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Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, makes clear his support for the idea of state secession in a statement appearing on his House website in which he calls the idea a "deeply American principle."

His missive comes as numerous states, most notably Texas, have gathered petitions for secession since the re-election of President Barack Obama.

“Is all the recent talk of secession mere sour grapes over the election, or perhaps something deeper?” Paul writes. “While I wouldn't hold my breath on Texas actually seceding, I believe these petitions raise a lot of worthwhile questions about the nature of our union.”

Self-governance and voluntary association represent the foundation of our nation, he says. Thomas Jefferson supported secession as a last resort.

The Declaration of Independence makes reference to the idea. “Secession is a deeply American principle,” Paul says. “This country was born through secession. Some felt it was treasonous to secede from England, but those ‘traitors’ became our country's greatest patriots.”

People are entitled to a federal government that doesn’t claw away at their freedom, he says.

“If the possibility of secession is completely off the table there is nothing to stop the federal government from continuing to encroach on our liberties and no recourse for those who are sick and tired of it.”

The federal government should drop laws that a wide majority of people oppose, Paul says.

“If the feds refuse to accept that and continue to run roughshod over the people, at what point do we acknowledge that is not freedom anymore? At what point should the people dissolve the political bands which have connected them with an increasingly tyrannical and oppressive federal government?”

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The Lyndon Johnson Great Society legislation and the massive Government bureaucracy it has created going forward, has finally born the fruit it was planted to sow 47 years ago. The extortion by the permanent welfare state is now in full blossom and the takers now outnumber the makers, the producers are now the “minority” in this country.

There are underlying conditions that extortion creates that destroy the payer as well as the payee. The payer obviously suffers the financial loss of money’s that were earned by producing in an open market economy. They also suffer the loss of dignity because they see that their production is only valued as long as it supports those who produce nothing. Their self esteem and self worth are diminished as they watch the fruit of their labor being treated with disdain and indignation, as if it is a penance for working hard and sacrificing.                      

The underlying factors that they put forth to create success bear no justification of that success, “ You didn't build that business” is the overwhelming mentality of the unproductive moocher class that has become the supplicant to all government hand outs. In their minds you are only successful because of reasons that are unjust in theirs. You stole it, you inherited it, you were the beneficiary of a state funded government program that allowed your success to happen. There is NO success if that govt. road didn’t exist or you weren't educated in a govt. school, or the over bearing over reaching govt. regulations provided a level playing field which allowed you to be successful.

From the Lips of the Commie in Chief!

The Marxist mentality of only the govt. can create prosperity for all by taking from those that can and giving to those that can’t or more correctly WON’T does create equality of outcome but not the one they profess, it breaks the will of the producers. This is now being demonstrated by how many producers are scaling back or even shutting their business’ down and looking for alternative opportunities to produce wealth and JOBS in other parts of the world or altogether getting out and staying out until this hits critical mass in the next few months to few years. There is no avoiding it, it is the desired outcome from the application of the democrats economic implosion principles as outlined by Marx in “Das Kapital” and other’s like Cloward / Pivens..

The flip side of course is even more distressing and is an even greater insight into the mentality that now permeates half of the population of this country. The govt. welfare state and the 50% of American households that now receive some form of govt. support. The most upsetting part of this societal shift and the greatest loss it has created is that it has successfully integrated a shift in the recipients perspective that it is a badge of honor now to say you are taking from someone else because you believe you deserve it because the govt. told you, you deserve it. From multi-generational welfare brood mares with their grandmothers indoctrinating their granddaughters into the welfare system; to:

I think this says it all!

And the saddest part of what is in this video is this person and millions like her derive their self worth by stealing from others to support their life style. They have no core value system other than one of you owe me, created from their lifetime of participation in govt. entitlement programs and the dependency mentality it creates. THEY ARE SLAVES AND DON”T EVEN SEE IT, OR AS LONG AS NOTHING IS REQUIRED OF THEM OTHER THAN THEIR VOTE EVERY 2 TO 4 YEARS THEY ARE WILLING TO SELL THEIR FREEDOM FOR A FREE RIDE.

This is a pathetic statement on what has been destroyed by progressive liberal policies and Democrat politics and what it has reduced the last few generations of Americans to, whining leaches with no understanding of the values of self worth, self determination and the self esteem created by ones productive efforts that are both emotionally and financially rewarded in a free market economy.

There was a long standing business management philosophy that people work as much for the self esteem of a job well done as the paycheck they received. I am sure that it is now an antiquated philosophy based on generational shifts from I will to who will for me. I am appalled every day when I see the constant bombardment of lies and false narratives that the leftist’s in this country in politics, academia, media, and journalism dump onto America like a tsunami and it is actually believed by a majority of the population. It is a sad state of affairs when the American population is lied to with regularity and they are either too stupid or too disengaged too say enough: and stand up and fight back.  It just is another re-enforcement to the success of the indoctrination policies that the liberal progressives have perfected for 100+ years.

And that is what has happened because of the extortion of welfare and the economic bondage it created has led to the loss of freedom, self esteem and the value of self worth. They are now on life support.                                                                                                                        

And as more generations of  older Americans pass away and the values that we were taught by our parents and NOT THE NANNY STATE CRADLE TO GRAVE GOVT. that now exists in America disappear, so does Freedom and Justice For All.


In Freedom,                                                                                                                                                                 

(while it lasts)

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D                                                                                                                                   

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US-Mexico Social Security Agreement

This is another Agreement slipped by the American People without their knowledge.
This is a BRIDGE for Mexicans to have access to our Social Security, the money WE CITIZENS paid into the system for US to use.
And you wonder why they say Social Security is going broke??

Here is a summation:

The following provisions shall apply to the United States:
1. After 6 quarters (1.5 years) of qualifying participation in the US S.S. payment system, Mexicans will become eligible for full Social Security benefits (But Americans have to have 40 Quarters to receive full SS benefits !!)
2. In determining eligibility for benefits under paragraph 1 of this Article, the Agency of the United States shall credit one quarter of coverage in each calendar year for every 13 weeks of contribution certified for that year byAN AGENCY OF MEXICO (SINCE WHEN DOES MEXICO PAY INTO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM AND WHY DOES PARTICIPATION IN THE MEXICAN SYSTEM QUALIFY IN THE US?????)
3. Where entitlement to a benefit under United States applicable laws is established according to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Agency of the United States shall compute a pro rata Primary Insurance Amount in accordance with United States applicable laws
4. Entitlement to a benefit from the United States which results from paragraph 1 of this Article shall terminate with the acquisition of sufficient periods of coverage under United States applicable laws to establish entitlement to an equal or higher benefit without the need to invoke the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article (this is where the bridge part is obvious)

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U.S.-Mexican Social Security Agreement

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Who Determines When Life Begins?

We politicized it.  We said that it was up to the individual to decide and that it would neither be decided for or against in the court of public opinion.  Churches state that life begins at conception and that anything that stops life afterwards is murder.  Opponents state that life begins when they determine, whether it is implantation, a certain month, or even birth.  There are even arguments made about a certain amount of time after birth.  However, it was supposed to be left in the state of, "we can agree to disagree."  The idea of too many was this; allow abortions, abortificients, and other such medications and procedures to be available but up to the individual to choose to utilize it or not, thus respecting the free right of all Americans. 

Although personally against this as many Americans were against blatant murder of the unborn, respecting the rights of others to do as they wished tore on the consciences of many.  They acquiesced to the demand of others to do as they pleased under the guise of the "rights of the individual".  Once this was the status quo, those who believed that abortions and those medications and procedures that could cause abortions should be readily available and in fact enforced throughout medical facilities, doctors offices, and pharmacies, regardless of the personal beliefs of those who work in those locations moved one step forward again.  Quoting the rights of the individual again, it was put forth that no one should be without something that they might need, whether the prohibiting factor be cost, availability, or the religious convictions of others. 

It is beside the point that this country was not founded on an entitlement culture, but on an accountability culture, where one earns what they have, works for what they want, and their rights are not given to them because of who they are but because of of the principles they stand on and what they are willing to fight for if it came down to it.  Demanding rights that are not given to them in the Constitution, the proponents of ObamaCare trample the rights of those whose rights are secured in the Constitution. 

The court in a recent Fox News article not only had an opinion on when life begins, not at conception, but it going to impose that belief on the Hobby Lobby company to force them to go against personal conscience and religious belief stating that as Hobby Lobby is not a religious institution but a for-profit company, their beliefs have no business in the public forum. 

Our forefathers wanted to ensure that the government would not establish a religion that we all had to follow but the government has already done so.  It wants to be our religion.  The government wants to be our provider of all.  Our caretaker and our stay in times of need.  Instead of the power of the individual working to make a name for themselves and and accomplishing all on their own, which has always been the American dream, the government wants to hand it all to us safely, in sweet comfort and keep us unsuspecting of what we lose as it shows us all we can gain. 

Caring for us in illness, in hard economic times, when we need education, when we need some extra money, the government wants to be our answer to every need we might have.  Ironically, these are all things the church used to do.  They would take care of the sick and needy, the hungry and the widows, the fatherless and the forsaken.  The best way to become our god is to push out the competition, which is what the government is working on- pushing out the church in the public sector and doing it under the guise of separation of church and state. 

Note that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.  This has happened before in Communist countries.  The state is the national religion and missionaries in those areas are severely persecuted.  Scary that it is happening here, huh?

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Be Encouraged!

11/19/12Howdy all! If I may I will apologize up front if anything I say here is difficult to comprehend. I am still coming out of the anesthesia from earlier today, when I had arthroscopic surgery to remove some of the meniscus from my left knee which had been going rogue for some time now. So, if I go into discussions of flights to the moon or if I can’t wait to see the face of our nation when the NEXT millennium arrives, you know what to do.Anywhere, er I mean hoo,..Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. ~ Ephesians 4:29I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. ~ Nathan Hale, before being hanged by the British, 1776OK, this quote from Nathan Hale may be one of the few that is still taught in public school. But like most other teachings of our founders, not much else is taught. So, here’s a little about this patriot.He was born in Connecticut in 1755. At the ripe old age of 14 (yes, fourteen) he attended Yale, graduating with honors at 18. He joined a literary fraternity called Linonia, where he debated issues like astronomy, mathematics and the ethics of slavery. He joined the military in 1755. His unit went to Boston, although he did not, since his teaching contract in New London had not yet expired. Twenty? He then joined the 7th Connecticut Regiment, and was with General Washington trying to thwart the British who were moving to capture New York City. Nathan was the only volunteer to go behind lines on Long Island to report on troop movements. But he was captured, after being pointed out by a loyalist cousin. After interrogation he was hanged at the present day corners of 66th and 3rd in Manhattan, where he uttered the famous quote. It’s also reported that one of the hangmen was a former slave turned loyalist, who was 13 (thirteen) at the time of the hanging.“Why all of this history?” you might ask. Simple. We have so much to do, now that we have lost some of the momentum gained 2 years ago. I might add that the momentum was not lost due to the efforts of all the tea party, conservative, freedom loving patriots who have been, and will continue to strive for the restoration of our Constitution, economy and regain the control over the governance granted, that “We the People” have vested in the Congress and President. But, we are not only trying to save this nation for us. Our children, their children, and so on need our help. More importantly, they need us to show them how to do what we are doing. We need to get them involved. It is their future we fight for. But they cannot just stand to the wayside and watch. They must get involved. That’s why there is always so much effort by the left to get them involved. And the left had been successful in convincing the youth that the conservative movement is so restrictive that, they won’t get anything they want from the conservatives. Me, me, me. So we must instead speak of the benefits that await them in the future; what a free nation means to the world, and to them. To be successful we need to look to Ephesians 4:29 for guidance. “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” The future belongs to our children. We must encourage them to get involve, so they can have the future they deserve.Take care, God bless and especially, ESPECIALLY at this time in history,STAND WITH ISRAEL!!!Tom KileyPS: There; I think I got through this alright. Except, why is that horse portrait on the wall coming off to eat my dinner?
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Line in the Sand

4063634476?profile=originalBarack Obama stopped in Burma, which he insisted as a “diplomatic courtesy” on calling Myanmar (perhaps pronouncing Pakistan Pahhhkeeeestaan no longer makes him cool enough for the UN), where he managed to repeatedly mispronounce the name of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel winner who led the fight for a free, democratic Burma.  If that was not embarrassing enough for America, Obama also managed to botch the name of President Thein Sein, his official Burma host.

Were any corpse-men around to carry off members of the press?  Those members of the institutionalized “progressive” left who were mortified and humiliated by each faux pas?

You can bet NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN failed to report the botching…The New York Times too.

Had such a diplomatic faux pas been committed by a Conservative president the “mainstream media” would be screaming their outrage and leaping on the ridicule bandwagon.

Of course the New York Times was too busy distorting the truth with Paul Krugman’s Op-Ed fairytale “The Twinkie Manifesto” to accurately report the failings of their dear, beloved leader.4063634425?profile=original

Krugman’s mind, displaying clear symptoms of acute “progressive thinking” disorder, made a remarkable leap to the conclusion that Conservative orthodoxy believes the pathway to prosperity lies in demeaning workers and coddling the rich.

He dismissed the Simpson-Bowles Commission for accurately concluding that lower tax rates lead to lower deficits.  Overlooking historical evidence to the contrary, Krugman concluded the healthy American economy during the 1950s was a product of the 91 percent tax rate on top bracket income earners.  He fostered the preposterous notion that the high-tax rates of the decade that followed World War II were responsible for America’s economic growth.

The economic growth of the 1950s was due primarily to the fact that during World War II the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into rubble, especially their manufacturing capacities.  While the rest of the world was recovering from that condition, America enjoyed a decade of prosperity because American industries had no serious competition.  The world bought American goods because nobody else made much of anything worth buying.  With such conditions leading to an American economic boom, the economy was able to sustain itself and grow despite the unnaturally high tax rates imposed on business; rates that had financed the titanic war effort.

Krugman’s economic insanity was matched by that of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who said on Friday that Congress should remove legal limits on government borrowing and lift America’s debt limit to infinity.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV, when asked by “Political Capital” host Al Hunt Geithner if “we ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling,” Geithner replied: “Oh, absolutely.”

So, according to Paul Krugman of The New York Times and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, America taxing businesses into oblivion and eliminating all restraints on spending will lead to economic prosperity.

The “progressive” insanity does not stop at America’s shores.

4063634388?profile=originalIn Congress the Obama administration is on the ropes for having administration appointees change the CIA talking points regarding the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

According to Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House intelligence committee, "There was not an intelligence failure.  The intelligence community had it right, and they had it right early. What happened was it worked its way up through the system of the so-called talking points, which everyone refers to, and then it went up to what’s called a deputy’s committee...It went to the so-called deputy’s committee, that’s populated by appointees from the administration.  That’s where the narrative changed.  And so how that thing got back to (Susan) Rice, I think, is probably another question."

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), the vice chair of the Senate intelligence committee, said that he had tried to discover who changed the talking points:

"At the hearing we had on Thursday and Friday, we had every leader of the intelligence community there, including folks from the State Department, the FBI -- everybody there was asked, 'Do you know who made these changes?' And nobody knew. The only entity that reviewed the talking points that was not there was the White House.  So, you know, I don't know whether -- what they said yesterday is exactly right or not. But, what I do know is that every member of the intelligence community says that references to al Qaeda were removed by somebody, and they don't know who. And references to attacks versus demonstrations were removed by somebody."

While the Obama re-election campaign and White House operatives followed the Alinsky model that the ends justify the means and changed talking points to support the false narrative coming out of the Democratic National Convention that Al Qaeda had been smashed, the Middle East drifted into more dangerous territory.

Not only did Hamas resume launching hundreds of Iranian made missiles into Israel, they were joined in that effort by Egypt.4063634495?profile=original

In response, Israel readied forces to launch and 'significantly expand' an offensive if necessary.

On Sunday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stiff warning to Hamas.  He declared the Israeli army was prepared to widen its Gaza offensive significantly.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry reinforced Netanyahu’s statements by confirming that if rocket attacks persisted, a ground offensive into Gaza was likely.  Speaking to France 24, Ygal Palmor stated that “Our sole aim of this offensive is to make Hamas stop firing rockets. We have used air strikes but if that’s not enough then we may contemplate ground operations as well.”

To round out the insanity of the left, the war on Christianity continues in America. 

4063634602?profile=originalThe City of Santa Monica is being sued over freedom of speech after choosing to end the city’s holiday tradition of displaying Nativity scenes.

Said Hunter Jameson, head of the nonprofit Santa Monica Nativity Scene Committee that is behind the law suit: "It's a sad, sad commentary on the attitudes of the day that a nearly 60-year-old Christmas tradition is now having to hunt for a home, something like our savior had to hunt for a place to be born because the world was not interested.”

National atheist groups, responding to Catholic activism against women’s healthcare issues imposed by Obamacare, paid for newspaper ads and TV spots in their latest salvo in the war against Christianity in America.

Atheist tactics have shifted to an insistence that their views be given equal placement alongside holiday displays conveying the Christian message.  Previously, atheists had sought to enforce separation of church and state via the courts.

The alleged leader of the free world is so reliant on his teleprompter that in the midst of an historic diplomatic mission he does not know what he is saying.  The eager, obedient lap-dogs in the “progressive” Party Pravda have joined with so-called academics to re-write American history in favor of their radical, anti-American agenda.  As it is happening, the Obama administration is revising history to suit their political needs because they know a criminally negligent media which places taking sides before reporting the truth will not challenge them.  America is speeding towards bankruptcy while the world becomes more unsafe and “progressives” offer no viable answers.  Despite the 75 percent of America who celebrate Christmas, they are being forced by aggressive fringe minorities to confront demands for a secular, multicultural society.

If ever there was a time for Conservatives to unite and draw a line in the sand against the encroachment of the institutionalized “progressive” left’s insanity, this is it.

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Obama can still be stopped

We have one last, final chance to save America. We have one last, final chance to stop Barack Obama. One final chance.

Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president.

Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.

That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs.

Is there a way to stop this?

Yes, there is.

And the best part – this is totally constitutional.

The 12th Amendment of the Constitution as well as Article II of the Constitution govern the Electoral College.

According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress.

The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.

Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they would vote for Mitt Romney, and the Democrats in the Senate would vote for Joe Biden for vice president.

Can this work?

Sure it can.

Democrats have actually set this precedent of refusing to participate to deny Republicans a quorum. They did this in Wisconsin and in Texas. Why can’t we do this with the Electoral College?

Mitt Romney was a terrible candidate, and he will not be a great president. But he will be infinitely better than Barack Obama.

So how do we do this?

Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17.

If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives.

That is how we can still pull this election out and make Mitt Romney president in January.

We need this concept shared with every tea party, liberty and patriotic group throughout the country. We have time to act, but we must pressure Republicans to do the right thing.

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When America Comes Knocking .....


Since the shootings took place in Tucson, I have heard the left ranting and raving against Governor Sarah Palin, talk radio and other conservative pundits in America. Liberals have been like bulldogs fighting over a bone with their scratching and screaming assault on free speech in America.

None of us in the middle or the right of political ideology should be surprised.

None of us in the middle or on the right should expect them to take an inch of responsibility for the mess America now finds itself.

The fact that the Left promoted and anointed such an inexperienced person to the White House, and most Americans fell for this bought and paid for production is enough to make any sane person scream.

So my question is when are YOU, the average American, going to finally believe that you have more brains and commonsense in your little finger than most politicians, past and present? Do you now understand that the 'good ole boys' network in America is destroying your country and that you, via your vote and your inability to credit yourself for having a brain has aided and abetted this situation?

When describing a 'commoner' aka, Governor Palin, as 'too stupid for words,' the old guard – on both sides of the aisle – demonstrates its disdain for the average American. It comes from the Left and the Right because they all know better than any of you how to keep you at each other's throat by useless diversionary tactics and groundless accusations. They know better than you and always will what is good for you so you can just sit your arse down and shut up.

That's the goal. It's what both sides of the aisle want. Either that or they want you to fight with each other. Even better, the Washington ‘elites’ have found a smokescreen that is far more effective: instead of calling you dumb, they can demonstrate how dumb you are by manufacturing a fight or a crisis and then stand back snickering in the corner while you all go at it like high school kids. It’s been like the worst play ever produced in your country pitting American against American.

Political goals are no longer about differences in political ideology; it is now about Right and Left. They no longer care about what is good or bad for America; it must be about American hating American. Disagreement is not allowed anymore. Hate is the goal and so far, they are winning.

From my view here in the North, I cannot help but wonder why, YOU the average American, have no trust in yourself? Do YOU think you are stupid? Too dumb to know right from wrong? Top from bottom? Fiscal responsibility as opposed to a one way train trip to bankruptcy? That is where America is headed and BOTH parties have dragged your country down this road without much protest from the average American.

Content they were that you were ‘dumbed down’ enough and fighting with each other so you would be distracted and just sit down and shut up. Americans, stay out of the way of the elites who know how you should live your life, run your country and interpret your Constitution the way they want to for you. You are too dumb to do so, you know. Where is your diploma from Harvard or the likes?

There is one organization that has stood up and is still standing up to the elites and that is the Tea Party Groups. A wonderful organization of Americans of all colours and all political thinking who are taking action behind the scenes to change the way things are being done in your country. If you are not a member, you need to get up off your couch and find a group to join. This is a turning point in the history of your country and you can be a part of the change or continue to be a part of the problem. Its time to roll America! It's time to show the powers that be just how dumb you really aren't.

Lastly, for those of you with Palin Derangement Syndrome (PD, Governor Palin is an American who knows how to be a leader. Palin leads by example. She may not be a Harvard grad, but she is fast getting an education from America’s political arena of hard knocks. People keep trying to knock her down and she keeps taking the blows.

I give kudos to a real American who loves her country and the people in it. A real politician who knows that the hearts and minds of all good Americans is what will help her save the country she loves. You see, she understands that Americans are not dumb. They were just put to sleep by all the garbage ya'll have been tossing their way for a few years now. In the end, there is nothing dumb about Americans when they gather together under their flag and start their march to take their country back. That began a year or more ago and they are still marching.

When American patriots come knocking on your door, all of you who tried to dumb down your fellow country men and women, look for Palin walking right beside them. Not in front of or behind, but side by side because that in the end is what true leadership is all about.

Just a view from my side of the border.
Cam Vallee, your Northern Neighbour

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My husband is a Democrat, I have friends who are Democrats. What I have to say is very important. Yes we have slightly different political views , key word being slightly. These Democrats are not at all happy about who is in office, nor did they vote for him! I know one person, whom at one time I called friend. He claimed to be a Democrat. Folks turns out he is in fact a Marx follower!

Democrats did not suddenly become "Aliens from Outerspace"!  I fully believe that the Democrat party has

been infilterated , unknown to most Democrats.  Divide and conquer can work for anyone, including us. How?

I go to lib sites which contain articles that implement a divide and conquer approach , attempting to get decent Democrats to believe consv are literally their enemy. I comment on these sites, an example:

I work to bring Americans back togather. You sir are what I consider a member of the third party. I think you spread ignorance to deceive Democrats who sir believe in the constitution , freedom, liberty and justice. You are the enemy sir and you are not a Democrat!


A comment from a Democrat to the same article I posted above comment to:

WOW Dude... I'm not a "right wing" guy... But seriously, shoot yourself in the face.




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