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Good day to all

After listing to Tea party member who has been place into office I see well some have already starting to do it the Washington way.Some can look you in the eye now and say what you want to hear but really do not mean it. When will all this stop,I feel never. We will keep adding some new rule to get them to start doing whats right,but it only works a sort time. So here it is my final way to have any one that running for office to keep they word and not the knife in our back. To me and this is just me taking I want any one who is running for office to sign one more piece of paper that will state that he or she will step down at any time they do not keep they word and have it sign in front of a Notary Public. I do not mean if they have tried to get it done ,but if they do not and I mean do not listen to the people who put Him or She in office,and vote against our voice.,because they think it is the right thing to do.

Now it may sound like I am unhappy with the member we put in office well I am,

I for one had live a hard life ,but it is a good life,and are I want is to let my son ,and daughter live a better life not one harder then mine so I must do what right and vote with my heart this time and not with my ears.

God gave me the chance to do whats right so I will do it.

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Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln.


Remember always that he was the greatest president of the 19th Century, and literally saved the young Union from being inexorably torn in two.  Abraham was a great politician.  He was a decent, just, humble man, and in the most virtuous sense he was also a great politician.  He used the power of his political skill and rhetoric to appeal to a nation, the Union in its entirety, to address the problem of slavery in a way that best preserved the natural rights of all men.  He was not like the extreme abolitionist, John Brown, who murdered for the cause.  He was not a slave holder who defended the practice as essential.  

He was not a racist who saw Whites as superior to Blacks.  But he was a great politician who had to appeal to the extremes on both sides; the abolitionists on one side, the slave states on the other. And he had to find common ground so that the Union could be preserved. For, without the United States of America, her Declaration of Independence and its statement of Natural Rights, and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights, slavery would not be eradicated.  It would continue to exist in some form within and without the Union indefinitely.  

Abraham Lincoln used his expert political skill to maneuver sentiment and popular opinion.  He used his debate skills to trap Stephen Douglas and others dedicated to the protection and perpetuation slavery to expose their hypocrisy, and turn their Constitutional arguments against them.  Lincoln spoke to a deeply divided America. Racism, superstition, fear, and economic necessity impelled the slave states to fight to the death for the practice upon which they based their culture.  Ideology, human freedom, and Christian love impelled those who sought the immediate and unconditional abolition of all slavery.  Only when he was unsuccessful in the political realm to heal the rent Union, did Lincoln resort to military action, and with the force of war, called the secessionist states back home.  He hated the Civil War. Lincoln's skill as Commander in Chief did not match that of his political skill. Yet he persisted, in the name of freedom, and in the name of the indispensable Union, he persisted.  He, at first, refrained from using the full force of the Union against the Southern states.  And it was not until Ulysses S. Grant became the Commanding General of the Union Army, that victory over secession, and victory over the practice of slavery became possible.

Abraham Lincoln was a great politician, and a reluctant Commander in Chief.  His love of all people is unquestionable.  And he knew that for America, and the rest of the world to have a "Last, best hope," that the Union must preserved and its Constitution along with it.  Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln.  Your memory and legacy blesses us still.

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If we are to restore America to its founding principals and values that made us the greatest Nation on earth...Americans must educate themselves, their children and even some friends, to the truths of the form of government given to us by our Founding Fathers.
This is no longer taught in government funded schools..and has not been for several decades. Todays generation, Politicians and even our President never refer to our only hear reference to our "Democracy"...the socialist theory behind this is "the more you say it...the more real it becomes".
We cannot piecemeal our retake our Liberty and Freedom, we must debunk this falsehood now. We must ask our Republican representatives and Presidential they know the difference? If they do, why is this not in the forefront of their speeches, why do they refer to our "Democracy" and not our "Republic"? It is time we ask them this question.
WORDS characterize, distunguish and define "who" and "what" we are...words are extremely important, pay attention to how often you hear the word democracy used, especially by the left...they know the importance of words, its why certain ones are used drills them into the mind.
We are still a Republic...but, we are by default being turned into a democracy, unless we take a stand today..not! We have allowed too many tomorrows to pass, and bit by bit, piece by piece our Republic has been taken apart, our Declaration of Independence ignored, our Constitution distorted and mis-interpreted by our courts and our elected officials. "Groups" have been formed by the democrats...and they are claiming majority rule.  
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the "Republic" for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy. "Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy." I invite you to join me in raising public awareness regarding that distinction.

A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one.
In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.
Republic. That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated. [NOTE: The word "people" may be either plural or singular. In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think. USA/exception: if 100% of a jury convicts, then the individual loses sovereignty and is subject to group-think as in a democracy.]
Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy.
[NOTE: In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights. The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.]
The distinction between our Republic and a democracy is not an idle one. It has great legal significance.

The Constitution guarantees to every state a Republican form of government (Art. 4, Sec. 4). No state may join the United States unless it is a Republic. Our Republic is one dedicated to "liberty and justice for all." Minority individual rights are the priority. The people have natural rights instead of civil rights. The people are protected by the Bill of Rights from the majority. One vote in a jury can stop all of the majority from depriving any one of the people of his rights; this would not be so if the United States were a democracy. (see People's rights vs Citizens' rights)
In a pure democracy 51 beats 49[%]. In a democracy there is no such thing as a significant minority: there are no minority rights except civil rights (privileges) granted by a condescending majority. Only five of the U.S. Constitution's first ten amendments apply to Citizens of the United States. Simply stated, a democracy is a dictatorship of the majority. Socrates was executed by a democracy: though he harmed no one, the majority found him intolerable.
Government. ....the government is but an agency of the state, distinguished as it must be in accurate thought from its scheme and machinery of government. ....In a colloquial sense, the United States or its representatives, considered as the prosecutor in a criminal action; as in the phrase, "the government objects to the witness." [Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 625]
Government; Republican government. One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627. [Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 626]
Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 388-389.
Note: Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, can be found in any law library and most law offices.
Democratic Form of Government: An environmental organization proposes a bill for the ballot that every individual should reduce his water household usage by 25%. To assure that this goal is met, the government, or private sector, will monitor every individual's household water consumption rate. If an individual does not meet the goal, his first offense is $500 fine. Second offense is $750 fine and 30 days community service. Third offense is $1,500 fine and 30 days imprisonment. Fourth offense is $1,750 fine and 90 days imprisonment. Fifth offense is a felony (1-year imprisonment) and $2,000 fine.
The people argue this environmental issue back and forth. They argue the pros and cons of the issue. This great debate is held at town hall meetings. Strong opinions are on both sides of the matter. One side preaches, "It is for the common good!" The other side rebuttals, "This is control and not freedom, and lost of choice!" Election day occurs. The people go to the ballot box to settle the problem. The majority won by a vote of 51% whereas the minority lost with a vote of 49%. The minority is ignored. The majority celebrates while the minority jeers in disappointment. Since the majority won, the bill goes in effect. As a result of the majority winning, every individual "must" reduce his household water usage by 25%. For the reason that the majority has mandatory powers in a democracy.
Those who wish to go against the collective (whole body politic) will be punished accordingly. The minority has neither voice nor rights to refuse to accept the dictatorial majority. Everything is mandatory in a democracy. This brings dictatorship and lividity to the realm.
Republican Form of Government: An environmental organization proposes a bill for the ballot that every individual should reduce his water household usage by 25%. To assure that this goal is met, the government, or private sector, will monitor every individual's household water consumption rate. If an individual does not meet the goal, his first offense is $500 fine. Second offense is $750 fine and 30 days community service. Third offense is $1,500 fine and 30 days imprisonment. Fourth offense is $1,750 fine and 90 days imprisonment. Fifth offense is a felony (1-year imprisonment) and $2,000 fine.
The people argue this environmental issue back and forth. They argue the pros and cons of the issue. This great debate is held at town hall meetings. Strong opinions are on both sides of the matter. One side preaches, "It is for the common good!" The other side rebuttals, "This is control and not freedom, and lost of choice!" Election day occurs. The people go to the ballot box to settle the problem. The majority won by a vote of 51% whereas the minority lost with a vote of 49%. The minority may have lost, but not all is gone. The majority celebrates while the minority jeers in disappointment. Since the majority won, the bill goes in effect. As a result of the majority winning, it is "advisory" that every individual reduce his household water usage by 25%.
For the reason that the majority has advisory powers in a republic. Bearing in mind that each individual is equally sovereign in a republic, he is free to reject the majority. He may choose to follow the majority and subject himself to the rule, or he may choose not to follow the majority and not subject himself to the rule. The minority has a voice and rights to refuse to accept the majority. Everything is advisory in a republic. This brings liberty and peace to the realm.
Notice that in a Democracy, the sovereignty is in the whole body of the free citizens. The sovereignty is not divided to smaller units such as individual citizens. To solve a problem, only the whole body politic is authorized to act. Also, being citizens, individuals have duties and obligations to the government. The government's only obligations to the citizens are those legislatively pre-defined for it by the whole body politic.
In a Republic, the sovereignty resides in the people themselves, whether one or many. In a Republic, one may act on his own or through his representatives as he chooses to solve a problem. Further, the people have no obligation to the government; instead, the government being hired by the people, is obliged to its owner, the people.
The people own the government agencies. The government agencies own the citizens. In the United States we have a three-tiered cast system consisting of people ---> government agencies ---> and citizens.
The people did "ordain and establish this Constitution," not for themselves, but "for the United States of America." In delegating powers to the government agencies the people gave up none of their own. (See Preamble of U.S. Constitution). This adoption of this concept is why the U.S. has been called the "Great Experiment in self government." The People govern themselves, while their agents (government agencies) perform tasks listed in the Preamble for the benefit of the People. The experiment is to answer the question, "Can self-governing people coexist and prevail over government agencies that have no authority over the People?"
The citizens of the United States are totally subject to the laws of the United States (See 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution). NOTE: U.S. citizenship did not exist until July 28, 1868.
Actually, the United States is a mixture of the two systems of government (Republican under Common Law, and democratic under statutory law). The People enjoy their God-given natural rights in the Republic.
In a democracy, the Citizens enjoy only government granted privileges (also known as civil rights).
There was a great political division between two major philosophers, Hobbes and Locke. Hobbes was on the side of government. He believed that sovereignty was vested in the state. Locke was on the side of the People. He believed that the fountain of sovereignty was the People of the state. Statists prefer Hobbes. Populists choose Locke. In California, the Government Code sides with Locke. Sections 11120 and 54950 both say, "The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them." The preambles of the U.S. and California Constitutions also affirm the choice of Locke by the People.
It is my hope that the U.S. will always remain a Republic, because I value individual freedom.
Thomas Jefferson said that liberty and ignorance cannot coexist.* Will you help to preserve minority rights by fulfilling the promise in the Pledge of Allegiance to support the Republic? Will you help by raising public awareness of the difference between the Republic and a democracy?
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the best

I would like to see if Mitch Daniels would get into this race as a Interdependent because the Massage he gave after the last state of the union was not for any party but for all of us.To show we really want him lets start a write in cam-pain he is a good man and I can stand with him.Not with any of the other party s member.

So as a American I want him to help my son and daughter to have a better life

Be good and God Bliss

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That Means NO to your Parties & your Candidates !

The ruling class elites and their redheaded step-children the GOP have fought over my vote for 145 years and both of you have promised everything and delivered nothing but failure and economic slavery to your bloated leviathan called the U.S. Government.

You see I am that "Conservative" Independent voter that you 2 are fighting over, that was once a very loyal "Blue Dog" Democrat that dropped them after Carter: the last great savior they forced down my throat. I have watched you two fight for control of the same country with the same desire just different ways to create it and that is a permanent ruling class that effectively negates the will of the people who elect you to office. All of you have taken your oath of office and within days, month's or years pissed all over it for personal gain and financial profit. Most of you while raising your hand to take this oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God" put your party loyalty oath above this sacred commitment. And here is the key " I will bear true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution of the United States, well you both are nothing more than liars because both parties and especially the Democrats who, over the past 50 years became the Socialist Marxist ruling class and only represent themselves, have been guilty of failure to uphold that oath which is treason! Your genuine fear that both of you exhibit when true "Conservatism" is demonstrated or espoused by anyone that can lay waste to your pathetic existence and moral bankruptcy immediately sends you into a predictable and pathetic Pavlovian response. Democrat's create a false narrative and then reinforce it through their propaganda machine (their favorite of course being the race card second favorite is the denial of life saving services) and Republicans  who quietly behind the scenes smear and falsely accuse their objector. Such was the case recently with Herman Cain and his bid for their nomination and his true connection to the 40% of Americans who readily identify themselves as "Conservative" not Republican not Democrat but "Conservative". Romney and his pals in the northeast corridor Rockefeller Republican power base felt so threatened by this person that they created a lie then purchased the necessary participants to perpetuate that lie until it almost destroyed a man's marriage and family.

I have no words for the contempt and anger for them that I have without resorting to a profanity laced tirade that would melt the Internet and ban me from most of the hosting sites you are reading this on. Anyone who professes moral certainties and then openly supports either of these 2 parties or their candidates for any office must ask themselves 1 question, who are you trying to fool? And to my Conservative brothers and sisters who are right now getting ready to defend their candidate and or party and jump on me for telling the truth get in line, you are not the first and won't be the last. Telling the truth is like choosing not to be be PC which I stopped being a long time ago, it is very cathartic, it beats paying for couch time and I love watching peoples faces when you smack them in the mouth with the unbiased, unvarnished and unadulterated truth.

Well get ready for the next smack in the mouth, your getting played the fool again in this election:

When George Soros comes out and says that Mitt Romney is OK the hair on the back of your neck should not just stand up it should choke you!

For the first time in 40 years of voting I registered as a Republican to try and move the party back to Conservative values and principals only to see the people I could support without reservation slowly get removed from the equation, so by the time I can finally choose a representative the game is fixed again so my support is negated by the establishment RINO's and CINO's who have done everything short of physical assassination to shrink the field to force their candidate on me. The Republican establishment has become so paranoid of Conservatism that they are screwing themselves in states where redistricting (like here in Florida where they control the outcome through redistricting)  would rather give up guaranteed victories in districts where existing candidates like Allen West would easily win re-election. They are redistricting the state of Florida and in the process have left every single gerrymandered district intact as to not offend the "minority" voter representation of the likes of the eloquent Corrine Brown but force Conservatives to fight for new seats with little to no support and the GOP boot on their throats. 

This is supposed to motivate me to support the GOP and its candidates?  Guess again!

If you are new here cowboy old grandpa here is one the people who started (along with many others) this little thing we like to call the TEA PARTY!  In 2008 I started the Florida Freedom coalition which was then absorbed by the Florida Tea Party and the Tea Party Patriots. (I left my registered practice with one of the big broker houses because of their policies concerning compliance with my political speech) I have let them convince me for the last time that a 3rd. political party is not viable and only guarantees the liberals victory because the right party that represents the 40%+ of Americans that are Conservative makes us the Majority and that is really what scares the SHIT out of them, they lose their power! I belong to over 25 local and national Tea Party organizations and over half are nothing more than shills for the Republican Party and other than the most recent election have been kept in check by the them.

And did you check the latest voting record on the last bill passed in 2011 the NDAA 2012 you will see even the above named Rep. West and other supposed "stalwart" defenders of Conservative values like Marco Rubio who were voted in to represent the electorate according to the Constitution, voted yes to a bill that gives this Marxist socialist totalitarian in the White House the power to arrest and detain any America citizen without trial. these guys give a whole new meaning to "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" , I don't think Tsun Tsu meant we were supposed to elect them to federal office.

There is a clear opportunity to unite the Tea Party's and their members into a true representative party that can unite all of us into the major political power in this Nation and direct us back to a true Representative Republic:


The Conservative Party USA will rectify the consistent failures and corruption of the current two-party system.  CP-USA will impose fiscal discipline, restrain the reach of the federal government as outlined in the Constitution and defend America’s traditional family values.

The American two-party system is broken. It has become a system of elite political insiders who only serve the special interest groups that help keep them in control.  Some elites call themselves “Democrats” while others call themselves “Republicans”. The elite of the two major parties continue to fail America based on our spiraling national debt, trillion-dollar annual budget deficits, off-budget Earmarks, escalating illegal immigration, weakening Dollar and loss of traditional American values.  They are stealing America’s future because they are only dedicated to getting re-elected.

The Conservative Party USA is emerging as America’s real “Second Party” because true conservatives, Independents and Tea Party activists will soon relegate the GOP into political irrelevance.  Republi-Dems are two sides of the same losing coin.

The Tea Party is mainly united by fiscal conservatism; the desire to get Congress to follow the Constitution and spend the people’s money wisely.  However, the Tea Party is not united by a socially conservative agenda because its membership consists of a broad spectrum of political views.

Who will address important social issues consistent with traditional American values beyond the fiscal and monetary problems facing America today?

Critical moral, social and Constitutional issues must also be considered.  These include: Illegal Immigration; Welfare; Gay Marriage; Gays serving openly in the Military; Abortion; Religious Freedom; Saving American Jobs; The War on Drugs; Maintaining a strong Military; Affirming States’ Rights; Clarifying the 14thAmendment on “Anchor Babies”; Stopping the Discrimination of Affirmative Action, to name a few.

America will not survive if it abandons its traditional values for the sake of solving only fiscal problems… we assert that both traditional values and fiscal solutions are equally important.

What happens to the Tea Party and like-minded groups beyond budget and fiscal issues?

The Conservative Party USA is the next evolutionary step of the Tea Party because it combines fiscal restraint with traditional American values that are outlined in a clear Platform and is managed by a strong leadership team that has a unified, long-term vision for America.

Conservative Party USA is the answer to those critical questions and Project Mayberry® is the key!


July 2010 – New Orleans, Louisiana

National Platform Plank – Voted


The Conservative Party firmly embraces in the concept of American Exceptionalism. America is a country of a distinguished founding, unique historical experience and has a grand path to the future.  We also believe the United States has contributed more to the political, economic and financial betterment of the human condition than any previous collection. Our Party’s Platform reflects this belief.


Federal Government Must Enforce Current Immigration Laws The U.S. Government shall use all legal means under current Federal Law(s) to protect our borders, halt illegal immigration, deport illegal aliens who are caught and fully prosecute companies that knowingly hire them. No federal or state funds should be used to provide health care (except in cases of emergency), social services and education benefits for illegal aliens or their children. Safe haven cities should lose Federal funding and be prosecuted. Illegal aliens shall not be granted drivers licenses nor have the right to vote in any local, state or federal elections.

Repeal Health Care Reform Bill of 2010
Support candidates and legislation that help repeal the Health Care Reform Bill of 2010, AKA “ObamaCare”. Support federal lawsuits promulgated by State Attorneys General to halt implementation of said Bill.

Comprehensive Health Care Solutions Health Care solutions must include Tort Reform that limits liability for pain and suffering. This cuts malpractice premiums and reduces the cost of needless “Defensive” tests. The law should allow posting of local prescription drug prices on the Internet so that people can shop for the lowest price. The Law must also allow: individuals and small businesses to purchase health/dental insurance across state and regional lines; encourage the medical industry to digitize medical records to reduce paperwork related costs; eliminate the Anti-Trust exemptions for Health Insurance companies which currently allow them to collude in setting prices and coverage.

Adopt a Fiscally Responsible Monetary Policy
The U.S. Government must adopt monetary policies that reverse our nation’s headlong descent into unsustainable debt, ongoing fiscal irresponsibility and progressive slide into de facto socialism. These policies should include auditing the Federal Reserve Bank to increase its financial transparency.

Promote Economic Prosperity

America should adopt measures to help revive and sustain economic vitality. A. Tax Credits, Incentives and Penalties. Congress should: enact Payroll Tax credits for small businesses to spur growth; provide U.S. multi-national corporations with tax credits for hiring U.S. citizens to work in America; impose tax penalties for every American job sent off-shore.

B. Stop Off-Shoring Jobs. We encourage American multi-national corporations to stop sending jobs offshore. We should also encourage Shareholders and Boards of Directors to help sustain the U.S. economy by halting this short-sighted practice by building more manufacturing plants and Call Centers in America.

C. “Buy American”. We encourage the American public to do its part in sustaining the U.S. economy by purchasing products “Made in America” whenever possible. They should also encourage stores to stock American made products. A “Buy American” initiative will help U.S. companies create jobs in America.

The United States must adopt a comprehensive Energy Policy This policy should be driven by private industry to include: wind; hydro power; clean coal technologies; solar; domestic and offshore oil drilling (including ANWAR); new forward looking technologies; and realistic, economically viable conservation programs. Nuclear power is a viable option and should be encouraged when using new technologies and environmentally feasible disposal systems for spent fuel.

Enact Reciprocal Trade Laws International Free Trade is only good if it is Fair Trade when all countries conduct such trade by the same rules. The U.S. trade deficit sends much of America’s wealth to foreign countries since many of them engage in unfair unilateral trade practices that include adding numerous Tariffs, Port of Entry Taxes and Import Duties on American products. Congress should enact laws that Reciprocates (Copies) those fees on products from each country that exports to the U.S. This will level the playing field since countries will then pay the same fees imposed on U.S. products.

End Automatic Congressional Cost of Living Increases Congress should amend the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 to remove the automatic Cost of Living (COLA) pay increases for Congress. In order for Congress to initiate pay increase they must bring a Bill to the floor for a majority vote and the pay increase will not take effect until the next Congress.

Require a Balanced Budget Require Congress to enact a Balanced Budget annually except in times of war or National emergency

U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Supreme Law of the Land The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Supreme Law of the land and shall be taken literally. Our rights are natural rights and are given to us by our Creator that no man can take away. All laws infringing on these rights must be repealed. All treaties that impose International Law on Americans which usurp the Constitution or Bill of Rights must be revoked.

Write Bills Plain, Common Sense English
Important legislation can be written in comprehensive language, as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights clearly demonstrate. All Bills enacted by Congress must be written in plain, common-sense English prose that is comprehensive and understandable by citizens.

Reject all Forms of Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action based on race, gender or ethnicity must be banned at all levels of education and employment. This act of soft tyranny engenders latent hostility between and among ethnic groups and encourages the cultural “Balkanization” of America. It also lends de facto support for the unsound concept that certain minorities are incapable of advancement without institutional intervention.

Eliminate the Federal Government’s Power to Charter Organizations Eliminate the Federal government’s powers to charter organizations like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.

Government Employees Should Not be Unionized
Unions have created a divisive dynamic within government agencies which should be accountable to the people alone. A government of the people, by the people and for the people should not be compromised by special interests.
No Automatic Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants Support the “Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009” (H.R.1868) that rejects the concept of giving automatic citizenship to children of illegal aliens who are born within U.S. borders.

Life Begins at Conception and Ends at Natural Death Human life is nature’s continuum which begins at fertilization and is not interrupted until natural death. Constitutional personhood is the secular legal definition of the continuum of life. It is a law of logic that contradictory statements cannot be true at the same time. If nature’s continuum of life is true, then the secular continuum of life must also be true because if the secular continuum of life contradicts nature’s continuum of life, one is false.

Make English the Official Language of the United States English should be the official language of the United States. Individual States and Congress should enact laws that reflect that principle with exceptions for State Department, U.S. Immigration office functions and international ports/airports. Congress must mandate that all language in the public domain must be English and other language forms in the public domain should cease under penalty of the law. This does not restrict the rights of States to print materials in other languages as they deem necessary.
While it may appear to be a civic gesture of good will, giving foreign languages equal status with English results in eroding the unique culture of our country. The United States was, is and must always remain an English speaking country.

Marriage is Between One Man and One Woman
That true marriage is only between one man and one woman. Support a Constitutional Amendment that would outlaw gay marriage. Support the current Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that allows any state to not recognize the same-sex marriage license issued by another state.

Carry Weapons on Military Bases The United States military should allow military personnel to carry firearms while on base. The 1993 Clinton ban should be lifted so that soldiers can be prepared to defend themselves at any time.

United States should Secede From the United Nations The U.S. should secede from United Nations and remove it from American soil. Foreign powers have conspired against the United States, the Constitution, its sovereignty and its people.

Project Mayberry®:

The time has come for all true Conservatives, like-minded Independents and Tea Party activists to join the Conservative Party (CP-USA). We are emerging as America’s real “Second Party” because the two major parties are duplicitous in their ongoing failure to properly govern America. Their main objective is to get re-elected, not govern.

CP-USA is the next evolution for those in the Tea Party movement who share traditional conservative family values. They will soon understand the Republican Party – and its leadership – does not share those traditional fiscal and social values. Both are critical.

Project Mayberry® was inspired by the erstwhile “Andy Griffith Show” about the sheriff of a small town called Mayberry. Don Knotts portrayed the bumbling deputy (Barney Fife) while Ron Howard (Opie) grew up to become a very successful Hollywood director. Of course it was all held together by the Helen Crump, Opie’s school teacher who also taught life’s lessons for all. The people in that small town held traditional, patriotic, common sense values seldom seen in today’s America. Project Mayberry® will restore that ethic.

What Is Project Mayberry®? Project Mayberry® is a coordinated, national effort to break the Democrat-Republican elite stranglehold on Lady Liberty by uniting America’s diverse, conservative, traditional family-value Patriots at the local level.

CP-USA and its strategic partners will identify, train, groom, support and campaign for “down-ticket” conservative candidates for local elected offices for the 2012 election cycle and beyond. The targeted offices include: Small-town mayors and city council members; Local school and education Boards; Water and Utility Commissions; Local sheriffs; Judges and District Attorneys; State Legislators.

Project Mayberry® will build the conservative movement from the ground-up by creating the solid political foundation needed gain state ballot access and to elect experienced conservative candidates for future state-wide and national offices.

Why America Needs Project Mayberry®? CP-USA is determined not to repeat the failures of previous third parties that adopted a “top-down” approach. Examples include: John Anderson’s failed run at President in 1980; Ross Perot’s 1992 ill-fated campaign for President with The Independent Party; The Libertarian Party’s affair with shock jock Howard Stern when he ran for NY Governor in 1994; The Constitution Party’s campaign with Chuck Baldwin in 2008.

They all failed mainly because they either did not first establish a solid political base before running (Anderson and Keyes) or because their respective parties were built on personalities rather than solid principles and values (Perot and Stern). Their parties collapsed when their candidates faltered. Despite their longevity, neither the Libertarian Party nor the Constitution Party has gained the requisite sustained grass roots support needed to mount winning candidates for these reasons.

CP-USA and Project Mayberry® avoid these mistakes by establishing small, attainable goals built on durable conservative foundations and values that transcend personalities or transitory fads.

What Are The Benefits (Value Proposition) of Project Mayberry®? Creates a unified political infrastructure that allows disparate conservative groups and Tea Party activists to cooperate and advance shared goals. Has a long-term vision rather than short-term goals. Builds a solid conservative base from the ground-up. Requires fewer resources and avoids expensive campaigns needed for major offices.
Mayberry candidates can run campaigns without compromising their conservative values because the costs are lower; less beholden to contributors. Does not always require major party support or official state ballot status. Many down-ticket offices are non-partisan. Develops a “Conservative Farm System” that grooms conservative candidates for future major offices. Down-ticket offices like school boards, county commissioners and judges often set (or thwart) a state’s political agenda.

How Project Mayberry® Works (Outline)
Each CP-USA Affiliate and strategic partner assigns a person(s) or team to manage all facets of the Project in their respective states. Each team will become familiar with relevant state/local election laws and local office requirements. They will also develop relevant Candidate Pledges to help the screening process. Teams will strategize on what specific offices would best exemplify the spirit of Mayberry in their states. It will be advantageous to identify non-partisan or down-ticket offices or races where primaries are not required.
In parallel, team leaders, rank-and-file memberships and strategic partners will seek out and identify potential conservative candidates for those specific down-ticket offices. By the end of Q1 2012, teams will select candidates they feel best exemplify true conservative values and who can best win their respective races. Teams coordinate and support selected candidates for office as required during the 2012 election cycle.

Additional details will be developed and shared as this Project moves forward.

How Can You Help Project Mayberry® Succeed?
All new initiatives like this need a solid combination of dedicated people who share the vision and financial resources to drive the Project. CP-USA will solicit help from a variety of sources for Project Mayberry® during 2011 to include various Tea Party groups, conservative political parties such as the 9/12 Project, local Tea Parties, The Constitution Party, The American Conservative Party, The American Independent Party and many others. Conservative educational organizations like the Heritage Foundation and media assistance from Fox News and various talk radio hosts will also be enlisted.

So my fellow Conservative's "now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country" and stop being told that we are the minority or the fringe or the radical or the racist, we are the silent majority that can be silenced no more. Take the next step with me and research this for yourselves and then ask yourself this question: Who in my heart really represents my core values and beliefs about this Great Republic and the future I want for my children and their children? Then GET INVOLVED BEFORE IT TRULY IS TOO LATE!

In Freedom,

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

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“ Who is Left In America With Biblical Spiritual Discernment ? “

“ Who is Left In America With Biblical Spiritual Discernment ? “
This particular question has been on my mind for quite sometime as I see an ever increasing number of pastors, Christians and church leaders who act or speak things outside the proper definition of the Bible. I have also encountered as of late a couple people who have indicated in their communication with me that my “religious” views “makes people think” I am “crazy.” I am not sure whom these supposed “people” are they are referencing that allegedly think that way(perhaps they are secretly Communists), but we know from 2Timothy Chapter 3, that we are in a time many will ignore and be hostile to Biblical Truth. One of the two(only 2 of my 3700 plus Facebook friends have ever shared the very thought) who shared such a statement to me is a self-described “Irish Catholic”(whatever that means ?) He shared with me in the recent personal correspondence that he is also proud that his own first name is associated with the same name of one of Jesus' Disciples in the Bible. I don't dislike the man at all but I noticed this man has also posted on his social website of his alcohol drinking/drunk exploits which to me nullifies anything good he was trying to make of himself out to be, or according to his religious beliefs previously shared with me. His words and actions really only reinforces what I am about to share further in this article which is that religious people in general as well as Atheists, Secularists and God haters spew their unbiblical opinions which only ends badly for them as they are often left to their own devices and problems because they reject God's understanding of Biblical spiritual truth. Equally sad to me, are the many Christians who also react with unbiblical ignorance and or lack of understanding of spiritual matters or their consequences. We are sadly apt to see and hear many Christians act/respond in unbiblical ways that instead of helping, actually add to or often enable those who purport anti-christian behavior rather than doing what is Biblically correct and necessary to help folks understand God's spiritual design which always challenges the belief system of those who reject the Bible and Cross of Christ. My hope is that by the end of this article, all will be able to understand the root cause of so many problems in our society, and that all these problems we suffer can be traced to the lack of recognizing of Biblical spiritual discernment it's application as well.
In the remaining portion of this article, I will be using my “home town” area in the USA as an object lesson to illustrate what can and does occur to a people, a community and nation that loses it's Biblical and spiritual insight. This means we will be first taking a look at we see in the international media news recently which being that fourteen girls plus one adult woman from the LeRoy, NY have been affected with Tourettes without known cause, even with several environmental tests, as well as a battery of physical and psychological exams. Of those impacted, there has been no concrete reason established why these girls and the adult nurse suffers from the Tourrets . Interestingly, and although many various tests were administered, to my knowledge, what has not been examined in this matter is probably the spiritual cause/root of these Tourretes. In all honesty, I am not sure if there are any Biblical Christians remaining in LeRoy, NY or any Christians that have the ability to discern such possible spiritual matters as this but what I do know and am fully aware of is that historically, I had attended a Bible believing church in LeRoy, NY some years ago but when the founding pastor of that church left, a man who was not a Bible believing pastor was brought in by the elders of that church to take over and this same man later became friends with a known documented pedophile from the next town over(Batavia, NY). In fact, this documented pedophile in Batavia, NY also claims to be a pastor of a “mega church”as well. He does have many attendees from what I have seen but to the degree of understanding or not understanding spiritual matters, many of his attendee's are fully aware of his pedophilia and unbiblical doctrines but choose to attend his religious building and activities anyway. This is an open door for the work of satan and disastrous occurrences in people's lives, attending that “church” or the one in in LeRoy, NY; it opens windows and doors for satan to walk through. I am glad that the church in LeRoy has seen many people leave(including the elders of the church) since being taken over by the false shepherd but sadly, spiritual matters have actually become much, much worse in LeRoy, NY because of the false biblical teachings there and the “pastors” friendship with the pedophile. Incidentally, these same two “pastors”(both in LeRoy and Batavia) also purposely helped the Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer who harmed me and my children, she also lives in the Batavia, NY. Area. .
Coincidence you say ? My friends, nothing is by coincidence in life as some might tell you. Evil begets evil and when evil finds another just like it, they work together to destroy God's workmanship. It is after all a spiritual principle. Just like Christians are called to love and help one another and work together for God's glory, so those under satan's control will work to corrupt God's Kingdom and destroy God's people. I hope the lessons learned thus far from this article is that when purposeful
wicked action is allowed, evil has of course negative and disastrous consequences outside one's own personal life-it can and does impact upon many with often disastrous consequences. Many Americans who claim to be Christians unfortunately have a lack of understanding that there are Biblical blessings and curses for everything that we speak and act. In fact, there are just as many problems associated with a Christian's inaction as well as in their actions. American “christianity” with it's “pray now and do nothing later” attitude has crept it's way into many a church in the USA including LeRoy, NY and the surrounding region. It is so very sad that many churches no longer teach Spiritual discernment and those matters of spiritual consequence. In fact, what I just shared with you is what is occurring in LeRoy, NY. Everything negative occurring in LeRoy and the surrounding areas are spiritually plain as day to me and also to those who have the (praise the Lord) God given ability to discern Biblical spiritual matters.
Sickness, disease, mental health issues, injustice issues and all sorts of evil have in their roots spiritual beginnings. Just look at the U.S statistic that over 26% of all Americans suffer from mental illness. If that statistic is true, that means more that 1 in 4 Americans are mentally ill . Does anyone really believe that stat? If it really is true, I believe what Smith Wigglesworth said many years ago is true; “ "When things are not going right, there are satanic forces in operation. What is my solution? To rebuke the condition of sin, death, disease, or whatever it is. I can pray in the Holy Ghost, and that prayer is effectual to bring down every stronghold of the enemy.” The issue goes back to recognizing spiritual matters. Many Christians claim to somehow know Jesus Christ but are unfamiliar with whom the Holy Spirit is or of the devil's hold on their personal or family's lives. As we dig deeper into what is occurring in LeRoy, NY we need not to go very far to see other evil matters at root that is also reinforcing and enabling of what is occurring right there. Right next to LeRoy, NY is a town called East Bethany, NY which has a local WICCA Witches group there hosted from also nearby Rochester, NY There are witches from that evil group that have also been employed in the Batavia and Genesee County, NY Domestic Violence Program which is also known to have their employee's teach female clients to falsify police reports of domestic abuse against men. Looking even deeper yet at spiritual consequences of people's inability to recognize the evil located near LeRoy, NY and that contributes to the current Tourettes issue, you can look south towards Hinsdale, NY; the number one “tourist town for ghosts” in New York State. Houses are actually built with stairs leading into walls for “ghosts” (demons) to travel in and out from the “spirit world.” . A few minutes drive further from Hinsdale, NY is the Chautauqua Institute. For those unfamiliar with it, The Chautauqua Institute has hosted world leaders for various meetings and also the hosting of the godless Humanist Manifesto . In fact just by looking at the entire region of Western New York, we see decaying condition of the surrounding and nearby Buffalo, NY (Buffalo in places looks like Detroit-empty and dilapidated buildings, high crime and drug use everywhere). I have heard of pastors from national and international ministries say that you can feel the “spiritual oppression over that the entire Western New York Region.” This of course encompasses LeRoy, NY which is obviously inundated with an abundance of evil. I know I'm not making any friends here from my “home town area”, but look also at Buffalo, New York's two professional sports teams; The Bills and the Sabre’s. Even many of the local and national media writes articles questioning if Buffalo is a cursed town; . If the secular media has a basic understanding of spiritual matters although highly ignorant according to the Bible, why can't Christian Churches and Christians “get it” ?
Ignoring important spiritual details and matters like prayer has it's consequences. Knowing how to pray is equally important as to what pray. I was informed early in my Christian walk that Billy Graham and his evangelistic team wouldn't come to the Buffalo, and Western New York Area for an evangelistic outreach for years because pastors were told by Mr. Grahams evangelism team to pray first for one year before he would come to the Buffalo area. The pastors in the Buffalo, NY region could not or would not commit to praying for that length of period so Mr. Graham declined hosting an evangelistic outreach in the area for years. Surely, lack of Biblical spiritual insight, understanding and fulfilling Biblical precepts is to blame even amongst our so called Christian leaders and is another door or window of opportunity for satan to destroy lives and families.
Today, millions of Americans go though life spiritually blinded. Many who profess to be “religious” have no clue what is really occurring to to them when problems or chaos floods into their lives. They are often fighting against the flesh in what is truly spiritual matters. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. “ So what I am sharing here should be quite clear regarding Biblical spiritual matters to many by now but I also want to those who are reading this article; what I am sharing does not mean swinging from ceiling lights, flopping on the floor like fish outta water, looking for gold dust or money falling from heaven nor does it mean being filled with emotionalism.
We have to be in the Spirit to know the Holy Spirit. First things first though for every one of us no matter what we wish to call ourselves if we want to see and tackle Biblical spiritual matters correctly and that includes seeing our school children healed from attacks with physical ailments like Tourettes. That is we all need to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Without Jesus in your heart, don't ever expect to recognize truth or spiritual matters, even if it hits you in the face.
Finally, to my friends and family in LeRoy, Batavia and Western New York area and all across the world; my wife Jorlyn and I are praying for y'all and praying also the Lord's leading to bring you to repentance, salvation through Jesus, revival and mighty healings in God's favor through Christ Jesus and uses His ministries including my own ministry if the spiritual door is open for God's glory there and abroad.
God has a perfect plan for your life and it's all in the Bible-Amen
God bless !
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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America Desperately Needs A Hero: But Who?

4063450432?profile=originalStunned Americans are questioning, “Why would Obama, in an election year, boldly trash the first amendment, forcing Catholic institutions to provide birth control, abortion drugs and other contraceptive services which goes against their faith?” These baffled, naïve people still do not get it. First and foremost, Obama is a hard core leftist hater of America, as we know it. He is laser-focused on implementing his vowed fundamental transformation of America into a socialistic, secular progressive Disneyland.

As proven by their gleeful willingness to exempt Obama from the usual vetting process during his 2008 presidential campaign, the liberal mainstream media has given Obama every reason to be confident in their cover and support as Obama ignores the Constitution to fulfill his anti-America anti-freedom agenda.

For three years, we have witnessed Obama slowly peeling off his well-crafted “moderate” mask. Our first glimpse of the real Obama was his unprecedented government hostile takeover of private secular auto companies and bullying banks to accept government bailouts.

Then, despite a majority of Americans screaming “No!” to Obamacare, Obama basically said “screw y'all” and forced the passage of his health care bill. A Rasmussen poll that week showed that 55% of Americans wanted it repealed. It did not matter. The king had decreed it so. Displaying off the chain arrogance and dictatorial power, Obama's enforcer, Nancy Pelosi ruled, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Yes, even democrats who voted to pass the bill were clueless regarding it's content. Obama revealed a little more of the man behind the mask.

Due to my commitment to make my point as concisely as possible, I will not list Obama's unprecedented overreaching power grabs, trashing of the Constitution and crimes against individual freedoms. Let's just say, Obama has revealed two thirds of his true face. What we are seeing is more horrifying than anyone could have possibly imagined.

If un-repealed, Obamacare will literally give this man (Obama) power to dictate which Americans live or die – that is, total control of our lives. Lord help us. Only God should have such power.

My black centenarian grandmother cried tears of joy when Obama was elected. Ironically, her hero's government controlled health care which will be rationed, equals a death sentence for my grandma if she needs an expensive procedure. Economist Thomas Sowell points out that government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. The sick, the elderly, and the disabled will suffer the most when they ration care. Obama blatantly suggested a senior might consider taking a pill rather than having surgery.

Clearly, Obama feels embolden to do whatever he pleases. If Obama is arrogant enough to ignore the first amendment and “dis”a huge bloc of Catholic supporters in an election year, think how full blown no-hold-barred out-of-control his attacks on freedom will be, if reelected.

To save America, we must select a conservative nominee best capable of defeating Obama. I believe that candidate is Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum. I respect y'all too much to blow smoke claiming Newt to be a great conservative. Frankly, his attacks on Bain Capitol infuriated me. However, there are things I love about Newt. Newt is brilliant at articulating conservatism and experienced at successfully implementing conservative ideas. But most of all, Newt understands that the biggest, most destructive threat to America as we know it is Barrack Hussein Obama. And, also extremely important is the fact that Newt is not intimidated by the “race thing”. Newt does not give a hoot about being called a racist. Newt is fearlessly eager to aggressively address America's problem which is Obama.

Romney and Paul are good decent men. However, I do not believe Romney has the stomach to say and do what needs to be done to defeat Obama. While I will enthusiastically support whichever of our candidates winning the Republican nomination, I disagree with Paul's foreign policy ideas.

I really like Santorum. However, I am not confident he can raise the funds necessary to override Obama's billion dollar campaign.

Also, right or wrong, like it or not, a presidential candidate has to have “it”, a special charisma. How else could an inexperienced freshman senator like Obama win the presidency of the United States. Newt Gingrich has “it”. Again, I admit, he “ain't” perfect. But, Newt does not wish to end America as we know it. Obama does and will!

Brother and sister patriot Americans, like Bonnie Tyler sang in her song, “I Need a Hero”, America desperately needs a hero. I believe that that person is Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum.

If Obama is allowed to continue his occupation of the White House after November 6, 2012, he will boldly remove his mask, completely revealing his face. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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My Source of the Law

The editor of the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, is questioning me on my quaint sources of the law.  Not surprisingly, he has other ideas. He has helped me a lot.  I’m only too happy to respond with my unique answers.  


For instance, in Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” Who said that? God didn’t write the Bible.  Obviously, someone already here said that.  Surely, you don’t think we are the only intelligent life in the universe. When I studied America’s Constitution, I imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me.


The Bible says we have dominion over all other life on the planet. That does not mean we should jeopardize or own existence for the sake of other life; make ourselves an endangered species.  Obama and America’s environmentalists have closed much of the southern and northern borders of the United States to adequate law enforcement.  They are phonies with an agenda—lawless renegades.  Who is us?  Ultimately, under whose law do we exit?  Man didn’t make us. Why do we allow this? We don’t know who we are or why we are here.


Are we intelligent beasts—beasts with desire? Does might make right?  I don’t think so. I’m no beast. I’m a human made in God’s image. I believe in America’s Constitution.


Is President Obama divinely blessed, to the extent that he is above America’s Constitution?  Where are our representatives? They, too, must have an agenda.  It is beyond our ability to understand. Science uses mathematics. Science has discovered that light waves collapse when observed.  The collapsed waves become tiny packets of energy called photons. Photons are an aspect of matter—not yet reality. Photons travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain turns photons into the things we see.  We are not aware of this but we make reality.  Before observance—before things—the universe is infinite possibility. That makes us unique.  We observe things no other life on the planet observes. Why don’t we believe what our reason and logic tells us?  How can we ever be made into insect mentality?  You know we can never be made into the image Obama and company imagines.  Why would half of America be satisfied with Obama for a second term?  It is fear of change, being forced to do for themselves, to cease looking to Obama for answers.


Science has finally recognized that before there can be anything there must be consciousness. Is my source, the cutting edge of science, without proof?  The proof is in the pudding. It ties in with God making man in his image—and with our potential. If we use our exclusive human gift of reason and logic we make things happen.  If we use other people’s gift, we are their slaves. This ties in with those who question me, and with those we empower, those wanting to replace God with themselves—by regulating us. It ties in with our stupidity for allowing it.


You can readily see that I’m controversial. You would naturally know who would question me—those who have vested much of their time and money in achieving their place in the sun.  I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m just a bottom fish writing for other bottom fish.


Desire, wanting that which others have and you don’t comes from an inner feeling of inadequacy. It drives some of us to do something about it, others to resentment. These drives give us politicians who represent the successful and those who represent the unsuccessful. The Founding Fathers, knowing desire, designed a Constitution that balanced power.


Well and good, but there arise situations calling for compromise. In the South, the economy depended upon slavery. For the good of all—for defense—the Founding Fathers allowed for slavery. The Union needed the South for defense. Ironically, this expedience caused so much division in the American people that we finally went to war, the North against the South. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, gets credit for freeing America’s slaves.


During America’s Great Depression, there was danger of mass starvation in America. Roosevelt and the Democrats get credit for taking action. They changed the idea of government staying out of personal matters.  They determined that government had the responsibility to see that people didn’t starve.   They changed the Constitution to allow for individual grants in aid, later to be known as entitlements.


The expedience of government entitlement, originally to keep people from starvation, has grown until half of the American people depend on the other half. It has caused a division in America as great as the slavery issue. To add fuel to the fire, President Obama has now ignored the First Amendment in the Constitution, freedom of religion.


We’ve come a long way, baby.  It is now decreed by Obama that we have a fundamental right to free contraceptives. In a strange twist, thought to be innocuous government mandated rights, said rights are coming ever closer to who should have the right to exist and who should not, not only in the womb, but all of us. We are getting more and more like Nazi Germany.   I was there. I ought to know. I saw with my own eyes what the Nazis did. Their Obama-like desires to be supermen and eradicate lesser men reduced them to beasts.


Nazi Germany’s courts backed Hitler. Do we go on the seat-of-the-pants justice the courts give us or get personally involved? I got personally involved.  American justice lost and I won. It’s all recorded.  Do we want to be made into animals jumping through Obama’s hoops? My personal experience gives you a choice you will not get anywhere else.   







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Don't know the authenticity of this, but I like the quote. 

This just about hits the nail on the head. Wow. All I can add is at least we have TERM LIMITS for this position. Now maybe we should set TERMS for CONGRESS.
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr.Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive amultitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
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Be Encouraged 2/11/12

Howdy all!  How was your week?  Are you ready for the weekend? 

You know each day, each week, each month we get closer to restoration.  I hear the fear of what the 'left' will do to keep their control over us.  I know that many of us are doing what we can to prevent the left from succeeding.  But you know what I like hearing?  Young people getting involved.  Not the OWS folks who follow like lemmings over the cliff into the vat of coolaid.  But young people who have realized that what they will have for their future relies on what We the People do now.  So, to the youth of America,  I dedicate the following verse and quote.  I cannot do these writings any justice by interpreting or adding my flavorful flare!  I will leave the credit in, so you may find out more about the context if you so desire.  But I ask you to read the verse from 1 Timothy and the quote from Washington as one entire entry.  Then offer it to any young person who is involved.  It is them that this encouraged message is for.  Like I said, I cannot make it any better than what was originally said.

So kids, sit down and listen, and thank you for your involvement,...

Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity. ~ 1 Timothy 4:12

And you will, by the dignity of your conduct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining. ~ George Washington, The Newburgh Address, 1783.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley - kid at heart

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Join us tonight at 9 pm EST for Founder's Quest!  Miki Booth will be joining us from CPAC and who knows what surprises this great patriot will have in store!  Tea Party Radio will go LIVE at   Our call-in is 646-200-4032.  Click on the link on the command page for a list of FM stations if that's how you'd like to listen, but we'd much rather have you with us live also, and call in!  We are now 2 hours of non-stop Tea Party Radio!  The expanded show times gives us much greater ability to clearly address the issues we face as a nation, and this week we've exposed quite a bit of the Agenda 21/Global Governance takeover going on right under our noses.  This isn't just talk radio, folks...this is getting the message out and the information that is essential to our survival as a Republic.  Come on in---all you have to lose is a nation! 

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Is it best?

Personally I think it is, makes things a lot easier and less complicated. Simple clue...An old military axiom...Work off the K.I.S.S. principle, personally I'm not going to sit here and analyze each and every move of every single politician, when the explanation is sitting right in front of us and no one seems to want to say it.  The system is so broke it needs overhauled not fixed. There is a point and time on a car that you stop doing minor repairs and either pull the engine and completely rebuild it or get another engine.  People this is where we are at! To quote Ms. Jan Morgan "Ballots or Bullets" this is where we are teetering and everyone is tiptoeing around this issue. There is a point and time where we reach these points.  Historically, the last time under tyrannic rule people were murdered in Boston Common.  Several years later, there was a succession into two nations pitted brother against brother. When will we wake up? It's time to take the motor out and either rebuild or get a new one, one with the timing set to our constitution and our christian principles. The solution is simple.  The execution is the difficult part. 

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"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." Deceleration of Independence, 1776.

When the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, I am pretty sure they didn't mean Obama or the government when they were talking about the Creator. Rick Santorum said it best in his victory speech this week. Rather that misquote him, I will paraphrase my take home message from that speech:

When God gives mankind unalienable rights, because of his perfection they stand true and He will never take them away. When man, govement, or any other source attempts to belive they have the authority to grant unalienable rights, due to man's imperfection, those rights fail and eventually are taken away.

I put my trust in my Creator and stand with my fellow man who has the same virtues and values. We as a people need to stand up and select our nominee that best fits those needs and not settle. The talk about we need somebody electable rather than the candidate that is true to the country and what our founding fathers intended shows weakness in our cause and beliefs.

If we put our trust in God, as the great men who founded this great country did, I believe we will not fail. Some of their decisions were not popular at first glance at the time. Their faith endured and as a result, The United States became the best country on earth.

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