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Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.
Please note that included in my letter is information and sources regarding the following extremely important revelations that transpired since my last letter to him of April 13, 2012, which I believe further support my request:
On April 23, 2012, it was revealed that on February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
On April 23, 2012, investigative findings were revealed that suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.
On April 23, 2012, it was revealed that, although Sheriff Arpaio finds himself under increasing attacks from this administration, he is preparing to release new findings from his Cold Case Posse’s ongoing investigation into President Obama’s eligibility for his state’s 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which he states are explosive.
Finally, on April 24, 2012, an alarming report titled “The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Parts I-V)” was revealed, which was completed between August 16-31, 2010 by Wayne Madsen. Mr. Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman:
April 26, 2012
The Honorable Jeff Bingaman
United States Senate
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3102
Dear Senator Bingaman:
On March 17, 2012, April 6, 2012 and April 13, 2012, I wrote to you to respectfully request that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, to date I have not received a response from your office to said requests.
But be that as it may, as I mentioned to you in my letter of April 6, 2012, it seems to me that our entire electoral system has been turned upside down and/or hijacked by individuals/groups with deep pockets who seem to have their own agendas that are extremely different from the ordinary American citizen like myself who still believes in and loves this great Country/Republic of ours as it is. I also provided you with information and reliable/credible sources that I believe supported this statement.
For your information, the following eye-opening and/or alarming revelations have transpired since my last letter to you of April 13, 2012, which I believe further support my statement above, along with my requests for the conduct of a full scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse:
On April 23, 2012, it was revealed that on February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
An Email dated November 7, 2008 under the subject line “ Insight – The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only – Pls Do Not Forward **,” was sent by Fred Burton, Stratfor’s V.P. of Intelligence. It said in part, The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to “out.”
Burton also mentioned a “six-figure” Democrat donation/bribe to Jesse Jackson to buy his silence about Israel. On October 14, 2008 Jackson told fellow attendees at the World Policy Forum in Evian France a ‘President Obama’ would “remove the clout of Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.”
Burton continued with an explosive charge he apparently considered quite believable: ‘The hunt is on for the sleezy Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found. Will get more on this when the time is right. My source was too giddy to continue. Can you say Clinton and ChiCom funny money? This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.”
This allegation makes some sense of Obama’s reassurances to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev caught by an open mic.
Obama said “….but it’s important for him [Putin] to give me space.”
Medvedev responded: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you …”
Obama: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin]…”
Fred Burton is a known quantity in the highest Intelligence circles. He has been Deputy Chief of the Department of State’s counterterrorism division for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS).
Stratfor has acknowledged that last December its internal communications system was hacked and the group “Anonymous” has taken credit for the sabotage. WikiLeaks started to publish Stratfor’s stolen Emails last month…..
On April 23, 2012, investigative findings were revealed that suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.
Douglas Hagmann, founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency compiled these findings.
On April 23, 2012, it was also revealed that, although Sheriff Arpaio finds himself under increasing attacks from this administration he is preparing to release new findings from his Cold Case Posse’s ongoing investigation into President Obama’s eligibility for his state’s 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which he states are explosive.
Finally, on April 24, 2012, an alarming report titled “The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Parts I-V)” was revealed, which was completed between August 16-31, 2010 by Wayne Madsen. Mr. Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.
What follows are pertinent excerpts from an article and/or blog post that revealed the report:
“Years of living dangerously off of the U.S. taxpayers’ dime have certainly served the Obama-Dunham family well, according to investigative journalist Wayne Madsen. Nevertheless, the downside for America is the Islamazation of Africa and Asia in a remarkable example of unintended consequences of foreign entanglements gone bad- very bad, indeed.
A Wayne Madsen 32 page pdf file is opening up a Pandora’s Box of American foreign aid money dispensed wildly and broadly overseas. The reporter cites American dollars intended to buy starving villagers rice actually going to finance foreign military weapons purchases for various wars, conflicts, and insurgencies. Our tax dollars earned through the hard work and sweat equity have not been used to our benefit but rather to further the Islamazation of these continents, which is now almost complete.
The very aims and actions of politicians, faceless bureaucrats, and foreign service operatives (both covertly and not covertly) have come back to bite America at a time when our own citizens are suffering through economic trouble. The investigative reporter’s dogged pursuit of the Obama-Dunham family odyssey in places from Jakarta to Jalalabad, and from the Ford Foundation to the Oval Office, makes for fascinating reading: But how to verify it?
Rumors abound that Madsen has grown so fearful for his life that he has broken up with a long time companion and left the country. A noted author and syndicated columnist, Madsen’s reports have been widely circulated. He is the author of “Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa” and “Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates.”
A picture of Stanley Ann Dunham “visiting a Balinese duck farm officially as part of her work to secure bank loans for small businesses” is included in the five-part report of international intrigue and American dollars. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s father Peter Geithner acted as the Ford Foundation’s grant selector for projects in Indonesia, and President Obama’s mother worked for or with him as Madsen reports.
The report’s dizzying array of abbreviations, acronyms, NGO’s, and many other groups obfuscate duties, dollars, and destinies.
What a labyrinth to wade through! Lost in all of this overseas stewpot are the unsuspecting U.S. citizens who pay for everything. But where is Madsen now? Is all of what he says true? He filed communiqués from the Obama Korean summit recently, that much we know, but is he safe?
What really is appropriate here is the admonishment of George Washington who warned America in his Farewell Address delivered to our new nation on 17 September 1796. Washington said, “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence the jealousy of free people ought to be constantly awake since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of a republican government.”
Could any of our politicians look into the eyes of America’s founder and say they have followed his advice when it comes to foreign aid? Mightily served by our founding fathers, America has been miserably served by her politicians!”
Accordingly, as a result of these new revelations, which I believe overwhelmingly support my concerns, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.
For your information, I have also forwarded this same information and request to our other NM elected U.S. Representatives.
Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this alarming and time sensitive matter.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Bingaman’s Office Regarding My Above Letter:
Thank you for your feedback!
Note: Americans are waking up!
Thanks again to WND, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.
Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:
YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on WND.com-On April 10, 2012:
Continue Reading:
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Massive Voter Fraud-Again!
Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
The Audacity of Socialism!
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!
Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?
What do Obama, Tim Geithner, The Ford Foundation, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, China and Muslims have in common?
The Real-Deal About Obama, Congressional And Court Silence!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!
New World Order By Executive Order!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
“Food For Thought”
God Bless WND, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff and Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
IDF Rabbi, who tweets me several times a day, says you can tell when your enemy is defeated, when your enemy fights not to lose. As the Jewish people say, “the handwriting is on the wall.” I refer you to the United States. The American eagle is dead; replaced by a walrus.
A pack of wolves, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Obama Administration, and most of Congress is waiting for the right moment to strike, all the time belittling the fact that radical Islam has declared war on America and will accept nothing less than unconditional surrender to the will of Allah. Their god’s purpose is the diametric opposite of America’s freedom. You are not free until you totally pledge your allegiance to Sharia law; that is, everything you are. Individually, you have no sense of right or wrong. You have the mind of a worm. Sharia law is a way for authority to make you its slave, which has great appeal to the control freaks in Washington, who are stoned on their power. They are right and no one is ever going to tell them they are not right—both Republicans and Democrats. They are disgusting. The name of their corrupt game is to sit it out bickering and doing nothing. Birds of a feather flock together. There is no basic difference in the Muslim Brotherhood and America’s politicians, at least for the most part.
Given the deplorable facts, any time the American people could wake up to an organized terrorist attack on hundreds of American targets—powerhouses, water supplies, bridges, mass murder, etc. Glenn Beck has documented proof in Rumor of World War III
Soon enough—this year—the America we know and love could be history. Not one percent of the American people believe this. They have been dumbed down. The odd thing about this sorry state of affairs is that Glenn Beck’s and my responses—Beck’s video documentary, Rumor of World War III, and my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, which will be available at Amazon this June, Beck a Christian; I’m anti-Christian, the same Jesus behind our thinking; the same Constitution is behind our thinking. The unity in thinking on the opposing side, whose symbol is a clenched fist, those who have manipulated and maneuvered themselves into positions of power, including the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic radicals determined to take America down, including communists, revolutionaries, hate mongers, yes, including self-serving American politicians without a moral bone in their bodies, including the liberal press, all working together for the good of all—to defeat America. Anyone who thinks differently than America’s current knights in shining amour is ridiculed and marginalized. History is repeating itself—nailing Jesus to the cross. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Beck gives you the surface in his video documentary. In my book, I take you beneath the surface, in earth and heaven, a realm you may not understand. The ancients understood; the cutting edge of science understands. “In my father’s house are many mansions.” In science, it is many dimensions. The ancients: so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. There is a dimension of infinite possibility. We turn it into reality. Internally, we interact with matter. On earth, it is from dust to dust, but in man God breathed a living soul (Genesis 2:7), an eternal soul. For the balance of the Old Testament, we are informed of how wrong we’ve been, to the end that the prophet Habakkuk cried out to the Lord, “how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!
And so I say to you, IDF Rabbi, Beck gives you his video. Tell everyone you know. Read my book and tell everyone you know. We beg you to see and hear the truth. Don’t nail Jesus to the cross. Be part of the solution.
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven….Deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
Even though we may not know it, Jesus is in us, each and every one of us. I was unconscious of it until I proceeded to write my memoirs. There were too many coincidences to call them coincidence. The anointed ones are what Jesus labeled wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus entered my life when I read my Constitution—and get this—with the thought of taking action against the United States. My book tells you of the power that lies within us, how we can live charmed lives.
To America, say I: “Your government does not believe in anything but its power to control you. Also, learn in the story of my life that Jesus is for all of us.” Believe it and America will be saved. For it is written in the stars; it is written in the Gospels. The rest is up to us. Read my book and it will be as obvious as the nose on your face. It’s our earth, which God gave us and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26). Read God’s Word on Cain and Able and understand where we are right now. We are either our brother’s keeper or our brother’s destroyer. The universe can live without us.
Here is the latest release that I got from Messina... (ugh)
Big news: In 10 days, President Obama is hitting the campaign trail.
On Saturday, May 5th, the President and First Lady Michelle Obama are holding the first two public rallies of the campaign in Columbus, Ohio, and Richmond, Virginia. He'll speak about how far we've come, and lay out the very real stakes in this election: Are we going to continue to move forward, rebuilding an economy that's meant to last, with a growing middle class and more Americans getting a fair shot? Or are we going to go back to the same failed policies that crashed our economy and left too many folks struggling to catch up? That's the choice.
These kinds of events are one of the hallmarks of this organization. Millions of people first came to know and support candidate Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008 when they met him at rallies and town halls in their communities. We're now entering the general election of his final campaign -- this day should be something pretty special.
The President would like two supporters from across the country and their guests to meet him backstage before he goes on at the first rally. Supporters like you are the core of this campaign -- so we're opening this up to anyone willing to sign up.
Right now, by signing up to receive important campaign updates on your phone, you will be automatically entered to join the President backstage.
What we're looking at right now is essentially the start of a general election. We've all but got our opponent. This is what we've been building for since we launched this campaign last April -- and we're ready to go.
I can tell you the President can't wait to get out there.
You really can't lose on this one: As part of our mobile community, you'll be sure to hear about events near you, when the President will be in your area, and other campaign news.
And signing up right now just might land you the chance to meet President Obama backstage before he starts firing folks up.
Want to be there with him? Sign up for text updates -- and be automatically entered for you and a guest to meet him backstage:
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
P.S. -- Even if you can't be there, you'll still be able see the first rally for yourself. We'll be streaming the event live on our site. Stay tuned for more information about that.
Howdy all! I usually like to start with a little humor that is not necessarily political in nature. But I must say, when I read that the Solicitor General did worse today against the State of Arizona than he did against the States over Obamacare, I had a good laugh. Even Justice Sotomayor had issues with the feds. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO! So much common sense being thrown around like, like, COMMON SENSE! Even Liberals are being infected!
Any hoo,..
Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. ~ Proverbs 3:13
If by the liberty of the press were understood merely the liberty of discussing the propriety of public measures and political opinions, let us have as much of it as you please: But if it means the liberty of affronting, calumniating and defaming one another, I, for my part, own myself willing to part with my share of it, whenever our legislators shall please so to alter the law and shall chearfully consent to exchange my liberty of abusing others for the privilege of not being abused myself." --Benjamin Franklin, 1789
Isn’t cool how the founders all had a flare with words? Just read Franklin’s quote for today. It’s a bit hard to decipher. But in essence he says, “I don’t want to be associated with the lamestream media if all they are going to do is tear people down, instead of using the freedom of the press to tell the truth.” Imagine if he was alive today. What would he say? Actually, I think we all know what he’d say, so I’ll leave it at that. But just imagine the wisdom he could offer to the media? How joyful would the media become to be able to share the wisdom and experience of one Benjamin Franklin? How joyful would we all be?
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
We got prostitutes running the white house and congress so no surprise prostitutes figuring in the Pubic News…
Like a friend has said…said now in my words… its not just a Prez thing, its a whole bunch of Reps and Sens who look at
Obama and think ”If I had played my ”cards” right that could be me!”, that need ”CLEANING POLITICALLY!”’
Heres a small examplefrom a email I rec…..
* Democrats don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING
* Republicans don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING
* NO ONE understands THE DEBT CEILING?
SO – Allow me to explain…
Let’s say you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in
your neighborhood.
Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do? Raise the ceilings or pump out the sh!t?
Your choice is coming in November. Don’t miss the opportunity.
I keep reading well a lot of us believe that Romney is not a true U.S citizen like Obama. Some believe his way of life will be just like Obama. Some say he not tilling the true, that he will be just as if he will be making money to gave to a few and he will gave then jobs for giving just like Obama
If you really want to know Romney way of life and who he is then read the book of Mormon (book of latter day saints) and you will see what his really like and read the church law about bring a member.
Here one of them, He said he give because he believe is right to and the word till us too,
He right on one part ,
But the true is if he did not give his 10% then he would be remove from the Church. So in other word Romney must give.
Come Nov,4 I will vote but will do a write in
Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a follow-up letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.
Please note that included in my letter is information and sources regarding the following extremely important revelations that transpired since my last letter to him of April 11, 2012, which I believe further support my request:
On April 23, 2012, it was revealed that on February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
On April 23, 2012, investigative findings were revealed that suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.
Finally, on April 23, 2012, it was revealed that, although Sheriff Arpaio finds himself under increasing attacks from this administration, he is preparing to release new findings from his Cold Case Posse’s ongoing investigation into President Obama’s eligibility for his state’s 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which he states are explosive.
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:
April 24, 2012
The Honorable Tom Udall
United States Senate
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3101
Dear Senator Udall:
On March 7, 2012, April 4, 2012 and April 11, 2012, I wrote to you to respectfully request that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
For your information, to date I have not received a response from your office to said requests.
But be that as it may, as I mentioned to you in my letter of April 4, 2012, it seems to me that our entire electoral system has been turned upside down and/or hijacked by individuals/groups with deep pockets who seem to have their own agendas that are extremely different from the ordinary American citizen like myself who still believes in and loves this great Country/Republic of ours as it is. I also provided you with information and reliable/credible sources that I believe supported this statement.
For your information, the following revelations have transpired since my last letter to you of April 11, 2012, which I believe further support my statement above, along with my requests for the conduct of a full scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse:
On or about April 23, 2012, it was revealed that on February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
An Email dated November 7, 2008 under the subject line “ Insight – The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only – Pls Do Not Forward **,” was sent by Fred Burton, Stratfor’s V.P. of Intelligence. It said in part, The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to “out.”
Burton also mentioned a “six-figure” Democrat donation/bribe to Jesse Jackson to buy his silence about Israel. On October 14, 2008 Jackson told fellow attendees at the World Policy Forum in Evian France a ‘President Obama’ would “remove the clout of Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades.”
Burton continued with an explosive charge he apparently considered quite believable: ‘The hunt is on for the sleezy Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found. Will get more on this when the time is right. My source was too giddy to continue. Can you say Clinton and ChiCom funny money? This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.”
This allegation makes some sense of Obama’s reassurances to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev caught by an open mic.
Obama said “….but it’s important for him [Putin] to give me space.”
Medvedev responded: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you …”
Obama: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin]…”
Fred Burton is a known quantity in the highest Intelligence circles. He has been Deputy Chief of the Department of State’s counterterrorism division for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS).
Stratfor has acknowledged that last December its internal communications system was hacked and the group “Anonymous” has taken credit for the sabotage. WikiLeaks started to publish Stratfor’s stolen Emails last month…..
On April 23, 2012, the following eye-opening and alarming information was also revealed, which, if true, I believe further supports my concerns and said requests:
America and the world today is in chaos. Wars, rumors of wars, high gasoline prices, increasing food prices, growing divisions among races and between classes, current and impending financial collapses dominate the headlines. Critics and detractors of Barack Hussein Obama claim that it is a result of his failed policies that our house and much of the world is in such disarray. Investigation into the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II and the people behind him suggests otherwise.
The chaos that presently exists domestically and across the globe is destined to get worse, but it’s not due to Obama’s inexperience or failed policies. Rather, it is the direct result of the implementation of his successful policies. The chaos in which we find ourselves is exactly what has been planned for decades. Chaos is the tactic, the means to an end, and not the result of failure of policy by the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.
We have seen only the tip of the full frontal assault of the chaos planned for this country. Actually, we haven’t seen anything yet.
Connect the dots:
Investigative findings suggest that our present state of disorder was crafted long ago, compliments of a shadowy cabal of government leaders and their often unwitting lackeys, complicit media moguls and their eye-candy mouthpieces, and ideologues intent on changing the United States and thus the world. While this might sound like a bad fictional plot from the film noir genre, a good bit of investigation indicates otherwise.
Before dismissing such musings as delusional fodder, carefully consider the current state of our country - and the world - and start to connect the dots, stepping backwards chronologically. As you do, understand that the traditional right-left political paradigm with which we’ve been indoctrinated no longer exists, except as a distraction to the viewers and listeners of political talk shows hosted by highly paid ornaments who dutifully adhere to narrow scripts of approved show content.
The “necessity” Obama-Soetoro narrative:
Our founding fathers had the vision to understand that the biggest threat to our Republic is from within. That’s the reason that the founders placed a natural born restriction clause for President at the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted. They understood that there was a contemporaneous threat from a Trojan Horse president, as well as a future threat, despite the other checks and balances constructed within our government. Over time, however, communist influence in our schools and media continued to dilute the literal interpretation of the Constitution. Such revision changed or ignored history altering events, such as the infiltration of Communists into our federal government in the post World War II era. History has been revised. As the famous novelist George Orwell once stated, “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” That has never been so true as today.
Since 2008, coherent discussion of the bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama II as they relate to his constitutional eligibility has been declared off limits, except to mock and marginalize those who bring up the issue. His association with communists, socialists and other “radicals” has been deliberately downplayed, revised and in some cases, rewritten. This, thanks to the incestuous corporate ownership of big media, which has collectively ensured that legitimate discussion into the legend that is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro has been effectively nullified. Unfortunately and in many cases, it’s paychecks over patriotism.
Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?
To fully understand what is taking place today, and more importantly, what is being planned for tomorrow, we must identify the actors involved in fomenting chaos. Let’s first consider the meteoric rise of the virtually unknown community organizer Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro.
People who have questioned his constitutional eligibility to hold office, known by the pejorative term “birthers,” are a troublesome lot among for the Progressives and the establishment Republicans. The issue, however, extends well beyond the Constitutional formality of where Obama was born, as the formal admission that his parental lineage, as questionable as it still is, officially denies him eligibility of the office.
This is not about the Certification of Live Birth, however, as much regarding this has already been written, except for this: any seasoned investigator experienced in conducting background investigations knows that there is no valid substitute for the actual authenticated paper document. When there is an outright refusal to allow for a legitimate inspection of an actual document, combined with an overt redirection of investigators’ attention away from the hardcopy form, there is always something being hidden. Always.
Based on extensive research and investigation, this investigator has identified at least 135 legal actions brought against Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro by plaintiffs demanding authenticated evidence of his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States. These actions span various venues, from hearings in various courts and before administrative law judges, to the more recent state ballot challenges. In each instance, “team Obama” prevailed.
In many cases, legal giant Perkins Coie defended Obama against these lawsuits. Perkins Coie made headlines in 2006 when they represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden.
According to legal financial documents, Obama paid Perkins Coie over $2.5 million in fees to defend him on a variety of issues from October 2008 through the end of 2010. It is unclear exactly how much of that $2.5 million was earmarked for defending Obama against eligibility challenges.
So, from this investigator’s perspective, along with Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse tasked with conducting a law enforcement sanctioned background investigation of Barack Hussein Obama II, it can be concluded that we do not know the legal name or legal status of the individual holding the highest elected office in the United States.
If an American citizen lies to a federal official, they can be charged with a felony. What happens when a federal official lies to the American people? Nothing, it would appear.
Therefore the question still remains: Who is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro?
Beyond the birth issue:
Some will continue to deride those who adhere to the importance of the Certification of Live Birth. Supporters of “Obama the American” are a prolific and vocal bunch, yet become silent or full of excuses as questions are naturally extended to his refusal to release other records of relevance that would provide valuable and necessary insight into the man currently at the helm of our nation.
Obama-Soetoro has repeatedly refused to produce documentation that former presidents have traditionally provided. In the case of Obama-Soetoro, his passport records, school records from kindergarten forward, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules (reportedly “lost”), medical records, important family records including the Obama/Dunham marriage license and divorce documents, and any adoption records remain off limits.
From the perspective of an investigator, there are compelling reasons for Obama-Soetoro to keep these records private, and none are likely to bode well for the putative president. In total, releasing authenticated documents of all of the above would create an accurate historical profile of the man in the Oval Office, which we do not have. Instead, we have the Obama-Soetoro legend, manufactured by… whom? And why?
I pledge allegiance to…
Consider that Obama is, in part, an artifact of the intentional “Balkanization” of America. Look at the historical immigration policies, the intentional lack of enforcement of illegal immigration, and other related issues and question why. Globalists have been constantly attacking our national identity and culture well beyond what was intended and engraved on the Statue of Liberty.
The legend of Barack Hussein Obama II involves much more than a Certification of Live Birth. It’s about the very issue our cautioned by our founders. It’s allegiance to the United States of America and the survival of our nation as a free, Representative Republic.
The founders believed that a natural born citizen would be more inclined to have a “natural” allegiance to the country in which they were born and the principles on which our country was founded. they would protect our freedoms, the rights of citizens, and side with America in international disputes. Are we seeing this in the narrative of Barack Hussein Obama II?
Another question involves the unprecedented contributions made to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. The amount is somewhere between $650 to $750 million, depending on the source, and a lot of that money reportedly originated from outside of this country. Is this what the founders intended? What strings came with such contributions?
On the morning of Obama’s first day in office of January 21, 2009, one of the first, if not the first phone call he made as American leader was to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Less than five months later, on June 4, 2009, Obama kicked off his American apology tour in a speech at Cairo University in Egypt, co-hosted by Al-Azhar University. Obama “honored” a promise made during his presidential campaign to give a major address to Muslims from a Muslim capital during his first few months as president. To date, Obama has not yet stepped foot in Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East.
The list could continue ad nauseum and include the recent statement of collusion made in front of a “hot” microphone to the Russians about missile defense. There are numerous other examples that can be used to question the true allegiance of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II.
Perhaps most troubling, however, is what we are seeing played out on our domestic front. Recall that history has been revised to downplay Obama’s associations with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Jeff Jones, and many other communist, socialists, Leninists and Marxists revolutionaries. Recall their objectives, and put them in perspective to current events.
Peering into the Obama-Soetoro domestic playbook:
“Our primary task is to build a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary movement. The American system is racist, capitalist and imperialist. We must arm ourselves. I believe we are going to have a revolutionary change in society. -Michael Klonsky 1969 SDS Center, Washington, DC (with Bernadine Dohrn and Allen Young)
Revolutionaries thrive on chaos. Protests offer opportunity to spread chaos and in nearly every protest, trained agitators of the Progressives appear on site to inflame passions, foment disorder and violence.
This putative president and the powers behind him knew the consequences of fueling the Arab Spring, from our role in Tunisia to Egypt and the chaos that would result. Equally important, he knew the ramifications that would result from his polarizing statements pertaining to the Trayvon Martin case, and the racial divide that would be exacerbated.
He knows the results of our oppressive domestic energy policy, which are exacerbating the economic divide within the U.S. and the societal upheaval that will result.
He knows the results of our unlimited monetary printing presses that will bring our economy to its knees. So emboldened is Obama, that he continues to work with Jon Corzine of MF Global, the man behind the missing $1.6 billion of American’s money. He knows that the economic collapse of America is coming. He knows that there will be riots in the streets.
Is he preparing for it? Yes, but not in the manner that a truly American president should.
Obama, the Emperor:
Consider recent executive orders and other executive actions as “big dots” in our dot connecting exercise. The importance or relevance of these executive orders in our normal existence have either been downplayed or ignored by the media, and are subject to ridicule when brought up in political discussions. After all, they’ve been standard procedure since 1789.
DOT: On Friday, April 13, 2012, Obama signed an executive order titled ” Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources.” This order is a stepping stone for the takeover of the natural gas (and related) industry. Moreover, it creates an oversight group headed by Ceclia Munoz, chairman of the White House Domestic Policy Council who connected to globalist George Soros and a number of other socialist groups antagonistic to private U.S. energy production.
DOT: On Friday, March 16, 2012, Obama signed the order on National Defense Resources Preparedness, which dramatically expanded the Defense Production Act of 1950, and essentially gives Obama the power to take over our national resources and infrastructure for reasons that are no longer limited to times of war or declared states of national emergency.
DOT: On February 9, 2012, Obama signed Executive Order 13600, “Establishing the President’s Global Development Council,” which is an enhancement of the 2010 National Security Strategy and the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development. In short, it is internal subjugation to a global agenda, or global governance.
DOT: Consider that the Department of Homeland Security recently acquisitioned 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition (an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, one year contract with 4 option years). Hollow points, as well, which are not used for target practice. Also consider that the Department of agriculture has ordered 326,000 rounds of mixed caliber ammunition this month as well.
DOT: Consider that the executive branch has the unfettered authority to execute American Citizens deemed “a threat.”
DOT: Several unconfirmed reports indicate that the Department of Homeland Security have ordered Mine Resistant Anti-personnel Carriers (MRAPs) for deployment in the United States.
DOT: During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in March, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey openly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but they take their orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.
DOT: Consider other reports of FEMA quarters being readied here in the U.S., ostensibly for disaster relief and protection of its citizens. In consideration of everything else taking place, can we afford to take their word for this “preparation?”
Readers can fill in numerous other “dots” unaddressed here. The point is that it would appear that final preparations are being made not necessarily for the protection of our citizens, but against them. By a man in the Oval Office whose legal name we do not know, and whose allegiance is suspect at best.
Finally, on or about April 23, 2012, it was revealed that, although Sheriff Arpaio finds himself under increasing attacks from this administration, he is preparing to release new findings from his Cold Case Posse’s ongoing investigation into President Obama’s eligibility for his state’s 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which he states are explosive.
Accordingly, as a result of these new revelations, which I believe overwhelmingly support my concerns, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made on March 1, 2012 by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.
For your information, I have also forwarded this same information and request to our other NM elected U.S. Representatives.
Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this alarming and time sensitive matter.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:
Thank you for your message!
I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.
Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”
Note: Americans are waking up!
Thanks again to WND, Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.
Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:
YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on WND.com-On April 10, 2012:
Continue Reading:
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Massive Voter Fraud-Again!
Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
The Audacity of Socialism!
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!
New World Order By Executive Order!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
“Food For Thought”
God Bless WND, Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
I keep thinking of an episode of the 1973 TV show, “Kojak: The Marcus-Nelson Murders.” Homicide detective Kojak suspects that the black teenager accused of murdering two white girls is being framed by his fellow detectives.
The case gets a lot of media attention; politics and careers enter the mix. The frightened accused black kid pleads his innocence to detective Kojak who believes him. Kojak educates the defendant to the cold harsh reality of the situation. Kojak informed the kid that despite his innocence, the case had become such a political hot button and because the police held the kid in jail for so long, he must be found guilty of something.
I see this same scenario developing in the Martin/Zimmerman case.
Most Americans desire a fair and just outcome of this tragedy. But, Lord help us if the evidence proves Zimmerman to be innocent. If Zimmerman is ruled not-guilty and allowed to walk, I foresee Rodney King-type riots in the streets. Thus, is Zimmerman's fate already sealed? Will a jury decide Zimmerman must be declared guilty of something?
While Al Sharpton, New Black Panthers and all of the other racist race-hustling usual suspects clamor for justice for Trayvon Martin, I wonder if justice is even possible for George Zimmerman.
Will political correctness ensure that Zimmerman be found guilty of something regardless of the evidence?
Tragically and frighteningly, we live in a time in which the law and truth appears to be losing relevance in America.
For example. Clearly, the individual mandate in Obamacare is unconstitutional. And yet, Obama believes he can bully the Supreme Court to rule in his favor because “he” believes the mandate is a good thing. Ponder that folks, the president is pressuring U.S. Supreme Court justices to bend the truth and the law to suit his desires. Obama, the president who would be King.
For years, Democrats have been trying to abort the thorn-in-the-side stumbling block to their socialistic agenda known as the U.S. Constitution. Who could have imagined deceiving the American people into putting a black Trojan Horse extreme left liberal into the Oval Office would “Git-r-done”?
If Obama successfully forces U.S. Supreme Court justices to succumb to his politically correct interpretation of the law and rule Obamacare constitutional, setting such a precedence could mean so-called “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman is toast. It would mean facts, truth and the law are no longer relevant – only what the people/mob want rules the day.
Regardless if the evidence proves otherwise, Zimmerman will be found guilty of “something” to avoid riots in the streets. We are talking political correctness on steroids.
Folks, I am not saying Zimmerman is innocent. I do not know. I am simply saying in these morally bankrupt times in which we live, I am concerned that facts and truth are becoming irrelevant.
Since Zimmerman posted $150,000 bail, here are just a few of the shocking tweets calling for violence against him.
“Ima kill Zimmerman myself *loads semi* where he at”
“I think imma personally kill George Zimmerman…anyone’s welcome to join (: …Leggggoooo !”
“Someone pass me a gun, imma go follow zimmerman, shoot and kill him and say #imstandingmyground”
“Lets kill #zimmerman”
“They let Zimmerman free lets kill that MF”
“George Zimmerman Released From Jail 150,000 Bail! WTF! Ni**a You Are About To Die, Start Writing Your Will!…”
Have you heard the slightest hint of media outrage over the threats on Zimmerman's life? Have you heard any rebuke or threat of the Obama administration taking action against these thugs? Oh I know, they are still busy investigating Ted Nugent for passionately encouraging voters to “vote” Obama out in November.
But seriously folks, the media and Obama administration’s passivity regarding the threats on Zimmerman's life is shocking and should be an eye opener to us all. Anyone on the left's excrement list can expect no justice and no peace.
If those threatening Zimmerman's life are black, Attorney General Eric Holder has pretty much given them a pass. In 2010, Justice Department whistle-blower, J. Christian Adams said word came down from above to, “Never bring another lawsuit against a black or other national minority, apparently no matter what they do.” http://blog.heritage.org/2010/07/09/new-black-panther-party-will-justice-department-investigate-julie-fernandes/
Where was the national media investigation, outrage and clamors for Holder's immediate resignation? Are we living in an Obama administration parallel universe bizarre-o world? Do I really need to state the obvious re-action had there been accusations of Bush's Justice Department saying they would not pursue white defendants?
No presidential call for civility toward George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is for the most part, on his own. All Zimmerman can do is hide. My fellow Americans, this is so very, very wrong. What is becoming of our great country? Lord help us!
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman – www.CampaignToDefeatObama.com
Natural law favors might, so what is ordered liberty? It is purely theory; never yet put into practice. Let’s discuss it. President Obama, while speaking of fairness, uses his authority to bring about gross injustice on all who oppose him. Instead of a uniter, Obama is a divider. We read in the Bible that a house divided soon falls. Many of we Americans hate America, want to remake America in their image.
How many times have Jews paid for their “Promised Land?” Power is desire. We are blessed with reason and logic. We combine the two and end with rationalizing—for the good of all. That’s what is wrong. Nature didn’t give us hive mentality. Most of the wrongs in the world come from that fact. The Promised Land is spiritual. Spiritual doesn’t have boundaries. Religions have boundaries. Religion is manmade. States and religion do not belong together. The Old Testament ends with the prophet Habakkuk crying out to the Lord, “how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!” Once again, history is about to repeat herself.
It appears that the Lord is deaf and dumb. Is it not that we are deaf and dumb, have not yet left our animal drive for power? The author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed that he believed in nature’s law and nature’s God, was a slave owner, as was George Washington, who won the war for America’s independence. With authority comes this rule: “Don’t do as I do. Do as I say.” So what do you expect? In spite of all the glowing terms on freedom and liberty, the law of the jungle prevails. But don’t blame the sorry state of affairs on the world’s leaders. They are only doing what comes naturally. Desire is bestial, the word for it, ego.
We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a time when we become our brother’s keeper. Our brother’s keeper is human. I read the Bible with totally different conclusions than Bible authorities. Were I an authority, I would think like authorities—do as I say—but I’m a bottom fish. I’m not blinded by surface reflections. I don’t think what is good for all. I think what is good for me. Because I’m human, peace is good for me. I’m willing to live and let live.
To authorities, it is my way or no way, and there are countless ways, and always, might makes right. History is about to repeat itself. God is always on the side of the victor, according to authority. The battle rages on. The United States has not won a war since World War II.
Pick your side—or pick yourself. I picked myself. Low and behold, I won, naturally, because the United States is nuts. My conclusion: Jesus was right. The meek shall inherit the earth, and not with the sword, but with love. It is written in the stars.
The real answer is nothing like the answers we are receiving. The ancients said the age we are entering, Aquarius, is an age of brotherly love. The cutting edge of science says we are observers; that we are made to know all that is knowable—and individually. They are certainly way ahead of their time. Astrologers say that we are part of an archetype that is not confined to a place, and that lives eternally. Science now finds that that our space-time consortium is but one of many dimensions, and temporary, always changing. So here were are for a time, here to do what? Get real! When you Christians repeat the Lord’s Prayer, “in earth as it is in heaven”….followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33), what does that mean? You have been badly diverted by your Christian teachers, and they by their fathers, and their fathers by their fathers—all of those, in fact, who don’t know that we are here with increasing purpose, and desperately cling to the past—all of those who, rather than fly with eagles, think of this as the “end time.” The end time is actually a new beginning. It is your choice.
You are gifted with reason and logic, made to ultimately know all that is knowable. Minister Farrakhan, what is it that you hate about human existence? You are reacting to the dumb acts of humanity, including your own. You are made to interact with matter. All is not black and white, so you need to know far more about matter—so you and your “feeling” authority, in trying to save the world, don’t blow humanity to kingdom come. In the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I’m here, not only to help you and your kind out, but those who led you into being what you are.
Two wonderful prospects, being often touted for Vice-President are Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal. There is only one problem...they are both ineligible according to Article II , Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. They are both Native Born; however, neither is a Natural Born Citizen. Both were born before their parents became Citizens of the United States of America.
If Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal, both of whom I admire greatly, were to be nominated for VP, and were to accept, then we would know beyond a shadow of doubt that the Republican Party no longer accepts the Constitution as the Law of the Land. If this is so, then we are surely undone. There is no longer time to build a new political party which does represent the Constitution before we shall have been swallowed by the NWO. Perhaps, if enough people joined the Constitutionalist Party...but I don't see it happening.
Last night, I went to the Senate Conservative Fund Homepage, and clicked on the VP poll results ( http://senateconservatives.com/site/post/1388/scf-vice-president-poll-results ). I was appalled to see that Rubio's and Jindal's names had even been added to the Poll List for consideration. For Heaven's sake, This is the Senate Conservative Fund! If the SCF and Senator Jim DeMint can't adhere to the Constitution, who will? I used their Contact form to send them an e-mail message to that effect. I hope that some of you will use the link above and do the same. The "Contact" link is at the bottom of the page.
I grieve for my dying country. We have turned our face away from God and the precious gift of the Law which He gave to us. He is now turning His face from us. But there might be yet time...and one strategy left to us. Present yourself for Precinct Chairman at your local Republican Caucuses. Mine is this Saturday morning. You will have to find yours quickly. There isn't any time left.
If we believe in God and His gift of our Constitution, we then have one duty left to us. We must proclaim boldly, as did the Old Testament Prophets, that if America turns back to God, and asks His forgiveness, that He can heal our land. We have His promise of this in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people, who are called by My name, will turn from their wicked ways, and call upon Me, I will hear, and heal their land."
I feel like Jeremiah today.
What Is The U.S. Constitution?
I am reposting this article which I wrote a couple of years ago... Please read, learn and enjoy... More importantly... act... as the time has come for us to do far more then just being heard... The time has come for us to take our Nation back... She has loved each of us and has served us proudly... It is now time to give back that which she has provided... We must now protect her and all for which she stands!
I believe that many of our citizens need to be educated about what a constitution actually is and does before constitutional law and freedom can be restored within our nation.
1. The constitution does not create freedom.
A constitution is created to protect and secure freedoms which already exists, through forms, structure and expressed or implied limitations of government. Our foundering fathers stated in the verbiage of Declaration of Independence: “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Therefore, if one believes that the U.S. Constitution statically creates freedom for all the people of the states, then I fully understand how they would be shocked or angered at the suggestion that the Constitution is dead.
Please recognize that freedom exists in a state of nature, created by God, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” These natural laws as well as rights never die. They existed prior to the penning of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence and they will exist long after we are gone. Thus, a distinction must be clearly defined between natural freedom, which never dies and a constitution, which can die.
2. A constitution may be worthless to secure freedom.
History proves this… even our own nation’s history. A constitution rests upon a serious distrust of human nature, and simultaneously upon the skeptical and temporary trust placed in delegated or relegated power, which supposedly will “be disinclined to invade the rights of the individual States, or the prerogatives of their governments.” James Madison, Federalist Paper: 46. These principles determine as well as define the constitution’s nature, character, form, and function. This implies that a constitution itself is to be contrasted to the eternal principles that initially formed the constitution, and where government does not conform its actions and intentions to the principles of said constitution, the constitution itself is practically meaningless and dead. American jurist, William Rawle, expresses the same: “By a constitution we mean the principles on which a government is formed and conducted.” William Rawle, A View of the Constitution of the United States of America: 2.
That our government must conform its actions and intentions to these principles is confirmed by the United States Supreme Court, by those who formed our constitutions, and by those who helped form the very fundamental thoughts of American jurisprudence:
(a) “Let the nature and objects of our Union be considered; let the great fundamental principles on which the fabric stands be examined.” Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. 264, 423 (1821).
(b) “[N]o free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but…by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” Benjamin Kidd, Principles of Western Civilisation, citing Virginia Declaration of Rights, June 12, 1776, (London, The Macmillan Co., 1902), 511.
(c) “Once the principles of government are corrupted, the very best laws become bad and turn against the [people of the] state.” Charles de Baron Montesquieu and Julian Hawthorne, ed., The Spirit of Laws: The World’s Great Classics, vol. 1 (London: The London Press), 116.
Therefore, a maxim must be admitted: where the principles of freedom are abandoned, the constitution no longer serves its constituted purpose; that is, to limit the government as the consent of the governed demanded at its creation. And once the constituted purposes and principles are abandoned, how could it be argued that the constitution has life? Is the form (the constitution) greater than the substance (the principles)? Absolutely not.
3. When a government breaches its limitations placed upon it by a constitution;
(a) the government agent loses its trust to rule,
(b) the powers delegated to it are reverted back to the creators of the constitution, and
(c) the constitution becomes non-binding on those who created it.
This is the natural law concept of “the consent of the government,” as expressed in our Declaration of Independence. It is further a concept regarding the rights of the parties who enter into a compact. As noted by our founders, we do not normally exercise this natural and compact right over “light and transient causes,” but in cases where a “long train of abuses” are evident. European forefather, Hugo Grotius, recognizes that when a government contradicts the principles that created its power, that creation (i.e. kingdom/constitution) dies and the people have the right to institute new government:
“[I]f the king act, with a really hostile mind, with a new to the destruction of the whole people…that the kingdom is forfeited; for the purpose of governing and the purpose of destroying cannot subsist together.” Hugo Grotius and William Whewell, trans., Hugo Grotius on the Rights of War and Peace, Book II, (Cambridge: University Press, 1853), 57–58.
A constitution that has been continually breached by the government is no longer a constitution at all, because the very purpose of a constitution is to limit the government by the will of the people who created it. Thus, a people who continually live under an abandoned constitution do not live under a constitution at all; but rather, they live in voluntary slavery, and the constitution is dead to those people and that government. It is literally time “to alter or to abolish” that constitution before the people’s lack of resistance is deemed to be “the consent of the governed.” (See, Thomas Jefferson and John P. Foley, ed., The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia, A Comprehensive Collection of the Views of Thomas Jefferson, (New York and London: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1900), 185. “[T]o conquer [the existing constitution’s] will, so as to rest the right on that, the only legitimate basis, requires long acquiescence and cessation of all opposition.”)
4. Particular to the United States, the U.S. Constitution was voluntarily formed as a compact by existing sovereign states with existing state constitutions. See FP 39.
Despite the deceptive proposition that the States were created by Congress, the States existed prior to and independent of any Congress, as confirmed by the Treaty of Paris in 1783 (which, by the way, was not overturned by any subsequent legal action of the states). “The State governments, by their original constitutions, are invested with complete sovereignty.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 31. And, “Each State, in ratifying the constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act.” James Madison, FP 39.
Today, there is a fraudulent notion in America which places the U.S. Constitution above the importance and relevance of the state constitutions and state sovereignty, despite the fact that we were told (in efforts to get us to ratify the U.S. Constitution) that “the State governments would clearly retain all rights of sovereignty which they before had, and which were not, by that act, exclusively delegated to the United States.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 32. The authoritative advocates of the U.S. Constitution confirm that even with the U.S. Constitution ratified or with the U.S. Constitution dissolved, the states would have their own constitutions to protect freedom and secure the blessings of liberty within that state.
It was even proposed during the 1780s that instead of one confederacy being created through the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, several confederacies be ratified instead. See FP 2. So, it cannot be accurately stated that the U.S. Constitution was the sole form of convenience of the states. The U.S. Constitution was in fact an “experiment” of union, which admittedly may not work. James Madison, FP 14. Many notable American patriots, of course, (prophetically and correctly) believed the U.S. Constitution would in time, by constitutional construction, become destructive to the natural rights and sovereignty of the people of the states. Even pro-U.S. Constitution advocates warned us of the tyrannical tendency of central governments and implored the State governments to “afford complete security against invasions of the public liberty by the national authority.” Alexander Hamilton, FP 28.
Therefore, it must be acknowledged that the U.S. Constitution no more creates freedom than any other government creates freedom; and that the U.S. Constitution was simply a union of states for very limited purposes, all of which were and can be handled by the states themselves without the existence of the U.S. Constitution or federal government.
5. Constitutions can be destructive to freedom where the document itself is used against the people.
Montesquieu expounded upon this, as I cited in, Our Dead Constitution. If you disagree, pray tell, how is it that Congress can regulate virtually anything it desires under the Commerce Clause of the constitution? How can the United States Supreme Court “constitutionally” uphold those unconstitutional acts by its rulings, which are supposedly made impartially “according to the rules of the Constitution” (FP 39)? How can the bill of rights be used against the retained powers and sovereignty of the states, when the U.S. Constitution was never intended to limit the states whatsoever? How can a federation be turned into a nation without the consent of the people? How can the first amendment, designed to restrict the federal government in all regards (“Congress shall make no law…”), be used to not only make law through the federal courts but also restrict individuals and states from exercising their natural rights within their own jurisdictions?
How can the constitutional limitations of the federal courts to apply the Supreme Law of the Land be used to justify “federal supremacy” in un-enumerated powers over the states, contrary to the principles of the constitution? How can the constitution’s general welfare clause be a legal justification to the federal government socializing healthcare, economics, banks, manufacturing, and education, despite the clear intention of the ratifiers to the contrary? How can Congress create a fiat money system without any constitutional power whatsoever to do so? How can the President engage in an eight year war with no declaration from Congress? How can Obama supposedly not be eligible to be President while absolutely no one in the federal system cares? You call that a constitution alive and well!? I could go on and on, as many authors have already well documented for generations now. The long train of abuses is clear: the constitution has been and is being used every day against the freedoms and rights it is supposed to protect and against the principles and trust that created it.
6. Constitutions can be dissolved by those who created it.
Our Declaration of Independence confirms this natural right, which is inherent in all sovereigns. The U.S. Constitution was ratified by the voluntary assent of the sovereigns of the states, in their capacity as states. FP 39. The states created the U.S. Constitution not to create freedom, not to create powers they did not already possess individually, and not to create union for union’s sake. They created it for certain benefits that union provided (at that time). If this union were ever destructive to these ends, the states would most certainly have the right to dissolve their part of the union to preserve freedom for that state. (James Madison, FP 39, “dissolution of the compact”; Alexander Hamilton, FP 28, “original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government”; Alexander Hamilton, FP 26, “people should resolve to recall all the powers they have heretofore parted with out of their own hands, and to divide themselves into as many states as there are counties, in order that they may be able to manage their own concerns in person.”)
Thus, a political maxim must be admitted: union, through the U.S. Constitution, does not equal freedom and can actually be destructive to freedom. Given the natural laws of sovereignty, self-defense, self-preservation and self-government, the States may in fact be better off not to be a part of a union that is causing their demise. More pointedly put, the States may in fact be better off to declare the compact (the U.S. Constitution) or at least, the federal laws creating their demise, null and void within their sovereign borders. Naturally, this sovereign power can come in different forms, through nullification, active resistance to federal usurpations, controlling the mechanisms used against the states, and secession.
Regardless of your agreement with these truths, the information provided is all based upon the natural law and political discussions of those who formed the foundation of our Republic. The fact that we do not understand them only causes tyranny to tighten its grip on us. Before freedom will ever be restored, government will be limited, and the people will govern themselves, the sovereigns of the states must recognize that the U.S. Constitution is not the answer to our political and societal plight. Rather, it is the principles of freedom that provide the answer. The time has come in America when to restore constitutional law and freedom in the STATES, the people of the states must begin looking internally to their own powers, sovereignty, self-defense, self-preservation, self-reliance and constitutions.
Howdy all! Well, after a full sweep yesterday, it looks like there is a clear message to tell. Yes, it was a full sweep. Now the only thing left to do is clean last night’s dishes.
Any hoo,..
Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
In disquisitions of every kind there are certain primary truths, or first principles, upon which all subsequent reasoning must depend." --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 31, 1788
OK, I had to look up disquisition: dissertation or formal discourse, a debate. So, as Hamilton opines, in every debate there are principles or truths required to conduct a debate of substance. Otherwise there is nothing but superficial blah blah. So why does this ring a bell in my head? Of course! Just listen to the political debates going on in the lamestream media. Listen to the managers of the parties. Remember, they are managers, not leaders. Leaders lead the way while managers manage to muddle through. So, the managers of both parties are so stuck on their positions, they sound like broken records on every issue. It doesn’t even matter if their jargon has an ounce of truth or not. As long as they stick to the party line you know… So, to have a substantial debate with anyone, you need to know your facts. Armed with facts, you cannot lose any debate with anyone, especially with those who follow the party line, either party! Instead you will end the debate with one of two possible outcomes; the debaters will agree on one of the positions, or you will agree to disagree, with smiles on the face. Either side comes with punchlines, mottoes or slogans; they will be crushed in the debate. Now, the verse from 1 Corinthians does play a role here. Those who belong to Christ, who believe in Him have become anew in their faith; reborn. I know, because I have grown closer to Him than I’ve been for decades, which has definitely awakened a part of me that I almost forgot about. I’ve carried this awakening into my tea party world. I am not fearful of castigation, or ridicule. Instead I stand by my oath; I stand by my God and I stand by my family, friends and country. My awakening has helped me speak the truth against those who wish not to debate, but crush the truth. Yet I will not be silent. We all need to find our awakening. With it, there aren’t issues or complications in the way. The path becomes clear. You can see it. You just have to have faith. And stand with your principles – truths.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
Talk Talk is Cheep Cheep
If you want Obama out SUPPORT Romney!
Obama Pretends to understand their struggles with college loans because he’s walked in their shoes
Columbia Party Boy
No Student Loans
Free Free Free
Illegal Aliens get free ride
It’s the Jobs “STUPID”
Millions of graduates and no jobs
Our kids could pay their loans if they had a decent job
This tells the story of why Bush was so bad at the end of his term.
Don’t just skim over this, it’s not very long, read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out!!!
The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.
The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH. Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy.
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA. And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress. So when someone tries to blame Bush..
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 &2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.