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What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On November 4, 2011:
“Conservatives and Republican lawmakers are furious after the Obama administration announced its objection to adding President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The objection was reportedly raised during a congressional hearing on Republican Congressman Bill Johnson’s bill – the “World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2011.”
“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”
Roosevelt’s prayer asked God to give the allied troops courage and faith, saying: “With thy blessing we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy.”
Fox News adds that Robert Abbey, the director of the Bureau of Land Management, said any plaque or inscription bearing the prayer would “dilute” the “elegant” memorial’s core message and therefore “should not be altered.“ Does Abbey mean to say that the memorial would no longer appear elegant if it contained a reference to ”God?” It appears so:
“It is not a judgment as to the merit of this new commemoration, simply that altering the Memorial in this way, as proposed in HR 2070, will necessarily dilute this elegant memorial’s central message and its ability to clearly convey that message to move, educate, and inspire its many visitors,” Abbey said in written testimony.
Abbey explained to lawmakers that altering the memorial would be contrary to the Commemorative Works Act — a law that prohibits “encroachment by a new commemoration on a existing one.” It also respects the design of the “completed work of civic art without alteration or addition of new elements.”
“For there to be objections to demonstrating a faith in God at critical points in our nation’s history – particularly D-Day – boggles my mind,” Johnson said. “I was very surprised they were going to object.”
Meanwhile, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council said he is not surprised by the objections.
“This is further evidence that the administration has created an environment that is hostile towards American history – but in particular towards Christianity,” Perkins told Fox News. “I hope America wakes up and realizes what this administration is doing to this country and how they want to radically and fundamentally change America.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Obama Mocks Congress For ‘In God We Trust’ Vote!-Posted on Business Insider-By Zeke Miller-On November 2, 2011:
II. Video: Obama Mocks House of Representatives for Affirming 'In God We Trust'!-Posted on November 4, 2011:
III. ‘It’s time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.’: President blasted as a Christianity-hating tyrant ‘working that anvil right now forging our chains’-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On September 16, 2010:
IV. Video: Barack Obama Mocks And Makes Fun Of The Bible—No Christian Would Do This-Posted on harvardlawgrad-On August 21, 2008:
Note: These videos contain a program recently dedicated by internationally known evangelists Jack and Rexella Van Impe who question Barack Obama’s supposed christian religion-You Decide:
Intl. Televangelists Question Obama’s Religion-Posted on October 17, 2010:
Note: These articles and/or blog posts seem to provide us with an idea of how this President and his administration have dealt with the “Muslim Prayer Day,” “National Day of Prayer” and other prayer events-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:
I. Muslim Prayer Day Illustrates Dynamics of Free Speech in U.S.: ‘Capitol Hill prayer service draws worshippers and some protesters’—Posted on Howard Cincotta, Staff Writer-On October 29, 2010:
II. Obama ends Bush-era National Prayer Day service at White House!-Posted on LA Times-By Johanna Neuman-On May 7, 2009:
III. Al-Qaeda STILL on Capitol Hill-Posted on Big Peace-By Patrick S. Poole-On October 14, 2010:
Note: The following powerful paper published by reveals that the world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it-You Decide:
“Apathy is the Ally of Tyranny:
Albert Einstein understood that “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
The early Church formed a Living Network of people across the Roman Empire and beyond. Rome was no longer a republic. Christ had brought something new for those who would hear His message. In Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” he praised “the union and discipline of the Christian republic.”
In the hard times that came during the failure and fall of the Empire of Rome Christians not only survived but thrived as a people because they had learned the “mysteries of the kingdom of God”.
- “And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.” Luke 8:10, Matthew 13:11, Mark 4:11
When the people lacked forgiveness and charity or through apathy faltered in the Christian community the Ministers were to rebuke and provoke them to gather together again.
- “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” Hebrews 10:24
The Kingdom of God was the right to be ruled by God but for that society to function “in the world but not of it”, it was required that diligent souls who sought the righteousness of God loved God and their neighbor as themselves and actually gathered and worked together.
The modern Church has not only preached a watered down “Gospel of the Kingdom” but it has become impotent as it neglects its duties and lulls the people into apathy and sloth.
God has a plan, a divine strategy, that he offered to the world sealed in the blood of Christ.
- “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
It has always been God’s plan to set men free in Spirit and in truth, but an apathetic belief is devoid of the love of Christ.
- “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
The Kingdom of God is not about your denomination. It is about Christ and His Way.
If you are not actively loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself then how can you claim to be real congregations of Christ? Even your local church groups must love other groups as much as they do themselves.
- “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” 1 John 4:11
The Gospel of the kingdom taught men and women how to live by faith, hope and charity and the perfect law of liberty. Is that what your church is teaching you?
- “Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.” 1 John 4:13
We must be doers and if Christ is with us we will be doers together.
- “I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate—it’s apathy.” Leo Buscaglia
Apathy and love are not compatible.
If the Spirit of Christ lives in us can apathy exist in our life?
Even Aldous Huxley could see that “Most human beings have an infinite capacity for taking things for granted.”
We cannot afford such selfish extravagance. Apathy is a disease of the heart and Christ is the cure.
- “Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice.” Arnold Toynbee
Christ has the plan.
You need His Way to take you by storm.”
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:
The Military Pays the Price for Obama's Agenda!’s-agenda/
Faith of Our Forefathers!
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution! Honor In America!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
makes you scratch your head.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 2, 2011:
“An organization that monitors the U.S. government’s influence on education, and specifically on parents who choose to school their own children, is warning of a pending move in Washington that would result in “de facto national education standards.”
The measure could not only require parents who homeschool their children to teach certain government agenda issues but also effectively remove much of the decision-making authority of local school boards and districts, warns theHome School Legal Defense Association.
The organization focuses on issues affecting homeschool students and their parents in the United States andoverseas but also keeps an eye on the larger picture of education policy.
The concern is about Democrat-driven plans in the U.S. Senate to reauthorize the Elementary and SecondaryEducation Act of 1965, a massive federal program last reauthorized in 2001 as the No Child Left Behind Act.
“HSLDA’s federal relations staff have read this 868-page bill, and we believe that while it does not directly impact homeschool freedom, the bill will 1) increase the federal role in education at the expense of state, local and parental control, and 2) will greatly increase the pressure on states to align their curriculum and standards, resulting in de facto national education standards,” said the report compiled by Melanie P. Palazzo, the organization’s congressional action program director, and William A. Estrada of the organization’s federal relations office.
HSLDA said the Senate Education Commission already has voted to approve the plan, but at the request of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., there will be a hearing Nov. 8. The homeschooling group is urging its constituents to contact committee members and express concern.
The group fears the bill “will greatly increase the federal government’s control over education.”
HSLDA said that as an organization it remained neutral on the 2001 NCLB update, “because it included strongly written protections for homeschoolers, and prohibitions on federal funding for national teacher certification, national standards, national testing, and national databases.”
“A decade later, nearly all education policy makers agree that NCLB is too inflexible. HSLDA believes this illustrates that the federal government should not be in the business of establishing education policy for the nation’s schoolchildren,” the report said.
Now the reauthorization plan raises concerns over “the failed ‘Washington-knows-best, one-size-fits-all’ approach.”
One provision of the bill specifically mandates that any state taking federal funds “must put in place ‘college andcareer ready aligned standards.’”
“Mandating that each state have aligned standards with aligned coursework will guarantee the creation of national academic standards, national curriculum, and national testing,” this week’s report on the controversy said.
“We believe this will result in the eventual requirement that homeschoolers use these national standards, curriculum, and testing,” the report said.
While some specifics that could be included in a final bill remain unclear, “the trend of national standards could lead to homeschoolers losing the freedom to choose the curriculum for their children.”
An earlier HSLDA report by Estrada pointed out that national standards would remove control from local boards and districts and allow “unelected bureaucrats, not parents” to decide what subjects should be taught.
“National standards are a first step to a national curriculum and national testing,” Estrada wrote. “Certain federal education funds to the states would be contingent on the states adopting the standards, which would place incredible pressure on the states to accept these national standards. And if some states resisted efforts to adopt the standards, this could easily lead to calls to make the standards mandatory in the name of being fair to all students. Furthermore, unelected bureaucrats would be able to choose what they believe every school child should be taught.”
Just last year, Estrada said that such was the situation with the Washington “Race to the Top” funding for schools.
“If the federal government funds something, the federal government is going to control it. What we have is a de facto set of nationalized education standards being created.”
Note: The following report, articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Report: Indoctrination without Apology: Social Studies Teachers Share Strategies on How to Mold Students!-Posted on America’s Survival, Inc.-By Mary Grabar:
I. Video of ASI "Communism in the Classroom" Conference; Learn how Communist Professors Like Bill Ayers Are Brainwashing College Students. Speakers include Paul Kengor, Mary Grabar, and Cliff Kincaid-Posted on
II. Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!-Report Posted on Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc.:
III. Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection!-Report Posted on Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc.:
IV. Barack Obama and the Communist Party!-Posted on KeyWiki:
V. Video: Jon Voight calls out Barack Obama-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Bob Livingston-On April 18, 2010:
Note: What follows is a two-part series of articles and/or blog posts that reveal the ongoing Progressive indoctrination that is taking place in our public schools, which were written by Chuck Norris-You Decide:
U.S. Public Schools: Progressive Indoctrination Camps (Part 1 of 2)-Posted on Chuck Norris-On March 7, 2011:
US Public Schools: Progressive Indoctrination Camps (Part 2 of 2)-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Chuck Norris-On March 18, 2011:
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Social Studies Teachers Share Strategies on How to Mold Students:
Confucius Classrooms in the U.S.!
The Strange Case of Kevin Jennings!
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
Revolutionary Communist Party!
The Audacity of Socialism:
New World Order By Executive Order!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
In numerology, 9 is selflessness and compassion. It desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.
And now comes the end result of my eight developing cycles. Crater Lake is one of the most beautiful places I’ve visited. This magnificent scene is what has been left of a volcanic eruption 6,000 years ago. It was 40 times as great as the Mt. St. Helens eruption.
Out of a release of energy came the universe. From releases of energy came the elements on which we depend. Releases of energy—cyclic, orderly, changing all—all part of the universe; so am I.
Larry Dossey, M.D., in his Healing Words:
“In the fourteenth century, an anonymous English monk, believed to be the author of The Cloud of Unknowing, an exalted religious tract that deeply influenced the religious life of the time, added his lament to the futility of addressing and even thinking about the Universal. “But now you will ask me,” said he, “How am I to think of God himself, and what is he? And I cannot answer you accept to say I don't know! For with this question you have brought me into the cloud of unknowing. Of God himself can no man think.”
The message of fourteenth century English monks was, “Don’t think; let us think for you.” It was exactly this thinking that had people looking for a way out of religious tyranny. America was a way out. America’s Founding fathers declared their independence from England’s religious and secular tyranny, namely King George’s tax.
I was created with reason and logic, for which to think. I thank those Americans who came before me who realized that God-given right, and made it the law of the land that I be permitted to think and build a life for myself. We call it free enterprise. It’s what made America great.
Like early Americans, in 1975 I drove away from my old life to an unknown future, but with a mission. I’d studied the Constitution and imagined that voices of the past were personally speaking to me. This was because I planned to take action to protect my constitutional right to be self-governed, to think for myself. Judicial activists maintain that law must be in accordance with the present time, the present time determined by the vote. The law can be anything. The present law in America says government entitlements supersede individual rights to the fruits of one’s labor. My God-given right as been reversed back to government rights. Government has assumed the right to think for me, the very reason Europeans migrated to America.
In the previous eight cycles of my development, I’ve learned it was predestined that I would take up the cause of self-government and free enterprise. My cause brings up Ayn Rand, author of the epic Atlas Shrugged. Rand holds the philosophy that reality is an objective absolute. Says my guru, quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, in Chapter 18, under A God for Tomorrow, “Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . .The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”
Rand’s conception that capitalism brings prosperity and happiness is not so. It is not so that big government brings prosperity and happiness, these two ideas bringing about great division. Knowledge and values brings prosperity and happiness. Objective, without mind, every situation in recorded history that brought about war can be attributed to the English monk’s words: “of God no man can think,” the 9-11 event is an emblem of this nonsense. If no man can think of God, and God ordered the 9-11 event, why did God create man with reason and logic? Everything radical Islam does defies reason and logic. Placing government entitlement ahead of the God-given right to the fruits of one’s labor defies reason and logic.
The land of your possession, God’s promise, the land Joshua and the Israelites took by force from the Canaanites defies reason and logic. If no man can think God’s will, why did God create man with reason and logic?
When we can step back and observe the big picture, what appeared to be chaotic and out of control is harmonious and symmetric. “My theory, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed,” the thought of Christopher Morely. The Englishman, John of Salisbury, the first systematic writer on politics in the Middle Ages, wrote “there are certain precepts of the law which have perpetual necessity, having the force of law among all nations and which absolutely cannot be broken.” Asserted Justice Jackson, “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy.” “Born for justice,” said the father of modern law, the Roman judge Cicero, “and right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion but an institution of nature.” Sorry, Rand’s dog won’t hunt, and neither will Marx’s dog. We were not created with hive mentality.
From the calamity my life had become to what was the beginning of a beautiful life, I heard voices of the past and believed they would lead me to my destiny, my karmic mission in this life. Thirty-six years later, I’m living in my dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon, with my one true love, my wife Karen, doing the things that bring me the most pleasure.
I came to a jumping off place in my life. A release of energy took place when I decided to take affirmative action against those who insist on doing my thinking for me. Here I am, “the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.”
From an accurate outline of the law, professor of law Edward S. Corwin left us The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, a 2,000 year history of the law. From Corwin’s essay I received my bigger than life calling. God helps those who help themselves.
There are so many reasons to vote against Obama in 2012,here are just a few.
Ron Paul: I oppose 'In God We Trust' bill
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Thursday he opposes the Republican measure that seeks to reaffirm's the country's "In God We Trust" motto.
The resolution overwhelmingly passed the House on Wednesday, attracting only nine "no" votes. Paul, who is running for president, missed the vote.
Paul said he didn't think the resolution was necessary, saying he wouldn't have brought it up.
"I would have voted 'no' not because I don't like the motto and don't think we can use it but 'no' because we were telling the states what to do," Paul told The Hill.
The GOP measure stands behind the national motto, which is used in public schools, public buildings and other government institutions.
President Obama on Wednesday mocked the House for voting on the measure instead of focusing on job creation.
The only Republican to reject the resolution was freshman Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), who has endorsed Paul for president.
Thanks to Obama & His Puppet Master!
Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On November 3, 2011:
“OAKLAND, Calif. (The Blaze/AP) — A day of demonstrations in Oakland that began as a significant step toward expanding the political and economic influence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, ended with police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters who had marched through downtown to break into a vacant building, shattering windows, spraying graffiti and setting fires along the way.
“We go from having a peaceful movement to now just chaos,” said protester Monique Agnew, 40.
KTVU-TV has more:
The confrontation began after protesters started a large bonfire in the middle of a downtown street. Dozens of police in riot gear moved in on hundreds of protesters as the flames leapt more than 15 feet in the air from several large metal and plastic trash bins that had been pushed together.
Police warned protesters to clear out before firing several rounds of tear gas and “flash bang” grenades to clear the area.
In the aftermath of the police actions, protesters with cloth wrapped around their faces to protect them from the stench of the gas marched through the area chanting, “Whose streets? Our streets.”
Some marchers wore gas masks.
Glass covered streets and sidewalks from windows of area businesses that were shattered.
The far-flung movement of protesters challenging the world’s economic systems and distribution of wealth has gained momentum in recent weeks, capturing the world‘s attention by shutting down one of the nation’s busiest shipping ports toward the end of a daylong “general strike” that prompted solidarity rallies across the U.S.
About 3,000 people converged on the Port of Oakland, the nation’s fifth-busiest harbor, in a nearly five-hour protest Wednesday, swarming the area and blocking exits and streets with illegally parked vehicles and hastily-erected, chain-link fences.
Port officials said they were forced to cease maritime operations, citing concerns for workers’ safety. They said in a statement they hope to resume operations Thursday “and that Port workers will be allowed to get to their jobs without incident. Continued missed shifts represent economic hardship for maritime workers, truckers, and their families, as well as lost jobs and lost tax revenue for our region.”
Supporters in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and elsewhere staged smaller-scale demonstrations; each group saying its protest was a show of support for the Oakland movement, which became a rallying point when an Iraq War veteran was seriously injured in a clash with police last week.
The larger Occupy movement has yet to coalesce into an organized association and until the port shut down had largely been limited scattershot marches, rallies and tent encampments since it began in September.
Organizers in Oakland had viewed the day as a significant victory. Police said that about 7,000 people participated in demonstrations throughout the day that were peaceful except for a few incidents of vandalism. In fact, the city’s mayor called it a “good day” for the protesters and the “99 percent movement:”
One of the protest leaders, Boots Riley, touted the day as a success, saying “we put together an ideological principle that the mainstream media wouldn’t talk about two months ago.”
His comments came before a group of demonstrators moved to break into the Travelers Aid building in order to, as some shouting protesters put it, “reclaim the building for the people.”
Riley, whose anti-capitalist views are well-documented, considered the port shut down particularly significant for organizers who targeted it in an effort to stop the “flow of capital.” The port sends goods primarily to Asia, including wine as well as rice, fruits and nuts, and handles imported electronics, apparel and manufacturing equipment, mostly from Asia, as well as cars and parts from Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Hyundai. An accounting of the financial toll from the shutdown was not immediately available.
The potential for the chaos that ultimately erupted was not something Riley wanted to even consider.
“If they do that after all this …” He paused, then added, “They’re smarter than that.”
But the peace that abided throughout the day, did not last into the night.
Occupy protesters voicing anger over a budget trim that forced the closure of a homeless aid program converged on the empty building where it had been housed. They blocked off city streets with Dumpsters and other large trash bins, starting bonfires that leapt 15-feet in the air.
City officials released a statement describing the spasm of unrest.
“Oakland Police responded to a late night call that protesters had broken into and occupied a downtown building and set several simultaneous fires,” the statement read. “The protesters began hurling rocks, explosives, bottles, and flaming objects at responding officers. Several private and municipal buildings sustained heavy vandalism. Dozens of protesters wielding shields were surrounded and arrested.”
Protesters reported running from several rounds of tear gas and bright flashes and deafening pops that some thought were caused by “flash bang” grenades. Fire crews arrived and suppressed the flames.
Meanwhile, protesters and police faced off for the rest of the night in an uneasy standoff.
In Philadelphia, protesters were arrested earlier Wednesday as they held a sit-in at the headquarters of cable giant Comcast
In New York, about 100 military veterans marched in uniform and stopped in front of the New York Stock Exchange, standing in loose formation as police officers on scooters separated them from the entrance. On the other side was a lineup of NYPD horses carrying officers with nightsticks.
“We are marching to express support for our brother, (Iraq war veteran) Scott Olsen, who was injured in Oakland,” said Jerry Bordeleau, a former Army specialist who served in Iraq through 2009.
The veterans were also angry that returned from war to find few job prospects.
“Wall Street corporations have played a big role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Bordeleau, now a college student. He said private contractors have reaped big profits in those countries.
In Boston, college students and union workers marched on Bank of America offices, the Harvard Club and the Statehouse to protest the nation’s burgeoning student debt crisis.
They say total outstanding student loans exceed credit card debt, increase by $1 million every six minutes and will reach $1 trillion this year, potentially undermining the economy.
“There are so many students that are trying to get jobs and go on with their lives,” said Sarvenaz Asasy of Boston, who joined the march after recently graduating with a master’s degree and $60,000 in loan debt. “They‘ve educated themselves and there are no jobs and we’re paying tons of student loans. For what?”
And among the other protests in Oakland, parents and their kids, some in strollers, joined in by forming a “children’s brigade.”
“There’s absolutely something wrong with the system,” said Jessica Medina, a single mother who attends school part time and works at an Oakland cafe. “We need to change that.”
- Associated Press writers Garance Burke and Marcus Wohlsen in San Francisco, Beth Duff-Brown in San Francisco, Mark Pratt in Boston, JoAnn Loviglio in Philadelphia, Jon Fahey and Verena Dobnik in New York and Christina Hoag in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. ‘Shut This City Down’: Inside Occupy Wall Street’s Anti-Police Racial Justice March!
Posted on The Blaze-By Buck Sexton-On November 3, 2011:
“During Occupy Wall Street’s March for Racial Justice and Against Police Brutality march last night, the Occupiers gave me a glimpse into their game plan going forward, and it’s looks like things could get really ugly.
In strategic terms, the OWS next phase plan can be broken down into two parts:
- The Occupiers will force a major confrontation with police.
- They will attempt to effectively shut down a portion of New York City.”
It is not clear to me in what order those events will occur, or when either will be attempted, but I do believe after hearing and seeing the marchers in action that both a confrontation and shutdown are now goals of the OWS movement.
What I observed last night was a march that highlighted Occupy Oakland’s new temporary status as the heart of the resistance and the Occupiers’ deep rage against the police.
Solidarity with Occupy Oakland has in fact become a huge rallying cry for the Wall Street Occupiers. Their recent clash with Oakland police resulted in the serious injury of Iraq war veteran, Scott Olson, which has given considerable momentum to the overall Occupy movement.
In addition, the Port of Oakland has been successfully shut down, much to the pleasure of the Occupy Wall Street crowd in Zuccotti Park. While there are rumors that Oakland, not downtown New York, will officially become the epicenter of the OWS movement, what I saw during the March For Racial Justice Against Police Brutality led me to believe that the Wall Street Occupiers are readying for their next phase.
I arrived at Zuccotti around 3:00 PM yesterday. A group of Occupy Veterans had marched in protest from Zuccotti park earlier that afternoon, and I could still see some men milling around the crowd in army digitized camouflage uniforms later on as the sun was setting.
The organizers left little to the imagination regarding OWS plans going forward. More “general strikes” are in the works, it’s just a matter of organizing the participants and picking a day. As the Occupiers prepared to march on Police Headquarters (located at 1 Police Plaza, and often referred to as One-PP), one organizer gave the crowd some history on general strikes, and explained that the Occupiers hope to shut down cities across the country and the globe.
Here is a transcript of her comments on the Occupy Oakland and the way ahead:
”The last city in the United States to have had a general strike, it was 1946. Today is not quite a general strike, it’s not too f***ing bad, in fact right now there are at least 5,000 gathered at the spot of Occupy Oakland three hours before the rally. Many city workers were told not to bother, don’t come in, shut the city down. Many students, as well as teachers and professors, have walked out of school, and are gathering in Occupy Oakland. And we are here today to stand in solidarity along with our brothers and sisters in Tahrir Square, in Chicago, in Denver, and in Oakland. Because ours is a global movement, and this is our day of action.”
And below is the raw video from the event:
Another march organizer was even more explicit in his threats about citywide shutdowns:
“We are Oakland. If you move on Oakland we’ll shut you down. If you move on New york, well shut you down. The people have the right to stand up whatever city they’re in. Right now new york is showing you the happy face, Oakland showed you the other face so we here we’ll deal with the face were given. If we see the ugly one, we’ll move on it. If they let us stay here we’ll be here in peace. The choice is not that of the 99, it’s of the 100. The 1% will suffer the consequence if they try to take away our rights. New york in general strike, Houston in general strike Sacramento in general strike. We will go wherever we need to when they try to shut us down.”
Below is a short clip of that exchange on city shutdowns across America:
A member of Iraq Veterans Against the War seemed to have a Freudian slip when he told the crowd that they were about to embark on an illegal march, and some of them would probably be arrested. He was quickly corrected by agitated organizers who stated their belief that the Constitution gives them the right to march when they want, where they want, without heed of local laws.
The march, technically called the “March For Racial Justice and Against Police Brutality,” moved north up Broadway without incident. The usual gaggle of reporters and photographers walked a few feet ahead of the main protest group and jockeyed for the best oncoming shot. Along with the standard refrain of ”All day, all week, occupy wall street,” the protestors worked in the chant of ”Oakland, New York, Wisconsin, We Will Fight, We Will Win.”
But most interesting to me was the cry of “Students and workers, shut this city down.”
I arrived just a few minutes ahead of the main protest column at NYPD headquarters. There were metal barricades around the entire space, and police standing at intervals of about 10 feet on all sides. Somewhere around 500 protestors were gathered.
Some Occupiers in the crowd worried aloud that it was a “trap” by the NYPD, and that the police were going to pen in all of the protestors and arrest them en masse. On the contrary, and to the Occupiers’ apparent disappointment, I overheard several NYPD officers explain to protestors who asked them that they were free to gather and speak to their hearts’ content within the plaza area enclosed by the barricades.
Once all elements of the march caught up, the anti-police portion of the evening kicked into full swing. The human microphone was actually necessary this time, as the people were packed in closely enough that it was difficult to get near “facilitators” who gave the speeches.
One of those facilitators pointed to NYPD headquarters in the background and said that “to people of color, this building is a tombstone…here lies Sean Bell… Abner Louima…” and listed the names of several more individuals killed by police. The speech went on to call for the protestors to “make some noise for Oscar Grant,” referring to an unarmed man killed by police in Oakland whose death lead to widespread looting and riots.
Accidental or not, and regardless of punishments meted out to the officers who made grave errors, all the police were considered guilty last night.
“We will defend these neighborhoods,” another Occupiers said, ”we will march to these communities of color.” The theme was simple enough: the police are bad, and the Occupiers will march on poor neighborhoods to further impress upon minorities that the police are racist murderers.
The Occupiers even took an oath to to this effect on the spot. One organizer told the crowd to raise their right hands, and say ”I swear to protest under the First amendment Rights whenever there are acts of brutality or other oppression of rights for communities of color.”
But the moment that received the biggest reaction from the crowd was when an Occupy Oakland medic who claimed to have been with Scott Olson on the night he was wounded spoke up about the recent clash with police. A placard with Olson’s photo on it was passed around the crowd, carried by Sgt. Shamar Thomas, famous for his own clash with the NYPD on October 15th.
As I walked away from the protest in front of 1PP, it became clear to me that Occupy is putting a dangerous narrative in place. The Occupiers are setting up the police as the enemy, and Occupiers are the so-called liberators. Whatever Occupiers have to do in the course of their revolution to end oppression will be justified in their minds, because the alternative is racism and murder at the hands of the police, or so the propaganda goes.
It is a deeply cynical premise that will be incredibly effective at inciting a mob.
Based upon what I saw, I think the protestors will purposefully flout the law at some point with a sit-in or street blockade, knowing that if the authorities use force in response, they will be skewered in the media. Once the message of “police brutality” is sufficiently embedded in the public discussion surrounding Occupy, the protestors will be able engage in direct action with impunity.
Then they can really “shut this city down.”
If the people of the City of New York decide the Occupiers cannot be touched– for fear of causing a casualty like Scott Olson in Oakland– the Occupation will have won a massive psychological victory.
And if somehow the police brutality meme fails to seep deep enough into the public mind, the Occupiers will continue orchestrated face-offs until there are so many “police brutality” videos on the internet, only those paying close attention will know that it was all planned to be that way from the start.
Assuming that happens, honest citizens will be left wondering how all the ensuing chaos and violence could ever be necessary. If the Occupiers really are the 99%, why couldn’t they just vote for leaders who would reform Wall Street? Wasn’t that the whole point?
But we already know the answer. The Occupiers have said it from the beginning:
‘It’s revolution, not reform.’
II. Is the Tide Turning for OWS? ‘Local residents abandon political sympathies in favor of law and order!’-Posted on National Review Online-By CHARLES C. W. COOKE-On November 3, 2011: Occupy Oakland’s Dangerous ‘Strike’: ‘A toxic mix of thugs, freeloaders, and spineless politicians!’-Posted on National Review Online-By Michelle Malkin-On November 2, 2011:
IV. The 'Christian socialist' clergymen praising the Occupy protests are more socialist than Christian. What about saving souls?-Posted on The Telegraph-By Tim Stanley-On November 2, 2011:
V. Video: OccupyBaltimore Rape Victim: Begs For Protest To Be Shut Down!-Posted on Western Journalism-On November 2, 2011:
VI. Video: Michael Moore: We're Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It!-Posted on RealClear Politics-On October 31, 2011:
Note: Please support the cause to get our country back. The following website and video provides you with the specifics of how you can help:
Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic:
Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on arnierosnerOn October 9, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/
Is it time to call for Obama's resignation!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Right On!!
Posted on The Hill-By Dr. David Hill-On November 1, 2011:
“Last week’s column asserting that the president is unelectable has triggered strong responses. Democrats, in particular, seem to think my judgment is premature. It strikes them as ridiculous that anyone could make such a “bold prediction” so far in advance of the 2012 election. Hey, that’s what we do, as seasoned political professionals, as pollsters. But I must stress that I am not so much making a personal prediction as drawing an informed conclusion based on all the numbers available. I do this in each election cycle for other candidates, and it’s time to make the call on President Obama.
Whenever I have an incumbent client running for reelection, I insist on a viability study about a year out from the election — so, in the case of the presidential race, right about now. Anything that I do for my own, I should do for the opposition. So here goes. First, I look at the polling results from traditional “deserves reelection” questions, the gold standard of viability testing. The most recent nationwide public poll I could find was one conducted by Quinnipiac University early last month. It showed 42 percent saying the president deserves reelection while 54 percent say he doesn’t. While this reelect number by itself is not necessarily a doomsday figure, it’s the 54 percent on the con side that’s a killer. Most often, there is a large undecided percentage, but here it’s only 4 points. Voters have closed their minds — and the book on this president. It ensures that when Obama faces a Republican nominee, the undecided voters in early polling will eventually vote against an undeserved reelection.
The second numbers I peruse are perceptions of accomplishments. Eventually, Republicans will ask voters, “What has Barack Obama really accomplished?” and he must answer. A Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted in his first year found that only 14 percent of all voters felt he had accomplished “a great deal ” during his initial nine months in office, his “salad days.” I cannot find evidence that the same question has been asked lately, but is there any chance that the result would be much different? In its Moving America Forward manifesto, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Obama, with help from congressional Democrats, has five accomplishments: created private sector jobs, reduced debt, kept taxes low, passed a healthcare plan and reformed Wall Street. That’s the group’s best list. Do you think most Americans believe Obama has accomplished those things? Aside from passing a healthcare plan, he has done almost none of that, in the public’s mind. According to the latest AP polling, conducted in mid-October, the president’s average approval rating across those five areas is 42 percent. Obama brings no record of genuine accomplishment to his bid for reelection.
The third set of determinative data for an incumbent is perception of the direction of the nation or state. Everyone knows this is the biggest problem for Obama. The latest CBS/New York Times poll has the “right direction” at 21 percent. It hasn’t been above 30 percent since the early summer. Incumbents simply don’t get reelected when three-fourths of the electorate see things “seriously off” on the “wrong track.” Even if Obama’s approval ratings or likability were better, he could not overcome the negative sentiment that demands a change in direction. Americans are going to demand and get change next November.
So Obama fails on all counts. The numbers say that voters don’t think he deserves reelection, he has no meaningful accomplishments, and the nation is headed off in the wrong direction under his watch. He is simply not viable by any measure. That’s an empirically informed, hard-nosed judgment. This isn’t a movie or fantasy tale where a miracle occurs at the last moment to save the day. If Democrat campaign professionals don’t start acknowledging the same, and intervening, they risk Obama bringing down their entire ticket.”
- David Hill is a pollster that has worked for Republican candidates and causes since 1984.
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Debunking Obama’s Latest Jobs Myth!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Mike Brownfield-On November 3, 2011:
II. Video: Obama,’God Wants Us’ to Pass My Jobs Bill!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On November 3, 2011:
III. The Open Fuel Standard Act Gains an Important New Sponsor!-Posted on Open Fuel Standard-On October 28, 2011:
IV. Revealed for first time: Sordid origins of Obamacare legislation traced to Soros group, marketed by slew of radicals!-Posted on Klein Online-On October 27, 2011:
V. Why U.S. military in Uganda? ‘Obama’s billionaire friend has interests in African country’s oil!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 15, 2011:
VI. How North Dakota Became Saudi Arabia!-Posted on The Wall Sreet Journal-By STEPHEN MOORE-On October 1, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is George Soros deliberately handicapping American energy?
Could the oil spill be an Act of War?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Posted on Israel National News-By Elad Benari-On November 2, 2011:
“Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Tuesday that prospects for peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are far worse today than when she left office.
Speaking to The Associated Press, Rice said she partly blames the Obama administration’s tough line against Israel and its construction of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria for the impasse in negotiations.
“When you look at where we are now, we’re a long, long way back from where we were,” Rice said, adding she had hoped that the Obama administration could revive the stalled peace talks quickly when it took office in 2009.
She said she was disappointed by the Obama’s handling of the issue of new Israeli housing construction in Judea and Samaria.
“I do think focusing on settlements in that particular way was a mistake,” Rice said. “The parties then were able to have a reason not to sit down.”
The Obama administration imposed a ten-month building freeze on Israel in an attempt at satisfying PA demands and drawing its officials to the negotiating table. However, that attempt failed when PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas refused to negotiate.
Now, Rice told AP, the gap has only widened “and they’re running out of time.” She did not sound optimistic for a peace settlement, or even for new talks, anytime soon.
“When they’re not talking, they’re sliding backward,” Rice said.
On Tuesday, Rice’s new memoir, “No Higher Honor”, was published. The memoir sheds some light on the groundbreaking offer made by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to Abbas in 2008.
Rice describes in the book how determined Olmert was to reach an agreement with Abbas, going so far as to offer him 94 percent of Judea and Samaria, a shared jurisdiction of Jerusalem, and allowing 5,000 PA Arabs who left their homes in 1948 back into Israel.
Rice writes in the book that the offer fell through when Abbas refused to accept it, despite efforts by her and then-President George W. Bush to convince him to accept.
Despite Abbas’ rejection of the offer, Rice suggested her successors might have been able to use the momentum from those negotiations to keep talks alive.
She told AP she left a record of the intensive negotiations she led in 2008 for the new Obama administration, in hopes that a new team of negotiators could pick up where the sides had left off when Bush left office.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Will Israel Strike Iran? Speculation Fed by Looming Report on Iran’s Nuclear Activities!
Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On November 2, 2011:
“( - The possibility of an Israeli military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities has become the subject of growing media speculation in Israel, fed in part by comments from some political leaders.
Similar conjecture has occurred in the past, but this time the reports are linked to the looming release of a new International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran’s nuclear activities, which is expected to go further than previous such reports in hardening suspicions that the programs have a military dimension, despite Iran’s consistent assertions to the contrary.
The report is due to be released by IAEA director-general Yukio Amano on Nov. 8, ahead of a meeting the following week of the 35-member IAEA governing board.
Previous IAEA reports on Iran have cited numerous breaches of commitments. They said Tehran has failed to clarify whether it is covertly developing the know-how to produce nuclear warheads for a fast-advancing ballistic missile arsenal.
Addressing the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, Amano reiterated that Iran “is not providing the necessary cooperation” to enable the IAEA to determine that the nuclear material in Iran is being used solely for peaceful activities.
A key concern of nonproliferation experts is that the Iranians could achieve “breakout capability,” the point at which they could, if they decided to do so, build an atomic bomb within three months.
The Israeli media speculation began late last week with reports in the mass-circulation tabloid Yediot Ahronot saying that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are pushing for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Israeli cabinet was said to be divided on the matter.
In a speech to lawmakers at the opening of the Knesset’s winter session on Monday, Netanyahu said that a nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat to Israel, the Middle East and “the entire world.”
In comments that may have been directed at Iran or Hamas-controlled Gaza - the source of an escalation in rocket attacks in recent days that killed an Israeli civilian and have disrupted life in southern Israel - Netanyahu spoke bluntly about pre-emption.
“Our policy is guided by two main principles: the first is ‘if someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first,’ and the second is ‘if anyone harms us, his blood is on his own hands,’” he said.
“For 2,000 years our people could not realize these two basic principles of self defense. The Jewish people paid the ultimate price in the history of the world due to this inability. This changed when the State of Israel was established, and the Israel Defense Forces was founded.”
In a radio interview on Monday, Barak rejected the notion that he and Netanyahu had already made a decision to carry out an airstrike. But he also reiterated the government’s view of the threat posed by Iran and the stance that “no options should be taken off the table.”
“We know the Iranian leadership’s goals, its determination and how it evades the world,” Ha’aretz quoted him as telling Army Radio. “We know what happened in Pakistan, we know what happened in North Korea and we see the immunity they have because of [their nuclear weapons capability].”
Ha’aretz cited an unidentified senior Israeli official as saying Netanyahu and Barak were trying to win cabinet ministers over to their way of thinking on the need for military action.
The Hebrew-language daily reported separately that Israeli ambassadors in Western capitals have been instructed to tell host governments that the window of opportunity for imposing effective sanctions on Iran was closing.
The Israelis are known on at least two past occasions to have carried out pre-emptive strikes against potential nuclear threats.
In 1981, eight Israeli Air Force jets fitted with extra fuel tanks flew some 600 miles across Jordanian and Saudi airspace before bombing Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor at Osirak, south of Baghdad.
In 2007, Israeli jets bombed a remote site in Syria, where North Korea is suspected to have been helping President Bashar Assad’s regime to develop a clandestine nuclear weapons capability, in the form of a reactor modeled on North Korea’s facility on Yongbyon.
Although not unprecedented, an Israeli strike against Iranian facilities would be far more complex, given the greater distances to fly and the scattered locations of potential targets.
They could include the Russian-built reactor near Bushehr in the south; a uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz and a nuclear research plant and uranium conversion facility at Isfahan, both in central Iran; a formerly undisclosed underground enrichment facility at Qom, about 100 miles south of Tehran; a heavy water reactor in Arak, about 80 miles south-west of Qom; as well as other covert sites.”
II. Obama's 'Grotesque Failure' in Mideast Propels 'Anti-Christian Spring!'-Posted on Newsmax Wires-On October 30, 2011:
III. Arab Spring Optimism Gives Way to Fear of Islamic Rise!-Posted on James Rosen-On October 28, 2011:
IV. Obama is a Useful Pawn of Radical Islam!-Posted on Dr. Laurie Roth, PhD-On October 27, 2011:
V. Gaffney: Rise of Sharia Law Will Bring War to the Middle East!-Posted on Martin Gould and Kathleen Walter-On October 24, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?
Is Obama The Greatest Strategic Disaster For Israel?
Is Obama Administration "Abandoning" Israel?
Jewish Donors Outraged by 'Sociopath' Obama!
The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!“present”-on-iran/
Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man, was accused of sexual harassment. Presidential candidate Herman Cain, a black man, is accused of sexual harassment. Black men accused of sexually harassing white women were hung from trees in the South. Maintaining control causes orthodoxies to dream up ridiculous notions.
In the Catholic orthodoxy, priests were proven guilty of sexual harassment. But that was a personal matter. In America’s liberal orthodoxy, President Bill Clinton was proven guilty of sexual harassment. But that was a personal matter. It had nothing to do with Bill’s ability to govern. Sexual harassment and the limited ability to govern only applies to political enemies.
Given America’s freedom to think whatever the individual chooses, Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, associated with Libertarian theology and the doctrine of social gospel, was a member of the Christian Socialist Movement. He wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance, failing to mention God. President Eisenhower persuaded Congress to include God.
President Obama’s term for Liberation theology is “Collective Salvation.” He got this idea from his Christian church. Liberation theology dates back to evangelists and missionaries from the earliest colonial days in Latin America—churchmen who questioned the Catholic Church and the way the poor were treated. Liberation theology and Libertarian theology are birds-of-a-feather. The whole idea comes from the fact that the unsuccessful envy the successful. A term for it is class warfare: Marxism.
Distinguish the difference in these bird-of-a-feather theologies and Jesus preaching that we are our brother’s keeper—or another way of putting it, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Connect this idea with Christian Libertarian theology, Liberation theology, Collective Salvation. The answer is government control over the individual. All of the above is the right of the individual to think, but not the right of majority to vote. The majority vote does not make the law.
As defined in Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the individual’s soul is his immaterial essence, animating principle or actuating cause of the individual’s life. Involved is the human’s exclusive ability to make sense. The will to activate all of the individual’s capacities brings the individual the power to control his life. “We are our brother’s keeper” is distorted by those who use their ability to reason to empower themselves at everyone else’s cost.
Exploiting envy of the unsuccessful is a favorite way those with inferiority complexes accomplish their goal: control. Birds-of-a-feather flock together, namely those connected with Libertarian theology, Liberation theology, Collective Salvation, and throw in the Muslim Brotherhood—in other words, lawless control. Marxist Obama is in France trying to save the world’s economies. Good luck!
Europe’s, Japan’s, and America’s economies, are heading for an economic brick wall. China’s and India’s economies can’t survive without these economies. If this lawless fraud—Marxism—continues unabated, history will repeat itself. The world is heading for another dark age.
Thank you for your courageous decision to run for president as a conservative Republican. I am sure you anticipated opposition from the left. But, no one could have possibly anticipated the current level of intense hatred and vitriolic desire to politically tie a rope around your neck and drag your black bludgeoned dead carcass through the streets in the mud. Wow! Lord help us.
I thank you because your decision to run is much bigger than you. At a time when something has gone terribly wrong in the black community; 70% black high school dropout rate and 73% out of wedlock births, black youths need to see a man such as you; one of character and self reliance.
Your remarkable life story equals a nuclear bomb of truth being thrown into the black community. Your success derails the “you cannot succeed without us and our programs” rhetoric Democrats have been selling to blacks for the past 50 years. Desperate and frantic, the Democrat's clarion call to their minions and the liberal media is politically, Herman Cain MUST DIE!
Channel surfing, I was stunned, shocked and outraged. The same white liberal pundits who, without a shred of evidence, declared the tea party racist, were all over TV ravenously “high tech lynching” you, a black man for being a conservative republican. These pious, self proclaimed most tolerant among us, viciously attacked you in every way from your character to your intellect. It was shameful and evil. It made me extremely angry.
The Tea Party has grown tremendously, not only in numbers, but in depth over the past two and half years. Tried and true liberal media “hit” tactics no longer work. We began as fragmented bans of frustrated citizens fearful of the direction Obama and company is taking our country. Today, the Tea Party has developed into numerous organized groups, an army of patriots; well prepared, well-informed and ready for political battle.
Along with our earned political sophistication comes total awareness of the pathetically transparent attempt to knock-you-out of the presidential race via ridiculously weak charges of sexual harassment. Again, displaying their arrogance and shameful hypocrisy, the same people who are attacking you rallied around their beloved poster boy of “proven” sexual harassment, Bill Clinton.
While the original source of the political sexual harassment attack on you is debatable, the left has joyfully picked up the ball and run with it, piling on daily with unsubstantiated embellishments.
Rest assured my brother, their efforts to destroy you are proving fruitless, as evidenced by the rise in financial contributions to your presidential campaign.
Please forgive me for presuming to speak for the Christians in our tea party family when I say we are praying for you. I personally believe and offer this scripture to you, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”.
So, let the evil left do their thing. Let them relentlessly labor at their, “got to take out the n-----” campaign. I gleefully report, “It ain't workin'!”
These knucklehead liberal political hacks and their media are stuck in the past. They erroneously still believe they set the rules, can successfully “take-out” our candidates and can anoint our candidates. They are mistaken. There's a new, John Wayne style, sheriff in town called the Tea Party; kickin' butt and takin' names.
Herman Cain, bottom line; we, your Tea Party family have got your back! Hang in there and keep the faith. Millions are behind your efforts 100%.
This letter is not a Tea Party formal endorsement of you as our presidential nominee. It is meant to comfort you with the knowledge that judging from the character of patriots I have met at rallies across America on five national Tea Party Express bus tours, we firmly stand in solidarity with you, our brother patriot, against a vile sold-out to liberalism and socialism liberal media and Democratic Party.
In conclusion, I encourage you, my fellow black conservative patriot brother, “Run Herman, run!”
Herman Cain jingle:
God bless,
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Hyphenated American & Chairman,
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin
Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On November 2, 2011:
“While the media have lavished attention upon the Occupy Wall Street movement (although perhaps not on every aspect of that movement), they have turned a blind eye to a march two national patriotic organizations have scheduled for Veterans Day — 11/11/2011 — calling for the immediate resignation or impeachment of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and every official in the Obama administration.
The march on Washington is being organized by Veteran Defenders and the Patriots Union, headed by Major General Paul Vallely.
Its flyer states, “Veterans have called for the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Biden, and every member of the Obama administration and they are headed to Washington, D.C. — November 11, 2011.”
Americans patriots must stand with military veterans “not just to celebrate our soldiers,” the flyer continues, “but to take our government back from anti-American thugs currently destroying the greatest nation on earth!”
The organizers hope to effect the resignation or impeachment of the president and vice president, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, Hilda Solis, Timothy Geithner, Arne Duncan, Lisa Jackson, Supreme Court justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, every czar, and every other member of the most corrupt administration in memory.
This rally is not merely for veterans. Veteran Defenders’s “Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic” states,“We call upon ALL independent truckers, independent contractors, all non-union workers, all independent business owners, agents and investors, all who support free-market capitalism and the right to work, earn and own, to march together with our veterans and former service members on November 11, 2011 – Veterans Day!”(Emphasis in original.)
It further states that “in the event that these individuals refuse to immediately resign in an orderly fashion,” the congressmen who voted against raising the debt ceiling must “immediately begin impeachment proceedings against every member of the Obama administration.”
To reestablish the Constitution as the law of the land, the Declaration demands that “every verifiable member of The Communist Party USA, The Socialist Party USA and The Democratic Socialists of America be immediately publicly identified and removed from office for overtly acting against freedom, liberty and the Constitutional Republic.” This would sweep such radical leftists as Bernie Sanders and Jan Schakowsky from office. Indeed, in October 2009, the DSA released a list of 70 Congressmen who purportedly hold membership in that socialist organization alone.
It would also like to see special interest House groups, such as the Congressional Black Caucus, disbanded.
Many of the two organizations’ aims are presented in this video.
These two organizations are not the first veterans groups to support Obama’s impeachment and removal from office. The Central Florida chapter of the far-Left Veterans for Peace called for Obama’s impeachment in 2010.
Maj. Gen. Vallely (Ret.) is an outspoken patriot who has previously proposed laws reasserting states’ rights to refuse to implement unconstitutional federal legislation.
These hearty men fought bravely to preserve freedom abroad. In this cold winter of our republic’s history, they must fight again to ensure its survival at home.
Click here to learn more about the Impeach Obama Campaign. Click here to sign the impeach Obama petition.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. 11/11/11 protesters: 'Time for talking has passed': ‘Veterans challenging Obama on legitimacy, constitutionality!’
Right On!!
Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 2, 2011:
“Declaring that the “time for talking has passed,” organizers of a peaceful rally scheduled for Veteran’s Day in Washington are demanding the resignation of Barack Obama along with other members of his administration.
The rally is being assembled around the issues contained in a Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic, which sets out the goals of the organizing groups, which include the Veteran Defenders of America and its parent organization, The United States Patriots Union.
The events are scheduled to begin at the Washington Monument at 6 a.m. and continue at points around Washington, D.C., throughout the day. How many people are expected isn’t being released, nor is the membership information for the “member-only” organizations.
But they know who will not be participating:
According to Col. James Harding of the veterans organization also served by retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, “It is much easier to list who is not on board at this point – leftists who have a very anti-American vision for America, people who have not yet accepted that there is no political solution now and those who have a seat at the table of corruption are not on board.”
The organizations have issued a code of conduct for the events, calling for peaceful protest and resistance. And while they acknowledge they are not likely to have the resignations in hand by the end of that day, they say there is a very important reason to rally.
“We have to start somewhere,” said Timothy Harrington, cofounder of the Patriots Union. “We are hoping to show D.C. insiders that the people have had enough. That the time for talking has passed and the time for serious action to save this nation has arrived.”
This job should already have been accomplished, the organizers point out.
“Every member of every branch of government has taken an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution and the people of the United States and it’s high time we see which of them is ready to live up to that oath.”
The crux of the issue is the still-unresolved dispute over whether Obama is eligible for the office of president, or whether he’s been usurping the authority of an office for which he fails to qualify. Following closely are the actions he’s taken while in office, from strong-arming private companies into doing what he wants to imposing amnesty by fiat on the American public.
There have been lawsuits over his eligibility, as the Constitution requires a president to be a “natural-born citizen.” The Constitution does not define the term, but texts consulted by the Founders and U.S. Supreme Court decisions indicate it refers to the offspring of two citizen parents.
Obama’s father never was a U.S. citizen, and critics argue that made him unqualified under the Constitution.
The event is calling upon all freedom-loving citizens “fed up with the corruption and tyranny in D.C. to take a stand.”
A preview of what’s to be going on:
There should be no shortage of people willing to abide by the oaths they’ve taken to ensure the Constitution and the republic is protected, according to JB Williams, who is integral to the operations of the organizing units and a key leader in the protest planning. He says military personnel, officers, members of Congress and the judiciary, and employees of the federal government all make such an affirmation when they take their posts.
The enlisted service members oath requires obedience to orders of the president and the orders of “officers appointed over me,” but the oaths for officers, the judiciary, members of Congress and federal employees simply require support for the Constitution.
For example, the officers’ oath states, “Having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States … [I] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic … So help me God.”
“Amid an endless stream of conspiracy theories, a real conspiracy was under way and well-founded concerns for the true state of our union led many to one question surfacing repeatedly with increasing anxiety – ‘Why are our soldiers allegedly fighting for freedom and liberty abroad while we are being stripped of our freedom and liberty at home?” Williams said.
He said there are more than 21 million federal employees, and all of them have submitted to an oath affirming their loyalty to the Constitution.
“Violating their oath is not just cause for immediate dismissal and removal from office, it is a federal crime,” he explained.
From that set of facts comes the “Call-to-Action” scheduled for Veteran’s Day:
- We CALL upon every member of federal, state and local government, legislative, judicial, law enforcement and military, who have taken an oath to protect and defend the constitutional republic from all enemies, foreign and domestic, to act upon those oaths for the stated purpose of restoring the constitutional republic.
- We CALL upon ALL veterans and veteran organizations in America, who still believe in their oath to protect and defend, to unite with us at once – in this Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic.
- We CALL for ALL citizens who still desire freedom and liberty, to stand with us in peaceful protest, and carry our demands to right the wrongs against our nation in the preservation of freedom, liberty, justice and the rule of law.
The list of charges which Obama and his team of government managers are being called to provide an account of includes dozens, from amnesty for illegal aliens in America, spending U.S. taxpayer money to restore Muslim mosques overseas, plans to tax contributions to U.S. churches, creating “targeted assassinations” of U.S. citizens, disgracing America by bowing for foreign tyrants and assembling a team of “czars” to dictate what happens.
The Canada Free Press decried the almost complete lack of coverage of such a significant event.
“We can read daily all about the Nazi/Communist-endorsed Occupy Wall Street (OWS) members’ public sexual depravities and their unbelievable grumbling greed about being tired of sharing gourmet food with the homeless, but nothing about a group whose noble aim it is to restore the constitutional republic,” the commentary from Judi McLeod said.
“The next Veterans Day after this one will follow the November 6, 2012, election. God only knows how long after election day it will take Obama to complete his promised fundamental transformation of America if the most anti-American president in U.S. history gets himself re-elected.
“Will he join OWS to escalate class warfare from the sidelines of defeat? Will a RINO GOP-blessed president be complicit with the power brokers who eased Obama into power? Will there even be an election?
“All these questions are foremost in the minds of veterans and patriots heading to DC. “
She continued, “To the patriots, veterans and their supporters, the Constitution, the U.S. Declaration of Independence are everything; ideals worth preserving for their children and grandchildren.”
Past efforts to take Obama to court over the eligibility dispute have proven unsuccessful, although Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio currently has a Cold Case Posse investigating the possibility that Obama will use a fraudulent document to try to qualify for the state’s ballot in 2012.
There also are several lawsuits pending that challenge Obama’s eligibility, but the U.S. Supreme Court repeatedly has refused to even consider the question of law at hand – whether Obama is eligible. One justice admitted the judges were avoiding the issue.
And there have been revelations that Obama supporters tried to change the requirement that a president be a natural-born citizen legislatively before Obama’s ascent to power, strongly suggesting a knowledge of a potential problem years ago.
Despite the stonewalling by official channels, a scientific survey showed fully half of Americans want Congress to investigate.
The focal point of concern for the rally? “To date, there are no signs that anyone in Washington, D.C., intends to keep the oaths they have taken to the Constitution and to the people of the United States. Instead, they seem quite disinterested in protecting the Constitution, and are instead, directly engaged in subverting every principal and value stated in all of our founding documents.”
“We’re pulling together people who have taken an oath to protect and defend,” Williams told WND.
He said of those groups, veterans, active duty military, the judiciary, members of Congress and even federal employees, who have taken an oath to the Constitution, the “best we can tell, nobody is keeping that oath.”’
He warned that the theft of authority, if that, in fact, is what happened in 2008, will undermine the nation and could contribute to its collapse, as a future presidential candidate could cite the precedent for allowing virtually anyone, including enemies of America, to run for president.
Harding told WND the problem didn’t develop only with Obama, although his tenure has caused it to come to a head. Harding said the drift away from the constitutional republic has taken years but now has reached the point where the executive branch has “taken over the legislative branch and is making its own rules by edict.”
He said the judiciary also is “pretty much neutered,” because the judges appointed have been vetted to ensure they support the Obama cause.
The Call-to-Action cites violations of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, unlawful use of military force, violation of international treaties, violations of the public trust and misuse of resources, bankrupting the nation, taxation without representation, confiscation of people’s goods and abuse of judicial power.
The declaration states, “No longer will we sit idly by and tolerate the utter destruction of our country, at the hands of anti-American elitists in Washington, D.C., who have mistaken the people’s peaceful tolerance for acceptance of their ill-advised behaviors. The time for all good and decent Americans to stand together, in defense of the Constitution, the republic, freedom and liberty, has arrived. The rule of constitutional law must prevail. We call upon all who have taken an oath to protect and defend, to take appropriate measures now.”
Demanded are resignations from Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama cabinet, staff and the unelected czars, as well Supreme Court justices given lifetime appointments by Obama and some members of Congress.
This is the point at which the military, judiciary, law enforcement and the federal employees are involved: They are “to direct all assets of the people of the United States toward the restoration of the constitutional republic and stand with the American citizens in compliance with their oath to protect and defend,” the declaration states. .
While individuals must “make the necessary provisions to secure and protect your families and neighborhoods in the event of economic instability and social chaos,” they also need to be prepared for more.
“In the event that the current administration or its thug supporters attempt to use government or civilian force and violence to silence the people, as in the cases of Syria, Libya, Yemen, China’s Tiananmen Square, the Bonus Army of 1932 in the United States, or the UK presently wrestling with black and Muslim violence, the people must be prepared to defend themselves against such tyrannical tactics. We cannot expect that the federal government will act in the best interest of American veterans or citizens.”
The group says Obama has committed dozens of offenses, including:
- “Obama is a National Security threat since he definitely has questionable allegiance to the United States, not to mention his refusal to complete and release full, frank and truthful answers as to who he is. Obama has demonstrated a blatant disregard for the public safety and security;
- “Obama and his handlers released an obvious forged birth certificate after release at least two fraudulent COLBs (Certifications of Live Birth);
- “Obama and his incompetent advisers have wreaked economic tyranny on the American people, all the while calling for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice;
- “Obama has destroyed accepted administrative process by creating 32 czars who only report to him, bypassing the Congress and Cabinet;
- “In one year, Obama and his minions doubled our national debt, which took 200 years to accumulate.
- “Obama and his Justice Department sided with a foreign government (Mexico) when they sued the state of Arizona in order to force the continuation of illegal immigration;
- “Obama and his henchmen proposed a 1 percent tax on all bank transactions (HR4646) to be implemented after the November 2012 elections;
- “Obama passed ‘Dream Act’ by executive order which aids illegal aliens through ‘prosecutorial discretion’ all to garner votes for his election. The Heritage Foundation has provided extensive proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud;
- and more than 50 more offenses.
In a recent commentary on WND, Vallely wasted no words: “President Obama, his appointees and czars must be replaced immediately.”
“This is the current battle that we constitutionalists, face and we must be aggressive in our efforts. We must adhere to our Constitution. Obama will continue to bypass Congress and the people in his progressive agenda because that is who he is and that is what he believes he has the power to do. Congress, you must stand tall for the American people and enjoin the Supreme Court to halt executive-branch violations of the law and our Constitution.
“Incompetence, treason, corruption and dishonesty of officials now come into play as these relate to our national security and economy, and are the rationale for demanding resignations and a change of government,” he said.
Likewise, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., wrote in a WND column: “The number of the president’s actions that arguably qualify as impeachable offenses is staggering. The question before the country is what to do about it.
“It is time for the House of Representatives to take its constitutional responsibility seriously and launch an impeachment investigation. The investigative committee should hold hearings, collect and weigh the evidence, and then present its findings to the Congress and the nation. “
He cited individual violations on which Obama, if found guilty, should be removed.
The first statement from a member of Congress on the issue of impeachment came from U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., who responded to this question from Think Progress: “I know Newt Gingrich has came out (sic) and said if they don’t reverse course [regarding trials for terror suspects] here, we ought to be talking about possibly impeaching either Attorney General [Eric] Holder or even President Obama to try to get them to reverse course. Do you think that is something you would support?”
Franks replied: “If it could gain the collective support, absolutely. I called for Eric Holder to repudiate the policy to try terrorists within our civil courts, or resign. So it just seems like that they have an uncanny ability to get it wrong on almost all fronts.”
WND also has reported that Jonathan Chait at The New Republic, before the 2010 election, predicted that the House would impeach Obama, but he wouldn’t be removed from office because that would require 67 votes in the Senate.
“Hear me now and believe me later. ... They won’t do it right away. And they won’t succeed in removing Obama. (You need 67 Senate votes.) But if Obama wins a second term, the House will vote to impeach him before he leaves office,” Chait wrote.
In his explanation of why he believed an impeachment could be forthcoming, Chait says the reason itself won’t matter.
“Wait, you say. What will they impeach him over? You can always find something. Mini-scandals break out regularly in Washington. Last spring, the political press erupted in a frenzy over the news that the White House had floated a potential job to prospective Senate candidate Joe Sestak. On a scale of one to 100, with one representing presidential jaywalking and 100 representing Watergate, the Sestak job offer probably rated about a 1.5. Yet it was enough that GOP Representative Darrell Issa called the incident an impeachable offense,” Chait wrote.
WND also reported when Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry, who served in Vietnam and commanded the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground during his long military career, said Congress should simply hand Obama an ultimatum.
“Action should be taken by the Senate and should be taken by the House,” he said. “They should serve notice on him and say, ‘Mr. President, we love you but we want to tell you something. You’re under a cloud of suspicion. We can’t continue running this country with you in charge under this cloud. Now either you clear it up or you resign from office.’”
He was answering questions on Stan Solomon’s “Talk to Solomon” show:
Peter Ferrara, on the American Spectator website, also has predicted Obama’s resignation.
“I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it [to 2012],” he wrote. “I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012,” Ferrera said.
Times columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who also is president of the Edmund Burke Institute, wrote, “President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached.”
Kuhner continued, “He is slowly – piece by painful piece – erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there – yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela’s leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above – one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His policies are balkanizing the country. It’s time for him to go.”
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, in a WND column, discussed the they launched.
And at the Taking America Back 2010 conference in Miami in September 2010, Floyd Brown expanded on the idea.
Brown, president of the Western Center for Journalism, said, “The Obama presidency is a disease. … Article 2, Section 4 (the impeachment clause of the Constitution) is the cure. And it’s Obama’s hatred of America that makes it absolutely imperative that we take action now.
“Barack Hussein Obama is not some do-gooder that has had his plans go astray,” Brown added. “He is not a person of good will just trying his best to make America go the right direction. He is not. Barack Hussein Obama is a liar that absolutely knows what he’s doing to the United States of America. He has a plan. He has an agenda. This man knows exactly where he’s taking us.
“Barack Obama is a very dangerous man,” said Brown. “Over the last two years, we have been watching the slow progression of what I call a bloodless coup.”
II. Vets Call For Resignations, Impeachments in Washington: ‘'Call to Action' Says Purge of Corruption Required to Restore Constitutional Republic!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 4, 2011:
III. Demand resignations and impeachment!-Posted on Gen. Paul E. Valley-On September 13, 2011:
IV. Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on arnierosnerOn October 9, 2011:
Note: This was a letter that was sent to the FBI Director, on or about August 2010, requesting that President Obama be investigated for numerous high crimes and misdemeanors-You Decide:
FBI Complaint Letter-Posted on arnierosner-On August 23, 2010:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Is it time to call for Obama's resignation!
Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
I was stunned when conservative author Ann Coulter endorsed Mitt Romney for president. I love Ann. I even named her in my tribute song honoring Conservative women, “Our Girls”.
Why would one of my conservative heroes select a liberal-lite to run against the Mike Tyson of political opponents. No, I am not suggesting Obama would bite off the ear of our presidential candidate, but Obama is a Chicago style no-holds-barred politician. If your opposition brings a political stick, you bring a political gun. That's the Chicago Way.
As Chairman of the, I have taken heat from folks on our side angry because of our ad exposing Romney's liberal choices and tendencies.
Folks, here is the deal. Romney is not a conservative. Yes, Romney has made some conservative choices. But, they seem to have come after he has been drug kicking and screaming to the conservative side of the street.
Obamacare is an Obama-nation in regards to freedom. If implemented, Obamacare will end America as we know it. A Herculean effort will be required to repeal Obama's evil socialistic mega-control monstrosity. Can we trust Romney to go “all in” to repeal Obamacare?
Intimidated, fearful intellectual conservatives say Obama has the bully pulpit of the White House, the majority of the media and a billion dollars on his side for re-election. In essence, they believe we have lost our country. They believe a majority of Americans are infected with entitlement mindsets and class envy disease. Obama's media manipulated ill-informed infected zombies are going to vote for the guy (Obama) who promises freebies and vows to punish the rich.
Driven by fear, the game plan of our smart conservative gurus is to offer a liberal-lite candidate who will also promise freebies, but not so irresponsibly; punish the rich, but not so severely.
I believe these conservative colleagues are suffering with Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome.
Intellectuals in our party such as Coulter and others are rallying around Romney because they fear America will not elect a pedal-to-the-metal true conservative. They believe we need a liberal-lite to defeat Obama.
Meanwhile, we not-so-smart naïve tea party patriots believe a true conservative will win in a landslide.
From national to local elections, solid conservatism was a huge winner in 2010. Since then, the pain, suffering and economic bleeding caused by Obama and his agenda has intensified. Thus, the referendum against him will be far greater in 2012. It is crucial that we exploit this golden opportunity to challenge Obama ideologically by selecting a true conservative presidential candidate.
While the democrats, by far, have been the major offenders, liberalism in both parties has been taking us down the road to destruction for years. In 2012, with a true conservative Republican presidential candidate leading the charge, we can begin taking America back from both parties; pointing her in the right direction on the road to recovery.
We did the “liberal-lite thing” in '08 and lost. Remember a guy named John McCain? So, why on earth would we go there again?
We know the drill. Here is the play by play. The lib media and Republican elite convince all the “smart people” on our side that only a reasonable “moderate” like Romney can possibly beat Obama. So, out of fear, we select Romney as our 2012 presidential nominee.
Upon Romney officially winning the Republican nomination, the lib media turns on him. Suddenly, they declare Romney a Mormon religious nut. They release all kinds of stories about how electing Romney would equal the personification of evil in the White House.
And no left wing/democrat exploitation of having a black candidate would be complete without the lib media, NAACP and the Obama administration finding ways to portray Romney as a stealth KKK card carrying racist. This would be the left's 2012 presidential campaign against our “moderate” Republican candidate.
Since we know the left will attempt to demon-ize and destroy whomever our Republican nominee, why not run a thoroughbred “real deal” conservative?
We tea party patriots have more faith in our fellow Americans than do our fearful intellectual conservative colleagues. We believe entitlement mindset and class envy disease has not yet infected a critical mass of Americans. There is still time to vaccinate the infected with the cure and restore our great country to it's former glory. The vaccine/miracle cure is Conservatism spread boldly and lavishly by our 2012 presidential candidate.
Conservatism won a former actor presidential candidate a 44 state landslide victory in 1980 and a 49 state re-election landslide in 1984. Conservatism can win huge again in 2012.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin
It is no surprise that we have financial problems with our
Nations revenue assessment or income tax programs! When
we have such completely greedy and short-sighted members
of congress, such as Rep. Peter DeFazio (D) Oregon, who just
appeared on the Cavuto Show today with his idea for a
proposed tax which would be set at approximately 0.2% on
each transaction. Of course, he has the endorsement of
AFL/CIO union bosses, and the liberals have jumped on
his bandwagon! I might ad that Cavuto said that his plan
was insane, and would result in more problems, than
any viable solutions.
The democrats are always quick to raise taxes and so
demented, that they are convinced that this will solve our
needs, to raise revenue. Not remotely aware, that any such
proposal will only further stagnate our sluggish markets,
and that if such, said tax is passed as legistlation, that it
will only result in these taxes being passed on to the end
user, just as all production cost are passed on to the retail
customer. All of this flies in the face of the most
knowledgeable economist assessment.
The Canadian government just conducted an exhaustive
study of these transaction tax programs and concluded by
completely rejecting all considerations of transaction tax
proposals upon final examination of the results. Sweden
attempted a similar tax on their investment transactions
with disastous results just three years ago, and terminated
their plans after a near financial melt-down, as a result.
The proposal to tax financial transactions is also known as a “Tobin tax,”
after the late American economist and Nobel laureate James Tobin.
Tobin proposed a transactions tax in the early 1970s to discourage
currency speculation after the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed-
exchange-rate system.