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Tonight on David Letterman, Letterman espoused to Dr. Phil that registered Communist, Al Franken, was great, intelligent man. Do any of these "celebrities" know or care that our nation has been infiltrated by Communists like Al Frankin, or Socialists like Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson Jr, Barney Frank or that Barack Obama has been upheld on the Communist Party website as moving their agenda forward?
I would urge all of you to acquaint yourselves with the enemy:
Communist Party -
Socialist Party -
From their 'youth' camps, college campus groups and outreach to the poor, they are making inroads into our society.
!! LEARN their tactics, RECOGNIZE their lies and ORGANIZE yourselves into groups to COUNTER their DECEPTION !!
You Can Make A Difference!!!!!!
When you make the effort to post here and other places on line for Freedom and Liberty's sake. Then combine it with making the extra effort to get out and work against injustice. It really makes your sacrifices worthwhile when you get letters like the one below. In the past five years I have received several and I am always humbled by the gratefulness and appreciation from those who benefited from my simply doing what we are supposed to do. Our duty as American citizens, one to another. One of those letters posted below. I edited it to remove the names and header as not to disclose the identities of the writers.
________ _____________________________________________________________
Mr. Art Phillips
225 Brian Drive
Pleasanton, TX 78064-1501
Dear Mr. Phillips:
We will never forget March 21, 2012! The emotional roller coaster we've been on for nearly five years reached a pinnacle on this date when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that we have the right to challenge one of the most arrogant and abusive federal agencies in the nation - the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
We'd like to thank you for helping to restore our faith in America, in the Constitution, and for reviving our dream of building a home. There are countless heroes in our battle for liberty. Most certainly everyone at Pacific Legal Foundation, and our attorney Damien xxxxx, but most importantly supporters like you.
This day would not have come, and this Court ruling that vindicated the rights of all Americans against bureaucratic bullying, would not have happened without you.
When our saga began in 2007, we were truly shocked. We thought we were living in some totalitarian country. Now, you, PLF and the Supreme Court have come to our rescue, and reminded the EPA - and everyone - that this is still America, and Americans still have rights under the Constitution.
We will never forget what you've done for us.
Lions vs Hyenas: GOP vs Dems, CIA vs FBI, House vs Senate, Knowledgeable people vs zombies, Americans vs Kenyans, Good vs Bad,,,we know the score but we are "preaching to the choir"...somehow we must reach "the great unwashed"...those who think Government is The Price Is Right On Steroids...Come On Down and Get Free Stuff and Obama Dollars! We (The Right Way vs the wrong way) must create/produce a Lion who can deal with this apocolyptic idea that someone like Obama has their best interests at heart...Reason vs deficit,jobs,or contraceptives? GOD Help Us! or GOD Helps Those Who Help Themselves?!!
Sign my petition calling on President Obama to resign and give up his Electoral College votes for his dereliction of duty in the Benghazi incident. Thanks
Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified Friday that "Al Qaeda involvement" references were removed from the CIA’s original talking points, which had indicated that the CIA knew immediately that an Al Qaeda linked group was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which led to the brutal murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Mysteriously, those talking points were removed from the talking points used by UN Ambassador Susan Rice when she appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows. Rice used the same talking points that somehow happened to have been spoken verbatim by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama himself.
They were used multiple times…for weeks leading up to the U.S. election.
Equally inconvenient for the White House’s crumbling foreign policy narrative is the revelation that Jill Kelly, the “Tampa Bay socialite” whose complaints about email harassment facilitated the demise of Petraeus, just happens to have dined at the White House three times this year.
Meanwhile, Israel is mobilizing masses of tanks and tens of thousands of reservists in response to Hamas launching missiles oh so conveniently located next to mosques and playgrounds into Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Egypt, whose rapidly fraying peace treaty with Israel is all but a thing of the past, is sending its Prime Minister to visit Gaza in support of Hamas.
Welcome to Middle East diplomacy, Obama style.
Feeling safer now?
Since objecting to the policies and/or behavior of any “progressive” is instantly trumpeted as “sexist”, “racist” or whatever pejorative is most convenient for members of the institutionalized “progressive” left, such declarations should be summarily ignored. One can only cry “wolf” for so long before they can expect to be dismissed. Criticizing Rice has been declared “sexist” and “racist”. Logically, going after Obama will only be deemed “racist.”
In their ongoing efforts to uncover the ugly truth, Senate and House investigators should go after Obama. After all, in Thursday’s press conference he asked for it.
Are you ready to wake up in an America where your family is defenseless against enemies foreign or domestic? This reality is right around the corner. A day after his reelection, Barack Obama signaled the United Nations that he is ready to sign an Arms Treaty to strip you of your U.S. Second Amendment Constitutional right to bear arms.
This is not new. The United Nations made earlier attempts during the administration of former President George W. Bush. But, President Bush soundly rejected the measure. Now, President Obama, fresh off of this presidential win, feels emboldened to go forward with his design to unilaterally dismember the guaranteed constitutional protections citizens of this nation are entitled to.
Do you feel comfortable with the idea that the U.S. State Department under the control of either Ambassador Hillary Clinton will truly represent your interest? What about her possible replacement nominee, America’s United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. This is the same Ambassador Rice’s who went on five television network shows to cover up the truth of what happened to four Americans murdered on 9/11 in Benghazi, Libya.
Where does that leave Americans?
The real question is what are you prepared to do in order to defend your right to defend your family? Will you wait to see what happens? Or will you take the necessary steps to make certain that you will not have to wait and see if United Nations gun control officials knock at your door, demanding, and “Gun license and registration, please!”
The right to control your guns is not open for debate or for negotiation. It is a sovereign right that no foreign organization, including the United Nations has the right or the authority to undertake, because a president gives the go ahead.
When any president decides to destroy the nation’s U.S. Constitutional rights afforded its citizens, which he has sworn to uphold, he no longer has the authority to represent the nation’s citizens. He must be impeached!
The U.S. Constitution says with great clarity in Article II, Section 4:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Your signed petitions should be forwarded to John Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives according to Article I, Section 2: "The House of Representatives . . . shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
You do not need the permission of the White House nor do you need the permission of the mainstream media to determine your course of action to demand the impeachment of Barack Obama. Develop a list of particulars that petitioners in all fifty states will sign. The secessionist movement has already gotten the ball rolling.
If there was one billionaire more excited than George Soros at President Obama's re-election, it was Elon Musk.
The South African born Musk has been a triple recipient of Obama's "green" government investment schemes and the president's re-election appears to keep the taxpayer spigots open for the crony capitalist.
Musk is a three-time winner in the Obama taxpayer giveaways to his cronies and campaign contributors.
Musk's Tesla Motors turned a $465 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy into a $600 million personal windfall in profits when the company went public. Musk used the loan to lobby Congress for more largess, spending $480,000 from 2007 to 2011 on lobbying Congress, the White House, EPA and DOE on climate and energy issues, the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loan program, the Promoting Electric Vehicles Act, and the Recovery Act.
After giving thousands of dollars to the President and the political parties, Musk's company Space-X won $440 million in grants from NASA to design the next American spacecraft capable of launching humans into space.
Refusing to quit while he is ahead, Musk has entered the failing solar space. SolarCity, another of Musk's companies living of the taxpayers, has filed for an IPO as Musk tries to replicate his get rich scheme. But recent filings appear to put a bump in the road for SolarCity.
The company, which awarded the company a $275 million loan guarantee, received a subpoena in July from the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Treasury to determine whether the company was part of a scam to inaccurately stated the fair-market value of their PV systems when applying for funds under the Treasury's Section 1603 cash-grant program.
In addition to fleecing the taxpayers to pad his wallet, it appears that Musk's Tesla Motors is also coming under scrutiny. Tesla's own SEC reports that the battery could be unsafe and catch on fire.
The green industry is a racket that hurts taxpayers and makes Obama's cronies rich. Unless Congress acts, we will likely endure another four years of bailouts, handouts and giveaways to the president's supporters.
It's time for conservatives to demand separation of business and state and it should start with Elon Musk.
Last Tuesday’s election results came as a bitter shock to the half or more of Americans who have suffered through the last 4 years of juvenile, humiliating, and severely damaging rule by President Obama, Harry Reid, and the rest of the radical left elite of today’s Democratic party. As the reality of another 4 years of “more of the same but much worse” sinks in, there’s no shortage of accusations of gross incompetence, voter fraud by the left, and deliberate sabotage of the Republican party from within.
Some of these accusations appear to be founded in fact; for example, three appears to have been a very deliberate effort to misdirect or waylay the delivery and return of military absentee ballots; hundreds of thousands of them vanished from the final count due to deliberate failure of the Obama Defense Department to implement recommended changes to ensure that the votes of those who most deserve to have their choices heard—those who lay their lives on the line to protect our freedom—are fully and fairly counted. There are also many reports of massive voter fraud involving the left “stuffing” voter rolls in some counties with ineligible, illegal alien, or deceased voters in virtually all of the “swing” states. These accusations take on an even more sinister stench when it is recalled that the left has devoted enormous resources to defeat or gut Voter ID laws in every state in the nation that has tried to implement them.
These accusations cast a shameful pall of illegitimacy over the 2012 elections and the second term of this administration. They must be pursued to the fullest extent possible. But this is just one of the causes which fair-minded Americans—led in part by action-minded members of the Tea Party movement—must devote themselves over the next 2 to 4 years.
In addition to the accusations there are a variety of angry and desperate reactions being discussed and weighed by those of us who went all out to support a less-than-ideal candidate because the alternative—today’s reality—was too awful to contemplate. Some are so devastated that they feel compelled to abandon everything this once proud nation stood for and move to another country. Others talk of revolution or prepare for total economic collapse and social chaos. The likelihood of any one of these becoming a viable alternative depends on just how bad things get in the coming years; but in the meantime, it is absolutely vital that we set our emotions aside and focus on a rational assessment of exactly what we as a free people can and must do to make such extreme measures unnecessary.
Toward that end, here are a few possible avenues that this author believes must be pursued (and one that should not) to try to take America back from the dangerous demagogues who have gained power through division and deception. By no stretch of the imagination is it a complete list.
1) Secession. This is one which needs to be put in perspective immediately before too much energy or credibility are lost. It is very tempting to leap into citizen petitions and angry demonstrations calling for heavily Red states to secede from the United States, and in fact the idea sounds very appealing to me as well. Unfortunately the reality is that in the current geopolitical and economic environment, nothing useful can or will come from this effort except to make us look ridiculous to the rest of the nation.
It must be remembered that the United States is not, nor was ever intended to be, a democracy where the people directly vote on any issue. It is a republic, in which we elect representatives to make decisions for us, with the hope and expectation that (a) they will make more level-headed decisions in difficult situations than the masses they represent, and (b) we who elect them will monitor their performance and get rid of any representative who through incompetence or corruption fails to work for our best interests. For that reason, the citizen petitions for secession that are springing up in various states are laboring under the delusion that they will carry some weight in Washington aside from venting our frustration and providing the Obama administration with fodder for ridicule and further suppression. Without the support of our ELECTED representatives in the House and Senate—along with the buy-in and commitment of the relevant state legislatures and governors—our petitions are powerless. Without their support, it will be business as usual in Congress with our representatives calmly engaging in business as usual.
If the people of any state seriously wish to pursue secession, their petitions should be directed first at their state legislatures and federal representatives, because only they can carry that message formally to Washington. But that simply isn’t going to happen unless things get unimaginably worse than they are now. It seems far easier to rally enough of the population of the 50 states—through education and through other measures mentioned below—to elect representatives who will support true conservative principles in Washington and help restore the entire nation to its founding principles. In other words, fight not to abandon America, but to TAKE IT BACK from the socialists and statists who have stolen it from us.
2) Pursue investigation of voter fraud nationwide. The fraud in the 2012 election was, evidence suggests, massive and undisguised. From electronic machines switching votes from Romney to Obama, to voter turnouts exceeding 100% in some heavily Democratic precincts, to lost absentee ballots, to virtual cattle drives of voters of questionable eligibility into polling places by Democratic operatives, to Democratic precincts illegally conducting vote tallies behind closed doors, all the signs are there that fraud has been committed on a scale never before seen at the national level.
It is highly unlikely that the results of any race will be overturned even if fraud allegations are proven through investigation. However, a thorough investigation and publication of these fraudulent practices could potentially make the strongest case ever made for voter ID laws. If done in a professional and investigative manner that appeals to the prevailing sense of “fairness” and avoids the appearance of simple partisan sour grapes, it could gain enough support from the public to force legislative action.
3) Voter ID laws. Once a strengthened case has been made for voter ID laws, legislation must be crafted on a state by state basis which establishes strong defenses against fraud while addressing all possible concerns about possible voter suppression. While most evidence says these concerns are little more than demagoguing by those with a vested interest in continued fraud, they have succeeded in convincing enough of their followers that voter ID is an effort by the “Evil Right” to rob them of their vote to make it difficult or impossible to implement the few bills that do make it into law.
One of the biggest “concerns” raised is that “millions” who do not currently have picture ID’s will be disenfranchised. While patently false, there are surely enough 98 year old voters born out on the wheat fields in Nebraska or in a knot-holed shack in Alabama, or younger adults born to societal dropouts in inner city drug houses, to provide the left with an endless media parade of bureaucratic nightmare stories. To combat these, generous provision must be made in Voter ID legislation to provide for the protection of such individuals.
For example, much has been made of the bureaucratic nightmare of obtaining valid ID for an adult who does not have a valid U.S. birth certificate or immigration documentation. (Never mind that the identical issue exists for those same people when it comes to buying cigarettes or alcohol, obtaining and using a credit card, buying an airline ticket, driving a car, getting married, or receiving government benefits, but for some reason in those cases the issue is a non-issue.) Since it will be the states who pass these ID requirements for voting, it is entirely appropriate that state tax dollars pay for programs to reach these supposedly “forgotten” individuals and help them obtain the necessary ID at no cost to them before the next major election in 2014. These programs must be subject to oversight by independent reviewers to ensure that the fraud does not simply shift from the voting booth to the voter ID dispensary.
4) Other measures to combat fraud. It is important to note that numerous other measures will be needed to combat the kind of fraud already evident in the last elections. For example, in California the government is attempting to further integrate fraud into the system by simply issuing valid driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. This means a simple driver’s license is insufficient. State voter ID cards may be necessary instead. More thorough purging of voter rolls is needed in every state to remove deceased or ineligible voters. Election observers need to maintain a stronger presence to report on incidents of possible fraud as they occur, and election commissions need to be held more accountable for failure to correct such situations.
Even something as simple as “inking” would eliminate a lot of fraud. Many countries simply put an ink mark on the thumb of someone who has voted. The ink wears off on its own, but is difficult enough to remove that an individual casting multiple votes in the same day would be much more difficult. The much maligned UN “election observers” were shocked that the US makes essentially no effort to verify the ID of voters, making us the only free-elections nation in the world not to do so. If the UN—of all organizations—is shocked at our cavalier attitude toward election fraud, what does that say about the situation?
5) Pressure state governors and legislatures to adopt Nullification procedures. It was the intent and understanding of the Founding Fathers that the federal court system—right up to the Supreme Court—was NOT the final word on the constitutionality of a federal law. They understood that in spite of their efforts to guarantee a 3-branch system of checks and balances, it was still possible for a single party to become so powerful that it would dominate all 3. Such is set to become the case with a second Obama term, as the President will likely enjoy the opportunity to replace several retiring Supreme Court Justices, thus stacking the court in favor of progressive and statist philosophy for a generation, regardless of who controls the Legislative and Executive branches.
In the eyes of the Founding Fathers, the states themselves should and must be the final arbiters of the constitutionality of federal laws and—given this President’s predilection for issuing legislation by fiat via the Executive Order—other edicts originating outside of Congress. This was to be done through the Nullification process; if the legislature of a state were to determine that a duly passed federal law was unconstitutional, it would simply not be implemented. (This was made much more difficult by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution, which took the power of electing US Senators away from the state legislatures and redefined the Senate as a publicly elected body.)
This concept has been publicly discussed in a number of states over the past few years, but it needs to be pushed more strongly as the states’ primary defense against the abuses of an out-of-control federal government. The governors of the states—particularly the Republican governors who still represent the majority of states—must be encouraged to band together on the Nullification process, and should understand that while that power should be used sparingly, they should not be afraid to use it when it is justified.
6) Fight to oust liberal and progressive GOP leadership. One of the biggest reasons the Republican Party has failed so badly in the last 8 years is its utter failure to stand for conservative principles. The party power brokers are predominantly statists, globalists, progressives, and liberals who one way or another, wittingly or due to their ignorance, have been working against the will of the majority of Americans and dragging the Republican Party inexorably toward the socialist ideals that they see bringing success to the Democratic Party. Recent comments by John Boehner’s and other “experts” in the GOP make it clear that they no longer (if they ever did) have the stomach or the conviction to pursue conservative principles.
Not only has the current GOP leadership failed to support conservative principles, but they have actually fought to weaken and destroy true conservative leaders, including “Tea Party” favorites who at best have been ignored and left to fight their way into office through sheer public referendum. At worst they have resorted to sabotage and political trickery; such is the case with Colonel Allen West in Florida, whose district was gerrymandered by his own “Republican” party to try to prevent his re-election.
These people must be removed from positions of power in the Republican Party if it is ever to represent American conservatives fairly and honestly. The mantra of conservatives and Romney supporters leading up to the election held that Obama’s clear record of failure compelled us to change the nation’s leadership. Now in the wake of the election we must have the clarity to make the same demands of ourselves. Given the clear record of failure by the Republican leadership to nominate and support strong conservatives and get them into office, do we have the conviction of our principles to sweep that leadership out of power and replace it with new blood and a new formula for success? This cleansing must be pursued at both national and state levels, and perhaps at the local level as well.
7) Push Republican leadership to reaffirm and vigorously support conservative principles. Many pundits and so-called conservative leaders are pointing to the last two elections as clear signs that the Republican Party needs to abandon its traditional conservative principles and “move with the times”. First of all, such suggestions are nothing less than complete capitulation to the left. So-called leaders who suggest such surrender are either cowards with no concept of what principle means, or they are in reality progressives, liberals who wish to simply turn the Republican Party more and more into a lite version of the Democratic Party.
Second, the Republican Party has been trying to play catch-up with the Democratic Party for years already, and where has it brought us? Quite possibly to the brink of extinction. Is the popular definition of insanity not “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”? The left, the liberal GOP establishment, and the extreme left-wing “mainstream media” would love for us to surrender our conservative principles and adopt theirs. To them, that would be total victory.
We did not lose the 2012 elections because we were too conservative. We lost the 2012 election, from a philosophical standpoint, because our party and our candidates no longer stand for what their constituents believe. They have failed to distinguish themselves from the other party enough to drive conservatives to the polls in the overwhelming numbers polls indicate are out there. They have inspired such disinterest in fact that our party can no longer overcome the “free candy” and relentless demonization of the left. This demonization includes horrific portents of right wing fanatics banning everything the left defines as “basic human rights” and establishing a police state in which every American will be forced to burn every book but the Bible and submit to daily prayer sessions in school.
The Establishment candidates do nothing to dispel these fantasy horror flicks. Indeed, many Republicans are unapologetic statists, and might very well try to compel Americans to conform to their personal beliefs as adamantly as the left demands we adhere to theirs. Where is the difference between the two?
This brings us to the question of what conservative principles mean and how they should be upheld. Any study of the colonial history of America and the Constitution make it clear what the Founders intended: that the Constitution be revered as the supreme law of the land, and that chief among the principles of that document is the idea of personal freedom—that the government should never be allowed to interfere in the personal lives of American citizens, nor in the affairs of the individual states. Conservative principles then must be understood by the people to mean liberation of the people, not enslaving them to the beliefs of those who hold office.
The message to the public should not be “No, I do not believe in abortion”, or “We need more teachers”, or “Yes, we need this or that regulation”. The message should be “The federal government has no business telling you how to live your lives. The government’s job is to protect the nation and facilitate free commerce between states. Everything else is handled infinitely better at the state and local level.” Romney actually espoused this philosophy early on in the debate season, but abandoned it in favor of a “me too” approach based apparently on the suicidal advice of those liberal GOP advisors.
Going forward, the conservative message of limited federal government, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom have to be among the top sellers of the Republican brand. In addition to the wholesale gutting of GOP leadership needed at the highest levels, we must support candidates who truly stand on conservative principles. There’s a reason why in the 2012 elections, so-called “Tea Party favorites” won many of their races while the establishment GOP picks lost so many of theirs.
8) Educate the public about the importance of primary elections. Typically the turnout at primary elections is dismal at best; yet it is precisely here that we wield the greatest power. It is the primaries where we truly have a choice of who is to be the standard bearer for our party. The establishment has its own idea who those standard bearers should be—as we clearly saw with the selections of Bob Dole, George Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney in the last five Presidential campaigns—and those selections were made based not on conservative ideals, but on political patronage and progressive agendas.
We the people make it very easy for the establishment to force its selections on us when we don’t bother to show up to vote in the primaries. A large part of our effort to support conservative candidates must be to educate people about the differences between the candidates and to work tirelessly to get people out to vote in the primaries—and force our will on the Republican party, whether the good-old-boy bosses like it or not.
9) Educate the public, particularly the young. We’ve known for a long time that our public schools are little more than leftist progressive indoctrination camps, and that the brainwashing they receive there is reinforced continuously by the leftist news and entertainment industries. This brainwashing has been so thorough and so successful that many today are saying that from a political point of view, we conservatives may have lost an entire generation that we will never recover.
This may be true, but that should not stop us from trying. If we want to have a fighting chance with today’s and tomorrow’s young, we must ourselves infiltrate the schools and their minds, by education at home, challenging the political messages fed to our children in school, and partnering with other organizations that can help reach children and young adults. We must preserve and communicate our own history the way it really was, not the way it is taught by those who despise our history.
Some of the above are clearly immediate needs; some will take much longer. All will likely lead us through a torturous minefield of liberal backlash, disappointment, and short-term failures, but with perseverance and the conviction of our principles, we just might succeed in restoring America to the pillar of freedom and prosperity she once was.
The Reverend Franklin Graham says, "You have lawyers that sue you every time you mention the name of Jesus Christ in any public forum. I have the solution. http:/
Will the gov now take over our personal retirement acts? According to this article, the anwer is yes. Why? Because it is unfair to the poor.
A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, NSC is warning.
The hearing, held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium, was monitored by NSC staff and featured a line up of left-wing activists including one representative of the AFL-CIO who advocated for more government regulation over private retirement accounts and even the establishment of government-sponsored annuities that would take the place of 401k plans.
"This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could," explains National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, "However, it is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up."
A representative of the liberal Pension Rights Center, Rebecca Davis, testified that the government needs to get involved because 401k plans and IRAs are unfair to poor people. She demanded the Obama administration set up a "government-sponsored program administered by the PBGC (the governments’ Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation)." She proclaimed that even "private annuities are problematic."
Such "reforms" would effectively end private retirement accounts in America, Crone warns. "These people want the government to require that ultimately all Americans buy these government annuities instead of saving or investing on their own. The Government could then take these trillions of dollars and redistribute it through this new national retirement system."
Deputy Treasury Secretary J. Mark Iwry, who presided over the hearing, is a long-time critic of 401k plans because he believes they benefit the rich. He also appears to be one of the Administration’s point man on this issue.
"This whole issue is moving forward very quickly," warns Crone. "Already there is a bill requiring all businesses to automatically enroll their employees in IRA plans in which part of every employee’s paycheck would be automatically deducted and deposited into this account. If this passes, the government will be just one step away from being able to confiscate all these retirement accounts."
read more:
FYI to the Obama Administration; Reverends Shapton & Jackson; the NAACP, etc. While today's Black liberals are either suspiciously silent about Muslim terror or worse, defend it, here's an article high lighting when old school Black liberals considered Israel a major human rights priority!

Black-Jewish alliance helped create Israel
For many in the American Jewish community, Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday is an occasion to recall the important role that Jews played in the civil rights movement of the 1950s-1960s. But few remember the earlier alliance between Jews and prominent blacks, in the 1940s, on the issues of rescuing Jews from the Holocaust and creating a Jewish state.
This forgotten black-Jewish alliance was connected to an activist group led by Peter Bergson, a Zionist emissary from Jerusalem. During 1941-1942, Bergson's group lobbied for creation of a Jewish army to fight alongside the Allies against the Nazis. Black labor union leader A. Philip Randolph and W.E.B. DuBois, the leading black intellectual of his era, backed Bergson's effort.
Eventually, the British agreed to establish the 5,000-man force, known as the Jewish Brigade. It fought with distinction in Europe in 1945, and many of its veterans took part in Israel's 1948 War of Independence.
When news of the mass murder of Europe's Jews reached the West in 1942-1943, Bergson created the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, to press the Roosevelt administration to rescue Jewish refugees. The committee sponsored more than 200 full-page newspaper ads, a dramatic pageant at Madison Square Garden called "We Will Never Die," a march by more than 400 rabbis to the White House, and a Congressional resolution urging creation of a U.S. government agency to rescue refugees. These efforts embarrassed the administration and compelled FDR to establish the War Refugee Board, which helped save more than 200,000 Jews during the final 15 months of the Holocaust.
The famous black singer, actor, and political activist Paul Robeson supported Bergson's rescue campaign. He was one of the stars of a Madison Square Garden "Show of Shows" in 1944 to raise money for the effort.
Two of the most famous black authors of that period, Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston, were sponsors of one of Bergson's key events, the July 1943 Emergency Conference to Save the Jewish People of Europe, held in New York City. The conference challenged the administration's claim that rescuing Jews from Hitler was impossible. More than 1,500 delegates listened to panels of experts on transportation, relief methods, military affairs, and other fields, discussing practical ways to save Jewish refugees. One of the speakers was Walter White, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
After the war, Bergson focused the cause of creating a Jewish national homeland.
He established the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation and the American League for a Free Palestine, which helped mobilize American public support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Canada Lee, one of the most prominent black actors of the 1940s, and Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., of Harlem - the first black to represent New York in the U.S. House of Representatives - supported this campaign. As part of this effort, Bergson and famed screenwriter Ben Hecht produced a Broadway play called "A Flag is Born." On the eve of the staging of "Flag" at the Maryland Theater in Baltimore, Bergson's group and the NAACP joined hands to pressure theater management to abandon its policy of restricting blacks to less-desirable seats. It was "a tradition-shattering victory," the NAACP said.
A decade before the famous black-Jewish alliance in the civil rights movement, prominent blacks and Jews joined hands to support the Bergson group's campaigns to create a Jewish army, rescue Holocaust refugees, and establish a Jewish state - and, in the process, helped defeat segregation in Baltimore.
On the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, that early collaboration between Jewish Americans and blacks is worth remembering.
Rafael Medoff is director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies.
So I was sitting here thinking about Obama and his socialist plans and it occurred to me. This might work… certainly not here and now, but in the world of dreams. This is still America until Obama finally wears us out of it. So since we are talking about the fantasy that socialism will work, let’s talk about the fantasy way to make it work.
The way I see it we only need two things to make this fantasy a real breathing thing. The first is power. And I am not talking about personal power or the ability to give orders and make things happen. I’m talking an almost unlimited electrical power source. Which is in itself the second thing we need.
The second thing we need is technology. If obama can get our scientists to make replicators that work, then we have it made. The Government can be the big cheese and run everything, and we the people will gratefully follow.
Imagine this, no more world hunger, the classes would be even because the rich and poor alike would have whatever their hearts desired. There would be replication centers all over the country. Some centers would replicate food, others would make clothing, and still another would make other household items. And it would all be free because that is how Obama wants it.
They would also invent better more advance robots and replicate as many of them as they need too. That way humans aren’t involved with the process and are free to pursue other endeavors. It also would make the system more reliable, and provide service faster. It would keep human greed from trying to stock pile goods so the people who need them would get them.
It would also save money formerly spent on the military. Replicated soldier bots, with replicated weapons. No longer would our sons and daughters have to die in far away places defending others from evil-doers.
We would save money on foreign aide because we would replicate enough for everyone. Replicate gold to pay off our national debt. And we would be free and clear again.
Life would be just one big vacation. Citizens could go anywhere and do just about anything they wanted to do, providing it doesn’t interfere with the rights or others. No need for police, everyone would get along, and for the ones who won’t follow the rules we’ll have Robocop’s.
Yes, life will be good. Everyone will be an artist or play the guitar in the park at night while children run free safe from all cares. Each one protected with a special chip. If they disappear their parents can bring them back with a press of a button. (for there to be replicators, transporters are just a given.)
Obama can run it all and welcome too him… except, the technology isn’t there yet. Even with technology doubling itself every six months or so we’ll still have to wait a long time before getting to working replicators. Hopefully not until the twenty-fourth century. But probably not in our lifetime.
So even though Obama is a man ahead of his time; even in fantasy. He is not the man we need here or now. He comes up with replicator technology and I will reconsider this, but until such time as he is the cure. Right now he is the cause of our problems.
If everyone who reads this would email the Whitehouse demanding our replicator technology then Obama would be forced to act. I have no idea what he would do other than make some more bogus promises. But I’d sure like to see it.
Why is Barack Obama about to be sworn in for a second term instead of being fingerprinted and booked into a federal penitentiary?
There are at least three people who may eventually be able to respond to that question.
In a joint press conference, three Republican senators said the only way for Congress to get to the bottom of what happened during the Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate resulting in four American deaths, including that of Chris Stevens, the American Ambassador to Libya, was to form a Select Committee.
During the press conference, Senators John McCain R-AZ, Lindsey Graham R-SC and Kelly Ayotte R-NH stated that the bloody 9/11 terrorist attack crosses the jurisdictions of the Armed Services, the Intelligence and the Foreign Relations Committees. They concluded that a Select Committee was required in order for each investigator to hear all the testimony from administration officials scheduled to appear before those three committees.
Graham included resigned CIA Director David Petraeus among those needing to testify: “I’d like to ask General Petraeus some questions.” McCain also stated Petraeus would be a “very important witness for a Select Committee.” In addition to Petraeus, the senators called for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear.
Graham noted there was precedent for setting up just such a committee, reminding the press of similar committees established to investigate the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals.
The three senators will officially introduce a Senate resolution calling for the formation of the committee.
Not surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-NV said he would not support the formation of a Select Committee.
Reid is not the only one intent on obstructing the truth.
An obviously negligent American media has intentionally hidden a string of deliberate lies coming from the Obama administration. They have willfully propagated the White House’s faux reality about what led to the ruthless slaughter of four Americans.
Why were four Americans abandoned to fate without any attempt to rescue them? Why the misrepresentations and multiple conflicting stories coming from the State Department, the CIA and the FBI? Why were Ambassador Stevens and three others callously left to die? Why were terrorists allowed to hunt Americans down like dogs?
The media malpractice regarding coverage of the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attack is not the only shameful behavior.
Obama and his administration have repeatedly claimed the attack resulted from a spontaneous demonstration sparked by anger at an anti-Islamic video nobody had heard of, much less seen. This bogus claim has been made repeatedly. UN Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows making the phony claim that the best intelligence available up to that point was that the attack was sparked by this unknown video. If that was not enough, speaking before the UN General Assembly on September 25th Obama blamed the same video six times.
That the administration actively endeavored to squash any notion this could have been a deliberately planned terrorist attack timed for the anniversary of 9/11 is no surprise. Such an admission would have conflicted with the Obama re-election campaign’s fairy tale narrative that Al Qaeda had been pulverized, terrorism was on the run and his rudderless foreign policy initiatives were making America safer and more respected throughout the world.
Where was the “mainstream media?”
Where was the investigative reporting about the series of attacks carried out in April and June by militants in Benghazi against the U.N., the Red Cross, the U.S. consulate, and the British consulate? Where were the disclosures about the requests from Ambassador Stevens and others for additional security? Where was the story about how those requests had been denied?
How could the White House national security team watch the attack in real time, yet neglect to call in back-up support from the U.S. military? Why did the White House hide the fact that within two hours of the start of the assault they were notified via email that a terrorist group linked to al Qaeda had claimed credit for the attack?
In light of these as yet unanswered questions, a Select Committee is more than appropriate.
If Harry Reid and the so called mainstream media insist on obstructing the truth, they should join members of the current Administration.
Wearing stripes; breaking up rocks in the hot sun.
the Who's who in poetry selection was less than 1 outof every10,000 poets reviewed were selected for the final selection nd less than 1 of every 100 of he final canddates was seetd for inclusion While the selection For covington were selected frm 100,000 canidates and ists proffessionals recognized as exceptional and are acknowledged with distinction with strength of character and appreciaqted for achievement and is a registry of exceptional executives and professionals
Dear Sir,
Please respond to me as you represent me. Why does a non elected, non appointed adviser have secret service detail 24/7? Why is she in Iran meeting on behalf of the USA with people?
This is the simple email I sent to each one of my elected representatives I also called each one to ask that a SELECT COMMITTEE be established as Sen. McCain suggested so there is one main one in control for Libya.
I asked each office why Valerie Jarrett had protection but not our dead Libya Ambassador Stevens.
Obama’s plea to take from the rich and give to the poor came into vogue in 1933. It was the hue and cry of Roosevelt and the Democratic Congress.
I’m a disabled World War II veteran. Counting mine and my wife’s Social Security income, plus my disabled veteran’s pay, plus free heath care for my wife and me, plus no tax on my income, millionaire investment income is no more than mine. Taxing the rich more is today’s subject at