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One of the first environmental scams the Congressional quislings ran on the American public was the toilet legislation. In the sixties and seventies we could still buy 3.5 gallon flush toilets. Some lobbyists came up with the scheme to convince the public that we were wasting water and destroying the environment by using so much water. Congress decided that we should only use 1.6 gallon flush toilets and passed a law making 3.5 gallon flush toilets illegal. Toilet manufacturers that did not have high profit margins and could not afford to retool had to shut down. Americans felt good about saving the environment and applauded the legislation. But it was a scam. It’s real purpose was to destroy competition and impose regulations on the public. IT DOES NOT SAVE WATER OR THE ENVIRONMENT. Consider-if I borrow 3.5 gallons of water from the Potomac River, send it through my toilet and back into the Potomac River, the river flow is the same. I did not take water from the Potomac and throw it away. Now if I only borrow 1.6 gallons of water to flush my toilet the result is still the same. I do not create more water in the Potomac by using less. I may clog my sewer line that way, but I don’t create water. THE RIVER FLOW IIS NOT CHANGED. THE WATER IS NOT SAVED AND HELD BY THE RIVER- it flows into the Chesapeake Bay. The principle is the same anywhere in the country.

The conversion to digital television signals was another scam designed to make special interests rich. The forty dollar government rebate for those junk boxes was part of the scam. The real story was the millions forced from the public for digital antennae and new televisions needed to replace the now obsolete equipment.

Curly que light bulbs are another environmental scam. They are supposed to be needed due to an energy shortage. In fact they were used to shut down American lightbulb manufacturers. Obama also used this scam to enrich his friends at Philips electric. He gave them a grant of a million dollars for developing a long life lightbulb that costs $40.00 each. What’s worse is that curly que bulbs are a fire hazard if plugged into a circuit with a dimmer switch. There is no energy shortage.

High energy prices were contrived by the actions of the past several administrations. They’ve stopped the building of refineries, stopped drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, stopped the Canadian pipeline, shut down coal mines etc. They raised prices to enrich their friends; we have plenty of energy. But what they did is even more evil. They’ve forced us to put alcohol in the gasoline we use. This is hard on engines and cuts milage by 15% or more while raising the price of gas. The important part of the legislation was to enrich farmers who grow corm, and their lobbyist friends. It does not save any energy to convert corn to alcohol and add it to gasoline. This has also raised food prices. It’s legislation for the fun of imposing their will on us and making us poorer while enriching themselves and friends. The quislings demand campaign contributions from lobbyists to buy their votes. Incidentally, Congressional quislings don’t write legislation; it’s written by K St. law firms, in other words lobbyists and special interests. (The quislings convert campaign contributions into their own private use when they retire.).

You can find proof of the deceptive scheme In the Washington suburbs. Traffic signals are synchronized to jam traffic up by stopping you at every traffic light. When a University of Maryland professor went to a meeting of the three transportation departments (Maryland, D.C., and Virginia) to explain a computer program that would allow traffic to flow without the tie ups, the bureaucrats told him they have the lights synchronized exactly the way we want them. In other words they are trying to force people to use the inconvenient and expensive public transportation; the elites want us to give up our cars and our freedom. They don’t care about the energy they waste or the pollution created while we sit in traffic at stop lights; they use the lies about energy shortages to manipulate the voters.

You will not find a single piece of environmental legislation passed by these quislings that was not designed to increase government power over us or make some special interest wealthier at the public expense.

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As seen on Cody's blog here:


More and more Americans are seeing the value of the work I have been doing over the past 4 years. With the “Green Light” on Obamacare that the 5-4  U.S. Supreme Court  held this past Thursday along with a ‘contempt’ vote that was shielded by Obama’s executive order on Fast & Furious, one could surmise we have had some very destructive blows to ‘freedom and liberty’ dealt to us.
I wish I had good news to report about the U.S. Supreme Court receiving my case on appeal from the Georgia Supreme Court but in the horse world I’m familiar with let me parlay, “We were headed in to the class for a show and 10 yards before entering our champion stallion threw a shoe by stepping into a deliberately dug hole meant to sabotage our entry, and we had no choice but to scratch the class, and head off to the blacksmiths shop for a new shoe.
The good news would be we didn’t break a leg stepping in the hole and when I relate to you what happened I think it will be quite obvious that the U.S. Supreme court clerk responsible for this has got a major grudge against my action and dug the hole.
The bad news is the Supreme Court in Washington DC is in recess till the first Monday in October and I’m beginning to wonder about the door to the U.S. Supremes being definitively closed to me because of the unprecedented action it represents to the establishment in maintenance of the status quo, which everyone knows I’m not representing really well but rather exposing.
Now I have never been one to take adversity placed upon me as some grand conspiracy and I believe my record will do for that fact. While I have been tested and perhaps pestered with deficiencies I represented I have attempted more to accommodate those and to understand them, and correct them, where they accumulated into facts.
I just don’t think losing a game legally is worthy of poor sportsmanship and so when I have lost legally I generally shake my opponents hand, congratulate him, lick my wounds, and move on. However, when I am wronged blatantly, deliberately and intentionally I have no problem relating the facts of that to others which I am about to do, especially in light of Obama’s ineligibility as it certainly affects many, many, many more than me.
I relate the facts you certainly can make your own calculations and do the math.
1-Wednesday- June 27th 2012 approximately 10:30am, I reported and show the service of the ‘Petition for Writ of Certiorari’ appealing the Georgia Supreme Court decision case no. S12D1584 JUDY v. OBAMA, I received June 21st,2012, with a ‘received by signature’ United Postal Service Record, to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Clerks office which had been sent Monday morning.
2-Thursday-June 28th,2012 – Owing to security maintained at the U.S. Supreme Court and my own prior experience with them I know my document isn’t going to get a case number the day it gets there but I figure 24 hours later is a good time to check on it because you know it’s not like the DMV where they’re receiving thousands of entries every day and reasonably your document after its signed for, ought to make the Clerk’s office 24 hours after it’s received.
So I speak with Gail Johnson about Noon- EST time, who is my assigned case analyst and ask her point blank if she has received my case. She says “No” and refers me to the argument that you know it takes time from service to get through security and to them, and says, “ call back tomorrow”.  I was actually encouraged by her request to ‘call back tomorrow’. This as you recall was the same day the U.S. Supreme Court was set, and did release their decision on the Health Care with a 5-4 vote upholding it in its entirety absent the confirmation that it was ‘Constitutional’, with Sotomayor and Kagan, both Obama appointees, in on the decision.
Of course without those two there, we are left with a pretty strong message from the dissenting Justices that the Act fails quite easily the Constitution, and we are also reminded quite clearly that without an eligible President signing their appointments, their confirmation is not legitimate.  Now how important is Obama’s Eligibility? How important and imperative is my case?
3- Friday-June 29th –Noon -Approximately same time I call back and get Gail Johnson’s voice message that she’s out of the office until Monday July 1st,2012 and that if something urgent is needed please contact another analyst by the name of Redman, who also is ‘out of the office until July 1st. I make another call to the Supreme Court Clerk’s office and a nice operator tells me as I relate my predicament that he did see “Higgins” come in and will direct my call to his office. I get a voice mail and relate to him my name which they identify your case with, and ask for a call back. I call again at approximately 3pm EST and relate my desire for a call back upon the matter.  Predictably I don’t receive a call back.
Of course I’m not all that discouraged because Gail Johnson related to me she had not received my package Thursday. The damnedest thing happens Saturday morning.
4- Saturday-June 30th,2012 I receive in my mail box the entire box containing 11 copies of my Petition for Writ of Certiorari back with a letter from Gail Johnson dated Thursday June 28th,2012. Of course you recall I had called her and spoke directly to her and she confirmed she hadn’t received it.
Very interesting letter received that was taped to the top of the package that states the package is returned for the very same reason it was returned May 17th,2012 because the U.S. Supreme Court only reviews cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals or the highest State Court available.
Pictures of the letters here:
May 17th,2012 Letter from U.S. Supreme Court to Cody Robert Judy
Order from Georgia Supreme Court dated June 21st, 2012
Wow! On the very first page of my document it says in the first paragraph, Georgia Supreme Court Case No. S12D1584 Judy v. Obama is being appealed, and that the Supreme Court of Georgia had granted my ‘indigency’ status. How did she miss that on the very first page, first paragraph signed with a notary seal June 24th,2012?
Incredibly two things available here for us to discern because we know she can read- Either Gail Johnson didn’t read the document as an analyst assigned to that duty is supposed to, and ordered it packaged up unread and sent back the exact same moment it was opened, or Gail Johnson doesn’t know the Georgia Supreme Court is the highest court in the State of Georgia presumed by her own letter to be appealed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.
When I opened the box up, about 10 minutes after it cleared my security department, another letter was inside, which was indeed Gail Johnson’s letter to me May 17th,2012 that related to the April 4th 2012 version of my Petition for Writ of Certiorari which indeed hadn’t been reviewed by the Georgia Supreme Court, but had been reviewed by the New Hampshire Supreme Court which I argued should suffice.
So, now I have returned to me by the U.S. Supreme Court clerk Gail Johnson not one but two State Supreme Court decisions, one from New Hampshire and one from Georgia, that are legally reviewable by the U.S. Supreme court. I really think this should call for her termination in the employment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Can you imagine just for an instance if perchance the U.S. Supreme court Justices had been notified Wednesday afternoon that my case had come into the Courts authority and was docketed, that could alter their decision on Obamacare, based on the eligibility requirement that an eligible president must first sign an Act of Congress before its legal?
How big is this case?  How many people does it represent and or affect?
Can you imagine one Court Clerk having the power to keep something like this from the dissenting Justices on the eve of their Summer recess until after the Sept 5th National Democrat Convention in which a decision on my case could have moved Obama from even being included as a Democratic Party candidate at that convention verses being the nominee, and the Justices return scheduled for October after the convention?
I don’t think anyone upset with Obamacare passing even has a clue what it means to have another Presidential Candidate in the Democrat Party qualified for a U.S. Supreme Court hearing with two State Supreme Court referrals to them means.
If anyone did I really suspect people would be going through the roof, and contributing to my campaign and calling their Senators and Congressmen and faxing the U.S. Supreme Court of this outrage, and burning down the phone lines to the U.S. Supreme Court. WND would have feature stories about the outrageousness of it, and small business magazines across the United States would be saying “contribute” the individual maxim to this guy which is $2,400 per individual small businesses or pay the estimated annual increase of $54,000 on healthcare for your small business.
Of course I need your help and I hope to have somehow inspired you of the importance and urgency of this case. You know the Voeltz v. Obama case getting so much publicity is stated by Esq. Larry Klaymen to be appealed by either side upon a decision suffered a big set-back with the Judge granting the motion to strike the Amended Declarative relief. Here :  and - “Klayman told WND Obama’s lawyers immediately went into a tailspin and filed to have the amendment for declaratory relief stricken, which the judge granted,..” How long do you think it would take Klaymen to reach the Florida Supreme Court and hence the U.S. Supreme Court?
Now, put into that equation he does not have a Democratic Party Candidate for President on the complaint, but a Democratic party member who is a voter and who by the standards thus far used by the Judicial Branch won’t have or satisfy the 3 levels of ‘standing’ upon the appeals into the Judicial Branch?
Also factor in Obama will by Sept 5th,2012 have the nomination of the National Democratic Party Convention locked up and how many Supreme Court Justices are going to see that one clear against Obama? Ask Mr. Klayman about the Political Doctrine Question and he will tell you the chances after Obama becomes the Democratic Party nominee are slim to none after Sept. 5th, 2012.
I’m calling for the only thing I believe will help and that is an all points bulletin to every Conservative across the board in the political arena to rally for my case. I will send it back to the U.S. Supreme Court this Monday and by Wednesday I would like to see about 10 national stories about this outrage and calls numbering in the thousands to the U.S. Supreme Court, your representatives in Congress and the Senate and if you hold any value to reaching across the aisle I even challenge Mitt Romney to come out and make a statement on the Justice happening with my case being locked out of the U.S. Supreme Court.
I believe that is possible if you will do your part in sharing this very real possibility that you cannot let slip by. If you’re a business owner or interested in employment Obama care is a major blow to small businesses and the capital they have to work with that would necessarily be opening new jobs.
Please act now… just DO IT! What can America do from Sunday to Wednesday, for the sake of our Country I’m asking you contribute your time, talent, energy, contributions to ‘Vision to Believe in’ represented by our Constitution and my campaign, The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign.
I believe this case is so important and has been biased so fraudulently by the Clerk’s Office that when and if the U.S. Supreme Court Justices hear about it, that it will merit the call for a ‘Special Session’ to be called by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices in the Order to adjudicate the case without bias towards me before the National Democratic Party Convention Sept 5, 2012 in the interest of voting delegates at that Convention who have been chosen by the interest of State Tax Payers money to vote for Constitutionally eligible candidates.
Tell the U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Tax money has been used by the Democratic Party in the primaries and in such is responsibly connected to the Constitution and Obama’s eligibility. RESPONSIBILITY in taxes was the message of Obama care, let them hear about the responsibility to our Constitution that ‘taxes’ demands in representation.
Cody Robert Judy

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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MLK's Dream Realized.

4063532071?profile=originalWe just returned back home to Florida from my wife Mary's family reunion in Maryland. Mary and I are an interracial couple. Before consenting to attend, I asked my wife of 35 years, “Will there be anyone there who is going to give me a hard time?” Mary replied, “No, they're all dead.”

The reunion was wonderful, over one hundred in attendance. When God said be fruitful and multiply, Mary's family took God seriously. Kids were all over the place swimming, using the water slide, enjoying the feast of food and deserts and having a ball.

Cousin Jimmy started cooking the hog, head and all, on the grill at 3am. The pork was cooked to perfection. Add a little of his favorite barbecue sauce and you are in heaven. I do regret allowing Jimmy to talk me into tasting the hog's snout. For the sake of my stomach, I must change the subject.

4063532096?profile=originalAunt Carol is the family historian. She and her sister, Mary's mom, Eleanor traced their family tree back to 1625. Aunt Carol's brief report was fascinating.

Mary's sister Donna was reelected president of their family reunion. Donna announced big plans to have next year's 50th reunion catered at a resort. Everyone was excited.

Mary and I received the award for traveling the most distance.

The reunion included an auction. Melanie, Mary's sister was extremely entertaining playing auctioneer. Billy out-bid everyone to win a beautiful hand-carved bird for his mom, my Mary.

Everyone was warm and friendly. Mary's mom and dad were genuinely glad to see me. The younger family members were not taken back by me, a black member of the family. They simply did not care about my race.

While I was the only black at the reunion, I heard I am no longer the only black in the family.

It was a great day and I ate too much.

While in Maryland, I visited my family. My brother David has coached well-integrated youth football teams for many years. He has noticed that kids think very little about race. David said when we were kids there was black music and white music. Today, black and white kids basically listen to the same music.

A friend who works in shopping malls has witnessed an abundance of multiracial families. It appears Dr Martin Luther King's dream has come true. Blacks and whites are walking together in brotherhood.

So, who keeps stirring the waves of discontent, making “race” a big deal? Answer, the mainstream media, politicians seeking to exploit race to get-their-way and those seeking to get-paid. Disgusting!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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images-1.jpgEveryone who pays any attention to the news knows the name Solyndra. It has become synonymous with the overall failed green energy program administered by the Obama team. Politicos know there are many other companies that have received loan guarantees for various green energy projects that have since become a source of ridicule for the White House. Some might even be able to name a few. There is the now-bankrupt company that made batteries for electric cars: Ener1. The plug-in electric sports car company, Fisker, that made its cars in Finland and has troubles too numerous to cite. And, of course, we know about the Chevy Volt—that our taxpayer dollars bailed out only to have demand so low that Chevrolet had to pull the plug on the production line and lay off workers for five weeks earlier this year. But few know the full story.

Connecting the dots will make your head hurt. There are various programs and special tax breaks and different kinds of companies that received green energy loans: solar, wind, and geothermal; and car companies, battery manufacturers, and biofuel producers. While the projects differ, they have several startling similarities. The vast majority of the green energy loan guarantees were given to companies that could not obtain enough financial backing from private investors. Their “junk” or “speculative” grade kept people from putting their own money into them —yet your money and mine was given to them, and we had no say in the matter. Of the 27 loans issued through the 1705 Loan Guarantee Program to 21 firms, virtually all of them have “connections” to either President Obama or other high-ranking Democrats—or both! The loans were made to fill a market created not by free-market demand, but by government mandates. And, all of the “special seven” got fast-tracked approvals through the Department of Interior with little scrutiny over environmental damages that would have taken any other energy company months, if not years, to get, and EPA regulations were applied selectively.

Many of the companies that received the funds had involvement with large donors and/or bundlers for the Obama campaign, and there is an amazing revolving door through which the players pass many times. They worked, for example, for Senator Harry Reid. Then they are on the staff of an investment firm that invested in one, or more, of the companies. Next you find he or she is on some White House commission—or worse, became part of the Obama Department of Energy team. Some 460 companies applied for DOE loans, but only 27 projects, 21 companies, got the funds. And 85% of these have been found to have “connections.” The remaining 15% may well have connections too, albeit more guarded or hidden.

These are not wild assertions. I have the data to back them up.

Following the publication of my column a couple of weeks ago on crony capitalism, I was connected with Christine Lakatos. She’s a private citizen and a single mom with a nose for research. Beginning in 2009, she was hired to work on investigative projects, following the green energy money. But when those projects were completed, she didn’t stop digging. She kept finding more and more. With no outlet for her work, she started a blog where she “brain dumps” her findings—which for a total unknown has received an impressive number of readers. For anyone but the most stalwart, her Green Corruption Blog is like getting a drink of water from a fire hydrant.

On Sunday, some of Lakatos’ research was presented in my weekly column. The response prompted us to begin a collaboration.

For each of the next 17 weeks, we will expose one green-energy, crony-corruption story after another (though my travel schedule may require me to skip a week here and there). It will be a “book” released chapter-by-chapter. If you like what you find, we hope you’ll let us know and come back the following week for the next installment.

Some single stories of what we’ll expose are “out there”—though surely not covered by the mainstream media and not all in one place or all connected as we’re doing.  If you made a study of the green-energy, crony-corruption story your passion, you likely found out a lot of what we’ll share. If you read the report from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (HOGRC) on the Obama Administration’s green energy gamble word-for-word, or watched the incriminating hearings, you’ll already know some of what we’ll present. Or, if you’ve read the chapter in Peter Schweizer’s book Throw Them All Out that addresses alternative energy and “how the game of funneling taxpayer money to friends has exploded to astonishing levels in recent years,” you have a good idea of the big picture. If you have made this your passion, have studied the report, and have coordinated with Schweizer, as Lakatos has, you are encouraged to help make these reports as complete as possible. Together, we’ll connect the dots and present it here in bite-sized pieces.

Each of the energy projects we will profile in the “special seven” section were recipients of billions of taxpayer dollars through the 1705 Loan Guarantee Program (LGP) and many will be receiving millions more through the 1603 Grant Program. The 1705 LGP is an expansion of the 1703 program that was approved in 2005 under President Bush—increasing the expenditures from $17.9 billion in 2007 to $37.2 billion in 2010. The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act significantly expanded the DOE’s authority, under Energy Secretary Steven Chu, through the newly created 1705 LGP. (Under the Recovery Act, $86 billion—approximately 10% of the stimulus package—was earmarked for green energy projects.) The LGP means that companies get risk-free money. If the company succeeds, the low-interest loan gets paid back. If they fail—as many have—we, the taxpayers, lose. In contrast, the 1603 Grant Program—implemented as part the Obama stimulus––is administered by the Treasury Department, with the goal of reimbursing eligible applicants for a portion of the costs of installing specified energy property used in a trade or business or for the production of income. Basically 1603 gives billions in favored businesses tax-free cash gifts that do not have to be paid back.

While we can prove that cronyism has run amok within the majority of 1705 LGP, we'll stay focused on the Special Seven. Here, in Part 1, we present a complete overview of the connecting dots on one project: SolarReserve, LLC. With this introduction made, we’ll likely address several companies, with a common denominator, in subsequent releases.

solar-0527091.jpgIn Sunday’s column, the following thumbnail was presented: “SolarReserve’s Crescent Dunes project is a solar thermal power tower plant utilizing the advanced molten salt power tower technology with integrated storage located in Tonopah, NV. The company's Fitch rating is BB, yet in September 2011, it was the recipient of $737 million in DOE loan guarantees. Obama’s law school buddy and 2008 Obama campaign bundler, Michael Froman, was managing director of alternative investments at Citigroup—which became a major investor in SolarReserve. Froman currently serves on the White House staff. Additionally, other high profile Democrats are involved with SolarReserve.”

But there is more.

froman.jpgMore about Michael Froman. Peter Schweizer reports that “When Obama ran for president, Froman helped raise large sums of money on Wall Street” for the 2008 campaign. The HOGRC report (page 47) confirms Peter’s findings and adds that Froman was a $200,000 bundler: “Michael Froman currently serves as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs. He was a friend of President Obama’s from law school, and supported his political career by bundling over $200,000 for his 2008 presidential candidacy. Prior to his arrival at the White House, Froman was the Managing Director of Alternative Investments at Citigroup, where he managed infrastructure and sustainable development investments. Citigroup became a major investor in SolarReserve, which ultimately received a $737 million loan guarantee in September 2011.”


The Citigroup connection is tighter. Richard Parsons was Chairman for Citigroup from 2009 until he announced stepping down in March 2012. Citigroup was a top Obama donor in 2008. Parsons served on the Obama Transition Team and on the Economic Advisory Board. In 2011, Parsons was appointed to the President’s Council on Jobs and Competiveness.


Next, David Sandalow—who is currently “the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at DOE, where he acts as Secretary’s Chu’s principal adviser on energy policy, as well as coordinating DOE’s foreign policy involvement.” (HOGRC report page 49) “Sandalow’s ties to the White House date back to the Clinton Administration, during which he worked with President Clinton on environmental issues. After having gained this experience, Sandalow became the influential Chair of the Energy & Climate Working Group of the Clinton Global Initiative. He went on to advise President Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. Prior to joining the Obama Administration, Sandalow was a senior advisor to Good Energies, Inc., an energy-focused venture capital firm. Good Energies is an investor in SolarReserve.”

Other SolarReserve connections to the Democratic Party include:

Ronald Pelosi—Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, Ronald Pelosi, holds a leadership position with Pacific Corporate Group Asset Management—which is an investor in SolarReserve. Additionally, his colleague, Jasandra Nyker, has served as a member of SolarReserve’s board of directors.

George Kaiser—Argonaut Private Equity is an investor in SolarReserve. Argonaut Private Equity is owned by major Democratic fundraiser and a 2008 Top Obama bundler George Kaiser, who also invested in Solyndra. Kaiser made multiple visits to the White House in the months before the company was granted a $535 million loan from the government. The Managing Director for Argonaut Private Equity, Steve Mitchell, serves on SolarReserve's Board of Directors.


Tony shows that SolarReserve paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group. Tony Podesta is the principal at the Podesta Group—which he started with his brother John. John Podesta ran Barack Obama’s presidential transition team and is the Director of the Center for American Progress—which is “reportedly highly influential in helping to craft White House Policy.” Both Tony Podesta and his wife Heather (a Washington power couple) are frequent White House visitors that share high ranks in "lobbying power," and Democrat bundling as well.

Lee Bailey—SolarReserve’s Chairman of the Board is Lee Bailey, a Managing Director with U.S. Renewables Group, who holds a significant financial stake in SolarReserve. Bailey has donated $21,850 since 2008 to Democratic candidates, including President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, California Sen. Barbara Boxer and then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

James McDermottSolarReserve board member James McDermott is also a Managing Director with U.S. Renewables Group. He contributed $61,500 to various Democratic campaigns since 2008, including $30,800 to Obama’s presidential election campaign. U.S Renewable Energy Group has ties with Senator Harry Reid.

If there were only one connect-the-dots story, it would be easy to dismiss it as coincidence. But here, with just one company, you can see the dots connect, and connect, and connect. As you will continue to see, they keep on connecting. In this case, connect-the-dots is no innocent childhood game. It is a high-stakes gamble and only those with connections get to play. Obama and his Democratic friends are the winners. We, the taxpayers, the losers. We lose the financial investment of our tax dollars and our electricity rates go up—all to support the discredited ruse of man-made climate change.

First published at Obama’s Green-Energy, Crony-Corruption

By Marita Noon (Jun 29, 2012) –– also pick up by: 


Marita Noon, executive director of Energy Makes America Great Inc., is a voice for energy focusing on the intersection of energy, news, politics and environmentalism. Follow Marita at @energyrabbit

Christine Lakatos is a mother of two terrific daughters, an ACE Certified Fitness Trainer, author, and more –– turned ferocious Green Corruption researcher and blogger. Follow Christine at @calfit32

Our first stop will be "The Special7" that snagged billions in DOE loans that were "junk" rated, millions in tax-free energy grants as well as fast-tracked DOI public land approval with little scrutiny over environmental damage. guessed it....ALL have "meaningful" connections (bundlers, donors, supporters) to President Obama, Senator Harry Ried, and other high-profile Democrats. Some even gained White House staff and DOE Advisor positions. 

While this column uncovered #1) SolarReserve, Marita reported on the entire list of seven in her  "Eco Scare Scams Raise Obama Campaign Cash" piece last Sunday, June 24, 2012.

Here are a summary of the others, but we will expand on each in the following weeks.

Three more Harry Reid ties:

#2) Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP) holds leasehold interests in six geothermal projects located in the Western United States. They hold a BB+ rating and received a $78.8 million loan, guaranteed by the DOE, in September of 2011. Executives from NGP contributed heavily in 2008 to Harry Reid’s campaign. 

#3) Ormat Nevada is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ormat Technologies Inc., whose website touts “green energy you can rely on.” They have an S&P rating of BB and received $350 million in partial loan guarantees. Ormat’s lobbyist Kai Anderson and Director of Policy and Business Development Paul Thomsen were both former senate aides to Harry Reid and donors to his campaign.

#4)  BrightSource Energy has a three-unit power system project known as “Ivanpah,” located near the California/Nevada border, south of Las Vegas, that uses a proprietary power-tower solar thermal system. Ivanpah I and III have a BB+ rating while Ivanpah II is BB. On April 11, 2011, the DOE announced the finalization of $1.6 billion in loan guarantees for BrightSource’s Ivanpah project. The apparent “payoffs” to Democrats are myriad—having donated at least $21,600 to Democrats since 2008 (and zero dollars to Republicans). According to a Washington Free Beacon report, Senator Harry “Reid received almost $4,000 from Brightsource executives in the 2010 cycle, including $2,400 from CEO John Woolard, who hosted a fundraiser for the majority leader. Woolard is also a Barack Obama donor and has visited the White House 10 times since Obama took office.” Additionally, Sanjay Wagle (a significant 2008 Obama campaign supporter and contributor), a principal at Vantage Point Partners (the major stakeholder in BrightSource) was an advisor at the DOE at the time the loan was approved. And, John Bryson, BrightSource CEO, became Obama’s Secretary of Commerce (although he resigned his post late Wednesday) and has ties to an organization that helped craft the stimulus package. 

And more...

#5) Abengoa has two solar projects: Solana and Mojave Solar. Solana’s Fitch rating is BB+. Just before Christmas, 2010, the company received $1.45 billion from the DOE for a solar thermal plant, to use parabolic trough technology, in Gila Bend, AZ. Mojave Solar’s rating was BB. Yet the company received $1.2 billion in September 2011 for its solar assembly collection project in San Bernardino County, CA. Abengoa has connections to California’s Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.

#6) First Solar manufacturers “thin film” solar modules and is now moving into project development. While First Solar is not in the “junk bond” list, they do hold the unique distinction of being the single worst performer in the SPX in 2011. Additionally, they are linked to three junk-bond projects: Aqua Caliente (AZ), BB+; Antelope Valley Solar Ranch (CA), BBB-; and Desert Sunlight (CA), BBB-. First Solar was an early green investment of Goldman Sachs—which gave more than $1 million to the 2008 Obama campaign. Goldman Sachs executives sat on Obama’s 2008 Finance Committee and others were bundlers. In Throw Them All Out, Peter Schweizer reports on First Solar investor Paul Tudor Jones, who was a 2008 Obama bundler, and First Solar CEO Michael Ahearn, who “gives generously (and exclusively) to Democrats.”

#7) NextEra Energy Resources calls itself a leader in clean energy including “operating the largest US solar energy site.” Despite its self-proclaimed “leader” status, two of its projects: Genesis Solar and Desert Sunlight, hold ratings of BBB+ and BBB-. The Genesis Solar project received $681.6 million in August 2010, and Desert Sunlight: $1.2 billion. Here, there is an obvious conflict of interest as NextEra’s CEO, Lewis Hay, serves on the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Stay tuned and check back here at Green Corruption and Marita Noon because this is just the beginning...
Simultaneously, with "The Special7" as our first collaboration, I will continue with the 21 firms and their "meaningful political connections" donations, status, etc. found in the Issa 2012 Investigation –– with subsequent Congressional hearings –– Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism –– Intro.
Political buddies indeed –– 21 energy firms are behind the 27 projects found in the March 10, 2012 House Oversight investigation (the DOE's "junk bond" green portfolio), and 18 of them are politically connected to President Obama (15 alone) and the Democrat Party, that’s over 85%!
Interestingly some crossover into multiple categories but here is what's in the works:
  • "The Special7"
  • Department of Energy "Junk Loans" and Cronyism List
  • While Peter Schweizer's book divulged that ten members Obama's 2008 Finance Committee­, and revealed at least twenty-five 2008 Obama bundlers, large donors, and supporters that were "privy" to large amounts of green loans, grants, and special tax breaks, I found more...
  • The RAT in the Stimulus and the “Green Stimulus Authors” that Have Benefited Greatly
  • Obama's Green Team, DOE Officials, and DOE Advisors –– Stacked with Left-Wing Radicals, Al Gore Acolytes, and Silicon Valley Liaisons –– are Heavily Implicated in this “Green-Energy Scheme," and many have raked in big "green bucks." Also, a few White House staff that have ties to government green-energy money. 
  • At Least Five Members of Obama's Job Council Got DOE Cash –– A Council that is  Stacked With Democratic Donors, many of which came from President Obama's appointed 2009 Economic Advisory Board. 
  • Obama-Connected Cleantech (VC) Portfolios that Snagged Billions of Government Funds for Multiple Green Companies and Green Projects 
  • Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Energy, and Big Venture Capitalists are Players Cashing in on "Green" Too 
  • Failed Obama-backed Green Energy Companies –– the bankrupt and troubled "green projects and companies" list, of which I have tracked close to thirty (and more on the State level), yet it continues to grow weekly.

I know that other disgraces have plagued the Obama administration and taken center stage lately like Fast & Furious, ObamaCare, White House National Security Leaks, and more, however, with only 17 weeks until the 2012 elections, we will attempt to expose President Obama's "clean-energy dirt"  –– Green-Energy, Crony-Corruption Story –– of which I personally believe is one of the biggest scandals (and most expensive) of the Obama presidency!

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This is why grass roots Republicans must take over national republican leadership!!!!
National Republican Congressional Committee: It Wasn't Courts Role To Defend The Constitution

“Friend, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote yesterday, ‘It’s not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.’ He’s right. You may disagree with his decision to uphold Obamacare, but his point still stands. It’s now up to us. Send us three bucks. Not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”

Friday on the Rush Limbaugh show, the conservative talk show host received and email from the National Republican Congressional Committee which took the opportunity of Chief Justice John Roberts own words to try and get some funding.

Limbaugh was as taken back by the email’s statement as I was. “Well, excuse me, Mr. National Republican Congressional Committee, but nobody voted to raise taxes,” the talk show host exclaimed. “There were no political choices expressed in this end result. Even the democrats who rammed this bill through in the dead of night claimed it wasn’t a tax. Every poll under the sun shows that the people do not want Obamacare. In fact, some polls show people opposed to it by a margin of 3 to 1. What is this, protect the people from the consequences of their political choices? We need to be protected from the Supreme Court. There’s nowhere to go now.”

Limbaugh continued, “It’s not the job of the court to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices? Really? So anything a Congress passes in any way that they pass it, the court’s gonna uphold? No matter what it is? Because it’s not their job to determine whether or not it’s American? Which is, to me, what constitutional is. Everybody is just laissez-faire here, it’s hands off.”

“Oh, and by the way, if the way our elected officials wrote it doesn’t work, guess what? You people, whose political choices I’m talking about, guess what, I’m going to write something that none of you ever anticipated, that nobody ever made as a choice, and I’m gonna make it the law of the land. What defense do we have?”

Rush then said exactly what I was thinking. “We’re now supposed to go back, throw a bunch of Democrats out of office, hope and pray the Republicans we put into office then have the guts to do the right thing. And if they do, and the whole thing ends up back at the Supreme Court someday, we know all bets are off, because nothing matters anymore. There is no standard. There is no firewall. There’s no backstop. There is no alarm. There is no 911. There’s nowhere to go.”

He’s exactly right. There is nowhere to go. the problem is if the NRCC thinks like this, then what else do they have screwed up in their thinking of what is Constitutional and what isn’t? If you ask me the NRCC and the establishment are much farther to the left than most people realize. Now the question is, how many people gave in support of such a convoluted message by the RNCC?

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Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician who tried to get elected promoting national socialism. The Norwegians rejected him and national socialism. So Quisling wormed his way into the bureaucracy to learn the inner workings of government and form alliances with other idiots in the government. He then made a secret deal with Hitler to take over Norway and force national socialism on the Norwegian people. Since then Quisling has been used to describe politicians and traitors who have a secret agenda which they hide from the public they are trying to fool and manipulate.

History is repeating itself in the USA now. People are beginning to realize that we’ve been intentionally lied to by our elected representatives for years. They’ve promoted "environmental legislation" that they pretended was for clean air and water. It’s real purpose was to gain regulatory power the public never intended the government to have. Social legislation was promoted which did not benefit anyone in society except the lawyers. It made them rich by allowing them to cram our courts with useless litigation. One of the secrets about environmental legislation was that it gave legal standing to any group of idiots who wanted to obstruct progress and impose their malice on people who were trying to develop wasted property or rehabilitate existing property. That’s why there are no "shovel ready jobs". And Obama and the rest of the horde know it; they’ve effectively cut off any movement to progress and turned us into a third world country. Obama smiles because it amuses him to see how effective their legislation has been. Much anti-business anti-consumer legislation had the hidden purpose of shutting down businesses and driving others overseas.

There is proof of this intentional deception. Congress has not passed a budget for three years, (even though they’ve increased spending to an unbelievable level), in order to hide what they are doing with the money. Billions have been frittered away on "green" businesses which the public does not want and never asked for. It’s a way to make friends and lobbyists rich at the expense of working Americans. Many of the businesses funded by the president and Congress have already gone bankrupt leaving us the bill while the business owners got rich and the politicians got huge donations. (Politicians convert their unused campaign funds into retirement money when they leave or are thrown out of office.

We need to spread the word so that Americans who only get their information from the duplicitous mainstream media will understand what has been going on. Ane we meed to elect politicians who will REVERSE the bad legislation that has been adding up for forty years. Only the Tea Party will do it.

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Purse Strings in the Wrong Hands...

Most people do not understand how our Budget process works or how our nation passes a bill.  There are three sets of hands on the purse strings of our nation.  When a party controls ANY TWO of these strings, they are in control.  These strings are in the hands of the President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

I am not an economist.  I am not a highly educated man.  So, I try to take the complicated and make it less complicated so that I can understand it more effectively.  So...I have gone back in time, since 1981, and performed a simple analysis of who holds the purse strings of our nation and what there "deficit rate" is comparatively.  The results are staggering and eye-opening.  You are welcome to check my math.

Democrats OUT-DEFICIT Republicans by $4.23 to $1.00 (in terms of deficit spending) and that is a FACT.  Anyone can pull the figures and do the math themselves.  It does not matter which party is in the White House - it matters which party has majority control.  In the period in question, Democrats had control for 15 years and Republicans had control for 18 years.  During the 15 years that Democrats had control, they added $8.014 TRILLION to the national deficit.  During the 18 years that Republicans had control, they added $2.280 TRILLION to the deficit.  The yearly rate is $534 BILLION to $127 BILLION. 

Republicans are also better at reducing the previous years deficit.  They reduce the deficit 60 percent of the time as compared to 40 percent of the time for Democrats.  Now let me ask you this question.  Would you want a parachute that opens 40 percent of the time that only reduces your fall rate to 500 inches per second or a parachute that opens 60 percent of the time that reduces your fall rate to 100 inches per second?

Folks, we have a real clear choice this November.  We can argue about policy until we are blue in the face.  We can fight over the Obamacare Tax until the cows come home.  But we need to reduce this to something VERY simple and easy to understand.  Democrats will put this nation deeper into debt than Republicans.  Full STOP! 

The graphic to back my claim is included.  I intend to continue my education efforts on this matter until I can no longer draw breath.  I am interested in ONLY the facts.  Here they are!


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United We Stand

"We The People's" authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from

Article V of the Constitution

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a “two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or  by a “constitutional convention” called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures and since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval.

A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).  The process is called “Constitutional Convention”.

Constitutional Convention has only been used once in the entire history of this country.  I was astonished that it wasn’t congress that got the credit for ending “prohibition” but rather it was because of the united efforts of “We The People” through our collective state legislatures resulting in a forced joint resolution through the people’s right of Constitutional Convention.

What the Constitutional Convention does  is, if the President of the United States refuses to faithfully uphold his oath of office, just as President Obama did when he refused to enforce the“Defense of Marriage Act”(DOMA), and a U.S. Congress Committee fails to put forth an amendment in the  form of a joint resolution, just as the House Judiciary Committee has and is still doing to prevent a vote to amend the United States Constitution defining marriage to be the union between one man and one woman, the citizens of the United States can have their state legislatures  demand and force the U.S. Congress to do so through “Constitutional Convention” and bring forth a joint resolution to amend the U.S. Constitution and the United States President is powerless to do anything about it.

It means “We The People”, through “Constitutional Convention” could hold the U.S. Senate accountable to pass a budget by amending the U.S. Constitution preventing any further spending until it is done.

It means “We The People” through “Constitutional Convention” could establish the law of the land that no tax could be levied against the people without the ratification of (38 of 50) states of the union.

It means the people have a course of action to define and limit the scope of authority of any appointed or elected official.  The Supreme Court’s authority can be limited to the interpretation to the U.S. Constitution and any law or executive order would require the ratification of (38 of 50) states.

It means “We The People” could amend the Constitution to enhance the checks and balances of government  to allow the majority vote of either the House or Senate be sufficient cause for dismissal of any elected official or appointed official, including the Supreme Court Justices.

The Tea Party is in an excellent position to collaborate the state cooperation needed to make this course of action a reality for the American People.   

Will you help spear head the practice of "Constitutional convention" on behalf of “We The People”?  If the Tea Party of Each State were to coordinate efforts and topics of "Constitutional Convention" to each state legislature, "We The People" would not only have a greater voice but also would begin having a greater impact in Washington instead of just every four years or time of re-election

Please coordinate with your Tea Party commander and state representatives about

your Constitutional Convention”  right, and process,  thank you.

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“Are You Spitting In Jesus' Face ?-The Refusal To Remove Evil.”
How does one describe what is occurring in America other than what is written to warn and advise us in the Bible and also of the words of our very own American Founding Fathers of what we suffer? There are so many colorful words that I could choose to describe how by the very second of every minute, horrendous and evil acts are taking place because of our fellow citizens who ignore(d) God's Word and who are in bed with the devil. Hearing and seeing much of America's woes and the consequences of this nations problems are being placed upon Barack Hussein Obama via some people who want good for our land, but few of those who are truly concerned, truly understand the root responsibility for Obama's actions are not only belonging to him, but also to all the Americans who voted for him and evil people just like him. This attitude of blaming only one man is wrong and we must also identify all of those allowing evil that has permeated throughout our land. That is; those who are the majority of Americans who have lost all common sense; many also who cannot see nor hear how their own relativistic beliefs have also brought utter destruction to our nation. The truth is; most Americans have become deaf, blind as well as dumb to truth, especially towards Biblical truth. What was common sense and healthy values handed down from God to our American Founding Fathers has been totally ignored and purposely deviated from the last 100-plus years. These great men of the past not only gave us the words of encouragement to keep our nation from what we are now experiencing at the hands of evil men(people), but they also gave us perspicacious warnings in regards to what would occur to our nation if we allowed our nation to drift towards hellish attitudes, and hell is exactly where this nation lies.
So, here we are.... hell, USA and what are we going to do about it ? I mean it's not going to get any better in our nation unless we learn what we have done thus far hasn't worked and change course immediately, right ? If we want to do the same stupid thing over and over again but expect a different result, isn't that a definition of insanity ? I mean we could keep doing the same devilish things and let it all get worse if that's what Americans really desires. I realize that there are Americans like that out there(devilish), in fact, I just had a discussion several days ago with several men, one of which is an attorney employed in a county Public Defender's office. Neither of the men I had that conversation with(including the lawyer), were receptive to hearing that their man made attitudes and efforts were only going to continue in failure. To sum up what I offered as proof of what they were doing would not work, I went on to share with them a quote from one of our Founding Fathers but however all I received from them in return was them telling me; “shut the hell up.”
When one of our Founding Fathers, Daniel Webster warned us;
 “If we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority,
  violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality,
  and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together,
  no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us that bury all
  our glory in profound obscurity.”
should we have not taken heed from such warnings as to avoid what our nation suffers in great distress today? Seriously, when we allow evil, when we encourage wickedness or do nothing to remove it, it's like us spitting in the face of Jesus Christ of the Bible. What good purpose is “spinning your wheels” in the same repetitive and cowardly act of spitting in Jesus' face anyway? People who want to be free from the consequences of tyranny need to learn of repentance, learn that unrepentant people need to be immediately removed and put it all into practice.
As I shared a bit ago, unfortunately, there are those Americans who seem desperate in keeping with their failed attempts to bring our nation back utilizing unfruitful and unbiblical techniques and as I shared also, that their attempts of“insanity” in action, is complete and utter foolishness. How does one wake up a people, a culture to the notion of their impending destruction without telling them Biblical truth? The answer is, you can't. The reality is that hardened hearts only harden further(according to Ephesians 4:18). Without the realization that the Holy Spirit Himself is yelling and screaming at the top of His lungs for people to listen and then to do(repent and remove evil). This failure to “listen then do” has resulted only in a shadow of what people really need. I liken those hard hearted people to those Republican Party members who are in the same exact spiritual condition as Obama supporters....those Republicans who push and totally rely on having their Mormon/RINO prospective nominee in place of what God demands in attempt to solve America's problems. Do Americans have the ability or even the desire to see the mire of problems we suffer, is a direct result of allowing evil to go unchallenged ? Do Americans even care that the ignoring of Biblical precepts has brought our nation to “hell” or that matters will only get worse because of all the continuance of evil and those who choose to ignore the evil that surrounds them ? Ernie Larson used to say; “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” Is anyone out there listening ?? Samuel Adams warned us all a very long time ago
 “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is
  not making a present or a compliment to please an individual-or at least that he
  ought not to do so; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human
  society for which he is accountable to God and his country. He may then reflect,
  each one on his own integrity, and appeal to the Monitor withing his breast, that he
  has not trifled with the sacred trust reposed in him by God and his country-that he
  has not prostituted his honor and conscience to please a friend or a patron.”
In other words, what Samuel Adams was saying to us is; relying on a man or voting for him, especially a man with a history of lying, cheating and communicating mixed messages only to get elected(or re-elected) is likened to prostituting yourself in voting for him/her. I don't know about you, but the very thought of prostituting myself or selling my soul to anyone or anything is sickening and not something I am willing to do. Personally, I'd rather die in a civil war fighting on God's(of the Bible) side than being likened to a whore to the devil and his people.
I do hope and pray that any “civil war” is avoided. Those of us who recognize Jesus Christ as the ultimate authority(not man nor religion) see clearly what is occurring and the consequences to our nation for not removing those who elect these bad men and women. No matter how many times the American people elect to government men and women that hold to bad vices and partake in immoral behavior, God will not be like those American's who willingly partake in electing in office or refusing to remove evil. He will not tolerate very much longer the evil people who rejoice in or don't partake in their Biblical duties in removing such wicked people. Judgment has already begun and the fruit of participating in or refusing to remove all evil has begun. Leaving what our American Founding Fathers gave us; Godly and Natural law, has resulted in the Government continuing in oppressing us, steal our children, destroying our families, destroying our Constitution, rape our children with sex education, with unnecessary “vaccinations”, use and abuse of psychotropic medications, sending police to arrest or threaten to murder us, and much, much more action in the way of evil upon us as well. Evil is allowed, so how much more spitting in Jesus' face will you partake ? The Government has trained our own police and military to hate you and they will kill you and violate what is left of your so called “Constitutional rights” the longer evil is tolerated and people enjoy their spitting in Jesus' face. How much travesty are you willing to tolerate by continuing in evil and or your electing/re-electing your own man made political “god's” ? Right now, judges mostly honor what the police do to you because you are considered a slave to them and they will not help those involved in. Expect little to no relief nor help from them You are after all, only a corporate number and they and the devil own you because you have rejected Jesus and He has had enough of being spit upon(God keeps His promises, please no false gospel jesus butterfly believer comments here).
As if corrupt judges, cops, lawyers, legislators, government elected officials and like minded citizens who elect them continue in their endeavor to destroy this nation instead of repenting, there is no more United States Of America---I guarantee that, for the Christian Bible says so. God has warned the people of this nation over and over and now those who sell their souls, as a prostitute sells her/his body, there is already a sickness and disease upon our land that cannot be cured without the total 100% heart repentance both individually and corporately as a nation to God for that cure. What to expect without true repentance to Jesus Christ will only get our nation more of the worsening of oppression from our national, state and local leaders utilizing their evil cops and “law enforcement” as well as eventual military involvement in our daily lives. In addition, expect more wild fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, incurable diseases in proof of what George Mason, the Father of the Bill of Rights declared more than 200 hundred years ago;
 “As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world,
  so they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects,
  Providence punishes national sins by natural calamities.”
My advice to all Americans, everywhere; stop messing around with religion and party politics---get on your knees and repent right now for any evil you're involved in to Jesus and remove immediately all those who continue to spit in the face of Jesus Christ. We cannot afford to waste time on more foolish debates, senseless theological discussions and or waiting for a consensus from foolish people who only want to believe what they want to believe.
For more specific details on how to remove evil, please visit;
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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READ CAREFULLY...This is so "Unbelievable"...In Houston, Texas

Harwin Central Mall: The very first store that you come to when you walk from the lobby of the building into the shopping area had this sign posted on their door. The shop is run by Muslims.

Feel free to share this with others.

In case you are not able to read the sign below, it says, "We will be closed on Friday, September 11, 2009 to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Ali."


Imam Ali flew one of the planes into the twin towers.

Nice, huh?
Try telling me we're not in a Religious war!


When I was a kid, I couldn't understand why Eisenhower was so popular. Maybe this will explain why.


General Eisenhower Warned Us.


It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect:
'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.'
This week, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population whichclaims it never occurred. It is not removed as of yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1900Catholic priests who were murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated while many in the world looked the other way!

Now, more than ever, with Iran , among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never

This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center ‘NEVER HAPPENED'…download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f1384119%5fAK8Nw0MAAGTjT%2b7vDQT9DjMpUgQ&pid=2.6&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailClassic

because it offends some Muslim???

Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass this along.


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Judge Roberts did us a favor

So many people do not seem to understand that this is a good thing ! The SCOTUS is not supposed to legislate !

He showed Judicial Restraint

To correct this problem Congress must be put on the hot seat and not be allowed to pass the buck !

You want Obama and Obamacare gone then make it happen this November in the voting booth

Want to really make sure it happens

Write to your congress-critter every week and open that bill fold and send money to a conservative candidate running for Congress or the senate ! and get out and prove you are willing to do more and get involved and even go door to door and pass out literature and put a sign in your yard too.

We can clean house if you get with the program and quit sitting on your fat lazy asses

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Be Encouraged! and Resolved! 6/30/12

Howdy all! 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men. ~ Colossians 3:23

Excessive taxation ... will carry reason and reflection to every man's door, and particularly in the hour of election. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, 1798

Why is it, that so many emails I get are from people who ‘have the answer’ to fix our dilemma, yet all they can tell us about their fix is that they need our donations?  WHAT??  And worse, when those who send the emails, asking for money are RINOS, or just plain turncoats?  Picture this; a guy who is a state attorney general, joins the fight on Obamacare.  He is one of the 26.  Then the SCOTUS upholds, defeating the 26.  Then what?  This guy says he only joined to stop the mandate, and now doesn’t even want to repeal the AHA.  SAY IT ISN’T SO, JOE!  Sadly, it is so.  He is Rob McKenna; the man, the myth, the RINO.  Washington State AG, running against Jay Inslee, the liberal’s liberal congressman turned gubernatorial candidate.  Yes, even one of the mighty 26 is a progressive.  Are there more?  How about any other RINO’s in governor races?  How many in races for Congress, or Senate?  Yes, they are out there; hiding like snakes in the grass.  They saw how Obama did it in 2008 and think they can too. 

Resolve?  You need to decide who on your ballot deserves your vote.  Do your homework.  Don’t let those emails, asking for your hard earned money, tell you how great their candidate is.  The wheel has been invented.  Toast is no better now than with the toaster your grandmother had.  These folks may have the answer, and they may not.  So you must do your homework. 

Encouragement?  Here’s an example of one person who not only deserves my vote, but is a shining example for all to follow.  His name is Shahram Hadian.  And, as you can tell by his name, he is from the Middle East.  But believe me, he is the most conservative Christian candidate for any race in any state I know.  He is running for Wa. State Governor.  Just his life story alone is so inspiring, it makes you want to stand and cheer for him, just like they did at a few county conventions this year across our state.  But there’s so much more.  Just last night, I sent this response to AG McKenna’s request for money and added it to my facebook page, “ARE YOU KIDDING????? You really think anyone on the eastern side of the cascades will give you the time of day? You say you don't want to repeal Obamacare? You say we should just move forward? FINE! I am! I think I will contact the Hadian campaign to see if they need my donations. You say we should move on? WHY DON'T YOU AND GET OUT OF THE RACE???”  And within 2 minutes Mr Hadian responded himself!  No flunky, minion or twidget sent me a canned response.  (They always drive me nuts anyway!) He responded from his home.  AT NIGHT ON A FRIDAY FROM HIS HOME!!!  The only thing I can say is OUTSTANDING!  Please let me know a better word than outstanding.  It’s too weak a word to describe Mr. Hadian. 

Be Encouraged.  There are more people out there like Mr. Hadian running for office.  They are NOT in the best of graces of the RNC (RINO Nimrod Club).  Find them, help them, get their names and faces out there!  And, if you can’t find one, then Help Shahram!  And if you do find one, help them AND Shahram!  Don’t be dissuaded by the name.  I’ve met the man.  He is truly the real deal.

I know this message sounds like a plug, a paid political ad.  I promise you it is NOT!  We must get those RINO snakes out of the grass.  We must help those trying to oust them, in any manner possible; in any city, county, or state.

The time of being disappointed is over.  The time for encouragement, resolve and conviction is now.  Waiting for November is too late.  Help our candidates NOW.  And get registered to vote.  VERIFY THAT YOU REALLY ARE REGISTERED.  I found that my daughters are not properly registered.  They have the time to correct that.  Don’t lose your right to vote out of laziness or complacency.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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4063531483?profile=originalI read the following Ronald Reagan quote later in the day after the Supreme Court shockingly declared Obamacare constitutional. Reagan's insight sent chills down my spine. Was he a prophet or what?

Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Brothers and sisters, the day Reagan warned us about has arrived. June 28, 2012 freedom was ruled extinct in America. God help us.

My heart is heavy and my controlled anger runs deep. I can not and will not surrender my country to the evil dictator in the black Iron Man suit without one heck of a knock-down drag-out political fight.

I am going to blog until my fingers bleed. I am going to tea party across America as many times as necessary. I will double down passionately using my vocal, songwriting and speaking skills to save my country.

I encourage each and everyone of you to do the same – use your gifts, talents and passions to defeat this man who believes himself above the law and the Constitution committed to destroying our great country and reshaping it in his image. ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH!

A relative asked me to phone him to discuss the racism of the Tea Party. After hearing the Supreme Court's horrific cave to Obama, I thought it best not to call today. My tolerance level and patience for stupid, racist and ignorant idiots is solidly at zero.

While I share your frustration, pain and sorrow, this is no time to say screw it and throw in the towel. We can, must and will defeat this Leviathan attacking our country from within. The Bible says evil spreads itself as a powerful huge oak tree, but its roots are shallow and weak.

Patriots, our roots are powerful and deep, securely planted in the good soil of truth, honor and righteousness. And yes, I believe God is on our side.

Obama's evil army (mainstream media, the democrat leadership and his idiot deadbeat supporters) appear powerful. They are not. Their foundation is built on lies and deceit which is sinking sand.

It is time to pull out all the stops – kick our activism up to the next level. What did that chef use to say? Oh yeah, he said, “Bam!” whenever he kicked the favor up to a new level.

Every patriot must continue doing their part, but on a new level. No effort is too small. Gov. Scott Walker illustrated what one committed conservative can achieve. Together, with all hands on deck, we will defeat this vile anti-America dictator in November.

The November election will mark the beginning of us winning numerous elections needed to restore our great nation to Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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The lier with in us

As I set here today three question come to mind.

(1) Who was working for Obama doing the healthcare debate?

(2) Who was working for Obama doing the debate, and is now on the Supreme Court?

(3) Who was working for Obama doing the healthcare debate,and is now on the Supreme Court who could had told Obama what to us ,and say,when the law is challenge?


By this person working for Obama when it was pass by the house it was only a matter of time before that person would be ask to over look over it just for show, knowing it will pass because it would be a call a tax


That person should had not voted on it they should had pass on it. We need to take a strong look and get the paper work that that person would had review to make sure they us the word (TAX) so it would pass the Supreme Court.


This is the way I see how it happen because if that person was not there then it would had not pass.

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