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In 1964, Ronald Reagan delivered a powerful speech, "A Time for Choosing". The speech is about the some of the same issues we face today. Big government, intrusive government, overspending, and aristocracy seem to be a reoccurring problem throughout our history. If you watch the video of this speech on youtube, it's almost like Ronald Reagan is reaching out from the grave to save us. I would like to share a few of the excerpts that really hit home from that speech.

I used this excerpt in a speech I gave in a public speaking class about the need for term limits in congress.... “This idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite, in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. You and I are told increasingly, "We have to choose between a left or right." Well, I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There's only an up or down: (1) Man's age-old dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or (2) down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.”

This was another hard hitting excerpt... "In this vote-harvesting time, they use terms like the "Great Society," or as we were told a few days ago by the President, we must accept a greater government activity in the affairs of the people. But they've been a little more explicit in the past and among themselves; and all of the things I now
will quote have appeared in print. These are not Republican accusations. For example, they have voices that say, "The cold war will end through our acceptance of a not undemocratic socialism." Another voice says, "The profit motive has become outmoded. It must be replaced by the incentives of the welfare state." Or, "Our traditional system of individual freedom is incapable of solving the complex problems of the 20th century." Senator Fullbright has said at Stanford University that the Constitution is outmoded. He referred to the President as "our moral teacher and our leader," and he says he is "hobbled in his task by the restrictions of power imposed on him by this antiquated document." He must "be freed," so that he "can do for us" what he knows "is best." And Senator Clark of Pennsylvania, another articulate spokesman, defines liberalism as "meeting the material needs of the masses through the full power of centralized government. Well, I, for one, resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me, the free men and women of this country, as "the masses." This is a term we haven't applied to ourselves in America. But beyond that, "the full power of centralized government"—this was the very thing the Founding Fathers sought to minimize. They knew that governments don't control things. A government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they know when a government sets out todo that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.
How scarily similar that sounds!

This final excerpt goes BEYOND where we are headed!... "But seriously, what are we doing to those we seek to help? Not too long ago, a judge called me here in Los Angeles. He told me of a young woman who'd come before him for a divorce. She had six children, was pregnant with her seventh. Under his questioning, she revealed her husband was a laborer earning 250 dollars a month. She wanted a divorce to get an 80 dollar raise. She's eligible for 330 dollars a month in the Aid to Dependent Children Program. She got the idea from two women in her neighborhood who'd already done that very thing. Yet anytime you and I question the schemes of the do-gooders, we're denounced as being against their humanitarian goals. They say we're always "against" things—we're never "for" anything. Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." That says it all!

I believe Reagan's speech sheds a good light on the spirit of our cause.
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An awful lot of Republican incumbents as well as Democrats are feeling a bit nervous these days. Attribute that situation to the existence of the recently created TEA (taxed enough already) Party. From the git-go, Democrats have reacted with undisguised hostility and sought to besmirch and marginalize the TEA Partiers and dismiss their concerns with constitutionality and fiscal responsibility as the ravings of racist extremists. That policy is not only ignorant and loathsome, it also hasn’t worked and has only served to highlight just how out of touch the Obama administration and Democratic leadership as a whole has become.

Republicans are also “edgy” about the future created by this new activist force. Blogs are springing up all over conservative websites saying some version of this . . . “The tea party seems to be thinking they can pick our candidates for us, and they openly prefer candidates that are not incubents or not already “part of the establishment . . . of course, they’ll want us to fund the campaigns for these newcomers. This doesn’t make any sense to me . . . “ Republicans are treating this situation as a quagmire when they should be embracing it as raw opportunity. If Rajjpuut were named Head #1 Republican Honcho tomorrow here’s how he’d approach the “problem.” It’s been said, there is none so blind as he who will not see. It seems that Republicans canNOT see the future clearly because they don’t know their own history? Allow Rajjpuut to refresh some memories . . . .

Sixteen years after the Dixiecrats walked out (at the Democratic National Convention that nominated Harry Truman) during Hubert Humphrey’s speech in favor of civil rights legislation, they found a home in 1964 favoring Republican conservative Barry Goldwater. To be blunt, they were about the only truly enthusiastic voters for Barry. Four years later, Nixon courted them as the “Silent Majority” and the Republican Party stopped being the “Party of Lincoln” in the eyes of many minorities and that condition still exists today. Times have changed, but perceptions haven't. For example, Obama received more White votes and a higher percentage of White votes (almost 48%) than either Kerry or Gore, but McCain only received 4.3% of the Black votes . . . so the Democrats could fairly be excused of having the most racist party. In any case, politically there was an enormous plus for Nixon and many Republicans . . . the G.O.P. was now a much more conservative party and since in any given year, 65-70% of the voters describe themselves as “fiscal-conservatives” Republicans since Nixon’s days have had a natural advantage that has led them to winning seven of the last eleven presidential elections.

With those numbers in their favor, Republicans are a natural “slam-dunk.” Frankly, however, the G.O.P., from the standpoint of Conservative Democrats and Independents (a good percentage of the 65% fiscal-conservatives in America) especially, has gone so far out of the way to make itself UN-attractive that in local, state and national elections they have largely squandered their birthright and continually snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Four key perceptions in many voters’ eyes have cemented inside them the picture of numerous Republicans as Racists, Old-Fashioned, generally intolerant and an even “ugly” group because . . . .

• They believe that the party is “wagged” by its tail, that is, they believe that former Dixiecrats control the party to this day and they are still racists.

• They disagree with the party’s UNcompromising Stand on abortion even when the woman’s life is in danger, or in cases of rape and incest or for retarded mothers.

• They abhor demands for teaching Creationism in public school science classes and teaching Christian songs in public schools. This is why God created private schools . . . and the founding fathers created Separation of Church and State! This is the TEA Party’s only constitutional beef with Republicans but it is a big one. However, they believe that the Democrats are trying to destroy the Constitution.

• Their perception is that the Republican Party is a sectional (southern) party and not really involved in national issues . . . even for people who don’t regard the G.O.P. as “racists” this view is widely-held.

(Setting aside the detractions mentioned above perceived as “Republican” weaknesses,) here’s what observation and common sense tell us about the TEA Party movement. It is a fiscally-conservative movement. It is a constitutionally-conservative movement. The members of the TEA Party are somewhat older, somewhat wealthier, and somewhat better educated than the average Republican and much moreso than the average Democrat. In short, the TEA Partiers are naturally aligned with the Republican Party, but oooops -- there is that “Republican ugliness” to contend with. So they are definitely an anti-Obama group; anti-progressive group; anti-socialist group and much, much more likely to vote against a Democrat than for one. The problem Republicans are really worried about, however, is that many Republicans feel as threatened by the TEA Party as the Democrats do. They could split the conservative vote for many years to come and ensure a long continuation of Democrats in power nationally and on the state and local levels as well.

Let’s bring our history lesson up closer in time: three potentially great things have happened relatively recently:

1) the TEA Party came into existence and is threatening to hold ALL incumbent politicians’ feet to the fire . . . and isn’t that about time? Big spending irresponsible Republicans should face the same ignominious fate as big spending irresponsible Democrats. Our nation is in a constitutional and fiscal crisis and the voters must solve the problem.

2) The Republican Party finally wised up. They abandoned their old ugly-right “litmus testing.” Instead they took to heart Ronald Reagan’s words, “If a fellow votes with me eight times out of ten, I regard him as a friend.” They created the “Republican Purity Test”:

You’ll remember that the need for such a test arose when the Republican Party chose a candidate to run for a seat in Upper New York and funded her with over a million dollars. It was a conservative region and the locals had not wanted her and were hopping mad. Their ire increased when it came to light that this was a candidate possibly to the left of Barak Obama and that the Democrat running against her was far more conservative. A real conservative entered the race as an Independent Conservative against them both and almost won after the TEA Party money and fury; and national contributions forced the FAKE Republican to withdraw with only about 7% of the voters committed to her. Her parting shot was to ask her supporters to support the Democrat who won by roughly 2.5%. Unfortunately, the G.O.P. as a whole has not acknowledged the purity test and as far as I know has not enforced the purity test before the primaries. So it appears that this very good idea is just lying dormant.

3) The TEA Party released its “Contract From America” as part of their rambunctious “Tax Day” protests on April 15th:

Looking closely at the two documets with Reagan’s jelly beans over his eyes, Rajjpuut suggests that if the G.O.P. Purity Test rates an 8.2 on a scale of ten, then the TEA Party document deserves an 11.0!

So, in answer to the worries about the TEA Party. How exactly does the Republican Party respond to their presence and even exploit the common ground between the two political entities?

Rajjpuut (as #1 Head Honcho Republican would suggest the following ACTION PLAN for exploiting the common ground existing between the TEA Party and the Republican Party. What should the nominees and candidates do?

1. Ignore the TEA Party. Don’t kowtow to them; don’t treat them as special. Don’t go out of your way to welcome them as likely-Republican-voters or to exaggerate the commonalities. In other words, don’t be political at all. Treat all voters and all campaign contributors the same (with respect but without debasing yourself).

2. Look over their “Contract From America” and see if 8, 9 or 10 of these items can be adopted/adapted for the G.O.P.

3. Look over the “Republican Purity Test” and seriously consider leaving items #9 and #10 out of the picture. 9 is redundant and 10, while important, is about 30th on any sensible list of crucial items for dealing with the crisis year 2010.

4. Using the phraseology of the “Republican Purity Test” modify and combine the two lists and with big drumming and fanfare announce the “Finalized Republican Purity Test” of about fifteen items. Then see which Republican primary candidates meet the purity test and which do not and let the party faithful know who had 15/15; who had 14/15/; who scored 13/15; who had 12/15 and who did NOT pass the test.

5. Ignore the TEA Party and set about fielding a slate of true statesmen and true stateswomen who meet the new Republican standards at least 12/15 and emphasize the key fifteen points at every step of the campaign.

6. Impress the TEA Party and all voters by seeking NOT to impress anyone, but steadfastly and seriously approaching the challenge ahead without pause until voted into office (Then take a break for about three weeks to refresh body, mind and spirit. Read the Constitution and start planning for your swearing in and beyond).

7. Defeat every possible Obama sycophant across the board and start repealing all his garbage. Consider impeaching the communist SOB for not upholding his oath of office and constantly attacking the U.S. Constitution.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

ps: the strategy outlined here was what Bill Clinton did in response to the Republican sweep (in 1994 aligned with their "Contract With America") that derailed all his leftist initiatives. Republicans might not be able to pass a bill or might even pass a bill which Clinton would veto. Then he'd take basically the same bill and move it five or ten degrees to the left with a few deft changes and this time have his Democrats initiate it or bi-partisan sponsors. Wonder of wonders the bills would all pass with large majorities. If the Republican Party co-opts the wisdom of the TEA Party and makes it part of the Republican "planking" for 2010 . . . similar results will occur.

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The New Pledge of Allegiance

As I sat and watched the socialists pass the government take over of health care this came to me:

"I pledge allegiance to the United Socialist States of America, and to the commune for which it stands, one nation under god knows what, with collectivism and sameness for all".

Two years ago I was totally A political. I was a registered independent who had voted both sides of the aisle my entire life. But, in the spring before the 2008 General/Presidential elections I knew something did not smell right. As I looked further into Barrack Obama's credentials I had an epiphany. This guy is the "Manchurian Candidate". I changed my affiliation to Republican and have been trying to sound the alarm everywhere I can and to whomever will listen. It is truly amazing how many people have responded including my mother who is a Democrat. The November 2010 elections are THE defining moment in our Republic. If we cannot stem the tide of socialism so prevalent in a significant percentage of our population, we are doomed to a slow decay of the lofty ideals of our founding fathers, who were obviously far more intelligent than any group of idiots gathered in DC now.

We are the great human experiment, and have achieved more than anyone could have expected, but the self haters, and ignorant and lazy among us threaten our existence and our future.If the Bozo's in charge now had been in power 230 years ago we would still be the original 13 colony's because no one would have the "can do spirit" to go hack their place out of the wilderness.

Not to be overly dramatic, but I can imagine how those 189 brave and patriotic souls felt at the Alamo when they where faced with such daunting odds. America is and can remain great. We are the best of the best with no apologies to anyone. Most countries on this planet, including our chief rivals, have us to thank for their existence, and I am not ashamed or apologetic to say so!

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Socialism vs. Capitalism

I'd like to say to the lady who just blogged and said she is a broke College student ,along with her friends, and they want to help out. I am a post-grad in the exact same boat and see what's coming. The whole thing is something we do not recognize, and we know isn't the truth. I just started walking up to people at my son's baseball game and the number of people talking, about this is resonating everywhere. I put my faith in god , because as you know we are just average people wanting to build our own lives and be able to be proud. The debt is phenomenol and you gotta believe that good always prevails, along with the truth. I have been able easily to approach people and casually bring up in conversation "where ya working?" and it will generate a conversation, and I spoke to alot of unemployed people who had voted for President Obama , and they all in their gut they'd been had and are voting them out. They're were also some temps but everyone was on the same page. And this is Wisconsin. I also talked with my son and his friends going off to college about and if they understood the Constituion and Bill of Rights. I then said remember to keep or memorize them and don't let anyone else influence you in any other way. (The new indoctrination of the dep't of ed.) Teapartier's aren't crazy, racist, or violent, there is always gonna be someone, at any rally that's gonna act foolish, but not everyone these days are being treated, and may have some mental illnes or addiction or even anger, and that's it can turn ugly, but haven't seen any of that her in Green Bay. We are seeking the truth, because we know the truth. It's in the bigbook.
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In another attempt to portray the Tea Party Movement as racist, the Sunday news programs were peppered with racism all day, using identical talking points. Wonder where they all get them. Hmmmm. There never has been and there is no room in this movement for racism, or violence, or anti-americanism. In fact, it's just the opposite. We love our country, and want it to succeed. We want all people to succeed. We want everyone to be happy and have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labor, be free to speak their mind, to pray or not to pray.

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America's Destiny

Don’t be angry; don’t be afraid. The destiny of America is the destiny of the individual. This has been known since time immemorial. It was incorporated into the U. S. Constitution and ordained, made sacred by the American people. The government of the United States is of the people for the people. Therefore, for the individual, my Constitution does not favor one individual over another. Every individual has equal opportunity. We, the people, hold this God-given right sacred. Government has the duty to make laws that guarantee equal opportunity. You have been diverted from your rightful destiny. So what happened to change things?

In the Supreme Court of the United States October term, 1980, in Joseph W. Smith, Jr. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, we read: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution,” declared FDR in 1933, “nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation. In 1937, FDR said: “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the Court in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point,” he declared, “where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.”

Roosevelt’s claim was totally false. It was Roosevelt’s political expedience. Government does not have the constitutional authority to favor organized labor over non-union labor, nor government workers over private sector workers, nor one state over another, nor the authority to redistribute wealth according to government’s notion of what ought to be, nor to entitle certain individuals over other individuals, nor to claim the law is based on what the majority votes for. If that were the case, the majority could vote that robbery and rape is lawful. None of the above, under my Constitution, is constitutional. Roosevelt’s New Deal law was all unconstitutional, and prolonged the Great Depression.

The destiny of the individual has been transferred to government, government for the good of all, the individual naught: Obama’s “transformation.” The Supreme Court refused to hear my cause by reason that Roosevelt threatened the Court and it capitulated. Legal precedence has been established that the individual taxpayer has zero right to the fruits of his labor. Harry Reid claims the taxpayer has “volunteered” to pay income tax (up to 100 percent of his income). I have that in writing from my Director of Internal Revenue. The Supreme Court held for this outrage by refusing to hear my case, with the IRS having ignored the tax court’s order and confiscating, lawlessly, my property. If I don’t volunteer to pay a lawless income tax, I go to jail. I took my case to court, to no avail. It isn’t constitutional. It’s the law of might makes right. The United States doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on.

Under the “higher law,” the background of America’s Constitution, every individual comes to this world with a unique destiny. Mine is that of messenger. We are free to live according to our individual destinies, but it is by choice. Additionally, we don’t have the choice, Senator Reid, of forcing other individuals, through the law, Roosevelt’s law, to conform to your notions of how we should live. We differ from other life forms in that we have choice. We are not here to be trained to jump government hoops. A government that does not recognize choice is tyrannous.

The strong-willed, however, are equipped to overcome tyrannous government. I did. In the end, the IRS ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.

The nature of Pisces is weak willed. The nature of Aquarius is strong willed. The Age of Pisces is fading into the past as the Age of Aquarius moves in. Make a note of that. Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Reid’s days are numbered.

We all go through cycles of development, the first of which is the pioneer seeking to find an identity. The Piscean can’t make up his or her mind. He or she desperately wants to do the right thing. He or she is strongly influenced by what other people think. The Aquarian, on the other hand, is stubborn in his or her belief, and argumentative—can’t stand hypocrisy. The Aquarian operates as equal with equal. The Aquarian is the bane of authority. The Aquarian’s symbol, the water-bearer to humanity, is for brotherhood and fraternity and against coercive government. I’m Aquarius rising, which means that as I travel life’s road I become more and more the Aquarian personality.

These cycles I mention are essential to our individual development—imperative to getting on our individual path of destiny. When I studied my Constitution and had my bigger than life calling, I was at a low point in my life, from trying to do the right thing. I was misunderstood, a Piscean, a pitiful person with no sense of direction. Frankly, I was weak willed. I had not yet developed my Aquarian personality. Can you believe that by studying my Constitution at mid-life, and believing in it, I was bought to seek and find my real identity? My ruling planet is Uranus. At mid-life, Uranus was opposing itself when I was born. It means pressure to change. Can you believe that after discovering who I really was, I found the right life partner for me—after three former failures in marriage? By the way, the paring is the second cycle in our development.

Once on my path of destiny, everything started going right. Everything was in divine order, but as I traveled life’s road, a weakness in my character showed itself. I’m impulsive. I got off my path of destiny and paid dearly. Having learned the hard way (the Saturn influence), I returned to my path of destiny and everything started going right again, to the end that all of my dreams have come true.

I’m now in my ninth and final cycle of development. From Numerology and The Devine Triangle, we read: the ninth cycle is “selflessness and compassion. Encompassing a love for all, it desires to apply its energy to universal service. . .This is the artist, the thinker who develops skills through the previous cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.”

Incidentally, the Aquarian, according to Jeanne Avery in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” “The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. . .He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel.”

According to cultural historian and philosopher Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche, we are now enduring the closing of an epoch, with Saturn, the learning planet, in its worst alignment with Pluto, the generational planet. Coincidentally, this bad alignment ends with the Mayan calendar’s end of the world. And—incidentally, the beginning of this bad alignment started with the election of Obama as president, and ends at the end of his term of office.

And—it just so happens that at my birth, this omen I’m bringing you: on September 17, 1925, Saturn was in its most favorable alignment. With Saturn trine Pluto, in Astrologer’s Handbook, we read: “This trine gives the natives (me) the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. . . The natives have tremendous willpower (I’m now Aquarian) and are relentless in working toward a goal (brotherhood). . . They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill. This is one of the most profound of aspects.”

Add this: In numerology, my life lesson number is “7”. “You are here to use and to develop your mind. Your words should be full of wisdom when you decide to talk. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind.” I’m retired. Can you believe I’m living in my dream home in the tall timber, the life I was destined to live, with little direct contact with the outside world. How much does it take to convince you that you are more than you think you are?

Something my ability to understand the cosmos tells me should cause goose flesh: In quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness, we read: “it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality. The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this new-found reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” Using my mind, refusing to be diverted by external authority, using my own mind, looking within for answers, the signs I see, the biggest news of all times, is that we’re at the end of an era, at the end of this world we’ve known throughout the ages, and at the threshold of a quantum leap into our galactic future! You have no idea of the power that lies within you.

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Americans should be angry and afraid

Americans should be angry and afraid

I have lived through Korea, the Cuban missile crisis, the war in Vietnam, bothGulf wars, and many other threats to our way of life, but I have never fearedfor our country as I do now. The so called main stream media who worship at thealter of Obama, I believe they have been and are a fifth column, who’s ambitionis to take this nation apart. The most dangerous activity as I see it is notwhat the media tells you, it’s what they don’t tell you that poses the greatestdanger to our country and our liberties. While Obama was in Russia signing thisvery dangerous nuclear treaty, Vladimir Putin was in Venezuela signing anagreement with the firebrand dictator Hugo Chavez, to set up missile launchingsites in Venezuela, sounds like the Cuban missile crisis all over again. Obamawill sit back and say nothing. The American media as far as I know have noteven reported it. Also as long as I am on my soap box, when did our greatestally in the Middle East, Israel become our enemy? Israel is the only free country in the MiddleEast, yet the Obama administration has turned its back on a free people whohave been persecuted and enslaved for centuries, while bowing to the king ofSaudi Arabia. What’s going on here, America in 1948 was the first nation on theplanet to recognize Israel as a nation. Since 1948 America has shared a greatfriendship with Israel, they have on many occasions shared the bestintelligence concerning the war on terrorism with America, and now Obama hasplaced enmity between our two great countries, why? Let me end my rant bysaying this, I’m mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore.


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April 19, 1775 is important event because it marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Also it had siganled freedom for the Americans from British rule.

What happen on that day? Why the Battle of Lexington and Concord took place. A battle that we won!

But to the liberals want you to know about this event? No, thay only want you to know about the bombing ofAlfred P. Murrah Federal Building at Oklahoma City! Did it happen? Hell yes it did, but I am not going to let this event that took place 15 years ago to wipe out an event that took over 200 years ago!

So I am ask my brothers and sisters of America rise up an tell these jerks, "Yes we know of the bombing, but why are you refusing to honor the start of the American Revolution!"

It is time to take back out country!

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Why we are poor

Vice President Biden loves to say that a rich nation (America)
has a moral obligation to pay for this and that (currently Health
Care). One problem, we are not rich. Here is what each of us
need to fund each and every year. Except, as I discuss below, fifty
percent of America pays no income tax.

Per Capita Government Spending in the United States

Fiscal Year 2010

Government Pensions $3,196 / person

Government Health Care + $3,529 / person

Government Education + $3,388 / person

National Defense + $2,901 / person

Government Welfare + $2,429 / person

All Other Spending + $5,484 / person

Total Spending = $21,055 / person

Half of us pay almost all of the Country’s income tax (97%).

So, take the 21,055 times two, which is about $42,000 from each
us every year.

Of course, all this has not been paid and can not
be paid. That is why we are poor.
p.s. for the folks making more than $200,000 (10% of Americans)
you are pay 70% of all the Countries income taxes.

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SEC, DTCC and Goldman Sachs Scandals Require “True Financial Reform,”
Not Obama Administration’s Phony Refunding of ACORN-Clones
Conventional stupidity says "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and explains how the U.S. got in bed with Stalin during World War II. It's always been stupid to act that way and right now, Barack Obama is banking on at least one Republican to vote for his latest monstrosity Barackbanking a so-called "reform" of the financial industry. Relying on backing from uninformed voters emotionally distraught over the financial collapse, Obama is making another power grab with the usual sinister undertones, this time involving ACORN, which most Americans have assumed just up and disappeared.

Once again Barak Obama and his Marxist administration is using public perception of a weakness in the capitalist system to attempt to put more and greater control of the American economy into federal hands and to advance his communist agenda. Case in point: passing this Barackbanking bill will place another 9% of the economy under federal government control . . . and hidden in the 3,100+ page bill are all sorts of sneaky addendums that would effectively make all the defunded ACORN-clone organizations who recently changed their names instantaneously eligible for funding all over again. As usual an awful lot of evil can be hidden behind the sweet-sounding word “reform” but remember, what’s perceived as wonderful for Barak and his yes-men really SUCKS for America. Be a patriot, Mr. Congressman, vote this piece of crap into the nearest toilet.

However, just as there is a genuine need for REAL reform in health care delivery, etc which will need to be addressed once Obamacare is repealed, there is truly an immense need for TRUE financial reform once Barackbanking fails and the progressive majorities are history after November. Let Rajpuut mince no words, Congress and the General Accounting Office (GAO) need to throw a noose around Goldman Sachs people, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) -- two of the most corrupt oversight agencies since Foxes began guarding chicken houses -- and march them right over to the nearest cottonwood tree. Is your head spinning? Let us explain . . . .

Yes, Virginia, ACORN and several years worth of Obama and Obama-clone lawyers did bring on the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing lenders to make terribly ill-advised loans to folks without jobs, folks with credit ratings in the 300’s, folks without IDs and even illegal aliens . . . yes, that’s true. But, second place among those culpable for the present financial mess has to belong to these two (SEC and DTCC) absolutely sneaky organizations. Along with the idiots in Congress in 1977, 1992 and 1998 who passed the ridiculous laws that ACORN was able to exploit against this country in the form of forced-ridiculous mortgages . . . Goldman Sachs and the SEC and DTCC are most guilty for bringing this nation to its knees from late 2007 to the present. Corruption on a major scale is rampant in these three organizations and needs to be shot down and fully punished. Additionally, after rolling heads out the door at the SEC and DTCC, Goldman Sachs needs to be punished to the tune of roughly $100 billion dollars and forever barred from holding any federal position of financial responsibility for the next twenty years.

So, getting down to particulars, what corruption is being talked about here? Well, starting with the DTCC . . . . The DTCC has the easiest clerical job in the oversight industry. All they have to do is see that the straightforward legal requirements are met in the vast majority of cases (say 99% of the time) whenever stocks are bough or sold. In the simplest instance, sell a stock and you must deliver a copy of the stock certificate within the legal timeframe. Buy a stock and you must deliver the money for the stock within the same time period. Simple-pimple. But the DTCC seldom actually does its job, it’s employees are ex-brokerage firm employees in many cases and they just ask their buddies, “John, everything copasetic? And that’s as far as it goes. The SEC, it’s believed only examines the DTCC once every other year. The DTCC, meanwhile is responsible for $1.5 quadrillion (that’s right QUADrillion!) in transactions ever single year and they don’t do their job.

Where this gets dangerous is in the matter of short-selling. You see a company like Bear Stearn or Lehman Brothers or Enron and you know they’re cruising for a bruising. So you sell their stock, except you don’t actually hold their stock, oooops, well you borrow their stock and turn the certificate over to the brokerage firm of the purchaser within the legally prescribed time limit. But wait a minute, because the DTCC never actually does its job, you never actually borrow the stock and never actually give the certificate to the purchaser’s brokerage – this is called “NAKED SHORT-SELLING” and huge amounts of it helped drive Bear-Stearns and Lehman Brothers stock and made it almost impossible for people actually owning the stock to get any value at all for their holdings. So someone wants to short sell, but it’s impossible to find someone to lend them the stock (people don’t like to commit their stock for any time period when financial armageddon approaches, they feel they might well need to sell it in a hurry. But here we have over 30 million illegal short sells that were driving the price down dramatically . . . which is a killer for someone who actually owns the stock. In practice, illegal naked short sales OFTEN go months at a time without delivery of the sold stock certificates.

In the case of the SEC, their corruption lies in knowing there are violations, serious violations, going on and looking the other way. In recent times the SEC corruption covered up the DTCC tendency for incompetence well known at the SEC and routinely overlooked; in 2008, the SEC stepped in to save face for the DTCC at huge cost to the public. Let’s go back to Lehman Bros. for an easy example: SEC records shows that an incredible 32.8 million shares of Lehman Bros. were sold but never delivered to buyers as of last September less than two weeks before the company declared bankruptcy which helped trigger the nearly full-implosion of our financial system. The SEC, which attacked Martha Stewart but not Bernie Madoff you’ll recall even though her actual guilt is still disputable and his had been tracked for years, is seemingly completely impotent and even frightened of doing the job it’s been created to do. In the Lehman Bros. example, the SEC found out that the DTCC was using “phantom stock” in a particular mumbo-jumbo called their “borrowed stock progam” to make up the difference. Only trouble, the DTCC is also NOT borrowing real stock and not delivering real stock to the buyers so the DTCC is actually abetting the illegal short-sales and the SEC knew that and did . . . NOTHING! Got that, all the while the DTCC is stating with a straight-face that NO illegal naked short-selling is going on . . . the SEC is backing them up and say, “NOPE, nobody here but us chickens!”

As for Goldman*** Sachs . . . they must be in bed with every congressman and senator in Washington to operate the way they do and never get even so much as a slap on the wrist. Consider this . . . Rajjpuut offers you a chance on a seeming coin-flip investment and sells you a piece of paper outlining your investment potential and advertisement claiming that you’ve got at least a 60% payout if your investment comes through. Sly Ol’ Rajjpuut hasn’t mentioned that your position in the coin-flip investment is the equivalent of backing a landing on the coin’s edge (say a ten million to one shot). That’s pretty much what Goldman Sachs is accused of knowingly offering their customers in an operation called “the heist” and knowingly setting up for a scam artist while knowingly collecting a huge amount of commissions as the heist proceeded to empty the little guys’ wallet as they knowingly favored that one client (a hedge fund operator) over thousands of investors it misled into thinking they were being offered a can’t miss deal. Meanwhile Goldman Sachs is actually a favored company receiving the contract to do a federal job and receiving huge draw down in the process . . . virtually the only stock brokerage to come out of the recent Wall Street debacle on top was GS. More below, but read about the exact details of “the heist” here:

Meanwhile, as noted, Goldman really has the “ins” with the Feds. Timothy Geithner’s friend, a Goldman Sachs lobbyist was announced as Geithner’s new aide on the very day he issued a prohibition from hiring lobbyists in the Treasury Dept. President Obama recently announced he intended to install a former GS exec as the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Without discussion he was approved. GS received $13 Billion in the $170 Billion AIG bailout for ???? It now appears that AIG was apparently secretly used to bail out highly connected banks and financial institutions like GS and UBS. Secretary Paulson’s old firm was GS, of course, and whether with Bush or Obama GS continues to fall into the manure pile and come up smelling rosy. Paulson created a recommendation group about what must be done with AIG and heading it up were GS people. Obama’s administration has collected $5.2 million from a GS hedge fund and been paid several hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees by GS and GS related groups. The Federal Reserve Bank recently allowed GS to convert from an investment bank into a bank holding company usually a situation in which profits are severely restricted. This most recent blowout quarter for GS, however, saw over $2 Billion in profits. Barney Frank’s stop staffer (Frank is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee) cut loose and was immediately hired by GS as their, you guessed it, their top lobbyist. GS is dirty but the feds have no interest in exposing it.

So, is financial reform necessary? You bet. Is Barakbanking true financial reform? Not only “No, but HELL no!” Barackbanking is another attempt to move more and more control over American society into the executive branch of big gov while heavily refunding the ACORN-clones. First, defeat Barackbanking, next defeat Obama’s progressives in November and finally institute true financial reform and string up the SEC, DTCC and Goldman Sachs and their congressional protectors.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** * The SEC on Friday, April 16th filed fraud charges against Goldman Sachs for the ir involvement in the short-selling scam engineered by John Paulson (no known relation to the former Treasury Secretary). Sachs often called “Government Sachs” is, most obviously tied to the repayment at 100 cents on the dollar for contracts whose true market value, given the circumstances AIG was in, was probably no more that twenty cents on the dollar. Amazingly, $13 Billion of the $171 bailout to AIG was “misdirected” into GS hands. This fraudulent use of their fiduciary responibility cost the taxpayers at least $10.4 Billion. Anyway you look at it GS quacks like a mighty corrupt duck. However . . . . given that an SEC lawyer who a dozen years ago advised quashing charges against the R. Allen Stanford ponzi operation which has only now been brought to light . . . given that the lawyer in question is representing Stanford . . . .

. . .Yes, you’re correct, there’s plenty of room for a bit of suspicion here based upon the timing of the SEC charges. The SEC goes for years without remove its figurative thumb from where it usually sits. Now just on the eve of the big push to pass barackbanking, they get all serious on us just as Democrats are trying to get even one Republican to vote for their embarrassingly partisan, corrupt and poorly-conceived financial “reform “ legislation. Could that be a coincidence? Ha? Besides its problems with the corrupt refunding of ACORN-clones, the bill in large part is more of the idiotic “too big to fail” bull-feces that got us two stimulus packages and bailouts that have not helped create jobs. Barackbanking actually would punish firms for being “too big” and definitely encourages government to tell banks how to run their business . . . you’ll remember it was our progressive government’s abetting of ACORN with three ill-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws that allowed them to pressure banks and lending institutions to make abysmal home loans to far less than credit-worthy borrowers (some without jobs; others without ID; virtually all with credit scores under 600; and even to illegal aliens) that was the prime cause of the financial meltdown still socking it to us today . . . and the SEC wouldn’t mind looking good in the news reports after their huge failures with the Madoff, Petters and Stanford scandals. These three cases of massive, long-running ponzi schemes which the SEC didn’t uncover are surely a black-eye for that most incompetent and incompetent bureaucracy . . . but now charges are being laid upon the SEC that they knew of the Stanford ponzi scheme since at least 1997 and did . . . NOTHING! Oh my, bull and bears and nertz, oh my!

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I have no representation while Obama Democrats say with an open smile; "Once we pass this bill we can see what is in it", Politicians swear they have read each bill though it is physically impossible, Stimulus plans that amounts to making air drops of cash over large cities. Taxation is replaced by earning redistribution. Stealing Pork is more important than fairly serving our national needs.

Meanwhile our NY Governor Patterson delays replacement of Massa (Tickle freak) because a Republican is the likely winner. Chemung County NY, is an Oasis of Republican sanity in New York states swamp of Democrats. Pelosi angered at this flooded funds to Massa during the last election. Massa a relative unknown appealed to the fringe Democrats, independents and a wealth of confused military, taunting his obscure military service and VA promises.. Republican Kuhl, had served several years and was well liked by most but pounded by pelosi cash. Massa just barely won on a rainy day. Gov Patterson is interfering in my constitutional rights to Federal representation. Meanwhile the votes narrowly pass. As a republican I have also been failed by RINOS. I fear the rebuilding of Washington could be troubled by moderating government growth but continuing the irresponsible spending. Wise downsizing of government control and spending as our forefathers invisioned is my goal.
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Riddle Me This ...Obama

A Nation of FoolsBy Peary Perry“Riddle me this….Obama”Ok, let’s see if I understand the conditions for the new healthcare package.Let’s try to use an example to make it simple….Driver “A”- On one hand we have the driver of a car who has multiple DUI’s and has had several wrecks and accidents. He regularly receives traffic citations for speeding, running red lights and not watching for children at school crossings. He doesn’t believe in seat belts and has had a number of crashes resulting in severe head injuries which have caused him to undergo months of therapy and rehabilitation. In normal times it would be difficult if not impossible for him to obtain any automobile insurance through regular channels. He would be what is called a ‘high risk’ driver.Driver “B”- On the other hand we have a driver, who has never had an accident, wears his seat belt, always maintains a safe speed and has never had a traffic ticket for any reason. This driver has been driving the same length of time as Driver “A”.Now, you and I own an auto insurance company. We market and sell insurance for a living. We are a for profit business. We want to make money for those who have invested in our company. We know that insuring driver “A” is more of a risk due to his lack of responsibility and unsafe driving habits. We know that driver “B” is more apt to be a good client and a better risk due to his good driving habits. Statistically we know that our company will be more profitable if we secure more clients with good driving records than if we secure clients who drive poorly. This is just common sense.So now, the government passes a law that says that all drivers should be treated the same, regardless of their previous driving habits and that you and I cannot charge any more for persons such as driver “A”. Driver “A” is to receive the same type of coverage as Driver “B” and will pay no more for it despite his dangerous and costly behavior. Driver “B” does not get any benefit from being a good driver while driver “A” gets no penalties for being a bad driver.As a result the cost of providing insurance coverage to drivers such as driver “A”, the number of losses increase and our company eventually goes broke and is forced to close.Take this example and replace it with healthcare. Can anyone explain to me how adding a large number of members to this program who are unable to pay for any coverage at this time while also allowing anyone with any pre-existing conditions to be admitted without any cost increases will make any sense at all? While I agree that we need to overhaul our current (or previous) healthcare program in this country, I do not agree that rewarding bad behavior is fair and just for those who are trying to not be a burden upon the system.Out of wedlock and pregnant? No problem, free abortions. Hooked on heroin? No problem …free rehabilitation programs for you. Can’t pay your premiums? No problem, special financial assistance will be provided for you. You have a sexually transmitted disease? We can help with that, have all the unprotected sex you want, we’ll treat you when you need it.And the list goes on and on.Of course as a result of this, no insurance company can survive this type of madness and when that time comes the government can be expected to step in and take over these companies since they are…. “too big to fail”. The government doesn’t worry about anything as trivial as ‘profit’ since they have money machines (printing presses) that can crank out all of the paper that will be needed. It’s worked before for so long, why won’t it work in the future?Because Bunkie, the bills (debt) keeps mounting and mounting and the guys paying the bills (working class citizens) can only crank out so much without falling over and giving up. Production goes does, revenues go down and taxes decline. Look at the budgets of our states at this time. A large number of them are about to go bankrupt. Who will come to their rescue?You and I both know the answer to this question.It’s a shame those in Washington don’t.
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