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We were in economic down fall, before Health Care and during the BushTax Cuts, and while Obama was playing with his Idealism HEHEHE we weresuffering, as a people and we still are and will continue, in my opinionuntil we return to our first love, Taxes and Big Government, it wastaxes and Big Government that brought us together, and the Constitutionthat held us together and gave us the power to fight. I understand, Fedreserve and many other fronts to fight this battle, but as we re group, Ijust want to say our economy needs recovery, and a simple freeze onBush Tax cuts and repeal of health Care is nowhere near enough, as wesuffered before then. eliminate the IRS, and implement the Fair Tax,Benjamin Franklin's Laissez-faire Capitalism In economics, laissez-faire(English pronunciation: /ˌlɛseɪˈfɛər/ ( listen), French: [lɛsefɛʁ] (listen)) describes an environment in which transactions between privateparties are free from state intervention, including restrictiveregulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies.

A Fair Tax may not be quite Laissez-faire Capitalism either, but it ismuch closer, as Fair Tax is about a 1200 page bill, and the Current TaxCode is 67000 pages, totally nontransparent, as well it is riddled withcorruption and as we see politicians play with it all the time (raise itDon't raise it) they waste the American peoples time always going overthe grocery list, and deciding how much they want to collect.

They run on elections up/ down the current Tax code is constantly in ourfaces and if you are in Business you not only pay these taxes but youare forced to pay for protection from the IRS as well. you must also doall the book keeping and accounting collecting and banking free ofcharge forced expenses, so don't tell me it only cost the tax amount, goahead and freeze the tax rate, accountants and lawyers and bookkeepingjust increase.

741,000 small businesses last yr, alone and no doubt that is much higherthis year. Small Business is close to 70% of our employment, ThisCountry has moved away from manufacturing and that will remain, we cannot compete with the wage rates around the world, but we can supportSmall Business and High Technical skills which is where we desperatelyneed to be in the future. Regulation and the IRS will prevent us fromcompeting in the world. IRS is The Sponsor Of Big Government, and FairTax is the Sponsor Of Freedom very close to the intentions of BenjaminFranklin for a Free People.

Remember where we are, it is time to act, before the economy takes it'snext big dive, and everyone is scratching their heads, saying well westopped health care and we froze the bush tax Cuts, so what happened. Wecan sell homes or cars and unemployment is going up!, It will go up, assoon as we see a slight increase for the holiday hiring and then saygood night, This is just a reminder, as I know we are moving in theright direction. Paul Balck.
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Assimilation and the Founding Fathers
By Michelle Malkin • July 2, 2010 09:59 AM

As we head into Independence Day weekend, my column today reflects onthe other “A” word missing from the immigration debate: Assimilation.


Assimilation and the Founding Fathers
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2010

In his immigration speech on Thursday, President Obama heralded Americaas a “nation of immigrants” defined not by blood or birth, but by“fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear.” If only itwere so. Left-wing academics and activists spurned assimilation as acommon goal long ago. Their fidelity lies with bilingualism (a euphemismfor native language maintenance over English-first instruction),identity politics, ethnic militancy and a borderless continent.

Obama blames “politics” for the intractable immigration debate. Whosepolitics? The amnesty mob has taken to ambushing congressional officesthis week to scream at lawmakers to choose “reform” (giving a blanketpath to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens) or “racism” (theirdescription of any and every legislative measure to stiffen sanctionsfor and deter the acts of border-jumping, visa-overstaying anddeportation-evading).

Is there no middle ground for all sides to agree that clearingnaturalization application backlogs should take priority over expandingillegal alien benefits, or that tracking and deporting violent illegalalien criminals should take precedence over handing out driver’slicenses to illegal aliens, or that streamlining the employeecitizenship verification process for businesses (E-verify) and fixingoutdated visa tracking databases should come before indiscriminatelyexpanding temporary visa and guest worker programs?

Must every response to even the most modest of immigration enforcement measures be “RAAAAACIST”?

Further, as I’ve noted many times over the years when debating bothDemocrats and Republicans who fall back on empty phrases to justifyputting the amnesty cart before the enforcement horse, we are not a“nation of immigrants.” This is both a factual error and awarm-and-fuzzy non sequitur. Eighty-five percent of the residentscurrently in the United States were born here. Yes, we are almost alldescendants of immigrants. But we are not a “nation of immigrants.” (Andthe politically correct president certainly wouldn’t argue that NativeAmerican Indians, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians and descendants ofblack slaves “immigrated” here in any common sense of the word, wouldhe?)

Even if we were a “nation of immigrants,” it does not explain why weshould be against sensible immigration control. The Founding Fatherswere emphatically insistent on protecting the country againstindiscriminate mass immigration. They insisted on assimilation as apre-condition, not an afterthought. Historian John Fonte assembled theirwisdom, and it bears repeating this Independence Day weekend:

George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrantsshould be absorbed into American life so that “by an intermixture withour people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs,measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”

In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, JamesMadison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who couldassimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily “incorporatehimself into our society.”

Alexander Hamilton wrote in 1802: “The safety of a republic dependsessentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on auniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizensfrom foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which willalmost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, educationand family.”

Hamilton further warned that “The United States have already felt theevils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their nationalmass; by promoting in different classes different predilections in favorof particular foreign nations, and antipathies against others, it hasserved very much to divide the community and to distract our councils.It has been often likely to compromise the interests of our own countryin favor of another. The permanent effect of such a policy will be, thatin times of great public danger there will be always a numerous body ofmen, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alonewill weaken the strength of the nation, but their force may be actuallyemployed in assisting an invader.”

The survival of the American republic, Hamilton maintained, depends upon“the preservation of a national spirit and a national character.” “Toadmit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens the momentthey put foot in our country would be nothing less than to admit theGrecian horse into the citadel of our liberty and sovereignty.”

As pro-amnesty extremists moan that “we didn’t cross the borders, theborders crossed us” and illegal alien marchers haul foreign flags aboveOld Glory, President Obama pretends that the “common national sentiment”our Founding Fathers embraced still binds us all together. Many of usstill have faith in a strong, sovereign America — the unhyphenated, thelaw-abiding, the gratitude-filled sons and daughters and grandchildrenof legal immigrants for whom such distinctions still matter. But it’s nothanks to the assimilation saboteurs who put “one world” over “onenation under God.”
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As Ben Bernanke Deliberately Collapses

the American Dollar, George Soros Chortles

For lack of a better name, call it the OJCP, "Obama Jobs Creation^^ Program": your money is deliberately being made worth less or worthless to spur jobs creation. The plan is that foreigners will want to get rid of dollars and buy American goods, thus creating jobs. Foreign goods will become too expensive for Americans who will decide to buy American goods instead, presto, again more jobs created here. Doesn't that sound wonderful? The chief architect of all this with Mr. Obama is Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who is also initiating something called "quantitative easing."

The reserve currency of the entire world for lo’ these many years has been the American dollar. Within the last couple years George “The Puppet Master” Soros (the world’s 35th richest man and its single greatest megalomaniacal communist who already has thrice profited fantastically by bringing about the collapse of some nation’s currency) told the world press that a controlled devaluation of the American dollar was necessary for the good of the world community. The interview was not widely covered in this country, but his comment sent ripples throughout the world especially among those foreign governments who hold U.S. dollars. The legendary Mr. Soros who bankrolls a good ten non-profit groups involved in getting the United States into the shark-filled Cap and Trade waters, by the way, is advocating Cap and Trade** legislation as a way out of our present crisis.

Within the last 18 months, both Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Bank Chief Ben Bernanke swore that America would never devaluate the dollar, would never resort to inflation as a way to deal with our incredible debt, would never sabotage the American people and those who hold debt instruments from the American treasury . . . . Yep, they lied. The terms “Q1” and “Q2” are now becoming familiar to Americans who do other things than watch sitcoms and “reality” shows on TV. “Quantitative easing” has taken place in both of the last two fiscal quarters.

The Quantitative Easing which Mr. Bernanke is taking us through is a polite way to say that the government is deliberately making toilet paper of your savings, pension funds, etc. That’s what the government is doing. Rajjpuut first mentioned the German Weimar Republic back in a blog in early 2004. The astute Mr. Glen Beck of the Fox News cable network has this very month said that America is now heading for a “Weimar Moment.” The Weimar Republic was the government forced upon Germany when they lost World War I. The infamous Treaty of Versailles also forced upon Germany an impossible set of reparations payments. In order to deal with the demands from the victorious French, the Germans had to inflate their currency. The Deutsch Mark which was worth 25 cents (four DM to the dollar) in 1917 deteriorated so rapidly that in November, 1923; it took 26 Billion Deutsch Marks to equal a dollar. You may also remember November, 1923, as the time when Adolf Hitler led a group of dissatisfied individuals in the so-called Beer Hall Putsch (coup d’état) trying to usurp the government of Bavaria. The resulting trial for treason made Hitler a household name across Germany. Such are the benefits of state-sponsored inflation . . . .

In October of 2008 at the height of the financial crisis, Mr. Bernanke took it upon himself (there are virtually no limits to the power of a Federal Reserve chief’s to inflict intended or unintended pain) to begin printing up money. When he was done he’d printed up 14 times as many new bills as there were dollars previously in circulation so in total: 15 times as much money was circulating as before. In effect, the potential effect on the dollar was that the 20o9 dollar was worth 6.7 cents worth of 2008 money . . . NICE!

In the summer of 2010 when it became difficult to sell American debt instruments because foreign governments were reluctant to risk buying up dollar instruments without a much higher interest rate, the federal government in the form of Mr. Bernanke’s Federal Reserve Bank began printing again and bought up some of the Treasury instruments that were on sale, about one-third of them. This is called “monetizing debt” something you’ll recall from the top of this blog that Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke promised would never happen. That didn’t seem to have cured the problems so now Ben’s busy again with the printing presses and monetizing more debt a.k.a. quantitative easing . . . Q1 earlier; Q2 now. Back when Q1 was going on you might recall, Rajjpuut telling Americans to buy gold or silver because paper dollars were becoming worth less and eventually might prove worthless. Now Rajjpuut says that Americans should buy things of value like gold or silver, etc. because “worthless” is the watchword for the dollar. Of course, in ignorance the stock market investors believe Q2 is a good idea and the stock market is shooting up . . . dance while you can, boys, the bill’s coming due. Aren’t you glad “they” are looking out for us in Washington?

Here is the straight skinny and Rajjpuut crosses his heart while typing this: The crisis in the world’s finances comes down to one thing and one thing only . . . a crisis in the American dollar. The U.S. National Debt is almost $14 TRillion. Unfunded liabilities (owed by the country to the citizens) amounts to roughly $110 TRillion. We are by far the greatest debtor nation the world has ever known. While scarfing down junk food and watching American Idol a few other simple facts have escaped the good citizens . . . .

ITEM: Americans are not aware that the U.S. (private controlled central bank) Federal Reserve Bank, creates money out of thin air, is the primary cause of inflation in America, abets the politicians in their horrendous spending, and abets the creation of financial bubbles in the stock market and real estate.

ITEM: The American mainstream media (MSM) are largely “controlled” by their allegiance to the progressive elements in the Democratic and Republican parties. The MSM which did not report on Climategate when it happened one year ago, has also kept the American people ignorant of the coming crisis. Call it “mind control,” if you choose. Just five or six major corporations run the largest of the media outlets. When it comes to the broadcast media: Disney owns ABC, CBS is owned by Viacom, GE owns NBC all of whom are in bed with the progressive agenda in Washington and have a vested interest in keeping Americans entertained, dumb and happy rather than informed about the truth behind Cap and Trade and the value of their dollars.

ITEM: Not only have ultra-progressive George Soros’ words and activities gone unreported, but the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank, both have already said the dollar will be devalued. However, this has never been reported in the US media.

ITEM: President Clinton’s former economic adviser Robert Reich recently told Canadians that the U.S. dollar will collapse. Again, NOT reported.

ITEM: Collapse or “devaluation” of the dollar means a decline in the dollar’s purchasing power and a huge decline in Americans’ living standard. No one wants to hold a currency declining in value so they must demand higher prices for their goods and services and can use the dollars they receive to bid up the cost of whatever they buy from America in order to get rid of the dollars they hold as quickly as p0ssible.

Item: Today, Barack Obama made several monetary deals with India. Overtly we were told it was “a natural union between the world’s two most populous democracies.” In reality, Obama seeing that China is becoming reluctant to buy dollars was looking for a trade-partner who would be more or less forced by the agreement to keep the dollar respectfully in its hallowed place as a “reserve currency” . . . thus he hopes easing some of the pain the decline will bring to Americans by sharing that turmoil with India.

Item: The world will flee to gold, silver and other precious metals; to the Swiss Franc; and even to the recently despised Euro. Commodities of all kinds can be expected to rise in price FAST.

Ultimately what can we expect? For one thing the rest of the world understands our own crisis far more than our own leaders have informed us about it. So . . . expect a run to get out of the dollar . . . call it “hot potato economics.” People are going to be eager to discard the almighty buck and to buy whatever they can with it, rather than being the last one holding it. Of course that will happen among highly aware foreigners like the Chinese government, or the governments of Russsia, Brazil, Japan and India(?) long before the man in the street in America figures it all out. So expect a brief boom in America. And expect prices of our American products especially foodstuffs to go through the roof . . . so besides gold or silver, it might be nice to have a supply of canned and packaged and non-perishable food on hand while prices are comparatively cheap . . . as a result of these sad truths, expect huge amounts of unrest in the inner cities; expect huge amounts of problems for senior citizens and others living on fixed incomes. Expect George Soros to chortle all the way to the bank . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

^^Barack’s OJCP based upon devaluing the dollar is an immensely poor idea for three reasons:

#1 Inflation is tricky and can become devastating runaway inflation and even hyper-inflation destroying a civilization.

#2 When a currency as important as the dollar starts to devalue, no other country wants to import our joblessness, so you can expect demoralizing “currency wars” where dozens of nations seek to devalue their currencies and save jobs. Japan and China have received much criticism for devaluing their currencies but their money is NOT the world’s reserve currency . . . . world chaos would ensue if serious dollar deflation was allowed.

#3 Success at devaluation is close akin to success at swallowing thumb tacks and sure to “get you in the end.” Money is a storehouse of value (some call it “frozen work”) so why not attack your brand new car with a sledgehammer? The effect is the same . . . taking something of value and making it worth less or even worthless. Even if the only effect was upon imports and exports, that would be a tragic result. 19% of the U.S. economy is tied up with imports, drop the value of the dollar and 19% of what we buy becomes much more expensive.

In effect, the OJCP Obama Jobs Creation Program is just making us all much poorer. It’s not exactly sawing a lady in half to create jobs by making the country poorer . . . the magic comes from creating jobs by making us all wealthier like Donald Trump and Bill Gates do . . . not only making themselves richer; but making their stockholders richer; and their workers richer; and providing deep value to their customers. That’s the magic of capitalism which Barack so hates. Remove the minimum wage; remove health care and all benefits; make everyone on unemployment work for $5 daily and you’d have full employment in a month . . . and a much poorer nation as well for at least the three years it would take for a booming capitalism to regenerate our prosperity.

Everyone knows the following discussion is the truth . . . think of it as you ponder what you’ve learned already about the evils of devaluing the dollar:

Many have had to settle for lower wages to keep their jobs.

Many have had to settle for lower hours to keep their jobs.

Many have had to settle for part-time work to keep their jobs.

Many on part-time schedules have found themselves ineligible for the benefits they’ve formerly received.

Many have lost their jobs.

Many have lost higher paying jobs and now work elsewhere for less.

Or they've lost higher paying jobs and can only find work that pays less for mandatory unpaid overtime.

Many have had to take two or three jobs to survive working up to 90-100 hours weekly.

Many lost co-pays, deductibles, or seen eligibility times soar on their health insurance.

Many find that employers can longer match their401(k) contributions.

Many older workers have found themselves dispensible.

Many have lost their pensions.

Some workplaces where experienced older workers are valued have instituted two-tier wage systems. New hires get far lower wages and far less benefits.

Wage-freezes attack many workers in the long run as inflation eats into their present constant wage.

What does this mean? It means that anyone can create jobs by making everyone poorer, no struggle at all. The magic comes from capitalism creating not only more jobs, but better and more valuable jobs. The goal isn't just more jobs, Mr. Obama. It's about creating more jobs that pay enough to improve our living standards. Using a dramatically weakened dollar to create more jobs doesn't really help us.

** if we had Cap and Trade laws in effect right now, the immediate effect would be 67% inflation on average and inflation on food, electricity and gasoline and other necessities closer to 100%. Where does that 67% inflation figure come from? Founder and President of the Chicago Climate Exchange Richard Sandor (other influentials involved include Obama, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers, John Ayers, Valerie Jarret, etc. and the Chicago ShoreBank supported by Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as ten or more progressive foundations financed by George Soros) put the value of Cap and Trade as an industry at $10 TRillion. In good times the real U.S. economy amounts to $15 TRillion. On paper, that means that selling blue-sky nothingness (that’s what Cap and Trade basically does) is “worth” 67% of the real U.S. economy. So in a $25 TRillion economy including Cap and Trade . . . 40% of the economy is literally “nothing” and that 40% is being stolen from the real economy by the crooks running the CCX. Note: Obama said directly in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that his energy plan would “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily make electricity prices skyrocket.” So it’s actually far more likely in reality that the whole U.S. economy would amount to $20 TRillion and half of that economy would be Cap and Trade not only running prices up 100% but reducing the standard of living by 33% at least.

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“. . . are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al, and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .” Rajjpuut

European “Mean Greenies” Become

“Watermelons” for Cap and Trade

The United States as a whole unfortunately missed out on the strange evolution of the radical global warming alarmist that Europe enjoyed over the last 363 days. Here’s what Europe went through that about 85% of Americans are completely in the dark about . . . .
One year ago, Europe and the United States were pretty much in the same place as far as “Global Warming” was concerned. About 60% of people were concerned and very open to further study; a large vocal minority was parading about chanting about the “end of the world as we know it” and a far larger minority was proclaiming the whole thing a hoax, for example:
includes signatures from some 31,000+ American scientists (9,000+ among them holding Ph.D.s) saying that “if there is a consensus among American scientists, it is in opposition to the hypothesis of human-caused global warming rather than in favor of it.” Europe being more socialistic than America was decidedly more in the Global Warming camp. Spain, for example, had ruined Europe’s biggest job-producing economy (1997) by instituting a green-jobs subsidizing movement. Today Spain’s unemployment is the second highest in Europe, roughly 21%. Like the United States, the environmentalists and the left side of the political spectrum in Europe were pushing hard for “Cap and Trade” laws. Then came Climategate . . . .
It started with some e-mails hacked into at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University in England. Soon there was a counter measure to take the e-mails offline and then an even larger set of CRU e-mails was permanently placed online via a Russian website. CRU was the premier global warming study site on the planet and both of the Nobel Co-Peace Prize Winners (Al Gore and the United Nations International Panel of Climate Change or UNIPCC) had relied primarily on the data from CRU and from a research center in Pennsylvania, USA, for concocting the graphs and hockey-stick projections so crucial for Global Warming alarmists’ use in presenting their case. Well before the middle of November, 2009, all of Europe knew about the e-mail leaks and about the apparent fraudulent science that was being exposed. About eight days later on November 19, 2009 after a very detailed study of the evidence, the ultra-liberal London Times released this:
The Times on that date saw global warming was a hoax perpetrated by some top scientists to gain grant money; trade magazine access and political power; and by some politicians as a method of expanding their name-recognition and personal power. One of the biggest surprises was that all along this information:
had NOT been emphasized at all. Basically, the warmest epoch in the last 1200 years (The Medieval Warm Period) had been deliberately left out of the Global Warming Alarmists’ projections . . . a time when Greenland was so green that the Vikings set up a settlement there and went on to discover Vinland (Newfoundland), becoming the first Europeans to visit North America. Instead, it seemed as if the CRU folks and other GW study groups had put double emphasis on the “Little Ice Age” that wiped out the Vikings in Greenland for good. As we’ve said, Europe knew all about this, but what about the United States?
When Climategate happened, only one major media outlet covered the story, Time magazine. It hit the web and in five hours was the #1 story on the web . . . and then it mysteriously disappeared. Rajjpuut suspects (he has only one source telling him so and has not been able to find another to verify it) that Time editor Joe Klein, a notorious left-leaning censor, had the story pulled and completely wiped off the Time archives . . . it no longer existed as news except among GW Deniers websites and from bloggers like Rajjpuut. So with two different continents getting two different versions of the GW news, what happened in Europe, where all the people were informed about Climategate by the mass media that did NOT happen here in America?
The European left was none too happy with the overnight revelation. Cap and Trade as a viable idea all but disappeared from political discussion. And a huge and angry backlash from some European environmentalists and some leftist politician raged for about two months . . . it was found mostly in the letters to editors and on left-leaning websites . . . some in the mainstream media there labeled these angry folks, “Mean Greenies” and the name was appropriate; the same name that eco-terrorists and vengeful groups like PETA (who splashed paint upon celebrities wearing furs) got in this country.
But as some of those most tied in with cap and trade kept harping away, some people noticed exactly what the agenda of these mostly ultra-socialistic and even communistic groups actually was . . . and started calling them “watermelons.” Like the terms “Uncle Tom” and “Oreo” used by Blacks, being a watermelon is being someone not worthy of respect. Specifically, where among minorities an “Oreo” is a person “Black on the outside” and supposedly “White on the inside,” as you can imagine a “watermelon” refers to folks pushing their environmentalism so hard that they still insist that Global Warming is a proven fact and therefore Cap and Trade laws are needed to save the planet. Watermelons are “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside,” that is, they are communist-leaning or communist to the core.
Why “green outside and red inside?” Because the nature of Cap and Trade laws is that a government basically must virtually control every single part of a nation’s economy or Cap and Trade laws can’t be meaningfully enforced so in the wake of Climategate, people inclined toward totalitarian states like ultra-socialists and communists (or old fashioned Fascists) are the only ones still enthusiastic about Cap and Trade because they have a vested interest in government controlling the means of production.
All things considered then, President Obama, one of the founders of the CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange which hoped to earn its members TRillions of dollars if Cap and Trade was passed in the United States) is definitely “a watermelon” . . . which should excite someone out there in left-leftland to call Ol’ Rajjpuut a “racist” within the next 7.67 seconds . . . but we’ve got bigger fish to fry:
Some of the other infamous watermelons tied up with this scheme to bankrupt** America via Cap and Trade are: Paula DiPerna, Richard Sandor**, Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, John Ayers (brother of bomber Bill Ayers), Joel Rogers, Valerie Jarret, Van Jones, Franklin Raines, Andy Stern, Former CEO of Fannie Mae Jim Johnson, the Goldman Sachs trio of David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, the ShoreBank (Chicago) that loaned Rev. Jeremiah Wright money for his multi-million dollar home, and potentially folks like Democratic Representative Jan Schakowsky, and ShoreBank supporters Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc., etc. as they seek to create an Obama-utopia similar to Greece right here in America where everyone should be a watermelon. The real tragedy, of course, is that folks like Joe Klein and those running the New York Times, Washington Post and mainstream broadcast outlets have prevented this scandal from being known by the American voter. As far as the American muckety-mucks: are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Here’s info on the Shorebank-Clinton connection:
**CCX Founder and president Richard Sandor in an infamous interview said he expect Cap and Trade to be a $10 TRillion industry. That is, the largest industry in America will literally be selling “blue sky” nothingness. If you take a healthy America with a $15 TRillion economy (rather than today’s $13 TRillion net economy) and then produce absolutely nothing but make it into a bogus $25 TRillion economy, that means that prices on all the real goods and service produced must rise by 67% that's = to a fictitious $10 TRillion divided by a real $15 TRillion and that means 40% of the economy would be going into the pockets of the crooks involved with Carbon Trading every year thus bankrupting the nation. REMEMBER, in an unguarded interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama said his energy policies “under my plan of a cap and trade system would bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” The Chronicle recently claimed “copyright violations” as it’s forced the websites around the nation to take down the video, but some are holding firm based upon the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and putting out the info in written form anyway. Others like Andrew Breitbart have defied the Chronicle directly.
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Liberalism v. Conservatism

Welcome to the Tea Party Richard Cruikshank. I’m a World War II veteran. I was a combat rifleman in Germany. What I saw will never leave my mind.

How conservatives and liberals can be brought together and proceed in a positive direction is the only solution for America. I’m a nonconformist. I refuse to conform to the establishment. You could say the same for hippies, but I don’t fit that mold. I’m a traditionalist, which fits the conservative mold. Yet I fit liberalism’s mold in that I advocate freedom.

Terms stigmatize us, deprive us of our human means of coping; turn us into animals jumping through the establishment’s hoops. The answer is traditional values and principles that liberate the individual. Let the world never again see the ghastly things I saw.

In A Miracle that Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap: Principles of Freedom 101, we read that there is a natural aristocracy among men. “There is also an artificial aristocracy, funded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents . . .” Fundamental to America’s problem is the fact that Europe’s artificial aristocracy has moved to America.

The natural aristocracy Jefferson referenced and sought, and which typified the Founders’ philosophy of social justice today’s liberals hold dear, requires authority to possess virtue and wisdom enough to manage society’s main concerns, which is not the case. That which we believe to be serious attempts to remedy the problem, such as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act, like so much that Congress does, only succeeds in camouflaging the problem. Congress has been working on making the income tax fairer for a generation. It has become more unfair than ever. While you served to protect us, the nation has never been more divided. The system in place encourages division, in fact, what is the system’s main purpose: to divide and conquer. May the best man win, at the moment, Republicans, this is only going to bring us further division. Unless we the people change, we’re going to slip and fall into moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy.

There is a right way to go about the solution and a wrong way: listening to the authorities. The Constitution was written for you, not government. Rest assured, the solution will favor government and steal your rights if you listen to authorities. It never fails. At this very moment, the people of Arizona are in a fight for their life, the courts against them. In Nazi Germany, the courts were against the Jew’s right to life. I saw, first hand, what the law can do to people. It is unbelievable! America’s legal fraud is America’s biggest threat of all. We cannot afford America’s system of justice. The Constitution makes government your servant, not your master.

The first step is to change the flawed system of justice in place that has unconstitutionally woven itself into the fabric of society. We the people, must expose it for what it is, a judicial conspiracy to turn America into a totalitarian dictatorship.

The grassroots of America is made up of individuals with individual needs. With the corrupt system in place now, it is necessary to join with the group that best fits the individual’s needs, such as the NAACP or a union. The Constitution the Founders’ created called for a balance of power. America’s government has conspired to defeat the original purpose under such names as “civil rights,” the “fairness doctrine”: income redistribution, and “racial profiling,” as exhibited in Arizona, all of which shell games such politicians as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid now claim government’s duty to the people, are leading America up a dead end street. Obama doesn’t worry about a Republican controlled House. He has the courts and executive privilege to lead America to the point that his is our only answer: a socialist dictatorship.

I’m way ahead of the American people. In 1975, at age 49, my life was over. I was at a jumping off place. I could either soar with eagles or fall into the abyss. I blamed government for all of my woes. I was determined to get my pound of flesh from the IRS. I studied my constitutional rights with a vengeance. Everyone thought I’d flipped. The IRS called me a Fifth Amendment freak. I battled the IRS through the courts and lost. Then I went to the press with the court record. An investigation found that the IRS was lawless. The IRS ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.

In 1975, like America’s pioneers, I departed the “old world order.” I sought a new identity. I went to sea for two years. I was strictly on my own. I returned captain of my ship.

Having found my true identity, I found the right mate. She is my fourth wife.

Together, Karen and I have led a diversified life.

Throughout the remaking of my life, I was in a fight for justice.

The next step in my life, in 1999, Karen and I sold out, retired, and hit the road in an RV, to enjoy being as free as birds. Home was wherever we were.

While traveling, I was conscientiously thinking about serving humanity. I was seeking a place to call home, a place where I could concentrate on developing my writing talent and spread to the world the lessons in life I’d learned.

We arrived in Shady Cove, Oregon in the spring of 2001, a place we could call home. I proceeded to write my memoirs. On this November 7, 2010, I’m still at it.

When I departed my old life in 1975, in search of a new destiny, I surely found it. My intended life has become reality. Karen and I are now living in our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. The picture is of our home on Christmas Day 2008.

I served my country honorably. Instead of adhering to the Constitution, the people we entrust to governing use the taxpayer’s money to pay veterans off. The authorities were of zero help in redirecting my life; in fact, doing everything they could to see that I was unsuccessful. Incidentally, the frauds in control fear veterans most of all.

Numerology gave me a numbered path of destiny. 1 is the pioneer; 2, the pairing; 3, diversification; 4, justice; 5, freedom; 6 conscientiousness; 7, seeking answers; 8, assuming power; 9, selflessness.

Each of the cycles lasting 9 years, the last selflessness, and then returns to 1, at age 85, every day is a new adventure for me. It all began when I studied my Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.

We all start at immature levels of ego functions. We have a sense of security based on how much we feel in charge of our lives. We want to keep the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate things to keep everything just right. We need to keep this allusion for security purposes. If new information comes in, we can act defensively. We don't want information that rocks the boat. In my case, it did not end well. I found myself out of business and my second wife divorcing me.

The cutting edge of science says that beyond the local forces of gravity and electromagnetism is a nonlocal force: universal consciousness. We are conscious of as much as we allow, and unconscious of much more, I find. What happens is that as we go through life’s cycles, we can develop a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, at first unconsciously, and everyone has a different way of reacting. When we can step back and look at our higher self connected with the Higher Law, that’s when need becomes strength.

Inexplicably, before I departed, if anything could go wrong it did. After departure, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right—when I went strictly on my own. If it worked for me, why not everyone? Change is inevitable. Here America sits at a jumping off place.

The stars say I understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized; that I’m able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in my life and others lives; that there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission I must fulfill (page 409, Astrologer’s Handbook). We are created to cope. I could be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. I’m the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way (page 343, The Rising Sign).

Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer to humanity, the sign of brotherhood, spilling out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy, the sign America was born under, the authorities would just as soon you didn’t know that.

It is always darkest before the dawn. Now taking place in the world is a shift to the inner connection that gives us a sense of well being no matter what's going on out there. We have to make that opening on the inside. As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self you will be guided intuitively. You will energize yourself and uplift everyone who comes into your life. The Tea Party is associated with a groundswell destined to lead the American people to a world at peace. I thank you for serving your country.

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Growing Self-Reflection

You may feel perceptive and in tune with your life or the goings-on in the world. Perhaps you are engaged in a journey of self-reflection and are giving some thought to your past or future. If so, you may receive a wealth of inspirational insights. You could also be drawing conclusions about yourself that could help you to grow in your work or spiritual life. Consider allowing yourself ample time to look inward and notice any behaviors or beliefs that continue to support your life purpose. You may wish to figure out how you can continue to consciously apply them to your life. The answers you seek can always be found inside of you.

Self-reflection inspires us to forge ahead on our personal journey of development. When we look inward, we recognize how some of our behaviors and thoughts have helped us get to where we are in our lives. This self-awareness motivates us to continue calling these specific attributes or abilities into action—not only have they helped us move forward in life but they have contributed to our happiness and well-being. We are left with an honest appreciation of how these behaviors and beliefs have shaped our identities. Reflect on yourself, your past, and your present today, and the resulting insights will inspire you to new spirals of growth.

Free gifts for you--->
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Republicans are trying to use the tea party movement to get votes for their candidates it needs to be made clear to people like Sara Palin who make appearances at rallies and say that we need to vote for Republican that we are not about to vote for a candidate because of his or her party we are going to vote for the candidate that is going to actually work for us the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!
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To Organize or Not.....

I have been tossing the idea around in my head as of late, does the tea party formally organize or not? As I’m sure all of you have heard speculation of what the tea party is or what the tea party’s next agenda is and who they align or will align themselves with. Are they aligned with the Republican party will they be adopted by the Republican party. Will they force hot button issues like Social Security. Listen to what a blue collared American has to say about it.1. Right now the tea party has a lot of political power and there is no formal organization.2. If you organize you chance to lose that power through potential corruption.3. If we demand we can and will get our own watch dog seat in both the house’s. You can send people there though a volunteer selection. Get a list of potential volunteers place their names in a hat and draw names. Simple solution.4. Our government has run a-muck for so long and corruption runs so deep in Washington the only way to correct it, is to watch them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, like we do with our own children. Governing is not rocket science and should not be viewed as such. Also I am tired of being told I don’t understand or I’m too stupid to understand government. I am not an angry American I've just had enough.So with that said I believe if you organize the movement somewhere someone will corrupt it. Why try to better something that is best left untouched. Keep the politicians and the media on their toes keep them wondering what we’ll do next that will keep them all in line and on track with what we tea party Americans want.
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Change the course

It has been said again and again. Not only was the past election a wake up call to those elite few in Washington, DC that We the People are a force to be taken seriously, this should also be our wake up call. The Tea Party movement is disorganized with the numerous sites listed when one does a search on the internet. This site seems to be the best of the, from the others I have visited prior to joining. What we need is to consolidate some of these other sites to form one central location. This must start with one true leader amongst us, one with the strength and charisma to unite us all. I do not yet know whom that may be, but it must be done. We held the royalty's feet to the fire as individuals, now we must become one. Perhaps if we form our own political party? A party where we choose one of our own, with all of the original values of the great nation, to take back what was once a government of the people.

My personal gripes about the current government?

1. The national debt. Congress, according to the Constitution of the United States, controls spending, taxes
and currency. Pay your bill!!!
2. Rewarding privately owned companies for failure. General Motors, Chysler, Goldman-Sacks, AIG, ect should
have fired those incompetent executives, not ask the tax payers to bail them out. And congress, passing this
nonsense on behalf of the people, should have known better. I guess they are getting it now.
3.The economy. There is a half truth thrown around by these politicians from time to time. Particularly during a campaign to gain votes. Out sourcing or sending jobs overseas. These phrases cross the lips of the individuals
who have raised taxes and placed undue restrictions on business. To a company owner taxes are an expense.
This is why they move elsewhere. And the shame of it all? This was once a country where if you worked hard
to succeed you were rewarded. Today that reward becomes the property of the government in the form of high

One last thing, an overlooked fact. Prior the the Declaration King George only had one tax on the people of this
nation. Tea. And we started a revolution over just one.
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The Higher Law

The Higher Law, background of America’s Constitution, is everlasting and never changing. However, the makers and keepers of the law, for their own self-serving purposes, have the naïve believing that they must interpret the law in light of the needs of the day. Consequently, the United States, the same as every other nation or empire in history, has a limited life.

America, born on July 4, 1776, we read in Jeanne Avery’s The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” that the planet Uranus was on the ascendant of the zodiac, giving America the sign of Aquarius. I was born with Aquarius rising. Jeanne Avery: “The energy associated with this rising sign is ‘electrical’ in quality. It can be difficult energy to control, yet when the person with Aquarius rising finds the right outlet, he expresses a genius quality that puts him in the forefront of mankind. He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”

Jeanne Avery: “The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” More than a nation, America is a land where the principles and values expressed in America’s Constitution, whose background is the Higher Law, are meant to prevail. The Tea Party, more than a political movement, is the groundswell of the coming New Age.

The story of my second life begins with the Constitution. When I studied it, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I was led to my course of destiny. In my astrological chart, Saturn is in its most favorable angle with Pluto, called a trine, when I was born in 1925, the year Congress authorized the IRS to intrude into forbidden territory, authorized government bureaucrats to examine personal records for tax purposes, and without a peep from anyone. The year of my birth is the year government oppression began for real on everyone, including whites—turning everyone into tax slaves. I threw down the gauntlet in 1975, after my bigger than life calling. I’m way ahead of the Tea Party.

I looked up “Saturn trine Pluto” in Astrologer’s Handbook. “This trine,” I read, “gives natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously.” Coincidentally, in the month and year that Obama was elected, November, 2008, Saturn and Pluto were in their most unfavorable alignment, called a “square.”

Is it “in earth as it is in heaven,” words in the Lord’s Prayer? Christians repeat these words. What is their thought? Do they even have a thought of what they are saying? In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter 2, the Visit of the Magi, we read about the three “wise men” from the east who came to the birthplace of the Christ-child, “the King of the Jews,” led by the Star of Bethlehem. They came from Persia, where the zodiac was invented. Has it occurred to Christians that the Magi were astrologers? No. A Christian told me that God never speaks to people who think like I think. Another Christian told me I’m a “secular humanist.” I looked the phase up. I’m one who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine. Under the word “soul,” we read: “the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life; the spiritual principle embodied in human beings; all rational and spiritual beings of the universe.” Do we have Christian souls, Jewish souls, or Muslim souls? That’s rubbish! These religions are man’s inventions, the aim, authoritarian control, and the principle reason for unspeakable suffering. By the way, President Obama, deluded by the bad influence of Saturn square Pluto, speaks of “collective salvation,” in other words, Marxism.

In the law, juries convict criminals on circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary: “Testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but of other facts from which deductions are drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved.”

Why in the law circumstantial evidence and not in religion and science? Why not the rational principles that govern the universe; why not as in John 1:1? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Is God man’s mistake, or did God make a mistake when he created man?

If we’re to remain the United States of America, we’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there. When I studied the Constitution, I heard voices of the past speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling. America is not going away, but the United States, morally, fiscally, and spiritually on its death bed, and I say good riddance, we’re going back to the values and principles of the pioneers who came here to get away from the very oppression that the Obama Administration brings us. Long live America, the world’s beacon of faith, hope, and charity. Long live the Age of Aquarius.

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Respect and Be Open

Your sense of integrity could make you more open-minded in your professional interactions. Perhaps you realize that by being respectful and tolerant of differing ideas you can achieve more when working with others. Making an effort to navigate between all sides of an issue and finding mutually agreeable solutions to problems could help you be even more effective in your dealings. Should you find that you have to deal with conflicting ideas in some form, you can think about the needs and wants of everyone involved. Putting your ideas down on paper through a diagram or chart might be a way for you to see the different factors involved and maybe even a way to come up with a creative solution. You may find that being nonjudgmental and broad-minded could not only help you to act honestly but can also assist you in finding what works best for everyone.

When we are receptive to everybody’s ideas, win-win outcomes are more possible. Even though it can be challenging to meet the needs of all the people we interact with, if we truly take the time to understand their ideas and then try to integrate them with our own ideas, we will more readily gain their respect. Having this mutual regard for each other will make it easier for our team to accomplish its goals. By being open and showing respect in a professional capacity, your interactions will not only be more positive but also more productive.

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The meaning of the midterm election remains unknown by America’s left. I expected as much. I’ll herein explain it to them.

Free enterprise is a means of distribution of the nation’s wealth, as is socialism. Free enterprise has proven over and over to create prosperity. Obviously, prosperity is not the goal of socialists. Free enterprise relies on innovation and resourcefulness. So, what is the goal of America’s socialists? Government dependence is their goal, the idea that the powers that be are more intelligent than average folks, without a scintilla of evidence. It boils down to the power of the individual verses the power of the mighty. We’re dealing with the mindless.

Power is mindless. The American people’s Constitution makes for a balance of power. It is self-evident that humans are created with minds that give us the ability to cope. This is implied by the Declaration of Independence. Power is animal. An excess of power is against human nature. Humans, advanced animals with understanding, born for justice, “right” is not the arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature. What does that make the “right” to health care? The “right” to health care is a power grab. We are no more entitled to that right than a right to a haircut. Why do you think our health care is so costly? It flies in the face of free enterprise. Someone other than the breadwinner pays the bill. We pay for health care in one way or another, and most likely with the loss of all rights; we become slaves of the powerful. The intelligentsia can talk itself to death and make no sense.

Since America is moving rapidly toward the complete loss of individual “rights,” the goal of socialists: control, what we need to do now is to exchange the income tax for a tax on spending, exempting the essentials: basic needs—a standard existence. The logic of it: If one spends on goods and services, he is taxed; if he saves and invests, he is helping building a robust economy; he is not taxed. It is the diametric opposite of what we are being taught by the intelligentsia; that is, the “higher educated,” those with visions of grandeur for themselves. They take away from innovation and resourcefulness, encourage dependence—actually, a shameful way to think.

A tax on income coupled with redistribution, all the work of the nattering nabob intelligentsia, opposing free enterprise—taking away human values and replacing them with animal power. The proof is in the pudding. Observe who votes for nattering nabobs like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

What a change! The original American came here to get out from under the control of the intelligentsia. After early Americans arrived in a wilderness, because they believed in freedom and opportunity, and under the free enterprise system built the greatest nation on earth, wouldn’t you know, came the nabobs. Where there is money and power, you can depend on their presence.

The intelligentsia despises American values. They want to change it back to their way. They are in positions to teach the impressionable young. It is time for them and their following to know it isn’t going to happen. Interestingly, nabob Obama is going to India to give those people the benefit of his charm. I guess he doesn’t know Indian philosophy. They got rid of the nabobs.

Harvard educated, so typical for Harvard, Obama, going about the world telling everyone how backward we Americans are, bowing and scraping before royalty in the Mid-East, with his nose up, speaking in platitudes, giving other peoples the idea of how intelligent he is, what do you expect from a nabob educated hippie? Have you noticed the way he walks? He’s a clod hopper, totally out-classed by those in the know. The least qualified president we’ve ever had, Obama, the nabob, is an absolute disgrace to his black heritage. Three thousand people in his entourage; forty aircraft from the richest nation on earth descending on India, we’re paying $200 million a day for nattering nabob representation in India, of all places, that ought to go over like a lead balloon. I agree with the leaders we’ve just elected. The American people have spoken. Get rid of Obama!

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“If all you have is a hammer, after a while, the whole world starts looking like a nail.”

Were Democrats Victimized

by their Own Shenanigans?

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats find themselves fully flummoxed and feeling flimflammed by the voters they’ve been working so feverishly and frantically for. It seems that in the 21st Century, government throwing large amounts of money at problems A) is not that popular with the voters and B) doesn’t work. Hey, what’s that all about?

Rajjpuut used to work as a health educator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. One of the “studies” that BC and BS did involved a series of actors going around to physicians reportedly suffering severely with fictitious but reasonable symptoms). It was discovered that surgeons wanted to surge into the body with a scalpel; radiologists thought the patients needed to be zapped; internists considered only the wisdom of potions, powders and pills; and chiropractors thought that body alignment was clearly necessary.

In a different study, psychologists found that chess masters routinely either missed or took much longer to discover unique two-move checkmate patterns when their thinking process got tangled up in five- eight- or ten-move combinations leading to far more familiar patterns . . . what’s up? In a phrase: it’s a scientific principle called the “Einstellung Effect” which is a fancy way to say that when all you have is a hammer, after a while the whole world starts to look an awful lot like a nail. Specifically, the Democrats are “one-trick ponies” who solve problems (or invent problems to solve; or cause problems and then set out to cure them) with only one specialized technique: upping taxes and throwing money at the symptoms of the problem (never the underlying cause which is all too often an initial excess of government involvement).

So our current exacerbation of our fiscal problems under Barack Obama may well be a lesson in the futility of money-throwing and an example of redistributive wealth (as a solution) coming out second-best to the Einstellung Effect, at least that’s one possibility, but other than in revisionist history (where the progressives change things to be more to their liking calling, for example, the Italian Fascists an example of the evils of right-wing ideology when anyone doing a modicum of research finds out that the Italian labor unions rose up against the corporate bosses and seized power and then after seizing power across all of Italy, they elected Benito Mussolini to lead the entire nation. Last time anyone checked, labor unions are NOT a right-wing, but rather a left-wing manifestation. The progressives who used to call themselves Liberals are guilty of revisionism at least 100 times a day in major comments found in print, on the air or online.

Hmmmmm, the Einstellung Effect or progressives’ own historical revisionism coming back to bite them in the butt, ooh what a “Behar” (as in calling someone “a son of a Behar”). Of course, if you believe as Rajjpuut does that the 100% accurate and real ditch story is this one:

George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

For more on the details of this version of the now famous car and ditch showing that progressives created a bad law under Jimmy Carter (CRA ’77 which forced mortgage lenders to make knowingly bad loans) which was first expanded by regulatory fiat under Clinton and then expanded legislatively by Slick Willy three times (twice in 1995; and the steroid-version expansion in 1998); and all the while abused by ACORN to at day’s end cause us our worst financial comeuppance since 1929 . . . . Go here for those details and be shocked to find that supposedly 'stupid' G.W. was acutely aware economically and proved himself a hero according to Treasury Sec. Timoth Geithner:

So the truth is that former ACORN lawyer and bank brow-beater and shake-down solicitor for the propagation of CRA ’77, Barack Obama, actually did 10,000 as much harm to the U.S. economy prior to October 2009 as George Bush ever did . . . and that since taking office in January, 2009, he’s done more harm to the U.S. economy than any man since the days of Herbert Hoover and FDR (two infamous progressives) . . . . it all sounds like the Democrats have been hoisted upon their own petard just as they were back in 1933 when FDR came into office and started breaking his campaign vows to, you guessed it, lower taxes and lower spending which is what Warren G. Harding had done in 1920 when he inherited a much fiercer depression from Woodrow Wilson than anything we’ve seen since: Harding cut taxes 48%; government spending 49%; and paid down the national debt by 30%.

So, is Rajjpuut saying that Democrats deliberately did the country in? As a matter of fact, he’s saying that the Progressive ultra-left-wing of the Democratic Party which has co-opted the Democratic Party did just that . . . but let’s pretend you consider such utterances to be “conspiracy theory” nonsense . . . well, given the facts as they stand you can instead call them extraordinarily INEPT instead and we’ll both be happy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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741,000 Small Business Closures in 2009 and climbing in 2010.

67000 page tax code is corrupt, businesses not only pay excessive taxes but as well pay for protection from the IRS, and also pay for the book keeping and accounting for the taxes, and yes it all adds up and if you don't pay for protection they destroy you, and that is not an opinion it is fact.

Tax freeze or not is not the issue that is a deflection from the real problem!!!!

Wake up Tea Party, you are all about taxes aren't you, now is the time to fix this corruption.

Tax extensions// tax cuts, won't matter, we need tax reform, Current Tax Code repealed.

Health Care
Civil Unrest
Fed Reserve
Voter Fraud
Illegal Immigration
Border Security
Social Issues
Privacy Issues
What ever you want, we need to address all but the one they do not want to address is the most important Tax Codes, put in place illegally and continued, "Victory Tax" come on people all the distractions are not helping us get out of economic disaster. Go to India and across Asia 200 million a day so we know it will be more, Tax Code
Don't you see the TV commercials of all the former IRS agents feeding like sharks on the blood of Small Business, haven't you heard through the Health Care Bill Obama add 20,000 more IRS agents!!! Tea Party Where Are You!?????!!!!!!!!!
Suspend IRS action and collections Today and business and hiring will surge tomorrow!!!!

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About a year ago there was a news story about how the iguanas were dropping out of the trees in Florida, and so Jake jotted out this quick, sick and twisted humor piece. Maybe you will still get a laugh out of it ... maybe NOT!

When Global Warming Fails - Lizards Die: Those on the left say they care … but do they really? Their efforts have paid off and now the earth is cooling. As the earth cools temperatures get too cool for the iguanas and they become paralyzed and fall. But who cares for the Iguanas? End the Hate!

Cruelly, without recourse or warning ,these peaceful iguanas get cold and are falling from trees, limbs, plants, sides of houses and everywhere imaginable because of evil Americans and their efforts to end global warming. These iguanas are not native to the U.S.

They are undocumented iguanas, which means, they know the bitter sting of leaving their homeland, often in the dead of night, with nothing more than the scales on their back. And for what? So tourists will have a pet to show off at home?

But when they become too big or start doing iguana stuff ... all they hear is the cruel rushing of water as they are flushed down the toilet, or the rushing of air as they are chucked over the back fence.

It's time to stop the madness! As a nation we can do better ... we must do better. We must end the horror of these poor, forgotten and falling iguanas. It is time to ...

End the Hate!

All creatures deserve the right of decent medical care. So it's time. Today I am asking congress to provide $800 million dollars to save the iguana and increase global warming so that these poor iguanas may live.

Using undocumented workers in the south Florida area and local volunteers, I believe we can build nets to break the fall of these kidnapped and abused creatures.

Further, by utilizing thousands of local agencies, volunteers, and more undocumented workers, along with unemployed hookers (who can't find johns because of the cold), we can build thousands of little hammocks for the iguanas so when they awaken, they will know the comfort that our medical system should provide for all Americans ... even undocumented iguanas.

Don't be a hater - help us end the madness of falling iguanas - and - if you see someone actually tipping an iguana off his perch, please report that person to the nearest ASPCA office.

Iguana terror can be stopped ... but only if we end the hate.

To Donate


This message is brought to you by the ATSIB - Americans to Stop Iguana Abuse.

P.S. - This is NOT meant to be taken seriously, we checked 800-ugly-lizard and the number is a working number. Please do not call this number. These poor folks actually got calls the last time we sent out this nonsense.

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Trick me once, shame on you; trick me twice, shame on me!”

Will TEA Party-Inspired Victory

Again Go to Waste for Conservatives?

The man of the hour is House Speaker Designate John Boehner. On the face of it, it appears that the hopes of conservative America could hardly have been put in stronger hands. Mr. Boehner reportedly has never asked for nor taken an earmark in his twenty-year career. Yes, a man of principle is needed. But more than anything else, America needs John Boehner to be a man with an elephant’s fabled memory and an owl’s much lauded wisdom. Will the recent TEA Party-inspired victory at the polls go to waste for conservatives? Something even bigger along those lines happened in 1994 . . . it must NOT happen in 2010.

In 1994 the conservative standard-bearers, the Republican Party swept into control of both the House and the Senate netting 55 new house seats on the way. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had set the victory up by creating a “Contract for America” similar in many ways to the ideas propelling the TEA Party Contract from America and the Republicans Pledge to America, both offered up in 2010. This year things are different in three important respects from 1994:

1) From a conservative’s view point, the 2010 election result was broader but less conclusive. Many more governorships were seized; more U.S. House seats were gained; many more individual state House and Senate seats were won; but the gain of six U.S. Senate seats did not give the Republicans a majority in that chamber.

2) The clear inspiration for the Republican victory was the creation of the TEA Party grass roots fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative movement begun about February, 2009, shortly after Barack Obama, the Democrats and many Republicans passed the $787 Billion Obama stimulus.

3) Republicans running on religious-conservative or socially-conservative lines were uniformly defeated as the old “litmus- test” gave way to a type of conservativism that Independents embraced eagerly.

TEA Party Has Much to Learn;

Republicans, Even More, from 1994

So, what exactly does the TEA Party-inspired conservative victory mean for America?

A. Nothing, if the beneficiary of this Conservative victory (the Republican Party) ends up less than a party of principle and also opts to return to its old “litmus test” of social and religious issues

B. Everything, if the beneficiary of this victory ends up returning to its roots as the party of small government; accountable government; fiscal-conservativism; and Constitutional Conservativism, leaves the old litmus test behind and learns from the debacle of 1994 . . . .

In 1994, the Republican Party had a historic opportunity dropped into its lap and then blew it badly by playing small politics instead of honoring the will of the voters and standing up for Constitutional- and fiscal-conservativism. Back then the voters angered by the Democrats’ failed attempt at Hillarycare and other less than conservative efforts by Bill Clinton also rejected the Democratic Party at the ballot box. The G.O.P. picked up 55 seats in the House of Representatives for a majority there and even won the senate. Like now the Republicans back then had a document working for them, the “Contract for America.” John Boehner has the opportunity to learn from Newt Gingrich’s less than sterling efforts and begin the nation’s return to sanity, principle and fiscal-integrity. You see, Gingrich compromised repeatedly with that wily devil Bill Clinton. Boehner would do well to learn the lesson that only 100% principled bills need to be presented for a vote in the House, not 99% principled bills with one ear mark or one outrider; not 99.9% principled bills . . . but only 100% principled bills. Why?

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to go from 36% approval to 65% approval (in January, 1998, just prior to his escapades with Monica Lewinsky in the so-called “tailgate” or “little blue-dress scandal” becoming the headline story for the next few months).

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to pass three expansions of the Community Reinvestment Act (two in 1995 and the “steroid version” in 1998) which ACORN was able to exploit to turn Jimmy Carter’s ill-conceived CRA of 1977 into a nation-wrecking sub-prime lending crisis**.

Item: You will remember that whereas in 1976 only one in 404 mortgages was offered at less than 3% down payment; that by 1986 the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now (later to expand to become the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) had doubled the rate in the nation to one questionable loan in every 198 mortgages; which had really jumped to one bad loan in every 14 by 1996; and 34 questionable loans in 100 by 2006 and ignited our present financial crisis.

Item: You will remember that ACORN lawyer Barack Obama in Chicago played a key role in that area brow-beating and shaking down lenders to force them to comply with the evil CRA legislation.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of the CRA ’77, ACORN, without Barack Obama, discovered that it was now just as easy to put an ultra poor renter into a $450,000 home as it earlier had been to get him into a $150,000 one.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 by Clinton, ACORN was able to get many loans not at 3% but at ZERO% down payments.

Item: You will remember that people without I.D.; people without jobs; people without anywhere close to decent credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people whose only “income” listed was food stamps; other welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens were being put into $350,000-$500,000 homes courtesy of ACORN’s “street warfare” against mortgage lenders required by law to make knowingly bad home loans.

Item: You will remember liberal news coverage in big cities of protests against banks “Unfair to the poor” or “racist banks” being carried on TV as crowds chanted on the lawn outside bank presidents’ and vice presidents’ homes.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush trying to change this complex of laws in January, 2005, but progressives from both parties (particularly the Democrats) voting him down.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush personally or via spokesmen talking to congress some 26 times about the financial problem these CRA laws were causing.

Item: You will remember finally 30 months after his first attempt to rein in this nightmare runaway train, the Bush administration and bi-partisan patriots passed a watered-down version of his original anti-CRA bill in July, 2007. It was, of course, way too little, way too late and the debacle was on us by October, 2007.

Item: You will remember that three months ago in August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush’s actions for stopping the recession from becoming truly deep and serious and from preventing a critical plummeting in home prices.

Item: You will surely remember that on at least 200 occasions, Barack Obama^^ has told us an analogy about a car in a ditch driven there by the previous administration.

Item: You will surely remember that Barack Obama claims his policies prevented another “Great Depression” caused by the prior Republican administrations and failures of the Free Market.

Item: You will surely remember Barney Frank saying, “Gee, the Free Market created another mess and now government has to come to the rescue . . . AGAIN!”

Item: You may not remember Rajjpuut telling you that the correct version of the “car in the ditch” story was that George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Item: You will surely remember Tuesday’s voting and that courtesy of the awareness created by the TEA Party, the Republicans now have a chance to make amends for their faulty oversight of the nation between 1994 and 2004.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**How exactly did this disaster happen with Republicans owning a majority in both chambers?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

^^ This is an example of the two most well-known propaganda techniques: the Big Lie in conjunction with Unceasing Repetition.

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