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Be Encouraged 3/6/12

Howdy all!  So, my day on Monday went surprisingly smooth.  “Steve” the Great Dane actually walked into the car (he had to duck to get in but,..) and the vet visit went well.  No biting, no barking, no excessive slobbering.  If only the primaries could go this well.

Any hoo,..

The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive. ~ Proverbs 16:21

The right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon ... has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right." --James Madison, Virginia Resolutions, 1798

Why do people, ordinary citizens, good Americans want to know about the background of our President?  Some say that it’s because of the tabloid mania that grips everyone when they see those crazy headlines at the checkout counter.  You know, the ones that say Elvis had a love child born just last week – born to an illegal alien from Jupiter.  But, the vast majority of the people would like to know who is in the White House.  I don’t just mean now, I mean always.  Taft, Johnson, Nixon, Jefferson, Obama, Bush(s), Adams(s), Reagan, Jackson; Americans are always curious about their managers.  If we weren’t, there would be no presidential libraries.  So it isn’t far from reality that so many Americans would be concerned about our present top federally elected employee’s extraordinary efforts to prevent any documentation from being made available for public review.  The initial desire was to see the history of how this person came from where he did to the Oval Office.  The fascination was to understand the truly historic path to the presidency.  Now, that fascination has turned to skepticism, and conspiracy theory, furthered by recent revelations disputing the veracity of what has been released.  If the present administration had any sense of their place in history, they would have made the information available immediately.  Had they done any reading of any founder, they may have stumbled upon the writing from Madison here.  People want to know that those employed by the people, charged with protecting the rights and sanctity of our nation, will actually do that; plain and simple.  We the people always want free and open communications among ourselves, and our elected officials.  Those who have acted wise, and understood the desire of the people, made sure this desire of the people was satisfied, and dealt with early and finitely.  Those who may have had something to question have always had a fair chance to speak to those ‘indiscretions’, because they were up front and honest. Those who were (and are) secretive, have always been held to more scrutiny.  They always will.  And so it is that we have a president who is not trusted by many.  And I mean MANY.  His lack of understanding this concept has prevented the fair exchange of pleasant words between himself and his employers; We the People.  The saddest part is, the continued lack of trust many Americans have for Barrack H Obama stems from this lack of communications.  The socialistic actions he, his administration and the Congress have taken only exacerbate the lack of trust, lack of faith We the People have in our managers.    

PS: I’ve started to use the word manager instead of leader when it comes to politicians.  A manager is one in a position expected to be a leader.  There is no guarantee that manager will be a leader.  Conversely, a leader is not necessarily a manager, but has the ability to lead people through any issue, problem, project with strength.  For example, President Obama is a manager.  And even though he is now running for political office, ‘Joe the Plumber’ was a leader, who had the strength to ask the candidate Obama a question that drew an answer that opened millions of eyes around the world.  Try it; the RNC and DNC are the party management team; they are not leaders.  You get the idea.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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I finally received a reply from one of my Senators, and as promised, I would like to share the reply to the "reply" I received, which was nothing more than a mass-mailing Legislative update.  Fairly typical of what most of us experience anymore...At any rate, here is my reply to the "reply";

Charlie, please pass this on to Senator Chamblis---


Senator Chamblis;

Thank you for your regular legislative update.  I will presume that Charlie sent along the letter I wrote to you concerning the thoughts and feelings of myself and a very large portion of the American electorate, as well.  That particular letter wound up being sent to thousands upon thousands of people across the nation, and in turn sent to their representatives.  Please make no mistake...the voting record you have is not under attack for the most part.  The issue that is most predominate in the minds of many people is the degree of criminal and un-Constitutional conduct being forced upon us by an administration that is completely and absolutely out of control, and does not regard any Constitutional restraint as legitimate.  At issue is the simple and undeniable fact that you, and ALL of our representatives, right down to Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, refuse to acknowledge that which your constituents are screaming about at the top of our lungs and from the rooftops...and you continue to act as if nothing is wrong and it's still "business as usual."  

You have a unique duty before you...and one that you signed on for when you first ran for elective office.  At that particular time, it was not on the radar-screen of most any American citizen that an individual who considers this nation to be a corrupt and evil enterprise would ever ascend to the pinnacle of power that this current president has.  Jimmy Carter was bad enough, for God's sake.  But at least he still had some basic American virtues about him, even though he was a complete idiot. 

The Juggernaut we face today is entirely different, and has morphed our institutions into completely unrecognizable monstrosities that were imagined in the writings of our Founding Fathers.  And you sit idly by...

I understand on some level your decisions to not act on the charges brought forward by a great, and growing, number of people. And it is wholly based on that understanding that the charges of collusion and misprison of felony are now relevant.  The circumstances now before us stand as stark witness to the intentions of a man who promised to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America; an individual who was NEVER vetted by the Congress, at a time when his opponent, John McCain WAS by Congressional hearing. And you have sat idly by...silent...witness to the most egregious assaults on American Liberty, American exceptional-ism, and wanton destruction of free-market capitalism that has made this nation the most prosperous, and GENEROUS nation ever to grace the face of the Earth.

Understand also, Senator, that I have in my possession, and have read completely, the TALKING POINTS sent out to Congress to address the issue of which I speak...and it is nothing more or less than complete hogwash and bullshit...pardon my English.  This is in my view, and that of many others, the little incremental steps of totalitarianism brought to fruition and promoted by those who seek our destruction. 

If you assume, by your close association to the halls of power, that you know better than we do, you would be sorely mistaken and will have evidenced, by the negative content of your reply or failure to reply, that our attentions and protestations have indeed been warranted.   


James Seigfreid

Host-Founder's Quest: The Seigfreid-Toepfer Hour

with co-host Peggy Burgess

on Tea Party Radio Network  

The "talking points" mentioned was indeed a memo sent to the entire Congress to address the "birther" issue.  It cites this code and that code, blahblahblah, but what needs to be understood is the simple fact that Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the Constitution HAS NEVER BEEN CHANGED.  That would require a Con-Con.  And therefore, any law that is passed that is contrary to the law of the land, the Constitution, is null- and void, and of no effect.  I don't give a rat's hind-end how many letters and numbers are in front of it or behind it.  If it doesn't meet Constitutional muster, it is irrelevant.


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Please vote for me in tomorrow's Alaska Republican caucus as a write in vote. I lived in Alaska. I will be a strong leader. We will increase our domestic energy production. We will have a flat personal and corporate income tax. Reduced government regulation. Eliminate the Department of Education, reduce the size of government. Preserve social security and medicare. Reform medicaid. No life long entitlements for able-bodied persons. Create job programs. Eliminate 'Obama care' and make common sense health care reforms that keeps the government out of our lives. Clean up violent crime in the streets. Offer rehabilitation for first time drug offenders, don't fill the jails with them. Secure our borders. Enforce the immigration laws on the books. Create a 'fast track' visa program for regular immigrant workers. Have them pay taxes. No government benefits for illegal aliens, except emergency medical care. Rebuild NASA. The federal government should not be involved in anything the states or the private sector can do. We will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapos or allow any other nation or organization threaten our national security. It's time to wipe out the Taliban or accept their surrender. The Taliban harbored Al Qaeda. We need to stop trying to change the "hearts and minds" of a stone aged society. Defeat or surrender of the Taliban and then get out. We will defend our allies, but stay out of civil wars, unless there is a defined threat to our security. We will not apologize to other nations. We ware a free nation. We will not allow the founding fathers to roll over in the graves because of the "Hope and Change" ideas of President Obama.


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Don't forget to tune in to Tea Party Radio tonight for another guest appearance from N.H. Rep. Harry Accornero!  Rep. Accornero will be bringing us up to speed with the progress he's been making regarding the BOZO in the White House, and other things as well.  Also, on Friday, be sure to be here for Hair-On-Fire Friday on Founder's Quest!  Columnist Burt Prelutsky will be with us again with his humorous and often irreverant take on all things political.  Check out his columns on the Patriot Post and World Net Daily, and also on his website!  Hope to see you there!

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I Stand Beside Brother Rush!

4063467300?profile=originalShowing himself to be a class act, Rush Limbaugh apologized to Ms Fluke. Rush further explained that his apology was not the result of losing sponsors. Rush said he turns down millions of dollars in sponsors each years. Rush said he apologized because he realized he had taken his sarcasm, to prove a point, a bit too far.

Folks, when I was a little boy, I said I wanted to grow up to be a man. What was my image of a man? My dad and Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry. Both men seemed to always try to do the right thing regardless of the consequences or people's opinions.

It frustrates me that whenever a conservative says the wrong thing or makes a mistake, conservatives run for the tall grass to distance themselves from our colleague caught in the media's crosshairs.

Well, I “ain't” doing that! Unapologetic, I love brother Rush!

I am not going to waste your time, stating the obvious about the media's hypocrisy regarding defending women. We all know they never defend conservative women, when viciously attacked.

I thought, “Oh my gosh, what if the left finally succeeded in getting the FCC to kick Rush off of the air? What would we do?” But then a truth I have learned over the years, gave me peace. As much as I appreciate Rush's efforts and extremely powerful influence in our tea party movement, no man is our source. God is our source.

Sadly, we lost brother Andrew. King Obama has decreed, bring me the head of Rush Limbaugh. Obama and his mainstream media machine's evil efforts will fail. Cause last time I checked, God is still in control. Hang in there patriots, we're gonna win!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Million Veteran Program (MVP)

4063261168?profile=originalAmerica’s planners are now taking a survey called MVP. The Department of Veterans Affairs has invited this World War II veteran to participate in research on how genes affect health and illness.  I read about that some time back. I asked the author of the article from whence comes the genetic code. His answer: “We don’t get into that.”   The truth is departmentalized.  Religion is responsible for telling us the origin of the genetic code.  Religion tells us it is supernatural.  It is the same as saying religion doesn’t  know.  In my view, MVP is building its house on sand.

The Department of Veterans Affairs should be conducting a study on where the genetic code originates. They have the cart before the horse.  If we knew where the genetic code originates, maybe there would not be a Department of Veterans Affairs.  Maybe there would be no wars. Maybe we would live together in peace.

What I’m saying is that we bottom-fish are in a better position to determine our future. We could each figure a better plan than those we have granted a trust.  This is not saying that our genes don’t play a role in our health.  I’m saying we little people are not blinded by surface reflections.  

There is no supernatural.  The knowledge is all there for the asking. “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you who if his son ask bread will give him a stone?" (Matthew 7:7-9)

I’ve finished writing In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. MVP has given me a new challenge—writing about the mechanics of the universe.  It is time that we know answers to a lot of pressing questions.  For if we don’t, soon we could end history written in the rocks, future inhabitants of the planet  to dig up our remains and try to determine what happened.


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Find out who owns Mitt Romney & who will own your government if he is elected!
Since first setting eyes on the White House, Mitt Romney and his backers have spent over $200 million - including $44.6 million of his fortune - on a seven-year quest for the Republican presidential nomination.
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Eric Cantor, once thought to represent Tea Party values, has more than once disappointed his supporters.  His latest insult to the values of the Tea Party came when he endorsed liberal leaning Mitt Romney who in no way reflects conservative values.
Mitt Romney gained a powerful supporter today when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced his endorsement of the front-runner—just days...
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Be Encouraged 3/5/12

Howdy all!  Tomorrow is looking to be a harrowing day.  There’ll be lots of pushing and shoving to start the week.  Mayhem, crisis management, the whole works.  And what all this effort is for is knowledge, just knowledge.  I mean all this effort to get the Great Dane in the car to check his leg brace may break my back!

Any hoo,..

In the language of the Holy Writ, there was a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time is now coming! ~ Reverend Peter Muhlenberg, 1776

We did not ask for this fight, but we will not run from it. ~ Timothy Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of NY, 3/4/12

I saw an article about the issue between the Catholic Church and the government concerning the mandate on supplying contraception.  This story is bigger than the trampling of first amendment rights on Catholics.  It tramples on everyone’s first amendment rights.  It also has the potential to encroach over all of our rights if this is left unchecked.  So the stance being taken by Cardinal Dolan is historic, monumentally historic.  Christians, Jews, Wiccans, Atheists, Agnostics, everyone who has the desire to use the first amendment for religious freedom, from any and all aspects must pay the closest attention to this.  This is not about one faith’s beliefs.  It is about the future of anyone to believe in any faith, doctrine; or even to have the right to believe in no religion.  For, if we lose the freedom of religion, it should be expected that we will also lose the freedom to not believe.  We may even be mandated to believe in one faith, doctrine, religion.  Does Caliphate sound familiar?

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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If you don't read all this you will waste your time.

Social Engineering by the left


Perhaps as my wife says, "I think too much".  She is most likely correct,  but I try to understand every situation and individual I deal with before I act of form an opinion.  I've been trying to understand why so many on social assistance programs remain there most of their lives.  So, as I often do, tried to see life from their perspective.  I, mentally, placed myself in a situation where I had never had a parent who held a steady job.  A life of living in public housing receiving health care in public clinics.  Living in areas where everyone around you had the same life experiences as you.  A place where everyone was accustom to monthly visits by people from the government wearing suites and carrying briefcases.  The suits would come to see that you were following the rules.  Rules that dictated  your husband or father was not allowed to be anywhere close or you would be put out on the street.  Rules that made it a crime if you had more than the masters thought you should.   Rules which, by their very nature, created an atmosphere where there was only gray and crime would fester because of their infectious social engineering. 

I soon abandoned my effort to place myself in that mental state.  I got the picture.  If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of the welfare scam you are no more than a prisoner.  It is what it is, Because you have been limited in every way by the fear of being without shelter or food you have become a prisoner.  You are robbed of your dignity, if you ever had been allowed any in the first place.  You individual identity is no more than a million others around you, no one cares "who" you are you are just a case number to them.  And when you became a "case number" you became property of the federal government.  Therein lies your identity, a number, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on into the millions.  All the little numbers printed on page, packed in boxes neatly stacked in an office so some bureaucrat can justify the bloated salary he never earns before he goes home in his fine car to his beautiful home, far away from the squalor you call home.    And all the while there you are, despised by the people who's taxes pay for the programs you have come to despise.  You have come to despise the programs because you know there is a better life.  If only those who pay for the programs knew how much you wanted free of it all.  If they only knew how much you would appreciate an opportunity over handouts, that you welcome the chance to try and maybe succeed or maybe fail and try again.

As I said in the beginning, I am a conservative, I am right wing.  However I am not Democrat or Republican nor am I Libertarian.  I am simply a conservative and as such I firmly believe in individual responsibility. Rugged individualism, that makes a man free, truly free.  With it he is his own and no one holds any part of him, he knows respect, dignity and Honor.  Social programs have robbed many millions of Americans of knowing this, the greatest way to live and the only way to know true Freedom.  Those caught up in these social schemes are told if they do not vote for the left, Liberals, Democrats and Progressives they will automatically be put out on the street.  This is a lie that keeps the fear in place and condemns those imprisoned by these programs exactly where the left wants them, without any opportunity to get out of that prison.

This is the naked truth, I only hope for once in our history we can stop the vicious circle set in motion by Liberals and progressives many years ago.  If those on these programs will at least consider what is presented here we might just see opportunity for all at last.


Art Phillips


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As we near the Nov-2012 election, more and more Americans are realizing how crucial it is. Help Americans join the crusade to get out the vote by sending a reminder: How's That "Hope & Change" Working for You? sticky notes. Bring your own pad with your written message, or pick up some pre-printed pads at Patriot Depot, join the Facebook campaign.


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Look at this lady - Let us never forget! 
The world hasn't just become's always been wicked. The prize doesn't always go to the most deserving.

Irena Sendler 
12 May 2008 (age 98)
, Poland  

During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. 

She had an 'ulterior motive'. 

She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews (being German). 

Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack, (for larger kids). 

She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. 

The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises. 

During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants. 

She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely. 

Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard. 

After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it and reunited the family. 

Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted. 

In 2007 Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize. 

She was not selected. 

President Obama won one year before becoming President for his work as a community organizer for ACORN and 

Al Gore won also --- for a slide show on Global Warming. 


I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message.

I hope you'll consider doing the same.. 

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. 

This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the Six million Jews, and millions of others  who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated! 

Now, more than ever, with Iran and others, claiming the HOLOCAUST to be 'a myth'. 

It's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again. 

This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide! 

Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around the world. 

Please send this e-mail to people you know and ask them to continue the memorial chain. 

Please don't just delete it. 

It will only take you a minute to pass this along...
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An educational campaign strategy

Totalitarianism is on the rise every where because advocates of big government have taken leadership control of the power centers within every society. Power centers are organizations and social groupings such as political parties, labor unions, church groups, media centers, and professional societies-that hold political power based on their claim to represent their members and on their ability to lead public opinion. It has taken many years for them to achieve this dominance over society, but they have succeeded. It does no good to complain or to theorize about what should be done. As long as advocates of big government hold power, nothing will change.
An educational campaign strategy should be used by more candidates in order to bringing this understanding to the electorate, only then can we bring about change.

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