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Who Is Nuts?

Miracles are associated with the supernatural, and the supernatural with external control. From the supernatural, we’ve seen Salem’s burning of witches at the stake. We’ve seen the World Trade Center brought to the ground and thousands of people killed.

What is it that causes miracles?  In my case, it wasn’t external. My good fortune is all internal. The mass of a body is a measure of its energy. Out of a release of energy came the universe. From releases of energy, from the explosions of supernovas, came the elements on which we depend. Releases of energy—cyclic, orderly, changing all—but the space-time universe is not all that is. Our human reality is relative to a great many factors we don’t see, at least at this time.

From the Big Bang came stars. Exploding stars gave us the elements that go to make our planet. The elements provided a place for life, making the statement that there is order in the universe—an orderly release of energy—but something more has come to the mind of science, something responsible for order. The universe is both quantitative and qualitative. First comes quality.  In all, from the smallest excitations, there is the quality of consciousness.  Consciousness, the substance of the newfound reality that defines the observer, says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, has fundamental existence.  We observers interact with matter.

Everything falls under natural law. Miracles are not supernatural. They just haven’t been explained yet.  While at sea, I saved seven lives, one of them being my own. The signs keep showing up. After thinking and going over my life these many times, I’ve come to realize how important we are, beginning with the individual, potentially creators of reality. Knowing this, it makes utterly no sense to allow external control freaks to make our reality.  

You know that from nothing you get nothing. For something to exist, it requires consciousness. Consciousness is eternal. When Bell’s theorem was put to experimentation, photons, tiny packets of energy, once connected, no matter how far separated, instantly communicated, giving rise to a holographic universe—the idea that it is the same information no matter where you are.  

Consider that the universe is more than the space time dimension.  The evidence is there. Consciousness, the substance of the newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence, says cutting edge of science Evan Harris Walker in the Physics of Consciousness

Various orthodoxies preaching the supernatural hold that we get only one chance. What better way to maintain control? “Lord, send them to hell if they don’t do what I tell them.” Say I, “to hell with them.”  I cut from the establishment, went on my own, and miracles occurred. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. 

What kind of a world would this be if everyone looked within for his or her answers?  Would we be killing one another? I don’t think so. There are those who think I’m a nutcake.  I think we are killing one another for the control freaks of the world. When have you heard even one of them ever hint what I say? Why aren’t we all struggling to gain control of others? Listen to them with that in mind.  Why is my life as good as it gets and their lives not so good? The answer: we are not sick in the head. They and their following are sick in the head.



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Willie Nelson: Occupy The Food System

Willie Nelson: Occupy The Food System

February 17, 2012 by Sam Rolley 

I was sent this info in an email.


Willie Nelson has been a longtime advocate of family farmers.

Country star Willie Nelson is joining the fight against corporatism in America, though his focus is not on the banksters on Wall Street.

Nelson is calling on Americans to occupy the food system, saying that corporate control of food production is destroying soil and putting millions of family farmers out of business.

Nelson writes in a recent statement:

From seed to plate, our food system is now even more concentrated than our banking system. Most economic sectors have concentration ratios hovering around 40 percent, meaning that the top four firms in the industry control 40 percent of the market. Anything beyond this level is considered “highly concentrated,” where experts believe competition is severely threatened and market abuses are likely to occur.

Hundreds of citizens joined Occupy the Food System groups outside the Federal Courts in Manhattan on Jan. 31 to support organic family farmers in their landmark lawsuit against agribusiness giant Monsanto. Arguments were heard that day concerning the lawsuit by 83 plaintiffs representing more than 300,000 organic farmers, organic seed growers and organic seed businesses.

The suit alleges that Monsanto has attacked organic farmers, threatening patent infringement lawsuits if the farmers have any genetically modified seeds on their land. But the organic farmers really want nothing to do with the genetically modified seeds in the first place. The organic farm community contends that Monsanto’s lawsuit threats are simply a ploy to put small, family-owned farms out of business, thus further monopolizing agribusiness. A judge will decide whether the farmers’ suit will go to trial on March 31.



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Apologize, why should I?  Until you contacted me I really hadn't considered it, what's more, I can't think of any logical reason why I should.  Simply because I'm  not shy about the fact I have no admiration or respect for Baraka, most of his administration and many in the house and senate.  No, I will not apologize for it.  However I will say, I completely lack any respect for them, you and I offer the following in support of the contempt you and they have earned.

 I'm not a "touchy feely" kind of guy like liberals and progressives.  If someone acts like an idiot or behaves like a fool I am not going to entertain their ignorance and stupidity.  I have no difficulty letting them know they are either an idiot, a fool or stupid and often, as with this administration, all three.. 

A large part of my ancestry is Native American mixed with a little Irish, German and I've been told some black.  I claim my Native American blood more than the rest, it fits best with the way I think.  I consider myself fortunate to be of mixed breed because it gives me a better chance of  having some beneficial character traits than a pure breed might have.  I mention this only so you have some idea with regard to my point of view.

Because of my heritage some might believe I should have less pride in our country than someone who's ancestors came here from Europe.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  When I reflect on the sacrifice and struggle that "brought forth upon this land a new nation" I understand the desperate need of mankind to be free.  My God given right to be a free man is a powerful emotion I hold dear.  When I contemplate the reality that there are those who seek to remove my freedom, tell me how I think, raise my children, where I may and may not go, etc an instant rage overtakes my very spirit.   

 America, because of the vision of a few courageous, wise, and loyal men, became the greatest achievement of mankind in the history of the world.  This achievement came at a very high price for those who struggled and fought to make their vision a reality.  On September the twelfth, seventeen eighty seven, a single document, inspired by God and forged by the blood of patriots, gave birth to the greatest nation on earth.  This document, nothing more than words on a piece of parchment, became the most powerful utterance of mankind in the history of the world, and it remains so today.  Originally thirty nine men signed the Constitution Of The United States Of America, each staking their fortunes, their sacred honor and their very lives on it.

America became beacon to those living under tyrannical governments and totalitarian regimes.  It became a beacon of hope offering every man woman and child the dream of freedom, liberty and justice.  By the thousands they came, all willing to accept the rules and laws necessary to become a part of this glorious experiment in human dignity.  It wasn't easy for them, but then what worthwhile thing is easy. 


They struggled to make their lives in America and all were rewarded for their sacrifice.  Almost every one of them became outstanding citizens and never complained about the hard work or that the government didn't feed, clothe and house them.  All they felt was gratitude, because they were at last free.


The United States of America is very different now.   Far too many  America's citizens have been manipulated, cheated and robbed of their dignity.  Millions of our citizens have been enslaved by ultra rich people calling themselves Liberals and Progressives who hide behind the guise of being Democrats.  These Liberals and Progressives created the most destructive programs to human dignity ever devised.  They disguised their scheme as a compassionate humanitarian effort called welfare and food stamps.  They knew once they had a large segment of the population accepting their poison it would be like an addictive drug.  They would then control their victims lives.  The most immoral part of their scheme is the how it destroys its victims individual identity and dignity.  Those caught up in the welfare and food stamp scheme will never know the pride and dignity of knowing individual responsibility.  Their lives will always be limited by the attitudes of filthy rich Liberals and Progressives who decide how much or how little the "disadvantaged" should receive.  Welfare, food stamps and almost all government assistance programs have evolved into permanent chains of slavery for those who receive it.  Every time I find myself in need I never seek assistance from any government program.  The only place I ever seek assistance is inside myself, there is always a way I can succeed in America without selling my dignity and honor to some politician.  Anyone receiving government assistance is not free, they have simply accepted slavery.


So, Again Mr. Congressman, apologize?  Never, why don't you apologize for your inhumanity, corruption, disloyalty and abuse of our Constitution and your position?  I'll be glad to accept your apology here on Face Book as well.  No, I won't publish your name, though I should, you simply have too much company amongst your peers to single only you out.  There is more Congressman, if you can handle truth keep reading, I will be surprised if you have read this far.   I continue:


America Is and has been from its founding the greatest nation on earth.   The undisputable and only reason our Republic is in trouble at this time is a direct result of dysfunctional leadership, misguided and corrupt welfare programs, and a great lack of ethics and morality in the Whitehouse and halls of congress.  The United States will again be the great nation is has always been.  However, congressman, it will have nothing to do with you or anything you say or do.  It will be because Freedom loving people will see to it that you and those like you are removed from your positions.  You already know this, you can see the contempt most have for you, you no longer enjoy the respect or  positive regard you once did. 

 Hopefully when you are out of office we won't be bothered by you again, if you have any self respect you will simply fade into obscurity and keep your dishonest mouth shut.  I would hope many of you are tried for the theft, treason and other crimes you have committed against our people and our Constitution.  Apologize? Hell no!

Not too long ago we were Honored and privileged to have a president known as Ronald Reagan, now we are cursed with a tyrant known as Baraka Obama along with the two most incompetent congresses America has ever known.   We have come to a point where intelligence has been replaced by intellectual ignorance, intellectual narcissists and credential worshipers.  Our highest positions are held by elected officials many of whom are ignorant of ethics, devoid morality, and completely incapable of performing the duties and responsibilities of their offices.  Because they are unable to do their jobs and they lack even a small amount of courage they are willing to allow the most destructive unconstitutional president in history destroy what millions sacrificed and died for.

And finally I want to let you know one thing your Liberals and Progressives have given us where our society has  broken down.  It makes sense that there would fewer women becoming Lesbians if fewer men were of the "touchy feely" kind.  For sure there would be fewer homosexual men if society would allow boys to be boys and grow into men. I know it seems I am off subject, but I think you  see the connection.  I can't speak for anyone but myself, but when I hear people say a child abuser or molester is simply misunderstood or "youth attracted" as though they are "expressing their love", well... I simply want to puke, that is your world not min.

Mr. Congressman, I hope this will fulfill your request that I apologize, if not, I don't know what you expect  considering what you have given me to work with, your reputation.


Art Phillips


A real American,

Loyal, legal, law abiding and patriotic!  


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By John W. Lillpop

Not to be too cynical or sarcastic, but did America not hold national elections on November 2, 2010, at which time the Obama administration and Democrats in general were subjected to a severe “shellacking” dealt by the American people?

And was the result of those elections not the removal of Nancy Pelosi and fellow leftists from majority status in the U.S. House, and significant degradation of the liberal strangle hold in the U.S. Senate?

Did not those 2010 elections signal a grass-roots message from we the taxed to Obama and friends, the essence of which was: CUT federal spending, STOP growing the humungous deficit, and even BANISH talk of higher taxes?

Is it not true that members of the Tea Party were sent to Washington to charter a new course that would save the American dream and, God willing, the very republic itself?

Did we not celebrate the fact that, for the first time in history, in 2011 the debate about raising the debt ceiling also included serious, heated discussion about spending cuts to offset any debt increase?

The answer to each of those questions is a loud, resounding YES!

So why in the hell was I rudely awakened this morning with the news that Republicans have agreed to extend the Payroll Tax holiday and extend unemployment benefits (again) WITHOUT PAYING FOR SAID SPENDING?

If the Republican Party is now an official wing of the Obama administration, is there ANY hope for our survival?
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Nearly everyday I go thru an extensive search for the truth. On the internet, the issues are all the same, however each with a different prospective adding facts that one site may miss. Heres the list of sites I go to, Redstate, Glen Beck/ the Blaze, Rush Limbaugh, Savage Nation, Ann Colter, Michelle Melcomb, Laura Ingrahm, Patriot Action Network, Grassfire Patriotic Resistance, Jan Morgan on Facebook plus many other conservative friends on Facebook, Black Robe Regiment, Twitter conservatives, Hot Mail conservatives, Fox News- Bill o, hannity, Judge N, etc. & my love the TEA PARTY. I listen to conservative radio Limbaugh, Savage & Beck. TV Fox & Fox Business, Becks new station, The local newspaper. All of these media outlets are united, Christian, conservative republicans, some independent. these outlets are all on the same page get rid of muslum o and all lib dems, socialists, progressives, markists. were all in this together. We all have different views on candidates & issues. We still come together on our common cause & who our enemies are. We are going to win in November & send muslum packing, plus alot of other lib dems with him. We have to stay strong in this fight & we will. We need to be praying alot asking God for guidance GOD BLESS THE TEA PARTY & GOD BLESS AMERICA

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I've been harping on this for some time, and for a number of reasons, one of them being that there will be an uprising/upheaval that's been planned for some time by BHO and his fixers...part of that is already being born out by the statements lately from Occupy Wall Streeters on their plans to violently disrupt the Nato Summit scheduled for this spring in Chicago.  One of the other reasons is because of Congressional testimony regarding how the elections can be fixed by computer programming  that you MUST spend 11 minutes to watch here:

This is information that was sent to me from Steven Pattison who writes extensively at the Post-Email -  There is much more that we will be talking about on Tea Party Radio-Founder's Quest: The Seigfreid-Toepfer Hour with co-host Peggy Burgess tonight.  Join us @ 9 pm EST at or listen in and call to join our discussion on your cell phone @ 646-200-4032.  Click on the radio-link on the Command Page for a list of FM stations nationwide if you prefer.  Just BE THERE...this is serious and dangerous stuff that's going on, and you aren't going to hear about this in the MSM, or most any other place.  The first step to reclaiming this nation is INFORMATION and AWARENESS.  The better informed we all are, the more prepared we will be to confront this criminal enterprise known as the de-facto Federal Government, and most specifically, the Obama Administration.

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I am going to share a few thoughts and prayers for this nation that I love so very much, and that our forefathers fought and died for. Whose very blood still cries out from the battlefields of every war zone we have ever fought. But the battle we face today is for the very existence of this great nation but we must never forget our God or He will surely forget us.

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Man of man American is the best place to live. I can get a tax refund with out paying tax's or having a social security number.So I do not need to us my number  to get the free money,that others had paid into. I know they will make up the lost money by taking it from social security.Sent that what they have been doing for so long.Oh man what a life just sit back and draw money for doing nothing,Like 

 Tony the Tiger said

(It's Great)

We can always keep in our heart that our Government will take care of all who live here not matter what.

Why do I feel like I wasted my time fighting for this county? I know I have tried to do whats right by putting in my far share in so my my family will be taken care of. I work hard to make it a better life.better for my family then when I was a child. But that really do not matter any more because my voice will never reach any one ear's in Washington not even the one who was put they to work for all who did the right thing to help our family and county.

So keep on giving away what others had work for,(a better life) and a (better American) But if you can please stop taking it from our backs so you can keep your job.

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Be Encouraged 2/16/12

Howdy all!  Middle of the week is over.  Here comes the end.  Or is it?  Went to a great meeting with the Tri Cities WA Tea Party.  Found out everything I need to do for the Caucus.  Dang state govt wants to save a buck so they cancelled the primary.  With my luck I will be the only person from my precinct there.  Guess I may have the floor for the entire caucus.  Hope to be proven wrong, of course.  Oh, and Ron Paul is in town Friday.  I am not supporting him, but I want to hear what he has to say.  Maybe even get a donut or two!

Any hoo,..

Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Ephesians 5:20

The construction applied.. to those parts of the Constitution of the United States which delegate Congress a power...ought not to be construed as themselves to give unlimited powers. ~ Thomas Jefferson

I thank God every day for giving us his only Son, this great land and all my family and friends.  Life wouldn't be the same without any of them.  And so it is that I am getting involved with politics.  Our nation has the greatest Constitution that has ever been enacted.  Yet many, including a sitting Supreme Court Justice, have spoken ill of it, as if it needs to be refurbished or replaced.  Even worse, those who have the responsibility to operate our federal government, using its standards, have and continue to operate outside its bounds.  As Jefferson said, the powers afforded Congress do NOT include the power to do anything they want.  But that is exactly what goes on.  If you need proof, just count the times you believe the Constitution is being violated.  Then double it.  You might be close to the amount of times the federally elected employees act as they choose.  So, we get involved.  We go to tea party and other conservative meetings.  We go to rallies.  We do our best to remind the federally elected employees their enumerated powers are not UNLIMITED powers.  Some may even attempt to replace their present representative.  All this is allowed under our Constitution.  Great men, gifted by God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, devised this Constitution of ours.  It is not for us, or anyone we select and elect to represent us, to cast aside, violate or disassemble.  Only We the People can do that.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Obama ballot battle continues!


This issue is not going away!

Posted on The Examiner-By Linda Bentley, Maricopa County Crime Examiner-On February 14, 2012:

“NAPLES, Fla. – Sam Sewell, the Obama Ballot Challenge Project manager for the state of Florida, announced last week that Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, has joined their team to file ballot eligibility challenges against Obama in both Florida and California.

According to Sewell, who has been working to expose Obama as a fraud since before the 2008 election, Obama cannot get reelected if he fails to qualify for the ballot in these two key states.

While at Judicial Watch, Klayman obtained a court ruling declaring President Clinton committed a crime, the first lawyer to ever accomplish that against an American president.

Klayman describes Freedom Watch (FW) as “the only political advocacy group that speaks through actions rather than just words.”

Freedom Watch’s website states, “We are dedicated to not only preserving freedom, but redefining its meaning, from protecting our rights to privacy, free speech, civil liberties, and freedom from foreign oil and crooked business, labor and government officials, to protecting our national sovereignty against the incompetent terrorist state-controlled United Nations, and reestablishing the rule of law in what has become a very corrupt American legal system, where justice is only as good as your lawyer and judge – most of whom are compromised ethically and otherwise.”

On Jan. 30, 2012, as counsel for FW, as amicus curiae in United Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, Klayman has filed a motion for reconsideration to participate in oral arguments concerning the issue of the requested recusal or disqualification of Justice Elena Kagan in deciding Obamacare.

He argued, “This ‘greater’ issue is the integrity of the Supreme Court itself and whether or not it will adhere to and respect centuries old rules of judicial ethics, which require a judge to recuse herself when she has a conflict of interest and when to continue on the case would create even the appearance of partiality.”

Klayman said new evidence arose in a recent report on Fox News that shows, while she was solicitor general of the Obama Justice Department, Kagan advocated in favor of Obamacare in another case.

He said, “This act constitutes not only a conflict of interest, but creates more than the appearance of partiality, for which she must recuse herself or be disqualified by the court.”

With $5,000 on hand but little time to spare, the Article II Legal Defense Fund is seeking donations to proceed with the Florida Ballot Challenge, which may be made securely online at: via check to Article II Legal Defense Fund, PO Box 940672, Simi Valley, CA 93094. Be sure to note on the check the donation is for the Florida Ballot Challenge or to the General Fund so it may be used to fund the most urgent project.

“We must raise $25,000 ($12,500 per state) for efforts in Florida and California,” said Sewell, adding, “Larry understands the threat to our country, rule of law, national finances and of course, an ineligible, hostile ‘President.’ He has very high visibility, key contacts, presence, visibility, reputation, experience, track record,” describing Klayman as a “heavy hitter.”

Sewell said, “Looming deadlines force us to act soon. This may be our last line of defense to help ensure Obama will not be in the White House four more years. Our line in the sand is here. Do you really want to count on Romney/Santorum to beat him, to just hope for a ‘fair’ election?”

Meanwhile, appeals are moving forward in the Georgia challenges while Attorney Mark Hatfield filed a Citation for Contempt on Feb. 1 with the Georgia Office of Administrative Hearings on behalf of Carl Swensson and Kevin Powell, relating to “the contemptuous behavior of the defendant before this court, for a determination of appropriate action, including a finding of contempt.”

Hatfield points out Obama was served through his defense counsel, Michael Jablonski, a notice to produce, requiring Obama to appear at the Jan. 26 hearing in Atlanta and to bring with him certain documents and other items to be used as evidence.

He argued Jablonski filed no response, noting he filed no motion for protective order, motion to quash or any other pleading objecting to the notice to produce.

And, despite being timely served with the notice, Obama failed to appear for the hearing on Jan. 26, as did his attorney.

Hatfield also notes Obama and Jablonski’s failure to appear was “knowing, intentional and deliberate,” as per Jablonski’s letter to Secretary of State Brian Kemp the day before the hearing.

On behalf of his clients, Hatfield requested Administrative Law Judge Michael Malihi certify the foregoing facts to the Superior Court of Fulton County, as provided by the rules of the Office of State Administrative Hearings, for a determination of the appropriate action to be taken with regard to defendant’s contemptuous conduct.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Susan Daniels PI Discloses New Evidence Orly Taitz Refused To Allow Presented At Georgia Hearing!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 14, 2012:

II. Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 1)-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:

III. Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 2)-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:

IV. Did Judge Malihi Base Eligibility Decision On Sharia Law?-Posted on Western Jounalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On February 13, 2012:

V. CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) and a Group of Citizens in Pennsylvania will File a Ballot Access Challenge/Objection to Candidate Obama Later This Week!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 12, 2012:

VI. Existing US Law on INS .gov Website Says Obama is Ineligible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 12, 2012:

VII. Was Georgia Nuke Plant the price for Obama’s Ballot Access??-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 11, 2012:

VIII. Obama’s mother, Stanley A. Dunham, worked for Tim Giether’s Father Peter Geither at the Ford Foundation. Ford Foundation is partnered with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac!-Posted on Faith Freedom International-By piggy-On April 16, 2009:

Note:  Americans continue to wake up!

Americans across the country continue to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

Continue Reading:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?“hit”-on-his-life/

What do Obama, Tim Geithner, The Ford Foundation, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, China and Muslims have in common?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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If I have to vote for someone who I have been dealt with then that vote really will not matter.So if you want what you been dealt then taken.If Daniels did say he will take a administration post then lets make it the highs post.

I ask that Gov Mitch Daniel to sit down again with his family and think about running again and if he only wants to work for someone else then may he do well in the job. Because we will need all the help we can get if one of the other gets in,and that's if.

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Tea Party

I am writing this because some one is question my reason for joining the tea party. I join because I felt that every one wanted something new for the family not just for them self But I guess I was wrong. Because I have a right to say what I feel, but some went to take control, and till you what you should not or should say in your massage or letter of hope. well it is not for me.and if someone only want to be in controller then found someone to control. I have felt better with another standing be side me doing a time of war then with someone questioning my way of hope i have for this County. Again well all the Tea party member who really want to make a charge in American.

God bliss


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Sorry if some one thinks I want to hear a Idea  I do not A idea can come and go but a true word and meaning will last for ever. I care about my daughter and son life ,after all the ideas have come and gone they still here trying to found the true American  way and not just a Idea but Hope

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