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Obit-Gray_Leml_sm.jpgAs you probably know by now, Nellie Gray, pro-life hero and founder of the annual March for Life in mfl_logo_header.gifWashington passed away last week.

Her funeral Mass will be held this Friday, August 24 at 11 A.M. at St. Mary, Mother of God Church, located at 727 5th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
There will be a viewing in the Church on Thursday, August 23 from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.  Respects may also be paid on Friday, August 24 in the  Church between 10:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.
For information on Nellie Grey's tireless efforts on behalf on the unborn, please see
Please pay your respects to Nellie Gray by praying for her immortal soul.  
Long live Christ our King!

Jack Ames

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I hope Mitt gets tougher with obamas crap.Like why doesnt he release his real name,ss#,birth cert.,tax returns,adoption records,ect. And why hasnt any thing been done about thepoppy fields in afganistan that produce most of the worlds heroin?I hope mitt ignores obamas bullshit and gets tough on him.Remember what osama binladen said about us,?He said they would destroy us from the belly of the beast. well look whats going on america look!

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Grey Tigers Update:

I have been remiss in my duties as "founder??" of the Grey Tigers. That seems a tad presumptuous. I must apologize profusely. I just got tired of 'Black Panther this' and 'Black Panther that.' They are a bunch of p*ssants when they are compared to the greatest generations that ever graced the country. WE, or those whose spirits we honor, fought in the revolution and created the greatest country the world has ever seen or likely will see. WE defended the world in World War I.  WE suffered through the great depression. WE fought from one side of the world to the other in World War II. Some of us suffered the brutal conditions in Korea. Younger versions of us went on the thankless mission to Viet Nam. Recently, much younger versions stepped up and took the battle to the minions of evil in the Middle East. WE are dying today in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan. For what? Braggin' rights? Some twisted ideal of exporting "democracy"?  Not all of these folks are really grey tigers in terms of age, but they do personify the values and heritage and honor of the grey tigers among us. We place country first. Most of us, having been in the military or law enforcement, don't seem to pay as much attention to a person's color as their honor and character. All of us are AMERICANS in heart, soul and actions. Then this piddling little covey of black tweety-birds thinks they can intimidate us? GET REAL! Mess with us and know real pain and fear!

Now, what can we do as grey tigers? I don't know about the rest of you, but a trip to DC is a bit of a burden on the limited funds I have to spend. Most of us can make a trip to our state capitol. If, we could get a 100 or so grey tigers to invade the sacrosanct halls of the state legislatures and the executive offices, I bet someone would sit up and listen, especially if we let them know we don't plan to stop there. Politicians are an arrogant species. They believe in their divine right to rule over the unwashed masses. We are too dumb and apathetic to take care of ourselves. They must be our protectors and benefactors. The only time they want to hear from us is at the ballot box. Otherwise sit, down, shut up and let them run our lives in the manner for which we should be grateful. NOT BLOODY LIKELY!

Another thing we can do is stay on our senators and congress-person like stink on poo. These folks like to live in a world of their own making. It really irritates them when a mere mortal has the temerity to disturb their lofty thought processes and deeds of daring-do. They live in a fantasy world of backroom dealing and photo-ops. We on the other hand must live in the real world, a world they have created but don’t live in. Email them every day. It keeps their staff busy. If you don’t have a computer, go to the library with a computer literate friend. If nothing else, drop them a post card. The thing is, stay in their faces (but keep it civil and to the point). And above all don’t let them get away with sending you a form letter. Bring up specific issues and demand (nicely) specific answers, not generalities. I suspect that my name is well known in my senator’s offices. I like it that way. They know I am serious and don’t tolerate being shuffled off to the side. I confess that I am sorely remiss in riding my congressman’s rear-end. Ralph Hall lives in a world of 70 years ago. All he wanted to talk about when I went to visit him was the time he flew F4U Corsairs in WWII. Ok Ralph, get a grip on the 21st Century and live today like the rest of us. Ralph talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk any longer. He sits and stares at the pretty pictures of him and his plane on his office walls. Somehow he has managed to convince the folks in his district the he is still relevant. Actually, he is a relic. I wonder if Allen West would consider relocating to North Texas?

We must clean house at home, then we start running the varmints out of the walls in DC. I strongly suspect that any “cleaning up” we do locally will come to the attention of the miscreants in Washington. We the people still “own” this country. The politicians and bureaucrats still work for us … we pay the darn bills. It’s way past time for us to remind them of this fact.

Right now, several of my acquaintances are concerned that Obamugabe will nullify the next elections and declare himself “great leader for life”  or some such nonsense. He may well try. I would put nothing beyond the depravity and deviousness of this man. BUT, there are a lot of us grey tigers … and most of us are armed. It will be a tough takeover and a lot of government agents will most likely  wish they were somewhere else before it’s over. As for the military, I think Mr. Obama might find himself high and dry. Oh, there are those who would follow his unlawful orders, but there are a Hell of a lot more that won’t.  It is certainly going to be interesting if he does try some such maneuver.

I guess, I need to know just how many grey tigers there are out there. I am in Northeast Texas and lay claim to the handle GreyTigerTX. There must be others as crazy as I out there. I need to know who you are and where you are. I don’t care what political philosophy you profess. The only thing I want to make sure of is that you are an AMERICAN, through and through. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, et al: we can be allies long enough to take back our country. Maybe we can grow to be as much of a thorn as the Tea Party. Sounds like fun to me. At my age I need a little excitement.


By His Grace, For His Glory

Peace my friends


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The Land of Hope and Change

Obama, (I refuse to call him President Obama) is preaching an America of “shared prosperity”. What he really means is an America of mutual dependency. Obama is not interested in a nation of opportunity and shared success. He wants an America where everyone is equally depressed. He can only achieve his vision by taxing and bleeding the successful and productive and redistributing their blood, sweat and tears to those who will not take care of themselves even when the opportunity to do so is available. He sees the welfare recipients as mistreated and maligned and in need of a government nanny. In truth, most, not all, but many, are perfectly happy with living off of another’s hard work. They feel a sense of entitlement unheard of in early America. There have always been underprivileged people.

They are the victims of misfortune or they may be poor by choice. Poor by choice? Yes. There are those who would rather survive by accepting meager handouts than actually work to improve their lot in life. These same people have supported the likes of Obama simply because he promises more goodies with no means testing as to real need. Obama wants to expand the rolls of dependency and entitlements. He wants everyone, except the elite, to be equally poor and disenfranchised. Unfortunately, Mr. Romney is not really “much” better. The Republicans are as out of touch with mainstream America as the Democrats. Neither party gives a rat’s behind about the taxpayers except at election time. Romney the RINO, is no exception. I have often said that the only real difference between the two political parties is who they wish me to give my money to. The Democrats want to give it to the lazy, unproductive drones of society, and the Republicans want it to go to their rich supporters and friends. The common theme here is take my money and give it to someone of THEIR choice. I am to have little or no say in where it goes or how much is “enough”. I have had it with politicians and their sycophants. They are Hell bound and determined to turn the whole world into their own personal fiefdom with all the rest of us slaving away to support their lifestyle of luxury and sloth. Oh they will fill the worlds board rooms and discuss weighty sociopolitical problems, but down at the bottom, the only real issue is how to maintain the status quo. I for one do not like the idea of being a “step and fetch it” for the worlds wealthy and elitists. They are no better than anyone else. Many have had their fortunes handed to them by way of inheritance. Many have never had to work for their life of ease and plenty. Those who have actually worked their way to the top tend to be less supportive of class distinctions than the heirs, but they will still rabidly throw the rest of us under the bus to keep what they have and if possible acquire even more … at our expense of course. There would seem to be no way out of our predicament short of a revolution like France had. Do away with everyone that even looks or talks like a politician and start over. Unfortunately, stupidity seems to repeat itself. Human nature being what it is, we would probably just elect another batch of equally distasteful overlords. They probably would even be worse, if that is possible. I don’t see much hope for a people who won’t stand up for their God-given rights. We really do ask for what we get. There is always some despot ready and willing to promise us anything in return for our abject slavery to the powers that be. Unless typical Americans grow a backbone, I don’t see much hope.

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Common Ground for American Patriots

The foundation of our nation and the common ground of all true American patriots is simple. That we are created equal with certain unalienable rights, and that among them is the right to have Life, to live it in Liberty, and to exercise that liberty in the Pursuit of Happiness. Yet to justify and substantiate those rights, we must acknowledge at least in concept and principle, that there is a Creator who functions as our Supreme Judge, and that we are therefore governed not by man, but by the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God -- otherwise there is no premise on which to stand nor proceed. For if there is no God, no Almighty, no Absolute, then there is no standard for moral behavior, then if no standard for moral behavior, there is no restraint for the desires and ambitions of men, and if no restraint for the desires and ambitions of men, then all that remains is the struggle for the survival of the fittest, the rule of the strong, and the reign of the strongest. Freedom in our America means Freedom from something, and Liberty in our America means the Liberty to do or not to do something. Therefore, the answer is not found in socialist democracy, where government regulates the means of production and the distribution of goods and services, and where decisions are made by majority opinion without regard for the minority; in other words, mob rule. The answer is also not found in a Republic where unbridled capitalism is supreme. The answer however is found in a Constitutional [free market] Republic, designed to operate on the God given principles of equality and the rights of self determination. This folks is what we call Americanism, which is fueled by American Exceptionalism, which is the product of the Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuits of Happiness. What I believe should be the unifier for all patriot Americans is the words in the Declaration of Independence-- they are the foundation on which our Constitution was constructed. One may or may not subscribe to personal faith in the Creator, but to be a genuine American patriot, I believe one must agree no less than did the founding fathers, that Judeo-Christian principles were sound for founding a government upon back then, and remain sound for perpetuating sound government now. Why did the Declaration of Independence not call for the establishment of a theocracy and require that all men and women hold a personal faith in God?The answer is that being an Orthodox Jew or a Christian or anything in between is fundamentally a choice -- a choice from God and a choice by us. Judeo-Christian principle includes the choice of whether to accept God as a person and the salvation it purports to provide, or accept God as Creator and Supreme Judge in concept only, or to reject both the personhood of God and the concept of God altogether. The beauty of genuine Judeo-Christian based government is that personal faith is left up to the individual. Though we Christians and Orthodox Jews may actively share our faith and trust in God, and for Christians a more specific sharing of the message of Jesus Christ, we do not try to force a personal faith on anyone. Christians are the friends of 'non-believers', of 'sinners' if you may, though we may not partake in things with them that are contrary to our morals, we certainly have no trouble associating with non-believers and even enjoy spending time with them at dinner and other social events and such -- that's what Jesus did.  We love non-believers; we realize we were once non-believers as well, and we fully embrace the rightful context of the principle, we are our brother's keeper. Therefore in conclusion, we were not called to create a theocracy, but to stand up for all God given unalienable rights, of which three are included in the Declaration of Independence, and those be the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Thusly, the choosing of personal faith in God is a matter of liberty, not requirement. God sets before us the right to choose life or death by our own perception of options, and that is fundamental to Judeo-Christian principle and the general concept on which our nation was built. Choosing to go deeper than the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence is the option of all true American patriots, but one cannot claim true American patriotism without embracing the Declaration of Independence and the principles it sets forth as good and sound for perpetuating sound government. In closing, I would like to leave you with some thoughts to ponder:Dogs know where their sustenance comes from; some people aren't near as smart. The line is being drawn in the sand not wide enough on which for anyone to stand; choose your side. In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. -Thomas Jefferson
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Brandon Raub: Victim of Tyranny in America

Brandon Raub: Victim of Tyranny in America

 The End of Liberty is Near

I find the current situation in our nation both frightening and ironic.  The frightening part took a more serious turn a few days ago.  On Thursday August 16, 2012, former Marine Corp member Brandon Raub, decorated for valor in both Iraq and Afghanistan, was “detained”; not arrested but “detained”, by federal, state, and local authorities.  He was taken from his home in handcuffs, without charge, and is being held indefinitely pending a “mental competency hearing” before a judge (  And what is his “crime”?  Mr. Raub was so bold as to criticize the federal government; Barack Obama, Eric Holder, politicians in both political parties, and bureaucrats who ignore the Constitution and do as they please without the consent of the governed. 


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A New Day Dawning - An Old One Fawning


Subject: Re: Shut Down Shot Down Sexy- The hottest song in America right now
From: micro
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 22:49:01 -0400


You're a  man of many talents. Your videos have a dreamlike, almost surrealistic quality. The song evokes feelings of a bygone, kinder era, which our nation seems to have lost.

George Miller




           Thank you so much George for your input and comment. Often times an artist of any kind wonders if he/she is conveying the message "wanted" to get across. Your comment confirmed for me success and so it is very appreciated.
There is a new kind of 'radicalism' I am feeling, maybe a spin on the 60's, accept the hippies promoting "love" that was ultimately dependence on the Government in power, now as seen in the likes of the Clinton- Bush's - Obama, that is phasing out.
They have propagated a 'collapsing house ' and it is falling right now as we speak, for a new independence tailored more in the revolutionary style of America's founders, yet reminiscing of the 60's.
I really feel this is what's coming. Its' interesting I am considered the first year of Generation X, 1965 moving away from the Baby Boomers. The X'ers and Y'ers have a difficult road to walk wanting to take care of our ageing parents, but not having the children in order to support the burden. I think this is why our Government ultimately is crying for 'citizens' in 'amnesty proposals' they are desperate to prop up this warp of time-ideals.
We have to figure out ways to do things smarter,faster, and more efficient to make up for the difference, both in general labor and cost. This is why I have proposed a less then 10% duty on our 'U.S. natural propelling resources', oil now seen as not a bio fuel but abiotic, to fund social security and medicare and these entitlements that do help those in ageing and dependent circumstances in an effort to get the government off our backs with taxes and still care for those retiring baby boomers because we need to pay for something ultimately crashing with the lack of support from shrinking generational populations.
With what we are seeing with the debt from Clinton's surplus to now, is an all out attempt to enslave America that to those promoters has to happen now or it will never happen. This is the Bear rising up once more and while there maybe an origin of oligarchy in this its still rooted in communism albeit a neo-communism, there is a big fight coming our way that is unavoidable, because if our Constitution prevails this plan fails. We all ready know it fails, but they don't know so that is the lesson we are headed for.
One thing I have thought quite a lot about is the 'image' of 'politicians' and how the lack of inspiring solutions that work are eroding their 'image' of political correctness. Those politicians like Romney and Obama and everyone in Congress right now who have forsaken the Constitution in the void of inspiration creating our crisis now are producing for themselves now an 'image' of lies and deceit that the general population is just about had enough of.
Like a snake shedding its skin I think America is about to shuck off this type of politician because of the regrettable failures of their solutions. Like the evolution of music happening now, a new dawn awaits us and in the new day our sovereignty will stay in tact with the use of every tool and talent available to us as a resource I hope to somehow channel in very positive directions.
In short I do believe the big picture is looking good and sometimes when the immediate picture is bleak we do need to step back and look at the big picture.. the REAL BIG ONE happening.
In that light, I have thought I do not want to 'presume' a false image, but a real one, or perhaps an honest one. I really believe in the power of truth and for America to be able to handle the problems when they are honestly laid on the table. Ultimately I believe America can 'handle the truth', and more than that, would appreciate it.
So that is what I have worked for laying the ground work; and a compliment like you shared, was just the tip of the iceberg for what I feel is a huge success, come what may. So, thank you so much.
In the spirit of this new revolution of course education and direction is needed and teachers are in short supply. I do hope for the Spring of The Tea Party to "get it" and supplant the leadership void that permeates the D's and R's right now if needs be by infiltration and then secession :) from the bastards who forgot their oaths!
 Have a great day.
Cody Robert Judy
P.S. As so often happens, a personal note ends up portraying thoughts relevant for more then one party, so I've created a blog piece of this letter and shared your comment.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Cody Robert Judy
Abiotic Oil is real

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The democrats demands or tax return disclosure is a joke. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has already declared that Mitt Romney has paid 14% of his 20 million income.  That means that she has admitted that Romney has Paid 2 million 8 hundred thousand dollar in income taxes in one year while Harry Reid declares that he has info that Romney has not paid any income tax for 10 years.  Is Wasserman Shultz calling Reid a liar or is Reid calling Waserman Schultz a liar.  First their is no 14% tax bracket.  The tax brackets are 10, 15, 25,28, 33% and 35 %- The 35%  bracket is for all those with taxable incomes over $390,500.

There are 2 types of tax percentages the effective tax % of tax to adjusted gross income and the applied tax % of taxable income after adjustments, exemptions deductions and tax credits, all of which are specified in the tax code.

Since when is $2,800,000 not a fair share.  the vast majority of middle and low income taxpayers pay less than 12% of their AGI and the demo adds harp on the fact that Romney has paid 14% of his AGI.  What is a fair share?

Well the IRS releases statistics every year on the number of tax returns filed and the income tax generated from those returns. The latest statistics are for the year of 2009. These statistics show the number of returns filed as 104 million 164 thousand, 970  which generated taxes on 5 trillion,091 billion, 769 million,819 thousand of income and generated $953 billion, 411 million, 142 thousand of income tax revenues or a little under of $500 per return average. 

Remember all of the tax credits that the more affluent members of society enjoy have been put into place by a large percentage of those elite members of society, ie politicians.  So how much of the incentive to serve our country comes from love of country and how much from love of money especially for long term politicians.  The argument for term limits has been well established by the financial perks exclusively available to our long term elected officials including the disontinuance of the Social security payroll ax once their earnings from wages bonus's, etc exeed $110,000 per yr and their exorbitant political perks are not subjct at all.

As for foriegn income upon which foriegn income taxes are paid and then credited against US taxes generated,  while taxes paid to US states is only allowed as a deductable item reducing taxable ncome, this application is one of the incentives to take money out of the country.   

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Shut Down Shot Down Sexy- The hottest song in America right now

Maybe its a precursor to come, but all ready Cody Robert Judy knows what its like to be 'shut down and shot down' by the 11 Courts on the eligibility of Barack Obama. There is yet one last Court that will weigh in on what some have called the divining case in the history of America. The United States Supreme Court is really the Court that should weigh in on the eligibility issue and case of our time Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and not use the excuse that 'standing' wasn't achieved for the last four years in order to wave justice good bye.

If this case is given the 'kiss-off' by the highest Court in the land, then there is no telling what the government is going to do to you. If justice won't protect the individual freedom certainly has been lost. The justice of the Republic has always been seen in the strength of the individual to stop the mass from rolling over top of rights and protections well established. Protected by the Constitution, and if that is shucked off by the Court, well it will be only a short time when most of the mass finds out that they are individuals being run over.

Of course, once it's lost, it means the devil to get back. Most media outlets have thought 'why should a smaller campaign be able to constitutionally check a larger campaign?', what gives a smaller campaign that right?

You know one thing for sure, the United States Supreme Court is not going to have to worry about the media telling America about this case before it is adjudicated because there hasn't been a single story written about it by an outside reporter. Yeah, that's anonymity that can't be mistaken. Nope the Supreme Court will rule on this with their own conscience and we all will know it wasn't the demonstrations outside on the lawn that influenced their decision.

What gives any individual the right to stand up against the government if the government decides to "take" your microphone? Or take your house? Or take your Car? Or take your children?

You might have the chance to use your 'individual' right at this time, thinking that being part of the mass in rolling over Cody Robert Judy's Campaign is 'good riddance', but hold that thought while you ask yourself, "Do you really want the Constitution to perish, and your rights as an individual to perish along with Cody's?"

Well, we're not "all" serous here at the Campaign Headquarters and while we take time to comment on issues we also take time to sing and to celebrate the little bit of 'rebel' in everyone of us in America. We are you know? Rebels. 

That's right and never has a Nation of rebels come so far. Sometimes it is good to remember where you came from. It wasn't all 'prim and proper', so let's celebrate our rebel a little with this song because America has a reputation to protect, and we sure as hell have a Constitution to protect last I checked that every politician in Washington DC had sworn an oath to. 

Let's hope the United States Supreme Court remembers that oath, and remembers that the qualifications for the office of President didn't include producing birth certificates, draft registrations, and social security cards that represent forgery more then legitimacy and fraudulent actions more then honest ones, as well as hiding every college transcript that might confirm Obama's transplant status as a foreign student in a sovereign nation under God.


Now for a little fun-

Shut Down Shot Down Sexy is the hottest sexiest song in America right now. Its colorful and packed with wonderful lyrics about a guy who gets ‘shut down- shot down- by a sexy women’, now how many guys can relate to that? That’s what I’m talk’n about right there;licking your wounds. Another exciting original by The Cody Robert Judy Band that every DJ in America should be playing right now because everyone at home can say they’ve been “Shut Down Shot Down Sexy”.

Shut Down Shot Down Sexy

Preamble Dispatcher Voice:

“This is an all points bulletin- suspect considered to be armed and dangerous- female, American. I guess she’s packed and loaded – 34D-30-32 She loves freedom and liberty- says she’s wearing a bikini- likes dancing and rock n’ roll- I’ve seen dangerous but this is “WANTED”- Shut Down Shot Down- approach with extreme caution- God bless America.”

V.1 Maybe you remember

The call I gave you in September

You said you didn’t want to play

Said you were just too busy that day

Now its easy to recall

Because my heart you let it fall


Vs.2 I never let it go I tried again

Because with my women it aint no sin yeah yeah

Maybe she’s tired of hearing from me

But she’s so beautiful you see

You know I don’t like to fight

But for my Baby it seems right


Vs.3 You might say I’m out of form

But my Baby’s arms are nice and warm

To her heart I seek the key

For her love is like a tree

Now you wouldn’t understand yeah yeah

How much I wanna be her man



Shut Down Shot Down I’m burning in flames, Shut Down Shot Down I’m burning in flames Shut Down Shot Down I’m burning in flames

I don’t wanna be shut down by you, I don’t wanna be shot down by you I don’t wanna be shut down by you

Shut Down Shot Down I’m burning in flames, Shut Down Shot Down I’m burning in flames


If you missed the last Campaign Commercial, here it is:

Also a big shout out to Tracy in Maryland for doing a terrific job in her Ballot Challenge this last week. We are including the personal email sent to Tracy from Cody Robert Judy

Dear Tracy,
           Just thought I'd write a note to you and say you did a great job. I don't think any attorney could have done better.  The beginning was great where you included a little family history, that really brings it home and personalized it for Maryland like no bodies business. 
           Well, great job, it will be interesting to see the 'ruling' as the Judge sure had the book thrown at him.  Those Judges have a hard time reading crime when a citizen is reading it to them rather then an attorney general sadly, especially in this case.
            The only thing I didn't like if there was one thing that seemed like a burnt french fry in the batch of good ones, pg. 32 "Since President Obama..".  Gosh I can hardly stand for the honor of the office to be bestowed upon a Usurper.  Yuck.
            Other than that you can be certain that you have done something here Tracy that your whole family can be very proud of. You did something our whole Country in its patriotic duty should be very proud of you for. If elected President I intend to award every Citizen who filed a complaint in the Obama Ballot Challenges or Courts an Honorable Patriot Award for distinguished citizenship.
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Cody Robert Judy

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“ When Is Lying Ever Allowed ? ”

“ When Is Lying Ever Allowed ? ”

                                                         “ When Is Lying Ever Allowed ? ”

No doubt for many centuries now, men and women have been looking for the answer to that very question---- “When Is Lying Ever Allowed ?” Whether out of fear, taking advantage of someone, hatred, scamming someone, taking revenge, or for any myriad of  reasons, people have been looking to justify and make any excuse possible for making not having to tell the truth whether in part, or in whole.  My experience as a Bible believing Christian and pastor as well as after reading the “Good Book” itself ,over and over r the same 20-plus years, I can tell you that not once does the Bible ever speak to us in justifying lying. In fact, right away Numbers 23;19 comes to mind where the Bible tells us the very nature of God is “truth” and that “ God is not a man, that he should lie...”  The Word of  God in which most people my age or older, were taught not to lie from the teaching of the 9th Commandment of the Ten Commandments. Do you remember or know what God states in that Commandment? Well whether you remember, are aware or not, here it is for you; “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”  I am keenly aware that some of you reading this article may not believe or follow any of the Ten Commandments, but I want to make it quite clear that the not believing or desire in following the 10 Commandments does not negate the great impact they have had and still have upon most Western nations today. In fact, as folks may make their way looking to wiggle out of following any one of the Commandments, we can also find perhaps some of the largest culprits of “wiggling” from following God, and she/he is like the “lawyer” of yester-year and even that of modern times. All one needs to do to see this attitude from past to even to present is in reading Luke 10:29, we can read that it was a lawyer “.... wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, 'And who is my neighbor? “ Looking at people's hearts today as well as our government and judicial system, nothing hearts and minds still look for reason and excuse to lie whenever possible. Indeed, even from the time before Jesus, nothing has changed, the lawyers, judges and the whole host of government and police agencies that support have in all sorts of excuses in their making and justifying lies.
donna+haslinger.jpgbasal.jpg Jennie Basal(Waldmiller) Filipina Migration
                                                                  Marriage Scammer.
Donna Haslinger-Lying

We are all aware, I am sure that matters of lying goes on everyday in court rooms and as well in hearts all across our nation. Staying focused on the professionals who engage in lying as part of their we just to see how two opposing lawyers in a court room operate. They both tell their side of their story, but neither story matches with the other- how can this be ? Most people have come to accept that when a lawyer lies in court, that is justifiable because she/he is representing their client. Likewise, judges may make awful and prejudicial rulings against anyone they want at anytime. There is no recourse against this sort of lie other than to go to a higher court on appeal and hope to get the bad judges prejudicial ruling overturned. Nothing “bad” will ever happen to the judge for she/he has absolute immunity when ruling from the bench. Judges lie all the time, especially in Family Courts despite their being a code of conduct for judges(lawyers also) but because of the attitude of their sticking together in their “Ol' boy's club” attitude amongst those in the local and or state Bar Association, very, very times will you ever hear of a judge or lawyer getting in trouble for lying. Matters and decisions of the law are always justified in the courtroom, even to the degree of lying.

Corrupt Genesee County, NY Judge Robert Noonan

Of course if lawyers and judges can “legally” lie, so can those who protect the judges and lawyers in and outside the courtroom; that is, the police. The Supreme Court of The United States of America has repeatedly made in it's decisions that the police may lie to you at any extent in getting or manipulating a person to admit guilt in a crime. Despite Perjury Laws that prevent people in making false statements to police, testifying under oath in the courtroom, police are allowed to lie to you at anytime if they have reasonable suspicion that you have been involved in the act of committing a crime. Apparently...police, judges and lawyers are all exempt through immunity from what the rest of our society is not allowed to practice.


Corrupt Erie County, NY Judge Tracey Bannister

Of course lawyers and judges are obviously not only the only group of people who justify lying; religious people lie also. Perhaps you are familiar with the word “Taqiyya” where by both Shi'a and Sunni Muslims utilize their teachings from their Qur’an to lie to others either for reason for protection or to take advantage of an “infidel”(non Muslim believer). If you haven't noticed, there is absolutely no shortage of Islamists in our nation and their numbers are growing daily here in America. Even Mormons/latter Day Saints are allowed to lie in their religion in which they apparently call “Lying For The lord” . There have been also Roman Catholic theologians who have justified lying in the past also Seems to me, an awful lot of religious people justify lying. I'm glad I'm not religious, Jesus of the Bible declared lying wrong and as a matter of fact, it was my Jesus of the Bible who called out the Jewish religious leaders of his time in John 8:44 saying; “ You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father the devil, and the desires your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.


Corrupt Genesee County, NY D.A. Larry Freedman

Julie Falvey-lying lawyer  
Indeed, people will lie for any reason really. Inevitably, most people lie to gain control over someone or something. In America and all across the world really, many people have wrongfully accepted lying as an acceptable practice. Barack Obama lies, Mitt Romney lies, the vast majority of politicians lie whether through an out right lie or through omission ( Interestingly I see that although the vast majority of the electorate are aware that these politicians lie, hose very same people will still vote for the lying politicians anyway ! Think about that for a minute would you?... What can be said about any culture or people group where people knowingly vote to elect liars ? So many people these days lie to one another, it has become and epidemic and so many people these days lie as becoming natural to them just as eating a meal or like riding a bicycle. In fact, so many people purposely lie these days, it is difficult to know when people are telling the truth.

I have people contact me all the time for one reason or another but, what I am learning about the great degree of lying occurring in our world is that these days I need to be very cautious when communicating with so many of people because until I really get to know them, I never know if what they are sharing with me is truth. There are so many people these days with spiritual, mental health, emotional issues and or devious motives it is getting more and more difficult to know whom to trust. Perhaps the most watched for lie that I look for are those who tell half-truths, that is to say that people will not tell an entire lie but tell me or someone else truth mixed with a lie. In other words, truth and lies are mixed, and to me, that is the most dangerous sort of lie because truth is enmeshed with a lie as well. The Bible warns all of us to be aware of such half-truths in 2Corinthians 11:14 “and for no wonder, even satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” The devil is always active in people and half-truths are the lies he uses the most to do his dirty work.

As I have been already victimized by a Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer who used already corrupted judges, lawyers to help defraud me and even to use a City of Batavia, NY cop to threaten to murder me and deny and violate my Natural, God given and US Constitutional rights as a Bible believing Christian the lesson here hopefully learned for all in this article is this; we ought not ever to lie ( )
 . There is never a time lying is allowed by God of the Bible. Those who do engage in lying need to repent to Jesus for their act. Being there is no excuse for lying and those who are put in charge of leadership of any nation should be the first to repent to set a Godly example for the rest. I do as the Bible so declares, that If those leaders who engage in lying or any other ungodly act will not repent, they should simply be removed. There is no place in any society for unrepentant liars or for any other unrepentant sinister act as a matter of fact. Let's all get our hearts right before Almighty God, not just in the area of lying.

Pastor Paul Waldmiller ~ Black Robe Regiment Pastor

**** Reminder, be sure to get your Voting Poll Guardian Groups together very soon !****

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Groundbreaking Firsts by President Obama


All those hateful hard core right wing extremists really should quit trashing poor President Obama.  There can be no doubt that his presidency has been nothing if not historical.

Here is an impressive list of some of his accomplishments:

  • First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student then denies he is a foreigner.
  • First President to have a Social Security number from a state where he has never lived.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require that all Americans purchase a product from a third party as a condition of citizenship.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First President to terminate America's ability to put a man in space.
  • First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First President to appoint 45 czars to his office.
  • First President to surround himself with extremist fringe devotees to the institutionalized “progressive” left’s radical agenda.
  • First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
  • First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
  • First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.
  • First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
  • First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
  • First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
  • First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
  • Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
  • First President to side with a foreign nation over one of America’s 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

How is that hopey-changey thing working out for you?

Thanks to Obama's insistence on remaining a stubborn, inflexible partisan ideologue, this list keeps growing.


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Lewis Hay, III and President Obama NexEra Energy Viewpoints  

Through this special series on green-energy crony-corruption, we’ve been highlighting specific examples of green-energy loan guarantees and grants. What connects each of these cases is that they received fast-tracked approval from the Department of Interior (DOI) for their projects. Of course, they also have many other dots that connect, such as key players with White House visits, raising funds for Democratic campaigns, and serving within government agencies such as the Department of Energy (DOE) or as an appointed member to President Obama’s Jobs Council.

Now we come to the last of our “special seven” series. Like those before it, it contains many inside players and funding from various “stimulus” government programs. While Lewis Hay (the CEO of NextEra Energy) with his White House involvement and friendship with former Florida Governor Charlie Crist make for some juicy details in the NextEra story, we’ll begin with a brief background that will help put this next piece of the green-energy crony-corruption scandal in perspective.


NextEra Energy, Inc. is one of the oldest, third largest, and arguably one of the most solid power companies in the world, with “2011 revenues [that] totaled more than $15.3 billion.” It is estimated by Forbes, that CEO “Hay earns nearly $10 million in total compensation from NextEra.”


NextEra Energy Inc. has two primary subsidiaries:

  • Florida Power & Light is the third largest electricity producer in the US (about which a September 2009 report states: “it's a political dynamo, making millions in political contributions and lobbying assiduously to achieve its goals”).
  • NextEra Energy Resources is the largest generator of energy from sun and wind resources in North America. The company also has the third largest fleet (8) of nuclear powered electricity generating plants in the United States.



With its wealth and widespread influence, the DOE gave this huge energy conglomerate nearly $2 billion of taxpayer money, which includes the two risky projects listed below, plus hundreds of millions more in various stimulus grants.


Desert Sunlight: $1.2 billion

In September 2011, the DOE approved a $1.2 billion loan guarantee for the junk-rated Desert Sunlight project in California. A day after the loan was approved, First Solar, the project developer/owner sold Desert Sunlight to NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, the competitive energy subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. and GE Energy Financial Services. Both CEO's are on President Obama's Job Council: Lewis Hay of NextEra Energy and Jeffrey Immelt of GE.  NOTE (and correction from the column): GE is another top Obama donor, donating $529,855 to his 2008 campaign, while they have raked in more than $3 billion of stimulus money, and counting.


Genesis Solar Project: $681.6 million

But as we reported in the beginning of this series, the Desert Sunlight Project is not the only large DOE “risky” loan that NextEra secured. NextEra Energy Resources also received $681.6 million from the DOE for its Genesis Solar project in Blythe, California. This was one of the few DOE 1705 loans that were not considered junk rated, as S&P placed it at a “lower medium grade.”




Remember that the common denominator of these “special seven” projects was a “fast-tracked DOI approval?” The policy has come back to bite the projects.


According to the Los Angeles Times (LAT), “The $1-billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has been expedited by state and federal regulatory agencies that are eager to demonstrate that the nation can build solar plants quickly to ease dependence on fossil fuels and curb global warming. Instead, the project is providing a cautionary example of how the rush to harness solar power in the desert can go wrong—possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and dealing an embarrassing blow to the Obama administration's solar initiative.”


The problem is the “expedited” process may endanger the whole project. The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform’s March 20, 2012 report says, “To expedite site approval, NextEra opted for a less thorough process.” As a result, the site “encroached on the habitat of the endangered kit foxes.” NextEra had to move the foxes prior to grading the site. “Ultimately, seven foxes died from NextEra’s removal process.”


Additionally, there have been concerns of desert tortoises and a “prehistoric human settlement.”


But warring factions within the environmental movement also plague the NextEra Genesis Solar project.


A small environmental group, the Wildlands Conservancy, raised $45 million to preserve 600,000 acres of the Mojave Desert—with the intent that it would be protected forever. The LAT reports, the Wildlands Conservancy bought the land and deeded it to the federal government only to have 50,000 acres of that bequest opened up for solar development. April Sall, the organization’s conservation director says, the group is “watching this big conservation legacy practically go under a bulldozer.” Sall’s group and others are feeling “burned by the rush to build solar projects.”


The small environmental groups are trying to fight utility-scale solar projects while the big national groups, such as the Sierra Club, have “scolded” some of the local chapters for opposing the projects. A national office directive instructed local chapters to “fall in line.”


Michael O'Sullivan, senior vice president of development for NextEra Energy Resources, says that “the problems threaten the entire project” and “the project could become uneconomical.”


If that were to happen, the LAT explains, “80% of the project's outstanding loans would be covered by the federal government, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management would begin shopping for another renewable energy company that was interested in leasing the property. If there were no takers, the scarred land would be restored with reclamation bond funds.”


Smart-Grid and Wind Energy Grants  


In October 2009, Florida Power & Light (FLP) was awarded the maximum grant amount of $200 milllion for Energy Smart Florida. Interestingly, this is connected to Silver Spring Networks, one of Kleiner Perkins shining green companies, where John Doerr (another jobs council member that was influential in what went into the energy-sector of the 2009-stimulus) and Al Gore are partners, of which their 2008 $75 million investment had scored over $700 million.


The DOE started dishing out billions from the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program (part of the stimulus plan) in August 2009 and awarded select utility companies for particular smart-grid projects––close to sixty percent of Silver Spring “customers” were winners.


In fact, Florida Power and Light, Silver Spring, General Electric, and a few others have joined forces on a Smart Grid Miami project, which was announced in 2009.


(Note: if you are not familiar with the Smart Grid, Brian Sussman’s book Eco-Tyranny offers an overview which includes this: “President Obama cleverly sold it like this: ‘We want to invest in the next-generation of high-speed wireless coverage for 98 percent of Americans. This isn’t just about a faster Internet or being able to friend someone on Facebook. It’s about connecting every corner of America to the digital age.’ The digital age Obama spoke of is the age of Big Brother monitoring your carbon footprint. The Smart Grid’s interactive broadband capability will enable your home’s PCT, HAN, and smart meter to be connected and communicating with your utility provider. Once complete, the utility company will be your government-sponsored Big Brother, constantly monitoring and regulating your carbon footprint. With a bureaucratic keystroke any electrical device in your home could be selectively turned off—or on—without your approval.”)


Also, you'll be “blown away” by the billions ($4.4) of “wind energy grants” that blew out of the stimulus package back in February 2010. General Electric is connected to at least 26% of these wind energy grants as the “Turbine Manufacturer.” NextEra is the “project owner” and the recipient of a $99.9 million grant for a wind project in Colorado.




So, NextEra Energy, a multi-billion dollar company with a CEO who’s paid multi-millions, gets government grants and loan guarantees worth billions for risky projects that you and I wouldn’t have voluntarily invested in that even the environmentalists can’t agree on.


Despite the fact that NextEra CEO Hay was actually a “major political contributor to Sen. John McCain,” Hay quickly learned which side his bread was buttered on. (FPL employees and PACs have been known to give generously to both sides including $18,800 to Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign.) On October 8, 2009, Hay dined at the White House in an intimate lunch “with President Barack Obama and a handful of other Fortune 500 executives.” Hay reportedly “boasted to the president about FPL Group’s environmental achievements and Florida Power & Light’s plans to open the nation’s largest solar power plant.” He also “discussed his belief that forward-looking, clean-energy policies are vital to America’s economic recovery and FPL Group’s strong support for legislation to combat global warming and strengthen America’s energy security.”


The opportunity to grandstand obviously worked. Later, in the same month, Hay’s FPL’s DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center in Aracadia, Florida, provided Obama with the perfect backdrop for his announcement about the “nation’s biggest investment in clean energy.” The press release from the White House said: “President Barack Obama today announced the largest single energy grid modernization investment in U.S. history, funding a broad range of technologies that will spur the nation’s transition to a smarter, stronger, more efficient and reliable electric system. … The $3.4 billion in Smart Grid Investment Grant awards are part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.”


While the announcement regarding the smart-grid grant disbursement was like “Christmas morning” for the 100 recipients, FPL received the maximum $200 million grant, as previously addressed, “to buy 2.6 million new smart utility meters to be placed in homes over the next two years and invest in other technology aimed at cutting energy costs.” And those risky loan guarantees issued to NextEra for the Desert Sunlight and Genesis Solar projects were approved after Obama’s “stimulus PR swing” appearance at FPL’s DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center.


Hay and FPL have a long history of political contributions and have a “cozy relationship” with career politician former Governor Charlie Crist—Republican turned Independent to run against Marco Rubio in 2010, only to lose. In June 2009, FPL and its executives donated more than $36,000 to Crist’s Senate campaign, and Hay was an invited guest at Crist’s December 2008 wedding. While, we don’t know if Hay actually attended the Crist wedding, we do know that he donated to Marco Rubio’s 2010 campaign––what a difference two years make.


Thomas Saporito, an energy consultant and former FPL employee is quoted as saying: “It certainly appears to me that Gov. Crist and certain PSC Commissioners have a very cozy relationship with FPL at a time when FPL is seeking an unprecedented $1.3-billion dollar rate increase.” Crist announced his opposition to FPL's rate hike but objections were limited to a press release and a few comments to reporters.


President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness4063559941?profile=original


Keeping with the “cozy relationship” model of doing business, Hay joined wealthy Democratic donors on Obama’s Jobs Council in 2011—of which at least five members have direct ties (two indirect) to firms that were awarded billions of clean-energy stimulus money and four are confirmed Obama donors.


A Jobs Council by the way –– those advising President Obama on how to create jobs and grow the economy ––  "is full of deep-pocket Democratic donors and high-profile financiers of Obama’s re-election campaign," as reported by ABC News in October 2011. 


Since the creation of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, the members have pushed for renewable energy subsidies. In October 2011, these Obama advisors who’ve financially benefited from green energy projects—such as Hay—issued a report calling for among other things, “a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools.”


Hay is just one of the many Council members with green energy connections. Citigroup’s Richard Parsons with ties to SolarReserve, as well as Penny Pritker, who wears many liberal hats, including those close to the president. Pritker brings along her relationship to the $465 million DOE ATVM loan that went to Telsa Motors, which also has quite a few other interesting ties, like Steve Westly, Obama bundler and DOE Advisor. We also find GE’s Jeffrey Immelt and its $3 billion of green-government subsidies, as well as John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins, who has Al Gore as a partner –– where as of 2010 we find that more than fifty percent of its Greentech Portfolio had received money from the energy-sector of the stimulus package and through other government programs approved by the Obama administration.


These Jobs Council members, also known for their “job outsourcing” –– and others like DOE Insiders and the Stimulus Authors –– who’ve benefited from the deal making, deserve a more thorough (forthcoming) exposé. We’ll call it “Spreading the Wealth to Obama’s Wealthy Jobs Council Members.”


Author’s note: Thanks to Christine Lakatos, the Green Corruption blogger, for research assistance. Unless project-specific funding is raised, this will be the last in the green-energy crony-corruption series.



Published at August 17, 2012 as Third Largest Power Company in the World is the Third Largest Recipient of Risky Loans -- the final installment of our Special Seven Series, whereas: 

  • “Seven solar (two of which are geothermal) companies received fast-tracked approval by the Department of the Interior to lease federal lands in a no-bid process: Abengoa Solar, BrightSource Energy, First Solar, Nevada Geothermal Power, NextEra Energy Resources, Ormat Nevada, and SolarReserve,” as reported by the Washington Free Beacon in April 2012. 
  • Each of these seven companies received billions of DOE funds under the 1705 loan program as well as renewable energy grants from the Treasury Department—despite “junk bond” status. 
  • Christine's research of the DOE's 1705 Loan Guarantee Program, which she reported on in April 2012 –– Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism, noted that 90 percent have "meaningful" ties to President Obama and other high-ranking Democrats –– or both.
  • We found these Special Seven on that DOE "junk" bond  portfolio, of which all have connections to President Obama and other high-ranking Democrats like Senator Harry Reid that has ties to at least four. 
  • Moreover, these 90 percent have plenty of Obama and Democrat "cronies" in the mix:  bundlers, donors, investors, operatives, lobbyists, aides, buddies, relatives, and so on. Throw in some White House appointees, staffers as wells as DOE Insiders (former and present), and you've got yourself a tangled web of "green" cronyism and corruption. 

That said, there is much more to expose...

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Quick share.  Today I had a conversation with a Marine who finished his tours a few years ago and was back home and working.  I knew he has PTSD.  The conversation turned to his past when he saw the company of my car’s maker – KIA.  He said he could never rid in that car or any other made by KIA.  Not because he doesn’t like the cars, but the name is a bad memory for him: KIA or K.I.A.  He could never ride with a moniker that means Killed In Action.  He saw too much of that.  I asked him if he minded talking about it.  He not only agreed he was thankful I asked.  You see for him, the only way he could accept what has happened in his life was to talk freely about it.  Without the ability to vent, he would have problems.  He is even in a group of other vets who have the same need to talk.  And he counsels many other vets who can’t talk, and are having many problems.  So, if you have the opportunity to speak to a vet, do so.  Be sensitive to them, since it still may be hard for them to open up.  But they are our heroes, and our sons and daughters.  They need us now in their time of trouble, just as we needed them in our time of trouble.

And so,..

Jesus told her, I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.                            ~ John 11:25

An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation. ~ John Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 1819

It’s amazingly obvious that throughout our nation’s entire existence, the trouble caused by overtaxing was well understood.  John Marshall was spot on then, just as his words are spot on right now.  There is no secret formula to understand.  People only have so much.  There is a limit to what taxpayers can give without losing everything they have.  But when you hear the government speak of needing more and more taxes, there is way to interpret that except they want to control us, and to destroy the country we have.  What was the phrase we all learned in school about why the revolution happened?  “Taxation without representation.”  TAXATION.  Tax, tax, tax.  There is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation. 

So, our duty to us and each other is to ensure our government; our federally (AND statewide) elected employees understand the charge We the People have given them.  They do NOT rule us.  It is the rule of law – republic – which rules us all with no color, creed or religious slant to blind us.  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”  Follow me and you will live forever in my kingdom.  This is His offer to us.  He never says he rules over us.  Our king, our savior; does not rule over us.  He asks us to follow.  We should teach our federally elected employees this lesson.  They certainly need it.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Lord-Could this be true? Let's pray that it is!

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 17, 2012:

“(Aug. 17, 2012) — Fred Brownbill of The Save America Foundation claims that 80 countries have signed a criminal complaint against Barack Hussein Obama and filed it in the World Court.  Brownbill states that the complaint is one of four matters which will cause Obama to resign.

The Post & Email interviewed the founder of the Save America Foundation, John Chambers, on May 10 of last year.  Brownbill does not mention “if” Obama will resign, but rather, “when.”  However, we could find no substantiation for the criminal complaint claim at this time.

Brownbill’s piece is reposted at The White Hats Report without attribution.  Who are the “White Hat Reporters?”

Brownbill believes that Obama is seeking a nation which will give him sanctuary and states that the Save America Foundation “has the answer” as to when Obama leaves and for what reason.  Brownbill compares Obama’s current situation to that of the Watergate investigation which prompted President Richard M. Nixon to resign the presidency on August 8, 1974.  Some members of Congress believe that the Fast & Furious gunwalking scandal rises to or exceeds the level of malfeasance in Watergate and will yield the same results.

Two years ago, some citizens were calling for Obama to resign, predicting that calls for his birth records and college records would break through the mainstream media blockade imposed on anyone who asked for information on the secretive man who had gained access to the White House.

Fox News Pundit Sean Hannity is now asking Obama to release his college transcripts following Donald Trump’s demand that Obama do so last month.  Four years ago, Obama’s background was not discussed, including questions about his birthplace and life story.

Despite reports that Joe Biden will be removed from the ticket and replaced with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the White House has stated that is not the case.  Brownbill believes that Hillary Clinton will ultimately replace Biden and possibly even Obama.  The rumor about Cuomo began in July of last year.

Biden is known for his tactlessness in public situations.

Several others have predicted that Obama will not be on the ballot in November, despite his aggressive campaigning.  When he is not campaigning, the White House schedule lists meetings he is allegedly attending which are closed to the press or simply “No public schedule.”

While Obama’s campaign manager has stated that Romney’s release of “five years” of tax returns would satisfy them, Obama continues to hide behind a birth certificate deemed fraudulent by an official law enforcement investigation, a Connecticut-issued social security number, a Selective Service registration card also labeled fraudulent, unrevealed school, medical and university records and transcripts, withheld documents on the Fast & Furious operation, and unanswered complaints for treason on the part of several thousand citizens.

One U.S. representative wants Congress to vote to repeal everything Obama has signed during his four years in the White House.  In early 2009, the same congressman had mailed to this writer copies of alleged birth announcements from two Hawaii newspapers as “proof” that he claimed he had found of Obama’s birth in Hawaii and alleged constitutional eligibility to serve.

The Daily Pen, which appears to have inside information about Barack Hussein Obama and began its reporting in January 2009, contends that the birth announcements do not prove that Obama is a “natural born Citizen” because they were not “medically verified as occurring at a Hawaiian hospital.”

Obama’s actions have been described as “bizarre.”  A journalist embedded with Obama during his return flight to the U.S. from Portugal reported that Obama had joked about stopping to see socialist dictator Hugo Chavez before returning home.  Earlier this year, Obama was late in appearing for a campaign event in California.  A psychotherapist questioned Obama’s “odd mannerisms” two years ago, and foreign heads of state reportedly saw him as “detached from reality.”

What is the reality of Obama’s identity?  Is his name “Barack Hussein Obama II,” or has he hidden that, also?  If he has another identity, will its discovery usher in a new, more devastating Watergate?

Does Obama have an identity crisis?  Writer Edward Klein says that Obama “doesn’t know who he is.”

Do the American people?


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following report, videos, movie review and articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:


I. The White Hats Report #47: ‘Watergate Revisited’!-Posted on The White Hats Report:‘Reporting What The Main Stream Media Refuses To Report’!-On August 16, 2012:


II. Video: Admiral Dennis Blair Write In Candidate For President!-Posted on WhiteHatsreport-On August 16, 2012:


III. Movie Reviews: 2016 Obama’s America!-Posted on Ventura County Tea Party-By George Miller-On August 17, 2012:


IV. ’2016: Obama’s America’ Movie Is Disturbingly Necessary!-Posted on CBS New York-By Scott Paulson -On August 17, 2012:


V. 2016: What Will America Look Like if Obama Gets Re-Elected?-Posted on Godfather Politics-By David Bahnsen-OnAugust 19, 2012:


VI. ANTI-OBAMA FILM BLOWS OUT BOX OFFICE: ‘The largest one-week expansion in independent film history’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 24, 2012:




VIII. President Obama's Campaign Trashes '2016: Obama's America'!-Posted on The Hollywood Reporter-By Paul Bond-On September 11, 2012:


IX. Case Closed: If Moderate Voters See This Video, It’s Over for Obama!-Posted on ObamaBallotChallenge-By GeorgeM-On September 12, 2012:


X. Niall Ferguson: Obama’s Gotta Go!-Posted on The Daily Beast-By Niall Ferguson-On August 19, 2012:


XI. WHOA: NEWSWEEK’S LATEST COVER MAY SURPRISE YOU!-Posted on The Blaze-By Becket Adams-On August 19, 2012:


XII. Newsweek Cover: Hit the Road Barack!-Posted on August 19, 2012:


XIII. Video: Hit The Road, Barack!-Posted on Western Journalism-BY KRIS ZANE-On August 20, 2012:


XIV. Newsweek’s Obama Slam Could Be Turning Point!-Posted on Ronald Kessler-On August 20, 2012:


XV. In De-Niall about Obama!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On September 7, 2012:


XVI. Video: URGENT WARNING: FBI Profiling Expert: "Obama Represents!-Posted on TheJoshTolleyChannel-On August 31, 2012:


XVII. Why the World Hates Obama!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On August 31, 2012:


XVIII. Obama showing weakness on the world stage?-Posted on Conservative Byte-On September 26, 2012:


XIX. The Obamas Already Preparing for Move to Hawaii in January 2013: Hyde Park neighbors talking about Chicago house being sold soon!-Posted on Hill Buzz-By Kevin DuJan-On August 31, 2012:


XX. Who Is Funding the Purchase of the $35 million Beachfront Hawaiian Estate for Barack and Michelle Obama to Move into Come January 2013?-Posted on Hill Buzz-By Kevin DuJan-On September 2, 2012:


XXI. SECRET RETIREMENT PLANS: DOES OBAMA EXPECT TO LOSE? ‘Insider reveals internal polls, luxury Hawaii estate ready for January’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On September 19, 2012:


XXII. How Obama Bankrupted his Black Clients Before He Bankrupted America!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-ByDaniel Greenfield-On September 3, 2012:


XXIII. Fox Finally Cracks Down on Obama’s Sordid Political Past!-Posted on GeorgeM-On September 22, 2012:


XXIV. THE LESSON OBAMA WAS SENT TO TEACH US: ‘Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky figures ‘08 win was God’s ‘elections have consequences’ message’!-Posted on BURT PRELUTSKY-On September 25, 2012:


XXV. Obama’s Concession Speech Planned For McCormick Place!-Posted on Before It’s News-On October 18, 2012:


XXVI. Obama’s Election Night Rally Planned For McCormick Place!-Posted on CBS Chicago-On October 17, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:



Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?




My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)


Just Happened!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Blog Posts That Relate To This Issue:


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


Special Ops Groups Slam Obama Over Bin Laden Bragging, Leaks! (Part 1)


Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)


Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’!’s-‘fantasy-foreign-policy’/


Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-...


The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



Give Me Back My America!


We Want Our Country Back!


The Fightin Side of Me!

"Food For Thought"


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Glenn Beck asks "Is Obama going to bail out GM again?"Or words to that effect.

I hope everyone understands it never was a question of bailing out a company and saving jobs, it was Obama
bailing out the Unions! Unions! Unions!...

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Need some Help

Does anyone have any type of connections to get some help to a Veteran that lives in Lake Park Ga. here's his story.


A retired Moody air force base staff sergeant may have only a few weeks left to live after a six year battle with cancer.

Jack Mester's home has deteriorated during his illness, and he's worried about the condition in which he'll leave it for his wife and daughter who are also dealing with serious illnesses.

Jack Mester is a man with an inspirational career. His service for our country exceeds 20 years of duty. He retired from Moody after taking part in Desert Storm as an F-16 crew chief and many other operations.

"I don't consider my self a hero or a person who should be looked up and admired to, I'm just a common man and I'm just trying to do my best," said Mester.

Mester has been fighting esophageal caner for six years and it's about to take his life. His wife suffers from diabetes and lupus and his daughter has epilepsy. The medical bills keep piling up.

"Living on a limited budget, that really hurts because I pay my bills with what SSI gives me and the little money that I have from retirement doesn't go very far," says Mester. 

From being sick for so many years his home has been seriously neglected.

After the family's central air condition unit went out, they had to resort to window units, because they couldn't afford to replace it.

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