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a lot can happen in four years...

When our current president was elected, there was a big to do about it at work we all were sitting in the breakroom and I remember one of the ladies I work with said "why not just print more money?" I mean she laughed and several people agreed that was the answer after all just print more money, like that's what the president should do. I thought I know she is smarter than that... I mean I thought she's just kinding so I didn't say anything, but how many people really think that's the answer?  I mean maybe people don't  realize that doing that makes every dollar we earn worth half as much, all I'm saying is who wants to work for an hour for say $20, but it's only worth $10? Most people I know would say HEYLL no to that scenario.  Most people I know are pro choice, but draw the line at partial birth abortions. President Obama has a voting record against every single restrictive legislation presented on this issue. I'm talking about extreme, like death rooms where if an infant somehow survived an abortion he is in favor of leaving an infant in a cold hospital room to starve to death. The laws that were meant to protect minors by notifying parents if their daughter had these procedures in their facilties were viewed as restrictions by this president, I can't justify voting for someone who is such a crusader for abortion rights, my heart won't let me. I know of too many women who would give anything to be a mother and can't, not to be bothered by the statistics of abortions vs adoptions. I'm not totally niave though, I had a friend who said she agrees with abortion because she couldn't imagine some stranger having her kid, I was disturbed that she would rather kill the baby than give the baby to some stranger that can't have one,but then again it's just a fetus I guess? It boggles the mind.  Our president loves federal regulations, Ok so when faced with ALL the federal regulations (obama care, etc.) are in place and companies/franchises like those that so many of us work start cutting back on hours, stop hiring people or close, because they are not going to loose profits to comply with all the regulations whose to blame? The companies?  The president? No the voters, that's who, these things matter to me. I like to look at the voting records of the people running for office and the issues that matter to me and if they vote the way I would, that's my person. I don't let any reporter or commercial sway my vote, I listen to the debates, and I really consider things. I hope people are more informed this time around a lot can happen in four years....oh yeah I just wanted to add if you really believe the bull the mainstream media & the white house was selling about a stupid video being the cause of the attacks over seas, you need to google that crap! What you should worry about is the fact that our right to freedom of speech is under attack by our president, it is a crying shame that most people don't even have a clue what's going on in the world because the media adores this guy too busy being a celebrity to be a leader.  The arrogance is truly disturbing.http://

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Unmistakable Patterns of Deceit

New Jobless claims hit the 382,000 mark as once again, more Americans filed jobless claims than was 4063581573?profile=originaloriginally forecast.  It was revealed that six million middle class voters, more than first estimated, will be hit by the tax penalty for not getting insurance under Obamacare.  When the new regulations in Obamacare are added to existing federal regulations, American taxpayer and business costs will increase by $1.8 trillion annually, a number that exceeds the original estimates proffered by the Obama the administration by a factor of twenty.  That means twenty times the original estimates is the correct answer.

Beginning to see the pattern there?

When asked in 1995 to explain his vision of democracy, Obama said:

“I think that recapturing the spirit that existed not just in the civil-rights movement but in the union organizing movement, in the populous movement. I think there is a running thread; one of the better angels of our nature in this country which has been the notion that, you know, we can sit around the table and find common ground and make democracy work in the way that it should be working.  It’s not popular right now to say that, and to believe in sort of a common good, but I think that notions of a common good are the glue that hold our society together and make democracy possible.”

When Obama was asked if he is “willing to stake your political career on your common ground?” he replied “That’s the core of my faith.”

Is it for the “common good” that the administration and its media lapdog puppets have lied to the American public about unemployment numbers, and the impact and costs of federal regulations, including the much ballyhooed Obamacare?

Beginning to see the pattern there?

4063581530?profile=originalThe U.S. Embassy in Pakistan is under siege.  Protests in Indonesia have forced the American consulate to shut down for a second consecutive day.  In Afghanistan, hundreds have taken to the street chanting anti-American slogans.  In Iran, equal numbers are chanting “Down with the U.S.”

The Prime Minister in Iraq has condemned the United States for an obscure anti-Islamist video trailer posted on YouTube.  The very same video the Obama administration made great efforts to solely blame for what they described as “spontaneous” protests in the Islamist world.  That would be multiple voices at the highest levels of the Executive Branch…for days.

Now it has been revealed by witnesses "that there was never an anti-American protest outside of the consulate [in Benghazi, Libya]. Instead, they say, it came under planned attack. That is in direct contradiction to the administration's account of the incident."

It seems an either dishonest or an inept administration misled the public about Libya.

Beginning to see the pattern there?

What gets reported by the “mainstream media”?  The same media found culpable of intentionally misleading the public on important policy matters that affect all Americans?

Thursday morning September 20, 2012 the top headline on Yahoo News: Pawlenty quits as Romney campaign co-chair.

The subtext under that headline: The move came with Romney's campaign struggling with just seven weeks before election-day.

This is a case in point that clearly illustrates unmistakable bias against GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

The article opens by stating that “Tim Pawlenty quit as co-chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign on 4063581620?profile=originalThursday to become one of Wall Street's top lobbyists in Washington. Pawlenty, a former governor of Minnesota, will lead the Financial Services Roundtable.”

Notice the phrase “quit as co-chair”.  Why was it not: “resigned as co-chair”?  Note that the article ensures that in the very first paragraph readers are told that the quitter Pawlenty is going to “become one of Wall Street's top lobbyists in Washington.”

How, exactly, do Oliver Knox and Yahoo News know that Pawlenty will “become one of Wall Street's top lobbyists in Washington”?

If Olivier Knox and Yahoo News are truly so proficient at forecasting the future, why are they not using this supernatural power to clue America in on how to solve its myriad of problems at home and abroad?

Of course, since they do not actually possess such abilities, this “ensure Obama gets re-elected at all costs (even costs to whatever remnants of journalistic integrity remain in America)” hit piece is reduced to further efforts to diminish the GOP through hyping the already failed “progressive” spin that “Romney's campaign has been grappling with a video showing him seemingly writing off Obama supporters as having a "victim" mindset and being reliant on government handouts.”

Beginning to see the pattern there?

Unfortunately for Oliver Knox, Yahoo News and their cohorts within the “progressive” Party Pravda, a CNBC Poll shows that 75 percent of Americans agree with Romney's 47 percent comments.

Obama, “progressives” and their minions within their Pravda lie through their teeth about the true nature, scope and reach of Obama’s failure.  Americans see through their lies.

Beginning to see the pattern there?

Much to their dismay, after November 6, 2012, Obama, “progressives” and their minions within the “progressive” Party Pravda will.

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Hobby shop chain faces backlash for stance against ObamaCare

Support Hobby Lobby. Destroy the liberal boycott. Lets do a Chick-fil-A at Hobby Lobby. Spread the word. We need a Hobby Lobby day. Lets end this nonsense once and for all. Our power greatly exceeds their power, but we must exercise it. Go forth and BUY!

By Perry Chiaramonte

Published September 20, 2012


National arts and crafts retail chain Hobby Lobby is facing backlash after filing a lawsuit opposing the HeathCare Mandate, with the owners claiming that it goes against their Christian Values. (AP)

A Christian-owned chain of hobby shops is facing a bitter backlash after suing the Obama administration over new requirements to provide insured employees with contraceptive and abortion coverage.

Oklahoma-based Hobby Lobby filed the suit Sept. 12 in U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City, alleging that the ObamaCare mandate violates the religious beliefs of the company's owners. The suit followed similar suits by Catholic colleges and a Denver-based company whose owners also objected to the mandate on religious grounds. While a judge has not yet ruled on Hobby Lobby's suit, a Facebook page calling for a boycott of the company, which operates 500 stores in 41 states, has appeared online, and several other forums have featured posts urging customers to steer clear of Hobby Lobby.

“I’m boycotting Hobby Lobby!” reads the heading of one posting on image posting site Flickr. “Even if you're pro-life this kind of action stinks to high heaven! If things like this can be allowed then what's next?!,” the user added.

“They’re being told they have two choices. Either follow their faith and pay the government half-a-billion dollars or give up their beliefs."

- Lori Windham, attorney for Hobby Lobby

Others have taken to social media to protest against Hobby Lobby, with a “Boycott Hobby Lobby” page on Facebook.

“I've been to two Hobby Lobby parking lots today and they were fairly empty. I used to have trouble finding a parking spot!” read one posting from the administrator of the Boycott page. “I think the boycott is catching on! I do not think they are getting the reaction they hoped for.”

Hobby Lobby owner David Green is a devout Baptist who owns one of the world's largest collections of Biblical artifacts. The Barret Fund for Religious Liberty, which represents Green in his suit, argued that compliance with the offending portion of the health care law that the nature of their suit is “would force religiously-motivated business owners like plaintiffs to violate their faith under the threats of millions of dollars in fines.”

Lawyers argued that company employees are well aware of Green's views and their bearing on the company.

“The Green family’s business practices ... reflect their Christian faith in unmistakable and concrete ways,” the complaint states. The company employs full-time chaplains; close all store locations on Sundays and monitors all marketing and operations to make sure that it is consistent with their beliefs.

Failure to comply with the mandate could subject the company to as much as $1.3 million in daily fines, according to Barret Fund attorneys.

"They’re being told they have two choices: Either follow their faith and pay the government half a billion dollars or give up their beliefs," Lori Windham, an attorney from theBarret Fund, told "We believe that’s a choice no one should have to make.”

David Green could not be reached for comment, but in a recent USA Today Op-Ed, he blasted the Obama administration for imposing mandates he believes he cannot comply with.

“Our government threatens to fine job creators in a bad economy," Green wrote. "Our government threatens to fine a company that’s raised wages four years running. Our government threatens to fine a family for running its business according to its beliefs. It’s not right.”

The company does not object to providing coverage that includes birth control pills, but refuses to provide or pay for two specific abortion-inducing drugs such as the so-called "morning after" pill, because Green's "most deeply held religious belief" is that life beginning at conception, the family said in a statement released through its attorneys.

As for the boycott, the company's founders believe customers have the right to vote with their feet.

"The Green family respects every individual's right to free speech and hopes that others will respect their rights also, including the right to live and do business according to their religious beliefs.," the statement said.

Hobby Lobby is believed to be the first non-Catholic company to file an objection to the healthcare mandate. The Newland family, the devoutly Catholic owners of Denver-based Hercules Industries filed a similar suit this past summer and won a court injunction that ruled that they are not obligated to follow the mandate.

“I think the law and precedent set by this case is very strong for Hobby Lobby and the Green Family,” Windham said.

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Our Problems.

In order for us to begin the ascent from the current doldrums we must refrain from "giving the store away" meaning we have to filter out those who are abusing the system and putting us further in debt. We can start by drastically reducing the number those receiving benefits under false or calculated pretenses and there are plenty of those running loose and quietly bleeding the system dry. I've heard stories of young women deliberately getting pregnant in order to receive benefits & free housing and this goes on everywhere and they will simply tell you "it's what we do" and walk away laughing while the hard working taxpayer is played for the biggest "sucka" on the face of the earth. There are others who use different tactics to "get over" on our blessed system and this costs hundreds of billions a year and when added up over the course of a few decades the amount is even more enormous! We have an internal problem that has not been properly policed and we also have a problem with lawlessness & it's horrible. One can look at the New York Yankees for example. Listen to their 2 bit entrapping low balling broadcasters on any given day and see what the system has permitted to "run on" after complaints & charges have been filed. We also have problems with scam artist type crooked politicians like the censured Charles Rangel among others, who has yet to be removed and is making a mockery out of the state  of NY. The problems are so many because no one took the time to properly evaluate and install a working modus operandi and it's time we get our ship right & the time is now! 

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We Are Not Stupid.


We are not stupid! That's one of Herman Cain's favorite catch phrases. He uses it to point out the falsehoods he perceives from the Obama campaign and administration. Mr. Cain is currently still working on his most recent endeavor, the internet TV station at He is slotted to break back into radio next January when he'll take over Neal Boortz' show. He's no Glenn Beck, I'll say that much. As for his CainTV, I think there's something to be said about those that will settle for mediocrity over content...

All of that is besides the point, as the man whose stupidity is in question is Mr. Rick Santorum. I'm sure he would chime along with Mr. Cain about his own lack of stupidity. Rick Santorum's post-primary project is Patriot Voices, which among other things, is a "grassroots and online community of Americans from across the country who stand together to affect change." One of their most recent projects is a film collaboration with Citizens United called "Our Sacred Honor." A trailer to the film has been added to the end of this post. 

The opposite chorus in the ballad of smarts and stupid is an editor over at The New York Times. Now. in his defense, the article does not say that Mr. Santorum or any conservative is stupid. Rather, it says that "Social conservatives have given up on smart people," which as it points out, is kind of what Santorum had been saying. He talked about how conservatives would “never have the elite smart people on our side.” 

The author of the article went from this point on to talk about Romney's reaction to Obama's handling of the crisis around the storming of the US embassies in Egypt and Libya. Specifically he questioned the allegations that what Obama said amounted to an apology. The author also questioned why an apology might be so bad. He insinuated that conservatives in general were out of touch with reality, and that they seemed happy to go that way, as with Rick Santorum. The article said that conservatives and "the Romney campaign has given up on what Karl Rove once called the 'reality-based community.'"

Herman Cain says that we are not stupid, Rick Santorum says that the smart people aren't ever gonna be on our side, and The New York Times questions Romney's campaign's grip on reality. How does that make you feel? Real Smart? 

Well, here's the preview to Santorum's new project:


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No "Contact Us" icon on the website

This website does not have a "Contact Us" website.

Is there no way to send a message to this organization?
Does this organization not receive incoming messages,
no matter how urgent and critical?

Does is only send out messages?

Some human being please advise. Thanks.

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Another Day Another Disaster

4063581391?profile=originalBarack Obama’s foreign policy approval numbers plunged in a recent poll.  This is no surprise at a time when NATO is pulling back in Afghanistan, a move that is heightening doubts about the future of that country.  NATO’s decision, which leaves Obama’s exit strategy in doubt, makes his claims of “progress” in that arena suspect at best.

While the Islamist world raged in the first week of a stark, full blown display of vehement, bloody hatred towards the United States, Barack Obama was jet setting to a party with Jay-Z and Beyonce, where he enjoyed the sight of a lavish 18-foot tall tower of gold French champagne bottles.  That was, until he was obligated to move the party to the CBS Late Show with David Letterman for a conversation that was so important that Obama simply could not find the time to meet with that pesky Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Oh yes, without a glimpses of a hint of a shadow of a doubt, Obama is the one and only candidate in this presidential race who is grounded, looks out for and cares for the little guy.4063581454?profile=original

If you believe that, there is an exclusive ocean front property sale happening in Bolivia that is definitely not to be missed.

For the White House and the Obama re-election campaign, another day means another disaster.

Especially when additional evidence of his long term devotion to wealth redistribution surfaces:

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney rejected Obama’s views and policies by stating 'We believe in free people and free enterprise, not redistribution'.  That statement exemplifies how Romney is escalated his attacks on Obama's economic vision.  A vision that has led to two credit downgrades for the United States, long term unemployment for millions of Americans, reductions in wealth and earning power at a time of higher prices at the grocery story and escalating costs for energy.

4063581471?profile=originalThanks to an embarrassingly unprofessional and utterly irresponsible news media, most Americans are oblivious to the fact that the number of able-bodied adults who are dependent on food stamps has doubled since Obama’s illegal Executive Order suspended the work requirement for welfare recipients.

What is the “mainstream media” focused on?

For ABC News, the headline is: Romney Tapes Give Way To The Not-So-Calm After The Storm

Of special note for MICHAEL FALCONE (@michaelpfalcone) and AMY WALTER (@amyewalter) are:

•ROMNEY TAPES GET THE SUPER PAC TREATMENT: That didn’t take long. The pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action, is quick out of the starting gate this morning with a new television ad featuring footage of Mitt Romney’s candid comments from a private fundraiser that has rocked the political world this week. The script of the ad, titled “Doors,” speaks for itself. A narrator says, “Behind these doors Mitt Romney calls half the American people….” And then the hidden-camera video of Romney finishes the sentence:  ”Dependent upon government, who believe they are victims.” The narrator returns: “Victims?  Behind these doors middle-class families struggle. And Romney will make things even tougher. Raising taxes by up to $2,000 to give multi-millionaires a $250,000 tax break.” And Romney again: “I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility…” The group says the ad is part of their $30 million effort to underscore the effects of Romney’s economic proposals, which is underway on television and online in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. WATCH:

 •THE ROMNEY CAMPAIGN RESPONDS WITH TWO LUMPS OF COAL: Today the Romney campaign released two new television ads focusing on what Team Romney is calling “President Obama’s war on coal.” According to a release from the campaign: The first ad titled “Way of Life.” In the ad a man says, “My family’s worked in the coal industry for over sixty years. This is the way of life we know. Policies that the current administration’s got is attacking my livelihood. Obama said he was going to bankrupt any new power plants that opened up that’s coal-fired and he’s keeping his promise. I got two young grandsons. I’m scared for their future, let alone mine. I support Mitt Romney.” WATCH: In the second ad, “War on Coal,” the Republican nominee touts his support for the coal industry: “We have 250 years of coal,” Romney says in the spot. “Why wouldn’t we use it?” WATCH:

 •REDISTRIBUTION POLITICS: The Romney and Obama campaigns are sparring today over “redistribution” — specifically an audio clip of President Obama from 1998 on the subject. WATCH: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski sums up the argument the GOP is seeking to make today — and likely for some time to come: “While Governor Romney talks about promoting personal responsibility and hard work, promising to deliver recovery, President Obama believes in redistribution and government dependency.” The Romney campaign has already been pushing hard on this line of attack and there’s more to come today, campaign aides tell The Note. Yesterday Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt weighed in: “The Romney campaign is so desperate to change the subject that they’ve gone back to the failed playbook co-authored by Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. Fourteen years ago, then-Senator Obama was making an argument for a more efficient, more effective government — specifically citing city government agencies that he didn’t think were working effectively.”

The world is burning, Obama is fiddling, and the “mainstream media”, more appropriately described as the “progressive” Party Pravda, is focused on attacking and smearing the GOP candidate on behalf of the “progressive” in the White House.

Is this what America wants?

On November 6, 2012, Americans decide.

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By John W. Lillpop

On the Dave Letterman show Tuesday night, President Barack Obama stated that the occupant of the Oval Office must "work for everyone, not just for some," a pathetic response to Mitt Romney’s “secret” video.

However, Obama’s record over the past four years indicates that there are several groups of Americans whom the president does not care about, or work for.

Those Obama does not appear to work for include, but are not limited to:

( )Those who earn more than $250,000 a year;
( )Those involved in the coal industry;
( )Religious institutions denied First Amendment rights as a result of ObamaCare mandates:
( )US Border patrol agents and their families;
( )Male Caucasians;
( )Pro-life activists;
( )Stay- at- home moms;
( )Tea Party members;
( )Evangelicals;
( )The City and people of Las Vegas;
( )Gun rights advocates;
( )Opponents of same-sex marriage;
( )Supply-side economists;
( )Balanced budget advocates;
( )Pro-Israel activists;
( )FOX News;
( )Americans for legal immigration:
( )US Chamber of Commerce;
( )People and businesses that pay taxes;
( )Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, and Clint Eastwood, and
( )Governors of Red States.

The big question: Does the number of voters in the above categories exceed the 47 percent in the tank for our failed president?

Pray to God that the answer is a resounding YES!

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Romney Should Not Back Down

4063581092?profile=originalLeave it to the “progressive” Party Pravda (in the form of Holly Bailey and Yahoo News), on precisely the morning they desperately need to change the subject, to magically stumble across a Mitt Romney quote recorded at a closed-door fundraiser earlier this year.

This is a typical “progressive” tactic used to distract attention away from the Obama damaging, bogus explanation for anti-American violence occurring across the Middle East.  A completely implausible explanation created by the White House and propagated by America’s so-called mainstream news media.

Aiming to reinforce the false “progressive” narrative that Romney is an out of touch rich guy, Baily wears her “progressive” bias openly.   She begins her “news story” with:

“Mitt Romney stood by his comments captured on a hidden camera at a closed-door fundraiser earlier this year in which he called supporters of President Barack Obama "victims" and said they are reliant on government handouts.

In a hastily arranged news conference Monday night, he called his words "off the cuff" and "not elegantly stated," but given several opportunities to back off the comments, he did not.”

Note Baily’s use of the words “hastily arranged news conference”, an example of propagating the phony meme that Romney’s campaign is disorganized.

These cherry picked comments also further the manufactured “progressive” notion that whenever Romney opens his mouth, whatever he says is a gaff, or is “not elegantly stated”.

In typical “progressive” Party Pravda fashion, Baily misrepresents both Romney’s message and his actual point.

What Romney said was:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what.  There are 47 percent 4063581140?profile=originalwho are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."

Romney continued his remarks by stating his job as candidate was "not to worry about those people."

Any fair minded individual capable of grasping electoral reality comprehends why Romney would say his job as candidate is not to worry about going after voters who common sense dictates will vote for Obama.

By the same rationale, Obama would not choose to waste his time chasing after Tea Party votes.

Common sense and logic seem to be vital elements missing in “progressive” “news” stories.  Instead, the “progressives” focused on smearing Mitt Romney for simply speaking the truth.

It is the truth that 47 percent of Americans pay no income tax.  The “progressive” “defense” against this fact is to say those people do pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Unfortunately for “progressives”, the hole in their “defense” is; the people who do pay income tax pay all those other taxes too.

It is true that people in America who pay no income tax are not going to be motivated by a candidate who promises lower taxes.  Why would they care about tax rates that have zero effect on them?

Except to favor of increases on others so the government can afford to give them more stuff…

There are an unacceptable number of people in America who are dependent upon government.  Many, if not most, see themselves as victims.  They believe they are “entitled” to “free” healthcare, food stamps, “affordable housing” and welfare payments.  They are being taught by the big-government centrally planned Department of Education that government’s job is to take care of them.

Those who remain unconvinced can watch the official full length version of the Tides Foundation production of “The Story of Stuff”.

It is quite interesting, how the Tide Foundation, funded by George Soros, just happens to be a huge proponent of “progressive” propaganda.  Not surprisingly, whenever “progressive” actions and/or propaganda come full circle George Soros and his ill-gotten billions always seem to be involved.

Romney is not just running against the Obama campaign.  He is running against Obama, the media, Hollywood, academia, George Soros and anyone else who propagates the anti-American “progressive” narrative.

You can bet all the money owed for unpaid American college loans that “progressives” will whine about the Koch brothers.

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Lame Stream Media

This idea may be to late, but couldn't the tea party organize members to carry picket signs outside of some of these liberal newspaper buildings with the signs showing pieces of the newspapers blatant bias.

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3 Allah Akbars and You're Out!

Isn’t Technology GREAT !!!

Take a look at the 20-seconds video, but read this first.

The cameraman is filming his friend as he praises Allah and launches mortar shots at British troops. Little does he know that current mortar shell tracking technology can track the trajectory of a hostile round and fire a retaliatory shot to precisely the spot from which the hostile shell was fired. This only requires the hostile mortar to fire 2 to 3 rounds. Count the number of mortar rounds the masked insurgent fires in the video. See how well it works. If you listen carefully you can hear the single round from the American artillery fired in the distance. It comes just after the terrorist fires his third round and his fourth round drops down the tube but that's as far as it gets.

No more "Allah Akbars" from THIS source! Isn't technology wonderful?



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A Traitor is a Traitor is a Traitor


In 2008, Obama said he would fundamentally change America – why weren’t we in shock when we heard those words.  What did we really think he meant? 

A man who wouldn’t honor our Country by placing his hand over his heart during our National Anthem and in return we’re supposed to honor this man some call Mr. President… Most politicians wore the flag pin since September 12 after the terrorist attack on the towers to honor fallen victims, our Troops and the family members who lost love ones on 911. Obama was ridiculed for refusing to wear the flag pin and finally relented.

Obama nonchalantly gives US support to the Arab Spring movement in his televised speech on the Middle East. In fact he bragged about planting the seeds of the Arab Spring that started in Tunis spreading throughout the Middle East.  He even promised to use all US resources to assist them.

He is the one we should be holding responsible for the  Fast and Furious gunrunner operation, the 787 billion stimulus money that he stole from taxpayers, the deliberate support of the Muslim Brotherhood, opening up our borders to drug cartel and terrorists, weakening our Military, refusing to support Netanyahu and the ugly corrupt Obama list just rambles on…

When is enough, enough?  Why would anyone including African Americans, Hispanics, women and our youth support a person who is destroying our Nation.  Are they really that naïve? Don’t they realize our Military is in harm’s way due to Obama’s foreign policies?  Don’t they realize Obama used a sledge hammer to stop drilling on the coast, nixed the Keystone Pipeline and hamstrung all businesses?

When Mitt Romney was chewed up and kicked under the bus over his remarks about the 47% not voting for him and placed them in the category of victims - for the first time in many years finally one man had the guts to state the truth.  These people are the victims of the Government and Obama continued using them and destroying all their hope for a better day starting in 2008 during his Presidential campaign.

He has followed the Rules for Radicals to a “T” which is based on one theory only destroying your adversaries. Obama has never allowed a serious crisis go to waste and his goal to overthrow Capitalism is being accomplished by creating a vacuum that places more and more people under Government control via entitlements.

These people Mitt Romney refers to are the victims of a corrupt vicious dictator who lives by theCloward/Piven strategy to create an ongoing crisis and manage it by abusing those who in fact need a hand up, not a hand out. It’s time for those who are undecided about the Presidential Election this year to step forward and stop the traitors in our Government including all of Obama’s Administration, the Liberal News Media and extreme Liberals.

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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BRand Paul Mainstream?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Rand Paul haven't always seen eye to eye, but last Thursday, they forever cemented in their political relationship.
Some see this move as another example of Senator McConnell's political savvy and survivor skills. Others see it as a sign of the Paul Clan selling out to a more main stream Republicanism.

Says Aaron Blake of the WashingtonPost:

"McConnell announced Thursday that his 2014 Senate campaign will be run by Jesse Benton, who just happens to be a former top aide to Ron Paul — the libertarian congressman that has tangled with the Republican Party establishment— and his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who trounced a McConnell-endorsed candidate in a primary just two short years ago.

7sT2z.WiPh.91.jpgIt’s a bold, outside-the-box move and, at least at first glance, a win-win situation for McConnell.ent for years — and his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who trounced a McConnell-endorsed candidate in a primary just two short years ago.

Benton is very well regarded in Washington as a grassroots strategist with an ear to the ground of the tea party movement. McConnell, meanwhile, is the leader of the Republican establishment who wants to avoid the kind of tea party uprising that brought down his protege, former secretary of state Trey Grayson, in the 2010 Senate primary. (Rand Paul trounced Grayson in that race.)"

Rand Paul has made it clear that he will be supporting McConnell in 2014, and his support, as well as the hiring of Benton, is seen as a way for Sen. McConnell to ensure he can have Tea Party support needed to ensure no primary challenger can oust him, such as with Dick Lugar earlier this year. It helps that Benton is also family to the Pauls—  he's married to Ron Paul's granddaughter. 

Some have looked to this move as a sell out from the grassroots friendly Pauls to the republican establishment. Whatever one feels, Sen. McConnell probably is now confident he's got those grassroots all behind him now.

As for Paul, his family is (by all accounts) slowly but surely climbing toward a Presidential run in the near future for Rand. 

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I too remember what so many have forgotten.  It blasted me then as to who and why was this man ever  chosen to be a senator let alone a presidential candidate.  It makes ask the question.  Who else?  

Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening.
The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'.
From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11 : 48 : 04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.
General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".
'Senator Obama replied :
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."
Obama continued : "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ....."
When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations ofIslam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed,CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "
Yes, you read it right.
I, for one, am speechless!!!

Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post

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He is worried about a video of him telling a private gathering that he is not concerned about the 47% of people who believe that Government owes them something and that Government should support them.

He is worried about telling the truth ?   THAT MAKES HIM AN IDIOT !

He should come out and say yep that is a fact I represent the real workers on the United States who work and pay taxes so the slugs can continue to be parasites!

Not only that But my plan is to see that the Parasites are weaned off handouts and learn to be productive citizens !

The GOP always back peddles and apologies to the left which makes me want to puke and tell the GOP to MAN UP !  

No guts at all !

We have had enough of the Wimps like Obama who apologize for the USA and bow to lessor people 

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True or False? Will we ever know?

True or false?  We may never know the whole truth. 
I've always believed that where there's smoke there's fire.  In the case of Mr. Soetoro/Obama there is so much smoke, you can't see anything else.
Here's a man who has an unverifiable past, relatively no experience in government or business.  Gets elected to the Illinois legislature, then to the U.S. Senate, and within 4 years becomes the President of the United States!  WHAT?!
He's awarded the Nobel prize; for what?  Being 1/2 black and getting elected?  He had absolutely NO other accomplishments; not even a major academic publication to his credit.
His cabinet and advisors are predominately far left politically and have far more experience in academia than in business or government.
Yet the media adores him.  The spin never ceases and he is FUNDAMENTALLY changing our country.  The current spin is that he's created 4.5 million jobs.  Well, they fail to say that he's still at a net loss.  They say the private sector is growing, yet they fail to tell you that we are only one quarter away from having an official recession.  They play games about the tax code, yet they fail to tell you that 47% of Americans pay NO Federal income tax (where's the "fair share" in that?).
Yesterday I learned that the current amount of INTEREST only on our debt to China is amounts to 70% of their cost for their military; and in less than 4 years, at our current rate of spending/borrowing, we will be paying 100% of the cost of the Chinese military!  You don't hear that on any major networks; not because it's not true, but because they don't want you to hear about it.
They are now spinning out of control over the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic radicals killing Americans, attacking embassies, etc.  If you listen to the mainstream media and the administration, you probably think this all started over some video clip released by someone insulting Islam and their Prophet.  Yet, the Libyan leaders say this was a pre=planned coordinated attack that they told Washington about 3 weeks ago!  That makes more sense since it happened on the anniversary of 9/11.  The video in question has been out on YouTube since July.  Also, Bill Maher's movie "Religulous" made fun of/insulted Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  No riots began over that film.  No statements from Obama's administration about it being disgusting or reprehensible.  Guess what; Maher donated $1,000,000 to the Obama campaign!
How is this happening?  Can he be stopped?  Like the author below, this election has me very worried.  It's not just the economy, it's Iran getting a nuke, it's the proliferation of nuclear materials to both rogue nations and terrorists who have no compunction against killing innocents.  It's a Congress so out of touch with the American people that we are borrowing more than we take in in taxes just to keep funding foreign nations who aren't our friends and subsidizing everything from student loans, welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc., etc., etc.

 You know who.... A FOREIGN STUDENT
This is no surprise........ He claims what ever suits him from one day to the next....

TRUE??? FALSE??? Barry Myth buster. Tony
Take a close look at this.
Please read the letter also, as it contains some very interesting questions, that need answers.Written by a female Obama supporter who voted for him for president.
Legitimate  Question.

This election has me very worried. So many things to consider. I voted for Obama. McCain was a Washington insider and we don't need any more of them. I have changed my mind three  times, since then. I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must say this drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view CNN, and Fox News, you might get some middle ground to work with. I started  thinking "where does all the money come from for President Obama"? I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middle class, and money was  tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and there were lots of student loans. I started looking into Obama's history for my own peace of mind.

Around 1979 Obama started college at  Occidental in California. He is very open about his two years at Occidental, he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he  had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
"Barry" (that  was the name he used all his life) during this time had two roommates, Muhammad  Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan. During the summer of  1981, after his second year in college, he made a "round the world" trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi , Pakistan where he stayed with his  roommate's family, then off to Africa to visit his father's  family.

My  question - Where did he get the money for this trip? Nether I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they were in  college. When he came back he started school at Columbia University in New York.  It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack - not  Barry. Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia ?  It's not cheap to say the least.  

My girls asked me; where did he get money for tuition? Student Loans? Maybe it's none of my business?

After Columbia, he went to Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000. a year.
Why Chicago? Why not New York? He was already living in New York. By "chance" he met Antoin "Tony" Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real estate developer in Chicago. Rezko  has been convicted of fraud and bribery several times in the past and in  2011. Rezko, was named "Entrepreneur of the Decade" by the Arab-American Business and Professional Association".  About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School.  Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School ? 
Where did he get the money for Law School ? More student loans? His family has no money that's for sure.
After Law school, he went back to Chicago. Rezko offered him a job, which he turned down. But, he did take a  job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what I discovered? They represented "Rezar", which is Rezko's firm

Rezko was one of Obama's first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago. In 2003, Rezko  threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with "seed money" for his U.S. Senate race.

In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwood District of Chicago for  $1.65 million (less than asking price).  With ALL those Student Loans - Where  did he get the money for this property? On the same day Rezko's wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.  The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama's new home was purchased.  Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.

Now, we have Obama running for President.  Valerie Jarrett was Michele Obama's boss.  She is now Obama's chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her  first.  Where was Jarrett born?  Ready for this? Shiraz, Iran! Am I going nuts or is there a pattern here?

On May 10, 2008, The Times reported, Robert Malley advisor to Obama was  "sacked" after the press found out he was having regular contacts with "Hamas", which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran.  This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama's visit to Iraq , he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will "Take care of things".  What the heck does that mean?

Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that were born in Pakistan? They are in charge of all  those "small" Internet campaign contribution for Obama.  Where is that money coming from? The poor and middle class in this country?  Or could it be from the Middle East ?

And the final bit of news. On September 7, 2009, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos.  Obama on talking about his religion said, "My Muslim faith". When questioned, "he made a mistake". Some mistake, eh?

All of the above information I researched on line.  If you would like to check it - Wikipedia, encyclopedia, Barack Obama;  Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett: Daily Times - Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times - September 7, 2008; The Times May 10, 2008.

Now the BIG question:: - 
If I found out  all this information on my own, Why haven't all of our "intelligent" members of the press been reporting this? Is this a Kettle of Fish?? As Arsenio Hall would say."HUMMMMMMM!  Does something stink or is it my imagination?" 
These are legitimate Questions For our PRESIDENT.
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Why would some kid want to blow up one of my places in Chicago or orther places across the US? Is it because I'm
White, a Christian, Conservative, Tea Party Patriot, Outspokenly against radical muslims that kill Americans(in fact I've said they should be shot on sight like a rabid skunk)...Truth hurts..I hope so..
Since "retiring" I've been into the crude oil and tongue oil business and they both bring out the best and worst ofpeople...I'd like to think I have just a tiny inkling how our founding fathers felt when they stood up against a ultimate bully and prevailed.  Jesus walked here 600 years before there was a moslem..GODBLESSAMERICA

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