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Dear Fellow Patriots:
What follows is a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator today requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations recently made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces:
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:
“March 7, 2012
The Honorable Tom Udall
United States Senate
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3101
Dear Senator Udall:
On or about January 5, 2012, I informed you that I had requested that our New Mexico Secretary of State remove President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot because I believed that he was ineligible to be our President and/or the Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces because he did not meet the Constitutional “natural born citizen” eligibility requirements.
For your information, to date I have not received a response to my request from our Secretary of State’s office and recently informed our Secretary of State and Governor of this fact, although I did end up getting my response to my complaint indirectly from another fellow New Mexican patriot, as documented below:
On or about February 20, 2012, I received an email from Mr. Jerry Clark from Las Cruces, who filed a similar complaint with the Secretary of State’s office on January 9, 2012, informing me that on February 10, 2012 the Associated Press had reported the following information regarding the NM 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot:
- Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul have earned a place on New Mexico’s June 5 primary election ballot.
- Secretary of State Dianna Duran said Friday that President Barack Obama was certified to appear on the Democratic ticket.
- Other Republican or Democratic presidential candidates can get on the primary ballot by submitting about 16,000 voter signatures to the state by March 12.
- A committee of state officials and leaders of the state Republican and Democratic parties nominates and certifies presidential candidates for the primary election.
On or about February 22, 2012, I received another email from Mr. Clark, who shared an email that he had received on February 17, 2012 from Mrs. Bobbi Shearer, Director of the Bureau of Elections that informed him that she had forwarded his and other similar complaints to Chief Justice Charles Daniels, Chairman of the New Mexico Presidential Nominating Committee, who reviewed the complaints and drafted an opinion in response to those complaints, which basically stated that “state law cannot grant either the Secretary of State of the Presidential Nominating Committee the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office.”
To be honest with you and with all due respect, after taking time to read and digest Chief Justice Daniel’s opinion on this disturbing issue, I was flabbergasted and in disbelief because I took the time to re-read the ‘2012 Candidate Guide’ that the Secretary of State’s office had provided me and I can’t seem to find anything in that guide that would preclude the ‘Presidential Nominating Committee’ or the ‘Secretary of State’ from having ‘the power to determine the federal constitutional qualifications of candidates for federal office.’
I am not a lawyer and don’t claim to be one, but, as I mentioned to you in my letter of November 18, 2011, it seems to me that our entire electoral system has been turned upside down and/or has been hijacked by individuals/groups with deep pockets who seem to have their own agendas that are extremely different from the ordinary American citizen like myself who still believes in and loves this great Country/Republic of ours as it is.
I am sure that by now you are aware that on March 1, 2012 Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona held a news conference to reveal his Cold Case Posse’s five-month investigation into President Obama’s birth records.
For some reason I am not surprised to find out that Sheriff Arpaio’s first ever groundbreaking investigation into President Obama’s birth records is being ignored by the Main Stream Media and the sheriff himself is being personally attacked by President Obama’s administration.
I believe that Sheriff Arpaio is doing his job by listening to those citizens of Maricopa County that elected him into office and thus is charged with serving. Sheriff Arpaio knew that being personally attacked by the highest levels of our government was sure to come. After all, Sheriff Arpaio spearheaded the first-ever law enforcement investigation of President Obama’s birth records only to unearth evidence indicating ‘probable cause’ that a systemic effort to obscure the truth surrounds President Obama’s birth and citizenship took place.
The Cold Case Posse, comprised of retired law enforcement officers and subject matter experts have not yet determined who, when or exactly how the long-form computer generated birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011 may have been forged, but the PDF file itself and important deficiencies in the process of certifying the long-form birth certificate establish probable cause that a forgery has been committed and are asking that Sheriff Arpaio elevate the investigation into a criminal probe because they have identified a person of interest. The Posse is currently conducting an ongoing investigation to determine whom the forger or forgers were, along with President Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number.
Nearly, one year ago, the White House held a formal news conference to discredit the so-called “birther” movement and to announce “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaii birth, in the hopes that this would make him Constitutionally-eligible to be President of the United States.
Unfortunately for President Obama, the alleged “birth certificate” posted on the White House’s website on April 27, 2011 opened an even larger can of worms as dozens of experts, to include several ex-CIA members, have asserted that the document is fraudulent, which I also informed your office about in my letter of June 23, 2011.
President Obama has refused to allow access to supposed original documentation in the state of Hawaii, where he claims he was born, as well as other documents, such as passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.
Whatever ‘original’ documentation he provides is riddled with red flags, yet it seems that President Obama still thinks he can win. President Obama believes he is above the American people and above the U.S. Constitution.
President Obama and the Main Stream Media have resorted to personally attacking Sheriff Arpaio as part of a larger attempt to discredit and detract from what Sheriff Arpaio’s volunteer team of experts are saying after the first-ever law enforcement investigation of President Obama’s birth records.
That’s the results obtained by Public Policy Polling when voters in Ohio, Georgia and Tennessee were asked “Do you think President Obama was born in the United States, or not?” In Georgia, 38 percent said Obama was not born in the U.S. and another 22 percent were unsure; in Ohio, 37 percent said Obama was not with 21 percent unsure; and in Tennessee, NEARLY HALF (45 percent) of voters say that President Obama was not born in the U.S. and 22 percent were unsure.
Another recent poll shows half of registered voters would like to see Congress investigate.
But apparently that’s not enough for Congress, which has thus far FAILED to get involved just like they have FAILED to challenge President Obama’s usurpation of our legal system.
Investigation highlights and preliminary findings of the Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse volunteer law enforcement investigation include:
- Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery, not a scan of an original 1961 paper document as represented by the White House
- An examination of the postal date stamp on Obama’s Selective Service card leads investigators to believe the document is a forgery
- Missing records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards provide further evidence of systemic conspiracy. After requesting ten years’ of microfilm records of airline passengers arriving on flights originating outside the United States, there was only one week of missing data at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., August 1 through August 7, 1961 – the week of Obama’s birth.
- An individual testified under oath to investigators that he was introduced to Barack Hussein Obama in leftwing anti-government terrorist William (Bill) Ayer’s front yard. According to the signed affidavit, Barack Obama was introduced to him in 1980 as a FOREIGN student “they” were trying to help get into college and obtain financial aid.
Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, consisting of retired law enforcement officers, lawyers, and subject matter experts, examined dozens of witnesses and hundreds of documents. They have also taken sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Sheriff Arpaio has suggested that the president put all this to rest by simply demanding that the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm, and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession.
But it seems that President Obama is too busy fundraising to bother with the legitimate concerns of the American people.
I am hereby requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.
Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below my name should you have any questions regarding my request.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.
Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.
God Bless You and God Bless America.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:
Thank you for your message!
I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.
Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”
Note: Americans are waking up!
Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.
Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.
Word of Caution: Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.
So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.
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“Food For Thought”
God Bless Sheriff Arpaio & His Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Whether or not to fill one’s automobile with gas used to be a relatively simple decision. If the needle said E or close to E, you filled the damn tank and moved on.
However, with Barack Obama and Steven Chu (Obama’s Anti-energy guru) in charge, “filling it up” requires an advanced degree in economics to assure that one is making the most prudent decision without threatening the kids’ education, retirement plans, health care options, and other major areas of life that need proper fiscal attention and discipline.
This outrageous conundrum is yet another example of big -government Marxism gone amuck, where elitist bureaucrats work 24/7 to get Americans out of their automobiles, ostensibly to end the nation’s reliance on oil.
Especially foreign oil, like that which comes from unstable Middle-Eastern nations where terrorism is the only commodity that exceeds petroleum when it comes to exports.
Just to be safe, the Obama-Chu war on energy has been expanded to include non-Middle East nations which are not officially designated as sponsors of terrorism, but which arouse progressive suspicions none the less.
Like Canada and the Keystone Pipeline which, had it not been for Obama, would have put 20,000 Americans back to work in an economy all but devastated by out-of-control spending, massive deficits, and the incoherent and incompetent meddling of a naïve Marxist who has never balanced a budget in his entire life, and who finds the very notion of limited spending to be racist and Anti-American!
Thus, while middle-class Americans face the looming threat of $5 a gallon gasoline, or worse, the Obama “progressive” energy strategy is: “Let them pump algae!”
Just how in the hell is algae supposed to help the unemployed plumber in Los Angeles who needs to drive 10 miles for a job interview, but cannot afford the gasoline needed to motor him to the first employment nibble he has had in seven months?
Of course, left-wing elitists like Obama and Chu do not concern themselves with mundane issues like the price of gasoline.
Indeed, out-of-touch elitists are so shielded from the realities of life that $5 or $6 a gallon gasoline is important only when it is perceived as being a significant threat to the president’s approval ratings and re-election prospects!
Obama and the Democrats: “Party of the Little Guy”?
Don’t be silly!
U.S. Troops Killed by Afghans They Armed & Trained
Filed under MIDDLE EAST, NEWS, WARAs the Koran burnings in Afghanistan and the deadly uprising that followed dominate the headlines, another important issue — perhaps the elephant in the room — is being largely overlooked: American and NATO soldiers are regularly being killed by members of the very same Afghan police and army they are arming and training. And the number of deadly incidents is on the rise.
Just in the last two weeks, more than a few Americans have been killed by the Afghan regime’s forces they are supposed to be allied with — known as the Afghan National Police (ANP) and the Afghan National Army (ANA). Tens of billions of U.S. tax dollars have already been pumped into Afghanistan’s “security” apparatus.
Last Thursday, two more U.S. soldiers became the latest victims of the scheme to arm and train Afghan forces. Staff Sgt. Jordan Bear, 25, and Spc. Payton Jones, 19, were killed by two Afghan soldiers and an accomplice at a joint military base in southern Kandahar, according to officials cited in news reports.
Parents Frustrated With Government School Failure Want Control
March 7, 2012 by Sam Rolley
Frustrated with the failed bureaucracy that has left one local school operating less-than-satisfactorily, parents in the small desert town of Adelanto, Calif., have decided to take over the school and fix its problems themselves.
Through a 2010 California law, the parents are working up a petition that will allow them to do such things as fire the school’s principal, close the school and reopen it as an independent charter.
“We just decided we needed to do something for our children,” Doreen Diaz, a parent organizing the trigger effort told The Washington Post. “If we don’t stand up and speak for them, their future is lost.”
According to the newspaper, Diaz’s daughter attends Desert Trails Elementary where last year two-thirds of students failed the State reading exams, half were not proficient in math and 80 percent failed the science exam. The school has reportedly for the past six years been ranked among the bottom 10 percent of schools in the State.
If the parents are successful, they are seeking to get preschool classes, a longer school day, a computer lab, every teacher to have a master’s degree, a full-time librarian and clean, working restrooms, among other things at the school. The district school superintendent says the demands are impossible to meet because of financial constraints.
Parents in other school districts throughout the Nation have taken similar steps. The Florida Legislature is voting on a parent trigger this week, and at least a dozen other States are weighing similar measures this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
As you read this, if you read this, I already know there are some that will be thinking, "does this guy really believe what he is saying"? So they don't have to post the question I will answer before it's asked, "yes I believe every word, otherwise I wouldn't waste time writing it". Furthermore, for those who might ask, I don't recall ever writing things I did not believe. For those who are atheists, you may want to skip reading this because I will be mentioning God, and "yes", I do believe in God for some very good reasons. Congressmen as you read this,..... oh, sorry I forgot,..... you don't read anything," my bad"!
I've heard people, over the past three or four years, expressing the same concern again and again. "Something strange is happening in the world, I can't put my finger on it, it's just a gut feeling I have." I have , also, heard, "it seems as though the whole world is going mad, just look at all the crime." Their fears aren't unfounded and they are correct that a type of madness is sweeping our nation. When day in and day out we turn on the news and hear of children being molested by people held in high regard in our communities. Some of them holding Honored positions within our government. Then we are told we need to "decriminalize" the actions of these predators because they are "youth attracted" and mean no harm. I suppose rape and murder are now just a new expression of love, or at least that is what the liberals want us to believe. I guess if you can hold a new born child in your hands and jam a hollow rod in the back of his or her skull to suck their brains out and kill them, it makes perfect sense.
It makes perfect sense to me when people elect a president who makes this God forsaken procedure lawful. It especially makes sense when that same president justifies it by saying, "if one of my daughters makes a mistake I don't want her punished with a baby". As I recall having a child is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind, but then I remembered Obama thinks he is God. God of hell I can accept, perhaps that's what he meant? If you add up all the unholy, immoral socially destructive behavior emerging in our nation you would be absolutely correct to say we have an epidemic of madness in America. A few symptoms of this madness our representatives in Washington have approved or considered approving are legalizing humans engaging in sex with animals, sodomy, and laws of religions which allow female infants and young women's reproductive organs to be mutilated or sewn closed. Makes me wonder, what obscene daemon of hell has "occupied Washington". Just the simple fact that this congress, or any congress, even entertains a fleeting thought of such matters is proof of their incompetence and moral depredation. Is this what we sent them there to do?
I could write an entire book exposing the symptoms of madness overtaking our great country. Symptoms like, the lies and deceit behind trillions of dollars stolen from the American people, which congress and the administration call debt that actually does not exist. Symptoms like, Congressmen and women paid millions of dollars when they cost millions of Americans their life savings, then did the hokey pokey all the way to their banks, which they also stole. As I said, I could write an entire book, but I need to get to the point of this.
There is a reason all this is happening now. There is a way to stop it and repair the damage. However, as hopeful as that may sound, I honestly don't see much chance that enough Americans are willing to do what's necessary to save their country or their Freedom.
If you have read this far you don't need sociology lessons and already know that human beings are social mammals. We all have needs, wants and desires. Up until recently most Americans had enough integrity and dignity to control the way in which they met their needs, satisfied their wants and dispatched their desires. Most of us achieved these ends without harming others and when necessary were willing to sacrifice. We did this practicing character traits of ethics, morality, and respect for others equal rights. The character traits I speak of didn't simply manifest as a result of our DNA, they were learned. The source of these learned traits is thousands of years old handed down generation after generation. It is the one and only thing that has made it possible for man to survive and achieve through the ages, it is the word of God, the Holy Bible. Modern law would not exist without it, mankind would still be scrambling about like animals clubbing each other to death over the bloody carcass of a dead rabbit or squirrel.
The Ten Commandments of God are responsible for mans survival and achievement. Without them man simply would have disappeared from the face of the earth soon after he appeared. The law of man will not and cannot protect anyone without the law of God, this I can prove. Take for instance, myself, I believe in God. If I were to discover, which will never happen, that God was not real, why would I continue to allow those who cheat and steal from me in government to get away with it? I wouldn't, without that moral compass I would find a way to get at them. Does anyone believe that I would give a damn about "man's law", not on your life. Furthermore, there isn't a great many like me if you consider our numbers against the population as a whole.
We are trained in modern warfare and tactics to a very high degree. Most of our number have real world experience and are capable of controlling just about any situation we want. What would happen to this world if all these individuals were told that morality was no longer something they had to consider, that there was no God to judge them and after this life it's over. I think any reasonable person can answer that question and the answer would be those types would rule all the rest. There would be no government, only tribes, and human life would be worthless.
If you keep in mind what I have just written and think of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, I believe you will start to get a picture of what we are up against on that front. Their moral compass is pointed in a much different direction. Their "Allah" allows them to dominate, by whatever means they desire, women and anyone not in their tribe. They are not governed by a God of love, peace and compassion. They intend to take over all mankind by fear, murder, terror and torture. God's Ten Commandments mean nothing to them whatsoever. If they did we would not be experiencing a war on terror or see women subjugated in ways that demoralize and dehumanize them all over the world. Women are no more than cattle or goats to radical Islam.
In the same context the crumbling of our society in America can be related to the absence of respect for God. Without respect and obedience to God's Ten Commandments there exists no moral compass. This is the reason certain individuals and organizations push so hard to have the Christian way of life removed from our nation. So long as Americans believe in God, have faith in him and practice his word, America cannot be overtaken by them. In recent years we have seen court orders removing the Ten Commandments from public view in many places. The excuse they always use is "separation of church and state", however, the way they present their arguments contradict the United States Constitution. Our current president and past three congresses have done more to destroy the moral compass of America than any other event or governing body in our history.
The results of their actions is clear for every American citizen to see. Economic collapse, increased white collar crime especially among government officials, moral decay, and the list goes on and on. Only when our citizens respect God and demand morality and ethics of their elected officials will this nation have any chance to continue as the "land of the free". America is being crushed under the weight of its own immorality. America is seen as the most sexually corrupt country on earth in the eyes of other nations. If you think that's cool I want you to know it is my country too. I have fought and bled for it and wish you would just get your nasty diseased ass out of America.
Art Phillips
"As the country gears up for the visit of Pope Benedict XVI, the Cuban authorities must be held to account for their continuous and escalating violations of religious freedom."
Andrew Johnston, Advocacy Director, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)
March 4, 2012
On February 28, 2012 Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) a Christian organization working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice, issued a press release denouncing the escalating violations of religious freedoms, citing the case of the Lady in White, Caridad Caballero Batista in the Eastern city of Holguin:'`
"Over the past two months and in the run up to Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the island next month, CSW has seen a sharp increase in cases of religious freedom violations in Cuba. CSW has received reports each Sunday since the beginning of the year that across the country members of the Ladies in White group, the majority of whom are Roman Catholic, are being prevented by state security agents from attending religious services, or are severely harassed when they attempt to do so."
The week of February 27 March 4, 2012 in Cuba was characterized by the same systematic brutal repression against men and women, human rights defenders who peacefully defend fundamental freedoms in the island. As these activists attempt to assemble, protest or go to Mass they are attacked by Cuban authorities and pro-government mobs with stones, clubs and even machetes.
Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia denounced that the political police has given orders to rip off and tear up any T-shirt or poster that says UMPACU ( Union Patriotica de Cuba) the initials identifying a coalition of human rights groups in Eastern Cuba or any other slogan or motto that authorities consider "offensive".
The ex political prisoner of conscience Angel Moya, who was confined for 24 hours in a prison cell where he was subjected to cruel treatment, denounced that these systematic short term confinements in such inhumane conditions are used to torture the activists in order to force them to stop their human rights activities
State Security agents in Havana warned the Ladies in White that they will not allow that any group of women dressed in white walk together through any street of the capital city, no matter the motive. In Placetas, central Cuba, the arrest of Yris Perez Aguilera, leader of the Rosa Parks Femenine Movement is significant in that a police official removed her pants inside a patrol car and threatened to sexually assault her.
On March 1, 2012, more than 700 Cuban activists sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI warning the pontiff that his visit could provide the wrong message to the regime to continue the present violent repression against those who peacefully defend civil liberties in the island: http://media.elnuevoherald.com/smedia/2012/03/01/16/52/1mWFwo.So.84.pdf (in Spanish)
The Cuban political prisoner Ernesto Borges, who's served 14 years of a 30 year prison sentence for espionage, has been on a hunger strike since February 10, 2012 demanding to be released under parole. His father, Raul Borges who has described his son's condition as "very delicate and serious" was denied access to his son this week but reported that a priest named Mario called the family on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 to inform them that Cardinal Jaime Ortega had gone to the hospital of the Combinado del Este Prison, following a meeting with Cuban authorities, and met with Ernesto Borges for more than an hour. The contents of the conversation were not disclosed. Raul Borges is demanding that his son be transferred to a regular hospital and fears that Cuban authorities want to do the same thing to Ernesto as they did to Orlando Zapata Tamayo and makes an urgent appeal to the world on behalf of his son."We are going to go to the prison every day to demand to see him, because we don't want to see him only after he is dead."
Copy of Ernesto Borges's sentence: http://pedazosdelaisla.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/sentencia-de-ernesto-borges1.pdf
Yasmin Conyedo and her husband, Yusmani Alvarez both remain under arrest since January 8, 2012 in the central city of Santa Clara. Yasmin Conyedo is an independent journalist of the group, United Antitotalitarian Front and a Lady in White. Her husband, Yusmani Alvarez is an activist of the Young Democratic League of Las Villas. They are both falsely accused of attacking the home of a communist party official in their hometown of Villaclara who had initially subjected the couple's home to a pro government mob attack the same day of the arrest. Yasmin was transferred to the Prison of Guamajal and Yusmani to the Prison of La Pendiente on January 16, 2012.
The following are some of the human rights violations reported from Cuba during the week of February 27 March 4, 2012:
February 27, 2012 Independent journalist Sayli Navarro reported from the central province of Matanzas that numerous activists were confined inside their homes that were surrounded by combined forces of State Security, Rapid Response Brigades and the National Revolutionary Police since 2:00 a.m. Other human rights defenders were physically arrested in the towns of Perico and Colon to prevent a meeting of the human rights group, "Partido por la Democracia Pedro Luis Boitel" that was going to be held in the house of the expolitical prisoner of conscience, Felix Navarro in the town of Perico. The arrests were violent as described by Juan Francisco Rangel: "The agent Alexander Guerra pushed me against the roof of the patrol car and hit my head". Among those activists who were arrested were: Angel Moya, Emilio Bringas (85 years old),Juan Francisco Rangel, Lázaro Díaz, Nelson Ruíz, Caridad Burunate, Carlos Olivera, Zoilo Delgado. Ivan Hernandez Carrillo sent a photo via twitter of the repressors around his home: http://pic.twitter.com/Qle1FbBHEx political prisoner of conscienceAngel Moya described where he remained arrested for around 24 hours: "In that (police) Unit, I was confined to a dark cell, without water, without my belongings, without a mattress, and completely infested with mosquitoes and without being allowed access to a phone to inform my relatives of my situation".
Ramon Bolaños Martin reported that Lady in White, Karina Quintana Hernandez was summoned to appear at 3:00 p.m. before a Police Unit of the Antonio Mella Municipality with the objective of preventing her assistance to Mass on Sundays and, particularly of trying to force her to stop being a member of the Ladies in White.
February 28, 2012 The activist Dany Lopez de Moya continued under arrest in Palma Soriano since 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 25, 2012 when he was brutally beaten by the police for wearing a T-shirt that said: "BOITEL, ZAPATA , WILMAN LIVE" and UMPACU . Activists reported they had information that he was vomiting blood as a result of the blows he received and was denied medical attention. Further information of this case will follow.
Rogelio Tabio Lopez reported that paramilitary forces carried out an act of repudiation in the Eastern city of Guantanamoagainst the headquarters of the human rights group "Movimiento Resistencia y Democracia" where activists were holding a meeting. Tabio Lopez also denounced that In the town of Caimanera in the province of Guantanamo, a paramilitary mob carrying machetes and clubs attacked and wounded human rights defenders.
Act of repudiation against the house of the Lady in White Karina Quintana, her husband, Ramon Bolaños Martin and their three children who were terrrorized by the eggs thrown against the front of the house. Bolaños reported that it was all orchestrated by the members of the Communist Party and the political police in Palma Soriano.
March 1, 2012 A violent arrest was carried out against the women, members of the Rosa Parks Femenine Movement in the central city of Placetas who were attacked as they were protesting before the Municipal Headquarters of the Cuban Communist Party. Yris Perez Aguilera was beaten and arrested by an officer, Yuniel Monteagudo, who pulled down her pants inside the patrol car and who threatened to rape her. The women remained under arrest, subjected to cruel and degrading treatment in prison cells until Saturday, March 3rd.
In Havana, human rights defenders, members of the secretariat of the 30th of November Democratic Party, were arrested when they were carrying out a peaceful protest at the Jose Marti Civic Plaza.
The wife of human rights defender,Hugo Damian Prieto, reported from Havana that her husband was arrested in their home in Havana, located at: Calle 89 #21410, entre 214 y 216 in the suburb of La Lisa.
March 2, 2012 Luis Enrique Lozada Igarza, a coordinator of UMPACU reported from the Eastern city of Contramaestre that his home was attacked by what he called "a hail of stones".
In Guantanamo, the home of the human rights defenders, Rogelio Tabio Lopez, his wife, Rosaida Ramirez Matos and their son Rogelio Tabio Ramirez was subjected to a search led by State Security and local police forces that began at 9:30 in the morning and lasted until 3 p.m. Both Rogelio and his son were beaten and arrested. The Lady in White Rosaida was detained and released. She denounce on Sunday, March 4 that her husband and son still remain under arrest at an undisclosed location and that she is unaware of the severity of their injuries caused by the beatings they suffered.
Cuban political prisoners Andry Frometa Cuenca, Leonardo Cantillo Galvan and Leoncio Rodriguez Ponce carried out a hunger strike in the Prison of Guantanamo in Eastern Cuba on February 23, 2012 to honor the memory of Orlando Zapata Tamayo and demand that the regime honor the announced pardon of prisoners that has yet to be met. Dozens of common prisoners joined in the hunger strike. Mareycy Columbie, wife of Frometa denounced that her hsuband was beaten and dragged to a women's prison on February 26 without clothes and confined in inhumane conditions and that authorities will not give her any further information. Hayde Galvan, mother of Cantillo is being denied information concerning the whereabouts of her son and his physical conditions.
March 3, 2012 In Eastern Cuba the following Ladies in White were arrested: In the town of Banes: Miladis Pinales and Marta Diaz Rondon. Pinales was released but the whereabouts of Diaz Rondon were unknown. In Holguin: Gertrudis Ojeda andCaridad Caballero.
March 4, 2012 On Sunday March 4, a total of 117 Ladies in White atended Mass throughout Cuba. Around 20 women were reported as detained and prevented from reaching their respective temples.
In Havana, Minardo Ramos Salgado, an independent union leader, was subjected to a short term arrest and threatened not to hold or participate in any meetings.
The Coalition of Cuban-American Women alerts the international community that the lives of those members of Cuban civil society who are actively and publicly struggling peacefully on behalf of fundamental freedoms are in danger. We are particularly concerned with the cases of the political prisoner Ernesto Borges, the activist couple Yasmin Conyedo andYusmani Alvarez, Yris Perez Aguilera and with the continued physical and mental harassment against members of theLadies in White, Laura Pollan throughout Cuba. International recognition of the peaceful resistance and solidarity for these human rights defenders is crucial. We make an urgent call on religious, civic, political, and cultural entities and its leaders, as well as to non-governmental human rights organizations worldwide.
Coalition of Cuban-American Women / Joseito76@aol.com / Laida A.Carro Blog:www.coalitionofcubanamericanwomen.blogspot.com
Facebook Page: Coalition of Cuban-American Women
Twitter: @COCAW1
Obama picked Super Tuesday to hold a press conference. He informed the press that the Republican candidates talk war with Iran, but as Commander in Chief he must do everything he can to promote peace. The Obama Administration, through the VA, is conducting the “Million Veteran Program Baseline Survey.” Obama stops with our earthly makeup. A study of our genes before an understanding of earth connected with heaven, stops before understanding that God is in each of us and we are each here for a God-directed purpose.
When socialist Bill Clinton was president, he answered a reporter’s question with this: “because is is.” That didn’t help him. When he was about to be impeached, Clinton hired a conservative Republican to advise him. He was smarter than Obama.
We are only supposed to know good. The “Good Lord” knows best—like flying airliners into the World Trade Center. It was disobedience of God’s will that brought on the 9-11 attack, at least according to radical Islam—any way you cut it a religious belief. Iran’s leaders inform us that there was no Holocaust. It was disobedience of God’s will that brought about the death of six million Jews—a religious belief. Jews are evil people, you know. Iran vows to turn them into dust. We are born in sin, you know. That is also a religious belief.
The religious idea has been with us since the year one that God—that is, various gods—frown on us and punish us for our sins. Obama goes about the Islamic world bowing and apologizing for America. In the name of protecting the environment, he does all he can to punish free enterprise, and then to the press says he has increased oil production, because he knows the press will repeat what he says, because he knows that the majority of people in America are trained to do what their Commander in Chief says—for the good of all. After all, who am I to know? Why would anyone listen to me? I have no power to change anything.
Polly want a cracker? Whatever Obama says, the bird-brain liberal press repeats. We were created with reason and logic, but most of us learn to jump through establishment hoops. Only a small minority question. I happen to be one of those.
It was not the luck of the draw that my life is good and others not so good, or even departed. Thousands of Americans have given their lives for a worthless cause. If we had intelligent leadership, we would not be involved in the Middle-East’s problem. We’ve lost big time. Yet those in the know keep telling us we are winning. The facts say otherwise. All these years of lost lives and trillions of wasted dollars and we have nothing to show for it.
Why do we have a VA, so we can learn how our genes work? Our genes don’t know anything but the automatic functions of our bodies. God gave us reason and logic. Why don’t we use it? We wouldn't need a VA.
It was not by coincidence that I had a bigger than life calling when I studied the Constitution and acted. It was God’s calling. The IRS did not accomplish its goal. It was forced to eat crow—and on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.
Obama called a press conference to inform the parroting press that he was aware of high fuel prices hurting the recovering economy, but that increased local oil production, as if he was responsible for that, would cause prices to come down. It was a campaign speech.
“God fearing” people go to God’s temple to worship. The day I looked within for my answers is the day things began to get better for me. God does not live in temples. We are not born in sin, but with God’s blessings. For centuries, in God’s temple, people have repeated “in earth as it is in heaven” without the foggiest notion of what they are saying. Bell’s theorem has shown in lab experiments that down to the smallest excitation there is conscious awareness and communication, however limited. The unified field theory Einstein pondered has been proven. The universe is one whole. But for the sake of convenience, over the centuries we’ve adhered to departmentalization.
The Founding Fathers put together a union of thirteen colonies for defense, after which they wrote a Constitution and Bill of Rights, having already violated their principles by allowing for slaves in the South. The South’s temple worshipers had their answer. God was punishing blacks. Not too smart. We paid for that expedience and are still paying. So much for temple worship.
My great grandfather owned a plantation in Mississippi. He was a slave owner. He left Mississippi during the Civil War and established a new life in Comanche, Texas. He married and had a son, my grandfather. My grandfather refused to talk about what happened in Mississippi. Nobody in my family knows what happened. I think my great grandfather was one of those people who questioned. Perhaps he was one of the voices of the past speaking to me when I read the Constitution.
It took a strong belief in my God-self to challenge the IRS, and I didn’t get my belief from temple worship. I got it from studying the Constitution and believing that voices of the past were speaking to me.
As a lawyer, Obama studied the Constitution and believed something else, perhaps what the people in Kenya believe, or maybe what the people in Indonesia believe. At any rate, what Obama believes is a mystery. It has been proven that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. We know for a fact that Obama is a socialist, who believes in the will of the majority, the God-given rights of the individual, zero. Obama does not hold American values.
Obama sees rights as government entitlements—that the God I believe in has no place in government. Obama says to me that I’m a slave of the majority. The majority, non-thinkers that they are, take orders from Obama and associates.
If Islam were in the majority, Christians would not have the right to exist. Is that what Obama wants? We don’t know, but his stands indicate it. We know that Obama favors the Palestinian answer. Praying to God didn’t help Jews in Nazi Germany. If Obama wins the election, what we can expect is not pretty. The will of the majority gave the world Hitler. Hitler was a socialist, for the common good as he saw it.
If you are one of those who knows only the good of all, you don’t know Jesus. If you use the reason with which you were created, you know that Jesus talked about hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Obama speaks of collective salvation. No socialist leader has ever brought the world anything but oppression. The only place socialism works is in Utopia. If you like socialism, that’s where you need to be. In Utopia, all anyone does is dream. Nobody acts. In America, you socialists have me and other actors with which to contend. We are told America is a Christian nation. Maybe Christians better quit repeating scriptures and start looking within for their answers.
PS. From Douglas Thomas, Ph.D.
Help me out here. We need to answer Douglas Thomas. Says Thomas:
"Much has been written about Barack Obama, but until now, no one has been able to capture the meaning behind his mystical rise to world prominence."
"He was searching for a place to call home and for someone who could assist him in how to embrace himself as a black male. He found both a sacred community and male guidance when he met Reverend Wright. In many ways, Reverend Wright is Obama’s biblical John the Baptist; the man who prepared peoples hearts and minds to receive Jesus. More than any other person, it was Reverend Wright who developed Obama into the person we now know and love. For this act of servitude, Reverend Wright must never be forgotten or dismissed. To do so would be equivalent to committing an abomination or an act of sacrilegious. For without a John the Baptist, who risked carrying the mystical fire, there would have been no light to shine on Jesus. Reverend Wright provided Obama with his entrance into manhood and politics. Because of this we cannot properly honor Obama without paying homage to Reverend Wright who will always remain the wind beneath Obama’s wings."
Reverend Wright "goddamed" America. Should everyone pay homage to Reverend Wright, the wind beneath Obama's wings? Now it is whites that God is punishing. Alas, we know where Obama is coming from.
Seems everyone has their mind on the Primaries. I want to know where are our Candidates on this issue?
By John W. Lillpop
Like starving sharks driven to frenzy by the sight and sweet smell of fresh blood in the water, liberal Democrats and left-wing moon bats masquerading as journalists are circling the studios of superstar Rush Limbaugh in anticipation of being able to silence dissent and the inconvenience of opposing views, once and for all.
For his “intemperate” remarks about Sandra Fluke, Rush is being portrayed as a despicable, woman-hating misogynist whose First Amendment rights to free speech should be permanently revoked, with no chance for reinstatement.
According to the left, Rush should be kicked off the air ways as compensation to Fluke, the 30-year-old parasite-Marxist, who believes that American tax payers should bear the financial burden for protecting her from the unintended consequences of her own sexual behavior.
Imagine that. An allegedly educated woman who, at the ripe old age of 30, actually believes that her sexual experiences, whatever they might be, should be unwritten by middle-class Americans who are struggling to make mortgage payments, fund education for their offspring, and plan for retirement, all the while trying to survive the withering economy brought to us by the failed Obama presidency.
Speaking of Obama, the fellow who should be working 24/7 to fix the economy that he ruined, who should be working to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear threat, and who should be tending to a a host of other vital issues, found time to join the Limbaugh-Fluke fray by placing a personal call to the abused 30-year-old in order to reassure the young thang that the government is ready and able to take care of her from cradle to grave, including picking up the tab for her ‘reproduction prevention’ needs.
Never mind that 45 million Americans are on food stamps, that Social Security is going broke, millions face foreclosure and bankruptcy, and that the federal deficit is fast approaching 16 TRILLION dollars.
None of that really matters, Sandra, as long as YOUR needs are being met.
Oh, and do not forget to register (Democrat, of course!) and by all means vote in November!
By the way, does anyone remember if Obama placed a comforting call to conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham when she was called a “slut” by MSNBC’s Ed Schultz?
Just asking.
FEMA: Executive Orders & The National Defense
Authorization Act of 2012
We all have witnessed the glowing reports of the fiasco's of the infamous FEMA escapades!
And how we have seen demonstrated the obvious evidence of bureaucracy over planning and
total disorganized; and ill-equipped implementation of their programs! From the allowance of
formaldehyde-laced mobile-homes; the unprepared distribution of supplies; and flagrant over
spending abuse; and lack of fiscal over-site.
At issue: FEMA, and the Executive Orders(listed below) that have the potential to impact your
life (legally) in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. Given world events, economic crisis,
shortage of natural resources and a general media 'blackout' resulting from unparalleled media
bias_this information is extremely relavant.
FEMA's enormous powers can be triggered easily. In any form of domestic or foreign problem,
percieved and not always actual, emergency powers can be enacted. The President of the United
States now has broader powers to declare 'martial law', which activates FEMA's extraordinary
powers. Martial law can be declared during times of increased tension overseas, economic
problems within the United States: such as depression, civil unrest, demonstrations of scenes
like 'the Los Angeles riots', or in a drug war crisis.
Here are just a few examples of Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend
the 'Constitution' and 'The Bill of Rights'. These Executive Orders have been on record for
nearly (30) thirty years and could be enacted by the stoke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of
transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the
communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical
power utilities, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of
transportation, including personal autos, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total
control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources
and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work
brigades under governmental supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education
and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national
registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate
entire communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be
abandoned, and establish new locations of populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over control of the
railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility the Office of Emergency
Planning, and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect during times
of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce
the plans set out in all the Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish
judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate all penal and correctional
institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal
department and agencies, consolidating (21) twenty-one operative Executive Orders
issued over a fifteen month period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency
to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution,
of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in the U.S. Financial
Institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state
of emergency is declared by the President, that Congress cannot review the action for
six months.
All these Executive Orders are available as public record, and all can(and should) be researched
and verified. Make sure your “Google Privacy Setting” have been set to not collect your web
search history.
There have been three times since 1984, FEMA stood on the threshold of taking control of the
nation. Once under President Reagan in 1984, and twice under President George H. Bush(Sr)
in 1990 an 1992. But under all of those three scenarios, there was not a sufficient crisis to warrant
the risking of 'martial law'! Most experts on the subject of FEMA and Martial Law have insisted
that any crisis has to appear dangerous enough for the people of the United States before they would
tolerate or accept complete government takeover.
The typical crisis requires the threat of imminent nuclear war, rioting in several U.S. Cities
simultaneously, a series of national disasters that effect widespread danger to the populous,
massive terrorist attacks, a depression in which ten's of millions are unemployed and without
financial resources, or a major environmental disaster.
In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Directive No. 54, that allowed FEMA to
engage in a secret national 'readiness exercise' under the code name of 'Rex 84'! The exercise
was to test FEMA's readiness to assume military authority in the event of a “State of Domestic
National Emergency” concurrent with the launching of a direct United States Military operation
in Central America.
The plan called for the deputation of U.S. Military and National Guard units so that they could
legally be used for domestic law enforcement. These units would be assigned to conduct sweeps
and take custody of an estimated 400,000 undocumented Central American immigrants in the
United States. These immigrants would be interned at (10) ten detention centers to be set up at
military bases throughout the country.
REX 84 was so highly guarded, that special metal security doors were placed on the fifth floor
of the FEMA Building, in Washington D.C. Even long-standing employees of the Civil Defense
of the Federal Executive Department possessing the highest security clearances would be
used for the preparation for drawing up the emergency plan, which U.S. Attorney General
William French Smith vehemently opposed.
1]The plan called for suspension of the 'Constitution', turning control of the government over
to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and the
declaration of Martial Law. The Presidential Executive Orders to support such a plan were
already in place. The plan also advocated the rounding up and transferring to “assembly
centers or relocation camps” of approximately (21) twenty-one million American Negro
citizens, in the event of massive rioting or disorder, not unlike the rounding of the Jews
in Nazi Germany in the 1930's. And any Native American, remember the 'Trail of Tears”,
initiated during President Andrew Jackson's Administration. Nor the round up of all the
Japaneze-American citizens, after the 'Declaration of War' on Japan, during WW II
2]The second know time that FEMA stood by, was in 1990, when 'Desert Storm' was enacted.
Prior to President Bush's invasion of Iraq, FEMA began draft new legislation to increase 'Its'
already formidable powers. One of the elements incorporated into the plan was to set up
operations within any state or locality without prior permission of any local or state authorities.
Such prior permission has always been required in the past, since the beginning of this nation.
Much of the mechanism being set into place, was in anticipation of the economic collapse of
the Western Civilization. The war with Iraq may have been conceived, as a ploy to boost the
bankrupt economy, but it only pushed the West, closer to a deeper recession.
3]The third scenario for FEMA, came with Los Angeles riots, after the 'Rodney King butality
verdict'! Had the rioting spread to other cities, FEMA would have been empowered to step
in. As it was, major rioting only occurred in the Los Angeles area, thus preventing a pretext
for a FEMA response. On July 5, 1987, the Miami Herald, published reports on FEMA's new
The goal was to suspend the 'Constitution' in the event of a nation crisis, such as a nuclear
war, violent and widespread internal dissent, or national opposition to a U.S. Military
invasion abroad. Lt. Col. North was the architect. National Security Directive No. 52,
issued in August 1982, pertains to the “Use of National Guard Troops to Quell Disturbances”!
The crux of the problem is that FEMA has the power to turn the United States into a police
state, in the time of a real crisis,(or a manufactured crisis?)........Colonel North virtually
established the apparatus for a dictatorship. Of course, the were many others standing around,
in the positions of power, that knew exactly what was being set into motion. They've been
managing to go unidentified, till NOW!!! Only the criticism of the Attorney General Smith
prevented these plans from being adopted. But intelligence reports indicate that FEMA has
folder with (22)twenty-two Executive Orders for the President to sign in the case of an
emergency. It is believed those Executive Orders contain the framework of North's concepts,
delayed by criticism, but never truly abandoned.
Crisis, as the government now see it, is civil unrest. For generations, the government was
concerned with nuclear war, but the violent and disruptive demonstrations that surrounded
the Vietnam War Era, prompted President Nixon to change the direction of the emergency
powers from war time, to time of domestic unrest.
Diana Raynolds, program director for the Edward R. Murrow Center, has summed up the
dangers of FEMA today, and the public reaction to Martial Law in a so-called drug crisis:
“It was President James Madison's worst nightmare, that a righteous faction would
someday be strong enough to sweep away the 'Constitution restraints', designed by
the framers to prevent the tyranny of centralized power, excessive privilege, an
arbitrary governmental authority over any individual.
These restraints, the balancing and checking of powers among branches and layers of
government, and the civil guarantees, would be the first casualties in a drug-induced
'national security state' with President Reagan's Civil Emergency Preparedness
unleashed. Nevertheless, there would be those who would welcome the NSC (National
Security Council) into the drug fray, believing that increasing state police powers to
emergency levels, is the only way left to fight American's enemy within.
In the short run, a national security state would probably be a relief to those whose personal
security and the quality of life has been diminished by drugs or drug related crime. And, as
the general public watches the progression of institutional chaos and social decay, they too
may be willing to pay the ultimate price, one drug free America for 200 years of
Recognize the real dangers we are facing, the threat to our society is real.
A Canadian friend sent me this video. Please watch.
This video is very good although disturbing and frightening ... well-worth the time to listen to this man. Please watch, listen and pass this on. Very interesting. The speaker is an Indian Muslim who is warning us to wake up. He has tremendous courage and pulls no punches on what is happening with Islamist fascism. Make sure you listen to the end of the tape where he says we now have three members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House (and names them). He is elderly and in a wheel chair recovering from cancer treatments - perhaps that's why he has the courage to speak out. This is probably one of the most important messages of our day. He is a Liberal and campaigned for Barack Obama. What he says should scare the hell out of us. http://www.livestream.com/ideacity/video?clipId=flv_fd017d81-dc18-42cc-821a-18b86fdea840
MILF is an acronym used in pornography for "Mother I'd Like to F---". Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a MILF. Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a “dumb twat”. Bill Maher joked that Sarah Palin's Down Syndrome baby was the result of Palin having sex with John Edwards. Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a C-word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2OUJ8ZUTiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGE3G5kfzps
President Obama phoned Ms Fluke to find out if she was OK regarding the Limbaugh comment. To be consistent in his concern for women, shouldn’t President Obama give back the million dollar contribution to his super PAC from Bill Maher, a serial vitriolic abuser of Sarah Palin, who to the best of my recollection is a “woman”?
The liberal media is ignoring Obama's blatant hypocrisy in accepting campaign money from Bill Maher who has a history of down in the gutter disrespectful remarks about conservative women.
The truth of the matter is the democrats and liberal media do not give a rat's rear end about any of the voting blocs they claim to champion; blacks, women and etc. To the left “people” are just media props to be used to increase their power and further their socialistic agenda.
Democrats and media campaigning for Limbaugh to be forced off the radio have completely ignored, and in many cases joined in, the high tech lynching of black conservatives and the verbal raping of the dignity of conservative women. As far as the left is concerned, no attack is too much or comment too viscous/disrespectful when the subject is a conservative black or woman. Their glaring hypocrisy is outrageous.
Bill Maher received zero rebuke from the mainstream media for vulgarly calling Palin a MILF, dumb twat and c-word. Sarah Palin received zero sympathy from the mainstream media for Maher calling her a MILF, dumb twat and c-word.
What is the left's response to racist comments about black conservatives and sexual insulting comments about conservative women? They laugh!
Conservative presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on the NBC Jimmy Fallon TV show and the band played “Lyin' A-- B----”. For the most part, the mainstream media simply laughed.
So please forgive my uncontrollable gag response every time I hear mainstream media and democrats claiming to be defenders of minorities and women. If you are a black who rebels against your media assigned democrat massas and black plantation overseers, you are a “stupid n-----”, which I have been called on several occasions.
In essence, the mainstream media and democrats told black former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, Boy, you had better get your black butt back on our liberal plantation where you belong. Who do you think you are running as a Republican? You're due for a severe whippin'!
If you are a truly liberated woman who loves God, your husband and kids while also achieving success outside of the home, according to Bill Maher, you are a stupid, slut and a c---. And what is the media's response to these attacks on conservative blacks and women? Silence or laughter.
Folks, can you imagine what the media and democrats would do to a conservative repeating any of Bill Maher's comments referring to a “liberal” woman? Think about it – MILF, dumb twat and c-word.
Meanwhile, President Obama holds the telephone consoling Ms Fluke with one hand while accepting a million dollar super PAC check from Bill Maher, an unrepentant brutal abuser of conservative women with his other hand.
From David Gregory's interview with Newt Gingrich in which Gregory attempts to make the Limbaugh/ Fluke controversy the most important issue in America to the mainstream media's extremely loud silence about Obama accepting campaign funds from a serial abuser of women – the media bias is blatant, shameless, unpatriotic, characterless and just plain evil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PYrCF5jPsVM
Mainstream media how dare you ever again insult the intelligence of the American people telling us you care about women. You are nothing more than an arm of the Democrat National Committee and Obama Reelection Campaign. You sold-out your country to make a deal with the devil who promised you a Socialistic/Progressive hostile takeover of America. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Is the Tea Party dead or dynamic? In answer to Steve Eichler’s question, given the fact that modern technology is responsible for an economy many times as large as it otherwise would have been, the only reason for a weak economy can be government’s control, and a serious lacking in personal control. If you want to know what is wrong in America, look at Greece. Think about what Patrick Henry said.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
I speak for God. Politicians do the will of the people. When people become parasites, they breed parasites and corruption. Look at America’s entitlements and you have the complete answer for America’s problem. We were born to be free. To be free you must believe in God.
Once one convinces one’s self that he or she can’t control his or her life, that individual is not likely to ever gain back control. Government entitlement is made to order for that individual. If America is to be saved, then the means to reverse the process must be found. All I’ve heard is how to deal with the symptoms of the disease—government entitlements.
A healthy economy will never take place until government entitlements are ended. They should be ended the way they started, and the way to do that is to quit putting people entering the workforce on government entitlement programs. The Democrats are half right—make up the shortfall in revenue by taxing the rich more. The Republicans are half wrong. They want to keep government entitlements. The result is stalemate—standing pat and watching America go morally, spiritually, and fiscally bankrupt.
Government entitlement has given America dependence on government. Government spends. Government does not produce. Politicians will never give up their means of control. It is up to the individual to look within for his answers. That’s something the authorities do not encourage. I can tell you this from personal experience. But I can also tell you that once I looked within for my answers, my life, which was in ruins, began to improve.
President Obama says he is spending our money on new methods of producing energy to save the environment—hundreds of billions of dollars for one percent of the energy requirements—he’s lying like a dog. As a consequence of Obama “saving the environment,” the price of fuel is skyrocketing. Obama is not saving the environment. That has been proven. In every way possible, Obama is making the strongest economy on earth weak. Give him credit for having sense. He has an agenda. Obama’s goal, the same as the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal, is total control. The world’s control freaks are working together to take over our lives. Of no consideration is millions of lives lost. We’ve seen it before and we are seeing it now.
Obama has no idea of the potential that lies in the individual. Do you? By looking within for my answers all my dreams came true—and all the time my government my greatest enemy. You will soon be privileged to read the truth in my book of memoirs In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.
The ancients predicted all that I am. I was not aware of that until I wrote my memoirs. The events of my life began to connect. Coincidentally, we are at the end of the Age of Pisces. Pisceans are not strong willed. They tend to look to external factors for a sense of direction. We are at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Aquarians are strong willed. They look within for answers. I’m Aquarius Rising. That means that as I age I would become more Aquarian. At midlife, I cut from the heard and went on my own. Inexplicably, when everything looked like it was going to go wrong for me everything went right.
Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. In The Gospel According to St. Matthew, we read that the Magi (Persian astrologers), led by the Star of Bethlehem, traveled to the place of Jesus’s birth.
The Magi predicted that Jesus would be born the king of Jews. When King Herod heard of this, he gathered his astrologers and learned that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary took the baby Jesus to Egypt. Herod killed every baby in Bethlehem and surrounding area. Human life means nothing to a certain type of those empowered. You never know.
In Matthew 6, Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by “No man can serve two masters,” followed by “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius, we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.”
In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, we read, “The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” We further read that “the planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States. Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution.”
In my Astrological chart, Saturn, the learning planet, is trine Pluto, the generational planet. In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Saturn trine Pluto, we read, “They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”
Is God in some far-away place or hidden within atoms? When I looked within for my answers, I found God. It seems to me that I’ve followed my course of destiny. I guess I’m a messenger. Ever since I looked within, God has never let me down. In earth as it is in heaven, welcome to the world Jesus predicted. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
I posted the following question as a comment to someone’s post on facebook. Unfortunately facebook deleted it immediately and froze my computer. I had to manually shut it down and restart it. This is not the first time facebook has exhibited questionable behavior and I wonder why? My question was- Does any university provide contraceptive or even health care coverage to their students? Does anyone have an answer to this question. Did they delete it because it’s a stupid question? I can’t get an answer from anyone on facebook.
More locations have been added. Rally against the Birth Control mandates and protect the first amendment. http://standupforreligiousfreedom.com/locations/#cities