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Nine Reasons to Hold the Republican Party

in Contempt, One Reason to Hope

1. 1. Despite the natural advantages of being a conservative group, they’ve been largely impotent since Ronald Reagan’s days.

All surveys for decades show the country is center-right in fiscal matters and Constitutional matters. Yet the direction the country has moved in since 1964, has largely been dictated by the ultra-progressive wing of the Democrats not by Republicans.

2. 2. The Republicans are inarticulate.

Except for Reagan, no one seems to have caught on to the simple Buckley-Will trick of speaking to 95% of the issues as opportunities to clarify exactly what Fiscal conservativism means and exactly what Constitutional conservativism means on a personal level to the voter-citizens. As a result, the lies and propanda of the left have dominated the political argument for decades.

3. 3. Republicans in the last 20 years have become Progressive Lite

Progressivism (we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) is an insidious cancer eating away at the American way of life; Americans’ freedoms and wealth; and the American Constitution and far too many Republicans such as our two Maine senators are continually voting progressive. Citizens can’t trust Republicans to be Republicans.

4. 4. Most Americans think being a “Pure Democracy” is a good thing and have never heard terms like “tyranny of the masses” because Republicans are seemingly afraid to defend Republicanism.

5. 5. Most Americans do not know that the most Republican Document in the world after the Declaration of Independence is the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 Amendments).

6. 6. Most Americans do not even know what the 10th Amendment is. Nor do Americans appreciate that above all other concepts, this is the one that makes America a place where you can vote “with your feet” and that keeps the size of government under control and the power of government as small as possible. Because of the 10th Amendment no place in America can get too oppressive (with taxes, for instance) because people can pack up and move to a place where more respect for the taxpayer is evident.

7. 7. Republicans are perceived as “holier-than-thou” and sexists and have proven they aren’t willing to be the major party in the country.

Unfortunate as it may be, abortion is the law of the land. Thanks to ridiculous Republican constraints against (very young girls; victims of rape; victims of incest; and women whose lives are endangered by childbirth) sentiment against the right-wing stance has hardened into virtual “abortion on demand” in this country. Commonsense says Republicans need to never say another word against any abortions but late-term ones for about 40 years and stick to areas where the country can agree with Republican stands (fiscal and Constitutional conservativism only). 56-60% of women vote against Republicans routinely because Republicans are seen as a male-dominated party and males, not getting pregnant, have NO RIGHT to decide the decisions that belong between a woman and her God.

8. 8. Unwilling to lose the most radical 8% of the ultra-right, Republicans willingly abandon the combined 27-30 % of conservative Independents and conservative Democrats. Ideas are important, but practical politics is all about winning too. The Republican Party has not since Reagan latched on to pure fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism, common sense small government and integrity in politics as its guiding principles. And the present mess is just part of the price America has paid because the country's major conservative party has expressed very little common sense.

Some Republicans apparently are nearer to fundamentalist Islam than they are to patriotic Americans . . . that is, they believe their religion should be the dominant or perhaps only one allowed in the country. When Republicans willing ignore the doctrine of separation of church and state and insist upon teaching Christmas carols in public schools; and that Creationism must be taught in public school science classes they earn utter contempt. This is why school voucher programs are important . . . send your kids to private or parochial schools as you prefer, but don’t attempt to proselytize your version of religion upon the whole country. If Mormons tried to get “predestinationism” into public school science classes we’d all be outraged . . . what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

9. 9. Neither positively nor negatively have the Republicans shown any stomach for the fight over ideas. Every ridiculous progressive argument holds ten times more value in Americans’ minds than the most sound of Republican ideas. For example: 80% of the people believe these lies are true (they’re discussed** in the footnotes).

a. Nazis were Fascists

b. Nazis and Italy’s Fascists were both conservatives

c. Communists are liberals and the opposite of Nazis and Fascists

d. Communism is a benign philosophy at worst, and has worked well for many countries

e. Right-wingers are racists and are ruining the country

f. Feminism has been a great positive and belongs to the left

g. “Creeping Socialism” is a natural evolution and has been totally positive

h. The rich are the country’s enemies and need to be forced to do their share by super-high taxes

i. Government can create jobs

j. Socialism works real well and protects the poor

k. Just a little government tinkering can make good free-market systems much better

l. Lack of regulatory control played a major part in causing the present financial debacle

m. G.W. Bush and Conservatives put us in our present fiscal hole. That is, drove us into Obama’s metaphorical “ditch.”

n. Barack Obama is a great American patriot and statesman

o. ACORN has little to do with Obama or the Democrats

p. Bill Clinton was a great president

q. Bailouts and stimulus from government eventuall do work and put the economy back on track

r. Once we get past this present bump in the road, it’ll be smooth sailing for America

And meanwhile these truths go unspoken and unknown in America:

There is, however, one great reason for hope. A large group of natural conservatives, many of whom have great disdain for the Republican Party have taken upon themselves the role of activists pushing for fiscal conservativism, Constitutional conservativism, dramatically smaller common-sense government and integrity in politics. I give you the single-most Republican document in America since the Bill of Rights, the TEA Party’s “Contract from America” hopefully about 85% of Republicans (and perhaps 20% of Democrats?) will sign this pledge at:

The Contract from America

We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)^^

2. Reject Cap & Trade

Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)

4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)

5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)

6. End Runaway Government Spending

Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)

7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care

Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy

Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)

9. Stop the Pork

Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

More than ever Americans need a strong conservative choice offered to them in the voting booth and the Republican Party has abandoned that initiative and the country has suffered greatly. Now, if ever, is the time for a renaissance in the Republican vision.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** The recent blog

discusses all these LIES and the truths no one seems to know
^^ TEA Party members and Americans at large voted on which of their original 24 concerns should be included in the final ten planks of their Contract from America . . . the percentages shown indicate how much support from the voters backed each issue.
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The 545 PEOPLE Responsible for Americas Woes

By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices 545 human beings out of the 300 million aredirectly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for thedomestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated itsConstitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federallychartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce asenator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-pickingthing. Idon't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash.

The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility todetermine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this commoncon regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall ofa Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creatingdeficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force theCongress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating andapproving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House?Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party.

She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over hisveto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- ofincompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domesticproblem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When youfully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of thefederal government, then it must follow that what exists is what theywant to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red .

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want itthat way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose giftsand advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the powerto regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do notlet them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mysticalforces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent themfrom doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it.......... Is up to you.

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The Star of Bethlehem

There is something more American politicians need to be informed about that is going to affect their future that didn’t, specifically, come out at the Restore Honor rally. Moreover, the Tea Party is merely scratching the surface.

From Matthew 2:1-12, on the visit of the Magi, in the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: 'And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.'" Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another path.

On the History Channel yesterday, I learned that the Magi were Persian astrologers, and that they would have been aware that the planets Jupiter and Saturn were in “triple conjuction”, an astrological term, at the time of Jesus’ birth. A triple conjunction foretells of something significant about to happen. BTW, Jupiter and Saturn are in triple conjunction in August 2010. History Channel noted that in this time frame, around the time of the birth of Jesus, Jupiter, in the constellation Pisces, appeared to stop in forward movement. At least it appears that way, because of our planet’s movement. It is thought by students of the Star of Bethlehem that Jupiter could be the star in the east.

We know that “on earth as in heaven” that planetary alignment and the archetypal patterns of human history are consistent. Astrologers tell us that Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces (when the Star of Bethlehem stopped in the constellation Pisces), and that the Age of Pisces is now ending. Astrologers tell us we are entering the Age of Aquarius, and that Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer, will be an age of brotherhood. The Bible predicts a second coming of Jesus, who preached that we are our brother’s keeper.

Something significantly big happened on August 28, 2010. Between 350,000 and 650,000 concerned Americans gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on the day 47 years ago that Martin Luther King was at the Lincoln Memorial delivering his “I have a dream” speech. This time it was conservative Fox News’ Glenn Beck telling his audience that America must now get about restoring her honor, to believe in faith, hope, and charity, to trust in God. Strange talk coming from a media man. An astounding man of faith people cannot help but admire, or fear, Beck is a great threat to the world’s control.

Glenn told his audience at Lincoln Memorial that he is a recovering alcoholic, that he had no faith in himself or his future; that when he was at rock bottom he looked within and found God. Many of Doctor King’s following, namely the liberation theology people—Obama, the Rev. Wright, and millions of like-minded Christians who believe one cannot be saved until everyone is saved; that is, collectively saved, resent conservative capitalist Glenn picking Martin Luther King as an icon of freedom. To them King’s legend is about redistribution of wealth: down with God-given rights spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. Theirs, the ideology of powerful government and zero individual rights, Glenn says it was an act of Providence that he was at the Lincoln Memorial delivering his message on August 28th. He had planned another day. I’d like to remind the believers in collective salvation, those attached to big, powerful government, that government once gave black Americans zero rights.

My rising sign, the time on the eastern horizon of the astrologer’s zodiac when the sun rises, the exact time and place of my birth—when the sun rose on me—turns out to be Aquarius. My rising sign, therefore, is Aquarius. The rising sign is the part of me I show the world. According to astrologers, as I age I become more Aquarius,

When I was age 49, my business career and my second marriage went on the rocks. Like Glenn, I had no faith in myself or my future. Being born Aquarius rising, my ruling planet Uranus, from the time of my birth, Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. This position is indicative of change. It wasn’t planned, but I departed my old life on Good Friday, 1975. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life, which, the same as Glenn Beck’s life, now has meaning. If my life could be any better today I don’t know how.

Someone reading my posts sent me a book entitled The Great Controversy: The Storm Is Approaching. Glenn Beck to his Lincoln Memorial audience said, “the storm is approaching.” Glenn says he doesn’t believe in coincidences. Coincidental with Beck’s stated thoughts, my new life began from the thought, after studying the U. S. Constitution, that I should have faith in myself and trust in God. Voices of the past were speaking to me. Coincidentally, Beck and I say to look within for your answers. Discover the power that lies within you. I listened to Dr. King’s niece at Beck’s Restoring Honor rally tell the audience that she has a dream that we will become one human race. From the comments of those who came to Beck’s rally, I judge that a great many Americans must be hearing voices of the past speaking to them.

There are other voices. At the same time that black Alveta King, Dr. King’s niece, told white America at the Lincoln Mermorial her positive dream, black Reverend Sharpton told black America, “we ain’t giving up.” Sharpton calls white America, in so many words, racist. Obama says the Constitution gives Americans “negative freedoms.” You have a choice of who to believe.

With Jesus’ coming at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two fish swimming in opposite directions, indicative of division—Jesus was crucified—and the Age of Aquarius now upon us, the symbol of which is the water-bearer to humanity, an age of brotherhood (of all races and creeds) approaching, Glenn and I say we can disagree on much but it is incumbent upon the American people to look within and find the God that unites,

Those united in God’s will are Indicative of Christ’s second coming. On earth as it is in heaven, my star in the east (my rising sign) connects with the gospel truth, and to people of all colors and faiths. Believe in your individual God-self, your eternal spirit, and the life you so desire will be yours.

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"It Ain't Just The Size” is written to be interactive and this interactivity draws readers into the conversations. It Ain't Just TheSize tells the story of Lance and Princess as they find their way tolove, what happens as these two find their way to love is the meat andpotatoes of drama and literature. Hardie's characters recitepoetry, talk politics, live their lives and dole out philosophy. ItAin't Just The Size will be featured by and otheraffiliated sites beginning August 30th on the “Today” page. is an educational website which serves a diverse men's community (pro-feminist, recovery, re-evaluation counseling, men'srights and spiritual). lists thousands of on-site men'sbooks, men's resources and hyperlinks to hundreds of events,periodicals and groups. It also provides information on hundreds ofmen's issues regarding positive change in male roles and relationships(including abuse, aging, divorce, fathers, health, mid-life,multicultural, relationship, sexuality, violence, work, etc.)

It Ain't Just The Size is filled with pop-culture, humor, psychology, politics and drama, yet Hardie manages to include revealingdiscussion on having healthy relationships and avoiding abusive ones.This book also shed a much needed light on the Domestic Violence thatis suffered by not only women, but men as well. Here is what reviewershave recently said about It Ain't Just The Size:

"Solid advice for both Women and Men"-Million Dollar Book Reviews

it is a must-read! Indeed.” -Book Reader's Haven

"Hardie’s unflinching courage to open up and sustain dialogues on multiculturalissues, as well as his persistent engagement with everything that iswrong with American society, certainly makes a lasting contribution tothe struggle."- Push Nevahda Review

Hardie successfully mixes Hip-Hop references, pop culture, conspiracytheories, common sense, comedy and hot button issues into anentertaining literary gumbo” -Joey Pinkney

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If you want real talk about how to deal with real issues. This is the manual you need to read.”- E. Utley Ph.D

It Ain't Just The Size is available online everywhere

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Nine Huge Political Lies

Doom Recovery Hopes

“Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts and our trespasses as we forgive our debtors and those who trespass against us, and lead us NOT into temptation, but deliver us from evil . . . .”

1. Lie: Jobs saved and unemployment are meaningful statistics.

Truth: Only two statistics matter: total jobs in the economy and total people without jobs. Jobs can be lost or gained and those can be accurately measured, but “saving a job” and more particularly saving a government job (or a union job; or a unionized government job) which is 96% of the time what’s being talked about . . . means that tax money was diverted from private individuals and private business to prevent loss of “fluff” jobs that could not survive in the free market. Typically 2.1-2.4 real jobs in the private sector are lost when any government job is created. Our present unemployment numbers are fallacious because they don’t show the true numbers of people without jobs or those who are “underemployed” nor those who’ve been forced to take lesser jobs after losing a better one. Jobs saved and the present unemployment figures are statistical lies created to make economy and government sound much better than they are. Truth shall set us free.

2. Lie: Nazis were Fascists and both Nazis and Fascists were Conservatives and Communism is the opposite of both Fascism and Nazism.

Truth: Nazis controlled the economy through socialism, they were literally National Socialists and their literature said their controlled economic plan was “neither capitalism nor communism.” Fascism is created when labor unions take over the corporations. Communism is the most extreme form of socialism where the government owns everything, both the means of production and distribution, and also controls individual lives and careers almost totally. Nazism, Fascism and Communism are all leftist (a.k.a. liberal, a.k.a progressive) schemes for controlling a nation’s economy and all are particularly vulnerable to totalitarianistic rule. This lie is ultra-important because, today’s progressives have been using the terms fascist and nazis to scare people and to make leftism (communist-leaning socialism) seem so much more attractive. Capitalism is NOT a perfect system but its been the most liberating and most prosperous of all economic systems since its creation. These lies are tied to the progressive-left’s unabated attacks on capitalism.

3. Lie: Communism is a benign economic philosophy that has lifted up many countries throughout history.

Truth: while Hitler’s genocide against 6 million jews is well documented, many people believe Communism is not only the opposite of fascism and nazism but is actually benign and even beneficial. This is the most monstrous lie in history. Communism killed roughly 122 million people (100 million in peace time) during the 20th Century, over nine times what Hitler killed from all over Europe. The word genocide is well-known but “democide” (the killing of a country’s own people by its government) needs to be understood. Nazism was also guilty of democide: German Jews, gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, mentally retarded, handicapped, intellectuals and political prisoners amounted to perhaps three million of the thirteen million killed by the nazis. The great cultural hero Mao killed 55 million Chinese, all in peacetime. That other great cultural hero Che said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed sometime after the 150th. Truth makes those T-shirt heroes really stink. The progressive-left embraces communism and sees our present socialism as just a by-way to that end. Creeping socialism has shackeled the country for the last 77 years. More on this later.

4. Combined lies: Racism goes in just one direction and feminism has made the country better.

Truth: Racism and other prejudicial ‘isms’ like anti-semitism are found in all peoples and have been throughout history. All racism is based upon the lie that despite our basic shared humanity, some people are more preferable than others. The United States is a Republic that uses democratic principles . . . but more than anything else, the United States was created as the world’s first meritocracy and that’s been the reason for the country’s great desirability in so many outsiders’ eyes. Today, however, we have government sponsored racism called affirmative action. We also saw 4.2% of Black’s in 2008 voting for the White presidential candidate and 48% of White’s voting for the Black presidential candidate (more than their party’s candidates Gore or Kerry received in either 2000 or 2004) and yet the huge lies that White racism is the big problem or that Black racism doesn’t exist continue to be believed and propagated.

Truth: Feminism as opposed to (the women’s movement) has been an utter disaster for American families, children’s well-being and created more poverty than any other single factor from 1960 to 2010. To clear up the confusion between Feminism and the Women's movement, Rajjpuut put his ex-wife through law school and later when she became a municipal judge was (she said) the single greatest factor in her preparation for that role and success in her televised job interview. Rajjpuut also was his daughter's first teacher and coached her into a chess champion and outstanding soccer player and track half-miler (she still owns her junior high school’s record). Later she won an academic and scholastic scholarship. Rajjpuut believes in women and men reaching their unfettered full potential but sees feminism as about 80% anti-man. (“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Every act of sexual intercourse, even on the marriage bed, is an act of rape.” “Men have enslaved women and exploited them throughout history.”) The truth is that women’s bodies and scientific ignorance has been about 90% of the enslaver and exploiter of women throughout history. When devices like the sanitary napkin; tampon; birth-control pill and other contraceptive means became available, women in America became much freer. Unfortunately, the progressive movement especially in the Democratic party chose to exploit the gains of the women’s movement and the gains of the Civil Rights movement with many false tales of victimization (of course there was some truth there especially originally, but today’s victimization lie is just a scheme to get large classes of people – women and blacks – perpetually hooked upon their Democratic party). The predominant Democrat majorities in congress for the last half-century have brought us the creeping socialism mentioned above and as long as Black’s and women vote mostly one way in predictably leftist patterns it’ll be difficult to break away from this mold.

5. Lie: The Rich are your enemies, tax the hell out of them to make the country better.

Truth: who would you rather have move into your neighborhood, 100 rich people or one hundred poor ones? The fact of the matter is that rich people are responsible for 85% of job-creation via investments or small business creation. Additionally, the rich have far more disposable income and spend far more which is necessary if present businesses are to continue to prosper. The worst way to help the poor is to tax the rich . . . they just pack up and move out and leave impoverished circumstances behind. The best way to help the “poor” is to allow the rich and the entrepreneurs and the innovators to create an overall prosperous tide that “lifts all boats.” America’s 10% most poor are richer than the middle class in about two-thirds of the world. Tax the rich and you make everyone poorer as they exit your state or country. Reward the rich and the general prosperity that occurs rewards everyone. America has always been the land where everybody felt they had a decent chance of becoming rich someday and where each generation left their children better off than they used to be.

6. Lie: Socialism works well and protects the poor.

Truth: Socialism rewards indolence, taxes innovation, creativity, hard work and job creation and creates poverty. Government programs also never work even a small part as well as they are advertised when created. For example Obamacare is one new law that creates 388 brand new government agencies (10 times as many as FDR created during more than twelve years in office). You used to just be able to visit a doctor or a hospital . . . now you have 388 bureaucratic agencies between you and that happening. Who’s going to pay for all that paperwork? The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has now admitted that Obamacare will give us $3 Trillion more debt than before estimated by 2020; and unlike the president’s promise . . . abortions are now federally-funded. Most importantly, government programs are infamous for their unintended consequences . . . like killing people who can’t be seen by a doctor.

7. A nasty complex of lies: Lack of regulation for Wall Street created the present problems. The Government can create jobs. If a system is NOT broken, government tinkering can make it better yet. George W. Bush and the Conservatives put us into ditch.

Truth: Lack of enforcement of the laws already on the books for Wall Street, did not help. Those laws are still not well enforced and definitely those who break them are not well-punished. The government can NOT create jobs . . . government involvement to do so typically costs more than two private sector jobs for each government subsidized job. The problem is way too much government and not to little. Let’s examine housing . . . from 1946 to 1992, the United States boasted the highest private ownership of housing in the world 62-65%. Today we’re in second to Canada. Briefly due to government interference in housing we got to 69% but the sub-prime lending crisis created by government interference brought the present financial meltdown upon us? How did this happen?

Most progressives are well-intentioned and want a perfect world. In 1975 fewer than 0.25% of all home loans allowed downpayment of 3% or less. The U.S. system for housing was not busted. Progressives tried to tinker and make it better with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 a mortgage-guarantee law designed to get poor people into homes they could not afford. In 1985 little was changed except now 0.50% of all home loans required 3% downpayment or less. In 1992, they tinkered again expanding CRA ’77 with a little provision inside a much bigger law that required the two federal mortage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to get involved in mortgage-guarantees for the poor. In 1995 that law was expanded twice more. By the end of 1995, 14% of all homeloans, one in seven, were made with 3% downpayment or less. In other words, 57 times as many ultra-risky home loans were being made in ’95 as had been made in 1975.

In ’98 a steroid-version law for mortgage-guarantees for the poor was passed. By 2005 34% of all home loans were made at 3% downpayment or less. That means 138.5 times as many highly risky loans were granted in 2005 compared to 1975.

Putting the whole thing together, George W. Bush did NOT put the U.S. economy in the ditch. These risky sub-prime mortgages that progressive law makers created and expanded four times did . . . in fact . . .

Some progressives are not patriotic Americans in the normal sense of that phrase but would prefer to destroy the present system and replace it with a Marxist-socialist state. For example, in 1966 two Columbia University (NYC) progressive professors named Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published an article in the Nation magazine “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” Desiring GNI (guaranteed national income) for all . . . Cloward and Piven opined that if an aggressive drive was launched to get every potential person possible on the welfare rolls, the new strain on the system would create such problems that the Democratic left wing would feel compelled to pass a GNI. They enlisted Black radical community organizer George Wiley and in 1967-68 created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) to test their theory out. In the next two years they added 6.3 million new welfare recipients . . . by 1975 they had bankrupted New York City and come withing a whisker of bankrupting New York State. Even though they didn’t succeed in getting a GNI, the threesome bragged publicly about their “great accomplishment.” C-P told their followers that the next “breakthroughs” should come in housing and voter registration. When the CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee was passed, that same year, Wiley sent a lieutenant named Wade Rathke to Arkansas to create ACORN. The original A in ACORN stood for Arkansas and only later came to mean “Association.” ACORN went to work at first unsuccessfully on voter registration and housing. They also aligned themselves with an up and coming Arkansas politician Bill Clinton who’d become Lieutenant Governor at age 30 in 1976. Both Clinton and his wife were great fans of Cloward, Piven and radical self-proclaimed “neo-Marxist” community organizer Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals” the book that so inspired Cloward and Piven. Within a year Clinton was elected Arkansas governor and continued to hold that position for 12 of the next 14 years until he became the first ACORN president. After the first expansion of CRA in 1992, ACORN was able to totally subvert the housing system in the country. After Clinton’s two further expansions in ’95 and his steroid version expansion in 1998, ACORN became an unstoppable force in the housing industry . . . but first . . .

In 1993 Clinton passed the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives called “A license for voter fraud”) and the official signing ceremony photo shows Clinton at a desk with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him. ACORN finally had the tools for subverting the voting process. From late 1994 to early 1997 a new community organizer Barack Obama who’d teach “Rules for Radicals” classes in Chicago began working for ACORN in Chicago as a lawyer shaking down home lenders to comply with the fiscally-irresponsible CRA ’77 and its first three expanisons to give unjustified home loans to very risky clients. When Clinton’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 was created, Obama was gone, but there was nothing stopping ACORN now. 34% of all home loans were risky ventures given to people without ID; without jobs; without income other than food stamps; without even a recent rental history; on welfare; with abysmal credit ratings; illegal aliens and other horrific risks.

In November, 2003, James Stack of investment advisory service began running a chart of the “Housing Industry Bubble.” The graph would run continuously for parts of the next five years. Stack said not only were home prices jacked up way too high; more importantly the stock market offerings for housing industry stocks had jumped to 1400% of their 1992 value and that bubble was sure to collapse soon. Within six months the bubble-popping began. Stack blamed the problems on a very serious sub-prime lending crisis. By this time ACORN had discovered something wonderful, they could use the mortgage-guarantee laws to get a risky loan for an qualified client, even an illegal alien for $400,00 almost as easily as they could for $120,000.

By January, 2005, the Bush Administration had come to believe the analysis of James Stack and others and sought to pass a law undoing most of the three latest expansion of CRA ’77. A few progressive Republicans and virtually every Democrat defeated their efforts. Finally, in July, 2007 a watered-down and almost-impotent version of Bush’s Jan., 2005 effort was passed with mostly Republican support. It would, of course prove way too little, way too late. However, two weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner risked the wrath of the Obama Administration by saying that Bush’s effort had saved the day. “Without his law in 2007, housing prices would have fallen faster and further and the recession would have been much, much deeper . . . “

In other words, far from driving us into a ditch Bush was a hero: while the radical-progressives of the Democratic (with a handful of Republicans) Party were pushing the car toward a 500 foot cliff, G.W. Bush jumped in grabbed the wheel and hit the brakes to create a controlled skid that put the car into the nearest friendly ditch.

The widespread ignorance of this TRUTH and the belief in the Obama-generated car-in-the-ditch-by-Bush LIE means the guilty will be rewarded by re-election and allowed to continue undermining the country and the laws and actions abusing those laws that put us into the tailspin will continue to dominate our lives. NOTICE: about 85% of the five mortgage-guarantee laws are still in place ready for the next time the new ACORN clones wish to continue their attack upon our country.

8. Lie: Once we get our heads on straight and solve the present jobless crisis and our national debt, all will be well.

Truth: Sorry friends, the economy is not just sick, it’s on its death bed. The lethal germ? Unfunded liabilities. For example, In 1935 as a culmination of FDR’s earliest socialistic moves, Social Security was created. Three things you should know about Social Security 1) it was designed to tide over the very few people who lived beyond age 65 (not many women worked and most men died by age 55). And 2) Social Security was legally designed to be a pay as you go program . . . but social security money set aside was never kept in a separate fund but was raided by congress virtually every year since its creation so today we have no money in social security. 3) People live far longer today and Social Security has never responded to that fact, so of course, people receive Social Security far longer straining the system more.

In 1965 as part of progressive-Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs Medicare and Medicaid were added as programs designed along the Social Security model. They were also never funded. Today . . . Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid are responsible for $114 TRillion in unfunded obligations of the country to its citizens (mostly an older population). Additionally, the new Obamacare laws are poised to bankrupt the individual states by shifting more of the Medicaid burden to them. Unmentioned for years now is a further $116 Trillion in unfunded obligations created by the welfare system. It’s definitely made a quagmire of our present financial condition.

9. Lie: Bailouts and stimulus eventually make the economy stronger and create jobs.

Truth: The first big federal bailouts were in 1975 for New York City and in 1979 for Chrysler Automobile. Because of the bailouts the underlying messes (the welfare system for NYC, New York State and the entire country; and incompetent leadership for Chrysler) were never addressed. Pushing problems off into the future never solves them. Creating more government and more government spending boondoggles and more government interference boondoggles never solves the problems but only stifles the free market’s ability to deal with problems. Let’s look at the Auto industry bankruptcy personally choreographed by President Obama and the bailout that tied into it.

Unions were given money they had no right to, unions were big Obama voters as you know. The money to make the unions part owners of the Auto Companies themselves (remember the definition of “fascist,” do we?) was stolen from certified creditors who by 223 years of bankruptcy law should have received their share of the bankruptcy spoils. GM and Chrysler saw their debts wiped out and were given bailout money equivalent to $14, 478 per car. Ford which had run itself far more responsibly now finds itself competing against companies the government favored.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


Read more…’s,_tea_party_express’_stupidity_save_harry_reid’s_butt.thtmlrajjpuutsfolly.

Hateful Abortion Rhetoric Dooms
Buck’s Candidacy as Tea Party Opts
for Historic Losing Third-Party Role
Told you so, told you so, told you so. And now Ken Buck is proving it in spades. Cheer up, Ken, you can always serve as the perfect "RUBE," the quintessential "Radically Ugly Bad Example." Buck who's hijacked the good TEA Party name for the purpose of expressing his old-fashioned ultra-right-wing narrow-mindedness has given the progressive Dems all the ammunition needed to say not only, "Ken Buck, too extreme for Colorado" in their political ads . . . but to use him as the national poster boy for political incompetence. Nice job, idiot!

Oh, how the principled have fallen . . . . Back in early March, 2009, this thing, this entity, this apparently blessed concept of the TEA Party came around and Rajjpuut was jumping in ecstasy. At last, something sensible conservatives could get behind! Something that once understood, the whole universe of logical people in the whole country could love and could use to put the country back on the right track, back in line with the Founding Fathers' noblest dreams -- a true haven for conservative Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians (like Rajjpuut himself). Then again the TEA (Taxed Enough Already or is it Taken Enough Abuse?) Party came up with this most marvellous of documents the “Contract from America” and 7th Heaven was in view. Since its inception, Rajjpuut at Townhall and later at TEA Party sites has praised the good and great and warned about the utterly depraved potential of the TEA Party. It now appears thanks to “great candidates” like Ken Buck right here in Rajjpuut’s Colorado, that the TEA Party in 2010 is preparing to make the most radical and dangerous progressive Democrats in history and the Communist administration of Barack Obama look desirable to the American people out of sheer unmitigated stupidity. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCHity, OUCH!
For God sake’s, the mission is "save America" through fiscal conservativism, constitutional conservativism, just plain common sense, and high ideals. The mission is not to become just another losing third party asterick in history, split the conservative vote and doom the country to an Obama "dictatorship" as a result. Let’s look at the latest TEA Party idiot, Ken Buck . . . makes me shiver he’s so wrong. And let’s look at candidate Angle in Nevada, who has resurrected her candidacy but still faces an uphill battle. In an earlier blog, Rajjpuut lambasted Angle . . . .
About six weeks back Sharon Angle became the TEA Party backed candidate against the most hated and evil congressman in America (Pelosi gets the congresswoman honors), Harry Reid. It’s still NOT been settled whether the TEA Party Express who nominated her wasn’t a Harry Reid front aiming to select the worst possible candidate for Republican candidate so that Reid could almost NOT lose, but since that smacks of conspiracy theory and doesn’t help the discussion along, let’s forget that notion for now. Angle made enough mistakes that as soon as she was nominated in the primary she went from an 8% lead over Harry Reid to a 5% underdog. Rajjpuut’s earlier blog documented her amazing ability to “snatch defeat from the jaws of easy victory.” (In fairness to Angle, she's since adopted Rajjpuut's suggestions about 99% and is making a comeback, but what a waste of effort and money and the easy victory possibilities are gone.) And now comes Ken Buck right here in Colorado. If Angle proved stupid right after winning the primary, Buck is proving ultra-stupid and very hateful . . . Buck makes me sick that I’m a TEA Party member.
The TEA Party’s natural role is that of the overseer; as a group with unquestionable integrity standing up for real fiscal conservative and constitutional conservative values rather than becoming just another political party. Let’s review Angle’s and Buck’s shared mistakes before we get to the Ken Buck brilliancies that makes him, and by reflection, the TEA Party look like buffoons, nincompoops and hate mongers . . . . in the earlier blog on Angle’s,_tea_party_express’_stupidity_save_harry_reid’s_butt.thtml
Rajjpuut said that Angle did everything wrong, everything third-partyish that is destined to make Obama and the Democrats praise Allah for the creation of the TEA Party. To wit, the TEA Party getting heavily involved in the nominating process is a losing strategy. We have two parties, both have failed us, the TEA Party’s effective role is as Kingmakers as they proved in the November, 2009, special elections. In the early stages, since it is the Dems that have failed us the most that will about 90% of the time mean that the TEA Party will be benefitting Republican Candidates, but remember this . . . Republican in their own way failed the country more because knowing the wiser path, (fiscal and constitutional conservativism) the G.O.P. joined the Dems to become “Progressive Lite.”
If you’ll remember back to November, 2009, the TEA Party backed^^ the most fiscally and constitutionally conservative candidate in the four races, winning three and narrowly losing the fourth in an almost miraculous battle. That was the height of the TEA Party movement, and except for the Contract from America, it’s been largely downhill## since then.
So now Buck like Angle is more a TEA Party candidate than a G.O.P. one. Successful and honest candidacies require immense amounts of money and a lot of political expertise and experience, successful candidacies also require the candidate to get himself dirty, it’s the nature of the beast. Rather than getting dirty, the preferrred TEA Party role is to sit back and decide which candidate shows 1) fiscal conservativism 2) constitutional conservativism 3) common sense and 4) maintains the most integrity and high ideals in the heat of battle . . . the TEA Party’s natural and preferred WINNING role is, in short, not as a political party but as Kingmakers, WATCHDOGs and as a “party of ideas and ideals.”
Besides basically generating into a loutish third-party-like candidate, Buck like Angle early on has been shooting his mouth off and giving his opponent all the most satisfying sound bite opportunities imaginable. Understand this regardless of ideals, WINNING is a matter of practical politics, it appears that with testosterone added to Angle’s highball, Buck is out to prove himself the stupidest possible candidate. Ken Buck aside, even if your ideas are the noblest and wisest governing ideas -- IF it, however, takes (unfortunately) a lot of effort to explain them -- they are NOT good candidate ideas because it gives the opposition strong sound bites which are easily distorted, why in heaven would a sensible person do such a thing (give his enemy ammunition and load his gun)??? It is, however, highly debatable that Ken Buck’s idea are noble and wise, the man seems to be an utter fool. You want sound bites, you idiot? You have been provided with sound bites . . . the greatest possible sound bites imaginable . . . the ten principles of the Contract from America. Shut your fool jaybird mouth (overloaded by your alligator and jacka_s brain) and speak only from the script (the Contract) and even you might still have a chance. Rajjpuut repeats: regardless of ideals, WINNING is a matter of practical politics.
Again, Rajjpuut will say it clear . . . here’s the virtually failproof strategy for Conservative candidates supported by the TEA Party who’ve already proven themselves politically viable (they won their party’s nomination in the primary without TEA Party money and without TEA Party help) 1. Politics is a strategy game. You win strategy games by pounding away in areas where you have great advantage (Contract from America) and managing your problem areas (your big mouth and the tendency to talk out of turn, or about ‘outside areas’). You make your strengths into the most important issues in the battle. You win strategy games by making your opponents’ weaknesses the most important things about them (alignment with Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their own personal voting record that shows them as far from fiscal and constitutionally conservative) and you ignore your opponents’ strengths altogether. Politics is not about ego when done rightly, but about your ideals connecting with what’s best and smartest in the voters.
Buck, as mentioned, has proven himself an incompetent and flawed politician rather than a man of ideals. Let’s talk about his abortion rant. For almost 40 years, this country has been a country where the high court of the land allowed abortion. The Democrats have succeeded in making it a country where in the average election 56% of the women vote for them because the Republican Party does NOT recognize abortion as the law of the land; and because the Republican Party has chosen to tell people how to live the most intimate areas of their life. Rajjpuut is NOT a pro-abortion or pro-choice per se supporter, but neither does Rajjpuut elect to enter into a woman's brain, spirit and body and tell her how to live her life. Rajjpuut does NOT believe in abortion of demand. She and God will have to figure the proper course out for her. So now, thanks to the right-wing Republican's holier than thou stand, we have made de facto abortion on demand in the country pretty much the going standard. What a wonderful thing we've done because of the Republican's stupid stance. Rajjpuut is a father. You’re telling him that if his little girl is a victim of rape that she can’t decide for herself, talking to God in her own way, what to do next, that she doesn’t have this right? What gives anybody BUT her and God that right?
By squandering their anti-abortion effort on untenable and uncompassionate stances against rape and incest victims and the very young and against women whose very lives were in danger . . . the ultra-right wing (they are not conservatives, they are devilish busy-bodies) of the Republican Party has made the Progressive Democrats by default “virtuous” and desirable to a lot of women, and men. Rajjpuut has said to mention abortion at all is a stupid strategy. What does Ken Buck do? He says, “I’m not only against abortion, I’m against abortion in cases of rape or incest or where the mother’s life is in danger.” Such a fool. Sure like to see him gangraped in an alley and then by a miracle, becoming pregnant . . . . any man who enters the abortion debate is a hideous and utter fool, that’s a matter for women and individual women to deal with between them and God.
The single most important issue is what Buck and Angle didn’t choose to do. Here is the most nearly perfect little document ever created for this moment in history, the Contract from America, and Buck and Angle prefer to talk about abortion (a losing and unnecessary strategy) rather than pounding away at the fiscally and constitutionally conservative planks from the Contract. Now they have given the most depraved progressive congress in the history of America all the soundbites necessary to win and win easily. If I’m the Democratic National Committee what do I do? I run against TEA Party sound bites and nothing else. Featuring 50% Ken Buck, 35% Sharon Angle and 15% Rand** Paul’s unnecessary and foolish sound bite that makes him look like he’s anti-integration. I run on “Republican and TEA Party candidates are racists and dangerous demagogues” and I run on almost nothing else. Thanks Buck, thanks Angle . . . you’ve distorted the noble idea of the TEA Party into just another loony American third party.
What can every thinking principled America agree upon? Fiscal conservativism, Constitutional Conservativism, common sense and high ideals. Help unite people behind these four principles and comparatively without money, you control the political life in this country and save this country from 100+ years of PROGRESSIVE incremental Marxism. What could be more important? What could be more noble? What could be more practical? And why is no one using the Contract from America? Is throwing the Contract and the Declaration and the Constitution down the toilet and flushing them away . . . the logical and high-principled road to victory?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
## Among other things, it is morally repugnant to win a Republican primary running as a TEA Party candidate and then expect the G.O.P. to finance you because you won the Republican Primary, etc. If TEA Party "candidates" must run, they need to run as Republicans or Democrats period; and run with the TEA Party's Contract from America providing the strategic resources and touchstone but never saying the words "TEA Party" but rather showing with actions and words that the Contract from America lives inside of them. Any other path is disingenuous . . . running as a TEA Party candidate per se is expensive and unnecessary and doesn't serve the country well. Running as a TEA Party Republican means you're stealing their money. The only proper road is to win as a Republican because your ideals shine through; refer to those TEA Party ideals early and often, but run as a Republican (Or Democrat, or conservative, etc., whatever). Because if you take their money like Crist did in Florida, by God you need to represent them unequivocably and to put yourself forward with utter integrity. Crist has proven himself a lowlife and that's exactly what TEA Party Republicans, etc. do if they accept Republican money that way. The TEA Party is a set of ideals to emit from every pore of your body, not a label useful to help win a primary race in someone else's party. ^^ The winning strategy was shown and has been largely ignored since November, 2009. Back the most fiscally and Constutionally conservative candidate presented. In your ads for that candidate, show your principles (now we’ve got the Contract from America). The TEA Party got three victories and three turn-things-around winners. But the real lesson is what happened in the House election we lost. Here’s the situation. The idiot Republican Party gives $1 million in campaign money to a lady who makes Barack Obama look conservative. The Tea Party steps in and the far more conservative Democratic candidate wins easily with the lady Republican withdrawing a week before the election. In fact a very pleasant but “utterly-unshiny and otherwise unpolished” TEA Party candidate running under the banner of the Conservative Party nearly won the election. Why? How? He didn’t shoot off his mouth about losing issues and relatively unimportant issues but stayed tightly-glued to fiscal and Constitutional conservativism.
**Unlike Buck and Angle, Rand Paul is NOT stupid, quite the contrary . . . but his gaffe on the Civil Rights Law was very stupid and unnecessary. It allowed the progressives to paint him and other candidates and the TEA Party as racists. It would behoove, TEA Party candidates running as Republicans to learn from Rand Paul’s candidacy both good and bad. Avoid soundbite material at all costs. Crist has proven himself a lowlife and that's exactly what TEA Party Republicans, etc. do if they accept Republican money that way. The TEA Party is a set of ideals to emit from every pore of your body, not a label useful to help win a primary race.
^^ The winning strategy was shown and has been largely ignored since November, 2009. Back the most fiscally and Constutionally conservative candidate presented. In your ads for that candidate, show your principles (now we’ve got the Contract from America). We got three victories and three turn-things-around winners. But the real lesson is what happened in the House election we lost. Here’s the situation. The idiot Republican Party gives $1 million in campaign money to a lady who makes Barack Obama look conservative. The Tea Party steps in and the far more conservative Democratic candidate wins easily with the lady Republican withdrawing a week before the election. In fact a very pleasant but “utterly-unshiny” TEA Party candidate running under the banner of the Conservative Party nearly won the election. Why? How? He didn’t shoot off his mouth about losing issues and relatively unimportant issues but stayed upon fiscal and Constitutional conservativism. He proved himself a Harry S Truman type candidate and had he another ten days would have won the election.
**Unlike Buck and Angle, Rand Paul is NOT stupid, quite the contrary . . . but his gaffe on the Civil Rights Law was very stupid and unnecessary. It allowed the progressives to paint him and other candidates and the TEA Party as racists. It would behoove, TEA Party candidates running as Republicans to learn from Rand Paul’s candidacy both good and bad.

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I need suggestions on talking points that were posted on a recent blog about our movement. It left me speechless, and I am angry by this sort of lib hate speech. Here is what I saw:


As someone quite familiar with history, there is a striking resemblancebetween the activities by the Tea Party movement and the past practicesof the KKK in the 1800's and 1900's. Targets remain the same, exceptthat Congress was overwhelmingly Southern Democrat (Dixiecrats) up untilJFK ordered MLK released from a Georgia prison for demonstrating. Fromthere, there a mass exodus of Dixiecrats, to the open arms of the GOP,as a result of JFK's actions in the early 1960's. One prominent angeredmember of the Democratic party who fled was Ronald Reagan. Make nomistake about it, the issues regarding immigration and Mexican BORDERPROTECTION are merely a smokescreen to target Hispanic voters.Curiously, it's funny how Canada never seems to come up?

For more on the true motives of the Tea Party movement, take this ridein history:<; br />

HISTORY WILL PROVE THIS MOVE (the marriage between the GOP and TeaParty) TO BE THE ONE THAT IMPLODES THE GOP ONCE AND FORALL..................................................................... DOES ANYONE SMELL SMOKE??

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Restore Liberty

Safety has replaced Liberty...!! Give me Liberty or give me Death. Stop the Police State. Christ teaches compassion and forgiveness, why does the Country formerly known as the United States of America now advocate revenge and not forgiveness. The State has replaced God, and transgression is no longer the Will of God, but a decision of the State. Amen.

Forgive Us Lord, for we no longer know the truth, the truth is belief in the State, for the State is Almighty, and deviating from the wishes of the State will result in swift and severe punishment. I hope I am wrong. Amen
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Obamacare Creator-Compiler, Baucus,
Admits He Didn’t Read the Law Either
Montana Progressive Democratic Senator Max Baucus, credited with creating Obamacare, today admitted when questioned, that like everyone who voted for the massive boondoggle, he’d never actually read the law he compiled. Excusing himself, Baucus, said that the new Obamacare law was all written in “statutory wording” that is very troublesome "and difficult to get through." Senator Baucus pointedly said nothing about the fact that Obamacare created 388 brand new government agencies with just one new law. In comparison, twelve years of the heavy-handed Franklin Roosevelt administration created a total of 39 new agencies.
Baucus in the past has had no response to suggestions that instead of “throwing the baby out with the wash water” (discarding the present system completely and replacing it with a massive government takeover that no one has actually read) and thereby creating a huge tangle of unintended consequences . . . perhaps, a far more measured and gradual approach; a bi-partisan approach; and an actually logical approach would have been preferable.

Not in so many words, but Senator Baucus has arrogantly and repeatedly indicated that the real purpose of Obamacare was a government takeover and power grab which mainstream Americans opposed from the start but which he and other “wiser” heads among the political class knew we’d come to adore when we discovered what the law contained. Despite the assurances of Nancy Pelosi and Senator Baucus, the opposite is true, of course . . . the more Americans discover about Obamacare, the more the larger the majority wishing to repeal it.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Non Sequitur Logic-Shell Game

The Obama, Harry, Nancy Leadership of Far Left Followers

Why a Ground Zero Mosque? Once Again Obama is leading the Far Left Followers and NYC Mayor to his Cambridge Mass., Situation/Decision as announced in his Press Conference, “Not Withstanding the Facts”, the Cambridge Police acted stupidly. Based on his community organization experience, he misread the situation and made the wrong decision. He then tried to shift the blame by calling for a beer summit teaching moment. Now, under his understanding for Freedom of Speech in our Constitution, he presents to the servants of ISLAM that they can build a mosque in lower Manhattan, AKA Ground Zero. Following this lead, the NYC Mayor who knows everything about local government's separation of church and state practices confirms that decision. Unfortunately, the mayor’s support of this mosque building has nothing to do with our national separation of church and state policies. Therefore, he and the Obama Administration, without any consideration of the situational issues, or Not Withstanding the Facts, agree that the mosque has to be at Ground Zero.

We all see that in all of this ‘We are Great’ Far Left Rhetoric …, there is not one touch of Issue Analysis, let alone the FACTS:

· ISLAM and Radical ISLAM with Shari a Law interpretations of the Koran are the basis the Nation-State Clerical (IRAN) -not Secular Government.

· A Muslin is not a Religion, Muslims are servants of ISLAM. Americans are not attacking a muslin religion because it does not in fact exist; and Americans are not being racist in their analysis of the Ground Zero Mosque Issues.

· Al Qaeda, Sunni Muslims, Seek World Wide Radical ISLAM control, Caliphate, and are pursuing that goal by force, as described in the Koran and then was carried out over the centuries with the subjugation of the Christians, Jews and Catholics under ISLAM and Sharia Law.

· IRAN, Shea Muslims, is seeking the same World Wide ISLAM control through the threat of force and force that is provided by intermediaries, Hamas and Hezbollah, and subversive organizations in other countries of the world.

These are the issues and key facts in this ground zero mosque situation that Americans understand, have analyzed and why the majority have concluded NO to the Mosque at Ground Zero. Also embedded in that conclusion is the understanding of and insistence on ISLAM going through a Reformation, specifically eliminating Sharia Law. The servants/follows of ISLAM should eliminate Sharia Law, the basis for radicalism, before attempting to reconcile with Americans, many of them having Christian, Catholic and Jewish Religious Backgrounds, and our constitutionally provided freedom of religion.

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Religious Freedom

In case you are one of those misled Americans, the First Amendment to the Constitution says that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. In the name of religion, the world has done hideous things.

The First Amendment makes no mention of the location of places of worship. We are not free to build a place of worship just anywhere we please. The World Trade Center was destroyed by people who believed their god commanded them to murder 2,000 Americans. People of The Muslim faith want to build a place of worship a stone’s throw from the place where this Muslim atrocity took place. Why there? This issue has nothing whatever to do with the First Amendment. It is strictly political gamesmanship, and lethal to American liberties.

This mosque’s imam has stated that he believes in Sharia law. He claims, without explanation, that the American people have more blood on their hands than those who murdered the 2,000 Americans at ground zero. He also maintains, without explanation, that America is the most Sharia law complaint nation on earth. Moreover, President Obama maintains that the First Amendment gives this imam the right to build his Mosque, and refuses to comment on the wisdom of it. So much without explanation, what is in Obama’s mind? He keeps exhibiting weird, senseless behavior. Who knows where Obama and his following are taking America? One thing for sure, Obama is deliberately dividing America. A house divided does not long stand. Nothing like a crises to get what you want to happen done.

Speaking of getting things done, after Jesus was crucified for his religious belief, his Christian following was condemned by Paganism. Great numbers of Christians were thrown to wild animals or burned alive before cheering crowds in amphitheaters, who found it most pleasurable to watch people enduring agonizing deaths. Then came the Nazis. No, it was not the so-called Holocaust. It was ridding the world of vermin. Ask any good Muslim. Only bad Muslims accept American values and Jews.

We read only today in the news that a Muslim Saudi couple, believers in Sharia law, tortured their housemaid. She returned to her native Sri Lanka with 24 nails driven into her body. Iman Rauf maintains that America is the most Sharia law compliant nation on earth. He has yet to explain himself, or the source of the money he is going to use to build his mosque, which is much more that a mosque. It is a headquarters for Sharia law. Rauf knows a lot we need to know. Muslims, and apparently Obama, throwbacks to the brutality of the past, out to get even, the same as Jews, we Americans are the cause of all the misery and suffering in the world. Yep, there is always someone to pay. Sadist Obama, bowing, scraping, and apologizing to the Muslim world, no, he’s not a Muslim. Obama is a Reverend Wright Christian. He hates everything America stands for. It’s the same as Rauf maintains. We’ve got blood on our hands, folks. We are heartless killers! Obama is going to transform us.

“To invest the law then with authority is, it seems, to invest God and reason only; to invest a man is to introduce a beast, as desire is something bestial, and even the best of men in authority are liable to be corrupted by passion.” Aristotle.

Muslims and Obama and following have a lot in common. The rich have exploited and robbed the poor of the world of their rights. Obviously, the saviors of the poor and downtrodden want to take the world back a couple of thousand years. Imam Rauf has been chosen an ambassador to the Middle East. Too bad about you loyal Americans. You are about to be thrown to the lions.

If you value your freedom, now is the time to come to the aid of your country.

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First a full disclosure, Rajjpuut has recently run a blog saying that we are already in a double-dip recession . . . he may be considered “ highly prejudiced” on this matter . . . .
Confirmed Double-Hindenburg Omens

Suggest 'Iffy' Stock Market
Those of you with e-mail addresses today probably read a very poorly researched article re-written badly from the original Wall Street Journal story by yahoo finance . . . .
about the so-called Hindenburg Omen which may be of interest to those of you with IRAs or money in the stock market. The article is false in about six of its key statements. To understand the Hindenburg Omen, let Rajjpuut help you out:
Strong stock pickers and so-called expert analysts tend to belong to two different camps. "Fundamentalists" look deeply into the accounting data from a business with particular interest in stocks as long-term investments. "Technicians," on the other hand, don’t care about business fundamentals, but instead look at the recent price and volume history etc. of a company’s stock in daily trading and tend to be most interested in short- or mid-term investments. The best selections as you can imagine usually come from those who combine both approaches.

Getting down to brass tacks, the Hindenburg Omen is a technical indicator which purports to give advanced warnings about stock market declines and even severe stock market crashes. Here’s where you can find a lot more detail on the HO and a much more accurate picture of exactly what HO is:
The creator of the Hindenburg Omen, a blind mathematics professor named Jim Miekka says he expects a 20% “correction” this fall, but sometimes the HO occurs and drops of a mere 4-5% follow, it's definitely not perfect.
In any case, all that being said, here’s the truth you need to know:
A. On Wednesday, August 11th there was a near Hindenburg Omen occurrence on the New York Stock Exchange (had two more of the NYSE stocks reached new lows that day a true HO would have occurred.
B. The very next day Thursday, August 12th, a true Hindenburg Omen occurred which is not considered very serious except in consideration of the near miss the day before.
C. A week ago, Thursday, August 19th, another near HO occurrence was spotted.
D. The very next day, last Friday, August 20th, a second true Hindenburg Omen occurred just eight days after the first. This combination of two Hindenburg Omens within a ten-day period is fairly rare and almost always indicates a drop in the stop market of at least 5% and on frequent occasions predicts drops of such magnitude that they earn the name CRASHES.
You now have all the information you need to begin thinking of what to do about your own investments. Were Rajjpuut (who's already told you he believes we're now in a double-dip recession and is therefore prejudiced in this matter) in the stock market advisor biz he’d presumably say, sell your stocks other than utilities and immediately buy a mutual fund equivalent to either the Franklin Funds or Fidelity Funds gold fund; or precious metals fund; or oil fund; or energy fund; or some combination of these funds. You can find similar "commodities-style" mutual funds to Franklin or Fidelity from at least 20 other reputable fund families. On the other hand doubters, especially serious fundamentalist doubters, of technical analysis, like presumably Warren Buffet, typically believe in buying and holding "strong stocks" regardless of recent market action.

Obviously, the decision is yours only, but now you know a bit more about the Hindenburg Omen. Do read the Wikipedia article before making any decisions and think carefully about your decision. Good luck, with your investments.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Be Ready on 8-28 in DC

Word has it that there may be violence at the RESTORE HONOR RALLY. To all members and friends that will carry signs. Instead if attaching signs to flimsy sticks you better make them stronger as in baseball bats.

Consider it cheap life insurance. Washington D. C. is a dangerous place, even when the rally is over and it is dark outside.

See you there, Tea Party member / conservativist.

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Rajjpuut wishes Glen Beck all the most Scintillating of Successes and Good Feeling at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28; and Success to all the Freedom Movements such as the 9/12 Project and the TEA Party movement, we remind you that Glen is wrong when he says that history repeats itself . . . it doesn't, as Mark Twain said, "History does NOT repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes a lot!"

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
p.s. Just heard that the recent firebombing of a Missouri Progressive Democrat's campaign office blamed by the media on the St. Louis area TEA Party has seen an arrest, of a disgruntled long-time progressive activist (for not getting his check) employed by the office bombed; and that the man had been sabotage-blogging on a TEA Party site recently. The suspect Chris Powers has reportedly confessed his actions and has also been implicated in "astroturf protest" during an Obama visit to Missouri where he pretended to be a racist TEA Party member.

I'm sure the Left is thinking "firebombing the Reichstag worked for our National SOCIALIST buddy Adolf back in 1932, so it should work for us. Representative Russ Carnahan, whose office was bombed and who declared to the press (and was, of course, duly quoted) originally said "It was most likely a domestic terror crime by some right-wing racist." In the media it was printed and broadcast that "some violent TEA Party member probably did this. There's a lot of hate out there." Since the arrest,Carnahan and his staff have reportedly quieted down and purportedly, they are unwilling to proceed with charges against their former employee, think the "correction" will make the mainstream media (MSM)??? Since this is a federal crime, Rajjpuut hopes that the bomber Chris Powers is prosecuted by the FBI to the full extent of the law and that if this sick fellow needs it, he gets the treatment required. Whatever happened to the once great St. Louis Post Dispatch? Proud Missouri U. was once known as the "journalism capital of the nation" back in "better times."
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Dont let the senate make America defenceless

After returning from recess on Sept. 6, the Senate will consider whether to ratify New Start, the nuclear weapons treaty that President Barack Obama signed with his Russian counterpart in April. The treaty has many problems, from being unverifiable to giving Russia virtual veto power over U.S. missile defense, and more. But the Senate should block it for another more important reason: It is the first major step in the implementation of Mr. Obama's broader nuclear strategy. This strategy would gravely weaken American national security.

The Obama administration's nuclear policy is set out in the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which was released in April, two days before the signing of New Start. The NPR is joined at the hip with New Start, and together they take this country down a dangerous path. For 65 years, the very existence of our nation has depended upon a strong nuclear deterrent. The new NPR wipes out this proven policy, substituting one of weakness in its place.

Mr. Obama's NPR treats nuclear weapons as an evil to be eliminated, rather than as the ultimate foundation of America's security in a dangerous world. The review opens with Mr. Obama's pledge to "seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons" and "to take concrete steps toward that goal, including by reducing the number of nuclear weapons and their role in national security policy."

Yet nuclear weapons have been our most effective means of avoiding and limiting conflicts, and of achieving our foreign policy goals, since World War II. Nuclear weapons ended the most destructive war in history. For a half-century thereafter they prevented a vastly more devastating war and were a huge factor in deterring proliferation.

By pledging not to develop new nuclear capabilities—including earth-penetration weapons and any new warheads—the new NPR also promises to let our deterrence atrophy. This ignores that threats and technology are changing, and our weapons must keep pace with them.

The NPR further hurts our ability to modernize our deteriorating nuclear arsenal by essentially cashiering the "replacement" approach, which allows for the use of nuclear components based on previously tested designs. And it undermines the reliability and effectiveness of our stockpile by pledging that the U.S. will not conduct any nuclear testing.

Finally, Obama's new nuclear strategy seriously limits our use of nuclear weapons. The NPR has an entire chapter on reducing their role that, among other things, commits us not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that comply with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty—even if they attack us with other weapons of mass destruction.

Mr. Obama's NPR amounts to a road map for achieving a position of strategic inferiority. As other states improve their nuclear arsenals, we will be carrying out unilateral nuclear disarmament.

How have we come to this? In essence, because the two elements of Mr. Obama's nuclear weapons policy are mutually incompatible. First, he has established the goal of "a world without nuclear weapons," pledging to take concrete steps to achieve it. Second, he's stated that as long as such weapons exist, the U.S. arsenal will be safe, secure and effective. Yet the NPR—the result of 12 months of intensive work by all relevant elements of the U.S. government—focuses only on the impossible goal of achieving a nuclear-free world. It fails utterly to maintain an effective nuclear arsenal.

The nuclear deterrent that has kept us safe for over half a century cannot be maintained under the Obama administration's limitations. Unless the Senate supports such nuclear disarmament, it must deny ratification to New Start, which is the first step in that direction.

Mr. Monroe, a retired vice admiral in the U.S. Navy, was director of the Defense Nuclear Agency from 1977-1980.

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