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osted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:20:22 PM

Hopefully, the next congress and all the congresses to come will reinstitute integrity into the House and Senate. Over the years Rajjpuut has received numerous e-mails dealing with the subject of congressional term limits. The last suggestions were pretty decent . . . so with a few deft adjustments, here is Rajjpuut’s . . . .
Term Limits and Political Reform Act**
for 2011

I. Term Limits:
President ten years maximum (for example: maximum two years during the term of a deceased president + two full four-year presidential terms.
Congress twelve years maximum, for example:

A. Two Six-year Senate terms
B. Six Two-year House terms
C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms
D. Some other combination

2. No Tenure / No Pension for most politicians.
A Congressman collects a salary only while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office except those serving a full dozen years who would get a pension the equivalent of 1/20 of what a 20 year congressman now receives.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. In the case of the 12-year congressmen, they are entitled to double-dip.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer be allowed to vote itself a pay raise. During inflationary years (they create inflation) congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI increase or +2% deviation.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts (including pensions) with past and present Congressmen are null and void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make these contracts with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves therefore they are against the spirit of the Constitution.
9. On the positive side, the congress will have much more time off and time to visit with their constituents because, while true “emergency” sessions can be called, the congress will meet for only 90 days each year and be a part-time entity much like the original design of a part-time legislature by the Founding Fathers.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,


**Actually Rajjpuut would prefer that a constitutional amendment be passed, if necessary by petitions within the American people, if the congress hasn’t the integrity to do it by itself (and require ratification by the American people).
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MRS. SHIRLEY SHERROD, DIRECTOR USDA STATE OF GEORGIA. Was giving a speech to the NAACP. Was telling of a case in 1986. ( 28 years ago ) Then after got a call from the White House, and was asked too resign ! She was told that she had made RACIST remarks. All Ms. Sherrod was doing, was telling as it was 28 years ago. And how it is in 2010. She is not a racist, and doing a good job. Helping the have's and the have not farmers in Georgia. Then after it was in the media, THE NAACP did not back her !

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Today's Weird and Odd News

Concerning spiders, “Today’s Weird and Odd News,” MSN’s headlines today, a ship was turned away from Guam because of thousands of spiders of a breed that was not on Guam. For weird and odd news, that doesn’t stand a candle to the fact, as we sit helplessly watching it happen, that the government of the United States is spending the nation into bankruptcy.

I’m a disabled veteran of World War II. I receive a substantial gift of money, as well as free health care. I also receive Social Security. Government entitlements have grown to the point that the burden is too great on the taxpayers. The government can’t bring in enough revenue to meet its obligations.

I was a successful independent businessman. Federal income tax, federal regulations, and federally caused double digit inflation, drove me out of business, all of it done to finance government entitlements. Weird! Government entitlements are killing the goose that laid the golden egg. The IRS lawlessly put me on the street in order that others might receive my sweat.

Government has painted itself into a corner. Nobody with a voice has the answer. Those with the voice have much to lose. Comes the Tea Party without a comprehensive plan. What do you do with all of those depending on government? You can’t jerk the rug out from under them.

Obama and company are playing a shell game, buying votes with handouts, killing the engine of enterprise. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. The U. S. Constitution divided government’s power between the administration, legislature, and Court. Lastly, it established a Bill of Rights for the individual’s protection.

In 1933, the weirdo, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asserted, “While isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” He established the National Industrial Recovery Act and the National Recovery Administration, calling it “New Deal Law.” The Supreme Court rightly called it unconstitutional.

In 1937, this weirdo, FDR, declared, “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the Court in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.” Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, would later reason, “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.” Thus, came the end justifies the means, Roosevelt policy. Anything to bring about the end the powerful want, the New Deal is as old as the hills. Power is a drive. It has no connection with reason and logic.

Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat. Obama is a Harvard trained lawyer, the very worst of the lot. He is a weirdo, completely out of orbit. The Obama run United States is currently being driven by the law of the jungle.

Way back In 1973, I wasn’t aware the Constitution had become a historical document in a glass case in Washington, D.C. After looking over the Constitution and my Bill of Rights, in 1973 I decided to exert my constitutional right to my property. The IRS, in a letter to me, had claimed that it had a right to a hundred percent of my property. I had a personal stake in the outcome. That gave me the right to challenge the IRS in court, and that’s what I did.

A corporation is a legal entity. It has no constitutional rights. But Standard Nut Margarine Company, in 1932, challenged the IRS for calling margarine the same as butter and taxing margarine. The Supreme Court: “Except as provided in sections 6212(a), no suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court.” This requirement, I read, does not apply to assessments under Subtitle C of the Code. That section of 7421 bars all actions to restrain collection except “Where (a) the tax assessment is an illegal exaction in the guise of a tax and (b) there are ‘special and extraordinary circumstances’ sufficient to bring the case within some acknowledged head of equity jurisprudence.” If income tax is O.K. for a corporation to challenge, why not me? The same as you can’t call margarine butter, you can’t call me something I’m not. I existed on the fruits of my labor in 1973, not on welfare.

I read that the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action against the United States for the recovery of any internal revenue tax alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or any sum alleged to have been excessive or in any manner wrongfully collected under the internal revenue code. Two district courts dismissed me by reason of the Declaratory Judgments Act. Declaratory Judgments Act, my eye. It was dereliction of duty, seat of the pants justice from beginning to end. On my third try, my case stuck. The IRS admitted that it had “wrongfully” collected tax from me.

In Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., in 1916, the Supreme Court: “Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion,” in the guise of tax (section 7421), it is not tax; it is take.

In 1941, in Acker v. Commissioner, the U. S. Court of Appeals found that although income tax was high, it had not yet reached the point of take. In 1980, Solicitor General Wade H. McCree, Jr., in his Memorandum for the Respondent in Opposition of my case before the Supreme Court used Acker v. Commissioner to state, “the use of funds generated by the income tax for various social welfare purposes are ‘exclusively within the jurisdiction of the legislative and executive branches.’” He was lying.

In Flast v. Cohen, The Warren Court: “As we understand it, the government’s position is that the constitutional scheme of separation of power, and the deference owed by the federal judiciary to the other two branches of government within that scheme present an absolute bar to taxpayer suits challenging the validity of federal spending programs. The government views such suits as involving no more than the mere disagreement by the taxpayer ‘with the uses to which tax money is put.’ According to the Government, the resolution of such disagreements is committed to other branches of the Federal Government and not to the judiciary. Consequently, the government contends that under no circumstances should standing be conferred to federal taxpayers to challenge a federal taxing or spending program. An analysis of the function served by standing limitations compels a rejection of the government’s position.”

McCree went on to contend, again falsely, that my charges of fraud and harassment by the IRS were similarly without merit. The charges were based, wrote McCree, on an error made by the IRS. As it turned out, the “error” was made after the Tax Court had corrected the error. It was corrected again in district court and yet made again—two times in violation of court orders. It wasn’t an error. It was obstruction of justice.

I’m telling you like it is. Talk about weird, the current Attorney General and President refuse to enforce the law. I’m not a lawyer. I read the law as it is written. McCree, the Attorney General’s lawyer, trained in law school to be a professional liar, read the law and came up with bald faced lies the Supreme Court accepted. It goes with the territory. Lawyers and judges, all birds of a feather, liars scratching each other’s backs at the American people’s great cost, are a self-fulfilling prophecy. The law is nothing like America’s professional liars say it is. It is like I say it is, and I should know better than they. I’ve been on the receiving end of their gamesmanship. We taxpayers have to prove we don’t owe the tax when the IRS is allowed limitless mistakes. Give me a break!

You won’t get this kind of news from the media. It is too close to home. The income tax, thousands of pages of ambiguities aimed at hoodwinking taxpayers, the super-rich being favored, as it is being implemented, this tax is clearly unconstitutional. You people better throw out the IRS and income tax. I risked my life in World War II to save the world from this kind of law. I spent 11 years in court fighting the IRS. My tax case is on record. The United States and her courts are as weird as governments and courts can get. I’ve done my part. It is now up to the American people to turn the ship of state around.

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Journalistic Conspiracy Documents Emerge,

400+ Individuals Involved

What are the top hundred** stories the mainstream media have failed to include in their newspapers or broadcasts? Why?

Rajjpuut can say it again, “I told you so.” The fact that only certain kinds of news with certain kinds of emphasis seems to ever get into the mainstream media has long been noted by journalistic watchdogs. Now it’s not just an obvious but unprovable fact, now that viewpoint has been documented. Documents, most e-mails and a few “commentaries” have been recently discovered and tied to a group of over 400 mostly journalists and other media people as well as a few academicians who apparently conspired to make Barack Obama president by suppressing stories that could hurt him politically and by substituting stories attacking Karl Rove, Mc Cain and others in the so-called “right wing” as racists, etc. Information from the e-mails themselves indicate the conspiracy to control the news goes back at least thirteen years.

Hundreds of e-mails and other documents captured from the infamous “liberal listserv” calling themselves “the Journolist” (yes, spelled with an ‘o’) made up of prominent mainstream reporters, management, academics, and pundits -- was apparently every evil thing which conservative critics like Rajjpuut said about it. Over 400 individuals are involved.

One wonderful piece of journalistic integrity comes from Spencer Ackerman more famous for his left-wing attack blogs than real journalism who talks about the necessity and the methods for covering up the Wright story:

"Part of me doesn't like this sh*t either. But what I like less is being governed by racists and warmongers and criminals."

Ackerman went on:

I do not endorse a Popular Front^^, nor do I think you need to. It's not necessary to jump to Wright-qua-Wright's defense. What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically.

Ackerman is infamous for his blog “Attackerman” and his reporting position at the Washington Independent. Ackerman suggested that the group not only avoid running the story of Wright saying, “Not ‘God Bless America,’ God Damn, America” but that all that was necessary was to find some Republican bigwig, “. . . it doesn’t matter who, Karl Rove? . . . and accuse him of racism . . . that gets them tied in knots.”

So we have the so-called “fourth estate” that the original Founding Fathers put so much faith in . . . who they believed would keep the politicians’ feet in the fire and keep the people informed and protect the people from the potential abuses of government . . . we have these ignoble members of a once noble profession conspiring to change living history and pre-arrange the outcome of a presidential election. Makes Rajjpuut far less proud of his Journalism degree . . . Ouch.

This conspiracy can apparently be literally called a “vast left-wing conspiracy” after all. Here’s one of them referring back to the leftist press’ treatment of the Monica Lewinsky scandal:

Katha Pollit of the Nation:

The people who attacked Clinton on Monica were prissy and ridiculous, but let me tell you it was no fun, as a feminist and a woman, waving aside as politically irrelevant and part of the vast rightwing conspiracy Paula, Monica, Kathleen, Juanita

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Popular Front means "communism"

** Rajjpuut’s Top Dozen? These stories would almost certainly have changed history if they’d been properly and fairly reported.

1. Obama was raised communist by a communist mother and grandfather. In fact virtually nothing from Obama’s mysterious past has been properly “vetted” by the mainstream media (MSM).

2. Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” was invisible in the two years leading up to the election. What was revealed about him in that book? Where would investigation of the book lead? What was the “dream” from his birth-father? Here’s an old Barak, Sr. (no ‘c’ in his name) essay showing his interest in “100% taxes,” redistribution of wealth, taking wealth from Kenya’s European and Asian population and getting it into the hands of the Black populace, etc.

3. Climate Gate: here’s a piece from the ultra-liberal London Times:

Notice the similarity between the corruption of scientists “fixing” the science so that so-called “Global Warming” appears like a straightforward fact instead of a questionable theory and the corruption of the “JOURNOList” reporters in creating the news environment by suppressing anti-liberal stories and making up other pro-liberal accusations, etc. The biggie for Rajjpuut has often been his question “Where is NOW (the National Organization for Women)?” Or “Where are the feminists?” when certain stories such as how Sarah Palin is portrayed in Newsweek pop up . . . now all these double-standards are explained as clear and simple MSM willful bias.

4. Obama uses dirty tricks to steal nomination from Hillary Clinton

5. DOJ scandal ongoing

A) Black Panther voter intimidation case won by Bush Administration is largely set aside by Obama’s Department of Justice Deputy Fernandez.

B) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees there is “no interest” in investigating or prosecuting voting cases with White victims and Black perpetrators.

C) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees that enforcement of the Motor Voter Law is their lowest priority.

6. Obama and Gore and dozens of their cronies will become hundred billionaires if/when cap and trade legislation passes via their connection to CCX (the Chicago Climate Exchange).

7. Full exposure of the Obama-ACORN story (he was an ACORN attorney shaking down lending companies to pressure them to follow the exact shadings of bad mortgage-guarantee laws that forced them to make knowing bad loans to clients who could NOT afford to repay them . . . this is the root of our sub-prime interest scandal that led to the collapse of the economy.

8. The Obama inner-circle. Most of Obama’s czars and most cherished inner-circle folks are avowed communists. Van Jones was just the most visible. The Van Jones scandal story was covered by FOX news for three months and the MSM ran one story only that on-such-and-such-a date Van Jones resigned with no indication that any scandal actually existed.

9. Obamacare is every day being proved to be 100% of everything the Republican opponents said it was, but none of this is being covered in the MSM:

A) Socialistic

B) Cuts deeply into Medicare

C) Dramatically increases deficits

D) Funds elective abortions

E) Does NOT control costs

F) Will require large amounts of rationing

G) Will take power of life and death out of doctors’ hands and put it into the hands of a “committee”

10. ACORN scandals

A) prostitution set-up scandal

B) voter-registration scandals

C) their role in getting housing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people with bad credit ratings; illegal aliens, etc.

D) ACORN document-shredding scandal in California

11. Ongoing and continuing stories that the TEA Party is racist

A) supposed “N-word” repeatedly yelled at Black Democrats on capitol steps will be rewarded with $100,000 bounty for video-tape showing even one instance. Money has NOT been collected because it never happened.

B) Infiltrator with “N-word” poster at TEA Party rally is pushed out by TEA Partiers and his sign shredded. MSM only ran 5 second story of man with sign at TEA Party meeting, not the swift retribution and policing by TEA Party.

C) TEA Party “spitting incident” widely reported by no documentary footage is shown despite hundreds of cameras in the area

D) NAACP calls TEA Party racists while NOT condemning the Black Panthers in their voter-intimidation incident; and while NAACP members at same podium call a BLACK entrepreneur an “Uncle Tom” for selling “Audacity of Dope” buttons (Obama with a joint in his mouth) while praising the Black preacher and others who beat the man up. The same man made a fortune two years ago selling Obama for President buttons.

12. And the #1 story which the MSM has refused to air: the connection of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven who with George Wiley in 1975 brought about the bankruptcy (which they bragged about) of New York City and almost of New York State by overloading the welfare system by using Cloward-Piven Strategy in hopes of forcing the Democratic Party to create a national guaranteed income in response to the chaos they foresaw. How the pair said the next areas of emphasis were voter-registration and housing. How Wiley helped create ACORN and how ACORN abused the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77); and the four expansions of it (’92 added Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae; it was expanded twice in ’95; and the steroid version came out in ’98) to give us our sub-prime lending scandal and financial apocalypse and what part ACORN and Obama together played.

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Kagan Must Answer the Question About DOMA

This week the Senate looks to approve or filibuster Elena Kagan as another notoriously radical Obama appointment. Again, going against the will of the people who want a conservative as the next Supreme Court justice, Obama nominates a radical ideologue. If we have any more like Kagan, our constitutional rights, as laid out by our Founding Fathers based on years of experience, will be in serious peril.

Kagan Must Answer the Question About DOMA

She could be the deciding vote on the constitutionality of both DOMA and Obamacare

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This week our nations First Lady Michelle Obama had no problem attending a NAACP meeting held in Kansas City knowing the organization was going to issue a resolution that would basically brand the Tea Party as a White racist group.

Tea Party leadership and supporters rejected the NAACP's racist claim and resolution as a sad and uncalled for attempt to discredit the newly formed national political grassroots movement.

Now, Tea Party supporters are demanding that the NAACP look in it's own back yard and lead by example and denounce any Black racist groups or racist elements within their national group.

After First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the NAACP meeting the Obama family went on a weekend vacation trip to Maine. This action by the Obamas made news over the weekend because Michelle and President Obama have been on TV numerous times over the past three months, pleading for Americans to vacation in the Gulf Coast area to support them in their time of need while dealing with the oil disaster. President Obama needs to address the NAACP's actions against the Tea Party movement.

Two main issues national media groups are not pointing out about the NAACP's action against the Tea Party Movement is:

1. The NAACP never requested a meeting with Tea Party leadership to discuss with them what the Tea Party is all about; or if they in anyway tolerate racists or racist groups within their national group.

2. The NAACP never offered Tea Party leadership an invitation to attend their Kansas City meeting to find common ground so the two groups could work together for a better America for all citizens.

Instead, the NAACP showed it's true democratic colors and went straight for the Tea Party's throat, smearing the group in the national media with a racist resolution. The NAACP's handing of the Tea Party with an in-your-face racist resolution leaves no doubt they never intended to reach out to the Tea Party movement as the group is seen as an affront to the democratic party and its big government policies.

The fact that First lady Michelle Obama attend the NAACP meeting and Obama is on record calling members of the Tea Party Tea Baggier's as a put down joke begs the question, how far and willing are democrats prepared to go in trying to disgrace the Tea Party movement?

The NAACP Tea Party resolution and media coverage of it, has made Americans think back at how left-leaning prominent media groups trashed Sara Palin and her family members in the 2008 election. It was nothing less than a hundred year setback for the women's movement in our society this day and time.

Americans are far more politically savvy than network talking head pundits pushing a political party's agendas while getting paid for it.

The Tea Party movement this week has showed all Americas it has a strong backbone and true to it's founding principles by staying focused on the groups cause and core issues; all the while the NAACP and media groups were hell-bent on destroying the Tea Party with fake wolf cries. Tea Party members across America have been physically and verbally attacked at their events by Black racists, Union members, left-wing activists, and dealt with attempts of hate groups trying to infiltrate their events trying to make them look bad. Americans have seen that national media groups are very willing to ignore all the racist acts and race hate threats toward the Tea Party movement.

NAACP, the political ball is in your court now for all Americans to see if you will step up to the plate and practice what you preach to others. The NAACP should have no problem going before the national media denouncing the Black Panthers Party, the New Black Panthers Party or stating they will not tolerate any racist group or like-minded persons within their ranks as well.

Mike Graham, Founder United Native America
Service connected disabled veteran
Citizen Oklahoma Cherokee Nation and America
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Please read the entire request, Comments after you sign the pledge, they are coming in almost faster than you can read and they're very uplifting.

"If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart" Looking for a strong spiritual weapon?

God is the answer ...GrizzlyMama

Make the Pledge at - 40 Days and 40 Nights:

Glenn Beck - Make the Pledge - 40 Days and 40 Nights:

July 19, 2010 - 14:59 ET

For the next 40 days and 40 nights, I pledge...I COVENANT to practice faith, hope and charity by doing these things. I will pray on my knees every night for the next 40 nights...starting TONIGHT. Pray for guidance, inspiration, peace...pray for the leaders of our country. Pray for their safety, and that they will receive wisdom. I will re-establish my relationship with God.

Hope...hope comes from truth. You can't have hope based on lies. If you go to the doctor and you're in the early stages of cancer, but the doctor tells you that you just have the sniffles...that's false hope, and it won't help you, in fact, it would kill you. So, we have to have honesty, to have real hope. So, I will stop all lies for the next 40 days. That includes lying to myself. I will establish a pattern of honesty and make it become habitual. I will question with boldness...everything...even the things Glenn Beck tells you every night...I will do my own research...and then pray for my own confirmation on the things I have learned. I will find out what is true in my life.

And third...I will have charity. Charity begins at home. I will do something kind for every member of your family at least once a week. I will write it down, and then do it. Also, I pledge to take notice of how blessed I really am. I live in the greatest country the world has ever known...and even the least prosperous among us, are among the wealthiest people in the world...I will be grateful.

042110glenndc2.jpgPledge of Nonviolence

Below is the Pledge of Nonviolence that Martin Luther King, Jr. asked those who believed in his message to abide by as well as his core principles of nonviolence.

I am going to ask you to make the same commitment to nonviolence and give you the opportunity to make that pledge public by having you ‘sign’ these documents below.


1. As you prepare to march meditate on the life and teachings of Jesus

2. Remember the nonviolent movement seeks justice and reconciliation - not victory.

3. Walk and talk in the manner of love; for God is love.

4. Pray daily to be used by God that all men and women might be free.

5. Sacrifice personal wishes that all might be free.

6. Observe with friend and foes the ordinary rules of courtesy.

7. Perform regular service for others and the world.

8. Refrain from violence of fist, tongue and heart.

9. Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health.

10. Follow the directions of the movement leaders and of the captains on demonstrations.

The Five Principles of Nonviolence

1. Non-violent resistance is not a method for cowards. It does resist. The nonviolent resister is just as strongly opposed to the evil against which he protests, as is the person who uses violence. His method is passive or nonaggressive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, but his mind and emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade the opponent that he is mistaken. This method is passive physically but strongly active spiritually; it is nonaggressive physically but dynamically aggressive spiritually.

2. Nonviolent resistance does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding. The nonviolent resister must often express his protest through noncooperation but he realizes that noncooperation is not the ends itself; it is merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent.

3. The attack is directed against forces of evil rather than against persons who are caught in those forces. It is a struggle between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

4. Nonviolent resistance avoids not only external physical violence, but also internal violence of spirit. At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.

5. Nonviolence is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice. It is the deep faith in the future that allows a nonviolent resister to accept suffering without retaliation. The nonviolent resister knows that in his struggle for justice, he has a cosmic companionship.

Make Your Pledge

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About the Economy and Grace

Vice President Joe Biden says to ABC that the tea party movement is conservative and has very different ideas about government, but it's not a racist organization. Let us discuss herein the “very different ideas about government,” and invite ABC to join in the discussion and learn that conservatism doesn’t stand for mean spirited, nor does liberal stand for compassion.

The economy: of or pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth and commodities; the use of resources, should the economy be controlled by government? Control implies ownership, in a word socialism. If the economy is controlled by producers, in a word, capitalism, there is an increase of income, wealth and commodities, but unequally.

Some of us are more ambitious. So, capitalizing on capitalism’s unequal distribution, redistribution, too big to fail, the right to health care, financial control, cap and trade, under the banner of compassion, all add up to government control of the economy. In the interest of fairness, a sagging economy, high unemployment, uncontrollable government spending, the government cure turns out to be far worse than the problem.

Grace: Jesus died on the cross for our sins. According to the story of the crucifixion, Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables and talked down the Jewish government. For that, by the will of the people, Jesus was crucified, and by God’s grace are we saved. This is not my idea, nor is socialism my idea, nor is it the idea I read for myself in the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution; nor is it the idea I read in my Bible. It’s man’s distorted idea. The idea is control. After weighing all of this, my idea was to cut my umbilical cord with the establishment and go strictly on my own.

According to the establishment, cutting and running was not the thing I should have done. I should have remained and been a good citizen—paid my taxes without protest and prayed, “God forgive me for my sins.” All manner of roadblocks went up against this nonconformist rock in the stream. Coincidentally, this rock in the stream was born Aquarius rising. From Astrologer’s Handbook under “Aquarius: “Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn.” True, but when everything should have gone wrong for this Aquarian, everything went right.

Obviously, my interpretations of the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bible were right, at least for me. By the way, the United States, having been born on July 4, 1776, was born under the sign of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer to humanity, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy,” says Astrologer’s Handbook. But, with this in mind, says Obama, the United States was born with “negative liberties.”

Obama is out to change my interpretation of inalienable rights to “for the good of all.” But alas, by my interpretations, I found the power that lies within me. Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Common sense says you can’t be for the good of all, a socialist, and for the individual. Obama, posing as a Christian, and at the same time a collectivist, attempts to tie the two together. On that insensitive idea, Jesus said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” The collective voice freed Barabbas and crucified Jesus.

For the good of all is for the good of self-serving politicians with the power to force by law redistribution in compliance with their wills. They make slaves of us. The Declaration, U. S. Constitution, and Bible give the individual, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If you believe you are an individual with inalienable rights, you can’t believe in “for the good of all.” Jesus was for the individual, as is the Bible, as is the Declaration, as is my Constitution.

After my departure from the U. S. establishment, I went to sea on a 37 foot sloop I named Bold Venture. Right away, by some inexplicable power in me, I mentally picked up on the plight of three scuba divers who got caught in an ocean current. I sailed straight to them. They were miles from their dive boat. Through the power granted me by my belief in self, I saved their lives. In a storm at sea, through the power granted to me, I saved the lives of three friends and my own. They called it a miracle. Nothing in my former life compared. Formerly, if anything could go wrong it did.

After two years at sea, I returned to a career job in Portland, Oregon. At a singles bar, I asked, Karen, my future fourth wife for a dance. The moment our hands touched, I felt her warmth. We sat and talked. I had the feeling that I was talking with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. For the first time in my life, I learned to love and be loved back. Nothing could be greater than this. After 30 years with Karen, that feeling has never left me. I was reborn and Karen was God-sent, all of this by looking within for my answers. After reading about me, would you say government is our servant or our master?

Since my departure in 1975, there have been many milestones in my life that tell me God is internal, that we are the owners of our souls and the lords of our own thoughts. Nobody can tell us how to find God. We find God in our own way.

Now in the twilight of life, with all of my dreams come true, according to what I read in the Declaration, my Constitution, and my Bible, I’m directed by voices of the past to pass on what I’ve learned.

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TEA Party Drops Ball, Ignores Tremendous WEALTH
Sitting UNused in Its Goody Locker
Imagine you spent all of your days prospecting for a gold mine sacrificing and scrimping, working like a man possessed and living like a beast and then you, By Gol’ hit the MOTHER LODE! And so you buy a teeny-tiny bungalow and put the forty tons of gold you’ve unearthed in your dugout cellar and never, never ever once go down there again even though your lifestyle is positively spartan and impoverished . . . absolutely nuts, eh? That, my friends, is exactly what the TEA Party is doing right now!
When it comes to human liberty . . . there’s the much ballyhooed Magna Carta; our own Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution and most importantly the Bill of Rights of the Constitution and there’s hasn’t been anything else in 223 years and then PRESTO! The TEA Party creates the “Contract from America.” And almost no one knows about the Contract from America . . . gold in the basement which is not even thought about, much less used to make life better . . . it’s a shame.
To make the Contract from America a bit more useful and much more widely known and understood, Rajjpuut suggests that a series of public service announcements on each of the ten “planks” be released one a week for ten consecutive weeks emphasizing common sense; American tradition; liberty; fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism and National Defense and control of our borders. A call for comparison of each candidate's oral and voting record to the item in question and for each candidate to pledge his coming term toward work on these ten objectives and sign the Contract must be made. Rajjpuut also would change the original wording ever so slightly (where wording has been changed, the heading appears in maroon type):
The Contract from America
We, patriotic and concerned citizens, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items; to work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the upcoming term and beyond; to pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom; and where necessary to seek Constitutional Amendments and repeal of present law for the good of the country and all its citizens.
Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.
Limited Government
The purpose of our government is to exercise only those SEVENTEEN limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.
Economic Freedom
The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.
Ten Key Principles
(Percentages given in parentheses, enumerate what percentage of our respondents felt each given item deserved to be included in the top ten “planks” of the Contract from America from among our original 24 items.)
1. Protect the Constitution
Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does and spend what that bill might require. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (82.03%)
2. Reject Cap & Trade
Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)
3. Demand a Balanced Budget
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)
4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (64.90%)
5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington
Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)
6. End Runaway Government Spending
Impose a statutory cap limiting the maximum annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. Since the "Invisible Depressions" of 1921 and 1946 were quickly eliminated and prosperity resurged after serious cuts in government spending and elimination of and cuts in some taxes . . . implement such measures for the next 20 years or until the deficit is eliminated and unfunded liabilities are funded. Consider making congress a part-time entity. (56.57%)
7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)
8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)
9. Stop the Pork
Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced and all unfunded liabilities are funded, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require this action become the law of the land. (55.47%)
10. Stop the Tax Hikes
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)
Beans are nutritious, tasty and inexpensive. When you’ve got a gold mine, however, you don’t eat beans at every meal.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
p.s. Three obvious categories should be added to the bloggers' choices for their posting:
1. Contract from America
2. Economics
3. Checking upon Political Integrity
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mosque at ground zero

From a story posted at IslamOnline, it looks like the U.S. State Department--or at least employees thereof--are playing significant roles in building a mosque at the site of NYC's most infamous terrorist attacks:

CAIRO – Sitting firmly in his seat with a determined look in his eyes, American Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf appears resolved to bridge the gap between the West and the Muslim world. “My purpose is to spread harmony and peace between the West and the Muslim world,” Imam Abdul-Rauf, chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, told in an exclusive interview. “My role is to see how can my work help improve this relationship.” ...

Imam Abdul-Rauf is currently on a State Department-sponsored tour to build bridges. “This is part of it as the work is huge and can’t be done by one person or one organization,” he said. “It is also to share people like yourself the work that we do. We need people in the media and we need people to talk to understand what we do.”

He defended the U.S. government's support for his organization.
"If I don't have the ears of people in the political power, I would not engage in the issues of today," he said.

As the good people over at Pajamas Media have pointed out, Rauf isn't the nicest dude--more specifically, he's a "wolf in sheeps' clothing" whose roots rest in the radical Muslim Brotherhood (who we've also reported on extensively in Townhall Magazine). And now the U.S. State Department is employing the sharia-compliant imam to "build bridges" to the Muslim world--an act which apparently includes building a Cordoba House overlooking Ground Zero?

And while we're on the subject, where are all the crazies complaining about the "separation of church & state"? Or does that rule only apply to select churches?

Copyright © 2010 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.
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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Obamanation of Desolation

Right now he is desolating our Constitution, our country, and all political opposition.

Resistanceis F.U.T.I.L.E

Political and Obamanation Censorship is running rampant at this very moment in time. First of all after theSenate approved the Cyber Security bill that will give Obama the powerto shut down any parts of the Internet at his will, Facebooktook down the Real Alex Jones profile only because he had theDon't tread on me flag (Gadsden flag), FederalJackhas been hacked again so that people can't add any kind of trutharticles, The ObamaDeception and other vital truth (Anti-Establishment) documentarieshave been taken down aka censored by hackers right after it was the topkeyword on Google/Yahoo Trends, and all 73,671blogs hosted at Blogetery were instantly shut down including oneof my multiple USWGO Syndication centers with no Mysql backup sent tothe innocent bloggers including myself just simply because theauthorities demanded the entire server was shut down instead of goingafter the elite of illegal blogs.

This is a total of 4 censorship and Whitewash attacks all at one time and all four isdetrimental to our Constitution, War on Blogs, End of The ObamaDeceptions massive popularity and supreme search rank, Hack hassabotaged FederalJack's truth syndication center, and Facebook will nolonger tolerate Don't tread on me flag supporters.

This means that this had nothing to do with the War on Piracy but this is a Waron Blogs and Piracy was the perfect excuse to shut down tens ofthousands of Independent and even domain name blogs. This definitelyproves this has nothing to do with Piracy because if it did the Innocentones would have never been targeted and the guilty ones would have togo through Due Process.

Anytime Police shut down websites without a court trial this not only violates Due process but also theFirst Amendment of the Constitution which protects Freedom ofExpression AND the Freedom of the Press (Freedom of Speech). So inother words these Police induced server shut downs without Due processare violating two to three amendments of the U.S. Constitution plusdestroys the very thing our American Republic stands for.

So right now the Government has started flexing their muscles against thetruthers right after they shut down 9piracy (Unlicensed Movie Streaming) sites as a warning to truthersthat after he gets rid of all viral filesharing networks he will comeafter the truthers and punish them the same way as movie pirates usingthe Hate Crimes law. It's the same tactic as the CIA using paidpedophiles to seek out and molest kids in order to create an excuse topersuade the public to approve of more strict rules to control theInternet.

This is the future of Military Police Action against bloggers:

This won't end good after these four well thought of attacks it will definitely stifle theFreedom, Liberty, and Truth Movements and that is exactly why I amgoing to backup my site a lot more to prevent being one of thosevictims and store backup DVDs of my websites in undisclosed locations Iwon't tell even if I am detained. They can threaten me, they can talkdirty, they can even call me racial terms but I won't crack, I won'tlet the Government desolate the truth because it's our ConstitutionalRight, it's our God forsaken Right. Obama can kiss my donkey and eventhen I won't give in to that jackdonkey.

I will keep monitoring the Internet for more Pentagon and Air Force Cyber Command basedattacks and report on them as I see them. If this thing gets real ugly Imay dispatch truth DVDs with archives of all of my articles on thefile sharing networks before they are all shut down. Also I may ask mytown mayor if I can host a truth speech and give out DVDs to all of thetowns people.

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What We MUST do

Every day, the news gets scarier, if you follow it closely, and less scary if you don't. That's why ignorance can be bliss...until life, and tyranny, hits you up- side the head. Well guess what---we're being hit up-side the head. Between the legs, behind our backs, just everywhere, from all sides.
It's a never-ending barrage, seems like, every freaking day. Non-stop. It would seem they've got us on the ropes...they've had over 100 years to do it and are now fine-tuning it! If I didn't stay pissed-off, I don't know what attitude I could adopt after this! It's become the order of the day, the waking-up, and going-to-bed-attitude that defines me, and you also.
It seems as if some of the local TEA Party groups are losing steam, either through frustration, the perception of inaction or ineffectiveness, or some other angst.
This could be percieved as true, to an UNBELIEVER.
Where is your heart? Where is your soul? Where is your committment to not only yourself, but your country, and to God that gave us our liberties, and our natural rights? If you can answer any of the first 2 questions honestly, the third is already spoken for. Then ask yourself...what will I leave my children, and their children?
These questions have been asked before, and have been forthrightly answered, by our FOUNDING FATHERS AND OUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS.
I say to any, and to all, IGNORE THEM, AND US, AT YOUR PERIL. Tyranny has always failed. Hegemonic usurpers have been the order of the day throughout human history, but we have been blazing a new trail in the history of human endeavor for 235 years, and more. The seeds of this awakening were sown well before the signing of our founding documents. The pilgrims who left the shores of England in search of religious freedom were one of the first seeds of the foundations of this nation.
The men who established our Republic knew very well, the history of the world. Read their words, in the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, their own correspondences between themselves, and our Founding Principles. There is not one single luminary, heralded, or pre-eminent scholar alive today, that could even approach the brilliance of our Founding Fathers. Not a one...and I believe Ronald Reagan already acquiesced to that standard.
So James, you may be asking, what is your point?
My point is this---we have only begun the fight, and we have truth on our side. The dark night of denial and deprivation is NOT at hand, YET. But it is fast approaching, and there appears to be more of them than there are of us.
Don't let appearances decieve you. THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF THEM. And that's the history of the world, in a nutshell. Good WILL triumph over evil, it always has, but always at a price.
Is that price too much for you to bear? What price are you willing to bear? "Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, then ask 'What should be the reward for such sacrifice?' Whether ye love wealth better than liberty, servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us now. We seek not your counsel, nor arms. Crouch down, then, and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains rest lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were ever our countrymen."----Samuel Adams, at the Philedelphia Statehouse, on the ratification of the Constitution, August 1787
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Too Big To Fail

Michelle Bachman is going to start a Tea Party Caucus in the House. That’s great. I’d like to add my two cents worth. The United States, contrary to the will of the people, believes the big and powerful are too big to fail, and, at the American people’s great cost, sees to it that they don’t fail. With Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd at the helm, who have already caused our economic meltdown, the United States has just passed a financial control bill of 2,500 pages nobody read to assure that Frank’s and Dodd’s policy continues in perpetuity. It’s insane.

Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd types take precedence when a nation has had it too good for too long. For the past half century, thanks to this type of control, America has been living on borrowed time. You better believe we’ve plenty to talk about in the Tea Party Caucus. America’s Declaration of Independence stated, sequentially, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Most Americans today take life and liberty for granted. They are primarily interested in the pursuit of happiness. How we achieve happiness is the question before us.

Coincidentally, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, an age when people have been extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others, when they’ve mentally absorbed the ideas and outlooks of those around them, an age when people have desperately wanted to do the right thing but are mostly lacking in willpower. Unfortunately, these Piscean personalities are ripe to being influenced by external factors (from Astrologer’s Handbook). When the cat’s away, the mice will play.

Coincidentally, we could be entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity, and unlike any age ever before in recorded history, wherein, sequentially, first comes life, then liberty, and lastly the pursuit of happiness. There are a lot of different opinions on when we enter the Age of Aquarius. It depends on how willing we are to change. Not many know how we are going to change to make our lives better.

Over the ages there has been an understanding of what has been known as a supernatural force: God. The cutting edge of science, from studying the microcosmic world, from taking matter apart and studying its aspects—subatomic particles—calls God a nonlocal force, an undivided wholeness.

The issue before science at this time: can the microcosmic be separated from the macrocosmic? Classical physics says yes, the mind is in the brain. Quantum physics says the mind is in a nonlocal state. Theirs is a new understanding of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a greater conscious awareness than ever before of God and who we are, what we are about, a galactic consciousness if you will.

This new scientific idea comes from the absolute, irrefutable fact that once two quantum systems have interacted, their possibility waves become entangled so that atom A’s wave is mixed with atom B’s wave in such a way that action on atom A instantly and without mediation causes a change in atom B—in the mathematics, at least, if not in the world and galaxies. Quantum physics’ mathematics is being questioned. It doesn’t fit the mix Einstein and Newton gave us. The good old boys of science will never allow faster than light communication. In quantum physics’ mathematics, there is an uncertainty principle. We can’t directly know everything about the universe and how it comes together. This is the rub. To use a legal phrase—circumstantial evidence—testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but from other facts from which deductions may be drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved, if we convict criminals from circumstantial evidence, why not accept indirect evidence in science? No deductions allowed, period! This answer because this has no precedence in classical physics, where all interactions either occur through direct contact or are mediated by local fields, such as gravity and electromagnetism. Also, it has no precedence in religion, which leaves the supernatural God of yesteryear in charge of our lives. Not good! It’s authority’s notion of too big to fail. Why not fail? We’re not authorities. We have nothing to lose.

It boils down to this question: is God supernatural or natural? If God is supernatural, then God is anything man says God is, and we must then separate church from state. All too conveniently, then, state is anything man says it is. Conveniently, we are being divided.

If God is a natural, nonlocal force, then God is a scientifically proven fact and the mind is in a state. If so, God exists in you and I—on earth as it is in heaven, so to speak—an undivided whole. Based on the present uncertain circumstances, a big change clearly imminent, a change back to the Dark Ages? If we are to proceed in the Age of Aquarius, too big to fail has got to go. Individually, not collectively, we are our brother’s keeper. On earth as it is in heaven, time to move forward. Has the Age of Aquarius arrived? No way, says authority. It’s the status quo, first, last, and always.

I found that first comes getting a life, then liberty, and lastly pursuit of happiness. In numerology, I’m in the “9” cycle, the final cycle in my life. I’m supposed to apply my energy to universal service. I’m no authority, but my world is as good as it gets.

Are you ready for a change that never in recorded history has ever happened? Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd bring America answers that will bankrupt us. Your self-serving government, with its too big to fail policy, take it or leave it, but the only way to accept the change I bring to your attention is to look within for your answers. You will never make it to the Age of Aquarius and brotherhood with an external manmade God too big to fail. If you continue to look externally, you will surely lose everything the American people have gained. We’ve come to a jumping off place. Clearly, the old way must move aside for the new age.

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Black Panther’s Atrocious Behavior Condoned
by Mainstream Media
and Obama’s Department of Justice
The president who refuses to put his hand over his heart when the Pledge of Allegiance is sworn seems to have forgotten the words and the meaning of the words “. . . with Liberty and Justice for ALL.” “Racism” in the Barack Obama lexicon is something natural that Whites (good Whites as well as bad Whites) do to Blacks and other minorities and nothing more. In other words “racism” is a political tool Obama can use and it clearly has absolutley no connection to ethical or unethical conduct. Only non-Democrats and non-liberals, non-progressives and non-Obama supporters can be guilty of racism. There’s Barack Obama’s highly-balleyhooed notion of “social justice” for you. Like Obama himself, the Left’s concept of social justice and civil rights is a one-way street that can only benefit Obama sycophants and not all Americans.
That is why Obama’s lead political appointee to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez, an Obama heading up the DOJ for Mr. Obama has declared in front of fifty employees that . . . .
A) The DOJ is NOT interested in prosecuting cases of White victims’ civil rights being violated by Black perpetrators.
B) The DOJ is NOT interested in investigating violations of the Motor Voter Law (and thus clearing election rolls of dead, moved, duplicate, felon, illegal, out-of-area, and other irregular voters) saying that would only “dampen voter turnout.”
C) Why Ms. Fernandez dropped the voter intimidation case against the four New Black Panthers parading around in para-military uniforms with nightsticks and verbally abusing White and Black Voters and threatening a beating for a Black poll watcher. The Bush administration had the case won and then suddenly it was dropped. One of the intimidators with a nightstick was also caught on a separate video saying “. . . Black’s can never be free until we start killing some crackers . . . killing some of their cracker babies.” Ms. Fernandez doesn’t seem to want to enforce the hate crimes laws that Democrats were so keen to pass, when the hate is directed against Whites?
The liberal-news-only Washington Post reported that the case “riles the right.” Rajjpuut supposes the Post means it doesn’t rile them? It’s OK for civil rights violations to run against Whites? So civil rights is a Black’s only? Martin Luther King, Jr. would be very sad to hear that. Several times in their article on the subject, the Post pointedly used the words “White” and “Whites” which was a lie. In the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Whites were intimidated. At least two old Black ladies were intimidated and the aforementioned Black poll watcher was intimidated. More importantly, aside from color . . . VOTERS were intimidated. Shame on the Obama-sycophant Washington Post, shame on them. And the fact that the DOJ only wants to protect rights of minorities is a huge story that all the media should be all over, shame on the liberal media for forgetting to put this one on page one – the Washington Post could at least hold its head up somewhat for putting that real news in their paper.
Let Rajjpuut add the obvious, the decision to drop a case that was already won when the facts (on video) of the case point out clearly that the case is truly just is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED, dare we say the decision was as corrupt as anything since Jim Crow laws in the segregated South. This week a Democratic video on the subject of similar shenanigans by Obama supporters that resulted in his stealing the nomination from Hillary Clinton has surfaced. Thus far a mere 32 ACORN employees have been convicted of voter registration fraud, but the pattern is clear, Mr. Obama only wants to win, he does not respect the American Traditions nor the rights of his opposition to their full rights and their due process. This is our Fearless Leader’s “hope and change?”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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B.P = “Beyond Perverted?” or “Bad People?”

The further from the political center you are and the further from the Constitution and common sense you get, the more likely that the political system is going to exploit you. There are countless foolish Democrats, feminists, Black and Hispanic and Jewish organizations who have clearly and dearly sold their souls to Barack Obama. Along the same lines, there are numerous idiotic conservatives who will basically never say a word against a particular corporation or against some of the atrocities that go around under the guise of corporate climate, etc. When it comes to exploitation, we are already seeing many of the Left’s progressive toadies starting to feel political repercussions for their loyalty to the Annointed One Barack Obama and the legions (54% of voters backed him in November, 2008) are paying the price for not doing their homework and not casting informed votes and will do so far into the future if the toadies have their way. Similarly, let us look at the case of British Petroleum. Does B.P. = “Beyond Perverted?” Can any self-respecting conservative give lip service to B.P. as a responsible corporate entity?

Before going forward, in the interest of fairness before searing B.P., let’s say a few very obvious things about the Gulf Oil Spill . . . MMS under Ken Salazar had the responsibility to ensure safety at the Macondo drilling site where Deepwater Horizon was located. They gave B.P. several write-offs on safety requirements required by the 1990 and 1994 beefed up drilling safety regulations. Their inspections failed to detect an inadequate failsafe device (a deadman-shut off switch) which ultimately in concert with other problems caused the explosion. They failed to force B.P. to have the ten fire booms necessary at the site (there were exactly zero fire booms on site). MMS officials and inspectors, in the booze, drugs, sex and offshore drilling revelations scandal was shown to be repeatedly in bed with B.P., Obama promised that and the whole climate at MMS would change immediately when he got into office . . . apparently the MMS inspectors were still NOT doing their jobs. More recently, MMS and Salazar and Obama knew on February 13, (ten days after problems arose) about ten weeks before the fire, explosion and sinking of Deepwater Horizon that there were serious problems at the Macondo site when (as one California University engineer put it) “the whole damned place got within a hair of exploding” . . . so if there were ever a great time for a Moratorium on drilling at that site and that site only . . . that was the moment.

Now let’s look more closely at British Petroleum . . . . If Obama’s cap and trade bill becomes law, B.P. may make more money by doing nothing than it ever did by drilling for oil. They are in bed with Al Gore’s London-based Generation Investment Management and they own about 8% of ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) which in turn recently bought CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange) when the heat from Glen Beck’s probes into this massive conflict of interest scandal began ratcheting upwards. In effect, B.P. is investing its profits to the utter detriment of the oil industry . . . .

B.P. is the single largest Obama-contributing corporation. Since backing Obama in 2008 (this is a no-brainer) was sure to tighten the screws on the oil industry and on loosey- goosey B.P. in particular, this was a highly cynical and corrupt attempt to win a “get out of jail-free pass” from the Annointed One.

British Petroleum, it was recently revealed, has for years been violating the internation sanctions on Iran and been freely dealing with that rogue government.

Just because MMS had the ultimate responsibility to the American people for the safe operation of Deepwater Horizon, B.P. is clearly running a close second in ultimate responsibility. B.P. chose which safety rules to ignore and ignored a batch of them. B.P. had been warned by its own inspectors about not just the one dead-man kill switch but several related problems. B.P. chose to operate with not even one of the required ten fire booms on site. B.P.’s negligence killed eleven men, hurt their stockholders and destroyed the Gulf environmentally and economically.

Shady seat-of-the-pants operations seems to be the B.P. norm. Just type the words “British Petroleum MMS scandal” into your search engine and you’ll get about 72,000 hits and 90% of these hits will be over two years old . . . for which the Bush administration and in a few rare cases the MMS under the Clinton and Bush administrations are at fault.

Right here in Colorado B.P. has been fined $5.2 million for false, inaccurate or misleading production and reports . . . in effect cheating the Ute Indian nation out of royalty money they’d earned. Because of B.P.’s scandalous relationships with MMS auditors it took over three years for the case to come to decision. California Republican Darrell Issa has been pushing for some time to re-open investigations into the scandals involving primarily B.P. and MMS but “something always seems to get in the way.”

Finally, there’s the freeing of Abdul Al Megrahi, the Lockerbie Bomber. BP admitted to pressuring the British Government in 2007 to speed up a prisoner release so that they might gain Libyan area drilling permits. Blood money is all over the hands of B.P. executives and for the 189 Americans who died in Al Megrahi’s terrorist attack, Rajjpuut can only say, this is why blanket protection of corporations like Enron and B.P. without first getting all the facts is a foolish, foolish thing for conservatives to do -- by the way, some men live up to 25 years with prostate cancer.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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osted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Sunday, July 18, 2010 1:05:32 PM

"Results alone are never enough, wisdom means understanding how and why things happen, so that a repeatable excellence habit is built and foreseeable failures are avoided." Rajjpuut's reflections on Kepner-Tregoe management training methods and aims.

Why Didn’t the “Stimulus and Recovery Act Work?”

A lot of Libertarians and other Conservatives are not at all surprised that the Obama Stimulus and Recovery Act not only didn’t work but that it actually cost 2.4 million jobs. The question is why did it fail? Why can’t the government, in its vast wisdom, hee hee, create jobs? And why specifically did our communist (55% of folks out there call Obama a “socialist,” but he is and from birth has always been a communist**) president fail with this specific bill? And let’s ask a corollary question, is “jobs created or saved” a meaningful statistic?

Why didn't it work? It’s our old friend from “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt, “the Broken Window Parable” (linked below a.k.a. the Broken Window Fallacy or Broken Window Fable) and it denies the most fundamental precepts of humankind living in society. While economics is actually the simplest of “social sciences,” the fact that human self-interest (and not only rational Ayn Rand type self-interest, but also greedy deluded conquer-the-world-and-make-everybody-do-my-bidding type self-interest as well) repeatedly involves itself in so-called “economic projections” makes the Broken Window Parable the most fundamental error made by the statists, totalitarians, liberals, progressives, and Obamalike Marxists. Unfortunately, most ordinary citizens don't know and/or don't understand the Broken Window Parable and can easily get caught up with the progressive's $$ Utopian dreams.
While Hazlitt’s book (online free is the most helpful aid to understanding human economic fallacy . . . the “one lesson” smacks of the teachings of Gandhi . . . it’s so damn simple, it’s too easy to ignore ( but, of course, add in the technique of putting lessons into little and powerful and memorable stories found in both the simple teachings of Jesus Christ in his parables or of Aesop in his fables and the whole thing becomes instantaneously memorable forever: (

And what is the fundamental truth that makes the broken window fallacy eternally useful and valid? Ayn Rand nailed it on the head with her “The Virtue of Selfishness” one of the tiniest philosophic books you’ll ever ecounter and even that book’s “thinness” can be shunted aside in favor of a three-page “Fable” proving rational human self-interest is the engine of capitalism, of liberty and of our very lives and happiness ( So let us nail it all down, why specifically did the Stimulus and recovery act fail?

A. Imagine a typical average free market job paying X dollars per year counting pay and benefits. A real, bona fide and typically permanent job except when it's taxed out of existence.

B. The average similar union job pays 1.62X dollars per year. The difference is FORCED extra pay and extra benefits and extra protections (seniority, featherbedding, etc., etc. ad nauseum) for union workers^^.

C. The average comparable government job pays 1.94X dollars per year in pay and benefits. These are specious jobs which could not exist were not two real jobs taxed out of existence. Yes, some of these jobs (soldiers, sailors, health educators, etc.) are absolutely necessary. Of course, if you were to eliminate virtually all of the non-essential government jobs, you could expect the free market to create real jobs almost magically.

D. The average government-union job pays roughly 2.28X dollars, nuff said.

E. By lying with statistics, the government adds in temporary “make-work” jobs such as the U.S. census work and treats those as if they were real and permanent jobs when counting.

F. Government initiatives, 100% of them, come at real cost which the Left with their “government can solve every problem” mentality willfully and consistently and constantly choose to ignore because it benefits their power grabbing to overlook such facts. For example, Obama is back to tooting his “five-million new green tech jobs” horn once again. This might actually work and actually help the country . . . but ONLY IF viable and efficient green technology had just arrived on the scene. Under those circumstances eleven million real jobs in the economy would be lost creating those five million green tech jobs and so the effect over say, the first six years of the “mandated conversion” process would be horrendous. However, as the example from the Spanish experience (they went from 3% unemployment to now sitting at 21% unemployment) clearly shows, because viable green technology in large part does NOT actually exist, 90% of the green jobs the Spanish government created were NOT permanent. In the Obama example that translates to five million original green tech jobs becoming 500,000 permanent green tech jobs still at the same initial cost: eleven million real, free market jobs.

G. Since Obama used the stimulus money largely to create not only government jobs, but also government union jobs and also temporary jobs . . . 2.4 actual jobs was the cost for each, often temporary government job created.

H. Ergo, regardless of the amount (100 jobs created or saved???) of jobs created or saved, the only valid statistic is NET JOBS ADDED or LOST in the PRIVATE SECTOR.

I. Addendum, the president’s new financial “reform” package is an even more dangerous initiative. Hidden within its 2,300+ pages are about fifty regulations that favor unions over the rest of us (their benefits and their tariffs upon foreign goods translate to OUR HIGHER PRICES. In seeking with this legislation, members to add to the union rolls and great amounts of money added to the union coffers across the country, Barack Obama has just insured that our recession will now become a full-blown DEPRESSION unless this bill, Obamacare and virtually all else his thrust upon us is repealed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


$$ Remember today's progressives are actually against "progress." They use environmental extremism to oppose even ordinary human living. In the name of taking control of everything, they seek to "progress" beyond the "out-dated, ill-conceived and flawed" U.S. Constitution toward Utopian Marxism. Since Rajjpuut sees the U.S. Constitution as the single greatest entity encouraging life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and progress, you easily understand why he is "anti-progressive" in every way.

^^ Most people are surprised that union workers’ pay and benefits amount to “so little.” Think of it as a dynamic process. What happens is this: unions gradually drive their own jobs out of existence (consider the once huge American automobile industry) so the “average” of all union jobs at any given moment is 1.62X only because union jobs are being lost so rapidly (again look at the auto industry, robots are much more common in EX-union assembly-line jobs, of course, because they are economically viable there where they might not be in a non-union position). It’s just one more contradiction built into unionization that the union bosses don’t want the “proletariat” to consider.


And just for the heck of it since someone reading this is going to talk about how FDR “saved the country” from similar “dire straits”:

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Truth or Fiction

We, the membership in the New Tea Party knows darn well that we have people of all colors that are also members of the New Tea Party. I say New Tea Party for the simple reason that none of the membership were members of the First Tea Party.

What I would like to see is more activity with all members of the Tea Party. We need to show more patitionpation where our Black Membership take more of an active roll in meeting and protest. We need a New Face for the Operation. We need a United Face where we have people of all of our colors involved with pictures. It has long been heard that a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. Well, we need to speak Loud and Clear with a Roaring Voice.

I see Black Members of the Tea Party on Fox News but we need to see them more at the meeting. Now It Is True. We can't force anyone of Color to attend our meetings and other functions, but what we should try doing is getting anyone that is a Member of Color to attempt to bring to one of our function some of the Negative People of Color. This way I feel that it is possable to show them where we stand and then maybe the remainder of the Holdouts.

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