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“Clearly before you progressive 'thinking'^^ stands exposed, the patient, the patient’s family, the doctor . . . these are not important here . . . the government will take it upon itself to decide who lives and dies. Let us for propriety’s sake call it ‘the Ultimate Tax.’” Rajjpuut
The Liberals are Dead,
Long Live the Progressives!
Today in his “The Conscience of a Liberal” column, N.Y. Times economist and Op-Ed writer Paul Krugman reiterated his call for “death panels” (his exact words on two occasions Sunday) and a Value Added Sales Tax (without first eliminating income tax) as the way out of the country’s present fiscal crisis which he’d expressed earlier as a member of a This Week (ABC’s Sunday morning political affairs TV program) panel. Mr. Krugman implied the same thing almost exactly five months ago without mentioning the death panels only then saying . . .
“Dealing with this problem will require, first and foremost, a real effort to bring health costs under control . . . .”
Apparently Krugman who calls himself a “liberal” has now moved beyond vague generalities and found the specific magic key to solve all our problems by killing off those useless old fuddy-dud senior citizens, precisely as Fabian Socialists and Eugenics-advocating progressives all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger eagerly did . . . government control over life and death, t’aint it mahvelous? Rajjpuut believes Mr. Krugman just added the Value Added Sales Tax to run up more deficits and increase the opportunity for Death Panel Denials, but that is, as yet, not provable.
Ignoring the ramifications of his proposal for “death panels,” Krugman chose to concentrate upon the VAT saying it was no more hideous than eliminating the mortgage-tax benefit for home owners. There it is unclothed before you, the liberal thought process exposed in all its naked glory. Before we’ll even consider cutting taxes and spending with responsible means . . . the ends we see are so, so very important that we’ll consider denying health treatments and medicines to our elders; we’ll consider eliminating the biggest incentive to becoming home owners; and we’ll slap another tax on their without mentioning anything about personal or corporate income taxes. It is so, so very important that we have the resources to control your life and the lifeblood of the economy that this passes for logical thinking from our brightest mind on the most important newspaper in the country (Rajjpuut exaggerates here: USA Today and the Wall Street Journal are clearly far greater and far more important than the “old gray lady,” but tradition must be honored).
It is important to realize that this is a reiteration, not a slip of the tongue.
“I said something deliberately provocative on "This Week," so I think I’d better clarify what I meant (which I did on the show, but it can’t hurt to say it again.)
“So, what I said is that the eventual resolution of the deficit problem both will and should rely on “death panels and sales taxes”. What I meant is that
“(a) health care costs will have to be controlled, which will surely require having Medicare and Medicaid decide what they’re willing to pay for — not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we’re willing to spend for extreme care
“(b) We’ll need more revenue — several percent of GDP — which might most plausibly come from a value-added tax
“And if we do those two things, we’re most of the way toward a sustainable budget.
Refusing clearly to face the vile impact of his proposal for “death panels,” Krugman soft-pedals
“. . . not really death panels, of course, but consideration of medical effectiveness and, at some point, how much we’re willing to spend for extreme care . . .”
Clearly before you progressive "thinking stands" exposed . . . the patient, the patient’s family, the doctor . . . these are not important here . . . the government will take it upon itself to decide who lives and dies. Let us for propriety’s sake call it ‘the Ultimate Tax. Those reasonable liberals that once walked among us (like John F. Kennedy who slashed taxes dramatically . . . the top rate was 91%* and JFK cut it to 65%*) are dead; long live the progressives who would tax us our very lives before considering cutting spending; cutting government control and interference; before cutting taxes. The liberals are dead; long live the progressives.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ more like: "progressive stinking"
** It must be clarified that in fact in 1961, the exemption process, made it highly unlikely that any wealthy taxpayer paid anything close to these levels . . . which is to say, the tax code in those days was a sham, but a modestly fair sham one could live with . . . today we prefer to eliminate the mortgage-tax deduction . . . and real bottom-line taxes are much, much higher on all income earners.
By the way, the economic malaise that JFK inherited from Eisenhower disappeared virtually overnight once this income tax slashing took place. That severe business downturn cost Richard Nixon the presidency in one of the closest elections in the nation’s history. Much like Harding who wiped out the Wilson Depression by slashing taxes and spending roughly 50% and paid down the National Debt 30%; Kennedy likewise wiped out his predecessor’s economic problems by cutting taxes.
As an aside, in case you had any doubts about the integrity of the Nobel Prizes "earned" for Peace and Economics . . . consider this: besides granting the Nobel Peace Prize to the likes of Yasser Arafat, Al Gore and Barack Obama while Mohandas K. Gandhi never was deemed worthy of winning it; and except for the prize given to John Nash (famous as the subject of the movie A Beautiful Mind) virtually every economics Nobel Prize granted is to some Keynesian economist whose "discovery" creates a whole brand new "school of Keynesian Economics so that now we have four or five dozen such "schools" none of which ever even once predicted anything with any accuracy! Our Mr. Krugman is a Nobel Prize recipient whose theories represent the usefulness of an udder on a male bovine's nose. He's been quoted as saying that Public debt "isn't as bad as many believe -- it's basically money we owe ourselves . . . " a statement that reveals a deplorable lack of practicality and empty-headed Keynesian thinking not to mention failing to account for an awful lot of Chinese, Japanese, Russians, etc. holding huge amounts of our debt instruments. Mr. Krugman finds it necessary to revise his truths about every nine or ten months in a manner that makes all his earlier books obsolete. Since Keynesian economics is the economics of preference for socialistic thinkers and totalitarian dictators . . . Rajjpuut says, "Bah, humbug" and gets his classical economics here:
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A God for Tomorrow

After reading the thoughts of other Tea Party members here, with regard to religious extremists, I’d like to add some thoughts I’ve not been reading from other Tea Party members. The logical conclusion that without consciousness nothing would exist does not deny the existence of a Creator; or that the Creator has revealed to man a moral code that distinguishes right from wrong; or that man is responsible for the way he treats other men; or that the consciousness of man is everlasting; or that following lives will be judged by this one; or that on earth as it is in heaven; or that man has fundamental rights that cannot be taken without his permission, including the right to exist on the fruits of this own labor.

Unfortunately, the above logical conclusion is not the conclusion of the present makers and keepers of the law in America. We exist at their pleasure. It is unbelievable. By manipulating our Constitution to their own liking they have successfully divided America. A house divided cannot long stand, exactly what the Obama Administration is after. Obama is planning on a one-world government, himself in charge.

The ancients gave each of us individual characteristics and a destiny, yet we’ve allowed the present makers and keepers of the law to grant to themselves the duty to override inalienable rights. For the good of the makers and keepers of the law, these men in high office stigmatize us, for they know more than we know what is good for us. Stigmatized, we jump through their hoops. Incidentally, this is what caused the Founding Fathers to declare their independence from the mother country and to write our Constitution. And yet we read here that the Obama Administration is more in violation of intrinsic values and principles than King George. Where have we been? I’ve fought it all of my adult life.

Evan Harris Walker, M.D. and quantum physicist, bears me out in The Physics of Consciousness. In his final chapter, “A God for Tomorrow,” he allows that the ancients gave me the ability to understand the subtle workings of the universe. (Saturn was in its most favorable alignment with Pluto when I was born, giving me this ability.) I understand and agree with Walker’s conclusions, which are that we are more than matter; we are “co-equals in the foundry of creation;” objectivity, as is currently conceived by the makers and keepers of the law, is not the true fabric of reality; we who observe are fundamental to existence. The choice is ours. If we refuse to observe, we are refusing to do what our Creator created us to do. I understand this.

Science has now found that consciousness can be measured by the will; that will transcends the limits of time and space. Science can now see that will intervenes in the material events of the world and must be constrained by common law. Science has gone further, perhaps, to know where matter comes from and what space itself is.

Science has seen matter and space as a natural consequence of nothing more than the fact that conscious observers exist. That, in itself, is a quantum leap forward. Understanding this, my life is as good as it get. The lack of understanding is what makes people dependent and poor in spirit.

We take for granted the technical marvels modern science brings us. Before manifestation can take place, it takes conscious awareness. This fact alone brings the world weapons of mass destruction, and places them in the hands of megalomaniacs. The collective will of the people can be manipulated by crazies to make man the killer of all life on the planet. This gives rise to the importance of keeping individual characteristics and each person’s destiny an option. It is our increasing purpose. Science can no longer ignore that conscious observation affects the potentiality of matter.

Science brings man to accomplish life-giving miracles. We have no idea of our potentiality—and that’s what the present authority is out to crush. The consequence of our religions continues to bring unspeakable disasters. Pray for the day when those who instill guilt in our children, inflame hatred and foster war in the name of God will become history. Surely, we can unite in an effort to make God better than Obama makes God. His pastor for 20 years “God damned” America.

Surely we can find a god that gives life meaning, a god that gives us innate morals. Double talking, never landing on the point of it all, President Obama, is a traitor. We must keep our cool and methodically step up the pressure to stop Obama before he accomplishes his mission of destroying everything of value we Americans hold dear, to leave us slaves of cultists doing “some kind of god” George Soros’ and Obama’s “collectivist salvation” wills. They and their following, pushing for the Battle of Armageddon, are as close to the work of the devil as anyone can get. We got our work cut out for us.

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I Fought for You

I was a combat infantryman in Nazi Germany in World War II. I was aboard the first troop ship to return to America. The people of New York City gave us a glorious welcome. When World War II ended, I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island. Soon after two atom bombs were dropped on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we were the first American troop ship to enter Yokohama harbor and disembark. After 1-1/2 years in the ETO, I remained in the Army of Occupation in Japan for seven months and returned to boom times in America. World War II ended the Great Depression. What went wrong in America? What made us look to government for help? Had the American people seen what I saw, they would not be looking to government for help.

Last night I viewed History Channel’s presentation on religious cults, including Jim Jones’ cult. Jones was a guy who thought the world was against him. He was a socialist, one of those who felt that the Battle of Armageddon was nearing and he was going to help it along. With the jig about up for him, he shot a congressman investigating his hidden religious cult empire, shot himself in the head, and saw to it that his hundreds of followers died with him. Is that what you want? Stay the course and that’s what you will get.

Liberation Theology is along the lines of religious cultism. It’s a Christian movement connecting Jesus with social injustices. It began in Catholic South America. The Vatican rejects it as Marxist. Black Liberation Theology emerged in the United States on July 31, 1966, when an ad hoc group of 57 black pastors, calling themselves the National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC) bought a full page ad in The New York Times, to publish their “Black Power” statement. Black Power pastors include Chicago’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright, South Chicago Community Organizer Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America. Black Muslims also immerged in Chicago during this period. Since 1978, Louis Farrakhan has been the leader of the reconstituted Nation of Islam. American hate monger Farrakan loves Obama. He calls him our savior. During this period, Obama was Acorn’s lawyer. His associates still include SDS bomb throwers. Here is another wolf in sheep’s clothing. America has the Sword of Damocles hanging over her by a thread.

Religious cultist Obama is out to transform America. Cool cat Obama, hero of the “under-privileged,” this pot smoking hippie original goes far out of his way to circle around Islam’s holy war, which is against everything America stands for. History Channel reminded me last night the shocking truth about cool cat Obama.

It reminded me of a Tea Party member, a veteran, who does not like the connections I make and told me so in no uncertain terms. For the past nine years, I’ve been writing and rewriting my memoirs. The events of my life keep making more connections. My life is nothing like I thought it was when I was younger. Experience has been a good teacher.

Obama’s transformation would have been seen by early Americans as treason, in fact Obama is what got the Tea Party started. I’m a generation ahead of the Tea Party. In 1973, I studied my Constitution, not academically, but with the thought of using it to demand my rights, actually, in reaction to civil rights activists—like those above named South Chicago folks, those with the “preferred” rights, according to the activist judiciary. Naturally, I got nowhere. America’s corrupt legal institution does not protect fundamental rights. It protects the government entitled. Community Organizer Obama doesn’t have answers; he talks in riddles. Being a capitalist, I’m resourceful. I used the court record to hang the IRS with its own rope. They ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post. And now I’m government entitled. Live and learn. Obama’s shell game now is helping me at your expense. Remember, the Lord helps those who help themselves.

Here’s the truth of the mater. At the dawn of civilization, which began in Persia, star gazers invented the zodiac, a circle divided into 12 sections, like a clock telling time. Each of the 12 sections lasts a little more than 2,000 years. The zodiac tells us that Jesus appeared at the beginning of the sign of Pisces. The nature of Pisces, according the ancients, “desperately wants to do the right thing but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” I read this in Astrologer’s Handbook.This fits with the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus told his disciples that before the cock crowed they would deny him three times. Add to this that the Magi, three Persian astrologers, were led to the birthplace of Jesus by “The Star of Bethlehem.”

Jesus was not a Christian. He was a nonconforming Jew, a troublemaker for Jewish leaders. When he turned over the moneychangers’ tables, the source of the leaders’ wealth and power, that did it. I’m not to blame, not anymore than I’m to blame for America’s black slavery. I’m not a Christian. I accept what Jesus taught without the doctrines and dogmas. Remember that the doctrines and dogmas once tortured and imprisoned heretics, the earth was flat and it the center of the universe, and we endured the Christian Crusades. I accept the Constitution as written, without the late interpretations thereof. I was created with a mind capable of thinking. I can’t say the same for a great many of my fellow Americans.

A mind capable of thinking does not demand that anyone think the same as he or she thinks. Many Americans can’t accept this. They know what’s best for everyone and they’ve got Obama to make us accept their way. Jesus said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. From where do those above named South Chicago folks get their notions? You don’t get it? I’ll tell you. From special interests with their hands out for the money others earn, and more: for the phony money government prints. I refer to said notes saying we owe that much. Nice work if you can get it. I didn’t fight for this. Every American now owes more than $42,000, and you know without asking who benefits.

I read here that a school boy who was flying the American flag from his bicycle, in honor of his veteran grandfather other veterans, was ordered by a school official to remove the flag, by reason that the American flag was offensive to some people—those followers of South Chicago Obama. It might cause racial tensions, which could cause harm to the school’s children. The American flag stood for nothing.

At my school, the American flag was flown and we repeated our Pledge of Allegiance first thing every day. We were proud of our America and my generation won the war against tyranny. Obama apologizes for America. We are going to see much of this kind of manipulating in the months ahead, Black Power at voting places, and such, Obama looking the other way. This is a fight to the finish. Look out Tea Party! An evil omen is lurking in the shadows. According to cool cat Obama, we’ve nothing left in America to fight for. He is fighting control of our southern border. This is no man’s land.

I’m suspicious. It isn’t right for a Tea Party member to tell me he does not like my connections without letting us know his ideas. This self-righteous silencer hiding in the shadows told me I misquoted the Bible. What is his objective? Jesus said: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are raving wolves.” Let them who attempt to silence us come forward with their ideas. Jesus said: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

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“Recently the airwaves in Florida and across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the numerous racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election."

Now All those Mainstream Media

Claims of ‘Racism’ Make Sense

Despite the fact that those monitoring hate crimes have yet to define exactly what an “ignoramus” is; or that “incompetents” have never before been labeled officially as a racial minority, Attorney General Eric Holder has released figures purportedly proving that since the creation of the TEA Party, anti-meathead racism** has risen dramatically. Specifically, Holder claims that the Obama administration and Pelosi and Reid chambers of Congress have suffered relentless attacks based upon “racially-motivated” hate crimes which his office will begin prosecuting after the New Year. When questioned by reporters about the validity of the new “Ignoramus” minority classification, Holder said, “Perhaps an example will suffice . . . . He held up a large black and white picture of a familiar member of Congress . . . .

“Recently the airwaves in Florida and indeed across the nation have been filled with hate-motivated attacks on incumbent Representative Alan Grayson which can only be described as vicious hate-mongering concentrated upon Grayson’s perceived lack of integrity, intelligence and his overall incompetence as a human being. We will provide data proving that this perception and the racist utterances that accompanied it, proved prejudicial in the most recent election. Our office will not allow such spurious onslaughts to continue . . . indeed, I have myself endured such brickbats.” Nobel Peace Prize recipients Al Gore and Barack Obama, Holder claimed, have also been the victims of anti-meathead racism.

Holder refused to comment on reporters’ questions about rumors that the Justice Department had already moved on several TEA Party organizations “guilty of prejudicial behavior against incompetents.” More on this crucial story later . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Understanding “Racism”

For readers who have trouble getting a hold on “racism” claims in the mainstream media here are the heretofore unwritten rules determining whether or not official racism occurs. These are the most up-to-date politically correct guidelines available . . . .

1. Racism against majority races is impossible.

2. Racism by minorities against other minorities, (for example, one Black calling another Black an “Oreo” or an “Uncle Tom”) is impossible

3. In case of claims and counter-claims, “Ties go to the Democrat.”

4. The terms “cracker,” “honky,” “offay,” white-trash,” “moon,” “pale-thing,” White-boy,” “albinos,” “blue-eyed devils,” “Cavemen,” “Semen,” “Ghosts,” “Caucasheets,” “Sheets” “Whitey,” “Gomer,” Gringo, Gringo-Salao, Rednecks, Massah, Mayonnaise; Sandwich Semen, Pastyfaces, Palefaces, Not-so-friendly Ghosts, Peckerwoods, Flour, Trailer Park Trash, TPT, Wonderbread, etc. when used by Blacks or other minorities to describe Caucasians are 100% NEUTRAL terms and never to be considered racist.

5. Racial intimidation by Minorities against Whites is impossible.

6. Anti-Asian quota systems at colleges are justified and not racist. Similarly all-claims against Affirmative Action policies as "reverse-racism" are unjustified.

7. Sexism is a form of racism. Men are CRUD and White Men are PALE SEWER CRUD.

8. Regardless of any actions undertaken, the Holder Justice Department and the Obama Administration are post-racial entities.

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Religion and the New Age God

I’m a World War II veteran. I’m still fighting for the principles and values I hold dear. A Tea Party member informed me that I misquoted the Bible and that I’m generally confused. One of us is confused. You be the judge.

I look within for my answers. My answers are based on what I perceive, intuitively. Authorities conceive all manner of things, and I observe, mostly for their express benefit. I don’t believe in objective reality. From my experience, it is 100 percent subjective reality. To be successful, I find, one has to listen to his own intellect. Since I started doing this, I’ve been served very well. I think that to tell people they are confused, and misquoting the Bible, could mean they are confused.

I’m not religious. I don’t trust religion. We read in The 5000 Year Leap of 28 principles of freedom our Founding Fathers said “must be understood and perpetrated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, freedom.” The 4th Principle: “Without Religion the Government of a Free People Cannot be Maintained. . . Religion, which might be defined as a fundamental system of beliefs concerning man’s origin and relationship to the cosmic universe, as well as his relationship to his fellowmen . . . a standard of behavior distinguishing right from wrong . . .an intellectual awareness and understanding of human experience or inquiry.” The above doesn’t describe religion.

My intuition tells me that America’s government is out of control and religion is the greatest cause of misdirection. Ever since Abraham’s religion, we’ve suffered holy wars. If the above definition of religion is true, we don’t have religion; we have man’s invention of the supernatural, wherein God is on the side of the winner of bloody wars that kill millions, and leave in their wake the destruction of what man has labored hard to built, leaving us to start over, only to do the same again. My intuition tells me this could not be God’s intention.

God’s laws don’t call for passing on to future generations the sins of the present generation. Astronomical debt passed on to future generations a terrible thing to do, my intuition tells me. We have no sense of justice or right or wrong. Why do people listen to deceptive, self-serving politicians? Why do they ignore what those frauds are doing to us? They mindlessly expect their liberties to be automatic. Jesus told us of a way of life that leads to peace, prosperity, and freedom. For telling us, Jesus was in defiance of religious and secular authority. His friends would not come to his defense. Jesus was crucified.

Why are you and I held at fault for Jesus’ crucifixion? We are born in sin, because the first man and woman disobeyed God’s orders. To be forgiven and receive God’s grace, we must confess our sins—like we did when we owned slaves. How could we be so audacious and call ourselves religion? We know the truth now. We rationalized that black slaves were not capable of the freedoms whites enjoy. My intuition tells me to look within for my answers. It has worked to empower me. I read the Bible with that thought in mind. I don’t find a conflict. Is that a misinterpretation? I welcome all comments. Keep in mind that the Muslims, those who declared war on America, believe that Americans don’t deserve to live. They get their misguided notions from the interpretations of their authorities, like Osama bin Laden. History proves that Jesus’ message is the only message that works.

Today’s Americans have been steered far from the principles set forth in the Constitution. I read the Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. Why not everyone. I never learned to obey without question. It is hard for me to image Elizabeth Smart remaining under the control of a crazy man, who raped her every day for years. She didn’t have to remain. She was mesmerized. These kinds of things happen because we are taught to obey authority without question. I didn’t obey the IRS. The IRS ended eating crow.

I’m the bane of authority. I was born to question. Were we not all? Would we have the present government had we questioned Woodrow Wilson, who was an advocate of big, powerful government and zero individual rights. We must have been mindless to have allowed Wilson, then Roosevelt, and now Obama to transform America into a totalitarian dictatorship. Obama gave rise to the Tea Party. I’m sure he didn’t expect this.

Science is just now beginning separate the mind from the brain. Unity in nature, all things being aspects of the mind, we are now beginning to see the energy that drives our struggling souls. A universe that is not conscious of itself cannot have order. How could we be here, were there not order in the universe? A material world without the universes consciousness could not be. Providence created America. It isn’t a place. It is as state of mind.

After I read the Constitution and took action against a government gone bonkers, an amazing thing happened. When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right. There had to be a reason. It has taken me years to find it. I found it in the Bible, in The Gospel According to St. Matthew, in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

All of my dreams have come true. Am I generally confused? You be the judge. Have I misquoted the Bible?

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Activist Judges

I have been reading with some interest about the federal judges that are systematically thwarting the will of the people. In Arizona, a federal judge issues an injunction stopping the implementation of the new immigration laws. In Oklahoma a judge stops the state from placing restrictions on public largess for illegals. There are countless other such instances where federal and state judges have blocked the people's will. Everyone bemoans the problem, but no one seems to want to state the obvious.

Federal judges are not appointed for life. They are appointed for a period during which they exhibit judiciary restraint and "good behavior". It is no surprise to me that judges have gone overboard in legislating from the bench. We the people have done nothing to stop or discourage them from such behavior. Do not look to the legislature to do it for you. They have a vested interest in the status quo. Instead, do that which gets their attention. Kick misbehaving judges out of their cushy jobs.

All judges, elected or appointed, are subject to the will of the people. Elected judges may be removed via a recall petition. Appointed judges may be removed via impeachment processes. In both cases, it begins with a petition.

For elected judges, circulate a petition for recall. The number of signatures required will vary by state. In most cases, the completed petitions must be sent to the Secretary of State for validation. If validated, the Secretary of State must put the recall proposition on the next ballot or call a special election to address the issue.

In the case of appointed judges, it is a little more complicated. The Bill of Impeachment must be presented by a member of the House of Representatives. The impeachment petition should be sent to a member of congress for formal presentation to the Speaker of the House. It generally goes to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration. If all is in order, the House will vote on the Bill of Impeachment. Once impeachment is a fact, the Senate votes for or against conviction. Since this process is in the hands of politicians, it is obvious that the more signatures one has the better the chance of impeachment and conviction.

Does this have any effect on the judges who remain? You betcha. Iowa removed three judges by the will of the people. The pundits lamented on how this would have a chilling effect on judges and how they do their job. DUH! That is exactly the effect we want. It serves notice on all judges that we are watching them and WILL take them to task for decisions against the public will. They work for us. It is far past time for us to rein them in.
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Bachmann Withdrawal Blow to Tea Party?‏

I received this in my email but there was no way to respond and I had something to say....and very simple:
1st excerpt: "But at the same time, some winced about Bachmann's propensity for gaffes if she formally made it into the leadership. " To this I say gaffes are continuously made with Biden and Boehner always cries.
2nd What our country needs is more women in leadership and although I questioned her withdrawal I am hoping it is similiar to Sarah Palin who left the governship of Alaska knowing that she needed and could do more for our Country by "Going Rogue".
3rd Why is their the importance of a head count of Black and Hispanics (rhetorical)...I prefer qualifications over ethnics
CJ (
Sent:Thu 11/11/10 7:04 PM

A message to all members of

Some conservatives are concerned that the decision by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) to withdraw from a key House leadership contest could be a sign of things to come for tea party supporters in their effort to shake up the Washington establishment.

Last week, Bachmann embarked on a bid against Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) for the post of House Republican Conference Chair, the number four-ranking position in a new Republican majority. But Bachmann, who founded the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, stumbled in gaining traction for the slot and pulled out Wednesday night.

At least a few conservative Republican House members wondered if this augured poorly for the tea party movement. And at least one Congressman blasted the new GOP leaders for trying to craft what was described as a "cabinet."

"I think it's the leadership protecting its power base and trying to keep the tea party from getting in the door," said one conservative Congressman who declined to be identified. The lawmaker went on to even compare the maneuvering of leaders to the iron fist management style of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

But top GOP leadership aides sharply dismissed suggestions that there were any behind-the-scenes machinations to derail Bachmann and elevate Hensarling. And from a political standpoint, one aide pointed out that the new leadership squad may be the most-conservative batch of leaders to ever steer the GOP in the House.

Presumptive House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and outgoing Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) both officially backed Hensarling, as did a number of other rank-and-file Republicans. House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Whip-in-waiting Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) did not endorse in the contest.

That means the top Republican leadership positions are set and are likely to be finalized by acclimation next week at a rather anti-climatic GOP Conference meeting. It also means that white males will occupy the top rungs of the House Republican leadership ladder in a party that's always struggled with diversity. However, GOP Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) has signaled interest in another term in her role. And for the first time in years, the GOP Conference will feature two African American Republican freshmen.

Bachmann withdrew and immediately pitched her support behind Hensarling. She praised the Texas Republican's "commitment to limited government, reduced spending and lower taxes." Bachmann added that Hensarling will be a "strong voice" for tea party initiatives.

Bachmann's candidacy was a double-edged sword for the GOP. Many embraced her energy and tea party following. But at the same time, some winced about Bachmann's propensity for gaffes if she formally made it into the leadership. By the same token, many viewed her as a potential bridge to the tea party and especially to the conservative, freshman class.

Tim Phillips with Americans for Prosperity, has worked with tea party activists over the past two years. He says that it would have been "great" for Bachmann to be in leadership, but doubts this is a "blown opportunity" for the tea party to make formal inroads into the House leadership hierarchy.

"Jeb fits perfectly," Phillips said of Hensarling. "If Hensarling were a moderate, it would be Katy bar the door."

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Talking Points

America has never been more divided. This is something I think about a lot. Many would say I and others who follow my line of thinking are negative, and if we continue to think my way we will surely fail as a nation.

Progressive liberals and their leader, Obama, believe the Constitution is flawed. They believe, for the good of all, that America must be transformed to collectivism, or statism: reliance on government rather than the individual. They believe they are moving America in a positive direction, and that people who think my way are trying to hold us to the past. Progressive liberals, with zero knowledge, are determined to move the nation forward; that is, to anarchy and tyranny. People who think my way are dumb to reality.

The progressive liberal idea is that after their plan is in effect, it will be shown to be the way to go, such as Obamacare. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Mao were progressives, many think, moving the world in a positive direction. Hundreds of millions of people were killed “for the good of all.” We can afford that, say progressives. The world is overpopulated. George Soros, who comes from a communist background, thinks any and everything can be done for the good of all.

Capitalism and collectivism aside, control is the problem. Millions of Americans have listened to Glenn Beck talk about how George Soros has used his ill-gotten billions to gain control of America, and through progressive liberal birds of a feather. According to Beck, Soros, for his own personal gain, is intent on bringing America down. He calls himself “some kind of god.” Soros is an atheist. He says he is amused at how he controls people. You could say Soros is positive and losers are negative in their thinking.

A Tea Party member informed me, in his comment to my blog, some would say a positive thinker, that I misquoted the Bible, and that I’m generally confused. I propose that he wouldn’t have made his comment had it not been for the fact that he did not look within for his answer. My reality is based on what I perceive to be true. Others base their judgments on what they conceive. They conceive of a plan to make the world better by their surface reasoning and logic.

I wonder how many octogenarians can say if life could be any better they don’t know how. All of my dreams have come true. How could that be possible? Either I’m a negative thinker or progressive liberals are negative thinkers. The proof is in the pudding. I’m a capitalist. To progressive liberals, the very fact that I’m healthy, wealthy and wise, by worldwide standards, this means that I’m a hog cheating others out of a decent existence. They’ve got George Soros, “some kind of a god,” to take me to the cleaners.

What comes around goes around. However, my mentor, Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness wrote, although what comes around goes around, and governed by immutable laws, we humans, with minds and individual wills are governed by other laws of nature. We have discovered that with our minds every path leads us to a structure of the universe we’ve never before realized. It is consciousness that begins everything. It is with quantum physics that we, at least Walker and I, have discovered proof that we exist as something more than matter. We are co-equals in the foundry of creation.

The observer interacts with matter. Thus, if one does not observe, one does not interact. Who is in control of what we observe? To be human is to know that the mind is our basic reality. One who is not human is subject to jumping through the establishment’s hoops; as Beck put it, a puppet, George Soros the puppet master.

As for my misquoting the Bible, the editor of my Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield, wrote in the Introduction, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used. Rev. Scofield claims you are dead wrong unless the whole divine revelation is in view, which reminds me of progressive liberals. They never make it 360 degrees in their logic.

My advice: Stick with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and you will win.

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It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. If you are a happy, positive person, you will attract positive things. You can keep your mindset positive by eliminating negative thoughts the moment they begin to creep into your conscious mind. If you dwell on the negative aspects of every opportunity, you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Be prudent about the risks you take, but don't be paralyzed by fear of failure.NHF
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President Obama’s latest dog and pony show, the highly ballyhooed Deficit Commission, today did everything possible to dramatically heighten public suspicion of government; and to increase business’ uncertainty in the country. In particular public dissatisfaction (with the idea that the home mortgage interest deduction on income taxes should be eliminated) will probably amount to open mutiny. More importantly, NO real mention of inciting a return to prosperity comes up in the revelations released today as “Chapter 1” of their proposed deficit-reduction package. Those two, prosperity and deficit cutting, MUST go hand in hand.

In a phrase, the Commission recommends gutting the Pentagon; raising taxes; and infuriating the business community and homeowners; oh, and clearly it won’t work! Let Rajjpuut remind you what does work:

1) Cut taxes. Extend all the Bush tax cuts for fifteen years and permanently establish the Bush Estate Tax as the law of the land.2) Establish a six-month income tax embargo on all business and personal income for 2011 to jump-start the economy.
3) Cut, nay SLASH, government spending 20% across the board and 25% for non-defense spending and hold that level of spending for as long as necessary until the current National debt is reduced and surplus is achieved.4) Require a balanced budget, by creating an amendment to the Constitution, and within that budget require a full new funding and gradual refunding of the lock boxes for Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal branches of Medicaid.
5) Cut all federal salaries by 25%. Maintain those levels of government salaries and wages for fifteen years while cutting government employment by 10% in year one; 6% in year two; 5% in year three; 4% in year four; 3% in year five; 2% in year six; and 1% in year seven.6) Raise the retirement age for government workers to 68 years old immediately for all persons now aged 58 or younger.
7) Require all government workers to abide with retirement equal to social security levels. Any surpluses to be put in the social security lock-box.8) Raise the Retirement age for others to 67 years old for all persons now aged 55 and younger; and in 2019 for all persons then aged 55 and younger to 68 years old.
9) Repeal and/or defund Obamacare and start over for a real health care reform addressing costs in a realistic fashion.10) Create an intelligent bi-partisan commission without any academic personalities involved but solely made up of politicians, business people and health experts to discuss successfully cutting unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and both the state and federal side of Medicaid) with a reporting date of 2013.
11) Establish an “all of the above” energy policy and encourage the building of new refineries and nuclear power plants.12) Require all legal bills to reference the U.S. Constitution and prove the bill is justified as Constitutional.

13) Eliminate Federal Reserve Banking and make inflationary spending above 4% at any time illegal. To prevent inflation, abandon Bernanke’s evil idea of “quantitative easing” by the Fed; and abandon the artificially low interest rates Ben Bernanke has established as a means to continue the corrupt idea of “too big to fail” by which (0.25% rates) he has protected five irresponsible banks (J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC with an overall derivative exposure of roughly $210 Trillion; including $188 Trillion in interest-rate derivative exposure). Patriotism is not about protecting stupid banks but protecting the American citizens.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Higher Law

For the past century, what is about to take place in America has been planned by a tiny minority of control freaks blind to reality. They build the perfect world in their imagination and then try to force all the pieces to fit by turning both sides against the middle. America has never been more divided.

The Tea Party sprang into existence, calling for constitutional law. Said control freaks call the Tea Party Nazis and racists. I’ve a different view than anyone I know on what’s taking place. The deeper meaning—in earth as it is in heaven—first came the birth of our nation on July 4, 1776, under the sign of Aquarius, the sign of brotherhood and the pouring out of man’s spirit, with our Declaration of Independence from the old world.

In 1787, “We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,” ordained and established our Constitution; in other words predestined our future to principles of law laid out in that sacred document, the one that Obama and company hold as flawed. Obama and company are for the good of all, the individual with zero rights. Without informing the American people of their end, as one of this minority of control freaks put it, a cross between Mother Theresa and Chairman Mao, their noble end justifies any means. Chairman Mao said a few million less Chinese was affordable. I assume the same applies to Americans.

Going back in time to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, pure law, in the sense that our Constitution is based on divine law, calling for righteous government, rather than splendor, ceremony, and the external demonstration of power, Jesus told us to look within, for “no man can serve two masters . . .Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Mt. 6:24).

Jesus said, “seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Mt. 6:33), and tomorrow will take of itself, but be aware that Jesus distinguishes the kingdom of heaven from the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is universal consciousness and moral intelligence. The kingdom of heaven is likened to the sower. Some of his seed was devoured by fowl. Some fell on stony places. Some fell in thorns. But some fell on good ground and brought forth fruit.

When I read the Constitution in 1973, my purpose was to use it against the above identified corrupt control freaks that have moved in and now impose themselves on naïve America. I’m 36 years ahead of the Tea Party. I imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. To the American people, I was a “tax protester,” someone trying to get out paying my fair share. I imagined a bigger than life calling. Those who knew me thought I’d lost my mind. Mysteriously, tomorrow took care of itself. I went to sea for two years. While at sea, miracles occurred. After I left the sea, my life changed for the better. With regard to my tax protest, the IRS ate crow on the front page. Tomorrow takes care of itself when we know the power that lies within.

In earth as it is in heaven, and a state of universal consciousness, this was discovered ages back. The alignments of the heavenly bodies at the moment of our births leave us each born with a unique purpose, but with a choice. For the first 49 years, oblivious of my destiny in life, I took the path of least resistance and ended at a jumping off place, with the choice of soaring with eagles or falling into the abyss. Coincidently, at this crucial time in my life, my ruling planet, Uranus, was in opposition with itself at my birth. It meant pressure to change. I looked within for answers and mysteriously came up with the right answers for me. Regardless of what’s going on out there, my life is good.

Without first looking within for answers, as directed by Jesus and our Constitution, instead of personally acting, by allowing the above named control freaks to lead the nation down a dead end street, America is nearing the consequence. What’s next?

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WND Exclusive

Soros group wants Obama to rule by executive order

Organization cites mid-terms, claims progressives registered victory

Posted: November 08, 2010
9:04 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

President Obama delivering his weekly address
NEW YORK – It was progressives who won the mid-term elections, particularly incumbents in a socialist-founded congressional caucus that emerged from last week's ballots virtually unscathed, boasted an article published by the George Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies, a Marxist-oriented think-tank in Washington, D.C.

The article recommends that President Obama govern from executive order to push through a progressive agenda.

"Progressives won in the 2010 mid-term elections," wrote Karen Dolan, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, or IPS, and director of the Cities for Progress and Cities for Peace projects based at the radical organization.

"The Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest caucus in the House Democratic Caucus at over 80 members, emerged virtually unscathed, losing only three members," she wrote, in the piece published on the IPS website.

"By contrast, the conservative Blue Dog Democratic caucus was more than sliced in half from 54 members to only 26. Further, of the 34 conservative Dems who voted against Obama's Healthcare Reform, a mere 12 won re-election," she wrote.

(Story continues below)

Dolan declared that "our work is now finally beginning."

"The veil of a happy Democratic governing majority is finally lifted. We didn't have it then; We don't have it now. But what we do have now is a more solidly progressive bunch of Dems in Congress and a president presumably less encumbered by the false illusion that playing nice will get him a date with the other team."

She went on to recommend that progressives "throw our support unabashedly behind the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and let's push Obama to finally do the right thing through as many Executive Orders as we can present to him."

WND reported the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded by the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA.

Caucus member Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kirkpatrick, D-Mich., was defeated in her primary, and just three others lost in the general election, Reps. Alan Grayson of Florida, John Hall of New York and Phil Hare of Illinois. Hall and Hare are two-term incumbents while Grayson is a freshman.

Hare drew national attention earlier this year when he was captured on video by a constituent (link: admitting that when it comes to health care reform, he doesn't "worry about the Constitution."

Working within Democratic Party

Demonstrating the close relationship between the DSA and the Progressive Caucus, two weeks ago WND reported the Democratic chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee was caught on tape meeting with DSA leaders to discuss how the group can cooperate to strengthen President Obama and advance their "one-world" plans.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has a long history with the DSA, was recorded promoting a "one-world" government while asking the socialist group to organize against the war in Afghanistan and in support of Obama's policies.

Conyers was a special guest at a two-day convention in Detroit in March 1982 that resulted in the formation of DSA.

Conyers has spoken at numerous DSA events, including at the socialist group's national dinner in 2008, where he was the keynote.

Conyers was one of 13 founders of Congressional Black Caucus, which long has promoted far-left causes. He is the most prominent lawmaker lobbying to free Mumia Abu-Jamal, the convicted murderer of a Philadelphia police officer. He has advocated on behalf of the Marxist Nicaraguan Sandinista dictatorship and has called for the U.S. to end its sanctions against Fidel Castro's communist regime.

As WND was first to report, the DSA has been linked closely to the Democratic Party's Progressive Caucus.

Until November 2002, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the DSA. Following news reports that drew attention to the congressional website being hosted by the socialist organization, the list of CPC names was moved to the website of Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., an avowed socialist, and eventually to its own site.

The Democratic Socialists of America's chief organizing goal is to work within the Democratic Party and remove the stigma attached to "socialism" in the eyes of most Americans.

"Stress our Democratic Party strategy and electoral work," explains an organizing document of the DSA. "The Democratic Party is something the public understands, and association with it takes the edge off. Stressing our Democratic Party work will establish some distance from the radical subculture and help integrate you to the milieu of the young liberals."

Nevertheless, as WND reported, the goal of the DSA never has been deeply hidden. Prior to the cleanup of its website in 1999, the DSA included a song list featuring "The Internationale," the worldwide anthem of communism and socialism.

Another song on the site was "Red Revolution," sung to the tune of "Red Robin." The lyrics went: "When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along, there'll be no more lootin' when we start shootin' that Wall Street throng."

Another song removed after WND's expose was "Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?" The lyrics went: "Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie. And when the revolution comes, we'll kill you all with knives and guns, Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie."

Obama connected to socialist group

Top Democratic Socialists of America members have been closely linked for years to Obama.

Obama himself spoke at a forum organized by the group at the University of Chicago in early 1996 called "Employment and Survival in Urban America."

Quentin Young, considered the father of the U.S. single-payer health-care movement, is a longtime Democratic Socialists of America activist. Young has had a relationship with Obama, particularly in the 1990s, when he reportedly advised Obama on health care.

Young reportedly was present at a 1995 meeting at the home of former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, who was said to have launched Obama's political career.

Young has been active in Chicago socialist circles and was previously accused of membership in a communist group. In 1992, Chicago's branch of the Democratic Socialists of America awarded Young, a member, with their highest honor – the Debs Award.

In a 2008 article in the official Communist Party USA magazine, Young noted Obama previously expressed support for a single-payer universal health-care program, although he later waffled when asked about his position.

As an Illinois state senator representing a mostly black district on the South Side of Chicago, Obama publicly supported universal health care. He also co-sponsored the Bernardin Amendment, which did not pass but would have amended the Illinois State Constitution to add health care to the list of basic rights for residents.

Meanwhile, Obama spoke at the March 29, 1998, memorial service for Chicago Democratic Socialists of America member Saul Mendelson.

Timuel Black, a member activist, mediated political disputes on behalf of Obama in the 1990s and was reportedly involved in Obama's campaign committee during his successful 2004 Senate race.

Longtime member and activist Arnold Wolf was a member of "Rabbis for Obama" and has held fundraisers in his home for Obama, including a function in 1995 that was aimed at introducing Obama to the Hyde Park activist community.

Eliseo Medina, international executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union, has been honored by Democratic Socialists of America. During the most recent presidential campaign, Medina served on Obama's National Latino Advisory Council.

WND reported Medina, speaking at a 2009 Washington, D.C., conference, declared granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens would expand the progressive electorate and help ensure a progressive governing coalition for the long term.

Here is a list of the members:

  • Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07); won re-election
  • Lynn Woolsey (CA-06); won re-election
  • Diane Watson (CA-33); Replaced by Democrat Karen Bass
  • Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18); won re-election
  • Mazie Hirono (HI-02); won re-election
  • Dennis Kucinich (OH-10); won re-election
  • Neil Abercrombie (HI-01); chose not to run; replaced by Democrat Colleen Hanabusi
  • Tammy Baldwin (WI-02); won re-election
  • Xavier Becerra (CA-31); won re-election
  • Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL); won re-election
  • Robert Brady (PA-01); won re-election
  • Corrine Brown (FL-03); won re-election
  • Michael Capuano (MA-08); won re-election
  • André Carson (IN-07); won re-election
  • Yvette Clarke (NY-11); won re-election
  • William "Lacy" Clay (MO-01); won re-election
  • Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05); won re-election
  • Steve Cohen (TN-09); won re-election
  • John Conyers (MI-14); won re-election
  • Elijah Cummings (MD-07); won re-election
  • Danny Davis (IL-07); replaced by Democrat Andre Carson
  • Peter DeFazio (OR-04); won re-election
  • Rosa DeLauro (CT-03); won re-election
  • Donna F. Edwards (MD-04); won re-election
  • Keith Ellison (MN-05); won re-election
  • Sam Farr (CA-17); won re-election
  • Chaka Fattah (PA-02); won re-election
  • Bob Filner (CA-51); won re-election
  • Barney Frank (MA-04); won re-election
  • Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11); won re-election
  • Alan Grayson (FL-08), lost to Republican Daniel Webster
  • Luis Gutierrez (IL-04); won re-election
  • John Hall (NY-19), lost to Republican Nan Hayward
  • Phil Hare (IL-17); lost to Republican Roger Schilling
  • Maurice Hinchey (NY-22); won re-election
  • Michael Honda (CA-15); won re-election
  • Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02); won re-election
  • Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30); won re-election
  • Hank Johnson (GA-04); won re-election
  • Marcy Kaptur (OH-09); won re-election
  • Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13); replaced by Democrat Hansen Carter
  • Barbara Lee (CA-09); won re-election
  • John Lewis (GA-05); won re-election
  • David Loebsack (IA-02); won re-election
  • Ben R. Lujan (NM-3); won re-election
  • Carolyn Maloney (NY-14); won re-election
  • Ed Markey (MA-07); won re-election
  • Jim McDermott (WA-07); won re-election
  • James McGovern (MA-03); won re-election
  • George Miller (CA-07); won re-election
  • Gwen Moore (WI-04); won re-election
  • Jerrold Nadler (NY-08); won re-election
  • John Olver (MA-01); won re-election
  • Ed Pastor (AZ-04); won re-election
  • Donald Payne (NJ-10); won re-election
  • Chellie Pingree (ME-01); won re-election
  • Charles Rangel (NY-15); won re-election
  • Laura Richardson (CA-37); won re-election
  • Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34); won re-election
  • Bobby Rush (IL-01); won re-election
  • Linda Sánchez (CA-47); won re-election
  • Jan Schakowsky (IL-09); won re-election
  • José Serrano (NY-16); won re-election
  • Louise Slaughter (NY-28); won re-election
  • Pete Stark (CA-13); won re-election
  • Bennie Thompson (MS-02); won re-election
  • John Tierney (MA-06); won re-election
  • Nydia Velazquez (NY-12); won re-election
  • Maxine Waters (CA-35); won re-election
  • Mel Watt (NC-12); won re-election
  • Henry Waxman (CA-30); won re-election
  • Peter Welch (VT-AL); won re-election
  • Robert Wexler (FL-19); replaced by Democrat Tee Deutsch

With research by Brenda J. Elliott

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Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk . . . .

George Soros Seeks America’s Ruin

to Advance His New World Order

In the narrative that follows, two important men (George Soros and Ben Bernanke) are discussed. In fairness to Soros, he appears to be an utter scumbag who has already, via his connections to the Clintons and ACORN, helped set up America’s recent financial meltdown and potentially the upcoming one as well. That’s as fair as Rajjpuut can be. In fairness to Bernanke, he probably sees his ongoing decision as avoiding “death by saber” in preference to death by a million paper cuts. Rajjpuut would remind him that no company and no bank is literally “too big to fail” and if he were strong enough to allow five big banks to fail, that’ll probably be the best thing for the American people and the nation they love . . . let us now return to scumbag George . . . .

Billionaire currency speculator George Soros (a self-claimed ‘philanthropist’ sometimes called ‘the man who broke the bank of England’) has been quoted thusly from time to time, “Sometimes I do feel more than a little bit like God . . . it is very important for the USA to find its proper place in the New World Order . . . as things stand, the main obstacle to world stability is the United States.”

When George Soros was a 13-year old boy in Budapest, Hungary, he was a capo, a Jew set up by the Nazis to help them control other Jews. His specific job was to deliver notifications at first to Jewish farmers and businessmen and lawyers and then later to just ordinary citizens saying, they were to report to the Nazis at such and such a place, at such and such a time (to be deported to a concentration camp). George, who calls himself an atheist these days, says he feels no guilt from his collaboration but just did what he had to do to survive.

Besides making a fortune on the collapse of the British pound-sterling in 1992, George is famous as well for bringing down currencies in Slovakia, Georgia (the former Soviet SSR) and Malaysia and reportedly a few other countries where his connections are a little bit “iffy” to prove. His modus Operandi has been by using radical personalities to form a “shadow government” within the nations he targets. In our case, that Shadow Government is the ultra-progressive left of the Democratic Party.

Thanks to conspiring with Bill Clinton, ACORN, Barack Obama, and progressive American politicians everywhere, Soros seems poised to win another huge currency bet and in the case of the United States, he hopes to collect twice . . . winning tens of billions of dollars when the dollar collapses and then the ruin of the United States would bring about a giant leap forward for Soros’ New World Order led in America’s absence from the top rungs by the Chinese government’s state-capitalist/communists. Hmmmm.

Soros’ unwitting (we think?) benefactor in all this is Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Ben’s policy of “Quantitative Easing” (monetizing the U.S. debt by having his Federal Reserve Bank buy up treasury issues) is designed to keep interests rates as low as they’ve been in a generation . . . or even take them lower. But, but, isn’t that (combined with Bernanke’s earlier multiplying of circulating currency in the country to 15 times the September, 2008, levels) a recipe for runaway inflation and perhaps even hyper-inflation? What’s going on? Interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in 30+ years supposedly controlled by Bernanke to maintain the housing market’s fluidity and spur business investments.

The two years this policy of near-zero interest rates have been in effect; plus the nation’s massive home-buyers’ tax credit . . . business has stayed very flat and at best, housing prices have almost stabilized. Is Bernanke even less competent economically than Obama? Or could he have an ulterior motive?

Looking at business we’re not seeing capital expenditure increases or increased hiring of employees . . . just ain’t happening. Instead businesses are buying back their own stock. Why? Because the mortgage industry and the business world are both on the same page . . . the page where it reads: “This is a phony recovery.”

Compared to the spring of 2008, revenues at S&P 500 companies are 12% lower today. Expansion would be foolish under those circumstances. Businesses don’t often buy back their own stock except when a) they think the share prices are too depressed or b) they’ve got nothing better to do with the money or c) both a) and b) above are true . . . but since corporate insiders are dumping their own personal shares like rats leaving sinking rowboats . . . (insider selling/insider buying ratio during October, 2010, ranged from 210/1 up to 2000/1) implies that they believe their companies’ stock shares are way over-valued and not a bargain purchase at all, is it possible that conditions a) and c) above don’t apply here and now? And, therefore, the corporations don’t have anything better to do with their money (condition b)?

That means that Bernanke’s stated purposes are presumably a genuine crock of B.S. Why does he wish to keep interest rates so abnormally low? We return to the never-never land of derivatives and too damn big to fail. The five banks** that Bernanke and Obama have been shoring up since January, 2009 are in deep, deep, deep doo-doo. We are NOT talking chump change here . . . nominally . . .

J.P. Morgan holds derivative exposure of $73 TRillion.

Bank of America holds derivative exposure of $47.5 TRillion

Citibank holds derivative exposure of $44 TRillion

Goldman Sachs holds derivative exposure of $41 TRillion

HSBC holds derivative exposure of $2.6 TRillion

Overall, of their total derivative exposure, $188 TRillion in interest- rate derivatives is held by these five banks. Bernanke is allowing them to profit for exposing themselves to those derivatives without any risk of failure because if they fail . . . America comes close to total implosion. The recklessness of these five banks especially the first four named is absolutely intolerable. The Federal Reserve Bank’s actions have aided and abetted the worst financial malfeasance in world history. Their interest rate derivative exposure is the equivalent of allowing a terrorist to buy a lottery ticket for the opportunity to destroy the entire banking system of the world . . . yeah, you’re probably not going to lose and you get to keep his buck, but, what happens if he rolls a natural?

Banks are NOT supposed to gamble with depositors’’ money! That $188 TRillion is 13.5 times the United States’ gross domestic product and 4.2 times the GDP of the entire world. Bernanke is not protecting you; not protecting the country; definitely not protecting the dollar; and not protecting the world economy. He is protecting profit and preventing ruin for the Goldman Sachs etc. of the world who are “too big to fail” . . . in doing so, he is making tens of billions of dollars for George Soros to collect when runaway inflation hits the country and the dollar stops being the world’s reserve currency.

Is “Judgment Day” tomorrow? The foolishness of our Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and the excesses of five “too big to fail banks” now places the entire future of America at risk. George Soros, who is guilty of helping the progressive wing of the Democratic Party bring about the financial meltdown, is now exploiting the foolishness of Bernanke and perhaps giving a little tweak here and there by selling dollars short on the currency exchanges . . . and the big loser: you and the American Dream.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities for the Second Quarter 2010 (our most recent), the notional value of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks is around $223.4 TRILLION. The five banks mentioned above account for 94% of those holdings.

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Many in the world seek to destroy capitalism in the US, where they have failed in the past and what has made it so difficult in the US is unlike other economic systems in the world the people of the US make up our economy through small business owners, so an economic attack on a centralized government has not been possible.

Now the attacks in the past have failed, because they could not attack all small business through our government, unless they could get our government to gain more control of small business. They have successes as our government has taken unprecedented control of the American people through the current Tax code and the IRS, Obama has just hired 20, 000 more IRS agents and poised to add more.

A centralized arm to destroy American capitalism, totally against the Constitution of the United States, and the IRS is the arm Soros and others are using to destroy small business.

The answer to economic recovery and destroying the plans of soro's and those that seek the destruction of Capitalizm in America, is the restoration of the Constution, and eliminate the IRS and income tax.

The IRS and the 67000 pages of Tax Code is the sponsor of Big Government and the meeting place of those seeking to destroy the American people.

IRS is the sponsor of big Government, Fair Tax is the sponsor of Freedom.
Shut down IRS now and release all tax liabilities as unlawful full, remove all tax liens and levies. Free our citizens, 30 to 50 million Americans.
Soros can not attack all free people, but as long as the government is holding us hostage with the IRS, we are all under one rule. Free the people and Soros losses. Benjamin Franklin laza-fair Capitalizm, government hands off a free people.

In economics, laissez-faire describes an environment in which transactions between private parties are free from state intervention, including restrictive regulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies.

The phrase laissez faire and literally means "let do", but it broadly implies "let it be", or "leave it alone."

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My Analysis of Obama's Delusion

What do all of these blogs tell us? Put them all together and they paint an in-depth picture that is clear as can be. There is a reason for everything, including a reason for man—an eternal reason. We need to understand this and pass it on to our representatives, many of whom are confused.

Over the ages, we’ve developed many doctrines, dogmas, and customs, not one of which works to bring about a world at peace, in fact, to the contrary. The history of man defies reason fundamental to the law.

America’s Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, which said in so many words that all men are created equal, and out of expedience—for the good of all—our Founding Fathers excluded black people. (It was for the good of the South’s economy.) Thus, we denied from the beginning that we were created with reason fundamental to the laws of nature. It’s a terrible mistake. Out of expedience, we place ourselves above the higher laws of nature. An example is George Soros, a man driven by wealth and power. An example is Barack Obama, a man driven by wealth and power. This cool cat President says the Constitution is flawed and he is here to transform America. The young and inexperienced and the weak and meek love it. These two wolves in sheep’s clothing are representative of a long line of power-driven Americans who have proceeded to turn our Constitution, or I should say, my Constitution into a travesty of justice.

Others don’t have a problem with the drastic change taking place. The Constitution is now whatever the vogue is and which groups control the law. If the vote were to say rape and robbery were legal, so be it. We are heading for a money crises followed by a judicial dictatorship on a par with Nazi Germany’s judiciary. Nazi stands for National Socialist Party. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what is in store for the American people. Freedom is up for grabs. America is spinning the wheel of fortune.

Should we get right with the control? The name for what is taking place is “progressive.” Black’s Law Dictionary, under lawful: “The principal distinction between the terms ‘lawful’ and ‘legal’ is that the former contemplates the substance of law, the latter the form of law.” What is the substance of law? Black’s: “To say of an act that it is ‘lawful’ implies that it is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden.” What is legal? Black’s: “To say that it is ‘legal’ implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. . . A further distinction is that the word ‘legal’ is used as a synonym of ‘constructive,’ which ‘lawful’ is not. Thus ‘legal fraud’ is fraud implied or inferred by law, or made out by construction. ‘Lawful fraud’ would be a contradiction of terms. Again, ‘legal’ is used as the antithesis of ‘equitable.’ “ Therefore, by definition, Obamacare is the antithesis of equitable, as well as everything else Obama proposes. Obama is, by Black’s definition, lawless, of course because he is a Harvard educated lawyer.

Let us ask Harvard’s Marxist teachers of the law, the bomb throwers, Obama’s teachers, which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Authorities create the problem and the remedies, which further complicate the problem: lust for power and control. It’s the law of the jungle, the law before man’s gift, reason and logic. Hitler was legal. Harvard teaches Nazi justice, in nature, animal, the law of the jungle—might makes right—and the same for progressive government. The real definition is total control of your life, and death if you dare to make waves. The sword of Damocles hangs by a thread over America.

It is high time to stand and be counted. America’s law has been twisted and distorted by wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Tea Party is the reaction. It is essential that we know the reason for the current demise of fundamental rights, and pass on to our representatives the reason and logic of bringing our Constitution back in its original form.

After creating heaven and earth, and all other life, God created man and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen.1:26). “In earth as it is in heaven,” from the Lord’s Prayer, think of the real meaning. The progressive order of the universe which links together the ages, and the increasing purpose from the beginning of man to eternity, millions of people have seen UFOs. There is growing belief that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. Furthermore, the universe is more than time and space. We have reached the threshold of a quantum leap, leaving the Age of Pisces, whose sign is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, entering the Age of Aquarius, whose sign is the water-bearer. Our corrupt, self-serving authorities are hiding physical evidence. The United States was born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and spiritual awakening is an omen.

With the world’s authorities leading our world to destruction, in Astrologer’s Handbook we read (under Saturn trine Pluto) that I’m able to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. We read that I’m able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in mine and others lives. Is mine the luck of the draw? It hasn’t mattered what is going on in the world. From the depth of despair, by looking within for answers, I’ve progressed to the time when all of my dreams have come true.

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Smaller goverment

I am thrilled about the tea party movement, along with all my friends. Just stick to your guns and repeal health care. Also I believe we need to fix medicaid and social security along with smaller goverment. Keep up the fight..God bless america.
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