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Look at what we've done! A hearty congratulations goes out to all conservatives and tea partiers for a job well done. It was historic, and a devastating blow against communism, socialism, marxism and all the other unsuccessful big government ism's out there. Through all the tears, aches and pains suffered over the last two years -- we have been triumphant.


...and congratulations to the "Country Class"

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Obama's Press Conference

Obama’s press conference tells us that he doesn’t think the America people know what they need; that he knows best. What this tells me is that I voted for the wrong man. I should have voted for Obama. He was America’s wake-up call. With McCain President, we’d have remained asleep while America slowly sank into oblivion.

Now that we know Obama is a Sol Alinski community organizer from South Chicago, a Marxist champion of the anti-American left; that clearly we’ve been conned, we can watch his power diminish for the next two years, while we pick someone capable of leading American back to constitutional government.

One anchor of the lame-stream press thinks we the people must be hypnotized. It is inconceivable that we should want a Constitution that has long-since been replaced. Rest assured they will be on the attack. The me-to Republicans, who haven’t gotten the message yet, seem to be catching on to the idea that the Tea Party is going to be watching every move they make. It is no longer going to be business as usual. My prediction: They are going to participate in taking America back to constitutional government or be removed at the next election.

If we want free enterprise back, the idea that private industry creates jobs, goods, and services, not progressive government, in earth as it is in heaven (from the Lord’s Prayer), in The Scofield Reference Bible’s Introduction, we read: “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view,” anything may be proved in the law, in religion, in science by taking isolated passages to make your point.

In the Scofield Reference Bible’s, Introduction, we read: “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealing of God with humanity,” as distinguished from progressive government. The one is naturally made, the other manmade. Nature’s progressive order brings us “increasing purpose, “which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.”

We live in an atomic age. We’ve advanced externally at a pace far in advance of our internal advancement. We have the capability of leaving ourselves history written in the rocks. Rather than progressive government, if we expect to live on, we should be cognizant of the progressive order of God with humanity.

Real change must take place. In all changes, displacements and hardships occur. If we are smart about the change, the hardships can be minimized. Federal income tax has been manipulated over the years to favor the very rich at everyone’s great expense. It should be replaced with a tax on spending, with exemptions on items of basic necessity. Naturally, politicians would say it would be worse than what we have now. They are working on the problem. They’ve been working on the income tax for generations and the problems are multiplying, while America sinks.

We can’t continue on the path we’ve taken. Politicians have had far more than the time it should take to correct the tax and spend problem. We know who is being served and who is not served. It’s time to start telling politicians what we want. If they don’t give us what we want. Put someone in their place who will.

Somthing is very wrong!

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** Is Rajjpuut actually suggesting that intelligent Americans start calling female dogs “Behars?” Or someone you disagree with a "son of a Behar?" Well, it does sound quite a bit more pleasant for polite conversation (or even on the "View") and, of course, it would just be a term of endearment reserved for only his very closest friends . . . .

Angle, Buck, Miller, O’Donnell Show

TEA Party Express Ineptness

Was that a thrilling and educational Election Eve, or what? Most importantly and totally uncovered by the news media was that the fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative cause picked up a net of ten governorships for an overall control of 34 statehouses . . . absolutely huge. And, naturally picking up six senate seats is no small deal, nor is picking up sixty house seats.

So close and yet so very far . . . the greatest disappointment next to Obama’s obstinate refusal to “GET IT” (Mr. President, understand this: your policies were REJECTED and efforts to pretend that the nightmare we lived through under you for almost two years wasn’t actually your agenda but just an “emergency response” to tough times is BOGUS! Stop messing with America and its people, grow up!), of course, is that today Harry Reid is still the top dog in the United States Senate. Harry Reid survived in both roles (Senator and Majority Leader) for three closely-related reasons:

1) He came back to win his own election in Nevada with a true fighting spirit.

2) Sharon Angle, whom he defeated; Ken Buck in Colorado; and Delaware’s bewitched sweetie Christine O’Donnell all decided that the TEA Party’s Contract from America wasn’t worth the paper it and the U.S. Constitution are written on . . . and campaigned ridiculously.

3) The Reid-inspired (he pretty much hand-picked Sharon Angle to be his opposition and still nearly lost) TEA Party Express (TPE) purportedly based in California deliberately fouled up every campaign involvement they could, for example, the only corruption of any appreciable level involving the TEA Party movements across the country came from the TPE’s former shock-jock leader guilty of at least three shocking racist gaffs.

The main reason, of course, that Harry Reid prevailed was four very weak candidates running weak campaigns. Ignoring the TEA Party Contract from America, instead three of them decided that social issues had to be campaigned on repeatedly. Buck, to take a hideous example, actually without even being asked brazenly volunteered himself as a surrogate for almighty God saying that abortion in the case of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother was a sin; and attacked “the pill” and other contraceptive methods; and fertility treatments as well -- offering that he thought they all should be made illegal. Where, within the wonderful and superbly conceived Contract from America does one find that particular set of abominable political-career-killing precepts? In case no one has read Rajjpuut before, get this: Ultimately Independents choose the winners in politics.

Independents, by and large, are greatly impressed by fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism as any thinking person should be . . . .That’s what it means when people say our nation is “center-right” or say 42% of people self-label as conservatives . . . certainly not that a 100% literal interpretation of Genesis will put you on common ground with anyone who calls himself a conservative; or that denying that dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago (as some fundamentalist sects try to) will make people think your branch of conservativism is intelligent.

Social and religious conservativism is a guaranteed loser in all but the most provincial elections. On a personal level, you believe whatever you want when you “go into the closet” (Matthew 6:6) and talk to your God; but discretion is the better part of valor anytime you shoot off your mouth in public or try to influence lawmaking.To emphasize that point, take Christine O’Donnell, why in hell would anyone tell strangers and a TV audience that they’d practiced witchcraft however briefly. Learn from your youthful indiscretions and then for heaven’s sakes don’t broadcast them unless you can turn a lucrative book offer. As for Joe Miller in Alaska, he seems to have completely unraveled under the campaign pressure (like we mentioned, a weak candidate) and he likewise ignored the Contract from America using it more as a paper towel than as a Liberation Manifesto for the American people. Republicans, in Rajjpuut’s view, are better off with Lisa M. Besides, there’s that TEA Party Express contribution behind all four of those candidates to consider . . . it’s as if the hand of Harry Reid was pulling the strings to get the weakest possible opposition for Democrats . . . ah, me . . . and as for that slippery ol' son of a Behar, Harry Reid, hate him as you might, gotta like his ground game!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Amendment 1 Questions

Question 1, How do they get Separation of church and state from that. In your answer use the debate of the day not ruling from courts.AMENDMENT 1: Congress may not make any law that sets up any religion, or interferes with any religious. Congress may not make any law that diminishes the freedom of speech, or the freedom of the press, or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, or the right to people to petition the Government to make things right if it has cause them harm.In the USMC, we have request mast which the lowest rank can talk to the highest rank. with out telling anyone in between if he decides not to. That's in a perfect world. if he has a beef usually you can get him to tell you before it goes to the man and fix it if justified, or tell convince him he will look stupid if he continues. up to him It is against the law to punish him in any way if he bypass you. Usually works.Question2 My question what is the process to heard if you have been harmed by Government . The courts. I hope not. SURLY A MORE DIRECT ROUT IS AVAILABLE.
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“Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course and America be damned.” Rajjpuut
His Obstinacy’ Barack Obama
Refuses to Budge
All men are the same in victory; it is defeat that etches character on a person’s face. “We took a shellacking,” Obama told the Whitehouse press corps at the first conference after an overwhelming defeat for Democrats saw 50 House seats; six Senate seats; and nine governorships slip from his party’s hands to the Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. But this reporter saw only a “false humility and a lot of “personal expressions of feelings” revealed by the conference and not a single clear commitment to positive and needed change. It was quite clear that Obama is not interested in learning anything from the voters whose eloquence was far more powerful yesterday than any feigned contrition by their chief executive this afternoon . . . in a phrase: the president STILL DOESN’T GET IT.
Rajjpuut would like to congratulate the White House press corps which for the first time in the Obama presidency refused to serve up batting practice but instead sent a string of “hard ball” questions at the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama constantly insisted upon putting his own ball on a special tee and allowing himself several practice swings before dealing with the peripherary of the strong and honest questions he faced. Finally, the mainstream media showed some willingness to put Obama the man and Obama the president and Obamanomics (his policies) under a microscope. The headline writers have not been nearly so incisive as the reporters were in their questioning. Already 90% of them report that Obama has shown a “willingness to compromise.” Wanna bet?
Item: Obama still insisted upon lecturing America, his party and Republicans on the fine points of Das Kapital instead of taking to heart these far more terse, powerful and accurate lessons from the free market:
Item: Obama still danced around issues even when they were put squarely to him. Asked about business and jobs and spending and possible new directions, he unleashed a storm of platitudes and invoked the magic word “emergency” at least ten times during the talk. He had his excuse (emergency) and he never let Americans forget it.
Item: When reminded that he had told Republicans “Elections have consequences” after taking office and had NOT worked openly or transparently with the “other side of the aisle” so far during his presidency, Obama refused to admit that his policies or his direction so far could be anything close to misguided or GASP “wrong.”

Item: He talked in platitudes about business and the economy while consistently talking about green-energy and clean environment. He spoke of “natural gas” and “alternatives repeatedly but never once mentioned the words “coal” or “oil” or talked about electrical prices which is key . . . because Mr. Obama has said before his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket." Yet here he was talking about energy in one form or another for perhaps 25% of the speech without once mentioning coal, oil or energy prices? If you, the reader, take nothing else from this blog: remember that simple straightforward honesty means simple straightforward talk not "beautiful words" and phrases spoken in appropriately reverent tones. Mr. Obama cannot be blunt because Mr. Obama cannot be honest about his goals for this country which are dramatically different from mainstream America's goals and the truth about this discrepancy would make mainstream America despise him . . . .

Obama never once seriously talked about businesses’ need for predictability or GASP profits. As a result he never connected needed jobs to needed profits and needed actions by government to cut taxes, cut spending and get out of the free market's way so those business profits could emerge naturally. He mentioned directly and obliquely the disproven idea of global warming as justification never once letting out that Europe as a whole has refuted the idea since the revelations of Climategate came to light. For example, much of the American press and intelligent American people are aware that even the ultra-liberal London Times admits that global warming is a hoax:

Mr. Obama, in Europe the climate-change “deniers” (like Rajjpuut) used to call global warming alarmists “mean-greenies,” but now much of the establishment in business and government in Europe calls them “watermelons” meaning “green on the outside and pink to Deep RED on the inside” because now only socialists and communists still push this 100% disproven effort at science while seeking the necessary 100% government control of business and industry that Cap and Trade requires . . . and yet you mentioned Cap and Trade positively twice in your “contrition speech” before opening up to questions.
Item: Just as he insisted six months ago that the main emphasis of NASA going forward was to “outreach to the Muslim world community” he still apparently believes that the main goal of business is to oppress people and dirty the environment and exploit the rest of the planet . . . absolutely nothing he said today would make any careful listener believe differently.
Item: When a direct question was put to him about his “car in the ditch analogy” where putting the car in R (for Republican or Reverse) was the wrong move and it needed to be put in D (for Democrat or Drive) . . . “Do you admit that your policies might have been taking the country in the wrong direction?” Obama grimaced and said “We’ve at least been pushing in the opposite directions,” a good-sounding answer but one which refuses to face up to the excellent question** he was asked.
Mr. Obama refuses to ever consider that anything he’s done could be fundamentally wrong, therefore HE CANNOT LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES AND CANNOT GROW FROM HIS EXPERIENCE. Hopefully he is doomed to be a one-term president, because the answers to our problems and the decisions for our future cannot come from such a man. Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, while some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course (because he knows best) and America be damned!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The BIG TRUTH of the ditch analogy (what in propaganda science is called a “BIG LIE” is this:
George Bush saw Obama, ACORN and Clinton pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500 foot cliff (utter disaster), jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes to coast it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
This shocking counter-analogy would be best proven with a full expose of the problems that caused the financial debacle running from the creation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966; through the deliberate bankrupting of New York City in 1975 by Cloward, Piven and NWRO leader George Wiley; the creation of the CRA ’77 by Washington and of ACORN in Arkansas both in 1977 with CRA laws forcing lenders to make knowingly bad loans; Bill Clinton’s executive expansion and his three legislative expansions <twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ‘98> of CRA laws . . . an explanation which six or seven pages could barely do justice to. Let it suffice to say . . . .
In January, 2005, (14 months after Rajjpuut had become aware of the serious nature of our housing industry bubble -- subprime lending crisis --- and derivatives bubble and been writing about it) George Bush noticed and acted immediately. His attempts to undo the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977’s most poisonous features were rebuffed by the Democrats. Mr. Bush personally or through other administration representatives talked to Congress at least another 18 times about the seriousness of this matter. Finally, in July, 2007 (30 months later) a bi-partisan very weak bill was passed. It, of course proved to be way too little, way too late and within three months the financial storm clouds were on us. However, Bush’s efforts had gotten us through the worst of the storm. In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s actions from preventing a truly disastrous financial meltdown and ugly run on housing prices.
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Well, we did pretty well, all things considered. Made a little History, kicked a little but and swept away a few odious monsters from the "People's House". Good Job!And we know we have to keep up the drum beat, stay on our representatives to insure they do our will, and not the will of the progressive movement and the lobbyists on K Street.But there is something else I want to just put out there, and tell you about and ask you to join me.If you took notice, SEIU and all the other Union Goons in Nevada and California saved Reid and Boxer. Sure, they will lose some clout and all - but that isnt good enough. They arent humiliated either, by the tough race they went through, far from it.I say, VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS NOW and all though the next election cycle. I wont be going back to Vegas (or anywhere else in Nevada) that is run by unions...DO YOU HEAR ME HARRAHS EMPLOYEES?!I will NEVER take my kids to Disneyland in California again, until vampires like Pelosi and Boxer are gone.We MUST do more. This fight isnt over and we cant be schitzo about our behaviour - it MUST match and be in concurrance with our principles.I will NOT reward Nevada or California with any potential economic gains while they continue to re-install these radicalized Liberal vampires. Just say no. Go to a red state and spend your money there. As Daniel Boone once said, "you can go to hell, as for me, I am going to Texas.
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Illegals Cost us Megwitman/ Carly Fiorina

To say illegals are not effecting our country is to not notice after the illegal was attacking meg a person that gave this girl a great paying job and a great atmosphere to work in, her responce was to attack meg during her race for Govener, Meg had lead in the poles up until then. Illegals affect our countries leadership, as well as how many voted.
Soon California will look to Washington to bail out their debt and with a Governer such as they now have, we will either pay it or waste Americas time voting on it.

Illegals not only cost Meg but lets not forget Carly's lead at the time as well. So did it also cost us a better position in Congress.

Both leads disapeared when an illegal instead of praizing Meg for a job, made it sound as it she was a "victim" you could say as people will say 30 yrs form now a "Slave".

Get illegals out, and secure the boarders! Illegal is illegal and is costing us in ways we can not comprehend.

Like it or not that is when both lost their leads, Do to illegals.
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Today's vote will tell us a lot about the willingness of our countrymen to radically change their course in history. But the important work of preserving freedom still remains. Our Founding Fathers broke their political ties with England because they believed the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men." (Declaration of Independence)

In other words, governments are instituted for one purpose … to secure rights. They are merely the vessel that contains and protects these God-given rights. Government is not the purpose unto itself. It is merely the carrying case for liberty, and when that carrying case becomes the object of our intent, rather than precious cargo of God-given rights being the object of our focus, we are in mired vexation. When our founders erected a new government to shelter their Creator endowed rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the object was not the institution, it was freedom. They did not create an idol for us to worship and call it government. Government was the shell that contained the egg. The shell has little value but to protect the contents.

Jefferson could not have made it any clearer. America's founders desired a land in which men might live in liberty. By declaring independence from the government of England and instituting a new government on this continent, they did not erect that government for the purpose of having a government, but rather, it was built as a bulwark to house those principles that secured our freedoms. They created a mechanism designed to carry and shelter our precious freedom and liberty ... government was an armored car to protect that, which they considered to be, irreplaceably precious …liberty. Even the independence they sought was not the object ... the object was liberty. Even the formation of the constitution in 1787, while a brilliant work, was not the object ... the object was freedom.

Now, look further at these words:

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."

This is that time which is now upon us. It is time to abolish what has sprung up in the place of our government and institute new government, and laying again the foundation and purpose of our government ... namely, the protection of liberty and freedom. That is the hard work that lies ahead ... instituting a new government from within the hydra which has grown up in Washington D.C., state capitals around the country, the counties and cities from the hustings, to the monolithic metropolises coast to coast. We must build again, not a government that does for us what we don't want to dirty our hands doing, but a government which meets its singular goal as described by the Founders ... housing for liberty. Government is not the goal ... the goal is liberty. And it will be only, when we rebuild the bulwark of freedom, a government placed solidly on the foundation of constitutional precept, limited in size, scope and reach, to the 17 powers granted it to protect our freedom and liberty, that we will once again breathe free as a people.

I do not know if the mettle of the American people is sufficient to this undertaking. If we can strengthen their mettle with encouragement, or raise their spiritual sights to see beyond this skirmish to a brighter tomorrow, we will have accomplished a valuable service.

I am convinced that the battle will be pitched and the fervor of those who see government as the end all and be all, or the object of their intent, will not easily succumb to those of us who see liberty, not government as the object. I am convinced that this must be a spiritual battle that results in political action … not a political movement with a religious tone. Further, if we do not relearn and impart to America the values that made this country great, we may clean up the disaster that is this government, only to find ourselves unwittingly electing the same vile wretches back to office in but a very few years.

When I was young, I thought it was about winning. Now, I understand it is about fulfilling our destiny. It doesn't matter whether the perception is that we won or lost. What matters is that we are fought the fight because it was right. Then winning, losing, life or death become irrelevant; it's about the destiny of a nation, which was, by my understanding, antecedent even to the framing of the world. The question is this: Will we fulfill that great destiny - or - will we fall short?

By the grace of God you and I – we - have embraced the side of the light and truth, and perhaps this election will give us the proper lair from which we might surprise the enemies of freedom, begin to silence their lies, and roar the truth louder and longer than the world can imagine from city streets to strange lands of forests or sands around the world ... telling even foreign meddlers to beware. We will seek them out that we might render their malicious intent ineffectual and deliver them to the magistrate, seeking justice for their subversive stratagem.

The calling, dear friends, for all of us at this late and evil hour is to stand ... and having done all … to stand. What a privilege to be counted in that glorious company to have enjoined the fray in a late version of St. Crispin's.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.”

To this end, I commit this great cause, this august endeavor to recapture our land, our institutions, and to reawaken our people, to the saving of our Republic, the protection of our nation, and the restoration of that vision which will lead us through the fog of progressive pother, that we might sight again the shores of truth, and in setting anchorage, there become ... America Again!

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Blue Water Veterans

VA is going to start rating vets for service connected VA Benefits starting today. As I was told, even though I was in the Tonkin Gulf and "MAYBE" exposed. Why do I have Parkinson's since NO ONE in the family has it. Where did it come from but while serving America in The US NAVY off shore Vietnam...... All i need is a log saying we were closer to shore than 100 miles. I received good advise from a Tea Party Patriot and looking into it! Fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle..
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Today is the day!

From the polls, we know the Democrats are going to lose big, but do we know what is good for all? Don’t celebrate. You have not won yet. The Democrats are saying, “just wait till the Republicans take control.” Does the end result justify the means? Is there, perhaps, a hierarchy of more intelligent humans destined to lead us? Today’s vote is going to tell our leaders that we don’t believe Obama and the Democrats. Today’s vote is going to tell Republicans that they are notice.

To be sure, the Tea Party stands for constitutional government, according to the original intention. Most don’t know this but, actually, verifying what the ancients reasoned, quantum physicists, in lab experiments, have discovered that a timeless, spaceless dimension exists. They reason that in the mix of things an essential element is consciousness. In other words, the universe is both quantitative and qualitative, which associates with the quality of our lives. We should know now that we’ve sold out to the devil.

Chicago community organizer Sol Alinsky, and now Barack Obama organizing the poor for social action, Obama by bankrupting America (the poor think it is Obama’s money they are getting), we know good and evil. We know Obama is evil. You are not thinking if you believe Obama will move to the center after the election. If he possibly can, Obama will continue to move America to the point that there is no way but his way. Going for him, more than half of the American people, in one way or another, depend on government.

There is no way out of the mess liberal progressives—both Republican and Democrat—have underhandedly created and protected for years, at the expense of future generations, than to sacrifice and accept hardships. I’ve yet to hear any talk about it.

The vicious dog fight is going to continue after the election. Unless the Tea Party and Tea Party politicians have the stomach for it, and can convince the American people that we’ve got to go through a tough time or lose our freedom, and the freedom of generations to come, double dealing Obama is going to win in the end. We’ve got our work cut out for us. The world could be set back a thousand years if Obama wins.

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Rajjpuut’s Predictions 2010

G.O.P. Dem Ind.

Governors 34 15 1

Senate 52 46 2

House of Reps 268 167 0

But Flynn let drive a single to the wonderment of all

And the much-despised Blakely tore the cover off the ball

And now the dust has lifted and they saw what had occurred

There was Blake SAFE! at second; and Flynn a-hugging third!

And from the gladdened MULTITUDE went up a joyous yell

It rumbled in the mountain tops, it rattled in the dell

It struck upon the hillside and rebounded on the flat

For Casey, MIGHTY CASEY, was advancing to the bat . . . .

Politics: The Art of the Possible

Rajjpuut memorized Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s marvelous poem Casey at the Bat, when he was eleven years old . . . there is something magical there (a proviso to the G.O.P. and presumably John Boehner as well) because, after all “MIGHTY CASEY” did strike out . . . If John Boehner “works with” President Obama he will succeed in repeating the debacle that Newt Gingrich encountered beginning in 1994. What happened there/then? The Republicans won 55 new house seats and also swept into controlling the senate . . . the G.O.P. owned both chambers of the Congress for the first time in several decades. The wily Bill Clinton facing-off against an optimistic Newt Gingrich who pledged to commanding the Republican horde into achieving their "Contract with America" . . . and Clinton . . . made Gingrich very, very sorry . . . and America much, much, much sorrier . . . .

History shows us that it was only after the 1994 midterm elections that Clinton was able to pass his two 1995 expansions of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77 which forced home lenders to make knowingly stupid home loans); and then the steroid expansion of that bill in 1998 which led to the financial debacle that began in August, 2007. To put things in perspective, in 1975, before CRA ’77 was passed just one in 404 home loans was granted at a questionable 3% down payment or less. After almost a decade of ACORN’s shenanigans mostly in Arkansas (it began as the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now in 1977 with the assignment from Cloward, Piven, and Wiley to ACORN creator Wade Rathke to shake things up in voter registration and housing) the national “questionable home loan rate” had doubled from 0.24% to 0.51 of home loans offered at 3% down or less. Clinton, himself beginning in 1993 had started “creating” law via regulatory edict upon CRA ’77 and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And then twice in 1995 with the Republicans guarding the switch Clinton expanded CRA ’77. When the dust had lifted in 1995, 14.1% of home loans were being offered at a highly questionable 3% down payment or less, many required zero down payment. (By 2005 34% of home loans were questionable and now ACORN was pushing for $400,000 homes not $150,000) How did this disaster happen?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

To Mr. Boehner, instead of saying “I wish you bluebirds in the spring,” Rajjpuut says, “I wish you gridlock for two years . . . a spine of steel to dull your tears . . . and most of all, when critics call, I wish you luck!”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Election Day Reminder

The Tea Party is the result of an individual awakening to the fact that America cannot continue on the course we have taken. Politicians don’t ask that we sacrifice and endure hardship. They scheme and connive how to let future generations sacrifice and endure hardship so we can live well. We are expecting to see a routing of America’s big spending politicians Tuesday, Novemeber 2.

We say we want constitutional government back. The original Americans came knowing they faced hardships. Their freedom was worth it. In freedom, they constructed our Constitution. In freedom, we built the greatest nation in the world. Then we started looking to government for help. Now that we are awake, the next step is to awaken to the fact that in order to change the present course we, individually, are going to have to be willing to sacrifice and endure hardships. We can’t depend on the elected.

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It is only appropriate than when a socialist, Big Government person gets
in trouble they claim victim, O it is Glenn Beck's fault and Fox News,
or those Rino's, or the word they know belongs to Democrats
"radicals,or blame Sarah Palin, "purist". Know it is simple common sense
America's are looking at Obama saying what are you talking about, and
what do you think your doing, radical spending, pushing health care and
ignoring the economy and jobs except for the Government union
employees. Victim, you? you are the perpetrator and have no respect for
the US and the American people. Victim I never would have guessed it. So
you are also completely predictable.
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If anything should get defeated Alaska incumbant senator Lisa Murkowski out of office, it's her unscrupulous act of getting radio host Dan Fagan fired at KQFD Alaska. Murkowski was fairly and squarly beaten in the primary by Tea Party endorsed Joe Miller, but like a greedy, spoiled, wanton child, she stomped her foot, and cried like a baby, demanding she stay in the race as a write-in candidate.


"This D.C. Beltway thuggery ruining our country."

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What if Republicans take back the House? Have they really heard the American people? It's not just winning a seat in Congress that matters, but appointments to decision making positions that matter. If the newly elected members of congress are not given positions that effect government spending, the change America is looking for may not happen.


Republicans have one chance, this chance, and it's a short one

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“. . . a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.” Rajjpuut

‘Progressive-Elitist’ John Kerry

Fumes Over Unsophisticated Voters

According to several internet stories, one-time Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is NOT a happy camper. According to Yahoo, Kerry would like to “elect a new people.” Complaining that Americans have “abandoned science and truth,” Kerry insists on preaching to anyone that will listen that Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck have led us into a new era of “know-nothingness.” Kerry, you see, is bitter over the fact that Cap and Trade legislation in the senate (a bill he sponsored) never even came to a vote there over the last 17 months, much less passed into law. Kerry feels that “. . . truth and science and facts don’t weigh in. It’s all short-order, lowest common denominator, cheap-seat politics.”

Kerry, the Senate’s richest man has apparently never read this ten and a half month old story:

Why not? Well, because the American MSM (mainstream media), that gives unrelentingly false and favorable coverage to folks like Kerry of the progressive-elite, failed to publicize the fact that even the ultra-liberal London Times (after examining the evidence released in so-called “Climategate” revelations) agrees that global warming is a hoax. That would mean that some particularly sane Americans like Rajjpuut who have long been “global-warming deniers” have actually abandoned gullibility and inanely following the crowd as far as the Europeans are concerned. By the way, here’s a list of 31,000+ other Americans (all scientists, with 9,000+ of them PhD’s who’ve also long denied global warming:

And then there’s the fact that the 2,500 year model global warming theory was based upon had dropped 500 years out of their data collection. Which 500 years? The Medieval Warm Period when temperatures got so warm that ice virtually disappeared from the Northern Hemisphere and Greenland was truly green and Leif Erikson discovered Greenland, established Viking settlements there and even discovered “Vinland,” a.k.a. Canada’s Newfoundland and even established a short-lived settlement there also. So the reason recent times looked so warm is because the global warming “scientists” (we’ll use the word ‘loosely’) while they’d dropped the Medieval Warm Period from their calculations had put extra emphasis upon the 500 year long “Little Ice Age” that killed off the Vikings in Greenland . . . with all that happening and after creating false “hockey stick graphics,” of course the figures lied and said global warming was factual. Poor Senator Kerry never read this article about all that either:

Not only that but Kerry, who recently got a lot of global-heat from trying to avoid Massachusetts’ taxes on his yacht, likes to complain to other tuxedo-wearing participants at $1,000-a-plate dinners somehow couldn’t connect the outrageous taxes on his yacht to the laws passed by liberal fools like himself, preferring rather to gritch about Limbaugh, Beck, the TEA Party and the stupidity of the great unwashed masses who won’t simply take his every sainted utterance as pure GOSPEL . . . the nerve of them!

Kerry, of course, discounted entirely that Cap and Trade would immediately jack up all prices in the United states by 77% (our present economy is $13 trillion thanks to the recession; adding the $10 Trillion per year cost of cap and traded according to some of its most famous proponents . . . we’d then have a $23 TRillion economy based purely upon the addition of “blue sky”; resulting in 77% inflation) . . . leaving that aside for now . . . Barack Obama, in a rare moment of actual truth-telling, told the San Francisco Chronicle his Cap and Trade policy A) “would bankrupt the coal industry” and B) would also “necessarily make the price of electricity sky-rocket.” I guess the fact that 53% of the country still voted for Obama after that revelation spoiled Senator Kerry . . . he apparently assumed silly voters not only were very, very silly, but also absolutely could NOT learn even when the obvious was staring them in the face.

Of course a frequent tux-wearer on the other side of the Atlantic Lord Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer actually called Cap and Trade “a royal highway to corruption” while a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.

Bjorn Lomborg, the famed “Skeptical Great Dane Environmentalist,” though he believes in global warming is an eminently practical and honest man. Lomborg has said that even if we imposed Cap and Trade, with all of its ability to straightjacket the already paralyzed world economy, it would result in barely a 1-degree difference in Global Warming by the end of this century. In response to the exaggerated alarmism of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” Lomberg created a documentary called “Cool It” which urges hisfellow environmentalists to cool the rhetoric about global warming as an existential threat to the planet.

As for Senator Kerry, the truth is that progressive elites like him owe the country a huge apology. All the worst ideas still plaguing America (and a lot of others as well) right now are rooted in progressivism, all of them. Think of the worst unfunded liabilities initiated for “all the best motives” and you’ve described progressivism to a “T.” Here are some of those ideas and the president’ in power when they began:

1. Truly Big Government: Teddy Roosevelt

2. Government Control over large land tracts: Teddy Roosevelt

3. The Federal Reserve Bank: Woodrow Wilson

4. The Income Tax: Woodrow Wilson

5. Fighting in Europe’s Wars: Woodrow Wilson

6. Government propaganda: Woodrow Wilson

7. Internment Camps: Woodrow Wilson

8. Controlling (and shutting down) the press: Woodrow Wilson

9. Big interfering Government: Herbert Hoover

10.Ultra-high protective tariffs: Herbert Hoover

11. Huge Tax and Spend Government: FDR

12.Confiscation of Gold: FDR

13. Devaluing the Dollar: FDR

14. Ultra-big Government: FDR

15. Social Security: FDR

16. Expansive Welfare: LBJ

17. Medicare: LBJ

18. Medicaid: LBJ

19. Government Bailouts of Cities: Gerald Ford

20. Government control of Mortgage Industry Jimmy Carter

21.Government bailouts of companies: Jimmy Carter

22. Expansions by fiat thrice by legislation to Carter’s CRA: Bill Clinton

23. Motor Voter Act: Bill Clinton

24. TARP bailouts: G.W. Bush

25. Federal Government involved in bankruptcies: Barack Obama

26. Nationalized Healthcare insurance: Barack Obama

27.Government control of auto companies: Barack Obama

28. Government control of Banks: Barack Obama

29. Government control of student loans: Barack Obama

30. Financial control “reform”: Barack Obama

31. Bailouts of Banks and Wall Street: Barack Obama

32. State Socialism: Barack Obama

Remembering the “Watermelon-Connection” wherein ultra-socialists “green on the outside and Deep RED on the inside” want to use Cap and Trade as a stepping-stone to government takeover of virtually everything because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how . . . . isn’t it fitting that Barack Obama and progressive-elitist and would-be president Kerry are so interested in this seriously flawed “science?” And so looking over that unending list of failure every time serious government taxing, spending, control or interference is contemplated, Senator Kerry still just can’t understand why the masses of sheep are no longer following him to the slaughter house, "It's absurd. We've lost our minds," he keeps repeating.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“He has betrayed some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time; and even though he’s been caught betraying the truth on at least 1,000 significant matters*** . . . in accord with the teachings of Saul Alinsky, Obama continues to seek to betray all Americans all the time.” Rajjpuut
Obama’s Friends, Ends, and Means Become Transparent;
and Abhorrent as Americans Slowly Become
Aware of the Identity of the “Real Barack Obama”
Three of Barack Obama’s most surprising support groups in the 2008 presidential election were White voters earning $200,000 or more, Roman Catholics, and Jewish voters. Obama won the election with a 6+% edge over John McCain overall, but among wealthy Whites had an 8.5% edge; a 9% edge as far as Roman Catholics; and with an incredible 60% edge among Jews. It now appears that these three groups; and Independents which he won by a 16 point edge; and women who gave him a 12 point edge are NOW abandoning Obama and his Democrats in droves. People will do that to a politician they regard as treacherous. In truth Obama has betrayed some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time; and even though he’s been caught betraying the truth on probably 1,000 significant matters*** . . . in keeping with the teachings of Saul Alinsky, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. continues to seek to betray all Americans all the time.
Before we get to the meat of this discussion about Barack Obama, let us clear up two important terms: “Progressives” and “Liberals.” Rajjpuut is now amending his definition of the term “Progressive” from “someone who wants to ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated’ and ‘severely flawed’ Constitution of the United States”. Rajjpuut sees now that his old definition is inadequate. The new definition adds this shocker: “Progressive from malice wish to overthrow the United States, a land they hate.” So what, then, is a liberal? Liberals are the unthinking storm troopers of the progressive movement. To be more accurate: liberals are goody-two shoes who are determined to correct the world’s ills by stealing (taxing) other people’s money and power over their own lives; liberals are well-intentioned with your money, of course, but because they are unwilling to think, they are natural cannon fodder for the Progressives who can and will do the thinking for the liberals around them. The chief political produce of the progressive and the chief political diet of the liberal are LIES.
In America a massive amount of evil all begins with liberal White guilt. Now Rajjpuut, who has never owned a slave is not the sort of fellow who feels guilt about much he does, or doesn’t do; or about what he says or thinks – prefers to live life in the moment doing his best . . . but the doctrine of White guilt is one of the more important ones among about 60 key politically correct doctrines that progressives have taught to silly Whites interested in coming to terms with their inner need to feel despicable and unworthy. Now Rajjpuut’s kin folk arrived in America in 1854 and went to raising kids and farms and never owned anybody . . . but just for the hell of it, let’s pretend that the original Rajjpuut to set foot in North America owned 7,000 slaves; beat them daily; raped their women nightly; made a sadistic game out of splitting up families by selling the parents off in two different directions; and sometimes even spit on the sidewalk and took the lord’s name in vain. If that were all 100% true, what in God’s name does it have to do with me here and now?
Do the actions of some crap-head in the mid-19th Century, dead at least a hundred years now . . . do his actions justify anyone’s support of Barack Obama’s efforts to destroy America? Does that long ago evil past justify some present-day progressive crap-head calling me “racist” or “bigoted” or “stupid” or “an extremist” when my life history says I’m not only NOT anything I’m accused of, but that I’m a whole lot more intelligent politically and fiscally and Constitutionally then the top 10,000 of my detractors? Now this is easily understood and pitifully common knowledge, but somehow 53% of all Americans and 48% of White Americans were recruited by a man of absolutely zero accomplishment and a negative value of integrity to participate willingly in their own political and economic annihilation . . . a man whose basis for charisma is that he won’t admit he’s half-White; grew up four years in Muslim schools; and is an out and out Marxist (because surely if he admitted all those truths, he would seem much less charismatic, no?) . . . are we expressing this correctly? And just to kick the “racism accusers” while they’re down: didn’t Obama win the Black vote by 92% while McCain won the Whites by 4%? The real racists are evident, eh?
Up to now we’ve seen a shucking and jiving caricature of the real Barack Obama . . . now as it becomes apparent that his policies have blown back in his face and in the faces of the liberal idiots that voted with him (and I include Republican Senators Snow and Collins among those idiots, as their day is coming) . . . now we are from time to time seeing the emergence of the real Barack Obama . . . a hate-filled pathetic pygmy of a man . . . where is that vaunted charisma now? A president who calls other Americans “enemies” has lost all charisma. A president who treats the American way of life and all Americans as the enemy oppressors in some sick notion of imperialism against the 3rd World which he champions is a sick-sick-sick individual. Our founders could never have envisioned how large, tyrannical, intrusive, wasteful and self-perpetuating our federal government could become—nor could they have imagined an American president using that bloated government to destroy the American free market system.
The media have made a big deal of recent polling data showing Barack Obama losing serious support among Independents, Women, Jews, rich Whites, Hispanics, young people and college graduates. Let’s clear this up here and now, courtesy of the much-reviled TEA Party movement’s forced awareness upon the electorate: Barack Obama is suffering serious loss of support from every single important group in America except racist Blacks . . . and who knows, perhaps the unfair treatment of Juan Williams at the hands of the progressive idiots at NPR will even open some important eyes among wise Blacks . . . hey, if Jesse Jackson can see the light, there’s hope, there’s hope.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
***Progressive Big Lies (the most important tool of the PROPAGANDIST) have become accepted truths because Americans are too lazy to search out the truth for themselves . . . for example:,__to_gop,_%e2%80%9cride_in_back%e2%80%9d;_no_one_tells_truth.thtml

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