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Is this what I sign up for another news company.Ever thing I read on this Tea party page is about what I have all ready read or heard.Well is the information on what the Tea party  is trying to do as American on how we will get behind a person or persons who we feel will do right and will truly not follower the Washington way .

Some one who will not till us about his old jobs,someone who will not sell's us a bag untrue goodie.

Is that person or persons out there? Do we really went to put someone who been in Washington already? Or has all ready done the same thing as Washington. I prey not. I prey that we will not listen to some one else about who to vote for.I pray we vote with what has been given us Freedom that every one has. Lets not talk about what is already in the new,but lets talk about putting the right person in Office who will not only listen to us ,but us his pin not pins to do what right. because it only takes one pin to sign your name.


Have a great day



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Be Encouraged 2/15/12

Howdy all!  Did you all spend a good night with the ones you love?  Spouses, family, friends; we need to turn to our loved ones to restore our strength stamina and sanity.  Sometimes on an hourly basis!  Honey, where are you going?  Honey?  Honey?  Wait for me!! 

So, while I go catch my better half,..

Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4

As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust: So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence.  Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form.  Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self-government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another. ~ James Madison, Federalist No. 55, 1788

So, what in the world is Madison saying here in his best late 1700's prose?  Let's give it a try.  Just as there is the potential for greed, depravity and other qualities to distrust in mankind, there are also qualities in human nature which justify a high level of confidence and trust in those who portray such qualities.  Some examples of these qualities are honor, courage, commitment (just had to get the Navy core values in there for sure!)  These qualities come from deep within the soul, where the concept of love of fellow men is integral to everything we do.  This concept, this standard of love is extremely patient and kind.  It gives us the ability to love our Creator,ourselves, our families, and yes our enemies.  And as said in the verse from 1 Corinthians, it has no need of boasting or flaunting. 

Unfortunately, these qualities are overshadowed by the politically jealous among us, in an effort to prove that We the People cannot survive through self government.  We 'need' to have a select few (elites) govern us.  The elites are the only ones who know how to do things right.  It doesn't matter that our nation has survived and thrived under self-government for over 200 years.  Therefore, to ensure self-governing of our republican government, it is imperative that we use those higher qualities to ensure that our rights endowed to us by our Creator do not get devoured by these elites who will do everything they can to take control from the people. 

What was going on in the 1780's that would give Madison the idea that this situation could be possible?  Well, France is a great example.  Their revolution was well on its way to completion, but they were not following the model presented by the rebellious Americans.  And they still do not have a republican form of government they can trust.

So, how does this relate to present day?  Well, we have elitists running the government today, who don't think We the People can tie our shoes, let alone self-govern.  They feel the need to do everything for us; and if they could, they WOULD tie our shoes for us.  You can't turn in any direction without some form of government control or restriction in front of you.  This is why there is such an unprecedented effort from the tea party movement to restore the republican form of government guaranteed by the Constitution.  This nation is our nation.  It belongs to all 330 million of us, not just the 550 or so employees we have sent to DC to represent us in government.  So, we as Americans must show the elites that there is sufficient virtue among men for self-government.  We must remind the elites that they are our voices, and if they forgot how we sound, we must remind them; or turn the keys over to someone else.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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he who hesitates....



In the spirit of Jesus Christ, the founding fathers of our country, and for all those who fight/have fought and died for my freedom which includes my brothers and sisters in Israel, I cannot remain a silent bystander. We are all at peril from a
common enemy. Iran.....

I honestly cannot fathom our President Obama.
At a time for leadership and decision he is the opposite.
He appears to be a man afraid of his shadow.
Even with all the one-sided media help he is slip-sliding away.
Is he a puppet of Soros or simply a dupe of his crony appointees?
If dropped from a height would he land on his feet or his head?
We are at peril, is he waiting for a cue? From who?
He makes no sense when he speaks on his own and very little when he uses prompters.
And our Congress seems to be in a mindless greedy stupor.

Iran has made it perfectly clear, read their lips "we got nuclear bombs", Israel will be vaporized first, then the U.S.A. while their "leaders sit on their thumbs"...

Does the world think it will be Utopia once Iran erases Israel and the U.S.A.?  Who is next?
Aryans or Iran?
Right or Wrong?
Good or Evil?
Heaven or Hell?

Is It REALLY a Very HARD Decision to make?



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Americans Are Angry At Republicans Also.....”
in 2010, when I seen the Republican field of challengers who were announcing their run for office of President of The United States, I knew there was trouble ahead for our nation. The majority of American people obviously have little confidence in the Republican Party choices for POTUS and their leaders since and as evidenced by the record amount of gun purchases made last November and December 2010. There is also little confidence and I suspect support other than from the ingrained Republican party bosses, for many of the current Republican challengers to President Obama. This country is clearly upside down and the vast majority of Republicans seeking to Replace Mr. Obama, lack clear leadership skills and personal integrity to see any real change result from the removal of Obama from the White House.
Perhaps like you, I am older and wiser now then when I was younger and so gullible and easily fooled by our American two-party political system. I can see politics as much like everything else in the USA such as justice, religion and or “truth”; they are all in reality dependent upon how much money you have, and not much else. It is way to obvious the Republican Party's pick and choice ahead of the nomination to run against Obama is Mitt Romney who a rich man the Republican Party leadership can control, and ultimately influence. The Republican Establishment also likes him because he will “play ball” with the other Republicans in power. Of course electing Romney has nothing to do with what is necessarily good for the nation... folks, what we are seeing is usual party politics from the Republican Party bosses and I'm tired of it. I will tell you and everyone else out there, bottom line; I will never-ever vote for Romney. The number one reason ( I gave my #1 reason why previously ) and will continue to declare my discontent with Romney as the Republican Party Nominee for President for those reasons and in the end, if he is chosen to be their nominee, I will refuse to vote for him-period.
Now I know what I just wrote will not resonate well with some of my Republican friends out there, and there will also be people out there that will be upset with me for stating the following statement as well, but I would rather see a third party candidate I could vote for then being left with a choice between electing Obama or Romney. I say that because I really do believe enough Americans don't like Romney nor Obama and have become tired of “politics as usual” in our nation. Anyone who believes for one minute that there is supposedly any large (or even small for that matter) differences between Republicans and Democrats on the national or state level, needs to go do their research. Sure, there is a lot of rhetoric on differences thrown around out there between Democratic and Republicans when they are spewing their election propaganda but bottom line is; both party's compromise in a major way on their principles once elected and I'm calling out the Republican Party bosses and their POTUS nominees out on it. I as in so many American's have personal experience with witnessing Republicans and their staff playing political games, perform opposite of what is stated by elected Republican Government officials and we demand authenticity and the end of the lies this election cycle. That's right Congressman Joe Wilson; Republicans also lie also !
Just for the record; when I speak of Republicans, I do so with personal experience not just with the “lens” of a blog writer. When I contacted certain National and state Republican elected officials regarding being frauded in the USA by a Filipina Migration Scammer, being threatened with murder by a Batavia NY cop-that call made from police headquarters and having my civil rights repeatedly violated by a corrupt Genesee County Court (which by the way the main judge; Robert Noonan and D.A. Larry Friedman in my cases both being elected Republicans), I was was refused help and or assistance. Some of the Congressional aides I spoke with In fact, had experienced with them some serious political “back peddling” when asking for their assistance. See if you recognize some of these Republican Party government elected officials that either they personally or their office staff refused to help me despite giving them information and or proof of having being threatened with murder and my civil rights violated;
Republican Congressman Chuck Grassely
Republican Congressman Orrin Hatch
Republican House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith
Former “sexting” Republican Congressman Chris Lee

Republican Senator Marco Rubio

Republican Congressman Alan West

Republican New York State Senator Mike Renzenhofer
Republican New York State Senate Judiciary Chair Bonacic

Republican US Senator Bob Corker
More will added in the near future
...And just so “the record is set straight” I am aware of how the political machine turns. I sought a New York State Senate seat in 1990 and then in 2010, I submitted my name and resume to the Erie County(NY) Republican Party Chair as wishing to be considered to be the Republican Party choice and replacement for resigned (sexting)Congressman Chris Lee but ( ). Guess what ? I never heard back from the Erie County Republican Party chair or anyone from their committee. They apparently had party politics as usual in place and they picked who they wanted and in the end, lost a long time Republican held Congressional seat-oh well, party politics as usual. Like I said folks, The majority of Republicans party bosses are no different than the Democrats. Once you learn this, the better off you will be. Now I don't want to discount all Republicans in my article, I know there are some good Republicans out there that would not compromise their beliefs no matter what(thank you Bill Kneer) but those who refuse to buckle under to party politics are far and few between. Washington DC and state capitals have a habit of changing people, not the other way around. Here's the reality of being elected to a national or state elected office; if you want your bill passed and out of committee, or you want to get some of that ear mark money for your legislative, congressional and or senate district, you have to “play ball” with the political party bosses and that means compromise your beliefs. If you simply wish to be isolated, to be ignored and or lose your political clout with your constituents, just stand up once for what is right against the political party machinery, and you will get yourself isolated, ignored and eventually driven out of office.
Nancy+S.bmpIf some how thus far you have come to the conclusion that perhaps this article is just about my pain at the hands of Republicans, then consider the case of former (Republican)Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer(Newt Gingrich's home state) who was told point blank by her Republican Party boss to lay off exposing corruption of judges, lawyers and courts, the selling of children for government profit, parents and dads being hurt by Family Courts and Child Protective Services. In fact she was warned by her Republican Party boss that she would lose her next race for the Senate seat that she held at the time, unless she stopped exposing the corruption. Well, Senator Schaefer kept fighting for her constituents despite the threats from the Republican leadership. Sadly, she not only lost her senate seat, later-after exposing a government run pedophile ring, she also lost her life. She was murdered and most who knew Senator Schaefer suspect there was a government participation and cover-up over her death for obvious reasons ( Still not convinced ? Perhaps then you will believe Dr. Alan Keyes (former US Ambassador and great patriot) who also exposes Republicans and their political process as a sham… .
No my friends, Most Republicans are no different than Democrats. I am a ordained Christian Minister and the Bible tells us to look for Biblical “fruit”-whether good or bad. I'm tired of the bad fruit and propaganda from both the Democratic and as well the Republican Party machines. Their fruit does not match their rhetoric. I know many, many other American Citizens that feel the same way as I. Americans like Randy Kelton ( ) who was illegally arrested and incarcerated in Texas is probably right now giving Gov. Rick Perry, Congressman Ted Poe and House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith heartburn thinking of the millions of dollars the State of Texas will have to dole out to Mr. Kelton in future law suits in response to the State of Texas' actions of illegal and corrupt judiciary in Cherokee County. Republicans ignoring more injustice all around our nation. Clearly Republicans are not the answer to our nation's woes.
Here are some areas I believe whoever the eventual Republican Party Nominee for POTUS needs to focus and to help all Americans if he wants to ever be elected;
*Let's make Lowes to be the official hardware store for standing up to lies of Islamic Terrorism.
* Encourage real economic growth in the private sector so there is a job for anyone who wants to work.
*English as being the official American language.
*All illegal aliens have to leave and start over in the immigration process.
*”In God we trust” will be our official motto-forever !(God of the Bible)
*The Federal Reserve and IRS will be eliminated and a simple national tax instead implemented.
*The USA will go back to the Gold Standard and the Federal Govt. cannot spend more than it takes in from taxes and revenues.
*”God Bless America” will be our national anthem(God of the Bible).
*Prayer will be allowed to be said by students if they choose in all schools.
*Christian monuments, symbols and Nativity Scenes will be allowed in public places.
*All corrupt lawyers and judges will be jailed.
*All Congressional Lobbyists will be banned-period.
*Every American Citizen over the age of 18 and without a criminal conviction record will be trained and own a handgun to fend off all foreign and domestic terrorists.
*All laws including traffic laws will never again be used to reap or to make money for governments.
*Police agencies will no longer receive money from special interest groups to arrest people for special interest laws.
*The 10th Amend. of the US Constitution will mean all states supersede federal statutes with God first in the equation.
*All family courts, Title IV, VAWA, abortion and CPS will be abolished.
*Citizen Review Panels will be the “watchdog” groups over all government agencies as well as over all judges and attorneys. They will have the power to hire and fire people.
*Parents have primary say so over their children unless there is absolute proof of abuse, then Christian churches will take over as parental surrogates until parents get help.
*Welfare will be abolished by the government and solely the responsibility of the Christian Churches.
*The “Straw Man” will be tried in a court of law and if found guilty, will be hung until dead !
*Abortion, homosexuality and Sharia Law will be outlawed.
*Strengthen our national boarders and our military against foreign and domestic terrorism.
* The Theory of Evolution will go back to being a theory.
*Divorce will be rare and automatic joint custody of children given to parents. No more money making freebies for lawyer, judges and CPS. Children will no longer be used as pawns.
*Reverse and remove the Patriot Act.
*Repeal “Obama care.”
*Eliminate 90% of all Federal and State Agencies.
*Stiffer laws against sale of drugs and increase war on drugs.
*That America be declared once and for all, one nation under God !
I sincerely believe that if we put God(of the Bible) back in control of our nation, families and homes first instead of the Republican Party, we will once again be a blessed and prosperous nation.
Joshua 24:15 “And if it seem evil to you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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Here we go again just looking at the ones who running,I through every one  would want some one new,but I guess wrong.Do we want the same thing over and over I hope not so lets really try get the right person in Office To me I would like  to get Daniels in this race as a Independent  We need a new way to go in life ,not backward. So if every one really want the same then vote the same I can not because of my faith and heart.

Be goo all


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_*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*_

1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the
Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into
the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the
American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all
Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and
participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the
American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this
contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their
term(s), then go home and back to work.

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Be Encouraged 2/14/12

Howdy all!  The week is going great so far.  And it's only one work day old.  So we need to keep the work week going strong.  Even us unemployed need to keep things moving.  Interviews, cold calls, it's still work.  America wasn't built only by people in the work force.  So many innovations and inspirations had been developed by those in need and those who wanted to make things better.  So, maybe I can invent something really cool.

Until then,..

If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.  But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. ~ Ecc. 4:10

It seems to me very important that the statute laws should be made as plain and intelligible as possible, and be reduced to as small a compass as may consist with the fullness and precision of the will of the legislature and the perspicuity of its language.  This, well done, would, I think, greatly facilitate the labors of those whose duty it is to assist in the administration of the laws, and would be a lasting benefit to the people, by placing before them, in a more accessible and intelligible form, the laws which so deeply concern their interests and their duties. ~ Abraham Lincoln, Annual message to Congress, December 1, 1861

Did I hear once that President Obama looks up to Abraham Lincoln?  I wonder, since Mr Lincoln's words are obviously some foreign language to Obama.  Stimulus bill/ARRA 1100 pages, Obamacare 2000 pages - and that doesn't include the extra pages needed for all the commissions.  Remember Pelosi's famous words, "We must pass the bill so we can find out what is in the bill."  Can you imagine how simple and small our government structure would be if Lincoln's words were heeded?  No commissions, advisers, advocates, or vast number of lawyers to interpret laws.  What a concept.  It would take the full attendance of our federally elected employees approximately 2 hours to review, discuss, vote and pass a bill to the President.  Imagine getting things done in Congress with same day service?  And everyone knew what they were signing! 

I know, keep dreaming.  But it's a good dream, isn't it?  Well, back to reality...

We aren't going to see Lincoln's words fulfilled any time soon.  Our present lot of elected employees are desperate to remain employed, so the more complex the bills, the more they feel needed to interpret.  HOWEVER, with the enlightenment of American conservatives, We the People have become capable of reading what the employees come up with.  We have not been impressed by what we read.  And, we are more willing to replace the federally elected employees than they would prefer.  But they continue to go against Abe's advice.  We the people have figured out that our Constitution and our nation requires all of us to stand together, work together, be together.  The progressives will do everything that can to divide us and cull out what they consider the weak links.  So standing together ensures we can reach out and help one another if we should fall.  We won't be in a position to let ourselves get into real trouble alone.  That is what makes this movement so great.  So many people, thinking alike, working together and sharing with each other.  This has made our nation more of a family than it has ever been.  Keep up the great work, together.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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4063451474?profile=originalAre you as sick of hearing me talking about race as I am talking about it? For crying out loud, all I ask is that liberals please, please, please look beyond their emotions and Obama's skin color and honestly assess the man. It is stunning that liberals still think I should be totally committed to supporting this man solely because he is America's first black president and we share the same skin-color.

Suppose the black pastor of a church was discovered to be a child molester? Would the congregation continue to support their pedophile pastor because they share the same skin-color? Of course, not.

And yet, black actor Samuel L. Jackson, his liberal Hollywood buddies and a majority of black voters believe Obama's character, policies and agenda are irrelevant. Jackson said he voted for Obama because he is black. Americans are expected to mindlessly support Obama, especially black Americans, solely because Obama is black. Folks, not only is such thinking immoral, racist and scary, it is just plain stupid. By the way, I looove Samuel L. Jackson movies.

As Leader of the Free World, Obama's character and agenda are of the utmost importance. His skin color should be irrelevant. And yet, small-minded black racists and guilt-driven whites believe loyalty to skin-color should trump everything; right and wrong, good and evil. Sadly, Obama has caused even some Christians to forsake their first love, Christ, to worship an idol of race.

When Obama attacked freedom of religion by demanding that Catholic institutions fund baby killing, liberal Catholics continued their mantra, must support the black president. Committed Christians yelled, No, Mr President! Put us in jail, but we will not deny Christ for your evil mandate! A master of lies, manipulation, smoke and mirrors, Obama said, OK, I will order insurance companies to offer free abortion/contraceptive services. Bull Hockey! Nothing in life is free.

By forcing private insurance companies to provide free baby killing services, Obama is continuing his trashing of our Constitution. The president has no authority to force private industry to provide anything, nor can he force citizens to purchase anything. Obama's presidency is straight out of the Twilight Zone; an unprecedented outrageous overreach of power and assault on individual freedom. Still, Obama zombies demand that I support my black president. Obama is destroying MY country. Why on earth would I support him?

Urban black student's in the DC voucher school program were testing through the roof. Obama ended the program pandering to the teachers union whose dues fund the Democratic party. Obama denied black parents the right to rescue their kids from the dangerous black-board-jungle known as the DC public school system.

Self-induced black genocide. Half of all black babies are aborted. Blacks are the only race in America on the decline. By 2038, the black vote will be insignificant. And yet, Obama is obsessed with forcing taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. Oh, did I mention that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood is an unapologetic racist?

But Samuel, “true brothers” like you expect us to ignore Obama's passionate loyalty to an organization which was founded to exterminate blacks. Seventy-eight percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are in black neighborhoods. Thirty-five percent of babies aborted in America are black. Could Planned Parenthood be targeting blacks, giving us the “shaft”? Can you dig it?

Despite these documented Obama assaults on freedom, I will receive emails, “You should be ashamed being black and not supporting the president!” I do not reply to people who are “stuck on stupid and racism”.

Here is a video illustrating the vitriolic disdain black mind-numb racists have for black conservatives. This bullying black radio show host viciously attacks his female black conservative guest; insulting everything from her intellect to her physical appearance. He drills her. “Do you support Barack Obama?” His template – blacks not supporting Obama regardless of his policies/agenda are stupid traitors. He also believes the tea party is racist and blacks who belong to it are a disgrace.

I would have boldly proclaimed, “NO!, I do not support Obama. YES!, I am a proud member of the Tea Party” Then, I would proceed to nail that “jive turkey” to the wall with truth and facts. Though the host still would not get it, I prayerfully believe some in his audience would hear and receive the truth.

Mr Jackson, America has been pretty darn good to you. Your extraordinary success as an actor is well deserved. You earned it. But, what will in take for successful blacks such as you to set aside their bitterness and racism and liberal whites to get over their guilt to consider what is best for all Americans? Enough with the tired old 70s militant black rhetoric.

Mr Jackson, saying you support Obama solely because he is black is a slap in the face to the millions of your fellow American white fans who pay ten bucks a pop to see your movies. It is shameful for you to make such a blatantly racist proclamation. C'mon bro, I believe you are better than that.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
Ronald Reagan

People judge Barak Hussein Obama with emotion, like the people in Cuba or Polonia/Poland or URSS at the beggining of that monster, the comunism. We must jugde people by what they do not for what they say. Vote with your brain not with your emotion. And that is all a matter of personal choice. 
When Clinton was in a office We had a balance budget. Then came Bush and Obama and the economy when in the shitter. Don't fall in love with a candidate. Educate yourself on the politics of this country before you make a decision.

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People, there is no need to panic when choosing twixt Romney and Santoroum. Lets first take a brief look at Romney - Of course he is not a Reagan Republican.  There is too much over concern about his Mormonism. Among evangelicals he scores higher than thrice married Gingrich. There are Mormons in the Senate right now. He also served his required 2 years as a missionary in Sudan. He had to do the best he could in getting elected in ultra liberal Massachusetts. He knows if elected he will be under tremendous heat if goes liberal on issues. He has no ties to Washington insiders composed of Senators and Congressmen and is on the same page as ultra conservative Paul Ryan. He understands how China is raping us. He appears strong on defense. I never hear of Mormons going to prison or being involved in extra marital affairs. Romney also has the right temparment to make well thought out important decisions like military action, etc.    

Now lets look at supposed squeaky clean Santorum. Santorum evidently blackmailed some animal rights organizations to get certain bills passed. As president he will not be negoiating how bills are written up. He appears to be prone to being hot-headed. He like Romney appears hawkish on the military. Santorum may be more well versed on a wide range of issues from his time in the Senate than what Romney knows. However, Romney knows how to put brilliant people alongside of him from his days as a businessman. I expect Romney to make good cabinet choices, perhaps slightly better than Santorum would.


In sum , we must NOT devour our candidates as that only plays into the hands of the Obamamaniacs and left wing media.  It is too late for any Reagan-like Republican to step forward, so we have to play the political hand we have been dealt as far as candidates goes. Both Romney and Santorum have far more integrity than the traitorous Obama. We have to believe that both Romney and Santorum are aware of the radical Islam threat, but lets not get overly paranoid. Much of the radical Islamist are now splinter groups with no real head, as many of their leaders have been assassinated by our military. I hope Sarah Palin keeps any negative comments about Romney to herself or those negative comments about Santorum spoken by others. Both of these men would be fantastic improvements over Obama.              


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What’s disturbing about this picture?

Posted on The Blaze-By Buck Sexton-On February 7, 2012: 

Editor’s note: This story has now been updated with information from Glenn Beck’s Tuesday night broadcast. The text report below has been updated with some of the pictures from GBTV broadcast.  The most graphic of the photos we are including only in the video for GBTV subscribers in the on-demand version of the full broadcast that can be seen here.

This video clip is Beck’s introduction — it does not contain graphic images:


As America prepares to draw down from wars abroad, it faces a new conflict as a vicious drug war spills across our southern border with Mexico.


Former Border Patrol Agent Zachary Taylor told The Blaze just how grave the threat really is.

Taylor broke down the imminent dangers and expanded upon the case that the U.S.-Mexico border has become the soft underbelly of U.S. homeland defense.

It’s not just an immigration problem, Taylor insisted, but also a major national security vulnerability.

A former US Border Patrol Agent himself, Taylor says all these threats have been exacerbated by current Obama administration policies and deliberate distortions by much of the media.


To understand the scope of the problem, Taylor first wants the public to recognize that the dominant media narrative is intentionally false. As a former and longtime Border Patrol Agent, Taylor balked at the notion that illegal immigration is simply a function of people seeking a better life.


He feels there is a lot of nefarious activity that goes unaddressed, and said: “The main problem is that the American press is working in conjunction with the administration to keep the facts about what is happening in Mexico and Central America a secret. They are hiding it in plain sight, deception I would call it.”

Taylor continued: “Our institutions have been corrupted, the 4th estate has been corrupted. It is a tool of disinformation… A psychological warfare operation being waged against the American people using things to deflect their attention.”


According to Taylor, many of the people coming across the border are entering America illegally with the intention of doing real harm. They are coming with drugs, guns and inflicting violence, or are part of elaborate human smuggling networks with direct ties to the vast criminal cartels. The appeals to human compassion and “America is a nation of immigrants” meme ignores this very real and growing threat to the United States.


Which brought our discussion to the vicious and powerful Mexican drug cartels.

Taylor made it clear that there is no level of violent depravity or government corruption outside the ability of the cartels. The Sinaloa, the Zetas, and others narco-insurgents are engaged in beheadings, mutilations, sexual assaults, as well as videotaped torture campaigns similar to what most people associate with Al Qaeda.


Which brought our discussion to the vicious and powerful Mexican drug cartels.

Taylor made it clear that there is no level of violent depravity or government corruption outside the ability of the cartels. The Sinaloa, the Zetas, and others narco-insurgents are engaged in beheadings, mutilations, sexual assaults, as well as videotaped torture campaigns similar to what most people associate with Al Qaeda.


Taylor believes the cartel campaigns are not limited to the nuts and bolts of the drug trade. He told The Blaze that he feels the cartels want to have a hand in Mexican national elections and hope to help bring a sympathetic leftist government to power.

The approximately 45,000 casualties of the drug war so far have been largely a response to Mexican President Calderon’s attempts to crack down on the cartels. If the drug barons were able to help install a leftist, anti-American government that would turn a blind eye to the drug trade, it would be a huge victory for the narco-traffickers. And a huge problem for the United States.

“Mexico has an insurgency on its hands — that is exactly what the problem is — and America will have the same problem as it makes it easier to get across the border,” Taylor said.

But Taylor brought some outside elements into his analysis. He stated that drug cartel activity and terrorist activity are both transnational in nature, which means groups from around the world have become involved.

In this case, that means the Shia militant group Hezbollah.

Taylor said that Hezbollah is allying with the drug and alien smuggling operations at the border to help finance their operations in the Middle East. And in the event of hostilities with Hezbollah’s benefactor — Iran — Taylor is concerned that the cartel smuggling networks could help make America’s WMD nightmare come true.

“Get them close enough and effective enough, they [Hezbollah] could smuggle a Weapon of Mass Destruction into the United States.”

For those who would say the threat of a WMD smuggled into the U.S. is hyped or remote, Taylor points to a YouTube video from 2009 in which Muslim cleric Abdullah al-Nafisi talked about bringing 4 lbs of anthrax into the U.S., which he gleefully claimed would kill 330,000 people. It’s still available for anyone to see on YouTube, as shown below courtesy of MEMRI.TV:

Faced with all these threats, the federal government has refused to devote enough resources to the problem in Taylor’s view. On the contrary, Taylor believes the Obama administration is engaged in efforts to bureaucratically subvert border security for political gain.

When the subject turned to the brave efforts of our border agents, Taylor painted a picture of an undermanned, outgunned, and bureaucratically hobbled federal Border Patrol force. He shared a number of disheartening anecdotes and cases that showed U.S. border efforts are not only insufficient — decisions are being made at the top of the federal government to make border enforcement more difficult.


Those policy decisions can and do have lethal consequences. In the infamous killing of former Marine and Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, operational guidelines ordered that non-lethal force was the preferred first option of defense for Terry. This ignored the fact that there had already been several attempts to shoot Border Patrol agents in the same area with high-powered rifles.

In 2009, almost exactly one year before Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by border bandits, another group of BP officers were on ATVs near Ramanote canyon in Arizona. Armed smugglers opened fire on the agents, wounding one in the ankle/foot area, but the other agent was able to withdraw.

The smugglers, however, did not retreat, despite the fact that other border patrol agents came into the area to assist. Taylor said “not only will they [bandits] open fire on Border Patrol, they will advance on them in an attack.”

A helicopter arrived on the scene, according to Taylor, but shockingly, the helo crews were prohibited from exfiltrating the wounded agent. Instead, the Border Patrol brought in a horse to carry the agent out of the area to a waiting helicopter because of DHS protocol.

It took 4 1/2 hours from the time of the engagement until the medical evacuation was completed. This was all due, as Taylor put it, to DHS policy with no basis in anything other than slowing down enforcement efforts, endangering Border agents in the process.


Taylor added that the Department of Homeland Security did away with CAS (Close Air Support) helicopters in December 2011 even though with a FLIR-mounted surveillance system, the choppers “almost guarantee you will catch your quarry.”

Taylor doesn’t mince words about this. He believes the removal of the choppers is an attempt to intentionally hamper the effectiveness of border operations.

The federal government is ”killing the operation through policy and how they deploy assets… it’s about spending money and making the show, not about effectiveness.”

Currently, there are even federal agency turf wars making border enforcement more difficult. Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to enter or pursue on federal wildlife refuges without permission. As some of these preserves — which fall under the Department of the Interior — can stretch for nearly a hundred miles from the border, they are basically a smuggler’s paradise.

House of Representative Bill 1505 would give agents unfettered access to anywhere within 100 miles of the border, but the mere fact that this legislation is needed speaks volumes about the present state of border security, as Taylor put it.

There can also be clear politics at play in how Border Patrol cases are handled. Agent Jesus Diaz was found not guilty of excessive force by two different internal review boards, but the US Attorney’s Office interceded and successfully prosecuted the agent for excessive force.

Taylor said that the federal court did not allow any background info at the trial of Agent Diaz, and the words of four inexperienced agents were used against him in court.


For this offense, Diaz was charged and spent time in prison. In addition, Taylor said it has come to light that all four of the rookie border patrol agents who testified against Diaz have since washed out of the agency.

As if the southern border were not enough, there are problems at the northern U.S. border, as well. Taylor claims that the Obama Administration is intentionally making it easier to illegally cross the northern border through bureaucratic obstacles. The National Forest Service does not allow unfettered access to Border Agents, and DHS is ceasing many transportation checkpoints along the border with Canada.

For Taylor, all of this adds up to a situation that gravely threatens U.S. national security and endangers Americans.

Asked how this state of affairs could continue, or even be allowed to worsen, Taylor summarized his case bluntly.

“This administration is trying to facilitate the entry of illegal aliens into the United States.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Bacteriological Attack on the U.S.!-Posted on Katie Baker-On February 13, 2012:

II. Video: Abdullah Al-Nafisi - A biological attack on USA!-Posted on AFPhilosophy-On December 29, 2010:

III. One Mexican State Bordering The US Was Deadlier Than All of Afghanistan Last Year!-Posted on Edwin Mora-On January 18, 2012:

IV. Iranian Plot Sparks Measure to Bolster 
Counterterrorism Efforts in Western Hemisphere!-Posted on Act for America!-By Jennifer Scholtes, CQ Staff-On October 17, 2011:

V. Hezbollah Gaining Strength in Latin America!-Posted on July 17, 2011:

VI. Video: Hezbollah Foothold Growing on Mexican Border!-Posted on July 20, 2011:

VII. Video: AZ Sheriff: ‘Designate Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organizations’!-Posted on June 30, 2011:

VIII. Video: Hezbollah On the Border!

IX. PBS In Tandem With The State Department Smears Shelbyville To Advance Al Hijra (Muslim Immigration)-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On May 22, 2011:

X. Former Intelligence Agent: Terror Group Hezbollah Has Infiltrated Our Southern Border-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 6, 2011:

XI. EXCLUSIVE: DHS Can’t Account for 10 Libyan Men It Caught and Released Inside U.S.-Posted on Penny Starr-On April 22, 2011:

XII. Pentagon to Senators: ‘All Your Constituencies Are Confronted by This Threat’ from Mexican Drug Cartels-Posted on Edwin Mora-On April 14, 2011:

XIII. Pentagon Moves to Weaken Combat Troops and Family Values!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By GIACOMO-On February 11, 2012:

XIV. Romney to Newsmax: Obama in Dangerous Military Retreat!-Posted on Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter-On February 10, 2012:

XV. The Danger That The Obama Administration Poses To America!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By SUSAN STAMPER BROWN-On February 2, 2012:

Note: The following eye opening article and/or blog post reveals a George Soros funded unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways: (a) by characterizing the United States as an evil, militaristic, oppressive nation that exploits vulnerable populations all over the globe; (b) by accusing the U.S. of having provoked, through its unjust policies and actions, the terror attacks against it, and consequently casting those attacks as self-defensive measures taken in response to American transgressions; (c) by eradicating America's national borders and institute a system of mass, unregulated migration into and out of the United States -- thereby rendering all distinctions between legal and illegal immigrants anachronistic, and making it much easier for aspiring terrorists to enter our country; and (d) by depicting America's military and legislative actions against terror as unjustified, extreme, and immoral -You Decide: 

Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:

Note:  The following web site reveals several George Soros’ Open Society Institute funded organizations that litigate on behalf of illegal aliens against the U.S. government and lobby in Congress for open-borders legislation-You Decide:

American Immigration Council (AIC)-Posted on

Note: This is the 2010 U.S. Department of Justice-National Drug Intelligence Center
-National Drug Threat Assessment that relates to this issue-You Decide:

U.S. Southwest Border Smuggling and Violence!-Posted on February 2010:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts reveal how the Main Stream Media is a state run propaganda machine of the neo-fascist Left that is funded by anti-American Geroge Soros and its main agenda is to assist President Obama and his minions to bring down capitalist America-You Decide:

State-Controlled Mainstream Media?-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On February 8, 2012:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico!

Backsliding On National Security: The Immigration Connection:

U.S. Southwest Border Smuggling and Violence!

ICE Agents Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Leaders!‘no-confidence’-in-leaders/

How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!“illegal-immigration”-issue-affects-our-everyday-lives/

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Obama's budget

The President submitted his 2013 budget.

Does it cut:

-Funding of grants and loans to alternative energy sources? This should be pursued by the private sector and the free market should determine its success if it is affordable.

-Does begin the elimination of the Department of Education? State and local school boards, university systems and parents should work together on education.

-Does eliminate federal grants? Why is money taken from citizens and states and then only given back in a grant if you follow ridiculous rules and regulations on how to spend it?

-Does it eliminate Obama Care and all federal mandates on what insurance must do?

-Does it give tax breaks to companies and corporations for providing health care plans to their employees?

-Does it reduce the size and scope of the EPA, Department of Energy, and include an across the board 10% cut in spending for every other federal cabinet department.

-Are we cutting foreign aid that was a total of $52.7B in 2010? Why are we giving $693M to the Westbank/Gaza? $1.7B to Egypt, a country now apparently an enemy? $505M to Russia? How many children in poverty could we help in our own country?

-Are we cutting every federal program that can be accomplished by the private sector?

-Does it cut taxes for the middle class?

-Are we going to have a flat tax, reducing rates for all citizens and companies?



Probably not

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Why did mega power nations form in the first place? 

Because of war !

Bigger nations field bigger armies and up until the present time that was almost essential for defense, or 

to be able to attack another nation and steal their resources !

With the advent of nuclear weapons the ability to defend our nation with deadly force has rendered the need for

massive ground armies obsolete, and with 3rd and 4th generation warfare being a large multicultural nation may in fact be a disadvantage.

Another issue is providing for the society aka socialism where we redistribute wealth to help disadvantaged in our society . With massive nations this is inefficient and creates class hostilities that are counter productive .

We see the many issues of this showing up in our political debates [Obama phones ] and black inner city women having babies to increase their welfare checks , which really pisses off the working  white folks and causes class anger and hostility.

The former Soviet Union disintegrated and reformed as a loose confederation that has many more freedoms in place and actually are doing rather well economically!

  So I ask ?

Is it going to happen here , and if it does should we embrace it and act before we are forced to change?

James Dale Davidson : in several books wrote about the paradigm shifts that take place every so many years and they are involved with economic cycles and social shifts. Thinking about this concept brings to mind the Industrial  revolution and the Great depression to name just 2 events that were world wide and impacted society.

I believe we are now in a massive paradigm shift ! 

So where do we go from here?

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Thoughts on Abortion

If we do not say that life begins at conception then Abortion is not murder !

As a Christian I am against the"UNJUST"  taking of life .

However In the bible [Old Testament ] there are many instances where God said kill em all and ill sort em out.

So to be logical

Why do I care if our enemy kills their unborn sons and daughters?

I only am responsible for myself and family and I will be true unto my self and "I" WILL NOT KILL MY UNBORN CHILDREN OR ALLOW MY UNBORN GRANDCHILDREN TO BE KILLED!

Remember that God doesn't like Blaspheme ! Claiming to act in his Authority when you do not have it.

Judgment is mine [alone] saith the Lord of Hosts

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