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This is a very fast fun test!!!

Movie Test:

Pick a number from 1-9.

Multiply by 3.

Add 3.

Multiply by 3 again.

Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below.

Movie List:

1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Beverly Hills Cop
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Defeat of Obama in 2012
10.. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story


Breathe~Be Still~Drink Water
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Tax and Spend Democrats Sure
to Hit ALL of Us in 2011
In the ultimate condemnation of the Democratic Party and a scenario likely to become common across the nation in the next two months . . . the Wyoming Attorney General’s office has recently been swamped with inquiries about legal steps required to avoid life-saving medical care. The patients involved prefer death in 2010 to leaving their heirs open to sky- high estate taxes following death in 2011 or later. At present and until midnight of December 31, 2010 the estates of dying Americans will not be subject to taxes. After the Bush estate taxes expire one second past “Auld Lang Syne,” the so-called “Death Tax exemption” will go back to $1 million. The effect on small business and family business and family farms is sure to be devastating. Isn’t this a wonderful set of affairs, to save your family’s farm or business, you basically have to do yourself in . . . thank you, thank you, Barack . . . now that’s “fundamental transformation.”
Here’s what you can look forward to as the Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 all expire (information from the great folks at unless something is done in Congress very soon:
Tax Cuts Expiring in 2010
1. Income Tax Rates. The top tax rate rises from 35% to 39.6%. In addition, if nothing is done, it will mean higher taxes for every single American and a return of the marriage tax penalty. See the proposed 2011 tax rates for more information.
2. Capital Gains. The 0% long term capital gains rate will go away. Capital gains rates will go up to 10% for lower tax brackets and from 15% to 20% for higher tax brackets.
3. Dividends. Dividends will be taxed as ordinary income, with the new higher rates. Right now the dividend tax rates are 10% and 15%.
4. Child Tax Credit. The child tax credit will return to $500 from the current $1,000 per child. In addition, it may not be refundable for some taxpayers.
5. 529 Plans. 529 plan withdrawals will not be allowed tax free for computer or Internet access.
6. Business Taxes. In addition, various business taxes will change including the payroll tax credit and section 179 expense deduction.
7. Estate Taxes. Without any action, the estate tax (or "death tax" as some like to call it) exemption will go back to a $1 million exemption.
8. Other Tax Credits. The tuition credits will be limited, as will the earned income tax credit.
9. Mortgage Premiums. You will no longer be able to deduct mortgage insurance premiums after December 31, 2010.
Five of these items (#1, #4, #6, #7, and #9) will be especially crippling to the nation as the country strives to rebound from the recent financial debacle. If Barack Obama had any economic sense we would see an across-the-board extension of all nine of these tax cuts. But Rajjpuut’s NOT holding his breath . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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LATTA no help for Blue Water Guys

NO help from LATTA

Seems they think they did all that they could for me. I've gotten ZERO response since my first contact with a aid, after writing 3 times, concerning "Blue Water Veterans". You would think they would care alittle. Ask yourself this, "How many elected offices are filled by veterans?" Congress would rather worry about taking care of our country's Illegals than American Veterans. I've been trying to get our ship's logs as the DOD and VA says we were never closer to shore than 100 miles........ BULL! Thats why "Blue Water Vets" don't qualify for assistance! Where did my PD come from people? Every ship in the Tonkin Gulf gets help except aircraft carriers. Like we didn't have any effect on the outcome of this conflict. Jane Fonda gets more press than our Vets. "HANOI JANE" was on Oprah and never mentioned her part in putting our servicemen in jeopardy. Funny how that was.

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Spiritual Warfare for USA

God has given me the victory in spiritual warfare against evil in 3 of my 4 children, these children are: USA, Puerto Rico and Colombia.Watch the prayer to bless the USA: morning I woke up with the spiritual force of a tornado and recorded a message for terrorists and Islam: the army, the secret service and politicians working to protect the country, I'm in a spiritual struggle against the darkness of evil that want to harm USA.If someone needs a true friend and brother, I'm here.Víctor de los Santos Alemañ
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I am breaking my own rules and responding to this Neanderthal by "arguing with idiots," if you will. This is the typical leftist rant, class warfare, hillbilly tea partiers, etc.

Politicus USA, in a post on October 20, 2010 by Sarah Jones, in an article titled, "Tea Party Oligarchy: Trust Fund Babies Are Good For Workers":

“Oh, didn’t they tell you? When they said 'grass roots movement' of the people, by the people…yada yada, they meant elitist oligarchs should be in power, either through ignorant puppets who don’t know better like Christine O’Donnell or the real live bona fide Oligarch types like we have here in John Raese of West Virginia (R-WV), cuz nothing says populism like inheriting somewhere around 79 million dollars….

“And liberty. Oh, sweet liberty of being born to the right parents like the founders intended. A nation built upon a system of oligarchs, don’t you dare tread on my trust fund you dirty ape and just in case, we have Sarah Palin the rude ingrate populist puppet to sell it all to you. Oligarchy first! Oh, land that I love….

“The Tea Party is running candidates who aren’t vetted and don’t know what they’re talking about when they puppet big corporate daddy lines or they’re just cuttin’ the puppets out and running the owners of said corporations. All of these things are being sold to you as populism. If you buy that, I’ve got some lovely land in Florida….Gold? A super hot book I wrote myself about myself?”

I'm trying to decide if you people are ill informed, naive, weak minded, or if you actually believe the drivel you write. When speaking of Republican money, you may not know that two-thirds of Wall Street CEOs are democrats. Let me quote the New York Times' article, "Democrats Retain Edge in Campaign Spending," by Michael Luo and Griff Palmer, Published: October 26, 2010:

“Lost in all of the attention paid to the heavy spending by Republican-oriented independent groups in this year’s midterm elections is that Democratic candidates have generally wielded a significant head-to-head financial advantage over their Republican opponents in individual competitive races.”

The fact is, the party of elitists is the Democratic party, whose leaders consist of the some of the richest politicians in the country, like the late Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Jane Harman, Jay Rockefeller, Mark Warner, Jared Polis, Frank Lautenberg, Dianne Feinstein, and Harry Teague. These Dems comprise 8 of the 10 richest senators and congressmen in D.C. Their combined wealth is approaching a billion dollars. Further, the Dems are funded by the largest unions in America. During this campaign cycle, the unions have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars. This, despite the fact the polls released this week, shows that union members preferred not to have their money spent this way.

I love the condescending attitude you leftists display mocking anyone who is not you. In your whitless diatribe you mock Christine O'Donnell and infer that she may not be a rocket scientist. I would much rather have her supposed naiveté, which in my estimation is honest patriotism, rather than the feigned intellectualism in D.C., than the scheming backroom, deal-cutting racketeers, which the dems proved themselves to be in the duplicitous handling of the health care package, which the public didn't want, doctors by better than a 2 to 1 margin decry, and economists say will cost trillions of dollars.

Perhaps some of you in the leftist brain trust can figure out how to pay for this latestprovis9.jpg round of Marxist palaver. Don't bother to come back with the “tax the rich” scheme. If you took every asset of all of the top 3% of the richest Americans, most of whom are democrats, you would affect the national debt by less than 1%. And taxing small business owners who declare more than $250K annual income will break the back of an Obama weakened economy and drive the nation to ruin quicker.

But, when you think about it, perhaps that's the real goal of leftists like you any. If you can collapse the economy and drive the system into the ground, you and your progressive ilk can step right in and lead us to a bright and shining new world order.

diktatorerna.jpgPersonally, I've seen enough of New World Orders in my time. I have seen the result of Mr. Hitler's New World Order … seventy million dead and an entire race targeted for genocide; I’ve seen Mr. Stalin's New World Order … forty three million dead. And the communist revolution in China had its own special New World Order; which enlightened the world …in excess of one hundred million people murdered.

Then there was the progressive heroine, Margaret Sanger; a true bulwark and champion of American liberalism and founder of Planned Parenthood. Only problem is, she was a eugenicist, who believed that blacks should be eliminated because they were "breeding and swarming like rats in the streets." Today while blacks make up only 13% of the population, black children account for one-third of all abortions. While 40 million children have been killed in the womb, over 13 million of them have been black children. If any other nation on earth were to slaughter 13 million black children, we would be screaming genocide and sending in UN troops. Today, we give them government money to carry out this genocidal initiative championed by the left.

Then there is good liberal, Woodrow Wilson, another hero of you folks on the left. Only problem is, Wilson was open about his hatred for America. He too was a eugenicist, who thought blacks inferior. In fact, he re-segregated government workers, government offices, and the military.

provis10.jpgRobert Byrd, the conscience of the Democratic Party and a former KKK leader, who on Fox News national broadcast, threw around the "N" word, like it was nothing. This, by the way, was not a baited interview. I saw the interview live and the tossing around of the "White N" and "Black N" phrases were in no way related to the conversation. The passages were a complete non-sequitur. What does that tell us about his hidden thoughts?

Might I suggest you, and the rest of the progressive lemmings, go meet some Tea Party folks before you stereotype them as “an assemblage of doltish hillbillies.” You will find that most are above average in intelligence, above average in education, and from all walks of life: independent business people, plumbers, physicists, educators, students, tradesmen, white collar workers, stay-at-home wives, career women, preachers and politicians. They are the face of America. They are not the bearded Marxists, so representative of you pseudo-intellectual elite, who are, in jolting candor, really the intellectually effete.

History has shown your ideology, while sounding high tone, is in fact tone deaf to life beyond the walls of the self-induced delusion of your bookish ivory towers, which are, in reality, an intellectual ghetto in which you subsist.

Socialism has never, and will never, worked. It is a moribund philosophy, with a built in death mechanism. Any political philosophy, which has as the basis of success taking by force, or force of law from one to reward the ineptitude or sloth of another, is doomed to fail. Driving the lazy, inept, or duplicitous to the trough, while telling them they deserve a place at that trough, is courting both moral and financial exhaustion. At some point there will be so many people at the trough that there is no one left to fill the trough. At some point you run out of other people's money. When the goal of socialism is finally achieved, and the stated goal of economic equality is achieved, history shows us that the equality created is intellectual, moral, and economic bankruptcy.

Please do us all a favor. Before you destroy our medical system, talk to the Brits, who are walking away from socialized medicine. They realize it is a complete failure. Study Romney care: it is bankrupting the state of Massachusetts. Before government decided to step in and treat us like we were helpless idiots, who couldn't survive without them, each of us, and all of us, took care of our own families, took care of our elderly, took care of the poor among us, and shunned the professional dead beats. Because we were personally involved, we knew that the neighbor down the road was a hard worker, who was just having a hard time, and we, as individuals, lent a helping hand.

provis11.jpgConversely, the guy living across the street, well, he was a drunk and lazy. He chose to pursue happiness in his way ... the bottle and sloth. He is free to pursue that happiness. And when he fails, and his relatives have to adopt his children, take care of his wife, and he is alone in his whiskey clouded world, he will have accomplished his pursuit. Perhaps then, and only then, can he make a choice to pursue happiness in another way.

In other words, those of us in the Tea Party are not a bunch of toothless, ignorant rubes, needing your beneficent guidance to make it through the day. We are not asking you to provide for us, think for us, help us, and certainly, don't try to control us, tax us, or attempt to live our lives for us. What we really need from all of you good, caring liberals on the left, is to be "left" alone.

But, because we understand that you are still concerned about the poor and the downtrodden, I have come up with what might be the perfect plan. About 15% of the population is living below the poverty line. By the way, this is the same number of poor we had at the start of the great society programs under Lyndon Johnson.

There are about 20% of Americans who admit to being liberals. For you guilt-ridden leftists, we need to create a special form, from the government, which will provide this service for all of you. On the form you will swear that you are a good liberal, concerned about the poor and downtrodden, and that you believe that these people should be taken care of by their fellow Americans. On the form you will have the opportunity to either have enough money taken from your paycheck every payday to support a poor person, or, if you prefer, government workers can actually deliver to your house a poor person. From that point on, you will be responsible for their care, feeding, hygiene, behavior, and outcome.

This takes all the cold bureaucratic treatment out of the equation and provides a one-on-one loving contact with your very own poor person, drunk, drug addict, or societal malcontent. It's akin to having a living Chia pet. Water them with your personal care, love, and concern, and watch them grow.

provis12.jpgSimilar programs could be conducted for illegal aliens. Just like the girl scouts, who ask, “How many boxes of cookies do you want this year?” the government can ask, “How many illegals will you take this year, Mr. Liberal? As you know, we now have 20 million of them, and only you can help us reach our goal of placing every one of them in their very own home!”

We can give this program high sounding name like, “The Human Chia-nome Project,” and each of you can save humanity … one person at a time.

Meanwhile, the rest of us, thanks to your personal involvement, can go to Washington D.C. and state capitals, and get rid of all of those failed social programs, dollar wasting boondoggles, and worthless, feel good government incursions, that are indebting our children to the third and fourth generations.

Isn't it amazing how much we can accomplish when we really sit down and communicate? Just look how angry my response to your intellectual flotsam was at the beginning of this response, and how conciliatory it is now. I really feel like we've connected on a spiritual level ... like we've brought light to your darkness.

I know I speak for all us when I say, “Thank you.”

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts that you are willing to put your empty-headed utopian dreams into practice. And just in case all of this doesn't go just exactly as planned, we'll just go ahead and build that wall down there on the border, make plans with Mexico to help their economy, so that they can support their own people, and tend to the unseating of the dogs inhabiting the seats of power in D.C., the governor's chairs in all of the states, and the leftist incompetents in counties and towns across America. Maybe we should do what we can to begin once again teaching our history, demanding constitutional government, working and contributing to campaigns that remove the corrupt and vulgar, thereby effectuating their replacement with the honorable and forthright.

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Overwhelm the system

In case you haven't figured out what's happening, here's a wrap-up of the program:

Barack Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.

Barack Obama is my college classmate ( Columbia University , class of '83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University . They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.--

Universal health care. The health care bill had very little to do with health care. It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?

-- Cap and trade. Like health care legislation having nothing to do with health care, cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming. It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama's biggest contributors. Those powerful and wealthy unions and contributors (like GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) can then be counted on to support everything Obama wants. They will kick-back hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Obama and the Democratic Party to keep them in power. The bonus is that all the new taxes on Americans with bigger cars, bigger homes and businesses helps Obama "spread the wealth around."

-- Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who's asking for a 51st state? Who's asking for millions of new welfare recipients and government entitlement addicts in the middle of a depression? Certainly not American taxpayers. But this has been Obama's plan all along. His goal is to add two new Democrat senators, five Democrat congressman and a million loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government.

-- Legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. Just giving these 12 million potential new citizens free health care alone could overwhelm the system and bankrupt America . But it adds 12 million reliable new Democrat voters who can be counted on to support big government. Add another few trillion dollars in welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free medical, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.
-- Stimulus and bailouts. Where did all that money go? It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions ,..... including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country. It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues. It went to AIG so that Goldman Sachs could be bailed out (after giving Obama almost $1 million in contributions). A staggering $125 billion went to teachers (thereby protecting their union dues). All those public employees will vote loyally Democrat to protect their bloated salaries and pensions that are bankrupting America . The country goes broke, future generations face a bleak future, but Obama, the Democrat Party, government, and the unions grow more powerful. The ends justify the means.

-- Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners, and job creators. Put the entire burden on only the top 20 percent of taxpayers, redistribute the income, punish success, and reward those who did nothing to deserve it (except vote for Obama). Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government. Obama wants to dramatically raise taxes to starve his political opposition.With the acts outlined above, Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government; a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government; and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme

-- all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama using the Cloward and Piven Plan.

See more about Cloward and Piven at:
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One commenter at CNN's online
story got it spot on: "I notice there is no mention of the party
affiliation of the accused. I can find no mention of it in any story on
the internet. This must mean they were all Democrats."

Pocketing 5.5 million dollars from city residents and know one is mentioning party affiliation! Why and where are we when in the middle of elections 8 Democrats are busted and it is not mentioned.

No Mentions Bell California Council and Mayer were all Democrats:

Obama and Eric Holder, are probablt responcible for no mention in the media of party affiliations!!!

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The SEIU, Harry Reid, And Voting Problems

Did you know that the SEIU represents the voting machine technicians in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada? Is it any surprise, as we noted earlier today, that there was a voting glitch in Clark County, Nevada? The glitchcaused Harry Reid’s name to be automatically checked on the ballotbefore voters had indicated who were they were supporting.

According to Joyce Ferrara who was an eyewitness to this strange ballot ordeal, the problem waswidespread, “One person that’s a fluke. Two, that’s strange. Butseveral within a five minute period of time — that’s wrong.”

It is particularly troubling that Clark County has put the uber left-wing SEIU Local 1107 in charge of their voting machines.

The agreement between the SEIU and Clark County specifically puts all voting machines under the control of the SEIU. See the collective bargaining agreement:

The County hereby recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative of the County employeesassigned to the classifications listed in Appendix A who are eligible tobe represented by the Union except as limited by Section 2 of thisArticle. The Union shall be notified of additions to the list
of classifications (Appendix A), within seven (7) days of posting forthe position classification and shall receive 30 days advance notice ofany deletions. Upon written request by the Union, the parties shall meetand confer regarding deletions within the 30 day notification periodreferenced herein. Both parties recognize that the Union retains itsright to appeal under the provisions of NRS 288.170.

On page 75 of the agreement, in Appendix A, Voting Machine Technician is listed as a classifiedposition that the SEIU represents. Even though the CBA expired on June30, 2010, the CBA continues until this day because of language inArticle 43 which says that the County and SEIU can continue the CBA yearto year until one party deems it unfit.

What a coincidence that the voting machines in Clark County just happen to be automatically set to support the candidate that the union that represents the “voting machine technicians” supports… You vote, we decide.

UPDATE: The President of Americans for Limited Government (the parent organization of this website), Bill Wilson, has issued a statement on this important matter developing in Nevada:

“It is positively outrageous that in Clark County, Nevada, the SEIU Local 1107, which supports Harry Reid,controls the ballot boxes by contract through their representation ofthe voting machine technicians. It is not surprising that SenatorHarry Reid’s name was automatically checked off on the ballot whenindividuals went to vote.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Nevada State Attorney General, and the U.S Marshalls need to act now to ensure that the SEIU does notcontinue to compromise the integrity of ballots in Nevada, and anywhereelse in the country. The democratic process is too precious to betampered with and abused.”

UPDATE: The SEIU has spent over $225,000 to oppose Sharron Angle…

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While very few liberal, progressive or Marxist ideas are worth the powder it would take to blow a copy of Das Kapital to hell and back, every once in awhile they get something sort of right and it behooves the thinking conservative to learn what he can from these rare situations. Since progressives sting us sufficiently with outright lies about instances where we get things 100% right, there’s clearly no sense giving them avoidable ammunition . . . .

What’s Wrong with the Pre-Obamacare

American Healthcare System?

First let us get the obvious out of the way, what can we learn from the usual progressive snafus? The inescapable fact is that President Obama and the whole gaggle of Democrats who created Obamacare know little or nothing about economics, health care or the American Constitution; and they showed less leadership than a dog knocking over a trash can to get to household scraps. Thankfully, they made two monumental errors that enraged the American people as a whole which may very well provide the stimulus to get the whole thing repealed and prevent that monstrous law from ruining our country. A) Instead of using their majorities in the House and Senate to pass a semi-reasonable but very progressive and specious bill that many in the country would have tolerated (unwisely) by say a 75%-25% margin in both chambers of the Congress, they shoved their unpalatable horror down America’s throat in a very high-handed and corrupt way utterly in keeping with the advice of their patron saint Saul Alinsky that “the end justifies the means” (in a book which he literally dedicated to Lucifer, a.k.a. Satan) and B) They won in the short-term but probably lost in the long-run by creating a law in which finding any single part of it unconstitutional invalidates the entirety of the law itself and gives the individual states a serious constitutionality issue by basing a good part of the finances for that law upon their utterly foolish comparison to car insurance where mandated coverage is the norm in every state. While there are other lessons to be learned by using the progressive-Dems Obamacare boondoggle as a bad example . . . those are the major lessons to be studied . . . .

Rajjpuut doesn’t remember why, but one of his college classes was once addressed by an IRS agent. He was an objectionable fellow whose bad breath could be detected seven feet away who started off his lecture by saying something absolutely incongruous: “. . . our tax system is something we all hate, but it’s the best in the world . . .” At which point nausea hit Rajjpuut who grabbed his mouth and ran from the lecture hall post-haste. As a former health-educator, Rajjpuut has also heard the American health care system described as “the best in the world” and also felt like projectile-vomiting was in order. Such jingoistic nonsense by the pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, FDA, etc. is naught but a self-serving lie that conservatives would do well to never repeat. So the progressives have a lot of truth on their side when they criticize the American healthcare delivery system and American medicine. Not even talking about crucial items like the great need for tort reform and malpractice relief . . . the progressives are pointing at a mighty shaky system . . . .

America has easily the most expensive health care system in the world, roughly twice as expensive as the next most expensive country’s system. Without a doubt, Americans have one of the most unwieldy and least effective systems as well, especially when compared on a cost per capita basis. Visit the link immediately below to see what a famous conservative voice who does know something about health care has to say about why that is . . .

We have only to examine one solitary statistic to understand the truth of the claims made in the previous paragraph. Do you know what the 4th leading cause of death in America is? Most Americans have never heard of iatrogeny, also known as “Death by Medicine.” If the full and unvarnished truth were known, iatrogeny would outnumber combined heart attack and cancer deaths in killing our people; not to mention injuring, dismembering, sickening and inconveniencing our people. Pilots have a checklist they go through before takeoff; doctors, nurses and hospitals need such a list but don’t have it. However, the biggest causes of iatrogenic deaths are from A) doctor’s ignorance of health principles (rather than disease) needed to educate their patients in improving their lifestyles B) the absolute dearth of emphasis on “prevention” and C) the evils done by the AMA (American Medical Association), the pharmaceutical companies, and the aforementioned FDA.

The AMA is the Spanish Inquisition of the 20th and 21st Century. They define orthodox medicine and they define heresy. They perpetually side with the most invasive, most expensive and least effective medical procedures and the most expensive drugs with the most and the most evil side-effects. “Prevention” is a concept seldom advanced by the AMA. For example, the AMA has been backing cholesterol reduction as the be-all, end-all for heart attack prevention for over 40 years even though less than 47% of the people who die from heart attacks actually have high** cholesterol. 47%!!!! That's not "cause and effect," that's less than a coin-flip. But they, in league with our unaccountable pharmaceutical companies, and the totally asinine FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) that oversees the pharmaceutical companies have pushed these dangerous concoctions despite knowledge that a "high-cholesterol/heart attack link is a MYTH pure and simple. The sins of the FDA could be the subject of a 500 volume set of encyclopedias.

The AMA created a list of about 60 diseases which they say are caused by problems with the body's immune systems (2nd link above) and called them all "auto-immune diseases" which means they are all in a practical sense incurable and again we set up the patient to A. not be cured B. told he/she must subscribe to a lifetime regimen with very dangerous and expensive drugs. The Mayo Clinic in the 40's and 50's cured people of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but now the AMA prefers more expensive and dangerous MS medications that do not cure anything. In Europe they surprisingly do not have much interest in calling diseases "auto-immune" or "incurable" and not surprisingly they cure people of MS with rather inexpensive resources.

Medicine is a science, or should be, with a bit of art thrown in. The AMA, however, much like the Church in condemning Galileo, believes its authority is the final say. The scientific method starts with asking the right questions and pursuing them wherever they lead, not with relying on anyone's authority, least of all a hidebound entity like the AMA. Despite efforts in Europe and here in the United States to examine these diseases more scientifically, the AMA clings to auto-immunity as the final word.

Looking at just one example of the auto-immune paradigm’s weaknesses, here's a link that will convince any thinking person that there are MS questions, and by extension auto-immune questions we must resolve that canNOT be resolved within the auto-immune hypothesis:

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,

Bob** In the early 70’s high cholesterol was listed as 300 or above; then it dropped to 250; then 220; then 200; and now patients with cholesterol of 180 or higher are said to have “high cholesterol” with some talk of dropping the threshold down to 160. Since 85% of the population has cholesterol readings over 180, there is absolutely no predictive value in their statistic and thus the claim is false. In truth, 350 cholesterol is not uncommon among Eskimos and other quite healthy aboriginal peoples. The “cause” of heart attack is more closely aligned with overall lifestyle, but also more related to high triglycerides and various inflammations according to all the research Rajjpuut’s mustered.

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Google CEO Eric Schmidt and film director James Cameron recently
concurred that people who question the science of anthropogenic global
warming are, in their opinions, “criminal”.

With the list of those big companies attacking Glenn Beck by boycotting him and now we hear Eric's opinion, that we are criminals if we don't believe global warming is caused by man.

It is growing apparent what is happening to this country, Government is supporting with tax breaks and other incentives. Big Business take over of Small Business, and then Government takes over Big Business. mean while Small Business makes up most jobs in the country.
It is time to expose them all and yes we can boycott them, for attempting to destroy Capitalism and a Free-market in America

.Source: Office of Advocacy estimates based on data from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, and trends from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Employment Dynamics.
741,000 Small Business Closures and Bankruptcies in 2009 take a guess in 2010.
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Shifting "Truth" and Political Correctness are

Progressivism's Well-Honed Weapons

note: this test has been updated

How brainwashed are you by rhetoric about the benefits of a much bigger government and the evils of conservativism? Take this SHOCKING test and find out by responding “True” or “False” or “Partially True and False” (T, F or P) to the following 28 statements:

1. “Rednecks” are ultra-conservatives prone to violence.

2. The Nazis were conservatives. Today’s conservatives are like Nazis.

3. Fascists were conservatives; Nazis were Fascists and today’s conservatives are like both.

4. Nazism and Fascism are nothing like socialism or communism.

5. They (Republicans and conservatives) put the car (our economy) into the ditch (deep recession).

6. Woodrow Wilson was one of our greatest presidents, certainly #2, 3, or 4 on the all-time list.

7. Warren G. Harding was among the most corrupt and worst of presidents.

8. Herbert Hoover was a conservative.

9. Herbert Hoover did virtually nothing at all just let the ’29 Crash become the Great Depression.

10. FDR saved the country from the Great Depression.

11. Unemployment checks and food stamps really rev up the economy.

12. Communism is a benign philosophy.

13. Mao was a hero and deserves to be on a T-shirt.

14. Che was a hero and deserves to be on a T-shirt.

15. Global warming is mostly unnatural, man-caused.

16. High carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere created by man cause global warming.

17. Carbon-trading (a.k.a. “Cap and Trade") legislation could diminish and control global warming.

18. Green technology will save the planet and create five million jobs here in America.

19. The $787 Billion Obama stimulus saved us from a depression by creating or saving a lot of jobs.

20. DDT was harmful and had to be banned.

21. Cloward and Who? The left-wing progressives are the most concerned among us about the well-being of poor folk.

22. ACORN benefits poor people.

23. Conservatives vote against welfare laws which benefit poor people, ergo conservatives are racists.

24. The federal government creates jobs quite effectively.

25. A little inflation is good for the economy and creates the prime condition for business to boom.

26. Propaganda was invented by the Nazis.

27. Eugenics was an atrocious Nazi invention.

28. Capitalism exploits the poor.

The Answers:

Every wonder why so many people support anti-American laws and candidates election after election? It’s because the Progressives passing the laws have told the Big lie so often and so effectively that the progressives’ Big Lie is now considered today’s truth. The statements above were some well-known examples of BIG LIES told so often (almost a hundred years in some cases) that now virtually all of the uninformed believe them. Every single one of the 28 statements above is 100% false, here’s the truth about the questions above . . . remember . . . .

Every single one of the 28 statements above is 100% false and yet these statements are widely believed by great numbers of the voting populace. Since conservatives haven’t done what it takes to keep the truth before people all the time, the progressives with out any good ideas at all are winning the battle of ideas, a shameless situation.

The “rednecks” were rifle-toting UNION miners who wore bandanas around their necks to minimize the chance they’d shoot each other in confrontations against management during their labor altercations. The liberals and progressives and labor unions “doctored” the term “rednecks” so now they’re implying that "rednecks" are, and always have been, ultra-extreme violent conservatives and implying that progressivism is by default much more reasonable.

The term “Nazi” is short for “National Socialist Workers Party,” one of about thirty such parties that sprang up in Germany after that country lost World War I. Only two lasted for over a decade: the communists and Nazis. Both were left-wing organizations intent upon socializing German life. Besides the two words “socialist” and “workers” which both communism and Nazism revere, both in practice turn into ruthless totalitarian states. No conservativism involved. The Nazi literature claimed their economic system was “neither capitalism nor communism,” but something far better than either. Business didn’t support Hitler until he’d already come to power.

Fascism was created in Italy when the labor unions became so strong they overthrew the management of the corporations, large and small. Then the corporations took over the government and elected Benito Mussolini as leader. No conservativism there.

Nazism and Fascism are almost identical to communism in their ideals (benefits for the workers, curses for the capitalists that create jobs) and in their typical ends: totalitarianism.

They (Republicans and conservatives) put the car (our economy) into the ditch (deep recession) is President Barack^^ Obama's biggest Big Lie. In a nutshell, here's the truth: George Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN, and other progressive groups deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) dived into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes creating a controlled skid that put the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch. But realizing that particular truth is such a long story and so hard for most of you to believe, here's more info you can examine at your leisure:

Woodrow Wilson, was probably, next to Barack Obama, the progressive president who threatened freedom most. He was a racist who showed the D.W. Griffith film “Birth of a Nation” repeatedly in the White House; ended federal hiring of blacks in Washington, D.C.; put Italian and German citizens into concentration camps during World War I; closed down newspapers that he disagreed with; and sought to manipulate the mind of voters to a degree not seen before in history thus inventing “propaganda.”

Warren G. Harding, who died in office, was one of the most effective and honest presidents ever. He inherited Woodrow Wilson’s “depression” as he came to office in 1921. It’s mostly been lost to history or been known as the “Invisible Depression” because within fifteen months Harding had brought it under control and returned the country to prosperity by cutting taxes 49%; cutting government spending 48%; and paying down the national debt roughly 31%. After his death a scandal associated with one of his cabinet members was dropped into his lap by progressive historians revising the truth; but Harding had no part in the Teapot Dome scandal. Calvin Coolidge, Harding’s vice president, replaced him at Harding’s death and continued the policies of Harding giving the country the most prosperous decade in its history: “The Roaring Twenties.” Herbert Hoover was placed onto Harding’s cabinet as Secretary of Commerce to appease some of Harding’s supporters. Hoover was a “tinkerer” and a progressive. When the Harding administration assumed power, Hoover advised Harding to make several major changes to combat the Wilson depression. But Harding ignored him. When Hoover became president in 1929 he immediately started “fixing” what wasn’t broken and put us into a huge fiscal debacle.

Herbert Hoover’s raising of taxes and dramatic increasing of tariffs ushered in hard times, job losses, Wall Street panic and a recession. He then created more government agencies than ever before seen to try to combat the problem but only made it worse. FDR and his vice president Garner campaigned against Hoover calling him a “socialist” and vowing to cut taxes and cut government spending (like Harding) but when FDR came into office he not only did not cut taxes or spending; and continued most of Hoover’s programs just giving them a different name; but expanded government to levels never before seen.

FDR tried to use government to create jobs and instead turned a little ‘d’ depression into the Great Depression. The Great Depression lasted until the country entered World War II. Whereas Harding eliminated a depression in 15 months, Hoover and Roosevelt extended theirs to 12.5 years.

Nancy Pelosi told us that every dollar spent on food stamps and unemployment checks is worth $1.79 in benefits to the economy and nothing revs up job creation like those two programs. Governments cannot create jobs** or create wealth. Government can only redistribute it. Pelosi can certainly not prove her statement. Yes, it’s very likely that food stamp and welfare money will be spent almost immediately and that’s likely to give apparent benefit. What Pelosi is not pointing out is that the money in the hands of the taxpayers is not diluted by passing through the hands of the IRS and scads of other bureaucrats and paying for all the employees, electricity and buildings and paper involved, etc. but that it goes directly into the economy even faster since it does not need to make a detour to Washington and then another detour to the state jobs offices or state welfare offices.

Communism, or ultra-socialism, is a philosophy particularly appropriate for dictators and totalitarian governments. But freedom is definitely not the only casualty under communism. The people suffer through deprivations and the government tends to kill them by starvation; brutal imprisonment; or more directly. In the 20th Century totalitarian communist regimes in Red China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, etc. etc. killed roughly 122 million of their own people. A new word had to be created to describe this phenomenon: "democide" (regimes killing their own people). Mao killed roughly 60 million in peace time, many by willful starvation by insisting that state programs be continued when obviously they were not working and people were starving to death. The Soviet Union spread its killings out across war and peace. Deliberate starvation of the Ukrainians killed seven million in peace time.

Mao killed 60 million Chinese.

Che was a sadist who reportedly said he lost count somewhere after the 187th prisoner he’d personally killed with his bare hands after he and Fidel Castro came to power.

The term “Global warming” as the environmental extremists use it is a lie. It’s relatively impossible to look at any five hundred year period in recent earth history without finding plenty of evidence of shifting climate. The global warming statisticians conveniently left out the 300 year “Medieval Optimum” (a very warm period in which Greenland and Iceland were relatively ice-free and the Vikings settled there and even discovered North America) when calculating global climate shifts. So the present day is compared almost directly to the so-called “Little Ice Age” which ended around 1850. See the History Channel DVD “Little Ice Age, Big Chill” for more information on that period. Of course while Europe and the rest of the world have covered the falsification of the data by Climate alarmists, the story has never run here in the United States in the mainstream liberal media.

High Carbon Dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere actually make the earth cooler by reflecting heat back into space and by encouraging plant life. Back in 1972 our present “Science Czar” John Holdren wrote a book about how the coming ice age was caused by man’s interferences and pollutants. Time magazine showed a cover with a frozen earth to herald his predictions. Climate alarmism is about putting the federal government in control of more and more of our lives and has zero-basis in fact.

By their own admission, the leaders of the Cap and Trade argument tell us that unless they put us back to about 1903’s technology, the global warming they say exists cannot be reversed. If it were true, mankind creates about 2% of the world’s carbon emissions the rest is natural so man cannot be blamed for the problem anyway. Despite this, President Obama told a San Francisco newspaper that his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry" and “must necessarily drive the cost of electricity sky-high.”

A Spanish study (of the green-tech experiment that took that country from the #1 job producer in the European Union in 1997 to 21% unemployment today) concluded that each green tech job subsidized by the Spanish government cost 2.2 jobs. Translated to American shores that means that President Obama’s promise to create five million green jobs would cost 11 million real jobs in the real economy. Not only that, but the Spanish study showed that once subsidies were removed or the individual programs expired, most green jobs disappeared also. Only about 10% of green jobs proved permanent . . . so only 500,000 of Mr. Obama’s jobs can be expected to be permanent (and the Spanish study showed that the wages were relatively low as well) at a cost of 11 million real permanent jobs in the real economy a 22/1 ratio that created the disaster in Spain (each job cost $677,000 to create). By the way, it reportedly took Edison 10,000 experiments to invent a workable light bulb . . . have you seen any indication that any green tech other than windmills is even close to "shovel-ready" for the whole country's use?

The $787 Billion Obama stimulus made the economy much worse. Jobs “created or saved” is a bogus statistic. You just count the number of jobs in the economy and see if the number rises or falls – that’s the only valid statistic. Much like the Spanish study, governments really fudge when they talk about job creation. For example in one study 34 jobs were created at only about $36,000 each by the Obama stimulus. WOW! However, closer study shows that the people were working in a meat industry for precisely ONE WEEK and each of their jobs got counted as a full-time permanent job???? So how much of the $36,000 was just a political payoff? You’ll never know.

Rachel Carson wrote a book called “Silent Spring” in the early 60’s. No actual science was involved in the creation of the book. Ms. Carson’s claims about the ills of DDT were never actually researched and DDT was taken off the market and eventually banned worldwide by the United Nations. In 1972 malaria deaths around the earth were roughly 42,000. Today more than two million people die from malaria every year not to mention all those who live with the disease for their whole lives. Ms. Carson killed 60 million people by getting a pesticide that can be drunk safely or used for salad dressing banned. Today many African and Asian nations are beginning to ignore the DDT ban.

The progressives would have you believe that only they are tolerant and only they are concerned about the poor. Leaving aside the fact that anyone who doesn’t adopt the “politically-correct” stance progressives approve of is called a “racist,” “stupid,” and “extremist bigot,” what are the facts? Anti-capitalists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (infamous for the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”) joined with militant George Wiley in 1967 to create the NWRO to use the poor as “storm troopers” to assail the Welfare offices of the nation and swell the welfare rolls. Eventually they bankrupted New York City (1975) and came within a whisker of bankrupting New York State (NYC had to be bailed out by the federal government). The long-term result? The welfare moms that the National Welfare Rights Organization spawned totally changed the culture and lifestyle of the urban poor into a world of abject dependency and hopelessness. Single-mother families are now the norm and higher crime, unwed motherhood, school dropoutism, utter lack of upward mobility; and, in one part of the inner-city culture(the Black community) marriage and family is disappearing from the landscape as fatherhood is no longer an honored institution. Everywhere the dominant culture is the culture of “victimization” and hopelessness. Even though Cloward, Piven and Wiley failed to create the guaranteed national income they hoped for, they bragged in public and in print about their great deed in bankrupting NYC. Apparently they really care for the poor.

ACORN like the NWRO uses poor people as storm troopers. In the case of ACORN putting poor people into homes they couldn’t afford was considered a good thing. In the resulting recession, the poor people were the ones who suffered the most.

Conservatives vote against welfare laws which encourage dependency and ultimately trap poor people in poverty forever. Conservatives believe that first completing one’s education and then starting out in low-paying service jobs if necessary is training for the future, not humiliation.

The federal government creates meaningful jobs as effectively as newborns do calculus. By taxing away the resources of the private sector, government kills jobs.

Inflation is the main economic tool of progressives in democracies. It allows them to promise anything and everything (with the bills never coming due) to bribe the electorate into giving them their votes and power. From 1913 when the Federal Reserve Banking System was created to today, the American paper dollar has lost 98% of its buying power. Not only that, but the nation has a $14 TRillion National debt and faces $109 TRillion in unfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; and the federal side of Medicaid services which have been promised to our citizens). This is the cost of voting for progressives who make big promises.

Propaganda was invented by the Woodrow Wilson regime and both Goebbels and Hitler referred gratefully to what they’d learned from the great American founders of this new science.

Eugenics was the subject of many intelligent discussions by the Fabian Socialists of England. Elites like H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw thought it was a necessary part of the necessary and gradual shift toward socialism they espoused. American progressivism is one offspring of the Fabians. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and other American elite believed eugenics was vital. Later the Nazis liked the idea too and put them into action with their gas chambers.

Socialism, not capitalism, exploits the poor. Using legislative handouts to enslave the poor in exchange for their votes, Socialism cuts the standard of living for everyone. The poor in America have it so horribly bad that they’re better off than 94% of the world’s peoples. Instead of bringing everyone down to the level of the poor, capitalism says “a rising tide lifts all boats” so let’s bring greater prosperity to everyone so the poor are elevated well above their present standard of living.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** did you catch the apparent “contradiction” between item #9 and #10? We said the federal government cannot create wealth or jobs in #10 after talking about how World War II finally pulled the country out of the Great Depression. Is there a contradiction? Isn’t the federal government creating jobs (and by extension wealth) when it makes a bigger army or navy? Think about it . . . . If you can’t figure it out Rajjpuut recommends Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson” with particular attention to three short chapters called “The Broken Window,” The Blessings of Destruction” and “Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats.”

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Barack Obama worked over two years as an ACORN lawyer in Chicago brow-beating and shaking-down mortgage lenders to force them to make thousands of knowingly bad loans to people who could never repay their mortgages without first winning the lottery.

^^ We called #4 the biggest of his Big Lies for Barack Obama because he worked more than two years for ACORN as a lawyer browbeating and shaking-down unwilling mortgage lenders to make them comply with CRA legislation and force them to make knowingly unsound loans to people who in many cases could only hope to pay off their mortgages by winning the lottery or holding up a bank.

** Did you catch the apparent “contradiction” between item #9 and #10? We said the federal government cannot create wealth or jobs in #10 after talking about how World War II finally pulled the country out of the Great Depression. Is there a contradiction? Isn’t the federal government creating jobs (and by extension wealth) when it makes a bigger army or navy? Think about it . . . . If you can’t figure it out Rajjpuut recommends Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson” with particular attention to the short chapters called “The Broken Window,” The Blessings of Destruction” and “Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats.”

Tags: communists, conservatives, fascists, How Brainwashed are You?, nazis, progressives, socialists, test, voters

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Real Patriotism

Real Patriotism is Often Unrecognized

While I don't shove my faith in people's faces patriotism is often ignored in our daily lives. I believe that our rights come from God. As a Christian we should be transformed as God reveals truth in our lives. I'm not talking about religiousity, but the sense of recognizing truth and following it. There are too many people playing religion and are willing to follow the lie, because it is convenient.

A person seeking truth is personally transformed and correspondingly a family, community, city and nation is transformed. As Americans we have been complacent to the point that patriotism must be convenient, we expect someone else to carry the burden required to preserve our freedom. We must take responsibility of our failure as American citizens and begin to be revived and engergized by the principles that made our nation great.

It would be great if Christians actually emulated the founders of America and those patriarchs in the Bible. Christians in general have allowed themselves to be painted in a corner and become unwilling to defend the principles of our nation and the bible. It is almost like the Christian community has become a community of cowards and not warriors. The Political Correctness is a tactic by the left to neuter true Christian character espoused in the bible.

Patriotism comes not after the Radicals have power, but in the mundane things of life such as standing against the erosion of Freedoms. We must recognize the importance of God's Soveriegnty as our source of our power and rights. Individual freedom is from God and everything there after is secondary. A true Christian would also ensure that all sources of power derived from God is in harmony and reinforces God's principles. Anything that rejects this God's Soveriegnty is oppressive and is inherently dangerous and destructive. My God is open to criticism, but the little gods are fearful of a simple question and are venomous in their response. God Bless.

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This is one time when I wish to be an Alaskan resident. Since loser, Linda Murkowski, is trying to sabotage candidate Joe Miller's campaign to be the next Republican senator (which he won fair and square), turnabout's fair play, especially in light of the crap shoot the courts are playing.

The court made two opposing decisions in one day about a "list of write in's" at the polling place. Murkowski attempted to re-write the write-in law in her favor. First the law was upheld that no lists were allowed, then later in the day, another court said lists of write-in candidates would be allowed! What is happening to our courts these days, but that's a story for another time.

If you are a resident of Alaksa, or know anyone who is, please pass this plan around. The plan is on the Conservatives 4 Palin website here.

Alaska Radio Host Launches Murkowski Sabotage Plan

by Rachel Rose Hartman

A conservative radio host in Alaska is calling on residents to sabotage Sen. Lisa Murkowski's campaign by flooding the state with write-in bids -- and listeners are following suit.

Kyle Hopkins reports for the Anchorage Daily News that more than 100 people filed paperwork in Alaska on Thursday to register as U.S. Senate candidates.

KFQD 750 AM radio host Dan Fagan is calling the plan an act of "civil disobedience" to protest what he views is an illegal effort by the state to aid Murkowski's write-in campaign. Fagan supports Republican nominee Joe Miller, a tea party candidate who beat Murkowski in a primary upset earlier this year.

A website devoted to promoting Sarah Palin, another Miller backer, dubs the effort Operation Alaska Chaos.

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Stand up for something

There seems to be those who like the idea of the tea party but are really unsure of how or what the tea party will develop into so they fall short of calling themselves "tea party members". And to me this just seems to be another self serving act. Just like "I didn't vote for that", "but he did !" Stand up for something and believe in it and be willing to defend it. The basic founding principals of the tea party are rock solid and are morally sound, how could you not align yourself with it?
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