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Shhh- It's OK To Hate Your White Friends

Black man showing silence gesture with finger on his lips. Royalty Free Stock Photo

Hating White folks is quite popular in our ranks. Our Klan behavior is mostly self-inflicted, so we've yet to see American Whites running for their lives from Black lynch mobs.
White nationalists argue Black-on-White violence rates describe a more operational hatred than what I''m alluding to. Feel free to visit their sites and judge for yourselves.
There is, however, an attitude among American Blacks that it's often acceptable to privately denounce Whites as 'devils"; 'crackers" and other epithets. Liberal sisters and brothers hasten adding this happens among White folks too.
Point noted. The N-word; 'coon"; 'monkey," etc isn't foreign in some White households but that's not my subject. Mimicking their wrong doesn't magically make ours right. 
My overriding concern is the erosion of moral high ground in my segment of America. Payback politics is the order of the day, eclipsing Kingian ( as in Dr Martin Luther King ) emphasis on character over skin color.
I can't address internal negatives afflicting the Black community by using my past in the 80s as the only frame of reference.
While the past provides context for present conditions, it can't be used in a one-size-fits-all manner
Slavery can't explain today's Black homicide rate. Jim Crow doesn't answer why our two-parent family unit has ceased to exist.
Blaming Republicans is a fun exercise but it isn't Republicans busy tearing the inner city down from within. Do-nothing Black Democrats get re-elected by accusing White Republicans as the problem- not non-performance.  
Obama is seen as payback for slavery and discrimination. The fact our unemployment and middle class loss skyrocketed on his watch doesn't shake this mass delusion of inclusion.
Hating White Republicans; White conservatives and non-liberal Whiteness period seems their holy grail. The rage; vulgarity and even documented violence inflicted upon Romney supporters of all colors speaks volumes. As does the deafening silence from the White House when this occurs.
American Blacks borrowed best practices from the Democrat Party's segregation era playbook and reloaded it: blind loyalty; dissenter intimidation via social media and an inability to accept other ideologies as valid.

The lessons of the past seem lost upon us. Being morally superior to White racism gave way to dipping bias in chocolate and declaring it chic.

Is this our victory? Acting like those we fought for generations? 
A financial recession is bad enough. Compounding it with a moral one is intolerable. 
Ritual recitals of White Republican racism rings hollow while so many American Blacks comfortably discriminate just like distant bigots they blame for everything under the sun.
By today's low standards, were I a Black liberal, I'd hate my White friends too- just not to their faces. At least the New Black Panther Party is honest about their racism.
Being open about it brings too much heat, as the New Black Panther example illustrates That's why Black liberals who feel this way are so covert about it.  
Like 'upstanding" White Citizens Councils of old, such hatred is quietly deployed at the voting machine, and , some suspect, the jury box.
I don't hate White people- not even liberal ones. I disagree with policy and behavior- not pigment.  Taking Americans on a case-by-case basis, as individuals, works for me.
Hating White people is beneath me.  
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
(504) 214-3082
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Fiscal Cliff Will Happen

With events scheduled for in the White House and on the road, Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail spreading his message, with the clear and obvious intent of pressuring Congress into agreeing to his "fiscal cliff" terms.

While he will make claims to a willingness to listen to all ideas and negotiate with all parties, in fact he will endlessly argue for ending the current tax rates on Americans making $200,000 and above while accusing Congress of holding middle income families hostage.

To present the illusion he has been working hard to arrive at a successful resolution, Obama held closed 4063637862?profile=originaldoors meetings with big unions, big business and as an afterthought, small business owners.

Can you say all theatrics, no work?

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell R-KY, categorized the White House efforts as nothing but a public relations ploy: "Rather than sitting down with lawmakers of both parties and working out an agreement, he's back out on the campaign trail, presumably with the same old talking points we're all familiar with.  Look: We already know the president is a very good campaigner.  What we don't know is whether he has the leadership qualities necessary to lead his party to a bipartisan agreement on a big issue like this."

Obama is planning to use American citizens as human props in the ongoing campaign to rally his base.  He will call upon his followers to pressure Congress into submitting to “progressive” demands to raise taxes on small businesses and entrepreneurs.  Obama will preach that if a stalemate persists, taxes on middle class American will go up because Republicans held them hostage to protect tax cuts for the rich.

Can you say economic justice?

Economic justice is a Marxist concept where economic policies must result in the distribution of economic benefits equally.

Obama’s push to let tax rates expire on incomes over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families will hurt small businesses, the sector responsible for most new jobs growth in America.

Obama loves to characterize the tax increase as asking financially successful Americans to pay more in order to save government programs that face spending cuts.  The fact is, ending current tax rates for “the rich” would fund the United States federal government for less than nine days.

For Obama to propagate the false notion that taxing the rich will solve America’s fiscal problems is a red herring.  By consciously using middle class Americans as human props in attempts to sway public opinion in his favor, he is displaying true contempt for middle class Americans.

4063637843?profile=originalThe United States federal government is borrowing forty cents of every dollar spent to prop up a slumping economy and support the deprived underclass it created using big government socialist programs to render American citizens dependent upon government.

Foreign debt buyers are slowly ending their investment in America’s bankruptcy and the Federal Reserve is now purchasing over sixty percent of America’s Treasury Bonds.

Can you say The Weimar Republic?  Can you say Zimbabwe?  Can you say today’s Eurozone on more steroids than the Soviet body builders at the 1952 Olympics, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Sammy Sosa, Jose Canseco, Lyle Alzado, Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire combined?  Can you say the worst economic downturn ever?

America does not have a revenue shortage.  America has a spending addiction.

Giving the United States government more money to spend is like trying to sober up an alcoholic by having them drink a gallon of gin.

In the ongoing “progressive” campaign to “fundamentally transform” America, the fiscal cliff created by “progressive” big spending will happen because “progressives” want it to happen.

And “progressives” will blame successful Americans. 

Join the Revolution

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                   INTERPOSITION IN AMERICA! 


With all the talk of Succession, being bantered about, by approximately twenty-three
States of the Republic of the United Sates of America! There is reason to consider the
pitfalls that can occur and possibly some serious repercussions.

Asking the White House to comment on the secession of one or more states, won't move the President, Congress, the Courts,or the military. 
But it is symbolic of disgust and exhaustion many people feel as they watch all the ridiculous parleying by the
the so-called professionals, and all those 'Politicians' as they banter about conducting themselves in the crony political class
as they squander their boundless coffers of the last of the contributions, which were so easily stripped from their constituents;
and even those, whom did not have a clue of the continued loss of our liberty's, that have been entrusted in their hands, as
the Administration refuses to observe the rule of law, and our 'Nation's Constitution' !
Succession can be seen a last resort form of "interposition of the lower magistrate". The interposition concept comes from
the 'early Calvinists', including John Calvin. It had a huge influence on our American Revolution. Interposition means that
the chosen leader of a group, IE: (a magistrate, has moved to block the bad actions of a higher authority). Such a leader can
Appeal against bad policies
Organize his constituents
Work to defeat current office-holders
Sue for redress
Launch recalls
Stall or incompletely implement bad laws
Refuse to enforce bad policies

And when all else fails, the lower magistrate can even lead a succession movement. “When all else fails” is a crucial phrase. Thomas Jefferson put it deftly, "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
These were not idle words. America's Founders acted as Jefferson preached. They followed a policy of incremental interposition. Our Founders began with the existing legal framework.
They asked the King to redress grievances. The King's ministers responded with further taxes and regulations. They even charged John Hancock with smuggling.
Hancock interposed with a retaliatory boycott. The King escalated again, He taxed colonial tea to favor an English cartel__an early example of the cronyism that afflicts us even now.
The King then spurned more appeals, so Boston's Sons of Liberty turned aggressive with their "tea party". But even this step was incremental. They only broke one lock and of course, ruined some tea. They harmed no other person or property. Ben Franklin even suggested that the protestors should pay for the tea, and some colonial merchants offered to do so! The British refused to accept it. Instead, the King imposed "Intolerable Acts". This removed Massachusetts' right to self-government. Then ordered that troops be quartered in colonial homes and gave these soldiers immunity, from any crimes that they might commit!
This 'train of abuses' was evidence, that grievances would not be redressed. Tensions heightened. The King then ordered his men to seize all the colonist's guns in the spring of 1775 - something no free people can tolerate. Even then, the colonial response was moderate and incremental. They defended themselves, but did not initiate violence.

The Continental Congress sent an "Olive Branch Petition" to King George. He refused it, and declared the colonists to be in an 'open state of rebellion.' In other words, the King declared the rebellion, not the colonist.
The Continental Congress responded by listing the King's abuses to justify their acts of self-defense. This was the "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms." This came a full year before the Declaration of Independence. It was another incremental step before the final break. Please notice... The magistrates in this story were patient to the point of plodding; they continued to appeal to the established authority openly and often. This narrative doesn't justify everything the Colonials did during that time. But it does show that the King declared the rebellion, not the colonial magistrates.
This brief history is offered only as a guide for us now.

"CARTS and HORSES" by Jim Babka (Downsizer Dispatch)

I know that I'm frustrated, you're frustrated, we're all frustrated. And at this juncture, Succession seems appealing. Keep in mind, the last secession attempt was established on dubious grounds and led our nation to unbearable destruction. It left a long-lasting legacy of political division and cultural mistrust. Let's not rush into anything, just yet! And put cart before the horse. Skip no steps. First we must Deny Consent, just as the Founding Father's did. Our Founders provided a good model; so to, Thoreau, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. They showed the power of non-violent tactics. They were incremental. They began small and slowly escalated, as needed. This requires patience. We likely will lose at each step. But this does not mean that we can afford to skip even one step. Suffering will expand in the short term. The political class may use brute force, if it feels threatened. Some may be injured! But all will be lost, if we allow any violence. Please understand__violence is the State's strength and our weakness. Therefore, it is imperative to appear as weak. This is where everyone can experience the 'Power of Jesus Christ', telling His Follower's, to turn the other cheek. It must be clear who the victims are, and who has done wrong. This will cause the wrong-doers to lose support, even from within our own ranks. This will take time. It may even exhaust our options. But exhaustion must come first. We must reach the point the Founders reached, before a resort to succession can work, or even be justified. But when that point comes, public support will follow; since no steps have been skipped, the case will be evident. Denying Consent is the first of those steps. This is no minor matter. Remember: Thomas Jefferson wrote, that the government rest on the consent of the governed. Deny that consent and what does the government rest upon then? The answer is "mere violence".
Our highest priority now is the awakening of all of our neighbors, our families, our co-workers and our friends to the issue of consent.
Awful things are being done in their name and with their money. Do they really consent to this? We must unmask all pretense. The State is nothing more than a corrupt cartel whose policies benefit only a handful of well-connected cronies.
When enough people understand that, things will change. Maybe it will come to secession, maybe not. But other steps come first, and they cannot be skipped.

Above all else, we all must truly understand, that we all stand before Our GOD, equally responsible for allowing our nation to become lawless and totally in rebellion. Therefore, it is necessary for all of us, to examine ourselves, and humbly come before GOD, to repent for the sins of our nation, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14! That GOD, WHO hears our prayer, will heal our nation! I say this to illustrate that the NUMBER ONE__REASON FOR THIS ELECTION RESULT, is more Spiritual, than any of the possible reasons that have been concluded by all the analyst and the columnist who have been able to determine, "What went Wrong?"
As I have found, with GOD'S HELP, with 'HIS REVEALED KNOWLEDGE', we found that in truth, the Real Story should not be that of the demographics nor any other factor behind this election and vote result! The answer is disobedience: GOD's People, which represent a critical-block of voters__STAYED HOME! Although there are many, that attributed the effect of the 'Superstorm-Sandy' as being GOD's-hand of intervention. But in truth this fact is even more staggering__The CHRISTIAN's stayed home, and DID NOT VOTE! There were several who had “PREDICTED THAT THE CHRISTIANS WOULD EMPOWER ROMNEY TO A LANDSLIDE WIN”! In reality, their absence, represented an even more startling and appalling out-come of the final vote! That is representative, of more than the entire State of Ohio, received for all its votes: including Democrats , Republican, Liberals, Libertarians, and Independents combined. Conservative estimates are at 11 Million (Eleven-Million) registered voters that did not vote, of which predominately, would have voted for the Republican Candidate's, with a reliability of 99.97%, that is disgusting. ~ ALL IN WITH JESUS CHRIST ~ Rev. Jerry L. Robertson

As a final contribution__CBN reported from- Franklin Graham: “US Has Turned Its Back on GOD”! as quoted, "Our country is in trouble," he warned.  "It's in trouble spiritually.  We've turned our back on GOD." "We need

to do a better job of getting our people-the church-to vote," he admonished. "GOD is in control, and the if the Christians are upset with the election, they need to be upset with themselves!"

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Subject:        Eric Holder believes: "WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO POSSESS GUNS"
He's the Attorney General!  
He's in charge of the FBI!
He's in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (B.A.T.F.E.)!
He's still ducking responsibility for his ill conceived, failed attempt to manufacture gun running in an effort to use it to smear legal gun ownership and thus prompt further gun control.  Operation Gun Walker, aka. Operation Fast and Furious!
He, and his boss, will stop at nothing to gain control over ALL of us.  That means disarming anyone who could potentially pose a threat to tyranny.
Notice at the end of the survey, the results show 97% of the people believe in the literal meaning of the 2nd Amendment as written and envisioned by our founders.  2% agree with Holder and the other communists.  1% are undecided?!  What is wrong here?  Why does this crap about gun control even get the media's attention?  Guess the "media" is the 2%.

Attorney General Holder says,
Guess they were not happy with the poll results the first time, so USA today is running another one...Vote now...
Attorney General Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. Then pass the link on to all the pro-gun folks you know. Hopefully the results will be published later this month.
Here's what you need to do:
First - vote.
Second- Send it to other folks,
then we will see if the results get published.
Click Here to vote:
He's the Attorney General!  
He's in charge of the FBI!
He's in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (B.A.T.F.E.)!
He's still ducking responsibility for his ill conceived, failed attempt to manufacture gun running in an effort to use it to smear legal gun ownership and thus prompt further gun control.  Operation Gun Walker, aka. Operation Fast and Furious!
He, and his boss, will stop at nothing to gain control over ALL of us.  That means disarming anyone who could potentially pose a threat to tyranny.
Notice at the end of the survey, the results show 97% of the people believe in the literal meaning of the 2nd Amendment as written and envisioned by our founders.  2% agree with Holder and the other communists.  1% are undecided?!  What is wrong here?  Why does this crap about gun control even get the media's attention?  Guess the "media" is the 2%.

Attorney General Holder says,
Guess they were not happy with the poll results the first time, so USA today is running another one...Vote now...
Attorney General Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. Then pass the link on to all the pro-gun folks you know. Hopefully the results will be published later this month.
Here's what you need to do:
First - vote.
Second- Send it to other folks,
then we will see if the results get published.
Click Here to vote:
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Call John!

Ever since John Boehner told Diane Sawyer there was "no tea party caucus" in the House, I've been sending him as many little reminders as I can that NO, the Tea Party has NOT been defeated by the Liberal Media nor by the Chicago-Bully-Boys currently occupying our White House!

Call John and remind him it was due to Tea Party efforts that the USA finally got rid of Pelosi and put him in the Speaker position of "power" . . .

Remind the Speaker of the House to stand UP to Obama and to hold the line AGAINST taxes and to CUT the spending, the waste, the fraud and the corruption!  John Boehner:  202-225-0600

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Stand by Isreal

I wouls]d encourage to write every Sen. and Congessman and let them know that we must stand behind Isreal. All you have to do ig "Bing: their name and click on their offical web site. There will be a space that says "contact" and you get let these no backbone idiots that it is time to grow one and remind them that Ireal has been a long time alley of ours.

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Exposing Benghazi Baloney

After a Tuesday morning meeting with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham d54572b8913f22acfa8ef67d7c048c1b.jpg?width=300and Kelly Ayotte said concerns they had about Rice’s misleading statements regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans have grown, not diminished.

McCain, R-AZ, had said he might oppose Rice’s nomination to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of State because Rice should have known the statements she made in interviews just a few days after the Sept. 11 attack were false.

In those interviews, Rice repeated the Party line about the attack having emerged from a protest over an antiblog_susan_rice_face_the_nation_0.jpg?width=250-Islamist video.  Rice apparently parroted that narrative in order to satisfy the needs of Obama’s re-election campaign.  The narrative, much of which had already been repeatedly trumpeted during the Democratic National Convention was, al Qaeda had been decimated and was losing ground, public sentiments in the Middle East toward the United States had improved, and the attack was in no way connected to Obama’s foreign policy.  It was later learned the attack was a well-organized terror assault by an al Qaeda related group timed for the anniversary of 9/11.

David Petraeus, former director of the CIA, testified under oath before a congressional investigative committee that from the beginning the CIA had advised the White House that the Benghazi attack was an organized assault by al Qaeda linked terrorists.  Petraeus also testified that the approved CIA report was later changed to diminish terrorist involvement.

After meeting with Rice, Graham, R-SC, said: "The bottom line is that I'm more disturbed than I was before ... about how four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya by Ambassador Rice does not to do justice to the reality at the time."


Give the Gift of Courage

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I want to share a story of a good man, a heroic man. He’s British and a SAS Sgt but operated with our SF in the Tora Bora actions and saved many US lives. He’s now sitting in Military Prison after the greatest travesty of justice I have ever seen. I was a Marine and had the chance to work with Danny’s unit in Afghanistan and I can’t let this slide without at least spreading the word. The British should be shamed and ridiculed and he should be returned to his family before Christmas. Here’s a excerpt from the British Newspapers. Read his story if you are a veteran or support those who keep our freedoms?

Even if they wear a different uniform!

“Sgt Nightingale, 37, is serving an 18-month sentence for possession of a firearm after a pistol given to him by Iraqi forces he trained was found in a locked box in his Army accommodation while he was on tour.

The SAS sniper had forgotten about its existence because of brain damage caused when he collapsed during an endurance sport event in which he was taking part to raise funds for the families of dead and injured SAS soldiers.

The sergeant, who had served 17 years in the Army, 11 of them in the SAS, pleaded guilty to possession of a handgun earlier this month, after his quarters were searched in an unrelated incident involving another SAS member.

 Civilian police found a 9mm Glock in a locked box.

 It had been given to Sgt Nightingale in 2007 by Iraqi special forces. He had intended to have it deactivated and kept as a souvenir in the SAS sergeants’ mess.

 But after he was ordered to accompany the bodies of two fallen comrades back to Britain, the pistol was packed with his other equipment and left in storage at SAS headquarters in Hereford.

 The SAS soldier then took part in an endurance running event in Brazil to raise money for the families of dead and wounded comrades, collapsed due to over-hydration and suffered brain damage which left him with lapses in his memory, which included forgetting about the existence of the pistol.

 The weapon was eventually transferred to his quarters, where it was found in the raid while he was on active service in Afghanistan.

Note - There is also growing concern over the quality of the case brought against Sgt Nightingale, and the actions of his Army superiors.

The Telegraph has learnt that the civilian West Mercia Police, which conducted the original investigation, decided not to press charges against Sgt Nightingale because “no criminal intent was suspected or could be established”.

 In a separate development, a leaked email from the SAS also showed that many of Sgt Nightingale’s colleagues believed that he had been “hung out to dry”.

 However, the email, which was sent to members of his squadron by a warrant officer, wrongly claimed that Sgt Nightingale stole operational equipment including weapons, body armour, radios, night vision goggles and ammunition."

Full Story -

His wife and Lawyer asked me to get the message out to other veterans here and get as many to sign this petition asking for his release on bail to await a new hearing. Please sign here - Lets get him home for Christmas.



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I signed up for an account at this site to check it out. (used different name).  It is very well organized, yet easy to follow for even those not computer savvy.   It allows people to easily contact others and make it viral.

Sign up and find out how it works. We should use it as a model for our own system.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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4063637364?profile=originalWord on the political street from GOP consultants and the Left is that Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party cost Romney the election. We Conservatives are advised to “moderate our tone” and back away from our “extremist ideas”.

So let me make sure I understand. Obama and company were allowed to go for the jugular, using false narratives (lies), to win votes. They said Romney hates dogs, blacks, women and the poor. Heck, they even threw in the absurd accusation that Romney was responsible for the death of a working man's wife. Check and mate. Game over. Obama won. Did anyone suggest Team Obama “moderate their tone”?

But, when Rush Limbaugh exposed and the Tea Party rejected Obama's socialistic agenda, Team Obama, which includes the mainstream media, called us “racists”. When we express our Biblical belief that marriage should remain defined as between one man and one woman, we were called “extremist”. And when did it become extreme to believe it immoral to deny medical assistance to babies that survive abortions?

And for the record, once and for all, Conservatives do not care what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. All we ask is that we not be forced to fund it or be mandated to say that it is, “OK and normal”.

Unfortunately, since Romney lost, GOP consultants have joined the chorus of folks on the Left calling for Conservatives to back away from our core beliefs and go-along to get-along with Obama. They claim that this is what younger non-whites and women voters want.

I say, “Hogwash!” Younger, non-white and women voters are clueless about Obama's destruction of America, the virtues of Conservatism and why Liberalism sucks!

We did not lose because America has become a nation of idiots expecting a free Obama-phone. We lost because Republicans did a horrible job getting the truth to the masses. Soylent Green is people! Conservatism is best for everyone – period!!!

Folks, the bottom line is that the Tea Party chose to oppose Obama's socialistic transformation of America from a character driven place of decency, truth, respect for the law, and patriotism. Behaving as the Chicago thug politician that he is, Obama came to D.C. committed to implementing his agenda by any characterless despicable means necessary. In essence, Obama came to the gunfight armed-to-the-teeth with guns. The Tea Party brought political knives.

In partnership with their bullies in the MSM, Team Obama successfully spread one lie after another.

Here's a prime example: A white caller on a national radio program said his black friend was petrified to attend a Tea Party rally. Team Obama had him convinced that the Tea Party is the modern version of the KKK. Remember when the Congressional Black Caucus said the Tea Party wants blacks hung from trees? A shameful outrageous hate-inspiring lie – but no rebuke from the MSM suggesting that the Dems “moderate their tone”.

Apparently, to the MSM, I am an invisible black man. Since Obama took office, I have been a high profile figure at several hundred Tea Party rallies and events. For crying out loud, I even wrote the “American Tea Party Anthem”. Still, for the most part, the MSM have done everything in their power to keep minorities in the movement non-existent.

That scared black guy did eventually attend a Tea Party with his white friend. He was surprised to be treated with respect as an equal rather than a victim in need of assistance, which was the “tone” of the Democrat rallies he attended.

And another thing: since the election, everyone is saying that more Americans than ever love Obama and agree with his agenda. Well then, how do you explain 9 million folks who voted for him in 2008 staying home this time? One could conclude that the bloom is somewhat off the rare black rose.

Did you know that 3 million Republicans who voted for McCain decided to pass on this election? Could it be because Romney was not conservative enough?

Still, all the big-brain consultants say the Tea Party was too aggressive and that Limbaugh needs to shut up if we are to win over youths, non-whites and women.

Well, I am just crazy enough to believe that common sense will cause a majority, regardless of race or gender, to embrace Conservatism...when they're given the truth.

Still, Conservatives are called the aggressors. We are not. The left, Obama and company, are the true aggressors forcing their culture, agenda and lifestyles down our throats.

Despite our consultants advising conservatives adopt a new liberal Democrat-lite mind-set, I believe it is time to educate America to the virtues of true Conservatism.

In the simplest terms, Liberalism, offered by Obama equals government dependency, mediocrity, bitterness and low self esteem. Conservatism equals true compassion, striving for excellence, dignity and pride which is the true “American Way”!

For the past four years, we Conservatives brought political knives to the gunfight with Obama. While we know Team Obama will upgrade to machine guns, our consultants further advise that we drop our political knives and brings sporks.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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Morsy-White House: Similar Designs?

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy declared he is exempt from overview by Egyptian courts, saying they cannot overturn any decision or law he has issued since taking office or until a new Egyptian constitution is finalized.  Morsy also decreed that Egypt’s courts will have no authority or oversight over a constitution-4063637258?profile=originalwriting panel dominated by Islamists.  The Islamists on the panel are striving to impose Sharia Islamic law on the country’s inhabitants.

The general assembly of the Egypt Judges Club is calling for a nationwide judicial strike.  Egypt’s Supreme Judicial Council expressed "dismay" over Morsy's decision.

Morsy's edict was "deemed necessary in order to hold accountable those responsible for the corruption as well as other crimes during the previous regime and the transitional period" by his office.

Yet such claims and assurances that Morsy’s new powers are only "temporary," have not quieted the uproar coming from those who are now describing Morsy as a dictator; Egypt’s new Pharaoh.

Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of Egypt's Constitution Party who had opposed Morsy for president said: "There is no room for compromise.  If he wants a dialogue, he has to rescind these measures."

Thousands in Egypt have taken to the streets to demonstrate against what they call an undemocratic power grab by Morsy.

Islamist expert Andrew Bostom, who wrote the book “Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism” warns: “Morsy appears to be fulfilling the [Islamists’] and his own long shared desire to re-create a Sharia supremacist Egyptian state.”

Islamist theocracies dominated by Sharia law create a system where Western-style rights are suppressed; where Muslim men rule over Muslim women, Christians and Jews.  Under Sharia law non-believers are permitted to live provided they pay Dhimmi taxes and submit to third or fourth class status, constantly remaining subject to false accusations and acrimonious treatment.

Despite Morsy’s actions being an abrogation of the “Arab Spring” democracy movement Obama supported the White House has remained silent.

Morsy’s moves came while he was still basking in praise from both Obama and Hillary Clinton for mediating between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, helping bring about a cease-fire.

Why no outcry denouncing Morsy’s power grab from the Oval Office?

For two years, has not Obama painted himself a lover of the democratic movement?  Was it not Obama who called for former Egyptian President Mubarak to step down because he was a dictator?

Or was Mubarak only objectionable because he was pro-American?

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Obama and Rice Character of rats

Dear Mindy:   


susan-rice.png It's a safe bet that if the Obama administration had devoted as much attention to saving the murder victims in Benghazi as they are saving the sorry, inexperienced backside of marionette Susan Rice there would be no investigation of a cover-up to keep a sitting president from being perceived as an indecisive and immoral weakling.  Clearly, she allowed herself to be used as a tool and showed the discernment of a trainee as opposed to an experienced ambassador when it came to selling deceased Americans down the river to protect her boss, and she slipped into defense mode as easily as most people slide into their favorite pair of sneakers.

Skin color matters not a whit with respect to her considerable missteps and opprobrious behavior for she openly distributed misinformation to protect the reputation of a man with a vaporous backbone who treats underlings like a mother rat, nudging its babies to eat the bait first to find out if it's poisonous.  While criticism of Ms. Rice is being deflected by knee-jerk defenders as racial, is it not richly ironic that the very man who sent her into battle naked is also black? Apparently mental malleability and weakness are not traits confined to race but rather a reflection of character, and regrettably, neither has any.

Massie sig  
Mychal Massie - The Daily Rant
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 4063637226?profile=original                 Anti Obamacare activists given new life with U.S. Supreme Court order

                               for new hearing on Obamacare religious school challenge


The U.S. Supreme Court has breathed new life into the anti Obamacare movement by ordering the 4th U.S. Circuit Appeals court to hear Liberty University’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare. The university had brought an action against having to implement the law on the grounds of equal protection and religious freedom. President Obama insisted during the presidential campaign that religious freedom would not be inhibited or an issue for religious colleges and religious organizations would have to consider.

According to Fox News, the school is challenging being forced to provide insurance which pay for birth control against the institution’s constitutional rights. Liberty University and many opponents firmly believe that religious institutions are protected from having to adhere to this constitutional violation under the free exercise of religion clause in the First Amendment.

It appeared that many had seemingly resigned themselves to being victimized by the June U.S. Supreme Court decision as well as the recent reelection of Obama which appeared to defeat overturning the bill. But, legal sanity still prevails in the form of state leaders that are now openly opposing the merits of the law with renewed determination.

A number of republican governors are not waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court to analyze the tea leaves in order to take concerted action against this draconian and oppressive federal interventionist law. The governors refuse to have their citizens burdened as Governor Kasich of Ohio warned, “States do not have any flexibility to build and manage exchanges in ways that respond to unique needs of their citizens or markets.”


Monday, November 26th, according to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, over 16 states have already indicated that they will not be implementing Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges in their states. In fact, Ohio governor John Kasich was joined by Texas governor Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Sean Parnell of Alaska, and John Heineman of Nebraska, among others in opposition to state-run health exchanges.

In effect, these governors are providing the lead for Obamacare battleground opponents who can slow down and eventually reduce the implementation of the most odorous and oppressive aspects of the bill.

Democrats who have been doing the happy dance over the reelection of President Obama should slow down that roll to a “wait and see” crawl. More and more states and their citizens will rally against full implementation of the law based upon being deprived of their right to equal protection under the 14th Amendment. Others will seek protection of their religious freedom under the 1st Amendment.

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HEADLINE! Republican Leadership Caves on Taxes

Surprise! Surprise!


And this comes as new news how? At what point do we fully understand that there is only one party in Washington DC? The RepubliCrats are there to get rich while screwing the rest of us. They will say and do anything to accomplish this goal. Lying and deception come as naturally to  DC politicians as breathing. When do we grow a pair and put a stop to the pilliaging and rape of our country? When do we march on DC and kick the miscreants out of the people's Congress and the people's WhiteHouse? I suspect never. I don't see anyone willing to get their hands dirty, and, you can't handle poop without getting some on your hands.


Unless the Republic of Texas resurrects itself, I will remain here and watch the country I grew up in go down the tubes because the citizens haven't got what it takes to make it right. We will continue to let the takers dictate to the payers. We will continue to elect people to government whose only purposes are the ones stated above. Our collective shame is disgusting. Our apathy even more so.






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 Act Now!

By Peter Paton

The Call has gone out amongst decent law abiding American citizens for a Re-Run of the Presidential Election, on the grounds that there was colossal State to State Election fraud, organized and managed by Democrat Agents of the Obama Regime. The discovery of 8000 Absentee Military Votes in  Congressman Allen West’s District has sparked the clamor for a Re Run, which is being mirrored and echoed up and down the country, along with reports of frequent multiple voting by illegals being bussed in to Swing States, along with highly suspicious and dubious reports of 141% of Obama Vote happening in States.  There were also various reports of Black Panther mobs at the Polls bullying and intimidating voters, and facilitating electoral impersonation and fraud by their proxies and accomplices. Another thing that must be banned is the Vote by Mail and Proxy Vote Systems which can be manipulated to their great advantage by criminal syndicates, hell bent on electing their candidate.

Further focus is centering on the suspect electronic voting system SCTYL, as numerous Conservative voters  State Wide  reported their vote for Romney changed to Obama. This flawed system is outsourced to a Spanish Company owned by George Soros, the Arch Backer of Barack Hussein Obama. Equally the specter of alleged early voting irregularities are also widespread throughout the whole country, rendering the whole Presidential Election Null and Void in the eyes of many.

This Grand Scale Larceny and Voter Fraud perpetrated on the American people must be righted, and the GOP, Electoral State Commissions and SCOTUS must order a Re-Run of the Presidential Election, otherwise we are living in a Banana Republic under the Obama Regime, with the prospect of much worse and more punitive measures being levied upon American Citizens, by an allegedly undemocratically elected POTUS and Senate.

When the Re-Run is held, and it must be in the interests of Democracy and Justice, there must be stringent voter Picture ID in all 50 States, with the introduction of the Election Ink System used in many countries abroad to stamp out Multiple Voting by fraudsters. Additionally there must be a Police and Military presence at every polling station in America to deter  and detect Election Fraud, if we are ever going to be able to hold an honest and accurate election in America again.


Peter Paton is an International PR and Strategic Adviser

Follow Peter on Twitter @pjpaton

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Ye Haw! Pack yer bags we are moving to Idaho!

I can't stay in this blue state any longer! It is possible we may end moving right of this country depending on what happens but for right now we are moving to Id. It is a red state! Moving somewhere between Bonner Ferry and Sandpoint. My old stomping grounds! Do I miss it!  Still some degree of freedom left and will possibly be moving off grid! Ye Haw!  I wish I could make it happen now! Gonna write the dems in this state to let them know we are moving and taking our tax dollars with us, let them know they will have to rob someone else and that I will finally have representation!

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As seen on:



The reasons Benghazi and Fast & Furious don’t pull out Obama’s root cover-up


Well, if you thought that Benghazi was the answer that would lead to unseating Obama along with its smaller twin Fast & Furious, the gun-running operation that placed weapons into the hands of gangsters across the border with the intent of tracing crime,  you have again underestimated the ability of our Government to indulge military operations with the cover of secrecy and the reason being that whatever they said, because it really doesn’t matter what they said, was said to protect national security operations and to protect and not compromise their sources.


I believe its Ill. Sen. Dick Durham that is out blocking for Susan Rice saying that the reason they didn’t publicize the Al-Qaida role in Benghazi was simply because they didn’t want to compromise their sources. What part of that don’t you get Rush, Glenn & Sean?




Ask yourself one question: Does the President and those working under him, have the right to lie to the media and thus the public in the order of National Security?


 If you’re having difficulty with that answer, then try this one. Your door is knocked on. You open it to see 3 burly men asking if they could have a moment with your 3 year old daughter alone and asking if she was home. Do YOU have a right to lie OR obscure the truth for her safety? How many children are taught to tell a knocker at the door that their parent is in the shower or bathroom when they are not home?



I know without a doubt anyone of the talk show host would say it’s a defense for their home security to re-direct incoming harm or violence. Now perhaps the guy who made the video should now be given a pardon for his parole violation, in appreciation of the Obama Administration for playing such cover for the Obama Administration that protected people in the field for a week.


It’s just foolishness that Republicans and Conservative Radio show host continue to hammer away at what Obama and his Administration knew and what he said, regardless of timing of an election. The bottom line, in your own intelligence ideals, tells you that you wouldn’t want a guy in the White House blowing cover for other people in the field and that cover stories exist to protect people.



We had a rough enough time with Obama spilling the beans by even mentioning “Seal Team 6” all over the press hours after the supposed take down of Osama bin Laden and his mysterious burial at sea? Yes, the intelligence community was very angry about being ousted a day later rather than waiting a week or so after Obama’s Mayday, Mayday, Mayday that happened on May 1st, 2012, you recall was brought to fruition based on 60% of voters listening to Donald Trump’s pull on Obama’s forged Birth Certificate which he pulled out of his hat to squash the story. Obama's Mayday Youtube:


Why don’t people remember that? Osama bin Laden happened May 1st as a distraction away from the long form birth certificate Donald Trump was instrumental in pulling out of the White House after 3 years of silence, and now that has been proven a forgery by Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse: a well trained and experienced law enforcement posse the report of which is now also in the United States Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama 12-5276.


Of course we know these are cover stories for Osama bin Laden, Fast & Furious, and Benghazi, but we can’t deny their legal. That is why the most important case against Obama is the one happening in the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276’s ‘Petition for Rehearing” received by the United States Supreme Court Election day about 11am, and also why you should be supporting it, and telling all your conservative friends this really does have the possibility of showcasing Obama’s illegal act of portraying himself as a natural born citizen, when he is not, and also by presenting forged documents as identity records.


Of course Obama is not a natural born citizen by the admittance of his foreign father in the first place, in much the same way Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, or John McCain are not a natural born citizens. The Government cannot bypass the supremacy of natural law for a natural born citizen is born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. 1) 2) 


No matter how hard the Government yells about being more powerful then nature, they are puny in comparison and I have stood firmly on the ground that our Constitution’s demand and qualification for the Office of President in a ‘natural born citizen’ was not something Government could possibly interfere with by an ‘Act of Congress’.


Any “What if’s” are, in my book, and the Constitution’s ineligible: Born in the United States to Citizen Parents. It’s simple, and it is much the blame of the powerful and rich ‘egos’ of men entrenched in their own fame rather than the Constitution’s glory, in Washington DC who make it complicated in the order of boosting themselves up and tearing the United States down and in the process making a total muck of it.

You wonder why the United States of America is in such a bad need of a non-politician in Washington DC as a stall boy sent to clean house as President. That’s the truth! Can you handle it?


Rush, Sean, and Glenn’s panties all tied up in a knot over Benghazi, Fast & Furious yet they proclaim with loud trumps to be defenders of the Constitution. Have you ever seen a minority in the United States, with the proper media attention and public showcase, who had for its defense the Constitution lose?


How many minorities brought to the Justice of the Supreme Court Decisions have become precedent or ruling cases?

Yet Rush, Sean, and Glenn who I pick on with a great deal of respect, (smile) because I think they are capable of so much more, cannot figure out how a Republican or Conservative minority can win when they are outnumbered by Democrats?


 You talk about a difficult task; it’s said Elephants never forget, but getting the information into their thick head is pretty hard and that has been the challenge of the eligibility or Birther Movement when it comes to the Republican leadership. When it comes to the Republican general populous I don’t think it’s so hard, yet they even are scanty, scarce, and scroogy to come up with any cash to actually support the movement despite the plague of Obama care coming down around their necks, higher taxes, and more loss like a yoke of bondage crippling small businesses.


You know Democrats can turn out thousands to support minorities in demonstrations over night like rabbits, but when something as pivotal as removing Obama as a disability of the Constitution comes around like Judy v. Obama 12-5276 already in the United States Supreme court that challenges at the core of the election Obama’s ability to stay in the White House, Republicans and Conservatives are turtles and seem to sit on their haunches like an ass would you can’t move.


I have deep reservations of yelling and scolding and chastising my friends, those people who I actually need help from, just as Abraham Lincoln did, so elegantly portrayed in the new movie Lincoln when at the jibber and jabber of his Cabinet seated around his desk he finally slammed his hand down and said in so many words, “By God almighty, why do have such opposition from my friends about what can’t be done when this is what I am telling you needs to be done! "This Amendment is that cure"


Now please, I pray you, help me. Contribute your time, money, and talent in this cause. We fight, We Stand, WE DELIVER this Nation by the Constitution and we need not a majority in the General Population to win!

If you will fight for this case with your zeal, and bring it to the door with authority we will win. Of course it’s not easy, but it’s easier than losing the election to an un-constitutional brat who thinks lying and forgery are common place as a Politician. If you want integrity you have to support it.


I’m sorry about Mitt Romney’s integrity towards the Constitution, but that is not my fault. I did everything I could to point out that to Mitt Romney and his supporters and a quick look at a few dozen commercials in my campaign will leave the undeniable impression a fact to you.


 Romney’s integrity towards the Constitution didn’t exist in my book and he lost because I believe he went along with the cover-up of Obama’s ineligibility of the Office republicans leadership are also entrenched in. He reached to deeply into Bill Clinton’s pant pocket pulling out the long wily note that said “It’s about the economy stupid”, knowing full well Obama could divert the attack pointing to Bush and four years wasn’t long enough.


I want you to support and to show the Congress, every last one of them that you are behind this effort and you have got to do that by contributing.


While I am extremely grateful for the dozen or so contributions towards this effort, isn’t it rather telling how willingly you are to let the Constitution go down the drain by not supporting the effort of this case in the United States Supreme Court that could make a difference in the election? We have raised about $500 and are well behind our goal of $10.000 but for all the people who profess to want Obama out of office we ought to be able to raise  1 million without blinking an eye. Contributions listed:


If I win with the U.S. Supreme Court, Congress will have been mandated to take the case also! Now last time I checked we still had a few conservatives on the Court, unless you’re just a coward for the Constitution, you have to understand, yes, there are many conservative issues that are important and are also being litigated that you feel a need to support, but does any of them hinge on very real possibility of Obama being tossed out?



That then makes this case, or should make this case of paramount importance to you as a citizen, a businessman, a professional, or as a plain and simple as it gets, an American.


Please will you reach deep within your conservative pocket and support me? I’m asking for your support because we need to make a big impression. I’ve done all the work necessary to get the case there with very little from you, but now it’s time for you to shine and fight, and stand and deliver and to hold on to America!


Please pass this on, and support my Campaign by making a contribution now, if for no other reason than the alternative is going to cost you much more later, and you can count on saving that if we win.

I haven’t gone into any Court knowing I was going to win, but I’ve never gone into a court believing I shouldn’t win. If you looked at that like any small business in America it’s the same thing.


No one starts a business knowing they are going to be successful. You work and drive and push and pull in the hope that your labors will pay off. Risk is a beautiful factor when jumping out of a perfectly good flying airplane with a parachute strapped to you. It’s very scary and frightening and exhilarating.


So join me in the rush (smile) and let’s do this because we are Americans and we all know Obama’s not eligible for the Office of the President.



Thank you!

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign







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                           4063606751?profile=original                    Will Hillary Clinton damage 2016 presidential run with Benghazi attack

                                      cover up Congressional committee testimony

Typically, when most liberal political kingmakers pontificate about the next Clinton to grasp the presidential mantle, it is done with an air of obvious entitlement.  Hillary Clinton has positioned herself for this office ever since her days as a staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee, which was investigating Watergate.

It was in the congressional backrooms that Hillary, began a pattern of alleged deceitful behavior that would serve her through many a state and federal prosecutorial investigation.  These investigations followed her and her husband, Bill Clinton from Arkansas to the White House, and now beyond.

Yet, the most onerous of Hillary claims has been linked to a web of mangled White House storylines concerning Benghazi Consulate security, attack, murders and what the president knew and when did he know it.

Fabrication of events is not new for Hillary Clinton, and according to her former boss Jerry Zeifman, who was “counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee,”  Hillary Clinton was fired from her position on the committee as a s...


The mainstream media kept this embarrassing side note out of the public eye when her husband, Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992 and in her own run for the U.S. seat from New York in 2000.

Yet, Jerry Zeifman, seemed compelled to alert the nation about Hillary Clinton, who in 2006 was making coordinated moves to run for President in 2008.  In his book, “Hillary Pursuit of Power,” he stressed, while working on the Judiciary Committee, Clinton,… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules."


Therefore it should be of surprise to no one that she was caught up in purported lies while First Lady of Arkansas as well as First Lady of the United States.  These scandals included in Whitewater illegal activities, the Travelgate cover up and her conveniently manufactured lie about coming under attack while visiting Bosnia.

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