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There is an old saying, “Fish or cut bait.”  The problem is there are still a lot of folks in the boat doing neither. This is fine until the fishers and baiters realize you are taking up space for nothing. They will get tired of the lethargy and procrastination and throw those lazy butts overboard. Well, the damn boat is sinking and it’s time to start tossing…. Don’t bother bailing against the wash of debt and problems. Until the gunwales are above sea level, it won’t help. You have to lessen the load in the boat so it can rise above the flood..

I am interested in the news today. It never ceases to amaze me how hard the Republicans try to analyze the recent election. They just can’t seem to put a finger on the reasons for their rather spectacular loss to Obama and his ilk. There is talk of returning to the values, whatever the hell that is. There is talk of reaching out to out constituents. Good luck with that. Yall apparently don’t know who the constituents are and what they want from a political party. Considering the trouncing you just got, you don’t have a clue how to attract them either. As long as you keep putting people like our esteemed Speaker of the House in positions of authority, and offering the likes of Romney as president, you aren’t likely to find out anytime soon.  So where does that leave the millions of Americans who know what we should be doing but can’t seem to find a party to champion those standards of conduct in government? You know these folks, the ones who stayed home last election out of disgust. Well, enter the much maligned third party.

You no doubt hear all the horror stories surrounding the possibility of an effective third party. The Democrats are joyous over the prospect of a third party. It will dilute the Republican base. Umm, maybe, but is that necessarily bad?  YES say the Republicans. It will harm the only alternative to the bad old Democrats. The Republicans are the only thing between a fate worse than death and the citizenry. Oh, they have a great line of BS about how they are going to return sanity to the federal government. They are going to get the monster debt under control. They are going to do something serious about immigration. They are going to walk on water. And so on ad nauseum. What they ARE going to do is maintain the status quo until they can figure out how to get the reins of power from the Democrats. If that means “compromising” they will do it. If that means rolling over for Obama and his minions, they will do that too. Bi-partisan compromise is nothing short of surrendering ones principles in the interest of minimizing the damage to one’s party. It has absolutely nothing to do with good government. Anytime a politician comments on what he or she stands for or is going to do, we must ask ourselves “Qui Bono?”  Qui Bono … WHO Benefits? It certainly won’t be the average American who is falling deeper and deeper into debt and who see their way of life being eroded into that of a third world country. Well Yeah, say the pundits .. but a third party can’t be the only solution.  I would ask, why not?

In a three party race, all it takes is for a candidate to garner 33.3 percent of the vote. If two are able to get 33.3 percent, or more,  you have a runoff election. Keep in mind that we are one of a very few nations to have ONLY two political parties actually participating in running the country. Most western countries have three, four or a gob of political parties. They form coalition governments where no one party has a lock on policy... or power. The president or premiere must appeal to this coalition if he or she wants to get anything done. And there is no such thing as Executive Orders. Executive Orders are nothing less than the executive branch usurping the will and authority of Congress. When they become onerous, they are nothing short of treason. They are the fabric of tyranny. They must be stopped. So too, must we stop the president and a sycophant Senate from ratifying UN treaties that step on our Constitutional sovereignty. We cannot and must not allow a group of third world demagogues to run our country. We must let the UN know in unequivocal terms that they will not now nor ever have a say in how we run our country.

So, what party is out there to save us from ourselves? Well, I know that party, but I will keep it quiet for a while. No use guessing, I won’t give you an out that easily. You are going to have to wake up and work for the enlightenment.

Is it the Libertarians?  Nope. There was a time when I had Libertarian tendencies, but I realized that while they had some good ideas, they would not be able to govern in today’s world environment. They basically want little or no government (not necessarily a bad thing), but they fail to realize just how necessary a strong national defense and diplomacy is in today’s world. When this country was founded, we were tired of war and strife. The government the founders gave us was a constitutional republic with strong libertarian undertones. That exact form of government probably wouldn’t fly today. Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% into a return to Constitutional government along the lines of the founders wishes, but in my opinion, it probably wouldn’t be able to keep us out of trouble, both domestically and internationally.

Ah, the Green Party. Please! Give me a break.

The Socialist Party?  Don’t look now, but they are already in charge and getting stronger every day. They call themselves "progressives", but they are socialists or outright communists. Does wolf in sheep's clothing have any meaning here? If we don’t step on the roaches pretty soon, they will take over the house for sure.

Most people I know are sick and tired of being told it is their fault. Well, as aggravating and tiring as that may be, it is still the truth. We get what we ask for, or, by our lack of interest, what we allow to take over. Obama could not have prevailed if enough real Americans had made it to the polls. I fully realize that Mr. Romney was not a real choice but he was far better than what we got. It would have slowed the quick-time march to Socialism we are being forced into. This kind of reminds me of the Bataan Death March in some ways. Sadly, most Americans don’t have a clue what I refer to. They simply don’t know or care. In other respects we are like the pack of Lemmings that march inexorably to their death in blissful ignorance, neither seeing or caring that their extinction is near at hand. Sadly, it is far too late to try and turn around when you are at the brink. You have no choice but to “go with the flow”.

And so on. So who is left to champion the cause? Well folks, there really is a party founded on the principles of good, sound government. It closely resembles the government our founders wanted us to have. But it has the necessary flexibility and stability to actually govern in today’s world conditions.  I will answer questions about that semi-mythical party to your satisfaction on my next post. Until then, enjoy what our apathy has wrought. It can and will get worse.

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A comment I saw in regads to Benghazi

I have spoken to a friend who lives in another country who watched the attack as it happened.  He knew help had been called for by our men, help that they reported on the news there, was only about 20 minutes away.  They also knew obama had denied them help.  So how is it that all this investigating is going on? Obama lied, all the other countries except ours know it.  It is crazy there is still talk of further hearings. The buck stops with obama. It was terrorism. Impeah him now.

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Bob of THE FIVE, with a Twinkie up his nose defines the present state of the Government of The United States of America!
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Pappa johns is holding a steady pace with cutting back on employee hours, then Hostess goes down in turn two, now in the stretch Toyota is showing signs of bail under the pressure of strain, Holding fast and taking the lead are DHS and HLS with TSA in a close third place its going to be an exciting day here at the American collapse derby ladies and gentilemen! Hold onto your hats and wallet for this nail biting race to see who comes in first place.....

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Walker said that no matter who controlled the exchange, the federal government would make all decisions and the product would be the same. The governor said in a conference call that the law does not allow for a “uniquely Wisconsin option.”
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Oshkosh, said he “totally” supports the governor.
“He recognizes a state run exchange isn’t really a state-run exchange,” Johnson said. “It puts Wisconsin taxpayers on the hook for the expense and disaster that’s gonna fall on our health care. I want to work with Gov. Walker to do everything we can to limit the damage.”
But not all local Republicans were fans of the move.
State Rep. Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, said he would have preferred more local control over the health insurance exchanges. But “there is little chance there would have been enough local control to offset the many negative consequences of taking full or partial responsibility for creating the exchanges,” he said in a statement.
State Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, said the governor made a “mistake” by choosing to go with a federal plan.
Hansen said Washington would now have power over health exchanges instead of decisions being made at home.
“He’s already cost us $38 million when he turned down federal dollars to set up the exchange,” Hansen said. “The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land … it’s gonna be here. It’s his failure now.”
State Sen. Frank Lasee, R-Ledgeview, praised the governor in a statement.
“Gov. Walker was faced with a tough decision today, he decided to lead Wisconsin away from an unpopular, bureaucratic, expensive, government-run Obamacare state health insurance exchange,” he said. “This was the right decision for Wisconsin. This decision will save Wisconsin taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.”
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The Election was compromised!

Let's write to Congress to impeach President Obama. Mr. Obama has given himself unconstitutionally-expanded martial law, war powers, and control of all communications and business in "peacetime and conflict" via Executive Orders. The presidential election was compromised (See AND AND, and our only option is to impeach.

PLEASE write your own email or send the one at the link below OR Note that the short version, which can be cut, pasted, and emailed to your Representatives, is the last paragraph of this Petition. Please pass this Petition ( to others intact and sign it at

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Third Party is already here

This is just my opinion , a opinion  based on the research I have done, months and months of it. It appears to me that we already have a third party, That third party has somehow managed to infilterate the Democrat party. There are many democrats who are as displeased with this Admin as consv are. I believe it is important to consider that what is paraded in front of us as a "Democrat" may not be a democrat at all and further more does not repersent the Average American who is a "Democrat". Just a thought.

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Cscope's Anti Christian Teaching.

The rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire.  A religion developed on the belief in the coming of the Christ (Messiah in Judaism), Christianity started as a denomination in Judaism based on the teachings of Jesus, a young Jewish rabbi in Nazareth.  Rooted in both Jewish and Greek ideas and practices, Christianity was also influenced by Mithraism in the Roman Empire, an offshoot of the Persian religion Zoroastrianism.  After the death of Jesus, his disciples spread it to the non-Jewish populations in the Roman empire.  Especially in the hands of Paul of Tarsus, Christianity became a universal religion.

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All, I am writing a letter to all of my reps here in Wa State. I need help with it. This letter needs to be regarded seriously by those who read it. So, hopefully, It is ok to do this and does not violate any rules, I am asking help from those of you who posses excellent written communication skills in combo with being very politically savy. If any of you have sound advice on how to navigate these poltical waters that would be helpful as well. Hope some of you can help me with this.

This is what I have at the moment, please don't laugh.


Dear Representive,  Roughly 2/3 of Washington State is republican. A very small and distinctly culturaly different geographical

mass of Wa State dictate key representative positions , such as State Governor, leaving the majority geographical mass of Wa State unrepresented and forced to bend to the will of a very small geographical mass of Wa State.


The sitituation is such that those who do not understand , nor do they care to understand, our needs , urban vs rural, have

without mercy, activley engaged in the destruction of their rural and consv neighbors. This is not acceptable.


Redistricting is not a solution. The time has come to give deep and serious consideration to forming a new state which would

allow all the power to elect those officials who are in line with their beliefs, values and understand the issues of those they represent.   

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Petition the Government

President Obama needs to be impeached as a traitor for breaking his oath of office to "PRESERVE, protect, and defend the United States Constitution" (Emphasis added), in unconstitutionally expanding his presidency via Executive Orders, and in adhering to, aiding and abetting the enemies of this country by using taxpayer money to finance the Muslim Brotherhood and install a Shariah-compliant socialist agenda. Also and in the alternative, President Obama is not a natural born citizen (or even native born) and, according to the United States Constitution, he is not eligible to be the president. We the People need to demand that Congress impeach Mr. Obama, restore the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land and reset presidential authority to its Constitutional limits.

https://petitions.whitehouse. gov/petition/impeach- president-obama-high-crimes- fraud-and-treason-and-because- he-ineligible-be-president/ JtXtfhR5

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Building Meaningful Morality Discussions

I recently picked up a January 2012 issue of Reason Magazine and read an article by Jonathan Haidt on the moral foundations of the Occupy Wall Street movement.  (That article described the six clusters of moral concerns—care/harm, fairness/cheating, liberty/oppression, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and sanctity/degradation) and to a survey website Haidt and his colleagues have built called

I'll get to my point:  the survey doesn't ask the questions that libertarians and economic conservatives would expect to be asked, and the results processing should be modified to separate moral foundations against a broader spectrum of political ideologies.

What ought to happen is that a group of big-brained people like Andrew Wilkow, Thomas Sowell, etc. would work with Haidt and his colleagues to make a better survey that actually maps morality views  to political ideologies.

reference article:

A better survey would provide data that supports this article:

The existing survey:

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Lame Black Christian Cop-Out

obamagaymarriage.jpeg?width=350A black Christian Obama voter called me after the election. For years, I have informed him of Obama's attacks on Christianity and anti-Christian agenda. He praised Romney for saying in his concession speech that we need to pray for our president. Then he added, “I prayed that God will bind everything in Obama that is not like Him.”

Folks I politely, but quickly, ended our conversation. I was sickened by my friend's weak attempt to cover his sell-out to skin-color under a shroud of Christian principles.

This guy had the audacity to quote Bible scripture about how Christians are commanded to pray for their political leaders. Maybe he's praying that God will cause Obama to have a change of heart as more black babies are exterminated. What a religious crock of you-know-what.

Passing on an opportunity to end Obama's anti-Christian agenda solely because he is black like you is a Judas betrayal.

Before the election I told a black Christian minister friend that Obama was pro-abortion and pro-infanticide. I told him that 40 Catholic groups were suing the Administration for forcing them to fund abortion services in Obamacare. I told him that not only does Obama support gay marriage, but Obama vowed to be an advocate of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.

My friend did not dispute one of my facts. He simply said Romney's plan would bankrupt our economy and that he was voting for Obama, the lesser of two evils. Keep in mind, folks, that this guy claims to be a man of God. And yet he is in essence saying the murder of innocent babies and the furthering of the homosexual agenda are acceptable collateral damage. His shameful logic is BS to hide his racism and idolatry of skin color.

This same black minister friend called me after the election. I did not take his call.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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“ Are You Part Of 'Lawless America' ? “

“ Are You Part Of 'Lawless America' ? “
Now you may be reading the title of this week's article you might think that I am sharing about the high crime rate across America, or even perhaps regarding so much corruption being perpetrated by politicians, lawyers, judges and others against “We The People”---well, you would be partially right but perhaps not entirely. People involved in corruption are indeed everywhere in our nation and world but there is one man of what seems to be a very few and of a select group of people who despite risk of being harmed or even murdered by corrupt and evil people; has taken the brave course in setting out to expose as much corruption as possible and give “equal justice” a rightful and God given place back in our lives.
What is this brave man's name who has taken on the task to expose evil and corruption in our government, courts and other places ? Why his name is William Windsor. I met “Bill” through a social media web site some months ago and what a blessing Bill has become... not just to me, my wife and children but also to thousands of Americans suffering injustice all across our nation. If you have ever met Bill, you are aware that he also has his own story of how corruption from our US Government has negatively impacted him( Mr. Windsor is different than most American's suffering from evil however...when seeing corruption being propagated against him, he has not done as most American's do when confronted with corruption against them; which is pretty-much only whine and complain, thankfully Bill instead has decided to take positive action in exposing and removing it.
Through his pain and suffering of what many others as well and increasingly many more American's have come to see in their own lives these days of Government and corporate corruption, William has come to a place where he see's that people generally cannot on their own win against corruption. He has found that if through unifying victims, there is a much better chance of exposing and removing evil. I couldn't agree more with Mr. Windsor’s mindset in exposing and removing evil. As a matter of fact, As I have shared with Bill personally, I myself am a victim of a Filipina Migration Marriage Scam, corrupt courts and a death threat from a City of Batavia, NY cop (, and so I personally stand with Bill Windsor in doing what even the Bible calls all Biblical Christians to do... expose and remove evil(read Ephesians 5:11).
Speaking of the “Church”, It is so sad that the Biblical Church has failed in it's Biblical mandate to expose evil and in many ways has instead either remained silent about evil and corruption in our government's or even worse; joined in acts of evil itself. Mr. Windsor has picked up that Biblical command to Christians and has been putting together testimony of many who have been wronged. Through a film documentary he calls “Lawless America-the Movie”, Bill is going to use the film to expose corruption many American's suffer and even plans to give a copy of the film to members of the US Congress on January 9th, 2013
Bill hasn’t stopped at Film making in his endeavor to get justice for all. He has devised a plan to rid corruption and even arresting those government agents involved in illegal acts. His plan to do this is through joining a political party and implement through numbers of people, a unified front in removing evil doers. Indeed, William Windsor is a man of action. I am so glad that Bill is doing all he is because so many others who have suffered injustice have given up or have ulterior motives in helping people. In fact, I have met people who have said that they want to help me but later found out that what their real motive was either for making cash or for their personal desire in being “in charge”(stroke their own ego) or both.
As far as I am concerned, the world needs more William Windsor's. I am sure Bill is not perfect, none of us are but the bottom line is that Bill Windsor isn't sitting around and just whining and complaining about his awful situation. Bill instead is doing even ding what us Christians in the Bible commands us and is willing to do so in taking a personal risk to his life in putting together this film called “Lawless America.” How many American's or others around the world would be willing to take up such a task ? Sadly, it seems not very many. I do hope and pray that especially the Biblical Church will learn from William Windsor's stance, then stand up and take notice. It's horrible that the world these days has more guts to do what the Bible declares than the Church. I am not trying to shame any one person or Christian denomination in doing what in Biblically commanded, but as is “often said”... “if the shoe fits...”.
I want to please encourage everyone to pray and support William Windsor, for every area of his life including safety. Please also pray for and HELP(James 2:17-20) your neighbors and fellow countrymen who have gone to “the government” for help (as what the government is supposed to help) are supposed to give, but folks like Bill, I and others(perhaps you also) instead have been thrown further “to the wolves.” God certainly can use the movie “Lawless America” for His glory and give justice to those who currently suffer. You are probably like me in that you see our world in a deep crisis because of evil and corruption. You probably are also like me that you would rather have a peaceful means to exposing and ridding evil than through further bloodshed as we have seen done by corrupt government agents to persons like former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer. Please pray for success and support the “Lawless America” movie, so that justice to prevail, and soon. We would all be much better off if “Lawless America” the movie and matters of justice are handled in a Biblical way.
I've quoted it before and quote it here again because it needs to be said again and again until justice comes. Don't sit around with your head up in your clouds; “ Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. “~ Isaiah 10:1-2
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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