A dear friend over the years sent me a birthday card entitled “Remembering the Times.” This is, indeed, a time for remembrance.
The Big News of 1925:
Three bedroom home, $4,775; average income, $1,280; price of a new Ford, $366; one gallon of gas $.22; load of bread, $.09; best actor, Lon Cheney; best actress, Gloria Swanson; Best book, The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald.
1925, The Days of . . .Tom Mix and Tony the Wonder Horse starred in Riders of the Purple Sage . . .People danced the Charleston. . .Fashion: short skirts and clothe hats. . .William Randolph Hearst moved into San Simeon castle. . . Calvin Coolidge was President. They call it the Roaring Twenties. All of this was revealed in my birthday card.
Yep, since I was born, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. Some other things for which to remember, 1925, for one thing, the IRS received authorization from Congress, in 1925—in the Roaring Twenties—to examine personal income records for tax purposes. Money manipulators—leeches—were licking their chops for the Roaring Twenties money.
Only the very rich paid tax on their incomes in 1925. Money manipulators created inflation. So, think about money manipulators, guys like Ben Bernake and Barney Frank, in terms of their self-serving income tax and buying themselves a permanent place of power and control with taxpayer money, their form of government, in principle, is no different than the Mafia. The incantation, “tax the rich and give to the poor,” how noble of them! Private bankers and government money manipulators are weasels and wolves. Weasels run wolves’ food out of holes, both feasting on our sweat. Wasn’t that what Jesus was all about, why he turned over the money changers’ tables? Said weasels and wolves do what comes naturally, taking care of themselves first, last, and always. It’s a power and control thing that has been with us throughout history.
For another thing, keeping in mind that in 1925 a loaf of bread cost $.09 and now $3.00 a loaf, on your after tax income, friends—and due solely to income tax and government caused inflation—Oh how nice they are, your partners in Washington! Now we all pay income tax. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
And consider this: due to inflation, while all working people pay more and more tax, people with government entitlements; that is, government’s bought and paid for cronies, the people who elect these out of control frauds, get cost of living increases. Under the law of the land, entitlements come ahead living on the fruits of your own labor. What a dirty, rotten shame that “they” would dare to take one penny away from these deserving people, the folks who would leave their debt burden for their children to bare. Why it’s a death warrant for her child, says Congresswoman Sheila Lee Jackson, to deprive these deserving people. How cruel can anybody be! Nothing could be too bad for those self-serving beasts. They only thing to do is to raise their taxes until they beg to be helped.
What has this Super Power of the world done for the American people besides making us sitting ducks? Mark 1925 as the year Congress commenced to implement the greatest fraud of all times—to turn the United States into a superpower and police force of the world; to replace the balance of power written into the Constitution with a government duty to make us all slaves. As a consequence, came the 9-11 event and the War on Terror, for which George W. Bush was given the blame. Ever since government’s duty to the people, by playing the blame game to the hilt, government has gotten more powerful and more corrupt. So who’s to blame for out of control government?
For yet another thing, in September 1925, the month and year of my birth, Werner Heisenberg published his uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics, thus making 1925 the birth of the atomic age. The two atom bombs dropped on Japan ended World War II. At the time, I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island. Thousands died in Japan that I might live.
Why should others die that I should live? One thing leads to another, doesn’t it? Commencing in 1925, weasels and wolves licking their chops, following WW II, came the news of UFOs, the biggest of which was the UFO crash near Roswell, N.M., where the only U. S. Air Force base was located that housed atom bomb carrying bombers. This big news was soon squelched. It was a weather balloon. Came government’s hiding of the evidence of UFOs at Wright-Paterson Air Force base, deep in the ground, never to be seen again. The next thing you know, livestock in the West was mysteriously being killed and certain body parts bloodlessly being removed. The government answer: predators, UFO sightings: geese, swamp gas, and the evening star. Only a fool would believe the lies.
There has got to be a connection that we can only guess. A power greater than the government’s power over the people is now in evidence in the sightings by millions of UFOs. Half of the population of the world believe we are being visited by aliens. Call it galactic power over our world’s weasels and wolves. Their only hope of remaining in control is to buy us off with our money.
The intelligentsia insists on your believing it knows what is best for you. It bribes you with your money to follow its lead. You may know that change is coming, but maybe you don’t know the half of it. Alas, after two years of socialist talk, Obama took a shellacking at the mid-term election. In light of the current scenario—Congresswoman Gifford’s miracle—Obama is now talking like a moderate, while Palin’s defense of the nasty opposition is costing her. Obama’s popularity is rising. He’s getting back the Independents.
“Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.” After 2,000 years, we have not learned.
We don’t have anything to defend if we stick by the truth. The truth will set us free. When you are right and accused of causing violence, you don’t counter attack your accuser. You don’t say you are going to continue on the same course; you talk in terms of how you can come to an understanding with the weaker of the two—your bought and paid for opposition—those under the control of external influences.
I’m reminded of the parable of the good Samaritan. “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.”
“And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.”
“And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.”
“But a certain Samaritan”—a person without ancient religious or political doctrines for guidance—“as he journeyed, came where he was and when he saw him, he had compassion on him.” This is Jesus talking. Get over the idea that Jesus is the exclusive property of Christians; get over the idea that the frauds in Washington ever help you out.
Thank God that Congresswoman Giffords is still with us. She represents the brighter future told in The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow.”
“Consciousness exists. And for the first time, we have used the instruments of scientific investigation to fit its existence into the overall tapestry of reality. For the first time, we understand what consciousness is. . . Faith was never meant to be blind faith. . . Those willing to discover an even greater truth in their religion will find untold wonders hidden in what they already know.”
Having said this, I became a sailboat bum on the South Atlantic. I experienced miracles. One day, while sailing off Palm Beach, Florida’s coast, I heard voices crying out for help. A search of the surrounding sea saw nothing. My sailing partner said I probably heard wind on the shrouds. Something told me otherwise. I did not proceed on my course; I sailed in the direction of the voices. Thirty minutes later and dusk, I decided to give up. At that moment, I saw a flag marking the location of a lobster pot on the sea floor waving. I sailed to the flag and found three young people who got caught in an ocean current while snorkeling over a reef. They had drifted on the current for miles and were too exhausted to climb the boarding ladder. I had to help them aboard. The miracles continued. I should not be here to tell these stories.
At the moment of our birth, a snapshot of the universe tells astrologers of our characteristics and events that will occur in our lives. Astrologers told of Jesus’ birth and life. I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising. The movements of the universe had me, because of transiting Uranus, my ruling planet, begin to drastically change my life in 1975. Commencing on Good Friday, said to be the day Jesus died on the cross, I became the prophetic wandering vagabond seeking to find an identity. Numerology gives me the number 1, the universes movements and I as one.
The year of my birth, 1925, 1+9+2+5=17, 1+7=8. Numerology’s discrete number, 8, we read, “will assume power. . . Karma is king, and the ions will reap what they have sown,” says Numerology and The Divine Triangle. “8 has the drive to overcome all obstacles and eventually to succeed through ability and perseverance.”
“A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trodden down and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock, and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it, and chocked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundred fold. He has ears to hear, let him hear (Luke 8:5-8).
Following 8 is the highest number and highest goal in life. “9 is selflessness and compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply the energy to universal service. It bestows an impersonal but just view of life . . .”
I would say to Congresswoman Sheila Lee Jackson and constituency at this crucial time, when you know who you are and your purpose, you don’t need the fake and foundering orthodoxy. Let go of it. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and spiritual growth. Heed the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King.