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The presidential campaign season has begun. This nation is faced with Barack Obama for the left and Mitt Romney for the right.
The favorability of federal officials is pretty low, down to the single digits. Local and state officials fare better. The “do nothing Congress”, perhaps it might do more if ideas presented were acceptable to both the left and the right.
Political advertising has become predominantly negative. Most ads are all about how bad the other person is and how amazing it is they were ever elected in the first place. Based on this form of advertising, people do not get the information they need to make a choice. Very rarely do we hear about the positions of a candidate, what they will “do” in office. The rare occasions when we do hear what the candidate plans to accomplish while in office, most times, are relegated to “campaign promises” which get taken with a grain of salt and are not really expected to be kept.
In this era of negativity, is it any wonder the favorability of the federal government is so low?
Scandal and missteps seem to follow politicians. How often does an opponent say, this would never happen if I had been in office? Is it any wonder there is so much “feigned outrage” when an office holder is caught up in a scandal?
“Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country.”
George Washington, letter to Benedict Arnold, September 14, 1775.
Americans, fulfill part of your responsibility as citizens of this nation. Choose your elected officials with care. Choose the direction of this nation. Choose those who would serve the nation and their constituents, not those seeking to accumulate power for themselves.
Romney is the lessor of two evils and Rubio is not a natural born citizen which makes him constitutionally ineligible to assume to office of president, should the elected president be unable to fufill his duties of office.
With all the current issue of Obama's citizenship and Romney's medicare fraud baggage, we NEED to consider eligible, less encumbered persons who will get Our Country back on the right path.
My blog, “America’s Days are Numbered,” posted the day before yesterday, got 527 views. Yesterday’s blog, “Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood,” got one view.
I’ve just received a proof copy of my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. I’m reading it to check for errors. I’ve stopped at the sixteenth error, in 88 pages, to check out today’s Tea Party stands. As usual, I’m given food for thought. I’ve got a blog to post. The above mentioned error occurs in the following paragraph:
“I learned that the IRS set up an office in Detroit, Michigan for the purpose of catching tax protesters. Any worker claiming he or she owed no tax was automatically a tax protester. Taxpayers are guilty until proven innocent. How ingenious your representatives are! Information on my wife was forwarded to the same Portland office that confiscated my property. The same IRS attempted to do the same thing again—for the good of all. The IRS threatened to seize our home if we did not immediately pay. Who are we when it comes to the good of all? This is Obama’s “collective salvation,” one short step from Mao’s remedy. The no-only-good government people demanded that Karen’s employer deduct the full amount of withholding tax—with no deductions—with no evidence that we owed any tax. I filed a complaint in the district court. It was thrown out on the Declaratory Judgments Act. This is the tax that IRS Director Osborne maintained could be up to a hundred percent of earnings, the tax that Florida Senator Bob Graham wrote me could be collected using ‘draconian’ tactics, we can presume for the good of all.”
Indeed, America has a character problem: after me, you come first. The IRS claimed my wife was a tax protester, with no evidence. The IRS claimed my wife had not paid any income tax for ten years. They refused to talk with my wife. They were not interested in the truth.
House Republicans are prepared to file a contempt citation against DOJ’s Holder. It’s political. It is the pot calling the kettle black. From their actions, and non-action, it is clear than none of our representatives respect our rights as much as their own places in the sun. None are for our protection. What’s a few million lives more or less. They don’t care if we live or die. They lie like dogs. Any sensible person should know our representatives are not to be trusted.
I suggest that Congress be investigated for its contemptuous Fast and Furious scandal—fast and furious to suck us into their manmade black hole before we wake up.
There is no doubt about it in my mind. We’ve been made suckers. My book is going to hit the market when the American people are facing their moment of truth. I will soon know whether my calling was real or my imagination, whether the American people will buy my ideas or cast me aside as one more paranoid nutcake.
“America Has A Character Problem.”
Why I won't vote for Romney
Because I want to defeat Obama.
The Romney argument from day one has been 'you have to vote for Romney because he's the only one that can beat Obama'. I won't vote for Romney precisely because I know he will lose to Obama. A few examples as to why he'll lose:
Romney's positive approval rating has been 20 points below even McCain and Dole's who both ended up losing. It will probably start to rise with the end of the primary, however this is before the Obama Nasties open fire with both barrels, and Romney is a very target rich environment.
McCain lost to Obama by five million votes. The retort is 'yes but the luster is off Obama this time', true, but the luster has never been and never will be on Romney. The apathy on the right is every bit as apathetic as the apathy on the left. However in addition to apathy there is almost a disdain on the right for Romney and the GOP. Romney will lose three types of voters. 1. Unmotivated voters who won't bother to turn off 'Dancing with the Stars' to go vote. 2. Voters like myself that know Romney is a liberal and are disgusted with the dishonest corrupt campaign he and the GOP have run. 3. Voters that hate Romney so much that as soon as the word 'Romney' leaves your mouth the conversation is over. So from where is Romney going to get his votes?
Romney is so stiff that it makes it almost too painful to watch. Part of his historically low 30 percent approval rating is simply that he is not a likeable candidate. It just seems as if he doesn't quite know how to relate to humans. The following video (cookiegate) of Romney talking to supporters is a perfect illustration of Romney's legendary awkwardness. If this were an isolated event it could be overlooked, but it's more the rule than the exception.
Both Romney and Obama are desperate to avoid their records, causing them to run a vapid, mud slinging campaign with both candidates trying to bring the other down, rather than building himself up. Perhaps this is why we spent the last few weeks arguing about the value of stay-at-home-moms, roof carriers for dogs and yes dog meat. However this kind of campaign will not help Romney, on the contrary, this type of campaign is tailor-made for the democrats. Democrat voters are the quintessential mind-dead-voter. All David Axelrod has to say is: are you really going to fire the first black president? (Chris Matthews is already promoting this) and 'hope and change', or the 2012 equivalent.
If Obama wins the world will end
If Obama wins the earth will fly off it's axis, spin out of control and explode. In addition to the dishonest and corrupt campaign, the GOP has been forcing Romney down our throats since the primary began. As Americans we are genetically predispositioned to raise our middle finger whenever someone tells us we HAVE TO do something. The main argument for Romney is that we can't afford another four more years of Obama. The question is never raised, can we afford eight years of a liberal republican? I would argue, muddling through four more years of Obama is preferable to eight years of a directionless liberal Romney. Does anyone anywhere really think Mitt is going to bring a backbone to the table. On the budget battles Boehner and McConnell have caved every single time to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham even pleaded with the republican leadership, 'don't shut down the government or we'll get blamed'. Coulter might have an adam's apple but she has no cojones. Is Romney really going to stand up to Ann Coulter?
If Obama wins, the next two Supreme Court justices will alter the makeup of the court. Nonsense. Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts aren't going anywhere. Kennedy probably isn't either. If he does, his replacement still has to be confirmed by the Senate. You simply don't confirm anyone less conservative than Kennedy, next problem.
We need someone with a spine. The only republicans in the last thirty years with guts were Reagan and Gingrich. Both shut down the government several times and Newt even forced Clinton to say “the era of big government is over”. Will Romney ever shut down the government, will he ever stand up to the liberals when they cry about draconian cuts? He's not going to fight the liberals because in truth he is a liberal and we all know that the democrats will keep spending until we become Greece. Just like the liberals in Greece kept spending until it became so bad people started committing suicide. We are on the exact same path and a liberal republican is barely going to slow us down on our inevitable run off the cliff.
Going on offense.
I started to write a section about forcing a brokered convention, but the more I wrote the more I realized, any candidate coming out of the GOP convention this year will still have to be GOP approved. In other words we'd still end up with a total bucket of mush, like Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels, better, but not good enough for the mess we're in today.
Don't get me wrong I still think we need to flip off the GOP every chance we get. Such as:
Voting for Ron Paul in the remaining primaries as a protest vote.
Changing party affiliation to independent and telling the GOP why you're switching.
Stop sending money to RNC.
Throw your remote at the T.V. whenever Karl Rove shows up.
No, this time I think we need to go big. We need to enlist a true conservative as our third party nominee. We don't need a third party, at least not at this point. We just need a true conservative to represent us as a third party candidate in the presidential election. We'd still vote for the best republican in each race for congress. Many say this is a suicide mission, but I disagree. Rather I would argue that voting for Romney in this environment is the true suicide mission. Yes I've heard the argument over and over that Ross Perot is the reason we ended up with Bill Clinton, but had Ross Perot been a better candidate he could have actually won. He was shooting up like a rocket until he pulled out of the race, only to come back later and he still got 20 percent of the vote. Ross Perot was not a good candidate but we have time to find a truly great conservative candidate to represent us.
Not only was Ross Perot a poor candidate but H.W. Bush was not a horrible candidate either. But this time Romney is a horrible candidate. Also Clinton does not even come close to Barak Obama on the socialist meter, so things are very different this time. Can you imagine a true conservative debating these two liberal Bozos, with their socialist medicine legislation hanging around their necks?
As for the question, can a third party candidate really win? I'd point to Murkowski in Alaska who beat her republican rival with a write-in campaign and she wasn't even on the ballot. Granted our candidate will be underfunded but so were Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum and they still won states where they were outspent 10 to 1. On the other hand our third party candidate will start with a huge base of disenfranchised conservative voters in which to build on. The contrast between the conservative and the two liberals will suck voters from Romney until he's no longer viable. This happened recently in the Colorado Governor's race where the conservative independent destroyed the republican candidate making him into a non factor. Once Romney is made a non factor voters will turn to replacing the worst president in U.S. history.
In summary
If we don't stand up to the GOP this election we'll be be facing another thirty years of Doles and McCains and Romneys. We won't last thirty years with more Doles and McCains and Romneys. If Obama wins we muddle through for another four, but have another shot in four years for a true conservative. If Romney wins, the dramatic 'change of course' needed to save this country will not occur for at least the next eight years.
This has been one of the most unusual presidential campaigns in modern history;but Hope is Still Alive in some conservative circles, and We the People of the Conservative GOP can still envision a brokered convention that overcomes all of the injustices, potential fraud, corruption, lies, and muddy money thrown at the honorable Statesman, Patriot, and still most qualified to lead and defeat Obama...Newt [You can count on me to support any GOP candidate provided it is a TRUE CONSERVATIVE choice, and not a Mirage]. Our path to VICTORY is simple. For the balance of the primaries, we must rally support behind our former opponent, Dr Ronald Earnest Paul, and here's why: quite simply, he is the only one left with money, machine, and zero debt, to #StopMitt. #RonPaul cannot likely make 1144 at this point either, but with help from a #NewtRevolution coalition, neither will Mitt Romney.
Last Week, Texas Politico Polling showed Newt within "Striking Distance" in Texas with 45% to Romney, 35% to Newt, and 14% for Ron Paul. If that Poll would hold, then Paul would normally get ZERO delegates from his home state,since he got less than required 15%, and Newt and Mitt would divide them up. However, Newt's suspension of the campaign is big game changer, and, the all too soon unconditional surrender by Randy Evans, Gov Rick Perry, and other surrogates whom quickly endorsed liberal Romney, assures us that the 35% Poll numbers will not hold for Newt, but will plummet to inconsequential levels.
However, Ron Paul is still very much alive on the campaign trail, with money in the bank, zero debt, and a great story to tell. He has already reportedly made an alliance with Santorum followers in Colorado and other places to address injustices and corruption within the party.They are there. No use continuing to be in denial. But we the people still can do something about it.
My main opposition amongst conservatives is worrying about Ron Paul. First of all, this is not about Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney. They all have great personalities, or they would not have the big crowds, speaking of which, Paul's crowds have been competing with Obama in size. Yes, i still have problems with Paul on Foreign Policy,but he appears to be trying to mainly get back to putting more war decisions in hands of Congress, vs one man, the presidency.All that said, I AM STILL #WITHNEWT, Period [although I would support any TRUE CONSERVATIVE with a Proven Record and not a Mirage}.
As Conservatives, our goal is NOT "Anybody But Obama". We are NOT against Obama as a person. Rather, we stand against the ideas, philosophy,and policies that are shipwrecking our great country. Newt has always said it best, that this conservative battle is a battle for IDEAS, and that IDEAS MATTER. The Left in the GOP is begging Paul, Newt, and Santorum supporters to UNITE and to be UNIFIERS, because they want to nominate Mitt Romney, since, if Mitt does manage to beat Obama, the end result is still the same...THEIR IDEAS WIN. To replace Obama with an Obama look alike is ridiculous, and certain suicide for the true conservative cause.
If those with Santorum and Newt will rally behind Ron Paul now, he will gain an amazing number of delagates, and #STOPMITT from ever getting 1144. But Ron Paul will not likely get to 1144 either, at this stage, however, at an Open Convention, everything will be on the table without any outside, disingenuous influence from Democrats in Open Primaries or ballot shenanigans. We the GOP will decide whom our candidate will be, not the liberal and moderate GOP Establishment, not Fox News, CNN, or the lame stream media.
Right Now, I hope you will join me, and the many others whom understand that this could be the Newt's [and Tea Party Patriots'] finest hour; for, while he may have thought he left the race, truth is, the Spirit of his IDEAS is still very much alive. It is for those IDEAS, and the common cause of defeating the wrong ideas, that I and many others enjoin our efforts with Dr Ronald Earnest Paul, to Save the Republican Party from destroying itself by nominating a self proclaimed "Progressive" (Mitt Romney Video on YouTube,"I'm a non-partisan Republican and a Progressive"], which by definition is "soft communism or socialism". [ See also ]
Howdy all! Can you believe that this year is days away from being 33% over? Four months over. That will be a momentus night. I think I will have to order my party sub and party fixin’s soo!
Any hoo,..
For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. ~ Proverbs 2:6
The invasion of private rights is chiefly to be apprehended, not from acts of Government contrary to the sense of its constituents, but from acts in which the Government is the mere instrument of the major number of the Constituents. ~ James Madison, letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1788
When the good Lord was handing out the wisdom, he surely didn’t short any of the founders. If might be a bit difficult to decode some of their writings, but that has no bearing on their knowledge and understanding of where they are and where they are going. Madison says the acts of the government taking private rights from the people must be stopped, but you can’t trust the government to stop on their own (it’s that fox guarding the henhouse idea). Instead, it’s the will of the people, We the People who must lead the charge to have the government stop violating private rights. Here’s an example I mentioned a while ago, but now have received some verification. Obama and his cronies all have this notion that the illegal immigrants actually like him and would (and in many instances will) vote for him in November. I said some time back that the truth is the Latino and other migrant population is now seeing the light about the executive orders and horrible legislation from the Obama leaning government. I told you that farms may have to leave their crops unharvested due to a lack of workers. They seem to have realized that the out of pocket cost of Obamacare, on top of the other legislation has basically emptied their wallets and pockets. Since the ‘big money’ will not be there, the answer is to go home. Well on the radio this morning, the report was sent out. Fruit farms around Washington State will have to leave many crops unharvested. The reason? The workers are going back home. They cannot afford the increased cost of the free health care. The report said that there are more farm workers are leaving the country than entering.
The bottom line:
- The immigrant/working alien/illegal alien population does NOT like what has happened with their healthcare.
- They DON’T like Obama. At least they don’t like him anymore.
- Those who vote, and plan to stay here to vote, will most likely vote someone other than Obama.
- Remember when there was so much discussion about the Latino vote, and how they will shape the election? I guess all the talk was right, only the side they would choose was wrong.
- The only places you will hear about the Latino support for Obama is in the lamestream media. Don’t trust the LSM. You knew that, right?
Don’t fret so much over the scuttlebutt about the Latino vote for Bobo. Consider the source; the lamestream source.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
From The Desk of The Exceptional Conservative Show
The Great Philosopher Confucius preached of governmental and personal morality, honorable social relationships, just living and sincerity. He wrote, “In a country well-governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” This is the tale of two Presidential Administrations in the US and an impending calamity that will occur after the next Presidential election. Under President George W. Bush, the nation was guided through the hymnal of shame at the excess of the wealthy. It spurred many employed persons to complain that the wealthy ought to pay more taxes and be more fair with the distribution of their property. The United States became ashamed of the large number of poor persons that were unable to find work (average unemployment rate for two terms was about 5%) and would have to live off of food stamps and welfare (28 million). Today, President Barack Hussein Obama speaks of the poisonous “silver spoon” that has oppressed the poor and middle class. Capitalism, under the Bush administration, has been a noose around the necks of those that have prospered outside of union manipulation, corrupted market systems and government sponsored endeavors. Only a mighty stimulus will reward those that seek life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness from the fountains of Central Planning Organizations. Obama has clearly defined, for the masses of people that ride their BMW’s (Bus/Metro Train/Walk) to the Mall to watch TV since they can not afford the increased costs of utilities in their homes, that America’s greatest shame is not its poverty but its wealth. The media continues its propaganda rantings about the economic successes of the current Administration. However, more people than ever are out of work (greater than 8% today) and nearly twice as many people are living off of food stamps and welfare (47 million). In the cabinet drawer of life, Obama’s disdain for the “silver spoon” of wealth creation has not been lost on his preference for the “golden spoon” of entitlement. Confucius says, “Do not impose on others what you do not desire yourself.” If Confucius were around today then, by the numbers, I believe that he would say that George Bush governed well in comparison to President Obama. So whom wears this shame? It is worn by the American citizens that empowered a economic neophyte to take the helm of the most powerful Nation in the world on the clandestine promise of “hope and change”!
Let us be absolutely transparent. TAXMAGGEDON is REAL. It is a ruthless attempt to penalize those that will not vote the current president out of office. Those that will suffer most will be those that he says he holds most dear: the poor and middle class. Taxmaggedonis a $500 Billion Hammer that Obama and his Democrat Senate plans to throw at the heads of American taxpayers. This added to the Sickle of Obama Care Taxes on the Red Background of our gloomy national deficit of $16 Trillion and you get a pretty good idea of the direction that class envy will take you. Obama has always chosen class envy over prudent economic policy. Class envy makes enemies of fiscal conservatives, appeasers of moderating Independents and Republicans in Name Only and moralists of Marxists, Socialists and Keynesian Theorists on Steroids. In observance of the class envy, politicking in the US has changed. It makes multimillionaire politicians feel as if they have to apologize for their success and at times, for the success of their ancestors. There it is. It is a shame to earn, inherit or invest wealth. It must be given to you by the great bureaucrats of the ever expanding central government. But Ken, I just filed my 2011 Tax Return. Why are we even talking about this? I believe that this moment warrants a sincere consideration of an immense and deadly financial tsunami that will soon broach the paychecks of laborers, the capital gains of investment portfolios and the philanthropic resources of non-profit agencies.
For the “We Got You Back, Obama” clientele, nothing I proclaim will make sense to you. Your answers are written on golden tablets buried beneath the Oak tree under which you slumber awaiting Obama to pay for your gas and your mortgage. However, for those awakened by the fall of ACORNs, you will understand that absolute allegiance will cost you and your grandchildren a fortune. Let’s start with the basics. The Obama Tax Cuts will expire on December 31,2012. Yes, the same man that brought you the infamous “Make Work Pay” Credit [STAND WITH THE WORKERS OF AMERICA. USSA. USSA.] is proud of his seventeen (17) small business tax cuts. However, they too shall pass. The Bush Tax Cuts will expire on December 31, 2012. Despite what Madam Rachel tells you on MSLSD, the Bush Tax Cuts were more profitable for the poor and middle class than for the wealthy.
The report states that on Jan. 1 the doubling of the child tax credit, increased standard deductions and income credits and the creation of the 10 percent tax bracket — all of which primarily aimed at non-wealthy taxpayers — will vanish if gridlock persists in Washington.
While wealthier taxpayers pay more in taxes and stand to lose more money if the tax cuts expire, the impact on low-income taxpayers will be far greater because they live on slimmer margins.
Tax Foundation Report, October 2010 []
Why do you say this, Ken? Well, can you imagine being a Head of Household earning just $12,400 per year from your part time labor at Smokey’s Juke Joint ad watching the Federal government take 15% of your pay instead of the 10% that “W” said was enough to pay the federal bills. Starting in January 2013, you will pay $1,860 rather than $1,240. That’s an additional $620 to Big Pimp Uncle Sam. You go player. You gotta get that dollar bill y’all! Man, you are making a mountain out of a molehill. They will make that up in Earned Income monies and writing their kids off on taxes. In 2012, the head of household parent with three children received $5,891 in Earned Income Tax Refundable Credits. In 2013, she will receive $4,140. Yeah, that negative $1,751 will make up for the loss of $620 made payable to Big Daddy Uncle Sam. Oh yeah, those kids! She received a Child Tax Credit of $1,000 per child in 2012. In 2013, it falls 50% to $500. You see under President Bush, the Head of Household Filer did pretty well. As Obama exits, they will suffer mightily. In fact, the Bush Tax Cutsgreatly rewarded those that the Far Left deem are the poor and middle class. With low unemployment rates, many were able to escape the fiscal confines of governmental tax-ploitation from the Democrat Tax and Send Lobby. This led to increased consumer and industrial spending and an expansion of the economy.
This Message Is Not One spoken of Well by Urban Democrat Tax and Spenders or Carried Well by Conservatives. For Urban Democrats, lower taxes do irreparable harm to their influential powers built upon class and caste envy, government dependence and wealth distribution. Under the assault of lower taxes, people begin to ask three essential questions that eradicate the need for the Democrat Party. The first is “If government can run on less, why do they need so much of my money?” This speaks to the corruption and inefficiency that comes with government intervention into the daily lives of the citizen. Every cause of Man becomes a noble requirement of citizens to devote a portion of their incomes. We are not looking for a “real” solution but merely project or program that will help us cope with the ruin that was done by Man. Since it was Man, or the citizen, that caused the ailment which required the noble cause, a “pure” organization must step forward to oversee the correction of the problem. This pure organization must select the most elite thinkers to oversee the regulation of its competitors–free market capitalists–and fairly pay those that wish to such noble labor. While fairness is the hallmark of the effort, the elite recognize that some workers are better than other workers and must unite them to maintain control of the effort. This nobility requires more pay and benefits than the other knaves. Each has security and performs labor. However, citizens are assured that for additional project and program costs that the project or program will keep people employed and the city, state or federal government working towards the noble effort. Notice how we moved from an efficient effort to correct a problem to a noble effort to maintain those in employment to manage the problem. Corruption of effort leads to corruption of purpose. The corrupted purpose is not self-sufficient. It is built on noble reasoning and funded on the fear that Man will not solve the problem and only Government can manage it. Hence, more money is needed to do much with little outcome. The purpose has allowed the government to grow and burden the people. The citizens are divided: (1) those that recognize waste, fraud and abuse and (2) those that wish to maintain their pre-eminent source of wealth and will do, by any means necessary, to secure its source of power and influence.
The second is, “Can we do without government doing this for us?” This question requires exploration and examination. in Urban America, such exploration is deemed fruitless and harmful at once. There are some in Washington, DC that can not imagine a private trash company ridding the city of refuse at a reduced cost. There are some in Washington, DC that will not envision the parent having the power to choose the school for the child based on the needs of the student, the overall performance of the school and the direct access to taxpayer funds to fully support their decision. At one time, we were trained to become doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs. Today, students in our community, are encouraged to become government workers and study social work. The studies of Math, Science and the Constitution are deemed too hard. How can a people that are unable to get a Voter ID actually run a marketing company that notifies the community of changes in transportation, provide needed care to the poor or represent them justly in discord without government? It goes without saying that the only way to manage poverty is to allow government to involve itself in the daily lives of its citizens. The only way to overcome it is to get government out of the daily lives of its citizens. Such examination is profitable and will lead to liberty. This is at all disdained by the Democrat power brokers and their Urban Poverty Pimps that govern Metropolitan areas.
The last is, “Whose money is this anyway?” It’s amazing the number of friends that I have on Face Book with a Blue D surrounded by a Blue Circle in their Information area. This is their Face Book tattoo for being a member of the Democrat Party. However, if you ever pose this question, you get a sincere renegade-like retort. ”My money is my money!” Often, this is the same response I hear in marriage counseling with young couples. ”His money is My Money and My Money is My Money!” Yes, get the Divorce Papers together now. Possession seems the important virtue of wealth accumulation. However, the same individuals misunderstand the power that they lose and the power that a centralized federal government gains in the articles of this possession. When possession is the essential link to success, you are not willing to succumb to a natural requirement to give as needed. You understand that there a noble causes that you can give to without prodding however, greed separates you from such activity. Someone else can take care of this problem. I don’t have it to give to those that can do best in managing it. This is why an all-powerful government suits the Tax and Spend Democrat. It removes their Will to Give and Replaces it with the Patriotic Duty of Hiring Someone to Do It For Them. While Conservatives would prefer to battle the Invisible of Free Markets, Liberals feel most comfortable when the Visible Hand of Taxation automatically withholds funds from them to answer the most noble challenges of the day like funding Government Services Administration (GSA) Trips to Las Vegas or meddling in the private business affairs of mankind by funding Solyndra. To the Conservative, every penny that you earned is yours and to the Liberal, every penny that government allows you to keep is yours. Government in Urban America has spent the past eighty years indoctrinating people to incrementally reduce their Trust in themselves and God and incrementally increase their Trust in Government.
In 1964, when President Lyndon Johnson declared a “war on poverty” in America, the poverty rate stood at around 19 percent.
Since then, total federal, state, and local spending on anti-poverty programs has amounted to $15 trillion, yet the poverty rate now stands at 15.1 percent, the highest level in nearly a decade.
Businesses, families, investors, etc. are all looking to December 31, 2012. For the Poor, their attack is already underway. Unemployment and those exiting the employment market due to an inability to find opportunities are increasing at record high levels. More Americans are on food stamps and welfare than at any time in four decades. More skilled labor opportunities exist than non-skill and that speaks to the education crisis in Urban America. The impact on federal, state and local governments is stark. Michael Tanner, Cato Institute Health and Welfare Studies Director and Author of The Poverty of Welfare: Helping Others in Civil Society”, writes, “Federal, state and local governments now spend $20, 610 a year for every poor person in the United States or $61,830 for each poor family of three.” Since President Obama began his Administration, the Nation’s governments have spent $1 trillion on anti-poverty programs which s $315 Billion more tan the Nation spends on National Defense.
[DC Mayor Vincent] Gray is willing to rewrite tech incentives that would save LivingSocial up to $32.5 million in taxes over a five-year period beginning in 2015. By then the company, which has yet to turn a profit, expects to be operating in the black and to have hired an additional 1,000 people in the city. To maximize its savings, at least half of the new hires would be required to live in the District or move to the city within six months of being hired.
Businesses and wealthy persons have an advantage that the poor do not. Mobility! If they do not like the way the tax game is being played then, they can pick up their wealthy game pieces and leave. The Poor have no place to go. They will bear the brunt of the forces of tax policy gone wild in Democratland. They have no lobbying group to dine with city leaders to work out a favorable tax deal. Many say that under Republicans, the Rich get Richer. It appears that, under Democrats, the Poor get Poorer. Blame Bush!
Something Wrong With This Picture
Protestors are told May Day 2012 - Take the Streets
No Work - No School - No shopping - No Housework…
May 1st will be the big debut of the Wall Street Protestors. They’ve gone thru extensive training actually “boot Camp.” They receive wages and food for their destruction of public property and disruptive behavior on Public Property. The key players are Barack Obama, Soros, Van Jones, Code Pink, ALexrod, Unions and a boatload of other Radicals. While they worked on organization, what did we do?
They are organized now, their script is written and they are instructed to be confrontational, disruptive and like Soros promised there will be blood in our streets. Obama wants this and then he will pull the plug and place us under Martial Law (not peacetime Martial Law.)
Have States prepared for the rioting and protests that are about to take place? Hopefully they have rigid rules & laws pertaining to protestors and/or rioters. Will it be taxpayers who once again pay for the vandalism and destruction caused by this low life? Do they have curfews established, applications for protesting with rules in large print. Are fines established when businesses are stopped from doing business as usual? What happens when they confront school children or impede traffic flow?
Does everyone know what the State laws are for protests and or riots? Has your States prepared themselves in advance for what is about to happen? Without written laws signed by the people in charge of these protests, private citizens, businesses and our Police are in danger. This time someone must be held responsible for their behavior and it definitely shouldn’t be the taxpayers.
The Wall Street Protestor have received extensive spring training for May Day and this will be a kick off for protests and /or riots the remainder of the year.
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
Lloyd Marcus reporting in from Tea Party Express VI national bus tour, day one. We did rallies in Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, OH. We have a 4 hour ride to spend the night in Cincinnati, OH, estimated time of arrival 11pm. We depart 8am for a 9:45am rally in Madison, IN. This is way too early in the tour for my butt to be sore, but it is. No time to stop, I nuked a burrito on the bus.
While the pace and discomfort is challenging, touching, encouraging and seeing the looks on the faces of the patriots who attend our rallies make it all worthwhile. The fellowship is more rewarding than I can express.
I am continuously inspired by all of you in the Tea Party movement – everyone still doing their part – using your gifts, talents and resources to STOP Obama's evil agenda. With diesel fuel over $4.50 per gallon, I give a shout-out to Patriot Mark who is following our buses in his truck.
Awesome Ohio tea party organizer, Lisa Woods is ill. Lisa still came to our rally from the hospital. Wow, talk about commitment.
I have introduced a new song on this tour titled, “We Are Americans”. My lyrics remind us of who we are. We are NOT a nation of deadbeats seeking hand-outs from Obama's stash – we are Americans! In the song, I also call for our nation to repent from the things we know are wrong. It is a bold message. But, I am convinced God inspired me to write the song. So far, audience response has proved me correct.
“We Are Americans” is not available for purchase yet. I am planning a national release after this tour.
Please check our schedule on Please attend if we come to your area. I am really looking forward to taking a picture, shaking your hand and fellowship with you.
God bless,
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –
AG...AG... the US AG is a contemptible person...beginning with him handing out cards that say
"Blacks First"... not Americans First...
“The flag does not fly because of the wind that blows it.The flag flies because each soldier’s last breath blows it." by -Unknown "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you.... Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul, the other, for your Freedom"
Price Club/Costco donated $225K, of which 99% went to Democrats
Rite Aid, $517K, 60% to Democrats
Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean), $22K, 100% to Democrats
Warnaco (undergarments), $55K, 73% to Democrats
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, $153K, 99% to Democrats
Estee Lauder, $448K, 95% to Democrats
Guess? Inc., $145K, 98% to Democrats
Levi Straus, $26K, 97% to Democrats
Olan Mills, $175K, 99% to Democrats
WalMart, $467K, 97% to Republicans;
K-Mart, $524K, 86% to Republicans
Home Depot, $298K, 89% to Republicans;
Target, $226K, 70% to Republicans;
3M Co., $281K, 87% to Republicans;
Hallmark Cards, $319K, 92% to Republicans;
Amway, $391K, 100% Republican;
Kohler Co. (plumbing fixtures), $283K, 100% Republicans;
B.F. Goodrich (tires), $215K, 97% to Republicans;
Proctor & Gamble, $243K, 79% to Republicans
Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons (incl. Beverage business + considerable media
interests), $2M+, 67% Democrats
Gallo Winery, $337K, 95% to Democrats
Coors, $174K, 92% to Republicans; (also Budweiser - SD);
Brown-Forman Corp. (Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels,
Sonic Corporation, $83K, 98% to Democrats
Triarc Companies (Arby's, T.J. Cinnamon's, Pasta Connections), $112K, 96% to Democrats
Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (chicken), $366K, 100% Republican;
Macaroni Grill, Crazymel's, Corner Baker, EatZis), $242K, 83% Republican;
Traveling and/or dining:
Hyatt Corporation, $187K, 80% to Democrats
Yesterday, my blog title, “America’s Days are Numbered,” so far, has received 501 hits. What this says is that the jolt of what has taken place since Obama became president is beginning to have its affect. The American people are beginning to face the reality of the situation. Everything is in divine order.
President Obama claims the Muslim Brotherhood is secular. In every sense this is true. It is we, the American people, who are under a false impression. Saddam Hussein was an advocate of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was found in a spider hole and hung. Wherever you find the Muslim Brotherhood, you find terrorism. Saddam proved there is no higher authority. Obama embraces the Muslim Brotherhood. The EPA is inflicting terror on free enterprise. It works, up to a point. When you get an animal cornered, it will fight for its life. Never in America’s history has a president inflicted himself so negatively on American values. He and the Muslim Brotherhood are birds of a feather. They both reward their support and terrorize the enemy. It’s about as basic as you can get. That is all there is to it, and nothing more.
Hitler was democratically elected. Had Hitler not committed suicide, he would have been hung, and by order of the very hypocrites that make and enforce America’s laws, protecting those too big to fail, no matter the consequences. There is more to the law than man has been willing to admit to himself. We are inextricably woven into a greater consciousness than this world’s awareness.
America’s Constitution is not simply a catalogue of grants and limitations casually admired and glorified by lawyers. Our American Constitution is an expression of Higher Law, immutable law attributed to humankind alone. The Higher Law gives mankind credit for rising above the law of the jungle; that we don’t have to run for our holes when predators are around; that we are all equal under the law. Some people are more enterprising than others. That’s nature. Man has no right to interfere in God-given assets. It is merely a means of central control. It has nothing to do with the law.
However, lawyers make it difficult to know the law by juxtapositioning good and evil—clouding reasoning with elegant, suave, palpable contradictions. These were the guys who we call Founding Fathers. The epitome of good and evil, they had the good sense to know that. They incorporated in America’s Constitution something that had never before been done. They created a balance of power in central government, and gave states and individuals significant part in the balancing. But, alas, lawyers, trained in the art of persuasion, insinuating better refinements, through legalistic and judicial obscurations of the purpose of the law, they have brought America backward to Obama law. But who are we to question him? Did we not democratically empower Obama?
It is been suggested here that my head is “full of rocks,” and quite logically. We don’t know the way the universe works. There are immutable laws of motion, but more, something that had to be present before any thing: a boundless state out of which everything springs.
A geneticist explained to me that we will soon have a complete blueprint of the human being; that we will be able to do wonders with the human body. I asked him from whence comes the genetic code. His response: “We don’t get into that,” and quite logically. We are educated to believe in various supernatural gods—as a matter faith, not logic. I’m anti-religious. I have a logical explanation for God that suits me.
We come from a state of being, out of which all that is is connected—because is is, said Bill Clinton. Because Bill Clinton saw the light, those we empower managed to balance the budget. Do you get what I mean? No?
America’s elected have turned materialism into a creed, and at the same time shutting out the obvious, as if it were the work of the devil. Ah! There is nothing so inspiring as a magnificent edifice, such as America’s Supreme Court Building, with its white marble statue of Abraham Lincoln watching over the nation; nothing so inspiring as the Vatican and magnificently clad keepers of God’s law, and nothing so belittling to the individual. You still don’t get it?
I studied America’s Constitution—on my own. That’s important. Never allow today’s lawyer to teach you constitutional law, unless you plan to be a lawyer. It’s all about money. I had the allusion that voices of the past were speaking to me, telling me to go for it. I was in disagreement with income tax law. The Fifth Amendment told me that I had a constitutional right to “due process.” That means the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. Those who make and keep the law do all they can to block people like me. You see, they know they would not have the chance of a snowball in hell if I were heard in a meaningful way. So what do they do when somebody like me comes along? They make limitless mistakes. Were we to do the same, they would call it obstruction of justice and send us to prison. Now we have Zimmerman indicted for second degree murder, and the left doing its dead level best to crucify him. There is nothing in this world worse than a tax protester, and nothing too bad for a tax protester. In the hands of America’s makers and keepers of the law, good is evil and evil is good.
America’s income tax is a colossal fraud that we have allowed the makers and keepers of our laws to get away with. The IRS is a lawless terrorist organization. You still don’t get it?
Some years ago, I read that Osama bin Laden did not hold the American people responsible for America’s evil. But then he reconsidered. Since the American people agreed to feed the monster with their taxes, they were every bit as guilty. You still don’t get it?
Just think, if I had received a fair and impartial hearing, we Americans might not have suffered all that has taken place since I was unjustly rejected by the very system that is supposed to deliver justice. Isn’t it odd that Obama ambushed and killed Osama, and yet embraces the Muslim Brotherhood?
Obama says the American people’s thinking was distorted by Osama’s evil act of taking down of the World Trade Center. It isn’t Islam that is wrong. Nothing to worry about in the Muslim Brotherhood, whose banner is terrorism. And we have endure our crotches being poked by Obama’s agents. You still don’t get it?
We note that Obama is down on Catholics and Jews, down on free enterprise, and strong on Marxism. This is pretty much the Muslim Brotherhood’s stand, a stand that leaves the individual with zero rights. Coincidentally, Obama’s former pastor, Reverend Wright, as well as Reverend Abernathy and Minister Farrakhan, founder and head of the Nation of Islam, have the same sentiments as Obama as to what is good and what is evil. They all agree that capitalism is evil, and do all they can to end it.
The universe is nothing like you have been educated to think. Miraculously, I’ve lived a charmed life since the day I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me—when I studied my Constitution and acted. By the way, the IRS ended eating crow. There have been a number of signs that Jesus was there the whole time. If you still think I have rocks in my head, you can read all about the miracle of my life in my memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.