In this upcoming election do your part to get the vote out. Volunteer to get the vote out. It is critical to all of us. Talk people out of the notion that their vote does not count or that it is all the same if you vote for tweedle dee or tweedle dum. Not voting leads politicians to ignore the needs of the citizenry. GET THE VOTE OUT!
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If the nations of the world continue to kill the unborn, God will eventually severly punish those nations that continuously defy His Holy Will. Other nations have been severly punished for disregarding the sanctity of life and His Holy Will throughout history! Do we want that to happen to the US?
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve is the central banking system that controls the
monetary system of the United States. Contrary to popular belief, the Federal
Reserve is not a government institution, but a private credit monopoly managing
the supply of U.S. dollars. It charges the Treasury for its services. But the
real problem is that the Fed makes its decisions behind closed doors with
little, if any, transparency or input from our elected officials. Thomas
Jefferson said, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the
people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and
restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Look at this interactive painting of the American Presidents:
Clint Eastwood stated the following at the convention:
"We own this country." "Its not you (refering to President Obama) owning it and its not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours." ......"When somebody does not do their job we got to let them go!"
With the strong backing of an energized Republican Party and a diverse team of rising stars, candidate Mitt Romney formally accepted the GOP nomination to be President of the United States.
Recalling the excitement and optimism of the presidential race of four years ago, Romney pointed out how those elevated expectations and the bevy of promises that came with those expectations have led to disappointment over opportunities lost:
“Every family in America wanted this to be a time when they could get ahead a little more, put aside a little more for college, do more for their elderly mom who's living alone now or give a little more to their church or charity.
Every small business wanted these to be their best years ever, when they could hire more, do more for those who had stuck with them through the hard times, open a new store or sponsor that Little League team.
Every new college graduate thought they'd have a good job by now, a place of their own, and that they could start paying back some of their loans and build for the future.
This is when our nation was supposed to start paying down the national debt and rolling back those massive deficits. This was the hope and change America voted for. It's not just what we wanted. It's not just what we expected.
It's what Americans deserved.”
Romney shared the pain and hardship everyday Americans have felt over the past four years as the result of the current administration’s failed economic policies:
“You deserved it because during these years, you worked harder than ever before. You deserved it because when it cost more to fill up your car, you cut out movie nights and put in longer hours. Or when you lost that job that paid $22.50 an hour with benefits, you took two jobs at 9 bucks an hour and fewer benefits. You did it because your family depended on you. You did it because you're an American and you don't quit. You did it because it was what you had to do.
But driving home late from that second job, or standing there watching the gas pump hit 50 dollars and still going, when the realtor told you that to sell your house you'd have to take a big loss, in those moments you knew that this just wasn't right.”
He then pointed to the morning light peeking over the horizon by reminding Americans “Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, ‘I'm an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deserves better. My country deserves better!’”
Romney then went on a brief autobiographical journey. He reminded Americans who know him, and revealed to those who do not, that his life has been a familiar American story. The son of immigrants, whose parents worked hard to give him opportunities they never had. By example they taught him the value of hard work and enterprise, and the meaning of love. He met the love of his life, and with her raised a happy, loving family of their own. He summed up by saying “And that's how it is in America. We look to our communities, our faiths, our families for our joy, our support, in good times and bad. It is both how we live our lives and why we live our lives. The strength and power and goodness of America has always been based on the strength and power and goodness of our communities, our families, our faiths.”
Next, he outlined the story of his business career, where struggles to launch Bain Capital were rewarded by success: “That business we started with 10 people has now grown into a great American success story. Some of the companies we helped start are names you know. An office supply company called Staples – where I'm pleased to see the Obama campaign has been shopping; The Sports Authority, which became a favorite of my sons. We started an early childhood learning center called Bright Horizons that First Lady Michelle Obama rightly praised. At a time when nobody thought we'd ever see a new steel mill built in America, we took a chance and built one in a corn field in Indiana. Today Steel Dynamics is one of the largest steel producers in the United States.”
Romney chose that moment to remind Americans that attacking success is “the centerpiece of the President's entire re-election campaign… Is it any wonder that someone who attacks success has led the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression? In America, we celebrate success, we don't apologize for it.”
He then reminded voters “That is why every president since the Great Depression who came before the American people asking for a second term could look back at the last four years and say with satisfaction: "you are better off today than you were four years ago." Except Jimmy Carter. And except this president.”
Mitt Romney understands that for America to work and for Americans to succeed, they need jobs. “Lots of jobs,” and how the current administration’s policies “…have not helped create jobs, they have depressed them.”
Romney put American voters on fair notice when he warned them:
“To the majority of Americans who now believe that the future will not be better than the past, I can guarantee you this: if Barack Obama is re-elected, you will be right.”
Romney then outlined his five point plan to revitalize the American economy:
“First, by 2020, North America will be energy independent by taking full advantage of our oil and coal and gas and nuclear and renewables.
Second, we will give our fellow citizens the skills they need for the jobs of today and the careers of tomorrow. When it comes to the school your child will attend, every parent should have a choice, and every child should have a chance.
Third, we will make trade work for America by forging new trade agreements. And when nations cheat in trade, there will be unmistakable consequences.
Fourth, to assure every entrepreneur and every job creator that their investments in America will not vanish as have those in Greece, we will cut the deficit and put America on track to a balanced budget.
And fifth, we will champion SMALL businesses, America's engine of job growth. That means reducing taxes on business, not raising them. It means simplifying and modernizing the regulations that hurt small business the most. And it means that we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare.”
On foreign policy, Romney criticized the current administration for their failure to slow Iran's nuclear threat, for how they have disrespected allies like Israel and Poland, and sought to appease Russia. He assured Americans that “Under my administration, our friends will see more loyalty, and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone.”
Romney concluded his speech before a cheering crowd and to a standing ovation:
“The America we all know has been a story of the many becoming one, uniting to preserve liberty, uniting to build the greatest economy in the world, uniting to save the world from unspeakable darkness.
Everywhere I go in America, there are monuments that list those who have given their lives for America. There is no mention of their race, their party affiliation, or what they did for a living. They lived and died under a single flag, fighting for a single purpose. They pledged allegiance to the UNITED States of America.
That America, that united America, can unleash an economy that will put Americans back to work, that will once again lead the world with innovation and productivity, and that will restore every father and mother's confidence that their children's future is brighter even than the past.
That America, that united America, will preserve a military that is so strong, no nation would ever dare to test it.
That America, that united America, will uphold the constellation of rights that were endowed by our Creator, and codified in our Constitution.
That united America will care for the poor and the sick, will honor and respect the elderly, and will give a helping hand to those in need.
That America is the best within each of us. That America we want for our children.
If I am elected President of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that America, to lift our eyes to a better future. That future is our destiny. That future is out there. It is waiting for us. Our children deserve it, our nation depends upon it, the peace and freedom of the world require it. And with your help we will deliver it. Let us begin that future together tonight.”
With a strong supporting cast, with an energized Republican Party and a diverse team of rising stars behind him, Mitt Romney demonstrated why on January 20, 2013 he is the man best prepared to sit in the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Republicans are ready to lead. It is time for the current administration and their “progressive” allies to either follow or get out of the way.
I believe the subject of this treatise will be about an individual which a great many people consider to be public enemy number one. For those of you who have read my other treatises, I hate to disappoint you, this particular treatise will not be the scathing witch hunt which uncovers the corruptness of our so-called leadership or of any particular leader for that matter. Instead, I am going to spend the time looking into a man who much of the public seems to intensely dislike, but for whom I have a great deal of respect.
While there are nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices, I am going to focus on one. If you haven’t guessed who I am referring to by now, it is Senior Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia. Antonin Scalia was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate and assumed his office, or his seat, on 26 September 1986 as a Supreme Court Justice. Who is this Supreme Court Justice and what sets him apart from the rest? According to Wikipedia Justice Scalia is, “The longest-serving justice currently on the Court, Scalia is the Senior Associate Justice. Appointed to the Court by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, Scalia has been described as the intellectual anchor of the Court’s conservative wing[i].” I would like to mention a few more items noted in Wikipedia before I continue, which I believe will give us something to work with regarding Justice Scalia. Wikipedia also notes, “In his quarter-century on the Court, Scalia has staked out a conservative ideology in his opinions, advocating textualism in statutory interpretation and originalism in constitutional interpretation. He is a strong defender of the executive branch…and, in his minority opinions, often castigates the Court’s majority in scathing language.” I’ll also touch on Justice Scalia’s beliefs on such matters as flag-burning and abortion as they relate to the Constitution of the United States. I believe these items through his over 25 years on the Court will allow us to find out who Supreme Court Justice Scalia is and why so many people believe he is public enemy number one.
A Constitution is not meant to facilitate change. It is meant to impede change, to make it difficult to change.
Antonin Scalia
Because I love the U.S. Constitution and know the founding fathers of this nation were great men, I believe that would be a good place to start. What does Justice Scalia mean when he speaks about originalism in constitutional interpretation? According to an interview with Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, the CBS News report states, “Justice Scalia is still a maverick, championing a philosophy known as “originalism,” which means interpreting the Constitution based on what it originally meant to the people who ratified it over 200 years ago[ii].” Personally, I like the idea of interpreting the U.S. Constitution[iii] in a manner that upholds the values, principles and words of our founding fathers who actually risked everything to create such a wonderful document for the people of the United States. In the report Justice Scalia goes on to explain what he means, “It is an enduring Constitution that I want to defend.” Ms Stahl notes, “Scalia has no patience with so-called activist judges, who create rights not in the Constitution – like a right to abortion – by interpreting the Constitution as a “living document” that adapts to changing values.” Justice Scalia states why he is against the idea of a living Constitution, “What’s wrong with it is, it’s wonderful imagery and it puts me on the defensive as defending presumably a dead Constitution.” So it is apparent, Justice Scalia believes the U.S. Constitution should be and is our ‘rock solid foundation’ which we stand upon and which has elevated us, the United States, to our (at least once) grand stature. With regard to the founders, Justice Scalia goes on to say, “Well, it isn’t the mindset. It’s what did the words mean to the people who ratified the Bill of Rights or who ratified the Constitution.” Justice Scalia isn’t against progress or change, “Create it the way most rights are created…Pass a law.” But he is against changing the Constitution, our foundation. Like many people I believe if you wish to change the Constitution, lawmakers need to go through the extremely cumbersome amendment process in order to make the Amendment. However, making a law in itself, is much less cumbersome, it just needs to be constitutional.
Why does Justice Scalia advocate textualism in statutory interpretation and what is it? Oliver Wendell Holmes in The Theory of Legal Interpretation stated, “How is it when you admit evidence of circumstances and read the document in the light of them? Is this trying to discover the particular intent of the individual, to get into his mind and to bend what he said to what he wanted?” Mr. Holmes, who I might add was a brilliant man, further states, “Thereupon we ask, not what this man meant, but what those words would mean in the mouth of a normal speaker of English, using them in the circumstances in which they were used, and it is to the end of answering this last question that we let in evidence as to what the circumstances were[iv].” So I believe Mr. Holmes is stating textualism is not necessarily the intent of the man as much as it is the words themselves, as used by men in general, to understand the meaning of the words within a certain circumstance.
According to the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, “The basic premise of textualism is that judges “must seek and abide by the public meaning of the enacted text, [as] understood in context” and should “choose the letter of the statutory text over its spirit[v].”” Mr. Davis further states with regard to textualism, “Only the statutory text has passed the constitutional requirements of bicameralism and presentment, and that judicial reliance on unenacted intentions or purposes “disrespects the legislative process.”” Also according to Mr. Davis, textualists believe those ‘unenacted intentions and purposes’ are that which “Skirts the constitutional protections designed to safeguard liberty by diffusing legislative power.” So textualism maintains the separation of power within the three branches of government itself and protects the U.S. Constitution as well as the liberty of sovereign individuals and sovereign States.
Just so you know bicameralism is Congress as two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate. For the definition of presentment I’ll go to Black’s Law Dictionary, “In criminal practice. The written notice taken by a grand jury of any offense, from their own knowledge or observation, without any bill of indictment laid before them at the suit of the government. A presentment Is an informal statement In writing, by the grand jury, representing to the court that a public offense has been committed which is triable in the county, and that there is reasonable ground for believing that a particular individual named or described therein has committed it[vi].”
So between Oliver Wendell Holmes and Mr. Davis of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Justice Scalia’s advocacy of textualism in statutory interpretation is not the intent of what is or was meant, but the actual public meaning of the text itself within the context of what was said [in the statute] and this is done strictly to safeguard our liberty under the U.S. Constitution while holding the government in check. I can’t figure out how that is a bad thing. The framers of the Constitution believed in limited government, to be sure, limited federal government as stated by James Madison in Federalist No. 45, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined[vii].”
Now imagine a provision—perhaps inserted right after…the Naturalization clause—which included among the enumerated powers of Congress “To establish Limitations upon Immigration that will be exclusive and that will be enforced only to the extent the President deems appropriate.” The delegates to the Grand Convention would have rushed to the exits.
Antonin Scalia
An example of one of Justice Scalia’s minority opinions can be found in Arizona v. United States. Justice Scalia states, “Must Arizona’s ability to protect its borders yield to the reality that Congress has provided inadequate funding for federal enforcement—or, even worse, to the Executive’s unwise targeting of that funding[viii]?” Justice Scalia goes on to say, “The President said at a news conference that the new program “is the right thing to do” in light of Congress’s failure to pass the Administration’s proposed revision of the Immigration Act. Perhaps it is, though Arizona may not think so. But to say, as the Court does, that Arizona contradicts federal law by enforcing applications of the Immigration Act that the President declines to enforce boggles the mind.” This is wonderful example of Justice Scalia castigating the majority (let’s call it) in scathing language-lite (I would have just called them spineless jellyfish). While the majority opinion was in favor of the President’s so-called plan of doing nothing other than trampling atop the rights of the sovereign State of Arizona, Justice Scalia sets himself apart and appropriately rebuffs the majority as well as the Executive branch. Justice Scalia states, “The Court opinion’s looming specter of inutterable horror…seems to me not so horrible and even less looming…the specter that Arizona and the States that support it predicted: A Federal Government that does not want to enforce the immigration laws as written…Are the sovereign States at the mercy of the Federal Executive’s refusal to enforce the Nation’s immigration laws?” Justice Scalia seems right on point and makes my previous statement with regard to the Supreme Court Justices in “On Sovereignty[ix]” seem a bit harsh. Quite frankly I should have stated the Supreme Court might as well be referred to as ‘Eight Empty Chairs’ instead of nine. Justice Scalia quite eloquently affirmed Arizona’s sovereign status and rebuked the Executive’s misguided stance as well as the Supreme Court’s inconceivable majority opinion. Why should the sovereign State of Arizona be required to allow its borders to be violated? As a sovereign State, Arizona has every right to secure its borders, protect its citizens and enforce Immigration Laws even if the Federal government doesn’t have the backbone or the intestinal fortitude to aggressively enforce those laws. I have always been unable to fathom why the federal government shirks its own responsibilities but has such a voracious appetite for prosecuting decent Americans who simply exercise their freedoms as they see fit, which seem to be at odds with the misguided beliefs of the jack-booted thugs in Washington.
Apparently, the Obama administration which flatly refuses to rigorously enforce existing immigration laws, just like his predecessor, George W. Bush who also refused to enforce those laws should not handcuff a sovereign State from doing so. Each sovereign State, like the nation as a whole, has its own Constitution and its own three branches of government. The federal government in my view is always subordinate to the States as well as the individuals who make up the States, unless one of the various constitutionally guaranteed rights of the individual has been violated by the State. What right does the federal government believe it has to step in as ‘High Lord and Potentate’ and issue its so-called fatwa’s or to even dictate to the sovereign individuals and the sovereign States? The business of the State is just that, the business of the State. The federal government’s power is limited for a reason, the founders believed in the sovereign individual and the sovereign State. Clearly, the federal government merely acts out of jealousy in its daily attempts to usurp what is not rightfully theirs as stated in the Law of the Land, the U. S. Constitution.
Frequently an issue of this sort will come before the Court clad, so to speak, in sheep’s clothing…But this wolf comes as a wolf.
Antonin Scalia
Now that we have seen Justice Scalia beat up on Obama, I think it would be a good time to touch on him [Scalia] as a strong defender of the executive branch. In Morrison v. Olson Justice Scalia gave his dissenting opinion, “We should say here that the President’s constitutionally assigned duties include complete control over investigation and prosecutions of violations of the law, and that the inexorable command of Article II is clear and definite: the executive power must be vested in the President of the United States[x].” Clearly, Article II of the U.S. Constitution states the duties and power of the Executive Branch as separate from either the Legislative or Judicial Branches, as stated in Articles I and III respectively, and vice versa. Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion continues, “In my view…the Court’s conclusion must be wrong…One of the natural advantages the Constitution gave to the Presidency, just as it gave Members of Congress (and their staffs) the advantage of not being prosecutable for anything said or done in their legislative capacities…It is the very object of this legislation to eliminate that assurance of a sympathetic forum.” As executive privilege is a principle based on the constitutionally mandated separation of powers – the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches operate independently from one another. Private decision making with their advisors, in this case the independent council was the Assistant Attorney General Olson, has to be done without fear of ‘how something might look’ to either of the other branches of government. Unless a crime has been committed, no branch of government may frivolously impede the duties of the other branches of government. Especially when the aim is simply to destroy an elected leader’s ability to carry out the duties of his office through a so-called witch hunt or a fishing expedition which effectively renders the elected leader impotent without just cause, or simply to act as a device to destroy one’s political enemy. “The purpose of the separation and equilibration of powers in general, and of the unitary Executive in particular, was not merely to assure effective government but to preserve individual freedom.” This is a good example of Justice Scalia’s strong defense of the executive branch. But in doing so, Justice Scalia is actually defending all three separate branches of government and their duties as delineated in the U.S. Constitution. What strikes me as even more paramount than the defense of the Executive and the separation of powers (which is extremely important), is Justice Scalia’s believe that in doing so it is in the defense of the individual freedoms which are ultimately protected.
Lastly, we should take a look at Justice Scalia’s conservative ideology. If we go back to the 60 Minutes interview with Leslie Stahl, Justice Scalia states, “I’m a law-and-order guy. I confess I’m a social conservative, but it does not affect my views on cases.” An example of Justice Scalia’s impartiality, in spite of his own personal beliefs, is in regard to flag-burners, “If it was up to me, I would have thrown this bearded, sandal wearing flag-burner into jail, but it was not up to me.” While that does sound conservative to me, it also sounds impartial. Justice Scalia clearly states his disdain for flag-burning and flag-burners, yet his opinion with regard to the law is flag-burners are protected under the U.S. Constitution. I’m not so certain I could be so fair-minded. It seems to me, flag-burners have plunged themselves into the depths of the multitudes of depraved individuals around the globe who constantly burn our flag, yet cry a river whenever the United States does something with which they do not agree. Of course, they claim they burn our flag because of our aggression, and while there may be a certain amount of truth to that statement, these people which I speak of live in a barbaric rat hole as a result of their own choosing, not ours. Their argument is disingenuous as well as fallacious.
The right to abortion is another issue with which we are all too familiar, based on the landmark case Roe v. Wade. In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Justice Scalia gave his dissenting opinion, “By foreclosing all democratic outlet for the deep passions this issue arouses, by banishing the issue from the political forum that gives all participants, even the losers, the satisfaction of a fair hearing and an honest fight, by continuing the imposition of a rigid national rule instead of allowing for regional differences, the Court merely prolongs and intensifies the anguish. – We should get out of this area, where we have no right to be, and where we do neither ourselves nor the country any good by remaining[xi].” Whether someone is for or against abortion, it seems clear to me as it seems to be with Justice Scalia, nowhere within the U.S. Constitution does it state there is a right to abortion. However, I do believe as Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion states, this is a matter that should be left up to the States. Roe v. Wade is a perfect example of the federal government’s attempts to destroy States rights. Has there been an amendment to the Constitution? The easy answer is no, but if that is the case, then why does the federal government feel they have the right to enact a national law without going through the cumbersome amendment process to the U.S. Constitution? If a State or the people of a State enact a law which either affirms or denies the right to have an abortion through State law, the individual on either side is not held against their will in that State. They have the freedom and the right to leave and seek out their liberty in another State where the people of that State have beliefs which are more in keeping with their own set of beliefs. But to have a national law foisted upon us all with the misguided attempt at appeasement for some, completely disregards the others. Not to mention the fact that such an idea is completely foreign to the U.S. Constitution.
I would conclude by stating Justice Scalia is not only a fantastic jurist, but an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. This man has a clear grasp of the law and an understanding of the U.S. Constitution which is unparalleled. I happen to like the fact that he adheres to the public meaning of text in his interpretation of the statutes and how he sticks to what the founding fathers said and what the words meant to them regarding the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Justice Scalia’s belief that the idea of a living constitution is in reality a dead constitution is an honorable defense of the U.S. Constitution. His belief that his duty is to defend an enduring Constitution speaks volumes about this man. Justice Scalia’s defense of the sovereign State in the face of Executive, Congressional and Judicial malfeasance is also quite noteworthy. To protect the sovereign State is to protect the sovereign individual and it would appear as though Justice Scalia is a staunch supporter of both. As I have already stated, he defends the Constitution, but he also does this by affirming there is a clear separation of power between the three branches of government as stated in the Constitution. His conservative leanings don’t seem to sway his opinions or impartiality with regard to any case. And his opinions in general are quite interesting to read. Justice Scalia shows up for work each day fully prepared to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. I cannot imagine why so many people hate this man, unless of course, it is because they hate the U.S. Constitution.
Justice Scalia is in many ways like Socrates, he questions and reproves, he educates and he enlightens. While in his interview with Ms Stahl he stated, “I was never cool,” I would have to disagree with him on that point. I personally believe Justice Scalia is in fact very cool, I might even go so far as to say he is a role model for decent and honorable men and not just young lawyers who someday wish to sit on the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia is an example of a man who leads by example. If we had more like him on the Supreme Court, it’s possible our nation wouldn’t hit the nail right on our thumb quite so often.
If you think aficionados of a living constitution want to bring you flexibility, think again. You think the death penalty is a good idea? Persuade your fellow citizens to adopt it. You want a right to abortion? Persuade your fellow citizens to enact it. That’s flexibility.
Antonin Scalia[xii]
God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America.
Brett L. Baker
[i] Wikipedia; Antonin Scalia,
[ii] CBS News; 60 Minutes, Justice Scalia On The Record,
[iii] Charters Of Freedom; Constitution of the United States,
[iv] Harvard Law Review; The Theory of Legal Interpretation, Oliver Wendell Holmes, pp 417-418.
[v] Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy [Vol. 30]; The Newer Textualism: Justice Alito’s Statutory Interpretation, p. 988, Elliott M. Davis.
[vi] Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition Online; Definition of PRESENTMENT,
[vii] Founding Fathers Info; Federalist No. 45, James Madison.
[viii] Arizona v. United States; Opinion of Scalia, J, pp 19-21.
[ix] On Sovereignty; US Constitution: How the U.S. government fails to follow the U.S. Constitution and the incompetent, so-called leadership of the United States,
[x] Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute; Morrison v. Olson (No. 87-1279),
[xi] Gonzaga University; Scalia dissent in the Casey case,
[xii] Brainy Quotes; Antonin Scalia Quotes,
Was Brandon Raub Labeled a “Sovereign Citizen?”
Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 28, 2012:
“(Aug. 28, 2012) — After The Blaze interviewed the president of a civil liberties advocacy organization about its recent defense of seized former Marine Brandon Raub, the video and story were widely disseminated on the internet with the statement that people have reportedly been “disappearing,” particularly veterans.
John Whitehead, who has been president of The Rutherford Institute since 1982, is featured on the home page of “Veterans Today.” In his interview with told Glenn Beck, owner of The Blaze, he told Beck that “the Rutherford Institute is getting flooded with calls, many of them from military veterans, who say they have been victims of involuntary civil commitments like Raub.” Whitehead added, “What I’m getting from veterans is, they say they are getting picked up by the FBI, mainly for 9/11 ‘truther’ statements” (emphasis The Blaze’s).
Rutherford has described the accounts coming in from veterans and others as “Orwellian,” referring to the novel 1984 by George Orwell about a world controlled by “Big Brother” in which people were regularly surveilled, brainwashed, deprived of their dignity, and beaten and tortured into submission. A review of the book stated:
You’ll find yourself asking how this man who wrote the novel in 1948 could possibly have such foresight into what would evolve into the world as we know it today. Similarities between life as we know it and life as Orwell foresaw abound.
For more than two years, The Post & Email has been reporting on the cases of Darren Wesley Huff and Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, both of whom have been incarcerated as a result of attempting to expose government corruption. Huff is currently in a federal prison, while Fitzpatrick is fighting a charge of “tampering with government records,” after having spent more than six months in total in the Monroe County jail.
While The Blaze injected its opinion about those who doubt the official 9/11 narrative into the story, thereby editorializing, it vindicated statements Fitzpatrick has been making for nearly three years: that the Obama regime has targeted veterans, particularly white men, for incarceration if they speak out against government corruption on any level. The “Sovereign Citizen” training program assembled by the FBI, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Justice, and the Tennessee Department of Safety is one example, as Huff and Fitzpatrick, who did not commit violent crimes, are portrayed as dangerous criminals in the same category as Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh.
Months ago, The Post & Email contacted The Blaze regarding judicial corruption in Tennessee, Fitzpatrick’s repeated incarcerations, and the police brutality which have been reported, but never received a response. We have contacted National Review Online, multiple law firms, Tennessee television stations and other news sources, none of which took interest in the story. Now Whitehead cites similar stories from “thousands of people” reported as having disappeared, to which Whitehead responded, “The government covers their tracks and they don’t tell the truth most of the time, unfortunately.”
What happened to Navy veteran Darren Huff?
He drove to attend an assignment hearing for Fitzpatrick on April 20, 2010 and was arrested ten days later. No crimes occurred that day nor on any other, yet FBI affidavits state that Huff had planned to commit acts of violence against public officials in Madisonville, TN. Huff claims that the witnesses lied on the witness stand during his trial and that he never made any claims to violence. Huff has told The Post & Email that he has been labeled a “sovereign citizen” in the prison where he is currently being held.
The federal government has failed to produce any documentation of the planning of the heavy police presence in Madisonville on April 20 six months after The Post & Email filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain it. Initially, the U.S. Department of Justice said it possessed no such documentation, and an appeal requesting another search has remained unanswered since May 1, 2012.
Fitzpatrick believes that the orders to mistreat and incarcerate veterans come from Obama personally. He has had many threats made against his life which have been reported to the FBI but appear not to have been investigated. After reporting judicial corruption to the FBI on a particular occasion, three agents laughed and responded, “This is the way it is.”
Instead of revealing his birth certificate and other probative materials to show that he is a “natural born Citizen” and constitutionally eligible to serve as president, Barack Hussein Obama remained mute and a decorated Army flight surgeon spent five months in Ft. Leavenworth for questioning him. While Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was still incarcerated, Obama released what he claimed was his birth certificate, although an official law enforcement investigation has concluded that it is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The law enforcement officer overseeing the investigation of Obama’s birth certificate, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ, has been sued by the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of discriminating against Hispanics in the custody of his department. Arpaio denies the claims and is fighting the lawsuit in court. Fitzpatrick has stated that Arpaio is being treated like a “sovereign citizen” by the Obama regime.
The Post & Email has submitted two Tennessee Open Records Act requests for documentation of how and by whom the “Sovereign Citizen” training program was written and will report any results received in a future article.
Despite two pronouncements of forgery in regard to both Obama’s Selective Service registration card and his long-form birth certificate, Obama has not been arrested or charged with a crime. Members of the military, whether on active duty or retired status who have spoken out about what they see as Obama’s abuse of power or corruption within the federal government have been dismissed from the military, jailed, financially ruined, and in Raub’s case, intimidated by a psychiatrist.
When The Post & Email contacted the Washington, DC bureau of the FBI, the media contact person told us that the FBI “is investigating really serious crimes” and advised us to contact our congressman about the forgery issue.
Fitzpatrick was also ordered to obtain a psychiatric evaluation in April 2010, to which he reported but refused to undergo.
In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security under Janet Napolitano stated that “returning veterans” were susceptible to succumbing to “right-wing extremism.” Major media outlets appear to have expounded on that theme.
Fitzpatrick spent 25 years in the U.S. Navy, earning numerous medals and letters of commendation, but has been labeled a “terrorist” by the Obama regime.
How many other veterans have stories similar to those of Fitzpatrick and Huff?
Note: The following recent eye-opening articles and/or blog posts published by The Post & Email relate to this disturbing issue:
I. Mainstream Media Report: TBI Investigating Alleged Tenth Judicial District Corruption!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 28, 2012:
“(Aug. 28, 2012) — The Chattanooga Times Free Press is reporting that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Attorney General, and the state Comptroller’s Office have opened a probe into claims of malfeasance and fiscal improprieties in the Tenth Judicial District of the state.
A statement from Attorney General Robert E. Cooper, Jr. says that “there will be no public announcements regarding the progress of this investigation.”
The Post & Email has been reporting prosecutorial misconduct, rigged juries, hand-selected jurors, libel, defamation, and criminal conduct on the part of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, judges prosecutors and for nearly three years. Monroe County is one of four counties of the Tenth Judicial District.
While The Post & Email did not specifically investigate misspending of public money, while in the Monroe County jail, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III reported that a human trafficking operation was ongoing which channeled people into the jail, many on bogus charges, in order to maintain a steady flow of cash which did not go toward upkeep of the building. The Monroe County jail was placed on a “Plan of Action” because of substandard conditions early last year but remains open today.
Many readers of The Post & Email and this writer have contacted Cooper and Gov. Bill Haslam over the last two years to protest police brutality, rigged juries, and unlawful conduct on the part of judges and members of the district attorney general’s office. The Tennessee Attorney General is appointed by the state Supreme Court rather than elected by the people. Others have contacted their legislators, who attempted to ignore the communications.
Fitzpatrick has called District Attorney General Steve Bebb “a criminal” along with Assistant District Attorneys General Jim Stutts and Paul D. Rush. Rush is prosecuting Fitzpatrick on a case involving government records which Fitzpatrick’s attorney, Van Irion of Knoxville, said that “Facts alleged in the indictment could only have occurred if members of the Monroe County Court’s staff first acted negligently.”
The state of Tennessee has insulated its judges and prosecutors from public scrutiny with layers of bureaucracy. The state Supreme Court operates the Board of Professional Responsibility to discipline attorneys. The now-defunct Court of the Judiciary was recently replaced by the “Board of Judicial Conduct” which still contains mostly judges and attorneys. One, Judge Christy Little, has exhibited less than professional conduct while on the bench in a child custody case reported exclusively by The Post & Email.
Tennessee General Assemblywoman Mae Beavers, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, had wanted to institute a judicial oversight board with more citizen authority but was urged to drop her proposed legislation by Lt. Gov. and Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey earlier this year. Ramsey had never responded to any of The Post & Email’s telephone calls about judicial corruption in the Tenth Judicial District.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation told Fitzpatrick almost two years ago that it could not launch an investigation into a judge’s conduct unless ordered to do so by the District Attorney General or the “Attorney General in Nashville.” At that time, Agent Cathy Pendleton rudely said to Fitzpatrick, “I don’t know what to tell you. You could call the governor…” and then called Fitzpatrick a “blowhard.” “You’re just running your mouth,” Pendleton said, concluding with “I think you need to find somebody else to ying-yang with, sir, because I’m not gonna talk to you,” after which she hung up on him.
Fitzpatrick had contacted Attorney General Cooper and said he had “gotten the runaround.” Fitzpatrick told Pendleton that “the judges have taken over our grand juries,” citing the long-standing grand jury foreman in Monroe County, Gary Pettway. Local FBI office agents have told Fitzpatrick, “Live with it!” in regard to the corruption of the juries.
Fitzpatrick has recently met with his state senator and representative and given them copies of 1984 laws still current which state that Tennessee’s criminal courts were directed to reorganize into and empanel jurors from districts consisting of several counties, in most cases. Neither of the legislators has responded to an invitation from The Post & Email to a complimentary subscription to read its now-extensive collection of evidence pointing to massive corruption in their districts and their state.
Given the 1984 laws, it appears that Fitzpatrick was correct when he said that the “Monroe County Criminal Court” had no “jurisdiction” over him. Fitzpatrick has been jailed on five occasions totaling over six months and labeled a “sovereign citizen” by the TBI and FBI for his exposure of corruption within the Tenth Judicial District and Tennessee as a whole, beginning with his filing of a criminal complaint for treason against Barack Hussein Obama in March 2009.
In the Fourth Judicial District, a former deputy sheriff is awaiting sentencing for a felony he did not commit which has ruined his career and besmirched his reputation. A phone call from The Post & Email to the Sevier County Sheriff’s Department asking for information on the case last week was not returned.
Have enough Tennessee residents spoken up about the corruption in their midst to effect action? Could the evidence against officials in the Tenth Judicial District be taken to a lawfully-empaneled grand jury for review, as outlined in the Fifth Amendment?”
II. Breaking: Judicial Corruption Video Which Every American Needs to See!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 29, 2012:
III. Updated Video of Fitzpatrick Saga Spreads over the Internet!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 30, 2012:
IV. Breaking: Three Witnesses at Trial of Darren Huff Under Cloud of Suspicion in State Corruption Probe!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 30, 2012:
Note: Please read "Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)" for more disturbing revelations regarding this issue:
Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1):
Note: What follows is a letter that I sent to my family members, comrades and friends shortly after the historical 2008 Presidential election that includes my extensive research into then Senator Obama’s background that I completed on November 3, 2008 (two days prior to general election), which I believe relates to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:
Letter to my family, comrades and friends after our historical 2008 Presidential election:
Note: The following videos and article and/or blog post relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Video: Foreign and Domestic: Exposing America's True Enemies!-Posted on TheJoshTolleyChannel-On July 7, 2012:
II. Video: Ted Nugent: Feds Arresting Innocent Citizens Without Warrants!-Posted on patriotupdatereport-On August 31, 2012:
III. SCALIA FLUMMOXED ABOUT NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP: ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman asks justice for definition of term used in Constitution!’-Posted on LARRY KLAYMAN-On August 31, 2012:
Note: What follows are other articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
President Obama's Tin Ear!-Posted on American Thinker-By Shoshana Bryen-On September 6, 2012:
Obama speech to soldiers met with silence!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Neil Munro-On August 31, 2012:
Naval expert: Ships shown during Democratic convention tribute to veterans were Russian!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By David Martosko, Executive Editor-On September 12, 2012:
Obama’s Military Voter Suppression Campaign!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On September 12, 2012:’s-military-voter-suppression-campaign/
Every American Should Be Ashamed Of Their President!-Posted on Conservative 50 Plus-By ADMIN-On September 14, 2012:
Obama Doctrine: Slashes Military Amidst Islamist Uprising!-Posted on Big Peace-On September 14, 2012:
VII. A Patriot’s Warning about the Growing Obama Police State!-Posted on Gulag Bound-By Sher Zieve-On October 7, 2012:
Obama Faces Backlash on Military Budget Cuts!-Posted on David A. Patten-On October 23, 2012:
Video: Facebook Censors Special Ops PAC to Help Obama!-Posted Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 31, 2012:
Soldier Pays $90 to Vote Absentee!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Hope Hodge-On November 3, 2012:
Thousands of ballots unlikely to reach military voters in time!-Posted on The Hill-By Ramsey Cox-On November 5, 2012:
Our Disenfranchised Troops Deserve Better!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Michelle Malkin-On November 7, 2012:
Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney!-Posted on Duffle Blog-By DREW-On November 7, 2012:
Fitzpatrick: Obama’s Replacement of Commanders is Treason!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 4, 2012:
Last Chance to Save our Constitution!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 4, 2012:
Squatters in the White House!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On November 3, 2012:
FL Grand Jury: OBAMA AND BIDEN: TIME TO INDICT BOTH!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 21, 2012:
WHITE HOUSE BLASTED FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION LEAKS: ‘Citizens grand jury’ accuses administration of using secrets to ‘bolster’ political standing!’-Posted on BOB UNRUH-On November 2, 2012:
Obama and Biden Indicted by Florida Grand Jury For Willfully Releasing Classified National Security Information!-Posted on GeorgeM-On November 5, 2012:
The Petition To Impeach Barack Obama Over Benghazi!
Note: My Following Blogs Relate To This Distrubing Issue-You Decide:
U.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 26, 2013:
Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!
The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!
Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!
Special Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 1):
Special Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 2):
Request For Congressional Investigation Into Mysterious Downing of Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan!
Price for Justice: One of many Benghazis!
Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!
Arming Our Enemies!
2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!
Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’!‘hanoi-jane’/
Time To Remember The Price Of Freedom!
It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-...
The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!
When Loving Your Country Makes You As A Domestic Terrorist!
What Happened to Free Speech?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!
Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-...
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:
Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 15, 2012:
Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:
Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:
Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:
Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:
Note: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
Freedom Isn’t Free:
I Stand For America!
The Fightin Side of Me!
Video: Obama, the Final Straw!
We Are The Resistance-Keep Blogging, Exposing and Pursue Treason Charges!
Declaration to Restore the Republic!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
It seems to be common knowledge that if Mitt Romney is elected Ben S. Bernanke will be replaced as Chair of the Federal Reserve. With that hanging over Ben Bernanke's head Don't you suppose that he will do what ever it takes to see Obama re-Elected? after all it is in his self interest to do so.
This is another reason to make sure we not only win the Presidential race but also take the senate and improve our hold on the house!
I still think it is past the point of no return for saving this currency from being wiped out and the USA being forced to do the unthinkable and replace the present banking system with a gold backed currency controlled by congress and not a central bank, as it was originally written into the constitution !
Well those Republicans sure came off looking good and sounding good too. It does not matter at all that the nation is on the very edge of a fiscal cliff and drastic measures are needed NOW. [not is a year , but now]
Mitt Romney had lots of folks say how sweet and nice and kind he is and I am sure he is the nice guy that they say he is. [ not a doubt in my mind] a real price of a guy.
However when you are going to war who do you want leading you ?
George Patton , or a nice guy [General Georg Patton was not said to be a nice guy] but he won battles
He also do not die for your Country make the other SOB die for his!
Well let us hope that Mitt Romney has the same metal in his back bone that George Patton had in his!
The tree of liberty [FREEDOM} requires that it be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots form time to time , let us hope that we can step up to this task.
I am an old guy and I can remember the following things, can you ? [doubt it]
We could swim in the local lake at a public access point where there were no lifeguards and it was common knowledge that you did so at your own risk.
Today the signs say no swimming Trespasser will be arrested and they enforce the rules!
When I was a Senior in High school [mid 1960's] I carried a Rifle to school on the school bus along with 100 rounds of ammo for it [ an M1 Garand /30/06 ] I was on the rifle team of my school and a lot of schools had rifle teams.
Today can you imagine the result? who did this and why did we let them?
I remember my first time tiding on a commercial jet airliner and at the airport there were no x-ray machines or TSA pat downs and I got on the plane with my pocket knife and my rifle was checked through with out any questions at all, I was going hunting out west with my Dad.
Today it is a major undertaking and red tape is everywhere.
in 1968 we were just beginning to really loose our freedom, today in 2012 we are 90% there!
I wonder if we can roll back the intrusiveness of our government and restore at least some of that freedom or are we done with the grand experiment began in 1776 ?
There are just 2 laws I would like to see revoked this presidential term
1, The law forcing employers to withhold your taxes on your income!
What would that do? Well if every one had to write a check every quarter like business does I do believe that taxes on income would end!
2, The Patriot act and all its parts!
A free people are free, are you free or are your chains just not binding you personally ?
Our government officials seem to think we are insensitive to others and we should tread lightly and try to "NEVER" offend others .
I think this is a pile of stinky Male Bovine excrement!
I think it is time to "TAKE BACK AMERICA" and speak plainly and if we offend some sub culture they need to
A, Get over it and move on
B, Go somewhere else
What would John Wayne say?
If the shoe fits !
In my world
Queers should stay in the closet or face the majority who thinks their sexual choices are sick and evil.
Indians have to understand we defeated them and took this land form them because they were primitive.
Freedom is not free and allowing the metrosexual DEMOCRAT to set the tone and complain about our language choices requires that we stand up and say "GET OVER IT YA CASPAR MILK TOAST FAG !
A picture is worth a thousand words, and if ever a person needs to know how four years of Obama have impacted our nation, take a look at "Obamanation".
"Obamanation", painted by Jon McNaughton, uses 60 or so images to illustrate Obama's many betrayals, failed policies and backlashes on everything the USA stands for. From "Cash for Clunkers" to slighting our allies while currying favor to Islamic radicals, to various policies unconstitutionally shoved down Americans' throats, the painting is impressive, shocking and eye-opening all at once. McNaughton, whose website features his artworks, also painted other artworks you may have seen on the Internet like "The Forgotten Man" and "One Nation Under Socialism." More impressive than "Obamanation" itself is the fact that visitors can click on each image in "Obamanation" to see how that image (backed up by links to sources) specifically relates to the disaster that has been Obama's presidency. Each image in the painting tells its own story, but all put together on one canvas, tells the bigger picture that is "Obamanation."
McNaughton's video discussing "Obamanation" is below. I advise you to visit his website, see the painting, and hover your mouse pointer over each image in the painting for more information. McNaughton has challenged Obama supporters to study the painting and review each image: ""Do you still support Barack Obama? If so you are a part of the Obamanation."
High Tech Photographs Of Fetal Development / Pro-life Anti-Abortion Video
A word to the wise is sufficient as the saying goes.
Paul Ryan's VP nomination acceptance speech was the voice of We The People. While on vacation at a Gulf Coast condo, the owner of the building looked me in the eye and said, “Lloyd, as a nation, we need to BELIEVE again. We need to believe that the people we put in office are good honorable people committed to doing what is best for our country.” Paul Ryan is the answer to the elderly condo owner's dream.
What struck me most watching Ryan brilliantly deliver his speech was an unmistakable sense of wholesomeness which emanated from the man. It is the same quality possessed by Sarah Palin which is as repulsive to the modern Democratic Party and mainstream media as showing Dracula the cross.
Remarkably, the Democratic Party has become so infected with an anti-American, socialistic and anti-God agenda, that traditional American wholesome principles and values are vehemently attacked and labeled “extreme”.
According to the Democratic Party and mainstream media, rejecting Obama's mandate to force Christians to fund abortions is branded a “war on women”. Americans who do not object to homosexual civil unions, but believe “Marriage” should remain defined as between a man and a woman are punished and branded bigots and haters by the Democrats and their sycophant media.
Unbelievably, Obama is historic in two categories. He is America's first mixed-race president and the first president that the mainstream media declares it racist to criticize or disagree with in any way. The passionate mantra of the mainstream media has always been, “We must speak truth to power!” Well, apparently, it does not apply when there is a black man occupying the Oval Office.
And speaking of “occupying”, Ryan pointed out in his speech how the Obama administration (and the mainstream media, I might add) rallied around the OWS thugs while demonizing small business owners; the people that make our country work and employs most Americans.
Ryan called Mitt Romney a man of high morals. Mentioning the “M” word was like throwing Holy Water on the Democrats and mainstream media. I heard them screaming through my TV, Stop! Stop! It burns! It BURNS!
As excepted, the Democrats and the media have launched their, Paul Ryan-is-an-extremist-racist-nut campaign. Think of their campaign to destroy Paul Ryan as “Sarah Palin Two: The Sequel”; only this time it is a wholesome articulate bright white male they hope to brand as the dumbest most extreme VP nominee ever.
Still, Americans that watched his speech on TV with open minds and hearts “felt” Paul Ryan. They sensed that we are in a battle of good versus evil; wholesomeness versus a diminished America and Godless society.
To the elderly small businessman condo owner, longing for politicians we can believe in again, Paul Ryan represents a major step in the right direction. Go Romney/Ryan, America needs you!
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman: Marine Brandon Raub speaks to John Whitehead in a one on one interview. Raub’s case went viral on the Internet earlier this month when on August 16, the former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran was kidnapped from his home by police, FBI and Secret Service agents and forcibly incarcerated in a psychiatric ward by authorities in Virginia in response to Facebook posts which the FBI deemed “terrorist” in nature.
Raub was released after a week when a judge concluded that the original petition ordering him to be detained contained no information whatsoever on the reasons behind Raub’s incarceration.
Raub explained that one of his main concerns in being publicly vocal about his concerns with the activity of the U.S. government was executive orders that allow the state to seize dictatorial power in a time of crisis, including the seizure of private property, communications and the institution of forced labor camps.
When Raub asked what he thought of the whole experience, Raub responded, “It made me scared for my country, the idea that a man can be snatched out of his property without being read his rights should be extremely alarming to all Americans.”
Info Warsreports of Raub’s kidnapping,
“At the beginning it was very vague, it was almost as if they wanted me to volunteer information,” said Raub, adding that he had to draw out of them the reason for the visit, which eventually turned out to be the content of his Facebook posts.
Raub then stepped outside to speak to a Secret Service agent who quizzed him about his political beliefs.
“I mentioned the Bilderberg Group and their violation of politicians in this country meeting with them and specifically the Logan Act,” said Raub, adding that the Secret Service agents were taking notes to research the topics further at a later time.
After around 15 minutes of conversation, the police surrounded Raub and grabbed him, failing to read him his Miranda rights. When Raub appealed to the police to allow him to put some clothes on, even at gunpoint, the cops refused.
“I realized that they weren’t going to read me my rights and they weren’t arresting me, so I basically just decided to make it more difficult for them to take me,” said Raub, explaining why the video shows him dropping to the floor.
After his detention, Raub was given a hearing date and moved to a psychiatric ward three hours away from his family and legal team. Shortly before his eventual release, a psychiatrist threatened to forcibly medicate Raub in order to “brainwash” him.
John Whitehead emphasizes how 20 people in the same county as Raub have been similarly “disappeared” so far in the month of August alone.
This story sends chills down my spine. Yet, many people are under the illusion that it won’t happen to them. Wake up, it can happen to any of us. One thing is for sure, the government is definitely trying to silence us through intimidation. They want us silent, because they know that America is waking up. They don’t want that. For we are “The Sleeping Giant”. Fear not those who can take your body, fear the One that can take your soul. Resistance, along with being armed with knowledge is how we will help defeat this tyranny that is going on within our government. The treacherous acts that are coming, and have already happened against our own people. The resistance, will win if we unite. Many are uniting in the cause of freedom, and many are waking up to the oppression of our twisted government. Buckle down, because we’re in this together.
For Freedom, for God, for America. Now more than ever we all have to band together as one and call out our battle cry of FREEDOM.
Texas Judge Tom Head came under criticism and heard calls to retire following comments he made on FOX34 regarding needed funds to increase police forces in response to possible uprisings should Obama win reelection in November.
“He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?” Head asked. “I'm thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we're not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy."
Head came under criticism not only for the proposed tax to counter the potential violence he sees, but also the implication that he might join in.
"Now what's going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He's going to send in U.N. troops. I don't want 'em in Lubbock County. OK. So I'm going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say, 'You're not coming in here,'" the judge said. "And the sheriff, I've already asked him, I said, 'You gonna back me?' He said, 'Yeah, I'll back you.' Well, I don't want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me."
Letters came into Lubbock's newspapers, one reading "Message for Tom Head: Please resign now."
The majority of the outrage at Head's comments is the impression that he is advocating, or at least instigating violence against Obama. He strongly believes that Obama will use UN troops to implement control of his policies, and that that will result in an outraged lashing back from the American people. Main stream media sources see this sentiment as an irrational anti-Obama rant. Head has as of yet not backed down.
From The Avalanche-Journal:
As emergency management director I have to think of the worst-case scenario, and I used that as an example,” Head said.
In his opinion, the judge explained, the worst-case scenario, politically and financially, is if Obama and the Senate Democrats stay in power.
“Does that mean that I think the U.N. is going to come rolling into Lubbock? No, that probably is not going to happen,” Head said.
As a response to people who argued the county judge used his personal opinions to make political decisions, Head said all public officials bring their value systems into office.
“I cannot divorce my theology and my philosophy from my office,” Head said. “I am pro-life, I’m pro-gun rights and if you’re gonna vote for me and if you’re not for gun rights, then you probably don’t want me in office.”
Candidate ID | P20003372 |
Committee ID | C00501593 |