Craig Andresen's Posts (519)

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Liberal Tolerance Now Has a Face

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

kg-1.jpg?width=205Finally, liberal tolerance has a face…a lifted, plastic and surgically altered face…but a face.

Kathy Griffin’s face.

A few days ago, Griffin, who engages in false advertising by billing herself as a comedian, went to great lengths, and one can assume some cost, to have a portrait made of herself holding a bloody, decapitated representation of the head of our nation’s President…Donald J. Trump.

This was not an exercise in a momentary or spontaneous loss of class…


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Built Upon a Lie

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Albert Einstein once said, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought,pol-1.jpg?width=199 but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”and how right he is but not for the reason you might think.

Both modern Jewish and Christian beliefs still hold to traditions from the Old Testament in regards to creation with both great faiths believing that Adam was created from the dust and dirt by the hand of God. Also, Jews believe the place where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac to God the Father and where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified is holy and sacred ground. And built upon this holiest of grounds is also where the First and Second Temples of the Jews were built, and where certain denominations of Christians believe the that Third Temple will arise and be the site of Jesus’ Second Coming and where Jews believe the messiah will first appear.

But what do these varied beliefs have as a common point of reference…simply…the land itself upon which these events did occur and which might possibly see holy events again occur in the future. And that land itself is known as The Temple Mount…an area of only thirty-five acres in the southwest corner of Jerusalem’s ‘Old City’…yet it is the most contested piece of land on Earth. And that contested land sits under…yes under…the Al-Asqa mosque (Masjid Al-Aqsa)…which in Arabic simply means the ‘farthest mosque.’


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Somewhere in a swirl of depression, delusion and desperation, exists the liberal/socialistdin-1.jpg?width=216 party formerly known as democrats. They are unhinged, and more frenzied than a spastic poodle in a room full of ADHD squirrels.

The MINORITY in both halls of congress seems to think they have the power to impeach the president…because they apparently weren’t paying attention to School House Rock as children, and last week, their desperation manifested itself in epic fits of irrelevance.

Just a couple of years ago, Barack Hussein Obama traded 5 Taliban war council members for 1 U.S. traitor, thus releasing the Islamists back into the wild, and theaters of war…and the liberal/socialists said nothing.

No stink was raised by a single liberal anywhere…


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“To the graduates, I tell you, there is no limit to what you can do. Just stay focused tu-1.jpg?width=200and put your mind to it, and you can do it.”

Those were the words spoken last week to the graduates of Florida Memorial University where hundreds of students, who had paid their tuition at the four year private college, worked hard, studied harder, and earned their degrees by the proud mother of the recipient of a degree in aeronautical science.

That particular mother’s son paid no tuition, was not on a scholarship, didn’t work hard and never studied.

That particular mother’s son didn’t earn anything because that mother’s son was…


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Comey Go Homey

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

comey-1.jpg?width=159So…it’s been an interesting week.

France, more than half a century after the end of WWII finally surrendered to Germany and President Trump finally fired FBI Director, James Comey.

The former has Islamists dancing on the Champs Elysées and Angela Merkel now running two countries without borders…while the latter has Hillary Clinton sweating like Britney Spears on Jeopardy.

Liberals, being the socialists that they are, are overjoyed at the prospect of an even more socialistic France crawling with assorted, but unvetted Islamists, but their heads are exploding over the firing of James Comey.

It’s the difference between Moulin le Boom…


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Kim Jong Un…Hell-Bent on War

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

NK-1.jpg?width=180North Korea is a hermit kingdom, run by a tin-pot dictator who is not only prone to having family members assassinated on a whim, but brutal enough to kill those of his own citizens who he suspects might be dissidents and enslave their families.

From his grandfather, to his father, and now to him, Kim Jong Un has isolated his people from the rest of the world, starved them, and murdered them.

North Korea is a nation of nothingness…and yet…

They are terrorizing their neighbors, and holding the rest of the world hostage.

How can this be?



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To the Class of 2017…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

grad-1.jpg?width=156Once again, here we are on the cusp of college graduation season, and I have not been asked to give a commencement address.

It would seem a mystery, but as I deal in truth and reality…I’m not at all surprised by the snub.

Come to think of it…it’s probably the same reason I’ve never been invited to give the Christmas Eve service at church. That said, rather than stand there blowing smoke up the gowns of the soon to be graduated, like so many other do on an annual basis, I will simply issue this year’s address via my keyboard…and it should be required reading for any and all who are about to leave our esteemed asylums of higher indoctrination.

To the class of 2017…


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A Syrian Solution

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The current situation in Syria, has gone from bad to worse this week, as a chemical syr-1a.jpg?width=217weapons attack left dozens dead, and dozens more critically injured in a northern Syrian community, the Idlib province described as a rebel enclave.

It has been described as the worst chemical attack in the war-torn country in years, but the real question is…who did it?

Therein, lies the problem.

Internationally, the UK, U.S., France and the U.N. are blaming Syria’s president, Bashar al Assad, while Russia and Putin are laying the blame on the Syrian Rebels. Al Assad says he and his military had nothing to do with it, and the rebels have even tried to blame the U.N. for the situation that led to it.


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Neil Gorsuch…From Judge to Justice

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Did ya hear some of the crap that was being spewed at the Neil Gorsuch confirmation sc-1.jpg?width=222hearings the other day, from the mouths of liberal manure spreaders?

Take Al Franken for instance…he literally told Judge Gorsuch…who, by the way, will soon be JUSTICE Gorsuch…“Your Constitution isn’t MY Constitution!”

Franken, I suspect, was 100% correct…as Judge…I mean JUSTICE Gorsuch’s Constitution is the one written and ratified by our nation’s Founders and Framers…while Franken’s is in manifesto form penned for the ilk of communist parties everywhere.

That said…


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Mad Maddow Goes Mad Cow

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberal Derangement Syndrome now has a poster boy…Rachel Maddow from rm-2.jpg?width=141MSNBC…and if any but liberal loons were in charge of the mainstream media, Maddow’s broadcast on Tuesday night would officially be listed in a coroner’s report as a suicide.

For hours before going on the air, poster boy Maddow hyped her show by claiming that at 9pm eastern time, she would be releasing President Trump’s tax returns, and she punctuated her hype with the word, “seriously.”

No kidding…”seriously.”

“BREAKING: We’ve got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously).”

Obviously, Maddow is desperate, as is MSNBC as a whole, to get a ratings point ahead of that of a three day old wiener on a gas station weenie roaster. Maddow claimed that an investigative reporter, who turned out to be David Cay Johnson, a Pulitzer Prize winner, had found…in his mailbox…


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About That Letter of Apology…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

vhs-1.jpg?width=174A few days ago, Valley High School faced off against Des Moines North in an Iowa High School State Basketball Tournament game.

Valley won that hard-fought game, at least, they won it on the scoreboard…but elsewhere, they lost it big-time.

You see…it is something of a tradition at Valley High School, that when they play in the state tourney, their fans forego the school’s colors of black and orange, and instead wear red, white and blue as inspiration, cheering on their team to something greater than just a high school behind where the weathermen stands.

It is Iowa, after all, in the heartland of the nation where patriotism grows like crops in the fields and pride in one’s country is as natural, and normal, as going to the movies on a Friday night.


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Tapping Trump…The Plot Thickens

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

WT-1.jpg?width=211Obama says it never happened. He says that President Trump’s claim of having been wiretapped is completely false.

Once again…Obama is flat-out lying.

Somebody apparently got wiretap permits from a FISA court…and reportedly, six different intel organizations  engaged in wiretapping and cyber surveillance of Donald Trump and his advisors since late last October…and those six agencies sought, and received permission to SHARE any information they gleaned with SIXTEEN intel agencies.

Obama had to know all about it and furthermore…it’s a damn good bet that he, himself, ordered it from start to finish.

In fact, the federally filed surveillance requests…FISA court requests…


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Liberals…Glass Houses and Dancing Doofi

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

You know what they say…glass-2.jpg?width=238

Those who live in glass houses…will have many dead birds at their foundations.

While liberals make slobbering fools of themselves regarding Jeff Sessions and his meeting with a Russian Ambassador, insisting that he either recuse himself from any investigation related to the Trump administration and the Russians…which he has done…or resign over HIS meeting with Ambassador Kislyak…they forgot to close their own drapes.

Did Sessions meet with Kislyak? Yep, he sure did.

Did he discuss the 2016 election with Kislyak? He says he didn’t, and there is no evidence to counter that claim.

Was his meeting with Kislyak illegal, in any way, shape or form?


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Obama’s Treasonous Shadow Exposed

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ot-1.jpg?width=196Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Treason…’aiding and abetting’ the enemy…’aiding and comforting the enemy’…treason…a powerful charge to bring against anyone, a charge not to be taken lightly, yet not to bring this charge against someone known to have committed treason is just as bad if not worse for treason unpunished defiles and defames all that is our nation…all that is our Constitution.

And treason no matter how one twists it is the hallmark of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s presidency…he knows it…he knows we know it…and yet he seems not care for this most vile of men knows no one will bring such a charge against him…at least they have not to date.

But that hopefully will soon change.


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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Allow me, for a moment, to channel my inner snowflake…tiz-1.jpg?width=204


This is bigger that Watergate,

This is potentially more devastating than Pearl Harbor…more of a disaster than 9/11.

It’s bigger than the Hindenburg, Titanic, the San Francisco earthquake and Mrs. O’Leary’s cow in Chicago all rolled into one.

And that cow was pretty good sized.

Hide the women and children, buckle up and put on your helmets…this is HUGE!!!


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Mainstream Media…Harmful if Swallowed

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“This not a laughing matter. I’m sorry, delegitimizing the press is un-American.”press-1.jpg?width=212

That was the tweet let loose last week by Chuck Todd, the Host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” after President Trump played BEAT the Press in a news conference with reporters at the White House in which the President spent a good deal of time absolutely blasting the mainstream media.

Todd is almost half right…it’s no laughing matter…but even that is somewhat dubious, as I will point out in just a bit.

The other half of his obtuse tweet is so 100%, dead wrong, on so many levels, that it’s difficult to know exactly where to begin.

First of all, what Chuck Todd and his gaggle of echoing mainstream media ninnies have been harping about since what should be considered one of the greatest presidential press conferences in history, is just how wrong it was of the President of the United States to step forward and say what he said…about them.

In other words…


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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As I pointed out in “Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1”…they continue to repeat their ang-1.jpg?width=204failures of history, expecting a different result having not learned from their mistakes, and while on the surface, it might well seem they are stuck on stupid, that simply is not the case.

What they are, is angry, and desperate…which makes them dangerous…but what is it exactly that has them so desperate?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

The answer is both simple, and complex…it is power, or the lack thereof that has them flailing about, repeating their own mistakes.

But there is a whole lot more to it than that…


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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has often been rightly said, that “those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history, are doomed to repeat them,” but what does that mean, exactly?mis-1.jpg?width=191

It means that history is where we make both great strides forward, and where we make our mistakes and what we learn from both should guide our steps in the future. From what we did right, we grow in the future. We use those things as stepping stones to greater and greater things. We improve on our successes to achieve even greater successes.

From our mistakes, we should also learn what not to do again. From our history’s failures, we should learn what to do to prevent future failures of a like nature.

Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. In other words, those who fail to learn for their history’s failures, are doomed to thus fail again by repeating those failures in the future.

Einstein once said that “doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”

I submit, that by combining the two quotes, one can find the very definition of the democrat party.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at four prime examples.


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A Memo to Moonbats

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Dear Liberals…lib-1.jpg?width=234

Either you’re lying, or you’re as dumb as a box of bricks.

I suspect it’s a combination of the two.

The entire world is watching your complete and utter meltdown and third world regimes that are holding on by a thread are laughing at you. You want to become the Emperor and yet you continue to run amok stark naked believing that everyone is admiring your make-believe cloak of tolerance.

You’re not fooling anyone.

To you, the entire world exists in 140 characters or less, and in your world, your actions only have a shelf-life of a nanosecond, or as long as it takes for your Twitter feed to scroll down because ten other people either tweeted a photo of themselves in a bathroom mirror, or they tried to abbreviate a series of monosyllabic words into a bag of barfed up alphabet soup with a hashtag they hope beyond hope will catch on.

Oh…I’m just getting started…


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Lady Gaga’s 13 Minute Reprieve

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, conjecture ran rampant regarding the halftime gaga-1.jpg?width=209concert to be performed this year by Lady Gaga. Speculation had it that it would be overtly political, as had been the Golden Globe and SAG Award shows.

Word on the street, which is what social media has become, had it that Lady Gaga would include a tribute to Muslims in her halftime show.

There were planned boycotts by Conservatives of the festivities, and everybody, it seemed, knew, just knew what that show was going to be.

Then, the day arrived. Super Bowl Sunday…


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