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Obama and NAACP Deliberately

Counter-Productive to Race Harmony?

Let’s get one thing straight, when it comes to Andrew Breitbart’s recently released video: Shirley Sherrod was never the story although a lot of people assumed she was. The real story was, and still is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Three things are very clear here . . . recently . . . .

A) The NAACP had just held a meeting in which a key speaker was allowed to praise a preacher and his thug friends who had just been arrested for beating up a Black entrepreneur selling “The audacity of DOPE” buttons. The man had made a fortune selling Obama buttons in 2008, but misjudged his audience when he began selling buttons showing Obama smoking a joint (marijuana cigarette, if you’ve been off the planet for half a century). The speaker was cheered loudly as he repeatedly called the victim “an Uncle Tom” and praised his assailants.

B) Without one iota of proof, the NAACP has once again

joined the Democrats and Obama for the umpteenth time in calling the TEA Party a “racist” group. The NAACP has made its career over the last half century calling Whites “racists devils” and this latest charge happened despite the fact that in the face of claims that the “N-word” was used by TEA Partiers “up to twenty-three times” against Black congressmen on the day that the Obamacare bill passed, it never happened. Breitbart has offered $100,000 to anyone who can show up with indisputable video proof that the N-word was used at all, even once that day. So far despite all the cameras and video devices on site, no one has come forward to prove the event happened. Of course, supposedly one Black congressman said he was “spat upon” but no video of that footage has occurred either, making critical minds think that spitting incident never happened either. Breitbart’s money is still in his bank account.

C) Now to the video itself, Sherrod herself was apparently a terrible victim in her youth when her father was, she said, killed by a White southern man and justice was never done. That was left out. Then later (in the 43-minute speech which the NAACP had recorded in its entirety) she talks about her epiphany that it “wasn’t about black and white at all” or at least not mainly about black and white but rather about helping the poor regardless of race. In other words her epiphany was that she learned how to do her job. Part of that was left out. What was actually left in the video segment? What was left in was while she was talking, the NAACP membership (which did NOT know where the speech and her story were going) was tittering and laughing and giving virtual “Hallelujah, Girl!” treatment to the speech as she was talking about a very uneasy interracial contact in her job with a White man who “thought he was superior to me.” That in a nutshell was the story, the NAACP reaction to the apparently racist story (early in her talk) was uniquely racist for an organization that claims to be seeking equal footing for all races. Notice the parallels between the NAACP reaction in paragraph A above and this paragraph. In the rest of the 43-minute speech, not revealed by Breitbart, were ten minutes of rants against Bush, Republicans and TEA Party members for racism without giving any evidence to back up her charges revealed Ms. Sherrod and her NAACP audience to be absolute reverse-racists.

The most clear and obvious statistics about racism in this country are that 1) Democrat Barack Obama received more White votes and a larger percentage of White votes in 2008 than John Kerry did in 2004 or Al Gore did in 2000, roughly 48%, meanwhile 2) John Mc Cain, the Republican nominee, received only around 4.4 % of Black votes. Those single facts more than any other propelled Barack Obama into office with a 7% edge in the popular vote. In other words, 3) Whites in 2008 were roughly eleven times more likely to cross racial lines in casting their votes then Blacks were.

Rajjpuut suggests that presumably 90-95% of the Whites who voted against Obama and 100% of the Blacks who voted for Mc Cain in 2008 did so for objective dislike of socialism, big spending and high taxes rather than for racial reasons. Today, 55% of Americans now label Obama a “socialist,” yet despite his miserable performance as president, 84% of Blacks still support Barack Obama. Without that support from Blacks, Obama’s overall positive job performance would stand around 36%. Who then are the racists?

To clear the air, here are some side-facts you might be interested in: Rajjpuut, a Libertarian, did NOT vote for Barack Obama because after reading “Dreams from My Father,” and listening to his speeches and going deep into research into his past voting; into the character of his mother Stanley Ann Dunham; grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham; and Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr. his Kenyan birth-father . . . after that research, Rajjpuut rightly decided that Obama was at least a highly-exuberant socialist but far more likely an abject communist.

The word “prejudice” refers to pre-judging a situation, person, etc. without having all the facts (without doing your homework or research). When that prejudice is along the lines of race or color then the word “racist” is applicable. When the so-called “prevailing direction” of race hatred is breached then “reverse-racism” occurs.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has today become what it says it fears: a group of racists, or more properly a group of reverse-racists. While some liberated Blacks talk about the NAACP as “becoming increasingly irrelevant,” the truth is that the NAACP has for several years now has become a monstrous impediment on the road to better race relations. The biggest impediment on that road, however, is Barack Obama. Our “post-racial” president is either personally a racist or impersonally (for political advantage) the most highly visible race-baiter in America’s history . . . or most likely both.

Emphasizing specifics, the NAACP is a racist organization because unlike the great Martin Luther King, Jr., the NAACP judges Whites on their skin color not by the content of their character; and Barack Obama who seems to be doing the same thing is most likely judging voters on their stance for him or against him and using that prejudice as motivation for calling them “racists” to weaken, he hopes, the strength of their political opposition to him and the will of others to unite against him.

While Rajjpuut throws brickbats around, Shirley Sherrod is also a huge impediment to better race relations . . . a politically-incorrect fact that no one seems to be mentioning since the public-hijinks the other day by Shirley’s former employer the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Ms. Sherrod, is also, outside of her being a reverse-racist (she has labeled all Republicans and the TEA Party as racists much like Obama has, something called a ‘sewer’ or perhaps ‘suer,’ someone who likes to sue in the hopes of achieving monetary gain . . . she will be most likely suing the USDA for unlawful termination (her second big suit) and has called Breitbart “someone I’d like to get even with.” She should, if justice prevails, lose the suits, because her former employer has apologized publicly and publicly offered her a better job than she had earlier, but this is somewhat beside the point.

Ms. Sherrod, the NAACP and President Obama can all be lumped into the same boat, they are prejudiced against Whites who are not prejudiced for forced Black equality. Read that again, if necessary, for it is a key truth, no one except a few Black TEA Party members seems to be talking about. Democrats as a whole (and the NAACP as a subset of perhaps 95% of Democrats) seem to come at the world of race seeing the Black as a victim and someone the government needs to throw money at . . . . hence programs such as “Affirmative Action” which are merely institutionalized reverse-discrimination. As Martin Luther King, Jr. emphasized, equality of opportunity is the only opportunity that matters. Equality of everything (socialism, Marxism) such as Mr. Obama wants to force down our throats might actually work, to put all Blacks and all Whites and all others into uniform poverty at a level much, much lower than the average American Black now faces. Mr. Obama knows this for a fact and admitted as much several times.

During one of the candidate debates, the moderator gave an example of an economic fact and then asked Obama. “Since it’s been proved that anytime personal and business taxes on the highest earners goes above 28%, the nation is then threatened with recession, should we raise these taxes above 28%?”

Without hesitating, Mr. Obama said, “I’m interested in ‘fairness.’” There’s your blessed socialistic equality for you: everybody in the same leaky boat . . . this is why Mr. Obama has been working at cross-purposes to the economic best-interests of the American people . . . so that he can put everybody in the same leaky boat when we all know that the ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ and that’s where to put one’s economic emphasis: on making the country more prosperous as a whole. America’s poorest are wealthier than roughly 86% of the world’s people. Americans, Black or White, living below the poverty line are wealthier than 93% of the world’s people . . . the key, then is to lift the poverty line by say 60% rather than dropping more Americans into much-ballyhooed equality below that old poverty line. Racism used as a political tool by the NAACP and Mr. Obama for political ends is counter-productive of all worthy goals along those lines and a divisive factor preventing Americans from working together.

Martin Luther King, Jr. led the breakthrough for Blacks and all minorities back in the early 60’s, risking his very life and the lives of his followers to do so. It’s time for Blacks to stop playing the racism cards and the victim cards. It’s time for Whites to stop playing the guilt card against other Whites. It’s time for folks to follow that old Chinese encouragement and gung ho . . . “work together” for the betterment of themselves and their families and their country. Folks like Clarence Thomas and the TEA Party's Blacks and Hispanics are doing far more for race relations than virtually anyone since Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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This has been one unbelievable week, with everything being thrown at tea partiers just to see what would stick. In this administration, when you think the past week has been unbelievable -- along comes another one just as earth shaking. But, this past week has been one of the most vile.


...they focus more on principles than policies

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Concerns with the Republican leadership

With the fall elections on the horizon I would like to share my concern regarding the strength of the Republican leadership. It looks like things are shaping up to place a large number of conservatives in the house and a few more in the Senate. As in the past these newcomers get swept up in the "establishment" or recently described as the "ruling class". In order for our country to be saved this cannot be allowed to happen. The newly elected conservatives must take no prisoners and take charge. Pressure needs to be brought on the Republican leadership, including senators and representatives. These weak-kneed people depend on Rush, Sean and Mark Levin to do there work for them. They, themselves, should be holding press conferences and screaming at microphones but, as part of the ruling class they don't. Why can't the Tea Party develop a 5 star rating system for the current incumbents as well as candidates? This rating could follow these individuals where ever they go by posting next to their face in print, on line and on TV. Comming up with the litmus test on issues is easy and those in office all ready have voting records to rate them. Those running for office would be subject to where they stand on the defined issues like the incumbents and thus rate them.

It is time to drive fear in the hearts of such leaders as McCain, Bohner, McConnel, Gram, Romney, Snow and the list goes on and on. If the new conservatives are not allowed to be in a position to reverse what has been passed, like health care it's over. I wish Rush, Sean, etc. would bring more pressure on "the leadership" by asking "you finally have a chance of to give voters a reason to vote for conservatives why aren't you doing your part?" and pound it in day after day.

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Note: The tactic is the same as the ones used by players on Big Brother TV Show where people build alliances to get father in the gameto back stab those not in the alliance and then betray the alliance totry to win a million dollars.

It is scary how Obama backed by Globalists is using the NAACP, and pretty much every month the Obama Administration is using racismto force his agenda against all Americans. Racism is a good way todivide and conquer and pit us off against each other.

According to a Resolution passed in the NAACP by those that are ignorantly supporting the Globalist Regime including Obama, the TeaParty Movement is declared a racist movement and that the NAACP seems tobegun it's war against the Tea Party Movement. Could the real reasonbe why is because the Tea Party may actually become another PoliticalParty which will knock off the Democrat Republican Monopoly which willset back the globalist plans for dissolving America and turning it into athird world cesspit. If this is all true will they rebuild up Americaagain as a communist regime where free speech is silenced and protestscause our Government to roll in the Big Tanks and crackdowns just likeduring the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest massacre.

The very reason Obama is using racism to divide us up is also to help build a huge alliance much like a gang that believes so many lies fromthe Pentagon that they will kill anybody that speaks against thePresident. That's also why Obama talked about having a private securityforce that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded. IfObama wants to become a dictator like Hitler and have his ownNazi-style forces, aka an Obamanation Alliance he has to spread outlies and racism to gather soldiers for his private security force toget ready to fight and kill the opposition. Already foreign troops are training on American soil to take on tea parties and confiscate guns. Also because of Obama's falling approval ratings a Top Clinton official stated that Obama needs a Terrorist attack to save his approval ratings.

So according to the NAACP's incorrect assumption that the Tea Parties are only dominated by one race and no other race can join in, and thatthey only dislike Obama's policies for only one reason, cause of hiscolor of skin. That's a total lie because I know for a fact that legalimmigrants have a problem with illegal immigrants are coming into ourcountry so it isn't racism like the movie Machete makes it out to be, Iknow for a fact that the Tea Parties actually have all of the humanrace and that they are not racist while the media lies and snips outcertain parts to make out like it's a racial cult to demonize the TeaParties.

The media always just like buzzards pick and choose what footage is left for the little people to salvage. They eat the footage where allpeople come together to fight corrupt Government no matter what gender,no matter what color, everybody comes together to say they had enoughof Big Government telling them what to do all the time, and instead themedia buzzards leave the footage to use against them and makes outlike the Tea Parties are racist in order to jumpstart the Presidentsfalling approval ratings.

In fact to further debunk the racism allegations by the NAACP we found that Lloyd Marcus a Tea Party spokesperson spoke against the NAACP Resolution that the entire Tea Party Political group was racist.


In fact Lloyd Marcus said this is his song "They try to call you racist, because you disagree! It's just another one of their dirtytricks to silence you and me"

I agree with him that the Obama Administration is using racism because they want to silence the American dream and disagree with theTea parties, just as the Bush Administration was using mainly Terrorismbecause he disagreed with the Constitutionalists.

So I welcome anybody that will stand up against propaganda by the Federal Government and the Pentagon.

Lloyd Marcus, Orly Taitz, Alex Jones, all good tea party members, Bill Randall, Dale Robertson, and many others are working hard to debunk the propaganda that thecurrent Administration aka the Obama Administration is bringing forthagainst the Opposition.

I have interviewed many and all thinks that the race card or demonization of the Tea party is simply to build a power base. Hitlerand the Nazis used propaganda to build their regime and the same will beplayed by Obama to build up America as a Police State for the NewWorld Order.

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I have donated money to conservitive canidates across this great land from JD to NY 23rd to Marco Rubio and Sarah Palins PAC to name a few.Now I have donated money and will donate my time to help elect Scott sipprelle NJ 12th congress.No he was not my choice but he won the primary and i will give him my full support,he is the canidate of my congressional disrict.I am not worried that we will more than likly crush the DEMS in both houses.What worries me is that when we do the new congress will repeal this entire legislative monster that has been forced down our throats.And we all need to push and encourage the new congress to do just that.So lets all contrbute a little time and money,anything we do is not to small so just do it and get involved.If your reading this your more then half way there to taking our country back from these looneybins we call congress.
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We read "Rules for Radicals", "STORM" and now we have a new discovery "Weatherman Manifesto"

Yes, GB found the 1969 blue print to an American Marxist/Socialist Revolution (Oops, Fundament Transformation of America). He wastes no time; started reviewing it on radio today. More to come and we can follow his reveal.

You can find the link on however you can click on the link below to gain access to the document. When you get to the site you must register to use their resources. Once registered it’s easy, find the document, pick text or PDF and print (save or put in favorites). "The truth will sent you free, but first it will make you miserable" Thanks Glenn!

This will blow your mind! Marxists (Oops, New Left) are following it today. Yes, after 40+ years they’re back on track….. GrizzlyMama

You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows

Submitted by Karin Asbley, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, John Jacobs, Jeff Jones, Gerry Long, Home Machtinger, Jim Mellen, Terry Robbins, Mark Rudd and Steve Tappis.

From /New Left Notes/, June 18, 1969

I. International Revolution The contradiction between the revolutionary peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America and the imperialists headed by the United States is the principal contradiction in the contemporary world. The development of this contradiction is promoting the struggle of the people of the whole world against US imperialism and its lackeys. Lin Piao, Long Live the Victory of People's War! People ask, what is the nature of the revolution that we talk about- Who will it be made by, and for, and what are its goals and strategy-

Click here to access full document:

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Persistent Presidential Policies Provoke Potential Business Paroxysm

Repeatedly saying, “I am the job’s president,” “I’m a true friend of small business,” “I have the best interests of America’s Business at heart,” “My administration is fully-committed to fostering a climate supporting the business community,” etc., etc., ad nauseum . . . repeatedly spewing words, Mr. President, that are belied by vicious and repeated haranguing from the other side of your mouth . . . and belied more importantly, by a host of anti-business actions since Inauguration Day -- it just doesn’t wash . . . .
Item: If President Obama’s “six-month” moratorium on offshore drilling goes into effect, the eventual economic effect of his moratorium, will in all probability utterly dwarf the economic effect of the spill itself. All the Gulf state governor’s have called the moratorium hasty, ill-conceived and likely to seriously undercut their states’ recovery.
ITEM: Mr. Obama frankly told the San Francisco Chronicle his “energies policies will bankrupt the coal industry.” He has also repeatedly declared his cap and trade plan will “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” Threatening to bankrupt essential industries? Threatening to make the price of the most fundamental aspect of any business “skyrocket”? This is no way to create business confidence or a supportive business atmosphere.
ITEM: Obama has promised to reinstitute on January 1, 2011, all the tax cuts and tax amnesties instituted by the Bush administration. Spending by this administration has dwarfed that of all previous administrations. Rising taxes and snowballing government spending has always been a recipe for economic shutdown.
ITEM: consider the financial overhaul “Reform” bill just signed into law, Obama said, “Would stop all bailout’s forever.” Actually, the concept of “too big to fail” is written ingloriously right into that law and guarantees that such bailouts will become a way of life. Thus all big (too big to fail) businesses are free to take the most unwise risks imaginable and thus maximize their chances of huge profits while always having that government safety net below them that he just signed into law. Small business can fail while big business canNOT; Big business can gun for huge profits at no risk which would bankrupt small businesses.
ITEM: consider again the financial overhaul “Reform” bill just signed into law, the original problem besetting the country was actually a sub-prime lending crisis brought about largely by ACORN abuse (Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking down lending companies) and its effect upon agencies like Freddy Mac and Frannie Mae and HUD (housing urban development agency). HUD in 1995 under weaker versions of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act granted 44% of all their housing loans to people who objectively could NOT afford to repay the mortgage. (Carter’s CRA ’77 was expanded to include Freddie and Fanny in ’92; twice expanded in 1995 and finally expanded on steroids in 1998 -- these last three moves all under Bill Clinton). By 2005 52% of all HUD loans were made to people who objectively were not fiscally eligible for the loans given to them including illegal aliens, people without jobs, and some people without even a rental history. So how were these fundamental problems addressed by the “reform” bill? These problems were NOT addressed at all. Not one single change to HUD, Fanny Mae nor Freddy Mac is found in the 2,300 page bill. In fact, the laws that did us in, all five of them, are still on the books.
ITEM: consider again the financial overhaul “Reform” bill just signed into law, hundreds of “directives” are required by the new law . . . directives not yet written; directives not yet written by regulators not yet hired. Once again a monstrous bill (2,300 pages) has been passed and no one actually knows what’s in it, or what it does, or how it does it. This is gross uncertainty, Mr. Obama. Legitimate business never thrives under uncertain conditions.
ITEM: consider again the financial overhaul “Reform” bill just signed into law, the bill itself is self-contradictory in numerous places implying that execution and control could be under this federal agency or that one or this other one or perhaps under a couple of them or even all three of them. More uncertainty for businesses.
ITEM: consider again the financial overhaul “Reform” bill just signed into law, one thing is certain, the bill is going to be a nightmare for business offices to deal with . . . tons of paperwork, tons of bureaucracy . . . all at huge costs to businesses in time, salaries, repeated efforts, etc. A nasty certainty for business.
ITEM: consider Obamacare’s so-called health care “reform,” more directives not written by more bureaucrats not all hired yet. 3,300 pages worth of newness, including almost 390 brand new government agencies created (FDR’s entire presidency spawned only 40 new government agencies). Uncertainty for the next eight years (when the final shoe drops as Obamacare is phased in) is horrible for business.
ITEM: again consider Obamacare’s so-called health care “reform,” 390 new government agencies means a horrific and an incredible ultra-bureaucratic bombing of businesses . . . the likely paperwork snowstorm is sure to be very expensive of time and money and trouble.
ITEM: again consider Obamacare’s so-called health care “reform,” ooops, it’s going to increase the deficits, the national debt and the problems for the country, not a good atmosphere for business to operate under.
ITEM: again consider Obamacare’s so-called health care“reform,”
health care insurance, as we now know it, is effectively wiped out by 2018 . . . in other words, government interference has consumed and by overbearing bureaucracy, utterly and negatively transformed an entire American business industry. That is certain to invoke the notion, "Are we next? More threat and more uncertainty for business.
Item: again consider Obamacare’s so-called health care “reform,” it is now 100% certain that “elective” abortion is covered by Obamacare as shown by the first two Obamacare offices opened up in New Mexico and in Pennsylvania. Based upon President Obama’s signed paper for Michigan Representative Bart Stupak swearing that the longtime federal policy of NOT funding abortions would continue with Obamacare, then since it clearly appears abortions are among the very first conditions covered by Obamacare, somebody lied and businesses don’t operate well under despotic, lying governments . . . ever.
ITEM: again consider Obamacare’s so-called health care “reform,” it does nothing for improving health. It does nothing to lower health care costs. It merely sticks 390 new government agencies between doctor and patient. It is, in short, a nightmare supposedly designed to help American citizens and American business . . . but actually just a way to grab control of the pulse of America . . . business doesn’t operate well under devious government control . . . ever.
ITEM: returning to the matter of the Obama six-month offshore drilling moratorium, Mr. Obama has had two of his six-month moratoriums set aside by federal judges and is now involved in a third such moratorium he’s issued . . . what Rajjpuut would call ‘sleazy lawyer slow-down shenanigans,’ (even putting the horrible effect on the Gulf economy as each of the now operating well goes out of business and drillers eventually return in five or ten years) get a clue Mr. Obama, businesses don’t operate well under that kind of Washington arrogance and sleaze.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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In a time of such unrest, it is distressing no clear figure has emerged that conservatives can get excited about, lift their spirits and throw their support in the ring. So far, it's the "been there, done that" crowd, and after the disasterous 2008 campaign, conservatives are not jumping on the bandwagon for any of them.


....they (GOP) must be willing to detail specific alternatives to the Obama agenda

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Sad day for America

Today President Obama signed into law the financial reform bill. Congress in their infinite wisdom just greatly increased the power of the criminal Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by several large banks, many foreign. Congress is suppose to over see the Federal reserve but has failed to do so, since the majority of them are bought and paid for by Wall Street. In 1994 President Clinton signed a law that gave the Federal Reserve power over regulating the mortgage industry. The Fed did not change or enact one single policy for 14 years. No policy change until AFTER the mortgage meltdown. So now we are suppose to trust them to regulate their banker buddies on Wall Street? Good luck. This bill will do little to check corporate greed or stop the next meltdown. We need to focus our attentions away from the Puppet Obama administration and watch the Goldmen Sachs gang that currently infest his administration and the US Treasury. We as tax payers are being robbed blind, while our leaders in congress sit on their thumbs. Remember, both parties are under their control. Both Democrat and Republican are bellied up to the Wall Street bar and drinking themselves silly. In November vote out all incumbants that voted for health care bill, TARP, and financial reform. If they voted for it, they are bought. Do not buy into their distractions of Right vs Left. Immigration reform, Gulf oil spill, etc.. We are seen as a threat from the Left because they feel we are picking on their chosen one. He does not matter. He is a puppet. We must get control of congress back to the people and away from the corporate fascist In order to do this we must get Americans that are on the left to realize Obama is as much a fascist as any Republican President and they all work for The Elitest Bankers. If we fail, things will not go well for our country.
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On Faith in Our Fathers

Shirley Sherrod said, "I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with helping a white person save their land."

Initially, she said, “‘I didn't give him the full force of what I could do’ and only gave him enough help to keep his case progressing. But eventually, she said, his situation ‘opened my eyes’ that whites were struggling just like blacks, and helping farmers wasn't so much about race but was ‘about the poor versus those who have.’"

The full video of Sherrod's speech showed that while she took some shots at conservatives and spoke of continued racial inequities, she focused on encouraging blacks, particularly the younger generation, to do more to help themselves.

The Father of America, George Washington, was a slave owner. In his day, as a slave owner, you were a good Christian. You are still a good Christian if you believe all Jews are going to hell. If you are a member of Reverend Wright’s Christian church, you believe most white people are going to hell. President Obama was a member of Reverend Wright’s church for 20 years.

A good Christian, after having stated that I’m psychic, told me that God never communicates with psychics. Another good Christian called me the anti-Christ. Another good Christian called me a secular humanist. A secular humanist is one who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine.

President Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat. Roosevelt, during World War II, turned away two shiploads of Jews trying to escape Nazi death camps. Roosevelt interned all Japanese Americans during World War II. Roosevelt favored unions that barred blacks. One of the Democrats’ greats, Senator Robert Byrd, was an official in the K.K.K. before he was a senator.

The emancipator of America’s slaves, Abraham Lincoln, was a Republican, but ninety percent of blacks vote Democrat. White slave owners stigmatized blacks. Democrats keep blacks stigmatized by handing them a pittance for their votes. If Democrats want to help blacks, don’t give them a pittance. Give them a leg up.

Yesterday, Glenn Beck reminded me that Eisenhower, in a speech, citing the military-industrial complex, warned America that our liberty was in peril. It is reported that a UFO landed at Edwards Air Force Base during an Eisenhower visit to nearby Palm Springs on February 20, 1954. Aliens that looked human but not exactly, and reportedly spoke English, informed Eisenhower that they wanted to start an educational program for the people of Earth. Were I an alien, I think I would be amazed at earthling beliefs. It comes to me that the education concerned our belief system.

Since long before recorded history, man has looked to the heavens and found gods. Very few Americans know the New Age god born in September, 1925, the month and year of my birth. Physicist Werner Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics—and the atom bomb. From reports I’ve received, the atom bomb is of particular interest to extraterrestrials.

By looking externally for God, man has found many gods. All the trouble in the world can be traced back to looking externally for God. Quantum physicists look at the microcosmic and find a god that is scientifically provable, not directly, but by deduction. That’s a scientific no-no, by rote, not logic. In the law, you can prove something by deduction, and as well in religion. We build houses of cards from habit.

America has built a military-industrial complex. It took big money to make America the mightiest military power on earth. Money goes where money flows. This is what concerned Eisenhower, and quite likely the aliens who allegedly spoke with Eisenhower. It is all too obvious that we are not getting the truth from the military or the politicians.

The individual’s power is limited. The more the power, the less the limitation. Roosevelt Democrats believe government has an inherent duty to the individual, in and of itself transferring power from individual to government.

I’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain by accepting the scientifically proven god. By looking within for my answers, all of my dreams have come true. Like aliens apparently think—that we are in peril—I think we must be reminded that we can’t continue with faith in our fathers. We need to be reeducated to understand that we, individually, have an increasing purpose.

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Liberal Progressive Operatives Trolling Site

Just got a good laugh reading Jethro Roughnecks blog postings. The liberal establishment hell bent on destroying America is now sending shills to troll the Tea Party site and leave racist messages. We are Making them stand up and take notice and all they can do is blog racist stuff on our website and then call Keith Olbermann over at MSNBC to report the horrible racist teabaggers. Every time you see a racist DNC operative posting on our site, call them out and ask the moderator to remove them.
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osted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:20:22 PM

Hopefully, the next congress and all the congresses to come will reinstitute integrity into the House and Senate. Over the years Rajjpuut has received numerous e-mails dealing with the subject of congressional term limits. The last suggestions were pretty decent . . . so with a few deft adjustments, here is Rajjpuut’s . . . .
Term Limits and Political Reform Act**
for 2011

I. Term Limits:
President ten years maximum (for example: maximum two years during the term of a deceased president + two full four-year presidential terms.
Congress twelve years maximum, for example:

A. Two Six-year Senate terms
B. Six Two-year House terms
C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms
D. Some other combination

2. No Tenure / No Pension for most politicians.
A Congressman collects a salary only while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office except those serving a full dozen years who would get a pension the equivalent of 1/20 of what a 20 year congressman now receives.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. In the case of the 12-year congressmen, they are entitled to double-dip.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer be allowed to vote itself a pay raise. During inflationary years (they create inflation) congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI increase or +2% deviation.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts (including pensions) with past and present Congressmen are null and void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make these contracts with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves therefore they are against the spirit of the Constitution.
9. On the positive side, the congress will have much more time off and time to visit with their constituents because, while true “emergency” sessions can be called, the congress will meet for only 90 days each year and be a part-time entity much like the original design of a part-time legislature by the Founding Fathers.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,


**Actually Rajjpuut would prefer that a constitutional amendment be passed, if necessary by petitions within the American people, if the congress hasn’t the integrity to do it by itself (and require ratification by the American people).
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MRS. SHIRLEY SHERROD, DIRECTOR USDA STATE OF GEORGIA. Was giving a speech to the NAACP. Was telling of a case in 1986. ( 28 years ago ) Then after got a call from the White House, and was asked too resign ! She was told that she had made RACIST remarks. All Ms. Sherrod was doing, was telling as it was 28 years ago. And how it is in 2010. She is not a racist, and doing a good job. Helping the have's and the have not farmers in Georgia. Then after it was in the media, THE NAACP did not back her !

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Today's Weird and Odd News

Concerning spiders, “Today’s Weird and Odd News,” MSN’s headlines today, a ship was turned away from Guam because of thousands of spiders of a breed that was not on Guam. For weird and odd news, that doesn’t stand a candle to the fact, as we sit helplessly watching it happen, that the government of the United States is spending the nation into bankruptcy.

I’m a disabled veteran of World War II. I receive a substantial gift of money, as well as free health care. I also receive Social Security. Government entitlements have grown to the point that the burden is too great on the taxpayers. The government can’t bring in enough revenue to meet its obligations.

I was a successful independent businessman. Federal income tax, federal regulations, and federally caused double digit inflation, drove me out of business, all of it done to finance government entitlements. Weird! Government entitlements are killing the goose that laid the golden egg. The IRS lawlessly put me on the street in order that others might receive my sweat.

Government has painted itself into a corner. Nobody with a voice has the answer. Those with the voice have much to lose. Comes the Tea Party without a comprehensive plan. What do you do with all of those depending on government? You can’t jerk the rug out from under them.

Obama and company are playing a shell game, buying votes with handouts, killing the engine of enterprise. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. The U. S. Constitution divided government’s power between the administration, legislature, and Court. Lastly, it established a Bill of Rights for the individual’s protection.

In 1933, the weirdo, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asserted, “While isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” He established the National Industrial Recovery Act and the National Recovery Administration, calling it “New Deal Law.” The Supreme Court rightly called it unconstitutional.

In 1937, this weirdo, FDR, declared, “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the Court in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.” Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, would later reason, “Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.” Thus, came the end justifies the means, Roosevelt policy. Anything to bring about the end the powerful want, the New Deal is as old as the hills. Power is a drive. It has no connection with reason and logic.

Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat. Obama is a Harvard trained lawyer, the very worst of the lot. He is a weirdo, completely out of orbit. The Obama run United States is currently being driven by the law of the jungle.

Way back In 1973, I wasn’t aware the Constitution had become a historical document in a glass case in Washington, D.C. After looking over the Constitution and my Bill of Rights, in 1973 I decided to exert my constitutional right to my property. The IRS, in a letter to me, had claimed that it had a right to a hundred percent of my property. I had a personal stake in the outcome. That gave me the right to challenge the IRS in court, and that’s what I did.

A corporation is a legal entity. It has no constitutional rights. But Standard Nut Margarine Company, in 1932, challenged the IRS for calling margarine the same as butter and taxing margarine. The Supreme Court: “Except as provided in sections 6212(a), no suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court.” This requirement, I read, does not apply to assessments under Subtitle C of the Code. That section of 7421 bars all actions to restrain collection except “Where (a) the tax assessment is an illegal exaction in the guise of a tax and (b) there are ‘special and extraordinary circumstances’ sufficient to bring the case within some acknowledged head of equity jurisprudence.” If income tax is O.K. for a corporation to challenge, why not me? The same as you can’t call margarine butter, you can’t call me something I’m not. I existed on the fruits of my labor in 1973, not on welfare.

I read that the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action against the United States for the recovery of any internal revenue tax alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or any sum alleged to have been excessive or in any manner wrongfully collected under the internal revenue code. Two district courts dismissed me by reason of the Declaratory Judgments Act. Declaratory Judgments Act, my eye. It was dereliction of duty, seat of the pants justice from beginning to end. On my third try, my case stuck. The IRS admitted that it had “wrongfully” collected tax from me.

In Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., in 1916, the Supreme Court: “Under the seeming exercise of the taxing power, the taxing statute is so arbitrary as to compel the conclusion that it was not the exertion of taxation, but the confiscation of property, or is so wanting in basis for classification as to produce such a gross and patent inequity as inevitably to lead to the same conclusion,” in the guise of tax (section 7421), it is not tax; it is take.

In 1941, in Acker v. Commissioner, the U. S. Court of Appeals found that although income tax was high, it had not yet reached the point of take. In 1980, Solicitor General Wade H. McCree, Jr., in his Memorandum for the Respondent in Opposition of my case before the Supreme Court used Acker v. Commissioner to state, “the use of funds generated by the income tax for various social welfare purposes are ‘exclusively within the jurisdiction of the legislative and executive branches.’” He was lying.

In Flast v. Cohen, The Warren Court: “As we understand it, the government’s position is that the constitutional scheme of separation of power, and the deference owed by the federal judiciary to the other two branches of government within that scheme present an absolute bar to taxpayer suits challenging the validity of federal spending programs. The government views such suits as involving no more than the mere disagreement by the taxpayer ‘with the uses to which tax money is put.’ According to the Government, the resolution of such disagreements is committed to other branches of the Federal Government and not to the judiciary. Consequently, the government contends that under no circumstances should standing be conferred to federal taxpayers to challenge a federal taxing or spending program. An analysis of the function served by standing limitations compels a rejection of the government’s position.”

McCree went on to contend, again falsely, that my charges of fraud and harassment by the IRS were similarly without merit. The charges were based, wrote McCree, on an error made by the IRS. As it turned out, the “error” was made after the Tax Court had corrected the error. It was corrected again in district court and yet made again—two times in violation of court orders. It wasn’t an error. It was obstruction of justice.

I’m telling you like it is. Talk about weird, the current Attorney General and President refuse to enforce the law. I’m not a lawyer. I read the law as it is written. McCree, the Attorney General’s lawyer, trained in law school to be a professional liar, read the law and came up with bald faced lies the Supreme Court accepted. It goes with the territory. Lawyers and judges, all birds of a feather, liars scratching each other’s backs at the American people’s great cost, are a self-fulfilling prophecy. The law is nothing like America’s professional liars say it is. It is like I say it is, and I should know better than they. I’ve been on the receiving end of their gamesmanship. We taxpayers have to prove we don’t owe the tax when the IRS is allowed limitless mistakes. Give me a break!

You won’t get this kind of news from the media. It is too close to home. The income tax, thousands of pages of ambiguities aimed at hoodwinking taxpayers, the super-rich being favored, as it is being implemented, this tax is clearly unconstitutional. You people better throw out the IRS and income tax. I risked my life in World War II to save the world from this kind of law. I spent 11 years in court fighting the IRS. My tax case is on record. The United States and her courts are as weird as governments and courts can get. I’ve done my part. It is now up to the American people to turn the ship of state around.

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Journalistic Conspiracy Documents Emerge,

400+ Individuals Involved

What are the top hundred** stories the mainstream media have failed to include in their newspapers or broadcasts? Why?

Rajjpuut can say it again, “I told you so.” The fact that only certain kinds of news with certain kinds of emphasis seems to ever get into the mainstream media has long been noted by journalistic watchdogs. Now it’s not just an obvious but unprovable fact, now that viewpoint has been documented. Documents, most e-mails and a few “commentaries” have been recently discovered and tied to a group of over 400 mostly journalists and other media people as well as a few academicians who apparently conspired to make Barack Obama president by suppressing stories that could hurt him politically and by substituting stories attacking Karl Rove, Mc Cain and others in the so-called “right wing” as racists, etc. Information from the e-mails themselves indicate the conspiracy to control the news goes back at least thirteen years.

Hundreds of e-mails and other documents captured from the infamous “liberal listserv” calling themselves “the Journolist” (yes, spelled with an ‘o’) made up of prominent mainstream reporters, management, academics, and pundits -- was apparently every evil thing which conservative critics like Rajjpuut said about it. Over 400 individuals are involved.

One wonderful piece of journalistic integrity comes from Spencer Ackerman more famous for his left-wing attack blogs than real journalism who talks about the necessity and the methods for covering up the Wright story:

"Part of me doesn't like this sh*t either. But what I like less is being governed by racists and warmongers and criminals."

Ackerman went on:

I do not endorse a Popular Front^^, nor do I think you need to. It's not necessary to jump to Wright-qua-Wright's defense. What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically.

Ackerman is infamous for his blog “Attackerman” and his reporting position at the Washington Independent. Ackerman suggested that the group not only avoid running the story of Wright saying, “Not ‘God Bless America,’ God Damn, America” but that all that was necessary was to find some Republican bigwig, “. . . it doesn’t matter who, Karl Rove? . . . and accuse him of racism . . . that gets them tied in knots.”

So we have the so-called “fourth estate” that the original Founding Fathers put so much faith in . . . who they believed would keep the politicians’ feet in the fire and keep the people informed and protect the people from the potential abuses of government . . . we have these ignoble members of a once noble profession conspiring to change living history and pre-arrange the outcome of a presidential election. Makes Rajjpuut far less proud of his Journalism degree . . . Ouch.

This conspiracy can apparently be literally called a “vast left-wing conspiracy” after all. Here’s one of them referring back to the leftist press’ treatment of the Monica Lewinsky scandal:

Katha Pollit of the Nation:

The people who attacked Clinton on Monica were prissy and ridiculous, but let me tell you it was no fun, as a feminist and a woman, waving aside as politically irrelevant and part of the vast rightwing conspiracy Paula, Monica, Kathleen, Juanita

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Popular Front means "communism"

** Rajjpuut’s Top Dozen? These stories would almost certainly have changed history if they’d been properly and fairly reported.

1. Obama was raised communist by a communist mother and grandfather. In fact virtually nothing from Obama’s mysterious past has been properly “vetted” by the mainstream media (MSM).

2. Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” was invisible in the two years leading up to the election. What was revealed about him in that book? Where would investigation of the book lead? What was the “dream” from his birth-father? Here’s an old Barak, Sr. (no ‘c’ in his name) essay showing his interest in “100% taxes,” redistribution of wealth, taking wealth from Kenya’s European and Asian population and getting it into the hands of the Black populace, etc.

3. Climate Gate: here’s a piece from the ultra-liberal London Times:

Notice the similarity between the corruption of scientists “fixing” the science so that so-called “Global Warming” appears like a straightforward fact instead of a questionable theory and the corruption of the “JOURNOList” reporters in creating the news environment by suppressing anti-liberal stories and making up other pro-liberal accusations, etc. The biggie for Rajjpuut has often been his question “Where is NOW (the National Organization for Women)?” Or “Where are the feminists?” when certain stories such as how Sarah Palin is portrayed in Newsweek pop up . . . now all these double-standards are explained as clear and simple MSM willful bias.

4. Obama uses dirty tricks to steal nomination from Hillary Clinton

5. DOJ scandal ongoing

A) Black Panther voter intimidation case won by Bush Administration is largely set aside by Obama’s Department of Justice Deputy Fernandez.

B) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees there is “no interest” in investigating or prosecuting voting cases with White victims and Black perpetrators.

C) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees that enforcement of the Motor Voter Law is their lowest priority.

6. Obama and Gore and dozens of their cronies will become hundred billionaires if/when cap and trade legislation passes via their connection to CCX (the Chicago Climate Exchange).

7. Full exposure of the Obama-ACORN story (he was an ACORN attorney shaking down lending companies to pressure them to follow the exact shadings of bad mortgage-guarantee laws that forced them to make knowing bad loans to clients who could NOT afford to repay them . . . this is the root of our sub-prime interest scandal that led to the collapse of the economy.

8. The Obama inner-circle. Most of Obama’s czars and most cherished inner-circle folks are avowed communists. Van Jones was just the most visible. The Van Jones scandal story was covered by FOX news for three months and the MSM ran one story only that on-such-and-such-a date Van Jones resigned with no indication that any scandal actually existed.

9. Obamacare is every day being proved to be 100% of everything the Republican opponents said it was, but none of this is being covered in the MSM:

A) Socialistic

B) Cuts deeply into Medicare

C) Dramatically increases deficits

D) Funds elective abortions

E) Does NOT control costs

F) Will require large amounts of rationing

G) Will take power of life and death out of doctors’ hands and put it into the hands of a “committee”

10. ACORN scandals

A) prostitution set-up scandal

B) voter-registration scandals

C) their role in getting housing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people with bad credit ratings; illegal aliens, etc.

D) ACORN document-shredding scandal in California

11. Ongoing and continuing stories that the TEA Party is racist

A) supposed “N-word” repeatedly yelled at Black Democrats on capitol steps will be rewarded with $100,000 bounty for video-tape showing even one instance. Money has NOT been collected because it never happened.

B) Infiltrator with “N-word” poster at TEA Party rally is pushed out by TEA Partiers and his sign shredded. MSM only ran 5 second story of man with sign at TEA Party meeting, not the swift retribution and policing by TEA Party.

C) TEA Party “spitting incident” widely reported by no documentary footage is shown despite hundreds of cameras in the area

D) NAACP calls TEA Party racists while NOT condemning the Black Panthers in their voter-intimidation incident; and while NAACP members at same podium call a BLACK entrepreneur an “Uncle Tom” for selling “Audacity of Dope” buttons (Obama with a joint in his mouth) while praising the Black preacher and others who beat the man up. The same man made a fortune two years ago selling Obama for President buttons.

12. And the #1 story which the MSM has refused to air: the connection of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven who with George Wiley in 1975 brought about the bankruptcy (which they bragged about) of New York City and almost of New York State by overloading the welfare system by using Cloward-Piven Strategy in hopes of forcing the Democratic Party to create a national guaranteed income in response to the chaos they foresaw. How the pair said the next areas of emphasis were voter-registration and housing. How Wiley helped create ACORN and how ACORN abused the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77); and the four expansions of it (’92 added Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae; it was expanded twice in ’95; and the steroid version came out in ’98) to give us our sub-prime lending scandal and financial apocalypse and what part ACORN and Obama together played.

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Kagan Must Answer the Question About DOMA

This week the Senate looks to approve or filibuster Elena Kagan as another notoriously radical Obama appointment. Again, going against the will of the people who want a conservative as the next Supreme Court justice, Obama nominates a radical ideologue. If we have any more like Kagan, our constitutional rights, as laid out by our Founding Fathers based on years of experience, will be in serious peril.

Kagan Must Answer the Question About DOMA

She could be the deciding vote on the constitutionality of both DOMA and Obamacare

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This week our nations First Lady Michelle Obama had no problem attending a NAACP meeting held in Kansas City knowing the organization was going to issue a resolution that would basically brand the Tea Party as a White racist group.

Tea Party leadership and supporters rejected the NAACP's racist claim and resolution as a sad and uncalled for attempt to discredit the newly formed national political grassroots movement.

Now, Tea Party supporters are demanding that the NAACP look in it's own back yard and lead by example and denounce any Black racist groups or racist elements within their national group.

After First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the NAACP meeting the Obama family went on a weekend vacation trip to Maine. This action by the Obamas made news over the weekend because Michelle and President Obama have been on TV numerous times over the past three months, pleading for Americans to vacation in the Gulf Coast area to support them in their time of need while dealing with the oil disaster. President Obama needs to address the NAACP's actions against the Tea Party movement.

Two main issues national media groups are not pointing out about the NAACP's action against the Tea Party Movement is:

1. The NAACP never requested a meeting with Tea Party leadership to discuss with them what the Tea Party is all about; or if they in anyway tolerate racists or racist groups within their national group.

2. The NAACP never offered Tea Party leadership an invitation to attend their Kansas City meeting to find common ground so the two groups could work together for a better America for all citizens.

Instead, the NAACP showed it's true democratic colors and went straight for the Tea Party's throat, smearing the group in the national media with a racist resolution. The NAACP's handing of the Tea Party with an in-your-face racist resolution leaves no doubt they never intended to reach out to the Tea Party movement as the group is seen as an affront to the democratic party and its big government policies.

The fact that First lady Michelle Obama attend the NAACP meeting and Obama is on record calling members of the Tea Party Tea Baggier's as a put down joke begs the question, how far and willing are democrats prepared to go in trying to disgrace the Tea Party movement?

The NAACP Tea Party resolution and media coverage of it, has made Americans think back at how left-leaning prominent media groups trashed Sara Palin and her family members in the 2008 election. It was nothing less than a hundred year setback for the women's movement in our society this day and time.

Americans are far more politically savvy than network talking head pundits pushing a political party's agendas while getting paid for it.

The Tea Party movement this week has showed all Americas it has a strong backbone and true to it's founding principles by staying focused on the groups cause and core issues; all the while the NAACP and media groups were hell-bent on destroying the Tea Party with fake wolf cries. Tea Party members across America have been physically and verbally attacked at their events by Black racists, Union members, left-wing activists, and dealt with attempts of hate groups trying to infiltrate their events trying to make them look bad. Americans have seen that national media groups are very willing to ignore all the racist acts and race hate threats toward the Tea Party movement.

NAACP, the political ball is in your court now for all Americans to see if you will step up to the plate and practice what you preach to others. The NAACP should have no problem going before the national media denouncing the Black Panthers Party, the New Black Panthers Party or stating they will not tolerate any racist group or like-minded persons within their ranks as well.

Mike Graham, Founder United Native America
Service connected disabled veteran
Citizen Oklahoma Cherokee Nation and America
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