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Our Increasing Purpose

I like reading or Tea Party’s informed blogs. You people well know the problem. Don’t depend on Washington to solve the problem Washington created. As usual, Washington will deal with the symptoms, not the cure.

Looking back in history at authority, not to mention what the authorities did to Jesus, the Holy Catholic Empire dominated Europe. The Roman Catholic Church’s effort to control; that is, the “one true Church of Christ stemming from “One True God,” exclusive of all other beliefs, faith in the Catholic Church’s doctrine is the only way to salvation—My Oh My —this brought the world to Martin Luther and his protest.

Luther happened to come along with the invention of the printing press. This is significant in our increasing purpose. His books dealt the Catholic Church a blow from which it never fully recovered. Also Galileo’s discovery that the earth is not at the center of the universe, as the “one true Church” preached, the physics book he sneaked out, along with Luther’s Protestant Reformation brought forth the Age of Enlightenment, and the one true Church playing a lesser role in our lives—part of our increasing purpose.

Sir Isaac Newton was a product of the Age of Enlightenment. His interest in astrology caused him to study mathematics. Pythagoras, the father of mathematics, was an astrologer. He studied under Egyptian priests, who were astrologers. In fact, in the ancient world astrologers advised kings. Newton learned the higher math of ancient Egyptians. He invented a form of mathematics called calculus. From calculus, Newton gave us immutable laws of motion. From immutable laws of motion, came Einstein’s relativity and special relativity. We had a firm basis for knowing the space-time consortium.

In 1942-1943, I studied physics in high school. At the time, the atom was a neat package of subatomic particles, including electrons whirling about a core of neutrons and protons.

In the late 1950s, physicists found that the atom could be split into smaller particles. In 1964, American physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig developed a theory of particle physics that proposed quarks as the building blocks of protons and neutrons, borrowing the word from James Joyce’s novel, Finnegans Wake, which contains the phrase, “three quarks for Muster Mark.”

There were only two types of quarks to describe the proton and neutron: the “up quark” and the “down quark.” To make three quarks for Muster Mark, physicists discovered kaons, which they called “strange,” thus the strange quark to go with the up and down quarks.

Quantum physics used the three-quark model through the 1970s to learn about the internal structure of the proton. This knowledge supported the existence of gluons inside protons, but they had not yet actually been discovered. In 1970, they predicted the existence of a fourth quark they called the “charm quark.” Thus, a particle containing the charm quark, the second-generation partner of the strange quark, then came the discovery in 1975 of a third-generation “lepton,” which led scientists to predict the existence of a third generation of quarks. The “bottom quark” came along in 1977.

Pioneer Enrico Fermi’s name lives on in the Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory at Batavia, Illinois, which houses machinery that stands 3 stories tall and weighs about 5,000 tons. Four-hundred-fifty physicists coordinate their efforts around Fermilab, which houses an accelerator big enough to build the energy required to see a suspected “top quark.” In February 1995, the discovery of the theorized “top quark” was a big day for quantum physicists. The top quark, an essential in the construction of matter, was a giant step forward.

We’ve got a new vastly more powerful atom splitter in Switzerland’s CERN called the Large Hadron Collider. It has just been successfully fired up. It is theorized that there is a yet smaller particle called the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is theorized to be the first “thing” that appeared in the physical universe. If they can prove that, physics will have a complete model of the space-time consortium, from the first nanosecond of its creation.

We are dealing with the microcosmic. It doesn’t behave at all like the world we know. Quantum physics is in conflict with classical physics, each declaring the other incomplete. Einstein claimed quantum physics was incomplete. John Stewart Bell, a CERN physicist, set out to prove Einstein correct and proved him wrong in what is known as Bell’s theorem, arguably the most important discovery in the history of man. Probably less than one-thousandth of one percent of the world’s population knows anything about Bell’s theorem, and of this number, fully half don’t give it any credibility. The reason for the ignorance is that the world’s authority, having invested an enormous amount of time and effort attaining the title of authority, is not about to say it knows nothing about the way things work.

If you want to know how things work, you take the apparatus apart for examination. That’s what quantum physicists are doing with atom smashers. They are taking the universe apart, examining it, and finding that it is not at all what we thought it was. When the world discovers what is and what we are, the world will radically change.

In a lab experiment to prove Bell’s theorem correct, quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, my guru, set up Polaroid filters in such fashion that a laser beam directed at them formed angles that allowed him to use the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the areas of the two smaller squares on the right triangle equals the area of the larger square, thus a simple graphical way of showing how many photons (in any time interval) will pass through a pair of Polaroid filters at any angle, and how many will be stopped. The square of the hypotenuse is the number of photons coming in, and the other two squares on the right triangle represent how many photons pass through and how many absorbed. Quantum theory tells science what photons do. There is a subtle way photons behave. It allows science to look in detail at how it is possible for nature to follow the laws of physics, in the end to put the question of the nature of space, time and physical reality to the ultimate test.

What Bell’s theorem tells us is that basic to nature, plans having limits, when we make our plans, you and I, and we part company, things can still go wrong, even for the best of plans (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle). I parted company and things went right. Was it the luck of the draw or was it a prepared mind?

Walker: “Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws (Newton’s laws of motion). But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. . . Every path we have taken to learn something of the structure of the universe finally comes around to the same result. Whether to understand the interconnections of will, to understand the most basic facts in quantum theory, or to discover the beginnings of the Big Bang universe, each path leads to the fact that there must exist a supreme consciousness out of which everything else springs. . . it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. . . The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.

“The quantum mind,” what is it other than one’s state of conscious awareness? States have no boundary. We, individually, set our boundary. We are now, as a nation, where I individually was in 1975—facing an uncertain future that is very scary.

Many Americans are burying their heads in the sand. Thanks to the Tea Party, at the midterm election we gave Obama a resounding body blow. Now the Republicans say they want to do our will. But we Americans are addicted to an easy existence. We bear little responsibility for our lives. We’ve turned retrograde in purpose.

We’ve learned over the years to depend quite excessively on government. Once we are forced to tighten our belts, withdrawal pains will set in. More than half of the population is going to be adversely affected when Congress starts attempting to take control of spending and govern responsibly. Knowing our representatives, what are they going to do when “our will” changes, as it surely will? What is Obama going to do? Why did the Democrats keep Pelosi as their leader? It is not in our representatives to do the right thing, so don’t expect it. It is up to you and I to make the corrections of course.

I’ve had the experience of standing on the edge of forced change. I had no faith in government, no faith in a religion, no faith in my family. I jumped into the unknown, to either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. I survived, and more, made my life infinitely better. How many of you believe that one has the power, no matter what, to make one’s lives better?

It goes against everything I’ve been taught to believe I have the right answers for me. When I dared to try to solve my problem my way, the establishment fought me, which caused me to become more determined. I must have had the right answers for me. What makes me different from other people? Wouldn’t the same be true for anyone who looks within for answers?

Now that I can look back at my life, having expanded the boundary of my conscious awareness, now that I know the subtle makeup of the universe, I have a new perspective. Our increasing purpose is written in the stars. We are destined to individually take charge of our lives. We can look forward to a better world.

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Across America this is what is wrong and has been wrong, everything on this sight is about "black" it is wrong and divisive. Education consist of race bait inflammatory fictitious reading of American history and slavery. Their is nothing left to say government sponsored racism and it is widely accepted across the USA and blacks continue to play victimes of American society, as they deliberately embrace reverse assimilation into American society. This as been the case for 100 years. 2nd Annual African American Alumni Forum, March 25-27, 2011
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Federal tax payer dollars funding racism, just because a group of people have chose to refuse assimilation into America they then become a minority and receive minority protectionism from our government as well as more rights, this is not acceptable it is legally permitted and encourages racism paid for by the tax payers. O I get it these are the nice racist. Because it is done through our univercities.

Top 10 Books Every Black Student Should Read:
1. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
2. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
3. A Taste of Power by Elaine Brown
4. The Coldest Winter Ever by Sista Soljah
5. Message to the Black Man in America by Honorable Elijah Muhammad
6. The Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G Wilson
7. Souls of Black Folks by W.E.B DuBois
8. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
9. Bum Rush the Page, Def Poetry Jam
10. Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

10 Movies Every Black Student Should Watch:
1. School Daze
2. Bamboozled
3. Spook Who Sat By the Door
4. Love Jones
5. Sunset Park
6. The Color Purple
7. Malcolm X
8. Roots
9. Richard Pryor
10. The Awful Truth: a Documentary by Michael Moore

Conference Participants

Aquinas College
Blackburn College
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Northridge
Cleveland State University
Defiance College
Drexel University
Eastern Kentucky University
Elmhurst College
Florida State University
Governors State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Lakeland College
Macon State College
Midwest State University
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Northern Kentucky University
Ripon College
Roosevelt University
Tallahassee Community College
University of Baltimore
University of Evansville
University of Miami
University of Pittsburgh
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Westchester University
Wittenberg University

Beloit College
Bluffton University
California State University-Fresno
Carroll College
College of Lake County
Dominican University
Eastern Illinois University
Edgewood College
Florida Gulf Coast University
Ft. Hays State University
Harper College
Indiana University-Northwest
Lincoln Land Community College
Madison Area Technical College
Millikin University
Monmouth College
Prairie State College
Rock Valley Community College
St. Martins-WA
University of Baltimore
University of Alabama
University of Dubuque
University of Florida
University of Oregon
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
William Penn University

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Time Out! Tea Party!

Time Out! Tea Party!


You know with approximately six thousand Tea Party/9-12 groups nationwide and many of them under the umbrella of one or more national Tea Party groups it is an impossible task to get them to all march to the same tune. Let’s face it they are a diverse group of folks with little or no interest in having a single national leader or group because each individual Tea Partier or group has their own priorities.


They are bound together by certain principles, namely; Constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility both personal and government, free market economics, less government spending resulting in lower taxes, return of sovereignty to the states and the individual, and most importantly protecting their freedom and liberty!


Some groups focus on just a few of the above or add in some 2nd Amendment or social issues that are dear to them…to each their own. They all fall under the broad umbrella of the Tea Party movement, born of the awakening of the “great silent majority” and silent no more. The Tea Party is the “Conscience of America”, conservatively plain and simple.


The best path forward for the “Tea Party” movement is for each to allow the others their space. By now the whole world knows that regardless of what one group or individual may say or infer, there is no one leader, no one group that speaks for all of the Tea Party movement even though the media may try to portray it that way, but isn’t that how the MSM has always operated, exploiting situations for sensationalism and provocative headlines?


There is no need for us to speak out publicly against one another every time we don’t agree with some action, statement or project of another. It just makes us look fractious; it impugns our collective character; it provides the MSM with even more cannon fodder and it pits brother against brother and sister against sister. Oft times we are perceived as like little kids fighting over marbles and what a shame because we all know of the sacrifice of time and money we all put into our efforts. That effort is at times staggering; mindboggling!


Complaints have been vented about a National Convention, a state convention, bus road trips, particular rallies, press conferences, press releases, you name it, but you know what? If you talk to anyone who participated or attended, they were fired up and thought it was a great success! Maybe we should begin recognizing some of these “complaints” for what they really are, differences in opinion, before we launch public attacks. As defenders of the Constitution we must always be mindful of other's First Amendment rights and learn to express a difference in opinion, at will, but to reserve attacks for only the most egregious acts or statements by those who would harm the Tea Party.


We can no more control what road folks choose to take or prevent them from making their own mistakes, than we can affect the rising and setting of the sun. What we can do is learn from each other whether it is from what worked or what didn’t work. We can support each other’s efforts and recognize it is all for the greater good.


It has been said that even greater deeds may be accomplished, even greater heights may be reached, when we are not encumbered by, who gets the credit. Two tactics by which we may all do a better job and be more effective are before making comments: first, ask yourself, always “Is this good for everyone in the Tea Party, all of our grassroots?” and secondly “Speak no ill of other conservatives/Tea Partiers publicly” in other words let’s keep our house cleaning, disagreements or complaints among ourselves.


We are not ourselves the enemy; we just sometimes disagree on the battle plan. We must learn to save and focus all of our angst and energy on the real enemy, the liberal and progressive Left. We must not waste our energies on infighting and thereby afford strength to the liberal Left and the MSM!


It is rare that you would ever agree with anyone 100% of the time. Relish and be thankful for that which you agree on and learn to accept that there will be some things that you won’t ever agree on.


Remember always to stay focused on the prize; forgive others who are less focused; realize we all have different skills and resources and will approach things differently; don’t worry who is getting the credit (the folks who really matter know where it belongs); don’t speak ill of other Tea Partiers (it tarnishes character and lowers stature, your own!); remember just because you didn’t think of it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea; apologize for no one but yourself (you know when you are wrong, apologizing for others may prove to be a mistake in the long run); worry more about how good a job you are doing than the judging of others and remember in the end, we are all accountable to only One!


The prize you may ask? Here on earth, your liberty and freedom as well as that of your family and loved ones. And afterwards?………you hold the key to that prize in your heart and mind!!


For Liberty’s Sake,

Tom Whitmore

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One Nation Under God

The powers that be do not want to hear the word of God. I got flagged commenting on a video.. banned by radio stations being called politically incorrect... "In God We Still Trust" by Diamond Rio for saying.....

The powers behind the government do not want us to worship our God. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, butagainst principalities, against powers, against the rulers of thedarkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].Ephesians 6:12

I am not ashamed to witness and profess God as my Savior. If God's word bothers you... Maybe you check where you are in Christ.

2 Tim 1:8-10 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord

Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous andsinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comesin his Father's glory with the holy angels.

One last comment Satan is the Prince of the power of the air. So who runs this world now? We do need change.
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The new world order

Glenn Beck brings up an interesting view on the new world order world leaders are pushing, including President Obama. There is nothing new about it; it’s as old as you can get. It’s the Babylonian world order, says Beck. King Nimrod had the idea of building a tower reaching to the heavens which represented the king and his people, the bricks all of equal size and he was the mortar—manmade bricks. According to Beck, the new world order talk is Nimrodean babble.

None of the modern oracles talk of the true new world order. I’ve a message for President Obama. Unknown to most, a new world order is in the works, based on natural law, which does work. Beck touched on it when he called us stones rather than manmade bricks. I’ll now elaborate on it. Natural law is the background of America’s Constitution; that is, as written, not as interpreted. America’s original Constitution is the mortar that holds us together; its misinterpretations the wrongs that divide us. Obama doesn’t know this. We should tell him.

The seeds from which we come, of equal size, but as in all life, growth being unequal, we humans mentally grow at different rates. Our mental growth is natural and mostly our personal choice. For man to attempt to make us all equal is saying man makes us. Obama does not make us. Please tell him that it is a personal choice to allow others to direct our lives. The more Obama directs, the more the resistance.

According to America’s original Constitution, every individual citizen has inalienable rights, rights that can’t be taken or bartered without the individual’s permission. That’s where America’s judges went wrong. They ruled against the individual’s inalienable rights. Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee: “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.” Obama tells us he is a Roosevelt Democrat. According to Court precedence, government entitlements come ahead of the right to exist on the fruits of one’s own labor. Obama says the Constitution is flawed. America has been on the wrong course ever since our judges stripped us of our God-given rights. Nimrodean babble from the White House and the bench has to go before America can move forward.

When you allow others to direct your life, you give up your inalienable rights, your personal responsibility, your self-reliance—everything your Creator gave you to cope. You allow might to make right, both for yourself and everyone. You agree to Nimrod’s law: the law of the jungle. We, the people, like Moses, have to force the freaks in control of our lives to “let my people go.”

Here is what we don’t know, and apparently Beck, that scientific discovery reveals. The observer now emerges as co-equal in creation. The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown that the observer interacts with matter. The human mind is basic to reality. I recommend that Beck and the Tea Party people read Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness.

Materialism has served us, made our live vastly better, and at the same time given us the idea that we’re not subject to nature’s laws, actually shut down conscious awareness; allowed us to leisurely drift numb skulled on the tides (the profile of a liberal). Redistributionist Obama is the liberal’s savior. I’ve news for liberals. There comes the moment of truth. Hard times are coming very soon. Our challenges will be great. The weaker willed, living only for today, will perish. That’s the way of nature.

Consciousness has been broached scientifically. Liberals should pay attention to the scientifically proven truth. Here is a preview of the new age. In addition to the physical domain governed by immutable laws, a range of happenings leaves open the selections of the mind. Behind this selection is the will. The will communicates with a common control center. When I read the Constitution, and this is important, with the idea of using it to demand my inalienable rights, I had the feeling that voices from the past were speaking to me. Miraculously, it worked. But, hey, you don’t challenge the powers that be and get away with it. When everything should have gone wrong for me, everything went right. Ever since I took it upon myself to perch on the same limb with the top birds of the pecking order, my life has continued to get better. I took seriously that under the law we are all equals. Who, besides me, knows this and practices it? The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment freak” and ended eating their words. I predict that liberals’ days are numbered. What does Congress’ ding bat know? Pelosi and her kind are going to be left at the switch.

I’m Aquarius rising. Astrologer Jeanne Avery, in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising:”

“He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer.” Aquarius rising means as I grow older I become more Aquarian in nature. When I was age 49, I departed my old life and became an adventurer seeking a better life—much like the original Americans. By the way, America was born under the sign of Aquarius.

Continuing with Aquarius rising, Avery: “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. The Person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know that instead of going back in time to make a point, like Beck, I’m at the present looking backward and forward. With my astrological configuration, in Astrologer’s Handbook I read that I’m here “to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes” in my life and others lives. Avery: “He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel.”

Numerology says my “Life Lesson Number” is 7. Under 7, we read: “You are here to use and to develop your mind. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts . . .” I’m living in the woods, largely by myself.

Astrologer’s Handbook, in reference to my being born with Saturn trine Pluto: “Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.” I wonder how many people can say, at age 85, that their lives are as good as it gets. Clearly, I’m on my path of destiny. Believe me and be ready for the new world order. Believe the control freaks and be taken back a thousand years.

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ky. earmarks

as long as we have got Mitch McConnell and Hal rodgers in Washington ,they are not going to give up their earmarks they might tell everyone they are. McConnells been in office 26 yrs and has steered millions on top of millions in pork projects. McConnell and Rodgers are the states worse.

when you have got the state broke, laying off its workers and then the Governor taking trips to Asia and most recent India and lately there favorite words are when we get out stimulas. according to one source john yarmonth (d) jefferson co. got around 9 billion for airport expansion for the vote on obamacare. they're building two new bridges in jefferson county across the Ohio at the cost of 4 billion , 264 million to tunnel under some property they have deem a historical site , 19 million for a mock tunnel and now they're talking about putting a toll on the 3 main bridges to pay for the new one . at one time they were talking about a 3 dollar toll. hows that for attracting jobs to the state. we have got over 1million dollars missing from one southern ky county ( its being investagated) and in one county 10 million dollars to build a bridge across a river , the bridge runs right into the side of a mountain ( they call it there own little bridge to no where) they finally opened it up to atv traffic.

now the state got stimulas money to build GREEN schools and then you hear of school superintendants making these hugh saleries and how about building a new high school with a state of the art football field including astro turf and jumbo-trons on each end of the field and i'm pretty sure this is not all of it.

we need to start at state level and clean house, vote all of them out and then make sure McConnell doesn't get re- elected

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Charlie Rangel, Guilty of Parenticide,

Seeks Mercy as a ‘Poor Orphan’

The times they are a changing for the ridiculous, the shadowy or much worse . . . .

ITEM: It now seems indisputable that Barack Obama’s BOSSMAN (or, just so you can call me a racist, let’s call him: Barack’s “MASSA”) is George Soros, the world’s 37th richest man and the #1 BUSYBODY on the planet. One of the more shocking reads available is this one:

Multi-Billionaire currency-wrecker George Soros heads up or funds a group of American progressive foundations linked together within the Open Societies Initiative. By 2008 they had created a shadow government populated by such leaders as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and well-known names like Al Gore, etc. as well as numerous sixties and seventies radicals such as Bill Ayers, the bomber. Their purposes? Control of the government by progressives; destroying and then rewriting the U.S. Constitution and “revamping” the American lifestyle so that it’s “more coherent” and more “in line with the economic and environmental realities that the planet as a whole now faces.”

Soros made most of his vast fortune by collapsing currencies (his nickname is “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England”) such as the British Pound Sterling and the Hong Kong Dollar; and even (he says) collapsing evil regimes. Without proof, Soros claims that he personally drove the Soviet Union into financial collapse and ruin (his attack on Russian currency occurred well after the Soviet Collapse about a decade later in 1999 and while it earned him some money was inconclusive as far even as “destroying the entire economy” of that post-Soviet nation which Soros claimed he did). While that’s clearly a dubious claim, Soros’ raids on the money of Georgia (the former Soviet Socialist Republic), Slovakia, Thailand, England, Hong Kong, and Malaysia truly upset the apple carts in those countries but we’d like to know which of them he regards as an “evil regime.” Currently Soros is seeking to collapse the dollar and getting a lot of help from Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve’s monetizing of the American Debt and the Obama administration’s reckless spending policies.

They (the progressives who seek to “progress beyond the outdated and severely flawed U.S. Constitution) have via Soros’ network of interlocking (money-laundering) progressive institutes and foundations donated almost $2 Billion to progressives politicians and causes. Beneficiaries of Soros’ largess include Republicans (like John McCain) and a whole slew of Democrats over the last eleven years including over $300 million in an effort to unseat George Bush in 2004. Soros now controls roughly 95% of the Democratic Party’s message and people. Just as Obama and Hillary and McCain all hid their agenda behind a mask of moderatism in 2008, Soros’ people and organizations conceal their radical agenda behind good sounding rhetoric and fine-sounding institutional names such as “Open Societies” and the Tides Foundation, the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, The Apollo Alliance, Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Enterprise Community Partners, Emerald Cities Collaborative, ACORN, Institute for Policy Studies, Center for American Progress, Green for All Group, Alliance for Climate Protection, Equal Justice Society, Council on Environmental Quality, etc., etc. at least two dozen more shadowy groups. Mr. Soros’ single most recycled quote is this one, “The main obstacle to world STABILITY is the United States.”

One of the most surprising things about Soros is that both his father and he were “fluent in Esperanto,” a fact that George is reportedly highly likely to brag of to this very day. What is Esperanto? An artificial language that folks in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s tried to force upon the world in order that we might all be united in peace and understanding. In other words, today when the most frequent words exiting George Soros’ mouth are “global,” “globalism,” “global initiatives,” “global governance,” “global banking” and “new global world order”: George wants to create a whole new planetary order of things with him at the center pulling everyone’s strings and piling up more dough-re-mi in the process . . . sweet, sweet fellow, even though that evil Glenn Beck calls Soros, “Spooky Dude.”

ITEM: After 40 year as U.S. Representative from N.Y.C., N.Y. Charlie Rangel stormed out of an ethics hearings on Monday and was later found guilty of 11 ethical violations, he claimed he’d been denied due process because he hadn’t even been present for the procedure. This harkens back to the criminal convicted of killing his parents who sought the court’s mercy “for a poor orphan.”

ITEM: Perhaps there’s something in a name? Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame and infamy appears to have reached his nodding dotage akin to Andy Griffith’s apparent rapidly advancing senility. Mr. Rooney took umbrage with a poll which reported that President Obama’s job performance approval rating was 46%. Rooney claimed to have done a personal poll (nine persons) and found the president’s approval was actually 89%. Rooney opined that Obama was doing the best he could and that was good enough for him. Funny, did Mr. Rooney ever show anything like the same concern or courtesy for Mr. Obama’s predecessor?

ITEM: After once again making an economic-trip to the Orient and returning absolutely empty handed, once again Barack Obama claimed that great advancements had been made in “understanding” with the South Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. Actually what happened is that when Obama asked for consensus against the Chinese for currency manipulations on their Yuan, the other G-20 economic group members pointed out that the United States had twice in the last three months engaged in “Quantitative Easing” which threatened all Dollar-holders with severe decline in our currency’s buying power . . . a huge threat to all those countries that have been funding American’s deficit spending debacle by purchasing American treasury notes. Could this be a case of the Wok calling the Kettle black?

ITEM: Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the rest of the Democratic Party leadership, and even (according to a recent poll) a large amount of Washington’s bureaucratic insiders are in denial about the meaning of the resounding defeat handed the Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 2nd. Their interpretation? “UNtargeted voter anger” indiscriminately attacking incumbents. Pelosi, therefore, feels justified in seeking to continue on as her party’s minority leader which must make Conservatives everywhere feel a thrill up their legs.

ITEM: Any truth to the rumor that claims of TEA Party ‘racism’ were actually well-founded? An independent study has sent forth the proposition that complaints against the Democratic Party and Obama, Pelosi etc. attributed to “racism” were actually protests by the Dems against perceived unfair treatment of immoral, unintelligent, incompetent, and craven politicians? A study of sequential posters from TEA Party activities of over 25,000 such placards revealed that less than 1% could be interpreted as racist in any way. Closer examinations showed that calling signs protesting “A black day for the Constitution” and the like really had no racist intent. Could it be that “Functionally-Incompetent” politicians are the newest minority group that the Dems need to protect?

ITEM: Multi-Billionaire currency-collapser George Soros who called 1944 “the best year of my life” repeatedly since then, served as a capo for the Nazis during the epoch when half a million fellow Hungarian Jews were sent to the gas chambers is still not slowing down in his efforts to bring order and sense to today’s world. Here’s part of an interview with Sixty Minutes that Soros took part in as Steve Kroft asked Soros about his “best year”:

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.

SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

George took time off from trying to destroy the American Dollar (aren’t our politicians doing a good enough job of it for you, Mr. Soros?) recently to invest $1.8 million in Media Matters (the leftwing group permanently recording Glenn Beck’s every word and permanently researching Beck’s past looking for indiscretions with the largest online data base on all things Glen Beck in the known universe . . . a search on their website for “Glen Beck” yielded over 5440 articles) and to donate $1 million to National Public Radio (who promptly fired their only Black commentator Juan Williams for saying that when seeing Muslims in traditional garb on an airplane his immediate reaction was fear) to fund hiring 100 new “journalists.” Soros’ Tides Foundation has also funded a boycott effort via several (highly radical) environmental groups of TLC’s new series Sarah Palin’s Alaska which premiered to large viewership Monday night. More and more busy-body activities at every turn by (deep voice here) “Spooky-Dude” George. Rajjpuut himself has researched into the 80-year old Mr. Soros’ birth data and discovered that his name at birth in Hungary on August 12, 1930, was Andrew George Schwartz to a Jewish family with an anti-Semite mother . . . hmmm Andrew Schwartz, Andy Rooney, Andy Griffith, maybe there is something in a name after all? In any case serving as a capo for the Nazis as a 14 year old boy is justification for any weirdness manifested later in life, we love you and forgive you, Andy, ooops, and we mean, Georgie.

ITEM: Ben Bernanke, who on at least three public occasions since May of 2009 has said unequivocally, “We will NOT monetize the debt” meaning we will not usher in a wave of inflation by ‘quantitative easing’ (willy-nilly use of the money printing presses by his Federal Reserve) had by April of 2009 A) already printed bills amounting to nearly fifteen times the amount of circulating currency in the country in October, 2008 meaning the dollar potentially became 1/16 as valuable as it was on that date or potentially equal to 6.25 pennies B) in August bought large amounts of the treasury department’s bond sales with a QE1 printing of more money and C) this month repeated his sinning with QE2 printing of yet more funny-money. Well then again, perhaps it’s not “funny-money” after all; it all sounds very sad and playing right into the hands of Mr. Soros and his currency collapsing crew. By the way, Georgie, how can you create an Open Society Initiative and 33 other progressive funds to launder your money through and then speak extensively about “Shadow Governments” and their use in destroying currencies? Does that give you “a feeling of absolute power?”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Let the Feds know that they can no longer be the highest paid people in the land, ON THE TAX PAYERS DIME! Congress should CUT the PAYCHECKS of all Federal employees by 30% (except the military defenders of our freedom), at least make their salaries equivalent to comparable positions in the private sector. Eliminate the do nothing personnel by FIRING them.
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On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business. Following up to Fifteen One Minutes per side, the House will recess to accommodate the Democrat and Republican Organizing Meetings. At approximately 4:00 p.m., the House will reconvene and resume legislative business. Last Vote: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Disposing of the President’s Veto of H.R. 3808 - Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010 (Rep. Aderholt – Judiciary)

Suspensions (6 Bills)

1) H.Res. 1677 - Condemning the Burmese regime's undemocratic upcoming elections on November 7, 2010 (Rep. Manzullo - Foreign Affairs)

2) H.J.Res. 94 - Recognizing the 20th anniversary of the outbreak of the Gulf War and reaffirming the commitment of the United States towards Gulf War veterans (Rep. Michaud - Foreign Affairs)

3) H.Con.Res. 259 - Recognizing the 500th anniversary of the birth of Italian architect Andrea Palladio (Rep. Pascrell - Foreign Affairs)

4) H.Con.Res. 327 - To recognize and support the efforts of the USA Bid Committee to bring the 2018 or 2022 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup competition to the United States (Rep. Van Hollen - Foreign Affairs)

5) H.Res. 1648 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children in foster care awaiting families (Rep. Oberstar - Ways and Means)

6) S. 3774 - Extending the deadline for Social Services Block Grant expenditures of supplemental funds appropriated following disasters occurring in 2008 (Sen. Cornyn - Ways and Means)


On Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.

On Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.

Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1722 - Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (Rep. Sarbanes – Oversight and Government Reform) (Subject to a Rule)

* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.

* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.

* Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.

Adam Wolf

Floor Assistant

Republican Leader John A. Boehner

H-204, The Capitol

(202) 225-4000

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Federal Judges

I feel the next issue the Tea Party should address is term limites on all federal juges. These people have to much power and it has to be controlled. They should not be elected but appionted for 2 to 4 years. NOBODY should have a life time job. Also, all congressmen and senators take a 15% pay cut and there staff. Plus they all have to pay their owin surance. Finall, social security and medicare should be left alone.Plus, all people on social security people get an annual ,at least 5% increase. WE paid all our life into the program. It is not a gift. Thank you,
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Flashback: When ‘Job Creation’ Involved ‘Universal Child Care’ and ‘Sitting Home and Eating Bon-Bons’Posted on November 16, 2010 at 9:21am by Jonathon M. Seidl Print » Email » Trevor Loudon over at NZ Patriot brings us this classic, possibly prophetic, 1997 clip from the National Jobs for All Coalition (which he cites as a “front for the Democratic Socialists of America”) conference.In the clip, panelist Heidi Hartmann talks about how people at the time were starting to talk about universal health care as well as universal child care. We are very familiar with the health care arguments, but what arguments were they using for universal child care?“…That in itself could be viewed as a job creation plan,” Hartmann said. In a nutshell the argument is jobs. But what comes before the ellipses is even more shocking. The “that” she’s referring to is this:“Whether you’re working or not you would have access to child care, you could use it to go to school, you could use it to sit home, eat bon-bons and watch TV, we don’t care. That in itself could be viewed as a job creation plan.”“Wouldn‘t that solve all of America’s problems?” Loudon asks.Comments (43)
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Freeing Our Inner Desires

Using Our Outside Voice

Each of us has developed an internal filtering process that helps us choose which parts of our constant inner monologues get voiced outside of our heads. Sometimes the choice is based on what we consider to be polite or appropriate, using subtlety instead of directness to try to get our point across. Other times the choice is made based on our expectations of the other person and what we feel they should know about us, our feelings, and our needs. But our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate specifically by converting our inner voice to our outside voice.

This may seem unnecessary sometimes, especially when we think the other person has the same information we ourselves are working with, but we have to remember they also have their own inner voice, evaluating what they hear in light of their own issues and needs. With so much to consider and sift through, we are truly better off if we communicate precisely. Not only does doing this minimize the chance for misinterpretation, but voicing our thoughts it is an act of creation. We convert thought and imagination to sound, releasing it from the chamber of our minds into the outside world. This carries energy and intention with it, making our thoughts, wishes, and even dreams come true.

When we have the courage to speak our minds and use our voice to send the desires of our hearts from our inner world to the world outside, we take a bold step in making them happen. By removing fear of what others may think and expectation of what others should understand, we free ourselves and our thoughts from the bondage of the mental chamber and let loose our desires onto the canvas of the world. Next time we become aware that we have a choice about how to communicate, we can choose to use our outside voice and watch its creative power at work. DOM

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There's a Hole in the Bucket Dear Henry

Hello Fellow Tea Partiers,

I share your core values and grave concern for our nation. I live in the state of Colorado where I run a licensed childcare out of my home. I am sickened by what I see here in many ways. I write to you today about one of them. I recently became aware that a family of five I know is receiving $1000.00 per month in food stamps. The mother of these children reports that there is no way she could possibly spend that much on food. She furthur states that she sells half of them to her mother for cash. She also claims she can buy food from the Schwan's Man and that she is able to purchase Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizza. Many people are not aware of the fact that food stamps will purchase just about any food at the grocery store except for hot deli food. People on food stamps can buy pop, candy, premade frozen dinners, and just about any other type of crap food that show a strong correlation with health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, and a plethora of other problems. When these people are all done pigging out on crap food and laying around watching T. V., then WE THE PEOPLE will be paying their medical bills. They certainly spend more at the store than I do using good old American cash. I think it is about time that WE THE PEOPLE say ENOUGH to the whole food stamp scam!!!

What happened to supplemental foods? The same woman reports to me that she is too good to eat them. Rice, beans, canned meat, canned fruits, vegetables, and cheese just aren't good enough when food stamps will buy steak, lobster, crab, etc.....with our hard earned money. I say ENOUGH!!! If these people are able-bodied and refuse to work, then I say they refuse to eat! If they do want to eat, they can either get off their dead butts and get a job, go to the soup kitchen, or live of a staple of rice and beans like a third of the world does.

This is just one of the giant holes in the American Bucket. I say, "WE SHOULD FIX IT, DEAR HENRY. FIX IT!"

What do you say?

Please feel free to duplicate this message in its entirety and let's blow the whistle on the food stamp issue until the American people say, "WE AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. IF YOU DON'T WORK, YOU DON'T EAT."


Timi L. Nees

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Fundamental Rights

Only God gives us fundamental rights? You don’t have a fundamental right to a haircut, nor a fundamental right to health care, because somebody, not God, serves you. In order to do that, somebody has to make it a law; somebody with the power to tax and spend—unconstitutionally, by the way. The Constitution does not give politicians the authority rob Peter to pay Paul.

That somebody with the power to tax and spend for health care, unconstitutionally, includes Republicans. I submit to the members of Tea Party that had John McCain been elected President, he would have lulled the American people into remaining in an outrageous, unconstitutional, nanny state status quo. The Republicans have heretofore dared not mention reforming government entitlements. It has been seen as the political kiss of death. John, sweet guy that he is, is a conformist.

I’m a nasty old non-conformist. I’ve got my own ideas, but I give you the same right. This makes me the greedy capitalist you hear talked on the lamestream news media. However, If I don’t happen to luck out, they have nothing to say. Capitalists call it hypocrisy. Lamestream, lame-brain birds of a feather flock together, and now that the music has stopped they are left standing with their rears exposed.

Obama was elected by those above mentioned folks who want to transform America into a collectivist state, of course, those with something to gain from it—and at the expense of others. These folks are so generous with other people’s money. It’s all about doing unto others before they do unto you, such as Obamacare, a game politicians play exceedingly well. After they make it law, then you will know and like it, and if you don’t? Again, they have nothing to say. They don’t know any way but their way. Reminds you of Muslims. Interisting! It’s always God’s way is their way. If you are successful, it is Satin’s way.

Ironically, the thing I’ve fought all my adult life is benefitting me. What a laugh! Chance favors the prepared mind. Collectivists are the losers. They never think for themselves. As a consequence of collectivist non-thinkers, the country has never been more divided, and life never better for me. Thanks guys!

What happened to the America I knew? I’m a World War II combat veteran. Seventy million people’s lives were cut short as a result of World War II. I fought the Nazis in Germany. Of the 16 million Americans who served in WW II, more than 400,000 giving their lives, and only 10 percent remaining alive today, what the American people know is in evidence: zilch! The men who cause wars don’t care enough for their fellow humans to give up their insane ideas of a better world. Me and my buddies in WW II were out to destroy Germany and kill as many Germans in the process as we could. Possessed of utopian notions, America has not won a war since. What the hell are we doing in Afghanistan? I’ve been spared to talk common sense.

Compared to the rest of the world, the American people live in the lap of luxury. They’ve never experienced thousands of tons of bombs falling on them, being left homeless and hungry. I witnessed incomprehensible cruelty in Germany. Thanks to the determination of the American people during WW II, we Americans today don’t know what most of the world goes through. It is no wonder to me we are not liked.

But apologizing only makes bad matters worse. It encourages America’s enemies. What if a similar situation as WW II should arise, with America borrowing astronomical sums to avoid facing reality, would the American people be up to the challenge? America has never been this vulnerable.

A two thousand year age is ending. We are beginning to awaken to a vast change that has got to take place. With great challenges ahead, America, in general, with Obama at the helm, a chip floating on the tides, little wonder that business is not willing to expand. As an entrepreneur, I’m preparing for the worst. But rest assured, the same as the rest of the business world, when there is no money left to hand me I’ll be looking for opportunities. With the present state of mind, I won’t have a lot of competition.

I’m with Glenn Beck. Get out of debt; store food, the price is about to go sky high. Put your money into something tangible, not necessarily gold, and look for opportunities.

The Tea Party, a big head start, is part of an exponentially expanding groundswell of new age thinking.

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We Americans have the shortest memories in the world. We’ve been lied to and propagandized to by the progressive politicos since Woodrow Wilson. They’ve given us the income tax; the federal reserve banking system; the $35 TRillion in unfunded liability of Social Security; The combined unfunded liability of $80 TRillion from Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; Obamacare; the unfunded state liability for their side of Medicaid which thanks to Obamacare will bankrupt all the states by 2022; $14 TRillion in national debt; an inescapable inflation facing us in the months ahead . . . and to reward them, we’ve handed them the right to control our very life and death.” Rajjpuut

A Healthcare Trip Back

to the “Good Old Days”

It was a time before rampant progressivism took over the Democratic Party . . . . Return with us now to those sedate days of yesteryear when Leave it to Beaver, Donna Reed and Father Knows Best ruled the airwaves such as they were in the pre-pre-MTV era . . . . In the real world, outside your black and white TV console, life seemed virtually as idyllic. Even when you as a parent came home to a sick child, you had the best health care system in the world looking out for her and the rest of your family.

In those halcyon days before the government got involved in the health care picture, a trip to the doctor cost $5, but in most rural communities only $4. There was a county hospital for the indigent (poor) who would never except in rare emergencies be treated anywhere else. If the child needed penicillin shot, add on a couple or three extra dollars. Many doctors in those times also made “house calls” for $10. A stay in the hospital in a semi-private room ran you $25 a day. Need an operation or get taken to the emergency room? You paid what you could and arranged with the doctor for follow-up payments . . . again, there was always the county hospital to fall back upon. Besides you could always plan ahead and buy health insurance.

Family health insurance -- largely via the Blue Cross and Blue Shield networks (Cross for hospital charges; Shield for physicians) was a mere $25 monthly and then your health care worries were taken care of. It was a different world then. The women’s movement was growing strong but those radicals known as feminists were no were to be seen yet. Typically the husband earned the family’s money and the wife stayed home cooked at least sixteen to twenty meals a week, watched the kids and kept the house in order. That’s what passed in those days for “not working” among women. For a family to live today with the same economic freedom and lifestyle as a husband earning $8,000 and stay-at-home mom back then . . . today would require both parents to work and pull in roughly $260,000 . . . that is they would be considered “wealthy” today but their home would be a lot dirtier and they’d subsist on five to ten fast-food meals per week. So what happened?

In part the differences are due to inflation. And inflation in America didn’t start to become a problem until Lyndon Johnson pushed Medicare and Medicaid, his “Great Society” welfare programs and his infamous “War on poverty." Between Johnson’s nonsense and the Vietnam War and the follow-up programs by Nixon-Ford and especially Carter . . . inflation rates rose to double-digits by 1978. Medicare and both the state and federal side of Medicaid were largely culpable . . . hospital costs rose 28% per year and physician costs 26% yearly now that Big-Daddy-GUV'Mint was footing the bill. As we in America are doomed to find out again courtesy of Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing #1 and QE #2, inflation is a monstrous unseen tax. In short, the government stepped into things and they started going downhill fast.

Send a senior citizen to the hospital today with chest pains and he’ll leave a couple days later with the diagnosis of “acute indigestion” and the bill could easily surpass $30,000. With Medicare the hospital might charge only $7,000. The high cost? Today “private hospitals” are required by the government to offer “free services” because health care is no longer a “need” but now become a “fundamental right” according to the government. That free service must be offered even to illegal aliens. Yet since Obamacare panels now can decide independently from the doctor and patient and his family on how much and what type of services and how much money can be spent on each patient, they literally control who lives and dies . . . . If one must be treated for free, all must be treated for free including the illegals, but they’re allowed to literally kill a citizen by depriving them of care?

We Americans have the shortest memories in the world. We can’t seem to tie together the simple fact: everything outside of the military where government impinges upon private lives has become a disaster . . . . We’ve been lied to and propagandized to by the progressives since Woodrow Wilson. They’ve given us the income tax; the federal reserve banking system; the $35 TRillion in unfunded liability of Social Security; The combined unfunded liability of $80 TRillion from Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; Obamacare; the unfunded state liability for the state side of Medicaid which thanks to Obamacare will bankrupt all the states by 2022; $14 TRillion in national debt; and based upon their great performance we’ve voted them in to office in such overwhelming numbers and handed them the right to control our very life and death.

We’ve even let them create our history for us via revisionism and bald-faced lies. We’ve allowed them to convince us that our most famously sound-fiscal conservative president, Warren G. Harding was our worst president ever. We’ve allowed them to call Herbert Hoover a “conservative” when it was his interference that ended the Roaring Twenties that Harding and his replacement (Harding died in office) Calvin Coolidge created, the most productive decade in American History. We’ve not been told that FDR and his VP John Nance Garner ran against Herbert Hoover calling him a “socialist” and pledging to cut taxes, and cut spending and then once in office did everything but what they promised. They do not tell us that Harding had provided the model which FDR was referring to when he ended the depression he was handed by Woodrow Wilson by cutting spending 49%; cutting taxes 48% and paying down the national debt 30% . . . ending the problem in 15 months.

We’re told that perhaps the worst president in history, Woodrow Wilson, was only behind Lincoln and the “great FDR” among the greatest of our chief executives. We’re not told that Wilson was a racist who stopped federal hiring of Blacks in Washington, D.C.; that his administration lied about going to war in Europe to get re-elected and then a month later got us into a war that was none of our business; that his administration created the art of propaganda; that they shepherded German and Italian citizens into concentration camps; that they closed down newspapers whose content they didn’t like; and that he left behind a depression that started out worse than what Harding and FDR faced.

We’re told that FDR saved us from the Great Depression when in fact his multiplication of the errors of Hoover between the two of them created a 12.5 year downturn that was only ended by entry into World War II. We’re told that conservatives and Wall Street created the financial meltdown that’s still got us tied up today. We even believe it when our progressive-socialist president tells us, “they ran the car into the ditch and now when we’ve almost got it out again, they want the keys back . . . .”

The truth for anyone who can read history is this:

George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and the progressives deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-ft. cliff (utter disaster); jumped into the front seat; grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes; and produced a controlled skid that dropped the car into the nearest friendly ditch.

We don’t know the truth**, we believe the lies, because we’re too busy watching sitcoms and reality TV while vegetating on our couches rather than taking the time to become informed citizens of the greatest country the world has known. Preferring our couch-potatodom and to get our “education” from progressive sound bites . . . that is why we’re in the mess we’re in . . . we did it to ourselves.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Our present ceding of the right to life and death over us by the government while many of us cheered is just the latest in government-created abominations. Let’s look at that car in the ditch story . . . .

In 1975 0.24% of all home loans were “suspect loans” usually granted at 3% down payment or less. This was the era when conservative business practices ruled the day. In 1977, Jimmy Carter and his progressives gave us the Community Reinvestment Act forcing home lenders to knowingly consider unsound loans. By 2005 after four expansions^^ by Bill Clinton of the CRA ’77 legislation 34.2% of all mortgage loans were suspect . . . many of them granted at 0% down to people without jobs; people with lousy credit scores; people with only food stamps for “income” and even illegal aliens. Driven largely by ACORN (originally Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now created in 1977 by the progressives to “handle” voter registration and housing) and our first ACORN president Bill Clinton after whose 1998 steroid expansion of CRA ’77 it became easier in the 21st Century to put people with no chance (short of winning the lottery) to ever pay off their home loans into $400,000 homes than it had been in 1996 to put better qualified people into $120-$150,000 homes.

Bush saw the problem and in January, 2005, his administration tried to repeal the most onerous aspects of the five CRA expansions since 1977. He was defeated. Bush personally and his spokesmen went before Congress almost 30 times before 30 months later in July, 2007 a much weaker bill was passed. It was way too little, way too late and the meltdown began within four months. However, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in August, 2010, praised Bush for preventing the recession from becoming much worse and housing prices from tumbling precipitously.

This was just one more example of the great progressives whose “intentions were good” fouling things up beyond all recognition. And, of their historical revisionism and lying. We had the best home-lending system in the world and the world’s highest private home ownership (averaging 64%) the envy of the whole world. The system was NOT broken, but the progressive Democrats sure fixed it; and us.

One clarification: about 2004, Wall Street’s rating agencies and Congress’s oversight arms not only didn’t notice that people were creating “virtual junk bonds” out of bundles of these worthless sub-prime loans but were praising them for doing so and putting “A” ratings upon the finished product. This compounded the stupidity and some such as Goldman Sachs were criminally negligent at best . . . but the fundamental problem was Congress interfering in the free market’s mortgage-lending system and forcing them to make BAD LOANS.
^^ Clinton in '93 expanded the power of the CRA law via presidential edict upon the regulatory process; then legislatively twice he expanded it in 1995; and finally once more, the steroid-version expansion in 1998. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer in Chicago working for them for parts of three years to browbeat and shakedown banks to force these bad loans from them. Obama was infamous for getting ACORN donations from the banks as well . . . .
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The Sweet Sounds of Opinions

Opinion | One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012
By Douglas E. Schoen and Patrick H. Caddell

Sunday, November 14, 2010

President Obama must decide now how he wants to govern in the two years leading up to the 2012 presidential election.

In recent days, he has offered differing visions of how he might approach the country's problems. At one point, he spoke of the need for "mid-course corrections." At another, he expressed a desire to take ideas from both sides of the aisle. And before this month's midterm elections, he said he believed that the next two years would involve "hand-to-hand combat" with Republicans, whom he also referred to as "enemies."

It is clear that the president is still trying to reach a resolution in his own mind as to what he should do and how he should do it.

This is a critical moment for the country. From the faltering economy to the burdensome deficit to our foreign policy struggles, America is suffering a widespread sense of crisis and anxiety about the future. Under these circumstances, Obama has the opportunity to seize the high ground and the imagination of the nation once again, and to galvanize the public for the hard decisions that must be made. The only way he can do so, though, is by putting national interests ahead of personal or political ones.

To that end, we believe Obama should announce immediately that he will not be a candidate for reelection in 2012.

If the president goes down the reelection road, we are guaranteed two years of political gridlock at a time when we can ill afford it. But by explicitly saying he will be a one-term president, Obama can deliver on his central campaign promise of 2008, draining the poison from our culture of polarization and ending the resentment and division that have eroded our national identity and common purpose.

We do not come to this conclusion lightly. But it is clear, we believe, that the president has largely lost the consent of the governed. The midterm elections were effectively a referendum on the Obama presidency. And even if it was not an endorsement of a Republican vision for America, the drubbing the Democrats took was certainly a vote of no confidence in Obama and his party. The president has almost no credibility left with Republicans and little with independents.

The best way for him to address both our national challenges and the serious threats to his credibility and stature is to make clear that, for the next two years, he will focus exclusively on the problems we face as Americans, rather than the politics of the moment - or of the 2012 campaign.

Quite simply, given our political divisions and economic problems, governing and campaigning have become incompatible. Obama can and should dispense with the pollsters, the advisers, the consultants and the strategists who dissect all decisions and judgments in terms of their impact on the president's political prospects.

Obama himself once said to Diane Sawyer: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." He now has the chance to deliver on that idea.

In the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama spoke repeatedly of his desire to end the red-state-blue-state divisions in America and to change the way Washington works. This was a central reason he was elected; such aspirations struck a deep chord with the polarized electorate.

Obama can restore the promise of the election by forging a government of national unity, welcoming business leaders, Republicans and independents into the fold. But if he is to bring Democrats and Republicans together, the president cannot be seen as an advocate of a particular party, but as somebody who stands above politics, seeking to forge consensus. And yes, the United States will need nothing short of consensus if we are to reduce the deficit and get spending under control, to name but one issue.


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They're ba-ack. And just like a pouty child, they will have their way, making this 111th Congress the most dangerous enemy of the state. Ignoring and misrepresenting the message sent worldwide on November 2nd, the liberal congress will force down our throats every disgraceful bill they can get away with, so it's up to us to keep their actions in plain sight, while the newbies look on.


It's a “job killing, trial attorney bonanza”

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Muslims are embracing “reverse assimilation”

Excerpts via Muslim Non-Assimilation, at HUMAN EVENTS.

America’s greatness has been enhanced for 235 years by immigrants possessing a good work ethic only in need of alevel playing field to be nurtured. Embracing what their new countrystands for, they have ultimately assimilated, coming to understandsuccess for all is based on equality for all.

Assimilation is the process by which one group takes on cultural and other traits of a larger group “to becomepart of something greater.” It is a process that has served America wellin maintaining the core values to which our Constitution is anchored.But, it is a process anathema to Islam.

During a visit to Cologne, Germany, in 2008, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to a group of 20,000 Turks living in Europe. He told them, “I understand very well that you are against assimilation. One cannot expect you to assimilate. Assimilation is a crime against humanity.”

It is Muslim opposition to assimilation, coupled with Muslim populations growing at faster rates than native hostpopulations, that raises concerns over the “Islamization” of WesternEurope. Non-assimilation has generated “no-go” zones in someEuropean cities—areas local law enforcement refuse to go because Muslimresidents do not tolerate entry by non-believers.

Denmark dropped its very liberal immigration policy once the government recognized the dangers of failedMuslim assimilation within its borders. Comprising 5% of the population, Danish Muslims settled in no-go zones, while consuming 40% of welfare benefits.

What many people fail to understand about Islam and Muslims’ failure to assimilate “to become part of somethinggreater” is that Muslims are embracing “reverse assimilation.”This is the process by which the influence of the host population iseventually marginalized due to the disproportionately high growth of animmigrant population which then seeks to impose its beliefs on thehost. Simply put, it is the guest who comes to a host’s home, grows hisfamily until it outnumbers the host’s family and then takes over thathome.

What we fail to understand is that, to Muslims, becoming “part of something greater” means the nativessurrender their individual identity and way of life to Muslims.

In 1948, the world community unanimously agreed to a UN declaration that human rights are universal. In 1981,Muslim countries distanced themselves from this, claiming Sharia lawwas controlling, thus limiting such rights primarily to Muslim men.That same Sharia law is now being applied in host countries—including the U.S.—under pressure from growing unassimilated Muslim populations.

Muslim supporters of the Ground Zero mosque raise the Constitution with one hand to claim religious freedomprotects its construction. But, hidden in the other hand, is Sharialaw—with its standard of human inequality—which they seek to impose,trumping the same Constitution they use against non-supporters. Mosquesupporters need to understand they cannot have it both ways. We need tounderstand that as well.

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