’s first section, stated that Sec. 1992 of the Revised Statutes meant “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the US of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of the Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”

And if we reach way back to our founders in search of a definition of citizens of a foreign power, Thomas Jefferson said “Aliens are the subjects of a foreign power.”

To a man, among the framers the premise behind “within the jurisdiction thereof” was that all children born to parents who owed no foreign allegiance were to be citizens of the US; thus, not only must a child be born on US soil (jus soli) but born of parents whose complete allegiance was to the US.

Subsequently, Sen. Howard further explained that “only thru expatriation, which could be accomplished thru law alone, and not thru any immigrant acting on his own outside the law—and certainly not by any act of birth alone—could an alien become a citizen.” This, of course, would mean that the alien/sojourner would need to affirmatively renounce his allegiance to his/her country of origin before s/he could be considered completely within the jurisdiction of the US.

Sen. Howard also stated the following: “…the word 'jurisdiction', as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the US, coextensive in all respects with the constitutional power of the US, whether exercised by Congress, the executive, or the judiciary; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the US now.” In effect, he was saying that an alien may, by treaty arrangements with his country of origin, avail himself of the protection of the US, much as sojourning US citizens in the alien’s country of origin would avail themselves of that country’s protection, but that an alien's physical presence in the US would not render him/her under the "complete jurisdiction" of the US. Simple enough.

The rationale behind not granting automatic citizenship can be illustrated by the fact that American Indians could not be subject to the jurisdiction of the US because the US dealt with them through treaties. By logical extension, aliens sojourning in the US are extended privileges and protections by virtue of treaties in force with their countries of origin, much as American citizens are granted similar rights and privileges—but not citizenship--when sojourning in those countries. Logically, therefore, only if an alien voluntarily and affirmatively renounces his citizenship and expresses an intent to swear allegiance to the US may the alien, through operation of law (a formal naturalization process), be granted US citizenship. Thus, in a nutshell, since neither children of tourists/sojourners nor of diplomats born in the US can be US citizens, children of illegal entrants cannot be lawfully granted the privilege of US citizenship.

In 1867, George Yeaman, American Minister to Denmark, in his highly respected treatise on allegiance and citizenship and for whom the framers had great respect, asserted that “the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.” Thus, dual citizenship was also a no-no. (Take note, BHO.)

P. A. Madison, a modern day master of constitutional analysis, points out that “since illegal aliens are unlawfully in the US, their native country has a proper and primary claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the US is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.” Slam dunk obvious, I’d say.

Also, Rep. Aaron Sargent, a representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates, said the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. Significantly, none of his contemporaries disputed that assertion.

Adding to this mix, here is a little case law since the 14th’s ratification.

In the Slaughterhouse Cases(1873), the Supreme Court observed that the 14th Amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the US; the ruling went on to point out “that [the 14th Amendment’s] main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the Negro” and that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, AND citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States", thus reinforcing Sen. Howard’s construction above. So, since they cannot be subject to US jurisdiction, children of citizens of foreign sovereignities and children of foreign ministers/consuls/ambassadors cannot be lawfully considered US Citizens. Makes perfect sense.

Then, in Elk v Wilkins (1884), the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment did not even confer citizenship on Indians—because they were subject to tribal jurisdiction, not U.S. jurisdiction. In effect, the court essentially stated that the status of the parents determines the citizenship of the childand not merely the fortuitous birth of that child on American soil. (Note: not until the Citizens Act of 1924 was U S citizenship granted to American Indians. As with many whimsical court rulings over the years, I was unable to understand the legal grounding for this reversal. Thus, it would seem that judicial arbitrariness is not an affliction peculiar to modern day American courts alone.)

In US v Wong Kim Ark (1889), the courts held that children born in the US of parents of foreign descent who, at the time of the child’s birth are subjects of a foreign power but who have a permanent domicile and residence in the US and are carrying on business in the US, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under a foreign power, and are not members of foreign forces in hostile occupation of US territory, become a citizen of the US at the time of birth. As expressed in the minority opinion, this decision violated the 14th Amendment. But, in any case, how many new illegal aliens have permanent domiciles in the US and how many of them are carrying on business in the US at the moment of their child's birth on US soil? I suspect precious few. But note that in this case the parents were, unlike illegal entrants, legally present.

In Steel v Citizens for a Better Environment (1998), the court stated that “jurisdiction is a word of many, too many, meanings.” However, and as can be clearly seen above, Sen. Trumbell and, yes, Sen. Howard, 14th Amendment co-authors, had long ago provided a clear, unambiguous definition by declaring that “the provision is, that all persons born in the United States, and ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’’, are citizens. That means ‘subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof. What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof'? Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.” And this from the framers' themselves! (Clearly, majority jurists in the Steel v Citizens court didn’t bother to research the framers’ clear intent and meaning. And one must wonder if a neophyte, such as I, can easily deduce original meaning, why can't trained jurists? Could it be incompetence or do political agendas get in the way of constitutional law?)

Despite the clear meaning and intent of the 14th's framers, we fast forward to the somewhat enigmatic ruling in US ex rel. Hintopoulis v Shaughnessy (1982), which some bloggers have used to justify birthright citizenship. In that case, and out of whole cloth, somewhere in the ruling it asserted, almost unconciously, that although a child born in the US to two illegal aliens was a US Citizen (????) that, nonetheless, “suspending the alien parents’ deportation based upon “the accident of birth in the US of their son would be to deprive others, who are patiently awaiting visas…” Thus, since the glancing allusion to the legality of birthright citizenship, though gratuitous—and erroneous—appeared in this suspension of deportation decision, birthright proponents often blithely and excitedly cite this case to substantiate the legality of birthright citizenship. Grabbing at straws, I'd say.

Then, true to activist form, in Plyler v Doe (1982) the court, apparently without access to the 14th framers’ erudition and written words, mysteriously ruled 5-4 that there is “no plausible distinction” with respect to “jurisdiction” between resident aliens who entered the country lawfully and those resident aliens who entered unlawfully. Wowee! Clearly a yawning divergence from the framers’ clear meaning and intent. Seems judicial activism was as alive and well in 1982 as it is today.

To me, these two rulings which capriciously and arrogantly turned Thomas Jefferson and the framers of the 14th on their heads are clearly unlawful at worst, convenient contrivances at best.

When I explained all this on-line to an attorney who is also a strong proponent of birthright citizenship, this was her reply: “I disagree with your interpretation of the phrase ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof'. The first rule of statutory construction is that we don’t look to the drafters’ intent if the words are plain and unambiguous…If the drafters meant to include some allegiance test, they would have. They didn’t.” That sort of revisionism, gobbledegook, willful ignorance and dishonesty is, folks, what this country is up against. My rejoinder was civil, but to the point: “It wasn’t MY lowly interpretation. It was the framers’ interpretation. But, ignore original intent and meaning? A living constitution is like having no constitution at all. We can merely make it up as we go along and continue to hand-off an increasingly irrelevant document to the next generation. While I sincerely hope this isn’t what you have in mind, at this juncture I can see there’s really nothing more to discuss with you on this or any other constitutional issues. How very sad.”

Finally, based upon what I now understand, we must be faithful to the 14th Amendment framers’ clear intent and meaning—surely a tall order with so many activists and social engineers infesting our courts these days. In the case of "birthright citizenship", Congress is constitutionally empowered to re-assert the original meaning of the the 14th Amendment, and that's precisely what it should do.


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Capitol Hill Republicans’ ‘LACK-OF-LEADERSHIP’ joined Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid and the LEFT-WING DEMOCRAT PARTY on their issues and destroying our GOP and its’ CONSERVATIVE VALUES.


Remember the McCain/Feingold Law?  Remember how Sen. John McCain CROSSED THE AISLE in leading Capitol Hill Republicans into giving the Democrat Party’s their favorite DONORS, all Labor Unions with almost unlimited donations, yet denied businesses from donation anything.   SCOTUS finally declared that UNCONSTITUTIONAL as unfair.


Now, it is September, 2014 and it is all over again; a violation of our 1st Amendment and our RIGHTS to give political donations as we choose.


SCOTUS, in ‘McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission’,  “The court's five conservative justices all agreed that the so-called aggregate limit on the amount of money a donor can give to candidates, political action committees, and political parties is unconstitutional.”


18 Republicans voted ‘RIGHT’ and against Harry Reid’s LEGISLATION: Barrasso (R-WY), Chambliss (R-GA), Coburn (R-OK), Crapo (R-ID), Cruz (R-TX), Enzi (R-WY), Inhofe (R-OK), Isakson (R-GA), Johnson (R-WI), Lee (R-UT), Paul (R-KY), Portman (R-OH), Risch (R-ID), Roberts (R-KS), Scott (R-SC), Shelby (R-AL), Thune (R-SD), and Toomey (R-PA).


25 Republicans voted ‘WRONG’ in support of Harry Reid’s LEGISLATION: Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH),  Boozman (R-AR), Burr (R-NC), Coats (R-IN), Cochran (R-MS), Collins (R-ME), Corker (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Fischer (R-NE), Flake (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), Grassley (R-IA), Hatch (R-UT), Heller (R-NV), Hoeven (R-ND), Johanns (R-NE), Kirk (R-IL), McCain (R-AZ), McConnell (R-KY), Moran (R-KS), Rubio (R-FL), Sessions (R-AL), Vitter (R-LA), and Wicker (R-MS).


AMERICA, PLEASE LISTEN!  Congress should regulate political contributions only when there is POLITICAL CORRUPTION directly involved.  Otherwise, all should and must accept the SCOTUS decision.  Not so for Democrats who choose to destroy Conservative Republicans.


Remember, our National Debt is at $17.7 Trillion and growing.


The PEOPLE, and not any Congress, should decide how you and I should spend their money in elections.  You can BETCHA Congress will continue to be funded by others whom fund these LEFT-WING laws.  You can BETCHA Congress will continue in allowing MEGA-DONORS like George Soris.


What a ‘REPULSIVE LOSS’ for ALL REPUBLICANS for our Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell to lead Republicans down a polluted road.  How can so many RINO Republicans be so misled, uninformed, or just plain politically stupid as they support the Democrat Party and this legislation; all in violation of the Supreme Court on the United States decision.


We finally obtained a ‘LEVEL-FIELD’; only for Senate Republicans to join Democrats’ legislation and throw our RIGHTS away.

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By Oscar Y. Harward


In another effort for President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to ‘cram tax-paid Abortion and Birth Control at taxpayers’ expense down (y)our throat’, Sen. Harry Reid and the Democrat Party majority Senate came up short of 60 votes for advancing to a vote in an effort to overthrow, by new legislation, the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision.


Sen. Harry Reid and Senate Democrats S. 2578 legislation was a proposed commandment against Christianity, period.  It is saddening that any Capitol Hill legislator, and specifically a Republican, who would support this proposed law.


Based on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) Hobby Lobby decision, all Americans now have a ‘RIGHT’  in practice by choosing ‘Pro-Life’ and follow God’s law, while preventing government from forcing you and me from paying Abortion and Birth Control at taxpayers’ expense’.  Life is expressed in our Holy Bible as applied in our Declaration of Independence and US Constitution.


Sen. Harry Reid and Senate Democrats identify S. 2578 as ‘Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act of 2014’.  May I rewrite their title as ‘Abortion and Birth Control at taxpayers’ Expense’ as more descriptive?


See how (y)our US Senators Voted; ‘Abortion and Birth Control at taxpayers’ Expense’:


Hobby Lobby again wins on this issue, even with 3 Senate Republicans who voted with Sen. Harry Reid and all Senate Democrats; with the exception of Brian Schatz (D-HI) who did not vote.


All 52 voting Democrats, 2 Socialist voting Independents and 3 ‘left-wing’ RINO Republicans voted with the ‘anti-Christian’ voting Democrats.  Do not be fooled.  Sen. Reid voted ‘NAY’ as under Senate Rules, his ‘NAY’ vote in a losing balloting would allow him to re-introduce this legislation later.


With the exceptions of Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), Mark Kirk (R-IL), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), all other Senate Republicans voted in support of SCOTUS’s  5 to 4 decision allowing those with Christian values in support to ‘Pro-Life’ choice values and to permit all taxpayers from being ‘forced to pay’ for abortions and/or birth control.


No Capitol Hill or state legislator should misrepresent the facts on the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision as an attack on women.  This is a total lie for all who may say so.


As regard to these 3 Republican Party Senators; Collins, Kirk , and Murkowski who voted ‘against’ our Declaration of Independence as referenced in Holy Bible teachings, our GOP leadership under Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House John Boehner will continue their support of these 3 Capitol Hill legislators, just because they have an ‘R’ beside their names.  These 3 Republican Senators continue to vote against our GOP Platform as ‘non-believing’ lawmakers; all of their support will be used with precious Republican Party money.


Conservative Republicans across America must rise up against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and other RINO Republicans as we demand full support of our GOP Platform and all Republicans who vote in support all other ‘Conservative Social issues and values’, or lose their support of GOP money and other RNC resources.

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Rather than allowing the registered Republicans to determine (y)our elected officials, Capitol Hill’s GOP leadership has left (y)our Republican Party Platform and joined in with President Obama’s Liberal Democrats to protect their own elected Moderate to Liberal GOP Representatives and Senators.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House John Boehner, Sen. John McCain, and other Republicans In Name Only (RINO) Republicans joined together with Mississippi’s most Liberal Democrats in support of Sen. Thad Cochran over a Conservative TEA Party Republican candidate.  These RINO Republicans raised and gave Millions of Dollars to defeat a TEA Party Republican Party candidate in Mississippi’s State Senator. Chris McDaniel.


The acronym TEA Party represents ‘Taxed Enough Already’ Party.  This certainly defines me.  How about you?


TEA Party members and supporters are Conservative and usually Republicans. TEA Party members and supporters are ordinary, middle working class Americans.  TEA Party members and supporters have a strong desire to work hard and work smart as a part in life to exceed while on their job(s) in providing their family’s necessities of shelter, food, other needs, and additional comforts in life.  In their progression of life, each understands the importance to pay reasonable and sensible taxes, rather than excessive and/or disproportionate taxes, for necessary government services.


Will the Republican Party return to the Grand Ole Party, or will they continue to turn left in joining with President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats?

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By Oscar Y. Harward


Senator ‘Chuck” Schumer (D-NY), Governor Andrew Cuomo, and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, all essentially indicate that they, and ‘the people’ of New York, apparently have no desire to accept, support, and/or defend the Constitution of the United States, and more specifically, the Bill of Rights.  Sen. Schumer says the 1st Ten Amendments to the Constitution are being taken too literally.


Sen. Schumer is particularly referencing the First Amendment and the freedom of speech.  Are we to release these rights?  Will the voters of New York advocate that we surrender this and other ‘Bill of Rights’ to the Government?


Gov. Andrew Cuomo says pro-life activists along with anti-gay activists, and other supporters of the Second Amendment, are not welcomed in New York.  By my personal observation, this may have been Gov. Cuomo’s first exploratory remark as he chases a pursuit to become a 2016 Democrat Party Presidential nominee.


NY Mayor Bill de Blasio appears to be duplicating President Obama’s plan of ‘redistribution’ by proposing, “A tax on the wealthy to pay for free pre-school education for every four-year-old. He has already launched measures to expand paid sick leave to another half a million employees.  He has promised to work for 200,000 new affordable housing units, and to rebuild trust and confidence in the police.”


Does New Yorkers know and understand our US Constitution and/or New York’s History?  US Congress convened for the 1st time in New York City on March 4, 1789 in approving the Bill of Rights?


Do New Yorkers know, or have they forgotten the sacrifice of attaining ‘Independence’ from the Revolutionary War?  Have New Yorkers been taught or have they forgotten the Battle of Harlem Heights, Battle Hill, the Battle of Stony Point that later allowed Washington to cross the Hudson, other Revolutionary War, and additional war history?  Are these failures instrumental of your public education system as may be taught in public schools? 


Have Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, NY Mayor de Blasio, and New Yorkers forgotten "9/11/01"?  Do you remember how our entire Nation rallied around New York during and after these terrorist attacks?  Have Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, NY Mayor de Blasio, and New Yorkers forgotten the honor, the sacrifices, and the lives of New York’s and others’ police officers, firemen, and our soldiers in defense of our Constitution?  Have Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, NY Mayor de Blasio, and New Yorker's forgotten our Founding Fathers’ precious freedoms in our Constitution with inserted Christian values?


Freedom is not free.  Constitutional freedoms are fought and won at a heavy cost; Americans’ blood.  More than 600,000 American soldiers have died in combat for protecting our Constitution, our Nation, and our American flag.


Why do Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, NY Mayor de Blasio, and New Yorkers continue efforts to disassemble our Constitution?  How do New Yorkers fail to understand, and appreciate the price and values of ‘freedoms’?  Do New Yorkers fail to understand the loss of ‘freedoms’, and whom then elect, appoint, and/or direct officials in the State of New York as in other states?  Will Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, NY Mayor de Blasio, and other New Yorkers awaken before we, they, and/or others lose these precious ‘freedoms’?


The Army's Oath of Enlistment states that “I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …”  Every American should proudly ‘pledge, honor, and obey’ this ‘Oath’.


Patriotic Americans must be asking, “What rights do New Yorkers have in dismantling our Constitution comprised to insure all Americans may remain free from an oppressive government?”


It is a duty for each voter to elect and/or re-elect ‘responsible’ representatives.  If the voters of New York fully support Constitutional values, Americans will discover that New Yorkers are ‘Patriotic’ to our USA.  Your representatives will ‘honor’ the sacrifices of over 600,000 American soldiers; including your ancestors who fought and died for these values embedded within (y)our Constitution.


Up front, and based on election results, it is logical to assume that Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, and NY Mayor de Blasio are speaking for the people of New York.  If so, many of us are saddened.  Most of us anticipate that may change.


Currently, if Sen. Schumer, Gov. Cuomo, and NY Mayor de Blasio are not domestic enemies to our Constitution, who is?  Each element in our Constitution today is just as relevant now as our Founding Fathers inscribed in the 18th Century.

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By Oscar Y. Harward


Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may now be spilling out one of his first confirmations to conceal his support of ObamaCare, President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, and other ‘Liberal’ Capitol Hill Democrats for his guaranteed receipt of a $2 Billion Kentucky payoff in his support of his vote and leadership for many of his 26 other GOP Senate legislators for shredding our Constitutional freedoms.  How cheap can Sen. Mitch McConnell be bought? 


For Sen. McConnell, who included a $2 Billion payout of additional deficit spending for his State of Kentucky included in this new ‘Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014’ legislation, and his additional and similar voting 26 RINO Republican legislators who voted, how much is too much for deficit spending?  Sen. McConnell, is there any limit to spending that is too much?  Have you sold your principles and your own heart for a whole lot ($2 Billion) of taxpayers’ money?  Do you, Sen. Mitch McConnell have any ethics in principles left?  You must resign!


According to Newsmax, “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made it clear on Thursday that repealing Obamacare would never be used by Republicans again to bring the federal government to a halt.”  


Rumors on Capitol Hill indicate Speaker of the House John Boehner is trying to accept President Obama’s ObamaCare ‘exemptions’ for Capitol Hill legislators.  Who, why, and when did it become so important for our Capitol Hill legislators to take care of yourself first, rather than to place the American electorate first?


The Capitol Hill Democrat Party and our own Capitol Hill Republican Party ‘leadership’ is selling out our freedoms and values and in return ascertaining more taxpayers’ deficit money and other favors that are left to be paid by our children, and their children, along with other ‘pet’ projects, and other Democrat Party favors.  Cheap!  Cheap!  Cheap!


Capitol Hill Democrats and RINO Republicans on Capitol Hill have lost or forgotten our Constitutional freedoms as based on Christian values.  Capitol Hill Democrats and RINO Republicans must be challenged, defeated, and/or removed in upcoming future elections.


The economy ‘problem’ is simple; excessive deficit spending is breaking our national economy, our individual freedoms, our families, and our Constitution.  The ‘solution’ for a rebuilding economy is simple; stop the spending to save our economy, our individual freedoms, our families, and our Constitution.


Capitol Hill legislators have already added $6.3 Trillion of additional deficit spending debt in less than 5 years under President Obama.  How much deficit spending is enough for President Obama, Capitol Hill Democrats, and/or RINO Republicans?  When will the deficit spending end that is leaving an unbearable debt to (y)our children, their children, etc.? 


A continuation of deficit spending by Democrats, Republicans, and/or Independents is a form of political corruption and this endless progression is destroying our Constitution, our fiscal and social values, as well as our national security.


Republican Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT), as well as other legislators and supporters who vote and aspire to ‘stop-the-spending’ to save America, our economy, our Constitution, and our families are ‘right on these issues’.   


Do not allow President Obama, Capitol Hill Democrats, and the Liberal ‘main-stream’ Medias destroy our American ‘HERO’ legislators who are trying to stop the out-of-control’ spending.  It is our American ‘HERO’ legislators who are trying to restore our nation and our US economy.


On Capitol Hill, so-called ‘negotiations’ are directed by President Obama, Capitol Hill Democrats, and the Liberal ‘main-stream’ Medias that demand Republican legislators to cross the aisle and join Democrats on ‘more deficit spending; a proven scheme to more quickly destroy our entire nation.


To save our Constitution and our nation, Conservatives must say ‘NO’ to more deficit spending; before it is too late.


God Bless America!

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I came home from visiting a daughter yesterday evening and found my brightest moment of the young year.  I had a notification from a social network site I belong to, Tea Party Command Center, of a story about the “Gun Appreciation Day” event in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Saturday Jan. 19, 2013.  It featured a video of a newly elected state senator speaking about the constitutional rights of We the People.  The video was beyond inspiring to me.


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It seems Oklahoma’s fine senior senator once again has no qualms about telling We the People how stupid we are and how wonderful he is.  With the “fiscal cliff” vote, in which he voted for the measure after taking an entire three minutes to peruse the 154 pages contained within, Senator Bullcrap took a great deal of criticism from local talk radio.  Tulsa radio station KFAQ’s Pat Campbell Show listeners were highly critical.   As a frequent listener I find Campbell to be very fiscally conservative and more moderate on social issues.  Senator Bullcrap didn’t appreciate the criticism so he called the Pat Campbell Show to “explain himself”, and how important it was to vote for this travesty (  He proceeded to explain how We the People benefitted because had the measure not passed taxes would have gone up a whole lot more than they did on a lot more people that they did and that he “protected” 98% of said We the People by making the 2001 and 2003 tax rates permanent for most Americans (chant the party line, blah, blah, blah).  If you take a good look at whose taxes aren’t going up and whose are going up you see a very different story than is being bandied about by both sides.  Warren Buffett and Donald Trump came out just fine, thank you!!! As did Hollywood and the typical Democrat money groups!!! Oh, and spending is still going up.


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← Paging Adam Edelen, Paging Adam EdelenWalking in Space →Jimmy Higdon’s Sharia Law Bill
Posted on March 8, 2012, 9:18 pm by Bob
Kentucky Republican State Senator Jimmy Higdon was credited earlier in the session with being part of the bipartisan support for the expanded gaming amendment to try to save what is left of the horse industry.

For one brief, shining moment….

And then this:

Senate Bill 158 introduced by Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, would require the government to exempt people from laws that contradict their religious beliefs unless there is an overriding reason why those laws should be enforced. We have seen no language that explains who gets to determine what an “overriding reason” means, and who gets to make the determination when it should be allowed or disallowed. This constitutional amendment would seriously attack the current constitutional separation of religion and the state, and would allow anyone.
We can’t understand how the separation of the state and religion can be argued by Senator Higdon to have failed us over the last two centuries. Why would anyone want to make the Commonwealth a Theocracy?
Kentucky courts would have to let people opt out of obeying some laws that run counter to their religious beliefs if a constitutional amendment that passed a Senate committee Wednesday becomes law.
Once you allow one religious body to be exempt from the laws of the state, then you allow all religions, and quasi-religions, and weird fringe groups who call themselves religions to also be exempt from State Laws. Sharia law has been cited to justify physical violence against authors, wives, daughters etc. The law requires women to wear veils and robes, be totally subject to her husband, and condones the killing of women by their family if they have sexual relations outside of marriage. (Author’s note: There are many pretty women in Lebanon, Kentucky and we can’t understand why Sen. Higdon would want to hide their faces behind veils.)
The Family Foundation of Kentucky and the Catholic Conference of Kentucky supports the proposed constitutional amendment.

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