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MQ-9 Predator B Drone

Military Drones fly at approximately 285 mph, they have heat seeking capability and IR, the model that the O regime is using on the American people the MQ-9 B Predator Drone has a .40 cal, full auto on full turret, hell fire missile's, it can carry chem weapons as well, it has one blind side the tale end at a 45 degree angle from the ground, it has a IR ultra high resolution camera under the front nose bottom of air craft which is used to spy and also used to fly aircraft, these air craft can bank a turn in a split second, it fly's very silent making it's presence hard to detect, they also use air waves, or satellite signal to control this air craft better known as mega hurtz, think our military wont use deadly force on us please go to link listed here and read: Dakota-farm- family-stealing-6-cows.html, This is offered as information, for information is the key to success in the right hands!

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Rose Colombo  Rev 6/21/2012, 6/3/2012

(Award winning author, Poet Fellow, Jeannie Angel Award winner as Creator, Producer & Host of radio and cable TV shows, Women Fight Back, Issues of the Day, and currently, Rose Colombo's World Views;  and Consumer Advocate for Social Justice, Entrepreneur - dedicated to fighting back against injustices helping people across this nation for 25 years as a Legal Coach and Activist.)

On or about 2007, Senator Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro announced in a taped interview that he would not run for U.S. President because he's too inexperienced.  Obama proved to be a flip flopper before the 2008 presidential campaign began!  After announcing his lack of experience to be a U.S. President, Obama changed his mind and announced he was a presidential candidate. He applied for the job after he succeeeded in the implementation of his worldwide mandated abortion bill, the Global Poverty Act, secretly requiring Americans to pick up the tab for worldwide abortions, which was approved by Biden, Kerry, Feinstein, and the CFR on or about December 7, 2007.  Immediately upon his inauguration, Obama signed his worldwide mandated abortion bill as an Executive Order aka the Millennium Development Goal, in line with the U.N.'s Agenda 21, which promotes reducing the population of the planet at 50% by the year 2015.   

According to a myriad of eligibility lawsuits, Obama traveled from Indonesia to Pakistan about 1980-1981 on a foreign passport and the question remains unanswered as to why he traveled to Pakistan right before his re-entry into the U.S.  Did Obama repatriate himself upon his re-entry into the U.S. as required by law, which would make him a "naturalized" citizen only?  Or, did Obama re-enter the U.S. using a foreign student visa?  And, what about his legal Indonesian adoption? Also, the question remains unresolved if Obama re-entered under the name of Barry or Barack or Bari and when did he legally change his name from Barry or Bari to Barack on U.S. soil?  When did he apply for a social security number so he could work or attend universities or take out foreign student loans within the United States? Also, the unanswered question is a criticial as to whether or not Obama legally repatriated himself upon re-entry into the U.S.? 

In fact, Obama states that his father entered the U.S. as a foreign born exchange student and attended the University of Hawaii as well as Harvard on America's dime, yet he's an alleged Communist and anti-American Muslim who believed Americans were an oppressive people. If you recall, Obama refused to wear "that pin" the U.S. flag on his lapel stating that other countries believed America was an "oppressive" nation. On the other hand, why would Obama be provided a U.S. Social Security number if he entered the U.S. with a foreign student visa after re-entering the U.S. about 1982?  Remember, Obama couldn't have been issued a U.S. Social Security number as a child even if born in Hawaii because the U.S. didn't issue social security numbers to U.S. natural born and naturalized U.S. legal citizens upon birth or as minor children until the late 70's, which was at a time, when he was alleged to be living as an adopted legal citizen of Indonesia. And, why did Obama register with the Selective Service if he entered the United States on a foreign student visa after his legal Indonesian adoption while living in Indoensia?  The Indonesian law at the time Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, married Lolo Soetoro, required that Obama automatically renounce his U.S. citizenship at the time of the legal adoption. According to documented records, Lolo Soetoro and Stanley Ann Dunham legally changed Obama's name to Barry Soetoro?  All these questions remain unanswered as well as a scandal and a mystery.

Shockingly, Obama stated on video that his "real" Muslim dad, Barack Hussein Obama, was a foreign student and that his dad and grandfather, were born and raised in Kenya, while under British rule. He states his grandfather herded goats. It's mind boggling and difficult to understand how the U.S. federal government and the media can hear those words from Obama's own lips and ignore his statements in writing and from his own lips that his long line of Muslim relatives, his grandfather and "real" dad, Barack Hussein Obama, was foreign born in Kenya and Kenya was ruled by Britain.  Yet, the congress and Justices intentionally "avoid" those words, which are not in accordance with Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which the U.S. Justices, Congress, Senate and law enforcement swore to uphold. Ironically, the U.S. federal government isn't concerned about Obama's identity, but they are over reaching and trampling on the U.S. Constitution and the power of "limited government" by intrusively invading and spying on every U.S. law abiding American who pay their wages.

In addition to Obama's words, the definition of constitutional laws are written in the book, the "Law of Nations."  The "Law of Nations" is the law book that the Framers used to define Constitutional Laws.  The Framers wrote the "Law of Nations" into the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence as their bible which lawmakers use when defining all constitutional laws, so judges and lawmakers wouldn't manipulate the laws, or abuse their power. So, for 235 years, the Justices, Judges, Congress, and Law Professors have used the "Law of Nations" as the final definition of constitutional laws which includes Article II.  The "Law of Nation's" definition clearly states only a U.S. Natural Born Citizen is to be eligible to be a U.S. President.  It clearly states that a "baby born on U.S. soil to two legal U.S. citizens" is the only citizen eligible to be a U.S. President, otherwise, the usurper steals the opportunity of the U.S. Natural Born Citizen to be a U.S. President for they believed that only a U.S. Natural Born Citizen will love his natural born nation like no other who has natural born foreign roots upon birth.  It is a birthright passed down from U.S. Natural Born fathers to their children to preserve U.S. Constitutional laws, the Bill of Rights, traditions, Western lifestyle, Judea-Christian roots, Western civilization, as well as, prevent foreigners from conspiring to steal America and change America into their nation.

Sheriff Arpaio and his posse as well as Obama's lawyers state that Obama's on-line birth certificates are forgeries or fraudulent which have been published on the internet since 2008. Obama and Michelle refer to Kenya as Obama's "home country."  His Kenyan grandmother and the Kenyan Parliament, and many Kenyan and worldwide newspapers and magazines over the years without opposition by Obama state that Obama was born in Kenya.  Yet, when questioned, they suddenly state it was a "mistake," but how could so many professional publishers with liability issues make up Obama's birth and risk publishing false information about Obama for decades? Michelle and Obama stated that he was born in Hawaii, but to my knowledge, he hasn't openly stated, "I am a U.S. Natural Born Citizen."  Isn't it a fact that some of the most famous and successful tyrannical leaders have suffered from illusions of grandeur and narcissm and ended up believing whatever they wanted to believe about themselves lusting for power - control - wealth - believing they're untouchable - indestructable -feared - for self-gain?

Consequently, the question remains a mystery why senators Obama and Hillary Clinton attempted to remove the words U.S. Natural Born Citizen by attaching an amendment to Rep. McCaskill's military bill prior to the presidential elections back in 2008.  After all, the only person who might be able to benefit from eliminating the words "U.S. Natural Born Citizen" from Arrticle II of the U.S. Constitution, would be Obama, not Hillary.  The question also remains why did Hillary Clinton assist Obama in an attempt to eliminate the words, U.S. Natural Born Citizen, from  Article II, if she wanted to win the presidential election?  Did Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and John McCain have knowledge that Obama's father was foreign born and a subject of Britain prior to the elections?  If so, why would they conceal that information during the campaign and mislead the American people? 

Again, Obama wrote in his book, Dreams of My Real Father, and stated on video more than once during speeches that his father was a foreign student and his grandfather and father were foreign born and raised in Kenya. He said that he comes from a long line of  Muslims born in Kenya and that his foreign born grandfather herded goats in Kenya. He also mentions that Kenya was under British rule.  So, how is it possible to be a U.S. President when one parent is admittedly born in a foreign nation and a subject of Britain even if Obama had been born in Hawaii, as he'd still be ineligible to be a U.S. President according to Article II.  In fact there are published articles stating Obama sr. was married with children in Kenya when he attended the University of Hawaii and Harvard, so how could he marry Stanley Ann Dunham?  Where's all the photos of Stanley Ann's pregnancy?  The photos of the happy grandparents?  The photos of the new mom and baby?  Why did Stanley Ann end up in Washington at the same time as Malcolm X, who also traveled to Jakarata, thereafter? This is a web that probably began after WWII ended.  The world cheered and were led to believe Communism was defeated, but was it defeated or just dismantled?  Could it be that underground reptilians began plotting to create a Manchurian Candidate and a movement for the resurrection of Communism on U.S. soil?   

Furthermore, shouldn't Obama be declared a "naturalized" citizen if he repatriated himself upon re-entry into the U.S. about 1981, which occurred after he was legally adopted by his Indonesian stepdad and legally named as Barry Soetoro, upon re-entry into the U.S.?  Obama inherited his birthright from his Kenyan born father, who was a subject of Britain, making Obama the son of a foreign born father and a subject of Britain at birth under the British Nationality Act of 1948, if Barack Hussein Obama, sr. is his "real" dad.   

Consequently, my research reveals that the U.S. and Indonesia did not recognize dual citizenship at the time of Obama's legal adoption by his Indonesian stepdad, Lolo Soetoro, an alleged Communist. Lolo Soetoro legally changed Obama's name from Barack or Bari Shabazz to Barry Soetoro according to many lawsuits and news articles, but when did Obama legally change his name from Bari or Barry to Barack on U.S. soil upon re-entry remains unanswered by the federal government.  Ironically, talk show hosts talk about dual citizenship, but as I stated many times, at the time of Obama's adoption, Indonesia didn't recognize dual citizenship but required that a U.S. citizen renounce his citizenship or he couldn't attend school in Indonesia which can be verified by researching Indonesian law. 

The significance of Article II is profound and most Americans don't understand why.  As I continue to reiterate because it is of the utmost importance, the Framers believed that only a baby born on U.S. soil and born to two U.S. legal Citizens (not one foreign born parent)  will love his country and her people with a natural passion and desire to preserve U.S. laws, roots, religion, traditions, culture, and Western Civilization for their children and grandchildren and future generations as a "natural" born act.  The Framers believed Article II could help Americans prevent a usurper, a foreigner, an anti-American enemy and his supporters, who loved their foreign nation, from infiltrating and stealing the United States of America, or exterminating Americans or enslaving them.  The Framers crafted the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence with the intent was to prevent foreigners, whose natural roots lie elsewhere or they are torn between two nations, couldn't change or dominate America with the intent of eliminating Western civilization and through attrition changing America into their foreign civilization. Hitler stole European countries during WWII through tyrannical laws using threats, fear, and punishment.  Hitler was extremely successful at implementing his evil and inhumane acts against humanity.  His laws mandated compliance or else people were indefinitely detained or inhumanely experimented upon, raped, starved or assassinated by his accusation alone for non-compliance.  

Remember, a baby born on U.S. soil to one foreign born parent and one U.S. Natural Born parent is not a U.S. Natural Born Citizen, but can only be a "naturalized" citizen, and naturalized citizens aren't eligible to be a U.S. President as stated in the "Law of Nations."  An adopted foreign who renounced his U.S. citizenship automatically according to that foreign nation's laws is no longer a U.S. Citizen,  For example, Indonesia at the time of Obama's adoption did not recognize dual citizenship nor did the United States of America. it would seem logical that upon Barry aka Bari aka Obama's re-entry into the U.S. as a young adult that he must have re-entered about 1981 using his foreign passport after traveling between Indonesia and Pakistan to the U.S.   Barry Soetoro would need to repatriate himself as Barry Soetoro, which would make him a U.S. "naturalized" citizen, not a U.S. Natural Born Citizen, but did he repatriate himself upon re-entry into the U.S.

Remember, only upon his re-entry into the U.S. could he legally file for a name change with the courts.  So did he have a U.S. Driver's License about 1981-1982 after re-entry and under which name did he apply for a U.S. Driver's License?  How did he register himself with immigration, law school, or Selective Service and so forth, yet, all that information has been concealed, but for what purpose?

The Framers believed that it is a right to inherit U.S. Natural Born Citizenship at birth as the birthright of the U.S. Natural Born baby is passed down from his or her father as a generational inheritance.  The Bible gives many examples of the importance of a birthright and that it should be respected, cherished, and preserved so strangers can't steal the birthright passed down through generations.  The Framers also used the Bible to write constitutional laws. The Framers intentionally included Article II and the words U.S. Natural Born Citizen so a usurper, a foreigner, a naturalized citizen, an illegal, and anti-American, who didn't believe in the Bible or Judea-Christian roots,  freedom and liberty, couldn't slip into the highest office in the land and change the nation to a foreign nation against the will of the American people.  They wanted to prevent a usurper from shredding their hard work including due process of law or shredding the entire U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. 

After all,  American citizens can't enter into foreign nations and run for the highest office in their land because they'd be jailed, killed, or deported if the American stated they came to change their foreign nations and behaviors, laws, and religions or traditions and if their citizens didn't comply, they'd be punished.  So, why would Americans allow foreigners to change America?

Most important is the fact that the Framers wrote constitutional laws to prevent a usuruper or his anti-American supporters from eliminating Judea-Christian roots, or indefinitely detaining Americans and assassinating unarmed Americans based upon the accusation of one man. They didn't want Americans to experience full body radiation without protective coverings by strangers playing doctor without State Board Licenses. The Framers didn't want American women and children naked x-rayed, or molested by government.  They didn't want  American families radiated and spied upon with smart meters or tracked with microchips. They attempted to prevent a usurper and his supporters from  pilfering  America's wealth and resources or redistributing America's wealth to foreign lands.

Of course, there are people who say Article II is unimportant, but it is vitally important.  The Framers created and suffered for attempting to write laws that would prevent future innocent Americans after their passing from having their property stolen through eminant domain or wrongfully incarcerated. The Framers intentionally attempted to protect - the right to life - so that usurpers wouldn't slaughter millions of future U.S. Natural Born Citizens with the intent of reducing the population of future U.S. Natural Born citizens by implementing mandated abortions.  They wanted to prevent the reduction of U.S. Natural Born Citizens born on U.S. soil resulting in U.S. natural born citizens ending up as the minority in America.  If rationing and denying health care services and mandated abortions of U.S. Natural Born Citizens were to be enacted by the federal government under ObamaCare, similar to Communist China mandating abortions, the federal government could reduce the population of U.S. Natural Born Citizens in line with Agenda 21 within 10-20 years under the guise of of women's rights.  Such an evil mandate would reduce the number of U.S. Natural Born Citizens and create a majority of foreign born citizens and U.S. Natural Born Citizens could become a forgotten people and nation such as Atlantis. This is why Article II is vital to the preservation of the United States of America.  After all, Europe could have been a forgotten nation and it was nearly a reality that  the Jews and Catholics could have been totally exterminated if the United States of American hadn't intervened and defeated Hitler and his Nazi regime.

In conclusion, based upon Obama's public writings and statements exposing the fact that his grandfather and father were Muslims, foreign-born, and raised in Kenya under British rule, even at the time of Obama's birth, making Obama a subject of Britain established by the British Nationality Act of 1948, the eligibility issue according to Article II continues to remain a mystery as to how it is of little concern to the U.S. Congress and U.S. Supreme Court Justices as well as the mainstream media. 

Never forget that the "Law of Nations" defines a U.S.Natural Born Citizen as a baby born on U.S. soil to two U.S. Legal Citizens and as a Birthright.  John McCain was born on a U.S. Military base to two legal U.S. Natural Born parents making him a U.S. Natural Born citizen, so there is a big difference between Obama's eligibility and that of McCain's eligibility. It's important for every American to Preserve, Protect, and Cherish their Birthright inherited at birth when a baby is born on U.S. soil  to two legal  U.S. Citizens for the sake of their children and grandchildren. The U.S. Justices and Congress may "avoid" Article II, but they cannot avoid the fact that Article II is the law of the land.  All federal public servants, who have "avoided" or "ignored" properly vetting a U.S. President to determine if he is a "usurper" have done a great disservice to our Framers, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Freedom, Liberty, Republic, and U.S. Flag, as well as our nation and the U.S. Natural Born and legal generational American citizens, who by their blood and sweat pay the price and their wages believing that they would uphold, defend, protect, and preserve the U.S. Constitution, including Article II!  Shame on them!


Rose Colombo, an award winning author and public speaker as well as the author of the Irwin Award winner book seen in international magazines and on-line, "Fight Back Legal Abuse" empowering people to protect themselves from constitutional violations and legal abuses, is the host of a new on-line radio show - Rose Colombo's World Views Live on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm (pdt-usa) - and archived for your listening convenience -  (visit Rose on FB or Twitter: Rose4Justice) 




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Be the Encouragement!!!

Howdy all!  Today, I want to ask for some encouragement from you.  Plain and simple.  Over the past 2 years or so, I have sent out messages from my heart and sense of humor.  But when I go to some of the sites I send it to, I still hear the same old 'I don't like this and I am afraid of this continuing,' and 'I can't take it', or something depressing said out of anxiety.  I wonder, what does encourage you all?

So, if you are daring enough, please write back to this entry about what encourages you.  POSITIVE encouragement.  Is it your kids, work, God, spouse, or..  ?

For me, it's my wife, Terri.  We celebrated our 26th anniversary last month.  Some folks didn't think we'd last 26 days.  She was always there for me when I went to sea with the Navy, and there when I returned.  We have 3 great kids, although they don't always feel the same way in return.  Now, she suffers with MS.  And her frustration and fear over the potential outcome is minimized by her tenacity.  And I'll admit, sometimes she can be worse than a lioness protecting her cubs.  But she has a heart of gold, and would help anyone who needed it.  I cannot think of anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my life with other than her.  That 'through sickness and health' thing really comes into play with us.  I am looking forward to our next 26 years.  She is my inspiration and encouragement. 

Now, it's your turn.  And don't send it to my email.  Reply to the blog, or forum that you read this from.  The sites I post on have comment reply windows for your use.  I want you to share with everyone, not just me.  This is for you to encourage others.  I share on 2 sites through broadcast messages, but I also add it to the respective forums.  The other sites I post through blogs.  And they are also shared on facebook.  So, there are many ways to share.  So, SHARE already!

Please, give us your encouragement.  Tell us all what keeps you going with all this craziness.  Be positive.  For every negative thought you share I want 2 positive ones! 

And share with us all.  You'll never know how much encouragement your words can give to someone unless you offer them up to others.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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By: Elmer Williams

From The Book- “Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE”

In society today, all ideals are considered equal. If you believe you’re right, then you’re right. That’s today’s motto.

A song that has been popular since the late sixties sums up our attitude today: “My Way” by Frank Sinatra. The hippie era of Woodstock set off an avalanche of depravity that we have not yet recovered from. Woodstock was supposed to be about peace and love, but if we examine the festival and its attendees more closely, we see that it was really about sex, drugs, and rebellion against God. The Occidental Observer quoted Wavy Gravy (whose real name is Hugh Romney), one of the MCs at the festival, as saying, ([i]) “The whole world was watching us, and we had a chance to show the world how it could be if we ran things.”

Guess what, the hippie crowd is running things now? That’s why we are in this state of decadence in America. These people believe that “love is the way to go, man”, and believe that trees and animals have the same rights as people. They tie themselves to trees in their birthday suits to save mother earth and protest against wearing fur and by throwing paint at anyone who does so. They will tell you that you have no right to cut down trees and build businesses even though some of them live in mansions built from trees. They accuse you of polluting if you drive an SUV, but they ride on airplanes and in limousines. These people epitomize hypocrisy with their self-righteous attitudes.

They say we can’t drill in Alaska or California because it kills the earth, but they say nothing about drilling in other countries such as Venezuela or Saudi Arabia. Just a little reminder to this hippie crowd as I stated earlier: it doesn’t matter if we drill in the United States or in Iraq, it’s the same earth. That’s right, you pathetic, misguided individuals, please take the time to look at a world map and recognize that there is only one earth that can sustain life. I made this clear in a previous chapter. Don’t speak to me about carbon footprints or how you are against the U.S. government’s drilling polices.

These goody-two-shoed, touchy-feely do-gooders want to make you feel guilty for not getting on the climate change bandwagon. They want to ram this going-green garbage down our throats but will tell you not to force your morality on them because “I have a right to choose.”

They say a woman has a right to an abortion and that freedom of expression allows pornography to be broadcast on the Internet and television. They also tell us that it is our duty to pay for health care for illegal aliens that have broken the law to come to America.

Let me see if what they are saying is rational. They want the right to kill their babies (abortion) but I don’t have the right to drill for oil or drive an SUV. Are these people serious? I don’t see how our spineless, so-called leaders can tolerate these wretched souls. I would tell them to go to hell, and that I am drilling wherever I want and I will stop drilling once they stop murdering babies.

I want everyone to see these Communists for what they really are: Marxists. Carl Marx said that all people are entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labor. What he meant was that the elite will inform us as to how we should enjoy what we earn. The Communist Manifesto, written by Marx and Friedrich Engels, advocated for the abolishment of private property. Marx made a career out of fighting against capitalism. He decided that if he could redistribute wealth to the working class, everything would be equalized.

This serves as a chilling reminder of where we are at in the United States today and where Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi want to take us. Obama and his administration are demonstrating by their actions that they are Communists. Forget about what they say and pay attention to what they do. This is my grown-up manifesto: don’t listen to what people say; observe what they do. If you say you are for the people, then pass laws that benefit working men and women. If you say you are for the people, enforce laws that will help the people. If you truly consider yourself to be for the people, you should stop spending our money and get on a damm budget.

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AMERICAN: What does it mean to you as a citizen. Is God in the fore front of your life and our country. Do you accept the concept that we formed our government based on the Laws of GOD and he should come first in everything you do as a person. To WORK AND SUPPORT your family is a duty of a MAN, husband and father.

Constitution: Do you really consider this document as the rights of the people and the law of the land. Do you embrace one standard of law or should we have different laws for political figures that dabble in the truth, mislead the voters by twisting the truth or hiding the true agenda. Should be we different laws for classes and races of people.

Do You demand that politicians represent the people as an elected official or should we accept class or race warfare when it comes to the people and the government.

What is poor in this country. The Heritage Foundation conducted a survey of the so called poor people in our country. A family of five pays earning $50,000 annually, pays no Federal Income Taxes, plus they qualify for the earned income credit, and all of the deductions for child and dependent care. This same family also qualifies for some sort of Medicaid at the state level in the sum of $26,000. Their gross income is $75,000 with all of the aid they receive.

The working class with no kids, earning $50,000 annually will pay a large percentages of that in taxes, they get no tax breaks for being without a child, no earned income paid by the American Tax Payers, No Medicaid paid by the American Tax Payer.

Free stuff is given to the poor or those claiming to be poor.--4063521834?profile=original If it is free, many people will be poor for a few minutes. Many people go to churches and abuse the free food programs for the really poor and go to several churches and get free food based on falsehood or by lying about their income but at the same time they will be sporting a high dollar new car to haul this free food. Should a Red Flag be hoisted.

Most well off people that work in the food programs refuse to take any pay or any food out of RESPECT for GOD and the feeding of the poor. Do you really need what you get or is it being greedy. Is it what you need or what you want.----If it is what you want than how much do you want from the people and the country.

How about taking a little money out of your pocket and buying a poor neighbor some food or pay a bill for them. How about fixing a problem with their home---Are you a good citizen or a GREEDY and uncaring person.

Most everyone of our people in the Congress and Senate to include the Republicans and Democrats are Millionaires but yet they take a salary of around $200,000 dollars and if they serve one term, they are promised and given this salary for a lifetime and also collect Social Security. Are they being for the people or for themselves, think about your people in politics---Go and see where they live and than back off and look at your home. Compare the incomes, look at how they vote, is it for them or the people. know the issues and how they relate to you as a voter.

How many Americans are being true Americans---Our military are true Americans, they fight for us---die for us---Some come home crippled and live that way for life---Do we care----They serve their country and give some but many give all----How much do you give, how much do you really need, will you share what you have---


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“With 'Friends' Like The U.S. Government, Who Needs Enemies ?”

“With 'Friends' Like The U.S. Government, Who Needs Enemies ?”
As social morals continues to make a nose-dive downwards across our nation since Obama illegally took the Office of President of the United States, so has also a large portion of American Government also “gone south.” One cannot help but notice many nations from around the world have taken a view of the American Government as well as unfortunately it's citizens as being untrustworthy, incompetent as well confusing as to their communication of what we as a people believe in, and to whom/what we put our trust in. I don't blame our long-time international friends such as the UK, Germany, Israel, Japan, Philippines, India, Australia and a few others nations that have been brave enough to stick around with us up to now, but I can plainly see they have been increasingly become nervous about practically “everything American” because of Obama and our current US Government's policies. The leaders and people of these nations previously mentioned pretty much have seen how how the US Government treats it's own people and have also come to a place where they will no longer tolerate Obama and his cronies lies and traitorous acts any longer. It is very obvious that they have had enough, and that of taken up the attitude that they are “on their own” and that “America can no longer be trusted.”
Lack of trust by our allies could not have been relayed to our nation's leaders any better than while visiting the USA a few short months ago, Israel's own Prime Minister; Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech in which he gave all of America including American Government leaders a stern warning regarding making right decisions. He thanked those Americans who have long supported Israel but warned Obama and America to be wise when making future decisions when choosing their “friends and allies.” This was smartly done by Netanayahu when he also gave to Obama a copy of a book from the Bible; that of the Book of Esther For those who unfamiliar with that book from the Old Testament, I would encourage all to read it but will tell you this as a lesson all should learn and learn it well; Just because your enemy looks like they will devour and destroy you, God can and still does deliver your enemies into your hands IF you remain faithful to God. Did you catch what I said ? I wrote “IF you remain faithful to God.” America needs to learn the lesson of “IF you remain faithful to God.”
At this point, It doesn't look like Obama or any in our American Government reps took the time to read Ruth. This past week came news of yet another “friend” of America betrayed. Dr. Shakeel Afridi of Pakistan was just sentenced to 33 years in jail there for allegedly helping the American CIA find and assassinate Osama Bin Laden If all holds true, it means once again, the United States Government used a friend of ours to only throw him/her under the bus later. Obviously, the good doctor isn't the only one that the American Government uses at it's pleasure and then throws away later. It's bad enough our government spits in the faces of our friends and allies abroad but even our own US Government does the same or even worse to it's own American Citizen's of this once great nation as well. At this very moment, I cannot help but think of the thousands, yes---the thousands of US Military Veterans who are stepped on by our own government in the way of sloppy care or even cases of no health care provided for them. I think also of course of our returned military service members that have committed suicide due to lack of support from our government once arriving home also. Beyond our hero's that have served in the military, look at the millions of fathers, mothers, parents, grandparents in America that have had their families ripped apart for government profit especially in cases for economic profit for judges, lawyers, many government agencies including the police. It's all stuff the devil has designed; since Obama has taken office attacks/assaults upon Biblical Christians and Pastors such as myself have steadily increased across America.
In my fifty-plus years of living, I have never seen our government so hostile towards it's own citizens and those whom they are to “protect.” Personally, I live homeless-that is, I live place to place and without a driver's license, a car, no health insurance(I have Diabetes and Hypertension), I have no money and forage most days for food. It is crazy but my own government both in New York State and the U.S Fed's teamed up with a illegal immigrant here in the USA to try and destroy me. It is a Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer who helped corrupted Genesee County, NY judges, lawyers, cops and some others to conspire to have a Batavia, NY cop contact me via a telephone call and threaten to murder me. These wicked government agents of death were not satisfied with threatening me with murder--- one of the two judges in my case; Tracey Bannister(from Buffalo, NY) told me I could not be with my children because of my “Biblical Christian beliefs.” To this date they have not recanted nor repented for their evil. If I thought it would help them, I may like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu give these fools a copy of the Book Ruth and warn them that indeed, don't discount the God of the Bible.
My particular case of my own government acting treasonous towards me and violating my God given and Natural rights is not at all rare here. Nope, in fact in the United States, you can hardly find a representative such as an elected government official or Federal/State employee who's job it is it is to protect the innocent from Government abuse to actually partake in protecting you at all. If you are however a bully, a person evil minded or involved in disrupting people's rights for the purpose of government gain--- you are loved, adored and appreciated by the Government hierarchy and probably eventually promoted within that wickedly designed government agency. All this “Benedict Arnold” stuff sounds crazy but all this is true. You may be familiar with the old saying; “As the leaders go, so also goes the nation.” In all honesty, I cannot blame all of this current government abuse and down right evil attitude of backstabbing our international friends and my fellow American citizens on Obama. The actions of those that take part in this kind of evil goes way back before Obama of course but backstabbing to nations like Israel and even towards and directly at good American Citizens such as myself have grown exponentially under the Obama regime of terror.
American's have turned their heads away for far too long now from their oppressive and often evil minded government who makes us citizens look like idiots or worse towards our friends abroad. It's time that American's start taking the initiative to remove people in government who do and say things contrary to and about most Americans and their beliefs. I know myself that we Americans, at least the majority of Americans are not interested in backstabbing our friends, following false religions like Islam and leaving behind or abandoning good people like Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who has been sentenced to death by the Iranian Government. We have no earnest desire to send confusing messages to our friends or even our enemies as to what we believe in and to what is right verses what is wrong---We as Americans need to send a very strong message to our government leaders, judges, lawyers, police---all that are entrusted in positions of authority, they better straighten themselves out because we refuse to be part of treachery towards our friends both internationally as well as here at home. We Americans have no desire to be part of our American Government's plan of making us eventually slaves to our enemies or even of our current Government leaders.
The God of the Bible is watching us dear friends. Every moment we hesitate in removing evil and repairing our once good reputation around the world, only gives more time for enemies of our nation which are both foreign and domestic to plan out our entire destruction as a people and as a nation. Voting is only one small way you may very well to help in getting our nation back. To help set our nation back on the correct course, we may very well need to take other necessary actions. Whatever “We The People” decide to do, we better take the Biblical Jesus with us and decide in our hearts right now to Pick and choose our so called "friends" wisely. America, do it quickly as well as Prudently in the Lord.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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Be Encouraged! 6/1/12

Howdy all!  Weekend Weekend!  I hope you all have a great weekend!  Just don’t drink soda in NYC.  You could get a ticket.  Hey, why not start an OCCUPY SODA SHOPPE movement?  We can all go down to Gracie Mansion and bring our illegal cups in from outside city limits.  We could even bus a few in from Wisconsin!  Then we could all drink soda at Gracie Mansion and sit on the fences.  Ooh, I KNOW!  We could all pour our soda on the lawn!  We could even have our own theme song!  You know the one from Toby Keith, “Red Solo Cup”!

Any hoo,..

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. ~ Romans 8:28

Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual - or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.

~ Samuel Adams, in the Boston Gazette, 1781

So, people like Michael Bloomberg feel they have the permission to tell me and you what we can or can’t do.  Come on, nothing greater than 16 ounces?  Why?  The regulation won’t stop you from having two cups.  How stupid is this?  I thought this guy is a brilliant businessman, a billionaire?  Does that give him the ability to control us?  Maybe he can pay his fair share first.  I mean, he makes enough already; give it to someone else.  Come on, Mikey; bring your net worth down to 300,000 dollars, and give the rest to the government.  No guts no glory Mikey!

People like Bloomberg need to be removed from office; people like Pelosi, Obama, Gov. Moonshot from California.  How?  Vote!  But is your vote a waste of ink, waste of chads, of time?  Not on your life!  Sam Adams got it right saying that voting was the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and country.  And one vote does count.   Remember the little town that elected an 18 year old the new mayor by one vote?  It is times like these that show us (as if we needed to be shown) that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him, and are called according to his purpose for them.  We are called.  Not through any religious sect or order.  We are called by God.  We need to do the work He has set for us.  We must save the republic.  It is worth it.  And God will cause us all to work together, as we do now, and as we will soon.  Don’t err on your most solemn of trusts.  We can remove these Bloombergs when work together, (although getting arrested with a big gulp singing red solo cup sounds like fun!) 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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I hear Obama made an ass of himself (again) by blocking access for several hours to the Vietnam Memorial on Memorial Day by relatives and Friends of those whose names are on the wall while he made a CAM (photo op)
PAIN ( that he caused those who REALLY cared for those represented by the WALL) Speech. I honestly believe
this "man" Obama has no soul.

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Do you believe that parents should be able to spank their children?  Do you ever express that opinion to others?  If so, then you could be sent to prison.  Sadly, that is exactly what happened to one pastor up in Wisconsin recently.  A minister named Philip Caminiti was sentenced to 2 years in prison for simply teaching that parents should spank their children when they misbehave.  Please note that Caminiti was not accused of spanking anyone or of physically hurting anyone.  He was put in prison simply for his speech.  He was put in prison simply for what he was teaching others to do.  Whether you agree with spanking or not, this should be incredibly sobering for all of us.  Increasingly, speech is being penalized in the United States.  Much of the time, the focus of the attacks by the forces of political correctness is on religious speech.  If this trend continues, many of you that are reading this article might be put in jail for the things that you say in the coming years.

***Please Note: I am not defending anything that Phil Caminiti does or teaches.  In fact, a lot of things that he teaches are dead wrong.  What I am alarmed about is that a minister was put into prison solely for things that he said.  If they will do that to him, how soon will it be before they start putting other ministers in prison?***

When many of us were growing up, once in a while our parents would take out a belt or a wooden paddle and give us a paddling on the behind when we did something wrong.

Was there anything wrong with that?

Of course not.

Yes, there is real child abuse that goes on out there, but in the vast majority of instances spanking does not do any lasting physical harm.  Rather, it benefits the child because it helps them learn what is right and what is wrong.

I know that when I got a licking on the behind as a child that helped me to remember not to do the same thing again.

But Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi was absolutely horrified that some parents would actually use a wooden spoon to spank their little children when they misbehaved.

Perhaps that judge should actually try to spank someone with a wooden spoon some time.  You simply cannot do much damage with a wooden spoon.

Instead of going after the parents who were doing the spanking, prosecutors chose to go after the pastor instead.  They claimed that Caminiti was "the spoke in the wheel of this conspiracy".

Even after Caminiti leaves prison, he will be forbidden from having any contact with his old church....

Caminiti will be on extended supervision for six years after his release from prison. Despite objections on constitutional grounds by Caminiti's lawyers, Sumi ordered that he not have any contact with the Aleitheia Bible Church and have no leadership role in any church.

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Obama’s Strategy to Destroy Our Nation


Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.  Ronald Reagan

No, this isn’t propaganda this is the writing on the wall.  Here’s what Obama has accomplished in his 3 ½ year reign as dictator of the USA.  He’s destroyed our economic power and sicked EPA on all businesses big and small. Many businesses have downsized or closed their doors and others are in a holding pattern afraid to hire or expand their businesses.

He’s increased our National Deficit over 5 trillion dollars and refused to balance our budget.  Daily the Nation’s debt is increasing about $3.93 billion per day and each citizen’s share surpasses 50,000.  Here’s an interesting tidbit from Cicero: "The budget should be balanced; the treasury should be refilled; public debt should be reduced; and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled."-Cicero. 106-43 B.C.  Americans etch these words on your foreheads – this is the only way we will retrieve our Country and place it back on its once very strong foundation. 

It took Obama over a year behind closed doors to craft Obamacare – it’s an albatross around the necks of the private citizens, the medical field, the insurance companies and has hidden taxes, a death panel (call it whatever you want) and definitely will push granny and grampy over the cliff.

The Obama’s green company scams of is just that – his big bundlers benefited from the scams and taxpayers lost billions of dollars on companies like Solyndra, Sun Power, Tesla and many more.  Fisker Automotive Company was financed by Americans.  Americans not only lost millions of dollars, but Fisker subcontracted the Finish to manufacture the new electric cars.

Fisker’s $97,000 vehicle bankrolled by Americans via the DOE is over a year behind in their schedule - a couple of vehicles have finally been delivered to customers. Throw the Chevy Volt into the mix, which is literally a time bomb with botched batteries and slopped up charging systems and you have an accident waiting to happen plus millions of taxpayer’s money lost and gone forever. We haven’t heard the last of the GM debacle – Obama rolled out the red carpet for GM once again misusing taxpayer’s money to fund an incompetent company with a gob of over - paid CEO’s that dug their own hole and ran with their tale between their legs to Obama. 

What about Obama’s favorite vulture bundler and crook – Jon Corzine?  The Liberal News media runs and hides every time they hear Jon Corzine’s name – they won’t touch this subject with a ten foot pole.  

Obama has declared a peaceful Martial Law, which is a fire drill for the time he deems it necessary to pass a full blown Martial Law which will stop the Presidential Election thusly keeping his job intact.  He was hired for an 8 year run by his puppeteers and he’s not about to relinquish the office of Commander in Chief.

What about the Senate hiding behind closed doors passing bills and spending millions of taxpayer’s money – Obama & the Senate are passing bills right and left prior to the November 2012 election?   Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) voiced concerns that the Senate passes over 90 percent of legislation without any debate, without amendment, and without a roll call vote.

How’s that for treasonous acts against acts against our Nation – no one gets to read these bills, there isn’t any transparency and Obama & Reid are using the hatchet against all Americans hoping you’re preoccupied with his  class warfare and racism tactics to notice what he’s doing while we sleep. So for those gleefully running around refusing to vet this imposter – you may not be “birthers” but you’re verging on stupidity – we have terrorists in our midst and on our turf as we speak.   

Let’s quit playing childish games the buck stops at the Commander in Chief’s desk and he is responsible for the GSA’s lavish conferences, vacations and sick entertainment.  He’s responsible for the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation that has killed hundreds of innocent Mexicans and 2 of our border agents; the DOJ website quite clearly states that Obama funded 10,000,000 and ear marked it for the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation. 

The OIG (Office of the Inspector General) notified Congress, Holder, Napolitano, ATF and Obama about the dangers and problems that the gunrunner operation posed way before Jaime Zapata or Brian Terry were murdered.  He’s responsible for high unemployment, our weakened Military, our unsecured borders, reduction of our nuclear capabilities and the blatant misuse of taxpayer’s money. 

There’s no nice way of defining the actions of Obama the person some call our Commander in Chief – he is an imposter engaging in 3 ½ years of deception.  He defies our Constitution, threatens the Supreme Court Judges and places himself above the laws of our land. All of his Czars are Communists, Marxists or extreme radicals who are his “gophers” of choice – all of these strays are foot loose and fancy free preparing our Nation for Obama’s New World Order. 

Obama’s actions and motivation the past 3 ½ years have been with the intent to overthrow our Government.  In 2009 he literally robbed our “piggy bank” taking 787 billion dollars for his slinky redistribution agenda.  On his watch our credit rating was dropped, our debt ceiling raised, inflation is nipping at our heels, gas prices are a bloody mess and our National Deficit has gone off the Richter scale.  

Obama has been in the attack mode since he took office in 2009; he’s a narcissistic dictator who has attacked our businesses, our religious freedoms, our 2nd Amendment, our Constitution and our freedom of speech. 

Girma Tassew /May 3, 2009 discusses the pathology of a “dictator.”  Obama fits the DNA of a dictator or autocratic ruler and below are a few of the most obvious symptoms. 

  • Continual claims for attention and admiration
  • Cold and uncaring behavior toward others
  • Other people are seen only as an extension of the self      to be manipulated and/or eliminated as needed; an inability to relate to      people as people or separate from oneself
  • Inflated/exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Regardless of his citizenship, his past or his relationships Obama has intentionally and willfully harmed one of the greatest Nations in the world; he must be removed from office prior to November 2012.  It’s our duty to protect our Constitution and defend our Nations from all enemies; this isn’t an option, this is a responsibility and that is included in our citizenship.  Ask yourselves one question – are you better off now than you were in 2009? 

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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myHeritage LogoJune 1, 2012

President Obama Awards Socialist Presidential Medal of Freedom

by Nathaniel Ward

Barack Obama

The Heritage Foundation’s Lachlan Markay reported this week that President Obama has awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dolores Huerta, a labor activist and honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.

As Markay notes, DSA describes itself as “the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”

This is a story the mainstream media declined to cover. But Heritage is getting the story out there regardless.

On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh read directly from Markay’s post. Watch the video here.

What do you think of President Obama’s awarding the Medal of Freedom to Huerta?

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Every member of the Florida Legislature (both House and Senate) should demand that our state continue to purge the voting lists throughout the state.   There's absolutely no where in the Constitution that the Federal Government has the power to demand that we do not purge the lists.  It's just that damend Muslim, Socialist, Marxist Eric Holder and Barack Obama who do not want a fair election because they know they will lose.    Each Chamber of Commerce in the State and all business, professional and charity organizations should immediately pass resolutions and send to the elected officials and state officials concerning this issue.

Let the Blogs begin and continue.



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Americans for Immigration Control
Don’t Fall for the STEM Worker Shortage Propaganda                                        
With nearly 13 million Americans officially out of work, and many more who are unemployed by any reasonable definition of the word, the corporate media keep up the constant drumbeat that the United States is facing a serious labor shortage and must keep our doors open to a flood of foreign workers, legal and illegal.
The media propagandists and the economic interests they front for maintain that Americans are too lazy to do either unskilled jobs or skilled jobs. With respect to the latter, the media line is that we simply don’t have enough trained Americans in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
To meet this alleged shortage, the high-tech firms and their media mouthpieces call for expansion of the H-1B program that grants foreigners temporary visas to take American jobs. Many, however, end up staying permanently. H-1Bs totals are officially capped at 65,000 a year, but through various loopholes many more get in. Companies are supposed to verify that Americans aren’t available for employment before hiring H-1B visa holders, but this rule is easy to circumvent. There really isn’t a shortage of U.S. STEM workers, the firms simply prefer H-1Bs because they can pay them less.
Take engineers, for example, a field where President Obama recently claimed we have a shortage. Currently there are 1.8 million U.S.-born people with engineering degrees who are either unemployed or are working in other fields. For more information about the bogus shortage of engineers see the link below.
For more information about companies seeking H-1Bs in order to secure a lower-wage workforce, see the three links below.
But it gets worse. Four U.S. senators, mouthing the shortage hype, are now proposing yet another program to obtain more foreign STEM workers. For commentary on this outrage go to AIC’s blog at:
And why is exposing the shortage hoax important? When Congress passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the nineties, numerous writers and pundits assured us the loss of middle-class jobs from free trade would be made up with new jobs in high-tech STEM fields. Now, however, a great many of those jobs are going to foreigners.
Question: With Americans being cut out of middle-class jobs, how can we remain a middle-class society? To safeguard our economic future, we must refute and discredit the shortage myth propagated by most of the corporate media. To spread the word, join AIC’s Free Speech Network (FSN) by forwarding this message to your family members and friends.      
Take the AIC Opinion Poll  
Take our poll on foreign workers and American jobs. To register your opinion, go to
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