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The Sinking of the Titanic

The iceberg that sank the Titanic on April 14, 1912 could have been there because of a celestial event.  When the moon is closest to Earth the tides are the highest. The moon had been closest to Earth on January 4, 1912 since the year 796, surely releasing many of Greenland’s icebergs to head southward.

This finest of ships the world had ever seen was made economically feasible by the large number of Europeans immigrating to the United States. She was heading full speed for New York, for the grandest celebration ever of man’s accomplishment. There were only enough lifeboats for the wealthy on board, we learned after the tragic loss of lives.  The small number of lifeboats, we were told, was because the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable.  Why any lifeboats?  Are privileged lives the only lives worth saving?  Not in my estimation.   

World War II picture. 4063485759?profile=originalI'm left in the front row. I'm nineteen years-old.

I’ve  just learned that only eight percent of the German people voted Hitler into office.  Many Americans don’t vote. They either trust in God keeping them safe from harm, or don’t think it matters whether they vote or not.

Germany’s Jews had that view. Six million of them  died for thinking that.  I’m a World War II combat veteran, an eye-witness of Germany being flat on the ground, many millions of Germans dead, a great many live Germans homeless and desperate.  I saw with my own eyes what Hitler did to Germany’s Jews.  Because the German people allowed eight percent of the population to vote Hitler into power, the world suffered the worst disaster of all times.  

I read that a Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be President. What were the American people thinking when Obama was elected President? The evidence was all there. I knew Obama was not fit to be our President.  What are they thinking now?  They are not thinking, period! They still don’t know that wolves in sheep’s clothing are always looking for an opportunity to devour us.  Jesus told us that.

There is a lot we don’t know and refuse to learn.  On Cosmos and Psyche’s back cover, we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.  Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age.  It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”

My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, links with the fate of the Titanic and Cosmos and Psyche. I tell of the United States exploiting the meek and defenseless, and how I took on their cause.  I’m the diametric opposite of Obama.  I’m out to give the defenseless the personal power back that Obama has taken from them.  

Wouldst thou know the secret of the sea?

Only those who brave its dangers,

Comprehend its mystery.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I was sailing from Nassau to Palm Beach, Florida with three friends on my thirty-seven foot sloop Bold Venture when we ran into a tropical storm.  We were in the Bermuda Triangle, where ships have been disappearing without a trace.  It is thought that time warps exist, that this could be the cause of some of the disappearances.

Due to the storm, we should have been far out to sea and far to the north of our course, but we were not. We arrived at our destination at my estimated time of arrival.  We were in a time warp that put us where we wanted to be.  Seas were breaking completely across our inlet.  I sailed straight into the breakers. We slid down a wave into the inlet that never broke.  When one experiences what I’ve experienced, one takes a wholly different view on life.

Ever since I legally challenged the United States for not adhering to my Constitution, I’ve been living a charmed life. How many of us can say their dreams have come true?  After the fact, I discovered that the stars predicted everything that I am and everything that I’m doing.  I spell it all out in great detail in my book.

The sinking of the Titanic is an amazing story, but not nearly as amazing as my story. The Titanic drama is one that is being continuously reenacted on various scales, but all for the same reason: lack of foresight.  The United States, heading for an iceberg at full speed, was unable to turn the ship of state in time.  The ship’s crew has tried desperately to save the ship.  Most Americans don’t know they are on a sinking ship. Once it is known by the ship’s crew that saving the ship of state is hopeless, they will lock the gates and let the masses go down with the ship. The crew and the privileged will occupy the lifeboats.

My personal ship went down with me on it.  I was reborn to tell the old story told in the Bible’s four gospels, with today’s spin.

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The Road to Freedom, by Anders Gravers

Today’s gathering marks a new step along the road of freedom from Islam for Europe.

Today we see organisations coming together in the cause for freedom and to protest against tyranny.

Most of us here today know we are in a war.  A war that has been fought for centuries.

Even those who have not yet realised that we are in a war know we face a big enemy that plans to rule the world.

This enemy of freedom is called Islam and Muslims are its soldiers. These are not our words, they are the words of a Muslim poem used by the President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan.

The poem says “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers”.

Yes…those soldiers are called Muslims.

Some say we provoke hatred against a religion when we protest against Islamisation.

It is not WE who provoke hatred.

Islam is not a religion. It is the world’s biggest hate group.

Muslims choose to be members of this hate group. Europe’s laws protect this hate group because its member’s call it a religion.

Political parties do not receive the same protection in law that Islam does. We have seen European politicians arrested and convicted for speaking against Islam.

Islam is in reality a political party because it has its own manifesto to rule the world.

Islam is a dictatorship.

Its manifesto crushes all freedom. It dictates how people should behave for every second of the day.

Islam is the opposite of freedom, just as communism is.

But Islam is worse than communism. It is communism with a viscious, violent god attached.

This so-called god commands Muslims to make war on the Kuffar who live around them. The worst insult a Muslim can make to other people is to call them Kuffar.

This insult should be banned in Europe as hate speech. Islam should be banned in Europe as a hate group. The Koran should be banned for being a manual of hate, just as some European countries have banned Mein Kampf.

Mein Kampf means “My struggle”.  Jihad also means “My struggle”. The difference is for Muslims, the struggle is to make Islam rule the world.

Both Mein Kampf and the Koran are full of Jew-hating. Mohammed called Jews “the sons of apes and pigs”.

Mohammed personally beheaded 900 Jewish men in a single day. That is 900 more than Hitler beheaded in his entire life.

Hitler led the Nazi hate-group that  murdered six million Jews and five million others who they hated.

They tried to get rid of all Jews in Europe. They failed to do this despite the Holocaust . However, the world’s biggest hate group, Islam, with its Jew-hating Muslims got rid of all Jews from the Arabian Peninsula and all other non-Muslims they hated.

Mohammed gave the women and children to Muslims as slaves and all their property to his followers.

Not only is Islam the world’s biggest hate-group it is also the world’s biggest organised crime syndicate.  Like the mafia with a violent god attached.

Recently we saw in Toulouse just what Islam’s Jew-hatred brings to Europe.

70% of attacks on Jews in France are done by Muslims. And this is being repeated across Europe.

The media try to excuse the Muslim Jew-hatred by blaming Israel and the so-called occupation of Palestine.

They will try to find any excuse to blame the Jews for Muslim violence. The media are as bad as Muslims and Nazis. The media lie about Israel by saying it commits atrocities against Palestinian Muslims.

We all remember how Israeli soldiers were accused of killing a 12 year old Muslim boy who was hiding behind his father against a wall. This was found to be a complete lie in a French court of law. These lies against Israel are repeated time and time again.

However, even though a French court exposed one of the biggest lies, the French media tries to excuse the murder of Jewish children in France.

However, the world knows that those helpless children were deliberately murdered by a member of the world’s biggest hate-group.

Those helpless Jewish children were just the latest victims in the world’s longest war.

This war is not of our making. It was started by Muslims who have only one ambition. To rule the world.

They will lose and we will win.

We will win because we have right on our side.

We will win because we do the right things. We use democracy and our right to protest to beat the violence and lies of the world’s biggest hate group. Islam.

The media and politicians call us far right and hate groups. However, it is not SIOE and the Defence Leagues who took our countries to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not we who stone women to death or bomb trains.

We have always done things according to the law. This has not stopped politicians and media accusing us of murders and other violence we did not commit.

We are only using our democratic rights to peaceful protest. And we will win.

We have to step up the action. We have to make our protests stronger. We have to make our language stronger.

But we have to stay within the law. And we will stay within the law.

Every mosque being built must be protested against. Not only must protests be held outside mosques, but also the building companies making the mosques. Also the councils allowing mosques to be built.

Whenever a woman, or even worse, a child is raped, we must protest outside the mosque closest to where it happened. Even if it is only four or five people.

The media must be challenged to report our protests or we will accuse them of supporting the violence of the world’s biggest hate group. Islam.

All anti-Islam groups must work together to defeat our enemy and to win this war.

Victory is ours. NO SURRENDER.

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Another call for a brokered convention



As I have said, the cry of the Tea Party now should be for a brokered convention.  Here is another voice added to the growing chorus of voices calling on Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to listen to the voices of their own constituency.

Streetcar Line
This Race Is Far From Over

By Quin Hillyer on 4.2.12 @ 6:10AM
How an open convention could reinvigorate Republicans.


"No, no, no. The Republican presidential nomination really is not over despite the parade of rather craven endorsements now flowing Mitt Romney's way."


For more, click here.



ex animo


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The way we undo the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Regime's disastrous legislation is one Bill at a Time, and then The Way To Undo The Past 50 Years of the Nanny State's Construction is one Bill, One Agency, One Bureau, One Commission and One Departiment at a time.  Encourage your congressmen/women to behave responsibly and stop the fascist takeover in this country.  This socialist model has already run up a multi-trillion dollar national debt.
As late as 1979, the entire amount of deficit spending which had accumulated during the first 200 years of the history of this nation when added together was less than 1 trillion dollars.  Now, in oly 30 years, that figure has reached 15 trillion dollars and is growing by billions daily.  No country can sustain this kind of Insane Spending which is all being Spent to Amass Federal Power By Expanding the Size, Scope, and Power of the Federal Government.  We have one useless agency after another and this administration is still piling them on.
And, the Gulf Oil Disaster is giving us a really good look at that Worthless Bureaucracy at work.  These useless agencies such as the EPA, took weeks and weeks to do a supposed Environmental Impact Study on How Piling Dirt Barriers in the Gulf might harm the environment, while the Oil That We Already Knew What It Was Going To Do was destroying the Environment, and then when this worthless agency finally gave Governor Jindal Permission to Build the Dunes, they only said they coud build about one fourth of what they had asked for.  Without this Useless and Needless Delay by a Worthless Federal Agency, Governor Jindal could have made a decision at the local level and Acted To Save The Marshes in a Timely Fashion.
Most things that need to be done in this country are best handled by the Local and State Government's who are close to the problem, can assess the problem and act on the problem swiftly and efficiently.  This is how the United States was designed to Work.  The Social and Political Engineers over the past 40 to 60 years have been Re-Constructing The United States' Foundations and these Re-Constructed Foundations are Faulty and Do More Harm Than Good.
The only thing that the Feds should be doing is providing for National Defense, Infrastructure, Protection of Ports and Borders, and othe National Security Issues.  The Federal Government should never have been allowed to Become a Carbon Copy of the Worthless Russian or USSR Communist Model which was Made UP Of Huge, costly, and worthless bureaucracies that had to control it's citizens with an iron fist, lest they would revolt against the excesses of it's own government.  This is pretty much what is happening in the USA today.  The Obama administration and many in congress are continually talking down on those of us who are trying to rein in the government's excessive spending, excessive regulations and excessive taxation, and especially sick of the messages coming from this administration and his hate groups such as the New Black Panthers, ACLU, ACORN, SEIU, NAACP, SPLC, SCLC, LaRaza and others calling those of us who oppose this socialist movement by the government racists and bigots.  We are not Racist or Bigoted.  We are Americans trying to Get The Government's Attention, and at the same time to Educate other Americans as to what is going on in this great country of ours.
So, when we say We Want to Take This Country Back, it has nothing to do with Obama's Race, which as I understand it, he was the Product of a White Woman who was a United States Citizen and a Communist Black Man From Kenya, Africa. This makes Obama Equally White and Black, so why can we Whites not Claim him as our own.  So, now I assume Obama to be a White since His Legal Parent was White, and looking at him this way, in no way changes my opinion of His Policies and his Beliefs, which, as president, he is able to act on.   So, all of my Conservative buddies out there, do not waste one second defending against Racism.  This is nothing but a Political Tactic being used by the Liberal Democrats with the aid of the MSM and their Hate Group Organizations mentioned above in order to Squelch the Truth of What We Stand For, which is we Stand for America, and a return to Constitutional Law, and Fiscal Responsibility.
And, that is not racist.  FDR was not Black or Black and White, LBJ was not Black, Jimmy Carter was Not Black, Bill Clinton Was not Black, Hillary Clinton Is Not Black, Nancy Botox Pelosi is not Black, Harry Reid is Not Black, Barney Frank is Not Black, Christopher Dodd is not Black, Princess Barbara Boxer, a Senator and not a Maam, is Not Black.  So, do not let these scoundrels in DC, The MSM, or their Strong Arm Groups and Shake Down Artists such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louie Farakhan, the New Black Panthers or others Distract You From the Cause of Returning this Nation to Constitutional Law and Fiscal Responsibility which will provide LIberty and Justice For All which is what was intended by the Founding Fathers and that is why we have a Constitution and A Declaration of Independence which served this nation and it's citizens well for over 200 years, and Change We Do Not Need, except Changing It Back To What It Is Supposed To Be.  Limited Federal Government, with most power being held at the local and state levels to deal with Domestic Policies.  The feds are responsible for National Defense and Border Security, and they are doing neither of these very well, because they are too busy Politicizing Everything and in Building a Complete Fascist Nanny State that We, The People Are Telling Them:   WE  DO  NOT  WANT!!!  Do not let them get you off message.  This is the message.
Like Bo Jackson Said, Just Do It!  That is what we are telling the Feds.  Just Do Your Legitimate Jobs and Leave The Rest To Us in our Communities and States.  Then, everybody can just get along, and we will do just fine. 
Thank You--M. Jerome Ennis, MAed Tuscaloosa, Alabama

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Over at WND there was an article published: 12/12/2011 at 10:00 PM, hat proclaimed: SANTORUM'S MOM: I CAN DOCUMENT RICK'S ELIGIBILITY

The article goes one to say that Rick's mother had a copy of Aldo's naturalization papers. I was just wondering: has anybody seen a copy of it?

Since this article came out Santorum's campaign won't respond to this question.

ex animo


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Our Government is trying to stop all news about Obama's bc...especially from other countries! I saw this bc two years ago in the Canada Free Press..."It looks real! More information in column on lower left.

President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape

Posted by African Press International on March 9, 2012

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This issue is not going away this election cycle!

Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 31, 2012:

“Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the lead investigator of the MCSO Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo, presented their preliminary findings  today (March 31, 2012)  regarding their investigation into the “probable” forgery of Barack Obama’s online birth certificate and selective service forms. Most of the event was comprised of information that has already been released in earlier press conferences, but not widely reported on by the mainstream media, out of fear of ridicule, or perhaps fear of sanctions by the federal government.   Despite this, here were several updates to this case that were disclosed today. The conference took place at the Church on the Green in Sun City, Arizona.

Update: Western Journalism has uploaded the Full video of Sheriff Joe’s March 31st Press Conference

After introduction by some of the leaders in the Surprise Tea Party, Sheriff Joe spoke. Along with other comments on this investigation, he insisted that this investigation is not about politics and that he began this investigation with the intention of clearing Obama of any wrong-doing. According to Sheriff Joe, however, the evidence quickly pointed elsewhere. The sheriff thanked his wife of 55 years (also present) for putting up with his long hours at work and joked that until recent death threats, she started his car every day. As the media was not present, Sheriff Joe seemed  relaxed and even cracked quite a few jokes. Sheriff Joe concluded by asking the audience (about 1000 people) for their continued support and prayers, saying they still had a lot of “digging” to do.

A petition was circulated at the event requesting the Arizona State Legislature, in conjunction with Secretary of State Ken Bennett’s office, to take action and pass a specific resolution.

This resolution asks the Democratic National Committee to provide documentation validating Obama’s placement on the Arizona 2012 ballot. This documentation must be satisfactory to Sheriff Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse, the Arizona Legislature, and the Arizona Secretary of State’s office.  If you are a citizen of the state of Arizona and would be interested in signing this petition, you can do so here.

Mr. Zullo, who has volunteered his time and efforts for the past six months without pay, then took some time to present the preliminary results of the investigation. He presented the videos from the original press conference, and commented between each video.  Throughout this presentation, the crowd was responsive, often gasping at certain moments in the videos, and clapping at the end of each video.

After this presentation, Mr. Zullo revealed various  updates on the continuing investigation. He hinted about new analysis of the typesetting of the online birth certificate. According to Zullo, the word spacing and typewriter fonts on Obama’s birth certificate are uneven, suggesting the use of multiple typewriters, and consequently, cutting and pasting from various original documents. In addition, he said that the team is looking into the numbers listed on the online document, suggesting that the numbers are out of sequence with other birth certificates released around the same purported time of Barack Obama’s birth.   Zullo informed the audience that five experts, in various professions, were working on these further investigations.  Mr. Zullo concluded that his team would continue the investigation and that “we won’t quit until it is finished.”

The topic then shifted from the birth certificate to Obama’s selective service card. Sheriff Joe sent a letter to the Selective Service feds conveying his concerns. In response, he was told that nothing was wrong and that if he had a reason to inquire further, he should get in touch with the FBI. For background of the investigation into Obama’s selective service card, watch this video.  According to Zullo, the sheriff will continue to pursue this matter with the selective service authorities.

After presenting this information, Zullo opened up the conference to questions from the audience. When asked who could be behind a conspiracy of this magnitude, he admitted that they do not yet know exactly who is behind this conspiracy. When asked if George Soros was behind it, Zullo seemed to admit the possibility. Zullo was also asked if the team would go to other states to testify at various court challenges to Obama’s eligibility for the ballot; he answered that they would not as they wish to focus strictly on their investigation. In response to a question about the “African” designation on the online birth certificate, Zullo answered that they would likely not pursue that in depth, as he wants to make sure that this investigation is not about race. He insisted that, contrary to claims by the liberal media, this is not about race or even political party; if a Republican’s citizenship were questioned, Zullo (a Republican by self-admission) says that he would probably push even harder in investigating that matter. In response to questions about a purported Kenyan Birth Certificate, as well as a video making the rounds that seems to show Obama telling an audience he is from Kenya, Zullo made clear that both were fabricated and both distracted from real issues in Barack Obama’s eligibility.

Mr. Zullo said that it is possible there will be another press conference in the near future, possibly with a round table of the experts. He admitted that the scope of the investigation is increasing, even spreading internationally. Although a lot of this information is mind-numbing, he said, there is no doubt that we have a forgery on our hands. The team is on the hunt for those who committed the forgery, Mr. Zullo said, and that they “have some pretty good ideas” about who committed the forgery.  He admitted that he is doing all of this work for his country, his family, and his children.

To watch the full video of the March 31st Press Conference, click here: Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 31 Press Conference – Full Video

To watch Sheriff Joe’s press conference earlier this week concerning legislation making its way through the Arizona Senate, please go here.

To watch Sheriff Joe’s original March 1 Press Conference, go here.”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. “Irony Strikes”- A Writer’s Impressions of the 3-31-12 Arpaio Press Conference on Obama Eligibility Investigation!

Posted on Obama Ballot Challeng-By GeorgeM-On April 1, 2012:

“March 31, 2012

Irony strikes.

The expansive suburb of Surprise, Arizona was today’s setting for the second public presentation within the month of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigative findings pertaining to the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s online long-form birth certificate submission.  Even as the chairs and microphones were being arranged at a local church hall, the Arizona Democratic Party conducted various caucuses across the state to re-nominate Obama for the 2012 election. Referencing the party’s lack of a primary challenger, The Arizona Republic’s Dan Nowicki asserted, “…there is no drama this year.”

Nowicki may not know it (or admit it), but nothing could be further from the truth.  The President is, indeed, serving under the most spurious of circumstances. Would he be re-nominated if a sequential legal process were allowed to play out? No.            

In contrast to Sheriff Joe’s March 1st press conference, which was closed to the public while attracting approximately 40 b-list journalists (who mocked and interrogated the presenters while virtually ignoring the evidence), today’s event drew a packed house of almost 1,000 interested citizens and virtually no conventional media at all (in addition, many people were turned away due to lack of space). Perhaps the best-known press presence was the blog site Western Center for Journalism,  which within hours posted a  full video of the proceedings. The inverse proportion of public to media six months into the investigation is emblematic of an almost total “media blackout” on the vetting/eligibility issue.

Sheriff Joe began with a personal account, thanking his wife and team for supporting him in the demanding investigation, wryly wondering where the media and political figures were now that a criminal inquiry has officially begun.  CNN, NBC, Fox etc. had been formally invited to the presentation. None attended. Arpaio, the top law enforcement official of Maricopa County (estimated population 4 million), cited the compelling nature of the evidence and alluded to the grave implications of the alleged forgeries.

Brian Reilly of the Surprise Tea Party announced his discovery of an arcane section of Arizona law, ARS 41-121-1 (“Petition Requesting a Resolution”), under which petition signatures of Arizona residents, collected in person and online at and submitted to Secretary of State Ken Bennett, will be forwarded to the Arizona legislature for Resolution creation. The Resolution will demand conclusive information regarding Barack Obama’s birth certificate, Selective Service registration, “natural born citizen” status, and social security number(s), and will be drafted in the few days after petition delivery on Monday, April 2. Notably, the Resolution will bypass the purview of Governor Jan Brewer – it will not require her signature.

Lead investigator Mike Zullo presided over the majority of the presentation.  Zullo’s manner was earnest and methodical, focusing tightly on each discrete portion of the investigative process. Re-running the majority of the Sheriff’s department videos, Zullo traced the investigation from its start on September 15, 2011 to its current status as “the repository of information from across the nation.”

The birth certificate image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2012 is, according to Zullo, “…built – constructed – human intervention and human logic were applied … we do believe that the document is fraudulent.” Just a few of the many points Zullo reiterated from the previous presentation included:

  • BOBC typewritten fonts vary; a typewriter always places its fonts an equal distance apart.
  • The BOBC Registrar’s stamp (cut and pasted into the document from an unknown source) was not made from a metal embosser, as would be expected.
  • The BOBC serial number is out of consecutive order when compared to other birth certificates in relation to dates. Consecutive numbering is required by federal mandate.
  • The BOBC’s ubiquitous “white halo effect,” seen when cut and pasted text is moved out of position, should not appear at all; text and safety paper background should “mesh” together, appearing inseparable.
  • BOBC text varies in ink color throughout the document, lending credence to the assertion that sections were cut and pasted.
  • The BOBC has notable differences among multiple uses of the same letter; for example, one “H” does not look like another “H.”
  • Too many additional anomalies exist to mention in a limited presentation format.

The investigative team’s conclusion regarding the endlessly discussed BOBC remains the same. Zullo cautioned observers that, from now on, the “birth certificate/document” should be instead referred to as a “digital file/image.”  Zullo stated unequivocally that two different typewriters were used in the construction of the BOBC “file;” the image is a “cut and paste job” from two or three other documents.  Zullo also repeated the previous video deconstruction of Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration, which centers upon an obviously falsified date stamp.  Falsification of Selective Service registration is punishable by five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Sheriff Arpaio’s formal request to the head of Selective Service, an Obama appointee, for authentication of the document has so far been ignored.

When pressed by an audience member, Zullo firmly stated that his team had no intention of contributing discovery to the ballot challenge efforts occurring among various states, preferring to focus only on Arizona.  However, when George Miller of the Ventura County (CA) Tea Party pressed Zullo on the subject in a one-on-one conversation, Zullo was enthusiastic about a suggestion of launching an appeal of the now-defunct Ken Allen (AZ) case, which would surely become stronger when supplanted by the Cold Case Posse’s results.

In conclusion, we observed the largest and most engaged group of patriots yet, enthusiastic and fully informed on the issue.  The Supreme Court could save a lot of time and money by ruling on Barack Obama’s proven identity fraud instead of patronizing a beleaguered public with tortured efforts to confront a technically invalid health control law. 

“No drama?” I don’t think so.”   


III. Is America Today Apathetic Or Just Plain Scared?

Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On March 30, 2012:

“For over two hundred and thirty years, Americans have stepped up and fought for, as well as died for, Freedom and Liberty. Freedom and Liberty from tyranny, anarchy, fascism, and communism. I am sure that every red blooded American has someone in their family tree that has fought against these things. Up until World War II,we had clear objectives,which were to preserve Freedom and Liberty for all who would embrace it. Since then, all of the conflicts that America has been involved in are nothing more than UN sactioned police actions with no clear goal in sight. Strict rules of engagement have sent multitudes of our troops home either maimed or in body bags. We no longer fight to win. We fight for someone else’s political posturing now. Our military is being ground up like hamburger meat, and no one in Washington seems to care. Our troops are gunned down on American soil by a member of the enemy whom we are fighting, and it is deemed “workplace violence.”

We were warned back in the 1950′s that Communism had crept into the halls of our government and our universities, but the deliverer of the news, Senator McCarthy, was islolated and eventually destroyed politically by those whom he sought to expose. We, my fellow Americans,are faced with the same scenario once again. Barack Hussein Obama has been exposed for his many lies to the American people. The fact is that he is a MUSLIM,the fact is that he WAS NOT BORN HERE, and the fact is that HE IS USING A STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. The following piece of information was received by me just a short time ago. I have not yet been able to verify the original source, but a simple E-Verify check may verify it.

Just who does it belong to??    Jean Paul Luwig or Barack Hussein Obama?? SSN# 042-68-4425

WOW, this is short and very interesting.

An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number  (SSN) is being used by President Obama. He was Jean Paul Ludwig , who was born in France in 1890, who immigrated to the United States in 1924, and who was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama’s current SSN) received on or about March 1977.

Prior to the mid 1980′s, SSNs were issued according to the state you lived in when you applied for a card.  Mr. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits 042, which are among a range of beginning numbers (040 – 049 for instance) that only residents of Connecticut were issued.

Barack H. Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042.  None whatsoever!

Now comes the best part!

J.P. Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died. Conveniently, Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.

The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig’s death, and because he never received Social Security benefits, there were no benefits to stop; therefore, no questions were ever raised.

The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen (either because he was born in Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro) simply scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr. Ludwig’s Connecticut SSN for Obama.

You see, anyone who dares question the validity of this President is, once again, isolated and destroyed. Just like Senator McCarthy was. This all being compounded by the fact that Congress has tried to have the natural born citizen clause removed from the Constitution numourous times, as I have posted in a previous article.

Question: Why has no one vetted Valarie Jarret? She seems to be the one running things most of the time, and if memory serves, she is of IRANIAN decent. The following video will supply information on the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our government.

At this point, I don’t think there are too many apathetic Americans left. We are in fear. Fear for our lives and the very existance of our country. With all of the new laws, regulations, and executive orders that are being signed that are limiting our Freedoms and Liberty, it is only a matter of time before America is nothing more than a memory if we remain on this course. Wake up, stand up, stock up, and arm up. The time is coming to do what must be done in order to preserve the sanctity of our Constitution and Declaration of Independance. It is time to stand and deliver, America. The only difference this time is that our objective is clear and WE WILL WIN! Anything less will be the death of us all.

May God bless each and every one of us.”


IV. ForgeryGate: Congress Knows Obama Is A Fake!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 27, 2012:

V. Cowardly Congress Won’t Investigate Manchurian Candidate Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 26, 2012:

Note:  Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering fortitude.

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

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“Food For Thought”

God Bless Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Christian Nation?

I've been a distant supporter of the Tea Party for some time.  Many of the same issues that have sparked the Tea Party as a movement were a frustration for me as well.  So much so that I wrote a book about the changes taking place in America called "America's Resurrection".  In it I give some credit to the Tea Party for leading the fight for America's recovery.

The Tea Party is generally represented as Christian oriented, but certainly not only made up of Christians.  On the "About" tab there is the statement, "Yes, we are a Christian nation."  I respectfully disagree, although it may only be a matter of semantics.  That is essentially the core issue in my book.  If you are interested, it can be found at,

Or the press release for a description at,

It is about the conflicts taking place between our government, culture, and Christianity.  If you are a Christian and concerned about these issues, please at least take a look at the overview and consider reading it.  I believe it contains the most important issues for us to consider as we work together to protect our nation.


Bruce Moore

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I find it grieves my spirit as I survey the wonton condition of our Nation in this hour!
I am amazed how any red-blooded American, especially if you are a true believer of
GOD, and you walk in the 'grace and mercy' of HIS Son, Jesus, could stand by and
see their beloved Nation fall into socialism or worse; and do nothing.

“We The People” collectively have stood by and watched without attending our duties,
totally complacent and carelessly not paid attention. While those who have rationalized
that there is no need to be disciplined or stand on traditions, have grasp the whirl-wind and trampled on everything that's just and right. They have decided to throw caution to
the wind; taking every opportunity to consider every philosophy and tenet, no matter
whom might publish their thoughts.

And now “We The People” have realized that we are privy to a condition that surpasses any 'literalistic views that prevail' and we find that we are teetering on the brink of no return and total chaos! We see how the lack of over-cite and the liberalization of attitudes has given every evil under the sun the license to run rampant across our land.

We 'We the People' have idly allowed every consideration of that which is depraved and
completely without redemption to take every vestige of the things that are good and holy,
that which is sanctified or makes any reference to GOD, Jesus Christ, or even the 'The
Ten Commandments' out of our schools, our literature, and the annals of government. It
has become commonplace to hear ridicule of any mention of the 'Word of GOD' or any
of 'It's tenets'! And the statement of any civilized comment of HIS Name: “I AM”~ “GOD”~ “JEHOVAH”~ “YAHWEH” is frowned upon. Often there is conscious effort
to misconstrue or suggest that all religions address the same God! And flippantly there
those who think the only use of the word God, is at their discretion to use as a curse or
to make fun, slander or degrade upstanding civil citizens.

Even recently there is movement afoot to take issue with our 'Constitution of the United
States', to say that it is out of step with the times, or that it is not adequate or representative of the people who are citizens. Recently, our own President Obama has
publicly ridiculed our “Constitution”, and has voiced his opposition with some of it's tenets.

If you are incensed by this letter revealing the truth about things that are wrong, and find
that; it doesn't sit well with your mind, then I welcome you to join with me in prayer for
our Nation. According to [2 Chron.7:14] “It says, that if we humble ourselves, and repent
for the sins of all of our people, that GOD will hear our prayers, and heal our land”. That
is paraphrased in my own words. Get your bible out and read it in yours! ~ALL IN WITH JESUS~ Rev. Jerry L. Robertson~ I recommend to everyone, get a copy if the book
“Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn- just released on  January 31. 2012~

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4063485038?profile=originalAs millions of my fellow Americans, I am extremely angry, outraged, and devastated by the Democrats' unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming "no" from the rooftops, they forced ObamaCare down our throats. Please forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very appropriate to describe what has happened. "Don't urinate on me and tell me it's raining."

Democrats say that their mission is to give all Americans health care. The Democrats are lying. Signing ObamaCare into law against our will and the Constitution is tyranny and step one of their hideous goal of having as many Americans as possible dependent on government, thus controlling our lives and fulfilling Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America.

I keep asking myself: How did our government move so far from the normal procedures of getting things done? Could a white president have so successfully pulled off shredding the Constitution to further his agenda? I think not.

Ironically, proving that America is completely the opposite of the evil, racist country they relentlessly accuse her of being, progressives used America's goodness, guilt, and sense of fair play against her. In their quest to destroy America as we know it, progressives borrowed a brilliant scheme from Greek mythology. They offered America a modern-day Trojan Horse, a beautifully crafted, golden, shiny new black man as a presidential candidate. Democrat Joe Biden lauded Obama as the first clean and articulate African-American candidate. Democrat Harry Reid said that Obama uses a black dialect only when he wants to.

White America relished the opportunity to vote for a black man, naïvely believing that they would never suffer the pain of being called racist again. Black Americans viewed casting their vote for Obama as the ultimate Affirmative Action for America's sins of the past.

Then there were the entitlement loser voters who said, "I'm votin' for the black dude who promises to take from those rich SOBs and give to me."

Just as the deceived Trojans dragged the beautifully crafted Trojan Horse into Troy as a symbol of their victory, deceived Americans embraced the progressives' young, handsome, articulate, and so-called moderate black presidential candidate as a symbol of their liberation from accusations of being a racist nation. Also like the Trojan Horse, Obama was filled with the enemy hiding inside.

Sunday, March 21, 2010, a secret door opened in Obama, the shiny golden black man. A raging army of Democrats charged out. Without mercy, they began their vicious, bloody slaughter of every value, freedom, and institution we Americans hold dear, launching the end of America as we know it.

Wielding swords of votes reeking with the putrid odor of backdoor deals, the Democrats landed a severe blow to America and individual rights by passing ObamaCare.

The mainstream liberal media has been relentlessly badgering the Tea Party movement with accusations of racism. Because I am a black Tea Party patriot, I am bombarded with interviewers asking me the same veiled question: "Why are you siding with these white racists against America's first African-American president?" I defend my fellow patriots who are white, stating, "These patriots do not give a hoot about Obama's skin color. They simply love their country and oppose his radical agenda. Obama's race is not an issue."

Recently, I have come to believe that perhaps I am wrong about Obama's race not being an issue. In reality, Obama's presidency has everything to do with racism, but not from the Tea Party movement. Progressives and Obama have exploited his race from the rookie senator's virtually unchallenged presidential campaign to his unprecedented bullying of America into ObamaCare. Obama's race trumped all normal media scrutiny of him as a presidential candidate, and most recently, even the Constitution of the United States. ObamaCare forces all Americans to purchase health care, which is clearly unconstitutional.

No white president could get away with boldly and arrogantly thwarting the will of the American people and ignoring laws. President Clinton tried universal health care. Bush tried social security reform. The American people said "no" to both presidents' proposals, and that was the end of it. So how can Obama get away with giving the American people the finger? The answer: He is black.

The mainstream liberal media continues to portray all who oppose Obama in any way as racist. Despite a list of failed policies, overreaches into the private sector, violations of the Constitution, and planned, destructive pieces of legislation too numerous to mention in this article, many Americans are still fearful of criticizing our first black president. Incredible.

My fellow Americans, you must not continue to allow yourselves to be "played" and intimidated by Obama's race or the historical context of his presidency. If we are to save America, the greatest nation on the planet, then Obama's progressive agenda must be stopped.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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On the State of Mind

4063485092?profile=originalFormer Green Jobs Czar Van Jones, Obama’s bosom pal, could not be human. He congratulates Occupy Wall Street for saving the nation.  No human would think that. Birds of a feather flock together.

But leave the God you think you know out of it. Understand first that the state of mind is not a place. It is boundless.  Understand that man is in a place, and therefore cannot create a state of mind.  It follows that Van Jones and a state of mind cannot be compatible.  Van Jones, and his kind, lesser forms of life, advocate force, if you understand a state of mind, forcing us all to accept the communist way—or else, as it were.

If you are a communist, you refuse to accept the state of mind as fact. You accept that a state of mind can be socially engineered—do as I say or off comes your head. It’s very effective.  If you accept one of the many religious faiths, you are being socially engineered; you refuse to accept the state of mind. The state of mind is nothing more, nor less, than consciousness, which is boundless.  Substitute boundless consciousness for God. You have one and the same.  But with religious faiths, you don’t reason. You have a supernatural god, the creation of various religions.   It is a very dangerous thing to hold to a faith that does not hold to reason.  It leaves the door wide open to wolves in sheep’s clothing and hypocrites.

If you want to know how something works, you take it apart and examine the parts.  Quantum physics has taken apart the universe and has found a state of infinite possibility. A Greek priest and leading thinker of his day reasoned that an idea, having no form by itself, but giving figure and form to shapeless matter, becomes the manifestation.   The priest’s name who thought this was Plutarch (40-120 AD)

Another ancient Greek, Aristotle, in his Ethics, ethics being the substance of law, the concept of “natural justice,” “Of political justice,” he wrote, “part is natural, part legal—natural, that which everywhere has the same force and does not exist by people’s thinking this and that; legal, that which is originally indifferent.” I read this in The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, which was written by law professor Edward S. Corwin, and published in 1925, the year of my birth and the year Congress ignored the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution when it authorized the IRS to examine personal records for income tax purposes.  It was done, ostensibly, for the good of all.  It is always for the good of all that government does anything.  As is often the case, it was putting the chicken before the egg—putting the law before the Constitution.  Mark the year of my birth as the year Congress launched out of control government taxing and spending.  My birth was an omen of what was to come.

In 1975, I wasn’t going to take it anymore.  Income tax personally affected me, to the extent that I was at a jumping off place.  I read in the law that if I had a personal stake in the outcome, which I surely did, I had the constitutional right, under the Fifth Amendment, to demand that I be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. The makers and keepers of the law did not agree with me. The taxpayers did not agree with me. I was a nutcake tax protester.  But those who came before me clearly did agree with me.  This left me with a bigger than life calling. It was me and voices of the past against the above named.  In other words, it was going from “a mind” to “the mind.”  My advice to the Tea Party: When the IRS challenges, forget “a mind.”  Go to “the mind” for your answers.  It worked for me.

Looking at me as “a mind,” the makers and keepers of the law had it their way. The mastermind—the collective mind—the Van Jones mind—force—allowed  the IRS to make a lot of mistakes against me, to show me that the mastermind had all of the control, and “a mind,” a feeble mind, a lousy tax protester trying to get out of paying his fair share of the tax, had zero control. Keep in mind  that, ostensibly, it was for the good of all. According to many, Hitler was for the good of all.  The question comes to mind: what made the mastermind admit that it was mistaken on everything it did?

The mastermind left me a record, which I took to The Palm Beach Post. The Post made an investigation.  The mastermind, fearing public exposure of the fact that the income tax has turned into the biggest fraud of all times, admitted that from the first it was mistaken. We don’t know the power of “the mind.”  Know that “a mind” can be in contact with “the mind.”

This all comes to me from my ten year mind search.  It began with law professor Corwin’s essay on the law.  Referring to Aristotle, law professor Corwin, “That is to say, the essential ingredient of the justice which is enforced by the state is not the state’s own contrivance; it is a discovery from nature and a transcript of its constancy.”

Is it socialism or the animal desire to control? Aristotle to America’s mastermind: “To invest the law then with authority is, it seems, to invest God and reason only; to invest a man is to introduce a beast, as desire is something bestial, and even the best of men in authority are liable to be corrupted by passion.  We may conclude then that the law is reason without passion and it is therefore preferable to any individual.”

To the world’s many orthodoxies, say I, the Bible begins with God saying, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion”…in summary saying, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  The soul and the mind are indistinguishable.  To the world’s orthodoxies, who but voices of all times said this, and to whom were they speaking?  

Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other…”  Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God…”  Where is the kingdom of god? To you the various orthodoxies of the world, say I: You have failed to tell us. For shame!

I tell you, the orthodoxies of the world, that God is internal, and in each and every one of us.  I tell you, the orthodoxies of the world, that you are not speaking of the kingdom of God, but of the various kingdoms of man.  You are guilty of the same errors the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Herodians made in Jesus’s time. You are planting your own guilt in your flocks.  “The kingdom of God comes not with outward show” (Luke 17:20).  So join my team.

It is written in the stars. I tell you, the masterminds of this world, that it is not the collective voices of your particular fiefdoms, but the collective voices of all times that always wins.  Were this not so, I could not say all of my dreams have come true. I tell you that Jesus speaks through me;  Jesus can speak through you.  You have “a mind,” which can connect with “the collective mind.”   It is your choice. You cannot and will not control what is to be.  I tell you to learn this or lose it all.




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Pictures = 2000 words?

I just tried to locate recent photos of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman and became entangled in barbed wire to the degree my ol' PC  said it couldn't handle it and advised me to shut down and check for errors

that  might be harmful if I continued... or words to that effect...

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The Silver Bullet that will stop the Beast!!

A friend sent me this and I had to share it with ya'll.

By:  Aaron Cantor (USAF) ret.

A very good friend Michael Kennedy (who just happens to live in the Great State of Texas) sent me an eye opener in response to my previous column “Just What Is The Objective???”.

I have read the Federalist Papers many times over, but due in part I am sure, to advancing old age and shortness of memory, I had forgotten the portion he so graciously sent me, so I am including it here.

ONE piece of instruction from the Founders that would go a long way in righting all this— a near silver bullet to the heart of the beast

ONE piece of instruction from the Founders that would go a long way in righting all this— a near silver bullet to the heart of the beast!

Imagine a whole legislative class, and president focused on this ONE issue:

“The house of representatives … can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny.” –James Madison, Federalist No. 57, 1788

You can read the entire thing at

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“ Nancy Schaefer's Murder; 2 Years Later, Nothing's Changed.”

                                      image from
“ Nancy Schaefer's Murder; 2 Years Later, Nothing's Changed.”
Two years after former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer's death, not much has changed. I'm speaking not only of the request of thousands of people for the State of Georgia and or the Fed's to do a proper investigation into her death, I believe I am also speaking on behalf of the millions of parents who have and continue to be raped of their children and families by the entire corrupt Family Court system here(and around the world)in the USA.
The lie that Senator Schaefer who was supposedly killed by her husband two years ago in a supposed “murder-suicide” as reported by the Georgia State Bureau of Investigation continues to have the same “holes” in the report as was first reported. The ridiculous report including that Nancy's husband; Bruce, had cancer and that is why he shot Nancy then himself is believed by very few. Anyone with having been employed with a forensic investigation background such as I can see that all of us “John Q. Public” were supposed to be fooled by the coroner's office in Georgia in relation that Bruce had cancer ( Again, another LIE just like the other floated by Georgia State representatives LIED that the Schaefer's had had “financial problems” as also what the Bureau also floated around as speculation for Nancy's murder( ). Nope, lie, after lie, after lie were precipitated by those who did at that time, and continue to lie to cover up Senator Schaefer's death today. Oh yes, for sure Nancy was murdered, but all indication is, it was not by her husband Bruce. Who exactly were the murderer's then ? Now that question, we can only speculate. With the State of Georgia NOT doing their jobs and actually stonewalling a proper investigation into her death, we must go on to asking the next logical and easier question to answer; Why was she murdered ? That is much easier to prove as she shared publicly and on record, she had been told by her Republican Party leadership NOT to continue exposing the corruption in CPS, Family Courts, as well as the illegal and corrupt actions of the millions of lawyers, judges, police, psychologists, domestic violence workers and all the rest in the destruction of the family for profit scheme.
Those who knew Mrs Schaefer at the time of her death also were aware of Nancy's film project(with Bill Bowen her film director who was also found dead 5 months after Nancy's murder) exposing a pedophile ring within the Georgia State Government. Nancy had already exposed other state governments that had held “auctions” to sell off American children to prospective person's interested who were willing to pay cash for these children. Nancy (who will always be a hero in my “book”) put her life at high risk (despite threats from our government)for exposing our ever so increasing corrupt government which brings me to what else we are aware of since Nancy's death two years later; that is that our government leaders wax worse and worse, not better. Not only have the vast majority of our state leaders aligned themselves with evil, so have most of our elected and appointed Federal Representatives. Those of the Judicial Branch also have aligned themselves with evil by not only purposely covering up the gross sin and illegal activity of stealing children, the destruction of the family for cash, but also these same government employee's willingly participate in these evil actions as well and sadly two years after Senator Schaefer's murder, it seems very few are willing to stop them.
As before Senator Schaefer's death and up to now; Republicans as well as Democrats are just as equal in their participation in destruction of the family. Don't let supposed Republicans and or so called “Conservatives” fool you with their “pro-family” rhetoric. Later this year(2012), We Americans will be choosing our next President as well as a handful for the Federal and State Legislative Branch. None of the candidates for President have come out and spoken about changes needed in the Family Court, CPS, domestic violence and child stealing for profit problem. I have seen in a video tape interview where Ron Paul stated he is opposed to Federal Title IV funding to the states which is a great idea but even if Mr. Paul were elected this coming November, the vast majority of Congress and the Judiciary is involved in pro-family wrecking and are in love with the idea of stealing children and destroying families for cash. So then, even Dr. Paul(whom I am not endorsing for POTUS) could never get his wish to remove the financial incentive for family destruction for profit. The reasons for these crooked politicians and their evil cohorts in the Judiciary and in the Executive Branch is simple; it's their love affair for wickedness and is also all to obvious as well that the vast majority of our government leaders are lawyers and that in itself should tell you everything about evil for cash. Another reason for the bond between child stealing and family destruction for money making is the love affair of both Republicans and Democratic political parties with controlling people's lives. Don't let any politician fool you with their forked tongue election or re-election speeches about “helping working class families.” “You LIE !” has become one of my most repeated quotes when listening to the many politician running for election and or re-election these days.
The bottom line here folks is this; It is our choice and that it is every American's choice to allow this deadly game of allowing our elected and non-elected leaders and those evilists whom they support to carry on in “legal” child kidnapping and family destruction for cash. These evilists will not stop unless we stop them. More parents and children will die at the hands of cops and foster care/adoption agencies for child and family stealing/destruction unless we stop them dead in their tracks first. Don't think for one minute that you can allow the deadly game, that your children can be taken illegally and later at some point, your family will be simply restored by suing the evil police, CPS, domestic violence workers and the like. You very well may not get that chance; you cannot sue from the grave. As like Senator Schaefer, parents and good people are being killed for just voicing their opposition to their families being destroyed. We need to do something about evil, and we need to do something now. As Ernie Larson has said for many years; “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” I am quite sure Mr. William Reddie would agree with me whole heartily if he could speak from the grave; If you are not familiar with Mr. Reddie, he is the Michigan father who was yet another parent murdered by a cop so as his child could be stolen for the government could make cash. The cops LIED about Mr. Reddie's alleged Marijuana use and killed this father just so steal ANOTHER child.
Nope, things haven't gotten better regarding destroying wickedness in America, just a whole lot worse since the murder of Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer. Personally, I will not go on without fighting against The Batavia, NY cop who threatened to murder me, the corrupt Genesee County judges, lawyers and others who stole my children, house, all my property the gave all to an illegal alien. Nope, I hope you join me in exposing and ridding our nation of Filipina Migration Marriage Scammers, corrupt judges, cops, teachers, lawyers, CPS and domestic violence workers, politicians and the rest who do such wicked things such as steal and destroy families for financial gain once for all.
Let's all have the fortitude and tenacity of Nancy Schaefer, let's make her proud and continue what she started in Christ Jesus( Yes! she was a member of the Southern Baptist Convention and a born-again Christian !).
As my answer to God a long time ago, and I hope and pray it is yours as well can be found in Joshua 24:15 “...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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