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9-12 project

School aims to re-teach civics with focus on faith

By Jeffrey McMurray
Associated Press

GEORGETOWN, Ky. -- Call it vacation Bible school, Glenn Beck-style. v

Some three-dozen kids ages 10 to 15 are spending five nights this week at the Vacation Liberty School, learning what organizers -- some with tea party ties -- say they won't hear in school about the Constitution, the Founding Fathers and the role of faith in the birth of the United States.

"If we're going to take our country back, we've got to remember where we came from, not only as adults, but we need to teach our children," said Tim Fairfield, one of the teachers, who wore a three-cornered hat at the opening class of Vacation Liberty School.

The school is held in the basement of Gano Baptist church in Georgetown.

The curriculum includes lessons like "equal rights, not equal results," "recognize men don't create rights -- only God," and "understanding falsehoods of separation of church and state."

Organizers say the program has drawn interest from people looking to start new chapters in Ohio, Colorado, New York, Florida and other communities in Kentucky.

It's is an offshoot of the 9/12 Project, inspired by conservative commentator Beck, who had no direct role in the planning of the Kentucky school.

The project, which seeks to unify Americans around nine values -- including honesty, hope and sincerity -- and 12 principles, was behind some of the raucous protests at health care forums around the country last summer.

Beck declined comment on the school.

On Monday, the first night of Vacation Liberty School, the basement of the church was converted into a tyrannical kingdom meant to resemble colonial England where students were told they must suppress their laughter, sit apart from their friends and flawlessly recite "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

Against the urgings of a mock king's representative, the brave ones ventured through the rugged terrain of a maze of upside-down tables discovered an adjoining room with all the luxuries of the New World. There they could play basketball, toss beanbags and ride a teeter-totter while being showered with confetti as Neil Diamond's "Coming To America" blared over the speakers.

Some parents showed up early to quiz the organizers about the curriculum. Others said they wouldn't mind a conservative slant to balance out what they say is a liberal influence in the public school system.

"Other people are trying to put their viewpoints out there, so I don't see any reason why we can't put our viewpoints out there," said John Cravens, the father of two children who attended.

Eric Wilson, head of the Kentucky 9/12 Project, acknowledges he and many others behind the school are strong supporters of the conservative tea party movement, which claims Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul as one of its highest-profile members. But he says the curriculum was carefully planned to ensure politics didn't creep in.

"We may be playing in the same sandbox," Wilson said. "But in the 9/12 Project, we're going to tell you where the sand came from while the tea party is telling you what sand to buy."

Joe Conn, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, isn't so sure. A news release announcing the school referenced the tea party, leading him to believe that if the Vacation Liberty School isn't crossing the line into politics, it's coming close.

"All Americans want kids to learn about the government and political system," he said. "It's something quite different when kids are being indoctrinated in church in one political tradition. That's quite different from learning objectively and academically about civics."

He cautions Gano Baptist could risk losing its tax-exempt status if explicit political lessons are being taught in a church setting.

But the Rev. Wayne Lipscomb, the pastor there, says he had no political motivations for allowing the classes to be held without a rental fee. Tickets were distributed online for free.

"I think our kids need to know about the Founding Fathers and they need to understand the connection between God and the Founding Fathers," he said. "They don't need to hear the revisionists' stories of history."

With such weighty topics swirling, 13-year-old Matthew Porter seemed to get some of them jumbled.

"I didn't know faith, hope and charity were parts of the Constitution," he said. "I thought they made it as laws, nothing to do with church."

Although there was no talk of Democrats or Republicans during Monday's session, there was an activity geared toward teaching children the dangers of communism.

Given pistols to shoot soap bubbles out of the air, the students quickly learned they could do it far more easily by refilling from their own buckets of water rather than having to share a communal one.

Fairfield told the class the lesson is that while secular communism sounds good in theory, free enterprise works far better in practice.

Later in the week, the economic teachings would extend to lessons on debt and inflation. As more money is printed, the costs of candy and toys at the school's canteen will skyrocket.

Even in the New World it's not all fun and games, the children learned. When told it was time to clean up, 10-year-old Taylor Lopez responded with a quip.

"Now we have to clean up America?" she asked.

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Obamacare’s First Implementations Reveal

Obama Abortion-Betrayal of Promise to Stupak

Regardless of how Americans view abortion, roughly 75% of Americans have agreed on one thing: public funding of “elective abortion” is a very bad idea. Elective surgeries including things like “stapling stomachs, hair implants, cosmetic plastic surgery and elective abortions are all personal choices and are not absolute medical emergencies like, say emergency, therapeutic abortions are.

Based upon his personal history as candidate and president, it was only a matter of time before this most incredible of all Obama lies surfaced. The surprise is that it came on the very first publicly announced implementation of Obamacare, the very first. Barack Obama who accused his accusers of “bearing false witness” against him at the final moments of passage of Obamacare, has been proven to be the ultimate bearer of false witness in the most dishonorably possible way. And remember he said to turn off FOX News because they and the Republican Party were “fabricating things.” And of course charges that Obamacare was 1) going to cost far more than advertised and 2) would raise the deficits of the nation were “fabrications” also.

The very first implementations of Obamacare today are setting up state coverage for “elective abortion” at 80% in New Mexico, Pennsylvania and reportedly two other states. Doesn’t Bart Stupak look like a complete idiot now. If the poor cretin blew his brains out, would anyone blame him . . . how humiliating, he made a stand supposedly on principle and then took the word of the president of the United States that no federal coverage of abortion would occur . . . and now it’s obvious Stupak was an A-1 Sucker! Remember Bart Stupak telling the country, with that signed paper in his hand, that “Republican claims that federally funded abortions were part of Obamacare were "disingenuous?"

There are a few good things about Barack Obama:

A) He’s made the nation aware of the evil of progressive administrations like FDR’s and Woodrow Wilson's. For example, a large percentage of Americans now understand for the first time that FDR, rather than ending the Great Depression (only World War II did that) actually extended it at least another eight years.

B) He’s been unable to keep his communism under wraps (55% of Americans now believe Obama’s a socialist according to a poll released today by James Carville a liberal survey group) Americans are becoming aware of his communism, slowly but surely. Remember he wrote an autobiography called “Dreams from My Father,” (meaning his Kenyan birth father), the man who wrote this masterpiece calling for 100% taxation among about six other atrocities upon Kenya’s people:

C) Some, like Rajjpuut’s wonderful readers have learned about Cloward-Piven Strategy . . . how C-P Strategy deliberately bankrupted New York City via the NWRO creating a welfare crisis; how Cloward and Piven suggested to radical followers that housing and voting were the next areas to implement (abuse) and how the Motor Voter Act has been abused by ACORN and how an Obama political appointee to the Department of Justice has now ordered the DOJ NOT to enforce even the weakened Motor Voter Act against dead people, felons, duplicate entries and fraudulent entries on the voter rolls. Oh, and for those who suggest Rajjpuut is

"paranoid" rather than just revealing the news, remember this: 32 ACORN voter registration officials have already been convicted; and in the Black Panther voter intimidation case, the biggest victim was a Black poll watcher the Panthers called an "Oreo" and an "Uncle Tom" and threatened that if he came outside he'd get the "sh__ kicked out of him," so the real "racism" comes always from the left while they accuse everyone else.

D) Some, like Rajjpuut’s wonderful readers have learned about how based upon C-P Strategy, ACORN took advantage of Jimmy Carter’s ’77 CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) and expansions in ’92; twice in ’95 and the steroid version of mortgage guarantee laws in ’98 to force home lenders to make loans to people without jobs; people without rental references; people without homes; people without I.D.s; and even illegal aliens. Thank you, thank you, ACORN; and thank you, too, progressives.

E) Many people have come to believe that global warming and the cap and trade legislation that Obama’s been pushing to respond to “global warming’s dangers” is 100% a lie, as the ultra-liberal London Times admitted back on Nov. 29, 2009:

F) It appears that virtually the only TANGIBLE job creation by the Obama stimulus and recovery act are a series of huge green and white signs commissioned for Democratic sign-makers saying "This project (the sign itself?) brought to you courtesy of the Stimulus and Recovery Act" at $10,000 a sign.

And on top of the great news today about the Gulf Oil Spill being at least tentatively capped, Barack Obama has shown his true colors with the Oil Drilling Moratorium he’s called for. Here are the facts, if he's allowed to pull that off, he himself has most likely caused more ill-effects to the Gulf economy than the spill itself . . . ah, inhumanity!

That’s the good news, but while Barack Obama moves us every day ever closer to calling him Chairman Big Brother, it’s a mighty, mighty thin soup . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Dispensations are distinguished exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, “the increasing purpose” which runs through and links together the ages from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Rev. C. I. Scofield, Editor, The Scofield Reference Bible

They thought that by putting a silver tongued divider in office as President, they could transform America into their idea of a better world. Thanks to the Democrats’ leadership, and George Soros, the money man, we are moving into the New Age, and as prophesized, pushed into the long awaited brotherhood of man by the threat of losing it all.

In reading my opinions, you are reading thoughts of a nobody from Nowheresville, and that may be good for nobodies like me who are being taken for a walk down a garden path, especially those with strong feelings for doing the right thing.

Under “A God for Tomorrow,” quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker in The Physics of Consciousness, “Beginning with the myths and superstitions of antiquity, we have followed a path of discovery into the modern age of scientific understanding, and we have helped to open the door of a new realm of science.”

The non compos mentis establishment is made up of authorities and doers—leaders and followers—people who have worked hard and long to be recognized, people like not-of-sound-mind George Soros, and the masses whose lives are largely routine. For the sake of keeping the establishment intact, change is a scary word. I recall progressive Franklin D. Roosevelt, the charmer that he was, asserting, “We have only fear itself to fear,” and turned the Constitution upside down. Instead of the individual and the law of all times, it became the duty of government to provide us with cradle to grave security. Roosevelt opened the door wide to all manner of opportunists to prey on the ignorant and gullible. Hello Barrack Obama.

The present social order—unions, do-good organizations, and don’t leave out capitalists—is made up of various groups whose primary goal is to keep the status quo in place, thus progressive government. However, in the progressive order of the ages and, naturally, with increasing purpose, we find in life both wonder and fear of the unknown; we believe and yet fear. We see that our reality is flawed and hunger for a truth we can all know.

A few of us are finding in the cutting edge of science that we exist as more than matter. The tests of Bell’s theorem have proven that our present reality is flawed; that observation changes the form of matter from wave to particle; that the observer interacts with matter; that objective reality is not our individual reality.

It stands to reason that if one wants to know how something works, he examines the parts. Under an emerging philosophy, with a scientifically proven basis, a newfound reality begins with an observer examining the aspects of matter, an observer capable of reason and logic. From the physics lab, it has been discovered that, once connected, particles can be separated by any distance and instantaneously communicate, giving rise to other than the space-time time dimension. It can be reasoned from the fact that in the microcosmic world, observed to be an unfinished world where nothing is fixed, that there is a dimension of infinite possibility out of which ideas, which have no form in and of themselves, become the manifestations of mankind; and that these manifestations are individual; we are subjective, not of hive mentality.

Thus, to be stigmatized by the laws of man, or the imagined gods of “God’s vicars,” goes against human nature. Together, the two always lead to war. It took Obama 93 days to decide to send more troops to Afghanistan. I say bring the troops home. There is a better way. Who among us would lead the world to war? United, we stand, divided we fall.

I believe that basic to human nature is the strong concern for human values, and dignity, a strong concern for history and how to improve our lives. In numerology, the number nine being the highest number, standing for God-in-self, selflessness and compassion, encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. What’s the matter with us? We’ve been listening to spell binders.

Carrying forward my line of thinking, “The laws are the foundation of liberty which we enjoy; we are the laws’ slaves that we may be free.” Cicero, a Roman judge, the father of modern law. “There are certain precepts of the law among all nations and which absolutely cannot be broken.” Englishman, John of Salisbury, the first systematic writer on politics in the Middle Ages.

Now comes quantum physicist Walker. “Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will. The will works much like a communications channel that links all of us to a common control center. Within the power of our combined will lies the power to accomplish essentially anything.” The Tea Party could be a force that shoves us across the threshold to our intended destiny. The Founding Fathers of our great nation would have their wills done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Where is our mind? It is not in a place; it is in a state. The mind and matter go to make our reality. In Gen. 1:26, And God said, Let us make man in our image. We have a new image emerging of who we are, along with an increasing purpose.

Authorities, like the Wizard of Oz, in order to protect their territories and fiefdoms, have many on the Yellow Brick Road. They instill fear in our children and the frail of mind. They plant fear of change. They strip us of our moral values without giving us anything to take the place. The greatest day in my life, Good Friday, 1975, was the day I cut my umbilical cord with my past and went strictly on my own. I’ve been born again.

On earth as it is in heaven, one and the same, distinguish in the ages the progressive order. We’ve moved from the Age of Pisces, symbolized by two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, to the Age of Aquarius, to an age symbolized by the water-bearer to humanity. We have increasing purpose in our lives. Incidentally, I’m Aquarius rising bringing to you the Aquarian’s message.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found.

Was blind but now I see.

God’s hand is on my wheel. Now in the twilight of life, thinking back on my learning process, I read in Astrologer’s Handbook that with my Saturn, the learning planet, trine (in favorable alignment) with Pluto, the generational planet, “this trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these consciously or unconsciously. It favors those who work in such fields as physics, the occult, magic, astrology, or systems of meditation. . .”

“The natives have tremendous willpower and are relentless in working toward a goal. Because they combine this trait with organizing ability, they have an aptitude for leadership and managerial responsibilities. They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill. This is one of the most profound of aspects.” God bless America!

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Glenn Beck's Final American Revival - live broadcast from Salt Lake city

Can't make it to Salt Lake City this Saturday, July 17th, for the final stop of Glenn Beck's American Revival Tour? Well you don't have to miss the program. Insider Extreme members can watch the entire day's program live, online!

Below you'll find the days schedule, all of which will be broadcast live on the Insider Extreme.

American Revival Live on the Insider Extreme:

“Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act. And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing, however slightly so it may appear to you... From the practice of the purest virtue, you may be assured you will derive the most sublime comforts in every moment of life, and in the moment of death.”- Thomas Jefferson, 1785

broadcast, charity, faith, honor, hope, live, online, revival, Salt_Lake_City

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Black Panther Non-Lawsuit

OK lets look at it from another point of view: Lets say a group of old white guys sat outside polling stations saying the same things, only substitute white man for the phrase black man, would there have been an arrest/investigation/lawsuit against these men? Oh you bet your tushy there would have been they would be under the jail by now.
This is just ridiculous, congressmen who have never heard of this case, no reporting in the media, no liberal outrage over a clear cut case of intimidation, and worse of all very little public demands for justice.
I remember when they (the DOJ) prosecuted klan members for this type of activity(which they should have), and how it made the national news almost every election cycle, but now its no big deal?WTF?
Yes I realize it is all a political ploy by the WH to ensure the radical black panther vote, but will it be worth it?
They (the dems) are using the old divide and conquer on us, and we are obliviously walking right into the trap they are readying.Many of us sit idly by while the media and politicians call us racist/tea baggers/xenophobes and other words that are not family friendly.
Its not enough to just go to rallies, its not enough just to voice our displeasure with our friends and families, its time to stand up; Write your congressman and demand an investigation, write your local paper and demand coverage of this issue, contact the major networks and let them know you want news not views, and for the love of this country get off your duff and get out and vote/support candidates that support your views, even if you can only afford one dollar, give it to the candidate you deem worthy.
Stop the madness of the Big O and his henchmen, bring back the constitution, and bring back justice to this land.
By the way, I am a proud member of the United Steel Workers of America and a card carrying member of the Republican party. I am also a veteran of the US Army.Oh for the trolls who surf these sites, I am also a college graduate, so don't try to denigrate me calling me uneducated.
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Black Panthers and NAACP are Pots
Pointing Fingers at Black Kettles
In psychiatry and psychology, the term “projection” refers to someone who sees their own weaknesses, failings and sins in everybody else. People who “project” are not a new phenomenon; the Bible suggests something like “First rid yourself of the stick in your own eye before complaining about the speck in your brother’s eye.” We’re all guilty of projection at one time or another . . . some of us, however, are much more deeply guilty of much more serious projection . . . there is a saying now in popular use that first arose in the Black community in the Reconstruction South about 1870 about “the pot calling the kettle black.”
Certainly New Black Panther members who intimidated White voters; the Black Panther baton carrier from that incident who called for “killing crackers and killing their cracker babies”; the old National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) that praised the Black minister and other Black thugs arrested for beating up a Black entrepreneur selling “The Audacity of Dope” buttons (he made a killing in 2008 selling pro-Obama buttons) and who called that Black victim an “Uncle Tom” at a widely viewed NAACP meeting; that same NAACP who called the TEA Party “racists”; and a good deal of the 96% of Black voters who supported Barack Obama’s presidency with their vote . . . all these are great examples of truly racist Blacks calling everybody else racists when it is they with the stick in their eyes calling everybody else Uncle Toms and Oreos (Black on the outside, white on the inside) . . . an obvious case of pots and kettles.
Calling himself “an unshackled Black man,” a TEA Party member named Rujon Williams, said it better than Ol’ Rajjpuut could ever have expressed it in an open letter to Black citizens:
“A few confused Black groups tell you ‘the white man is our enemy’ when it is a small befuddled part of the Black community. These confused Black organizations have no power, if they were really honest, they would tell you they get their money from the same table they so hate, the table the white man dines at as well.
“For years these small groups of loud mouth and confused Blacks have labeled anyone that did not believe the way they did, and spoke out against them calling their victims ‘Uncle Toms’, when in fact, they are the real ‘Uncle Toms’! Instead of leading their community to a better and richer life they are driving Black people onto the slave master’s high-rise plantations.
“The ‘Sell Outs’, quietly take and cannot stand on their own without the support of the white man’s money. They are the Oreo’s desiring to have the power of the white man. They hate achievement; it goes against their agenda.
“In the world of these ‘Sell Outs’ everyone is on welfare, lives in the project and eats government cheese. There is no need for education because the government will tell everyone what they need to know. There will be no need to work because the government will take care of everything . . . .
“The truth be told, the modern NAACP is nothing but a sock-puppet for those who drive the agenda of new slavery. This new slavery is without chains, but the Black community will be shackled never the less.
“Those who fall victim will be shackled to the hopeless society the progressives** seek to create.
“Truth comes in every color and unfortunately the New Black Panther Party does not hide their truth, and it is hatred for white people and Jews. They openly speak against what the freedoms the United States offers, using these same freedoms to advance their hideous agenda.
“It is time to expose the true agenda of these confused and bewildered Black groups. Some preach their confusion in boots and black military uniforms, while other preach in Brooks Brother’s suits, but their message is the same.
“These confused ‘Uncle Toms’ have sold the Black community out for less than 30 pieces of silver. They are nothing more than prostitutes and cheap ones at that.
“If these confused souls will sell themselves to the lowest bidder, they will surely sell you out as well.
Rujon Williams
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
Progressives stopped calling themselves “progressives” starting about 1925. For over 80 years they preferred the label “liberals” but when people started tying “tax and spend” to the now pejorative term “liberal” they began referring to themselves as “progressives.” That term “progressive” is now increasingly being aligned with another buzzword “socialism,” among the Republican leadership but “progressive” is still largely a positive term in the lexicon of most voters even though a recent Pew Research Center survey showed that “socialism” was the second most “negatively regarded” political buzzword behind only the term “militia” in the link immediately above. Socialism was regarded as positive by only 29% of voters while 59% of them regarded “Socialism” as a negative. And today James Carville released a survey
with information showing that 55% of Americans believe Obama is a socialist. Rajjpuut begs to differ, here are the facts: Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. He wrote his first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” based upon this dream from his Kenyan birth-father which includes “100% taxation,” seizing private land and foreign businesses in Kenya, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s Asian and White citizens to its Black ones, communal ownership of land, and central government planning of the economy and possible ownership of the means of production :
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Time to shout HOORAY!Our own, "The Great One", Mark Levin announced on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 that he and his Landmark LegalFoundation have taken on the case of defending Arizona against the federal governments charges of their immigration law being unconstitutional in a suit filed against the ACLU and the Mexican government regarding the Arizona immigration law case.Listen to first 20 minutes of Wednesdays' Hour_1 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in 7 Day Archives at KSFO radio 560-AM( - 4 p.m.) to hear Mark read his "Opening Summary" and referencesto previous legal case decisions that support his case.Links:July 14, 2010Landmark Legal Foundation has taken on the case of defending Arizona against the federal governments charges of their immigration law being unconstitutional Brief (PDF) atLandmarkLegal.orgLandmark Legal brief taking on the ACLU and the Mexican government in the Arizona immigration law case (PDF) should throw a major "monkey wrench" in Obama's progressive agendaH O O R A Y!
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It's a shame when any community loses a good volunteer, and Eve Schiff seems to be a very good volunteer indeed. She appears on 4 different committees on the PTA roster in her local neighborhood in Maryland. Obviously a hard worker.

Carpetbaggers: Democrat Adam Schiff does not live in his district, carpetbagging from Maryland to California. His wife Eve seems to be a member of a Maryland PTA. Guess that's where they are raising their kids.

So it's a darn shame that Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena in California has lost her volunteer services. Because her husband is Congressman Adam Schiff representing the 29th District in California.

I guess this means they are sending their kids to school in Maryland. I guess this means they actually live in Maryland. I'd provide a link, however her personal phone seems to appear on the roster.

John Colbert has a better vision for his constituents in California's CD 29. For starters, he actually lives in California. Heck, he actually lives right in the district he wants to serve. And he's a real businessman. Endorsed by

Matter of fact, you know when you're watching those CSI shows and the evidence techs are doing those computer/internet forensics? That's John Colbert's enCase software. Developed at the end of his 13 year career with the LA County Sheriff as their lead cyber investigator. John's team (both at LASD and Guidance software) developed the the gold standard for cyber-forensics that can withstand judicial scrutiny.

There's a lot more to learn about John Colbert and his journey to Congress, but in this post I wanted to let you know how easily we expect him to replace Schiff - because of who Schiff really is.

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Although the coming mid term elections are of utmost importance the only long term solution to stop the corruption in Washington is thru the establishment of term limits. The founding Fathers never intended that these positions be lifetime careers. The Legislatures will never support term limits as it would end their cushy salaries and great retirement benefits. It is my firm conviction that the Tea Party needs a UNITED MISSION AND GOAL and that MISSION should be the bringing about a Constitutional Convention with the single purpose being to amend the constitution to establish term limits. It can be done and the TEA PARTY could be the prime mover. It could also be the key to unity and long term survival of the Tea Party Movemen. What do you think and how can we MAKE IT HAPPEN? Norm Sowards, Patriot
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Obama's Political-Correctness Manifesto

Gets Hangnail,

but P-C Death Far, Far, Far Away

The nasty little euphemism “politically-correct” was first aired to the world when Hillary Clinton and her hubby Bill came to Washington in 1993. Rajjpuut wishes to be absolutely and 100% transparently clear here . . . political-correctness is just a term covering up a savage lie. Political-correctness assumes that whatever is best for the progressives in this country is “best” for America and that is clearly the biggest most-damaging lie in American history.

Today, in commenting upon the Al Qaeda bomb strikes upon two groups of Ugandan citizens gathered together to watch (three bombs were actually involved, one was apparently a dud) the World Cup final game between Spain and Holland, Mr. Obama used a politically incorrect term, saying, “. . . Islamic Radicals were no respecter of the life of African Blacks,” a very unusual statement, why not say “human life?” Since the 86-page report on the Ft. Hood shooting totally avoided mentioning the words “Muslim” or “Islam” or even once named the shooter (Major Nidal Halik Hasan); and Attorney General Eric Holder has gone into utter contortions in Congress to avoid saying the words “Islamic terrorism” or “radical Islamic terrorists” this is indeed “a change,” but what kind of change exactly?

Certainly Nancy Pelosi is NOT on board. She today called White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs “politically inept” after Gibbs said enough house seats were in play in November to allow “the Republicans to win the house.” An obvious fact canNOT be stated because it’s politically-incorrect? The Speaker of the House openly buys into the political-correctness doctrine. Remember how, when talking about Obamacare, she openly said, “we should call it the ‘consumer option’ not the ‘public option’ . . .”

Political-correctness has always been about lies, half-truths, evasions and euphemisms and “right-seeming propaganda” and doing the popular thing rather than the honest and upright action. Political-correctness has almost always been about changing history itself. It began with the first Democratic Progressive Woodrow Wilson. Before Wilson, the first actually progressive president, Teddy Roosevelt a Republican, was guilty of overstepping his bounds (National Parks, Panama Canal) without allowing congress or the people to have a say on his agenda . . . kind of a “might makes right” statement. Wilson, a Princeton educator actually wrote a book changing the story of the Founding Fathers and the creation of the nation.

Wilson**, the first to actually call himself a “progressive,” allowed D.W. Griffith’s racist masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” to premier at the White House. “The Birth of a Nation” depicts the Ku Klux Klan as the savior of American civilization. Wilson was the first to openly disparage the Constitution and suggest that it was a document that Americans needed to “progress beyond” and used the terms “inadequate” and “outdated.”

Obama’s and Gibbs’ recent remarks definitely do NOT mark the oncoming death of political-correctness but rather merely showing a splinter beneath the skin of the progressive Leviathan. Denying their own racism while labeling all political opponents racists is the progressive stock in trade. Black racism is clearly so politically incorrect that the mainstream media has never been known to make a habit of showing it. Consider the horrific and ugly Black racism of the New Black Panthers which the Department of Justice refused to prosecute; or the racism of the NAACP seen in yesterday’s headlines; or the almost 96% of Blacks that voted for Obama; or the widespread tendency of Blacks to label non-Democrats “Uncle Toms” -- just as they deny Woodrow Wilson’s racism (he and FDR are their big heroes) Black’s canNOT be racists against Whites, they just canNOT be, it wouldn’t be politically-correct, now would it?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Wilson proved so unpopular in his day, that after Wilson's depression was solved by Harding cutting taxes and spending both over 45% ended it and it became known as the "Invisible Depression," progressives stopped calling themselves progressives and adopted the word "liberal" which served them well for more than 80 years.

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President Obama accepting General Stanley McChrystal's resignation over his statements reported in Rolling Stone magazine was done so just to save political face. General McChrystal speaking out was a wake-up call to Congress and Americans about the Obama administration's mishandling of the Afghanistan government and war. General McChrystal is Obama's second general to be relieved from command in Afghanistan.

General McChrystal stood up for U.S. Troops on the ground in Afghanistan. General McChrystal's words brought world attention to the Obama-Biden administration's failing Afghanistan policies. Now Congress and Americans have to take a for-real look at Obama's overall plans for the Afghanistan government and building the Afghanistan army. His words also block's Obama from pointing his finger at Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai and laying any failures or troop losses solely on him. Now the Obama administration's credibility is soundly on the line for Afghanistan and its future. Now there will be no cut and run for President Obama and his supporters; not after almost ten years of war and over a trillion U.S. tax dollars.

Vietnam was a Washington-run political war, it was politically lost. U.S. troops won that war everyday they were on the Battlefield only to have politicians in Washington cut and run denying our troops a victory.

After President Obama announced General Petraeus would be in charge of his Afghanistan war plan, national media groups like CNN and Fox spent the day praising Obama. They called Obama's decision nothing short of brilliant. Americans remember a 2007 advertisement in the New York Times by democrats stating "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" plus, then Senator Obama denouncing General Petraeus and his war plan for Iraq and a heavy dose of Bush bashing.

How times have changed. Now it's up to General Petraeus to save President Obama and Vice President Biden's political backside from losing control of the Afghanistan war.

President Obama's new war plan for Afghanistan however; will not destroy the Taliban or Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist group. Nor will President Obama's war plan secure Afghanistan's government within a year as his stated plans are to start pulling U.S. troops out in July 2011. President Obama's Afghanistan war plan over the next year will unfortunately add around 5,000 more U.S. troop casualties and three times that many with severe injuries.

President Obama and Vice President Biden have given al-Qaeda and Taliban forces a year to prepare for U.S. and NATO troops buildup in Afghanistan. They were not ready to deal with Afghanistan in 2009. Obama's Afghanistan war plan as it stands now, does however have all the historical ingredients in place and earmarks of another U.S. Custer last stand.

It's a fact, over the past year Iran has been training al-Qaeda and Taliban forces for the Afghanistan show down. Iran is arming these terrorist groups and others with more powerful, armor-piercing, roadside bombs. Reports coming in now are stating these roadside bombs are taking a heavy toll on U.S. troops.

For decades, our federal government has had in place a no-fly order between America and North Korean citizens. That order should be in place now between America and Middle Eastern countries that support or harbor terrorist groups within their borders. That would stop major terrorist cell group members from entering America and the free-world at will as they are now. Ask yourself why has America and free-world governments not enacted this kind of no-fly policy for Middle Eastern countries?

General Stanley McChrystal may be a four star general, but he's a five star American; for his sound military leadership and service to our country and for standing up and telling it like it is as to President Obama and Vice President Biden's detached leadership and interest concerning the Afghanistan war and their not being soundly committed to destroying terrorist cells globally, period. General Stanley McChrystal is a true hero to our nation's veterans and military family.

President Obama nor Vice President Biden were prepared to deal with all the inhuman realities of waging war against Middle Eastern terrorist groups dedicated 24/7 from 9-11 to destroying America and the free-world. Our nation's top two elected leaders have let it be seen in the national media that they really do not want to deal with real military matters.

In 2009 U.S. Troops on the Afghanistan battle field watched and waited as President Obama and Vice President Biden took four months to decide what their "new" Afghanistan war plan and troop level would be. Then they were told President Obama's war plan would not take place till mid 2010. Obama and Biden should have been ready from day one in office to reinforce U.S. troops in Afghanistan ensuring the destruction of al-Qaeda and Taliban forces.

Until President Obama sends U.S. Troops into Pakistan to destroy al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, there's no way Afghanistan or America will ever be totally secured. It's past time for Washington to take the gloves off and allow our military to destroy Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

This is why our troops morale is so low and the all-volunteer Army program is not working in retaining qualified soldiers. This is also why the military has had to order U.S. Troops to serve past their enlistment time. Most all U.S. Troops today have had to serve four or more times in Iraq or Afghanistan. Some American soldiers are reported having to serve as many as seven or eight times in country.

Americans are demanding that President Obama and our elected Congress members stop all the political in-house fighting and get focused on destroying Middle Eastern terrorist groups attacking America and the free-world!

U.S. Troops will do their job for Afghanistan, now we will see if President Obama, his team and our Congress members will do their job for Afghanistan and our troops.

Mike Graham Founder United Native America
Citizen Oklahoma Cherokee Nation
Service Connected Disabled Veteran 1971-1979

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It is really so simple. Why does it have to be so difficult? We have truly lost our way, and I pray we get back to the school system so beautifully laid out by Dennis Prager. Never in my lifetime have I seen such division between the races, in an age when we have come so far beyond it.


We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately lucky -- to be alive and to be an American.

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Broken down by state, we need to send the respective states' lists of these reps to our fellow groups so they can be sure who their adversaries are.
The numbers represent the districts they represent. I would think that they might not like seeing their names scattered over the internet showing they are associated with the Communists.
I found out this list was originally posted in June on I went to the site and could not find it now. It apparently has been scrubbed.

Ed Pastor (04)
Raúl M. Grijalva (07)

Rosa DeLauro (03)
Lynn Woolsey (06)
George Miller (07)
Barbara Lee (09)
Pete Stark (13)
Michael Honda (15)
Sam Farr (17)
Henry Waxman (30)
Xavier Becerra (31)
Diane Watson (33)
Lucille Roybal-Allard (34)
Maxine Waters (35)
Laura Richardson (37)
Linda Sánchez (47)
Bob Filner (51)

District of Columbia (DC)
Eleanor Holmes-Norton (AL)

Corrine Brown (03)
Alan Grayson (08)
Robert Wexler (19)

Hank Johnson (04)
John Lewis (05)

Guam (Territory)
4 Madeleine Bordallo (AL)

Neil Abercrombie (01)
Mazie Hirono (02)

David Loebsack (02)

Danny Davis (07)
Luis Gutierrez (04)
Phil Hare (17)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (02)
Bobby Rush (01)
Jan Schakowsky (09)

André Carson (07)

John Olver (01)
James McGovern (03)
Barney Frank (04)
John Tierney (06)
Ed Markey (07)
Michael Capuano (08)

Rep. Donna F. Edwards (04)
Elijah Cummings (07)

Chellie Pingree (01)

John Conyers (14)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (13)

Keith Ellison (05)

William "Lacy" Clay (01)
12 Emanuel Cleaver (05)

Bennie Thompson (02)

North Carolina
Mel Watt (12)

New Jersey
Donald Payne (10)

New Mexico
Ben R. Lujan (03)

New York
Nydia Velazquez (01)
Jerrold Nadler (08)
Yvette Clarke (11)
Carolyn Maloney (14)
José Serrano (16)
John Hall (19)
Maurice Hinchey (22)
Louise Slaughter (28)

Marcy Kaptur (09)
Dennis Kucinich (10)
Marcia L. Fudge (11)

Peter DeFazio (04)

Robert Brady (01)
Chaka Fattah (02)

Steve Cohen (09)

Sheila Jackson-Lee (18)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (30)

Virgin Islands (Territory)
Donna Christensen (AL)

Bernie Sanders (VT)
Peter Welch (AL)

Jim McDermott (07)

Tammy Baldwin (02)
Gwen Moore (04)

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I miss

I miss the Bill of Rights! Where has it gone? Can we ever get it back?
I have been thinking of nothing else for the last few years. Did we surrender them to allow police and feds to catch the BAD GUYS? Well I haven't seen that many drug smugglers or terrorists arrested as a result but I have seen many on the spot cash and property seizures. Now if you cary too much cash you loose it untill YOU can prove it legitimit and all without due process. I not in favor of crime I just think anyone should wield that power without a court hearing. Frankly I don't want to give that much power to police officers on the shoulder of an interstate, do you?
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Obama Administration Denies Blacks Can be Racists
Over nineteen months after it occurred, the Black Panther voter intimidation case is in the news again courtesy of FOX News. It was a big deal back when it happened and it’s now become a very big deal. Of course like Climate Gate, the story never got covered originally by the mainstream media and now when it amounts to a monstrous cover-up it’s still not being covered. Yesterday, abetted by the media’s insouciance the road not travelled, known as “Black Racism” actually went on to fork onto four separate paths.
Item: The case of the Nation of Islam’s New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation at a Philadelphia voting site has been dropped after the case was actually won by the Department of Justice under the Bush administration. One Obama political appointee to the DOJ, a Ms. Fernandez is on record for telling a room full of DOJ employees not to pursue cases where the perpetrators are Black and the victims are White. Only one of the Black Panther defendants received any “punishment” and that was less than a slap on the hand. That defendant has been shown on video telling Black crowds to kill “crackers” and to kill their “cracker babies.” The Panthers are claiming that one Glen Beck and one Sean Hannity from Fox News are racists for pursuing the story . . . .
Item: The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) went on record as saying that the TEA Party must be denounced as racists. The NAACP claimed that signs with the word “nigg_r” had been found at TEA Party rallies; and that Black congressmen were called “nig_ers” repeatedly on the day that Obamacare passed. Actually, A) one such sign was brought into one TEA Party rally by an infiltrator and that man was accosted by six or seven TEA Party males and his nasty sign was torn up immediately; and B) One Andrew Breitbart of blog and column fame was covering the Obamacare event and he denies that any of the so-called racial taunting ever occurred and has offered a $100,000 reward for any video evidence that even one time the word “ni-ger” was used. So far his money is safe.
Item: The same NAACP has entered into the case of a Black vendor beaten up by a preacher and other members of a Black church. The victim was a capitalistic Black man who made a killing in 2008 selling Obama buttons who was now selling, among other merchandise, a large button showing Obama smoking a joint (marijuana cigarette for the innocent among you) above the slogan “The Audacity of Dope!” At an NAACP meeting the thugs arrested by the police were praised and the victim was dissed repeatedly with the words “Uncle Tom” bandied about constantly.
Item: The aforementioned Ms. Fernandez, Obama political appointee to the DOJ, also decreed in more than one meeting of the DOJ people that there was “no interest” in investigating “Motor Voter Law” violations because it would “just cut down on voter turnout.” Wow! NOT removing duplicate voter names, NOT removing deceased voter names, NOT removing invalid voter names and instead allowing roughly 55% of America’s precincts to receive more votes than they have registered voters is A-OK according to Ms. Fernandez.
You may recall that Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of Cloward-Piven Strategy infamy and an associate of theirs, a Black radical named Wiley, created the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization) to test out C-P Strategy’s premise of “overworking and destroying the system” as a radical tactic they hoped would lead to a national guaranteed income law. The threesome bragged later how it took them less than eight years to bankrupt New York City (1975) and just missed bankrupting New York State as well. Cloward and Piven then advised their followers to work on housing and voter registration. Wiley was key in creating ACORN to do just that by taking advantage of ill-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws: Carter’s 77 CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) plus four expansions: in ’92 adding Franny Mae and Freddie Mac, two more in ’95 under Clinton and the steroid expansion also under Clinton in ’98 which allowed ACORN to single-handedly create the sub-prime mortgage crisis. That same Cloward and Piven were standing directly behind Bill Clinton at the signing ceremony for the Motor Voter Act which wise observers called “a license to unending voter fraud.” And now Ms. Fernandez is refusing to enforce even that drastically weakened law . . . and, of course, ACORN had its day in voter registration also . . . .
What do all these items above have in common? Two things: ignorant progressivism^^ and Black RACISM. Rajjpuut suggests that Obama totally refuses to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that Black Racism could exist, while repeatedly returning to accusing all his political enemies of racism for opposing Obama agenda programs. Less than 5% of the Black vote went for McCain while Obama received almost 48% of the White vote (more and a higher percentage than either Gore or Kerry got) . . . so who are the real racists when it comes to voting?
By the way, one Hillary Clinton was robbed of her party’s nomination in 2008 by the surprising fact of Barack Obama’s winning 13 of the 14 caucus states** using illegal bussing and voter intimidation. At the time it was big all over the internet but the mainstream media refused to cover it . . . and today Barack Obama is still their “anointed one.”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Progressives since about 1901 have been showing by their actions that they regard the U.S. Constitution as something that needs to be "progressed beyond." At their own meetings they refer to the Constitution as "outdated" and even "ill-conceived and inadequate." Mr. Obama, who was simultaneously teaching in Chicago a course in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and a Constitutional Law course, has been quoted as calling the Constitution "a document guaranteeing 'negative rights' only" while pushing an agenda in line with FDR's "Second Bill of Rights."’s_“second_bill_of_rights”_led_to_today’s_$124_trillion_problem.thtml
** Several of these states featured primary voting combined with caucuses and HRC had won the voting segment in most of them but her supporters were overwhelmed at the caucuses by various dirty tricks like chains and locks on doors; being out-shouted; and, yes, multiple instances of voter intimidation by the Black Panthers. The Democratic Party and the media pretended these instances didn’t occur.
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MY DEAR UPSET U.S. BROTHERS, ( you brought this up and I know you all read this web site. And I will not be pulled in to it. )

620000 Soldiers died in the Civil War, to make men free !

I do not own any slaves or any sex slaves. My family has never own any slaves .Then there was World War 1 and 11. The Nazis would not have helped the black man. What National Government on earth, would have given so much,

and still is ! Americans have all ready died for your cause in the countrys history, where have you been ? ? ?

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Take the jobs away from illegals.

I have a great idea! What would happen if all the unemployed Tea Party Members applied for the jobs that the illegals are taking away from hard working Americans? If every member looking for a job would work in the motels, hotels, farms, and ranches we would drive the illegals back to where they came from. Just a thought.
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Massachusetts Folly Writ Large

Recently, my partner at Clean Sweep asked me what I thought about thisidea: Could the whole Obamacare debacle be nothing more than trying tosolve the health care crisis exacerbated by illegal aliens filling upthe emergency rooms? I told him I thought it was an interesting idea,it had a ring of possibility to it, and that I’d see if I could findsome data reflecting on the issue. No matter which way the data falls,it’s an interesting question and one worth exploring. After all, wealready have Medicare for those who cannot afford health coverage so whydo we keep hearing about overflowing emergency departments?

More . . .
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