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Is The Media Coordinating On Race Baiting? Ask John Harris and Politico

Erick Erickson (Diary)  editor of Red State|    RED STATE


We should not forget that John Harris of the Politico, who asked the stupidest and most irrelevant questions of any moderator during the GOP Primary debates, is married to the former head of NARAL in Virginia.

We should not forget that Jonathan Allen of the Politico once worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

We should not forget that Andy Barr of the Politico left the Politico to go work for the Democratic National Committee.

We should not forget any of this because I do not believe it is any accident that today the Politico has a big story from John Harris about race in the 2012 election.

The welfare attacks came up suddenly from the Romney campaign, which said little about the issue when Obama’s administration changed policy to let states seek waivers on the work requirements. The Romney welfare ads, which have been on heavily in battleground states, prominently feature Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill into law. The first ad in the series said that Obama moved “quietly” to “gut” the Clinton reforms so that now, “They just send you your welfare check. … Welfare-to-work goes back to being plain old welfare.”

The welfare ads — regardless of their racial intent — seemed designed to help Romney gain ground on Obama since many independent voters in key demographics, such as swing-state Catholics, tend to view government aid to the poor with suspicion, according to polling data.

Why not an accident that this story appears today?

It comes on the same day the Los Angeles Times runs a story that the GOP is trying to make an all white party look brown, NBC would not show any of the speeches from minorities at the RNC Convention on their website, BS-NBC ditched all minorities during their live coverage of the convention, and Chuck Todd, whose wife used to work for the Democratic Party, says the GOP is pushing a diversity card.

I wonder if any of these people have noticed that the Republican Party has more elected hispanic Congressmen and Governors than the Democrats?

It is not an accident that the media, immediately after the Democrats started pushing out the War on Women, began running stories about the GOP’s hostility to women. It is now not an accident that the media, led by NBC and the Politico (which also partnered on that pathetic GOP primary debate), would peddle out the GOP and race stories.

It is far too much to be a coincidence that the Politico and NBC have ties, sometimes in the same bed, to Democrat and leftwing activists and then hop out of bed on the same page as the Democrats’ talking points.

The media TALK a good game when it comes to RACISM but the individuals that make up the media have a higher incidence and a more intense emotional RACISM than the national average.



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Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the newly nominated GOP candidate for Vice President of the United 4063570466?profile=originalStates, is the right man in the right place, at the right time.

He understands that his duty as Vice President will be the calling of his generation to preserve for his children and their children the America that was given to his generation.

He acknowledges that the current administration came into office during an economic crisis.  He also realizes that today 23 million men and women are unemployed or underemployed.  He sees one in six Americans living in poverty.  He understands that millions of young college graduates cannot find work and have been forced to move back in with their parents.

He sees that without a change in leadership in the White House the next four years will be just more of the same.

As a Congressman, he has been a front row witness to the wasteful Stimulus spending, the catastrophic government takeover of health care, and the robbing of seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars from Medicare to fill the financial void left in the healthcare law despite all the law’s hidden taxes.

Ryan vowed that “Medicare is a promise, and we will honor it. A Romney-Ryan administration will protect and strengthen Medicare, for my Mom's generation, for my generation, and for my kids and yours.”

As Ryan stated midway through his nomination acceptance speech: “So our opponents can consider themselves on notice. In this election, on this issue, the usual posturing on the Left isn't going to work. Mitt Romney and I know the difference between protecting a program, and raiding it. Ladies and gentlemen, our nation needs this debate. We want this debate. We will win this debate.”

Ryan pledged that he and Presidential nominee Mitt Romney “will get America creating wealth again. With tax fairness and regulatory reform, we'll put government back on the side of the men and women who create jobs, and the men and women who need jobs.”

He confirmed that if elected, the GOP ticket has a goal to “generate 12 million new jobs over the next four years,” and “keep federal spending at 20 percent of GDP, or less.”

On foreign policy, Ryan stated that “a Romney-Ryan administration will speak with confidence and clarity. Wherever men and women rise up for their own freedom, they will know that the American president is on their side.”

In a rousing, crowd pleasing close, Ryan gave the following assurance:

“We will not duck the tough issues, we will lead.  We will not spend four years blaming others, we will take responsibility.  We will not try to replace our founding principles, we will reapply our founding principles.

The work ahead will be hard. These times demand the best of us – all of us, but we can do this. Together, we can do this.  We can get this country working again. We can get this economy growing again. We can make the safety net safe again. We can do this.  Whatever your political party, let's come together for the sake of our country. Join Mitt Romney and me. Let's give this effort everything we have. Let's see this through all the way. Let's get this done.”

Ryan’s speech was vintage Paul Ryan, calm, fact filled, plain spoken and direct.

Congressman Paul Ryan, the Republican nominee for Vice President offers proof that his generation is ready to be handed the torch of leadership.

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Just a big black bus except for prez seal...


Oh, by the way... where is an American Flag?  None is flying and no picture
or painting of an American flag is anywhere on the bus.

How in the hell can the President of the United States not show the flag of
our country?  Do you still need proof that this President believes that the
U.S. flag is oppressive, and, that he always refuses to honor the flag of
our country?  This complete Jackass must not return to the White House for a
second term.  He is a complete disgrace to the USA.  Help vote him out of
office come November.  You'll thank yourself and the rest of us as well!

...I say ,with the email I received above that big black bus looks like Blood Suckin' VAMPIRE Vehicle!



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This is what LIFE DYNAMICS has been saying recently.  They state that OBAMA's plan is to funnel BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry each and every year.  This money will be used to ruthlessly slaughter the innocent preborn children nestled in their mother's womb.  If you cherish life help LIFE DYNAMICS to voice opposition to the ObamaCare bailout by going to their web site to make a donation.  Any amount you can afford will help, even a couple of dollars.  The web site is .  WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

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       Hello and Good Day from The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign. We hope you are having a good day and we are looking forward to a great Convention. A couple of things to share:
Today we release the 3rd Commercial in as many days. Yes, we are working hard because we believe that Cody's Law Suit in the United States Supreme Court is going to be a factor in the upcoming election.
This 60 Second Commercial brings something very important that both the Mitt Romney Campaign and the Barack Obama Campaign seem to be purposely glossing over. The Constitution is certainly not only about "Obama's Eligibility as disability to the Natural Born Citizen demand for President", however we must all pause briefly and understand just how big of a part that clause is when it comes to our individual rights.
We have seen Obama sign Executive Orders like we have never seen before, and for the most part, we believe Mitt Romney is right behind him in making comments like, " Yeah, I'd sign that one too, and I'll just promise never to use it". Our Nation has run at times at a stand still, and often wise men have inclined that 'standing still' was better than progressing over a cliff, or sliding back into an abyss.
Indeed Conservatives actually like it slow because more trouble is avoided in far more instances at being slow then in rushing off in a knee jerk reaction, such as we saw Congress do with the Patriot Act which opened the door wide open for the Government to spy and search and detain on Americans without a warrant from the Judicial Branch. Now Obama can just kill you if he wants too.
You see as those precious liberties are infringed we see the rise of intensity toward Tyranny. Perhaps you think Mitt Romney would never use those powers, or Obama would never detain Americans without cause or charges, but these intense deprivations and dilapidation's of the Constitution have English Writers memorializing our Constitution as something that has indeed passed away.
There is no greater force within our Constitution than the trust the People have given the American President, and that is why the demands of a natural born citizen, (born in the United States to Citizen Parents) was detailed so wisely into the Constitution. What was to make us different from England or any other Democracy but our Republic. Its the Republic , the Constitutional Republic for which we stand. Remember that 'Pledge of Allegiance"? How long has it been since you recited it?
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all." Did you know that "under God" was added in 1954? What about that liberty and justice for all? Has it become just to hard, or burdensome to protect the individuals rights?
Boy, wait till you need them, and believe me you will want them someday, and could really say they wouldn't want them for their children or grandchildren? Speaking of this I just have to say how much I enjoyed Ann Romney's speech at the Republican Convention. I know I'm running as a Democrat, but I'll tell you she is one elegant, classy, intelligent, heart warming women and certainly is the love of Mitt Romney's life.
I was just thrilled to hear her story and romance and courage echoing throughout America of what is possible. They have had a great life and it is really nice to see that love that is out there. As she spoke of wanting that for her children, and grandchildren, I just had to bite my lip and wonder if she realized how important our Constitution was and how important it was to uphold on the eligibility of the Office of the President?
How could she not understand that? She spoke of the security that is wanted for women who are single and how women were the ones that really did the hardest work at home holding the family together. I wondered, "What responsibility do women have for Obama's eligibility?"
I wondered at a flash forward horror show that Ann Romney might see if our Constitution is not upheld specifically on Obama's Eligibility? What would happen to our children and grandchildren if the umbrella under which we find ourselves under God, is folded up and our Nation plummets into the ravages of dictatorship, tyranny, chaos, not on some foreign battle field, but in our own backyards?
For one reason or anther Mitt Romney just doesn't get it. It doesn't matter why, he just doesn't get it, but I do and I understand the danger that compromising our Constitution places us all in, both economically and militarily. That's why I had to run for President. No one else was seeing this and I just couldn't understand why.
Well, Judy v. Obama Case No. 12-5276 is in the United States Supreme Court now, and it will have its day in Court. I pray not for Obama's reputation not to be smeared or stained, I pray for our children and our grandchildren and their lives. How they will know the freedom and liberty in America if we don't take a stand? Wherever you are, whoever you are, I pray earnestly that your heart feels the same as mine and that you will forward this to someone your heart cares for in the great concern of this election.
New 60 Second Spot-  The Trial of Leadership- Obama's not a Natural Born Citizen
The trial of leadership begins with the defense of the Constitution in America because without the Constitution individual rights are compromised. Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign 60 Sec. Spot.
Also, The Campaign was pleased to earn a Principle Focus on MORAL MATTERS. ORG with this important story.

Cody Robert Judy: Mitt Romney soft on Obama America and the Constitution
Cody's in 2nd place now on the poll being conducted over at Birther Headlines, so check that out and if you haven't voted, please have some fun and vote in a fun poll.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
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White House to Blame for High Gas Prices

With Hurricane Isaac’s slamming the American gulf coast putting a temporary halt to oil production and refinery output, consumers can expect to see higher prices at the pump.4063570132?profile=original

Just in time for the Labor Day holiday.

Before Hurricane Isaac came along, gasoline costs were at an almost four month high.  The nationwide average rose to $3.75 a gallon on Aug. 26.  “We expect the national average price of gasoline for Labor Day this year to be the highest ever for the holiday,” said Michael Green, a spokesman for AAA.  Drivers could be paying $4 a gallon by the end of September.

Oct. 3 is the date of the first presidential debate.

The timing could not be better for GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney or worse for the White House and its hopes for re-election.

By any measure, the administration should be on the defensive over escalating gasoline costs and the hardship higher pump prices will cause average American families.  The White House has been consistently hostile towards traditional fuel industries, and has persistently sought to curtail exploration, development and production capacity since 2009.

The current administration has actively sought to discourage drilling on federal land.  Since the 2010 BP gulf oil spill it has gone out of its way to stifle offshore exploration.  The EPA has made it a regular course of business to impose costly regulations on the development of oil, natural gas and coal.

4063570168?profile=originalThe White House has wasted hundreds and hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars subsidizing non-competitive technologies.  Solyndra, a solar-panel manufacturer, received a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee, then filed bankruptcy and fired 1,100 workers.  There are many other such examples.

The predictable White House solution will be to release supplies from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  This will be a typical response from the current administration:  Divest precious national resources in hopes of achieving the desired political result without solving the real problem or offering a viable solution.

Instead of effectively stimulating the American economy by assisting exploration, development and production of cheap, efficient energy, the White House is obsessed with squandering national treasure on inefficient, uncompetitive energy options that are incapable of surviving without a government backstop.

Odds are that the White House will blame it all on Hurricane Isaac…or on George W. Bush.

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When is it ever hilarious that the thought  of dozens if not hundreds of black people desperately clinging for life as torrential waters batter their children, mothers or neighbors ever funny?  David Chalian, a former political director with ABC News thought it was fair game to use a hate-mongering attack against Mitt Romney and Republicans gathered at the RNC Convention in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday.  In his vicious racist attack he said, Romney is, “Happy to throw a party with black people dying.”


Chalian, who was recently the Washington Bureau Chief for Yahoo News was fired for his online remarks, which brought no sense of alarm or even admonition from any of his on air colleagues.  This has become frighteningly familiar and comfortably abusive behavior by many liberal media persons who repeatedly target Republicans leaders and Tea Party members.


Only last night after Utah mayor and congressional candidate Mia Love gave a stunning speech at the Republican National Convention, her Wikipedia page was hacked. So in an atmosphere of  glowing GOP support for a rising star of the GOP who happens to be an African American woman, liberal attackers practiced their deceitful craft.  They used morally offensive language on her page and called her a “dirty, worthless wh*re who sold her soul in the name of big business, “and a house ni**er.”


This is the repugnant culture that mainstream media reporters and anchors have permitted to fester and grow, that seeds this type of morally bankrupt conduct. This is not new.


You do not have to go back very far to find media targeted bias. Last month, in the wake of the Colorado movie theater shootings, where 12 people were murdered, ABC News went on the air with a libelous claim against a Colorado Tea Party member.  During a morning news segment of Good Morning America, Anchor George Stephanopoulos, and Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent erroneously and callously linked an innocent Colorado man with the same name to this tragedy without making any attempt at verification of his identity.   His only “alleged crime” was having being a member of the Tea Party. Brian Ross was never fired or reprimanded.


Do not be mistaken into believing that this might have been just another non-purposeful action. In fact, on previous occasions... ( read more :  )

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      One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning  that sometimes there isn't "anymore".


      No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute."



      Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away,  never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you."



      So while we have it, its best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick.


      This is true for marriage, old cars, and children with bad report cards, dogs with bad hips, aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.



      Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make you happy, no matter what.


      Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep them close!


      Suppose one morning you never wake up, do all your friends know how you really feel? The important thing is to let every one of your friends know your true feelings, even if you think they don't love you back.


      So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please vote against that asshole, Obama.

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Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future. 

This is concerning....


The U.S. Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 was issued in August 2010 with three goals. First, it aims to portray how future Army forces will conduct operations as part of a joint force to deter conflict, prevail in war, and succeed in a range of contingencies, at home and abroad. Second, the concept describes the employment of Army forces at the tactical and operational levels of war between 2016 and 2028. Third, in broad terms the concept describes how Army headquarters, from theater army to division, organize and use their forces. The concept goes on to describe the major categories of Army operations, identify the capabilities required of Army forces, and guide how force development should be prioritized. The goal of this concept is to establish a common frame of reference for thinking about how the US Army will conduct full spectrum operations in the coming two decades (US Army Training and Doctrine Command, The Army Operating Concept 2016 – 2028, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1, dated 19 August 2010, p. iii. Hereafter cited as TD Pam 525-3-1. The Army defines full spectrum operations as the combination of offensive, defensive, and either stability operations overseas or civil support operations on U.S. soil).

A key and understudied aspect of full spectrum operations is how to conduct these operations within American borders. If we face a period of persistent global conflict as outlined in successive National Security Strategy documents, then Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil. Army capstone and operating concepts must provide guidance concerning how the Army will conduct the range of operations required to defend the republic at home. In this paper, we posit a scenario in which a group of political reactionaries take over a strategically positioned town and have the tacit support of not only local law enforcement but also state government officials, right up to the governor. Under present law, which initially stemmed from bad feelings about Reconstruction, the military’s domestic role is highly circumscribed. In the situation we lay out below, even though the governor refuses to seek federal help to quell the uprising (the usual channel for military assistance), the Constitution allows the president broad leeway in times of insurrection. Citing the precedents of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and Dwight D. Eisenhower sending troops to Little Rock in 1957, the president mobilizes the military and the Department of Homeland Security, to regain control of the city. This scenario requires us to consider how domestic intelligence is gathered and shared, the role of local law enforcement (to the extent that it supports the operation), the scope and limits of the Insurrection Act--for example maintaining a military chain of command but in support of the Attorney General as the Department of Justice is the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) under the conditions of the Act--and the roles of the local, national, and international media.

The Scenario (2016)

The Great Recession of the early twenty-first century lasts far longer than anyone anticipated. After a change in control of the White House and Congress in 2012, the governing party cuts off all funding that had been dedicated to boosting the economy or toward relief. The United States economy has flatlined, much like Japan’s in the 1990s, for the better part of a decade. By 2016, the economy shows signs of reawakening, but the middle and lower-middle classes have yet to experience much in the way of job growth or pay raises. Unemployment continues to hover perilously close to double digits, small businesses cannot meet bankers’ terms to borrow money, and taxes on the middle class remain relatively high. A high-profile and vocal minority has directed the public’s fear and frustration at nonwhites and immigrants. After almost ten years of race-baiting and immigrant-bashing by right-wing demagogues, nearly one in five Americans reports being vehemently opposed to immigration, legal or illegal, and even U.S.-born nonwhites have become occasional targets for mobs of angry whites.

In May 2016 an extremist militia motivated by the goals of the “tea party” movement takes over the government of Darlington, South Carolina, occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council, and placing the mayor under house arrest. Activists remove the chief of police and either disarm local police and county sheriff departments or discourage them from interfering. In truth, this is hardly necessary. Many law enforcement officials already are sympathetic to the tea party’s agenda, know many of the people involved, and have made clear they will not challenge the takeover. The militia members are organized and have a relatively well thought-out plan of action.

With Darlington under their control, militia members quickly move beyond the city limits to establish “check points” – in reality, something more like choke points -- on major transportation lines. Traffic on I-95, the East Coast’s main north-south artery; I-20; and commercial and passenger rail lines are stopped and searched, allegedly for “illegal aliens.” Citizens who complain are immediately detained. Activists also collect “tolls” from drivers, ostensibly to maintain public schools and various city and county programs, but evidence suggests the money is actually going toward quickly increasing stores of heavy weapons and ammunition. They also take over the town web site and use social media sites to get their message out unrestricted.

When the leaders of the group hold a press conference to announce their goals, they invoke the Declaration of Independence and argue that the current form of the federal government is not deriving its “just powers from the consent of the governed” but is actually “destructive to these ends.” Therefore, they say, the people can alter or abolish the existing government and replace it with another that, in the words of the Declaration, “shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” While mainstream politicians and citizens react with alarm, the “tea party” insurrectionists in South Carolina enjoy a groundswell of support from other tea party groups, militias, racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, anti-immigrant associations such as the Minutemen, and other right-wing groups. At the press conference the masked militia members’ uniforms sport a unit seal with a man wearing a tricorn hat and carrying a musket over the motto “Today’s Minutemen.” When a reporter asked the leaders who are the “red coats” the spokesman answered, “I don’t know who the redcoats are…it could be federal troops.” Experts warn that while these groups heretofore have been considered weak and marginal, the rapid coalescence among them poses a genuine national threat.

The mayor of Darlington calls the governor and his congressman. He cannot act to counter the efforts of the local tea party because he is confined to his home and under guard. The governor, who ran on a platform that professed sympathy with tea party goals, is reluctant to confront the militia directly. He refuses to call out the National Guard. He has the State Police monitor the roadblocks and checkpoints on the interstate and state roads but does not order the authorities to take further action. In public the governor calls for calm and proposes talks with the local tea party to resolve issues. Privately, he sends word through aides asking the federal government to act to restore order. Due to his previous stance and the appearance of being “pro” tea party goals the governor has little political room to maneuver.

The Department of Homeland Security responds to the governor’s request by asking for defense support to civil law enforcement. After the Department of Justice states that the conditions in Darlington and surrounding areas meet the conditions necessary to invoke the Insurrection Act, the President invokes it.

(From Title 10 US Code the President may use the militia or Armed Forces to:

§ 331 – Suppress an insurrection against a State government at the request of the Legislature or, if not in session, the Governor.

§ 332 – Suppress unlawful obstruction or rebellion against the U.S.

§ 333 – Suppress insurrection or domestic violence if it (1) hinders the execution of the laws to the extent that a part or class of citizens are deprived of Constitutional rights and the State is unable or refuses to protect those rights or (2) obstructs the execution of any Federal law or impedes the course of justice under Federal laws.)

By proclamation he calls on the insurrectionists to disperse peacefully within 15 days. There is no violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. The President appoints the Attorney General and the Department of Justice as the lead federal agency to deal with the crisis. The President calls the South Carolina National Guard to federal service. The Joint Staff in Washington, D.C., alerts U.S. Northern Command, the headquarters responsible for the defense of North America, to begin crisis action planning. Northern Command in turn alerts U.S. Army North/Fifth U.S. Army for operations as a Joint Task Force headquarters. Army units at Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Stewart, Ga.; and Marines at Camp Lejuene, N.C. go on alert. The full range of media, national and international, is on scene.

“Fix Darlington, but don’t destroy it!”

Upon receiving the alert for possible operations in Darlington, the Fifth Army staff begins the military decision making process with mission analysis and intelligence preparation of the battlefield. (Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield is the term applied to the procedures performed by the intelligence staff of all Army unit headquarters in the development of bases of information on the enemy, terrain and weather, critical buildings and facilities in a region and other points. Army units conduct operations on the basis of this information. The term is in Army doctrine and could be problematic when conducted in advance of operations on U.S. soil. The general form of the initial intelligence estimate is in figure 1.) In developing the intelligence estimate military intelligence planners will confront the first constraints on the conduct of full spectrum operations in the United States, as well as constraints on supporting law enforcement. The analytical steps of the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, or IPB, must be modified in preparing for and conducting operations in the homeland.

The steps of the IPB process are: define the operational environment/battlespace, describe environmental effects on operations/describe battlespace effects, evaluate the threat/adversary, and determine threat/adversary courses of action. (PSYOP was changed to Military Information Support Operations, MISO, by Secretary of Defense directive in June 2010.)

While preparing terrain and weather data do not pose a major problem to the G-2, gathering data on the threat and under civil considerations for intelligence and operational purposes is problematic to say the least.

Figure 1: The Intelligence Estimate (FM 2-01.3, p. 7, chapter 1)

Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, dated 4 December 1981, relates mostly to intelligence gathering outside the continental United States. However, it also outlines in broad terms permissible information-gathering within the United States and on American citizens and permanent resident aliens, categorized as United States persons. (The executive order included in its definition of “United States persons” unincorporated associations mostly comprising American citizens or permanent resident aliens; or a corporation incorporated in the United States, except for a corporation directed and controlled by a foreign government or governments. The basic thrust of the rules and regulations concerning intelligence collection and dissemination are focused on protecting American citizens’ Constitutional rights. These rules and regulations are focused, properly, on support to law enforcement. They do not contain much guidance concerning the conduct of full spectrum operations such as the situation facing the corps. While the best practice as described in FM 3-28 is to retain just enough for situational awareness and force protection the situation facing the corps strains the limits of situational awareness and could place the G2 and commanders at some risk once the dust has settled in the aftermath of an operation within the homeland.) The Fifth Army intelligence analysts will have a great deal of difficulty determining tea party members’ legal status. Because the Defense Department does not collect or store information on American civilians or civilian groups during peacetime, the military will have to rely on local and state law enforcement officials at the start of operations to establish intelligence data-bases and ultimately restore the rule of law in Darlington.

Using all intelligence disciplines from human intelligence to signals intelligence, the Fifth Army G2 and his staff section will collect as much information as they need to accomplish the mission. Once the rule of law is restored the Fifth Army G2 must ensure that it destroys information gathered during the operation within 90 days unless the law or the Secretary of Defense requires the Fifth Army to keep it for use in legal cases (Field Manual 3-28, Civil Support Operations, pp. 7-13. The FM cites Department of Defense Directive, DODD, 5200.27). Because of the legal constraints on the military’s involvement in domestic affairs and the sympathies of local law enforcement, developing the initial intelligence, a continuing estimate, and potential adversary courses of action (what the insurrectionists holding Darlington and surrounding areas might do in response to Army operations) will be difficult. (The closest guidance on handling information collected in the course of civil disturbance operations is in Department of Defense Directive 5200.27 and Department of Defense Directive 5240.1R. These directives state: “Operations Related to Civil Disturbance. The Attorney General is the chief civilian officer in charge of coordinating all federal government activities relating to civil disturbances. Upon specific prior authorization of the Secretary of Defense or his designee, information may be acquired that is essential to meet operational requirements flowing from the mission as to DOD to assist civil authorities in dealing with civil disturbances. Such authorization will only be granted when there is a distinct threat of a civil disturbance exceeding the law enforcement capabilities of State and local authorities.”)

Fifth Army terrain analysts continue using open sources ranging from Google maps to Map-quest. Federal legal restrictions on assembling databases remain in effect and even incidental imagery, aerial photos gathered in the conduct of previously conducted training missions, cannot be used. Surveillance of the tea party roadblocks and checkpoints around Darlington proceeds carefully. Developing legal data-bases is one effort, but support for local law enforcement is hindered because of problems in determining how to share this information and with whom.

Despite these problems, receiving support from local law enforcement is critical to restoring the rule of law in Darlington. City police officers, county sheriff deputies and state troopers can contribute valuable local knowledge of personalities, customs and terrain beyond what can be found in data-bases and observation. Liaison officers and non-commissioned officers, with appropriate communications equipment must be exchanged. Given the suspicion that local police are sympathetic to the tea party members’ goals special consideration to operational security must be incorporated into planning. Informally communicating to the insurrectionists the determination of federal forces to restore local government can materially improve the likelihood of success. However, informants sympathetic to the tea party could easily compromise the element of surprise. The fact that a federal court must authorize wire taps in every instance also complicate the monitoring of communications into and out of Darlington. Operations in Darlington specifically and in the homeland generally must also take into account the possibility of increased violence and the range of responses to violence.

All federal military forces involved in civil support must follow the standing rules for the use of force (SRUF) specified by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Much like the rules of force issued to the 7th Infantry Division during operations in Los Angeles in 1992 the underlying principle involves a continuum of force, a graduated level of response determined by civilians' behavior. Fifth Army must assume that every incident of gunfire will be investigated. (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, CJCSI, 3121.01B, Standing Rules of Engagement/Standing Rules for the Use of Force for US Forces. There are many similarities between rules for the use of force and rules of engagement, the right of self-defense for example. The fundamental difference is rules of engagement are by nature permissive measures intended to allow the maximum use of destructive combat power appropriate for the mission. Rules for the use of force are restrictive measures intended to allow only the minimum force necessary to accomplish the mission.) All units involved must also realize that operations will be conducted under the close scrutiny of the media.

Operating under media scrutiny is not a new phenomenon for the U.S. military. What is new and newsworthy about this operation is that it is taking place in the continental United States. Commanders and staffs must think about the effect of this attention and be alert when considering how to use the media. The media will broadcast the President’s proclamation and cover military preparations for operations in Darlington. Their reports will be as available to tea party leaders in Darlington as they are to a family watching the evening news in San Francisco. Coupled with a gradual build-up of federal forces in the local area, all covered by the media, the effect of this pressure will compound over time and quite possibly cause doubt about the correctness of the events in Darlington in the minds of its’ citizens and the insurrectionists who control the town. The Joint Task Force commander, staff and subordinate units must operate as transparently as possible, while still giving due consideration to operational security. Commanders must manage these issues even as they increase pressure on the insurrectionists.

The design of this plan to restore the rule of law to Darlington will include information/influence operations designed to present a picture of the federal response and the inevitable defeat of the insurrection. The concept of the joint plan includes a phased deployment of selected forces into the area beginning with reconnaissance and military intelligence units. Once the Fifth Army commander determines he has a complete picture of activity within the town and especially of the insurrectionists’ patterns of behavior, deployment of combat, combat support and combat service support forces will begin from Forts Bragg and Stewart, and Camp Lejuene. Commanders will need to consider how the insurrectionists will respond. Soldiers and Marines involved in this operation, and especially their families will be subject to electronic mail, Facebook messages, Twitters, and all manner of information and source of pressure. Given that Soldiers and Marines stationed at Forts Bragg and Stewart as well as Camp Lejuene live relatively nearby and that many come from this region, chances are they will know someone who lives in or near Darlington. Countering Al Qaeda web-based propaganda is one thing, countering domestic information bombardments is another effort entirely.

The design and execution of operations to restore the rule of law in Darlington will be complicated. The Fifth Army will retain a military chain of command for regular Army and Marine Corps units along with the federalized South Carolina National Guard, but will be in support of the Department of Justice as the Lead Federal Agency, LFA. The Attorney General may designate a Senior Civilian Representative of the Attorney General (SCRAG) to coordinate the efforts of all Federal agencies. The SCRAG has the authority to assign missions to federal military forces. The Attorney General may also appoint a Senior Federal Law Enforcement Officer (SFLEO) to coordinate all Federal law enforcement activities.

The pace of the operation needs to be deliberate and controlled. Combat units will conduct overt Show of Force operations to remind the insurrectionists they are now facing professional military forces, with all the training and equipment that implies. Army and Marine units will remove road blocks and check points both overtly and covertly with minimum essential force to ratchet up pressure continually on insurrectionist leadership. Representatives of state and local government as well as federalized South Carolina National Guard units will care for residents choosing to flee Darlington. A focus on the humanitarian aspect of the effort will be politically more palatable for the state and local officials. Federal forces continue to tighten the noose as troops seize and secure power and water stations, radio and TV stations, and hospitals. The final phase of the operation, restoring order and returning properly elected officials to their offices, will be the most sensitive.

Movements must be planned and executed more carefully than the operations that established the conditions for handover. At this point military operations will be on the downturn but the need for more politically aware military advice will not. War, and the use of federal military force on U.S. soil, remains an extension of policy by other means. Given the invocation of the Insurrection Act, the federal government must defeat the insurrection, preferably with minimum force. Insurrectionists and their sympathizers must have no doubt that an uprising against the Constitution will be defeated. Dealing with the leaders of the insurrection can be left to the proper authorities, but drawing from America history, military advice would suggest an amnesty for individual members of the militia and prosecution for leaders of the movement who broke the law. This fictional scenario leads not to conclusions but points to ponder when considering 21st century full spectrum operations in the continental United States.

The Insurrection Act does not need to be changed for the 21st century. Because it is broadly written, the law allows the flexibility needed to address a range of threats to the Republic.

What we must consider in the design of homeland defense or security exercises is translating the Act into action. The Army Operating Concept describes Homeland Defense as the protection of “U.S. sovereignty, territory, domestic population, and critical defense infrastructure against external threats and aggression, or other threats as directed by the president” (TD Pam 525-3-1, p. 27. Emphasis added.) Neither the operating concept nor recently published Army doctrine, FM 3-28 Civil Support Operations, goes into detail when considering the range of “other threats.” While invoking the Insurrection Act must be a last resort, once it is put into play Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas. The Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment. While real problems and real difficulties of such operations may not be perceived until the point of execution preparation will afford the Army the ability to not be too badly wrong at the outset.

Being not too badly wrong at the outset requires focused military education on the nuances of operations in the homeland. Army doctrine defines full spectrum operations as a mix of offense, defense and either stability or civil support operations. Curriculum development is a true zero sum game; when a subject is added another must be removed. Given the array of threats and adversaries; from “commando-style” raids such as Mumbai, the changing face of militias in the United States, rising unrest in Mexico, and the tendency to the extreme in American politics the subject of how American armed forces will conduct security and defense operations within the continental U.S. must be addressed in the curricula of our Staff and War Colleges. (The Kansas City Star, 12 September 2010, “The New Militia.” The front page story concerns the changing tactics of militia movements and how militias now focus on community service and away from violence against the government. Law enforcement agencies feel this is camouflage for true intentions. The story covered armed paramilitary militias in Missouri and Kansas.)

The Army must address the how to of intelligence/information gathering and sharing, liaison with local law enforcement and conduct of Information Operations in focused exercises, such as UNIFIED QUEST, given a wider range of invited participants. The real question of how to educate the Army on full spectrum operations under homeland security and defense conditions must be a part of an overall review of professional military education for the 21st century. We cannot discount the agility of an external threat, the evolution of Al Qaeda for example, and its ability to take advantage of a “Darlington event” within U.S. borders. How would we respond to this type of action? What if border violence from Mexico crosses into the United States? The pressure for action will be enormous and the expectation of professional, disciplined military action will be equally so given the faith the American people have in their armed forces. The simple fact is that while the Department of Justice is the Lead Federal Agency in these operations the public face of the operation will be uniformed American Soldiers. On a TV camera a civilian is a civilian but here is no mistaking the mottled battle dress of a Soldier with the U.S. flag on his or her right sleeve.

The table of organization and equipment of Fifth U.S. Army/Army North must be scrutinized. The range of liaison parties that must be exchanged in the conduct of operations on American soil is extensive. Coordination with federal, state and local civil law enforcement and security agencies is a vital element in concluding homeland operations successfully. The liaison parties cannot be ad hoc or last minute additions to the headquarters. At a minimum such parties must routinely exercise with the headquarters.

In 1933 then Colonel George Marshall criticized the education that the Army Command and General Staff College provided as inadequate to “the chaotic state of affairs in the first few months of a campaign with a major power” (From a 1933 letter from COL GC Marshall to MG Stewart Heintzelman, cited in a report on the US Army Command and General Staff College conducted in 1982 by MG Guy Meloy. The report is held in the Special Collections section of the Combined Arms Research Library, Fort Leavenworth, KS.) We must continue on the path of ensuring the avoidance of the “chaotic state of affairs” in the opening moments of future campaigns, defending the nation from within and without. As Dr. Sebastian L. v. Gorka wrote in Joint Forces Quarterly (p. 33), “[N]o concepts are immune to critique and reappraisal when it comes to securing the homeland.”

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4063569827?profile=originalAmerica is at a crucial tipping point in its illustrious history.  The socialist minded presidential principles of Obama have joined with millions of illegal aliens who have been given a presidential pass to demand entry through your gates to rights and privileges given citizens.  They can ignore federal and state citizenship laws, and walk openly into your cities to demand housing in your neighborhoods. Illegal aliens can insist upon free health care at your hospitals and soon sue for the right to the keys to your child’s college education.

This is not the future in America…This is America today, this is America right now!

There is hope. States like Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Virginia and even Wisconsin that Obama scooped into his electoral column in 2008, are now steadily trending in polls towards Mitt Romney.  In fact according to recently released Rasmussen Poll numbers, amongst 11 key swing states, Obama has dropped from 53 percent, in this same period in 2008, to currently 47 percent.  Romney comes in at 44 percent and is increasingly closing the voter polling gap. 

Most importantly, historically when polls begin to tighten this early in a presidential race, instead of later, the incumbent president is typically shown the door.   

You don’t have to believe the polls, just ask your buddies at the unemployment line, or your former co-worker at the grocery store, or even your fellow farmers at the town square and community meetings.  Millions like you in the nation are waking up.  The president’s deficit spending quagmire which has dragged nearly 23 million families into unemployment and thousands of towns and whole communities into debt, despair and depression is setting an electoral fire under swing state voters…

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4063569633?profile=originalA poll claims Romney will receive zero percent of the black vote. Well, if the poll proves correct, it means that a vast majority of black voters are ignorant of the truth... or else they're racist.

Black Christians who vote for Obama knowing his crimes against Christianity and biblical principles haven chosen to worship the idol of racial loyalty over their discipleship to Jesus Christ. Pure and simple.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3

Incredibly, some blacks have completely forsaken their Christianity for Obama. A fellow PK (preacher's kid) said her parents recently changed their stance on same-sex marriage in support of their black president. I find this remarkable.

Though I disagree, I have been sympathetic and understanding with black seniors who have suffered dearly, with hearts still bearing scars of racial injustice.

A year or so ago, I hosted the first Black Conservative Press Conference at the National Press Club in DC. Several prominent black conservatives from numerous black conservative groups/organizations spoke. My brother brought my 84-year-old black dad from Baltimore. That evening, Dad said, “Everything I heard today is true. But, because of racism I suffered in my youth, I can not turn against Obama.”

At that time, I respectfully gave my hero, my preacher dad, a pass. Some may criticize me, saying, Lloyd, either you stand for conservatism or you do not. While you may have a valid point, it is in my DNA to respect my parents. How do you respectfully tell your usually character-driven parent that his decision to support Obama, no-matter-what, is rooted in racism and a refusal to forgive?

But now that Obama has been exposed as the most anti-Christian president in U.S. history, senior black Christians must no longer be given a pass for supporting this man.

At stake is something extremely important; their fellowship with Christ versus an idolatrous worship of skin-color.

Obama versus Jesus. “...Choose you this day whom ye will serve,” Joshua 24:15

A growing number of black clergy are publicly choosing Jesus over Obama -- denouncing Obama for his support of same-sex marriage and his vow to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.

Talk about hard core anti-Christian beliefs; not only does Obama support abortion, but he supports infanticide – killing babies who survive failed abortions.

Obama taught Alinsky tactics to university students from a book which its author dedicated to Lucifer. “Rules for Radicals” was written by Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky's dedication says, “...the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer

Obama's attacks on religious freedoms are numerous. Over 40 Catholic groups are suing Obama for mandating in Obamacare that faith-based institutions provide contraception and abortion services.

Make no mistake about it: the black church is home base/campaign headquarters for Democratic Party politics. IRS rules against political campaigning from the pulpit only applies to Republicans.

In his shameful, blatantly race-baiting “African-Americans for Obama” campaign ad, Obama says to go, “to your faith community” to promote his campaign. Obama actually instructs black churches to recruit “congregation captains” for his re-election campaign.

Rest assured; black churches which dis Jesus for Obama will not be investigated by the IRS for violating their 501c3 non-profit status.

But there is a higher authority. Woe unto black pastors who encourage their flocks to vote racial loyalty over biblical principles.

Incredibly, the roots of racial hatred run so insidiously deep into the hearts of some blacks who profess Christianity that Obama has their vote – period. These blacks will claim that my facts are lies, that videos have been doctored, and that I am a paid Uncle Tom sell-out to the Republicans. The Bible speaks of those who would rather believe a lie than the truth. Such are in my prayers.

In the biblical account of Christ's Passion, the law gave the mob an opportunity to free one condemned prisoner, thus, saving their choice from crucifixion. Pilate asked the crowd, do I free Jesus or Barabbas? The crowd yelled, “Give us Barabbas!” Jesus was crucified.

Two thousand years later, biblical principles are scheduled for crucifixion in America. Black Christians are faced with a crucial choice; Jesus or Obama. I pray that come November, a majority of black Christians will not yell, “Give us Obama!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Are All Politicians Morons?

It seems the gun control zealots are at it again, or still. The topic of the day is microstamping. This is a process that uses a laser to mico-etch the gun type and serial number on the head of the firing pin. The theory is that each time the gun is fired, it will imprint the data on the dent in the cartridge primer. An interesting concept, but utterly pointless.


Impact on the primer is not the same on every weapon. How do ammo manufacturers figure out the right metal to be used for primers to ensure imprinting? They can't by any practical means. If they make the metal too thick, it might be too tough to imprint clearly. If too thin it would be susceptable to primer blowout, a very serious safety issue. Even assuming that this technological feat can be accomplished, what's the point. Ballistic matching of the recovered slug to the barrel of the weapon is 99.999999 accurate. True that sometimes the slug is not recovered. The microstamping is only feasable if the shooter leaves his or her brass behind.


To continue, if I am going to carry a gun for nefarious reasons, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that a few minutes with a fine hone will remove or corrupt the microstamping without affecting the operation of the weapon. According to the idiots, we can make it against the law to alter or remove the microstamp. Yeah criminals are going to be real concerned about that issue.


The whole point of this legislation is to increase the cost of manufacturing weapons to the point where the manufacturers will just go away, or at least discontinue civilian production. The people who come up with these stupid ideas are dedicated if not smart. This is also a good way to move more jobs from the liberal north to the conservative south. Thanks dummys! Keep up the good work. Oh and welcome to Remington, Colt, Ruger and all the rest. We will be tickled pink to have you in our neighborhood. Come on down!

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The more news I read and watch, the more certain I am that the revolution is very near. All the elements for the perfect storm are coalescing. It is only a matter of when rather than if.

It is no secret that Obama is willing to do literally anything to get re-elected .. ANYTHING!  It would not surprise me to have him declare martial law along about the early part of October. Of course he will have to cancel the elections until such a time as “stability” can be restored; stability defined by himself and his minions. The other logical steps are: suspend the Constitution, suspend congress, suspend the Supreme Court and notify all State Governors that they are no longer employed as the feds will administer the local governments (via FEMA) until further notice. This can only be accomplished if he can effectively neutralize any likely opposition before he acts to imprison the nation in the chains of progressive socialism.

Is it any coincidence that he is pushing for ratification of the UN small arms treaty. If ratified, it would give him the means and authority to ban ownership of all personal weapons under pain of indefinite incarceration in FEMA detention centers carefully constructed for that purpose.  

Is it any coincidence that veterans returning from combat roles are being systematically rounded up and placed into mental hospitals under various charges of mental instability. These are the very men and women who are the most likely to take up arms against the hostile takeover of America. They must be rendered harmless … or eliminated altogether. They are seasoned combat operators and pose the greatest threat to the forces sent against the American citizens.

Obama lamented the lack of a well-trained, heavily armed civilian security force modeled along the lines of a private Executive Branch army. Equal in all respects to the regular military forces and answerable to Obama and the power brokers. Is it any coincidence that we are seeing the TSA becoming more and more involved in day to day “police” functions? And what about the so-called “VIPER Teams”? What the hell is a pre-board screening force with no legal standing as law enforcement officers doing stopping and interrogating citizens on trains, buses and the freeways? What’s next? Will we see the TSA armed  and given the task of controlling the movements of the citizens. Papers Please?

Is it any coincidence that if reelected, Obama and the progressives will raise taxes on the working families to an obscene new level.? They have no choice if they are to fund increasing entitlements and other boondoggle pet projects. An example? On the way to work this morning I listened as a “scientist” described his taxpayer funded research to determine why bats prefer to eat flies that are performing the sex act. He has determined that the sex noise is irresistible to the bats. Uh…who the hell cares? It is this kind of frivolous spending that has to stop. How is this line of research adaptable to everyday life. Should every house enlist the services of several bats? Should we put out fly attractants with aphrodisiacs in them to encourage the flies to get it on? Give me a break

! In the interest of brevity, I will conclude this article in another blog.

Have a nice day … if you can.

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U.S. courts will soon decide whether Americans can have the expectation of privacy over their DNA, reports Kate Moser at the Recorder.

Michael Risher of the ACLU of Northern California is challenging a California law that requires all felony arrestees to give a DNA sample.

He argues that Americans "don't want the government to have all that information about us." The government doesn't have the right to demand our genetic material – including the wealth of personal information it holds – even if it promises to use it only for law enforcement, Risher claims.

Hanni Fakhoury, a lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who filed a friend of the court brief in the case, says he's concerned about "some of the problems of large-scale data gathering not based on any individualized suspicion that someone is engaged in criminal activities."

That concern is already playing out in terms of the other ways the government collects data on innocent Americans without a warrant.

But there is no indication how mandatory DNA collection will play out as technology brings unprecedented challenges to interpreting the Fourth Amendment's right against unreasonable searches.

As Moser puts it in the Recorder:

In the age of smartphones, GPS and the prospect of ever cheaper ways to sequence an entire human genome, it's no small task to interpret the constitutional guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures.

On one hand, as Supreme Court Chief Justice John Robertspoints out, collecting DNA from individuals arrested for violent felonies "provides a valuable tool for investigating unsolved crimes and thereby helping to remove violent offenders from the general population."

On the other hand, as First District Court of Appeal panel Justice J. Anthony Kline stated when rejecting the notion that DNA collection is like fingerprinting, "there is no doubt that an extraordinary amount of private personal information can be extracted from the DNA samples and specimens seized by the police without a warrant, collected and indefinitely retained by the DOJ."

Last month Roberts said that the nation's highest court would likely hear Maryland v. King, which would establish the controlling law in the land on DNA collection.

Risher said it's unknown how it will play out because DNA is "one of those issues where judges vote in surprising ways" as they value both "importance of robust prosecutorial and police powers" and privacy protections of Americans.

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Any day now Britain's Supreme Court will issue a ruling on whether or not the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is valid, a decision that will determine if Assange is extradited to Sweden to face allegations of sexual assault.


The EAW system increases the speed and ease of extradition throughout EU countries.

Assange, 40, had consensual sex with two women in Sweden in August 2010. He is accused of refusing to use a condom in one instance and having intercourse with the other women while she was not fully awake

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The Australian Government Is Actually Passing New Laws To Help The US Extradite Julian Assange

Julian Assange


Assange has been detained without charge for 496 days; he is currently under house arrest in Norfolk, Britain.

No matter the upcoming UK Supreme Court ruling on the validity of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued for Julian Assange, the U.S. government is likely to unseal a secret grand jury indictment to attempt to secure Assange's extradition to the U.S., according to Mike Head of the World Socialist Web Site

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Yup, still around!  Take a look at today’s offerings.  I sense a strong tea party message.

What do you think?..

Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. ~ Proverbs 16:20

Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families.  ~ Benjamin Rush, letter to His Fellow Countrymen: On Patriotism, 1773

What I get from these:

1. Follow rules and you will be successful. 

2. Trust in God and life will be fulfilling. 

3. Patriotism and justice are equal virtues. 

4. And, society needs patriotism to survive, as much as love is needed for families to survive.

These are such simple attributes to have; easy advice to follow.  Why is it so hard to understand?  We see, read and sadly some of us experience so much of the opposite these days.  And worse, it comes from those we entrust with our governance.  Our managers (I will NOT call them leaders) in DC have become so selfish and pompous, they forget they are employees, OUR federally elected employees. 

So, do we forget about following rules?  Do we leave patriotism behind?  HECK NO!!  We the People will not back away from our responsibility.  We, the tea party, the 9/12 groups, the conservatives throughout our shining city on the hill will NOT allow tyranny and subservience to prevail.  Sound radical enough?  Sound extreme enough?  Yeah it does, just as it sounded 240 years ago.  And it’s just as RIGHT as it was 240 years ago.  The tea party is not dead.  And as long as we have a republic, it will never be dead.  And, if we lose the republic, it will remain as well.  Many of us have taken the oath.  Many have taken their own oath.  We have taken the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies foreign and domestic.  For me, the oath did not end when I retired from the Navy.  It will only end when I retire from life and He calls me to serve Him in heaven.  Do you think the tea party is dead?  See above.  If you find that following four simple ideas is right, then you know the answer.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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I just learned that the Democrat National Convention will be opened with Muslim prayers. Not just any imam will deliver these prayers, it will be a Muslim connected to the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center, if my information is correct. No Christian prayer will be allowed at this point. When I heard this it stopped me dead in my tracks. When a political party in America stoops to these depths right in the face of every American citizen there is something dangerously wrong. This kind of arrogance, insult and betrayal indicates that those involved are without any loyalty to the United States of America. It opens the door to speculation that something very disturbing and dangerous is on the agenda of those with such little moral character. I do not know the minds of these traitors but I believe the Democrat party, by allowing such a thing to take place, has become an enemy of America. I firmly believe there is no limit to the dirty tactics and criminal acts this group will attempt to achieve complete unconstitutional control of our country. If they did not think they already "had it in the bag" they would never spit in the face of most Loyal Patriotic Americans both Republican and Democrat. If you care at all about your country, your home or your family it is time to be Loyal to America and to hell with the political parties. Is this the final chapter for freedom and liberty? Obama's heroes are those who kill Americans and attack your country, now decide

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People mistakenly tried it looking for paradise.

what they got was a government habit with a roll of the dice.


Palin: Voters Must Break Addiction to Obama 'Hope-ium'

Read more on Palin: Voters Must Break Addiction to Obama 'Hope-ium'

Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012 10:59 AM

By Greg McDonald

Sarah Palin says Americans need to dump “the status quo” presidency of Barack Obama in order to free themselves from the “hope-ium” he’s been peddling since his 2008 campaign.
“Some of us had him pegged four years ago,” the former Alaska governor told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Monday. “Remember when he promised to fundamentally transform America? We knew right then during the campaign that we were in for a world of hurt under Obama’s failed, liberal, socialist policies and ideas that he would really ram down our throats.”

But the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee told Hannity some folks just seem to be addicted to Obama’s brand of government and are unwilling to give up on him even when it seems obvious they should.

“We have opportunity to take it back, to turn things around,” Palin said. “And these people who still have that addiction to the hope-ium that he had promised — that hope-y, change-y stuff that was really bogus four years ago — well, they have about 71 days to open up their eyes and realize the path that he has put us on. It’s a path toward insolvency, it’s a path toward fewer freedoms, and really orchestrated chaos and bankruptcy.”

Palin, who has said she does not plan to attend the Republican convention in Tampa this week, spoke to Hannity from Arizona, where she was campaigning for Kirk Adams, a GOP state legislator now running for Congress.
Rumors floated at the convention suggested Palin might make a surprise visit to Tampa later in the week. But Palin gave no indication of plans for anything except making more campaign appearances on behalf of what she called "down ballot" Republican candidates running for Congress.
“These are important races,” she told Hannity. “Because . . . it doesn’t matter really who we’re going to be replacing the party in power with if we don’t really shake things up in Washington, D.C., and put government back on the side of the people.
“That’s what we're doing here in Arizona is campaigning for those who promised to do exactly that,” added Palin.



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