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Obama Drops Homeland Securtiy Ball, Blames Arizona

The man who pledged that during his presidency, he would be a statesman who “would bring us together,” has become a politician of the lowest ilk and a massively divisive influence upon the nation. Playing the race game for political gain for at least the fiftieth time since last June when he first turned the spigots of hate and intolerance upon the TEA Party protestors with thumbs in both his ears, Barack Obama also showed that for a man who lectured upon Constitutional law, he knows nothing about the 10th Amendment, the foundation of the Bill of Rights. Let us be clear: the reason that millions of pounds of drugs are going through Arizona every year and that Phoenix, Arizona is the kidnap capital of the country and only second to Bogota, Colombia as kidnap capital of the world is because President and his Homeland Security group have dropped the ball willfully on illegal immigration.

Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary and the former governor of Arizona has no political will to protect the United States or Arizona from the Mexican Drug Cartels, human-traffickers and assorted felons mixed in with the one million border-crossers who use Arizona as an entry point. She, herself, as goverenor asked for a military or national guard presence along the border to stem the relentless tide of undocumented entrants into the state. But Obama has made it clear, he favors eventual amnesty in which he expects 90% of the new citizens will automatically become Obama voters . . . nothing, not even performing the federal government’s main job (protecting the country and its borders) will be allowed to come between Barack and his unbridled ambition.

Obama and the Democrats are hollering “Nazis,” “police state,” “racial profiling” and “civil-right’s nightmare” to describe a fair and well-written law which has been crafted to mirror exactly the federal immigration law that Obama’s federal government won’t enforce and to minimize any chance of racial profiling by Arizona police. Unless the citizen is arrested or detained with real likelihood of being involved in a crime, I.D. cannot be called for. Since all legitimate non-citizens are required to carry a green card with them at all times, the only problem is in Obama’s mind. It’s all a cleverly designed ploy, as are all Obama’s resorts to crying “racism,” to create unrest among Hispanics in hopes of solidifying that voting bloc for himself and thus for Democrats come November. The lamestream, mainstream media which unhesitatingly broadcast every claim of “racism, violence, extremism” and the like against the serene Tea Partiers . . . now is talking about the “justified anger” as they portray milling angry mobs in Phoenix as merely “righteously upset” citizenry. Well righteously upset citizenry don’t call for burning down the city of Phoenix. These are the “journalists” who will report all the news fair and square, hah?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Readers of Rajjpuut’s recent blog, “Bend Over, America, Here Comes Your Re-Raping,” know that Goldman Sachs is very much a villain in league with the Obama adminstration in plotting the birth of Cap and Trade legislation that will greatly profit them both but literally kill the United States. So GS, often known as “Government Sachs” is a wet buffalo chip at best . . . ‘nuff said. Nevertheless, the current senate hearings on Goldman Sachs, while potentially fruitful (they might actually find evidence that Goldman Sachs extra-actively endorsed the attractiveness of the hedge vehicles in question to the folks who lost about a billion dollars gambling upon them) but at first glance this is a case of the absolutely least principled and least fiscally-disciplined folks in the world pointing their wagging fingers at someone else by insinuating GS was one of the chief causes of the financial meltdown from October, 2007 to present. Unless a smoking gun is found, which never happens during these inane senate hearings, the very best they can say is that Goldman Sachs profited from a situation in 2007 which is not allowed today in 2010, and since the Constitution wisely prohibits ex post facto legislation . . . the livid senators can spin on that little detail till the seas dry up.

As Rajjpuut has explained repeatedly in the last year, the real responsibility for the meltdown belongs in five camps:

o Progressive legislators (80% from among the Democrats and Democrat-backing Independents, Mr. Lieberman) who passed the four vile mortgage guarantee laws beginning with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA ’77) through the Clinton ’98 mortgage-guarantee legslation that put the whole process on steroids in response to a housing crisis that never existed sinced the United States at 64% own-home ownership was by far the highest in the world . . . a government interference boondoggle of the highest order detailed briefly in the link above (the first raping of Americans in the 21st Century)

o ACORN which plotted to use these four mis-conceived and poorly written laws deliberately as a Cloward-Piven vehicle to transfer wealth and bring the country to its knees

o The lawyers like Barak Obama who were hired by ACORN to shake down the banks and other lending institutions and force them to make terribly unwise and fiscally negligent loans in accord with the horrible laws (see the details about the loans recipients at the link above) to people with no chance of ever paying off those loans and

o Greedy firms and banks who abandoned all pretense of fiscal probity in the search for the quick buck by eagerly buying bundled mortgages, make that bundled worthless mortgages.

o The FEDERAL RESERVE whose chiefs, Bernanke and especially Alan Greenspan acted like sideline cheerleader for the developing “derivatives” market. Greenspan claimed in 2002 that derivatives actually would act “to prevent ALL possibility of future market freefalls.

In this light, the hedging that GS was “guilty of” was merely sound business practice (selling both sides of an “issue” and profitting from commissions. The fact that Goldman Sach prospered (if no smoking gun is found at the Senatehearings) so much puts their fiscal responsibility in the highest light compared to say, AIG, Bear Steans, Leyman Bros., etc., etc., ad nauseum who risked their customers’ well-being with their worthless judgment.

This senate hearing is a monstrous smokescreen for two obvious reasons.

A. Today Greece went under. Her history is that they were a few years back running at a questionable 45% debt to Gross Domestic Product ratio (D/GDP) and today are slightly over 100% on that ratio and basically bankrupt with their debt paper (bonds, treasury notes) valued at pennies on the dollar. What’s not said is that we Americans were ourselves operating at a more questionable 50% D/GDP ratio in late 2008 and now under Obama are already at 75% D/GDP and well on the road to becoming the next Greece. And

B. There is only one known model for recovery applicable. To end the “Unknown Depression of 1920” sometimes called the “Invisible Depression,” Warren G. Harding and after Harding’s death Calvin Coolidge cut government spending 49% and cut taxes 40%. The group in the house and senate and the oval office today has dramatically increased spending and even more dramatically upped taxes. The result will unquestionably be a long, painful Depression of the type engineered by the Progressive Republican Harding and the Ultra-Progressive Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt which lasted the better part of thirteen years.

Until their own house is in order, politicians hold NO RIGHT to criticize anyone. As with virtually everything that’s happened since Obama’s inauguration, the whole situation smacks of a world being turned upside down the legislators are severely scolding Wall Street for the fiasco which their four ill-advised criminal laws created. Rajjpuut says “criminal” because there was surely never any thought of mortgage guarantees for the American Republic when the founding fathers created our Constitution. Obama creates a law forcing Americans to buy a commodity and his minions from the IRS can “ask for your papers” to verify that you are not acting illegally. Somehow that’s all “fine and dandy,” but policemen in Arizona can’t check IDs to make sure that everyone in their state is legally there? Until the world gets righted again, we’re going to see a lot of this crap.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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If you think you pay enough taxes . . .

It’s an experience few ever expected would happen to them, not only surrendering their U.S. passport, but doing so gladly. Being an American in Paris, or anywhere outside our own borders is a very expensive proposition time- and money-wise. Oh, and then there’s the matter of aggravation. If this sounds like an utterly horrendous and impossible situation to you, American expatriates in foreign lands can assure you . . . it’s even more so to them as they live out some godawful scenarios day after day . . . .

It used to be that the number of Americans turning in their passports in any given year could be measured in the dozens. It used to be that except for a few political malcontents, it just never happened. Right now thousands of applications for renouncing American citizenship are filling up the in-boxes in U.S. embassies and consulates around the globe. Today 95% of these acts are because of taxes or aggravation or both. The United States, you see, is the nastiest nation in the manner it treats its expatriates among all the countries in the world. We are the only nation in the industrialized world that taxes its citizens overseas . . . making them subject to taxes where they live on top of back home and fewer and fewer of them given today’s climate see any long-term benefit to retaining their American citizenship. One of the main bugaboos has been recent attempts by the United States to pry into the finances of the expatriate citizens.

A lot of the aggravation expatriates feel, for example, is tied up with complex and time-consuming laws requiring expatriates to report all foreign bank accounts with balances in excess of $10,000 and exceedingly large penalties for those who don’t comply either on purpose or by accident. While these laws were aimed at the criminal element, the toll on the lawful expatriate can be devastating. One brother of a friend of Rajjpuut’s put it this way. “Just didn’t know the law and my $18,000 bank account could have landed me in prison or cost a huge fine, talk about a life-destroying slip up. I wonder how many big-crooks with accounts in Switzerland or the Cayman’s they catch with their crappy laws zero, I’d guess. I’m not sure how many times they’ve changed that law, but they were finally successful, they got me. They’ll nail lots of honest citizens for sure, well let ‘em stuff my *&%^$#(8@/? passport.

The biggest hassles, however, come from the compliance of foreign companies with American financial and savings laws. Americans living outside the country are quite often refused certain services because of all the hoop-jumping required for the foreign banks and financial institutions who just don’t want to be bothered for a miniscule number of American customers. The logistics of being an expatriate American is tiresome, at times costly and, many expatriates believe increasingly aggravating to the point of questioning the value of their citizenship. In a Time Magazine article the founder of the American Citizens Abroad (ACA) advocacy group Andy Sundberg speaking about America's attitude toward expatriates put it this way, “We have become toxic citizens.”

Sundberg says that unfortunately more and more expatriate Americans can help America and themselves by just renouncing their citizenship. Not only escaping the financial burden of double taxation but actually bettering the U.S. economy because without being Americans they’ll face fewer logistical nightmares and “it’ll become much easier for them to get a job abroad, and to set up, own and operate private companies promoting American exports.” Sad as it may seem, that ‘s the only win-win situation for many expatriates. The biggest downside is that they can only stay ninety days in the United States in a given year which tends to make the decision to surrender American citizenship difficult for many. But the sense of greater freedom and the huge financial relief drives more and more to do it. Sometimes families and friends tend to look upon the expat as a “Benedict Arnold” which complicates matters, but most understand. However, even when you hang up your U.S. passport for good, expatriates still get punched in the nose . . . you guessed it, there’s an “exit tax.”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Left out

Obama ask today for several different racially and genderly types of votors to come out and support his agenda during the fall election, well I'm a 47 old white male and since I wasn't asked , I diffently won't vote for anyone who supports his agenda.James Wolf
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Dear Officers,
I agree whole heartedly with all the points in your most recent email "You Are The Tea Party!", BUT I feel you are weakening on our position with God. All other governments and national organizations fail and will continue to fail by not placing God in His position as Commander and Chief. Our Creator honors those who honor Him and not as some secondary mention to keep the Christians appeased and involved. This nation, its people are looking for something that is not apologizing for their reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ. There is an awakening in our nation, politically and in the church, it is those who are not ashamed of their faith in Jesus the Christ who will lead, by the Father's endorsement.
"Unless the Lord builds the House (the USA, the Tea Party) we labor in vain." That's not noting family values as "encouraged", but directed by the Lord. As absolute as the 2nd Amendment and the other Bullet Points. Americans, the majority of Americans don't want more of the same. The "big tent" mentality has nearly destroyed the former conservative platform of the Republican Party. Their big tent, idea to be inclusive of more sinful policies, by turning down the light so more can be comfortable in the dark, to include more votes is deceptive, it has the expectancy that more will be accomplished by the hand of man and not the Lord's endorsement.
Layne A. Lindberg
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Did I wake up in Massachusetts this morning? I went to bed there butseem to have woken in Never-Never Land or Bizarro World or some suchoddity. Not only is a politician on the front page of the BostonHerald and not facing indictment, it’s a Republican, and he’sintroduced legislation that require checks on immigrant status. Therewas no quick confirmation from the Boston Globe, at least notthe last time I checked which was admittedly rather early. I try toavoid local news within an hour of breakfast for the sake of mydigestion.

More . . .
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Here is an interesting read! A friend of mine posted this link in another forum and I feel compelled to share.

This is incredible! How is it possible to have the best interests of ALL the American people in mind when you have to LIE and hide the truth to get it done? It seems to me that this bill spends billions of dollars to "help" less than 10% of our population and PUNISHES the remaining 90% for leading successful lives. Is it wrong to think these people should be tried for TREASON AND PUNISHED ACCORDINGLY?!?
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Hey, You’re about to be Re-Raped by Gore, Goldman Sachs,

Barack, and Your Very Own Federal Guv , Have a Nice Day!

In the upcoming re-rape of the U.S. Taxpayers engineered by the Federal Government, most of the citizenry will not even get a kiss. But since Rajjpuut likes YOU, we’ll see to it that you not only get a kiss, by Jove, but perhaps even enough understanding to survive or glory-be actually thrive. Pay attention, now, you really do want that kiss!

First a bit of history: the last time the country got raped it was through a little manipulation called the sub-prime lending crisis. The laws had to be changed four times before that scam finally worked. In chronological order those laws were: the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. The expansion of CRA into the Federal progtams at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac in 1992; a smaller expansion in 1995 and finally the Bill Clinton expansion in 1998 that put the whole system on steroids. A group called ACORN with lawyers such as Barack Obama worked at forcing lending institutions to grant ridiculous loans (forced by the four laws just mentioned) to some people

A. without I.D.
B. without jobs
C. with abysmal credit ratings
D. without even a bona fide rental address and even to
E. illegal aliens.

Then some people bundled a lot of these horrendous mortgages together and sold them to other people known as “fish.” One of the biggest profiteers from this activity was a group on Wall Street known as Goldman Sachs. You may have heard of them. As far as Rajjpuut can tell GS, sometimes known as “Government Sachs” actually did nothing technically wrong, they just made a lot of money out of the entire country’s misery . . . . originally Rajjpuut thought that ACORN and the progressive politicians were the culprits . . . but GS, well, let’s see where our story leads us . . . .

OK, OK the last time we bundled mortgages together, so the suckers won’t fall for that for at least a decade – how in hell can we make a dishonest buck? Hmmmm. But first did you know that eleven key regulators of the financial industries (FEDS, in other words) and eight key members of the Obama industry have spent a good deal of their adult lives working for Goldman Sachs? Maybe that’s where the name Government Sachs comes from. Let’s see where were we? Oh, yeah, how to re-rape the country. Well first we need something to sell . . . .

“I know, I know” said a clever senator from Tennessee and another clever senator from Chicago. The two clever senators decided to sell the country and the world “Blue Sky” – clear blue sky, step right up and get your blue sky.

Here’s how it workes . . . You may have heard of the Tides** Foundation, it’s a place where rich progressives donate a lot of money and then you can’t tell that they’re involved because everything is hush-hush secret and done by this anonymous entity . . . the foundation. The Tides Foundation is a non-profit that’s purportedly promotes social justice, cleaner environment, etc., but what it really does is take advantage of the godawful regulatory climate, which progressive lawmakers have pushed onto all of us, to find appropriately complex and very profitable scams . . . all in the name of advancing questionable liberal/progressive goals. The Tides Foundation is huge. Well imagine something even bigger, something that could fit up to ten or twelve Tides Foundations inside it and still have wiggle room. In fact this larger entity, The Joyce** Foundation, actually is one of, if not THE largest funder for the Tides Foundation. If that looks like money laundering to you . . . well so be it.

So in 2001, the senator from Tennessee had just almost been president of the United States and he was going around the world in his jet spreading a lot of nasty exhaust but telling a lot of lies supposedly based on real science, but actually just plain lies about something called global warming. And this Joyce Foundation they gave him and others money for a start-up grant to create an entity called CCX which would eventually sell the “blue-sky.” And the board (the group) that’s running this CCX (which stands for Chicago Climate Exchange) consists of that nice Tennessee fellow Al Gore and a London Investment group he works with (no relation to East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) of climate-gate shame, we’re sure, (or are we?); plus the brother of the well-known Weather Underground Bomb-maker Bill Ayers, John Ayers; plus three or four key Goldman Sachs people; and the Goldman Sachs Company itself (10% owner); plus Barak Obama who actually wasn’t even a U.S. Senator but just an Illinois Senator when he and a fellow named Sandor who’s the President of this CCX put the whole scam together. By the way, CCX is a voluntary agency – get that voluntary. And remember they’re selling (eventually) blue sky.

When Mr. Sandor was interviewed recently he estimated that the blue-sky sales business (also known as “Cap and Trade”) which creates something literally out of nothing would shortly become a $10 TRillion industry every single year. Since the full value of all the stocks on all the American exchanges and over the counter in all the companies is estimated at $15 TRillion which is $15 TRillion over all the earth’s history and therefore nothing compared to blue sky being worth $10 TRillion every single year . . . well that’ll give you a pretty good idea of what exactly blue sky can be worth in the hands of people with imagination and a bit of larceny in their souls?

$10 TRillion, but wait, remember we said that the CCX was a voluntary group? You did remember that? So they've been working basically without reward for nine full years basically out of the goodness of their hearts, my my. Of course if climate-law such as Cap and Trade ever became the law of the land and they already were the most experienced at the business in the whole world . . . well $10, TRillion . . . . Any wonder why, with Cap and Trade stuck forever in the Senate, Barack Obama has tried to make (a presidential edict) Cap and Trade the law of the land via the EPA? Ah well, bend over America, ENJOY! And as for Barack Obama, it's called conflict of frigging interest Mr. President.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** and for any reader that thinks that the Tides Foundation and the Joyce Foundations sound vaguely familiar and might actually be parodied in Michael Crichton's thriller "State of Fear," come on now, that's a work of fiction, Crichton wouldn't do that, would he?

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Note: The following items, not representing utter worship of Barack Obama, have been largely omitted from the evening news. Shame on the mainstream media . . . .
Item #1: "No administration should be the the chief investigator, judge and jury of its own actions . . ." says Senator Joseph (Joe), supposedly Independent, Lieberman has for the first time in about twenty months bucked the Democrats he caucuses with. And the Obama administration, in its turn has thumbed its nose at Independent Joe, saying they don’t want to “jeopardize an ongoing investigation” and won't share the info he's requesting. The Departments of Homeland Security and Defense have both refused to honor their subpoenas from Democratic Senator Lieberman, Acting as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Liebermann is charging the Obama administration and these agencies with deliberate obstruction of the congressional hearings into the Ft. Hood shootings and running a cover-up. Rajjpuut senses that it must be very difficult to prove the case against a fellow with only sixty eye witnesses. Of course, proving that case without once allowing either Army documents or testimony containing the nasty words “Muslim,” “extremist,” “jihad,” “Al Qaeda” and “Awlaki” may be more interesting. Political correctness must be served. Rajjpuut expects prompt settlement of the matter after the 2012 election.

Item #2: You remember H1Ni Flu? It seems that 70% of the vaccine created to fight the virus is about to expire UNused. Which means that a lot of money was wasted. Which also means that 80% of the people the “crucial” vaccine was supposedly of “life or death importance” for never elected to get their shots. Rajjpuut who has never received a flu shot, and never will, remembers calling this a boondoggle way back when. Well if they didn’t get their absolutely vital flu shots, and we still haven’t heard of a rash of deaths and injuries and hospital stays related to the H1N1 Flu . . . sounds like a boondoggle to anyone with ears and a brain. Now what about those complaints of disastrous H1N1 vaccine side effects; or those spray vaccines?

Item #3: If there exists a more frequently abused word in the political vernacular than “reform” Rajjpuut would like to hear it. Just as the media headlines during the Obamacare debates shouted out continually, “Republicans block health care reform”; now as we approach the merry month of May with congress debating the godawful Barack Banking and Wall Street Bill, they ring out “Republicans block Wall Street reform.” While the Republican under Bush screwed us royally with Bailout #1 and before that with Medicare Part D two incredibly massive Government Spending Boondoggles (GSBs) . . . they’ve proven, at long last they’ve earned their “fiscal-conservatives” label. Just because some Obama-worshipping cretins like Pelosi and Reid label some bill “reform” doesn’t mean it’s anything like reform. Reform takes bad situations and corrects them. Reform takes ineffective acts or, in this case laws, and makes them work. Not one item proposed and or passed by the Obama administration thus far other than the ¾- surge in Afghanistan has been an improvement of anything. To paraphrase Forest Gump, when it comes to “reform,” stupid is as Pelosi does.

Item #4: The senate denied passage today to the so-called “Financial Reform Bill” advocated by the Obama administration. The house of representatives voted to pass the more accurately described “Barack Banking Bill” by 223-202. The Democrats believe that the people are easily fooled and want this bill in the headlines till November with “Republicans Oppose Wall Street Reform” and the like. It always sounds bad to be against REFORM, never sounds good, even if it's the only thing a legislator with conscience can do. As S.I Hayakawa said in his semantics masterpiece ("Language in Thought and Action") “the word is NOT the thing.” Obama calling something “reform” is like a child molestor calling his avocation “lollipop distribution.”

Item #5: True bi-partisanship has gone completely unnoticed by both the Democrats and the riotious cacophony of the media clamoring for Cap and Trade and Obamacare and the latest Barak Banking initiatives. There was TRUE bi-partisanship with both Republicans and Democrats voting against Obamacare in the house. Both again voted together against Cap and Trade in the house and both are keeping the matter from coming to a vote in the senate. Today two Democrats voted against Barak Banking in the Senate, including Harry Reid who joined Nebraska’s Ben Nelson in opposition to Reid’s bill. However, that ever- tricky Reid just wanted to be able to re-introduce the bill as soon as possible according to parliamentary concerns. Nelson said he hadn’t had time to study the 3,137 page bill. Of course we know, almost no one else had time to “read” the bill much less study it – but that didn’t stop them from voting on it, get with the program, Nelson! And by the way, yes the House did pass Barack Banking 223 to 203. That means that 27 Democrats had the patriotism and intelligence to oppose Obama’s corrupt transformation to communism. Again it was a bi-partisan vote against Obama’s nonsense.

Item #6: A Rassmussen Reports poll today found that 60% of Americans see capitalism as better than socialism (18% disagree while 21% say they’re not sure; included in that 60%, are 43% of Democrats who agree that capitalism is better while 24% of Dems favor socialism). When the question is altered to replace the term “free market economy” for the term “capitalism,” 77% of Americans prefer a free market economy. A separate poll showed that 58% of Americans oppose Obamacare and want it repealed; while 60% say the bill will increase deficits. Some Democrats in Congress may be fooled about the Obama administration, but increasingly the voters are definitely not.

Item #7: It’s OFFICIAL: GM lied to us . . . . Since GM had not shown much of a profit recently and failed to show a profit at least five of the last seven quarters, it wasn’t hard to be skeptical. The bogus General Motors claim that they’d paid off their bailout “five years ahead of time, including interest” is certainly NOT convincing taxpayers at all and the loyal opposition is all over it. You may have seen the commericials with GM CEO/Chairman Whiteacre asking us to “give GM another chance.” GM officially announced Wednesday last week that it had paid back the $8.1 billion in loans it received from the U.S. and Canadian governments. Of that, $6.7 billion went to the U.S. treasury. Of course, unmentioned is that the GM bailout actually costs nearly $84 Billion including a huge amount of money for the Obama-contributing United Auto Workers Union so that they could own the company in large part. Of course the bailout didn’t payoff the people GM actually owed money too; nor did it pay off others who held GM debt instruments such as several retirement funds. All of the rest of the blog following this and concerning GM is from Fox News”:

Republican Senator Grassley of Iowa said in a letter that a Securities and Exchange Commission form filed by GM showed that $6.7 billion of the tens of billions the company received was sitting in an escrow account and available to be used for repayment. He called on Geithner to provide more information about why the company was allowed to use bailout money to repay bailout money, and how much of the remaining escrow money GM would be allowed to keep.

"The bottom line seems to be that the TARP loans were 'repaid' with other TARP funds in a Treasury escrow account. The TARP loans were not repaid from money GM is earning selling cars, as GM and the administration have claimed in their speeches, press releases and television commercials," he wrote.

Vice President Biden on Wednesday called the GM repayment a "huge accomplishment." You remember "Clueless Joe?" He's the one who said that winning the Iraq War will prove to be "the greatest accomplishment of this administration so far" as Obama's (let's get out, quick as we can)policies in Iraq seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory . . . He's definitely not in the loop on this one, "major accomplishment?"

TARP overseer Barofsky told Fox News"I think the one thing that a lot of people overlook with this is where they got the money to pay back the loan. And it isn't from earnings. ... It's actually from another pool of TARP money that they've already received," he said Wednesday. "I don't think we should exaggerate it too much. Remember that the source of this money is just other TARP money."

Barofsky told the Senate Finance Committee the same thing Tuesday, and said the main way for the federal government to earn money out of GM would be through "a liquidation of its ownership interest."

Grassley criticized the GM scenario in his letter.

"The taxpayers are still on the hook, and whether TARP funds are ultimately recovered depends entirely on the government's ability to sell GM stock in the future. Treasury has merely exchanged a legal right to repayment for an uncertain hope of sharing in the future growth of GM. A debt-for-equity swap is not a repayment," he wrote. Rajjpuut believes GM should go into the magic supplies business – nice sleight of hand*, Whiteacre, NICE!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


*By the way, the owner of 61% of GM is still the federal government . . . and the greatest conflict of interest with this story lies with the Obama administration which stands to gain public esteem if people fall for Chairman Whiteacre’s bogus claim and start buying GM stock and GM cars

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Not enough can be said about this coming November, and the closer it gets the more excited I get. Every once in awhile, something good this way comes, and sharing is what it's all about.

One interesting facet of these elections -- notice how some in our fickle congress have changed their profile? All of a sudden McCain is tough on immigration, Lindsey Graham-nesty is re-thinking Cap & Trade, Collins is still trying to decide whether she is conservative to not, but puts up a front nonetheless, and just today, Ben Nelson votes with the Republicans on Financial (NON)Reform. How spineless can you get, guys? Too late. Your true profiles were revealed in the crunch, when it counted, and we were desperately calling out for your support!

My N-Word is November

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Word of the Day: Dhimmitude

Had never heard the word until now---Type it into Google and start reading…Pretty interesting. Note that Muslims and certain other religions are exempt from the Obamacare penalties and it is supported by law. We are surrendering from within! The boy is leading us right down the path to total control!Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslimpopulations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned.Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. Howconvenient. So I am, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax.Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize muslims.Period. This is Dhimmitude.Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you don't believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. Lots of people will say "Sure, I'll be a muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?"I recommend sending this post to your contacts. This is desperately important and people need to know about it - quickly.
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Government of “We the People”

NOT “You the Dictator,” Mr. Obama
This statue featuring US President Barack Obama when he was 10 years old was placed in Taman Menteng in Jakarta, Indonesia. Two months later on December 10, 2009 after much local controversy, it was removed to be permanently situated at the Muslim private school he attended for parts of five years. Much more below . . . .
How many Americans would have voted for Barack Obama if they knew the truth about this communist candidate for Kenyan president and then about the Muslim reign of violence he used to get close to power when voting wouldn't work for him? Much more below . . . .

We, the citizens of the United States, are in a world of HURT. As we quickly slide toward moving control over half of the economy under the federal government, let Rajjpuut say one thing very clear: Mr. Obama was raised a communist, is a communist, and the very best case scenario we will get out of him, if he’s stopped immediately will be the semi-socialist state that Obamacare has brought us to (its evils won’t be fully revealed until 2014). This is a sorry state of affairs. In the information age, 54% of the people were duped because they saw the glitz and heard the fine-sounding rhetoric but knew absolutely nothing about the character of the man they elected. The media and the Democratic Party shafted us by willfully keeping us in the dark . . . .

Obama outright stole the election from Hillary Clinton (by machine politics and thuggery and illegal bussing of out of staters across borders that won him 13 of the 14 caucus states . . . Clinton dominated in easily in the voting states) and the media and Democratic Party saw that and ignored that. His thuggery has expanded to the halls of congress. To say his actions, words and efforts “spit on the Constitution” is to call an aquatic bird that waddles, quacks and flies, GASP: a duck.

Barack Obama was the most mysterious presidential candidate in our nation’s history. The left-leaning media has never properly vetted him. We know a hundred times more about the background of the ill-fated John-John Kennedy than we do of Barack Obama’s. He is a communist. His birth-father was a communist who lost his government job in Kenya, for unceasing communist rants. Here from a relatively left-leaning source, his opinion is forever memorialized about the advisibility of 100% tax and here he names his favorite political-economic system “scientific-socialism” which he immediately clears up by saying “communism.” Read for yourself:

Barack’s first autobiography (we all need at least two, don’t you know) “Dreams From My Father” has never been properly vetted by the media. The material (pictures, interviews and other recordings and some documents) were compiled by Obama. Large pieces of the writing were done by Bill Ayers (bomb-making Weather Underground avowed communist from the late 60’s . . . now a “respected" educator) and it’s as close to truth as Obama has ever gotten. He doesn’t mention “communism” by name but when he talks about "Dreams from My Father" (and grandfather and mother) he means dreams of communism.

Here’s some of what the left-leaning media didn’t choose to investigate: like Barack himself, his mother’s family attended a very controversial church. It was called the “Little Red Church” because the message most frequently heard there had nothing to do with anyone’s sacred book, but rather with “Das Kapital.” Karl Marx’s work. The family had been uprooted from Kansas so they might attend that church and so that his mother Stanley Ann Dunham could attend a communist-leaning Mercer Island prep school near Seattle, Washington, where she proved to be among the most adamantly radical of its students constantly holding forth in a segment of the hall called “Anarchy Alley” and there created the much discussed “Yirka Movement” (ten-years ahead of its time these were loosely-laid plans for a commune for fellow travellers, a.k.a. communists, away from the mainstream of American civilization) at the high school. “Free-love” in the H.G. Wells notion of it, was part of its allure and certainly no capitalism was allowed. In her defense, she was clearly a rebel and yet a lot of us have had some pretty wild notions whenwe were teens . . . one of the chief positive attributes of the Yirka commune would be its welcoming on equal terms of Indians, Blacks and people of all races as equal partners in the endeavor.

Although, Barack’s grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, could have sold furniture anywhere, he chose that place, that church and most importantly, that school for his little girl. Later he would move to the newly established 50th state, Hawaii. Why? Because Hawaii U. at that time was the most tolerant campus for communist ideas in the country and Ann, as she was now finally calling herself, expected to fit right in. Barack was raised in that communist household by his communist mother and communist grandfather, Stanley Ann Dunham and Stanley Armour Dunham respectively. After her second marriage failed, his mother abandoned him to be raised by his communist grandfather. Because the boy was half-Black, Stanley Armour Dunham brought a mentor into the household for Barak, the Black communist poet Frank Marshall Davis whose stories about Chicago impressed Barack greatly. One thing Frank (his full name was never mentioned in “Dreams From My Father”) told Barack was to be circumspect around all Whites, even his grandparents, “they’ll never fully understand."

After she graduated from Mercer H.S. in 1960, there is great confusion about the beginning of Stanley Ann’s university career. Some documents definitely show she began in Washington but the family always maintained she was never ever there but in Hawaii all along. This could be important because there seems to be no existing record of the marriage by Ann and Barak (without a ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr. whom she definitely met at Hawaii U. The whole matter of fatherhood is somewhat problematical due to some indication that she might have had sexual relations with a Nation of Islam administrator when Malcolm X came to speak in Seattle that fall. Ann was definitely ahead of her time in race relations, so it’s possible, but no more than a possibility. Certainly she was a normal-sized woman and Barak Sr. was a normal-sized man five to six inches shorter than “his” son. Short of DNA testing for parenthood, we’ll never know. Some rightwing bloggers have said unequivocally (without proof, of course), that Obama is Malcolm X’s son, but besides everything else being very “iffy” Malcolm X was NOT a communist but, in fact, very much in favor of Black’s exploiting free markets to create businesses to advance themselves. Frankly, the rightwing blogs only have Malcolm X’s 6' 2" height as a factor on their sides. ‘nuff said. We’ll never know. We only know for sure that Ann Dunham was quite radical for her day.

Ms. Dunham a few years later divorced Barack Sr. when she found out he was already married (Barak Sr. had permission from his first wife to marry again -- polygamy is part of the tribal tradition for prosperous men in the area of Kenya where they lived) but not told her of the first marriage until much later, she claimed. Given her extreme radicalism, we can't be sure that conversation never happened either. She was not a conventional girl.

That bronze statue of ten-year old Barack in Jakarta, Indonesia is quite something, eh? . . . not many ten year old boys leave such an impression. The next-to-last area of vetting where the mainstream media and the Democratic Party appeared to drop the ball is Obama’s Muslim connection. “I have never practiced Islam.” “I have always been a Christian.” Those are two of his most quoted statements right up there alongside, "I am NOT a socialist, I'm NOT." But the statue of young Barak (without a ‘c’) Obama in Indonesia where he attended Muslim school and was considered a “prize pupil” strongly suggest otherwise. It suggests that he was a practicing Muslim as a boy from 1967 - 1971 when he attended the school, which in itself is NO BIG DEAL because his mother’s second husband was a prosperous Muslim oil company executive. Young Barack attended school as Barry Soetero (his new father’s name). While Rajjpuut doesn’t enjoy being lied to (“I have never practiced Islam.”) normally a man’s religion is his own business. However, the Muslim connection does rear it’s head in a very ugly manner when it comes to Raila Odinga. If there is one piece of evidence about who is the true Barack Obama, Rajjpuut suggests . . . his dealings with Raila Odinaga reveal the character as clearly as anything ever could.

In 2006 and again in 2007 while already involved in his own presidential campaign Senator Barack Obama, using U.S. tax dollars for the trip, took time off to visit Kenya and campaign on behalf of Raila Odinga (a cousin?) the communist candidate for Kenya’s presidency. The mainstream media have totally ignored the easily discoverable facts of this trip, but have chosen not to. In fact, the mainstream media has been Barak Obama's chief enabler all along.

While in Kenya, on two different occasions Barack appeared and spoke in typical Muslim attire. He appeared all in all at over a dozen events wearing conventional shirt and tie most times. Let's talk about Odinga. He was university educated in East Berlin well before the fall of the Berlin Wall and favors “scientific socialism” a.k.a. communism. He is a Muslim. Muslim’s make up about 10% of the Kenyan populace. The largest religious group in Kenya are Christians at 45%. Despite these facts, most infamously Raila Odinga signed a document of “understanding” with Muslim leaders that he would impose “sharia” if elected. When it was revealed within weeks of its signing, the document seemingly cost Odinga all chance of winning the presidency. He quickly came out with a new document that had none of the first one’s provisions . . . .

Odinga, according to the first document of understanding, would have named Islam as the official religion of Kenya. It would have banned missionary work by other religions. It would have banned religious programming on radio or TV by other religions. You get the picture . . . but more information is available:

When Odinga lost the election badly, he claimed he was defrauded. The Muslim tribes* started a terror campaign in which many people died, much arson and violence was committed including rapes and wanton killing. The largest group among all the victims were Kenyan Christians and their churches. To pacify the Muslims, Odinga was named by the President as his Prime minister. Odinga never apologized for his part in creating the violent and intolerant atmosphere. Obama has not acknowledged campaigning for a communist, wearing Muslim garb, or speaking to Muslim groups. Or any part of the election in Kenya at all.

None of the facts discussed here are state secrets, if they’d have been true of John McCain, you bet the press would have covered it and the Democrats would have revealed it. If they’d have been true of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton her chief campaigner, we’d have found out about it courtesy of the press’ unabashed prefence for Barack Obama. Obama is 100% communist, he wants to transform America into an all-powerful federal government: a communist state. Socialism would be a best-case scenario . . . but we’re well past that now.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

* there is an e-mail purportedly from Obama suggesting this course of action for Odinga "call the election fraudulent and start a campaign of violence" etc. but Rajjpuut has been unable to verify it with a second reputable source . . . if the reader finds more info either confirming or refuting this story, please send it to:
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Maine Tea baggers

I am anew member. I am Vince Tammaro 61 of Mechanic Falls ME. I wonder if there is any interest in organizing a protest outside of Cong. Mike Michauds Lewiston office. This person votes always w/ the Obama, Pelosi Reid axis. He claimed to be a pro-life Dem, but this has not always been true. Plus he voted for Obamacare which is bad stewardship of taxpayers money. He also has no fear of the voters, and does whatever the party want.
Anyone else feel like me. I would like to organize a peacful protest.


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Worry about being smeared?

I read today's email and was wondering if the writer sees him/herself
as more to the right than to the left. I am sorry, but I see such little
difference. It looks more like marketing like buy a Chevy vs a Ford.

I hope the Tea Party stands for what is written on this site as its goals.
I do not see me as for the right or the left. I am for America.
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A Prediction of the Future

Tea Party.Org – May 26, 2010 – Dale Robertson

“Democrats—terrified of the Tea Party movement—are coming out of the woodwork to warn about dangerous rhetoric of the right.”

Billy, the Kid Clinton is connecting the Tea Party with McVeigh’s Oklahoma City bombing. It was the BATF burning of the church of religious fanatics out of Waco, along with men, women, and children that set off McVeigh. Attorney General Janet Reno ordered the BATF attack. Reno had Clinton’s blessings.

Clinton is about the worst hypocrite to ever occupy the White House. “The hypocrisy of the leftist political class is mind-bogging,” says Dale. To me, it as natural as the sun’s rising. I believe in astrological predictions. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. Aquarians despise hypocrisy. They are future oriented and strong-willed.

An amazing thing this is. The Age of Pisces is fading into the past. Pisceans desperately want to do the right thing, but they tend to be weak-willed. They listen to what others say. Aquarians are the opposite. They are stubborn in their beliefs.

Another amazing thing: With Obama’s election in November 2008, Saturn, the learning planet, went into unfavorable alignment with Pluto, the generational planet. Coincidentally, the Mayan calendar has it that the world ends with the end of Obama’s term of office. Coincidentally, the bad Saturn-Pluto alignment ends with the end of Obama’s term of office.

Before anything can exist, since nothing gives you nothing, consciousness exists. We exist in a state of conscious awareness, as limited by us. The power drive is basic to all sentient beings. There is the natural law of the jungle and the “higher law” for humans, which has its basis in intrinsic principles that don’t change.

With all of the above coincidences, and I’ve listed but a few, the cutting edge of physics now says that in the mix of things you have to include consciousness. Quantum physics says we are at the threshold of a quantum leap forward in understanding our human reality. This connects with ancient astrology.

The Tea Party, coincidentally, is made up of people who fit the Aquarian personality, whose symbol is the water-bearer. By the way, the Piscean’s symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisceans have a hard time making up their minds. Please remind Billy, the Kid Clinton. My advice to the Tea Party: “steady as she goes.”

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Barak Obama’s shortsighted energy policies in concert with intrusive environmental policies that have prevented the United States from building even one new oil refinery in the last thirty-seven years as well as keeping our country from exploiting its own oil reserves may very soon create a massive oil shortage in this country. The cause? Besides Obama and the environmental lunatic fringe, the cause is WAR! But not the war you’re expecting it might be . . . and, if America is caught napping, blame it 100% on willful ignorance . . . .
Americans as a people, unfortunately are ultra-lazy when it comes to learning about other nations, their cultures and languages around the world. For example, GM put an enormous amount of money into introducing their sporty little Nova into the Latin American markets way back when. It seemed after their studies, PERFECT. It was small and manueverable but roomy inside, got great gas mileage and not too expensive; it was also pretty attractive, GM bigwigs thought Nova was a natural to play out a big winner in South and Central America.

OOOOPS . . . . Nova was a complete bust. After that, the Japanese totally dominated the new car market south of the Rio Grande. Indeed, it was much worse than a bust, it was the laughing stock of Latin America. Why? Consider this, if the Japanese instead of Toyota and Honda had tried to sell Americans a car called “Doesnotgo” would you buy it? Any first year Spanish student in high school should know that “No va” means exactly that, “Won’t run.” That was a costly mistake, one of many that GM made that brought them to their present situation, a mistake built upon gross ignorance. So now our ignorance of Muslim culture may very soon leave us oil-less. NICE!
In a nutshell, here’s the background . . . People who know their Bible, know that the Arabic peoples sprang famously from the loins of Ishmael. Muslims, most Jews and almost all Christians all agree that Ishmael was the first-Arab and the firstborn son of the Jewish prophet Abraham (specifically, the child of Abraham’s wife Sara’s handmaiden, who was named Hagar). As far as is known, Ishmael was the first deliberately circumcized Arab in history. Ishmael is credited in Genesis with living 137 years, hmmmm, giving him lots of time to be fruitful and multiply. After those few factoids, Arabs and Jews have agreed on little else. According to the B’hai faith it was Ishmael and not Abram’s second son Isaac (from Sara) who was almost sacrificed by Abram before his name was changed to Abraham. One of many disagreements.
Ishmael was also the first Prophet of the Muslim tradition, according to the Koran, and all things began with Ishmael. However, the greatest Arab according to Muslim history sprang up roughly 2,300 years later: their Prophet Mohammed. Blending the early Christian and Jewish traditions and oral and written histories (the Bible and Torah) Mohammed, like Christ, is reported to have had direct divine contact and frequent revelations from God. In any case his new religion, Islam, swept the world more quickly than any religion in history. The word “Islam” means “complete surrender to God.” It came to dominate not only the Middle East and much of the Far East including much of India and Indonesia, but much of South Eastern Europe, all of Northern Africa and all of the Iberian Penninsula (Spain and Portugal) by 711 A.D. and reached into France before being stopped by defeat to the Frank King Charles Martell in 732 A.D. which is why the Holy Roman Empire came to be and Iberian history is so different from the rest of Europe and why Spain and Portugal were so advanced while Europe was undergoing its Dark Ages.
Those early Muslims, Moors or Saracens, whatever you wanted to call them, were among the most enlightened and tolerant people in World History, their list of technical advancess and advancements in learning were impressive to say the least. Famous Muslim gifts to Europe include chess, the windmill, trigonometry, wine, the Arabian horse, etc. Religious freedom was universal. Great architectural advances, the zero in number theory came to Europe through them as did algebra and most astronomical advances (these advances stopped at the Pyrenees where the Holy Roman Empire began). It was the most glorious religious accomplishment of all time according to Muslim teaching . . . objectively, they may well be correct.
All Muslims do not agree on how Mohammed died . . . some reports have a headache with death following three days later. But according to one account, the roots of the festering war (which Americans have never heard about) that we’re about to discover occurred roughly a century before Charles Martell’s victory . . . at a lamb and goat dinner in 629 A.D. where the Prophet Mohammed was guest of honor. According to some, he took just one bite of the main course and immediately spit it out, but it was too late. He was poisoned and soon died. He was buried nearby and an empty tomb was placed next to his, for the prophet Jesus, according to Muslim tradition.
But there was this questionable business . . . murder most foul by poisoning, and no one knew or knows who did it. More importantly, in the wake of their prophet’s death, no one knew who should take over and that is the root of many problems we’re seeing today. In the Arabian Peninsula since that day, Muslims have been killing Muslims over that argument ever since. The very first recorded Muslim intolerance and the only recorded Muslim intolerance for centuries was Muslims at each other’s throats.
This disagreement has lasted over thirteen and a half centuries. Sunni Muslims such as the late Saddam Hussein today control Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and many other Middle Eastern countries. Shia Muslims now run Iraq (thanks to U.S. involvement) as well as Lebanon and Syria and most infamously Iran under the vocal nuke-seeking Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran, once known as “Persia,” was at one time the greatest empire existing in the world and remembering their glorious history, Iranians chafe at the outrages heaped upon Iran by the hated Sunnis.
The Sunni are the controllers of most of the countries in the Middle East. And the Sunnis are Iran’s most hated rivals. While it’s true, you cannot be a Middle East Muslim without hating Israel . . . but in Shia Muslim eyes the controlling Sunni’s policies of intolerance and torture toward Shia Muslims has created huge amounts of bitterness across the region. For centuries the Shia have been the heavily oppressed underclass citizens in Arabia. In fact, no one knows how many Shia there are because most of the dictators don’t choose to count them during census. Unlike the original Muslim tolerance for religious freedom . . . Sunni schools teach that Shia are not really Islamic people. They’re never given government representation. They can’t marry Sunnis. They can’t testify in trials in the high courts and can’t become judges. They are third-class citizens and frequently locked up, tortured and at a minimum arrested and hassled any time a powerful Sunni feels like it. Sunni schools are institutions conveying religious hatred toward the Shia. Shia Muslims often are also taught to hate their Sunni leaders from birth. Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Shia, wants his nukes for Israel, perhaps, but for Sunnis as well. The region is a lit powder keg and Iran is already the #1 exporter of terror. They’ve kept a Shia revolution in Yemen going for over a decade. They’ve sponsored terrorism in Saudi Arabia; in Iraq; in Afghanistan; the list continues to expand.
While all this is going on, Barack Obama is keeping a tight lid on American oil and has done nothing to quash Iran’s nuke program . . . go figure. One truth is not deniable, all this heating up of intra-Muslim conflict cannot be good for oil supplies, oil prices, or oil-dependent America. So until Washington produces a solar car, Americans may find themselves up the infamous creek without a means of locomotion.
Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,
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