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need help

My husband & I are new to Brunswick county.Robert Pastors a church in Shallotte.We don't know who to vote for could we get a list from some one in the Tea Party that knows what we need to be looking for
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Due to the ongoing blatant unethical abuse of our current citizenship law, it is absolutely urgent that criteria for U.S. citizenship be expeditiously amended. According to the current law, a child born to a non-U.S. citizen inside the borders of this country, automatically/by default becomes an American Citizen, and immune from deportation. What a golden opportunity such a wide open loophole provides for foreigners to circumvent the law!! Mexicans are by far the primary abusers because of the close proximity of our unsecured border with Mexico. If implemented, the recommended amendment would indisputably close that loophole, and negate the intent and assumption of illegal immigrants that because their American-born children are immune from deportation, most Americans would argue it hateful, cruel and inhumane to separate them from their children. This amendment would mandate that deported illegal immigrants take their children with them. The recommended amendment is very plain and simple, but would be viable, efficient and effective: [Children born to a mother, who is an undocumented/illegal immigrant, shall not by default become an American citizen at time of birth, nor will such child be considered for citizenship]. This change would effectively deter women, some who are already pregnant when they illegally enter this country, from making a conscious decision to come here. I doubt that any sane common-sense person of integrity would find anything insensitive, inhumane or racist about such an amendment.
Read more… posted this article, below, found on the Wall Street Journal to point out the basic problem the American people have with Congress and it's ability to cut the deficit. This article, written by Steny Hoyer House Majority Leader, points out how difficult cutting the deficit will for Congress. Mandatory increases in entitlements are the main problem because they can't be cut. Thus, the only way to reduce the deficit is to raise taxes, but raising taxes on only the Americian's making over $250,000 per year isn't going to come close to solving the spending gap. The commission is going to recommend a huge tax increase on all American's.

Given the fact that there have been some extraordinary circumstances in the past few years, most American's are ready to swallow the bitter reality of smaller take home pay. What is most alarming about Mr. Hoyer's article and basic philosophy, which typifies the attitude in Congress, is the fact that he never discusses the idea of Congress living on a set budget. Why should he think that way? Congress is allowed to print as much money as they need to make up the deficit. They don't live in the real world of having a set amount of money to spend. Thus, they aren't put into a position of having to cut spending. The print and borrow more money on demand.

For example, the new Health Care laws, Mr. Hoyer sites in article, are predicted to cut the costs of The Health Care Entitlements Program. The cost setting measures in the bill are not based on a set budget. The costs savings are based on economic conditions that must happen in the future. If these predictions are wrong, the savings will not happen. Congress will be allowed to print more money to make up for getting bad info from their crystal ball.

On the other hand, when Congress raises taxes. The money is gone. This is an immediate here and now reality. American's don't get the money back if future economic conditions change. Congress asks the tax payer to make a difficult commitment to make less money, but Congress is not setting limits on what they can spend. The tax payer commits but congress doesn't. That's unfair!

This is what worries everyone in The United States. Citizens have to give up more of their paychecks, but Congress doesn't have to live on a set budget. If the new tax dollars don't reduce the deficits, they have the right to put the country into deeper debt by borrowing and printing more money. If that happens, Congress will be forced to come back to American public to ask again for more of their pay checks to cut the deficit.

Congress should be given a set amount of money to live on. It's called a budget. Make a law to do that first. Then come to the American Tax Payer to ask for more of their paycheck. Congress should show "us" they can live on a budget, and we will then give Congress more money. That's Fair!

Here's the article..

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Government "CRIME INC." ?

Glenn, bold and brave, opens huge can of worms, corruption and crime in government. Just heard Investment Daily is picking up on this major news story.

Must see video: Crime Inc.:

Crime Inc.

April 30, 2010 - 1:04 ET

Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

On Monday, we gave you a story and explained that you can't have financial regulation done by the crooks and thieves we currently have in Washington, D.C. The best way I can explain it is with George Clooney.

Do you remember the movie "Oceans 11"? They go in and rob the casino and Andy Garcia's character calls the police. But he wasn't really calling the police. When the cops arrived, it was George Clooney's team of crooks dressed up as cops. They rigged the phone lines and the real cops had no clue. Garcia actually called the m>robbers to come and help stop the crime they were committing.

So we're Andy Garcia on the day of the robbery: We call the police and these are the robbers.

This is what's happening; the only difference is there are trillions dollars at stake.

It's been 17 months since the financial scandal that resulted in entire life-savings being wiped out. No one's been arrested. And now Goldman Sachs is being painted as the bad guy. There are plenty of bad guys to go around. This question led us to show you what has turned out to be a wormhole of bad guys: the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Here's a quick review of what we've covered so far, to get you up to speed:

Cap-and-trade — what is it? It's the trading of puffs of air. Company A pollutes more than Company B. Company A must pay a fine, which is transferred to Company B, who earns a credit. The companies continue to pollute the exact same way, it just costs Company A more and Company B gets rewarded.

If I am going to build this into an industry, I need a to-do list:

First we have to put together a carbon exchange:

While Obama was on the Joyce Foundation board, the group steered $1.1 million in grants instrumental in developing and launching the privately owned Chicago Climate Exchange.

Now we need investors:

Al Gore's company — Generation Investment Management — is the fifth largest shareholder in the Chicago Climate Exchange. Gore's company has several former Goldman employees on the roster.

Then Goldman Sachs steps to the plate and buys 10 percent of the combined company.

Next we need the technology:

Fannie Mae, under the leadership of the Franklin Raines, purchases patent on system to trade residential carbon credits that was described as "how carbon and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded — just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were. It appears Raines wasn't content with destroying only the housing market.

So you have the same crooked people who have contributed to the financial meltdown — Goldman, Fannie, socialists and out and out crooks — actually trying to "fix" the economy and the environment and, oh boy, believe me the fix is in.

Now we need the law:

Well, the law is cap-and-trade. Remember when cap-and-trade was supposed to happen right after health care? Well, immigration has Congress' attention now, so let's skip ahead to:

The cover:

Al Gore has been pushing cap-and-trade for quite some time. Obama has been pushing it as well. Many on the progressive left want it. Why? If it's about the environment, cap-and-trade is a proven failure. It's been tried it in Europe: failure. Now, a voluntary system — the Chicago Climate Exchange — is tanking. Why? Because you can't get people to voluntarily buy air, when there's plenty of air to go around. It's scam. It's like being at the beach and selling people a bucket of saltwater. I'm three steps away from the ocean — it's free.

The entire green movement can't stand on its own two feet and the only time anything green ever gets money is when it comes from government. Even some of the top scientists who believe in global warming say this won't do anything to stop companies from polluting. They'll just be paying a little more for it and companies like Enron were scheming to make money off of it — they even lobbied for cap-and-trade.

Some of the eco groups don't even do what they promise. The Vatican found this out when they became "carbon neutral," but not one tree was planted in Hungary's so-called "Vatican forest" for offsets. Who scams the pope? You want to know about warming? I got "eternal warming" for you.

SoSo the question is: Why is it still being pushed? The redistribution of wealth and to enrich the corrupt.

We did a little digging and followed the money and the answers tell a familiar story. And before we get going on this, I just want to warn you: If there's one thing I'm learning about progressives, they really like creating groups. They've got tons of them and it seems they just pass the money from one to the next. It's almost like money laundering. It's why health care can pass: You don't know what the hell anyone is talking about and everyone always sounds so happy. Words and names of groups mean nothing. Unfortunately for them, people's faces still matter. We know them by reputation.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

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Liberal Mainstream Media Refuses

to Cover Obama Interest Conflict

With each new discovery the Obama corruption you read about in Rajjpuut’s recent blog: “Bend Over America, Here Comes Your Re-Raping,” keeps getting bigger and bigger and more and more comes to resemble a massive mafia money-laundering scheme . . . if you didn’t see the blog, it’s linked here:,_america,_here_comes_your_re-raping.thtml

Much as the liberal media decided in late November, 2009, that so long as they refused to print the truth behind the huge Climate-Gate data falsification at East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) or to investigate further the connection between Al Gore and his London-based cronies and CRU . . . the problem just didn’t exist . . . the very same see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, print no evil and broadcast no evil policy is in effect as Barack Obama and his cronies have plotted the greatest interest-conflict crime in human history and the liberal media is again deciding NOT to cover the story. However, there’s still hope, perhaps Gore and Obama will bring Rajjpuut to court in a libel suit, NO? Unfortunately, NO! Factual reporting that’s true to the spirit of the matter being covered is not libel, damnation . . . .

Barack Obama and his socialist cronies (like Al Gore, John Ayers, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers., numerous Goldman Sachs officials, the sly Mr. Sandor, the Joyce Federation folks, Enterprise Community Partners people, CCX** guys and the Emerald Cities Collaborative, The Tide Foundation and the Fannie Mae junta) have been tied together in a conspiracy to create cap and trade legislation that will bring their group $10 TRillion in government monies . . . but for some unknown(?) reason, the mainstream media as always refuses to cover stories that reflect ill upon the Emaculate Obama Persona. The Cap and Trade group has created a scam so impressive that the only way to describe it is as a direct pipeline into your wallet and mine potentially till the end of time. By the way Rajjpuut's knowledge of the virtual money-laundering for progressives interested in scamming the country via Cap and Trade has now expanded to include the three new group's in green font in this paragraph and, of course, the old ACORN association as well as Van Jones is also tied to Mr. Obama and all these people also . . . incredible!

The Libel laws of the United States mean that the dirty scum involved could sue me within an inch of my life if my facts were seriously flawed . . . but somehow I think there’s a ten times better chance they’d bump me off then they’d risk taking me to court. Of course, the person they really hate is Fox New’s Glen Beck because Glen’s making the rest of the internet investigators out here look like a lazy bunch of pikers. Instead they're hoping to provoke violence by the peaceful TEA Partiers or other such reaction that they believe could shift the political climate in their favor . . . .

Bottom line: the persons and groups mentioned have $10 TRillion at risk right now. Cap and Trade legislation which they expected to pass by now would funnel all the country’s businesses through their Chicago Climate eXchange and rob the productive part of America of the ten trillion dollars mentioned and pass it along to the unproductive side while bringing the corrupt folks mentioned an unending stream of huge “climate-exchange” commissions on through eternity: it’s so beautiful to be a communist in the 21st Century. How do they hope to change the political climate to get their evil bill passed? Easy . . . .

They’re playing the race game for all it’s worth, hoping eventually to use amnesty to give themselves 13 to 14 million new voters about 95% Democrats, they believe. The first step was to play ugly with Arizona’s efforts to stem the tide of drugs, weapons, kidnappings, human-trafficking and other criminal problems by passing a law to do what Obama’s feds refuse to do: protect the U.S. border in Arizona. They’re trying to excite Hispanics to believe that Republicans are out to get at them and deny them their civil rights by some sort of police-state mentality. They’ve even taken to trying to make Puerto Rico a state . . . in his ignorance, Mr. Obama knows nothing of Puerto Rico’s politics. The island will never adopt statehood voted upon them by the U.S. Federal government . . . we’re talking about a very cantankerous and proud group those Puerto Ricans. Roughly every five or six years throughout the Island’s history they’ve debated the question of seeking American statehood. The breakdown every time is roughly the same: 1/3 of the Island favors U.S. statehood; 1/3 wants to become totally free of the U.S. and about 1/3 of them prefer that the status quo remain in place. By the nature of things, the “grupo estatus quo” always wins. Mr. Obama is not going to railroad them for his nefarious purposes, what does he think Puerto Rico is? Democratic law makers?

No . . . Puerto Ricans are good folks not Progressive (“feeling the need to “progress” way beyond the Constitution”) scum who spit on the Constitution with every breath. Please, please sue me, Mr. Obama!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** Chicago Climate eXchange is designed to be the permanent cash cow for progressives by selling, or rather exchanging pure blue sky in an amazing scam that will bring the country to its knees.
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GOD HELP MEXICO. Some of the people are crossing the boarder, because they do not went to be killed.

The Drug dealers will not stop at Arizona, California, New Mexico or Texas to make money !

The Mexican government is fighting for its life ! If the Drug Cartel take over the government of Mexico, there

will be hell to pay ! for all of us in the USA.

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National Association for Gun Rights:

Even if you don't have a gun, or never plan on using one, please sign petition to support 2nd amendment rights.

STOP UN SMALL GUN TREATY! If they can't take our guns through the front door, they try the back door. We must stop it.

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Beranard Goldberg’s “A Slobbering Love Affair” is a MUST for anyone who loves this country. He pulls no punches. How should YOU view the nightly news?

Get your news from several sources: When it comes to hard news, not opinion, watch conservative Fox News and find a liberal news channel you like. The real story is not always on the ground but lies in the media** spin. Yesterday, one channel showing an uneventful TEA Party rally called it an “ugly demonstration” and spoke of racism, hate and violent tendencies; yet also talked of the Arizona mini-riots as “semi-peaceful” expressions of their frustrations with “a police state” and unconstitutional laws and racism. FOX, however, labeled the situations as my eyes and ears perceived them: one demonstration was peaceful and law-abiding the other was not with policemen being pushed and one hit in the back of the neck by a thrown water bottle. Semi-peaceful or semi-violent?

Look for evidence of neutral, objective and also biased reporting in 90% of the political stories. WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW? WHY? should be all covered neutrally. If any account goes deeper, then at least two different (opposing) viewpoints should be fairly expressed, if not the report is biased. Reporter questions should simply elucidate greater detail, not push an agenda.

Notice adjectives and adverbs reporters employ: ABC talked about the “polarizing” speech of conservatives congressmen and the TEA Party but never once used the adjective “polarizing” to describe what the administration and Reid and Pelosi were doing (even though almost 60% of the country hated the bill and the methods used to propel it), therefore a biased report.

Fourth, always remember “the word is not the thing”: reform is NOT just change. So when someone labels some change “reform,” ask yourself “mere change” or will it actually improve things? And if you personally haven’t read and understood the 5,000 page bill, perhaps the best and most honest answer is, “I don’t know” (neither do congressmen who also haven’t read it).

Most crucial of all, write up questions about the story and follow-up from a conservative and liberal slant on the internet . . . be responsible for forming your own opinion and holding a logical reason for it (“I’ve always felt . . .” is NOT logical).

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** the channel “spun” the two stories differently, and obviously inaccurately by taking comments only from Democrats on both stories . . . only exposing one side shows you which way the station’s preferences lie

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Why does the TEA Party exist? It exists because people who love their country were not only fed up with the string of radical actions raping our wallets and spitting upon our Constitution by the spring of 2009, but also because these patriots felt isolated and helpless in the eye of the media storm of unceasing raucous support for this totally UN-American transformation of America into the nanny-state, abject socialism and now as we see more clearly communism itself. Look at it this way, we are suffering through a crisis created by, managed by and exploited to their great advantage by the progressive (those who feel the need to “progress” FAR BEYOND the Constitution of the United States) element in this country. People are afraid to call them “Communists” because it invokes memories of the McCarthy era, but communists they are . . . .

IF, and it's a big IF, IF the Mainstream media did their jobs instead of engaging in gutless and corrupt partisanship ever-benefitting the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party . . . IF they did their jobs, by 2000 Americans would have been well-informed enough to understand the present crisis was coming and informed enough to do something to ward it off, specifically:

o Presumably, one hundred times as many people would have read “Rules for Radicals” by community organizer Saul Alinsky and understood what and how the Communist Party planned to cleverly and subtlely bring down and replace the U.S. Government. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Citizens would have understood the much publicized and discussed (by the left wing) Cloward-Piven Strategy and read their boasting and detailed description of how they deliberately created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) specifically for the purpose of employing C-P Strategy and used NWRO to bankrupt New York City and almost New York State in 1975, a project that took them roughly eight years to complete. The citizenry would have understood the in-your-face radical affrontery of these radicals that made their uprising work. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would have understood the original CRA ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) was an unneeded GIB (government interference boondoggle). The United States at that time enjoyed the highest home ownership in the world at well over 60% for over thirty consecutive years when it was passed. Then they’d have seen the ’92 expansion into the Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae programs with mortgage-guarantee legislation for the danger it was; the ’95 expansion of M-G programs similarly; and understood why Clinton’s ’98 expansion was the final piece of the M-G puzzle that put the whole process on steroids. These were all both attacks on landlords and unneeded interference in the free market system which has made us the wealthiest and most just country in the world. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would not have been surprised by the creation of the C-P organization ACORN and its Saul Alinsky style of operation. They would have understood what radical lawyers like Barack Obama were doing and why and how they were doing it. They would have understood how and why they were able to force banks and lending organizations to hand out hopelessly ill-advised loans, often to people without I.D., without jobs; with abysmally poor credit ratings; without home addresses or rental addresses; even to illegal aliens. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o If if Americans didn’t discover all the previously items until 2007, when the crisis raised it’s ugly head, if they’d known then what was going on, our country NOW would be markedly different. But the media failed to do its job and Americans still remained unaware.

Today, the media is not only NOT doing its jobs (and much of the country still remains unaware of the truth of our situation, but the media still continues to act as a joyful advocate for the Communist Obama agenda . . .

Presently there are two righteous non-violent uprisings going on in this country, these two protests are based upon the single-most important of our Bill of Rights: the 10th Amendment which says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

A. On the one hand citizen-activists such as the TEA Party movement are making their outrage known. They are asking for fiscal responsibility, responsiveness by the Congress and President to real concerns; a return to honoring and obeying our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; balanced budgets and elimination of deficits and national debt; and transparency and honesty in government.

B. A second rebellion is marked by the individual states enacting laws that oppose federal legislation and a set of law suits against recently enacted unconstitutional federal programs.

C. There are only 17 specific powers which the Constitution allows our federal government, perhaps ten times that number of powers have been exercised by the federal government up till January, 2009.

D. Since that time perhaps 17,000 federal powers have been enacted by the Obama adminstration . . . pay attention here . . . the New Deal under FDR created 39 brand new federal agencies between 1933 and 1938. In just one law “Obamacare” the federal government has enacted the creation of almost 400 new federal agencies.

E. While the actions and unwise inactions of the progressive Republican President Hoover and the ultra-progressive Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt extended a recession into a twelve and a half year ordeal known as the Great Depression, revisionist history has NOT told the truth and made Roosevelt a hero. They have eliminated the fact that Roosevelt ran on promises of cutting taxes, cutting spending, bolstering the gold standard, and eliminating programs that Hoover had introduced. Why would he run his successful campaign like this?

F. Because the “Unknown Depression” begun in late 1920 under the progressive President Woodrow Wilson, was cleared up quickly by Harding cutting spending 49% and cutting taxes 40%. Harding died in office, but his vice-president Calvin Coolidge continued his policies which reversed the fiscal disaster and ushered in the Roaring Twenties the greatest shift in prosperity ever seen in the world. This is when for the first time, Americans in large numbers came to own their own automobiles, folks in cities and farms all had electricity and 85% came to have indoor plumbing. Virtually every household obtained an ice box or refrigerator, etc.

G. Because the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware, we have long lost our way and as we continued in the wrong direction, the media have cheered us on every misguided step of the way. We need, we demand a responsible new journalism interested in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Meanwhile . . . .

Our brothers in Arizona have created a law that mirrors precisely the attributes of the federal anti-illegal immigration statutes while emphasizing the need for police fairness and avoidance of even the appearance of racial profiling. The state and local police may act on this new law, ONLY when a just arrest or detainment is in progress, by asking for identification when an apparent illegal alien is in their custody. Since LEGAL justified aliens are required by law to carry a green card at all times, the Arizona law is a virtually perfect instrument for the state to take back its southern border. Nationally over 60% favor the Arizona law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Within its borders 70% of Arizona citizens believe it’s a good law. However, President Obama and the progressives seeking to add fourteen million Pro-progressive votes by enacting an Amnesty law for illegals . . . has now chosen to once again raise the “racism” card. The same media that accused peaceful TEA Party demonstrators of racism, extremism, hate-mongering and radicalism is cheering on and abetting the violent demonstrations in Arizona. The law, is our protection. Non-violence, a la Gandhi is our protection. Quiet persistence is our protection. And ultimately the wisdom of our Founding Fathers is our protection. We must wield these weapons wisely and relentlessly if we are to ever hope to bring this country back to reasonableness and prosperity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The big debate in Washington is how to fix Wall Street. Wall Street’s greed caused the financial collapse. Wall Street earns too much money. Wall Street is the root of the problem in “haves” and “have-nots”.

H.R. 4173, Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 is bill that the House Committee on Financial Services has written to fix the problems with Wall Street. The bill’s intention will be to avoid another financial meltdown. The Chairman of this committee is Congressman Barney Frank.

The highlights of the bill are as followed:

1) Consumer Protections: A new consumer protection agency, CFPA, to protect Americans from Wall Street. The sounds good, but the idea of Wall Street is based on speculating. No bill can protect the consumer from loosing money on a bad speculation. However, this new agency, CFPA, will create more deficit spending, increase the national debt and reduce America’s ability to compete.

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At, I've been working for a year building content to inform, educate and entertain those interested in government spending, deficit spending and the National Debt. Our belief and approach is that this country can not change without first understanding the basic issues. Many don't know the difference between the deficit and National debt which is a real big problem. More don't even care - that's worse.

Using an animated cartoon character, Sensible Sally, with a bit of humor, iphone apps for National Debt Counter and providing a resource to find articles, videos and charts on government spending is what we are doing to try to spark an interest and debate.

Sensible Sally, the cartoon series, is currently running three episodes. My favorite is Monopoly Money. You can find it on the homepage

I'm happy to participate on this website.

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Notice: Now I can be less fearful and finally have more peace of mindusing my own video system instead of YouTube. Thanks YouTube forletting me not be dependent on you :-P Youtube Sorry I'll start usingmy own or alternatives! Also for others that are reading my article forany of those that want to do the same I hope you will to send themessage to YouTube that they need to stop censoring history, and letthe truth freely flow even if some complain about the truth.

So Please other people start leaving YouTube as well and start usingyour own embed videos in fact if you run your own wordpress site youcan use free plugins such as Stream FLV Player. For hosts that acceptsmall versions of youtube you should start promoting your streamingvideos on your own site to show YouTube that it's the Peoples Tube andnot their tube.

If you've already seen the new video embeddable players USWGO has ontheir new latest articles it is because Brian D. Hill keeps beingparanoid and fearful everyday that YouTube will censor his videosbecause of the fact that they now require SMS Verification and may oneday require Social Security Numbers just to register accounts, Paypalhas also destroyed USWGOs account and may force them to pay to registerwith the US Government as an official non profit and give out hispersonal home address to the world even though USWGO is a non profitand not run on a physical location but on the internet and only wantsto fight against the NWO, and now YouTube keeps taking videos down andmaking them disappear forever.

Because of all these methods of control against USWGO and otheranti-nwo activists, now Brian D. Hill has decided hes starting todistance himself from YouTube, also trying to use his own embededvideos stored on his own websites to serve instead of using youtube forvideo embeds, and will find a way to pay for extension or work with hisweb hosting provider to allow him to run his own YouTube style site(HyipoTube).

Brian D. Hill has had it with YouTube trying to censor history and makeit whatever the establishment wants it to be. He is also scared thateven the days before Obama where almost every American hated Bush willbecome a thing in the past that because of Obamas control methods theneventually even George W. Bush may be worshiped just like Obama becauseof the distortion of real history, political censorship, and thebrainwashing of the lost sheeple.

"I've had it with YouTubes censorship so for now on I will ONLY useYouTube to promote my cause while I'll slowly start getting my videostransffered with keepvid to my own site to stream from there and startending my dependence on YouTube. I may end up starting up HyipoTube asa private site for now until I negotiate with my web host to allow meto host a future YouTube and host advertisements to pay for it. I don'twant any kind of money online because then I have to deal with SocialSecurity wanting my information so I just want to get money to pay forall of my services to the people, I don't want to make any kind ofprofits so I won't have to give out any SS#'s or EIN Numbers becauseagain I don't make money anything I get is for my cause and giving upmy life to fight Satan and the establishment and if I goto prison forfighting the establishment I will gladly fight this regime to the death.

I am going to remain vigilant as Patrick henry Jolly states and I willbe brave like my founding fathers before me. I will gladly state thiseven if the secret service puts me up on the threat list because Iwon't submit to tyranny and I will do it allPEACEFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat I will peacefullyresist and not comply. I will resist the new form of tyranny BarackObama and George W. Bush has started.


Since more and more truther sites use wordpress, why not they useStream FLV Player because it is very flexible, can be embeddedanywhere, and also allows HD Videos, MP4 Videos, and other kinds ofstuff including logo branding. For those getting sick and tired ofyoutube videos disappearing start using Stream FLV Player plugin fromwordpress.

Lets start biting youtube where it hurts, their advertisers, and theirwallets. I will only use youtube to promote anti-NWO Videos from me and my truth buddies. No more using embeds from youtube on my site.

Since youtube is a private entity that thinks they can do what they want they can see me start to use them less.

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Too Late To Apologize - A Declaration

Too Late To Apologize - A Declaration

Click the link above and watch the video at the top of the page it takes you to.

Do you feel like giving up yet? Are you tired? Do you just wish it would stop? GOOD! That is exactly how they are wanting you to feel. They figure if they throw enough stuff at you that in time you will just throw your hands up and say what the use?
If you fall into that trap then they win and everyone that loves freedom, the constitution and the reason this great country came into being will lose. Most important our children, grand children and great grand children will lose.
Congress has declared war on the American People and on the Constitution. These people doing some of this work are NOT Patriots. I would say some shouldn't even be called Americans. To ignore the Constitution like they are could be called an act of treason. They are attempting to destroy this country as it was founded.
What the people in congress are attempting to do to this country is nothing short of evil. It is time to call these people the names they deserve. They don't like it when someone questions them being a Patriot? Then let them start acting like American Patriots instead of the Progressive Socialist Democrats that they are proving to be by their actions.
Don't give up. I know you are tired but it it the True American Patriots who will save this country from the Radical Progressive Socialist Party in control in DC at this time. If we don't stand together against them, then they will win and Freedom and God will lose.
The Radical Progressive Socialist Congress has declared WAR on America and her people. They want us to be at each other. They don't want us to talk with common sense with each other. The more we are at each other the easier path they have to taking our freedom and country away from us.

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Juan McCain On The Border Issue

Juan McCain On The Border Issue

Here is a post I saw on a blog during the election of 08. Since McCain is running to try and save his senate seat I thought maybe it should be posted again. Even though he may be talking different now, don't believe it. He hasn't changed how he truly feels and his conservative talk of now is because of his fear of losing his bid for another 6 years in the senate.

Trust me, if he gets another 6 years you will start seeing him again not only reaching across the isle but pulling up a chair and sitting down. As Patrick Henry said:
"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging the future but by the past." Patrick Henry

One of the issues that American's understand and care about is closing our borders. Again I ask how can you really say we are fighting a war on terror and we REFUSE to close our borders. Another way to slow the McCain Train is shine the light on one of his advisors. Juan Hernandez. If you watch any of the talk cable news shows you have seen this guy.

Open borders advocate Juan Hernandez has joined the McCain campaign

GLENN: Here it is, here's John McCain.

VOICE: I wonder if you agree with those policies. If so, explain it to me. And if not, why is he on your staff.

McCAIN: He's on my staff because he supports my policies and my proposals and my legislative proposal to secure the borders first, that no one will receive Social Security benefits who is in this country illegally. I don't know what his previous positions are, other previous positions are but he supports mine. I have nothing to do with his. And he has volunteered to help me with outreach to our Hispanic citizenry as that is his reach as I outreach to every citizen in America. I've made very clear my position on immigration, made very clear on my position on Social Security and, of course, I am grateful that we have so many people who came from Ireland to the United States of America and anybody else who can come here legally under the right system and that's the only system that I would ever support and I have no idea but I will check into the information you've given me. But I want to promise you I will secure our borders. I will not allow anyone to come here illegally. I will not allow anyone to receive Social Security or any other benefit because they have come here illegally and broken our laws.

GLENN: Okay. That's John McCain. Now, it's so disingenuous to say he doesn't know who this man is or his policies. This is a guy who used to work for Vicente Fox. He is the most open border guy you could possibly imagine. Here's just one clip of Juan Hernandez, and we've got tons of them and we'll be playing them over the next few days. Here's just one clip of Juan Hernandez on TV.

HERNANDEZ: I don't think that we need to build walls to control immigration. We are the 21st century now and we're a country that has always broken down walls. Once again with regard to securing the borders, we need to work with Mexico. We're never going to have a secure border. We're not going to put a wall up for these hundreds and hundreds thousands of miles. We have to work with our neighbors. We need to think now for the future. Canada, the United States and Mexico as a block.

GLENN: Canada, Mexico and America as a block. That's who this guy is. Michelle?

MALKIN: A block, not a region. He said it many times. He also, when he worked for this Mexican bureaucracy called the presidential office for Mexican abroad, what he did was he spent his time traveling all across our country lobbying local, state and federal officials for driver's license for illegal aliens. He defended his operators who were carrying illegal aliens to the country and who promoted extending banking privileges here in the United States to illegal aliens, lobbied to get lower rates for them so that they could send home billions of dollars in remittances back to their country. The guy does not believe in borders. He is a senior fellow at something called the Reform Institute which is a think tank that John McCain founded and it has come under scrutiny by the mainstream media because it underscores John McCain's hypocrisy not just on open borders but also on campaign finance because he's used his supposedly nonpartisan, nonprofit thinking to solicit donations from big donors who he then goes and crusades for while he's sitting on Senate committees. At this reform institute which is in part funded with George Soros money, Juan Hernandez was in charge of leading the lobbying campaign for John McCain's amnesty effort last year. And this reform institute also sponsored an art contest for students where they spent their time demonizing the border. And you can go and look. I linked this on my website, to all of the art that compares the walls our borders and our border fences to the Berlin wall which keeps people in instead of walling people out to prevent invasion, to prevent undermining our sovereignty, to prevent encroaching of our laws. And for McCain to have the gall to stand there and tell that voter in Florida who, by the way, learned about this Juan Hernandez thing by looking at our research on the Internet, for him to say that he supports securing the border first when he's got a guy outreaching to illegal aliens to persuade them to make John McCain President? It's more than nauseating.

Thank you for this part Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin .

So who in the Media will start asking John McCain about Juan Hernandez EVERYDAY????
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We Must Be Doing Something Right!

Hi everyone, I have kicked off dozens of spammers the last few days. Lets face it, how much viagra can I guy take! Hahaha!

Anyway, if you see some fixed spam let me know and I will delete them.

Please remember, sometimes we get hammered so hard and so fast I can't get to it all deleted for a few hours, so don't worry, it goes with the territory.

Obtw, thx for everyone who is keeping this place clean, it really helps out.

O.k. Steve

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Tea Party in ARIZONA!

Wouldn't it be great if all the tea parties came together and planned an event in Phoenix, Arizona?
Wouldn't it be great if thousands of people showed up to support Gov. Brewer and the new law.......
and spend $ in Arizona?!!!!
To hell with San Francisco, let's go!
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