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Warning from Homeland Security

Homeland Security continues to put out notices to Federal, State and Local Law enforcement agencies warning that all Militia's are Extremists. This includes people who are against legalized slaughter of unborn innocent life, for obedience to the Constitution of the United States of America. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler, did to vilify the Jewish population prior to and during WWII. The gloves have come off and we must and will continue to let our voices be heard and expose the NWO elitists for what they are and who they are.
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Economic Patriotism only way to save America

“….If foreign countries are allowed to have one-sided Trade Agreements, and if foreign companies can compete against American companies sans fair trade, and if American companies don’t care about the economic future of their own country, and if the executives of U.S. companies are unconcerned about the well-being of the American taxpayers who rescued them, and if American consumers fail to understand the value of “Buying American”, and if the two major parties in Congress allow all this to continue unabated…..then the United States is doomed. …“ 

                                                                                H. Michael Hervey, Chairman, CP-USA 

The Conservative Party (CP-USA) asks all Americans to help revive our economy by taking proactive steps to create and retain jobs in the United States.

No other political party or presidential candidate has officially adopted a common sense policy that encourages U.S. multi-national corporations to rethink their exclusive focus on quarterly profits and consider the economic health of the United States and their own long-term viability.  

CP-USA firmly believes that legitimate profit motive is compatible with Economic Patriotism.  Simply stated, Economic Patriotism is a policy that:  Reduces regulatory and tax burdens on small businesses; Provides tax incentives to U.S. corporations to hire Americans to work in America; Encourages Boards and shareholders to recognize the value and profitability of keeping jobs in America; Educates the American public about the high cost of cheap imports and the long-term value of “Buying American” and; Imposes “Reciprocal” duties/tariffs on foreign imports to level the trade playing field .  

Practicing Economic Patriotism is the only way America can survive in a global economy in which foreign countries are dedicated to eclipsing the Unites States.  As the world’s sole beacon of true Democracy, human rights, free market capitalism and mutually beneficial fair trade, Americans must not allow that to happen.       

When foreign countries negotiate trade deals with the U.S. they consider what’s good for their citizens, what’s good for their companies and what’s good for their economies (Nationalism).  When Americans negotiate foreign trade deals, however, we only consider what’s good for a company, its shareholders and senior management.  There is no consideration whatsoever for rank & file employees or how the U.S. economy and the America people will benefit.  The only things GE, Intel, HP or Goldman-Sachs care about is the next Quarter’s profit and how much they can reduce labor costs by off-shoring jobs.   If continued, these short-sighted policies will render Americans too poor to purchase the imported products manufactured by those American companies.    

Foreign nations naturally care about their own economic future, the viability of their companies and well being of their citizens; they’re unconcerned about America’s future or world standing.  Sadly, American corporations think the same way; they also don’t consider America’s future.  GE earned billions in the U.S. market in 2010 yet worked overtime to avoid paying any income taxes.  Although U.S. taxpayers rescued many American companies from financial collapse in 2009, many of those same companies now sequester hundreds of billions offshore to avoid taxes even during America’s budget/debt crisis.  Unlike the post-WW II era when “Wall Street” supported American firms and helped make the U.S an economic superpower, “Wall Street” is disconnected from “Main Street” in every sense today.  In short, there is no concept of Economic Patriotism.

If foreign countries are allowed to have one-sided Trade Agreements, and if foreign companies can compete against American companies sans fair trade, and if American companies don’t care about the economic future of their own country, and if the executives of U.S. companies are unconcerned about the well-being of the American taxpayers who rescued them, and if American consumers fail to understand the value of “Buying American”, and if the two major parties in Congress allow all this to continue unabated…..then the United States is doomed.  

Think about this: The United States does not have a trade surplus with any nation on earth.  That’s why America’s trade deficit jumped 38% in 2010 to $498B.  Americans must realize that international trade is rigged against the United States due to state-subsidized industries and less-than-favorable duties/tariffs.    International free trade is only “fair” trade when all countries play by the same rules.  Congress should enact trade laws that Reciprocates (copies) all fees on imported products.  Example: If Japan levies 18% taxes/duties/tariffs on American imports, the U.S. should “reciprocate” by imposing 18% on all Japanese imports.  Reciprocity levels the playing field and will make foreign countries rethink their trade practices.  

Congress must also recognize that burdensome union and environmental regulations hinder rapid economic recovery.  The U.S. Business & Industry Council studied 111 U.S. based manufacturing companies from 1997-2009. It found that only nine of those 111 companies (8%) actually grew their domestic market share.  American total production fell 64% and domestic market share eroded to 56%.  Considering that 15% of all domestic production was by foreign companies based in the U.S., the picture is even more dismal.  America is also becoming more dependent on foreign countries for critical products like high-performance microchips, specialty steels and rare earth metals. This economic reality is not solely a trade or jobs issue; it also imperils our national security. 

Too many Americans wrongly believe in the “Innovation is the key to new jobs” myth.  The ugly truth is that even when Americans do innovate and create hot new products or services (PC, iPad, Google, Tablets, Twitter, iPhone, Groupon, etc.), most of the manufacturing and customer service/technical support jobs go off-shore.  While very important, innovation does not guarantee long-term job growth because corporations ship those jobs to China or India.  Although U.S. companies demand that Americans get retrained, get more education, get more productive and take pay cuts, they have only one demand of foreign workers: show up for work. 

Economic Patriotism is the only way to rectify the perils facing America today.  Someone must speak for America and the Conservative Party stands ready.   It’s time to “Come Home America”.

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American patriotism is traditionally understood as a healthy devotion to our liberties in this
wonderful Republic of the United States! For all those who are interested in making our
government more efficient and reducing cost, it is past time for 'We the People' to demand
that the present state of the affairs, be returned to the original directives of our 'founding-

It is and always has been effective to use conservative and practical methods to reorganize;
streamline; and eliminate wherever possible. As our government has been allowed to take
an almost unchecked rampant expansion since the conclusion of World War II, it is very
obvious that things have escalated to overload. And I'm sure, that most citizens realize
that we have all over-looked, and not been completely cognizant or responsible to watch
the almost uncontrolled development of governmental gridlock at every level.

Yes, we all recognize that we have a monumental problem, that is long overdue for a
complete change. The most direct way to accomplish this would be to eliminate or
abolish every unconstitutional, harmful, and unnecessary Cabinet Departments. Such
as the abolishment of Education Department; Energy; Housing and Urban Development;
and the Department of Homeland Security.

Abolish the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The hard-wired message is to
say simply....................! The DHS was created, one year after “9/11”, it lumped 22
agencies from other departments to improve efficiency and coordination. It has failed
The budget jumped from $19.5 Billion dollars in 2002 to an astounding $44.1
Billion in 2010.
In fact, it's has become one of the newest avenues for pork-barrel. Only 25%
of anti-terrorism 'grants' to local governments actually goes to terrorism
prevention and response.
Many of the agencies have only a minor or tangential roles in possible
terrorist attacks or response, and 'DHS overseas' has far-flung responsibilities
from anti-counterfeiting, all the way to flu epidemics.
It hasn't protected us from terrorism; most of the foiled attempts, or 'terror
plots' were really accomplished as sting operations by the FBI!
Neither the CIA, NSA, nor even the FBI(a domestic agency) has been placed
under the DHS umbrella.
Which makes a coordinated, DHS-led antiterrorism strategy impossible;
leaving the FBI and CIA out defeats the very purpose of the DHS. How do
I know? Well, during the Viet-Nam War, I was envolved, by being a member of
the USAFSS(Security Service), which were directly associated with the CIA, OSI,
NSA, CID, NCIS, and the FBI! Although that is almost Fifty years ago, I still
know a few, in high-places!

The DHS is funding pernicious, totalitarian Minority Report-style 'pre-crime'
The DHS funds have become 'fusion centers', which create reports about
possible breeding grounds of terrorism. They include everything from third
parties, the Tea Party and anti-tea party groups, even student groups at
historically black college, the Aryan Brotherhood, Black Panthers, the Weather-
men, and street gangs.

In other words, ANYONE, who dissents or is dissatisfied with the status-quorum, might
be a terrorist. Such assessment reflects the paranoid minds of the 'Statist-bureaucrats'
and their political bosses, rather than reality. Like everyone else, don't get me started
on the abuses and humiliations inflicted by the TSA!

Probably the most offensive problem is relegated to the name, the word “Homeland”
to many Americans, including myself, evokes the insanity-of the Neo-Nazi 'blood
and soil' Fatherland; instead of patriotism, it congers up the Cold-War nationalism
or totalitarianism. Traditionally, American Patriotism is understood as devotion to
republican liberty

Certainly does gives one cause to wonder, what was the initial use of the word
“Homeland”intended? it conditioning us for tyrannical rule?

No one wants to be perceived as “against security”! But this does not justify the
continued wanton waste, fraud and abuse of the DHS. As the truth is now being
told, the DHS has no real reason for existence. This is plainly evident for too
many other agencies; and it is time to get rid of all the 'so-called Czar's'. Some
need to be completely abolished, along with the DHS!

This brings to mind, the tale~ “Once upon a time, a small boy declared the truth
that no one in the realm, dared to utter--'The Emperor has no clothes'!” We need
to see that type of courage in all of our elected officials. The DHS is exposed.
Will our congressmen, both the House of Representatives and the Senate, stand
and be counted as proud warrior's that can be trusted, to properly represent our
Nation! May GOD Bless America!

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Elk County Tea Party, Courthouse, Ridgway, Pennsylvania- Freedom Rally 2011




"THE WAY", the Only Way: "Je'-sus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14-6. The very first Sin of the Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is Aborticide the Murder of the Innocent. The second is the Rejection of His Preserved, and inherent Word the Holy Bible(Almighty God is not the author of confusion He has but one Bible). The third is knowing the truth and then supporting the State Church(Incorporation). The fourth is attacking, maligning, the anointed preachers of the Saving Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There are more Sins, but these four must be considered paramount.



Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole(Chaplain Tom) VETERAN OF VETERANS, FATHER OF VETERANS

vda logo
owner Unified Christian Gospel Association...

Pennsylvania Chaplain's Corps



Standing strong in the Covenant in Heaven and earth.  This ministry is in the Truth(Christ Jesus is the Truth), and we lie not!






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Be Encouraged 2/8/12

Howdy all!  What a night for Rick Santorum!  And what a night for true conservatism, and the first amendment!  The first multiple state primary/caucus night, and the former Senator went 3 for 3!  HAT TRICK!!  And did you notice he won every single county in Missouri?  What an outstanding feat!  It is well known that Santorum's Roman Catholic background, as well as his family values, are very strong and very conservative.  Recently he had been overshadowed by the bickering between Romney and Gingrich.  Tonight, Santorum comes out way ahead!  Congratulations to Rick Santorum.


Jesus replied, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. ~ Matthew 22:37

There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism. ~ Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 1775

In the past few days, while much attention is on the primaries, POTUS has done something I as a Catholic and retired military veteran am infuriated with.  To tell chaplains they must support gay marriage; to tell chaplains they cannot read the letter from the Catholic leadership that discusses the Catholic stance against the government mandates of abortion and contraception; to turn down the request from the Bishop, who requested of POTUS personally, to allow the chaplains to read the letter from their religious leaders to the military congregations; this is ALL in violation of the first amendment.  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,..  Telling military chaplains of the Catholic faith they cannot follow their religious teachings?  IS THAT NOT PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE??  And if the cheap ambulance chasing lawyer side of the POTUS even thinks for one moment that HIM saying no is not the congress passing laws, then here's a couple of facts to refute.

1) POTUS signs approval for any law that comes from the Congress, so he IS bound by the first amendment clause.

2) IF he thinks his verbal direction to the chaplains is NOT making a law, then we do NOT have to follow ANY one of the executive orders he has shoved down our throats.  I mean, hey!  If one thing he directs is not a law, then NOTHING he directs is a law.

We all have certain enthusiasms in liberty.  Tea party involvement, conservative activities, rallies, getting involved in elections and every way we have; they all show our enthusiasm to replace POTUS.  That enthusiasm makes our human nature rise way above everything.  Our acts of honor, integrity, bravery and heroism shine through, and our elation in victory makes it that much sweeter.  But, we must not forget our strengths: family, friends, and most of all our Creator.  As Jesus said, we MUST love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul and mind.  This is a command from our savior.  A COMMAND.  He is above any leader of any nation on earth.  So His word is prime.  That is why the pilgrims came to America - religious freedom.  That is why the first amendment discusses the freedom of religion BEFORE it discusses the freedom of speech - religious freedom. 

We all have the opportunity to get involved.  It is true that we always did have this opportunity.  But we did not recognize the need.  Well, our ostrich heads are out of the sand, and for the last four years we have taken notice.  The time to restore our Constitution, our economy, and our strength as the greatest nation the world has ever seen is NOW.  Get involved.  Run for office.  Volunteer.  Write.  Discuss. Don't be violent, but don't be silent.  We are the people of WE THE PEOPLE.  Let's conduct ourselves as such and take back our country.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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We can't allow this to happen. If support for Israel isn't stressed in the campaign, it's less likely to be a priority after the election. Our candidates need to hear that the American people want them to stand with Israel now more than ever. We must remind the candidates that Israel is a bastion of freedom and democracy in a despotic Middle East. We must stress that Israel is our first line of defense against enemies devoted to attacking America and killing Americans. When Israel battles Hezbollah and Hamas, its battling Iranian-backed terrorist groups which have American blood on their hands. When Israel sounds the alarm about Iran, it's focusing our attention on the greatest strategic threat to America and the West! And we must emphasize that unlike so many of our allies, Israel has never asked for American soldiers to fight and die in her defense. All Israel has ever asked is the ability to defend herself by herself. In so doing, these Israeli soldiers are actually defending us.
If we want our candidates to honor the U.S.-Israel relationship, then we need to put it back on their radar!

Please ~ Defend America-Vote Israel petition's! Contact one of the representatives that are
helping Rev. John Hagee, to circulate the petitions, that will be forwarded to Washington D.C.

Please ~ Remember to also sign the petitions to overturn 'Roe vs. Wade' !



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Secret Slush Fund Used To Revamp
Congressmen's Backyards!

ALERT: Members Of Congress Rob Taxpayer Coffers To Increase Their Property Values!

Tell Congress: Cut The Fat! NO MORE EXCUSES:
It's Time To Get Rid Of Pork Barrel Spending FOR REAL!

While regular Americans can't sell their homes for pennies on the dollar, members of Congress are using our hard-earned tax dollars to increase the values of their land, vacation homes, personal residences and businesses!

A Washington Post investigation reveals that 33 members of Congress have directed more than over $401 million in earmarks and other spending provisions to dozens of public projects that are next to or within about two miles of the lawmakers' own property.

Over a year after Washington supposedly got rid of earmarks, these slick elected officials have already found a way around the ban. They're inserting special funds in spending bills that give funds to public works projects in their states. These Capitol Hill crooks have created an enormous slush fund for their own personal profit.

Tell Congress: Cut The Fat! NO MORE EXCUSES:
It's Time To Get Rid Of Pork Barrel Spending FOR REAL!

The Washington Post reveals more details about these shameless schemes...

  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D - Calif). Over the past decade, the House minority leader helped secure $50 millionin earmarks toward a light-rail project that provides direct access to San Francisco's Union Square and Chinatown for neighborhoods south of Market Street. Pelosi's husband owns a four-story commercial building blocks from Union Square.
  • Sen. Harry Reid (D- Nev). In 2004 and 2005, the Senate majority leader secured $21.5 millionto build a bridge over the Colorado River, linking the gambling resort town of Laughlin, Nev., with Bullhead City, Ariz. Reid owns 160 acres of undeveloped land in Bullhead City.
  • Rep. Steve Israel (D - N.Y). The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair - In 2008, Israel earmarked $490,000 to study a bypass road to ease congestion along a busy commercial corridor that borders the congressman's neighborhood in Dix Hills.

Tell Congress: Cut The Fat! NO MORE EXCUSES:
It's Time To Get Rid Of Pork Barrel Spending FOR REAL!

What part of "stop the spending" does Congress not understand?

We are facing trillion dollar plus deficits and a mind-numbing $15 trillion dollar debt... Washington is borrowing over $3.98 billion dollars per day - more than $2 million per minute...

....And now we learn that much of the pork is helping to line the pockets of the very politicians who pass it.

It's outrageous!

And that is precisely why patriotic Americans like you can't give up the fight. Now is the time to turn up the heat.

Yours In Freedom,
Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street

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4063448576?profile=originalAlong with their ever-present accusation that anyone who criticizes or disagrees with America's first black president is a racist, class envy is the centerpiece of Obama's re-election campaign.

It is extremely disheartening that the president of the United States believes he can win the votes of a majority of Americans by exploiting the sin of covetousness and hatred for the rich. In every speech, Obama claims that the rich are not paying their fair share. Please excuse my frankness, but Obama is lying.

Here are the facts.

Half the country -- yes, I said half -- do not pay taxes at all. Zero! The majority of federal income taxes (70%) are paid by the top 10 percent of income-earners. As for Obama's claim that we can solve America's financial problems by forcing the rich to pay more, it is despicable, manipulative, and hate-inspiring nonsense. There are only 8,000 Americans who earn over 10 million dollars per year. If Obama confiscated all their money, it would finance our government for only 24 days. Then what?

What group of Americans will Obama attack next by trashing and demonizing them to gain public approval to confiscate everything for which they have worked hard, suffered, sacrificed and risked all for "government" redistribution?

Our national debt has tripled since Obama has been in office. Now, I know that that does not mean a lot to most Americans. Well, allow me to put it in perspective. Every minute, we spend 3 million dollars that we do not have, borrowing most of it from China. Every minute! Our debt is bankrupting the future and enslaving our great-great-great-grandkids.

So, you can understand why I find Obama's rants about the rich not paying enough and how people will die unless Republicans raise the debt ceiling so disingenuous and unsupportable.

But there is a much greater issue at hand. Who does this man (Obama) think, we, the American people, are? The Obama administration and his media minions are trying to convince us that the entitlement-minded OWS lowlifes represent "mainstream Americans." They are lying.

I represent mainstream Americans. I began working when I was about ten years old. I had a paper route and worked pulling copper out of old motors for my neighbor across the street, Mr. Buddy-Roy, in his backyard. At 15, my dad got me a work permit, and I acquired my first real job during the summer at Park Sign Co. in Baltimore. There I learned how to silk-screen signs.

Interesting sidebar: experience prompted Berry, the owner of Park Sign, to always get his money upfront for political signs, because if the candidate did not win the race, Berry would not get paid.

Back to my point. Like me, most Americans do not believe they are entitled to the fruits of a fellow American's labor. And yet, this is who Obama thinks we are and desires us to be.

We all remember our classmates who smoked dope, cut classes, and dropped out versus the kids who studied, worked hard, and became doctors. According to Obama, in his "community organizer" way of thinking, the Democratic party, and the Occupiers, the kid who became a doctor is a selfish, greedy rich person who achieved his success on the backs of the poor dope-smoking dropouts.

Please do not think I am saying everyone who is poor smokes dope. Reasonable people get my point.

Obama and company have launched a war on achievement, portraying the highly successful as selfish villains and everyone else as lowly peasant-saints who are suffering because the rich are hogging it all. Clearly, Obama is exploiting man's susceptibility to the sin of covetousness. And to all you Christians who buy into Obama's "fairness" garbage, shame on you. Jesus was not a socialist.

When Judas scolded Mary for pouring her expensive ointment on Jesus' feet rather than selling it and giving the money to the poor, Jesus scolded Judas, saying, "The poor you will have with you always." In essence, Jesus was saying there will always be those who smoke dope, cut classes, and drop out of school. Liberals' relentless efforts to legislate equal outcomes never work. For one thing, humans are diverse in their desires.

The Obama and company vision for America is incompatible with what has made us great. Do we really want to become a nation where government dictates and caps wealth, which they redistribute equally? Heck no!

Freedom to be all one can be is the magic ingredient which has made us the most extraordinarily successful nation on the planet. America is a guy laboring in his basement to build a better mousetrap in an effort to improve the fortunes of his family and himself. Great wealth is his reward for providing rodent relief to millions. If the Obama administration confiscates huge chunks of the successful mousetrap-maker's profits, what incentive is there for him to invest more time, funds, blood, sweat, and tears to improve his product?

It is extremely depressing and sad to think of our great country becoming as Obama sees us -- a nation of entitlement-minded losers, all dependent and helpless without government. As I stated, that is not who we are as a people. We are Americans!

Incredibly, we have a leftist president who simply does not get it. We must vote Obama out in November 2012.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Please vote for me for President.

"What's frustrated people is that I have not be able to force Congress to implement every aspect of what I said in 2008,"

"That's just the nature of being president," he said. "It turns out that our founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.

This is the President that said he was bringing hope and change and get everyone to work together.

I will bring people together.

President Obama said he can't accomplish everything he wants because there is this thing called the the Constitution in the way. Should we start saying "Sieg Heil"?
Please review my Facebook page, 'Christopher Canaski for President', 'Google' me and read my blogs and discussions here.
Thank you.
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The Truth Will Set You Free

Germany went bankrupt doing Obama’s thing. Hitler took control. He found banks willing to loan him money to build a war machine.  America’s politicians found the same banks willing to loan money to build a war machine. Banks gave us World War II. What a way to create jobs! Why are we now subjecting ourselves to the whims of politicians and bankers?  If you call this saving the economy, you don’t know history.  We’re told that the recession is ending. Who is telling us? People who want your vote. Why would it be ending? Because recessions always end? Again, you don’t know history.  With the rise of Nazi Germany, Germany’s Jews lived in hope.  Six million of them died in despair.  That’s history. I don’t know of anything Obama has said that has come true.  The help government is giving us is the worst government can do.  But what do I know?  I’m just a bottom fish.

I’m wondering why we should ever retire; why, instead of waiting for the day when we can retire, doing work we don’t want to do, why we should not work toward work we enjoy? Writing a book has been work. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.  It shouldn’t be government’s decision to decide when we are old enough to retire, or to pay for our heath care, not anymore than government should pay for our haircuts. 

 All of this government help has come during my lifetime. It started during the Great Depression, as emergency assistance. There is utterly no reason for government to have remained our caretaker after the emergency ended.   It was better in many ways before the government got into our personal lives.  

Young people don’t know the truth of the matter. For one thing, my mother was always there for me.  No one but the very rich paid any tax on their incomes. It took only one income earner to support a family. The family was the cornerstone of America.  In order to help us out, after the American dream was well on its way in the years after World War II, wolves in sheep’s clothing had as their scheme the printing of monopoly money and calling it legal tender.  Government and private bankers, in an unholy alliance, printed paper money like mad, which was not backed by gold. Roosevelt took America off the gold standard. After the dollar became the world standard, tricky Dickey Nixon took the dollar of the gold standard in foreign nations. It meant American’s wolves in sheep’s clothing, in cahoots with the Fed, could continue printing money like mad. Foreign governments couldn’t do the same. Their paper money was not the standard.  This absolute fraud helped America’s growing hierarchy, and at everyone else’s expense.

The Fed’s printing presses became a double edge sword against America’s liberties. Inflation, at the same time a tax in and of itself, also made everyone working an income tax payer. It took higher incomes to buy the same in goods and services.  This flimflam, Obama tells us, was for the nutty reason of “fairly” redistributing the wealth of the nation.  The proof is in the pudding.  It’s the worst thing that could ever happen.  It bought the American people with their own sweat. What has government got to show for its answer? The cure is more of the same for people hooked on government help.


Here we were, Karen and I, against the advice of our friends, gypsies, having the time of our lives—not a care in the world. We flew the coop.  Retirement should be our decision. Why retire at all? Why not work toward work we enjoy? Why not take leisure time to enjoy the things we like? Why not live in an RV and travel? It’s your choice—at any age. Karen and I are living proof that life can be far better if you look within for your answers. In An Experiential Guide by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne: “Your deeply held dreams and goals are part of the purpose that brought you to this lifetime.”  This doesn’t say you are here for the good of all. The good of all is chains and shackles talk. It is Obama talk. Give yourself a break. Look within for your answers.

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Bohemian Grove Members

Subject: Bohemian Grove Members Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 00:00:00 -0500
MAIL SIGNATURE BELOW Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we type may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury. The 4th amendment to the bill of rights has now been violated and treason made against we the people.. THE 4TH AMENDMENT is no longer being supported in the USA due to the Communism take over of AMERICA
Bohemian Grove Incomplete MembeBohemian Grove Incomplete Membership Listrship ListBohemian Grove Incomplete Membership List
These are the leaders of America  and  you want to know why America is going to Hell ???
  They also have small children for pleasure
Gingrich, NewtGingrich attended school at various military installations and graduated from Baker High School, Columbus, Georgia, in 1961. He received a bachelor's degree from Emory University in Atlanta in 1965. He received a master's degree in 1968 and doctoral degree in 1971 in Modern European History from Tulane University in New Orleans. He taught history at West Georgia College in Carrollton, Georgia, from 1970 to 1978. Gingrich was elected as a Republican to the House of Representatives in November 1978. In 1981, Gingrich was a cofounder of both the Congressional Military Reform Caucus and the Congressional Space Caucus. In 1983 he founded the Conservative Opportunity Society, a group that included young conservative House Republicans. In 1983, Gingrich demanded the expulsion of fellow representatives Dan Crane and Gerry Studds for their roles in the Congressional Page sex scandal. In 1987, Gingrich brought ethics charges against Speaker of the House Jim Wright, a Democrat, who eventually resigned as a result of the Congressional ethics inquiry. Gingrich served as Minority Whip until the election of 1994, the first midterm election during the Presidency of Bill Clinton. Fined $300.000 for financial misdeeds by the House ethics committee in 1995, called the Lewinsky affair a coverup. In 1995 he was named Time Magazine's Man of the Year. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.
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Tim Tebow, the Super Bowl, Newt Gingrich, and the Future of Our Country
By Kris Zane
February 6, 2012

When Tim Tebow, whose ubiquitous expression of his love for God on bended knee threw 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards per completion in the Broncos-Steelers game, many saw it as a sign and connection to John 3:16, the most famous verse in the Bible.

But was the Super Bowl between the Patriots and Giants also a sign, a sort of David versus Goliath, a good versus evil: the Patriots from the greater Boston area, the seat of love for country, versus New York, the seat of liberalism, anti-American sentiment, and Occupy protesters defecating on police cars.

Even the Super Bowl TV ads seemed to be in a battle, between pro-American themed commercials versus the usual hedonistic fare.  One commercial had the theme from the movie Rocky, “Getting Strong Now” playing in the background, beckoning back to a time in America when we were proud of our country; when Presidents didn’t go around the world apologizing for America; a time when Supreme Court justices didn’t jaunt around the globe denigrating our Constitution, as Ruth Ginsberg did recently in Egypt. Heroes and Super hero-themed movies were also advertised, like GI Joe: Retaliation, the ultimate in good versus evil, and Avengers, with a slew of superheroes, when America could use a few super heroes to look up to. There was also an ad for Act of Valor, a movie that actually portrays our military and their families in a good light instead of the endless America-bashing Hollywood serves up endlessly.

Lady Gaga, instead of Madonna, could have been chosen for the halftime show: hedonism versus a love for God and country. But Madonna was chosen, again from a different era, when love of country and love of God were not dirty words. Madonna’s new upbeat song,  “Give Me All Your Luvin’”, performed during halftime, also beckoned back to a better time with the sound of girl bands in the 1980s like the Go Go’s, with visuals of football and cheerleaders, in which you couldn’t get much more American- themed. She closed her fantastic half-time show with “Like a Prayer,” flanked by a large choir, perhaps a sign to America that we should move away from the Secular Machine of the Obama administration, whose order to the Catholic Church under the ObamaCare HHS mandate to begin providing health insurance coverage in Catholic hospitals, universities, and charitable organizations that include contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients has been repudiated nationwide by the Catholic church, and has even led to the Obama Administration censoring Catholic chaplains in the military. The Catholic Church is now fighting back

Newt Gingrich, a Catholic, was one of the first to publicly repudiate the HHS mandate and also fits into our analogy. Mitt Romney, the Goliath, backed by an endless supply of money from Wall Street, droned on and on to the American public by the mainstream media as the “inevitable” Republican candidate and being stuffed down the throats of conservative America by the Republican machine and most of the Right-wing media as the only “viable” candidate, dwarfs our David, Newt Gingrich, but Romney the Goliath is no conservative. 

Newt Gingrich, with little money, is demonized ad nauseam by the mainstream media, the Left,  the Romney machine, the Republican Party, and now by most of the Right-wing media. ABC tried to destroy Gingrich by airing an interview with Newt’s ex-wife two days before the South Carolina primary—allegations that are not news, being told ad nauseam for years. John King, as if it were merely by chance, made the allegations by the ex-wife the very first question in the CNN debate in order to bring Gingrich down— ironically, it had the opposite effect. After Romney was trounced in South Carolina by Gingrich, the Romney machine spent fifteen million dollars on attack ads in Florida alone.  On January 25 and 26, the Right-wing media, led by National Review Online and followed byDrudge Report’s screaming headlines and most of the remainder of the Right-wing media,  mounted an orchestrated attack within hours of each other, questioning Gingrich’s support of and relationship with Ronald Reagan, of which those who were close to Reagan repudiated, including Ronald Reagan’s son. A large part of the Tea Party, however, and a huge grassroots movement on thousands of websites and with millions of tweets and emails, stayed strong in their candidate. 

Gingrich is not back backed by Wall Street. The Left has made him Enemy #1. Gingrich has been demonized by both the mainstream and most of the Right-wing media. Both the Romney machine and the Republican machine have perpetrated lies about him ad nauseam. He is faced with what looks like an insurmountable task. A David versus a Goliath. A Patriot versus a Giant. 
With the New England Patriots’ loss to the New York Giants, like Tebow’s 316 rushing yards being seen as a sign of God’s hand in man’s events, will Newt Gingrich the Patriot lose the election to Romney the Giant? Has God turned his back on David and taken the side of Goliath for the sins of this country? Will He deliver us into the hands of another four years of Obama—which is what a Romney Republican ticket will mean. Will America turn their backs on Gingrich, patriots, movies that instill and uplift American values; place Madonna’s musical resurrection as an aberration, and embrace Romney, hedonistic movies, Lady Gaga, and eventually, in the end, Obama’s secular socialist machine? Only God knows...
Read more…


Was Judge Malihi bribed or threatened?-You Decide:

Posted on English Pravada-By Mark S. McGrew-On February 6, 2012:

“Friday, February 3, 2012, for some kind of a bribe or because he was threatened, Georgia Judge Michael Malihi sold out his country and defecated on the constitution of The United States of America.

As an Administrative law judge in the State of Georgia, a case was presented to him to have Barack Obama removed from the ballot to run for President in the State of Georgia.

His actions have set precedence in American law that if a person is charged with a crime, the best defense, is to not show up for court. Law schools may now offer a course in “The Obama Defense”.

Three separate legal teams presented evidence and witnesses to show that Obama is not eligible to run for President because he is not a natural born citizen. Obama produced no evidence, no witnesses and both he and his lawyer failed to show up for court in violation of a subpoena to do so.

Forget about what we think, whether he is, or is not a natural born citizen. Opinions don’t count. Only evidence and witnesses count. But we’re not dealing with rational minds in this case. We never have.

Judge Michael Malihi violated a basic rule of legal interpretation in his ruling. He violated our earliest Supreme Court ruling on how to interpret the Constitution. He ignored evidence. He ignored witnesses. He ignored earlier Supreme Court rulings establishing that the term “natural born citizen” means, one who is born in America to two American citizen parents.

The most telling sign that he was either bribed or threatened shows up in his own actions, of violating his own rulings, just four weeks apart, on the same case.

As attorney Leo Donofrio points out on his website:     

“His opinion holds that the 14th has the exact same effect as the natural-born citizen clause, while the 14th Amendment does not include the words “natural born Citizen”. Persons claiming citizenship under the 14th Amendment are deemed to be “citizens”. Malihi has added the words “natural born” into the Amendment. This is absolutely forbidden, according to Malihi’s own opinion in the Motion to dismiss, wherein he held: “In the absence of words of limitation, words in a statute should be given their ordinary and everyday meaning.’ Because there is no other ‘natural and reasonable construction’ of the statutory language, this Court is ‘not authorized either to read into or to read out that which would add to or change its meaning.’ “

In other words, he claimed one thing on January 3, 2012 and on February 3, 2012 he wrote the exact opposite. Why would any sane man do such a thing?

The question of Obama being eligible is a legal issue. It is also a political issue. Since America is not a “Nation of Laws” as the politicians hype. It is a Nation of Establishment. The Establishment, through their corrupted politicians make the rules and the rules change according to who they are for. And in politics, anywhere in the World, all through history, the three most effective tools are bribery, extortion and murder.

It is impossible to believe, that Judge Michael Malihi, himself, believed, he was following the constitution and legal precedent. He knows he’s a crook. He knows he’s a liar. He knows, that in his ancestral home country, that unlike America, he would have his head chopped off for what he did.

He ignored the Constitution and at least three US Supreme Court rulings, defining Natural born citizen as one who is born in America to two citizen parents. He ignored the Law of Nations, that the founders of this country used to draft our constitution. He ignored the countless letters, written back and forth by our founders, defining natural born citizen and their reasons for why they would only accept a natural born citizen as their President.


The lawyers asking to keep Obama off the ballot presented evidence and witnesses. Obama showed nothing. Didn’t even come. Ignored a court order. And Judge Micahel Malihi ruled in the criminal’s favor.

Imagine a boy comes to his father and says his brother hit him. He has no bruises and no witnesses. The father confronts the brother, who proves that he was in school at the time. Friends and teachers vouch for his attendence and show the father a picture of him in class. The father punishes him anyway and takes the lying brother out for ice cream and toy shopping.

Judge Michael Malihi cited cases that have absolutley nothing to do with the subject matter and he totally disregarded any evidence or witnesses.

Attorney Mario Apuzzo thoroughly trashes this corrupt judge’s decision on his website:

“But there is no evidence before the Court that Obama was born in the United States. The court can only rest its finding of fact on evidence that is part of the court record. The judge tells us that he decided the merits of the plaintiffs’ claims. But he does not tell us in his decision what evidence he relied upon to “consider[]” that Obama was born in the United States.

The judge “considered” that Obama was born in the United States. What does “considered” mean?

Clearly, it is not enough for a court to consider evidence or law. It must make a finding after having considered facts and law. The judge simply does not commit to any finding as to where Obama was born. Using the word “considered” is a cop out from actually addressing the issue.

Additionally, we know from his decision that neither Obama nor his attorney appeared at the hearing let alone introduced any evidence of Obama’s place of birth. We also know from the decision that the judge ruled that plaintiffs’ documents introduced into evidence were “of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support Plaintiff’s allegations.”

Surely, the court did not use those “insufficient” documents as evidence of Obama’s place of birth. Nor does the judge tell us that he used those documents for any such purpose. The judge also does not tell us that the court took any judicial notice of any evidence (not to imply that it could).

The judge did find that Obama has been certified by the state executive committee of a political party. But with the rules of evidence of superior court applying, this finding does not establish anyone’s place of birth.

Hence, what evidence did the judge have to rule that Obama is born in the United States? The answer is none.”

Mario Apuzzo continues with well documented legal facts: “Presidential eligibility is a national issue. Under our Constitution, like the States do not have power to naturalize citizens, they also do not have power to change, add, or diminish the meaning of an Article II “natural born Citizen.”

The U.S. Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett (1875) already has told us that there was no doubt as to who could be a “natural born Citizen.”  In fact, there was absolutely no evidence before the court [Malihi] that Obama was born in Hawaii. And as we have seen, there was also absolutely no evidence before Judge Malihi showing the Obama was born in the United States.

The court never addressed the question of whether he was born in Hawaii. No evidence was presented to the court whether he was “born within the borders of the United States.” The court never even examined that issue.

Hence, its statement that “persons born within the borders of the United States are ‘natural born Citizens’ for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents” does not prove that Obama was, in fact, born within the borders of the United States” and that he is therefore a “natural born Citizen.”

I would like to interrupt at this point, but Mr. Apuzzo is on a roll,

“Judge Malihi has not made any findings of fact concerning the question of where Obama was born.

Obama the candidate wants to be President again. Under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, Obama has the burden of proof to conclusively prove that he is a “natural born Citizen.” As part of that burden, he has to conclusively prove that he was born in the United States.

Neither Obama nor his attorney appeared at the hearing to present any evidence on the issue.

Judge Malihi found the plaintiffs’ documentary evidence to be insufficient for whatever purposes it could have been used. Nor did he find that that evidence, which includes a paper copy of the computer scan of Obama’s alleged long form birth certificate, to be sufficient to prove that Obama was born in Hawaii.

We can see from the exact words used by Judge Malihi that Obama has failed to carry his burden to conclusively prove that he was born in the United States.

Judge Malihi said that he “considered” that Obama was born in the United States. We do not know what this means and it appears that Judge Malihi attempts to avoid the issue of whether he found that Obama was born in the United States.

Clearly, “considered” does not mean “found”.

Since Obama failed to carry his burden of proof as to his place of birth and Judge Malihi’s decision actually confirms that fact, the Georgia Secretary of State should reject Judge Malihi’s decision and rule on his own that Obama not be placed on the primary ballot.

Finally, Judge Malihi incorrectly reads [the case of] Wong Kim Ark and gives controlling effect to that incorrect reading.

The time-honored American common law definition of the clause is a child born in the country to citizen parents.

There is no dispute that Obama was born to a non-U.S. citizen father (his father was a British citizen) and U.S. citizen mother. Being born to an alien father, Obama also inherited his father’s British citizenship under the British Nationality Act 1948.

All this demonstrates that Obama was not born in the full and complete legal, political, and military allegiance and jurisdiction of the United States. He is therefore not an Article II “natural born Citizen” and cannot be placed on the Georgia primary ballot.”

Mr. Apuzzo’s brief biography: Listed in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1978-1979. Graduated from: Wilkes University, B.A.; Temple University, J.D. Named: Outstanding Senior Scholar Athlete, Wilkes College, 1978-1979; Businessman of the Year, Italian American Police Society of New Jersey, 1996; Outstanding American of Italian Descent, Meritorious Achievement, Italian Tribune News, 1996. Pro-Bono Counsel for: National Police Defense Foundation, New Jersey, 1996-; Order Sons of Italy in America-New Jersey, 1994-.

Now I can intrude again.

Judge Michael Malihi issued his decision late in the day on a Friday. By doing this, he effectively isolates himself from any criticism, until Monday morning. Come Monday, I am sure that he will be hiding behind the skirts of his office staff.

He is not ignorant of what he has done. He turned his back on all that we cherish for a few bucks or because he is scared to death of whoever made him “an offer he can’t refuse”.

This weasel of a man betrayed his country, reneged on his oath of office, insulted the dignity of his profession, corrupted the legal system and by his conscious act of disloyalty to his associates, he has subjected them all to scorn and ridicule. If any of his co-workers have a conscience, they would hang their heads in shame and be embarrassed to frequent any of the businesses where they eat and shop.

Merchants in Atlanta should refuse to serve them. Businesses should refuse to sell them food, gasoline, clothes and should especially not sell them any tools of their trade such as pens, paper, computers or printers.

In his well thought out plans, setting his signature to that decision is nothing less than admitted treason.

Here is an interesting investigation into Judge Michael Malihi. NOTHING. Just like the man he broke his oath for, he is an invisible shadow. He has no history.

In the interest of public safety I would like to request of all who are aware of this stinking rotten judge’s actions, to please refrain from mugging the low down lying cockroach, throwing rocks at this dog’s house, slapping this treasonous corrupt scoundrel’s children, spitting on this disgusting animal’s wife, to just go directly to the whorse’s mouth. Give him a call or stop in to see him, for a polite civilized discussion, on why he chose to turn his back on the country that provided the means for him to be in the position he is in.

I am sure that he would want to hear from the people who pay his salary, who put food in his family’s stomachs and puts clothes on their backs. Naturally, he would want to thank you personally.

For conversing, socializing, bonding with his neighbors and undermining the American legal system, he lists his address as: 230 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia USA 30303 or feel free to call him. You pay for his office: 404-651-7595 or, people always love a good fax 404-818-3751

Why not? He faxed us good.”

Mark S. McGrew can be reached at More of his articles, published on over 900 websites, in 28 countries, in 8 languages, are on . When reprinting this article, please include a link to the free press of And a special thanks to Pravda’s English editor, Dmitry Sudakov


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Obama Wins Georgia Ballot Challenge!

Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On February 4, 2012:

“President Obama’s name should appear on Georgia’s 2012 presidential ballot, in the official opinion of Judge Michael Malihi of Georgia’s Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH), issued on February 3.  Judge Malihi’s decision is the result of hearings held January 26 on three separate actions brought by several Georgia residents. Under Georgia law, Secretary of State Brian Kemp had referred the challenges, filed last November, to the OSAH for a recommendation. 

An earlier American Thinker article on the ballot challenges noted the absence of Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, from the hearings. Judge Malihi took note of the failure to participate in the opening page of his decision:

Ordinarily, the Court would enter a default order against the party that fails to participate in any stage of a proceeding...Nonetheless, despite the Defendant’s failure to appear, Plaintiffs asked this Court to decide the case on the merits of their arguments and evidence.  The Court granted Plaintiff’s request.

Based on the pre-hearing conference with the Judge, the plaintiffs expected an outcome of at least such a default judgment, and hoped that a ruling in their favor, based on the merits, was possible.

Two of the challenges, represented by attorney Van Irion of the Liberty Legal Foundation and Georgia Rep. J. Mark Hatfield, did not focus on Obama’s place of birth or the infamous birth certificate.  Rather, Irion and Hatfield contended that Obama, with his non-US citizen father, is not a “natural born” citizen according to the rule of statutory construction in the interpretation of the Constitution and existing Supreme Court precedent.  (Further explanation of those assertions is contained in a comprehensive amicus brief submitted to the court, prepared by attorney Leo Donofrio.) The third challenge, represented by California attorney Orly Taitz, also addressed the validity of Obama’s posted birth certificate and social security number.

Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, in his motion to dismiss the challenges, argued that the state had no authority to interfere in national elections. However, Judge Malihi, in his denial to Jablonski’s motion noted that Georgia law specifically requires that “[e]very candidate...shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought” and that “[b]oth the Secretary of State and the electors of Georgia are granted the authority under the Code to challenge the qualifications of a candidate.”

Judge Malihi’s denial to the motion to dismiss also emphasized the rule of statutory construction: 

Statutory provisions must be read as they are written...When the Court construes a constitutional or statutory provision, “the first to examine the plain statutory language.”...”Where the language of a statute is plain and unambiguous, judicial construction is not only unnecessary but forbidden.” ... [T]his Court is not “authorized either to read into or read out that which would add to or change its meaning.”

In his sweeping denial of the Plaintiff’s challenges, however, Judge Malihi did not mention the principle, and instead relied on the 2009 case of Ankeny v Governor, stating that “[t]he Indiana Court determined that a person qualifies as a natural born citizen if he was born in the United States because he became a United States citizen at birth.”

Interestingly, Judge Malihi footnoted that particular statement with the assertion:  “This Court recognizes that the Wong Kim Ark case was not deciding the meaning of ‘natural born citizen’ for the purposes of determining presidential qualifications; however, this Court finds the Indiana Court’s analysis and reliance on these cases to be persuasive.”

It must also be noted that the Indiana decision contains another similar and interesting footnote:  “We note the fact that the Court in Wong Kim Ark did not actually pronounce the plaintiff a ‘natural born Citizen’ using the Constitution’s Article II language is immaterial.”

In other words, Judge Malihi found more persuasive than the long-established principle of statutory construction, a State’s Court of Appeals opinion and its unsupported contention that the Constitution’s language “is immaterial.”

In the 1898 case of Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court determined that Ark, born to non-citizen Chinese parents permanently and legally domiciled in the U.S., was a citizen (though it did not describe him as a “natural born” citizen). In its actual historical context, however, Ark’s situation was governed by a treaty in effect between the U.S. and China—a treaty that originally recognized the transfer of allegiance of Chinese making their permanent homes in America, but, as later amended, also prevented Ark’s parents from ever naturalizing as U.S. citizens.  In fact, as Donofrio explains, unlike other native-born children of alien parents of other nationalities, Ark was not born with the dual allegiance (i.e. dual citizenship) that many experts contend the 14th amendment’s “subject to the jurisdiction” language was meant to prevent.

And according to the principle of statutory construction, the phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” would not be superfluous to the preceding phrase in the amendment’s citizenship clause: “born or naturalized in the United States.”

It was Obama’s dual citizenship, the result of his having a non-citizen father temporarily resident in the U.S., that the plaintiffs in the Georgia challenges asserted precluded his “natural born” eligibility. Obama may have been born in the country, but he was not born completely subject to its jurisdiction, or in the words of one of the framers of the 14th amendment, “not owing allegiance to anybody else.”

As to the specific claims in Taitz’s challenge, the Judge found that “the testimony of the witnesses, as well as the exhibits tendered, to be of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support Plaintiff’s allegations.”

Both Irion and Hatfield had also asked the court to recommend a finding of contempt for Obama’s failure to appear in the proceedings.  Judge Malihi did not agree, and in his decision merely wrote:  “By deciding this matter on the merits, the Court in no way condones the conduct or legal scholarship of Defendant’s attorney, Mr. Jablonski.”

Georgia represents 16 electoral votes, which Obama lost in 2008 with 47%, so an Obama win in the state was not expected, even though now he is assured of having his name included on the ballot. However, the eligibility issue is still a major concern to many citizens, and “is gaining traction in other states, too, including Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, New Hampshire, and even Illinois,” as reported by WND. 

The rest of the mainstream media, though, seemed to have gone on total blackout the last couple of weeks, neglecting to report on either the quite extraordinary subject matter of the Georgia hearings or the failure of Obama and his defense team to respectfully respond and appear in court. 

Whatever one’s opinions on the constitutional definition of “natural born citizen,” the arrogance exhibited by this president and his defense attorney to the judiciary of a state, and the abject lack of reporting by the major networks and mainstream media, should trouble every citizen in the nation.

More remarkably, such behavior, especially when viewed as part of a disturbing pattern throughout this administration, should be of grave concern to members of Congress.

And the fact that Judge Malihi took note of and relied upon on the established rule of statutory construction in his earlier order, but then made assertions contrary to that principle in his final decision, should not go unnoticed by those versed in constitutional law

Opponents of the controversial birthright citizenship practice should also take note, since Judge Malihi’s opinion further entrenches the notion that every baby born on U.S. soil, regardless of the citizenship or domicile of its parents (presumably even an “anchor baby” or “birth tourist” baby) is a “natural born” citizen.  So would have been Anwar al-Awlaki.

I wonder if the founders of the Constitution, the framers of the 14th amendment, and the Supreme Court in the case of Wong Kim Ark, ever imagined that such an idea would be considered the rule of law.  The mainstream media calls those who dare to argue otherwise “crazy” and “racist” “birthers.”

Obama may have won the Georgia ballot challenge, but the rule of law and the Constitution suffered a crippling blow.”


II. A Rat Called Tandem!

Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On February 4, 2012:

“What happened in Georgia is what we refer to in poker as, “playing to a script”. It’s like something out of a Frank Capra movie. The citizens head to court to fix a Constitutional wrong, and the State court appears to be tough on the feds, standing up to them bravely flexing their muscles in the name of their citizens. Nice script. But it’s so very transparent.

Everyone needs to read Mario Apuzzo’s in-depth exposure of the blatant flaws in Judge Malihi’s holding, wherein you will experience a brilliant researcher exposing a truly defective legal opinion.

I only have a little bit to add. My remarks will be brief, and focused upon Judge Malihi’s sad failure to address the issue of statutory construction, which I explained thoroughly in my last report, The Dirty “little” Secret of the Natural-Born Citizen Clause Revealed.

Malihi’s opinion directly contradicts his own recent opinion denying Obama’s Motion to Dismiss, wherein Malihi relied exclusively on statutory construction. However, yesterday, Malihi held that the 14th Amendment had to be read “in tandem” with Article 2, Section 1.

But doing so would render the natural-born citizen clause to be inoperative, in that 14th Amendment citizenship, and nothing more, would be the requirement to be President. This would mean that the natural-born citizen clause is rendered superfluous. Here’s what Chief Justice Marshall said about this issue in Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803):

“It cannot be presumed that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect; and therefore such construction is inadmissible, unless the words require it.” Id. 174. (Emphasis added.)

And here’s what the U.S. Supreme Court held as to statutory construction in the seminal case on this issue, Morton v. Mancari:

“Where there is no clear intention otherwise, a specific statute will not be controlled or nullified by a general one, regardless of the priority of enactment. See, e. g., Bulova Watch Co. v. United States, 365 U.S. 753, 758 (1961); Rodgers v. United States, 185 U.S. 83, 87 -89 (1902). 

The courts are not at liberty to pick and choose among congressional enactments, and when two statutes are capable of co-existence, it is the duty of the courts, absent a clearly expressed congressional intention to the contrary, to regard each as effective. “When there are two acts upon the same subject, the rule is to give effect to both if possible . . . The intention of the legislature to repeal ‘must be clear and manifest.’ ” United States v. Borden Co., 308 U.S. 188, 198 (1939).” Morton v. Mancari, 417 U.S. 535, 550-551 (1974).

There is no “clearly expressed intention” to deem 14th Amendment citizens “natural born”. Those words were intentionally left out of the 14th Amendment. And Judge Malihi has simply overruled the U.S. Supreme Court by suggesting that the general citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment governs the specific requirement to be President in Article 2, Section 1.

Both clauses are not given separate effect by Malihi. His opinion holds that the 14th has the exact same effect as the natural-born citizen clause, while the 14th Amendment does not include the words “natural born Citizen”. Persons claiming citizenship under the 14th Amendment are deemed to be “citizens”. Malihi has added the words “natural born” into the Amendment. This is absolutely forbidden, according to Malihi’s own opinion in the Motion to dismiss, wherein he held:

“In the absence of words of limitation, words in a statute should be given their ordinary and everyday meaning.’ Six Flags Over Ga. v. Kull, 276 Ga. 210, 211 (2003) (citations and quotation marks omitted). Because there is no other ‘natural and reasonable construction’ of the statutory language, this Court is ‘not authorized either to read into or to read out that which would add to or change its meaning.’ ” (Emphasis added.)

Yeah, dude. Whatevah. Such lack of consistency, just weeks apart, from the same jurist… simply reeks. Now he’s putting words into the 14th Amendment, when just two weeks ago he said that was forbidden.

Leo Donofrio, Esq.”


III. Were FBI Agents Carrying Out Orders When They Said That Enforcing the Constitution Regarding Obama Would Cause a Civil War?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 5, 2012:

IV. Georgia Court Ignored Basic Rules of Interpretation in Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 5, 2012:

V. Thanks A Lot Georgia, For Shredding Our Constitution!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-On February 4, 2012:

VI. BREAKING NEWS: SHERIFF JOE SETS D-DAY ON OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY: ‘Arpaio won’t release any of Cold-Case Posse’s conclusions in advance!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On February 6, 2012:

Question: Was retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely on target when he made the following eye-opening statement during an interview that aired on the Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio Show on June 13, 2011: “..the “Certificate of Live Birth” released, on or about April 27, 2011, by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth was a forgery, but the FBI was covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Is There a Real Romney


Mitt Romney

A Subtle Manchurian Candidate ?

Please Forward this article to your Friends


In Richard Condon's 1959 novel “The Manchurian Candidate”, the son of a prominent, right-wing political family was brainwashed as part of a international Chinese Communist conspiracy. In addition to the overt brainwashing described in the novel, a more subtle form of brainwashing can occur when the victim is exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation. The most likely candidate is someone from a cult background that sees the world in stark black and white terms. Click here for a more detailed explanation of brainwashing and mind control.

Is the front runner in the GOP nomination process, Mitt Romney, a Subtle Manchurian Candidate? Because of the delicately complex nature of subtle mind control, we cannot know for sure; but, if we can answer three questions with yes, then we should be concerned. The three questions are: 1) Has Mitt Romney been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation? 2) Does Mitt Romney come from a cult-like background? 3) Does Mitt Romney see the world in stark black and white terms? Each voter should ask themselves these questions before supporting Mitt Romney for the Presidency of the United States.

For those who question whether China would engage in mind control, remember, Chinese leaders pioneered brainwashing during the Korean war. Remember, also, that the leaders of China have supported programs that allow companies, such as FoxConn, to enslave the young workers of China in a workers hell – far from the workers paradise promised by Karl Marx. If the Communist Chinese leadership is willing to enslave its own people, they will be willing to enslave the people of the United States of America.

Please note that I am not claiming that there is an office in Beijing directly manipulating Romney, all I am suggesting is that he has been subconciously coopted by a foreign pro-China influence. If I made as much money shipping jobs to China, I would probably be coopted as well.


Question 1: Has Mitt Romney been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation?


In 1983 Bain Capital was co-founded by Mitt Romney. The name Bain comes from Bill Bain, the founder of Bain & Company, a consulting firm for which Mitt Romney had worked. Bill Bain supported the creation of Bain Capital as a way of obtaining more clients for Bill Bain's consulting services. Out-sourcing and off-shoring are among the consulting services provided by Bill Bain to Mitt Romney. Click here to see the Bain Company website in which they tout their expertise in out-sourcing and off-shoring. In other words, Mitt Romney raised private equity capital in order to acquire control of companies, many of the manufacturing jobs of which were subsequently out-sourced from the USA to offshore sites, primarily China. Mitt Romney became famously rich by taking advantage of globalization's international ideology of “finding the cheapest labor market”.

Generally, conservatives in America laud financial success unless it was acquired through unethical practices. In a nutshell, ethics involves the basic concepts of right and wrong. Mitt Romney is acutely aware of the economic paradox of short term economic benefits and long term economic damage. In 2008 he was quoted as saying “I recognize there are some people who will argue for protectionism because the short-term benefits sound pretty good, but long term you kill your economy, you kill the future.” Now, after reaping his own rewards, he condemns the parasitic nature of Chinese involvement in the global market place. Is this simply another Romney flip-flop, or is he running from a pattern of sinister behaviour? A case can be made that, as a result of the subtle effects of his meteoric financial success, he has been brainwashed to accept a pro-Chinese agenda. In other words, the answer to question 1 is YES. Mitt Romney has been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation?


Question 2: Does Mitt Romney come from a cult-like background?


Mitt Romney is a mormon. One of the brilliant aspects of the American system is freedom of religion; and, as a result, mormonism has prospered. Many parts of mormonism are commendable and no aspect of this enquiry is meant to cast aspersions on the religion. No one should be precluded from the US presidency based upon their religious beliefs.

Is mormonism a cult? The issue is hotly debated. For purposes of this inquiry, it is not necessary to answer the question of whether or not mormonism is a cult. The purpose here is whether or not mormonism has cult characteristics. For purposes of brevity, two facts indicate that mormonism has cult-like characteristics. First, the church asserts a tremendous amount of centralized control over its member. Second, in the 2008 and 2012 Nevada GOP caucuses, 25% of the voters were mormon and they dutifully voted almost unanimously for Romney. At the very least this indicates a cult-like pattern of behaviour. The answer to question 2 is YES; Mitt Romney comes from a cult-like background.


Question 3: Does Mitt Romney see the world in stark black and white terms?


Whether or not Mitt Romney sees the world in stark black and white terms is a question of perception. Each voter must answer this question on their own. Why does it matter? Because this is the last and only unanswered question concerning Mitt Romney in this article. If the answer is yes to this question, then it is likely that Mitt Romney, as president, will continue to be an subtle agent in a Chinese fifth column that will see the end of the American dream; notwithstanding what Mitt Romney may say otherwise.

I don't know the answer to this question; however, I will make some observations that seem to indicate that the answer is yes. Mike Huckabee observed that Romney is more like the guy who will fire you. McCain had called him dishonest. He has flip-flopped on so many issues that it is difficult to keep track. He said no to the GM and Chrysler bail-outs but supported the Wall Street bailouts. He said no to real estate market supports but supported bank bail-outs. He has abandoned conservative ideals in favour of internationalism. He vigorously has engaged with a Communist Country that encourages abortions and slave labor.  Soros says Romney is the same as Pres. Obamanation.   The Republican establishment desperately wants Mitt.  Mitt Romney is neither a conservative, nor a moderate, nor a liberal. Is he is a product of a stark black and white view of the world that blinds him to the complexities of the world and the hopeful answers provided by conservative ideals? The decision is yours.




The blithe response to this article is that Romney is a capitalist. The same reasoning would make Judas a capitalist as well. Romney's inconsistencies indicate a person who follows his own agenda notwithstanding the consequences to his fellow citizens; and, when confronted, much like Judas, he denies. Please take some time to contemplate the issues presented herein.

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