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Bill Ayers, Ghostwriter for

Obama’s ‘Dreams from My Father,’

Still Angry with Obama and MSM

Well over a year ago the long-suspected fact that Bill^^ Ayers, the Weather Underground bomb planter, edited; and also wrote great portions of Obama’s first autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” was made official in a book by Christopher Anderson, “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.” It was also revealed at that time that Bill Ayers was angry with Obama for not forwarding his share of the royalties and not acknowledging his efforts; and ultra-angry with the mainstream media (MSM) for not giving him coverage for his “well-deserved” anger.

The same Obama-praising and Obama-protecting media which has long refused to cover stories harmful to the president or his administration has, a year later, still not covered the tiff between Ayers and Obama; not reported on Ayers’ authorship of the book; barely covered the existence of the book at all; and certainly not vetted the book which strongly hints at Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr.’s (his father’s) vehement communism and how it got him thrown out of Kenya’s socialistic government as a radical. Naturally they MSM has not hinted that in the matter of “Dreams from My Father,” the Dreams from our president’s father clearly included 100% taxation, confiscation of foreign businesses by Kenya, confiscation of private property, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s White and Asian populace to their Blacks, frced governmental control of key businesses, etc., etc., ad nauseum . . . .

Anderson confirmed the fact that Ayers gave Obama “considerable help” in writing; and actually edited “Dreams from My Father.” “Michelle asked Ayers, a family friend, to help Barack with the book after first telling Barack he needed to get Ayers’ help,” according to Anderson’s best-seller. The close relationship between Ayers and Barack came up in several places in the book which also revealed a few times when Barack’s ambition seemed on the verge of destroying the marriage; how Michelle decided it must be Sotomayor nominated for the Supreme Court; Michelle’s extreme jealousy related to a female campaign worker; and that with deadline looming, Ayers received a bit of “finished writing” a huge compilation of notes and tape recorded material and taped interviews of African relatives, and several sections of partial manuscript . . . in short a mess . . . which he than rather expertly turned into the President’s first autobiography.

Anderson, who’s written books on the Bush Family, the Kennedy’s and other polical notables said that Obama took his wife’s advice and got Ayers’ help “. . . they were friends and had worked on various projects together, it was no secret.”

Ayers, who helped in the first effort at bombing a statue in Chicago (for the purpose of “inflicting police casulties”) has, after a long initial silence on the matter told several media people, “Yes, I wrote “Dreams from My Father, I ghostwrote the the whole thing. I met with (Obama) three or four times and then I wrote the entire book. And now I would like the royalties.” That complaint is still heard from Ayers today and still ignored by the MSM.

Anderson in his book said, “in the end Ayers’ contribution . . . would be significant . . . so much that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’ own writing.” Certainly the subtle but never absent connection to Barak Obama, Sr.’s love of communism which cost him his cushy job in the Kenyan bureaucracy “because he could not keep his mouth shut” according to Barak, Jr.’s half sister . . . is a constant Ayers’ theme.

While his own communistic leanings continue today, Ayers’ who co-authored the book “Prairie Fire” in 1973 (dedicated to over 200 persons from the great Harriet Tubman; convicted Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan; “and all political prisoners in the United States”) with several other members of the Weather Underground and wrote and published “Fugitive Days: a Memoir,” has a distinctive style that is little changed over the three decades since his first book. However, the two books strike completely different tones: the first book defiant; the latter one more thoughtful and even apologetic when describing his days with the “Greenwich Village Bomb-makers.”

Columnist Cashill on the American Thinker website complained about the liberal mainstream media’s desire to shield Barak Obama from all suggestion of problem activities and acquaintanceships. Americans, for example, got a five-minute story on the disgrace and resignation of Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" communist Van Jones where something similar in the Bush Administration would have surely garnered two or even three weeks worth of coverage. Cashill said, "There is no more stunning example of this than the reporting on Christopher Andersen's new best seller. Every major news outlet in the English-speaking world felt compelled to review the book," Cashill wrote, "Yet not a single reviewer, as far as I could tell, dared mention the book's most newsworthy revelation, namely that Bill Ayers substantially aided Barack Obama in the writing of his 1995 memoir, 'Dreams From My Father.'"

Only one oblique media reference mentioned Ayers’ part in creating the book, noting that a conservative blog connected Ayers to Obama’s first book and their Hyde Park (Chicago) friendship contained video of Ayers’ admission, but that “Ayers was joking, of course” without explaining how they had established Ayers’ frame of mind and lack of sincerity. As far as the “conservative blog” in question by Anne Leary in the Backyard Conservative website describing her interview with Ayers the blog was mentioned and discredited (and that was that) without any evidence for doing so by all the liberal media.

So, Weatherman Underground bomber Bill Ayers wrote Barak Obama’s first book and is angry that he’s not received his royalties; and with the liberal MSM who won’t give him coverage to express his ire . . . it’s enough to make any radical furious.

Every time, it seems, Obama has sought to distance himself from someone like Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, and Bill Ayers (on several occasions) and other unsavory types the media has obligingly dropped the matter immediately . . . apparently only patriotic conservatives need to be “followed up on” by the newshounds and extreme leftist presidents are presumed innocent forever. So much for the integrity of the American MSM and the once great "fourth estate."

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Today, by the way, the NY Times ran an extraordinarily sympathetic article on PFC Bradley Manning and the torments of his growing up “a geek” and gay to boot. Too bad that won’t stop any of the U.S. Military or Afghan deaths caused byManning’s willful leaking of 160,000 secret and top secret documents. Rajjpuut remembers a similar compassionate NY Times article on Bill Ayers that even showed understanding for Ayers’ bomb-planting . . . it ran on the morning of September 11, 2001 --- OOOOPS!

** dare we use the phrase “JournOList”???

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In light of the recent Senate vote (thank you Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe) to pass a $26 billion bail out for states and government unions, financed in part by an $11 billion tax hike, Nancy Pelosi smells the blood in the water, and has called congress back from their summer break to pass this in the House so it can be on Obama's desk [quickly, now, it's critical] before anyone has time to think about it.


Why should forty-seven states have to pay for CA, NY, and MI?

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"The Cracked Pot"

A great story; it gave me joy to read it. Enjoy! Author unknown...GrizzlyMama

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot
was perfect and always delivered a full portion
of water.

At the end of the long walks from the stream to the
house, the cracked pot arrived only half full..

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman
bringing home only one and a half pots of water.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own
imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half
of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter
failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the

I’m ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side
causes water to leak out all the way back to your

The old woman smiled, ‘Did you notice that there are
flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other
pot’s side?’

‘That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so
I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and
every day while we walk back, you water them.

‘For two years I have been able to pick these
beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would not
be this beauty to grace the house.

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks
and flaws we each have that make our lives together so
very interesting and rewarding.

You’ve just got to take each person for what they are
and look for the good in them

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Posted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Sunday, August 08, 2010 12:54:47
Race-Baiting Obama and NAACP

Worsen America’s Race Relations
The truth about our “post-racial” president, Barack Obama, is that rather than seeking to “bring us together” he is deliberately seeking to divide America along racial, class, age, gender and religious lines for his own advantage as he seeks to “fundamentally transform America.” Rajjpuut, who once in his college days beat up two much bigger (thankfully drunk) bullies in a Taco Bell restaurant in Greeley, Colorado, who were taunting three young Black girls with the N-word, is now becoming a racist . . . let us for clarity call Rajjpuut, a NEO-RACIST. The NEO-RACIST divides the world of men into the competent individualist and the incompetent collectivists . . . for separated along lines of intelligence, wisdom and courage: these are the only two races of men that matter. As far as conventional racial matters here in the United States, Obama has dramatically worsened them.
A NEO-RACIST like Rajjpuut is utterly prejudiced, utterly biased against those who advocate their various versions of utopian collectivism which canNOT stand under the light of sound economic principles nor human nature. The NEO-RACIST wants utter freedom for himself and for you . . . while the collectivists who fear him want all men shackled into unending personal sacrifice toward statism’s unachievable and evil and impossible utopian ends.
What are those utopian ends? Rajjpuut can’t say precisely because no logical and detailed picture has ever actually been outlined by the collectivist beyond the phrase “to each according to his needs; from each according to his abilities” . . . an undesirable and unreachable dream-objective requiring the altering of human nature toward mandated self-sacrifice, but dream world aside, Rajjpuut can easily point out the ugly realities. Real lands with real history: like the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact which both collapsed in the late ‘80’s after first murdering millions of people and creating untold misery. That Soviet utopia was so evil that they had to kill tens of thousands of people trying to leave it and imprison tens of thousands of others, in order that less courageous souls would be bound to their “utopia” by their fears and stay behind to work for the collective.
This NEO-RACISM started out slowly for Rajjpuut. While he voted Libertarian and did not support Mr. Obama, for a brief while he thought it might be great for the country having a Black president. And while that was potentially true in the theoretical sense, it has proven an unmitigated disaster for the country having Barack Obama as our president in every possible tangible sphere.
Almost immediately Obama and his administration and the usual suspects on the left began calling all in opposition to the unfolding Obama agenda “racists” and Rajjpuut found himself getting angry for, of course, he knew the charges were not only baseless lies aimed at the competent, (those clear thinkers who understand the evils that Obama’s unfettered collectivism threatened for our people and to our country and will continue to bring unless brought to a halt) and thoughtful opposition. Competent individuals realized that not only was Obama expanding government’s control over the individual in opposition to our Constitution, but also deliberately exploiting long-standing conceptual chains glorifying the STATE over the individual; and the statists over those who want all men to be free.
When these carte blanche “racism”accusations (zeroing in on all conservatives as “haters” and especially the TEA Party which in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion consists of the individual Americans that the rest must depend upon if the Obamanation that is now America is to be restored into the great and noble country we once knew) continued unabated, Rajjpuut found himself moving from angered to highly-angered. So Rajjpuut confesses, he is indeed highly prejudiced against leftists and other statists incompetents which means that on neo-racist lines alone he is prejudiced against “the race of incompetent men who unable to think for themselves willing choose to believe that freedom is slavery”: the collectivists.
Indeed, in opposition to collectivism, let us call NEO-RACISM instead NEO-CONSTITUTIONALISM, for there once was a race of men, our founding fathers who dared to breathe free air and to contemplate a land where mankind would forever be free so long as the Constitution, the rule of law, and more particularly the Bill of Rights within the rule of law, protected men’s freedoms and men were willing to keep their thoughts free and defend that freedom. Barack Obama, who once taught “Constitutional Law” while simultaneously teaching a course about Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” . . . a juxtaposition akin to preaching virtue in a brothel . . . clearly would use the United States Constitution for toilet paper.
By the way, the terms “freedom” and “liberty” are just meaningless words unless their underlying concepts are defined understood and fought for. Freedom means being free from the unwanted negative effects from the actions of other men and of government; and all other men likewise being free from the negative effects I, the individual, might bring them as well as from all other men and government. The natural state of a man alone without government and other men around is freedom. What exactly are the benefits of interacting with other men? While there are many, forced-collectivism has not pounded one nail, mastered fire, or grown one crop of corn. Free association with other men, on the other hand, brings us freely the benefits of all men’s efforts through the magic of free markets. The purpose of freedom, such as our Constitution guarantees us from our creator, is to maximize the blessings of interacting with other men and with government while minimizing the negatives of such interactions.
Let us talk about those negative effects we would avoid. Barack Obama, his administration and his radical supporters especially the labor unions are bankrupting this country . . . that is an undeniable fact, yet they would attempt denial. That bankrupting of, or biting of the hand that feeds them . . . as well as other more deliberate “Cloward-Piven” strategic moves . . . are illogical and counter-productive from the standpoint of normal rational self-interest.
Why would the collectivists act contrary to the good of individual men . . . because, out of the resulting chaos, they see their best chance to enslave us all and move into power. They do NOT own the personal competence to achieve but must gain their power by attacking those individuals that do . . . Rajjpuut as a NEO-RACIST/NEO-Constitutionalist, declares himself the enemy of all that race of incompetents who put their faith in a state-planned utopia of collectivist origin. In this movement, they deny their history. They deny the almost 150 million slaughtered souls that collectivists like Stalin, Mao** and Hitler bequeathed to 20th Century mankind. Yes, Hitler was a collectivists and more . . . Hitler was a National SOCIALIST, not a conservative at all, look at the goals of his party from 1933 through 1939 (the Third Reich’s glory years) and you’ll see reflections of the goals of Obama in 2009.
Hitler’s much ballyhooed attacks upon communism were not attacks upon the benighted left by the benighted right but rather part of a serious squabble between leftists. The left of Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and Stalin seeks even today to enslave men in accord with the lying dictums of Marx and Engles. Hitler’s left sought to enslave men to a separate utopian lie based upon Teutonic racial purity. Both groups were leftists. Both groups were collectivists. Both groups were socialistic statists.
The lie that both Nazism and Obama-style communism espouse is that the tyranny of the masses is good for the individual and creates a more beneficial kind of state. By belonging to their “new wave” one unites with a vision greater than himself and becomes greater than one already is, HAH!
The BIG LIE that all who oppose Obama’s collectivist agenda are racists had been dragged into stark relief beneath the glaring light of recent history. Let’s get one thing straight, when it comes to Andrew Breitbart’s video which caused so much stir three weeks ago: Shirley Sherrod was never the story although a lot of people assumed she was. The real story was, and still is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Three things are very clear here . . . recently . . . .
A) The NAACP had just held a meeting in which a key speaker was allowed to praise a preacher and his thug friends who had just been arrested for beating up a Black entrepreneur selling “The audacity of DOPE” buttons. The man had made a fortune selling Obama buttons in 2008, but misjudged his audience when he began selling buttons showing Obama smoking a joint (marijuana cigarette, if you’ve been off the planet for half a century). The speaker was cheered loudly as he repeatedly called the victim “an Uncle Tom” and praised his assailants
B) Without one iota of proof, the NAACP has repeatedly joined the Democrats and Obama in calling the TEA Party a “racist” group. The NAACP has made its career over the last half century calling Whites racists devils and this happens despite the fact that in the face of claims that the “N-word” was used by TEA Partiers “at least fifteen” and “up to twenty-nine times” against Black congressmen on the day that the Obamacare bill passed. Breitbart has offered $100,000 to anyone who can show up with indisputable video proof that the N-word was used even at all, even once, that day.
So far despite all the cameras and video devices on site, no one has come forward to prove those sworn to nasty events happened. Of course, supposedly one Black congressman said he was “spat upon” but no video of that footage has occurred either, making critical minds think that spitting incident never happened either. Breitbart’s money is still in his bank account.
C) Now to the video itself, Sherrod herself was apparently a terrible victim in her youth when her father was, she said, killed by a White southern man and justice was never done. That was left out. Then later (in the 43-minute speech which the NAACP had recorded in its entirety) she talks about her epiphany that it “wasn’t about black and white at all” or at least not mainly about black and white but rather about helping the poor regardless of race. In other words her epiphany was that she learned how to do her job.
Part of that, a good part, was left out of the video. What was actually left in the video segment? What was left in was that while she was talking, the NAACP membership (which did NOT know where the speech and her story were going) was tittering and laughing and giving virtual “Hallelujah, Girl!” treatment to the speech as she was talking about a very uneasy interracial contact in her job with a White Man who “thought he was superior to me.” That in a nutshell was the story, the clearly racist NAACP reaction to the apparently racist story (early in her talk) was uniquely racist for an organization that claims to be seeking equal footing for all races.
The most clear and obvious statistics about racism in this country is that Democrat Barack Obama received more White votes and a larger percentage of White votes in 2008 than John Kerry did in 2004 or Al Gore did in 2000, roughly 48%, (roughly the same percentage that Bill Clinton received in being re-elected in 1996) meanwhile John Mc Cain in our recent election received around 4.4 % of Black votes. That single fact more than any other propelled Barack Obama into office with a 6-7 % edge in the popular vote. In other words, Whites in 2008 were roughly eleven times more likely to cross racial lines in casting their votes then Blacks were and that cemented Obama’s win.
Rajjpuut suggests that probably 90% of the White’s who voted against Obama and 100% of the Blacks who voted for Mc Cain in 2008 did so, as Rajjpuut did, for objective dislike of socialism, big spending and high taxes rather than racial reasons. Today, 55% of Americans now label Obama a “socialist,” yet despite his miserable performance as president, 25% of the people still strong approve of Obama’s performance as president, the same 25% of people that are calling all Obama’s opposition “racists.”
Who then are the real “racists?” Who are those who much use this emotionally-loaded way to disparage the compent free? Why then do so many cling to the collectivism that the Left and Barack Obama espouse? It is out of fear. They have bought into the “victim” lie of the Left so thoroughly, that they see themselves incapable of succeeding on their own and REQUIRING the state or the union or the collective to help them. Rajjpuut suggests that instead of a “false and noisy” black pride, gay pride, women’s pride, brown pride, etc. a quiet and calm HUMAN PRIDE be adopted by those who see themselves as downtrodden so they might then allow the spirit of our founding fathers’ courageous movement to infuse their every action.
To clear the air here, Rajjpuut, a Libertarian, similarly did NOT vote for Barack Obama because after reading “Dreams from My Father,” and listening to his speeches and going deep into research into his past voting and into the character of his mother Stanley Ann Dunham, grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham and Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr. his Kenyan birth-father . . . Rajjpuut rightly decided that Obama was at least a highly-exuberant socialist but far more likely an abject communist.
The word “prejudice” refers to pre-judging a situation, person, etc. without having all the facts. When that prejudice is along the lines of race or color then the word “racist” is applicable. When the “prevailing direction” of race hatred is breached then reverse-racism occurs. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has today become what it fears: a group of racists, or more properly a group of reverse-racists. While some liberated Blacks talk about the NAACP as “becoming increasingly irrelevant,” the truth is that the NAACP has for several years now become a monstrous impediment on the road to better race relations. The biggest impediment on that road, however, is Barack Obama. Our “post-racial” president is either personally a racist or impersonally (for political advantage) the most highly visible race-baiter in America’s history . . . or most likely both.
Emphasizing specifics, the NAACP is a racist organization because unlike the great Martin Luther King, Jr., the NAACP judges Whites on their skin color not by the content of their caracter; and Barack Obama who seems to be doing the same thing is most likely judging voters on their stance for him or against him and using that prejudice as motivation for calling them “racists” to weaken, he hopes, the strength of their political opposition to him and the will of others to unite against him.
While throwing brickbats around, Shirley Sherrod is also a huge impediment to better race relations . . . a politically-incorrect fact that no one seems to be mentioning since the public-hijinks the other day by Shirley’s former employer the U.S. Department of agriculture. Ms. Sherrod, is also, outside of her being a racist, something called a ‘sewer’ or perhaps ‘suer,’ someone who likes to sue in the hopes of achieving monetary gain . . . she will be most likely suing the USDA for unlawful termination and should, if justice prevails, lose the suit, because her former employer has apologized publicly and publicly offered her a better job than she had earlier, but this is somewhat beside the point.
Ms. Sherrod, the NAACP and President Obama can all be lumped into the same boat, they are highly prejudiced against Whites who are not prejudiced for forced Black economic equality via redistribution of wealth. Read that again, if necessary, for it is a key truth, no one except a few Black TEA Party members seems to be talking about. Democrats as a whole (and the NAACP as a subset containing perhaps 95% Democrats) seem to come at the world of race seeing the Black as a victim and someone the government needs to throw money at . . . . hence programs such as “Affirmative Action” which are merely institutionalized reverse-discrimination. As Martin Luther King emphasized, equality of opportunity is the only opportunity that matters. Equality of everything else (a.k.a. socialism, Marxism) such as Mr. Obama wants to force down our throats might actually be forced upon us and in the end put all Blacks and all Whites and all others into uniform poverty at a level much, much lower than the average American Black now faces. Mr. Obama knows this for a fact and admitted as much several times. The poorest 5% of Americans are much better off than 90% of the worlds’ people thanks to the industry of free men and the magic of free markets. Mr. Obama has seemingly denied the importance of this fact over and over. For instance . . . .
During one of the candidate debates, the moderator gave an example of an economic fact and then asked Obama. “Since it’s been proved that anytime personal and business taxes on the highest earners goes above 28%, the nation is threatened with recession, should we ever raise these taxes above 28%?”
Without hesitating, Mr. Obama said, “I’m interested in ‘fairness’” as he went on to explain why he favored high taxes on the rich and upon business, small and large. There’s your blessed socialistic equality for you: everybody in the same sinking boat . . . this is why Mr. Obama has been working at cross-purposes to the economic best-interests of the American people . . . so that he can put everybody in the same leaky boat when we all know that the ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ and that’s where to put one’s economic emphasis: on making the country more prosperous as a whole. Those American’s living below the poverty line are wealthier than 96% of the world’s people . . . the key, then is to lift the poverty line by say 60% rather than dropping more Americans into much-ballyhooed equality far below the poverty line. Reverse-racism used as a political tool by the NAACP and Mr. Obama for political ends is counter-productive of all worthy goals along those lines and a divisive factor preventing Americans from working together. Faced with these grave challenges, only our Constitution and our courage can save us from Obama’s brave new world. AMEN
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery
** Mao is the greatest mass murderer in history and yet Mao and another Leftist monster Che Guevara are huge T-shirt favorites right here in America, go figure! According to, on their searching for utopia, Leftists have ceaselessly “inflicted vast human suffering on their innocent countrymen, innocents in other lands, or both. Among the hallmarks of their ‘progressive’ regimes, which rank among the most oppressive on record, have been the attempt to implement the discredited economic theories of Karl Marx and the determination to create a new page in human history by purging their societies of the ‘reactionary’ ideas of the past and ultimately all dissent, and to do by any means necessary, including torture, murder, mass enslavement, and genocide. Their monstrous crimes were inspired and then justified by the quest for ‘social justice,’ an impossible task that would require the remaking of human beings themselves to accomplish. It is the attempt to remake humanity that produces the atrocities, as the gruesomely monotonous record of radicals in power shows.” Of course their website has only recently been considering that Hitler was a collectivist also, and he certainly ‘progressed’ well beyond the Constituion of the Weimar Republic even before becoming Germany’s full-fledged dictator.

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Our Country is becoming a Nanny State

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

More and more our Government is no longer trusting us and sending the dogs after anyone they believe may or may not be a terrorist while allowing Illegal Immigrants to take over America.

A while ago I have written a article about how our Government wanted to become our parents and treat it's entire citizenry like untrusted children.

lemonade1jpgjpg-0930a77be036a276The next biggest threat our Government has created in it's ongoing battleto make American Citizens accept the New Nanny State under theBush/Obama taskforce, is to go after Lemonade Stands.

Also it gets worse. The state claims that it created a law requiring even little kids running Lemonade Stands to have a permit from the goodole health department.

Even though the 7 year old girl did keep her Lemonade Sanitary as possible, used hand sanitizer, kept her lemonade container closed, andused a scoop for the ice, it was not enough for Nanny State because theyknow whats best for the people.

They wanted her to pay a license to the Health Department of $120 even though she did keep her Lemonade sanitary. The reason the HealthDepartment got created in the first place was suppose to help protectthe Health of the populace which has protected us from rat and bug infested foodbut now it has been converted into a organization to exploit and extortlittle children in the governments ongoing battle to force us to paypermits for everything and anything we do.

So now Government Agencies which were suppose to be all for positive purposes has fallen into believing that us people are dumb animals thatwould walk off a cliff for a single loaf of bread, so now theGovernment now wants to tell us what to do all the time now. The realreason we are heading for a Nanny State is because it allows theGovernment to control, extort, exploit, and even pacify the people.

The Government wants to control our Health and DNA, our mind, our thoughts, our food supplies, our seeds, our pets, and wants to control every facet of our lives under many guises including saving the Environment.

But all hope it now lost that is why the Nanny State Liberation Front was created was to go against the Nanny State.

TiredofFunPoliceWe don't need a Police State or a Nanny State.

So if your against the Nanny State join the Nanny State Liberation Front.

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Choo-choo!And the railroad comes roaring through."Sixty-three senators are going to have to answer to their constituents why they put on the U.S. Supreme Court a woman who altered a report by physicians that said -- and I'll sum it up -- that there really aren't any circumstances to justify a partial-birth abortion," Knight explains. "She made it say in some circumstances it may be the best single way to save a life of a mother."That modified report, according to Knight's column on Thursday -- "The Kagan moral train wreck" -- was used as "falsified evidence" in a Supreme Court case and amounts to "fraud, plain and simple" on the part of the nominee."Then she threw the case in the Defense of Marriage Act trial in Massachusetts," he continues. "She presented no evidence that marriage had anything to do with the well-being of children. I mean, come on -- that's a very big reason for [traditional] marriage.""But Elena Kagan is a very dangerous appointee because she's already shown as solicitor general of the United States [under Barack Obama] that she's willing to let her activist agenda get in the way of the law."Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) joined 36 Republicans as the lone Democrat voting against Kagan. Five Republican senators joined 58 Democrats in voting for Kagan -- Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Richard Lugar (Indiana), and Judd Gregg (New Hampshire).It’s easy. If your senator is a democrat, vote them out of office. If your senator is any of the above five Republicans, vote them out of office.I believe Ben Nelson is trying to make up for the fact he took the bribe Obama gave him to vote for the Healthcare bill. Vote him out as well.
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Obama’s cavalier attitude toward increasing taxes and government spending and government control; deficits, national debt and unfunded liabilities on the one hand . . . and toward violating both the letter and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution on the other hand . . . are in a nutshell, the single biggest uniter of the mainstream against him.
Americans Believe Country
on the Wrong Track

When 67% of likely American voters say the country is heading in the wrong direction, you’d expect a lot of agreement on the question. Only two in every seven voters (28%) believe the country is heading the right way, but . . . . that humble statistic includes 53% of Democrats; 73% of the political** class; and 64% of Blacks who assert that the nation is indeed headed in the right direction.^^

Opposing that idea are 91% of Republicans; 73% of unaffiliated voters; 82% of mainstream** voters; and 70% of all non-black ethnicities who feel the country is headed along the wrong path. This data, taken from Rasmussen Reports recent polling . . . is a disappointment for Obama administration officials. “We don’t watch polls,” says Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary . . . an obvious lie contradicted by hundreds of other things Mr. Gibbs has said in the last nineteen months.
The single key comparison is this: 82% of mainstream voters say the country is on the wrong path while 73% of the political class aver we’re heading in the right direction. That amounts to a difference of 165% in evaluating the present situation in America: that is a monumental gulf. Our politicians and those who approve of the work of our politicians are presumably further apart today then the colonists and Great Britain’s leaders were in 1775. In comparison the difference between the Republicans (-91%) and Democrats (+53%) is great but just 144%; and the perception difference between Blacks (+64%) and other ethnicities (-70%) is a mere 134%;
Leftist blogsites have gone berserk since the new poll data was published by Rasmussen. Their spin? Some accuse Rasmussen (the most accurate pollster over the last eight years) of running a biased survey. Others say White male voters are expressing “racism.” They deny that women or Hispanics or Blacks or the young (the four key elements of the “president’s base”) are supporting the president less.
The left seem to be in absolute denial that rational people could somehow disapprove of the president’s job performance. Promising 8% maximum unemployment if the Obama Stimulus package were passed is a huge reason voters believe the country is heading down the wrong path, where, they ask, are the jobs? Recently one of Obama’s chief economic advisors quit in arguments over extending the Bush tax cuts across the board. No serious economists are recommending any kind of tax increase (and, though Obama denies it, allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire even on one class of high-earners is, indeed, a tax increase) in the midst of a recession. One Obama strategist and pollster has openly questioned the president’s, the administration’s, the Democrats’ and the left’s tendency to denounce all dissenters from 100% approval of the president as “racists” saying that while this might have worked initially, it’s hurting the president across broad classes of voters.
The brunt of all these “racism” accusations, of course, is the so-called astro-turf (not a real grass-root movement according to Pelosi, Reid, Obama and Gibbs) TEA Party movement. Clearly, the TEA Party is the fastest growing and most active dynamic in America today. And what does the TEA Party movement object to in Barack Obama’s leadership that gets them repeatedly branded “racists?” Why does the TEA Party believe we’re going the wrong way?
1) Obama’s elitism (no business people or practical people are part of the inner circle at the White House) and surrounding himself with virtually nothing but academicians and lawyers.
2) Obama’s socialism (55% of Americans in a recent poll, said “socialist” was the right descriptor for the president) as indicated by takeovers of virtually 68% of the American economy and financial industries.
3) Obama’s radicalism as reflected in the make-up of his 38 czars and the white house staff consisting of so many radicals from the 60’s and 70’s and self-admitted communists.
4) Obama’s ineptitude in solving problems in jobs or the economy.
5) Obama’s refusal to listen to public opinion on matters like Obamacare and the borders.
6) Obama’s foolish stances on radical Islamic terrorism and seeming denial of the facts of a pretty simple matter seems to be endangering the country. "Man-caused disasters don't cut it, Mr. President."
7) Obama’s ignoring of our long-time allies and new coziness with our long-time enemies; and especially his “apology-tour.”
8) Obama’s cavalier attitude toward increasing taxes, government spending and government control; deficits, national debt and unfunded liabilities on the one hand . . . and toward violating both the letter and the spirit of the U.S. Constitution on the other hand . . . are in a nutshell, the single biggest uniter of the mainstream against him$$.
9) Obama’s redistributionist policies.
10) Obama’s fundamental transformation of America is NOT the change they hoped for when he was elected.
11) And, yes, it’s possible that up to 5% of the TEA Party actually are racists (though Rajjpuut has never seen even one such indication) who object to Obama’s color. However, while only 4% of Blacks voted for Mc Cain almost 48% of Whites voted for Obama (more than Kerry or Gore got) . . . so 97% of TEA Partiers really DO object to is being called “racists” by so many reverse-racists and the entire left-wing of the Democrats.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^By the way, 82% of Blacks approve of the job Barack Obama’s doing while only 36% of White Americans do so . . . an incredible 46% perceptual divide by race (53% of Hispanics approve of Obama’s job performance).
** According to recent Rasmussen analysis 65% of the country now align with the mainstream and only 4% now align with the political class. If “leaners” are accounted for, 81% prefer a mainstream view and 12% see things much closer to the political class’ viewpoint.
Rasmussen has a measurable definition of the terms “mainstream” and “political class.” The numbers are arrived at by asking three questions, (the mainstream answer is underlined):
1. Generally speaking, when it comes to important national issues, whose judgment do you trust more - the American people or America’s political leaders?
2. Some people believe that the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Has the federal government become a special interest group? Yes!
3. Do government and big business often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors? Yes!
To create the Rasmussen scale, each response earns a plus 1 for the mainstream answer, a minus 1 for the political class answer, and a 0 for not sure.
Those who score 2 or higher are considered a part of the Mainstream. Those who score -2 or lower are considered to be aligned with the Political Class. Those who score +1 or -1 are considered leaners in one direction or the other.
In practical terms, if someone is classified with the Mainstream, they agree with the mainstream view on at least two of the three questions and don’t agree with the Political Class on any.
After years of conducting these polls, Scott Rasmussen says, it’s his conclusion that Americans do NOT want to be governed from the left; do NOT want to be governed from the right; do NOT want to be governed from the midde; but rather “want to govern themselves.”
A Rajjpuut comment here: 83% of the political class are Democrats 15% are Independents or Unaffiliateds and just 2% are Republicans. In comparison, the makeup of the mainstream group is roughly 62% Republicans, 24% Independents and about 14% Democrats.
$$ In a liberal think-tank poll about ten days back, 55% of the voters said that "socialist" was an accurate descriptor for Barack Obama. It has taken 2.5 years for the populace to come to that opinion because the mainstream media (MSM) have protected and coddled Barack Obama and never properly vetted him, a courtesy that has never before been shown to any major American candidate. Rajjpuut knew early in 2008 that Barack Obama was a communist; that his mother Stanley Ann Dunham and grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham who raised him were communists; that his mentor, the poet Frank Marshall Davis was a communist; and that his Kenyan birthfather was such an abject and vocal communist, he could not hold a job in socialist Kenya. These are all facts the liberal MSM could have easily and should have uncovered for America's voters . . . . even Obama's first book "Dreams from My Father" was never vetted. The obvious question is "What were the dreams from Barak (no 'c') Hussein Obama, Sr.?" Here's the answer . . . .
from a magazine essay written when his son was about four years old. 100% taxation, confiscation of private land, forced communal farming, redistribution of wealth from the White and Asian Kenyans to the Black Kenyans, confiscation of foreign businesses, total economic planning in the hands of government, etc. etc. . . . these were the dreams from Barack, Jr.'s father . . . .

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Fiscal survival of Individual States
in Jeopardy
Many Americans assumed that the country contained its own Greece already. The fate of profligate California has been a topic for discussion for at least the last thirty months. Well, it turns out we have at least three Greeces among us: Michigan and New York join California in their history of unionization and now like Greece and California, in their history of financial collapse. The matter is coming to a head . . . . You may have heard that Nancy Pelosi has just reconvened the House of Representatives (called them back from their vacations) to vote on a bailout package that narrowly passed the senate thanks to both Republican senators from Maine allowing the cloture vote to succeed 61-39 joining with Harry Reid’s Democrats for another rubberstamp bailout in accord with the desires of Dictator Barak. It appears there is nothing Obama, Pelosi and Reid will NOT do in their pursuit of union votes. Here’s what’s going on . . . .
After pretending to be conservatives for a few days, Olympia Snow and fellow Maine senator Susan Collins collapsed the Republican filibuster and both voted with the Democrats on cloture and passed the motion 61-39 . . . in due course the Dems bailout bill then passed on simple majority lines. Snow said she supported the Democrats’ bill with the understanding that the states would “have to act more responsibly in the future.” That is – like Michigan’s Bart Stupak when he allowed Barack Obama to pass Obamacare with federally-funded abortions mandated --she sold her senatorial birthright for a bowl of soup. Snow and Collins and Massachusetts’ Scott Brown are setting records for killing Republican filibusters against the Obama agenda. One, two or three of them are often required to side with the Democrats, depending upon how many Democrats find a particular bill in question repugnant, and this threesome have been very willing to advance the Obama progressive agenda without receiving any important concessions time after time after time.
For those readers unfamiliar with Senate procedure, large majority parties like today’s Democrats love to ram across their programs and would do so and then easily win every vote with at least 51 votes. We are protected against such tyrrany of the masses by the need of a party to gain at least a 3/5 majority (for example 60-for and 40 against) to then allow them to actually take the senate into the voting phase for or against passage of a particular bill – the idea is that unpopular bills will at least have to be amended significantly or the minority party can filisbuster (bring up arguments, amendments, discussion, witnesses, etc.) endlessly until some significant compromise occurs to change the balance of voting power. Of course, in the case of particularly loathsome attempts at law, the filibuster option can definitely save the nation if the minority party stands tough, which the Republicans have NOT done.
Snow is, along with Brown and Collins clearly aligned with progressive (we need to “progress” well beyond the out-of-date and flawed U.S. Constitution) interests in the left-wing of the Democrats . . . despite all the bright promise shown when Brown was elected in November, the progressives have passed virtually all their hearts’ desires except for Cap and Trade and Amnesty for Illegals (a.k.a. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”) thanks to these progressive Republican senators acting alone or in concert with each other to harmonize with the progressive Democrats.
What this means is that now 47 other states will be required to bail out Michigan, California and New York from their unionization and other spending excesses. California and New York have the largest contingent of state employees unions and Michigan of course still is dominated by the United Auto Workers’ Union as well as its own state employees unions. That is, 47 other states thanks to their own senators will be required to jeopardize their own fiscal solvency to buck up California, New York and Michigan. Doesn’t that remind you of the European Union stepping into save Greece? Why should taxpayers from states that have cut their budgets and observed spending restraint, pay for the extravagances of other less responsible states? That’s the issue with the $26 Billion bailout Pelosi has reconvened the House to vote on.
According to, “State government employment has risen by 16 percent since 1995 and overly generous Medicaid and other spending has climbed alongside it. Pension obligations, initially incurred as a cheap alternative to pay raises for public workers, are increasingly driving state budgets over the brink.
“State and local governments and school boards are hostages to the public employee labor unions that control their finances through their contracts and their politics with their donations and votes. These nominally democratic government bodies are as much under the sway of their union captors as the auto companies are of the UAW.”
If a Republican Congress turns off the spigot of federal bailouts, Morris adds, “the municipal and state bond markets are going to take the hint and stop buying state paper at any interest rate. California will find its debt has become unmarketable and will comeback again begging Congress for relief. First it will seek federal money and then its demands will escalate into a federal guarantee of its state debt. The Greek financial crisis will come to our shores in the form of state bankruptcies.”
States should be allowed to go bankrupt without federal interference this would require a new bankruptcy law. Minimal and reasonable federal help should then be allowed if the state involved dissolves all its union contracts, pension requirement and starts over negotiating with the unions for a fiscally-sound state budget. Morris put it this way, “By freeing states and local governments (including school boards) of their union obligations on wages, work rules, staffing, and pensions, they have a chance to survive and, indeed, to prosper. But merely subsidizing these massive expenditures just prolongs the misery of the states in question. The collapse of overspending state governments must trigger the diminution of the power unions hold over their budgets and their politics. Their coming bankruptcies offer an opportunity for reform and the Republican Congress - backed by newly elected Republican state governments - give us precisely the opportunity we need to effectuate it.”
Rajjpuut can only add, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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“Say, Betcha Didn’t Know . . . .”
the Story Behind a NY Times “Retraction”
After her excellent comparison of the courage exhibited by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer compared to our wimpy President’s non-efforts to protect the nation’s borders, perhaps Sarah Palin ought to be making statements about the New York Times publishers, editors, reporters, columnists, op-ed writers, bloggers (and everybody but the janitors) all combined . . . lacking the “cajones” of a one-celled protozoan . . . Let’s talk about one “retraction” in the Times . . . .
Some months ago, the liberal media was alive with a story about TEA Party members yelling the N-word fifteen times (or twenty-nine times in one paper) at Black members of congress as they walked up the capitol steps on that sunny day in March when Obamacare was passed. This was considered BIG . . . front-page news cussed and discussed in every liberal broadcast for weeks to come. Only one problem, it never happened. The $100,000 reward offered to anyone who can show “verifiable video footage,” showing one instance (not fifteen or twenty-nine) of the n-word being used has been offered lo, these several months and no one has offered documentary evidence, much less collected the reward. Similarly, no video footage of any Black congressman or any congress member being spat upon on that day has ever emerged.
Just the other day, (and this is August 5th) almost five months after it purportedly happened, the New York Times finally (having researched the story carefully – hah!) ran a retraction/correction . . . well, sort of . . . .
What they did actually was not even deign to draw attention to the retraction/correction by putting it off as a separate item at all. Instead they boldly went where few retractions/corrections have gone: they placed it inconspicuously at the bottom of another story. To wit:
“The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members.”
“All the News that’s Fit to Print?” Really???? Perhaps the Times ought to change their motto to “All the Gutless Lies Obama Would Prefer We Print.” First of all, that, whatever else it is, is neither a correction nor a retraction. There is NO “we got it wrong and we apologize” aspect to that piece of garbage by the piece of garbage Times.
1. Notice that the actual event is left muddy, there’s no mention of the n-word or Mr. Lewis’ race . . . nothing that could make the “apology” meaningful.
2. Notice that the retraction/correction was certainly NOT page-one news like the original story was . . . .
3. Notice the retraction/correction refers to “one example” . . . when the Times -- by March, 2010 – had already been printing such accusations about the TEA Party and conservatives virtually non-stop without basis for over a year . . . and meanwhile has continued to spout out this nonsense ceaselessly since March, 2010.
4. The retraction/correction is over four months late and it’s not actually either a retraction or a correction and it does not apologize . . . it just says, “There is no evidence . . . epithets . . . came from TEA Party members” which is, at best a half-truth since . . .
5. The retraction/correction does NOT say “There is NO EVIDENCE any epithets with n-words were hurled by anyone at all.
6. The retraction/correction says “While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements,” but doesn’t say for every two thousand such accusations (not connections, but “accusations”) perhaps one** is true.
7. The retraction/correction talks about “a generational divide over racial attitudes” . . . that, my friends, is what has been known as a “weasel phrase” or possibly “a (or an) euphemism” . . . but which is actually just an old-fashioned LIE, not a half-truth, a LIE. It’s acting like . . . a) some sort of generation-gap exists and b) the TEA party (with older members?) treats differences in race one way that’s presumably at least a bit racist and c) the Times and its readers knows better because they are elite, intelligent, etc. but . . . RACISM, you Times morons, is RACISM, and lies are lies, and p_ss-poor journalism is pi__-poor journalism.
8. The Times seems to have never gone to the “horse’s mouth” for final verification of the event’s truth or falsity. Since Representative Lewis, a Black Democrat, is reportedly one of the few congressmen of either party, any race, any gender, any age who has been repeatedly and fairly called “honorable.” Yet Mr. Lewis has repeatedly refused to corroborate the stories about being spat upon or having the N-word hurled at him. Perhaps the Times should have asked Mr. Lewis, if his silence itself on this matter was “honorable” (since the only probable reason for this silence was to NOT gainsay his fellow Democrats)?
9. The Times has continuously run as straight-news, each and every liberal’s or left-wing Democrat’s accusation of RACISM as undeniable fact for at least the last ten years IF DIRECTED at CONSERVATIVES . . . but which has never attributed the barely 4% of Black votes going to Mc Cain while Obama received more and a larger percentage of White votes (almost 48%) than Kerry or Gore as having any racial significance at all. Isn’t it strange that the Times, which regards itself as so urbane and sophisticated in oh, so many ways, is so gullible that after ten years it has never figured out that the unending refuge for progressive (wanting to “progress” beyond the outdated and faulty Constitution) scoundrels is labelling all their opposition as “RACISTS.” How sophisticated is that? Just so the Times understands Rajjpuut clearly, he is saying the Times is guilty of not only abetting reverse-racism, but also of continuously and consistently falsely charging and abetting false charges of racism by others against Conservatives and conservative groups.
10. a) The Times recently OMITTED publishing news about a speech being applauded by the NAACP wherein a Black preacher and a couple of thugs who helped him beat up a Black entrepreneur (the man made a fortune in 2008 selling Obama buttons, but tried to sell “The audacity of dope” buttons featuring the president with a joint between his lips) were defended and lauded. The speaker repeatedly praised the preacher and the other thugs and called the entrepreneur repeatedly “an Uncle Tom.” b) the Times has also NOT investigated the story about the Black Panther voter intimidation suit being dropped nor c) the story about Obama appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez ordering a roomful of Department of Justice employees to “forget about investigating voter intimidation and racism cases where the victims are White and the perpetrators are Black and d) nor have they run the story about Ms. Fernandez ordering DOJ employees to forget about “investigating violations of the Motor Voter Act” that is, e) like Ms. Fernandez, the New York Times is acting like racism is just something that Whites do to minorities, it can never happen the other way around.
The Times which, (in keeping with the “all-non-progressive’s are racists theme”) has ceaselessly slandered FOX News . . . but, in fact, the Times isn’t worthy of one-ten-thousandth the esteem which FOX’s real journalists earn every minute of every day. Cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, cowardly New York Times. Until such time as the same New York Times effort that’s gone into propagating these lies is shown for dispelling them and pointing out those who so blithely and continuously speak them, until that day . . . cowardly, cowardly New York Times.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Rajjpuut who has attended three TEA Party events and never seen one instance of hate or racism does know of two instances worth mentioning since March, 2009 (a year before the Obamacare passage) . . . .

#1 In a specious incident, a fellow was shown on FOX News carrying a sign partially clouded over by their editorial staff that presumably said something like, "F_ck the N_ggers." In that 20 second-incident he was quickly confronted by about five male TEA Party members, an argument ensued, his sign was torn from his hands trampled upon, and he was physically escorted from their midst. FOX also showed coverage of three other networks' newcasts which just showed the man holding his sign with the word “nigg_rs” clearly visible in a still photograph.

#2 Within a supposed TEA Party splinter faction, (Rajjpuut has seen evidence that makes him believe it was used by Harry Reid in Nevada to choose his least capable opponent, Sharon Angle, to win the Republican nomination -- but who knows it could be a valid organization pursuing TEA Party goals) known as the TEA Party Express , there was an upper echelon official who is supposedly "a shock jock" who on his personal blogsite spouted hate attacks on Barack Obama and referred to Islam as having "a monkey god." After, what Rajjpuut believes was an inordinate length of time the shock-jock was forced to resign. In any case the TEA Party express has zero credibility with any of the TEA Party membership outside themselves.
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Remember the "Reform Party"?

Does anybody remember the Reform Party of Ross Perot? Here was his message back in the day:PLATFORM OF THE REFORM PARTY OF THE UNITED STATESBUDGETEnact only economic policies that require fiscal responsibility and accountability.The Federal government should be managed within its means, and not run chronic budget deficits.Enact a Balanced Budget Amendment.Pay down the Federal Debt until the principal balance is zero and American taxpayers no longer have to pay interest on the debt.Use any budget surpluses generated to pay down debt. Surpluses should not be used to fund tax reductions or to fund new programs.Eliminate programs that are wasteful, outdated or that do not serve an important national goal.End corporate welfare and special interest subsidies.Manage mandatory spending programs and government-sponsored enterprises so that they become self-funding.Review all programs on a regular basis and require mandatory trust fund reports.Remove all trust fund balances from the budget deficit calculations, so that the true size of the federal deficit is made clear to the American people.Return fiscal integrity to trust funds such as Social Security, Medicare, government retirement and all programs dealing with future obligations to individual citizens.The economic projecting functions of the Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office should be merged into the General Accounting Office (GAO). This new division of the GAO would be solely responsible for producing the economic assumptions necessary for budget deliberations between Congress and the President. The GAO staff charged with this responsibility should be permanent employees, and the director a presidential appointee subject to confirmation by the Senate.A ten-year plan to disband the Department of Housing and Urban Development should be adopted that is linked to a revenue guarantee program for municipalities. The plan should require a binding commitment on the part of cities to restructure local systems of revenue generation to promote employment and the construction and rehabilitation of the city's housing and business infrastructures.The mission of the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) should be confined to promoting Arts Districts within Federal Enterprise Zones. NEA grants for any uses other than the development of infrastructure, such as performance halls and artists markets, should be discontinued.The Corporation for Public Broadcasting should be subsidized at a rate equal to 25% of its budget for the previous fiscal year, so that it does not become too reliant on corporate sponsorship and in turn compromise its news coverage.The Appalachian Regional Commission should be abolished, but its current level of funding should be retained and transferred into Community Development Block Grant accounts for a period of ten years to bolster the revitalization of America's inner-cities.Social Service Block Grants should be merged into Community Development Block Grants to reduce the cost of administering the grants, and to enhance the capacity of taxpayers to scrutinize their usage.The Tennessee Valley Authority should be privatized, after which consideration should be given as to the most efficient way to privatize the regional Power Marketing Administrations. NOTE: Please see remarks at end of document.ELECTRONIC VOTINGThe RPUSA believes our voting process must stay private, to protect voters from retribution for voting their conscience, and voter-verifiable to ensure that their vote counts.To promote voter confidence in the election process, the barriers to voter review and audit of software and hardware components used therein should be removed. The company selling the equipment should not have sole control.V-VPT: All electronic voting systems must have a Voter Verifiable Paper TrailIMMIGRATIONAlthough we cherish and honor America's proud immigrant history and traditions, we must recognize the reality that today our nation is no longer an unsettled frontier. Immigration levels have risen to well over a million a year and the US Census Bureau projects, at this level, the population to exceed 400 million in less than fifty years.The Reform Party supports:* Banning the mass importation of temporary foreign workers via the abuse of the H1-B and theL-1 programs, the impact of which is to hold down the wages, working conditions and incomes of American workers, both immigrant and native-born alike;* A temporary Freeze on all immigration, except for spouses and minor children of US citizens, until those immigrant persons currently here are assimilated;* Authorizations and appropriations necessary to secure our borders by unitizing technologies that enhance our border patrol and enforcement of US immigration laws;* Use of the National Guard or any branch of our armed forces to help secure and patrol our borders;Employers should be legally liable for insuring that foreign workers produce appropriate documentation allowing them to live and work in the United Stated. Employers should be legally liable for the public, private, direct and indirect costs associated with non-legal immigrants;Enact a national campaign to assimilate new immigrants and allow for them full participation in American life, by requiring immigrants to learn English, American history, government, and America’s traditions and values;A Constitutional Amendment that will NOT give automatic citizenship to children born on US soil to parents OTHER THAN legal citizens of the US;No national, state or local government assistance of any kind for education, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid should be provided for anyone that is not a legal alien or US citizen.The United States Government should automatically expel from the U.S. any immigrant found to be in illegal residence.CORPORATE OVERSIGHT-GENERALCongress should fulfill their Constitutional oversight obligation to insure that citizens are not subject to predatory practices by interstate and international corporations.Disallow corporate exploitation of offshore tax havens used to evade US taxes.Expand whistle blower protection and expand the scope of the False Claims Act to provide "bounty provisions" for whistle blowers and watchdogs who report financial crimes.The United States government should be more proactive in opposing mergers of large corporations and in restructuring those that have achieved an excessively controlling position.CORPORATE REFORM /CORPORATE OVERSIGHT-.SECEnforce the 1934 Securities Exchange Act which contains securities fraud provisions and prohibitions on insider trading and nondisclosure. Congress should authorize Self-funding Status to the SEC. This would expand control of the Budget and Staff to the SEC for prosecuting crime. The SEC collects funds through existing taxes on stock trades. This money is now dispensed by several Congressional oversight committees and Governmental Departments. Stop playing games with the taxes collected for the purpose of funding the SEC.Further:Ensure that punishment and fines fit the crime. Give corporate criminals real jail time. Money collected through fines should be reimbursed to stockholders, retirement funds or 401(k) plans. Fines should be commensurate, not small percentages.Revoke professional licenses for lawyers, accountants, stock brokers and bankers found guilty of fraud.Strengthen shareholder rights: Make sure that independent boards are indeed independent by creating tough standards, including shareholder approval. Hold boards of directors more accountable for malfeasance and misfeasance with penalties that include large fines.Create an independent agency, to report to the SEC, responsible for overseeing and regulating the accounting industry. Maintain strict vigilance against conflict of interests between staff and former/current clients.Provide real pension protection for workers by limiting company stock in 401(k) plans. Give employees a voice on their pension boards.SOCIAL SECURITYFulfill the promises and obligations of the old system and ensure that current retirees' benefits are not reduced.Phase out the old pay-as-you-go system, and create a new system of private accounts using federally supervised, individually controlled investment options. NOTE: Please see remarks at end of document.Maintain a safety net which insures a minimum pension to those who have met the requirements.Require all new entrants to the labor force to join the new system. Those under the current system may join voluntarily.Insure the long term solvency of the social security program by forbidding the use of FICA tax revenues for discretionary spending. Social Security Trust Fund surpluses maybe used to establish individually controlled savings accounts.Prohibit politicians from including Social Security Trust Fund surpluses in unified budget calculations.Educate the American public about Social Security reform to ensure the public understands the issues before enacting any reform.Develop a personal savings account plan such as the Hickman/Orlando Social Security Reform Act.Bring federal government retirements and benefits in line with private sector.MEDICARE/MEDICAID (part of Social Security Plank)Reduce medical care inflation through pilot-testing of market-based reforms including managed care, medical savings accounts and creation and regulation of private insurance.End subsidies for the health care of the wealthy.TAX REFORMCreate a new, fair and simple tax system.The new system should raise the money needed to pay the nation's constitutionally legitimate bills.Analyze, model, and publicly debate the best options. All options should be considered, including tariffs, value-added taxes, and taxes on income, sales, assets, gasoline, and financial transactions.Allow voters to provide input on the new system.* Any future tax increases imposed under the new system must be approved by the people in the next subsequent federal election in order to impose discipline on spending* Any tax law that benefits a discrete minority should be subject to strict scrutiny and should become law only if a compelling interest can be demonstrated.POLITICAL REFORMWe demand the highest ethical conduct by all government officials and limitations on gifts, favors and outside sources of income while they are in office and after leaving.Proven unethical behavior must require a recall vote by officeholders’ constituents.All legislation must be read by legislators prior to debate or voting.All bills must address one issue at a time only.TERM LIMITSThe Reform Party seeks to increase citizen participation in political affairs, and supports:* Requests for candidate pledges to limit their term of office, regardless of the current laws* Institution of Term Limits on the House of 3 terms (6 years)* Institution of Term Limits on the Senate of 2 terms (12 years)CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORMReform our electoral, lobbying and campaign practices to ensure that our elected officials owe their allegiance to the people whom they are elected to serve.Vigorously enforce all present campaign finance laws.Congress should legislate change in the composition of the Federal Elections Commission to include independent and nonpartisan representation.Campaigns should include free and equal access to media resources for all qualified candidates.Sufficient television and radio station time should be allocated for candidate forums which include all qualified candidates, and all presidential candidates that qualify for matching funds.Political Action Committees (PACS) should be outlawed.TRADE POLICYProvide a balanced, tailored trade program that:* Promotes the economic interests and welfare of all our citizens,* Safeguards domestic production of vital military resources and equipment,* Ensures entry of goods which comply with our environmental and product safety standards,* Provides markets for our domestic small businesses* Eliminates the large trade deficits that have made us the world's largest debtor nation. Countries conducting unfair trade practices must be required to provide compensating benefits to the U.S. on the import of their products.* Withdraws from the WTO and develop tailored trade agreements with other nations according to the practices and performance of those countries.* Nullifies the incentive to relocate manufacturing to low wage regions of the world wherein the market for goods produced is the U.S. consumer.* Maintains the ability to manufacture or stockpile all products and materials vital to our national security.* Advocates a "Buy America" policy that patronizes American made goods. Articles should carry the label "Made in the U.S.A." only when they meet strict requirements for materials, content, processing, assembly and packaging. All imported products, including food, should be required to bear a label stating Country of Origin.* Safeguards American employment and labor standards and uphold our ban on the import of the products of child and slave labor.We believe workers should be encouraged to organize and practice collective bargaining. We oppose the efforts to relocate American jobs offshore. We stand for the promotion of higher wage jobs for American workers.Congress should institute the following actions related to trade:* Establish and enforce requirements for our trade agreements that safeguard the American employment and labor standards, consumer health and safety, and environmental protection while preserving a favorable environment for our small and large businesses.* Periodically review and report to the people, the performance of U.S. trade with respect to the criteria defined above. Terminate or require the renegotiation of agreements, remove MFN status, or require penalties where these criteria have not been met.* Restore the full Constitutional authority of Congress to regulate commerce and thus deter the use of special trade concessions as a tool for diplomacy.* All International trade agreements that would abridge U.S. laws should only be considered under the Treaty Provision of the U.S. Constitution requiring a 2/3 vote of the Senate.* Continually review our trade negotiations and performance to ensure that they remain within the policy boundaries established by the Congress.* Develop a strong corps of professional trade negotiators who agree to a lifetime ban on serving as lobbyists for any domestic or foreign interest.* Negotiate new tailored trade agreements by entering into bilateral negotiations with existing trading partners to replace GATT, NAFTA and other agreements which violate our stated criteria.Specifically, the agreement to replace NAFTA must require and be indexed to meaningful improvements in workplace standards and wages of Mexican workers and the enforcement of environmental protection measures.FOREIGN POLICYObjectives: The Reform Party of the United States insists on a foreign policy consistent with the purpose of our federal government as indicated in the preamble of our Constitution. To that end, we believe that the following are necessary components of a sound foreign policy for the United States:* Nonintervention In the words of John Quincy Adams, "Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her [America's] heart, her benedictions, and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy."* Respect for the sovereignty of all nations, and rejection of the belief that the United States should use its military power to engage in nation-building. The United States should not be the policeman of the world.The United States should no longer support foreign despots who utilize torture, murder and genocide to control their people. Rather than supporting these regimes we should utilize pressure through international cooperation, including volunteer boycotts.INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONThe United States must remain actively engaged in international affairs, with such engagement subject to the following:We reject any agreement to which the United States is a party that compromises our national sovereignty.Agreements to which the United States is a party must not contain language contradicting the U.S. Constitution.Agreements to which the United States is a party that obligate the United States to provide military support should be temporary, and for the primary benefit of the United States.Foreign nations must accept primary responsibility for their own defense, and be willing to commit their own lives and fortunes toward that end.All agreements to which the United States is a party must be reviewed periodically by the Congress to ensure that they remain in the best interests of the United States or else be phased out.The government of the United States is morally and legally obligated to act in the interests of the American people in the manner prescribed by the Constitution, regardless of the support or opposition of foreign governments, international organizations, or other entities.The United States should achieve its objectives through mutual cooperation, but not surrender our sovereignty to any foreign entity including the United Nations.INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCESince World War II, the United States has provided billions dollars in aid to countries even as our national debt continued to grow. The solution to the problems afflicting humankind is not more American money. The constitutionality of our current mode of providing international assistance must therefore be carefully reviewed.All future foreign aid should be targeted toward self-reliance, education and health of the citizens of recipient countries, not towards providing multinational corporations with cheap labor and corporate welfare. Further, audits should be conducted on all foreign aid programs.Ambassadors should be approved on merit, not quid pro quo for political patronage. They should be recalled if they do not act on behalf of American citizens or are profiteering from their position.EDUCATIONPromote an independent, non-partisan dialogue to carefully examine and take action on crucial educational issues that have become dangerously politicized and bureaucratized by government and the two party system.Federal, state and local governments may each have an appropriate role to play in our educational system. But, to ensure equal access to education for all children the control over public education must be returned to the people.Convene a panel of experts to produce a 'statement of impact' of various options (for example, vouchers, educational savings accounts and charter schools) on the public school system.Americans must have accurate information on these options before changes are made to the public school system that educates 90% of our children.HEALTH CAREThe Reform Party supports a reform of the health care system that returns control to its citizens. We must return the individual's right to control their own medical and health decisions.ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIPThe United States must preserve clean air and water standards for the health and safety of its citizens. We must leave our environment to future generations better than previous generations left it to us. We must promote uses of our environment that can be sustained without diminishing the quality of our environment, without diminishing biodiversity, and without diminishing the capacity of our resources to steadily yield human benefits.The Reform Party supports measures that would:* Promote knowledge of and respect for our natural environment;* Preserve an integrated network of natural areas to preserve our natural heritage and to accommodate compatible human use;* Encourage practices and promote the development and use of technologies most beneficial and least harmful to our environment;* Steadily improve the quality of our air, water and earth.American companies or their subsidiaries that operate internationally should comply with United States Standards for Safety, Environmental, and child labor laws at all their facilities.Foreign entities operating within the United States must comply with all national, state, and local laws as they apply.Stiff penalties should be levied against corporations convicted of routinely violating clean air or water standards.All present and future trade agreements should be tied to preserving favorable environmental standards.ALTERNATIVE ENERGYOur environmental policy should emphasize the current use of alternative energy resources. In order to help break the United States’ dependence on foreign oil, government and private research should be aimed at developing practical alternative energy products for the consumer.Long range goals for energy consumption need to be developed. Solar and wind propelled power plants should be built in locations where their usage is favorable and cost effective.Research and development of fuel cell and electrically powered automobiles must be encouraged.Power generating plants should be given tax incentives in order to purchase anti-pollution equipment. On power plants using fossil fuels (coal) their smoke stacks should be fitted with scrubbers to remove deadly pollutants. More plants should be built that manufacture products from corn and soybean byproducts that are market driven not mandatedORGANIC FARMING AND GMO’S:The U.S. must protect the diversity of our food supply by supporting organic farming. We must assert the right of each nation to establish its own policy with regard to GMO's in its own food supply.The U.S. must apply such a cautionary principle to our food supply, and ban the use of potentially harmful Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) which can inadvertently spread by cross-pollination.Known examples include:* Terminator genes which render the next generation of seeds sterile thus eliminating seed crops.* The bacteria BT is a naturally occurring substance and has been a mainstay of organic farmers to control insects. The insecticidal genes from BT have now been spliced into the genomes of food crops. This will lead to more resistant insects thus permanently eliminating one of the few measures organic farmers can take to control pests.NOTE: Also, consumers will be exposed to thousands (or millions) fold higher concentrations of the BT toxins, since they are no longer just on the surface where they can be washed away, but instead infused into the substance of the fruit or vegetable. The long term health effects of such increased exposures are unknown.Irradiated foods should be labeled.More widespread use of organic farming techniques should be employed. Use of beneficial insects should be used to control destructive insects.PROPERTY AND LAND RIGHTSThe Reform Party recognizes that ecology and the economy are interrelated, and therefore holds the following to be of great importance:Scientific management of privately held lands has proven more successful than agenda-driven, agency management of government lands. Accordingly, the Reform Party calls for greater private property rights, and that hard data replace politics as the basis of land management decision-making and land use regulations and laws.MILITARY AND VETERANSThe Reform Party aspires to policies that would:* Support our veterans so that they can serve and live with dignity without the aid of public assistance.* Treat all veterans’ current spouses and widows (or widowers) equally and in accordance with Federal law.Further:All deceased veterans should be buried with honor.There should be no reduction of military pay in combat areas.By law, County Commissioners has oversight of veteran health care benefits. They sign off on the assurances that each veteran in the county has received proper services. If such officials are found to be misusing public monies or falsifying federal documents, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. (Title 38 USC & 38 CFR)Veterans, including those with permanent and total disabilities, are entitled to complete health care at any medical facility licensed to provide health services. Veterans' Universal Insurance by law provides these services and does not stipulate that they must only occur at a VA Hospital. As a contract this cannot be changed until all the members of the class are deceased.
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This came from my mom she did this Tax note for you, Tax's Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat, Tax his craps, Tax his work, Tax his tie, Tax his shirt, Tax his chew, Tax his smokes, Teach him tax are no Joke, Tax his Tractor, Tax his Gas, Tax his notes, Tax his cash on hand, Tax his food, Tax more if he Hollers, Tax him more till he good & sor, Tax his grave, (Tax his coffin, Tax the sod in which He Lays,) Put these words on his tomb stone; ( TAX DROVE ME TO DOOM) After he's gone he can't Relax now........ NOW THEY ARE GOING AFTER THE INHERITANCE TAX NOW From: my mom, in somewhere in Colorado
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“Jan Brewer of Arizona has shown the ‘cajones’ the president lacks in dealing with the border problems.” Sarah Palin
Obama Endangers the Country By Obstructing
Border Control and the War on Terror
About two weeks ago, a poll conducted by a liberal think tank showed that 55% of the voters agreed that “socialist” was an accurate description of Barak Obama. Unfortunately this “semi-awakening” of American couch potatoes torn from their sit-coms and reality shows by the various crises engulfing the nation . . . this rude semi-awakening is coming way too little, way too late. Let’s look at some obvious truth, shall we?
There are 17 precise federal powers enumerated in the United States Constitution. Many of them are specifically targeted for the Supreme Court which ajudicates the law or the Congress which make the laws and decides how the country’s money is spent. Let’s specifically talk about the office that Barack Obama holds . . . .
The president as the head of the executive branch is NOT empowered to . . . . conduct and orchestrate bankruptcies; NOT empowered to deny creditors in bankruptcies their money; NOT empowered to use creditors’ money to make labor unions owners of auto companies; NOT empowered to (with congress) bailout auto companies, banks and the like; NOT empowered to (with congress) force people to buy health insurance;
NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the student loan industry; NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the health insurance industry; NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the banks and financial industry; NOT empowered to force companies to buy “carbon credits”; NOT empowered to stop farmers from irrigating fields to save a 2” long fish;
NOT empowered to appoint 38 “Czars” without the senate being able to vett them; NOT empowered to destroy the capitalist system that has made us the most blessed nation on earth; NOT empowered to destroy working automobiles while paying people to buy other new automobiles with slightly better gas mileage; NOT empowered to sidestep congress’s powers and create amnesty for illegal aliens by presidential directive;
NOT empowered to pick a CEO for GM who would force the company to created the VOLT, a car no one wants at a price few can afford; NOT empowered to sidestep congress’s powers and force cap and trade upon businesses by EPA directive; NOT empowered to fill the White House and the halls of government with avowed communists and radicals who have all called for revolution and in some cases violent overthrow of our government; etc., etc. ad nauseum.
The president of the United States, in other words is NOT empowered to act like a dictator, now is he? He’s not supposed to control every aspect of our lives, our finances, our health, etc. and he's certainly NOT empowered to set up over 500 new government agencies to make sure we toe the line . . . but Barack Obama has already done that and most fat and happy Americans don't seem to notice . . . .
Hopefully, the aware reader has by now picked up on the fact that Barack Obama is doing everything BUT what a president’s supposed to do. In particular, while he’s got his fingers in everybody else’s pies, Obama’s deliberately convoluted the war on terror and become an actual obstacle to protecting the nation’s borders. Instead of long ago facing a firing squad the Ft. Hood Shooter (never once named in the government’s 86-page report about the event which also didn’t use the words Islam, Muslim, terrorism, terrorist, or Jihad) is still getting checks from the U.S. Army. The War on Terror no longer exists and we’ve supposedly talked intelligently about “man-caused disasters” while never admitting that the people causing these disasters all have one thing in common: a radical Islamist ideology; and many of them are recruited and trained by Al Queda.
While licking his fingers now from everybody else’s pie, the President of the United States is deliberately making himself and his administration a major obstacle to gaining controlling over the borders of the United States from illegal aliens; human traffickers; drug and arms traffickers and common criminals. He’s more interested in suing Arizona for seeking to control its state borders than in closing down so-called “sanctuary-cities” which have long thumbed their noses at immigration laws and border control.
While smacking his lips and belching after eating from everybody else’s pie, Barack Obama has deliberately closed down individual and market freedoms at every possible turn. His signature “Obamacare” does nothing to improve health or control health care prices but it did create 390 brand new agencies (that is, in one law it created almost ten times as many government agencies as Franklin Roosevelt created in his four terms in office (accuracy demands we clarify that Roosevelt died after serving a mere twelve years and one month in office). What’s going on here? It’s called “fundamental transformation” and nothing else matters but fundamental transformation . . . moving the country toward an ultra-socialist “utopia” with Barack Obama gaining dictatorial powers in the process. Mr. Obama’s surrounded himself with a cadre of like-minded radicals** and the mainstream media (MSM) has aided and abetted him every step of the way and virtually every day since he started running for president in January, 2006.
So what happens with each new terrorist attempt or success? Somehow ordinary Americans lose a bit of freedom and the media is somehow made less free . . . nothing, heaven forbid, that would slow down any self-respecting radical Jihadist . . . just loss of freedom for Americans. And in the Obama lexicon, that is all "Radical, Man, radical!"
So what happens if a large portion of the 25 million illegal aliens inhabiting this country get amnesty and the right to vote? Can you see 85% of them voting for Obama? Can you see him dominating the elections for years to come? This is the brave new world springing up all around us while Americans ate potato chips and searched for the remote . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Heaven forbid that Rajjpuut shock readers (who took 42 months to equate Obama with socialism) who’ll end up taking 84 months to consider Obama a full-fledged communist . . . of course, to mis-quote that wise philosopher, Forrest Gump, “Communist is as communist does” not to mention a history that proves the point to any intelligent person’s satisfaction which the MSM has conveniently refused to vett for almost four years now. That evil Rajjpuut must be a racist because he’s calling Barack Obama “a communist.”
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With troublesome events occurring almost daily, and being restricted by my local paper to one editorial per month, it's impossible for meto do other than compile a list of concerns in order to somewhat keep up todate. I would have loved to composed an op-ed on each item addressed in my justpublished "laundry list." It would have been more comprehnsive but I'm limitedto 200 words per submission. Let me know what you think on these issues. Manythanks. Dick B.
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Obama's back-door amnesty threat is real

Posted: August 02, 20101:00 am EasternAn undated memo surfaced on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services letterhead last week from four agency staffers to Director Alejandro N. Mayorkas. The memo was titled "Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform." The memo outlined 18 ways ("used alone or in combination") to make a legal resident of every illegal alien in the U.S. through "a non-legislative version of amnesty."The memo is a blueprint for presidential dictatorship.The Obama administration's first media reaction to the memo was to question its authenticity. By Friday, the Obama sock puppets were admitting the memo was genuine, but "nobody should mistake deliberation and exchange of ideas for final decisions," according to a USCIS spokesman.Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Calif., confirmed on my radio show Friday that he had heard about the internal USCIS memo more than a month ago and, together with 48 other members of the House, had sent a letter to Obama on July 1 asking him to state whether he intends to go around Congress and grant illegal alien amnesty through presidential order. The president has not replied to the Bilbray letter.Like the earlier threat to use the administrative powers of the Environmental Protection Agency to impose carbon restrictions and "fees" if Congress failed to act on the Obama "Cap and Trade" proposal (under which Obama promised electricity rates would "necessarily skyrocket"), this threat to directly grant amnesty to illegals by presidential dictate was seen by many other Obama cheerleaders as a savvy political move to increase pressure on Congress to act on "comprehensive immigration reform."Don't believe it.While there's no doubt Obama would prefer signing congressional amnesty legislation (if only because of the opportunity to include another kite tail of goodies for his labor, environmental and lawyer backers), time is running out. Even crazy Harry Reid has recognized that We the People are just too aware of the amnesty issue and way too opposed to it to allow passage of such a bill this close to an election.But Obama's political need for an amnesty is too great. Obama views illegal aliens as undocumented Democrats – future voters vital to the re-election of the regime in 2012 and, if possible, the deus ex machina miracle needed to save enough failing congressional Democrats to hang onto control after this fall's election.What gave away Obama's real intent is the unfolding presidential jihad against Arizona.Federal District Judge Susan Bolton's injunction order against Arizona's immigration law is replete with sweeping generalizations unsupported by statute or precedent. But it does reveal Obama's real intentions on the border. The judge's order incorporates the "Justice" Department's contention that Obama has the power to not enforce immigration laws passed by Congress and the further power to stop any state from enforcing those laws.The presidential oath (administered twice to this president!) requires the "faithful execution" of the office and the defense of the Constitution. As the executive sworn to carry out the will of the people as expressed by the people's representatives in Congress through the adoption of laws, the president has no constitutional power to decide to ignore the laws of Congress.Yet Obama not only asserts such a power, he has a federal judge now confirming it. Congress – and through Congress the American people's ability to define and limit presidential power – just got taken down a notch. If the president can ignore congressional laws and prevent others from enforcing those laws, we are near dictatorship.Obama's real intentions were also revealed by political allies in the community activist ranks who were mobilized to enforce the judge's order and bash Arizona.SEIU, a labor union that spent $67 million supporting Obama in the 2008 election, and whose president was the single most frequent visitor to the White House in 2009, hired buses in Los Angeles and sent paid "volunteers" to Phoenix to demonstrate against the Arizona law. Defying overwhelming citizen support within Arizona for Gov. Jan Brewer and the Arizona immigration law, leftist groups within Arizona were mobilized to demonstrate in Tucson and Phoenix.Violence ensued in both cities (this was no "tea party") and many arrests followed. On I-19 south of Tucson, a multi-car pileup was narrowly averted when the two southbound lanes were blocked by pickup trucks full of young men who, according to local media reports, unloaded tires and glass onto the freeway and posted a banner that protested the Arizona law. A video (warning: graphic language) of this incident is posted under "clipboard" at Obama media ignored the violence, ignored the "Che" T-shirts and banners, ignored the "down-with-capitalism" speeches, ignored the Mexican flags. Instead, they went with the "racist" spin on the Arizona law, highlighting the plight of individual illegals now fearful of staying in Arizona. One woman, illegally in the U.S. from Nicaragua, even complained in a TV interview that she would have to move to Philadelphia. Oh, the horror!Gov. Brewer has immediately announced an appeal of the judge's order. The governor is standing up to Obama's power grab and deserves every American's support.I'm tired of just documenting and talking about the many atrocities of the Obama regime. I'm taking my national radio talk show to Tucson on Aug. 5 and inviting every listener to join me to support Gov. Brewer and Arizona. The time for just talk is over. It's time to take a stand.
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