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Liberal Agenda invades Sunday Night Football

Americans who tuned in to watch Sunday Night football were treated to a heavy dose of anti-gun rights propaganda by sports anchor turned anti-gun zealot, Bob Costas.

NBC provided a platform for Costas, an avowed liberal, to spring his anti-gun rights agenda on an unsuspecting audience.

To make matters worse, Costas and NBC tried to pretend these were not their official positions by having Costas quote an anti-gun column, where the author blamed our "gun culture" for the murder of an innocent woman, which acted as a virtual endorsement of the gun-grabbing agenda.

If you think it's inappropriate for NBC to push its radical leftist agenda during sporting events, please contact NBC Sports Vice Presidents of Communication Chris McCloskey and Adam Freifeld by phone at 212-664-5598 or 212-664-6772 and by email at and and let them know that a football game is no time for gun-grabbing propaganda.

It's unconscionable that NBC Sports exploited the tragic murder-suicide involving a Kansas City Chiefs player and the mother of his child to promote the Radical Left's agenda of banning guns.

The liberal media have more than enough outlets to promote a left-wing ideology. Call or email NBC and let them know that football night in America is a time for football, not left-wing politics.

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The White House and the media would have you believe that the financial crisis we're facing as a nation can be corrected by taxing the rich and making them "pay their fair share," as the President likes to say. But that's simply not the case.

The Obama administration is predicting that the average American family will pay upwards of $2,200 more in taxes next year, if Congress cannot come to a workable agreement. But the reality is that we will likely be paying far more than the White House estimates.

With most of the debate centered on raising taxes on the wealthiest two percent of Americans, the truth -- according to Erskine Bowles, the co-chair of the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles deficit-reduction task force and the former White House Chief of Staff -- is that households making more than $100,000 will be hit especially hard if the January 1 deadline isn't reached. And here's why:
Back in the 1960s the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) was created to make certain the very wealthy paid "a minimum amount of tax." However, according to the Washington Post, in the years since its creation, the AMT grew to include Americans making from $200,000 to $1 million.
To prevent the AMT from being applied to Americans making less, Congress developed what the Post labels a "patch."
If no deal is reached, and we do plunge off the financial cliff, that patch comes off -- impacting millions of American families -- including 84 percent of married couples with total incomes ranging from $75,000-$100,000, and who have at least two children.

In fact, The Tax Policy Center estimates that more than half of married couples will see a $4,000 increase in their taxes. Even worse: "A third of families with children will have to pay the AMT as well, with parents of three or more children facing an extra tax of up to $4,700."

And it doesn't stop with the AMTs:
The payroll tax holiday enacted in 2010 is set to expire, which would trigger another $1,000 in payroll taxes!

Should the Bush tax cuts expire, it would raise tax rates on certain deductions, but the middle class will be hit especially hard. This makes if challenging to stop Obama's inane tax plan and demanding no new taxes as a means to resolve the fiscal cliff!

It is thrilling that tens of thousands of Americans have responded so adamantly in their rejection of President Obama's ridiculous offer as proposed, to raise taxes on the top 1% of high income tax payers; while at the same time denying that everyone's taxes are in jeopardy, and he believes that all of the people are completely ignorant of any irregularities or he's choosing to ignore them entirely!
Don't allow the media or this administration to fool our friends and family members into thinking they won't be impacted by Obama's tax plan. Remind the Administration that 'We-the-People' are alarmed, and becoming more determined to voice their concerns and outrage. As you know, the middle class has realized that they will be hit the hardest!

Almost everyone is aware, that the President created this crisis as a way to gain more power, to raise taxes and grow government even bigger -- at his discretion! The fact that he is asking to be able raise the debt limit, as he determines necessity, and that the Republican Majority should lay-down, stop all resistance, as he ascends to dictatorship! What he is asking is totally unconstitutional. And absolutely absurd; as it is so obviously a political response on his part to go beyond all sensibilities; and attempts to destroy everyone that has dared to question him publicly and provoked his contempt.
His success or failure depends largely on his continued roughshod tactics to go around congress, and the Constitution of the United States of America, and violate his 'Oath of Office'

Thank you, in advance, for the stand you're taking.

ALL IN WITH JESUS CHRIST ~Rev. Jerry L. Robertson


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4063631957?profile=original            Bob Costas Attacks 2nd Amendment Gun Rights During NBC football game

                                       to deny gun owners protection

On Sunday night, NBC sportscaster Bob Costas decided during a Halftime break to tell America that your Second Amendment gun rights should be dialed back if not eliminated. He was reacting to the Saturday morning murder-suicide committed by Jovan Belcher, former linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs. According to police officials, Belcher’s chose a gun to murder his 22-year-old girlfriend Kasandra M. Perkins, in an apparent domestic violence dispute.

Did Costas misuse his position as a sports commentator to decide upon his own, without knowing the factual circumstances of the domestic dispute? Was he legitimate in broadcasting a determination before law enforcement authorities had completed their investigation, of Belcher’s use of a gun to commit both her murder and his suicide? Should he have linked the murders to a condemnation of legal gun owners in 43-55 million households in America?

While the nation grieves for the murders which are devastating for both families and the young 3-month old child of the dead parents, Bob Costas decided to become judge, jury and executioner of the Second Amendment guarantees, by issuing a political verbal assault during the halftime show of the game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles.

There is a line in the sand that legitimate law abiding gun owners must draw and it must be firmly placed and unmovable. The use of the public airwaves to continue the assault against the U.S. Constitution is not something that should be continuously witnessed nor permitted to go unchallenged.

Why didn’t Costas do his homework before he went on the air with his fictional beliefs? Sure, there has been an increase in firearm ownership. In fact, there are approximately 43-55 million households in America with guns, which is about 43 to 50% of US households. Yet, what Costas neglected to mention is that with the increase of legal gun ownership in America, there has been a steady decline of murders due to gun violence. An armed American is a safer American.

Instead, Costas plays upon the fearful images that are fortified in the conscious of the nation, by media imagrey of horrific assault and murders of innocents like Aurora, Colorado's murder in July. With the attack by shooting suspect James Holmes charged with 24 counts of first-degree murder, liberal gun control advocates targeted the Second Amendment as the convenient villain.

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanded more detailed gun control measures from both presidential candidates, Obama and Romney. He stated in July, “I can tell you what we do here in New York. The State Legislature passed the toughest gun laws.”

It must be very comforting for families of victims who could not fight back, that with New York State’s stricter gun controls the murder rate has remained close to the current 4.0 and 4.05 per 100,000 as it has for last several years. In New York City, the tough “Stop and Frisk” measures have been attributed by law enforcement as the real solution to the lowering of gun murders in New York City, not tougher gun control laws.

So where does that leave law abiding citizens who continue to be victimized by liberal media pundits, as well as network news and sportscasters who feel compelled to interject personal opinions and nonsensical fabrications and cast them into cement as news?


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So your 60 now what?

Your medical care being reduced and your told its a tax cut,minority rules and your told its a "fairness issue , self defense is illegal and your told its a crime issue, illegal entry into the country and your told it's an immigration fairness issue, Foreign entities dictating US policy and your told its Global demands, religion is demonized and your told it's separation of Church and State, immoral unions and your told it's equality, rising cost of education due to Unions and non-documented students and your told it's a lack of tax dollars, Ambassadors abducted and assassinated and your told it was a reaction to a video.

I could go on for days but instead I just want to know who will stand and be held accountability not only in Government but your personal choices?

As I've turned 60 ,the United Sates I fought for and protested against is not the same United States that I live in today!

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Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome

“‘Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful, good society’ which shall now be Rome’s, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.’ — Marcus Tullius Cicero”

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Yes, I am still around.  I am looking around for a folks who have a vision-path for the next few years.  I am tired of stagnation.  I know that the conservative, constitutionalist, tea party folks, 9/12ers and others are tired of watching the ship go down, and the deck hands (Congress) pointing blame at each other instead of fixing the leaks.  It is time for the patrons on the sinking ship to save the ship.

And to that end,…

Do to others as you would like them to do to you.  ~ Luke 6:31

Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, 1825

I couldn’t say it any better.  Now, it’s time to pass this message to our federally elected employees.  Tell them to fix this mess that THEY made, or step aside.  The sooner, the better.

Take care, God bless and especially, ESPECIALLY at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Allen West Paid Price For Uppity Patriotism

Congressman Allen West made a big mistake! He thinks he's an American Black instead of a Black American.
What's the difference some ask?
If you're centrist right or left and of primarily African ancestry, your definition of " Black American" spans a spectrum running the gamut from Thurgood Marshall to Clarence Thomas, representing the two majority camps in the community using that term.
Far left Black folks interpret " Black American " as meaning political prisoners owing allegiance to the former, not the latter. They view America as their "enemy"; 'oppressor" and other often-cited terms.
Conservatives like Congressman Allen West see themselves as American Blacks, citizens whose loyalty is first to this country and then our community.
Black folks aren't political prisoners according to community members like West. We're Americans who've been disenfranchised by a double dose of past domestic segregation and imported socialism,
While Black dissidents passionately hate America and White conservatives, their rage at patriots like West is apoplectic. 
They form a rancid rainbow coalition with White leftists who hate America too to launch private COINTELPRO-style attacks against Black conservatives.
Every kind of racist, lurid language was deployed to smear West as a race-traitor; war criminal and dupe for White supremacists.
His outspoken patriotism and forcefulness made them fear a conservative ":Black Messiah" who'd lure  Blacks and others away from the Left.
Ironically, just as prejudiced 1960s public/private partnerships targeted charismatic civil rights and nationalist leaders from Dr. King to Malcolm X, Congressman West experienced the liberal version.
Toppling this charismatic conservative spokesman became top priority for the  Obama administration; the Democratic National Committee and Black America's pigmentary politburo.
Hoover's FBI used poison pen campaigns to break up activist's marriages and start war between rival groups. One prime example are the original Black Panthers and socialist scholar Ron Karenga's US ( United Slaves ) organization .
Karenga ( SEE PHOTO ) is also alleged by detractors to have been an FBI informant during this
same turbulent time period.
Congressman West frequent media appearances were rebutted by a national rumor mill; campaign ads depicting him hitting White women and a new low: spinning wartime love letters to his wife as imaginary proof of sexual deviancy.   
The letter stunt reminded me of FBI tapes documenting Dr King's alleged extramarital affairs mailed to his wife and the more recent Anita Hill disinformation campaign, deployed during Justice Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.     
Racists on both sides of the aisle demonize Blacks deemed"uppity." In their narrow minds, only opinions aligned with theirs are permissible, Allen West scares liberals. Someone as forceful as Farrakhan who isn't anti-White and anti-Semitic makes them tremble.
A biased Black base  keeps Democrats in power. Serious threats to that strangle hold must be discredited.
Congressman West reelection defeat is seen as effectively silencing him. All they've done is given the Right its greatest proof of the bigotry infesting the modern Left.
Allen West is an "uppity" Black patriot liberals feared would lure American Blacks away from the Democratic Party.
I also think they worry he's a future presidential contender. 
I hope they're right. The more "uppity" patriots like Allen West  we get, the fewer liberal front men; politicians; crack dealers; gangs and addicts Black America has to endure.
Sounds like the promised land to me! 
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party says:
" Black conservatism isn't a crime!"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Help Others! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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"I Have Sworn Upon the Altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

May we all do likewise.  I have faith the Constitution will be upheld and preserved by those that survive the holocaust that is coming.  Be prepared, do good things, keep the faith, and hold fast to those who will do likewise.  There are more on our side than on the side of the opposition -- you may just have to look beyond the veil to see them and know that they are there.

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4063638769?profile=original A call to repentance… What wicked soul has tore us asunder that we should be without hope…too, suffer the torrid horror of this present state? ‘tis but the long delayed decay… wrought by a derelict mind, set loose among our progeny… whose innocence, now destroyed is left to wonder at its loss.

Where then comes this wickedness… but from a forlorn mind; whose, abandon of its better course is now driven too recklessness. Thinking too find a better world, it has brought ruin too many… whose, hope abandoned their fathers purpose; to take up with lesser men in pursuit of a mean course.

There they wait for the inevitable end… too, hear the pronouncement of the writing upon the wall… Mene, Mene, Tekel, upahrsin. The days of this nation are numbered. It has been weighed and found wanting. It shall be divided among the nations, to become a byword unto every foul bird. Let it be known, little time remains… for the wayward to repent and a Nation to be saved.

Who will stand with the Lord to be numbered among the righteous… let him stand now. For, the time is upon us when good men must no longer hold with the piety of silence… They must now speak or forever hold their peace. Behold, a great shaking is upon the Church… and many shall fall away for the love of the world.

RA Nelson

COL. US Army (Ret)

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4063638745?profile=original           Jaime Foxx calls Barack Obama ‘Lord and Savior’  and elevates

            him to a deity to be worshiped and sworn allegiance to.

America should not be surprised that actor and comedian Jaime Foxx shouted on stage that President Barack Obama was ‘Lord and Savior’ at a recent Soul Train Award Show. The nation has come to expect this type of sacrilegious behavior from religiously bankrupt Hollywood performers and entertainers. The true disappointment is how this increasing display of idiocracy in motion continues to influence the young of this nation.

This should be upsetting for Americans of faith and especially for the parents and family members of those in the audience who applauded this walking spiritually disappointing comedian. For those who are Christian, the fact that Foxx repeated Barack Obama’s, name in order to receive another, and even louder shout out for the hip-hop President underscores the rudderless spiritual state being created in America.

What was the purpose for this type of behavior, except that Foxx and many in the audience are truly disconnected from who Christ is and the importance God and Christ played in the formation of America? To trivialize the very Christian underpinnings of this nation demonstrates a tragic naiveté of Foxx, as well as the audience.

If Foxx or any of his Hollywood followers of the cult of Obama had bothered to spend a minutia of time on Samuel Adams or any of the founding fathers of this nation, perhaps their spiritual bankruptcy would not be so glaring. It was Samuel Adams, the often regarded Father of the American Revolution, who stated at the signing of the Declaration of Independence:

"We have this day restored the Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His kingdom come..” Samuel Adams

It was President Ronald Reagan who saw and warned against the escalation of American liberalized abandonment of God and Christ. It is this abandonment which Jaime Foxx and others were learning during the 1970’s and 80’s that he warned against.

Reagan stressed:
“I believe with all my heart that standing up for America means standing up for the God who has so blessed our land. We need God's help to guide our nation through stormy seas. But we can't expect Him to protect America in a crisis if we just leave Him over on the shelf in our day-to-day living.”

Yet, it is Jaime Foxx, the jokester in chief who elevated Obama, the unaccomplished-in-chief to deity status. Jesus Christ was not given a back seat, or left on a shelf. He was actually unceremoniously shown the door, much to the apparent delight of the black people, and others in the audience who applauded.

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How did Palestine come into existence?

This is a good article from the Tzemech News Service that I came across.  It provides a clear but brief picture of what happened to Israel and how Palestine came to be.

The History and Meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians"

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian Arab nation . . . Palestine is a name the Romans gave to Eretz Yisrael with the express purpose of infuriating the Jews . . . . Why should we use the spiteful name meant to humiliate us?

The British chose to call the land they mandated Palestine, and the Arabs picked it up as their nation's supposed ancient name, though they couldn't even pronounce it correctly and turned it into Falastin a fictional entity." — Golda Meir quoted by Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post, 25 November 1995

Palestine has never existed . . . as an autonomous entity. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of one percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today . . . No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. — from "Myths of the Middle East", Joseph Farah, Arab-American editor and journalist, WorldNetDaily, 11 October 2000

From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries . . . . — Professor Bernard Lewis, Commentary Magazine, January 1975

Talk and writing about Israel and the Middle East feature the nouns "Palestine" and Palestinian", and the phrases "Palestinian territory" and even "Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory". All too often, these terms are used with regard to their historical or geographical meaning, so that the usage creates illusions rather than clarifies reality.

What Does "Palestine" Mean?

It has never been the name of a nation or state. It is a geographical term, used to designate the region at those times in history when there is no nation or state there.

The Philistines were not Arabs, they were not Semites. They had no connection ... with Arabia or Arabs.

The word itself derives from "Peleshet", a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as "Philistine". The name began to be used in the Thirteenth Century BCE, for a wave of migrant "Sea Peoples" who came from the area of the Aegean Sea and the Greek Islands and settled on the southern coast of the land of Canaan. There they established five independent city-states (including Gaza) on a narrow strip of land known as Philistia. The Greeks and Romans called it "Palastina".

The Philistines were not Arabs, they were not Semites. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. The name "Falastin" that Arabs today use for "Palestine" is not an Arabic name. It is the Arab pronunciation of the Greco-Roman "Palastina" derived from the Peleshet.

How Did the Land of Israel Become "Palestine"?

In the First Century CE, the Romans crushed the independent kingdom of Judea. After the failed rebellion of Bar Kokhba in the Second Century CE, the Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.

The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Some of those who survived still alive and free left the devastated country, but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land. There was never a time when there were not Jews and Jewish communities, though the size and conditions of those communities fluctuated greatly.

The History of Palestine

Thousands of years before the Romans invented "Palastina" the land had been known as "Canaan". The Canaanites had many tiny city-states, each one at times independent and at times a vassal of an Egyptian or Hittite king. The Canaanites never united into a state.

After the Exodus from Egypt — probably in the Thirteenth Century BCE but perhaps earlier — the Children of Israel settled in the land of Canaan. There they formed first a tribal confederation, and then the Biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and the post-Biblical kingdom of Judea.

Israel-Judah-Judea has the only united, independent, sovereign nation-state that ever existed in "Palestine" west of the Jordan River.

From the beginning of history to this day, Israel-Judah-Judea has the only united, independent, sovereign nation-state that ever existed in "Palestine" west of the Jordan River. (In Biblical times, Ammon, Moab and Edom as well as Israel had land east of the Jordan, but they disappeared in antiquity and no other nation took their place until the British invented Trans-Jordan in the 1920s.)

After the Roman conquest of Judea, "Palastina" became a province of the pagan Roman Empire and then of the Christian Byzantine Empire, and very briefly of the Zoroastrian Persian Empire. In 638 CE, an Arab-Muslim Caliph took Palastina away from the Byzantine Empire and made it part of an Arab-Muslim Empire. The Arabs, who had no name of their own for this region, adopted the Greco-Roman name Palastina, that they pronounced "Falastin".

In that period, much of the mixed population of Palastina converted to Islam and adopted the Arabic language. They were subjects of a distant Caliph who ruled them from his capital, that was first in Damascus and later in Baghdad. They did not become a nation or an independent state, or develop a distinct society or culture.

In 1099, Christian Crusaders from Europe conquered Palestina-Falastin. After 1099, it was never again under Arab rule. The Christian Crusader kingdom was politically independent, but never developed a national identity. It remained a military outpost of Christian Europe, and lasted less than 100 years. Thereafter, Palestine was joined to Syria as a subject province first of the Mameluks, ethnically mixed slave-warriors whose center was in Egypt, and then of the Ottoman Turks, whose capital was in Istanbul.

During the First World War, the British took Palestine from the Ottoman Turks. At the end of the war, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and among its subject provinces "Palestine" was assigned to the British, to govern temporarily as a mandate from the League of Nations.

The Jewish National Home

Travellers to Palestine from the Western world left records of what they saw there. The theme throughout their reports is dismal: The land was empty, neglected, abandoned, desolate, fallen into ruins

Nothing there [Jerusalem] to be seen but a little of the old walls which is yet remaining and all the rest is grass, moss and weeds. — English pilgrim in 1590

The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is of a body of population — British consul in 1857

There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent [valley of Jezreel] — not for 30 miles in either direction. . . . One may ride 10 miles hereabouts and not see 10 human beings.

For the sort of solitude to make one dreary, come to Galilee . . . Nazareth is forlorn . . . Jericho lies a moldering ruin . . . Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and humiliation . . . untenanted by any living creature . . . .

A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds . . a silent, mournful expanse . . . a desolation . . . . We never saw a human being on the whole route . . . . Hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country . . . .

Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes . . . desolate and unlovely . . . . — Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1867

Their [the Jews] labors created newer and better conditions and opportunities

The restoration of the "desolate and unlovely" land began in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century with the first Jewish pioneers. Their labors created newer and better conditions and opportunities, which in turn attracted migrants from many parts of the Middle East, both Arabs and others.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917, confirmed by the League of Nations Mandate, commited the British Government to the principle that "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object. . . . " It was specified both that this area be open to "close Jewish settlement" and that the rights of all inhabitants already in the country be preserved and protected.

Mandate Palestine originally included all of what is now Jordan, as well as all of what is now Israel, and the territories between them. However, when Great Britain's protégé Emir Abdullah was forced to leave the ancestral Hashemite domain in Arabia, the British created a realm for him that included all of Manfate Palestine east of the Jordan River. There was no traditional or historic Arab name for this land, so it was called after the river: first Trans-Jordan and later Jordan.

By this political act, that violated the conditions of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate, the British cut more than 75 percent out of the Jewish National Home. No Jew has ever been permitted to reside in Trans-Jordan/Jordan.

Less than 25 percent then remained of Mandate Palestine, and even in this remnant, the British violated the Balfour and Mandate requirements for a "Jewish National Home" and for "close Jewish settlement". They progressively restricted where Jews could buy land, where they could live, build, farm or work.

After the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel was finally able to settle some small part of those lands from which the Jews had been debarred by the British. Successive British governments regularly condemn their settlement as "illegal". In truth, it was the British who had acted illegally in banning Jews from these parts of the Jewish National Home.

Who Is A Palestinian?

During the period of the Mandate, it was the Jewish population that was known as "Palestinians" including those who served in the British Army in World War II.

Jews who might have developed the empty lands of 'Palestine' ... instead died in the gas chambers of Europe

British policy was to curtail their numbers and progressively limit Jewish immigration. By 1939, the White Paper virtually put an end to admission of Jews to Palestine. This policy was imposed the most stringently at the very time this Home was most desperately needed — after the rise of Nazi power in Europe. Jews who might have developed the empty lands of Palestine and left progeny there, instead died in the gas chambers of Europe or in the seas they were trying to cross to the Promised Land.

At the same time that the British slammed the gates on Jews, they permitted or ignored massive illegal immigration into Western Palestine from Arab countries Jordan, Syria, Egypt, North Africa. In 1939, Winston Churchill noted that "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied . . . ." Exact population statistics may be problematic, but it seems that by 1947 the number of Arabs west of the Jordan River was approximately triple of what it had been in 1900.

The current myth is that these Arabs were long established in Palestine, until the Jews came and "displaced" them. The fact is, that recent Arab immigration into Palestine "displaced" the Jews. That the massive increase in Arab population was very recent is attested by the ruling of the United Nations: That any Arab who had lived in Palestine for two years and then left in 1948 qualifies as a "Palestinian refugees".

Casual use of population statistics for Jews and Arabs in Palestine rarely consider how the proportions came to be. One factor was the British policy of keeping out Jews while bringing in Arabs. Another factor was the violence used to kill or drive out Jews even where they had been long established.

For one example: The Jewish connection with Hebron goes back to Abraham, and there has been an Israelite/Jewish community there since Joshua long before it was King David's first capital. In 1929, Arab rioters with the passive consent of the British — killed or drove out virtually the entire Jewish community.

It is now often proposed as a principle of international law and morality that all places that the British and the Arabs rendered Judenrein must forever remain so.

For another example: In 1948, Trans-Jordan seized much of Judea and Samaria (which they called The West Bank) and East Jerusalem and the Old City. They killed or drove out every Jew.

It is now often proposed as a principle of international law and morality that all places that the British and the Arabs rendered Judenrein must forever remain so. In contrast, Israel eventually allotted 17 percent of Mandate Palestine has a large and growing population of Arab citizens.

From Palestine To Israel

What was to become of "Palestine" after the Mandate? This question was taken up by various British and international commissions and other bodies, culminating with the United Nations in 1947. During the various deliberations, Arab officials, spokesmen and writers expressed their views on "Palestine".

"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it." — Local Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937

"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not" — Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946

"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria." — Ahmed Shukairy, United Nations Security Council, 1956

By 1948, the Arabs had still not yet discovered their ancient nation of Falastin. When they were offered half of Palestine west of the Jordan River for a state, the offer was violently rejected. Six Arab states launched a war of annihilation against the nascent State of Israel. Their purpose was not to establish an independent Falastin. Their aim was to partition western Palestine amongst themselves.

They did not succeed in killing Israel, but Trans-Jordan succeeded in taking Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and East Jerusalem, killing or driving out all the Jews who had lived in those places, and banning Jews of all nations from Jewish holy places. Egypt succeeded in taking the Gaza Strip. These two Arab states held these lands until 1967. Then they launched another war of annihilation against Israel, and in consequence lost the lands they had taken by war in 1948.

During those 19 years, 1948-1967, Jordan and Egypt never offered to surrendar those lands to make up an independent state of Falastin. The "Palestinians" never sought it. Nobody in the world ever suggested it, much less demanded it.

Finally, in 1964, the Palestine Liberation Movement was founded. Ahmed Shukairy, who less than 10 years earlier had denied the existence of Palestine, was its first chairman. Its charter proclaimed its sole purpose to be the destruction of Israel. To that end it helped to precipitate the Arab attack on Israel in 1967.

The outcome of that attack then inspired an alteration in public rhetoric. As propaganda, it sounds better to speak of the liberation of Falastin than of the destruction of Israel. Much of the world, governments and media and public opinion, accept virtually without question of serious analysis the new-sprung myth of an Arab nation of Falastin, whose territory is unlawfully occupied by the Jews.

Since the end of World War I, the Arabs of the Middle East and North Africa have been given independent states in 99.5 percent of the land they claimed. Lord Balfour once expressed his hope that when the Arabs had been given so much, they would "not begrudge" the Jews the "little notch" promised to them.

[Note: Some of the material cited above is drawn from the book From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters.]

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The Superior God

In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself.  Unless you know God as that--and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison--you do not know God at all.   C. S. Lewis

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“ So In Return, We Should Spank the Democrats and Liberals ?”4063638561?profile=original

“ So In Return, We Should Spank the Democrats and Liberals ?”

Did you hear what radio program host Mike Malloy said recently about taking violence against those who identify with the Tea Party Movement ? If you already heard his words, then you know what I mean when I say WOW ! I have definitely noticed that the Democrats have been more aggressive in their words of venomous hate speech towards Christians, Jews, people who call themselves
Conservatives” and so on. I see most hatred coming from people like Mike Malloy especially towards God of the Bible, and Christians, but now we have words of actual violence being perpetrated towards those who consider themselves as part of the Tea Party movement. His actual words here minus the blot out of one offensive word(let's try to keep this blog “rated PG shall we ?) were “These Tea Bag *&%&&%$ who by the way, I wish would all go away-or, like Passover, I just wish there was an angel of the Lord that would pass over-instead of killing the first born in all the households of Egypt just wipe out all the Tea Baggers.”

What do you with people who spew such vile things like that ? No....Seriously, what do you do with them? The US and State Government don't do anything to remove evil these days(the truth being told, the government is the active and largest participant in acts of evil aggression) part of the answer to my question no doubt can be found in Matthew 5 where Jesus said to “pray for your enemies” and indeed we should love them enough to do so but if you take a look at this Mike Malloy character, he is adamant and certainly not alone in his attitude of wishing death upon good people in America and around the world. The fact is, there are many others just like Malloy who are increasingly becoming not only verbally violent but also in the matter of physical attacks against those who are Christians, Conservatives and good people everywhere, including us who are 'Tea Baggers.” As I mentioned earlier regarding the issues of our evil “government”, it is not interested in helping us, only hurting us by not stopping such evils as the growing practice of roving gangs attacking people with motive of racial hatred and in doing so, are acting out just what Obama advised people like these gang members to do. In his own twisted ideology when he spoke to his Liberal, Democratic, Socialist and Communist supporters Obama told them to “ get revenge.” Today, even after the election, you can still hear the coded words by Obama to his supporters to bring on violence when he says such things like... “elections have consequences.” Such words can only bring division through unjustified or imaginary hatred already in twisted hateful hearts and Obama is well aware of this. In fact, Obama being the master manipulator that he is(just like the devil), is quite aware of the evil that lurks in many hearts here in America and he uses such evil hearted people at every chance he can get to bring about the destruction of our nation that he so desires. It's all about their war of “us verses them” mentality.

Mike Malloy is one such evil hearted person that is being used by Obama. To say such wicked things as what Malloy and many other evil media commentators state can only “egg on” already twisted hearts to take violent actions as I shared before. In Obama's book entitled; “Dreams From My Father , we see that the current “President” outlined in various ways how he envisioned an America that would be “radically changed” and to be “less influential in the world.” Obama's plan of action for America was to change the entire nation to a form of Communism where labor unions, Feminists, and others who hate God would tear down Capitalism, Christianity and everything good about our once great nation and everyone would instead become part of the “new America” where a Communist government plan that the government is god, not God of the Bible. We know through lessons of history however, that Communism. We also through lessons of history are well aware that Communist agitators use “workers” and labor unions as well as those who have the feeling of have been “oppressed” to rise up in unity and “over throw” legitimate governments. We have been warned in the past about people like Malloy and Obama who speak out of “both sides of their mouth” to divide us through Communist propaganda but I'm afraid many American's have already forgotten these important historical lessons. Remember this short movie ?, perhaps it is an old film but is worth viewing...

What we are now seeing in our society today, are mouth pieces for violent Communist revolution favoring Obama and his wish to change the US into a purely Communist State. Have you noticed all the propaganda and lies coming from much of the media these days ? News Agencies such as MSNBC, ABC, NBC, ABC(don't think you're getting away with your propaganda either FOX News !) and others are as guilty of promoting evil as they are in purposely omitting the truth when they do report news items with a purposeful distorted version of “truth.” Propaganda is propaganda and as far as I'm concerned, very few news outlets these days don't participate in manipulating news to fit in favor of Obama and his deceptively evil ways. It's scary in a way that there are so many people who are fooled in believing these news organizations, it really is frightening. In fact, so much so in the way of American's believing much of what they see and hear from people just like Mike Malloy(Ed Schultz, Alan Combs, “choose your poison”...), that people actually voted for Obama, and he won the last Presidential election.

It is no mistake that Obama won re-election. Every trick was used by him and his entourage of evilists to get people to vote for Obama(legally and illegally). If you noticed, labor unions, people of color, illegal immigrants endorse and promote Obama and people like Mike Malloy. Now I'm not trying to say that everyone who belongs to a labor union, is a person or color, or legal aliens supports Obama-no that would be utter non-sense, but facts are facts and we need to look at how now that Obama is re-elected, the violent rhetoric by these groups/individuals fits a certain pattern of people with hearts of past hurts or feelings of being rejection and thus easily influenced by evil. It is all becoming increasingly violent, all with Obama's approval and endorsement you can hear and now see the boldness of evil doers to make real threats and acts of violence against people who have no or very little power to change someone else's circumstances. If you cannot see what I see, then I ask you to look at the US Economy, which is increasingly getting worse, why would more and more labor unions take on the idea of large scale strikes against American industry ? With our economy going down the toilet, why would any person who really wants to work, vote to not accept a contract to save their job and so that a company would not close forever ? Was not Hostess Corp. just closed forever because of such tactics ? Why now with the US Economy ready to collapse is Walmart, McDonald’s and other companies that are still hiring folks being picketed and targeted by labor unions ? Do we not remember the labor unions harassing ordinary citizens with physical violence during the national elections? Cannot people see a pattern here that labor unions are part of Obama's plan to take our nation to a Communist State and do so in violent means if necessary ?

So what is the answer with all this increasing words and actions of violence against us people who love God and America ? Should we only pray ? Should we defend ourselves ? What should we do now so that we can get our nation back ?Well, looking at the Bible(oh, the jesus butterfly lovers will hate me more now), “yes”, yes” and “do more than pray” is the answer to all the questions I asked. In fact, God demands justice for what he considers in doing good. He hates lies and violence against those who purport injustice. So we are left no choice really... It appears as everyone is clearly choosing up sides, in this war that I, “Tea Baggers”, Biblical Christians, Jews, Conservatives and others did not choose to be involved, we must do what is right and defend ourselves from those who do evil. That means in my house anyway...”we will serve the Lord” and if need be, I'll keep the spanking paddle handy for those who feel the need to bring destruction to me, my family and or Natural and God given rights/freedoms.

Don't be afraid, some of you have met the “Board Of Education” before, haven't you ?

Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Splitting the Vote

There's a lot of discussion among Tea Partiers over whether we should be trying to take back the Republican Party from within by running conservative candidates aas Republicans or forming a new third party to compete with the GOP.

I am, and unless things get a whole lot worse will continue to be, firmly in the camp of taking over the Republican party from within, because election history has shown that conservative third party candidates almost always succeed only in splitting a small percentage of votes from the Republican candidate, often giving the Democrat a victory with less that 50% of the vote.

Arizona 2012 is a perfect example of this effect. In two of the state's nine Congressional districts (districts 1 and 9), a formerly Republican district turned Democrat (including the fanatic communist Kyrstin Sinema) because a Libertarian candidate won about 6% of the vote that would otherwise almost certainly have gone to the Republican candidate. Arizona, which before had 3 Democrat districts to 6 Republican, now shamefully slides to having 5 Democrat districts to only 4 Republican.

Here the "Independent Political Report" proudly touts the impact of Libertarian candidates on the elections in Arizona. Proud? Of handing a strongly conservative state a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives? In what twisted way is that a victory for conservatives?

I don't know how many other districts suffered similar results across the country, but this to me shows that you can't simply plough through human psychology with sincerity, truth, facts, or knowledge. Things have to get a whole awful lot worse before the masses are ready to abandon the comfort of the GOP in the 90% proportions necessary for a third party to win elections. That is going to be a massive emotional reaction--not a rational one.
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Thursday afternoon, the General Assembly of the United Nations voted to reward the Palestinian terrorists by granting the West Bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem recognition as a "nonmember observer state" at the U.N. Though the vote of the General Assembly is largely symbolic, it makes a statement when 138 of 193 nations reward an invented group of people, led by "democratically-elected" terrorists whose sole aim is the destruction of another member state (Israel), with an upgrade in their status.

And what statement is that? Simply put, the world hates Israel. It can't help itself. It does so out of instinct. It hates Israel because it hates God. And God knew that would happen, that's why He offered a promise of protection for His people. He said that He would bless those who blessed His people and curse those who cursed them.

There's no other logical reason why Israel should be the pariah nation it is. It is a pro-American, Western-style, capitalist democracy. It has a deeply-rooted, Western-style respect for human rights and freedoms (unlike ANY of its Muslim neighbors). It could easily qualify for admission to the union as another U.S. state (which may be why America-haters hate it). Citizens of Israel come from every nation (more than 86 languages are spoken there), yet it is the West's most consistent friend in the region. Israel has actively extended its hand of friendship to any nation who would accept it.

Yet the universal hatred for Israel still manages to simmer to the surface. That's because it rises from spiritual roots.

Here's why. Israel stands as testimony to God's Word. He said that Israel would be restored as a nation in the last days. It was restored. He said that Jerusalem would be returned to Israel in the face of global opposition. It was returned.

Israel, by her very existence and history, is absolute and unassailable proof that the Bible is true, that these are the last days, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon.

In view of all of this, this week I'll tell you why I think that how we treat the Jews and the Jewish nation is deadly serious business.

(Hal Lindsey Report 11/30)

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A Tax Boycott

It's time to stop the calls for Impeachment, calling Obama a fraud and other numerous names.  Nobody's listening.

It's time to make a commitment to do something our founders would understand.  A tax boycott.

No we can't refuse to pay our Income tax, the government takes It right from our paychecks, but we can control what we spend and that means sales tax.  Something local, state and the federal government are heavily dependant on.  If you're ready, really ready and willing to make sacrifices to cut off a revenue stream we need to take several steps.

The tea party leadership needs to unite all the conservative groups to push their members to just stop buying.  If we can't get millions on board we lose, we give In to and become the socialist state.

Toghether lets demand the tea parties, and all other conservative groups push their members to cut the revenue stream of sales tax.  Toghether lets make a list of goods and services we can stop or make deep cuts In buying.  Especially those goods and services provided by union shops.

We love to say the government works for us, but we all know they are not responding to our calls for cuts In spending, a significate reduction In the government work force.  As a group we can use the same tactic Jesse Jackson used over and over.  Boycott.

It's up to us, just us.  Can you make the sacrifice?  Can you?

I'm not In this alone, without your help these are just more useless words.  Share your Ideas.  Start a list today of goods and services you can cut or go without.  Don't send them to me put them web sites read by others. Lets put our heads together.


Junk foods.

Brown bag It.

Cut you driving miles, you know you can.

Use the post office, cut UPS and Fed Ex.

Movies, resturants, things that are new just to be new.

Cosmitics, hand bags, sweaters, shoes.

The list Is endless.







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                          THE RIGHTEOUS ACTS OF THE SAINTS


I have found this to be a timely 'WORD from GOD' in lieu of the results of our Presidential
Election, of November 6, 2012; since it directly addresses the true problem that exist! As one
of GOD's Prophets, I have been obedient to prophesy repeatedly, since 1983, calling for
GOD's People to humble themselves, repent according to 2Chr.7:14! When we do that, GOD has
promised that, HE WILL HEAR our prayers and that HE WILL HEAL our Land! This is more
than obvious to those who believe that GOD's JUDGEMENT is continuing to press those who
have ignored any responsibility for the present state of their own lives, and especially when it
comes to accepting responsibility for the state of our nation.

Since the attack of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001; then the Stock-crash, exactly seven years later, to the exact day! Most would agree that appears to be more than a
coincident. Then we have Hurricane Katrina, the hurricane that struck New Orleans, and now on the very same date, once again, exactly seven later, as the Republican Convention is getting under way in Florida, we have another hurricane that ends up, almost in the same area of New Orleans! And again,
we have almost the same area effected, and again,the Republican Convention is interrupted.

It appears that each time the leaders of the United Sates of America, have made a decision to commit our Nation to be a partaker in working toward the division of the land of Israel, that we can begin to expect some type of tragic events: harsh weather problems~that might include terrible floods; hazardous snow and ice storms; tornadoes; and earthquakes!

It would seem that there have been unusual numbers of Floods, Tornadoes, Severe Hail-storms, Fires,
and Earth-Quakes! Now we have just experienced another Super-storm upon the eastern coast-line! And again, we have only the Second Super-storm that has ever occurred, in the history of our nation.

The first occurred twenty-one years ago, on the exact same date, starting on October 30 - November 1, 1991! The first ever recorded 'Super-storm', that was recorded in this century occurred, and was named
the Perfect Storm! The record setting-storm devastated the New England coast as President George
H.W. Bush was co-sponsoring the Madrid Conference during the same time frame.

At the conference in Madrid, Spain, President Bush broke from President Reagan's more pro-Israel
policies in an attempt to forge an “Arab-Israeli Peace Plan”, that would recognize the Palestinian's
right to the land that “Biblically Promised by GOD” to Abraham and his ancestors. But while President
Bush advocating the division of Israel, the 'Perfect-Storm'__so named for the ferociously destructive
way in which the cold 'Nor-easterner' combined with Hurricane Grace__as it lashed the US seaboard at home. The Perfect-Storm slammed in to the coast, sending thirty foot ocean waves into President Bush's, Kennebunkport home, totally destroying their home,as he was calling for Israel to give up the 'West-bank'(Judea,Samaria, and East Jerusalem)!

Of course this was not the first of the attempts to broker peace; and this same portioning was being taunted by Mitt Romney during the debates. Of course, this current Super-Storm, officially named Sandy, also picked up the nickname “Frankenstorm” before it even made landfall. As a matter of interest, there were several prophecies reference this potential storm, and one that stands out from the rest was delivered by Prophet Kim Clement, while appearing in Maryland on Oct. 2007__Specifically mentioned that there would be the most unusual weather at the time of the election, coming in November 2012! At the same time the word goes on to say that, this storm would effect the original thirteen colonial states, including their names of the states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. Remember, that they also made a movie about this incident, called “Super-storm”, with George Clooney as star.

There was another terrible storm that is recorded in this same area, that occurred in 1938, which was
called the 'Long Island Express', and up to these two recorded Super-storm's occurring, it was the most deadly and devastating with over six-hundred people killed, and probably the most costly by current
exchange rate, approximately $5-Billion dollars. Leading up to this 1938 event, there was tremendous
persecution of the Jewish People, as the build-up to the Holocaust. It was recorded that the eye of the Hurricane came directly over Camp Siegfried and Adolph Hitler street there in Long Island. This most
powerful storm occurred exactly 38 days after Camp Siegfried was the center of the largest Nazi rally outside of Germany!

After World War II was over, and it appeared that President Roosevelt was settling into his third term, as the only President to ever be inaugurated for a third-elected Presidential Office! He was invited to Saudi Arabia, in March 1945. It was in this meeting with Saudi King Faisal, that President Roosevelt was able to make an agreement for all the oil production of the nation of Saudi Arabia. King Faisal made his agreement conditional, with this requirement: “He would only agree to release all the mineral rights for Arabia's Oil Production, if President Roosevelt would agree to prevail and prevent the Jews from being allowed to settle in the land of Palestine, he considered the Jewish people to be a plague, and that he said that they would represent more trouble that the Nazi's! With that comment, President Roosevelt stated that he would give his proposal serious consideration. Upon the President's return to America, after several days on April 5, 1945; he signed the agreement with Arabia's King Faisal, and prepared to dispatch the documents to Arabia. On April 12, 1945, President Roosevelt died! Again, this illustrates that GOD HOLD'S THE LAND of Israel to be Holy, and HE WILL NOT Allow it to be divided again.

Now I share this prophesy that ties everything together for the “Believing Christians”, in the United States. The following is a “WORD FROM GOD”, delivered by prophecy that came to my attention, just following the November 6, 2012 presidential election! On Nov.10, 2012 the following was received in prophesy by Judy Bauman (

“THE RIGHTEOUS ACT OF THE SAINTS! ~ “One thing is needed and I DESIRE for you to choose what is better. Would you sit at MY Feet and learn. The enemy has come and stolen something very precious to ME and to you. Yes, satan has stolen the 'BETROTHAL GOWN' of MY BELOVED. He has come along and used his gift of soothsaying and lies to strip you of your true covering__which is in the “Right-standing” with ME. He has tricked many into trading 'True Righteous Acts' for unfruitful

and self-motivated works. I HAVE GONE into the enemy's camp and demanded back that which was
taken. It has been returned to ME and I GIVE IT to you.” -this lines up with the following scripture: “Let us rejoice and be glad; let us praise HIS GREATNESS! For the time has come for the Wedding of the Lamb, and His Bride has prepared Herself for it. She has been given 'Clean Shining Linen' to wear. (The LINEN is the good-deeds of GOD's People.) [Rev. 19:7-8] {TEV}

“The Righteous act of the saints are those things that I HAVE ASKED each individual to do, as well as
what I HAVE ASKED MY Church to do corporately. Many feel they have to be on some important mission field before they will believe that they are doing righteous acts, but I TELL you that this not so.
A Righteous Act is something I HAVE ASKED you to do, and it is something that may be insignificant
in your eyes and the eyes of others, but to ME IT IS A THING OF BEAUTY. If I HAVE TOLD you to pick up a piece of trash on your way into a store, it is more significant to ME that you OBEY MY VOICE in the small gesture than if you go on a mission trip to build an orphanage, if I HAVE NOT ASKED you TO DO IT. If I CALLED you TO BUILD AN ORPHANAGE, THEN BUILD AN ORPHANAGE, BUT IF I HAVE ASKED you TO PICK UP TRASH, THEN PICK UP TRASH. Taking care of your children and raising them in the Admonition and Love of GOD is something is
something PRECIOUS TO ME. OBEDIENCE TO ME CARRIES THE SAME REWARD in MY KINGDOM whether large or small. Obedience is what creates 'Righteous Acts'. These acts become the fabric, the thread, the lace, the buttons and the jewels of the bridal gown.”

“Righteous Acts of the Saints are not about self-exaltation or about doing things that make you feel better about yourself. Righteousness is your mind, will and emotions lining up with MINE. A righteous
act is an act that has been INITIATED BY ME and then carried out by you. IT IS NOT CARRIED OUT in your own strength, but BY MY GRACE THAT IS UPON you. It is possible to turn a righteous
act into an unrighteous act when one seeks to receive glory for doing it. It TAKES MY GRACE for you to pick up trash that you did not throw down, it TAKES MY GRACE to cheerfully change a dirty diaper, and IT TAKES MY GRACE to build an orphanage. SO GIVE ME GLORY for the GRACE I HAVE GIVEN to you, and I WILL GIVE you more.”

“Yes, will you take serious MY Call for MY People called by MY NAME to pray
and seek MY FACE? Will you humble yourselves and turn from your wicked
ways in order for your land to be healed? Beloved, I AM NOT ASKING the
lost sinner to repent. I AM ASKING MY Church to REPENT! For too long
MY Church has been quick to tell homosexuals and the abortionist that they
need to repent, when it is MY Church that needs to repent. I AM HERE to
Bind up the wounds of the hurting and lost, but MY Church goes around ME
and uses the 'very sword' I PLACED in their hands(The WORD OF GOD) to
cause harm. They further wound the very ones that I SEEK TO SAVE by
misusing MY WORDS as a Weapon, instead of a Scalpel!

They have not rightly divided the WORD OF TRUTH and have used MY WORDS to bring death instead of healing. The WORD is a WEAPON for fighting against satan and his cohorts, but MY Church is using it to fight against flesh and blood.

Where there is flesh and blood the WORD MUST BE USED LIKE A SCALPEL in the hands of a skilled surgeon who knows how to cut cancer out of a body.”
“Yes many are in sin. Yes, they all need to repent; but would it not be better
for the lost sinners to actually see MY Church Body working in unity and
love? Have I NOT TOLD you that people would know you belong to ME
because of your love for one another? HOW MUCH STRIFE IS IN MY
HOUSE? WHAT WILL IT TAKE for all of you to grow weary of it? I DID
one another! NO! MY Church behaves as if, I DID! I COMMANDED you
NOT TO GROW WEARY in well doing. WELL DOING is the
RIGHTEOUS ACTS which I SEEK the earth to find.”
“What extremes must I TAKE TO WIN your heart back to your 'FIRST
LOVE'? Why can you not listen and heed the warnings from MY Prophets?
Both the old and the new prophets give warning with one voice, yet you
continue to walk in your own will and way. I WILL NOT STRIVE with flesh forever. Do you realize the position you have put ME IN TO BRING you
BACK into Relationship WITH ME? A better question would be: Do you know
what position you have placed yourselves in with all your willful
disobedience? (I DO NOT SPEAK to those who have sought out MY
WILL and continue to seek MY FACE each day. I SPEAK to those
who choose to keep walking in their own will)”
BEAUTIFUL GOWN that was stolen by satan, so that the acts which you
wear as your garment will not be found missing, stained or tattered. I AM
CLOTHED IN THE Righteous Acts of the Saints.”
“Remember this: A Righteous Act does not have to be grandiose, but it DOES
HAVE TO ORIGINATE FROM ME. Whether small or large, if it is a
COMMAND FROM ME to you, then it is a Righteous Act. LISTEN for MY VOICE. MY SHEEP hear MY VOICE and another they will not follow.”

(presented by MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST~ by Rev. Jerry L. Robertson)
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p.s.(As of November 29, 2012~ We are all witness to the  UN taking a vote, which was finalized by a strong

showing, in favor of admitting the Palistinian's to be given observer status. with no vote) Just another serious matter requiring prayer!

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