I grew up having to defend my Blackness from primitive White racists where I grew up. The only definition I've ever accepted of me is my own- NOT what others attempt to impose.
I grew up having to defend my Blackness from primitive White racists where I grew up. The only definition I've ever accepted of me is my own- NOT what others attempt to impose.
I grew up having to defend my Blackness from primitive White racists where I grew up. The only definition I've ever accepted of me is my own- NOT what others attempt to impose.
Sen. Jim DeMint would rather see Congress go over the fiscal cliff than have a group of “zombie legislators” make tax and spending policy in final post-election weeks of the 112th Congress.
In a report on the dangers of legislating in lame-duck sessions, the South Carolina Republican argues, “The American people were never presented with competing ‘lame duck’ agendas, so Washington has no business trying to pass one. Conservatives may not like the policy outcome in any case, but rejecting the ‘lame duck’ and achieving an honest, transparent process respectful of the American people and our republican institutions is significant in its own right.”
The report — entitled “No Lame Deal in the Lame Duck” — adds that even if a lame-duck deal negotiated at the leadership level were to be blocked with a mix of liberal and conservative votes, “the precedent against ‘lame ducks’ is worth fighting for nonetheless.”
The report likens lame-duck lawmakers — those who have lost a re-election campaign or are retiring but are still in office until the 113th Congress convenes in January — to zombies.
“They are free, for two months and at taxpayer expense, to vote for whatever they please ... without their constituents being able to do anything about it,” the report says.
DeMint’s report also draws on conventional wisdom to outline what an agreement drafted by the White House and Congressional leaders might look like. That includes some increases in taxes and what the report calls “accounting gimmicks” to generate budget savings. DeMint rejects the idea of including any tax increases in the agreement.
Senate Budget ranking member Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., expressed his opposition to achieving savings through budget-scoring tricks in his own letter sent Wednesday to House and Senate leaders. He notes that the discussions on avoiding the year-end combination of tax increases and spending cuts through sequestration set up by last year’s debt limit law may include effective increases in federal spending.
“Offsets for any of these changes must also be achieved through real savings, not gimmicks like counting baseline savings from future war spending that is not expected to occur,” Sessions wrote.
Sessions is referencing the practice of taking advantage of budget-scoring rules that allow counting savings for the wind down of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Numerous lawmakers have tossed around the idea of using that money to block a cut in payment rates for doctors treating Medicare patients.
DeMint’s objections to the lame-duck agenda does not end with the big deal on fiscal policy. He alludes to a list of potential lame-duck agenda items assembled by Democratic leadership staff as other items that he believes did not receive serious debate during the 2012 presidential campaign.
Those issues range from an extension of expanded unemployment benefits to the stalled farm bill to a bill regarding the regulation of Internet gambling. That last measure, which would establish limits on online gaming and set up requirements for state-level regulation of web poker games, is a home-state priority of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
At the Races — Roll Call's Politics Blog
Posted at 2:56 p.m. on Nov. 20
The campaign of McIntyre, above, said Rouzer's request for a recount is an unnecessary cost to taxpayers. (Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
The campaign of Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., begrudgingly accepted a recount of the vote in the 7th Congressional District but slammed Republican David Rouzer for requesting one. McIntyre currently leads the state senator by 655 votes.
McIntyre campaign manager Lachlan McIntosh said Rouzer’s request is hypocritical because he supports fiscal responsibility and is “asking taxpayers to pay for his pursuit of his own personal political ambition.”
“While we respect the legal right for a recount, it is unfortunate that taxpayer dollars, time, and resources will be spent on a process that has been closely monitored,” McIntosh said in a statement. ”All twelve county boards of elections in the 7th District have carefully reviewed the votes and the results have already shown Mike McIntyre to be the winner.”
The recount will begin after Thanksgiving. Don Wright, the general counsel for the North Carolina State Board of Elections, said that each county in the district would meet, conduct the recount and report the results to the state board of elections.
Although a timeline for a congressional recount is not set by statute, Wright said he expected counting on Nov. 26 and 27 and a conclusion to the process by the end of Nov. 27 or sometime on Nov. 28.
The 7th District race is the final outstanding House race from the Nov. 6 elections. One other House race in Louisiana will be decided by a December runoff.
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Dear Mindy,
Many Right to Work supporters have called recently asking me what will happen now that Big Labor re-elected Barack Obama and held the majority in the U.S. Senate.
Well I can tell you, the union bosses are already scheming to seize more power.
In a revealing interview just before Election Day, top AFL-CIO union boss Richard Trumka promised that Big Labor's Card Check Forced Unionism Bill will be a top priority in Barack Obama's second term.
As you may remember, the Card Check Bill would STRIP workers of the right to a secret ballot in union elections, allowing union thugs to intimidate workers one-on-one -- or three-on-one -- into signing so-called "union authorization cards."
But Trumka didn't stop there.
He even pledged to unleash Big Labor's forced-dues-backed political war chest to oust members of Congress in 2014 who won't do the union bosses' bidding.
Not only that, the union bosses will scheme to kill pro-worker freedom legislation like the National Right to Work Act and Freedom From Union Violence Act.
And then there's "Plan B."
In his first term, Obama wasn't shy about paying back his union-boss benefactors through the National Labor Relations Board.
Now that Obama is no longer accountable to the voters, we must be on high alert for an all-out assault on worker freedom through the federal bureaucracy.
The good news is, Right to Work remains popular.
This week, voters in Michigan -- long considered a stronghold for Big Labor -- rejected the union bosses' ballot questions to expand their power over workers and taxpayers.
And in January when the new Congress is seated, the ranks of U.S Senators who signed a Committee survey 100% in favor of Right to Work will increase.
But we knew the union bosses would do whatever it took to re-elect Obama. And they're already demanding payback.
We must be ready to fight back.
Mark Mix
Simply, our Constitution demands it. We do not have another year to wait. ARMED with fully charged 10 million of us walk in and around White House, Congress, call the US Marshalls out to arrest every Traitor from the top to House, Senate, all of O cabinet and szars. Line them up, ship them out to 800 FEMA Concentration camps all over the U.S. and have the SEALS at them!
Obama’s administration has produced the greatest ever reliance on the state in US history. Never have Americans had the option of being so dependent on welfare programs as today.
What is welfare dependence and what does it deliver to the despot or dictator. If a person becomes lost in the vacuum which is non-work, they lose a number of basic but fundamental freedoms. Life as a non worker is one of marginalization, ones sense of value is lessened, and you lose self confidence and independence. Your choices become increasingly limited as the financial trap is set. You don't get to choose your clothes as you can't afford. You can't choose your food as you can't afford and you don't drive the car you want as you can't afford. However, you can get welfare assisted clothing, food and even a mobile phone thanks to the great leader. The great leader provides for you as you have no other choice. You don't have the freedom that comes with earning a living wage.
What frightens a welfare slave? Well what frightens everyone? Having things taken away, no money, food, totally losing everything? The strategic benefit for the despotic regime is that you provide the things. You control everything! You control fear! Someone disagrees with, you take away the things. You blame dissenters for the problems and the fact that no ambition can be fulfilled. They don't believe so they are anti-progressive, an enemy of everyone. After all if they succeed the great leader will not be able to give you things anymore. One day a citizen wakes to find they have no say, choice or chance.
When a person works and chooses their work destiny is based on their effort, their determination and inherent drive to succeed. America is about the chance to succeed without limits. You can drive a Bentley, wear Hugo Boss or eat at any restaurant you choose if only you work for it. That is not unfair. The successful did build that.
The nice liberal term of art for Socialism or Marxism is now social justice. Lets face it its redistribution by any other name. This holds “there should be no disparity in society between the rich or the poor, the lazy or productive”. Its utopianism at its most naive and simply results in mediocrity. The famous comment from Soviet Workers “While they pretend to pay us we will pretend to work” defines its danger.
Conclusion, socialism isn't about social welfare, social care, social justice or even concern for your fellow man. Its a delivery model for power; its a methodology by which you make an underclass without power or hope. What socialism presumes is that a small elite of theoreticians know better than the majority and therefore, democracy doesn't work as the voters are just not competent.
Our danger, once you reach the level when a majority of the populace is totally dependent on the benevolence of a great leader, and his bi weekly check. Then democracy fails and we become a dictatorship.
Obama and his key advisor's are socialists, and they do think they are the smartest in the room. We have a great leader in waiting.
Howdy all! I am finally out of the fog of Percocet! Knee is almost back to original size, and I am able to walk again. I did ask the nurse if I would be able to play the violin afterwards. She asked if I could play already, which I responded “yes, but it’s been decades.” So true to form, as any good nurse would be, she came right back with “Well I guess you’ll have to practice a lot, won’t you?”
Any hoo (said with a big Jack Benny sigh)
Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. ~ Hebrews 13:5
I missed talking to my family on Thanksgiving Day, since they were all out at other family member’s houses for the big meal. I did get them today. My sister told me about the damages caused by Hurricane Sandy (they live on Long Island NY). I grew up on the last bit of natural land south of Merrick Rd. So the potential of damage was real to me. But when I finally heard, my heart sank. The house is about 1.5 to 2 miles from the water leading up from the ocean through a series of natural and man-made canals. The water line during Sandy made it up to only 3 houses to their south, and the street was flooded another mile to the north. Yet, the only damage to the house was 3 small puddles in the basement. Outside, the water came to the front stoop, but no further. My Mom was out, as were most of the folks living there. But my sister was with my dad, who is 81 and suffers from a myriad of troubles. They had to watch everything in real time. But the house survived. That basement, which is always flooded during even the simplest of rain storms, only had three small puddles. My brother-in-law’s parent’s house didn’t do so good. The sheet rock from the floor up 2 feet had to be ripped off and replaced. They live on slab foundation, in the man-made part of the neighborhood. The only thing left on the first floor was the HDTV, mounted to the wall above the water line. My sister, then my Mom rattled off name after family name that I remember as a kid; all losing most if not all of their homes. My family, 3 puddles, oh yeah, Dad’s computer, which he believes fried upon return of the power. The town I grew up in will never be the same. The fantastic beaches of Jones Beach State Park destroyed. The bath houses, the restaurants, the boardwalks, the miles of the whitest sand you could find anywhere in the world are all gone. The high way along the beach area washed out. Fire Island is now 2 islands. Some of the beach communities are still closed off. The damage hasn’t been estimated yet, except for the silly numbers mentioned in the news. But no estimate will ever compare to the damages to memories. All this saddens me, for the neighborhood I grew up in, the parks and beaches I played in throughout my childhood are no longer there. But, my family survived. Their friends survived. My brother-in-law, who works for a company that installs heating systems, comes home late every night with a happy chant, “Another woman has heat tonight!” I am blessed that my family has each other. They have friends who are still their friends, even with the loss of their homes. It reminds me of when my wife, pregnant at the time, pushed away a dog jumping to her wastes, when her wedding band and engagement rings flew into the autumn brush and leaves. She cried as she told me what happened; only to get mad when I told her it was just ‘stuff’ and we are still married. (Boy, did she get MAD!)
God did not fail us then. I found the rings. God did not fail my family. They survived, with all the devastation around them. It doesn’t matter how much loss of property that was had, only the blessing of friends that are still friends. The value of what is left, or lost does not matter. What matters is that Survival was successful. Memories are still memories, regardless if the places where they were made are there or not. Forget the value of what was lost. Be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.
That was the best phone call to home I’ve had in a long time!
Take care, God bless and especially, ESPECIALLY at this time in history,
Tom Kiley
Should Lindsey Stone's employer be blamed for Facebook photo of her
disrespecting Arlington Cemetery Tomb of Unknown Soldiers
Lindsey Stone’s photograph on her Facebook page disrespecting the solemn military burial ground of Arlington National Cemetery sent shockwaves across the nation. Unfortunately her former employer, Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE), was caught in the Facebook photograph crossfire. It appears that a lot of the anger that was generated by outraged Americans was also laid at the doorstep of the organization.
This does raise several crucial questions that many employers and employees have to come to terms with. How responsible or even liable are employers for bad conduct that their employees engage in outside of the office? Is it fair to hold any organization, morally liable if an employee like Lindsey Stone decides to engage in outlandish disrespectful and dishonorable actions?
Should an organization like LIFE, or any other employer initiate an employment policy that includes forbidding employees from engaging in conduct that embarrasses their employer? Would that employment policy also include, posting of photographs on Facebook that may harm the organization’s ability to conduct its business or delivery of services.
Certainly, many Americans feel it is unreasonable to assign any liability for the immature 30-year-old Lindsey Stone’s conduct at Arlington Cemetery to LIFE. This notable non-profit organization has a solid reputation for proving quality services for adults with disabilities in Cape Cod, Mass. In fact, the organization responded to the disturbing behavior by stating in part:
Living Independently Forever, Inc. (LIFE) Statement
“This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard. We are proud to have veterans serving on our staff and board of trustees, and we value their service. The men and women who have selflessly fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and lives of Americans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. We are acutely aware that this photo has done a disservice to veterans and we are deeply saddened that it was taken and shared in a public medium.”
The organization’s deep sincere regret expressed by the former employer of Lindsey Stone and her co-worker Jamie Schuh, demonstrates clearly that every employer in America needs to have a chat with their employees and examine their employee policies. Unruly conduct on and off the premises of an organization, business or employment location, does have consequences.
Employees may claim that they have 1st Amendment “Freedom of Speech" rights under the U.S. Constitution. However those constitutional rights do not extend entirely to certain types of postings on an employee’s private Facebook page. ( Click to read more )
Sun-Tzu made the famous observation “lose the battle win the war” yet when translated into fiscal policy it’s not desirable, yet our GOP leadership are going to roll hoping to come back later. I recently made the move to the Tea Party as I cannot in good faith watch the GOP leadership horse trade with peoples lives. The fiscal cliff will be seen in the coming years as just one of many artificial dramas engineered by leaders on both sides as part of a process. That process is called “real politik” but it simply defends the status quo.
What we need is a dramatic change in direction as a nation; education delivers generations into welfare slavery. We spend like a lotto winner in Vegas and the “Washington Crowd” simply posture while making no radical proposals. We are going broke yet we act like the irresponsible sub-prime borrower.
I am a Venture Capitalist; I invest in innovation and entrepreneurship, the very driving forces which put this great nation at the top of the world. Yet I wonder, do any of our leaders understand it anymore? In the real world you must spend less than you receive and build strategic reserves so you can weather a harsh winter. Under the stewardship of our leaders we have become dependent on the benevolence of other nations. We are on welfare!
So what's the solution? Well as hard it will be, we need to cut benefits. We need to loosen the death grip the extremist environmental movement has on our energy pioneers. I could go on yet what we have to do as a matter of urgency is start with a joint understanding that the country cannot continue to borrow, whilst overseeing the destruction of our ability to produce wealth. If you lose your job, its not a good idea to keep spending on Visa.
Please listen, share and donate to the SEAL Family Foundation, that will assist the children of Ty Woods.
High On A Mountaintop
I heard the man on the radio, said, “My son is gone and what’s to show?”
Defending who knows what for who knows why.
Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal
“Who gave the order to let my son to die?”
Evil men telling evil lies
Just to win a vote you let them die
While that drone would only hover.
Finger pointing. They’re on the run.
Investigations have all begun.
How much more will they uncover?...I'm going...
High on a mountaintop. That’s the only place where I can stop this crying
High on a mountaintop. Closer to God and further from all this lying.
You know it stands to reason, and it’s shaping up like treason, we all know.
He didn’t even have to venture in, but when his brothers, they all needed him,
He was on the spot…not flying to Vegas.
Real leaders lead when they are called,
Never thinking that they’ll drop the ball
But drop to their knees for Him who has made us
Mychal Massie
There is talk and websites out now, that Osama Bin Laden is not dead, but was taken to Guantanamo Bay Cuba. It may have a bit of truth, I said a bit! Lets take Benghazi, lies, coverup and no truth to what really happened, just a bunch of educated suits telling you lie after lie to protect themselves and Obama not taking the lead or coming out and telling the truth! 4 People dead and they want to play games with the families and to us. How do you protect, when you are told to stand down? Woods a Seal lost his life because he disregarded to stand down and went to do the right thing. his death is honorable and this Administration could care less.
Eric Holder, another coverup with Fast and Furious, he said he knew nothing about the government giving guns to smugglers and the Drug Cartel. Eric Holder claims Executive Privilege! He means he is above the law and fuck us!
The more the Government covers up or hides the truth, the more we will not trust them or believe what they say is true. The more we do not trust them, one day will be their undoing for not doing the right thing by The American People and I hope a civil war breaks out and hangs them all for Treason and paints them as Traitors in the history books.
Lindsey Stone Facebook photo of her Disrespecting Arlington Cemetery
Tomb of Unknown Soldiers
When your son or daughter or other loved one goes off to war, there is pride in your heart as well as tears in your spirit. If they are called on to pay the ultimate price and are laid to rest in a place of honor like Arlington National Cemetery or local military cemeteries you understand in your soul that a grateful nation and its families appreciate their sacrifice as well as their noble service.
But what about those disrespectful Americans that engage in actions to attack the honored silence and solitude of the military resting place. What if instead , they decide to give the dead soldiers the finger or brazenly shout absurdities at those gathered to grieve at their loved one’s gravesite?
Lindsey Stone is such an American, who by birth can claim citizenship, but who by conduct certainly walks the line of needing to be stripped of it.
She decided in October to go to Arlington National Cemetery, to according to published accounts, engage in behavior that was prankish. But what exactly is prank behavior when a person not only engages in this behavior to disrespect the soldiers and their families? She then to add insult to injury, had an accomplice take a photo of her conduct and posted the photo to her Facebook page a as badge of honor.
The photo which went viral across the nation shows Ms. Stone using an obscene gesture. In addition, Next to her was a sign at Arlington Cemetery which clearly displays, "Silence and respect." Yet in the photo, Stone is depicted yelling. What was her purpose and what was she thinking?
Does this trouble you? Was Stone’s behavior juvenile for a 30-year-old woman, who seemed to seek social media approval by posting this shameful act on her Facebook page? Was it her First Amendment right to break the solemn rules of a hallowed place of dignity, because respect, discipline and decency are diminished institutional beliefs?
Lindsey Stone’s, now former employer Living Independently Forever (LIFE) initially placed her on suspension along with Jamie Schuh who joined her in the incident, according to Fox News. On Wednesday, Fox News reported that both Stone and Schuh were fired.
So where is the line in America? How far can a person be allowed to go to disrespect or infringe upon another citizen’s rights to grieve in peace? What about the right of the nation to insure that their honored war dead in any military cemetery in any state will not be dishonored?
By Peter Paton
A groundswell of support and traction is rising rapidly for immediate steps to be taken in forming a breakaway New American Confederacy (NAC), SIGN PETITION HERE which would constitute Southern Red States and affiliated Mountain States, including some Mid West and non urban West States. Angry and disappointed Conservatives across this great swathe of the Deep South Christian Belt are rebelling against another four years of imposed tyrannical rule under Barack Hussein Obama, despite the fact that all the Southern Red States soundly rejected Obama at the November 6th Poll. Louisiana citizens have already started the ball rolling by petitioning the White House to secede from the Union.
Planners, organizers, strategists and doers are working quietly behind the scenes, developing a sound political, economic and social blueprint to make this emerging idea a solid reality, with State Governors, Senators and Congressmen being canvassed and lobbied to support this Second Secession, the first was in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War. Already Secession yard and country signs are popping up all over the Lone Star State Texas, as the Revolutionary Movement for Breakaway gathers momentum and pace. The imminent fear that a second term of the Obama Regime will finish America as we know it is palpable in Tea Party hearts and minds, with grotesque images and nightmares of Sharia Law, Fema Camps, Marxism and RIFD Chips being visited upon American citizens. If the Red States were to secede, Obama would be left with widely separated, bankrupt Blue States and in the event of a 2nd Civil War, Obama would lose, as the Red States control most of US energy sources, pipelines, the Mississippi River, food, nuclear arsenal.
The name of Allen West is being tapped as potential future Leader of the projected New American Confederacy according to sources familiar with the sponsors and promoters of the Breakaway States, and tentative arrangements are already in mind to draft a new watertight Constitution under a single autonomous directly elected tier of Government.
Peter Paton is an International PR and Strategic Adviser
Follow Peter on Twitter @pjpaton
By Peter Paton
In 1860 the Southern States rebelled from the North under Abe Lincoln, and seceded from them to form the Southern Confederacy of America, which then precipitated the American Civil War in 1861.The seeds of discontent of this ugly and scarring war was over slavery of the blacks in the Deep South, and the ramifications and repercussions of this ill fated war can still be felt to this time in America, with an invisible line that forms the former demarcation of this divide, still felt palpably in the collective subconscious of all Americans to this very day.
Now in 2012, America is riven by equally dangerous and malevolent forces in the shape of political and social ideologies, driven by a Marxist fueled President Barack Hussein Obama and his liberal Democrat Party, which has split the country once more in a gaping North and South divide, with a predominantly blue and red state split, which is polarizing the Republic into an augmented patchwork of Democrat and Republican zones, fragmented by irreconceivable cultural, social, religious and political differences and viewpoints.
Now that Obama has been re-elected for four more years, we may well witness the death of America as we know it, as the Obama administration continues its relentless pursuit and destruction of the American Constitution, annihilates the Conservative and Free Enterprise ideals, increases the colossal Federal Debt, and grants Liberty and Amnesty to an estimated twenty two million illegals and immigrants, and turns the USA into a medieval and neanderthal wasteland.
It is possible that the still deeply Religious and Conservative South, , including the non-urban Midwest, the Mountain States, and the non-coastal West, may well rebel again in the aftermath of another term for Obama, and secede from the North, to safeguard and protect the Constitution and the Christian Faith from the ravages of foreign principles of Communism and Islam, which appears to underpin the thinking and policies of the Obama Administration. If this scenario occurs, it is also envisaged that there would be a clause to allow possible entry eligibility for Conservatives living in Liberal dominated Northern States to migrate to the New Southern Confederacy. Further to this, strategic, military and economic Alliances could made by the Confederacy with like minded and sympathetic countries like the UK, Canada and Israel etc, all underpinned by a viable and feasible political and socio-economic system in the Southern States. This in turn would provide the Southern Confederacy with a Multi Lateral Nuclear Umbrella.
Peter Paton is an International PR and Strategic Adviser
Follow Peter on Twitter @pjpaton
11/22/2012 Murder of Critical Intervention Services Officer Michael Valentin |
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