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What’s wrong with this picture?

From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:

I. New Court Ruling in Black Panther Scandal:

Judicial Watch earned a victory in court on August 4 in its pursuit of documents related to the Obama administration’s Black Panther scandal. (This gets a bit technical, so hang with me.)

In short, a federal court rejected a claim of the “attorney work-product doctrine” by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for documents prepared after the government dismissed its case against the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense on May 15, 2009. (The work-product doctrine shields materials prepared in anticipation of litigation from release. The Obama administration was using it to try to protect documents sought by JW through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and a related lawsuit.)

Several members of the New Black Panther Party were accused of engaging in voter intimidation during the 2008 presidential campaign.

In his August 4, 2011, decision, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton rejected the Obama DOJ’s arguments that documents prepared after the government dismissed its case (against the Black Panthers on May 15, 2009) could be withheld under the “attorney work-product privilege” exemption. Judge Walton explained:

Although an injunction remains in place in the New Black Panther Party case…the filing of the motion for voluntary dismissal largely marked the end of the litigation. As such, the documents prepared subsequent to that event were not prepared in contemplation of litigation and are thus outside the scope of the work-product privilege.

Because the case had essentially ended on May 15, 2009, Judge Walton found that “it is difficult to see how” the 24 documents created after May 15, 2009, “were prepared or obtained because of the prospect of litigation, which is the testing question the Court must answer in evaluating the DOJ’s work-product claim.”

Although Judge Walton found that the DOJ improperly withheld the 24 documents under the attorney work product doctrine, he concluded that the documents were properly withheld under the deliberative process privilege. (This is the exemption that intends to protect the internal processes of the executive branch. The idea is that by guaranteeing confidentiality, the government is in a better position to receive candid advice and recommendations. In our experience, the government often uses this privilege broadly and inappropriately to stonewall the release of information to the public.)

Judge Walton also found that the DOJ failed to satisfy its burden of showing that the 24 documents may be withheld in their entirety. Under the deliberative process privilege, the DOJ may only withhold information that is “predecisional and deliberative.” Judge Walton explained:

As it stands now, the description of the DOJ’s segregation efforts is too general for the Court, and the plaintiff, to evaluate whether any factual material in these documents is ‘inextricably intertwined’ with the deliberative material and would thus permit the DOJ to withhold the documents in their entirety.

Judge Walton provided the DOJ a second chance to satisfy its burden by submitting “a renewed motion for summary judgment accompanied by a declaration or other documentation that solely addresses the segregability issue.”

(The DOJ’s renewed motion for summary judgment is due September 30, 2011. Judge Walton hopes to rule by February 3, 2012.)

Importantly, Judge Walton also stated that if the Obama DOJ fails to “provide adequate detail regarding why these documents cannot be segregated, the DOJ will be required to disclose the non-exempt portions to [Judicial Watch].”

So additional documents could be forthcoming, which would help Judicial Watch to complete the public record on this race-tinged scandal.

Let’s review what we know so far…

According to a DOJ document previously produced to Judicial Watch, top political appointees at the DOJ were involved in the decision to dismiss its voting rights case against the New Black Panther Party, including Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, the third highest ranking official at the Obama DOJ.

Attorney General Eric Holder also received “an update on a planned course of action in the NBPP” from Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King dated May 12, 2009, just three days before the case was dismissed, according to a Vaughnindex uncovered by Judicial Watch. (A Vaughn index describes documents being withheld from disclosure under FOIA and the basis for the withholdings.)

The documents JW uncovered through this Vaughn index include descriptions of internal DOJ email correspondence that directly contradict sworn testimony by Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, who testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that no political leadership was involved in the decision.

So now you see why it is so important to force the release of as much information as possible about this scandal, and to find out why the Obama administration is going to such extraordinary lengths to shield this information from the public.

We already know the Obama administration’s claim that political appointees were not involved in this decision is patently false. And now DOJ officials continue to fight tooth-and-nail to stonewall the release of additional information. What else do they have to hide? This new court ruling means that we may pry loose some additional information on this voter intimidation scandal and perhaps get to the truth in the matter.

Of course, one of the major discoveries emerging from this scandal is the Obama DOJ’s racist and preferential application of civil rights laws. And if you’d like to know more about this problem, then please read on.

II. Obama Justice: Will Not Investigate Radical Hispanic Group That Attacked Civil Rights Activist:

If you needed any more evidence of the level of corruption that exists inside the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) when it comes to enforcing civil rights statutes, here it is.

As I mentioned in this space several months ago, on March 15, 2011, civil rights activist Ted Hayes testified, by invitation before the Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates, against providing taxpayer dollars for in-state tuition benefits for illegal aliens. Shortly after his testimony, Mr. Hayes was subjected to vicious retribution by a radical Hispanic group known as “The Timmytop,” which posted a hate video on a YouTube channel that included racist smears and death threats.

The video begins with the message “[expletive] you ‘Mayate,’” which is reportedly a racist and derogatory term used to smear African-Americans and “dark skinned” people. The video then streams a series of racist images including: The silhouette of a man hanging from a noose; photos of Mr. Hayes adjacent to photos of monkeys and bananas; and doctored photos of Mr. Hayes pictured with a gun next to his head. The video, which runs two minutes and nine seconds, concludes with the message “Your [sic] FREE Now Mayate go back to Africa.”

The video has since been removed from its original placement on YouTube, but it is available on Judicial Watch’s website here. (If you choose to watch it, please be warned that it is extremely offensive and unfit for young eyes.)

You might think that this type of vile behavior would earn the interest of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. (That’s what we thought, too.) After all, this is the division at the DOJ that is responsible for investigating and prosecuting violations of civil rights, including, and perhaps especially, those that could have a chilling effect on the First Amendment. In this case, you have the intimidation of a witness through death threats and humiliation.

Judicial Watch filed a complaint with the DOJ regarding the matter on April 28, 2011, calling for a full investigation. And recently we received a response directly from the office of Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez (of Black Panther scandal fame). It was short and sweet:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an investigation into the matter referenced in your letter. We and the United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California reviewed the results of that investigation and concluded that this incident does not constitute a prosecutable violation of the federal criminal civil rights statutes. Accordingly we cannot authorize a criminal prosecution of this matter.

That’s it. No further explanation. No review of the evidence “reviewed” by the DOJ. Not even a concession that the treatment of Mr. Hayes was reprehensible and wrong. Just a flat out rejection and a lame reference to the DOJ’s general commitment to “combating violations of federal law that are motivated by racial or ethnic bias.”

So here we have another in a long line of examples of corruption at the Obama DOJ concerning the enforcement of civil rights laws. Apparently the enforcement of civil rights at the DOJ no longer has anything to do with violations of the law. It’s all about racial preferences and partisan politics.

Put another way, had Ted Hayes been a left-wing activist testifying on behalf of illegal alien tuition and attacked by white “conservatives,” Perez would have sprung into action. Trust me on that.

How do I know? Just look at the record!

First, consider the Black Panther scandal discussed in the first Weekly Update story. The DOJ dismissed it’s own voter intimidation lawsuit filed against members of Black Panthers, who hurled racial epithets and threatened white voters at a polling station in 2008. The Obama adminstration said no political appointees were involved in this decision. In fact, Perez himself testified to this effect. This testimony was false. JW uncovered evidence that indeed political appointees at the highest levels inside the Obama DOJ were involved. And why is this important?

According to The Washington Post, “[DOJ attorney J. Christian] Adams and a Justice Department colleague have said the [Black Panther] case was dismissed because the department is reluctant to pursue cases against minorities accused of violating the voting rights of whites.”

Describing the environment over at the Obama DOJ, Christopher Coates, a DOJ attorney, testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that there exists at the DOJ “…a deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of whites who have been discriminated against.”

So, we know that the DOJ is involved in the race-based selective enforcement of civil rights laws. (Our friends (and client) over at Pajamas Media have also exposed the radical leftists being planted in the career ranks at DOJ, which further explains why a conservative seeking protection can get no justice at Justice.)

Now, Mr. Hayes is black. But he’s not in left-wing lock-step with the Obama administration on the issue of illegal alien tuition. And his attackers just happen to be part of a key voter block for the Obama 2012 re-election campign. So Mr. Hayes evidently is not entitled to any protection under law.

Remember, too, the immigration issue addressed by Mr. Hayes in the testimony that led to threats on his life. The Obama DOJ has taken a “La Raza” approach to the issue, allowing illegal alien sanctuary cities to thrive, while attacking states that want to crack down on illegal aliens. The Obama administration has also begun dismissing deportation cases against a wide range of illegal aliens, including those convicted of violent crimes.

Mr. Hayes is on the opposite side of the fence of Obama on these issues. And it is his politics that seem to define how the DOJ responded to his case. Which is just shameless and unlawful. This is yet another scandal in the Obama/Holder DOJ that ought to result in a new attorney general.

III. Appeals Court Rules Fannie/Freddie Docs Can be Kept Secret by Obama Administration:

So far the U.S. government has bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the tune of at least $130 billion, and perhapsas much as $1 trillion. And yet, the Obama adminsitration continues to stonewall the release of documents that could shed light on why Fannie and Freddie failed, thereby sending the economy into a tailspin from which we have yet to recover. (Those records are housed at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) now that Fannie and Freddie are owned and operated by the federal government.)

Judicial Watch is especially interested in documents related to the political contributions of Fannie and Freddie. And we’ve gone to court to get our hands on them. Unfortunately, our efforts sustained another setback when an appellate court sided with the government and ruled that Fannie and Freddie’s records are not subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law and may continue to be kept secret:

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has been the conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since 2008. Judicial Watch filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) asking the FHFA to disclose records of Fannie and Freddie that show how much money they gave to political campaigns. But it is uncontested that no one at the FHFA has ever read or relied upon any such documents. The district court held that the documents are not agency records subject to FOIA, and we agree.

So, in other words, because no one at the FHFA, the agency in charge of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has “read or relied upon” the documents, they are not considered agency records under FOIA, and cannot be released. (Here’s an idea. Maybe someone at FHFA should read the documents so someone in the government might have a clue as to why these two institutions failed so miserably.)

We obviously, strenuously disagree with that Alice-in-Wonderland logic, as explained in our appellate brief: “In every meaningful way, the FHFA is lawfully in control of these records. There is nothing contingent, hypothetical, indefinite, or limiting about this plain statutory language vesting the FHFA with both legal custody and lawful control over the records.” Our lawyers are considering what the next step should be in this important legal battle.

But even though the record is incomplete with regard to Fannie and Freddie, we do know of one major factor in their demise: the corrupt relationship between the two mortgage giants and their congressional conspirators, who looked the other way while Fannie and Freddie continued their reckless lending policies. That’s why we’re after these records.

Members of Congress received more than $4.8 million in political contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over a ten-year period.

According to from 1998 through 2008, the top ten recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s political largesse are as follows: Senator Dodd (D-CT), then-Senator Obama (D-IL), Senator Kerry (D-MA), Senator Bennett (R-UT), Rep. Bachus (R-AL), Rep. Blunt (R-MO), Rep. Kanjorski (D-PA), Senator Bond (R-MO), Senator Shelby (R-AL), Senator Reed (D-RI). Senator Dodd, the top recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac campaign contributions, is Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee responsible for regulating the mortgage industry. Notably, President Obama was a top recipient of campaign monies despite being in the Senate for only three years.

Still, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The documents currently being withheld by FHFA likely contain a treasure trove of information related to the inner workings of these two government-controlled agencies. That’s why Judicial Watch is fighting so aggressively to get hold of them.

But just because the Obama administration thinks the details of the collapse of Fannie and Freddie are none of your business, that doesn’t mean they’re going to stop taking your money.

According to The Washington Post:

Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance house, said Monday that it will ask for an additional $1.5 billion of taxpayer money to make up for losses stemming from weak housing markets.

The request falls on the heels of an announcement last week by Freddie Mac’s sister organization, Fannie Mae, that it will need $5.1 billion to make up its shortfall. The two coincide with Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the U.S. government’s credit rating from AAA status to AA+, which has the potential to affect the institutions’ lending and collecting abilities.

(The Associated Press is also reporting that in an act of abject desperation the Obama administration plans to be the world’s largest landlord: “The Obama administration may turn thousands of government-owned foreclosures into rental properties to help boost falling home prices. The Federal Housing Finance Agency said Wednesday it is seeking input from investors on how to rent homes owned by government-controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration.”)

The story of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is the story of the entire bailout scheme. The government continues to “invest” trillions of taxpayer dollars to prop up failing private institutions with no end in sight. And the Obama administration continues to stonewall and obfuscate even as it asserts government control of 90% of the housing market.

I don’t know about you but it seems that we’re in the same sorry spot three years after the bailouts/government takeovers that “rescued” our economy. Our credit has been downgraded, the stock market is on a rollercoaster, our government continues its gangster ways in attempting to run the private sector, the government-controlled housing market continues to be a mess, and our banks stand on a precipice. Unless our nation reckons with the government corruption behind the ongoing financial crisis, I suspect our economy (and our republic) will continue to flounder.

That is why Judicial Watch has been in tireless pursuit of these records, and indeed any records, related to Fannie and Freddie and the bailouts. If you want to read more about our bailout investigations and lawsuits, please click here.

Let me close with a note of praise to our investigative and legal teams. The legal and administrative shennanigans we face from this Obama administration (and, frankly, any administration) require patient, persistent, and smart litigators and investigators who are not put off by Big Government games and intensive court iitigation. And, of course, I am grateful for your support of Judicial Watch that provides our team with the resources necessary for our “David versus Golaith” battles with government lawyers and their well-funded allies on the Left.

Until next week…”

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Washington Times Columnist to Obama: Resign!

What’s so right about this picture?

Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On August 12, 2011:

The pages of The Washington Times today reflect the nation’s disenchantment with Barack Obama’s presidency. The op-ed section contains an article by Jeffrey T. Kuhner, president of the Edmund Burke Institute for American Renewal, entitled, “Don’t Go on Vacation — Just GO.”

Last September, Kuhner called for Obama’s impeachment. This year, he’s taken a new tack: Telling Obama to quit:

“Mr. Obama is the most arrogant, self-absorbed and self-obsessed president in U.S. history. Nothing is ever his fault. He blames everyone and everything for America’s economic woes – Tea Partyers, Wall Street, Japanese earthquakes, insurance executives, oil companies, millionaires and corporate jet owners. He lashes out at imaginary enemies without ever taking personal responsibility. In his mind, he is – and always will be – the Anointed One.

There is only one solution: Drive him from office. Americans should forge a mass grassroots movement demanding that Mr. Obama step down – immediately. Through bumper stickers, picket signs, posters, T-shirts and rallies, tens of millions of citizens should express the same message: Leave. It is highly unlikely he will step aside, but such a movement would cripple the president’s authority and possibly blunt him from doing further harm. It also would puncture his boundless ego. A widespread manifestation of no confidence would break him – politically, morally and psychologically – in order to save America. Mr. Obama is out of his depth. He lacks the character, intelligence, skills and experience – the basic competence – to be the leader of the free world.

Resign, Mr. President.”

Of course, Obama resigning is as likely to occur as Bill Clinton entering a monastery; they both love the thrill they get from their self-indulgent pursuits too much to forsake them for their own good, much less the nation’s. However, there is some value in his analysis.

A growing number of Democrats are sick of Obama, too. Contrary to what some people believe, political parties are not primarily dedicated to promoting ideals or ideologies. They are dedicated to power: getting it, exercising it, keeping it, and denying it to their enemies. Democrats understand this better than Republicans, in part because Democrats are the statist party, in part because Republicans believe in the transcendent values the Left denies. Democrats are happy Obama is president; they generally agree with him even when they are afraid to say so; and they hope he will be re-elected in 2012. But they saw the monumental butt-thumping the American people gave them in 2010, and they aren’t willing to go down with the ship. Several are asking whether they should have supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 (which may be ironic, since she probably won the nomination anyway). This author noted last year, many Democratsdesperately want to escape the ObamAlbatross that Barack will present in 2012. There is increasing talk — although precious little more — about a primary challenge in 2012. Ralph Nader attempted to recruit half-a-dozen candidates to Obama’s left. So far, only former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel has stepped forward, holding a primary fight ransom in exchange for $1 million in campaign contributions.

Secondly, Kuhner understands the only way to effect Obama’s ouster is through a mass movement. If theRepublicans are too craven to impeach a president who flagrantly violates the Constitution by waging an unconstitutional war, it will take a massive amount of pressure for them to take any action against him. If last night’s debate is any indication, several candidates would have a hard time waging an effective campaign when the presidency is on the line.

The American people need to echo Congressman Michael Burgess: Impeachment “needs to happen.” In this constitutional republic, politicians serve at the consent of the governed. We must turn in our notice that we have withdrawn our consent. Obama has done too much damage, broken too many laws, too fundamentally “transformed” our nation, and we want him out. He can resign, be impeached, or — if America can endure it — be voted out in a year. But we want him out of the White House by any legal means possible, as quickly as possible. Like his bitter, cranky, illegal alien aunt, we want him out of public housing and out supporting himself through gainful employment for once.

Kuhner’s column had one additional benefit. It reminds me of this:


Note: The following article and/or blog post and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. A Congressman Confirms GOP is Talking Impeachment!-Posted on Floyd Report-By Ben Johnson-On July 9, 2011:

II. Video: Why This President Is So Dangerous'!-Posted on July 9, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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A real hero God bless him.

 A real hero  God bless him.



SHIFTY DIED JAN 17, in peace.                                      


"Shifty" By Chuck Yeager



Shifty volunteered for the airborne in WWII and served with Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st  Airborne Infantry.  If you've seen Band of Brothers on HBO or the History Channel, you know Shifty.  His character appears in all 10 Episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.


I met Shifty in the  Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't know who he was at the time.  I just saw an elderly gentleman having Trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was at the right gate, and noticed the "Screaming Eagle," the symbol of The 101st Airborne, on his hat.

Making conversation, I asked him if he d been in the 101st Airborne Or if his son was serving.  He said quietly that he had been in the 101st.  I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, and how many jumps he made. Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I  guess I signed up in 1941 or so, and was in until sometime in 1945 ... " at which point my heart skipped.



At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training Jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into  Normandy ..    Do you know  where  Normandy is?"  At this point my heart stopped. I told him "Yes, I know exactly where  Normandy is, and I know what D-Day was."



At that point he said "I also made a second jump into  Holland , into  Arnhem ..."


I was standing with a genuine war hero ......  And then I realized that it was June, just after the anniversary of D-Day. I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from  France , and he said "Yes...  And it ' s real sad because, these days, so few of the guys are left, and those that are, lots of them can't make the trip."  My heart was in my throat and I didn't know what to say.


I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in Coach while I was in First Class. I sent the flight attendant back to get him and said that I wanted to switch seats.  When Shifty came forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have it, that I'd take his in coach.


He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat.  Just knowing that there are still some who remember what we did and who still care is enough to make an old man very happy."  His eyes were filling up as he said it. And mine are brimming up now as I write this.




Shifty died on Jan. 17 after fighting cancer.


There was no parade.


No big event in  Staples   Center ....


No wall to wall back to back 24x7 news coverage.


No weeping fans on television.


And that's not right!!




Let's give Shifty his own Memorial Service, online, in our own quiet way.


Rest in peace, Shifty.





Chuck Yeager, Maj Gen. [ret.]


P.S.  I think that it is amazing how the "media" chooses our "heroes" these days... Michael Jackson & the like!


Please do me a favor and pass this on so that untold thousands can read it.....

We owe no less to our REAL HEROES......

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History Lesson on Your Social Security Card

History Lesson on Your Social Security Card

Dick Kantenberger

Gifted Education Writer


History Lesson on Your Social Security Card

Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn't know this.

It's easy to check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show it to your family

and friends. They need a little history lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter

whether you are Democrat or Republican. Facts are Facts.

Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and

card were not to be used for identification purposes. Since nearly everyone in the

United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the

message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.

An old Social Security card with the "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION" message.

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social

Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be

Completely voluntary,

No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay

1% of the first $1,400 of their annual

Incomes into the Program,

Now 7.65%

on the first $90,000

3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from

their income for tax purposes each year,

No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put in would go into the independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other

Government program,

Under Johnson the money was moved to

The General Fund and spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Under Clinton & Gore up to 85% of your Social Security can be taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month -- and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put away' -- you may be interested in the following:

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social

Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the 'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the US .

Q: Which Political Party decided to start

giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That's right!

Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.

Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!

If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of

awareness will be planted and maybe changes will evolve. But it's worth a try.

Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.

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Tea Party Plan to End the Debt Crisis

Are you really ready to End Tyranny?  This is the best plan to date and begins the process of restoring the Constitution.  Historically, Alexander Hamilton had envisioned such a plan, but 21st Century Technology makes it a reality. It is a must read.

Tea Party Plan to End the Debt Crisis

The Tea Party unveils The True Tax,, providing solutions to End the Debt Crisis once and forever. In the spirit of the Tea Party, the True Tax replaces the antiquated graduated Personal income Tax System with one that would make America's Founding Fathers proud. Everyone is treated equally and the burden of taxation is reduced and simplified. It is the first time in history that a Tax System places power in the hands of the people, not government. It mandates accountability; an efficient government; eliminates the National Debt; provides for Unfunded Requirements; ensures legitimate programs remain properly funded; and returns over-taxation and the nation's wealth back to the people, equally!


Hear the message from patriots throughout history:


“Government, the people said, is not our master it is our servant.  Its only power that which we the people allow it to have.” – Ronald Reagan


“I believe there are more instance of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” – James Madison


“We the people developed government to preserve Freedom as an instrument wielding truth and justice.  Therefore, We the People must be leery of despots or special interest that would wield these instruments for tyranny and oppression.” – Tea Party


“…that the creation of debt should always be accompanied with the means of extinguishment.” – Alexander Hamilton


“No generation has a right to bind the succeeding generation with vast public debts.” -  Thomas Jefferson


“The wealth of a nation belongs to all the people not to its government.” – Tea Party


The True Tax will Restore America by:

 - Streamline/downsize Government

 - Eliminate the Debt

 - Eliminate the Personal Income Tax

 - Create Jobs and Restore Americans

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How to deal with the US DEBT

   The US is on a path to total destruction. Debt never produces wealth just the other way around. Poverty is the result of debt. In America for a number of years the ruling parties have exported the wealth of this nation via debt to other nations. Simple said the way you grow a nation is to get a influx of ventrue funds. America is exporting it wealth. That begain in the late 80s with corperations. The problems in American came as a result of Wal-Street buying influence and deregulation the Banking industry that lead to massive fraud across the nation. So what must be done to bring America back to being a productive and weathly nation.

    Step ONE: We have to provide a path for US citizens to buy US Debt. This stops the wealth of the Nation from being exported. Allows the interest to remain in America. As the US government currently makes no interest on the Debt it is selling to other nations. The people buying US debt shall not bay any interest. I subjest creating a EEE bond that is sold at the Post office which is a face value demand bond. These bonds would in fact carry the same interest rate as US debt issues to overseas investors. Execpt that the interest is not payed in full to the people buying them. The interest is payed in the following way. 10 percent of the interest is directly paided into Social Security. The other 90 percent is retained by the owner and is paid at the time of redeemption.

     Step Two: require that with every purchase of any stock that 5 percent must be invested into debt retirement bonds. The debt bonds are a required purchase for all forms of transactions in any stock market. The debt investment is must be held for a certian period. These pay a interest rate that is the same as those paid to overseas owners. The execption is that overseas owners can't collect interest. There interest is retained in the bond pool and when redeemed the interest is simple applied to the debt. A US citizen can retain the interest. No Business party or corperations may retain the interest. The bond issue will pay US debt and there will be the 10 percent to the Social Security fund and 90 percent to the buyer.

      Step Three: Set up a bond EEE commission to manager the funds received. Allow the fund managers to invest the EEE funds for greater gains as backed loan insterments. The purpose is to creat a leanding pool that may make more money then just simple paying off the debt. Example company A offers to pay 3 points over the interest rate we are paying a overseas nation. If that creats jobs in America and also brings in a the same debt reduction. It is a wise investment. But it must produce Jobs in America. This commission can't not be approached in person and the government can't direct there activities period. They are a paid a flat fee and report to the GAO. There are retired bussiness professionals. And are appointed by congress, with the presidents approval. 

       Step Four: Require that all retirement funds and insterments in the US maintains a 5 percent holdings in dept EEE bonds.

       Step Five: Provide a path for the owners of EEE bonds to deposit there Bond interest into there Social Security account to increase the owners benefit amount. Also creat a path were people can invest in there account even if it is not interest.

       Step Six: Creat a new universial retirement account for the US public. Allow all people to elect to put a share of there money into the account. Require all bussiness to make the system election available to there employees and allow the employer to be able to also invest into his account. These accounts for a period of 6 years would be used to retire debt 25 percent. But draw interest. And the 75 percent plus interest is used to buy hard liquid assets.

Gold, Silver ect. This is not a mandatory system. But if you elect to join the system You get a 1 percent tax break for ever 5 percent of you income you put into the system.

        Step 6: Creat a whiplash system to punish any bussiness corperation that does not pay a mininum of 25 percent of earning on all gained income. Also creat a system to punish corperation of dumping work injuried employees on the SSI and SSD program and make them fund the medical and compensation for life.

        Step 7: Creat a 50 States Workmans comp program. Do not allow a single employer to be self insuried. Do not allow a single employer to even manage s care of the employee. Creat a Workmans comp insurance pool that is managed by the US Government and require the medical doctors to provide care as a requirement ot be allowed to practice in the US. They would get limited pay. The employers would pay not Just into from a fund. They pay directly and also receive fines determined by the number of people whom are hurt and also the record of not correcting work place problems that cause the problems. The current system allows employers to maintain a dangerious work place while making others pay for there lack of ethics. The insuance Fund would be used to compensate the injured worker. Government appointed Lawyers would repersent the injuried worker. This system would be used for all employees in the country ALL. 

        Step 8: Change the income tax system to a dual tax system. A flat tax for Citizens.  You know real people with teeth and skin. A pay as you purchase system. To reduce the IRS. And a secondary system to tax bussiness. Appoint IRS agents at large corperation to run a continious check on there reporting. Also appoint special IRS agents the do special research into fraud systems of companies. No taxes and the debt wil go up.

        Step 9: Cut the dead weight in state and federal governments and limit grow in the Federal And state government by a percentage of the GDP yearly. 

          Step 10: Do away with all federal retirements programs. I mean All. You can't pay people more then the rest of the nation and given them more benefits then everyone else and retain wealth as a nation. The math just makes it impossible. Also no retirement for members of either house and no cost of living increases for federal elected appointed or employeed employee. Cost of living increases allow the government to grow in unchecked ways. That is what has driven up much of the debt. As the Fat Government is depanding more and more. They are doing less and less. Simple becasue they Can. 

         So i have given you the answers to getting this nation back on track. What are you going to do now? Sorry for speeling mistakes, never was good at speeling. But I can think.   

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Remember the “Osama bin Laden” Bounce?’



It was on May 1 that President Obama stood before microphones and television cameras at the White House to announce the assassination of Osama bin Laden, former CEO of Terrorism, Inc. and leader of the Al-Quaeda wing of the Religion of Peace.

Obama’s announcement set off a spontaneous round of thundering jingoism and celebration from coast-to-coast, including on college campuses where young college students rallied and chanted, “We’re Number 1!, We’re Number 1!” expressions of pride normally reserved for really important matters like an important basketball or football victory over a bitter rival.

The next morning, America was still celebrating wildly. So much so that Joy Behar and Barbara Walters of the View proposed that the 2012 elections should be cancelled because of Obama’s newly earned stature as America’s Killer Dude-In-Chief.

By giving orders which caused Navy SEALS to splatter the personage of bin Laden directly to Allah in about 100 bloody pieces, the Barack Obama presidency was instantly rescued from the dustbin of failure and consigned to the “can’t miss for re-election” category.

Behar and Walters could barely contain their glee as they contemplated Act 2 of the worst presidency in history:

  “View co-hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters on Monday immediately politicized the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. After giving credit to Barack Obama for the successful strike, supposedly straight journalist Walters giddily announced, “I would hate now to be a Republican candidate thinking of running.”***

Fast forward just 90 days or so and you have a weakened President who, by “leading from behind,” has driven America to the brink of default and, having failed to accomplish that nasty deed, still managed to preside over the first credit downgrade in U.S. history.

Now instead of basking in the glory of a stunning military coup over an unarmed wimp in hiding, Obama has been reduced to watching the stock market collapse on national TV while he blames Republicans and Standards and Poor’s for the awful financial mess inherited from George W. Bush.

Sorry, Joy and Barbara, but as things stand today, canceling the remaining 14 months of Obama’s presidency seems the most prudent course for America, given the fact that 73% of the public believe that the nation is headed in the wrong direction!

***Read more.

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For those of us who fought against the Boehner Bill, and who stood ridicule in the face, it has been a bitter-sweet "told-ya-so". We can't claim victory, because the battle will continue as long as there are greedy, power-hungry people looking to fundamentally transform the United States of America.


They just don't have the backbone to take the steps we need to take to get to where we want to be.

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Sally Mae ‘Next Economic Flashpoint
Aiming toward Disaster,’ Warns Moody’s
            How dare these credit-rating agencies continue giving Barack Obama all this heat? Last week Standard & Poors lowered the Federal Government’s rating on bonds and U.S. paper from Aaa+ to an unheard of low Aa+ and also downgraded the government-owned mortgage giants Fanny Mae or Freddy Mac in the same fashion. And now the credit-raters at Moody’s are telling BO that the national student loan program (which Barack took away from the free markets and gave over entirely to the government roughly thirteen months ago) a.k.a. “Sally Mae” has within it the makings of the economic surprise-disaster of the year. 
            It works like this: just as the government decided 34 years ago that everybody must own their own home (by FORCING mortgage loan companies to make poor loans to unqualified buyers with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 a.k.a. CRA ‘77) and took the percentage of “suspect home loans” in the nation from 0.24% in 1975 to 34.2% by 2005 . . . the Obama administration has likewise decided to extend the idea of college loans to virtually every young person in the country. And just as the sub-prime lending crisis that sunk our economy from 2005 to 2008 was predictable from the very day President Jimmy Carter signed CRA ’77 into law . . . this Obama-formatted Sally Mae boondoggle, too, has a very predictable ending akin to a banana peel being dropped under your moving feet.  
The obvious result of Sally Mae’s creation will be seen when all these new college grads will have ZERO jobs awaiting them when they leave school . . . with no jobs, they’ll have no noteworthy income other than food stamps (which Obama has recently authorized for college students as you probably know) . . . with only food stamps as “income” these students will not be able to repay their student loans e-v-e-r . . . and the effect of all those student loan defaults will, Moody’s appraisal of the situation warns, very likely mean that the present S&P Aa+ rating will degenerate into a much, much lowered rating by S&P, Moody’s, Fitch’s and other credit-rating agencies. The size of the now expanded student loan program will ensure that America’s debt to GDP ratio rises from its present 110% (following recent authorization to expand the debt-ceiling to $17 TRillion) to a Greece-like 128%. 
Meanwhile Europe is burning courtesy of the riots in England; and the economic collapses of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Hungary; and now perhaps Belgium and France as well . . . all the while the U.S. economy seems to be more and more rivaling these pathetically-poor (p-poor?) European role models. Just as an old folk song asked us Where Have All the Flowers Gone? and then led listeners upon a tragic house-that-Jack-built type story that wound up with all the military graveyards bursting into bloom . . . the Sally Mae program is a program created by blooming idiots holding the seeds of future economic disaster.
In response to the revelations by Moody, the Obama spin doctors and the Obama puppet master George Soros via his CREW people have been going wild trying to cover the President’s golf-playing tush. CREW, of course, is the much-quoted supposedly neutral (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) research group. Funded by Soros, (figures NOT included within the main $48 million in media funding that Soros has sponsored this year) CREW has never run a positive story on Sarah Palin and never run a negative story on Barack Obama and runs highly negative stories on Conservative issues eight times for every single mildly negative story on liberal matters . . . according to CREW, of course, the newly Obama-formatted Sally Mae is the greatest thing to happen to young people since condoms. Condoms with holes in them . . . more likely . . . .
As another gross and needless debacle looms, friends, can’t you just see young Barack holding the axe in his hand above the fallen economic oak known as the free market, “No, Father, not me -- the Tea Party, did it!”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Oath Keepers-By Stewart Rhodes-On August 10, 2011:

Oath Keepers Exclusive:  An FBI Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force handout being distributed to Colorado military surplus store owners lists the purchase of popular preparedness items and firearms accessories as “suspicious” and “potential indicators of terrorist activities,” instructing store owners to keep records on and report people who:

“Make bulk purchase of items to include:

Weatherproofed ammunition or match containers

Meals Ready to Eat

Night Vision Devices; night flashlights; gas masks

High capacity magazines

Bi-pods or tri-pods for rifles”

The FBI handout, entitled “Communities Against Terrorism: Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Military Surplus Stores” also instructs surplus store owners to:

“Require valid ID from all new customers.

Keep records of purchases.

Talk to customers, ask questions, and

listen to and observe their responses.

Watch for people and actions that are out of place.

Make note of suspicious statements, people, and /or vehicles.

If something seems wrong, notify law enforcement authorities.”

The handout also instructs surplus store owners to consider as “suspicious” anyone who “demands identity ‘privacy’” or anyone who expresses “extreme religious statements” and those who “make suspicious comments regarding anti-US, [or] radical theology.”

The “Communities Against Terrorism” flyer closes by stating:

“Preventing terrorism is a community effort. By learning what to look for, you can make a positive contribution in the fight against terrorism. The partnership between the community and law enforcement is essential to the success of anti -terrorism efforts.

Some of the activities, taken individually, could be innocent and must be examined by law enforcement professionals in a larger context to determine whether there is a basis to investigate. The activities outlined on this handout are by no means all-inclusive but have been compiled from a review of terrorist events over several years.”

The handout encourages surplus store owners and employees to provide information on “suspicious” customers by calling the Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force or the Colorado Information Analysis Center. This handout is very nearly identical to one issued by the FBI to gun stores from Connecticut to Utah: PDF

This new handout expands the absurdity by now also targeting customers of military surplus stores, and by specifically targeting the purchasing of very common, and very popular, preparedness items such as Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s) as “potential indicators of terrorist activities.”

While this particular handout is being given to military surplus store owners in Colorado, it is nearly certain that similar versions are being handed out by Joint Terrorism Task Forces in other states.   Anyone who has seen such a handout, or who has a copy of one, please contact us at   You know, “if you see something, say something!”  It may be a potential indicator of government terrorist (tyranny and chilling of speech) activities.   Remember, combating tyranny is a community effort and you can make a difference!  – Oath Keepers


Word Version


Islamist terrorists are not known to hang out in local Army-Navy surplus stores, stocking up on MRE’s, high capacity magazines and bi-pods for their long range rifles.   As Brandon Smith, over at notes, “These are very common purchases, not for terrorists, but for Preppers and Survivalists, who are obviously the targets of the FBI profile, not secret Al-Qaeda agents.”  Spot on. Obviously the current crop of FBI “leadership” considers anyone who wants to be self-sufficient and prepared to be a “threat” that should be relentlessly tracked and reported.

So if you take preparedness seriously enough to buy a few cases of MREs, or if you see the wisdom in having spare “high capacity” (i.e. full capacity*) magazines for your rifles or pistols, if you don’t want your matches to get wet, if you want to be able to see in the dark, or if you want  to be able to shoot more accurately by using a bipod, “you might be a terrorist” (like a bizarre Jeff Foxworthy joke), and the FBI wants your neighborhood Army Surplus Store to play the role of government informant and snitch, like something out of East Germany.   As Brandon Smith put it, the FBI handout “even instructs store owners to subtly interrogate their customers in order to draw a fuller profile. THIS IS CALLED CITIZEN SPYING. Period.”  Spot on again.  That’s exactly what it is – a preparedness focused “see something, say something” snitch program to help track and locate Americans who exhibit such dangerous “prepper” tendencies.

How far we have come from the Founder’s ideal of a “well regulated” (well equipped and well trained) citizen militia where ALL able bodied citizens were expected to keep and bear their own weapons, ammunition, field gear, and other supplies essential to personal military capability and competence.  And the Founders expected us to keep that military gear at home and to actually train together in its use so we would “be prepared” for anything, you know, like the Boy Scouts motto.  That motto is a sad remnant of the Founders’ ideal of a prepared citizenry.  As the Boy Scouts website still notes:

“Be Prepared.”

That’s the motto of the Boy Scouts.

“Be prepared for what?” someone once asked Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting,

“Why, for any old thing.” said Baden-Powell.

Under the logic of this most recent handout, the Boy Scouts should be reported as “suspicious.”  I can just hear the people at Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who likely helped write this handout,  screeching “Someone report Baden-Powell to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force!  He’s advocating an extremist, paranoid “prepper” ideology!   Oh, wait …he’s dead?  Well then, report anyone who quotes him!  Such as that subversive remnant of American reactionary radicalization of the youth, the Boy Scouts!  That’s a hotbed for extremist radicalization. Why haven’t they been shut down yet?!  Someone get Cass Sunstein and Holder on the phone!”

The Founders would have wanted all of us, every one, to “be prepared” for “any old thing.”   They would have wanted us to have night vision, gas masks (which come in handy in many situations), “high-capacity” magazines – and the powerful military pattern rifles that use them – bi-pods so we can shoot accurately at long distance, and plenty of ammunition in “weatherproofed” containers (also known as surplus ammo cans).  They would have wanted us to have plenty of MRE’s for handy field use, and even “night flashlights.”   I  suppose “day flashlights” are OK with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, but those dangerous “night flashlights” are verboten, and anyone who buys one must be reported!  I certainly hope it wasn’t actually someone at the FBI who wrote that.**

This absurd list sounds like it was compiled by someone at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or by someone at the Brady Center.   I’m shocked it doesn’t also list purchase of “those shoulder things that go up” as a potential indicator of terrorist activity.   And it may well have been written by the SPLC.  As Oath Keepers exposed in October of 2010, the CEO of Southern Poverty Law Center now sits on the DHS “Working Group on Countering Violent Extremism,” which is tasked with designing training initiatives that reach right down to the local community level (as in “communities against terrorism”), to include training local police, social workers, teachers, “child protective services” personnel, and mental health professionals on how to use their power and influence to “counter violent extremism.”

I don’t have to tell you who SPLC likes to label “extremist.”  You already know.  Just look in the mirror.  If you dare to quote the Founding Fathers, if you still believe in the self evident truths and principles of liberty espoused in the Declaration of Independence, if you advocate strict obedience of the Constitution, if you dare to take your oath seriously, and encourage others to do likewise, you are a radical “extremist” according to the SPLC and their “Hate Watch” website, and they will lump you in with neo-Nazis, skinheads, cop-killers and terrorists.  And likewise if you support Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Michelle Bachmann, or if you watch Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch show or like Glenn Beck, since all of them are considered “enablers” of extremism by the SPLC.   And of course, Oath Keepers has been a target of their smear campaigns from the day of its founding.   I consider it a badge of honor.   You know you’re over the target when Mark Potok starts screeching about you on national TV.

And now, as part of the DHS “team,” SPLC is doing their very best to turn the full power of government on you at every level, right down to your local “Mayberry” Police Department.   And that’s where handouts like this one come in, encouraging the whole community to be out there monitoring, tracking, compiling dossiers, and investigating anyone who advocates or holds the views and ideals of the Founders or who is actually trying to fulfill their civic duties by practicing those ideals – such as the ideals of preparedness, competence at arms, and being well equipped and well trained.

Funny thing is, who exactly do the authors of these handouts think they are talking to when they ask gun store and military surplus store owners and staff to spy on their customers and serve as a network of government snitches?  These stores are usually owned and staffed by veterans, who are also very preparedness minded – in other words, just like the customers the government wants them to inform on.  That’s like handing the MIAC report to Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin supporters and asking them to keep an eye on those pesky, subversive, and potentially dangerous Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin supporters.   It’s absurd.

in fact, asking military surplus store owners and staff to keep an eye out for people who like to stock up on MREs, high capacity magazines, flashlights, and weatherproofed ammo and match containers is like asking a shoe store to keep an eye out for people who take footwear seriously.

And when a store owner gets this list of “potential indicators of terrorist activities” and sees the items he stocks listed there, what is that saying about him?  If he is intentionally stocking MRE,s, “night flashlights,” weatherproof ammunition or match containers, or any of the other common-sense, useful items on this list, that makes him an “enabler” and supplier of potential terrorists – at least in the eyes of the authors of this handout.

If the powers that be, and the authors of this silly handout are worried about customers of military surplus stores, I can only imagine what they think of readers of or of the listeners and readers of Preparedness Podcast (

And they are probably on the verge of having strokes over Oath Keepers recently announced Operation Sleeping Giant ( where we openly urge all veterans to be prepared and to take a leadership role in getting their communities prepared for anything by focusing on four key areas:

1. Food storage, fuel storage, emergency medical, and communications security and independence (and general preparedness). Since food is the hardest thing to improvise, it comes first, so we advocate doing as the Mormons do, by taking food storage seriously [including some MREs!]

2. Physical security and Independence – to include neighborhood watches; mutual aid associations; a volunteer sheriff’s posse (under direct command of the sheriff); and county militias established by county ordinances but staffed by self-supplied and self-funded volunteers (as is done in volunteer fire departments all over this nation); state defense forces under command of the governor; and ultimately, a true state militia, established by state statute, and capable of “repelling invasions” [just imagine Mark Potok reading that!].

3. Economic security and independence – as individuals and communities, including barter networks, use of silver and gold as real money, and sound money bills at the county and state levels (as Utah just passed).   See for details.

4. State sovereignty and nullification of unconstitutional federal laws and actions.  The focus here is on restoring the Republic from the bottom up, by voting out oath breakers and voting in constitutionalists, till we have sheriffs, local and state legislators, and governors who have the knowledge, courage, and integrity to keep their oaths, up to and including being willing to defend the Constitution and the powers reserved to the states and to the people (see the Tenth Amendment) by supporting state sovereignty resolutions and nullification of unconstitutional laws.

[Go to for more details on that program, and please get involved!]

When the government distributes handouts encouraging gun stores and military surplus stores to track, monitor, and snitch on their customers, you know we are in trouble.  But the answer is not to hide, afraid to train and practice preparedness.  The answer is for everyone to become a “prepper”, as in all the rebellious gladiators yelling out “I am Spartacus!” when the Roman General demanded to know where Spartacus was.   The proper spirit of response it be like Founding Father John Hancock saying “here, let me write my name nice and big, so King George can easily read it.”

That attitude is also expressed in Isaiah 6:8:  “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”  And I said, “Here am I. Send me!

The answer to the government’s silly lists is to make the lists so damn long they end up including every able bodied American (who is supposed to be the militia anyway), and thus the damnable lists become useless.  Each of us should, rather than being afraid of buying preparedness gear, step up and go shopping, and encourage others to do the same, online, in person, wherever.  Give preparedness items as birthday presents and Christmas gifts.  Make them a badge of honor, like the Founding generation proudly wearing home-spun.   Make the lists so big they become useless.

When the beast is in your face, trying to crush and stamp out the last remnants of your heritage, trying to chill your speech and make you afraid to fulfill your civic duties, afraid to keep your oath by stepping up and getting your community ready for hard times ahead – when the beast is trying to “nudge” you into sitting down, shutting up, and being a dependent, unprepared, scared, and cowardly serf, the answer is to step right up and answer the call. “Here I am.  Send me!” should be the battle cry of every one of you.

I recently responded to the Police Chief of Quartzsite Arizona, who likes to make references to “domestic terrorism” when discussing upstart Tea Party people, Oath Keepers and Sons of Liberty Riders, by saying hey, “we’re your huckleberries, Chief.”  (and we’ll be marching in Quartzsite on August 27th in support of the Quartzsite Ten!).

Same goes for this nonsense.  If the FBI and DHS wants to openly target preparedness minded folks as “suspicious” and worthy of being reported to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, for simply doing what the Founders expected us to do, and what we veterans are duty bound by our oaths to do, and what  every American, if they wish to be worthy of being called “citizen” is duty bound to do, well then, Robert and Janet, we’re your huckleberries too!   Get in line.

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (Latin: Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it)

Stewart Rhodes,

Founder of Oath Keepers

* Hat tip to James Wesley, Rawles of Survival Blog who encourages the use of the term “full capacity” magazines rather than the anti-gunner term “high capacity” since the magazines in question were designed to carry that many rounds.

** We have heard, through the gape-vine, that many current serving FBI field agents are in agreement with us and support what we are doing here at Oath Keepers.  They are not happy at all with the politicization of the FBI, but the “leaders” in Washington DC are another matter entirely, and have expressed an intent to use the FBI, along with DHS, BATF, etc., as a weapon against conservatives and constitutionalists.  Will be interesting to see how that tension is resolved.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Great Patriotic App!!!!

For those of you with smart phones there is a Congress app. This app allows you to track what bills are on the table, and what bills have been recently passed. It also allows the user to enter thier zip code and track the actions of thier reps. It also gives contact info for your reps. There is a long list of house, senate and joint commities.

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The Devastating Threat to Our Security!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On August 11, 2011:

It sounds like something out of a movie. A nuclear weapon detonates at high altitude, generating a burst of electromagnetic energy that devastates the United States–destroying electronics, collapsing communications, halting transportation, and shutting down all electrical power. Unfortunately, the threat of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strike is all too real, and it’s time America’s leaders wake up to the reality.

But a nuclear weapon isn’t the only way an EMP can be generated. Even unusually powerful solar activity could produce catastrophic destruction in the United States. No matter how it’s generated, the chaotic effects are the same. First, the electromagnetic shock can disrupt electrical devices. The second effect is similar to lightning—a power surge that would burn circuits and immobilize electronic components and systems. The third is a pulse effect that flows through electricity trans mission lines, damaging distribution centers and fusing power lines. Any of these can cause irreversible damage to an electronic system. And the United States would effectively be sent back to the 19th century, to a world without cars, cell phones, computers, or any other electronics.

If history is any guide, an EMP would be catastrophic. In 1859, British astronomer Richard Carrington observed an unusually large solar flare. Later, the flare reached earth. Telegraph operators were knocked unconscious. Their machines caught on fire as the EMP effect from the flare surged through the lines. When this event occurred, only a small portion of the world was electrified. A solar flare of this magnitude today might have a much more devastating impact.

“An event that could incapacitate the network for a long time,” stated one participant in a U.S. National Academies of Science study, “could be one of the largest natural disasters that we could face.” In the film 33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age, Dr. William Graham, chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission, explainswhat that disaster would look like:

“Medical services wouldn’t be available because they need electric power. Telephones wouldn’t work. The traffic lights would stop working. Big traffic jams. Transportation would be shut down. Electronic fund transfers wouldn’t work so you wouldn’t get your paycheck. You wouldn’t be able to use your credit card. Food stocks would run out very quickly. Everything we know about life today that makes it convenient and efficient would be shut down.”

On August 15, 2003, 55 million people received a brief object lesson in what life would be like after an EMP event when a major blackout occurred throughout the northeastern United States and Canada. For the most part, services were restored within a day. That would not be the case after an EMP event. Heritage’s James Carafano explains in a new paper the potential impact on the United States–and the world:

“The result of a massive EMP event could be devastating. Communications would collapse, transportation would halt, and electrical power would simply be nonexistent. Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds of millions of Americans from death by starvation, exposure, or lack of medicine.

Nor would the catastrophe stop at U.S. borders. Most of Canada would be devastated, too, as its infrastructure is integrated with the U.S. power grid. Without the American economic engine, the world economy would quickly collapse. Much of the world’s intellectual brain power (half of it is in the United States) would be lost as well. Earth would most likely recede into the “new” Dark Ages.”

Yet despite the threat—and the fact that six national commissions and major independent U.S. government studies have independently concurred with the significance of the danger—Congress has merely deliberated it but has not taken substantive action. Meanwhile, the Administration and federal agencies remain mostly ambivalent.

Carafano recommends actions the U.S. government can take to guard against an EMP attack: funding comprehensive missile defense to intercept and destroy a missile bound for the United States; developing a National Recovery Plan and a plan to respond to severe space weather emergencies; and more research on the EMP threat to ensure that the United States fully understands the scope of the danger and can prepare cost-effective countermeasures.

That’s why it is time to make August 15 National EMP Awareness Day to wake up America’s leaders to the looming threat. An EMP strike should be recognized as a clear and present danger—one that could be devastating if it finds the nation ill-prepared.

On August 15, 2011, Heritage is hosting a panel event on the EMP threat from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET. Click here for more information or to watch the event online. 


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. How to Defend America in the 21st Century! (Part 1)

Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On August 5, 2011:

In 1914, on the eve of the Great War, the Duke of Cambridge wrote, “There is a time for all things. There is even a time for change; and that is when it can no longer be avoided.”

Speaking of change, the current debt crisis could force drastic cuts in the Department of Defense budget, perhaps as high as 50 percent.

In the immediate post-Cold War era, DoD futurists envisioned a 25-year period of “strategic pause” before the nation faced a “major peer competitor” sometime between 2015 and 2020. In the 1990s, major candidates for peer-competitor status included China and a resurgent Russia. India and a nuclear-armed Iran were cast as lesser threats. In those heady days, terrorism was seen as a tactic and more the purview of law enforcement. The major emphasis was on being prepared for big wars against peer competitors—wars no world power can afford to lose. Preparing for those wars also satisfied each service’s need to perpetuate itself in familiar ways wrapped around developing and acquiring high-tech weapon systems. Programs like “The Army After Next,” “From the Sea,” and “Air Force Next” addressed future strategic paradigms focused on parochial core strengths.

To be sure, there were cuts in defense spending during the 1990s. The size of the American military shrank. The Air Force, alone among the services, reorganized its force structure from one based on strategic deterrence to power projection. Cuts were “salami slices” that, for the most part, reduced but did not reform outmoded force structures.

And then, September 11, 2001 changed everything. In the immediate aftermath, the Bush administration made a major mistake by declaring a “War on Terror” rather than specifying the enemy as Al Qaeda, associated groups, and nations that support them. With a generic “terror” as the enemy, the war easily morphed from one into two wars, with Operation Iraqi Freedom launched in March 2003. Ten years later, the fighting in Iraq continues, and what was originally a campaign to root out and destroy al Qaeda in Afghanistan has become an endless struggle against the Taliban. This war has exhausted the American military, contributed to our national economic nightmare, and derailed critical thinking about the future.

This exhausted force is also outmoded. Cutting such a force by a quarter, much less half, would invite aggression by nations like Iran and North Korea. Keeping the current force at the status quo would be expensive and also leave the nation vulnerable to current threats and unable to cope with a rapidly growing Chinese threat.

The U.S. military needs massive restructuring. Its current structure originated with the reforms instituted in 1903 after the Spanish-American War. A major overhaul on the eve of World War II made it possible to fight the Axis powers. The National Security Act of 1947 institutionalized the Industrial Age force extant today. Now, the armed forces of the United States would be hard-pressed to counter a North Korean invasion of South Korea without using nuclear weapons.

In fact, war on the Korean peninsula is one of our immediate threats. Iran, soon to be a nuclear-armed state, is bent on establishing hegemony in the world’s energy epicenter. Despite a predictably forthcoming declaration of “victory” in the ill-conceived War on Terror, al Qaeda and associated groups will continue to attack U.S. interests abroad while putting the nation on the defensive at home.

An anti-American alliance between Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, and possibly Cuba is not beyond the realm of possibility. If Mexico continues to descend into anarchy, that alliance could extend to our immediate and un-defended southern border; imagine the cost of trying to fortify it sufficiently to keep it secure.

Slicing the salami thicker will result in fewer divisions, cutting new weapons acquisition, and trimming at the edges by reducing costs associated with professional military education. This is like starting a weight reduction with a frontal lobotomy and removing a few fingers. What is needed is drastic restructuring of the armed forces, massive reduction in the associated bureaucracy, and major changes in the way officers are educated.

Meanwhile, China is building a first-class fighting force, one capable of global power projection. While Russia’s ability to project power remains questionable, its modernization programs focus on high-tech weaponry and on revitalizing nuclear forces.

Critics argue that the United States now spends more on its military than the next 10 nations combined. True. A lot of that goes to sustaining force structures that are redundant, unnecessary, and ill-suited for Information Age warfare. Much of it goes to personnel costs (including retirement), maintaining bases and posts that are no longer needed, and unnecessary civilian personnel. There is much that can be cut, but also much more that needs to be restructured if the United States is to survive the challenges beyond 2015.”

  • Dr. Earl Tilford is a military historian and fellow for the Middle East & terrorism with The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. He currently lives in Tuscaloosa, Alabama where he is writing a history of the University of Alabama in the 1960s. A retired Air Force intelligence officer, Dr. Tilford earned his PhD in American and European military history at George Washington University. From 1993 to 2001, he served as Director of Research at the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute. In 2001, he left Government service for a professorship at Grove City College, where he taught courses in military history, national security, and international and domestic terrorism and counter-terrorism.


II. How to Defend America in the 21st Century! (Part 2)-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Guest Writer-On August 12, 2011:

Note:  The following websites and report reveal that George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) funds: (a)organizations that advocate America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending; (b)organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies; and, (c) the Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG), which is a liberal internationalist coalition of U.S. donors who believe the best way to prevent wars, constrain rogue nations, and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons is to let international laws and organizations set the terms of world peace. The umbrella group, whose listed supporters claim to have assets exceeding $25 billion, aims to entangle the U.S. government in a process of international negotiation to create a new global legal regime. It would likely limit U.S. sovereignty and replace a strong national defense with endless rounds of international rulemaking and consensus-building-You Decide:

(a) Organizations that advocate America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending:

  • The American Friends Service Committee, which views America as the world's chief source of international strife, has long had a friendly relationship with the Communist Party USALamenting that “the United States spends 59% of the discretionary federal budget on military-related expenses,” the Committee seeks to “realign national spending priorities and to increase the portion of the budget that is spent on housing, quality education for all, medical care, and fair wages.” In 2000, George Soros himself was a signatory to a letter titled “Appeal for Responsible Security” that appeared in The New York Times. The letter called upon the U.S. government “to commit itself unequivocally to negotiate the worldwide reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons,” and to participate in “the global de-alerting of nuclear weapons and deep reduction of nuclear stockpiles.”

(b) Organizations that favor global government, which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies:

  • According to George Soros, “We need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.” Consistent with this perspective, the Open Society Institute in 2008 gave $150,000 to the United Nations Foundation, which “works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach.” Moreover, OSI is considered a “major” funder of the Coalition for an International Criminal Court, which aims to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures in certain cases to an international prosecutor who could initiate capricious or politically motivated prosecutions of U.S. officials and military officers.


Guide to The George Soros Network-Posted on

(c) Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)!-Posted on

The New Internationalism: Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)!-Posted on Capital Research Center-By John J. Tierney-On August 2009:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’!’s-‘fantasy-foreign-policy’/

Will The New START Undermine Our Nuclear Security?

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Note: Felonius Munk, a YouTube comedian, has put together an EPIC rant against Obama. It’s not about right or left, it’s about paying the bills. WARNING: It’s got some foul language. “Very, very adult language, but very, very funny,” Glenn described. “I don’t know anything about him. I just know this video was sent to me last night. And I think it’s hysterical. Here is the unedited version of Felonious Monk’s message to Barack Obama-You decide if you want to watch:

Video: Felonious Munk Presents: Stop It B! OBAMA PAY YOUR &*%$#% BILLS!

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Edwin Mora and Fred Lucas-On August 10, 2011:

( – House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (R-N.Y.) is calling for the inspectors general of the Defense Department and the CIA to investigate whether the Obama administration leaked classified material to Hollywood for a film about the Navy SEALs mission that killed terrorist Osama bin Laden. The White House has dismissed reports that it leaked sensitive information as “ridiculous.”

In a letter to the inspectors general, King quoted from liberal New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s Aug. 6commentary.

Dowd wrote: “Just as Obamaland was hoping, the movie is scheduled to open on Oct. 12, 2012--perfectly timed to give a home-stretch boost to a campaign that has grown tougher. … The moviemakers are getting top-level access to the most classified mission in history from an administration that has tried to throw more people in jail for leaking classified information than the Bush administration.”

King’s letter calls upon the inspectors general to conduct a probe about what type of information was released to Sony Pictures and filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal, who made the Oscar-winning film “The Hurt Locker,” noting that “a Hollywood filmmaker also attended a CIA ceremony in honor of the team that carried out the raid.”

“The administration’s first duty in declassifying material is to provide full reporting to Congress and the American people, in an effort to build public trust through transparency of government,” King states in the letter. “In contrast, this alleged collaboration belies a desire of transparency in favor of a cinematographic view of history.”

“I request an investigation and classified briefing regarding this matter from the Defense Department’s and CIA’s Inspectors General,” said King.

Rep. King further states,  “Leaks of classified information regarding the bin Laden raid have already resulted, according to a June 15, 2011 article in the Washington Post, in the arrests of Pakistanis who were believed by local authorities to have assisted the CIA with the May 1st raid.”

“Further participation by JSOC [Joint Special Operations Command] and the Agency in making a film about the raid is bound to increase such leaks, and undermine these organizations’ hard-won reputations as ‘quiet professionals’ − reputations important for their continued operational success,” reads the letter.  “And, the success of these organizations is vital to our continued homeland security.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney dismissed both the King letter and the New York Times column on Wednesday, telling reporters that Sony and the filmmakers had no more access than the regular media have received.

“The claims are ridiculous,” Carney said in response to a question from ABC’s Jake Tapper.  “When people, including you, are working on articles, books, documentaries, movies involving the president ask to speak to administration officials we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. We do not discuss classified information.”

“I would hope as we face a continued threat from terrorism, the Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss,” said Caarney. “The information that this White House provided about that mission and the focus on the president’s role is no different than the information we’ve given to anybody that has worked in this room in the days and weeks after the raid itself. The most specific information we’ve given from this White House about the actual raid, I read to you from this podium. So it’s just simply false.”

King’s letter to the DOD and CIA inspectors general asked that their investigation include, but not be limited to answering the following questions:

1. What consultations, if any, occurred between members of the Executive Office of the President, and Department of Defense and/or CIA officials, regarding the advisability of providing Hollywood executives with access to covert military operators and clandestine CIA officers to discuss the UBL raid?

2. Will a copy of this film be submitted to the military and CIA for pre-publication review, to determine if special operations tactics, techniques and procedures, or Agency intelligence sources and methods, would be revealed by its release?

3. How was the attendance of filmmakers at a meeting with special operators and Agency officers at CIA Headquarters balanced against those officers’ duties to maintain their covers?  How will cover concerns be addressed going forward?

4. What steps did the Administration take to ensure that no special operations tactics, techniques, and procedures were compromised during those meetings?

5. To the extent possible to determine, how many human intelligence sources and how many Agency intelligence methods have been compromised due to leaks about the May 1st raid?  What effects have these compromises had on the CIA’s collection capabilities?  Will Agency participation in a film about the bin Laden raid add to or exacerbate the effects of these compromises?”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Bin Laden’s Death Has Not Affected Battleground in Afghanistan, U.S. Commander Says!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On August 11, 2011:

II. NATO Not Confirming That U.S. Helicopter in Afghanistan Flew Into Taliban Trap!-Posted on Edwin Mora-On August 9, 2011:

III. NATO: ‘Standard Procedure’ for Afghan Forces to Accompany Navy SEALs on Missions!-Posted on Edwin Mora-On August 9, 2011:

IV. The Execution of SEAL Team Six! (Part 1 & 2)-Posted on Citizens 4 Freedom-By Site Administrator-On August 8, 2011:

V. Video: America DEMANDS a U.S. Congressional Investigation Into Leaking the Deaths of SEAL TEAM 6 Members!

VI. Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?-Posted on Aaron Klein-On August 6, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets!

Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Farm subsidies are forcing our farmers to grow basically only corn. Our life expectancy is greatly effected by this basic foundation in all of our foods. Be educated and do research for yourself. THERE IS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE in this type of mass produced corn. Check out more on a documentary called King Corn on netflix. Our common sense views on money and the economy must transfer to our health or there will be no future for this great movement. It all starts with a foundation and our health is first and foremost. Country first!!!!! Health ever firster ;)
Read more…

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Politico-By POLITICO STAFF-On Agusut 11, 2011:

Here is the full text of President Obama’s remarks during Wednesday’s Iftar dinner at the White House: 

”Thank you. Thank you so much. Everyone, please have a seat, have a seat.

”Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the White House. Tonight is part of a rich tradition here at the White House of celebrating the holy days of many faiths and the diversity that define us as a nation. So these are quintessentially American celebrations—people of different faiths coming together, with humility before our maker, to reaffirm our obligations to one another, because no matter who we are, or how we pray, we’re all children of a loving God.

”Now, this year, Ramadan is entirely in August. That means the days are long, the weather is hot, and you are hungry. So I will be brief.

”I want to welcome the members of the diplomatic corps who are here; the members of Congress, including two Muslim American members of Congress—Keith Ellison and Andre Carson; and leaders and officials from across my administration. Thank you all for being here. Please give them a big round of applause. “To the millions of Muslim Americans across the United States and more—the more than one billion Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a time of reflection and a time of devotion. It’s an occasion to join with family and friends in celebration of a faith known for its diversity and a commitment to justice and the dignity of all human beings. So to you and your families, Ramadan Kareem. 

”This evening reminds us of both the timeless teachings of a great religion and the enduring strengths of a great nation. Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country, in all walks of life. This has been especially true over the past 10 years. 

”In one month, we will mark the 10th anniversary of those awful attacks that brought so much pain to our hearts. It will be a time to honor all those that we’ve lost, the families who carry on their legacy, the heroes who rushed to help that day and all who have served to keep us safe during a difficult decade. And tonight, it’s worth remembering that these Americans were of many faiths and backgrounds, including proud and patriotic Muslim Americans. 

”Muslim Americans were innocent passengers on those planes, including a young married couple looking forward to the birth of their first child. They were workers in the Twin Towers—Americans by birth and Americans by choice, immigrants who crossed the oceans to give their children a better life. They were cooks and waiters, but also analysts and executives. 

”There, in the towers where they worked, they came together for daily prayers and meals at Iftar. They were looking to the future—getting married, sending their kids to college, enjoying a well-deserved retirement. And they were taken from us much too soon. And today, they live on in the love of their families and a nation that will never forget. And tonight, we’re deeply humbled to be joined by some of these 9/11 families, and I would ask them to stand and be recognized, please. 

”Muslim Americans were first responders—the former police cadet who raced to the scene to help and then was lost when the towers collapsed around him; the EMTs who evacuated so many to safety; the nurse who tended to so many victims; the naval officer at the Pentagon who rushed into the flames and pulled the injured to safety. On this 10th anniversary, we honor these men and women for what they are—American heroes. 

”Nor let us forget that every day for these past 10 years Muslim Americans have helped to protect our communities as police and firefighters, including some who join us tonight. Across our federal government, they keep our homeland secure, they guide our intelligence and counterterrorism efforts and they uphold the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans. So make no mistake, Muslim Americans help to keep us safe. 

”We see this in the brave service of our men and women in uniform, including thousands of Muslim Americans. In a time of war, they volunteered, knowing they could be sent into harm’s way. Our troops come from every corner of our country, with different backgrounds and different beliefs. But every day they come together and succeed together, as one American team. 

”During the 10 hard years of war, our troops have served with excellence and with honor. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice, among them Army Specialist Kareem Khan. Galvanized by 9/11 to serve his country, he gave his life in Iraq and now rests with his fellow heroes at Arlington. And we thank Kareem’s mother, Elsheba, for being here again tonight. Like Kareem, this generation has earned its place in history, and I would ask all of our service members here tonight—members of the 9/11 Generation—to stand and accept the thanks of our fellow Americans. 

”This year and every year, we must ask ourselves: How do we honor these patriots—those who died and those who served? In this season of remembrance, the answer is the same as it was 10 Septembers ago. We must be the America they lived for and the America they died for, the America they sacrificed for. 

”An America that doesn’t simply tolerate people of different backgrounds and beliefs, but an America where we are enriched by our diversity. An America where we treat one another with respect and with dignity, remembering that here in the United States there is no “them” or “us;” it’s just us. An America where our fundamental freedoms and inalienable rights are not simply preserved, but continually renewed and refreshed—among them the right of every person to worship as they choose. An America that stands up for dignity and the rights of people around the world, whether a young person demanding his or her freedom in the Middle East or North Africa, or a hungry child in the Horn of Africa, where we are working to save lives. 

”Put simply, we must be the America that goes forward as one family, like generations before us, pulling together in times of trial, staying true to our core values and emerging even stronger. This is who we are and this is who we must always be. 

”Tonight, as we near a solemn anniversary, I cannot imagine a more fitting wish for our nation. So God bless you all and God bless the United States of America. Thank you.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. FBI Has Mixed Views of Obama Administration!

Posted on Ronald Kessler-On August 10, 2011:

The FBI has mixed views of the Obama administration, according to candid assessments of Arthur M. “Art” Cummings II, who headed FBI counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations until last year.

For my new book “The Secrets of the FBI,” Cummings told me that after announcing its decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City, the Justice Department asked Cummings to prepare an assessment of the security threat that such a trial would pose there.

Cummings resisted. He figured such an assessment from the FBI would be used for political purposes by both Democrats and Republicans. In any case, he never thought the New York idea, which he believed was irresponsible, would ever be carried out.

The effort by Obama administration officials to publicly use euphemisms such as “man-caused disasters” to refer to terrorism or to avoid the terms “Islamists” or “jihadists” in describing the enemy galled Cummings.

“Terrible, terrible” is the way Cummings described those ideas. “Of course Islamists dominate the terrorism of today,” he says. Besides hunting down al-Qaida, Cummings had to contend with bureaucratic rivalries. The Department of Homeland Security could not manage its own immigration responsibilities yet tried to become involved in a range of counterterrorism decisions that were the purview of the FBI, Cummings says.

Janet Napolitano, secretary of Homeland Security, maintained that her department should have a “vote” on whether or not to Mirandize a suspect, Cummings says. “It’s the insanity of Washington when representatives of Homeland Security believe they might have a say in whether or not the FBI Mirandizes or doesn’t Mirandize somebody,” Cummings says. “They should not be getting involved in tactical CT [counterterrorism] operational decisions.”

Another agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), often got in the way and produced little of value to the bureau, he says.

While the 9/11 commission originally envisioned the office as having several hundred employees to coordinate the intelligence community, the staff has ballooned to 1,500. A small segment of those employees work for the National Counterterrorism Center, which is vital, but the rest of ODNI produces little that Cummings could see to enhance the intelligence effort.

That point was symbolized when Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. admitted in a December 2010 interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer that he was unaware of the arrests of 12 terrorists in London. It had been all over the news for most of the day. Cummings regarded Clapper as by far the most qualified DNI to have held the post. But the embarrassing lapse spotlighted the folly of creating a bureaucracy on top of operational agencies already on the alert for terror threats.

On the other hand, Cummings has no problem with the policy of both the Obama and Bush administrations that FBI agents read terrorists their rights. He believes that in most cases, the FBI can obtain the intelligence it needs to stop future plots by remaining within the framework of the legal system, including by administering Miranda warnings. The trick is to confront suspects before they are in custody, give them incentives to talk, and establish rapport.

In a rare exception, because he had to be arrested on the spot, that did not happen with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted to blow up a Northwest Airlines plane on Christmas Day of 2009. The 23-year-old suspect talked freely at first.

“In the first hour, he gave us really good information on the front end,” Cummings says. “‘Yep, I did this on behalf of al-Qaida. Yep, it was in Yemen.’” He gave up names, places, training camps. Then he was transported to the University of Michigan Medical Center for a medical procedure. After that, he started to clam up.

“He was under the influence of painkillers, and they’d scrubbed the skin to remove the burnt skin,” Cummings says. As the narcotics wore off, two new agents went in to see him. They were instructed to deal with conditions on the ground as they saw them.

The agents saw the Nigerian the day after his arrest. He was praying. They began by asking elementary questions he had already answered. “He either lied or didn’t give them the answer,” Cummings says. “And at that point, they were like, he’s done. So then they gave him Miranda.”

Over the next five weeks, the FBI worked on him. The focus was on finding out what he cared about. “Is it his mother, is it his family, is it his future?” Cummings says. “Is it shame upon his family? We offer them the possibility that instead of dying in an American prison, maybe sometime in their lifetime they will actually be able to go home and see their family, and they won’t be executed and die at the hands of this nation they hate so much.”

Cummings sent two agents to Nigeria to learn everything they could about Abdulmutallab’s background and family. “They engaged his family and explained this is really, really serious, and it’s in the best interest of your son that we cut a deal of some sort,” Cummings says.

One agent moved in with Abdulmutallab’s uncle, then flew him to Detroit. Later, his father flew to Detroit as well. Both told Abdulmutallab it was in his interest to listen to the agent.

Five weeks after he had stopped talking, Abdulmutallab was cooperating again.

“The intelligence community operators are doing a good job,” Cummings, who was the FBI’s executive assistant director, told me. “It’s the massive bureaucracy around them that slows things down and frustrates the effort. You have this big planning machine generating endless meetings. We would walk out of the meetings shaking our heads.”

  • Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of He is a New York Times best-selling author of books on the Secret Service, FBI, and CIA. His latest, “The Secrets of the FBI,” has just been published. View his previous reports and get his dispatches sent to you free via email. Go Here Now.


II. Countries With Worst Religious Freedom Grades Are Mostly Islamic!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On August 10, 2011:

III. Muslim Extremists in India Attack, Threaten Christian Women!-Posted on Christian Post-By Compass Direct News-On August 6, 2011:

IV. Rationalizing Pedophilia in Islam!-Posted by Raymond Ibrahim,
Jihad Watch-On July 29, 2011:

V. Militants prod British Muslims to support riots, topple government!-Posted on The Associated Press-On August 10, 2011:

VI. Largest U.S. union behind Mideast riots?-Posted on Aaron Klein-On August 8, 2011:

VII. Norway, Free Speech, and the Counterjihad!-Posted on American Thinker-By Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer-On August 8, 2011:

VIII. Gallup: Muslim Americans Give Obama 80 Percent Approval, Highest of Major Religions!-Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On August 10, 2011:

Note: What follows is a five-part series of videos that contain an eye-opening interview by Peter Robinson with Dr. Charles Hill and Mr. Foud Ajami. 

During Dr. Hills career at the State Department he served as an advisor to secretaries Henry Kissinger and George Shultz. He was a fellow at the Hoover Institution and a diplomat in residence at Yale. He is also the author most recently of Trial of a Thousand Years: World Order and Islamism.  

Mr. Fouad Ajami is of Persian descent, was raised in Lebanon and came to the U.S. at the age of 18. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the winner of the 2011 Breindel Journalism Award. He is also working on a new book, Crosswinds: The Way of Saudi Arabia, which will be released in 2012:

Islamism with Hill and Ajami! (Chapter 1 of 5) (Fouad Ajami and Charles Hill discuss the origins of the collision of Islam and the West.)-Posted on National Review Online-On July 25, 2011:

Islamism with Hill and Ajami! (Chapter 2 of 5) (Fouad Ajami and Charles Hill connect economics and the clash of Islam and the West.)-Posted on National Review Online-On July 26, 2011:

Islamism with Hill and Ajami! (Chapter 3 of 5) (A decade later, how has the U.S. done in its reaction to 9/11? Fouad Ajami and Charles Hill respond.)-Posted on National Review Online-On July 27, 2011:

Islamism with Hill and Ajami! (Chapter 4 of 5) (Fouad Ajami and Charles Hill describe the rise and fall of the Arab Spring.)-Posted on National Review Online-On July 28, 2011:

Islamism with Hill and Ajami! (Chapter 5 of 5) (The West declines as the Arab world rises? Fouad Ajami and Charles Hill remark on this prospect.)-Posted on National Review Online-On July 29, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Should Americans Fear Islam?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Could Steps That Team Obama Has Taken Be Emboldening Terrorists?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Here we have a Congressman who not only saw the disaster down the road but more importantly had a good solution to prevent it.  Isn't that the kind of President we need in the White House instead of elected officials who can't or don't want to see the future disasters and again, more importantly, provide preventative measues to avoid them.  Ron Paul would make a good President.  He may be the closest clone to a Soloman in modern times.  If we had been listening and doing what he recommended America would not now be in this Depression.  It would have been avoided.

On September 10, 2003 (yes you read that date correctly, i.e., 2003) Congress and the American Public was warned by Congressman Ron Paul in the House Financial Services Committee about the subsidies to the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the National Home Loan Bank Board.  It was not just a warning but a warning with a SOLUTION.  He introduced the Free Housing Market Enhancement Act, which would have removed those government subsidies which in turn would have prevented the painful crash in the housing market.  He states:  "In fact, postponing the necessary, but painful market corrections will only deepen the inevitable fall. The more people invested in the market, the greater the effects across the economy when the bubble bursts."

Read his entire statement at:

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A Leaderless Nation!

Posted on American Thinker-By Peter Heck-On August 11, 2011:

It’s a well-known political axiom that presidents will often be credited with accomplishments they did not earn and be criticized for failures that were out of their control.  But just as often, particularly in our modern era where we have—against the wise counsel of our Founders—consolidated more and more power in the hands of our federal executive, presidents own the failures that happen on their watch.  The disastrous and nationally humiliating downgrade of our country’s credit rating was not an inevitable consequence of uncontrollable misfortune.  It wasn’t the result of gridlock or political wrangling between two parties that have bickered over our national debt and credit since the days of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.  It was a remarkable failure of leadership by the man chosen to be the country’s economic caretaker.

For a full three days following the unprecedented embarrassment, the leader of the free world remained silent.  Perhaps he was recovering from an exhausting, multi-day birthday bash and political fundraiser that he threw for himself in two separate cities.  Or maybe his delay was to give his senior staff time to come up with more meaningless platitudes that he could dispassionately read from the TelePrompter, ostensibly to reassure a panicked nation.  But as the president nonchalantly waltzed out to his podium 53 minutes (and 3 days) late, the disquieting sensation had already begun to settle in on even his most ardent supporters: Obama is simply not up to this job.

The substance of his press conference did little to change that increasingly obvious conclusion.  Once again, the man who once campaigned as a visionary of the future retreated behind his now comedic refrain: it’s all Bush’s fault.  Don’t misunderstand: no one would disagree with Obama that the need to reduce our deficit “was true the day [he] took office.”  But why this argument falls flat is because far from reducing the Bush deficits, when it comes to spending more money than we’re taking in, President Obama has outpaced Bush by a jaw-dropping trillion dollars a year.  Or consider this staggering reality: “In just four days last week, President Barack Obama’s administration increased the national debt by more in inflation-adjusted dollars than the administrations of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower increased the national debt over the entire decade of the 1950s.”  This kind of runaway spending makes George Bush look like a penny-pincher.

Perhaps realizing that pointing his finger at his predecessor wasn’t going to cut it, President Obama also dispatched his underlings to start spreading the deranged talking point that this is a “Tea Party downgrade.”  Let’s see if I understand...the only group of people in the country who have, for the last two years, been warning of the need to make drastic spending cuts to avoid a catastrophe like this are responsible for the fact that our political leaders didn’t make drastic spending cuts to avoid a catastrophe like this?  That the left is attempting such a delusional accusation is a clear indication of the level of desperation they feel.

And why wouldn’t they?  The man who once promised to turn back the rise of the oceans and heal the planet was there on national television actually saying, “No matter what some agency might say, we’ve always been and always will be a AAA country.”  The irresponsibility of that statement is difficult to fully grasp.  Obama is two and a half years into the job and is yet to realize that the full faith and credit of the United States is not something that can be maintained with juvenile taunts towards “some agency,” or that our AAA rating can be regained just by a presidential pronouncement.

His mindless press conference, in which he offered no ideas or plans on how to regain our superior credit rating and in which he exhibited a bizarre lack of urgency reflective on someone fundamentally unserious about the gravity of the moment, left even sycophantic supporters like Chris Matthews questioning whether he was up to the task.

Matthews isn’t alone.  Obama supporter Drew Westen wrote in the New York Times:

Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago...and that...he had voted ‘present’ (instead of “yea” or “nay”) 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues.

It’s sadly apparent that he’s still dodging difficult issues—which is why after bond rating agencies warned us in July that we must come up with a plan to get our borrowing and spending under control or risk a credit downgrade, Obama offered no such plan, instead asking Congress to allow him to borrow and spend another 2.5 trillion dollars.

The conclusion is incontrovertible: Obama owns this downgrade, and the country is undeniably worse off due to his failed stewardship of our nation’s finances.  At a time begging for leadership, America has found itself a leaderless nation.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Blame Obama!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Michael Reagan-On August 11, 2011:

II. Video: Big Government Keeps Blacks in Slavery!-Posted on Vision to America-By V2A-On August 11, 2011:

III. Van Jones Group Uses Kids Video To Push Universal Health Care, Higher Taxes!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On August 10, 2011:

IV. Obama Increased National Debt More In 4 Days Than Truman And Eisenhower Did In 10 Years!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On August 10, 2011:

V. Obama is Financially Destroying Middle Income Families!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By GIACOMO-On August 10, 2011:

VI. NBC Pushes Obama from Left, Worries Liberals Are Growing ‘Angry’ and ‘Impatient’!-Posted on The Media Research Center-By Kyle Drennen-On August 10, 2011:

VII. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) Is a Left-wing Attack Dog Masquerading as a "Non-partisan Watchdog”!-Posted on Crew Exposed-On August 2011:

VIII. Report: Obamacare Hides $50 Billion in Annual Costs!-Posted on Tom O'Connell-On August 9, 2011:

IX. Obama Admin Under Attack: Rand Paul Files For Key Resignation!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On August 9, 2011:

X. S&P Cuts AAA Ratings on Thousands of Municipal Bonds After U.S. Downgrade!-Posted on Money News-By Bloomberg News-On August 9, 2011:

XI. MSNBC’s Ratigan Flips Lid: Democrats Want To ‘Screw Me And My Kids’ While Republicans ‘Want To Burn The Place To The Ground!’-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On August 9, 2011:

XII. Mr. Cool turns cold!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Richard Cohen-On August 8, 2011:

XIII. Video: Credit Problems & Andrew Breitbart at the Hollywood Congress of Republicans!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On August 9, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Are we witnessing an absence of inspirational leadership or lack of leadership skills?

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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