USA 4ME's Discussions (333)

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Where Is Big John?

10978595867?profile=RESIZE_710x(PatriotHQ) Big John Fetterman is MIA (Missing In Action) and no where to be found. He was dragged over the finish line by the Democrat thug misters and sworn into office before anyone realized he just may be on his last legs! To make matters worse h

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Berserk Biden Has Spending Madness

? As if the Covid holocaust wasn’t bad enough, then burned out cities by peaceful rioters, deadly toxic spills, outlawing of domestic oil and gas, massive increase of taxes, 87,000 new armed IRS audit agents and hundreds of billions of doll

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Washington Burning America

depositphotos_52932041-stock-photo-usa-america-burning-fire-flag.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xBURNED! America is getting burned and all Washington can do is throw gas on the fire!

(PatriotHQ) America has suffered through covid! Many businesses could not afford to close for a month but were forced to close for over a year, never to open again!

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IRS Audit By Race

tax-irs-audit.png?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Once again in the absolute brilliance of the Biden Regime the IRS not only has billions upon billions of fresh spendable dollars, 87,000 new armed audit agents but now they are auditing by race!

You heard me right! OBTW – guess what color

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Conservative Police To Be Eliminated

file-20200605-176564-1rn6003.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1200&h=1200.0&fit=crop&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Of all the hair-brained, screwy ideas this one has to ‘take the cake’! To label a trained police officer with a brave history of service simply because the officer has a political view which the Libtards view as extreme……. IS EXTREME!


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U.N. To Silence Internet Insects (You)

mg21228415.900-1_300.jpg(PatriotHQ) If you use your First Amendment Rights on the internet, then the UN will label you an insect!

Think we’re kidding?

Read this: U.N. Demands Internet Speech "Global Standards" to Silence "Insects Dwelling in the Dark"

On February 22, 2023,

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Going Broke In Style

10971605273?profile=RESIZE_710x(PatriotHQ) Yup, you guessed it. The beautiful and rich state of California is going broke, but not just that but it’s being led by the Democrats next Presidential candidate! OMG!

ALERT: The state of California's budget deficit is $7 billion higher t

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Martyr, Murder Or Cancelled? [Video]

10969893470?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) Los Angeles, Detroit and other liberal crime hotbeds are riddled with murder. Many times, the result of a home invasion, but sometimes there needs to be a second look!

Sad Headlines. Bishop shot dead in his Los Angeles home!  This begs th

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Use A Lawn Mower Go To Jail

f8dc9051-d486-4235-bd00-935569162fe3_1920x1080.png?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) America’s enlightened progressive masters have decided you and your family are not going to enjoy what America has built the past several hundred years and instead use electric generated by renewable green sources.

OBTW – you must comply

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Robbing Of The American Soul!

Statue-of-Liberty_Decay-Destroyed_01_800x663.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) It Wasn’t Just Our Election Which Was Stolen, It Was America’s Soul As Well!

Think this is a joke, keep reading!

Many conservatives already knew for a very long time about the election fraud perpetrated by the  Democrats, but now the thef

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Have You Kicked Jesus Today?

il_1140xN.3038609858_eu57.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Liberals Keep Beating Jesus! The left still can’t get over the ‘Jesus Ad’ during the Super Bowl! Why?

The Libtards can’t quite kicking the sh*t out of poor Jesus and what has he done to them? Even those who don’t believe in the Jesus stor

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Is Biden On Life-Support?

10967909269?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Reports are confusing and deliberately unclear about the ongoing disintegration of Joe Biden. Some insiders are confessing to a medically induced consciousness to bring Biden back long enough to make speeches,. However incoherent and bewi

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AOC Escalates The War On Christians

10966832662?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Filthy Hose-Bag AOC intensifies the war against Mom and Pop Christians claiming they are fascists!

Confused and disoriented about Christianity seems to be what AOC is suffering from. First of all, does she know what fascism really is?


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