shootings (5)

The Answer To This Question Has Been Right In Front Of Our Faces For A Long Long Time. See If You Agree!
October 5, 2015
Method for Stopping Shooting Rampages Emerges
by Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman

Hard evidence -- not doctor theories, news commentary, conjecture, hyperbole, rumor, innuendo or any other proposals -- clearly shows that the only known way to actually stop spree murderers is to shoot them -- or scare them into shooting themselves. Time and again society has found this works.

According to the evidence, every mass murder in recent times has been halted, in the final analysis, by shooting the murderers, or threatening to shoot them, with guns. Members of the press corps continue to debate the subject, despite the evidence. Sources speaking privately say the media consciously reject this fact. In stark contrast, self-defense incidents using guns are suppressed, by news-media policy, and do not appear on the public stage.

An excellent write up about the censorship of firearms used in self defense appears here --

and here --

Multiple reports of self-defense, accomplished by shooting criminals, appear as paid space in USA Today, which otherwise censors such reports:

Although knowledgeable commentators are still debating the merits of shooting murderers, the visible evidence clearly demonstrates that shooting the perpetrators does take care of the problem. No other solutions have worked.

The only problem identified is the relative slowness of this effective remedy, due mainly to the delay in getting guns to the scene where innocent victims are assaulted. The scenes have virtually always been in supposed "gun-free zones," with posted signs flatly rejected by the perpetrators.

President Barack Hussein Obama, whose middle name is not supposed to be used, went on national TV, twice in the past week, to propose other solutions, which he announced as "politicized." He promised to "continue talking."

Further analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, has determined that background checks, or newly proposed additional background checks, recommended by Mr. Obama and others, would be pointless for people who already own guns, since they already own guns. The best estimates indicate this is about 100 million armed Americans.

And in other analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, waiting periods have no meaning whatsoever for Americans who already own guns, when they go shopping for guns, since they already own guns. That is also 100 million Americans.

Waiting periods have one additional drawback overlooked in mainstream reports. They require the public to trust psychotic individuals who wait five days to get their first gun, to remain calm for the balance of their lives. Somehow, the five-day waiting period doesn't seem like a long enough "cooling off" period, but this has not made it into nightly "news" reports, or the President's commentaries, for reasons that were unclear at press time.

The murderer in Oregon who sparked the recent repetitive debates owned more than a dozen guns, according to early reports, all legally acquired. While Hillary, Mr. Obama and others are still calling for more background checks, they have apparently failed to notice these obvious errors in their plan.

Only new, or "virgin" gun buyers would be affected, most of whom would pass checks anyway, according to leading experts and past experience. The point of adding even more checks, when current checks are not used to take criminals off the streets, was not clear as this report was prepped for release.

"News" commentators have also failed to make this connection, so far, and have repeated the calls from politicians on both sides of the aisle, who are discussing background checks and waiting periods.

The role of ultra-violent body-rending video games, horrific grizzly blood and all gore movies on nightly TV and a debasement of popular American culture at every level has not figured prominently into the president's prolific pronouncements.

The public -- not some famous vilified "the gun lobby" -- rises up loudly to condemn the assault on their fundamental civil and human rights. This is the same 100 million armed Americans mentioned earlier. Some reports suggest it is "only" 80 million armed Americans. The NRA, often cited as "the gun lobby," has only 5 million members.

Counter-Intuitive Man Says:

Referring to murderers as "gun men" is offensive to men, a violation of journalism ethics, due to its biased and prejudicial nature, and sexist.

Calling murderers "gun men" is virtually propaganda against men and firearms.

It denigrates men, it is derogatory, defamatory and it is discriminatory.

What would media and pundits say if a woman was the criminal perpetrator?

The correct terms include murderer, killer, villain, criminal, assailant and perpetrator, without gratuitously singling out gender.

By using the propaganda term "gun man," the media vilifies a tool they frequently demonstrate hatred for, along with men, which agenda-driven political groups seek to demean or belittle. That's simply wrong, and unethical.

Murderers should be called murderers, not gun men. This would help remove the glorification many mass murderers seek, which encourages others to copy their behavior.

By encouraging such behavior, the media shares responsibility for these acts, according to leading national experts, who are speaking out against such behavior in increasing numbers.
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
Author of ten books on gun law
Publisher, Bloomfield Press

P.S. My previous request to the President, to have him call me for common-sense solutions he is not getting from his side of the aisle, has gone unanswered so far. I patiently await. The ideas coming from the TV set are so off base it is hard to imagine they are actually on the air. Has anyone considered education in the schools yet? Schools are currently an empty hole of ignorance on the subject.

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Message From The GOA (Gun Owners of America)
They call it “Misstatements”, the rest of us refer to it a lousy pile of lies one on top of another. You really have to read this in detail, remember it, and share it. The GOA pushes his lies right back into his face. Every time we have something called a "mass shooting", this clown comes out of his office before anyone knows any of the details and starts talking "mass gun control laws".
Response to the President
Created: Friday, 02 October 2015
GOA Responds to the President on the Oregon Shooting
-- Top Ten misstatements made by Obama

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You Can't Legislate Away Morons

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stap-1.jpg?width=152It was the 4th of July and after drinking,, 22 year old Devon Staples of Calais Maine thought it would be…funny…if he placed a fireworks “mortar” tube on top of his head…dropped a round into it and lit the fuse.

According to his older brother, Cody, who said that friends apparently tried to dissuade him…“Devon was not the kind of person who would do something stupid. He was the kind of person who would pretend to do something stupid to make people laugh.”

It was the last thing Devon Staples ever did.

When the round ignited…it killed him instantly. Again, according to Cody Staples, who was just a few feet away…“There was no rushing him to the hospital. There was no Devon left when I got there.”

We are not talking about some kid here. This was not some adolescent playing with fireworks sans adult supervision. This was a full grown idiot who should have known better but let’s get back to his brother, Cody, for a moment.

Cody Staples, 25 years old, is on record describing the event this way…


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4063791430?profile=original             Jesse Lewis and his mom Scarlett Lewis - Photo Credit - Fox News

As the morning chill of December crept across the Newtown, Conn. landscape 26 families had their lives and their town torn apart by gun fire targeted at innocent elementary school children and staff.  The Anniversary of that horrific day when Adam Lanza stalked and murdered 26,  six and seven year old children and adult staff at Sandy Hook Elementary school has left an indelible imprint upon the survivor parents, and family members.

Now a year later the murderous mark of the psychologically deranged young man can still be felt on a town that is still working to heal.  America itself is making that same attempt to again come to grips with how precious little children can have their lives literally torn from them and why this madman did this.

The words are hard to come by as some of the parents gathered on Monday to talk about what the town and the nation could do to help honor the memory of their lost.  The creation of a website called  which depicts the photographs as well as some of the memories is but one way they are honoring the victims.  They are also requesting that the focus of the Anniversary should be on acts of kindness is the better legacy that Americans should share, according to Reuters.

One of the parents described her tragic loss to Fox News of her six-year-old son Jesse Lewis.  Looking at a literal shrine of paintings and photographs, Scarlett Lewis said, “He’s missed every day.”

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I recently sent this link out to a number of friends.   

 I know some of them are very conservative, some are liberal, some are military, some are teachers and college professors.  I expected to hear the whole gamut of comments.  One of the most disturbing is from, an otherwise intelligent, retired college professor, a PhD.    

Below is what he said, and my reply.  What do you think?  We had all better prepare ourselves for these conversations.  Our politicians can't agree to fix the tax code, cut spending, or balance a budget; but they rammed through Obamacare and they are building support to ram through their unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership.

Sent: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 5:21 pm
Subject: Re: Breeding Ground for School Shooter

I respect your opinion, but I disagree.
First: the term "assault rifle" is a vague misnomer.  Any rifle can be an assault weapon.  For the military, their "assault rifles" are capable of firing AUTOMATICALLY or in 3 shot bursts.  The civilian versions, while similar in "appearance", have no such capability. The civilian versions operate just like any other semi-automatic rifle.
Second: Our 2nd Amendment, like our 1st, does not have "qualifiers".  In fact it specifically states that it is an unalienable right meaning, the government did not grant us this right; it is a right derived by virtue of being born a free person.  It also stipulates that the government may NOT restrict that right.  We already allow certain restrictions by permitting background checks, and limiting military weapons to either the military or police, or in rare occassions individuals who go through a lengthy permitting process and pay the government a license fee.  No average, everyday citizen, crazy or not, has access to those types of weapons.
Third:  Even though I may not desire to own an AR-15 or AK-47 "style" of rifle, I detest some bureaucrat telling me that, as a free, law abiding, sane, citizen that I am not trustworthy enough to own one.  They, nor you, have that right, just as no one has the right to tell me which church to go to or what newspaper to buy. 
Fourth:  Having a weapon, of choice, that an individual is competent at shooting, is EXACTLY the point.  It does have a direct relationship on a person's "self-defense", the AR style rifles ARE indeed used in hunting, sport shooting, competitve/recreational shooting.  In fact, they are one of the most widely used guns in America today.
Fifth:  Your comment: "People who would buy such weapons are precisely the ones we don't want 
to have them."
  Is not only inaccurate, but displays a lack of understanding of the real underlying causes for these tragedies.  As stated previously, many, sane, competent, decent, law abiding Americans currently own these rifles and enjoy using them for a variety of lawful purposes; the guns, their caliber,  their capacity, nor their appearance are the problem.  These shootings did not happen because the shooter had an AR-15; they happened because the shooter was, for whatever mental or emotional reason, not acting rationally and committed a heinous crime while breaking the existing laws.
  More laws will not fix the problems with evil, crazy, irrational behavior.
I am saddened, and sickened by the carnage this single person inflicted on so many families.  Like most people who see it, I am angry.  Rationally, I realize, I cannot be angry at the gun or the millions of Americans who choose to own and use that type of gun in their own "pursuit of happiness" that is guaranteed under our constitution.  I am ANGRY as hell at a society that fails to place the blame where the blame should be; on the individual who committed the crime, and his family and friends who supported him and enabled him.  I am ANGRY that the American culture has declined to such a state that we no longer mourn the deaths of millions of unborn babies by abortion; in fact, we elected a man to the Presidency who not only supported late term abortion, he voted for and even went so far as stating that an aborted late term baby, that happens to survive, should be left to die because that was the mother's intent.  Talk about callous!  Talk about insensitive!  Talk about disgusting!
I am also saddened that intelligent people, such as yourself, are inclined to accept a knee jerk reaction, which will not solve the real causes of much deeper societal problems of mental health, drug abuse, etc.
We have some really serious problems in society today.  We should be brave enough to face the facts that several generations of permissiveness  decaying moral values, political correctness, drugs, and the destruction of the traditional family are more at fault than a specific type of firearm.  There have been guns around for centuries.  True, until the 20th century we didn't have high capacity, weapons, but we have had semi-automatics since the early 20th century and it has only been in the past couple of decades that we've seen this level of violence perpetrated on our most vulnerable citizens.  Rather than rushing to judge those who legally own, and lawfully use, these weapons, I would encourage you to get involved in a meaningful investigation and dialogue to put the blame where it should be and begin to change society's value system rather than restrict a free American's constitutional right to keep the arms he or she chooses will best suit them.


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