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Although the coming mid term elections are of utmost importance the only long term solution to stop the corruption in Washington is thru the establishment of term limits. The founding Fathers never intended that these positions be lifetime careers. The Legislatures will never support term limits as it would end their cushy salaries and great retirement benefits. It is my firm conviction that the Tea Party needs a UNITED MISSION AND GOAL and that MISSION should be the bringing about a Constitutional Convention with the single purpose being to amend the constitution to establish term limits. It can be done and the TEA PARTY could be the prime mover. It could also be the key to unity and long term survival of the Tea Party Movemen. What do you think and how can we MAKE IT HAPPEN? Norm Sowards, Patriot
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Obama's Political-Correctness Manifesto

Gets Hangnail,

but P-C Death Far, Far, Far Away

The nasty little euphemism “politically-correct” was first aired to the world when Hillary Clinton and her hubby Bill came to Washington in 1993. Rajjpuut wishes to be absolutely and 100% transparently clear here . . . political-correctness is just a term covering up a savage lie. Political-correctness assumes that whatever is best for the progressives in this country is “best” for America and that is clearly the biggest most-damaging lie in American history.

Today, in commenting upon the Al Qaeda bomb strikes upon two groups of Ugandan citizens gathered together to watch (three bombs were actually involved, one was apparently a dud) the World Cup final game between Spain and Holland, Mr. Obama used a politically incorrect term, saying, “. . . Islamic Radicals were no respecter of the life of African Blacks,” a very unusual statement, why not say “human life?” Since the 86-page report on the Ft. Hood shooting totally avoided mentioning the words “Muslim” or “Islam” or even once named the shooter (Major Nidal Halik Hasan); and Attorney General Eric Holder has gone into utter contortions in Congress to avoid saying the words “Islamic terrorism” or “radical Islamic terrorists” this is indeed “a change,” but what kind of change exactly?

Certainly Nancy Pelosi is NOT on board. She today called White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs “politically inept” after Gibbs said enough house seats were in play in November to allow “the Republicans to win the house.” An obvious fact canNOT be stated because it’s politically-incorrect? The Speaker of the House openly buys into the political-correctness doctrine. Remember how, when talking about Obamacare, she openly said, “we should call it the ‘consumer option’ not the ‘public option’ . . .”

Political-correctness has always been about lies, half-truths, evasions and euphemisms and “right-seeming propaganda” and doing the popular thing rather than the honest and upright action. Political-correctness has almost always been about changing history itself. It began with the first Democratic Progressive Woodrow Wilson. Before Wilson, the first actually progressive president, Teddy Roosevelt a Republican, was guilty of overstepping his bounds (National Parks, Panama Canal) without allowing congress or the people to have a say on his agenda . . . kind of a “might makes right” statement. Wilson, a Princeton educator actually wrote a book changing the story of the Founding Fathers and the creation of the nation.

Wilson**, the first to actually call himself a “progressive,” allowed D.W. Griffith’s racist masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” to premier at the White House. “The Birth of a Nation” depicts the Ku Klux Klan as the savior of American civilization. Wilson was the first to openly disparage the Constitution and suggest that it was a document that Americans needed to “progress beyond” and used the terms “inadequate” and “outdated.”

Obama’s and Gibbs’ recent remarks definitely do NOT mark the oncoming death of political-correctness but rather merely showing a splinter beneath the skin of the progressive Leviathan. Denying their own racism while labeling all political opponents racists is the progressive stock in trade. Black racism is clearly so politically incorrect that the mainstream media has never been known to make a habit of showing it. Consider the horrific and ugly Black racism of the New Black Panthers which the Department of Justice refused to prosecute; or the racism of the NAACP seen in yesterday’s headlines; or the almost 96% of Blacks that voted for Obama; or the widespread tendency of Blacks to label non-Democrats “Uncle Toms” -- just as they deny Woodrow Wilson’s racism (he and FDR are their big heroes) Black’s canNOT be racists against Whites, they just canNOT be, it wouldn’t be politically-correct, now would it?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Wilson proved so unpopular in his day, that after Wilson's depression was solved by Harding cutting taxes and spending both over 45% ended it and it became known as the "Invisible Depression," progressives stopped calling themselves progressives and adopted the word "liberal" which served them well for more than 80 years.

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President Obama accepting General Stanley McChrystal's resignation over his statements reported in Rolling Stone magazine was done so just to save political face. General McChrystal speaking out was a wake-up call to Congress and Americans about the Obama administration's mishandling of the Afghanistan government and war. General McChrystal is Obama's second general to be relieved from command in Afghanistan.

General McChrystal stood up for U.S. Troops on the ground in Afghanistan. General McChrystal's words brought world attention to the Obama-Biden administration's failing Afghanistan policies. Now Congress and Americans have to take a for-real look at Obama's overall plans for the Afghanistan government and building the Afghanistan army. His words also block's Obama from pointing his finger at Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai and laying any failures or troop losses solely on him. Now the Obama administration's credibility is soundly on the line for Afghanistan and its future. Now there will be no cut and run for President Obama and his supporters; not after almost ten years of war and over a trillion U.S. tax dollars.

Vietnam was a Washington-run political war, it was politically lost. U.S. troops won that war everyday they were on the Battlefield only to have politicians in Washington cut and run denying our troops a victory.

After President Obama announced General Petraeus would be in charge of his Afghanistan war plan, national media groups like CNN and Fox spent the day praising Obama. They called Obama's decision nothing short of brilliant. Americans remember a 2007 advertisement in the New York Times by democrats stating "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" plus, then Senator Obama denouncing General Petraeus and his war plan for Iraq and a heavy dose of Bush bashing.

How times have changed. Now it's up to General Petraeus to save President Obama and Vice President Biden's political backside from losing control of the Afghanistan war.

President Obama's new war plan for Afghanistan however; will not destroy the Taliban or Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist group. Nor will President Obama's war plan secure Afghanistan's government within a year as his stated plans are to start pulling U.S. troops out in July 2011. President Obama's Afghanistan war plan over the next year will unfortunately add around 5,000 more U.S. troop casualties and three times that many with severe injuries.

President Obama and Vice President Biden have given al-Qaeda and Taliban forces a year to prepare for U.S. and NATO troops buildup in Afghanistan. They were not ready to deal with Afghanistan in 2009. Obama's Afghanistan war plan as it stands now, does however have all the historical ingredients in place and earmarks of another U.S. Custer last stand.

It's a fact, over the past year Iran has been training al-Qaeda and Taliban forces for the Afghanistan show down. Iran is arming these terrorist groups and others with more powerful, armor-piercing, roadside bombs. Reports coming in now are stating these roadside bombs are taking a heavy toll on U.S. troops.

For decades, our federal government has had in place a no-fly order between America and North Korean citizens. That order should be in place now between America and Middle Eastern countries that support or harbor terrorist groups within their borders. That would stop major terrorist cell group members from entering America and the free-world at will as they are now. Ask yourself why has America and free-world governments not enacted this kind of no-fly policy for Middle Eastern countries?

General Stanley McChrystal may be a four star general, but he's a five star American; for his sound military leadership and service to our country and for standing up and telling it like it is as to President Obama and Vice President Biden's detached leadership and interest concerning the Afghanistan war and their not being soundly committed to destroying terrorist cells globally, period. General Stanley McChrystal is a true hero to our nation's veterans and military family.

President Obama nor Vice President Biden were prepared to deal with all the inhuman realities of waging war against Middle Eastern terrorist groups dedicated 24/7 from 9-11 to destroying America and the free-world. Our nation's top two elected leaders have let it be seen in the national media that they really do not want to deal with real military matters.

In 2009 U.S. Troops on the Afghanistan battle field watched and waited as President Obama and Vice President Biden took four months to decide what their "new" Afghanistan war plan and troop level would be. Then they were told President Obama's war plan would not take place till mid 2010. Obama and Biden should have been ready from day one in office to reinforce U.S. troops in Afghanistan ensuring the destruction of al-Qaeda and Taliban forces.

Until President Obama sends U.S. Troops into Pakistan to destroy al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, there's no way Afghanistan or America will ever be totally secured. It's past time for Washington to take the gloves off and allow our military to destroy Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

This is why our troops morale is so low and the all-volunteer Army program is not working in retaining qualified soldiers. This is also why the military has had to order U.S. Troops to serve past their enlistment time. Most all U.S. Troops today have had to serve four or more times in Iraq or Afghanistan. Some American soldiers are reported having to serve as many as seven or eight times in country.

Americans are demanding that President Obama and our elected Congress members stop all the political in-house fighting and get focused on destroying Middle Eastern terrorist groups attacking America and the free-world!

U.S. Troops will do their job for Afghanistan, now we will see if President Obama, his team and our Congress members will do their job for Afghanistan and our troops.

Mike Graham Founder United Native America
Citizen Oklahoma Cherokee Nation
Service Connected Disabled Veteran 1971-1979

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It is really so simple. Why does it have to be so difficult? We have truly lost our way, and I pray we get back to the school system so beautifully laid out by Dennis Prager. Never in my lifetime have I seen such division between the races, in an age when we have come so far beyond it.


We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately lucky -- to be alive and to be an American.

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Broken down by state, we need to send the respective states' lists of these reps to our fellow groups so they can be sure who their adversaries are.
The numbers represent the districts they represent. I would think that they might not like seeing their names scattered over the internet showing they are associated with the Communists.
I found out this list was originally posted in June on I went to the site and could not find it now. It apparently has been scrubbed.

Ed Pastor (04)
Raúl M. Grijalva (07)

Rosa DeLauro (03)
Lynn Woolsey (06)
George Miller (07)
Barbara Lee (09)
Pete Stark (13)
Michael Honda (15)
Sam Farr (17)
Henry Waxman (30)
Xavier Becerra (31)
Diane Watson (33)
Lucille Roybal-Allard (34)
Maxine Waters (35)
Laura Richardson (37)
Linda Sánchez (47)
Bob Filner (51)

District of Columbia (DC)
Eleanor Holmes-Norton (AL)

Corrine Brown (03)
Alan Grayson (08)
Robert Wexler (19)

Hank Johnson (04)
John Lewis (05)

Guam (Territory)
4 Madeleine Bordallo (AL)

Neil Abercrombie (01)
Mazie Hirono (02)

David Loebsack (02)

Danny Davis (07)
Luis Gutierrez (04)
Phil Hare (17)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (02)
Bobby Rush (01)
Jan Schakowsky (09)

André Carson (07)

John Olver (01)
James McGovern (03)
Barney Frank (04)
John Tierney (06)
Ed Markey (07)
Michael Capuano (08)

Rep. Donna F. Edwards (04)
Elijah Cummings (07)

Chellie Pingree (01)

John Conyers (14)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (13)

Keith Ellison (05)

William "Lacy" Clay (01)
12 Emanuel Cleaver (05)

Bennie Thompson (02)

North Carolina
Mel Watt (12)

New Jersey
Donald Payne (10)

New Mexico
Ben R. Lujan (03)

New York
Nydia Velazquez (01)
Jerrold Nadler (08)
Yvette Clarke (11)
Carolyn Maloney (14)
José Serrano (16)
John Hall (19)
Maurice Hinchey (22)
Louise Slaughter (28)

Marcy Kaptur (09)
Dennis Kucinich (10)
Marcia L. Fudge (11)

Peter DeFazio (04)

Robert Brady (01)
Chaka Fattah (02)

Steve Cohen (09)

Sheila Jackson-Lee (18)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (30)

Virgin Islands (Territory)
Donna Christensen (AL)

Bernie Sanders (VT)
Peter Welch (AL)

Jim McDermott (07)

Tammy Baldwin (02)
Gwen Moore (04)

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I miss

I miss the Bill of Rights! Where has it gone? Can we ever get it back?
I have been thinking of nothing else for the last few years. Did we surrender them to allow police and feds to catch the BAD GUYS? Well I haven't seen that many drug smugglers or terrorists arrested as a result but I have seen many on the spot cash and property seizures. Now if you cary too much cash you loose it untill YOU can prove it legitimit and all without due process. I not in favor of crime I just think anyone should wield that power without a court hearing. Frankly I don't want to give that much power to police officers on the shoulder of an interstate, do you?
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Obama Administration Denies Blacks Can be Racists
Over nineteen months after it occurred, the Black Panther voter intimidation case is in the news again courtesy of FOX News. It was a big deal back when it happened and it’s now become a very big deal. Of course like Climate Gate, the story never got covered originally by the mainstream media and now when it amounts to a monstrous cover-up it’s still not being covered. Yesterday, abetted by the media’s insouciance the road not travelled, known as “Black Racism” actually went on to fork onto four separate paths.
Item: The case of the Nation of Islam’s New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation at a Philadelphia voting site has been dropped after the case was actually won by the Department of Justice under the Bush administration. One Obama political appointee to the DOJ, a Ms. Fernandez is on record for telling a room full of DOJ employees not to pursue cases where the perpetrators are Black and the victims are White. Only one of the Black Panther defendants received any “punishment” and that was less than a slap on the hand. That defendant has been shown on video telling Black crowds to kill “crackers” and to kill their “cracker babies.” The Panthers are claiming that one Glen Beck and one Sean Hannity from Fox News are racists for pursuing the story . . . .
Item: The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) went on record as saying that the TEA Party must be denounced as racists. The NAACP claimed that signs with the word “nigg_r” had been found at TEA Party rallies; and that Black congressmen were called “nig_ers” repeatedly on the day that Obamacare passed. Actually, A) one such sign was brought into one TEA Party rally by an infiltrator and that man was accosted by six or seven TEA Party males and his nasty sign was torn up immediately; and B) One Andrew Breitbart of blog and column fame was covering the Obamacare event and he denies that any of the so-called racial taunting ever occurred and has offered a $100,000 reward for any video evidence that even one time the word “ni-ger” was used. So far his money is safe.
Item: The same NAACP has entered into the case of a Black vendor beaten up by a preacher and other members of a Black church. The victim was a capitalistic Black man who made a killing in 2008 selling Obama buttons who was now selling, among other merchandise, a large button showing Obama smoking a joint (marijuana cigarette for the innocent among you) above the slogan “The Audacity of Dope!” At an NAACP meeting the thugs arrested by the police were praised and the victim was dissed repeatedly with the words “Uncle Tom” bandied about constantly.
Item: The aforementioned Ms. Fernandez, Obama political appointee to the DOJ, also decreed in more than one meeting of the DOJ people that there was “no interest” in investigating “Motor Voter Law” violations because it would “just cut down on voter turnout.” Wow! NOT removing duplicate voter names, NOT removing deceased voter names, NOT removing invalid voter names and instead allowing roughly 55% of America’s precincts to receive more votes than they have registered voters is A-OK according to Ms. Fernandez.
You may recall that Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of Cloward-Piven Strategy infamy and an associate of theirs, a Black radical named Wiley, created the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization) to test out C-P Strategy’s premise of “overworking and destroying the system” as a radical tactic they hoped would lead to a national guaranteed income law. The threesome bragged later how it took them less than eight years to bankrupt New York City (1975) and just missed bankrupting New York State as well. Cloward and Piven then advised their followers to work on housing and voter registration. Wiley was key in creating ACORN to do just that by taking advantage of ill-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws: Carter’s 77 CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) plus four expansions: in ’92 adding Franny Mae and Freddie Mac, two more in ’95 under Clinton and the steroid expansion also under Clinton in ’98 which allowed ACORN to single-handedly create the sub-prime mortgage crisis. That same Cloward and Piven were standing directly behind Bill Clinton at the signing ceremony for the Motor Voter Act which wise observers called “a license to unending voter fraud.” And now Ms. Fernandez is refusing to enforce even that drastically weakened law . . . and, of course, ACORN had its day in voter registration also . . . .
What do all these items above have in common? Two things: ignorant progressivism^^ and Black RACISM. Rajjpuut suggests that Obama totally refuses to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that Black Racism could exist, while repeatedly returning to accusing all his political enemies of racism for opposing Obama agenda programs. Less than 5% of the Black vote went for McCain while Obama received almost 48% of the White vote (more and a higher percentage than either Gore or Kerry got) . . . so who are the real racists when it comes to voting?
By the way, one Hillary Clinton was robbed of her party’s nomination in 2008 by the surprising fact of Barack Obama’s winning 13 of the 14 caucus states** using illegal bussing and voter intimidation. At the time it was big all over the internet but the mainstream media refused to cover it . . . and today Barack Obama is still their “anointed one.”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Progressives since about 1901 have been showing by their actions that they regard the U.S. Constitution as something that needs to be "progressed beyond." At their own meetings they refer to the Constitution as "outdated" and even "ill-conceived and inadequate." Mr. Obama, who was simultaneously teaching in Chicago a course in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and a Constitutional Law course, has been quoted as calling the Constitution "a document guaranteeing 'negative rights' only" while pushing an agenda in line with FDR's "Second Bill of Rights."’s_“second_bill_of_rights”_led_to_today’s_$124_trillion_problem.thtml
** Several of these states featured primary voting combined with caucuses and HRC had won the voting segment in most of them but her supporters were overwhelmed at the caucuses by various dirty tricks like chains and locks on doors; being out-shouted; and, yes, multiple instances of voter intimidation by the Black Panthers. The Democratic Party and the media pretended these instances didn’t occur.
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MY DEAR UPSET U.S. BROTHERS, ( you brought this up and I know you all read this web site. And I will not be pulled in to it. )

620000 Soldiers died in the Civil War, to make men free !

I do not own any slaves or any sex slaves. My family has never own any slaves .Then there was World War 1 and 11. The Nazis would not have helped the black man. What National Government on earth, would have given so much,

and still is ! Americans have all ready died for your cause in the countrys history, where have you been ? ? ?

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Take the jobs away from illegals.

I have a great idea! What would happen if all the unemployed Tea Party Members applied for the jobs that the illegals are taking away from hard working Americans? If every member looking for a job would work in the motels, hotels, farms, and ranches we would drive the illegals back to where they came from. Just a thought.
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Massachusetts Folly Writ Large

Recently, my partner at Clean Sweep asked me what I thought about thisidea: Could the whole Obamacare debacle be nothing more than trying tosolve the health care crisis exacerbated by illegal aliens filling upthe emergency rooms? I told him I thought it was an interesting idea,it had a ring of possibility to it, and that I’d see if I could findsome data reflecting on the issue. No matter which way the data falls,it’s an interesting question and one worth exploring. After all, wealready have Medicare for those who cannot afford health coverage so whydo we keep hearing about overflowing emergency departments?

More . . .
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Paul, “The Psychic” Octopus,

Predicts Obama’s Leanings

It’s been an absolutely exciting thirty-two days for an eight-legged celebrity who’s gone from obscurity, to becoming the toast of the World Cup soccer tournament, to death threats, to recently unveiling the truth about Barack Obama . . . . Unfortunately, because of those death threats, the expected well-deserved rest earned by the jaunty cephalopod “Oracle Paul,” the Octopus, has been put off until such a time as German authorities can guarantee his safety at his home zoo or in some other secure locale. By now the story is well-known but nevertheless astonishing.

Paul, an octopus at a German zoo, had already shown himself a crack prognosticator in the run up to the World Cup soccer tournament, but the eight-legged wonder, it seems, was just warming up. Not wanting to tire him, his German handlers put Paul at first on special duty predicting only the result of games where Germany was involved. They allowed Paul a tasty mollusk after each prediction on the eve of World Cup games. Shown two tanks with the flags of the countries involved in tomorrow’s game . . . Paul unerringly and immediately opened the tank and ate the mollusk of the winning team . . . . really, you can’t make this stuff up! See the links at the top of the page if you’re not already familiar with Paul’s exploits . . . .

In the three-game group phase starting the tournament, Paul immediately predicted a German win over Australia and Germany obliged with a 4-0 shellacking of the Aussies. Then for the second game, Paul showed himself not prone to political correctness by forecasting that lowly Serbia would beat the mighty Germans . . . German fans were outraged and called for sushi!

Serbia indeed, downed the Germans 1-0 in probably the single biggest upset in World Cup history. Paul’s handlers were flooded with octopus recipes from angry Teutonic fans. But those calling for his weird-football-shaped head were soon fascinated by Paul’s incredible accuracy in predicting the German victories over England and Mexico with absolutely no hesitation . . . by this time Paul had become a worldwide celebrity and film clips of him making his deft predictions flooded the internet. And then the unthinkable happened.

In the semi-finals of the knockout phase of the tournament, Paul again abandoned political correctness and chose Spain to end Germany’s hopes of holding the World Cup Trophy. When once again (the sixth straight time) the tentacled theorists was proved correct, bitter German rooters made several plays on Paul’s life and the octopus was forced to do his further predictive work wearing a flak jacket and odd helmet. Tasters were hired to ensure that the Oracle’s food was not poisoned.

It was a tense three days. However, most fans foregave Paul when he predicted German victory in the consolation game after which the German team held the 3rd place trophy aloft. And then, for the first time Paul’s trainers allowed the octopus to venture a guess on a game in which Germany was not involved, the championship game between the Netherlands and Spain. Once again without hesitation, the psychic octopus bravely made his selection within seconds of being offered a Dutch mollusk or a Spanish one . . . once again siding with Spain. When the Spanish won 1-0 with a goal late in the second overtime, Paul was vindicated with eight successful picks in eight opportunities.

Unable to return home because of the dangers awaiting him, Paul was loaned to a think tank attempting to deduce if the tentacled wonder was really soccer knowledgeable or just lucky. Soon convinced of his skill, the laboratory put Paul to the arduous task of identifying world leaders by the flag of their countries. Paul was in one afternoon able to connect the flags of Russia, England, France, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Japan, to pictures of their leaders. Amazingly, he hesitated only three seconds before uniting the newly-chosen Polish leader with that country’s flag. However, given six chances to unite the only flag remaining with the only leader’s picture remaining, Paul refused to do so . . . finally after an hour, Paul entered the tank containing the picture of Barack Obama and formed his legs into a hammer and sickle . . . from the mouths of babes and beaks of octupi . . . and now Paul is headed to a secret location in a Swiss zoo until the heat dies down in Germany. By the way, he’s predicting a DJIA average of 11,300 for New Year’s Day despite 10.1% unemployment.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Could the very reason why the elite have been causing massive rises in disabilities including cancer, diabetes, autism, and otherproblems so that many will be forced to turn to Government assistanceprograms such as medicaid, medicare, Disability insurance, tricare, andothers is to then just decide to end those programs and then kill allof those on the programs and call them bad guys.

I bet your wondering why would I think something so preposterous well it happenedbefore and the last time something like that happened was NAZI Germanywhen at first under the Socialist German Workers Party (Which becamethe NAZI Party after Hitler) they get everyone dependent on thegovernment and then start putting out ads to kill the elderly with theT4 Euthanasia Program.

It translates as:

60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditarydisease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade,that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine ofthe Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP

So if Germany's Government pulled this after getting people reliant on Government assistance Programs could the same thing be pulled here?

Well the Georgia Guide stones said that the population shouldn't go beyond 500,000,000 so in order to achieve that goal the elite mustengage in genocide so this means getting rid of over 6 billion peopleworldwide.

So how is people on government assistance programs going to be killed well continue reading and I'llget to that part.

Well as peoples health problems are on the increase including Autism,food is being taintedwith GMO, Vitamins and Herbal supplements havebeen tainted which means they can cause further Health problemsregular Corporate Insurance likely won't cover, water being tainted withFluoride, not to mention there's a constantrise in Social Security Applicants on a yearly basis, politicianshad been attempting to attack people on Government Welfare, Obamaplotted last year to cutveteran care and Obama is looking more and more like Hitlereveryday.

Also more and more pro communist movements and Pro Socialist groups are giving Obama the support heneeds to turn America into a dictatorship just like Nazi Germany. AlsoObamas new Health Czar in charge of Medicare and Medicaid said about RedistributingWealth.

A past Article by Paul J. Watson spoke of the fact that the Bilderberg group which has caused political corruption for theworld is not only wanting us disarmed but want us to be Dependenton the Government.

So what if the plan by the Bilderbergs was to make a majority of Americans have Healthproblems so they can't fight back, are reliant on Prescription drugscontrolled by thew DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and ICE (ImmigrationEnforcement Agency), and the elite along with Big Pharma get so manyreliant on Government Welfare programs, then put out Ad Campaigns (akaPSAs) against those dependent on Government Programs like the T4Euthanasia Program started by Hitler under his plan for The FinalSolution then start killing all the Veterans, Disabled people thatcan't work that receive disability checks, Military that lost theirlimbs during active duty, and start throwing millions that receive foodstamps in Concentration camps.

In fact that is a great idea for dictators to force people to be reliant on Government financialassistance programs and then punish them. Get or even force people tobeg the government for food is the way to end the Constitution forever.That is why Health Insurance has got worse and why health problemshave been on the rise is to force people on Government Programs thendrop the programs all together forcing people that can't afford HealthInsurance to die while suppressing cures and inexpensive treatmentsunder Corporate patents and Mob gangs (Drug Gangs).

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Author: Brian D. Hill; Help from TheWryEye one of our Authors

Source: USWGOAlternative News

The documents I have been sent detail that the organization RAP (Restore America plan) is sending a criminal complaint against QueenElizabeth of Britain aka the Crown of Britain because while BP doesn'tcare about the Oil Spill mess and the United States Government(Corporate America) is doing hardly anything to deal with the Oil Spillthe American people wants accountability for the Oil Spill so one ofthe guardian elders 'Charlie Miller' of RAP is going after the BritishGovernment as well to hold them responsible since they take many taxdollars out of the investors of BP.

So what is the purpose of this well it is to bring attention to the Gulf Oil Spill to hopefullyenable money to be set aside and finally end the dreadful Oil Spill.

Since the Oil Spill has hurt precious sea life, hurt thousands to hundreds of thousands of fishermen, effecting Mexican waters, and doingmore damage then any other Oil Spill in the history of Oil Spills it iseffecting Maritime Law which means BP has violated Maritime Law.

So the whole point of the maritime faxes is that since the oil spill wasat sea there has been evidence that a International Maritime Law hasbeen broken and somebody has to be held accountable for the oil spilland the cleanup. Yes this brings pressure to bear on some veryimportant parties and will force the right people to wake up and takenotice that their are people that know how to take them to task. Forthem not to listen could freeze many important funds and assets. Sothey have to pay attention now.

The Maritime faxes are attached here: TheFAX Queensigned.pdf, FaxcoversOnly 6-14-10NN.pdf, EmailGroup Contacts.doc,BP NOTICE TO THE CROWN.TIF

Here are some screenshots of the faxes:



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I’m way out of the mainstream. I make connections most don’t make.

In particle physics the Standard Model is a theory on almost everything. It’s the basis for building more exotic models which include extra dimensions and fundamental interactions of the simplest of particles—quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. I’m referring to the way they communicate with one another, without the limitations of space and time: instantaneously.

Renown quantum physicist Richard Feynman was heard to say, “I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics. Do not keep asking yourself, if you can possibly help it, ‘but how can it be like that?’ Nobody knows how it can be like that.”

That is, nobody but Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, who says, “But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality. . .”

“I think one thing at least is certain: It is clear that consciousness can be broached scientifically. Consciousness exists. And for the first time, we understand what consciousness is. We can understand mind as including conscious experience and will. We can see how these fit into the physical processes in the brain and are involved in thinking, the data-processing of the synaptic junctions in the brain.”

Nobody knows how it can be like that because we are not supposed to think in the terms quantum physicist and brain doctor Walker lays out for us in The Physics of Consciousness. (He’s accused of trying to smuggle God into physics).

For convenience’s sake, we separate church and state. We separate science from religion. The “Higher Law” can’t be separated. What we’ve got in the law is now you see me now you don’t law, shell game law—for expedience’s sake. I come before you as a voice of experience (84 years) in the School of Hard Knocks.

I was born in the “Roaring Twenties.” Born in 1925, here’s an omen for you: the year Congress authorized the IRS to examine everyone’s personal records for income tax purposes, in 1925 only the very rich paid taxes. But the end justifies the means law got its foot in the American taxpayer’s door in 1925. The depression of 1920 was over, President Woodrow Wilson’s work, he was progressive in a big way—for big, oppressive government, Coolidge brought down the size of government, and taxes.

But, alas, I was age eight when the Great Depression of 1933 hit, said to be President Herbert Hoover’s work. Progressive President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the reins. The Great Depression lingered 11 years, until World War II put everyone to work again. And now, history repeating itself, President George W. Bush’s work brought us progressive President Barrack Obama. You picked the right time to lead us, Barrack, with Saturn in unfavorable alignment with Pluto, meaning just what we are seeing, great division.

However, we are leaving the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, entering the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer. I’m Aquarius rising. Astrologers say it means I could show the rest of humanity the way to their future. In my astrological chart, Saturn is trine Pluto. In Astrologer’s Handbook I read, “They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”

In numerology, I get the number “7” as my Life Lesson Number. “You are here to use and to develop your mind. . .You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods . . .” Karen and I now live in our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. I spend a lot of my time thinking about my life, connecting events, and writing about them.

Amazing, isn’t it, how little we know. Consciousness exists, and some of us are conscious of what is taking place. It’s a matter of choice. By coincidence, when my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born, said to mean pressure to change, by coincidence, my business enterprise of 25 years and my second marriage were on the rocks. I was at a jumping off place and nothing to do but jump into the unknown.

By coincidence, I’d run across Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. I got the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me to take action. And did I ever! I took the IRS to court on my own, without the help of a lawyer, claiming the IRS had unconstitutionally robbed me of my property. Imagine what would have happened in America if the courts had ruled in my favor? The courts and government, having painted themselves into a corner, rejected me. That didn’t stop me. I took the court record and IRS action to block me to The Palm Beach Post and got a front page story. Here is what the IRS told the world about the IRS.

“Holger Euringer, IRS pubic relations officer in Jacksonville, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.”

“’We did make numerous mistakes in the collection procedures.’ Euringer said. ‘We are very sorry and we apologize. We did not intend in any way to harass or intimidate him, but I can see why he might have that impression.”

“Court documents, IRS letters and Smith’s files tell a chilling story of IRS bumbling that began in 1975 when the agency disagreed with Smith on how much he owed in 1973 and 1974 taxes.”

“During the three years it took to get his suit settled, Smith said, the IRS improperly held $5,000 it owed him because of business related operating loss rebates. He said the IRS first applied part of that money to the erroneous assessment. He said he later was paid the full amount of the rebates.”

“Euringer said the IRS is not allowed to withhold refunds pending the outcome of court cases unless the total amount is applied to taxes owed.”

“If what he’s saying is correct, we were wrong,” he said.

“Then, in 1980, (after the Supreme Court threw out my constitutional claim) the IRS took a second look at Smith’s 1973 and 1974 tax returns and said he owed $2,556 plus interest. The IRS took that money out of proceeds from the sales of a condominium in Portland, Ore.”

“Smith said he told the IRS about the previous tax court decision and said he didn’t owe the money. The IRS stuck by it decision, and he filed a refund claim for the $2,556, which he said the IRS failed to answer.”

“Euringer, however, said the IRS rejected the claim, which allowed Smith to take the matter to court.”

“In 1983, Smith filed suit in U.S. District Court in West Palm Beach to get the money back” (after I was turned down on a G.I. loan for a home, because I had an outstanding IRS tax lien against me).”

“But before the case could go to trial, according to documents from the tax division of the U.S. Justice Department, the division declared the $2,556 a wrongful levy (and the tax lien a wrongful tax lien. I got my G.I. loan approved).

Kayla Lettow, a tax auditor with the examination section of the agency’s Problems Resolution Office, said last week that the assessment was dropped because Oregon IRS revenue officer W. J. Manderfeld incorrectly analyzed Smith’s tax liability.” (Manderfeld also forgot to do away with the tax lien he filed after he lawlessly confiscated my property.)

“So on Nov. 28, 1984, Smith signed an agreement with Justice in which he dropped the suit in exchange for a refund of the $2,556, plus $1,675 in interest.”

“Smith said he waited for months, however, and no check came. So he reopened his suit. On March 11, 1985, U.S. District Court Judge James C. Paine ordered the IRS to pay us in 30 days.”

“Smith received a check for $4,231 on April 12, 1985, five months after the deal was made and only one day before the government would have been in contempt of Paine’s order.”

“On Nov. 5, the IRS issued a notice to Barnett Bank of Palm Beach saying it wanted the $960 in Smith’s bank account because he owed $961.70 on his 9774 return.”

“Euringer said the Nov 5 bank account levy was a mistake.”

I got my property back with interest, without apology, in fact, with more threats. The IRS, after 11 years of harassment, gave up, but later went after my wife, Karen, on a “mistake.” The unmerciful IRS, which is allowed unlimited mistakes—the taxpayer guilty until proven innocent—threatened to take our home and sell it to pay back taxes Karen did not owe. Roosevelt—our savior—gave us the end justifies the means law; in other words, might makes right, his so-called New Deal. It was as old as the hills. Our congressional representative intervened, stopped the IRS from putting us on the street on a “mistake,” but the strain was too much on we aging Americans. Karen underwent an operation for cancer and I was diagnosed with a heart condition.

Your government, after putting us through hell, now Obama driven, says we are throw-aways, too expensive to keep. We’re now going to ration health care. Obama’s new health care chief loves the British system. The American people, up to their eyeballs in debt, like there is no tomorrow, with an out of control government, are whistling Dixie.

In 1999, Karen and I sold out and hit the road in our RV. We traveled for nine years. The irony of it is that government entitlements now provide Karen and I our dream home. I’m a World War II veteran. I applied for and received disabled veteran’s pay, not to mention Social Security, and as a disabled veteran free health care—a tax free average American existence. God works in mysterious ways.

It had been 15 months since I’d applied for disabled veteran’s pay. Karen said, “Joe, I hate to think about living in our RV the rest of our lives.” When Karen spoke those words, the Veteran’s Administration was making its decision. A week later, I received written notice that I’d been accepted.

In The Scofield Reference Bible’s Introduction, I read, “The Dispensations are distinguished , exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said: ‘Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures harmonize.’”

Take your choice: the progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, or progressive government. God doesn’t throw us away when we’re old and gray.

In numerology, I’m in my ninth and final cycle of life. “9 is selflessness and compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. It bestows an impersonal but just view of life, one that is generous, benevolent and patient. This is the artist and thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.”

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Exactly Why Progressivism Sucks,

FDR’s/Obama’s Second Bill of Rights

and our Actually $212 TRillion PROBLEM

You do recall candidate Obama’s pledge not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 a year? A pledge already worthless? Well consider this, in just a bit over five months, all the Bush tax cuts we’ve been enjoying will be rescinded, but that’s not a tax increase is it? Well, welcome to Bill of Rights Hell, Obamastyle . . . .

Barack Obama would like to take all the credit/blame for his radical legislative program but it’s been around since there have been left-wing progressives interested in “progressing beyond” the United States Constitution which they regard as “outdated” or even “an inferior and ill-conceived document.” Barack Obama himself calls it outdated and adds that it’s merely “a catalog of negative rights.”

Woodrow Wilson was the first recognized Progressive (Teddy Roosevelt was actually the first and mildest** one, however). Wilson, an educator and President of Princeton University wrote several books re-writing history and most particularly the history of the founding of the nation and of the founders. Wilson, according to real history – not progressive history, was an abject racist and the first to segregate the armed forces since Civil War Days. D.W. Griffith’s racist silver screen masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” which glorified the Ku Klux Klan as the most vital element in post Civil War history, was premiered at the White House for Wilson and his Cabinet.

Herbert Hoover, a Republican like Teddy Roosevelt, believed in government involvement in peoples’ lives to a much greater extent than Teddy did. He sought to involve the government in welfare schemes and to give price supports to farmers among other progressive farm programs. He dramatically reversed the Harding-Coolidge trend of substantially lowered taxes and substantially lowered government spending (over a 45% reduction in both cases in response to the “Invisible Depression” Harding had inherited from Wilson). After the Crash of October ’29 under Herbert Hoover, the Depression was ending with the bottoming out of the stock Market three months after Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s inauguration (in March, in those days). FDR had run on a promise to return to common sense and cutting taxes and cutting government spending which had cut Wilson’s Depression down to size very quickly and left it known as the “Invisible Depression.”

FDR’s policies extended the Depression another nine years from taking office and presumably would not have ended the Depression at all except for the U.S. entry into the war in December of 1941. In the United States that period in history is known as the “Great” Depression but the rest of the world had a rough three years and simple call it a little ‘d’ depression.

FDR’s Second Bill of Rights was aimed, as many progressive schemes are, at redistributing wealth and its been adopted in whole cloth by Barack Obama. The harm done by FDR was incalculable. Hoover only created two new government agencies, FDR created forty. Barack Obama’s Obamacare health care “reform” has created 390+ new government agencies in just one law. Again, as most people sense, Obamacare has little to do with health care and will NOT cut health care costs it is just a method of grabbing more control for the government and redistributing wealth.

Before FDR’s 1944 inauguration (his 4th!) speech he paid homage to the idea but he’d already come out specifically talking about his agenda of redistributing wealth during his earlier 1944 State of the Union Address. The “Second Bill of Rights” according to FDR are “positive rights,” that is what government can do for or to its citizens (after taxing them unmercifully for the money to do it with). He included:

1. The right to a useful and renumerative job

2. The right to earn enough to provide not only food and clothing but

also recreation

3. The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return that

would give him and his family a decent living

4. The right of every family to a decent home

5. The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination from monopolies at home and abroad

6. The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health

7. The right to a good education

8. The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment.

Quite the socialist agenda, whereas the Founding Fathers said, we’ll keep the government out of your hair and maximize the money you can keep from what you earn and thus maximize your freedom to take care of your needs as you perceive them, FDR said we’ll tax the hell out of you and then give you some of your money back in the form of cradle-to-grave Nanny-state protection, not noticing that this would destroy the economy’s ability to create jobs and make it a lot less likely that anyone would have money to be taxed. This is clearly virtually identical to Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” progam.

Let’s look at item #4, in 1977 Jimmy Carter and his dual-chamber Democratic majority in congress passed the CRA of ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) which for the first time required banks and local lenders to knowingly make bad home loans to otherwise ineligible clients. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were added to this travesty in 1992; these “rights” were expanded again twice in 1995; and the Bill Clinton final expansion in '98 (the third expansion under Slicky Willy) put the whole process on steroids and with the help of the Cloward-Piven Strategics of ACORN . . . created the sub-prime lending crisis at the root of today’s economic debacle.

And think of this, the United States had enjoyed for over half a century by far the world’s highest home ownership percentage (62-65%) so there was no problem. What exactly is wrong with renting a home, especially when one is young? What about the rights of landlords to operate their business and perform a clearly useful service?

Item #2 has raised its ugly head often since LBJ’s days, the right to a “guaranteed income.” Wow! Do you mean the right of the lazy and unproductive to extort money from those who earn it fairly by trading their goods and services and talent and education in the free market?

Item #8 is likewise quite interesting. This is the welfare “RIGHT” is it not? At present, our country not only has a $14TRillion national debt, but also $110 TRillion of UNfunded liability courtesy of Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid. No one ever talks about these things or this UNfunded liability . . . but something that’s even less obvious and even more secret: roughly $88 TRillion in UNfunded welfare liability is also coming our way in the next 44-45 years.

#6 is Obamacare and its travesties are just coming to light. It is a nightmare fiscally, will destroy the health insurance industry and the health care industry as we know it. Count on old folks dying courtesy of the rationing which the newly-appointed health care director openly expressed. As well, a lot of infants also will prove to be “not viable enough” to warrant all the health care bucks and services and time that would be needed to keep them alive. And from having the highest cancer cure rate in the world, count on the United States gravitating toward the rate of Great Britain where early intervention against cancer is somewhat of a joke.

#7 is the right to a good education. Wow, Ph.D’s for everyone? Rajjpuut went through college courtesy of the GI Bill he earned and five different jobs he held and wound up with a 3.92 GPA despite taking as many as 29 hours in two different quarters. A lot of people getting through on mommy’s and daddy’s money wasted their education and their time in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion . . . what’s wrong with people working to put themselves through college? Why should anyone be guaranteed a college education as Barack Obama has promised to provide?

#1 the right to a useful and remunerative job. Really? What about the right of an employer to hire who he needs and only who he needs and to pay them what he must to get good work out of them all the while keeping his company afloat? Study after study has shown that minimum wage laws just put more people out of work and threaten the solvency of more businesses . . . so much for government interference in the marketplace.

#3 means that an inferior farmer has the right to survive and charge enough to cover his ineptitude. He grows cotton in the north and succeeds in half the years but is frozen out in the other half, why should anyone give him more than top dollar for an inferior, at best crop?

#5 Sounds pretty nice. Actually, the policies of FDR favored big business and cut the throat of small business which is one great reason why the Depression lasted almost ten more years after FDR came to power. But if it really were true, big IF that, just as in the case of the farmer, why should someone be forced to pay more than top dollar if the product is inferior or the process to produce it is inefficient? So much for the “Second Bill of Rights!

In other words, FDR who gave the country almost ten extra years of Depression and who ran promising to cut taxes and cut spending but did just the opposite, was the king of the early progressives and the first clearly socialist president and was aiming to move the country toward something quite close to communism. And remember he only created 40 new government agencies Ol’ FDR, while Obama created 390+ just in one law: Obamacare. Gotta love them progressives, don’t you?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

** Building the Panama Canal and establishing National Parks have to be called progressive by anybody, not that they were bad but that the people had NO say in their implementation; why not have a parks amendment voted on? Teddy feared it wouldn't pass or it wouldn't pass quickly enough or wouldn't set aside enough money, etc., etc., so he abrogated the people's right to decide the issue . . . .
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