isis (197)

Mosul killing video: Footage purportedly showing Iraqis getting revenge on ISIS militants sparks probe, outcry

Iraqis treat captured ISIS militants as they would homosexuals, by first throwing them off the top of the tallest building, then shooting them.

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US actions to weaken Syrian govt will empower ISIS – UK consultancyAny attempt to act against the Syrian government will make Islamic State and other terror groups in the country stronger, London-based consultancy IHS Markit said in a recent report, calling such situation an “inconvenient reality” for Washington.

Over the last 11 months, 43 percent of Islamic State (Is, formerly ISIS/ISIL) military actions carried out were against the Syrian government forces of President Bashar Assad, the open-source data gathered by IHS Markit’s Conflict Monitor revealed.

The US-backed “moderate opposition” accounted for 17 percent of IS fighting between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017, with the remaining 40 percent being the jihadists’ skirmishes with rivaling rebel groups.

“It is an inconvenient reality that any US action taken to weaken the Syrian government will inadvertently benefit the Islamic State and other jihadist groups,” Columb Strack, senior Middle East analyst at IHS Markit, said as cited by the company’s website.

Strack described the current state of events in Syria by comparing Assad’s forces “the anvil to the US-led Coalition’s hammer.”

“While US-backed forces surround Raqqa, the Islamic State is engaged in intense fighting with the Syrian government around Palmyra and in other parts of Homs and Deir al-Zour provinces,” he said.

According to the analyst, weakening the Syrian forces, which are already overstretched on a large front, may lead to the jihadists moving from the desert to populated areas in the west of the country, which endangers such cities as Damascus and Homs.

Strack believes that Deir ez-Zor is currently the main strategic goal for Islamic State, as capturing the largest city in eastern Syria would allow the group to gain “a new major population center from which to run the Caliphate” after losing Mosul and Raqqa.

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     4064324969?profile=original                          SUSAN RICE LIED ABOUT SYRIA CHEMICAL WEAPONS


                                                                       Daniel John Sobieski

  The chemical weapon attack by the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad on the rebel-held town Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province on April 4 once again underscores what a foreign policy failure President Obama was and what a serial liar Susan Rice is.

On January 16, 2017, Rice, who served as U.N. Ambassador during Obama’s first term and was rewarded for her Benghazi lies with the post of National Security Advisor, where she could be compelled to testify before Congress, 

Gave what amounted to an exit interview with NPR. During the interview she crowed about the Obama administration’s success in eliminating the threat of Syrian chemical weapons:

We were able to find a solution that didn't necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Our aim in contemplating the use of force following the use of chemical weapons in August of 2013 was not to intervene in the civil war, not to become involved in the combat between Assad and the opposition, but to deal with the threat of chemical weapons by virtue of the diplomacy that we did with Russia and with the Security Council. We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.

Tell that, Ms. Rice, to the children of Khan Sheikoun who succumbed to the horrible effects of the sarin gas dropped on them by Syrian forces with the support of their Russian allies. You and your boss colluded with the Russians to keep Assad in power and give Russia a free hand in Syria. Your claim of having removed the threat of Syrian chemical weapons was a lie, as phony as the statement President Onama made after the tragedy of Aleppo. As  CNBC reported the statement President Obama made as he washed his hands of all guilt and responsibility:

"With respect to Syria of what I have consistently done is taken the best course that I can to end the civil war and having also taken into account of the long-term national security interest of the United States," he said….

"Unless we were all in and willing to take over Syria, we were going to have problems," Obama said in the news conference, noting that it would have required "putting large numbers of U.S. troops on the ground, uninvited, without any international law mandate."…

"Responsibility for this brutality lies in one place alone: with the Assad regime and its allies Russia and Iran. And this blood and these atrocities are on their hands," Obama said.

No, sir the responsibility for this horror lies with you, and the blood of Aleppo and Khan Sheikoun is on your and Susan Rice’s hands. It is you who drew the red lines in Syria and there would be consequences if they were crossed. It is you who said Assad must go. There were no consequences and Assad, protected by Russia, is still there.

As Investor’s Business Daily editorialized on Obama’s disappearing red lines in Syria:

Syria's chemical weapons are on the move, their precursor chemicals having been mixed, a crossing of a line drawn by President Obama Aug. 20 when he said "a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized." So our resolute president decides to draw another line — that if Syria's Bashar al-Assad makes use of those weapons, presumably against his own people or neighbors, he will face "consequences." …Obama's appeasement has come home to roost. Assad remembers how Clinton, appearing on CBS' "Face The Nation," dismissed the idea of U.S. military action or regime change in Syria, claiming that unlike Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, Assad was considered to be a "reformer" by "many of the members of Congress."

Yep, your Secretary of State and defeated presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called Assad a reformer:

Apparently neither Mrs. Clinton nor Defense Secretary Robert Gates sees Syria as an outlaw nation. Both said Sunday that Syria was different from Libya and that we would not be lobbing cruise missiles into Damascus in another "humanitarian" effort.

"Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he's a reformer," Clinton said without disputing the assessment. She also drew a distinction between Libya's use of tanks and aircraft against its protesters and "police actions, which, frankly, have exceeded the use of force that any of us would want to see."

Obama and Clinton intervened in Libta to prevent the slaughter of civilians, turning Libya into a failed state and an incubator of terrorism. Yet both did nothing to prevent the slaughter in Syria when they could have easily. We sacrificed four brave Americans at Benghazi in pursuance of this failed policy.

Why did we do nothing in Syria? Perhaps for the same reason we did nothing to prevent Russia’s invasion of Ukraine  - the Iran deal. Obama, who once  promised Russian President Medvedev more “flexibility” after Obama’s reelection, didn’t want to offend Putin. He needed Russia’s help in securing the Iran deal. Taking out Assad would have offended Tehran. So Obama and Clinton sacrificed both Ukraine and Syria to get the Iran deal and put $150 billion in the hands of Iran, a state ponsor of terror and a mass murderer of U.S. troops in both Lebanon and Iraq.

This reformer moved his chemical weapons and you did nothing. He used his chemical weapons and you did nothing. Seeing no resistance Russia moved in to protect Assad and safeguard its access to the Syrian port of Tarus on th Mediterranean.

You could have done a lot, and it did not involve ground troops. You could have parked an aircraft carrier, 90,000 tons of American diplomacy, off the Syrian coast. You could have ordered aur strikes and destroyed the Syrian air force in 24 hours. Then you could have established a no-fly zone protecting a safe haven in Syria. You could have prevented the slaughter in Aleppo, as well as the flood of refugees into Europe. But you didn’t.

The rise of ISIS, which Obama calls ISIL so he can omit the “S” that stands for Syria, is a direct result of the vacuum he created In Iraq by his precipitous withdrawal after victory had been won.

President Bush left a stable Iraq, one where Shiite and Sunnis had learned to coexist and resist a common al-Qaida enemy. There were free and fair elections and we all remember the pictures of Iraqi women holding up their purple fingers indicating they had proudly voted in those elections. Now we have the mass graves of ISIS, beheadings and  what can only be called the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

It is a myth, as the White House now claims, that President Obama inherited an Iraqi mess from President Bush and had no choice but to withdraw U.S. troops in the absence of a status of forces agreement. The problem was not that Iraq and Prime Minister Maliki wanted the U.S. to leave, but that the force Obama wanted to leave was just too small. As Patrick Brennan has written in National Review:

These claims don’t jibe with what we know about how the negotiations with Iraq went. It’s the White House itself that decided just 2–3,000 troops made sense, when the Defense Department and others were proposing more. Maliki was willing to accept a deal with U.S. forces if it was worth it to him — the problem was that the Obama administration wanted a small force so that it could say it had ended the war. Having a very small American force wasn’t worth the domestic political price Maliki would have to pay for supporting their presence. In other words, it’s not correct that “the al-Maliki government wanted American troops to leave.

Obama destroyed Libya for no god reason, and sacrificed Syria so that he could pursue the dangerous and flawed Iran deal. He created the vacuum ISIS filled in Iraq and Syria. The blood of Aleppo is on nobody’s hands but his, Hillaty Clinton’s and yours, Susan Rice.

          Daniel John Sobieski is a free lance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.             

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Believe in a NWO or not, Donald J. Trump is not a part of it. He is just the opposite. There have been threats made to Trump and his family. Eric Trump's wife opened a letter with white powder in it.

Trump's main purpose of running has always been to disassemble the cabal of global powers, and take control of their enterprise to be placed back into the people's hands.

Never in any election has there been such a conspiracy to take out one man running for the presidency. Over $200 million has been spent, so far, to stop Trump as the rich elite of the establishment cabal have gathered 3 times to give money and plot to stop Trump. They're in 'panic mode'.

The system has not educated those under 35. Only Reagan, before Trump, have NOT been picked from globalist's crop. The puppets of the elite do as told.

Americans must must align ourselves or suffer the consequences 'they' decide.

America has vast resources. Enemies within have been created to divide us. They have broken our unity to dismantle our systems. It's time to end political correctness.

The end of the Democrat Party was changed to the Communist Party right after Kennedy was assassinated. The Republican Party sold out to global fields. The two Parties are now one.


Donald Trump understands this, and vows it will end. This is why he is attacked. Rioters are organized like never before, bringing in recruits who sympathize with racism, sexism and bigotry.


The elite believe borders, immigration, abortion is sexist, wealth is bigotry and military is used to help us to dominate other countries.

Free trade (TPP and NAFTA), wasn't designed for America to prosper but to give the world our wealth and resources by legal authority.

ObamaCare wasn't designed to help give health insurance to those who couldn't get it but to redistribute wealth back into the insurance industry that is owned by the major banks. This is not working well.

ISIS wasn't allowed to prosper to unite a region in historic disruption, but to caliphate the planet under one religion and Sharia law.


Donald Trump is in favor of America. Trump is a true conservative, a nationalist, who only wants to see the end of globalization to make America great again.

For over a century, the American government has been controlled by lobbyists and by special interests groups. America can no longer continue on its present course. America will either crash, or we can unite and rebuild America strong again. They don't have their candidate in yet. Let's put him in.


Ted Cruz and John Kasich can be manipulated, and possibly already a part of globalization. Donald Trump is NOT, nor never will ever surrender to them or their plans for a NWO.


Trump has placed his life, his family, and his enterprise as the target because he will not surrender to a NWO.


Trump's spokesperson has stated that Trump is in a state of war with these people and he plans to expose these people and their evil plans.

Trump will not become another Kennedy. Support Trump and make America Great Again or fall into the NWO the other candidates will lead you to.

Daveda Gruber

Daveda Gruber

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Taxes, not Terrorism, can get your Passport Revoked

It is an interesting commentary on our priorities that the IRS now has the authority to revoke the passports of Americans who are in arrears by more than $50,000, but Americans travelling overseas to fight with ISIS can return safely home with passports in hand.

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What can go wrong now?

Russians now armed all their planes and all forces on the ground in Syria with missiles against other planes. ISIS has no planes. Russia is not there to fight ISIS. Chinese and Cubans Communist forces are now in Syria helping Russia to kill US allies. 

Putin created refugee crisis and he is protecting main enemy of Israel - Iran. Palestinian terrorists are now getting very active in Israel because their old Communist Russian friends in Syria are now very close.

What can go wrong now? Nobody talks about Iran any more.

Putin created refugee crisis for his own benefit. Russia is and always was main problem in the Middle East. Turkey is a part of NATO unfortunately.

There are too many gullible Putin's Dick Suckers on the Internet. Hitler had many too in USA and in all other countries around the world before WWII.

Kremlin spreading fake news again.

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By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

tur-2.jpg?width=295At last Tuesday’s press conference with French President Francois Hallande, Barack Hussein Obama told two most grievous of lies with the first being about his wanting to stop ISIS in Syria for truth be told, Obama’s true goal is to remove Syrian President Bashir al-Assad from power, thus creating yet another vacuum of power…just like he did with the nightmare called the Arab Spring where ‘secular’ muslim dictators in Lybia, Egypt, and Yemen were forced from power. And Obama filled that power void with his brethren in the Muslim Brotherhood who in turn used ISIS aligned thugs as their police force…if you will…who instilled sharia law and started their attacks on Christians, and doing so in the most horrific of ways…with only Egypt pulling free via a military coup. And siding with the anything-but- moderate rebels in Syria will afford the same outcome and will add Syria into the ISIS ever-expanding caliphate.

And Obama’s lie number two…a lie Vladimir Putin will surely call him to task for…was about who caused Tuesday’s Russian helicopter to be blown-up as it tried to rescue the surviving pilot of the earlier in the day Turkish downing of a Russian fighter jet. And again the truth involves the Obama sanctioned anything-but-moderate rebels…in this case the ISIS-aligned Free Syrian Army… rebels whom the media stated blew-up the Russian helicopter, but what they dare not report is that they did so with an American TOW antitank missile, and guess who supplied the rebels with said missile… Obama and his administration of course.

But before we go further into recent events let’s get some much needed background info to see how we arrived at the point we are today.


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More Anti-Gun Laws? To Combat TERRORISM???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

ft-1.jpg?width=251Illinois Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky was doing a radio interview a few days ago and she tried to make a case that was devoid of logic and any aspect of intelligence.

Before I continue, allow me to point out that Schakowsky is a congresswoman, from ILLINOIS and that IS important to this article.

Schakowsky’s inane point was this…because of the recent terrorist, the recent ISLAMIC terrorist attacks in Paris…we should adopt stricter GUN CONTROL laws in OUR country.

Here’s what she had to say on the matter…

“Obviously it is frightening for every western country, but I do want to remind you that before we killed a jihadist named Awlaki, he did a video that said to Americans, ‘Join the jihad and get guns,’ because it’s so easy in the United States of America to get a weapon. And that ought to be a chilling reminder because, aside from blowing themselves up, which is of course is not about small weapons. These people used the kinds of weapons that are still available in the United States of America. I think it ought cause us to have another consideration of sensible gun safety laws.”

You have got to be kidding me…


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Obama’s Syrians – Refugees or Refujihadis?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

There can now be absolutely no doubt…Barack Hussein Obama is deliberately putting our rj-1.jpg?width=231national security and our lives in the crosshairs. He is decidedly, willfully and abjectly risking the lives and well-being of every single citizen of these United States.

Just a day ago, Barack Hussein Obama, in the wake of the terrorist attacks, the well-orchestrated terrorist attacks in Paris, threatened to veto any legislation passed by congress aimed at providing improved and stricter screening for any Syrian refugees trying to gain entry into our nation.

The threat from Obama is in regard to a bill that would impose FBI background checks and sign-offs by high level officials upon Syrian refugees before they would be able to set foot on American soil. Obama’s statement made his intentions quite clear.

Obama said that the proposed legislation would create… “significant delays and obstacles” for the existing vetting program.

Here’s the rub…


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Paris – The Final Alarm Has Sounded

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

The horrific nature of the events, as they unfolded in Paris a couple of nights ago, havehell-1.jpg?width=202 shed the glaring light of truth on the absurdity under which we live. The real questions are these…at what point will we finally open our eyes and how much of this must be endured before we wake the hell up?

Islamic terrorist attack after Islamic terrorist attack takes place. They take place in our country, in France, in Spain, in England, in Bali and around the globe and for a few, brief moments, we open one eye, decry the acts and then…then we roll over and go back to sleep.

Yes…we have fought wars but it is how we have been forced to fight those wars that raise more questions then they answer.

We have the strongest military on earth but…

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Will Putin Seek Nuclear Revenge Against ISIS?


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tac-1.jpg?width=231Considering the situation in Syria right now, as Russia continues to bomb ISIS command and control locations, such as they are, by bombing those who Obama has been arming, there seems to be a rather pressing question on the minds of those who are watching the escalation closely…

Will Putin launch a tactical nuclear strike against ISIS in response to the claims BY ISIS that they were responsible for shooting down a Russian passenger jet killing all 224 on board?

First, we need to examine what we know regarding the cause of the crash and right now, the reports are all over the board. ISIS claims that they brought it down and even released a video purportedly showing the Russian plane as a fireball in the sky. Egypt says ISIS didn’t do it and says there is no proof that the plane broke apart in the air. The Pentagon claims they know as FACT that ISIS didn’t bring down the Russian airliner with either a missile or anti-aircraft fire but that there WAS an explosion, picked up by satellite intel and that terrorism could not be ruled out.

Russia is heavily leaning toward the ISIS claim however, not even they seem quite ready to specify the exact means by which it was done.

To be clear…


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‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

wm-1.jpg?width=237Reuters has reported that a watchdog group… the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)…will be in Iraq next week to look into what they indicate is the probable use of mustard gas by ISIS against the Kurds.

Here we go again with yet another I told you so.

Before I get to that, let me first bring you up to speed on this latest report.

According to Reuters, “If Islamic State insurgents have obtained sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, it would signal a dangerous development in a conflict that has already destabilized the region.”

Gee…ya THINK???


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

russ-1.jpg?width=262Barack Hussein Obama is the weakest U.S. president in history and that fact is now on glaring display on the world stage.

Obama’s intent to create a vacuum of power in Syria, to be, in his hopes, filled by Islamists has exposed his weakness for all to see as Russia takes the lead in truly fighting the Islamic terrorists there. Rather than doing what Obama has done for the past 13 months…bombing empty warehouses and pin-prick attacks on vehicles…Putin has Russian SU-30’s raining hell upon the Islamist command and control centers.

Obama’s weakness was further highlighted last week when John Kerry played second fiddle to Russia’s Lavrov in a press conference after Putin made his first appearance and speech at the United Nations in a decade.

Now, to further relegate Obama and the U.S. under Obama’s control to the sidelines…China is preparing to send warplanes into the skies over Syria, working in concert with the Russians to stop ISIS in their Islamic tracks.


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Putin Fills Obama’s Vacuum of Power

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

“If it looks like a terrorist, if it acts like a terrorist, if it walks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it’s a terrorist, right?” vac-11.jpg?width=220

– Russian Foreign Mister Sergey Lavrov when countering criticism that Russia had bombed Syrian rebels and not ISIS

According to Defense Secretary Ash Carter…an Obama puppet…Russia’s air strikes in Syria will backfire and escalate the Syrian civil war. ‘Captain Obvious’ may be onto something here, but even a blind squirrel can find a nut. The problem is, Carter has no idea why, exactly, this could cause the civil war there to escalate, but Obama certainly does, but telling the truth would not serve his agenda.

To find the truth, we must first examine just how the situation came to be what it now is and while Obama and his puppets continue to blame Putin, the truth takes us down a completely different path.


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It’s IGNORANT to equate ISLAM…with TERROR?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ia-1.jpg?width=230“So part of our job, together, is to work to reject such extremism that infects too many of our young people. Part of that effort must be a continued rejection by Muslims of those who distort Islam to preach intolerance and promote violence, and it must also involve a rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror.”

Those were Obama’s words at the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) just a couple of days ago. He stood up there, just like he did a couple of years ago when he said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” and said that non-Muslims must reject the IGNORANCE that equates Islam with terror.

It’s IGNORANT to equate ISLAM…with TERROR?

Oh really?


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John Kerry Said He Wishes WHAT???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ker-1.jpg?width=236Considering some of the treasonous utterances spewed forth by our current Secretary of the State of Denial…one John Swiftboat Kerry, friend to the North Vietnamese while others wearing the same uniform as Kerry were fighting, being held as prisoners of war, tortured and dying…

I’m not really sure what to say regarding his reported latest pie-hole emanations.

Oh wait…yes I am..

It was reported last Friday, by Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda during an ass in the air and forehead on the floor session in Iran, that during the “negotiations” over just how Kerry would concede on each and every point and allow Iran to have unfettered capability to build a nuclear arsenal, Kerry told his counterpart…that he wished…”the U.S. had a leader like Iran’s supreme leader.”


Before you all go getting mad at Kerry…for the wrong reasons…allow me to point out a few things…


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Disarmed military personnel are sitting ducks for terror attacks

In the wake of the Chattanooga shootings, in which five unnamed U.S. servicemen were murdered by a self-radicalized jihadist, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno suggested that allowing soldiers on base or at recruiting centers “could cause more problems than it solves.”  With all due respect to his service and status, this is nonsense.

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Delusional Obama links climate change and terrorism

President Obama’s assertion in his commencement address to cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy that the rise of ISIS in Syria and Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the brutality of both, is somehow linked to climate change shows just how dangerously detached from reality U.S. foreign policy has become.

For those who wondered why upwards of two hundred thousand have died in Syria, Boko Haram abducts Christian schoolgirls, and ISIS beheads and burns people alive in its reign of terror, the president placed a major part of the blame on fossil fuels and your SUV.

I understand climate change did not cause the conflicts we see around the world, yet what we also know is that severe drought helped to create the instability in Nigeria that was exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram. It's now believed that drought and crop failures and high food prices helped fuel the early unrest in Syria, which descended into civil war in the heart of the Middle East.

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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

isl-1.jpg?width=257Last week, Islamic terrorists…ISLAMIC TERRORISTS…stormed a university in Kenya and barbarically MURDERED 147 Christians…CHRISTIANS. According to Collins Wetangula, the Student Union Vice Chairman…“If you were a Christian you were shot on the spot.”

Other reports stated clearly that the gunmen were asking everybody to quote from the Quran. Those that could were allowed to live…those who couldn’t…were murdered.

The group responsible for the murders was al-Shabaab.

Translated…al-Shabaab means the Youth…in Arabic and the terrorist group is a radical ISLAMIST wing of the Union of ISLAMIC Courts from Somalia that also enlists ISLAMIC JIHADISTS from neighboring countries…the UK and the U.S. to make up it’s nearly 9000 members.

This is the exact same ISLAMIC TERRORIST group that, only 2 years ago, staged an attack in the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi that left 68 dead and in that attack, just like the one last week on the campus of Kenya’s Garissa University…reciting verses from the Quran was the key. Those who could…lived while those who couldn’t…died.

CLEARLY…al- Shabaab is an ISLAMIC terrorist group and just as clearly…their aim is to kill CHRISTIANS which takes us to last week’s statement from the Islamist in the White House regarding the massacre at Garissa University…


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Oh My...Mullah Obama Seems Miffed

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

And SO now we know some very important information regarding Netanyahu’s speech esp-1.jpg?width=251before the joint session of congress.

He was spot on correct in his assessment of the ‘deal’ Obama has been humping for with Iran and the Obama regime has ADMITTED it.

According to the Obama regime…Israel listened in on the secret meetings. They SPIED and they spoke with confidential informants to garner even MORE information regarding those talks. Damn good for Israel.

According to sources, it wasn’t the spying that pissed off the Obama regime…no…it was that Netahyahu delivered a good bit OF that information to congress. THAT’S what has the dictator in a tizzy because the info delivered by Bibi didn’t match up with the information delivered by Obama to members of congress.

Said one senior Obama regime official…“It is one thing for the US and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal US secrets and play them back to US legislators to undermine US diplomacy.”

For their part, Israel denies they engaged in any such spying saying, “These allegations are utterly false. The state of Israel does not conduct espionage against the United States or Israel’s other allies.”

Doesn’t mean they didn’t poke around a bit…or a lot…to get the needed information and after all…the Obama regime DID spy on Israel so…


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