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Ron Paul doesn't waiver from his principles when dealing with establishment shill Chris Matthews on MSNBC Hardball:

If it is true that there is a struggle for the soul of the Tea Party, it's a struggle that has continued for more than a generation on the Right.

The Right in America has long had a Conservative Wing and an Individualist (Libertarian) Wing. Heroes of American Freedom, like Lysandor Spooner, H L Mencken, Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater exhibited the tension between these approaches to supporting American Liberty. Today Dr. Ron Paul (and soon his son Dr. Rand Paul, a former leader of the Kentucky Taxpayers) represent that tradition. Clearly the likes of the Bushes and their allies in the GOP don't.

In that sense, there is no struggle for the soul of the Freedom Movement when we understand that Movement has existed at least since the end of the War between the States and the enormous increase in Federal power. The Taxpayers Movement long represented the heart of Freedom in America. Many of us Baby-Boomers on the Right "cut our teeth" in the Goldwater Campaign and in the Taxpayer Movement.

Always, during the recent "lean" years of Leftist domination of the Federal govt, we've been able to look to Dr. Paul for leadership. He had a major role in returning to Americans their right to own Monetary Gold in the 1970s, thereby setting the stage for the faltering move toward Free Markets that, until the Federal Reserve's recent insanity, produced decades of sustained prosperity. He was always there, often as the only "NO!" vote in Congress, earning him the moniker, Dr. No. Resisting tyranny every step of the way.

Today the Health Freedom Movement, the Movement to End the Fed and similar are at the cutting edge of the Freedom Movement. Dr. Paul has been with us there from the start, on all of those issues.

If you are seeking the soul of the Tea Party you do not have to look beyond Ron Paul.

He is the gentlest gentleman in DC. But the steel in his heart shows through in the above appearance.

Take special note when the Liberal host parrots the usual stupidity about people who "need" to be tax-eaters and how, as Dr. Paul begins his usual explanation to Liberals about how their Warfare State makes their Welfare State impossible, and how the answer is to stop the wars and end the Empire... he's cut off. One thing good Liberals cannot ever, ever question is the Empire! The wars must continue, no matter whether the Left Neocons are in power or the "Right" Neocons are in power (I firmly believe all interventionists are leftists at heart, even Dick Chaney, and have nothing in common with the Movement to Restore the Republic).

Of course Dr. Paul is right, if we prevail, there will be some transition from what we have now back to the Constitutional Republic. His plan to use the tax savings from ending the Empire to reduce taxes while continuing to take care of the elderly and others who now depend on Welfare (or Social Security, which is more or less welfare...) is probably the best we can do... But as the Freedom Movement used to say about chattel slavery, "Gradualism in theory is perpetuity in practice." The evils of Federal interventionism, at home and abroad, must be ended, sooner rather than later. And no one involved the Federal govt is more likely to do that than Dr. Paul.

Or, of course, we will suffer exactly what Dr Paul predicts in this appearance... run away inflation which will evaporate the value of all pensions and savings, including Social Security. The Tea Party does not need "leaders" but it is sure comforting to know that we have Patriot Heroes like Dr Paul on our side!

Ralph Fucetola JD
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“Say it ain’t so, Joe!” That’s what the disconsolate shoeshine boy is supposed to have said to Shoeless Joe Jackson before the popular Chicago Blacksoxer faced the grand jury in 1919 on charges of rigging the World Series. Based upon the old adage, where there’s smoke there’s fire . . . it appears that the 2010 equivalent might well be, “Tell me it's a lie, Lindsey!” In a castastrophic surrender, it now DOES appear that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has moved to the dark side and now supports Obama’s three largest and most abysmal initiatives: the Cap and Trade, Immigration “reform,” and financial reform bill a.k.a. Barack Banking. IF this is so, the TRillions of Dollars put at risk by Obamacare will now likely be joined by Tens of TRillions more and . . . most importantly and dangerously potentially fourteen million undocumented alien new Democrats will be created overnight creating an unemployment and entitlement crisis of grotesque proportions and ensuring domination by the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party in all aspects of American politics for the long foreseeable future.
IF, and Rajjpuut again emphasizes IF, Graham’s conversion is a fact, then it’s a whole new game in Washington, D.C. as if the election of Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts never happened and we have in effect returned “back to the future” with Obama and the Democrats holding 60-40 command of the U.S. Senate. If this is true it’s a monstrous betrayal and America is gravely at risk. If Obama is allowed to give amnesty and immediate voting citizenship to the millions of illegal immigrants he will potentially find no obstructions to full-out socialism and could even become dictator for life in the most horrifying possible scenario. Of course the key word is still "IF," but Graham of late has been quacking and waddling and now dipping his head into the lake in an awful amphibious manner, perhaps he has become a Barak-duck, cluck-cluck.
For weeks internet rumors of Democrats discovering and compromising Graham’s supposedly secret homosexual lifestyle have dominated a few progressive blogsites. In the last ten days, usually unreliable and idiotic rightwing blogsites have joined the chorus. According to them, Graham is a self-loathing homosexual whose secret is now compromised. Well, if that’s so or not, Graham has certainly NOT come out of the closet and apparently may be getting “blackmailed” to keep his “secret.” IF that’s so, Graham needs to grow a pair and admit his, little secret, and get on with his life and his political career WITHOUT COMPROMISING the future of the United States. Far too much is at risk for one man’s sexual preference to matter.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Our VP on "The View" explaning his tax sham

Biden responded: "Well, the president and I haven't said they're'far-right lunatics.' Look, I think there's an awful lot of people outthere who are frightened and scared. There are fringes in every outfit,but the vast majority of these people, I think, are just frustrated,and what they don't get yet — and I understand it — is they're going tosee that we spent our time cutting taxes. We gave the largest tax cutin the history of America to middle-class people."

Really, Joe does not get that cutting taxes and not cutting spending is cheating America. There is only one type of a tax cut, which is a spending cut. Anything else is what the IRS calls a "tax sham"

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America is waking up, but is the damage done so far irreparable? I'd like to think better late than never, but there's a lot of hard work ahead in order to keep our country on its intended track as laid out by our Founding Fathers. The biggest immediate task is to carefully choose constitutional conservatives for both houses this coming November -- in SIX months.

We need more distrust of government for the very good reason...

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As Obama blames Wall Street for the demise of our ecomony, truth be told by those who dare, this demise started with Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of 1977; Clinton's doubling down in the 90s; the initiation of the "everyone has a right to a house" mentality whether they can pay for it or not; Barney Frank bellowing fannie mae and freddie mac are "fundamentally sound"; and the complete disregard to all the warning signs the Bush administration brought up time after time.

Ignore the details of their bill, demonize Wall St:

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Obama Credibility Gap Widens on Eight Issues

According to today’s Rasmussen Reports, skepticism is the word of the day. Most Americans, it seems, lack confidence in the stability of the banking system (54%), most doubt that they will receive their promised Social Security benefits (58%), and most (59%) believe there is significant disagreement within the scientific community about Global Warming. In another problematical area, President Obama indicated immigration reform bills will be brought to Congress soon. In Arizona, 70% favor new legislation there giving police the legal authority to stop and check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. This too fits into the theme of skepticism because polls have repeatedly shown that voters do not think the federal government is serious about reducing illegal^^^ immigration. Of course 55% of the people want the Obamacare law repealed. Dare Rajjpuut mention that in a poll Katie Couric revealed on CBS news*** showed a few months back, only one in every 14 or 15 Americans believed that Obama’s (2nd) $787 Billion Stimulus had created or saved ANY jobs at all.

It seems that the cynics out there have good, make that GREAT reason, for their doubts. Recent figures show that over eight million jobs have been lost since the start of the recession in October, 2007, thirty months ago. and over four million of those jobs have been lost during Obama’s fifteen months in office. In short, his promise that we will never see 8% unemployment if his stimulus bill was passed not only was just another case of Obama’s mouth writing another check his performance couldn’t cash . . . but his actions including the stimulus hurt the economy and cost us over four million more jobs. Add in one more tricky fact and, if it’s true as it appears to be . . . the Obama Administration fudged the stats to make the jobs situation appear much better than it was . . . it's the unusual question of what exactly DID he inherit, 130 million jobs or 134 million jobs? We know that at the peak of the Bush administration 138 million non-farm jobs existed.

Recently the administration while discussing all the jobs they have been busy “saving or creating,” has been using the number 130 million non-farm jobs as they discuss the economy, but back in January or February, 2009, the baseline for the economy was 134 million non-farm jobs. Why did those four million jobs get dropped from their jobs discussions? And why is Obama acting like 130 million non-farm jobs is what he inherited? Right now an investigation is looking into that question, but Rajjpuut knows where they went, everyone of the four million. In exchange for the government jobs created by the Obama government expansion, the rest were destroyed . . . that is they, like the Confederacy, are gone with the wind. Guv-jobs for radicals in exchange for destroying the economy, lovely, just lovely.

Barack Obama says, “Trust me,” or something similar, quite often, but . . . when it comes to Obamacare’s cost; unemployment; stimulus effectiveness or lack of it; illegal immigration; Social Security; the banking system; global warming; and the process to pass it, constitutionality and benefits of Obamacare . . . on every one of these eight issues Americans are telling him in no uncertain terms, “No, Mr. President, we don’t.” And the incredible trust Barack Obama enjoyed on January 20, 2009? It too has gone with the wind.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ Some think of them as “undocumented Democrats” whose upcoming citizenship (should Obama's "reforms" pass) will create a jobs-cataclysm no one would have believed just fifteen months ago when the audacity of hope made its premier . . .

*** It was November 29, 2009 to be exact. Back then Couric said, “Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan. His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent."

Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy, some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.”

The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is near 10 percent and was at 10 per cent then and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem. CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and less than 7 percent believed that the stimulus had created any jobs at all. The late November report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan, and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.” An expert was quoted as describing his trip to China and the Far East as an “amateur hour,” because he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad. Couric labeled these problems a growing “Obama credibility gap.”

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As the number of states filing lawsuits against the obamination obamacare increases every day, a Tennessee congressional candidate, Van Irion, has filed a Class Action lawsuit against the unconstitutional bill. Americans watched with horror as this process played out in congress, and as the shock is wearing off, anger is now setting in. This highly unethical and unconstitutional process will be put to the test in our court system, and people are signing on in droves.

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Obama Joke :~)

When Obama died, George Washington met him at the Pearly Gates. He slapped himacross the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helpedconceive?"

Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but youfailed."

James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the commondefense!"

Thomas Jefferson was next, beat Obama with a long cane and snarled, "It was evil men like you who inspired me to write the Declaration ofIndependence."

The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed their anger onthe radical, socialist, leader.

As Obama lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel

appeared. Obama wept and said, "This is not what you promisedme."

The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 VIRGINIANS waiting for you inHeaven. What did you think I said"....."You really need to listen when someoneis trying to tell you something!!

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class action

I am wondering why no one has filed a class action lawsuit against each individual in our Senate and House who has circumvented and blatently disregarded our Constitution. The president should not be exempt either.

This regime has unconstitutionaally forced it's health care agenda, is enjoying ownership of banks and auto companies, and is redistributing wealth. Our Constitution is clear about the role of government in this country.

Each time they go beyond providing for the common defense and interstate transportation they should be sued by the people they are supposed to represent. Each time they declare themselves exempt for the laws they create they should be sued.

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Color in Politics

I was extremely enlightened while listening to the David Remnick interview by Charlie Rose on April 5th . In which David Remnick, NY Times Editor, presented a most articulate understandable view for the leftist Demo party, which may be the only clear representation to date. The interview gives great insight to truly understanding leftist workings which perpetuate ignorance within the Democratic or constitutional demolistic party. David Remnick’s comments were most educational until he momentarily fell off his very own paradise wagon, when with enlarged prowess to seize an interview moment --- he, in systemic order, proceeded to emasculate more racial rhetoric upon Tea Party members. David Remnick stammering stated, “or radically on the other side as you see at the far end of the Tea Party movement --- they see in Obama, a threat to American-ness . There is a real kind of racial -- racialist and racist tinge, to the far end of the Tea Party movement…”

David Remnick, intelligently, chose to subtly fan the racist fire and knowingly tread heavily upon the constitutional values that Tea Party members hold dear in their hearts.

I attended my first Tea Party meeting April 15th, in Cortez, CO, and found there a peaceful, clear dedication deeply rooted in the freedoms we all enjoy here in the United States. I found there a deep love for God, I found there a exercised foundation and strengthened commitment in free speech, where witness after witness condemned tyrannical taxation as our founding fathers did condemn the British tax, where I found others who worship God in their own way with full understanding of their right to defend and preserve these self chosen moral truths, handing them off from generations of elders to the tender lives of our children.

I joined the Tea Party at once!!!


Mancos, CO

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This is my interview:

The source of the article is:

The podcast audio file is at:

I hope you all who listen to TeaPart morning radio get a chance to hear this interview I've had with Dale.
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If Ol’ Rajjpuut were to visit the web link above and take the top twenty-two corporate scandals before 2003 and then throw in our present financial Armageddon’s corporate misdeeds and add them all together . . . that is, all the Wall Street, all the Bank and lending institutions, and AIG insurance malfeasance dropped into the mix already created . . . and stack all that money in a pile of George Washingtons, one-dollar bills. We’re talking about a stack reaching roughly the distance from the earth to the moon and back down and once around the earth’s equator . . . a truly significant stack of money -- so far, so good.

IF now in a separate pile we take the full cost of federal government malfeasance from just nine sources including both debt and unfunded obligations: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid’s federal component, the two separate stimulus bills in late 2008 and early 2009, and the cost of the government’ three mortgage-guarantee bills (‘1977 Community Re-investment act; 1992 expansion forcing Fanny and Freddy to join the CRA ’77; and Clinton’s 1998 mortgage-guarantee on steroids expansion of the two earlier bills) and finally the so-called health care ‘reform’ law popularly known as “Obamacare.” In the government stack let’s use Ulysses S. Grant, fifty-dollar bills. And, lo and behold the government’s stack of fifties is roughly the same size as the stack of ones . . . oooooops, maybe we shouldn’t be giving government all this control of our lives.

Now Rajjpuut isn’t saying financial reform isn’t needed. True reform is, indeed needed. But “Barack Banking” as contained in the 3,137 pages of the bill before the House of Representatives is just a ploy to expand government control and also a subterfuge to allow all the ACORN-clones now operating under different names to receive renewed funding from the federal government. This is quadruple-dangerous because all Rajjpuut’s loyal readers now realize that ACORN and lawyers like Barack Obama were the agents provacateur abusing the three poorly-written and poorly-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws to force banks and lending-institutions to grant ridiculously unwise loans to people without jobs; people without I.D.; people with abysmal credit ratings; people without home addresses; and especially undocumented illegal aliens. These Cloward-Piven actions by ACORN are the single-most exacerbating events responsible for the creation of the housing bubble and the sub-prime lending crisis that brought this country to its knees.

Given all the evidence, let us just say this: government is ever trending toward becoming more and more government-centric and it’s becoming more and more difficult if not impossible to get government to pay attention to the Constitution, the people and the states . . . in today’s world government only listens to government and the itch to build more government is their main rallying point. This Barack Banking bill is just one more example of a GIB/GSB (government interference boondoggle/government spending boondoggle) that is truly aimed at giving government more power and corrupt ACORN a brand new lease on life with our tax money.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Now that obama has put his little signature on his healthcare bill itis up to the bureaucracy to really screw it up...remember obamaknocking the US Mail Service?

Bureaucratic heads make up the rules of the game to attempt to meet the goals and intent of the legislation.

Chosen as bureaucratic head of the Medicare and Medicaid services unit of thefederal government and thus a major portion of obamacare is DonaldBerwick.

Like many on obama's team, Berwick comes from the private sector as head of a non-profit in MA (Institute For HealthcareImprovement) that consults with hospitals and such on how they cancontain costs.

He has received criticisms as head of this organization for apparently not worrying about containing his ownsalary...which I assume is passed onto hospitals who hire hisconsulting firm.

The medical journal Modern Healthcare criticized Berwick for making $769,000 in 2003, $630,000 in 2004, andtax filings for 2008 show he earned $637,000 (so reported the BostonGlobe 3/31/2010).

Facts released by his consulting non-profit but personally profitable institute have also been criticized.

In 2006 researches found problems with his institutes claim that they had"averted" 122,000 deaths through a program focusing on better controlof hospital errors and infections.

The researches allege that 14% of hospitals never submitted data about the program and not all ofthe data submitted was audited (same Globe story).

If you listen to the 2008 documentary Money Driven Medicine you will hear Berwickbemoaning the culture of competition in the healthcare industry...he'sagainst competition in the healthcare field.

Has obama not repeatedly told us that his healthcare plan would promote competition?

If Berwick sets the rules according to this ideology then how willnon-competitive Medicare/Medcaid progams look to future members?

Berwick likes to take a business approach to medical care; such as qualitycontrol programs, "lean manufacturing," and "optimizing flow" ...whichmeans sort of like having checkout times from a hospital like they doin motels.

Berwick was made an honorary knight from the UK for his great help in revamping their healthcare system.

The HealthCare Economist on 4/28/2008 did a piece on healthcare plansaround the world and included this information on the Berwick-revampedGreat Britain system based on the Michael Tanner book, The Grass Is NotAlways Greener: A Look at Healthcare Systems Around the World:

- Great Britian spends 7.5% of GDP on healthcare (at what cost?);

- long waiting lists for treatment are "endemic;" there are 750,000people on admissions waiting lists; 40% of cancer patients never see anoncologist; "minimum" waiting times are mandated so that hospitals willcut costs and must be followed or they lose funding;

- rationing "pervades" the system; rationing is "explicit" for services such askidney dialysis, open heart surgery and terminal ill care;

- patients have little choice of providers;

-there is little access to specialists;

- physicians and nurses are basically government employees;

- due to contract negotiations over pay and work hours, few physicians are available nights and weekends;

- due to low pay there is a shortage of specialists.

Berwick must be confirmed by the Senate.
Call your Senator today.
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It goes without saying, the November 2010 elections are critical. One of the races that has been exciting to watch is the battle between my hero, Marco Rubio, and the sleezy Charlie Crist. Crist had such a lead in the beginning, some 30 points, and he wallowed in it with his cocky I-can't-be-beat attitude. Now that the wheels have fallen off, we can see his true colors.

When liberals lose, they take their footballs, go home...

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