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                          News report: New Act of Terror!
A local militia, believed to be a terrorist organization, attacked the
property of private citizens today at our nation’s busiest port. Although
no one was injured in the attack, a large quantity of merchandise,
considered to be valuable to its owners and loathsome to the
perpetrators, was destroyed. The terrorists, dressed in disguise and
apparently intoxicated, were able to escape into the night with the help
of local citizens who harbor these fugitives and conceal their identities
from the authorities. It is believed that the terrorist attack was a
response to the policies enacted by the occupying country’s
government. Even stronger policies are anticipated by the local citizens.


Here is the actual lesson....Terrorism.pdf






Is this not appalling?  Texas Cscope curriculum is referring to the Boston Tea Party as a Terrorist act! I would refer to these men as  Patriots!

Texas Parents wake up and speak out against this Progressive/Marxist ideology. Here is a link to another blog on this.



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Recent Articles to Read and Learn From

Articles to read and learn from:

1. Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years

2. U.S. immigrants 43% on welfare after 20 years

3. Homeland Security Promotes Welfare to Ineligible Immigrants in Government ‘Welcome’ Materials

4. Welfare Spending Up 41% Under Obama

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Hi Guys, below is the link to a petition for the FEC.  They need 10,000 signatures, they have roughly 8500.  Please do spread this around as much as possible.  Yes, there will be resistance and foot dragging, yes there are a lot of liberal friends in the FEC, but this still needs to be done.
All the best, Cort
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Declaration of Intent
TO: All U. S. Federal Government and State officials, elected, appointed or employed.

I am a loyal, law-abiding, legal American citizen of the United States of America. I am duty bound to the highest law of the United States, the United States Constitution. It is my duty to honor the Constitution and it is my responsibility to protect it and the Freedoms and Rights it guarantees. I will resist any and all attempts to limit those freedoms and rights by any person, association, organization, government, agency or any other entity regardless of whether they are appointed, employed, or elected. Those Freedoms and Rights include, but are not limited to, the right of religion, the right of free speech, the right of assembly, the right to own and bear arms and all rights afforded by the Constitution. These, along with all rights and freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution, are not subject to conditions or considerations of a government which seeks to dole them out as it sees fit, they belong to the American people, as does the government. I will, also, resist any attempt made to manipulate, alter, or amend these God given Rights and Freedoms in such a way as to lessen their degree or restrict their accessibility, in any way, by legal, law abiding American citizens, regardless of how or who is attempting to do so. It is my duty as a legal, loyal, law- abiding citizen of the United States of America to insist on and demand the preservation, protection and adherence to the United States Constitution, in letter and spirit intended by our founding fathers, by all my fellow citizens, elected officials, and courts regardless of their position, rank, or authority. This must be so if we are to survive as a nation.
It is with grave sincerity, great Honor and great respect for my Country and its Constitution that I join with my brother and sister Americans by signing this notice.
May God bless our great nation!
Signed:_______________________________________ Date:_______________________________________
Print: _______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________
Address:______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________
Please return to:
C/O Constitutional Guard
225 Brian Drive 830-569-2968
Pleasanton, Texas 78064-1501
We ask for your contact information in order to alert you if a situation should warrant. Your personal information will be protected and will only be used for the purpose of the petition and for no other reason. There are no fees, dues, or charges of any kind associated with our effort, if you are asked for any money to sign please report it to address on petition.

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Share everywhere you can.

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper, Prager Zeitungon.“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President."Tags:
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4063633387?profile=originalLiberals and democrats have now chosen to open their favorite boogieman door and take out the always convenient racism race card. This time, democrat leaders including the incoming Congressional Black Caucus leader, Cleveland democrat   Rep. Marcia Fudge (D.-Ohio), the incoming chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus went on the attack Friday, November 16th charging racism!  This time the targets were Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Senator Kelly Ayotte.

Out came the old tired and quite familiar race card.  “How dare these white senators and especially these white men attack this black woman!”  All one can say to these congressional women who sang this same familiar tune. Grow up!  This is not 1962, it is 2012.  Americans lives were lost and facts do matter! 

Nearly 2 months ago, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on 5 national news Sunday talk shows selling a lie which covered up the truth of the murders of four Americans at the Benghazi consulate in Libya.  The administration lies have taken on their own life, and on Thursday, November 15th the republican senators demanded answers.

Yes, it does matter that Ambassador Rice covered up the lie about a You Tube video being the reason for the attack on the Benghazi Consulate. The administration it knew to be a lie. It was a fiction that President Obama knew was a lie, and avoided telling the truth about.  It was a lie that Obama’s former CIA Director David Petraeus knew as a lie 24 hours after the deadly 9/11 attack.  Yet, Susan Rice never offered even a scintilla of evidence about an Al Qaeda attack being the reason for the assassination of Americans.

So why go back to the same card game with Americans.  Why the double racial standard?

Why do congresswomen like Cleveland, Ohio congresswoman Marcia Fudge, incoming chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus feel it is necessary to state, “ It’s a shame that whenever anything goes wrong they pick on women and minorities!”

The answer is clear. 

The politics of racism practiced by liberals, by the president, and by white guilt ridden apologists is that they need America to continue to be divided.  They are now the true racists in an America that has moved on. This nation now has a president who is black.  Americans believe that job security, an approaching fiscal cliff and crushing debt is more important than finding imagined racist boogiemen hiding in America’s dark corners.

Susan Rice does not need to be defended on the basis of her race or on her gender.  Susan Rice as any other administration official that plays footloose with the facts concerning the deaths of Americans must be held accountable. There is no two-tier level of responsibility.  American does not have nor need a racial Affirmative Action type of imagined protection for minorities or for women.

( click to read more )

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TSA - Is Off the Mark

The Towers, Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania were crashed into due to multiple failures by the US government, not because of one security guard or a razor blade.

Aviation security can be achieved without the abuse of our Constitutional rights or sensibilities. For instance, not one single of the measures our passengers endure would have stopped any of the 9-11 hijackers.

The traveling public has been unaware that it was the policy of the FAA and U.S. Government that pilots were instructed to cooperate with hijackers. The rash of AMAL/PLO terrorists’ sky-jacking became such an epidemic throughout the 1980’s, T.W.A came to mean: Travel With AMAL.

All a hijacker had to do was threaten to harm someone or say he planted a bomb, and the plane would be diverted to Cuba, Beirut or Entebbe. Al-Qaeda 9-11 planners exploited this policy and that was how they took over these aircraft.

The TSA employee’s have a tough job without question, but it is the policy and techniques that are unquestionably egregious, invasive and in reality, ineffective. Every procedure is a primarily a search for explosives, disguised as something else or laden underneath a person’s clothes or in their shoes. Firearms are countered by armed security personnel in proximity to the screening area.

The reality is a terrorist willing to blow themselves up will do it just as readily on board the aircraft as they would standing on line with literally hundreds of passengers. The TSA employee that is searching routinely for such an explosive device is completely unprepared to cope with it if they find it.

An explosion at the screening area, with hundreds of people present, will have the same debilitating effect on the industry as it would on the plane. The electronic strip search may detect an explosive, but it does nothing to neither deter nor stop it from detonating on the spot.

I personally surveyed Domodeveo Airport outside Moscow, where the terrorist brought their luggage to the arrival area, placed it down, walked away, and detonated it with a cell phone from the safety of their parked car at the drop off area. I participated with a Global Security Group, consisting of security experts from every technical field, which published a white paper, we submitted to the Committee during the “Underwear Bomber” hearings.

They described evasive countermeasures; for instance a pilot captain could take at their own discretion, such as flight controlled turbulence, employing the laws of aero-dynamics, centrifugal forces and power of gravity, that would incapacitate anyone who is not buckled into their seat, until such time they are subdued.

The mutual consensus is it was not the fault of private security that 9-11 happened, nor will replacing them with a programmed, predictable response beauracracy, out-think a thinking enemy. The terrorist plotter’s exploited the policy of cooperation and surrender. The TSA has faced many accusations and criticisms, but they will never be accused of out-smarting a determined, well planned attacker.

Aviation security world wide is achieved by a multi-dimensional approach; intelligence sharing, technology, profiling and a benign interview process employing trade secrets that I will not divulge here.

The U.S. government should not be in the abrogating the Bill of Rights for the illusion of safety business. Responsible and effective, holistic approaches, using trade secret techniques will protect the flying public. Benjamin Franklin warned us; “Those who surrender liberty for security, will have neither.” Such is the case here.

The TSA should be replaced with innovative security professionals without surrendering, liberty nor security.


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Founders Party Platform

This is a draft.  CONSTRUCTIVE  ideas and thoughts are welcome.

Founders Party Platform


We, the people of the Founders Party believe and assert that when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the principles which impel them to claim and assert their sovereignty.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal, and that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,(in all stages) Liberty and  the pursuit of Happiness, unmolested by intrusive government.  And that government has no rights or authority to dictate outside the consent of the governed, nor to make laws or regulations that do not apply equally to all, including themselves.

We of the Founders Party proclaim and declare that we generally embrace the principles and ideals of our nation’s Founders and believe specifically;


  • Because our Rights are endowed by God, no man, government or entity can take, minimize, alloy, or infringe upon them.
  • It is our duty to reclaim the sovereignty, dignity, and liberty of our states and people.
  • Our Constitution and Bill of Rights mean EXACTLY what they say as they are written.
  • Any laws, regulations, or amendments that offend our Constitution are necessarily unconstitutional.
  • Almost everything government does today is unconstitutional, illegal and/or destructive to our lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
  • The states were specifically declared as states so there would be no ambiguity that they are indeed sovereign states and not small fiefdoms to be dominated by a national leviathan.
  • The united States of America were conceived to be a bottom-up political structure whereby the most potent political entity is the individual himself who grants minimal power to local authority, which allows less power to the county and/or state which grants even less power to an assembly/conference at the federal level which has the least power of all.
  • The proper solution to unconstitutional federal fiat is nullification by the sovereign states.
  • All federal laws, regulations, rules, programs, taxes, dictates, and usurpations enacted since 1871 must be evaluated and/or nullified by the sovereign states.
  • The UN with its tyranny has no place in America and America has no place in the UN cabal of despots.
  • Without secure borders and control of immigration sovereignty is impossible or meaningless.
  • Politicians who pass laws that do not apply to themselves are tyrants masquerading as God.
  • Anyone who seeks to suppress religious expression on public ground is a religious tyrant.
  • Any citizen’s supreme right is to live unmolested by government as long as he harms no others.
  • The only acceptable role of any government is to protect the property, liberty and persons of individuals. 
  • There is an urgent need for separations between business and state as well as economy and state.
  • Government has no right to confiscate and spend our money as the politicians see fit.
  • The Tea party Movement is the most vital movement to happen on this continent since the American Revolution.
  • There are no overwhelming problems that have not been caused or perpetuated by government.


No one will completely agree with all the points of this platform and that is not the goal.  The goal is to delineate principles that can be embraced by what must be a majority of patriotic Americans.  It has become obvious and intolerable that there is no successful political party today that embraces our values so it is high time to abandon them all.  They have only to serve themselves and our demise.  Efforts to drive them to serve us rather than us serving them have been fruitless.  It is time for change.  It is time to act.  It is time to realize that we owe our progeny the birthright that was passed to us that we have lost.  Because if not us, who; if not now, when?  This is our oath our dream, our duty.  We will regain the liberty of our forefathers or must be willing to perish in the attempt.  Because without liberty, what is life worth?

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